Woohoo! He Can Level Up Faster Than Anyone? : A Manga Recap | Free manga recap for reading | 01

He Can Level Up Faster Than Anyone – manga

Our story started with a guy named Aman Ren, who mentions that 20 years ago, underground dungeons began appearing worldwide. He explained that within those dungeons existed unimaginable things such as monsters with firepower that could rival even the military of that time. Aman Rin shared that there was a highly efficient energy source known as magic stones, surpassing the capabilities of fossil fuels. He explained how a game-like level system had become a reality where individuals could gain experience points by subjugating monsters and leveling up to enhance their abilities. Amane mentioned that fulfilling specific requirements would earn them skills.

At the time, he found himself on the 15th floor of the Yagi dungeon, engaging in battles with D-rank dungeons, encountering goblins with a level of 120, while Amane stood at level 190. He calmly remarked on their slow approach and swiftly transformed them into slices with a sudden movement. After a brief struggle, Aman successfully eliminated all the goblins, declaring their defeat. Following the victory, a voice announced that Aman’s level had increased by one, along with gaining additional experience points. Expressing satisfaction, Amane mentioned that he gained one more level. He then opened his status bar, carefully examining his progress. Amane acknowledged his successful efforts in leveling up but noted that it wasn’t sufficient. He mentioned the existence of top-ass adventurers whose levels exceeded 100,000. Continuing, Aman shared that some adventurers had embarked on their journeys two decades prior. He acknowledged that catching up might seem ambitious, considering he himself had only started a year ago. Amane explained that clearing the Yunagi dungeon granted five levels, and he noted that the structures of dungeons were generally consistent. Amane pointed out that on the surface, there was only the entrance, with a recall point situated below it. Describing the dungeon structure, he mentioned the vast space and the entrance gate. Every dungeon, he said, had a boss on its lowest floor, and successfully subjugating the boss and clearing the dungeon would result in level-ups and a few additional rewards. Aman clarified that the difficulty of dungeons varied.

Cross talk among monsters

He also noted that the rewards for leveling up were unaffected by the number of people inside the dungeon simultaneously, as each person received their own separate rewards. Aman said that adventurers frequently formed parties to collectively tackle challenging dungeons. He explained that while earning experience points by repeatedly subjugating monsters would be highly efficient, it was an impractical feat. Aman clarified that once someone took on a dungeon, they couldn’t immediately revisit it; there was a mandatory one-week waiting period before they could attempt it again.

Amane mentioned that information about challenging dungeons was shared globally, and participating individuals couldn’t take on other dungeons during that time. But Amane shared that he was unaffected by these constraints and could defeat as many monsters as he desired—a story for another time. He expressed that he had always eagerly awaited this moment. Aman revealed that with the rewards from clearing that particular dungeon, he would finally acquire the 100 skill points he needed. Amane mentioned that he could finally elevate his dungeon teleportation to level 10. Reflecting on his unique special skill, he recalled being a small dungeon monster that had emerged on the surface, leading to an emergency situation. Amane added that the silhouette of an adventurer he had witnessed during that incident stayed etched in his mind. He explained that this memory motivated him through high school, culminating in earning the right to become an adventurer. Subsequently, he entered his first dungeon. Amane explained that aspiring adventurers had to prove themselves first. He noted that during their initial challenge, there was a 10% chance of obtaining a status board. If they did get one, the next step was to see if any skills were acquired. Amane, excitedly checking his status board, expressed great joy upon discovering that he had gained two skills. One of them was body strengthening, a skill tailored for individuals with high mobility.

Amane revealed that the second skill he acquired was dungeon teleportation. He believed it was an extraordinary skill that no one else had ever obtained—a cheat skill enabling swift movement within dungeons. Suddenly, a guy named Kazami Shin, accompanied by others, approached Amane. Impressed, Kazami complimented Amane and extended an invitation for him to join their party. The others clarified to Amane that he needed to join their guild, not just Kazami’s party. But Kazami intervened, expressing that Amane stood out and was special. Kazami proceeded to introduce himself to Amane and shared his vision of assembling individuals with unique skills to establish a new guild. He emphasized the goal of showcasing their capabilities to the established guilds at the pinnacle. Observing Kazami’s initiative to gather individuals with unique skills, Amane acknowledged that he too possessed a distinctive skill. Despite his lack of interest in the top guilds, he couldn’t deny the thrill that surged through him when envisioning his own formidable abilities. Choosing to join Kazami’s guild, Amane disclosed that his dungeon teleportation was initially at level one.

Consequently, his teleportation range was limited to 5 meters, and the casting time for each meter spanned 10 seconds. Continuing, Amane explained that his dungeon teleportation was limited to teleporting only himself, rendering it ineffective for battles and unsuitable for support. On the contrary, Kazami’s unique skill, named Lightning Strike, had remarkable capabilities. It incurred no MP cost, and he could freely manipulate lightning. Amane noted that the power of this skill was already comparable to a beginner’s level 10 magic, even when Kazami was only at level one. Amane mentioned that the other three members of the party possessed their own potent unique skills. Despite not even a weak passing, Amane felt disheartened as his skill was deemed useless, and some even labeled him as a burden. Despite Kazami’s encouragement, Amane continued to feel uneasy. He decided that if there were no noticeable improvements after raising dungeon teleportation to level two, he would leave the guild. However, the only change he experienced was a reduction in casting time from 10 seconds to 8. While seeking out Kazami to express his desire to leave, Aman walked into a room and discovered a girl berating Kazami. The girl questioned why Kazami didn’t just tell Amane to leave the party, asserting that relying on someone as seemingly useless as him for teleportation was pointless. Amane was taken aback, puzzled by their remarks. In response, Kazami explained to the girl that as they aimed to become one of the strongest, their image was crucial, and they should handle the situation delicately. Kazami explained that they were being considerate to a friend who had been perceived as useless for a week. He believed that if Aman chose to quit on his own, their group’s image wouldn’t be tarnished. Amane, however, countered, stating that only his party members were aware of him being a burden, and it was likely they were the ones spreading rumors about him. Aman admitted that he couldn’t blame his former party members, acknowledging that it was indeed true that he wasn’t needed.

After informing them of his decision to quit, Amane shared that Kazami, despite acting as if he cared, seemed fed up and dismissed the matter. Consequently, Amane found himself soloing most of the time, and he eventually caught the attention of another renowned guild. Amane reflected that the tempting offer from the renowned guild could potentially shape a brighter future for him. However, he informed them that he didn’t need teammates and declined their proposition. Despite being perceived as useless by those around him, Aman emphasized that he never entertained the thought of giving up. Expressing his determination, Amane declared that he aimed to pursue the silhouette ingrained in his mind, maintaining the steadfast belief that dungeon teleportation was not a useless skill. Subsequently, he found himself on the lowest floor of the Yunagi dungeon, contemplating that upgrading the skill to level 10 would not only enhance his teleportation but also significantly strengthen him. Suddenly, a twin-tailed beast appeared, boasting a level of 150.

It’s Obiously an unblelievable effect,

Undeterred, Aman swiftly eliminated the creature with his sword. Reflecting on the encounter, Aman noted that it marked his third victory against a twin-tail beast, and due to the level difference, the battle was relatively easy. Checking his dungeon information, he discovered that his level had increased by one, and his dungeon teleportation had successfully been upgraded to level 10. Examining his status board, Aman was taken aback when a voice announced a limitation: he could only teleport within the current dungeon. But the surprise continued as another voice chimed in, stating that he could teleport anywhere within the dungeon without any casting time, bringing along nine other adventurers besides himself. Aman, somewhat disappointed, remarked that things rarely unfolded the way he had envisioned. Amane discovered he could teleport into dungeons he’d visited before; however, there was a catch. The dungeons were all at least one kilometer apart, and his teleportation range wasn’t sufficient to cover that distance. Realizing the limitation, Aman began to glow. He explained that the glow signaled it was time to go back and mentioned the urgency of collecting magic stones before leaving. Amane mentioned that a significant modification to his skill might occur at level 20. He then slapped himself, acknowledging that it could take several years and feeling like he was back to square one. Afterward