It was a sunny afternoon, just a few hours after Ndu’s family came back from church service.

They had just finished preparing their usual Sunday white rice and tomato stew.

Mrs Ndu was seated in the living room receiving cool air from the standing airconditioner and watching a television program.

The living room was closed up and the nose-blinding aroma of the well-spiced stew filled the environment.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Mrs Ndu stood up and walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and smiled. It was Ikenna, her son. She then opened the door.

Ikenna walked in excitedly and hugged his mother.

“You are welcome my son, have a seat,” she said as they both went to the couch and sat.

“Thank you, Mummy. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine my son, how is work?”

“Great, where is Angela?”

“I don’t even know why she’s not here yet, let me call her,” she said and started shouting her daughter’s name.

“Angela! Angela!!”

Angela answered from within the house and in no time, she came to the living room.

“Wow, brother Ikenna is here!” she said excitedly as she hugged him.

“What kept you inside?” Ikenna asked.

“I was in the restroom.”


“Brother, this one you remembered us today. Hope all is well?”

“Have I not been coming, abeg what’s this aroma I’m perceiving? I need a taste of it.”

“Are you hungry or do you just want to taste our food?”

“Madam, I’m hungry besides am I not free to eat the food my family prepared?”

“Sheila didn’t prepare anything for you.”

“We usually eat out because she doesn’t cook.”


“Yes, please get me some food.”

Angela quickly left for the kitchen to get some food.

Later on, she came out with a plate of rice and chicken stew and bottled water all in a colourful tray.

She kept it on the dining table and called her brother’s attention.

Ikenna quickly left for the dining room and started rushing the food as if he hadn’t eaten for days. When he finished the food, he requested an extra plate of food.

When he had finished the extra food, he went back to the living room and thanked them for the food.

Angela went to the dining room and carried the empty plate back to the kitchen.

She later joined her mother and her brother in the living room.

“I’m sure it’s Mummy that prepared this stew,” Ikenna bragged.

His mother smiled.

“Are you now saying I can’t do better?”

“I didn’t say that but I always know the taste of Mummy’s stew and it’s the best for me.”

“You better go and marry so your wife can be cooking for you,” Angela said looking a bit angered.

“As if you knew why I was here,” he said smiling.

“You have finally made up your mind to marry Sheila,” Angela continued.

“I can’t marry her.”

“Why bother?”

“Sheila is not my ideal lady for marriage. She doesn’t know how to do anything, she can’t even cook, how long will I continue eating out?”

“Who then is your ideal woman for marriage,” his mother asked.

“I haven’t seen her. I came so that you people could help me find her. I need someone who’s well-behaved, decent, beautiful, intelligent, and most importantly someone who can cook very well.”

“Mind you, you may not find all these qualities you want in one person,” his mother continued.

“I think I know someone who possesses those qualities,” Angela said.

“Who please?” Ikenna asked.

“Amara, she was my roommate at the university. She used to come here then. Mummy, you know her.”

“That tall black lady that usually joined us during morning devotion,” her mummy said.


“She was a nice girl. She possesses those qualities that’s if she hadn’t changed.”

“I think I have her picture. Let me search for it and show it to brother.”

Angela then scrolled through her phone and later saw Amara’s picture.

“See her here,” Angela said as she handed the phone to her brother.

He collected the phone and scrutinised the picture, he zoomed in and out.

“She’s okay,” he said.

“She works at Diamond Firm down Vox Avenue. I’ll talk to her about you. If she agrees that both of you should meet, I’ll tell you.”

“I’d like to meet the girl, whoever that my sister and mother approved must be a nice person. I hope she’s not taken.”

“I hope so,” his mother added.

As they were discussing, Ikenna’s phone rang. He picked it up and spoke with the caller for a few minutes before the caller ended the call.

He then stood up to leave.

“So soon?” his mother asked.

“Someone is waiting for me at my house now. I’ll come back some other time.”


“Let me run along, we will keep in touch on the phone.”

Angela and her mother stood up and followed him to his car.

He entered and drove off.

Later that day, Angela brought her phone to make call.

She couldn’t hold back the excitement even though she didn’t know if Amara was in any serious relationship but she had a strong conviction that she might be free.

She then called Amara’s number. In no time, she picked up the call.

“Hello Amara, Good evening.”

“Good evening Angela. Long time!”

“It’s been a while my dear, how is work?”


“Sorry to bother you, my brother is looking for a good woman to marry. I told him about you and he said he would like to see you.”

“Really? Thanks for the recommendation dear.”

“So, should I give him your phone number?”

Amara paused for a little moment before replying.


“Thank you, he will call you shortly.”

“Alright, dear.”



Angela then ended the call.

She quickly called her brother and informed him about her discussion with Amara. She sent Amara’s number to him afterwards.

The following day, Ikenna was in his office and was less occupied. He picked up his phone, scrolled through it and dialled a number.

“Hi Amara, this is Ikenna, Angela’s brother.

“Good day, Mr. Ikenna.”

“I guess Angela has told you about me.”

“Yes, she did.”

“I’ve heard so much about you, and I’ll be glad to meet you.”

“Thank you.”

“So how do we see?”

“Let me check my schedule and get back to you.”

“Ok, I’ll be waiting.”

“Alright, bye.”

“Bye,” he said while smiling as he ended the call.

A few minutes later, Amara called back.

“I’ll be free tomorrow by 3 pm.”

“Okay, where do I meet you?”

“There’s a restaurant just opposite my workplace.”

“Okay, you work at Diamond Firm, right?”


“Okay, we shall see tomorrow then.”

“Alright, bye,” she said and ended the call.

Ikenna was so elated.

Later on, he rang up his secretary who quickly came with some files. She gave the files to him and left.

He started going through the files one after the other.

His secretary knocked again and entered.

“Sorry sir, Mr Paul is here to see you.”

“Let him in.”

In a moment, Mr Paul entered.

“Paulo my guy! How far now,” Ikenna said as he stood up and shook hands with Mr. Paul.

“I’m fine and you?”

“Fine, my brother, have a seat.”

They both sat.

“I didn’t see you at the club last night,” Ikenna said.

“I went for our town hall meeting and came back tipsy. So I stayed back.”

“You should have still come, that would have been an enjoyment overdose.”

“And I’ll lose my self-control.”

“I’ll control you, what are friends for?”

They both laughed hysterically.

They switched topics and later went out together for lunch.

The following day, Ikenna was in his office and was a little bit nervous. He was checking his wristwatch from time to time.

He wore an expensive perfume on one of his best outfits. He had earlier taken his car to the carwash. He made sure he looked his best.

He had been imagining what Amara would look like.

When it was 2:35 pm, Ikenna arranged the files on his table, took his car key and left.

He then entered his car and drove off.

Amara’s workplace is about fifteen 15-minute drive from Ikenna’s office.

He got to the restaurant before 3 pm.

He went to a free table for two and sat down.

Immediately it was 3 pm, Ikenna called Amara.

“Hi dear, I’m at the restaurant now.”

“Wow, I’m coming right away.”

A few minutes later, Amara was walking into the restaurant and looking around to see where Ikenna was.

Ikenna had already seen her and was accessing her as she looked around. He then waved at her and she walked to where he sat.

Ikenna stood up and welcomed her. They both sat down afterwards.

“You look so beautiful,” Ikenna said.

“Thank you,” she said blushing.

He then called a waiter and ordered a bottle of non-alcoholic wine.

The waiter brought the bottle of wine in a bucket chiller and two glass cups. He opened the wine bottle and poured a reasonable quantity into each cup, put the bottle back into the chiller and left.

Ikenna carried one glass cup while Amara took the second one. They discussed while sipping the wine.

“I believe Angela told you my reasons for seeing you.”

“Yes, she did.”

“But she didn’t tell me that you are a beauty goddess.”

Amara blushed.

“Please don’t flatter me.”

“I’m serious, so tell me more about you.”

“Where should I start?”

“Anywhere, okay what do you do at Diamond firm?”

“I’m an auditor, what about you? Where do you work?”

“I’m the owner of KenaConsult, we are into real estate and property.”

“Wow, that’s nice.”

“Are you currently in any relationships?”

“Not really.”

“Interesting! Tell me more about you.”

Amara then told him about her family and her education.

They discussed as if they had known each other before.

About an hour later, Amara told Ikenna that it was time for her to go back to work.

They concluded their discussion and stood up to leave the restaurant.

“It’s nice meeting you dear,” Ikenna said looking so delighted.

“Nice meeting you too sir.”

“We will talk over the phone.”


Ikenna went to where he parked his car. He entered and they bade each other goodbye.

Amara trekked back to her office.

“I think I like him, he’s jovial. Hope I’m not too fast,” Amara thought.

As she was still pondering, her phone started ringing. She looked at the phone and busied the call.

“Mtcheew, I don’t even understand this guy, we have been in the talking stage for over one year and he hasn’t said anything about marriage. I’ll just block him, after all, God has finally answered my prayer.”

She then went to her workspace and continued her work.

As time went on, Ikenna and Amara continued getting in touch with each other. They usually talk over the phone and would see each other when time permits.

In just a month, they had fallen so deeply for each other that they couldn’t pass a day without communicating.

Later on, Ikenna was in his office when his friend knocked and entered.

They exchanged pleasantries and Paul sat down.

“I was taking my car to the mechanic when I got your text, so I decided to come see you first. I hope all is well with you my man,” Paul said.

“Yes, very well. In fact, I have good news for you.”

“What’s the good news?”

“I’m getting married soon.”

“Wow, finally. I’m happy for you both,” Paul said cheerfully.

“So how do you intend to do it now that she’s not in the country?” Paul continued.

“Who is not in the country?”

“I don’t understand you, I thought Sandra travelled.”

“It’s not Sandra.”

“Seriously, who please?”

“Her name is Amara.”

“Amara? Who is Amara? And why not Sandra?”

“Amara is my younger sister’s friend. She’s well-mannered and educated as well. I can’t remember telling Sandra that I would marry her.”

“Did you get the Amara pregnant?”

“Why would you say such a thing? I didn’t get anyone pregnant, it’s just my personal decision. I can’t just marry Sandra. She’s not my ideal woman for marriage.”

“Hmmm, and you want to do it now that she’s not in town.”

“Before nko, is she supposed to follow me to go and marry someone else?”

“The last time I checked, you guys were still in a relationship. You hadn’t broken up with her.”

“Is there any official way to break up? Don’t bother yourself, my friend, she would move on whenever she found out.”

“Hmm, okay. So when are you going to the girl’s place?”

“I’ll be going to there next week to formally introduce myself. Subsequently, other plans will be put in place.”

“Ok. All the best.”

“Thank you.”

“Let me rush to the mechanic before my car disappoints me.”

“Alright, see you soon.”

Paul stood up and shook hands with Ikenna and then left.

Paul wasn’t so happy about what his friend told him but he didn’t want to say otherwise because he noticed that his mind was made up.

Ikenna had dated Sandra for more than two years. She has a boutique where she sells luxury clothes from Dubai.

She usually goes on vacation to Dubai. Whenever she was ready to come back to Nigeria, she would buy some wear in large quantities which she resells in her boutique.

She employed three sales girls for the boutique.

She lives in luxury even though her parents aren’t so wealthy.

Ikenna had always wondered where she was getting that money from because her luxury boutique couldn’t generate the amount she spent.

He had asked her severally but she maintained the money was from her business.

Sandra had recently left the country on her usual vacation to Dubai. She usually spends not less than two months each time she leaves.

Later on, Ikenna told his mother about his plan of going to see Amara’s family. Mrs Ndu was so happy and promised to go with him. They then picked a day that would be free for both of them.

Ikenna later informed Amara about their coming and also told her to tell her parents.

Amara had earlier told her mother about Ikenna and she had approved of him even without seeing him. She was just waiting for Ikenna to make his intention known to them.

So the following week, on a Saturday afternoon, Ikenna and his mother left for Amara’s home. They were using the direction that Amara gave them.

It was Ikenna’s first time going there. Even though Amara lives with her parents, she wouldn’t let him come and see her at home.

About forty-five minutes later, they got to the place. Amara came out to welcome them alongside her family.

They were just an average Nigerian family. From the way they behaved, one would know they were humble and respectful.

Ikenna and his mother were offered seats.

They were offered some kolanuts, food and drinks.

Later on, they made their intention known to Amara’s parents.

Amara’s parents accepted them and her father went ahead to list out the necessary procedures that must be met before the wedding.

Ikenna and his mother agreed to what he said.

They later ate what they were offered and discussed happily about themselves.

Later, Ikenna and his mother left.

Amara’s family were so happy when their visitors left. They sat back in the living room discussing about their visitors.

Some of the drinks that their proposed inlaws didn’t touch were still on the table.

Amara’s younger sister gathered them and carried them back into the fridge.

“I can’t wait for them to meet up with all the requirements so that I can be his wife,” Amara said looking so enthusiastic.

“This was how I was so felt when your father came to marry me,” her mother added.

“You both need to take things easy. Marriage is for better or worse, so you need to be careful in picking a life partner,” her father said.

“Ok Daddy, I believe he will make a good husband,” Amara replied.

“He’s so cute,” Amara’s sister said.

Amara gave her a bombastic side-eye and she hid her face in shame.

“She was just complementing now, I can see you love him so much,” her mother said.

Amara started blushing.

Some minutes later, Ikenna and his mother got to their house.

Immediately Angela heard the sound of their vehicle, she rushed out to welcome them.

Ikenna and his mother alighted from the car.

Angela collected her mother’s purse and followed them as they entered the house.

“Mummy, how did it go?”

“Angela, allow us to enter the house now.”

Angela smiled.

When they got to the house, they all sat on the couch in the living room. Mrs Ndu asked her daughter to get her a bottle of water. In no time, she came back with a chilled bottle of water and handed it to her mother.

“So, how did it go?” Angela continued.

“It went well, I think I love the family, they were so humble,” Mrs Ndu said.

“Little wonder where Amara got her humble behaviour from. I’m a lucky man,” Ikenna bragged.

“Brother you should be thanking me oo. You have my account details, do the needful,” Angela said looking nonchalantly.

“You too like money,” Ikenna said and then turned to his mother.

“Mummy, what’s next.”

“I need to inform your uncle. He will tell us the right way to go about those necessary procedures.”

“Okay, mummy. I’ll be on my way now.”

“Can’t you stay with us for this night?”

“Mummy, I have some work to do at home.”


“Let me know when you have spoken with Uncle.”

He then stood up to leave. Angela and her mother saw him off to his car.

He entered and drove off as they bade him goodbye.

Later on, Mrs Ndu called her husband’s younger brother and informed him about Ikenna’s plan of getting a wife. He was so elated.

“That’s good news, your father will be proud of him in his gra.ve. I’ll be glad to help,” Uncle said over the phone.

So uncle helped them in visiting the inlaws and going about the necessary arrangements, and Ikenna joined him when needed.

After all the procedures were completed, a wedding date was fixed.

Two weeks later, Ikenna and Amara had an elaborate traditional and church wedding.

Their families, friends and well-wishers were invited as they celebrated their beautiful union.

A night before their wedding, Amara’s mother called her to her room and advised her on what was going into.

“My daughter, build your home. Give your husband all the respect he deserves. Remember where you came from, represent your family well over there.”

After the celebration, everyone left for their houses. lkenna and his new wife left for Ikenna’s apartment.

The couple had their bath together as they prepared for their first night.

Ikenna had craved for that night because, throughout their courtship period, Amara never allowed him to get intim.ate with her. She had always reminded him that it was against her faith to defi.le the bed before the wedding.

Later on, they came out of the bathroom with their towels on.

Ikenna was eager to get it on.

So he gently untied his wife’s towel.

She felt shy and was almost covering her nak.edness.

Her husband started smoo.ching and fondling her.

In a moment they were in bed and Ikenna was on top. It was difficult for him to pen.etrate because she was tight down there. Amara was just lying down looking inexperienced and watching her husband’s actions. Ikenna then forced himself in with the help of his hand.

He was surprised that he was the first person to be there. He felt so pleased but his wife was cr.ying in pa.in.

A few minutes later Ikenna stopped because he was p.itying her.

He got up and held her close to his heart and consoled her.

“With time the pains will stop, okay.”

Amara nodded.

She then stood up to get the towel and cover her body.

Her husband looked down and saw the blo.od stains on the bed. He was so delighted.

When she got back to the bed, Ikenna held her closer.

“You are one in a million, I never knew that people like you still exist. Like seriously, you passed through the university without defiling yourself. I respect you my love and I am the luckiest man on earth to have you.”

Later on, Amara went back to the bathroom and cleaned her body.

The duvet was changed and they both slept off.

As the day went by, the newly wedded were indoors getting used to their bodies and getting some rest. Ikenna had decided to stay off work for some days as Amara was given a few days off too.

People were coming to congratulate them and as well see Ikenna’s new wife.

Later on, in the evening, Ikenna was in the lavatory while his wife sat on the bed and was going through her phone.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Ikenna’s wife got up from the bed and went to check who was at the door.

She opened it and it was Paul her husband’s friend. She was shocked as Paul entered.

“Our wife, are you surprised to see me?” Paul said.

“Yes, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you people. Your husband is my bosom friend. Where is he?”

“At the lavatory.”

“You left me for my friend.”

“But you were never serious. You never told me anything about marriage.”

“You weren’t patient with me. You should have given me more time.”

“More time, you say when you never showed any form of seriousness.”

“Spare me that. I saw how you were dancing on your wedding day, all joyful. Anyways congratulations.”

As he was talking, Ikenna came out.

“Paulo my guy!” Ikenna hailed.

“Married man! You just dey enjoy alone.”

“Yes oo, na only me get am.”

“Ok, oo.”

“Meet my jewel,” Ikenna said resting his arm around Amara’s shoulder.

“I had already met her when she opened the door for me.”

They all laughed.

“No mind me, Congratulations to you both. You are welcome our wife.”

“Thank you, sir,” Amara said and later left for the bedroom.

Ikenna then went to his bar and brought out their favourite wine and two glass cups. He sat close to his friend and brought a side stool before them. He kept the wine and the glass cups on it.

He then opened the wine and poured some quantity into the two cups.

Ikenna carried one while his friend carried the second one and they toasted to good life by clinking the bells of their wine glasses and started sipping afterwards.

“How is work?” Ikenna asked.

“Great, I came directly from my office.”


“When are you going back to work?”

“Next week probably, or better still whenever I wish.”

They both laughed.

“I can’t wait to get married so that I can start enjoying what you are enjoying now.”

“You are the one keeping yourself bro.”

He sighed deeply and later switched topics and they continued discussing.

About thirty minutes later, Ikenna called Amara and she quickly came to the living room.

“My friend is about to leave.”

Paul stood up to leave.

“Thanks so much for coming, sir. Sorry, I was doing something in the bedroom,” Amara said.

“Don’t worry.”

“Goodbye sir,” Amara said and stayed back while Ikenna saw Paul off to his car.

Later on, When Ikenna came back to the house, Amara was seated in the living room waiting for him.

He went and sat close to her, cuddling her.

“Baby, I know that your friend,” Amara said.

“You mean Paul?”

“Yes, we met at my colleague’s wedding. We exchanged contacts and usually talked over the phone but as soon as I met you, I stopped talking to him. Besides the relationship doesn’t have direction and we never had any inti.mate affair.”

“He never mentioned these to me.

Anyways, he’s not lucky when it comes to relationships, reason why he doesn’t take any girl seriously. If you had stayed with him, he still wouldn’t have married you.”

“Hmmm, so my decision was good.”

“Yes, coming to being inti.mate with him, I believe you with my whole heart because you are still intact.”

Amara shyly hit him with the throw pillow on the couch.

“Oo Okay, you are hitting your husband, right? I’ll deal with you.”

He grabbed her and quickly carried her to the bedroom.

One week later, Ikenna and his wife resumed work at their different workplaces.

They would leave together in the morning after having breakfast. Ikenna would drop his wife at her workplace before leaving for his. In the evening, he would go and pick her up after work and they would go home together.

A few days later, Ikenna was in his office going through some files on his desk when his phone started ringing. He checked his phone and it was Sandra. He refused to pick up the call. Her calls came in several times but he didn’t pick up.

Later that day, after the close of work, Ikenna went to pick up his wife at her workplace.

When he got there, he saw her standing outside and already waiting for him.

Amara got closer, opened the car and entered.

“Good evening baby,” Amara greeted her husband.

“Good evening My love, how was work today?”

“Fine and yours?”

“Good,” Ikenna replied and drove off.

Some minutes later, they got to their house and both alighted.

Amara quickly left for the bedroom and changed. She entered the kitchen as her husband was entering the bedroom.

“My love, I can’t wait to taste that food. You never disappoint with cooking.”

Amara smiled.

“Thanks, baby,” she said from the kitchen.

Later on, Ikenna was in the bedroom going through his laptop while Amara was getting the dining table ready for the already-prepared dinner.

Suddenly the doorbell started ringing.

She looked up at the wall clock and it was a few minutes past 10 pm.

“Who could this be, at this time of the night?” she said and left for the door.

She opened the door and saw a lady with heavy makeup and in a skimpy dress. She was carrying a travelling bag and a handbag.

“Good evening madam,” Amara greeted.

Sandra started gazing at her without replying.

“I’m here to see Ikenna,” she later said.

“Ikenna? Please who are you?”

“I’m his girlfriend and I came to spend the night here.”

“Spend the night where? In my house?”

“My friend get out of my way,” Sandra shouted while pushing her aside and forcing herself in.

Ikenna heard the noise and ran out

“My love, what’s going on there?”

“I don’t know what this lady is talking about.”

He came closer and saw Sandra with bags and was dumbfounded.

He turned to his wife.

“My love, wait here let me handle this.”

Amara stepped aside.

He then turned to Sandra.

“Let’s go outside and talk.”

“What’s the meaning of this nonsense?”

“Can we go outside?”

He persuaded her more and she moved out with her bags.

Amara then went and sat on a couch in the living room.

Her husband closed the door behind them.

“Who is she?” Sandra angrily asked.

“My wife,” Ikenna replied.

“Your wife? Since when?”

“Over a month.”

“Really, you suddenly went and got married when I was away. You used and dumped me, right.”

“Don’t ever say that. We both benefited from each other. Besides, I never promised to marry you. You can move on with your life.”

Tears started dropping from Sandra’s eyes.

“You are heartless Ikenna. I should move on with my life. I will never forgive you,” she said and angrily left.

Ikenna turned and went back to the house.

Amara was seated in the living room still waiting for him.

“Baby, what’s going on? She said she was your girlfriend.”

“Whose girlfriend? She’s the one forcing herself on me. Someone who’s wayward, I don’t even like her. We were just friends like you and Paul.”

“Why will she claim she was your girlfriend?”

“You know how some girls behave, just because I’m being nice to her. She thought I was doing it for a purpose.”


“Forget that drama. I need to have a taste of the food with this sweet aroma.”

“Alright, let me get the food.”

She stood up and left for the kitchen.

Sandra walked down the road looking shattered and confused. She couldn’t believe she just broke up with her boyfriend. It felt like a dream to her.

She walked into a nearby bus stop and sat down. She kept her luggage beside her and started shedding tears.

It was getting darker, a few vehicles were on the road and people weren’t seen on the road but she could care less about the condition of the vicinity.

“What have I done to Ikenna to deserve this kind of heartbreak? Have I been too busy that I didn’t notice he was seeing someone else to the point of marrying her? Am I not good for marriage?” she thought as amidst tears.

Later on, she brought out her phone.

She dialled a number and put the phone in her ears.

“Hello, Paul.”

“Sandra, how are you?”

She then started crying

“Sandra, is everything alright?”

“I’m just coming from Ikenna’s place. Your friend broke my heart. You couldn’t even tell me that your friend is married.”

“Dear, this isn’t something we can talk about over the phone. Where are you now?”

“I’m at Brown bus stop waiting for a cab that would take me to any hotel close by. It’s too late for me to go back to my house now.”

“Good. Wipe your tears, please. come to my office tomorrow let’s talk.”

“Okay,” she said and ended the call.

Later she stopped a cab, and the driver came down and helped her carry her bag into the trunk of the vehicle. They both entered the car and left.

The following day, Paul was seated in his office engrossed in his job when someone knocked.

“Who is it?” Paul asked.

“It’s Sandra.”

“Okay, come in.”

Sandra opened the door and entered.

“Good day, sir.”

“Good day, Sandra. You are welcome, have a seat.”

“Thank you,” Sandra said and sat down.

He then rang his secretary and directed her to bring a soft drink for his guest.

In no time, the lady brought a chilled can of soft drink and a straw. She then handed them to Sandra and left.

Sandra thanked Paul for the drink. She opened it, inserted the straw, took a sip and then dropped it on the table before her.

“How was your journey?” Paul asked.

“It was fine but I’m regretting ever travelling.”

“Do you think your staying back would have prevented him from marrying someone else?”

“At least I’ll know that he had such a plan. You couldn’t even speak for me.”

“My dear, I tried my best.”

“For how long has he been dating that girl?”

“They met just a couple of months ago.”

“Was she pregnant?”

“Same question I asked him when he told me about the girl. I don’t think she was pregnant, I learnt it’s his mother and his sister that linked him up with the girl. I know he would come around whenever he’s tired of whatever they fed him with. Don’t worry yourself. Just give them space.”

“I can’t do that. How can he do this to me? He said that I should move on, just like that. He will pay for wasting my time.”

“I understand you perfectly, please pipe low for now. I promise to give you the information you need. I’m also not happy about the marriage.”

“I’ve heard what you said. I need to go to my house and have some rest.”

“It’s necessary, I should have dropped you off but I’m occupied at the moment.”

“I can see that, let me be on my way.”

She stood up, thanked Paul for his words of encouragement and then left.

A few days later, Ikenna was alone in his living room and going through his mobile phone.

Ever since Sandra left Ikenna’s place, he had been checking his phone from time to time to see if Sandra would call or send texts.

“This is unlike her. I expected a comeback,” he thought.

He was surprised that Sandra moved on so effortlessly.

One day, Paul visited Ikenna at his office and both of them were discussing.

“Have you seen Sandra lately,” Ikenna asked.

“No, any problems? She has moved on, is that not what you’ve wanted?”

“That means she never loved me.”

“Why are you worried that someone moved on as you have entreated? Hope it’s not what I’m thinking.”

“I’m not worried though, it’s just a confirmation that my decision was the best. She never loved me.”

“Enjoy your marriage, married man.”

Both of them laughed.

They later left together for a drink at a nearby bar.

It was the weekend, Ikenna and his friend usually go to nightclubs. It was their own way of easing off the stress of work throughout the weekdays.

Paul wasn’t consistent with relationships, so he usually didn’t care about going with a partner but he would sure have fun. Ikenna would go with Sandra whenever she was available.

On Sunday night, Paul came over to Ikenna’s place and was waiting for him to be ready.

Ikenna had already told his wife about his love for clubbing and she said she was okay with it after all she had never been there. He promised to take her the next time he was going.

So that night, Ikenna and his wife were getting ready in their bedroom. He had finished dressing up but Amara was still searching for clothes to wear because her husband rejected the ones she brought out.

“So you don’t even have any single hot dress,” Ikenna complained.

“I’m not used to that kind of dressing. Can’t I wear my normal dress to the place?”

“I just don’t want you to look different from every other person. Keep searching.”

Amara later brought out a jeans trouser and a blouse and showed them to her husband.

“Let’s manage this for today. Tomorrow we will go shopping for hot dresses which you will wear to nightclubs and other special events. I love seeing my woman in that kind of outfit.”

Amara then wore the last clothes she brought out.

She turned around and her husband started accessing her.

“This is manageable and you got the figure and everything. Imagine wearing a skimpy dress here, you will look so oo hot.”

Amara started blushing.

“Let’s run, we’ve kept Paul waiting.”

They went to the living room, Paul joined them and they all went out.

Paul left his car where it was parked at Ikenna’s compound. He joined the couple in their car and they left.

Some minutes later, they got to the club. They all alighted and moved to the club venue.

“My love, this is a nightclub,” Ikenna said smiling.

Amara was looking around as they moved to where to sit. There was a small space with a few long sofas and tables where some people sat and drank before going to the larger space.

They went and sat on one of the sofas.

At the larger area of the club space, people were standing and talking while taking some drinks. Some were dancing to the loud music coming from large speakers close to the DJ.

The club environment wasn’t bright. You can hardly recognise someone. There were a few dim lights and different coloured light patterns glimmering around. The music was so loud that you would shout before anyone heard you.

Most ladies there were in short dresses. Some were almost na.ked.

Amara wasn’t comfortable in the ambience but she kept calm.

A few minutes later, a waiter brought two plates of dried meats, some bottles of alco.holic drinks and an opener as Ikenna had ordered and kept on a table before them.

They started eating and drinking.

Amara was gently eating the meat and sipping the drink with a straw.

She noticed that her husband was quite popular in that club. She had seen a good number of people coming to greet them and also hail her husband. They were calling him ‘Ike, the money spender’ and it was mostly coming from ladies.

As time went on, people were moving to the larger space for dance. Amara was still seated and observing.

“My love, let’s go and dance,” Ikenna said as he tried pulling her up.

“No no, I want to stay here. You can go and dance,” she said while sticking her b.um on the sofa.

“Okay, let me go,” Ikenna said excitedly and left for the dance area.

Amara looked and saw Paul chatting and laughing with a young lady in a transparent short dress.

“This one had already gotten a catch, now now,” she thought.

She then looked towards the dance area and saw two ladies rocking their bodies on her husband.

She was shocked.

She quickly stood up and rushed to the place and dragged Ikenna outside.

Ikenna laughed.

“Baby, what’s that I saw?” Amara asked.

“It’s a normal thing in nightclubs. That’s why I wanted you to come with me.”

“I don’t like it.”

“Okay, let’s go and sit down.”

“No, we are going from here. If this is what happens at nightclubs, then you should stop attending nightclubs. It’s not a nice place for Christians.”

“Let me call Paul, remember we all came together.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you here.”

A few minutes later, Paul came out wearing a long face.

They all moved to where Ikenna’s car was parked, entered the car and left.

When they got to Ikenna’s place, Paul quickly got down and moved to his car.

He opened it, entered and zoomed off as the couple were watching him.

“Your friend is furious, he didn’t even utter a word as we came back.”

“I know,” Ikenna said as they walked into their apartment.

The following day, around midday, Ikenna went to see Paul at his office.

They exchanged pleasantries as he entered Paul’s office and sat down.

“What happened at the club last night?” Paul asked.

“I’m sorry mehn, you know it’s my wife’s first time being at a nightclub.”

“And at my own detriment.”

“I’m sorry. I expected that, do you know she was telling me to stop clubbing?” Ikenna complained while laughing.

“My guy, this is not a laughing matter. Mind you, whatever you accept now in your marriage will remain that way. Set your boundaries now unless you want your wife to be in control.”

“You are taking this too far. Don’t worry yourself I’m in control.”

They later switched topics and Ikenna left afterwards.

Ikenna and his wife came back together from work one evening.

Amara quickly rushed to the kitchen and started preparing her husband’s favourite food which was spicy jollof rice with coleslaw and grilled chicken.

When the food was ready, she dished out her husband’s portion of the food into a transparent breakable plate and garnished it with coleslaw and grilled chicken lap. She dished out hers as well and put them in a tray.

Her husband couldn’t wait for her to tell him that the food was ready, the aroma did the job.

She was carrying the tray to the dining room when her husband came out.

“Omo! This looks so enticing,” he said as he joined her in the dining room.

Amara distributed the food and they both sat down. She blessed the food and they started eating.

“I thank the good Lord for bringing you into my life. I love good food,” Ikenna said.

His wife smiled as she gently ate hers.

In no time, Ikenna finished the food and was about to request more.

He looked at the empty plate and it seemed a short note was under it.

He was inquisitive.

He raised the plate and saw a note on the paper.

He looked closely and saw ‘We are pregnant’.

He took the paper.

“We are pregnant,” he read it aloud and looked at his wife.

She nodded and stood up.

“Wow! I’m going to be a father!” he shouted and went and hugged his wife passionately.

“My love, this calls for celebration,” he said excitedly.

He went to his bar and brought out a bottle of wine and two glass cups.

He got back to the dining room and kept them on the table. He then opened the bottle of wine and poured some quantity into the glasses. He gave one to his wife and carried the second one.

They both raised the glass cups and then clinked the glasses.

“To health and happiness,” Amara said.

“To more babies,” her husband added.

They both laughed and started sipping the wine.

“This is the best news I’m hearing today, please I need more food.”

Amara stood up and left with the plate to the kitchen. She later brought the food and continued eating and drinking joyfully.

The next day, Amara got up from the bed and noticed that her husband wasn’t in bed. She then waited for him to come back.

He later came back to the room and they both had their morning devotion.

Afterwards, they went about their morning activities.

Amara went to the kitchen to get the breakfast ready. She was surprised to see that all the plates were washed and the whole place was mopped.

She quickly went to the bedroom where her husband was.

“Baby, were you the one that cleaned my kitchen?”

“Yes, I don’t want you to be stressing yourself. I’ll always help you whenever I’m less busy. Again don’t carry heavy things, don’t overwork yourself. I’m always available for you, okay?”

“Okay, thank you so much, darling. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

Amara left for the kitchen and was so delighted.

She made a light breakfast and they both ate.

They were early to work that day.

From that day onwards, Ikenna continued helping his wife wherever he could and everything was moving smoothly for both of them.

One Sunday afternoon, Ikenna was in the kitchen washing plates while his wife was about to leave to get some vegetables and some items at a nearby market.

“Baby I’m leaving. Is there any other thing that I’ll buy for you?”



Just when she was about to open the door, the doorbell rang.

She opened the door and it was Paul.

“Good afternoon sir, come in,” she opened the door

“Good afternoon our wife, it’s like you are going out.”

“Yes sir.”

“Hope my friend is at home.”

“Yes, let me inform him that you are here.”

“Okay,” he said and sat down on the couch.

Amara went to the kitchen and called her husband.

Ikenna came out and was wiping his hand with the kitchen towel. He later gave it to his wife to keep.

His wife then took the towel to the kitchen.

“Paulo my guy,” he said stretching his right hand in a handshake.

They both shook hands.

“My man, how far,” Paul said.

“I’m fine.”

Amara then came out and left the house.

“It’s like you were busy. What were you doing?” Paul asked.

“I was washing plates.”

“You are gradually turning a wea.kling because of marriage.”

“It’s just a little help.”

“Washing plates, a little help. Soon you will start cooking and even washing clothes for her.”

“Don’t worry yourself about that.”

“I have to worry oo, I didn’t bother joining you guys for club last night because of what happened last time. I went on my own only to discover that you didn’t come at all. You are already dancing to her tune if you don’t know.”

“Abeg forget those things.”

“You better man up. Don’t allow a woman to control you.”

“Ok, I’ve heard you. How is work?”


Meanwhile, Amara had been eavesdropping on their conversation. She stood close to the window when she heard Paul telling her husband that he was a weak.ling.

When she heard them change their conversation, she left for the market.

A few minutes later, she came back and saw that Paul had left.

“Baby, I heard what your friend was telling you. He’s not a good friend, he’s misleading you.”

“I understand. But we’ve been friends for years, do you want people to say that I left my friend because I’m married? I know how to handle him. Let me just play along with him.”

“Hmm just be careful with him.”

She left for the kitchen to keep what she bought.

Later on, Sandra came to see Paul in his office. They both exchange pleasantries.

“I came to see you because I haven’t heard from you lately,” Sandra complained.

“I’ve been quite busy with work. Do you have any plans?”

“Not yet, you said I should pipe low now. I’m in for anything that will make Ikenna come back to me. I miss him so much, I can’t stay without him.”

“I understand you. He will surely come back to you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, do you think marriage is that sweet? People are just pretending. There are times you miss what you’ve had in the past. There are times you regret your decision of ever getting married. I’ve been there.”

“You are assuring me that he will come back.”

“Yes, my dear.”

“I’m sorry to ask, but what happened between you and your wife?”

“She doesn’t want to stay. Her expectations in the marriage were high.”

“What were her expectations?”

“Hmmm, She wanted me to pamper her like a baby. Mind you, she works but still wants me to provide for her. She wanted to be in control of my affairs. The one that p.issed me off was that she went through my phone and got some contacts of my female friends. She called them and told them to stay away from me.”

“That was ha.rsh, she was troublesome oo.”

“My dear, I had to call it quits.”

“I’m sorry about that experience.”

“Now I’m free like a bird and I’m not ready to marry now. That’s why I don’t like it when I see my fellow men l.ick women’s a.sses in the name of marriage. I know exactly what my friend needs and I’ll update you on that.”

“Okay, thank you so much for your advice.”

“You are welcome.”

“Let me be on my way, a big client is waiting for me at my shop.”

“Alright dear, take care.”

“Thank you,” Sandra said and stood up and left.

The following Sunday, in the evening, Paul came over to Ikenna’s house so they could go to the nightclub. He was in the living room discussing with Ikenna.

Ikenna’s wife wasn’t so pleased seeing him because she was beginning to see the type of person he was. She only came out to greet him and left for the bedroom.

A few minutes later, Ikenna came to the bedroom.

“Baby, I don’t know what you are trying to do but if it’s that nightclub you are not going anywhere,” Amara insisted on.

“My love please, I understand your feelings. Let me just do this for him, he’s my close friend. I’ll comport myself there.”

“I’m not in support of this and I won’t go with you.”

“Don’t worry, after today I’ll stop. Let me just go, I’ll try and come back early.”

“Ok,” Amara said but still not cheerful.

Ikenna then went and dressed up and in no time, he went to meet Paul in the living room.

Both of them left and Amara locked the door.

Paul was happy seeing that only Ikenna came out.

“I love how brave you are, no woman can change me,” he said as they both entered his car and zoomed off.

Some minutes later, they got to the club and alighted.

They went to their usual position and sat. A waiter came to take their orders and afterwards brought some alco.holic drinks.

“I just saw my colleague, let me go and talk to him,” Pail said and left.


He then left and in a few minutes, he came back.

They started drinking and enjoying the moment.

About thirty minutes later, Paul took a bottle of the drink from the table and left for the dancefloor.

Ikenna was alone drinking and trying not to disobey his wife. He was just looking around and watching the enthusiastic crowd.

He saw a lady walk in, she was dressed in a short fitted sleeveless grey gown that exposed her smooth intrinsically beautiful tig.hs and curvy clea.vage.

She sat directly opposite him and pretended not to have noticed him.

It wasn’t her appearance that got Ikenna agape but because it was Sandra.

Ikenna was shocked, he hadn’t set his eyes on her nor spoken with her ever since he told her to move on.

“Sandra now behaves like she doesn’t know me, maybe she didn’t see me. She looks so beautiful now. Let me just go and talk to her. No, what’s even wrong with me? But she’s still known to me after we broke up. Let me just say hi,” Ike thought as he secretly observed her.

Later on, he stood up and went to where Sandra was seated.

“Hi Sandra,” he said stretching his hand in a handshake but Sandra rebuffed it.

“Hi Ikenna,” Sandra said looking indifferent.

“It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, you are right.”

“You came with someone?”

“No, I came alone just to ease off stress.”

“Okay, you did well. I didn’t hear from you again.”

“Hear from me? What do you mean? You said that I should move on.”

“Yes, but you moved on like you never loved me.”

“You and I know that I’ve always loved you but I respect your opinion.”

“Please we are not enemies, okay.”


They continued discussing.

Later on, Paul came and joined them. They moved some of their drinks to the table where Sandra was.

About an hour later, they all left the club and went to where Paul parked. They entered the car and left.

Paul dropped Ikenna off at his house and left with Sandra.

“You are the master planner,” Sandra hailed Paul.

“You can say that again.”

They both laughed

He later dropped Sandra in front of her house and left for his house afterwards.

That night, Ikenna’s wife only came out to open the door when she heard the doorbell. She didn’t suspect anything else because he came back early as he promised.

The following day, Ikenna was in his office when his phone rang.

He reached out for it and saw that it was Paul, he then picked up the call.

“Paulo!” Ikenna hailed him.

“My Gee, how far,” Paul asked over the phone.

“Fine, are you coming?”

“No, I have work piled up on my desk.”


“How was last night’s clubbing.”

“It was fun as usual.”

“Not just as usual, you know what I’m talking about.”

“You mean Sandra.”


“We spoke well and nothing more. At least we aren’t enemies.”



“You can still continue with her.”

“I’m married already. We will just be friends.”

“Okay. Let me continue my work. See you soon.”

“Alright, bye.”

“Bye,” Paul said and ended the call.

As time went on, Ikenna stopped going to the nightclub but had started talking with Sandra over the phone. Ikenna would convince himself that nothing funny would occur and that she had become just a friend to him. He would only speak to her whenever he was at the office.

Later on, Ikenna was less busy in the office one day. He then picked up his phone and called Sandra.

“Hello dear.”

“Good day,” Sandra greeted.

“Good day, how is business?”


“I would like to introduce you to my wife.”

“What?! Introduce me to your wife as who? Didn’t she see me that night? I don’t want problems please.”

“I have an understanding wife, I had already told her that you were just a friend. I’ll tell her that you came to apologize for that night. Besides, we are friends, aren’t we?”

“Hmmm ok.”

“So one of these weekends, you can come and see her.”

“Ok if that’s what you want.”

“Alright, talk to you later.”


He then ended the call.

Later that day, at the close of work, Ikenna left to go and pick up his wife from her workplace.

He got there but she wasn’t outside. He then called her on the phone and she came out.

She then walked to where her husband’s car was parked.

“Good evening baby,” Amara said as she opened the door and entered.

“Take it easy, you are increasing by the day,” Ikenna said making jest of her.

Amara smiled

He gently drove off.

“That’s the reason I don’t stand here anymore, I prefer sitting on that sofa in our lounge.”

“I understand, just a little while and our little one will come out.”

“I pray oo.”

“Lest I forget. Someone called me on the phone earlier today.”

“Who, please?”

“Sandra, that lady that came to our house one night with luggage.”

“You mean the one that said you were her boyfriend?”


“Why was she calling,” Amara asked inquisitively.

“She called to apologize for what happened that night.”

“Really, so truly, you were innocent.”

“My dear, I don’t know why she came up with that idea. She even said that she would come and apologize to you because I told her you were infuriated.”

“That’s serious, okay.”

A few minutes later, they got home. They both changed and entered the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Amara was doing the cooking while her husband helped out wherever he could. In no time, the food was ready. They ate, had their bath and went to bed.

Later on, Sandra texted Ikenna that she would come over to his house by the weekend.

So a couple of days later which was on a Saturday, Sandra came over to Ikenna’s place to see his wife.

“You are welcome,” Amara and her husband chorused as Sandra sat on the couch in the living room.

Amara left and later came out with a fancy tray containing a litre of chilled boxed apple juice and a glass cup. She kept the tray on a side stool and brought it before their visitor.

“You don’t need to bother yourself about this, I won’t stay too long,” Sandra said.

“You need to take something no matter how little,” Amara pleaded.

Sandra then opened the box and poured some quantity of the juice into the glass cup.

She drank a little and kept the cup back on the tray.

“I just came to see you. Like I said earlier, I won’t stay long. I came to apologize for the other night. I’m deeply sorry.”

“It’s ok. My husband had already told me about it. Don’t worry. I hope nothing happened to you that night.”

“No ma, I slept in a hotel down the road.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“That’s by the way, I have a high-class boutique in case you want to buy clothes.”

“Really, I love this one. Where is your shop?”

She then brought out her business card and gave it to Amara.

“My shop address and my phone number are here.”

“Thank you. I’ll surely patronize you.”

Ikenna was quiet and observing the ladies as they spoke.

Sandra then finished the juice in the cup and thanked the couple for the offer.

“Let me be on my way.”

“Okay,” Amara said.

Sandra stood up and the couple saw her off.

She later entered a cab and left.

Later that day, Ikenna was lying on a sofa alone in the living pondering over what was going on.

“I just hope I don’t regret my decision. I just want my wife to be free with Sandra as we continue reaching out to each other. Sandra may not be good for marriage but I just love her. I can’t just let her go but why is she trying to make friends with my wife? Whatever her plan may be, in all things, I know my wife trusts me.”

As time went on, Ikenna and Sandra continued reaching out to each other at will. Sandra became their family friend and would also call Amara once in a while.

A couple of months later, Sandra visited Ikenna in his office. They were both conversing and giggling. A can of soft drink was on the desk before Sandra.

“On a serious note Ike, why do you want me around?” Sandra asked.

“I just don’t want to let you go. I love your charisma, your figure, and your dress sense. You have class, in fact, I love everything about you.”

“And you went and married someone else when you knew you loved all these about me.”

“It was a mistake that can not be corrected.”

“Anyway, I’ll be leaving for Dubai in two weeks.”

“To come back when?”

“A month or two months.”

“I’ll miss you. I’ll tell my wife to come and check for some clothes in your shop, she will be due soon and may not have time to get things that she loves.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting.”

She then stood up to leave.

“You are leaving me, just like that?” Ikenba said.

“Ike, if you want us to be as we were before, you know what to do? Send her away.”

Ikenna was silent.

Sandra turned and left the office.

Ikenna was lost in thought for a little while. He later heaved a huge sigh and continued his work. But a few minutes later, he stopped because he couldn’t concentrate.

He picked up his phone and called his friend Paul.

“Paulo, good day,” Ikenna said, sounding low-spirited.

“You are sounding different, hope no problem,” Paul said.

“I’m just worried.”

“About what?”

“About Sandra, my decision to go back to her wasn’t a good one. It’s high time I let her go.”

“What happened?”

“She’s beginning to cross boundaries. Imagine her telling me to send my wife away.”

Paul chuckled

“Is that why you are worried? She’s just jealous, that’s women for you. Again, this is happening because you are keeping her as just a friend. When you do what you ought to do with her, her mindset will change.”

“Paulo, but that’s cheating on my wife.”

“No, you are just maintaining a relationship. You already have a good wife, someone who can take care of you and your kids. Continuing with Sandra isn’t a bad idea, she’s filling up for what Amara can’t do. Mehn I know you. We all know why you are going back to Sandra. The church girl you married can’t meet up with your bedroom needs.”

Ikenna was quite

“Am I lying?” Paul queried.

“But she’s learning.”

“For how long? Continue with Sandra until your wife gets perfect. Even your wife’s present condition is yelling that you are not getting enough in the other room.”

Ikenna heaved a sigh.

“Don’t let Sandra go. It’s not even something to worry about,” Paul encouraged him.

“Ok, I’ll talk to you later.”


Ikenna then ended the call.

Later that day, when he got home, he informed his wife that Sandra would be leaving the country soon and that she should go and get some clothes for herself. So his wife promised to go to Sandra’s shop on the day of her antenatal visit because the shop is on the same route as the hospital she used.

A few days later which was the antenatal visit day, Amara woke up early and was preparing. She usually leaves home early on each antenatal day because the hospital as one of the best in that town always has a higher number of expectant mothers on antenatal days.

She quickly finished up her morning chores and left afterwards.

After a few hours, Amara was done with that day’s visit and was leaving the hospital premises.

She later stopped a cab and discussed the location and price with t by the driver. She entered and left afterwards.

Some minutes later, the driver dropped her in front of Sandra’s shop.

She alighted and walked into the shop. It was a large space filled with luxury wear. She had two sales girls who were busy attending to custoner.

Amara went and tapped one of the sales girls and asked her where their employer was.

“She’s there,” pointing towards an inner chamber.

“Ok,” Amara said as she walked into the chamber.

Sandra on sighting her, rushed and welcomed her.

“Look at you. I can’t wait to carry this child,” Sandra said.

“Thank you.” This place is so beautiful.”

“Thank you, you didn’t go to work today?”

“Yes, I don’t go to work at all on my antenatal days. I’m just coming back from the hospital.”

“Okay. Come and check the clothes that will fit you.”

Sandra started showing her beautiful dresses that could fit her.

Amara then picked the ones she loved.

“So how much are they?”

“Don’t worry, your husband said I should send him the bill.”

“Wow, thank you.”

Sandra then collected the clothes from her and packaged them in a fancy nylon bag.

She gave the bag to Amara and asked her to wait.

A moment later, Sandra came out with a black nylon bag. She opened the bag and brought out a rubber can with dark liquid content.

“Dear, I got this for you? It’s a local medication that would help you give birth smoothly. It’s my mum that sent it to me. I told her that my friend was heavily pregnant and I wouldn’t want her to stress herself in the labour room.”

“Wow, that’s so nice of you, thank you so much,” she said and collected the can from her.

“Immediately you get home drink it. My elder sister uses it and she has never had any form of complication during childbirth.”

“Really, I’ll take it as soon as I get home.”


“Let me run,” Amara said as she turned to leave the shop.

Sandra saw her off to the road.

Amara later stopped a cab, entered and left for her house.

Some minutes later, Amara got to the house. It was around 3 pm, so she was the only one in the house.

She removed her dress and entered the bathroom to freshen up. Later on, she came out, changed and left for the living room to have some rest.

She lay down on the couch and was pressing her phone. She suddenly remembered the local medicine that Sandra had given her to drink.

She went back to the bedroom, brought out the can from her handbag and went back to the living room.

She held the can and scrutinized it closely.

“What could this be, I’ve heard people say that natural medicine is good for childbirth but the nurses have never mentioned it during antenatal classes. Sandra said it was her mother who gave it to her, let me ask my mother whether she knows anything about this type of medicine.”

She then dialed her mother’s number and she picked up the call immediately. They exchanged pleasantries.

“Mummy, there’s something I want to enquire from you.”

“Ok what is it, my daughter?”

“Someone gave me a can of local medicine to drink. She said it was good for delivery, and that I wouldn’t have any complications during the process of childbirth. Did you take such a thing during your own time?”

“I did but you know things have changed. Then some of us don’t go for antenatal. Those local medicines were prepared by our mothers, at least we know the ingredients used for preparing them. As for you, you don’t miss antenatal classes and checkups. Hope you still take your routine medications.”

“Yes, mummy.”

“What about the scan?”

“Everything was fine the last time I checked.”

“Who is the person that gave you the medicine?”

“My husband’s female friend.”

“Don’t take it. It’s not even good to combine local medicine with your routine medicine. It’s not that people don’t take local medication during pregnancy but at least they know the ingredients used in preparing it. I didn’t have any complications when I gave birth to you and your siblings and I pray you will not.”


“Remember, whenever you go for antenatal, always tell the doctor or nurse who attends to you how you feel.”

“Okay, mummy. Thank you for the advice, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Please, don’t take that local medicine.”

“Alright mummy,” She said and ended the call.

She then took the can into the kitchen, opened it and turned it into the sink. The liquid oozed out a strong offe.nsive smell.

“I wonder the type of ingredients used in preparing this one. Sti.nky!”

She then opened the tap and washed off the liquid substance.

Later on, she started preparing dinner.

Her husband came back later in the evening. They both ate dinner together and talked about how their day went. Amara was careful not to mention the part about collecting the can from Sandra. She purposely didn’t want to mention it.

The following day, Ikenna was in his office. He brought out his phone to make calls. He dialled Sandra’s personal number severally but it didn’t connect. He then called her shop line and a salesperson picked it up.

“Good day sir,” the salesperson said over the phone.

“Good day, give the phone to your madam.”

“She’s not here, she left for Dubai.”


“This morning.”

“Okay,” he said and ended the call.

“Why so soon, she was supposed to leave next week. She did not even bother collecting the money for my wife’s dresses before leaving. And she never mentioned that she would be leaving today, I just hope everything is alright,” Ikenna thought.

A few days later, on a Saturday, Ikenna and his wife were together in the living room watching a television program. Amara sat in between his legs and rested her back on his chest.

Suddenly Ikenna’s phone rang and it was a foreign number, he picked it up.


“Hello Ikenna, it’s Sandra.”

“Oh, Sandra.”

“How are you? I haven’t heard from you since.”

“But I tried your number severally but it didn’t go through, I wa..”

“Is it your wife? Sorry, how is your wife?” Sandra cut in.

“She’s here with me, should I give her the phone?”

“Ye-s, No! don’t give her the phone. Is she okay?”

“Yes, she’s fine.”

“Ok, I’ll talk to her soon. Bye.”

She then ended the call.

Amara heard all their conversation and was pondering over the way Sandra sounded over the phone.

Ikenna was calm for a little while before he switched the topic and they continued discussing.

That night, Amara was awake around midnight contemplating what was going on between her husband and Sandra.

“There’s something about that Sandra. I was open-minded about this relationship but I think there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s high time I discover what’s going on. I will keep calm and play along until I find tangible evidence.”

So, four weeks later, Ikenna was in his office checking through some files when someone knocked.

“Come in,” he said looking up to know who it was.

Sandra walked in looking so sleek in her ski.mpy golden latex sleeveless gown.

“Wow, Sandra! You are back already,” his eyes popping up in admiration of the glamorous outfit on her perfect figure.


“Have a seat.”

“Thank you,” she said and sat down.

“To what do I owe this abrupt appearance?”

“To see you of course. I’ve missed you.”

“I was thinking you would stay for two months or more as usual.”

“Well, I’m back and may not be leaving anytime soon.”

“It’s like you bought enough wear that could stay a longer period.”

“Not really, I just want to focus more on my business here.”

“Ok, it’s a nice idea. By the way, you look so h-o-t.”

“I know. Thank you. Just want to let you know that I’m back,” she said adjusting the chair to stand up.

“Not so soon, I won’t let you leave like the other day.”

He then stood up from his chair and went close to where Sandra sat. He held her up and hugged her passionately.

Sandra reciprocated by holding him close to her exposed cleav.age. They clutched each other for some seconds.

“Your fragrance can’t be easily erased from my head,” he whispered into her ears.

He then went ahead to brush his lips on hers.

Sandra surrendered to the magic of the moment, like she had craved it all the while.

They locked their l.ips feeling breathless and wanting for more.

Suddenly Ikenna’s phone started ringing.

He looked and ignored the call because the number wasn’t saved on his phone.

The call came in two more times and he picked up.

“Hello! Who is this?” he said sounding h.arsh.

“Hello sir, it’s your wife’s colleague.”

“Yes, is my wife alright?” he said moving away from Sandra.

Sandra looked unhappy.

“Sir, your wife is in l.abour. She was just rushed to the hospital.”

“What! Which hospital please?”

“Redemption hospital.”

“Ok thank you.”

The person ended the call.

It pa.ined Sandra more that they were distracted because of Ikenna’s wife.

“Sandra please, I need to rush to the hospital. My wife is in labour.”

Sandra was mute

“I’m sorry, you have to leave now. I’ll talk to you later,” Ikenna said as he persuaded her to leave.

Sandra adjusted her sk.impy dress, took her bag and angrily left.

Ikenna took his car keys and rushed out of the office.

A few minutes later, he got to Redemption Hospital. He parked at the hospital’s parking lot and quickly alighted.

He went to the receptionist to enquire about his wife.

He described his wife’s look to the receptionist and was directed to the labour ward.

He rushed to the place and saw two heavily pregnant women walking around the ward in p.ain.

He then looked again and saw a midwife coming out from an inner room of that ward. He rushed to the midwife.

“Excuse me ma,” Ikenna said while panicking.

The midwife stopped.

“I was told that my wife was here. Her name is Amara.”

“Amara Ndu?”

“Yes, ma.”

“Are you her husband?”

“Yes, ma.”

“I came out to check if you were already here. Congratulations, your wife has just given birth to a baby boy. My colleague is cleaning the baby now.”

“Wow. Thank you ma. Can I go and see her?” he said excitedly.

“Yes, follow me.”

She led him to the labour room.

Amara was lying on the bed looking w.eak.

Ikenna was filled with emotions watching his wife and hearing his son’s vagitus.

He then held his wife’s hand and kissed her forehead.

“Congratulations to us. I’m sorry for all the p.ain. I wish I was here to console you.”

“It’s ok.”

When the midwife was done cleaning the baby and dressing him up, she handed the baby to Ikenna.

He was so excited.

They later moved to a private ward where the newborn and his mother would be monitored for complications before they would be discharged.

After staying for two days in the hospital without any birth complications, Amara and her child were discharged. Ikenna after making some payments, took them home.

Ikenna had informed his family and his wife’s family about their newborn baby.

Amara’s mother came for omugwo also known as postpartum care. Because Amara was a first-time mum, her mother came immediately after they were discharged from the hospital.

Omugwo can be said to be a way that mothers put their daughters through everything that concerns delivery.

Some mothers also use it as an opportunity to see how their daughters manage their new homes and if they aren’t doing well, they would be corrected and taught better ways to do that.

So Amara’s mother came to the Omugwo with some local foodstuff and other items that she could afford.

Amara’s mother would bathe the newborn and massage his belly with hot water. She also helped Amara with hot water therapy and a sitz bath.

Amara was on three months of maternity leave. She hadn’t gone to work since the day she went into labour at her workplace.

People were coming to congratulate Ikenna and his family.

Ikenna was the only one going to work at the moment.

His mother-in-law helped Amara out in doing some chores. So Ikenna had stopped helping out where he could.

About a week later, around the close of work, Ikenna was in his office arranging some files when his phone started ringing.

He checked his phone and saw that the caller was Sandra, he then picked up the call.

“Hi, Sandra.”

“Ike, I’m not feeling fine,” she said sounding so w.eak.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Please go to the hospital.”

“I don’t have anyone that would take me to the hospital. I’m at home. Please come.”

Ikenna was quiet for a moment.

“Please come over to my house,” Sandra continued.

“Ok, I’ll be there soon.”

“Please I’m waiting for you.”


Sandra then ended the call.

Ikenna quickly finished arranging the files, carried his bag and left.

About forty-five minutes later, Ikenna arrived at Sandra’s house. He quickly rushed to her door and pressed the doorbell.

Sandra came and opened the door and welcomed Ikenna as he walked in.

When Ikenna entered, he saw a bottle of s.hisha on her table and the scent filled the living room.

“Sandra, it’s obvious you’ve been smoking. I thought you said you were si.ck.

“Yes, I’m s.ick. I haven’t been myself since the last time we met at your office. I just want to see you.”

“You should have told me that it wasn’t real si.ckness. I’ll understand.”

He then sat down on the couch. Sandra sat close to him.

“This place looks different,” he said looking around.

“Yeah, I changed a few things.”

“The furniture and fixtures are top-notch. You really have eyes for good things.”

“Thank you,” Sandra said smiling.

“You have seen me, hope I’m free to leave now.”

“Don’t pretend as if you don’t know what I want.”

“It’s getting late, I don’t want my wife to complain.”

Sandra became infuriated.

“Every time my wife this my wife that, please spare me that tr.ash,” she stood up and turned her back.

Ikenna stood up and held her from behind.

“It’s ok now, I’m sorry about that. Put a smile on your face.”

Sandra still showed that she was furious.

“Babe,” she then smiled and turned to face him.

“I thought you’ve forgotten this name.”

“Why should I? You are always my babe.”

Sandra gradually started ki.ssing him passionately. He responded and in no time they were both without clothes on. They later had it off.

A few minutes later, both of them started dressing up.

It was already some minutes past seven, so Ikenna quickly put on his clothes and dashed out of the apartment.

“Wait now, let me see you off,” Sandra shouted from the living room.

Ikenna was already opening his car when Sandra ran up to him.

“Good night love, talk to you later,” Sandra said through the car window looking so fulfilled.

“Alright, good night,” Ikenna said and drove off

“Yesss!! Sandra always gets what she wants. Let me see whether he will not leave that girl he married,” Sandra soliloquized while feeling proud of herself.

Ikenna on his way home, decided to check his phone because it had been in the car since he left for Sandra’s apartment.

“13 missed calls from my wife, she must be worried by now. Let me call her.”

He dialled her number and she picked up immediately.

“Baby, where are you? What is happening?” Amara asked over the phone.

“I’m already on my way dear. Nothing wrong happened. I was in a meeting.”

“Meeting till now?”

“It was an emergency Zoom meeting.”

“Ok, come home safely.”

“Alright, I’ll be home soon. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He then ended the call.

“I have such a lovely wife, why can’t I resist Sandra? I love Sandra’s lifestyle even though I don’t want that for my wife. I pray I get out of the m.ess unstained.”

Later on, Ikenna got home around 8 pm.

His wife rushed out to welcome him when she heard the sound of his vehicle.

She collected his bag immediately after he alighted from his car.

They both entered the house.

From that day onwards, Sandra and Ikenna continued seeing each other whenever they were less busy. At times they go to some public places together.

On one occasion, Paul left his office for lunch and on getting to his regular restaurant, he saw Sandra and Ikenna leaving the restaurant.

He went to meet them and they all exchanged pleasantries.

He later went into the restaurant while Sandra and Ikenna left for the parking lot.

Later on, Paul sat down at one of the round tables and was waiting to be served the food he ordered.

“So these two are back together and his wife isn’t even aware. Can she be that d.umb to not have noticed them? I think it’s high time I execute my plans,” Paul thought.

Soon the waiter brought his food. He quickly munched it, made payment and left.

Amara’s mother, after spending over a month at her daughter’s home, made up her mind to leave.

Ikenna had earlier gone to the market to get some items.

The night before Mama’s departure, the couple presented her with the choicest wrappers, bar soap, food items, and money for herself. Some pieces of men’s fabric and a bottle of alcoholic wine for her husband and a bag of salt for her fellow women who would come to greet her when she got home.

All these were given to her as gifts as an expression of gratitude for what she did.

Mama was so delighted. She thanked and blessed them.

Later that night she called her daughter aside.

“By now, you must have healed fully from all the injuries you sustained during child.birth. And I’m glad that you can now bathe your child and take care of yourself as well. I love the way that you and your husband relate. Keep up the good work. Always protect your home from intruders. Don’t allow anyone to destroy this beautiful home.”

“Thank you, mummy, I hope you won’t leave at all. I feel like crying right now. You have done so well and I learnt a lot from you. I have heard all you said and I promise not to disappoint you.”

“Alright, my daughter.”

The following day, Ikenna had finished preparing for work and was about to leave. He had earlier called a taxi driver who would come around midday to take Mama home.

“Mama thanks once again for what you did for us. Go safely, my regards to Papa and my wife’s siblings.”

“Alright, my son, I want peace to always reign here.”

“Okay mama, I promise to always make your daughter happy.”

Mama was elated.

Later that day, the cab driver came. Mama’s items were moved into the vehicle, she entered and the driver drove off.

When she had gone, Amara felt like a part of her left her. But she picked up courage and settled into her new routine of parenting.

Her work leave wasn’t over yet, so she stayed at home with her child when her husband left for work.

A few days later, Amara was in the kitchen preparing some meals when she heard the doorbell.

She quickly rushed to find out who was at the door. She opened it and as it was Paul.

“Good day, sir,” Amara said cheerfully.

“Good day dear.”

“You are welcome sir, have a seat.”

Paul went and sat down

” I hope all is well sir.”

“Yes, Is it a crime to visit you?”

Amara smiled.

“We were friends before you got married. Can’t we continue our relationship?”

“We can not! Can you hear yourself? You are my husband’s close friend for crying out loud.”

“That makes it more fun, nobody will ever suspect us. It will just be a secret between the two of us. I still love you, Amara.”

“Is this a joke or something?”

“How can this be a joke, I’m d.ead serious. I want us to take that relationship to another level now that you are married.”

“Sir please leave my house.”

“You mean you don’t love me anymore.”

“Leave my house!”

“You are here keeping yourself when your husband is enjoying himself with his ex. Are you not a f00l?”

“With all due respect sir, get out!”

“Ok, I’ll leave, in case you have a change of heart, you have my number,” he said and left the house.

Amara hissed and shut the door behind him.

Amara later sat back in the living room and was engrossed in thought over what transpired between her and Paul.

“My husband, enjoying himself with his ex. Not possible, my husband is caring and disciplined. But what if it’s true, can one be with a side chick and still show his wife love? I don’t think that’s possible.”

Ikenna later came back in the evening. His wife welcomed him and carried his bag to the room. He looked and saw his child sleeping in his crib.

“Junior is already asleep, hmmm. Hope you are ready for a vigil this night,” he said and smiled.

“That’s not a problem yet because I’ll still have enough time to sleep, I’m not going to work.”

“That’s true.”

“I can’t wait to resume work.”

“You still have two months to stay right?”

“No oo, a month and two weeks.”

Both of them laughed.

Ikenna later left for the bathroom to freshen up.

Amara then went and served the dinner. She sat in the dining room and waited for her husband. He later came and they both ate happily.

After their meal, Amara carried the plates to the kitchen.

Later on, they were in the living room discussing.

“Baby, something happened today.”

“What happened?”

“Your friend came here.”

“My friend? Do you mean Paul?”

“Yes, he came to tell me that he still loves me and that we can continue our relationship.”

“Continue what! Is he insan.e?” Ikenna said looking furious.

“This is just the way I felt. When I became ma.d at him he said that I was keeping myself while you are enjoying yourself with your ex.”

“What?! Why could he say such a thing?

Remember you told me you guys knew each other? Paul wants to do anything possible to get you back. Don’t you ever listen to him?

He wants to frame me up just to get my wife. I won’t take it lightly with him.”

“Please take it easy. I just want to tell you so that it won’t repeat itself next time.”

“No, you don’t understand how I’m feeling right now. Another man, in fact, my bosom friend wants to have something with my wife.”

“God forbid,” Amara said.

“He wants to destroy our happiness. Oh, I understand his plans. He wants to destroy my marriage but he doesn’t know that I have a virtuous woman at home. Thank you for resisting him. I love it so much,” he said and pecked his wife.

“I love you too. I just want you to be aware of what’s going on. I don’t want you people to have issues.”

“I’ll go and warn him to stay away from my family. Never allow him to enter this compound when I’m not at home. Okay?”


When Ikenna was done ran.ting, he angrily left for the bedroom. He laid on the bed and was contemplating.

“What is even his problem? What will he gain from telling my wife about Sandra? Thank goodness he didn’t mention the name of the ex. If not that my wife trust me, maybe by now we will be having a serious problem. I need to be careful.”

His wife later joined him in the bedroom but didn’t say a word because she believed he was still m.ad at his friend.

As time went on, Ikenna stopped visiting Sandra. He also stopped taking her calls.

Paul was avoiding Ikenna and Ikenna never bothered to reach him but Ikenna never spoke to Paul as he promised his wife.

Later on, Ikenna was in his office going through some documents when someone knocked at his door

“Who is it? Come in,” Ikenna said.

The person didn’t say a word but opened the door and entered.

Lo and behold, it was Sandra.

“Sandra, what are you doing here?” he said looking infuriated.

“What sort of question is that? You’ve been avoiding me and you expect me to be calm.”

“I want us to stop this Sandra, I want to face my marriage.”

“Like it’s just dawning on you that you are married. Do you think I’m stu.pid? You always love to use and dump me. You see this time, I’ll never allow that to happen again. Take this,” Sandra said handing him a white envelope.

“What is this?”

“Open it and read.”

Ikenna opened the envelope and brought out a paper. He then opened the paper and read.

“Sandra, what’s the meaning of this?” he said looking heartbroken.

“It means that I’m pregnant for you!”

“Please Sandra you need to do something about it. Do you want to destroy my marriage?”

“I don’t care! You see this pregnancy, I’m keeping it and you must take full responsibility for the baby. I’m leaving now. You know how and where to find me if you need me.”

She then turned and left the office.

Ikenna was thrown into a dilemma. He was confused and didn’t know what else to do.

He paced around his office for some time and later on started searching through some files. About an hour later, he discovered he hadn’t achieved anything since Sandra left.

So he picked up his bag and car key and then left.

Some minutes later, he drove into his compound. His wife was cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

She cleaned her hands with the kitchen towel and went to open the door.

She was surprised to see her husband at that hour of the day.

He looked demoralized.

“Good afternoon baby,” Amara greeted.

“Good afternoon.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is fine.”

“But your look is saying a different thing and you came home earlier than usual.”

“No dear, everything is alright, I’m just stressed up and needed some rest.”

“Okay,” Amara said as she collected his bag and carried it to the bedroom.

Later Ikenna had freshened up and was lying on the bed. His wife came to inform him that his food was ready.

He then followed her to the dining room, ate and went back to the bedroom.

His wife continued what she was doing in the kitchen.

The following day, Ikenna looked better than the previous day. So he and his wife were having breakfast and conversing.

“How far with Sandra?” Amara asked.

“Sandra?!” Ikenna said looking surprised.

“Yes, I haven’t heard from her for so long. She hasn’t even come to see my baby since I put her to bed.”

“Oh, I too haven’t heard from her. Maybe she’s not in town.”

“Okay, maybe.”

“Let me run.”

“Okay, have a nice dear.”

“You too. Take care of Junior.”

He then turned and left the house.

A few days later, Ikenna had left his office and was headed to Sandra’s shop.

He got there and was trying to get a nice space to park. Sandra was standing inside her shop. She saw Ikenna through the window and quickly went and sat down waiting for him.

When he was done packing, he entered the shop. He went to where Sandra was seated and they both greeted indifferently. Ikenna then sat down on a chair before her.

They were both silent for some minutes before Ikenna spoke.

“I didn’t hear from you again.”

“Hear from me on what?”

“The pregnancy, have you come up with what to do with it?”

“I’m not doing anything with it other than keeping it.”

“If that’s what you want, you can keep it but be sure you don’t get my wife to know about it.”

“Now you are talking. I won’t have any reason to tell her if you provide my needs.”

“That won’t be a problem.”

Sandra smiled.

“I don’t know why you are avoiding me. I still need you around especially now that I’m carrying your child.”

“I’ll see what I can do about that. I have to leave now, I have a lot to do at the office,” he said as he stood up to leave.

“Wait a little, let me get you something to eat,” she said and started calling one of her salesgirls.

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to take anything. See you later.”

He then turned and left.

After that day, Ikenna continued reaching out to Sandra.

Some weeks later, in the morning, Ikenna was getting ready to go to work. His wife was carrying her baby and sitting in the living room, looking furious.

“I don’t know why you are finding it difficult to accept this,” Ikenna said.

“We never bargained for this. We can get a helper that will assist me in taking care of my baby or we can enrol him in a daycare center,” Amara said.

“He’s too tender to stay in a daycare centre. Just stay at home and take care of him. It’s not a big deal. If the salary is the problem, I’ll start paying you salary from the end of this month.”

“I’ve been hoping to resume work immediately after my leave period ends, only for me to hear that I should quit my job. It’s not fair.”

“Please, my love, do this for me and I’ll forever be grateful to you.”

“It’s not an easy decision for me to accept.”

As she was talking, Ikenna brought out his phone and made some transactions. He then informed his wife that he sent some money into her account.

In a moment, Amara’s message tune beeped. She checked her phone and confirmed a credit alert of 400,000 from her husband.

She appreciated him but wasn’t looking cheerful.

“This is double my salary but money is not even my problem. I just want to remain relevant in my field of study.”

“I understand, just do this for me. I’ll take care of all your needs and that of Juniors. I sent this money now to tell you that I’m serious about my decision.”

Amara grudgingly accepted and her husband left for work.

Later on, Ikenna went to see Sandra at her shop. Both of them were seated on a sofa in the private corner of the shop and happily discussed. A small fancy tray containing a bottle of beer drink and a glass cup was kept on a stool before Ikenna.

Sandra’s sales girls were busy attending to customers.

“Lest I forget Ike, I need money to restock my shop. I want to buy the latest luxury wear for sale and for my personal use,” Sandra said.

“How much do you need?”

“Five million naira.”

“What?! Why!? It’s too much. You’ve never requested this much before, and that’s because you and I know you have the money.”

“No, babe, have you forgotten that I told you I won’t be travelling out at the moment?”

“Yes, I still remember.”

“I usually get business deals whenever I’m out of the country. Now that I’ve stopped travelling out, I’ve lost some businesses, and I’m currently out of cash.”

“You can continue travelling now.”

“No, not in my condition. I do not want to hurt our baby.”

“Okay, I’ll send the money tomorrow.”

“No, babe, I want it now. Nowadays prices change every minute. Please send it now, let me pay my supplier.”

Ikenna waited for a few minutes before he brought out his phone and transferred the money into her account.

Immediately, Sandra’s phone beeped, indicating a credit alert.

She rushed and hugged him.

Ikenna wasn’t so happy about the money he sent, but he pretended to be delighted when she hugged her.

They continued discussing afterwards.

A few minutes later, Ikenna stood up to leave.

“We shall see you by the weekend, right?” Sandra asked.

“No, I have things to do by the weekend. We shall see some other time.”

“Ok, have a nice day.”

“You too,” Ikenna said and left.

Since Amara had stopped going to work, her colleagues had been calling to find out what was wrong. She would give them different excuses to cover up for her absence.

On one occasion, her closest colleague called her, and she told her that she had gotten another job elsewhere.

Her colleague wasn’t comfortable with what she heard. She went and informed Amara’s line manager about the situation.

Some days later, in the afternoon, Amara was in the living room feeding her baby when the doorbell rang.

She quickly carried her baby to go and check who was at the door.

She opened the door and was shocked to see her line manager.

“Good afternoon, sir.”

“Good afternoon Amara, I can see you are surprised to see me. I decided not to call you before coming.”

“You are welcome, sir. Have a seat.”

“Thank you,” Mr. Fred said and sat down.

“How is your baby,” he continued.

“He’s fine. “

“You said you got a job elsewhere, but obviously you lied. What is the problem.”

Amara was quiet for a while and later opened up.

“You are one of our best staff, and I can’t watch you continue like this. I need to speak to your husband.”

“No, please don’t.”

“This is not the best way to go about this. Some working-class ladies are also nursing mothers.”

“I know. I just want to obey my husband.”

“He’s k! lling your career.”

“I believe he will change his mind one day.”

“I pray that day comes. You mustn’t be at the losing end to be called a good wife. Know when to say no.”

“Okay, I’ve heard you.”

“Whenever you change your mind, let me know.”

“Okay, sir. How is everyone at the office?”

“Everyone is good.”

They conversed for a little while before he left for the office.

Amara was elated by his visitation but had chosen the part of obeying her husband. She also made up her mind not to inform her husband about her manager’s visit.

The following week, Sandra came to see Ikenna at his office. It was during his lunch break, but he decided not to leave his office for lunch that day.

“You said that you have something to tell me.”

“Yes, I want you to rent an apartment for me outside this town.”

“What happened to the one you are living in?”

“Ike, don’t forget that I’m carrying your child. Am I supposed to continue living there after I put to bed?” The house isn’t enough. Think of those who would be visiting after the arrival of our baby.”

“I will think about it.”

“Please, I need some money for my upkeep.”

“But it’s not up to two weeks since I gave you five million naira.”

“The money was for my business besides what I need this time around is just five hundred thousand.”

“I don’t have it.”

“You have the money, don’t forget your promise to provide for all my needs.”

“I can only give you two hundred thousand.”

“Hmm, okay. I’ll manage it.”

Ikenna then sent the money, and she confirmed the alert.

She thanked him and left.

Later that day, Sandra was alone in her house and was soliloquising.

“I can’t continue begging Ikenna for everything, I need to be in charge. He’s misbehaving because of that thing he called wife. I need to put her in her position. Ikenna belongs to me and me alone. As he doesn’t want to send her packing, she will leave that house by herself.”

Since Amara had stopped going to work, she managed herself and her baby from the money that her husband gave her for their upkeep. She had cut some of the expenses she deemed unnecessary.

She solely depends on what her husband gives her and won’t demand more. She had stopped making expensive hairstyles. Her regular hairstyle was cornrows because she was always within her neighbourhood.

She was becoming a different person, but she wasn’t bothered because her husband wasn’t complaining about her looks.

So one day a friend sent her an invitation card for her wedding. She needed to look her best as a married woman but didn’t have enough money to achieve it.

She then decided to ask her husband for the money when he came back from work.

Later in the evening, Amara and her husband were in the living room watching a television show and discussing.

“Baby, please, I need money to make my hair. A friend sent me an invitation card,” Amara said.

“Which friend and where is the wedding taking place?”

“My childhood friend. The venue is just within this town, at Andrew Multipurpose Hall, GRA. Let me show you the IV,” Amara said as she searched through her phone for the picture.

She saw the picture and gave the phone to her husband.

He collected the phone.

“Ok,” he said after going through the invitation card.

“I know that I was supposed to have given you money after the last one, but please, you need to exercise patience. You know this is the month’s end and I paid my employees yesterday. I am currently out of cash,” Ikenna said.

“Okay, no problem. I have a wig that I’ll use.”

“Thanks so much for your understanding, I’ll give you the money as soon as they come.”

“Alright, no problem.”

They continued their other discussions afterwards.

A few days later, Sandra requested that Ikenna should come over to her place.

So Ikenna made it a point of duty, he finished his work earlier and towards the close of work, he left the office.

He then drove off to Sandra’s house.

Some minutes later, he got to Sandra’s house, and she welcomed him.

Sandra brought a bottle of alco.holic wine and a glass cup. She opened the wine bottle, poured some quantity into the glass cup, and gave it to him.

He collected and started sipping.

“Ike, I miss you all the time,” Sandra said.

“But we usually see each other almost every day.”

“That’s not enough. You have never slept over in my house.”

“You know I can’t do that now.”

“No problem, I want to make a video of us together so that whenever I miss you too much, I’ll watch the video and I’ll be happy.”

“That’s a nice idea, we will do that.”

Later on, when Ikenna was done with his drink, both of them went into the bedroom, and their activity there was recorded.

Ikenna left afterwards.

Later that evening, Amara was at home waiting for her husband to return. She had finished preparing the dinner and had bathed her baby, who was already fast asleep.

Suddenly, a WhatsApp message entered. She picked up her phone to view the message.

“Hmmm, Sandra. She remembered me today after a long time. What’s in this video she sent?”

She then clicked the video to open it. As it was downloading, another message from Sandra entered.

The video had opened, and Amara was shocked at what she was seeing.

“Jesus! My husband! What did I just see? Wait! My husband, in bed with Sandra! I don’t think it’s real. Maybe it’s photoshopped.”

She then opened it again and saw the message which read: I know you have seen the video, and we are back together. Ikenna is mine forever. Watch closely, and you will see that I’m pregnant. I am carrying his baby. He spends most of his time with me. He is just leaving my house now. Bye.

“Oh my God! Am I dreaming? This is unbelievable, Sandra, pregnant with my husband. So the video wasn’t photoshopped. I trusted my husband. How could he do this to me,” she said and started shedding tears.

She cried for some minutes and wiped her tears.

“But why would she send me this type of video? I’ve been suspecting them quite right, but did she plan with my husband before sending it to me? Does my husband want me out of the house, or maybe she wants me to pack out of my husband’s house? I will pretend I didn’t see the message, I’ll get to the root of this.”

As she was talking to herself, the doorbell rang, and she went and opened the door. It was her husband. She tried as much as she could to make sure her husband didn’t notice her mood, but it seemed he knew her so well.

Immediately he entered, he looked into her eyes.

“Did you leave the house?” Ikenna asked.


“Is Junior okay?”


“What is happening to you? Have you been crying?”

“No, oo, I’m fine.”

“Hope there’s no problem.”

“There’s no problem,” she said as she carried his bag into the bedroom.

Later on, she served his food at the dining table.

He went to eat but she didn’t join him.

Amara wanted to pretend like nothing happened, but she couldn’t help it. Her husband’s presence irr.itated her.

She went into the bedroom and lay as if she was sleeping.

Ikenna was beginning to feel that she was keeping something from him. He couldn’t concentrate. He ate a little food and covered the plate.

He then went to bed and was still thinking about why his wife was behaving strangely.

Amara and her husband couldn’t boast of sleeping for a good two hours. It was the longest night they ever had together.

Amara wasn’t comfortable sharing the bed like they normally do but she couldn’t leave the bed either. She went on tossing and turning till she slept off.

Ikenna on the other hand was filled with guilt. He had never seen his wife so uncomfortable. He spent most of his night time trying so hard to figure out what the problem was.

The following morning, Amara could no longer pretend that she was unhappy. She did the morning devotion alone and left for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Their child was still sleeping then.

Ikenna wasn’t ready to leave for work that morning. He sat on the bed waiting for his wife to finish cooking.

When Amara had finished preparing the breakfast, she served the food in the dining and then left to go and call her husband.

She got to the bedroom and saw him still sitting on the bed with his pyjamas.

“Your food is ready,” she said nonchalantly and turned to leave.

“Please wait,” Ikenna pleaded.

Amara stopped.

“Please tell me what the problem is. Your attitude is ki.lling me. Please I’m begging you.”

Amara then went and brought her phone from where she kept it on the table. She then opened Sandra’s chat and handed the phone over to him.

He collected the phone and viewed the video. He quickly ended the video. He was silent, shocked and confused.

“What do you have to say about it? You are quiet now.”

Ikenna didn’t know what to say.

“This is how you are paying me back for being a good woman, after all the things I gave up for you. You should have told me you want me out of the house and I’ll gladly leave. Why send this type of dis.gusting video.”

“I.. I.. don’t know about this, I swear,” Ikenna stammered.

“You don’t know about what exactly, is the person in the video not you?”

“I’m sorry please, I mean I don’t know that she sent the video.”

“But you are the one in the video.”

Ikenna knelt and started begging her to forgive him.

“I don’t know what came over me. Please it’s the devil. I’ll never try it again I promise you.”

“And she is even pregnant for you.”

Ikenna didn’t say a word but was. ashamed of himself.

Amara turned and left the bedroom.

Ikenna gently got up and sat on the bed.

“Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into? A little pleasure is about to destroy my home. How could Sandra deceive me? How could I be so gullible to allow her to make such a video? How can I face my wife after now? Sandra won’t get away with this. I must see her.”

He then stood up and went to his wardrobe. He removed his pyjamas and wore another cloth without a morning shower. He then dashed out of his house.

Some minutes later, Ikenna got to Sandra’s house. He quickly alighted from his vehicle and went to her door and started knocking heavily.

“Who is that?” Sandra asked from within after waiting for a moment.


She then went and opened the door.

“Ike, you startled me. This place is no longer safe for me.”

Ikenna looked around and saw her travelling bag fully packed.

“I’ve gotten an apartment outside this town and I’m leaving. You will help me carry a few things to the place and you will also get to know the place. That’s where I’ll be staying for now.”

“All that is none of my business. How could you be so sen.seless?”

“What do you mean?” Sandra asked looking surprised.

“Why did you send that video to my wife?”

“Why are you being dramatic? You said you love me and I love you too. I noticed that you don’t know how to tell your wife to leave so I did the job for you. Just kick her out and we will live together as husband and wife.”

“What made you think you are better than my wife? What made you think I can leave my wife for you?”

“What else do you need, I’m all you want in a woman which you have always said and I’m even carrying your child.”

“I told you to keep it away from my wife and you went ahead and did the worst.”

“So I am good for fun and not for marriage. You see that your marriage, I’ll make sure I destroy it!”

“Let me see if you try.”

“Remember I’m carrying your child, no matter how far you run, you must come back to me.”

“Nonsense,” Ikenna said and angrily went and opened the door to leave.

He was shocked to see four men standing in front of the door. He looked again and then realised they were three p.olicemen and his friend, Paul who was in handcuffs.

“Mr man, you are under ar.rest. If you move I shoot you,” one of the officers ordered.

“Sir what is my off.ence?”

“Shut up there!” the officer shouted.

Immediately Sandra saw them, she ran into the bedroom but one of the officers ran after her and later brought her outside.

Ikenna and Sandra were ha.ndcuffed immediately. They were being pushed to the awaiting black hillux van alongside Paul.

Sandra and Paul were silent.

“But sir I have the right to ask questions,” Ikenna continued.

“You have the right to remain silent until we get to the station. As far as you are in this apartment you are a cu.lprit,” one of the officers r.udely interrupted.

Ikenna kept calm and followed them.

Three of them were made to sit at the back of the open van.

Two armed officers hanged on the sides to guide them from escaping.

The vehicle zoomed off with its siren blaring loudly into the atmosphere.

Later that day, Amara waited for her husband to come home. She wasn’t ready to call him because she was still showing she was enraged by her husband’s actions.

Around 10 pm, she then decided to call him. She picked up her phone and started calling him but his phone was switched off.

“This is unlike him. What is happening? He left the house without even informing me where he was going, though I was upset. Oh God let nothing happen to my husband. Maybe he’s even with Sandra and I’m here bothering myself.”

She then went to bed and slept off.

In the early hours of the morning, Amara got up and didn’t find her husband beside her. She became nervous.

She started trying his number again but it was still switched off.

She was worried and couldn’t sleep till dawn.

“This is getting out of hand. Where could he be? Did he go to his family? No, let me not go there yet because if he’s not there, they will get to know the issue we are having. I know he won’t want them to hear such news. I’ll go and check his office.”

She then had her bathe and also bathed her child. They both took breakfast and left.

Some minutes later Amara and her child got to the office premises.

She exchanged greetings with some of the workers and then left for her husband’s office.

She was shocked to see that the place was locked. She quickly went to the secretary’s workspace.

“Jane your boss isn’t here yet?”

“Yes, ma.”

“When did he leave the office yesterday?”

“Ma he didn’t come to work yesterday.”

“What?! My husband wasn’t here yesterday?”

“Yes, ma.”

Amara’s heart started skipping.

She stood there forlorn for some seconds before leaving the place.

Later on, she was in the taxi with her child going back home and was lost in thought.

“This is becoming serious. Where could he be? Hope he’s safe. Did I do anything wrong by showing him the video? Was he afraid that I’d not forgive him for what he did? Please come back I’ve forgiven you. God, please bring him back to me. If he doesn’t come back till evening, I’ll go and report to his family.”

They got home some minutes later. By then her baby was already sleeping. She put him to bed and went on her knees praying to God to bring her husband back home.

Meanwhile, Paul and Ikenna were wearing only shorts and seated on the floor inside the male cell, their faces bru.ised and swollen. Two other inmates were also in the cell.

Ikenna was looking sad and disappointed. He then turned to Paul.

“Please tell them I’m innocent, why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends.”

Paul kept mute.

As they were talking, an officer came and opened the cell gate.

He entered and asked Paul and Ikenna to follow him.

They stood up and followed him. The officer then locked the gate behind them.

He led them to a room where other officers were. Sandra was already there waiting for them. She had a few red patches on her face and arm. She wasn’t tor.tured like others because of her condition.

The three of them sat on a long bench in the room.

One of the officers who was called DPO put up a call for a few minutes and informed the receiver that the cu.lprits were with them.

In a moment, a sophisticated lady in luxury Jalabia with matching hijab came in with some escorts. From her looks, you can tell she’s a high-class citizen and well-connected.

She exchanged greetings with the officers and then faced Ikenna and his friends.

“So you are the ones that kil.led my husband. You all will wrought in jail for making me a widow. What did he do to you?” she said and started wailing.

“Please ma, I’m not among them. I don’t even know who you are talking about,” Ikenna pleaded.

“Shut up dia!” one officer shouted rudely.

One of the officers who had been watching Ikenna went to the DPO and talked to him in a low tone.

“Please sir, this man has been saying this since yesterday. I suspect he’s innocent. Let’s bring the assas.sin and confirm from him whether what he’s saying is true.”

“Okay, but if the assa.ssin says otherwise, this man will receive double the punishment he had.”

“Agreed sir.”

“Go and bring the man here.”

“Okay sir,” the officer said and quickly left the room.

In no time, he came back with a shirtless young man. He was wearing only shorts with bru.ises all over his body.

His ble.eding lower limb was tied with his shirt. He stood before the DPO.

“Who among these people sent you to kill Alhaji?”

He then pointed at Sandra and Paul.

“This is Alhaji’s wife. Tell her what you told me last night.”

“Okay. Paul called me to come to his office, that he had a job for me. The day I went, I saw this lady there and I heard them discussing that she didn’t want to marry Alhaji because he was the true father of her child. She said that Alhaji would scatter her plans of putting it on another man and to stop that from happening, Alhaji needed to go down. So she gave me his pictures and also his flight time, that was how I was able to trace him and shoot him.”

“Wayyo Allah! Pregnant for my husband who was based in Dubai! I’m finished, and you even went ahead to kill him,” she shouted as she went and held Sandra by her neck and tried to strangle her.

The officer rushed and removed her hands from Sandra’s neck.

Sandra started coughing.

“Madam take it easy please,” one of the officers said.

As all these were happening, Ikenna was agape watching all of them, tears rolling down his cheek.

“So you are one of those girls travelling to Dubai to go and see my husband. He came back for his son’s matriculation only for you to end his life. You will suffer for this, I promise you,” she threatened amidst tears.

DPO then asked his officers to release Ikenna.

Ikenna was then led out of the room by one of the officers.

Later on, the officer took him to their reception and took some records. He then gave Ikenna his clothes and his phone.

Ikenna put on his clothes and left the police station.

When Amara had finished praying, she left for the kitchen to prepare some meals. She had made up her mind to inform her husband’s people about his disappearance in the evening.

She was busy in the kitchen when she heard the sound of the doorbell. She quickly cleaned her hands and rushed to open the door.

Immediately she opened the door, she saw her husband standing in front of the door with a bru.ised and swollen face, looking despondent.

Ikenna immediately went on his knees and started pleading for his wife’s forgiveness, tears rolling down his cheek.

“Baby, I’ve forgiven you. Please get up,” Amara said holding him up.

“What happened to you?” Amara continued as he stood before her.

He started crying without saying a word.

“Let’s go inside please,” Amara said while holding him.

They both went in and sat on the couch in the living room.

“I thank God for bringing you back. I know I was up.set with you but I have forgiven you. We can plan on the best way to raise the child after birth. I know that Sandra’s plan is for me to leave you but I will not. I will stand by you as long as you remain a good man. I have accepted my fate.”

As Amara was talking, it seemed Ikenna wasn’t listening.

He buried his head in sh.ame and was feeling unworthy of her presence.

“I have not been a good husband to you. Please forgive me. Sandra deceived me,” he said gently.

“How?” Amara asked, looking inquisitive and showing much interest.

“The child is not mine.”


“Yes, she knew it wasn’t mine and purposely put it on me.”

“Was she the one that did this to you?” Amara said looking furious.

“It’s the p.olice.”

“My God, she called the p.olice on you.”

“No, she co.mmitted a c.rime and I was unlucky to be there when the po.lice came for her. I only went there to confront her for sending the video to you.”

“Hmmm, which cr.ime did she co.mmit?”

“She connived with Paul and got the real father of the child kil.led. When it was discovered, the police came for her and unfortunately, I was in her house and I was arrested with her. They came with Paul and we all were taken to the po.lice station. My love, I was to.rtured for what I know nothing about.”

“They supposed to tell the police that you weren’t part of them.”

“My dear, these people I called friends refused to tell the p.olice I was innocent. It was the hired as.sassin that even saved me and I was later released. I will tell you the full story later.”

“I’m sorry about the whole thing.”

“Thank you for taking me back. I’ll forever respect you. I am feeling so ash.amed of myself right now. See how I was lured into believing that Sandra was pregnant for me just because of a little pleasure. I’m sorry for all the lies, I’m sorry for ch.eating on you.”

“It’s okay, you need to freshen up first so that you can go to the hospital for treatment.”

“Okay, thanks for taking me back. I’m deeply sorry for all I’ve put you through.”

“It’s okay.”

“How is Junior?”

“He’s still sleeping.”

He then went into the room to freshen up and change.

Later on, he came out and ate food.

His wife carried Junior and they all left for the hospital.

At the hospital, they met the doctor who prescribed some medications for him and as well directed one of his nurses to dress the bru.ises on his face.

They left the hospital afterwards.

Immediately they got home, Amara’s phone started ringing. She checked it and it was her mother-in-law that was calling. She then picked up the call.

“Good day, ma.”

“My daughter, how are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Your husband’s number is not going through, hope everything is alright?”

“Yes mummy, we are fine. His phone had a little fault but he had fixed it. Maybe it’s network.”

“Okay, I just want to hear his voice. I’ll try calling again.”

“Okay, ma.”

She then ended the call.

Ikenna was there watching his wife as she covered up for him.

After that day, Ikenna stayed at home for a few days to recover before resuming work.

Later on, during the weekend, Ikenna took his wife and son out. They had a quality time together.

When they got back home, Ikenna told his wife to start looking out for a helper because he would like her to start working again.

“I need to send your CV to some of my friends,” he said.

“Thank you so much baby for changing your mind. I will go back to my workplace. My line manager had promised to take me back whenever I’m ready to come back.”


“Yes, after all, I didn’t resign.”

“That’s good news.”

Later on, they got a helper who stayed at home to take care of their child and as well help out with some household chores.

Amara happily resumed her job.

Meanwhile, Paul, Sandra and their hired assa.ssin were later sent to j.ail to suffer for the c.rime they co.mmitted.

Alhaji’s wife took full custody of Sandra’s shop and later sold everything in the shop and took the money.

Sandra later gave birth to a baby boy at the p.rison. Alhaji’s family took the child as she continued serving her jail terms.

Amara and Ikenna lived together happily and focused more on building their young family.


As a man, managing a relationship with both your wife and an ex-lover can have serious unintended consequences on your family.

Maintaining a relationship with an ex-lover when you are married can result in constant comparison of your current spouse to the ex-lover. This can create dissatisfaction in one’s marriage.

Appreciate a good wife when you have one, do not hurt her.


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