Who Am I?

Who Am I?

In a quiet town, nestled between mountains and a wide river, there was a street that everyone knew to avoid at night. It wasn’t because it was dangerous or scary; people just felt uneasy walking there after the sun went down. They would hear soft footsteps behind them, but when they turned around, no one was there. Some folks whispered about a ghost—a lady dressed in white who roamed the street.

Her name was Eleanor, though she couldn’t remember much about her life. She walked up and down the street, trying to find someone to talk to. But no one ever seemed to see her, except for Sam, a young girl with a special gift. Sam had a third eye, a way of seeing things that others couldn’t. She often saw shadows that didn’t belong and heard voices that no one else heard.

One night, as Sam was walking home from her friend’s house, she saw Eleanor but Sam was not sure if Eleanor was sitting or floating on a bench as she was in a bizarre position. She looked lost and sad. Sam could see her, even though most people couldn’t.

“Hello,” Sam said, waving at her. “Are you okay?”

Eleanor turned, surprised that someone spoke to her. “You can see me?” she asked, her voice soft and full of wonder.

“Yes,” Sam replied. “Why are you out here all alone?”

Eleanor sighed. “I don’t know,” she said. “I just walk, but I don’t know where I’m going.”

Sam looked at her, noticing how pale she was and how her dress seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. “I think you might be a ghost,” she said gently.

Eleanor’s eyes widened. “A ghost? But I don’t feel like a ghost. I feel… alive.”

Sam nodded. “Sometimes ghosts don’t know they’re ghosts. Maybe you need to find the light.”

“The light?” Eleanor asked, her eyes curious. “Where do I find it?”

“I think it’s where you’re supposed to go,” Sam explained. “It’s a place where you can rest and be at peace. I can help you find it, if you want.”

Eleanor nodded, a little unsure but hopeful. “Will you walk with me?” she asked.

“Of course,” Sam said, offering her hand. Eleanor reached out and took it, her touch as light as a feather.

They walked down the street together, with Sam leading the way. As they walked, Eleanor started to remember bits and pieces of her life. She remembered laughing with friends, playing in the park, and the day she got married. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it made her smile.

Finally, they reached the end of the street, where a soft, glowing light appeared. It was warm and inviting, and it seemed to call out to Eleanor.

“That’s the light,” Sam said. “You can go there, and you’ll be at peace.”

Eleanor looked at the light, then back at Sam. “Thank you for helping me,” she said. “I didn’t know where to go.”

Sam smiled. “It’s okay. I like helping people.”

Eleanor gave her a hug gesture, then turned toward the light. As she walked into it, she felt a great sense of calm. She knew she was finally home.

From that night on, the street was no longer a place people feared. The footsteps stopped, and the feeling of uneasiness vanished. Sam would walk down the street with a smile, knowing she had helped Eleanor find her way.