4: Three Drops of Blood is save?

Table of Contents

Once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife by the sea. They loved each other very much, and
they wanted to stay together forever. The husband was a fisherman. Every day, he would go out and
catch fish. Then he would sell the fishes to buy food in the market. Their lives were poor and hard,
but they were truly happy……………….Blood Story

But one day, the wife got sick. The husband was so worried that he spent
all of his money to ask for the help of the best doctor in the village. ‘Doctor, there must be a cure!’
‘Of course! There is a cure for everything.’ The doctor gave her all kinds of strange plants and drinks,
but she only got more sick.

‘This didn’t work, that didn’t work… but I can try something else. I just
need more time… and more money.’ In the end, the husband sold all of his things to pay for the

But still, his wife couldn’t get over her sickness, and finally she died. The man cried day in
and day out. He had no one in the world to love anymore. After she died, he put her body on a boat
and sent it out onto the sea, as the fishermen of the village did. ‘Sleep well, my love.

Drops Of Blood

I will see you
again in Heaven…’ Meanwhile, Buddha was sat high above, in Heaven. At that moment, he looked
down and saw the man crying by the sea, and the boat with his dead wife on it. Buddha saw that the
man loved her greatly, and felt very sad.

‘What can I do to help him?’ he said. So he became an old
man, and went down to the sea. He went up to the man, and said, ‘My dear man, I see that you are
crying. What makes you so unhappy?’ ‘Leave me alone! Go away!’ he cried. Then he stopped crying
for a moment, and looked at the man. blood

‘I’m sorry… Please don’t go. I’m all alone now, and nobody
will listen to me.’ ‘I will,’ said Buddha. The man sighed. ‘My wife died of an sickness. She is the one
on that boat.’ ‘I have travelled to many places,’ said Buddha. ‘I know a cure that could save her.’ ‘No
more cures!’ screamed the man. ‘That doctor gave me cure after cure, but none of them did
anything.’ blood story

The old man took his arm and looked him in the eyes. ‘This one will work. But you must make a
sacrifice.’ The husband answered at once, ‘I have nothing left to lose.’ ‘Good. Go out to that boat.
Cut your finger, and put three drops of blood on your wife’s mouth. She will come back to life.
However, remember this: your wife will have a debt to pay.

If you ever leave her, or she leaves you,
she must give three drops of blood to you. Then the debt will be paid.’ ‘I understand.’ The husband
took a stone and jumped into the sea. He swam through the water to the boat, and climbed on.
Then he cut his finger with the stone, and let the blood drop onto his wife’s mouth. For a moment,
nothing happened.

Then, her hands moved. ‘My love!’ She opened her eyes and laughed. ‘Hello,
dear.’ For a while, they just kissed and hugged, and said nothing. Then the man turned around,
because he wanted to thank the old man, but he was gone. The husband and wife returned to their

Their lives were still poor and hard, but the man was just as happy as before. But something
was different. As the months passed, the man’s wife became prettier and prettier. She was bright
with beauty, and every fisherman in the village looked at her.

In particular, one fisherman heard the strange story about how she died and became interested. He
was the richest fisherman in the village, and he wanted to marry her. He waited and, one day, the husband went travelling. Then the fisherman came to the house to visit the wife. She was amazingly

He said sweetly, ‘You are such a beautiful woman. Why do you live such a poor and hard
life here? I am rich. I could look after you and give you whatever you want. Won’t leave this man?
Won’t you marry me?’ The woman thought for a while and answered, ‘You are right. I have lived a
very hard life, and then I died. Now I live again, and things are harder than before. I will be your wife.
But first, I must pay my debt, and give my husband three drops of blood.’ A week passed, and the
husband returned home.

His wife was quieter than before, but she did not say why. One night, they
were walking on the beach. She fell on a rock, and a ring fell out of her pocket. She quickly picked it
up and put it away. ‘Where is that ring from?’ he said. They had never had money for rings.
‘Somebody gave it to me.’ ‘Who?’ ‘I… I wanted to wait—’ ‘What is going on?!’ the man cried. ‘I loved
you,’ said the woman, ‘but now I do not. I am sorry.

You looked after me well, but we are so poor. I
want a better life! Let us end this now.’ She picked up a stone, and cut open her finger. ‘Take my
blood. I will pay my debt.’ She lifted her finger to his mouth, but the man moved away. ‘I won’t!’ A
strong wind blew, and three drops of blood flew from her finger and went into the sea. Suddenly,
she was not there anymore.

She had disappeared. The man looked all around him, and cried out,
‘Hello?’ But his wife was gone forever. All he could see was something small and black, flying over
the sea. It was some kind of insect. Weeks passed, and the other villagers spoke of the insect. It
made a horrible buzzing sound, and it liked to bite people, and drink their blood. People called it the

Just as the mosquito flew around the village, so did the story of the two fishermen and
the woman between. ‘It is a lesson,’ said the people of the village. ‘You must stay with your man.’
The poor fisherman lived without his wife, sad and alone. The mosquito never visited his home, and
the debt was never paid.

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