Nancy made up her mind to pay back in full, to men who broke her heart and to the innocent ones who approached her for a relationship.

She suffered a bad relationship from the hands of her exes, they toiled and messed with her life and dumbed her.

Nancy didn’t find it funny that whenever she felt deeply in love, it would turn out that the particular guy would be a player and would use her to his satisfaction and then dumb her.

Nancy laid on the cold tiles, as she returned from Felix house on a hot Sunday afternoon.

Her world was broken down again, she didn’t believe that Felix of all guys , who was so innocent and humble would cheat and even denied her in the presence of another lady.

She thought of calling her friends to seek some advice from them, “but will it be the same storyline every time? She asked herself.

She scrolled through her phone, and watched the beautiful pictures and videos they took together, and read the beautiful love messages and chats from Felix.

“Men are truly unpredictable! Men are scum! God help my life.!. She said.

” I can’t believe I’m being messed with again, I love too easily, and I love so carelessly “.

” I don’t even give myself time to think, before jumping into relationships, and when I do, what I get in return is heartbreak!. Heartbreaks upon heartbreaks!

She cried and cried until she slept off, on the cold tiles, she woke up some hours later and still swam in the river of tears and heartbreak.

She started developing fever due to the constant cry and thinking.

** ** ** The next day came***

Nancy got to work and sat on her desk confused, she couldn’t concentrate, she kept crying and her tears wet some papers on her desk.

She put her head down on the desk slowly and dose off.

Some minutes later, Kemi walked into her office, “hi Nancy! She called.

” Nancy can you hear me, she said again, still there was no answer.

She went close taping her, “Nancy why are you sleeping on duty? She asked.

Nancy got startled and sat up, trying to arrange her dress and desk.

“Was I sleeping? She asked.

” Yes, you’ve been sleeping since, what is the matter with you ? Kemi asked.

“Ahmm nothing actually, I’ve not been feeling too well for some days now. She replied.

” Okay, Boss has been waiting for the document she asked you to submit, so she sent me to remind you. Kemi said as she started to leave.

“Okay thank you, I will go there right away.

Nancy got dressed properly and walked into her boss’s office.

Mrs Fadekemi scolded her for taking her time, and not presenting the document on time.

Nancy was about apologizing when she felt a strong urge to throw up, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, as she belch loudly.

“What was that? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

” So sorry ma, I think I need to use the convenience”. Nancy said as she made a move to leave.

” You can use mine, because I’m not done with you”. Mrs Fadekemi added.

Nancy was about to leave, when the urge came again strongly, and before she knew it, she had vomited in her hands.

It prompted Mrs Fadekemi and she stood up to open the toilet door for her.

Nancy washed off the vomits in the bathroom, and mopped off the ones on the floor.

She pleaded with her boss to forgive her, Mrs Fadekemi understood so she forgave her and asked her what the problem was.

Nancy still didn’t know what was wrong with her, so she didn’t know the response to give.

” Just make sure you go to the hospital and run some tests before taking any medications”. Mrs Fadekemi said and went back to her work.

” Okay ma, thank you so much for understanding”. Nancy said and stood up to leave.

She got to her desk and started thinking of what occurred in her boss’s office, she strongly refused to adhere to the feelings that she was pregnant.

” I know I can’t be pregnant, I just saw my flow two weeks ago, what kind of pregnancy would that be for? She asked herself as she got back to work.

She was still weak and couldn’t do anything, so she took permission from her boss, Mrs Fadekemi granted her almost immediately and she left.

Nancy walked on the busy road with dizzy eyes, she was almost brushed up by a speeding vehicle.

People shouted from different directions and she got startled and made her way.

The Lady in the vehicle wound down the glass, and offered to give Nancy a lift.

She hopped in without hesitation and the lady zoomed off.

They exchanged contacts and the lady got some information from Nancy.

A few minutes later, the Lady dropped her off at her place and she happily walked down to her house which was not far from the bus-stop.

Nancy got home and still checked her phone to see if Felix would call, but there was no call or text from Felix.

Even when Nancy sent out numerous texts to him, yet, he ghosted her.

Nancy tried her best to get over Felix but the harder she tried, the harder it became of her.

She was still in deep thoughts of what to do and how to get back to Felix, and at the same time thinking of what had happened in her boss’s office earlier.

A call came in from an Unknown number, she quickly picked thinking it was Felix who probably used a different number to call her.

She picked the call and kept quiet to hear whose voice it will be.

“Hello Nancy! A lady said over the phone.

” Hi good evening, who’s this? She asked.

“Yeah good evening” it’s Helena, the lady that gave you a lift earlier. The lady said.

“Oh yeah, thank you so much for that offer. I really do appreciate it” Nancy said excitedly.

“Yeah, it’s nothing. sssshh shiii. Helena said as he made some sounds.

” What sound was that? Nancy asked.

” Oh!, that! Baby can I call you on a video call? She asked.

“Hello? Are you talking to someone else? Nancy asked as she became more curious.

” Nah nah, I’m talking to you, let’s switch to video call I want to show you something. Helena said.

“Alright, that’s fine, let me add you up. Nancy said as she ran to her what’sapp.

Nancy quickly ran to her WhatsApp to see what Helena had for her, she opened her DM and immediately she saw Helena’s nude pictures displayed on her DM.

Her eyes popped out of it sockets as she covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief.

“What is this girl up to? Could she be a lesbian?, why is she sending me nude pictures? And even calling me baby?. She murmured to herself.

She was still thinking about what Helena meant by sending her nude pictures, when Helena called on a video call.

Nancy quickly picked with all curiosity, waiting to hear what Helena had to say next.

“Hi sweetie! Helena said as her face showed over the phone screen of Nancy.

“What is the meaning of what you sent to me? She asked.

“Stop the presence girl!!, I want you to be mine”. Helena responded as she romance her laps and licking her lips, I want us to be friends,I promise to take good care of you.

“I don’t understand, are you a lesbian? Nancy asked still had her eyes focused on Helena’s boobs.

” Calm down girl, you’re shouting!!! Helena said smiling

Nancy angrily ended the video call and Mabel’s call came in almost immediately.

“Hello Nancy, Mabel, Nancy’s best friend, said over the phone.

” Hello Mabel how are you doing.

“I am fine I saw Felix with another lady in a mall? Mabel said

” Yeah, I know. Nancy replied carelessly.

” Since when? And you haven’t told me?

“What would you do if I told you?, Girl please, there is really no need for that”. Nancy responded harshly.

“My only concern is the way I am feeling right now, I want to go for a proper test in the hospital, I feel very funny. She added.

“Gurl, let it not be what I’m thinking ooo. Better buckle up ooo. Guys will see your future and mess with it o. Mabel said.

Nancy got stuck in thoughts as Mabel ended the call, she didn’t want to believe she was pregnant for someone that had just broken up with her.

She quickly grabbed her ATM card and rushed to the nearby pharmacy to conduct a test.

The lady in the store attended to her and asked her if she came with her urines, she didn’t go with anything, so the lady pointed to the restroom and gave her a mini bowl and asked her to urinate in it, and also took her blood sample.

Some minutes later, she finished attending to her and told her to go and return after some hours, so she could get her test results, and by that time, her result must have been ready.

But Nancy firmly resisted “don’t worry I will wait”. She said with a trembling voice. Her eyes were still watching the ceiling, as she chewed her finger nail.

“Ma please, I am attending to other people, and it might take a little bit of time to attend to you, please just come back”. The lady said.

” Don’t worry please, even if it’s till night, I am going to wait”. Nancy replied with her heart beating very fast.

” Okay, if you say so,”. The lady added and went back to attend to other people.

Nancy was still lost in thoughts of what fate will be determined for her when Felix entered the store with her hands on a lady’s shoulders.

“He saw Nancy but pretended like she didn’t exist, he held the lady’s hand and walked to the attendant to request for Condom. ” Please do you have CD? He asked”.

Immediately Nancy heard that, it got her attention and she looked up to see who it was, her heart raced again as she saw Felix standing with another lady.

She couldn’t say a word to him, tears rolled down her cheeks and her lips started shaking as she didn’t know if she should approach Felix or not.

” Ma please my boss said you should come to her office, one of the attendant said to Nancy.

Nancy immediately rushed in, with the intentions of coming to breaking the news to Felix, at that time that she had the opportunity.

A few seconds later, Nancy came out all sweaty and scared, she looked round to check for Felix, but he had already gone outside and was on a call, leaving his girlfriend to shop for some toiletries.

She grabbed her handbag and was about opening the glass door when she sighted Felix standing outside.

She quickly ran out to meet with him. “Hi Babe”. Nancy said coldly, still scared at Felix reaction as she expected the worst.

Felix turned slowly and looked at Nancy up to her toes and looked away, while he still had his phone on his ear, and pocketing his right hand.

“Please can we talk?” She asked with teary eyes.

Felix deliberately ignored Nancy, leaving her in a discomfited state.

“Fine, fine! I don’t want anything from you I just want to tell you that I am carrying your baby, I am pregnant for you Felix”. Nancy said.

“Preg what? What did I just hear?” Shuga, Felix’s new girlfriend interrupted as she walked in on them angrily.

” Who is she Felix? She asked.

“Shuga let’s leave here, I don’t know what she is talking about.

” You can’t be serious, do you think I’m daft? How can someone walk up to you from nowhere and tell you she’s carrying your baby, and you are here telling me you don’t know what she is saying? Really? Shuga fired angrily.

Felix walked out on the two girls like he didn’t know them, they turned and looked at each in shock.

“Hi! Nancy voiced coldly and walked out.

” Hey, who are you to Felix and what is the pregnancy thing I’m hearing all for?. Shuga fired at Nancy.

“Mtchh, you are Felix mother na, come and ask me why I took in For him. Nancy murmured as she walked away.

She walked on the busy road, with thousands of thoughts running in her mind.

She thought of calling Mabel to break the news, but Mabel might advise her otherwise.

She didn’t want to harm the innocent baby in her womb, and at the same time Felix won’t accept the pregnancy.

Even when she knew Felix to be a Playboy, who goes around sleeping with different women and dumbing them, she still had intense love for Felix.

“I have aborted 3 good times for Felix, and even if I tell him, he will still give me money to abort, which I am not ready to.” She said and tears started dropping from her eyes. Immediately her mind hardened against men, and men of all kinds.

She got home and opened the door and entered angrily, leaving it to jam forcefully.

“Whether na to join lesbianism and have peace of mind, because men have messed with my life.” She soliloquize.

She picked up her phone and looked at it confused. She didn’t know if she should call Felix or Helena.

After much contemplation and head wagging, Nancy finally decided to call Helena, to tell her about her intentions to join lesbianism.

She didn’t want men to play with her heart any longer, she was tired of constant heartbreak and disappointments in relationships.

“Hi Helena” she said over the phone.

“Hi baby, Helena responded all smiling.

” You have finally made up your mind yeah? She asked.

“I don’t know, I just feel like talking to someone to release some thoughts off my head. Nancy replied.

” How about I come over? Helena asked.

*If that is fine by you”. Nancy said.

They hung up and Helena drove all the way to Nancy’s house as she had known the address already.

She knocked on the door and Nancy opened, “my love! Helena said and hugged Nancy.

” Why is your face so gloomy, what is the problem? She asked.

“Can I confide in you? Nancy asked.

” Of course yes, why am I here then?, I’m here for you baby”. Helena responded.

” I am pregnant for my boyfriend” Nancy said and went to sit on the sofa, and poured juice in the two glasses and gave one to Helena.

” Ouch! Pregnant? Helena asked with eyes wide open, “but he doesn’t want it! Nancy chipped in almost immediately.

” What? He doesn’t want it?.. men!! She exclaimed.

“That is why I decided to call you, but I haven’t done this before! How and where do I start from?” Nancy asked.

“You don’t need all those explanations, just start here, Helena said as she moved closer to Nancy and touched her softly on her boobs.

“Ouch! Nancy voiced surprisingly. Shhhh! Be calm girl, you will enjoy this! Helena whispered softly in her ears.

She spread Nancy on the couch like a baby, and made her way through her smooth laps.

Her hands moved slowly on Nancy’s thigh as she romanced her intensely to stir arousal, she made her way through to Nancy’s Vagina, using her tongue to send some inciting stimulants to hrr clitoris.

Nancy enjoyed every bit of the process and wanted more, she solemnly succumbed to Helena’s instructions, to take off her clothes as they lay on the couch and Helena made her way.

The two girls were richly out of the earth when Mabel left a heavy bang on the door.

“Gbem! gbem! gbem!, Nancy! She called. Open the door babe girl.

It startled them and they quickly rushed to put on their clothes, leaving Mabel to wait outside for some moments.

“Yeah! I, just hold on, I’m coming. Nancy replied as she quickly dressed up.

Nancy opened the door and Mabel walked in, Immediately Helena looked up to greet her and Mabel recognized her.

” Helena, what are you doing here”. Mabel asked expressing a surprise face and suspecting Helena to have made out with Nancy.

“Hi Mabel, Helena greeted and focused back on her phone.

Mabel walked in to Nancy’s bedroom and whispered for her to join her.

Nancy quickly ran to Mabel and she closed the door.

“Are you aware that babe is a lesbian? Mabel asked with curiosity written all over her face.

“Emh, I don’t think so, I don’t know”. Nancy replied with a shaky voice.

Mabel sat on the bed while Nancy walked out of the door, Mabel looked at her and saw her back of trouser wet and stained, immediately she called her back.

Nancy entered the second time and Mabel gave her a suspicious look.

“What is it babe, Nancy asked pretending to be okay.

” Infact nothing, just go. Nancy left the second time and Mabel shook her head in disappointment.

“Helena, I feel very bad! Nancy said looking at Helena with teary eyes. “Are you sure we are doing the right thing? She added.

” Did you enjoy it or not? Helena asked amidst her question, fixing her lust eyes in Nancy’s own, and seducing her another time.

“I think I did, but… ” No but! Helena disrupted, placing her finger softly on Nancy’s lips.

Nancy sat back on the couch folding her hands, her heart was racing fast like she had missed something.

She kept thinking, if joining lesbianism was the right choice, even as she wanted to show men the bad side of her and working wicked to revenge for all they did to her.

She thought of the times she had aborted, the times she got heartbroken, the times men denied her just to be with another woman in bed.

She thought of the baby in her womb, how she will go about it, since Felix had shut her out of his life and was never bothered about the pregnancy.

Her world turned upside down as she encountered a different side of life since she the day she met Helena.

“But did Helena come with the right intentions to her life? She asked herself.

Weeks went by and Nancy and Helena were constantly making out, Nancy was fully introduced into the game.

She got so indulged in it that she didn’t go a day without calling out to Helena to come over to her place, or she will move to Helena’s place to get her yearning satisfied.

She started losing much interest in men, even when she had them in line asking her out, she didn’t trust no man and never wanted a heartbreak ever again.

But what got her really broken was the fact that, there was a child growing in her womb.

She didn’t want to hear the word “abortion”, after she had shaded 3 innocent blood for Felix who played her like a card game.

Nancy made up her mind to keep her child and become a baby mama.

But that was against Helena’s will, who became her husband and didn’t want anything to take Nancy’s attention away from her.

And for the fact that, she didn’t want to lick Nancy’s Vagina while she still had pregnancy on, to avoid some infectious discharge or probably discharge from a pregnant woman.

** **. Nancy visited Felix one early morning, and knocked on the door.

Felix opened the door and let her in. Nancy sat on the sofa putting out a hard look, as if visiting Felix didn’t mean anything.

“What can I do for you Nancy?. Felix asked.

” I am carrying your child, I am carrying your child for goodness sake, why are you so heartless?

“Did I commit any crime by accepting to have you in my life?, where did I go wrong?. Nancy said shouting out loud

Felix looked softly into her eyes and went to sit by her side on the sofa, lighting his mariju@na.

” Babe, you know I am not ready for a child now, which I have discussed with you on several occasions, and before that I, I want to say I’m sorry for putting you through this stress, this past weeks. Felix replied softly.

“I want you back in my life, I promise to make it up to you. He added.

Nancy looked at him with frail hearts, she got some flashbacks on how Felix had apologized several times, got her gifts and took her out on different occasions, but would still deny her in the presence of another woman, just to get down with her.

Immediately her heart hardened against Felix, she pushed him away and stood to her feet.

“Hey, listen to me, I am not here for your cock and bull stories okay?. I am here to know your stand on this pregnancy and that’s all”.

“All this you’re insinuating are in the past, and will remain there, I don’t want a relationship with you ever again”. She yelled.

Felix was moved by Nancy’s reaction, he became moody for some moments before finally voicing “take the stuff out, I’m not ready”. He said coldly.

“I can’t do that, I will sue you, I can’t try that, you impregnated me, you should take responsibility, I can’t abort for you again, not in this life, not in the next. Nancy fired back and opened the door to leave.

” But I still love you”! Felix echoed!

Nancy stood still at the door post confused, she didn’t know if Felix meant what he said, or he just wanted to get her under his duvet and dumb her.

She finally made up her mind to leave, leaving the door to jam so hard that it startled Felix.

She got home and met Helena waiting for her in her car.

” Hi sweetheart “. Nancy greeted.

” I have been calling you, but your line is not connecting, what’s up where are you coming from. Helena asked.

“I am coming from Felix place. Nancy replied.

” Felix ? Your ex? Gurl, what do you really want?

“Today you want to be with me, tomorrow with Felix? Really?.

” Let me announce this, and for the last time, I am a jealous lover, a freaking jealous lover. I don’t share my babe with anyone, not even the so-called Felix. Helena responded harshly as she opened the car door and walked up to the door, waiting for Nancy to open.

Nancy opened the door and both went in.

“What did he do to you? Helena asked curiously, ” nothing, he only said he wants me back”. Nancy replied coldly.

” He can’t be serious, because you are not going back there, I won’t allow such, like I said, I don’t share my babe, I don’t like being cheated on. Know this.

“Why are you giving me that look? Helena asked.

” He said I should take out the pregnancy! Nancy added.

“Of course, did you want to keep it before?, abeg take out that bastard and do it with immediate effect.

” If you love me and value this relationship, you should do the needful “. She added.

“I can’t take out this pregnancy Helena”, not now, and not in my next life. I love you and want to be with you, but you see this pregnancy, I will keep it. Nancy yelled harshly on Helena who instructed her to abort.

“Do you really love me?, do you want me in your life at all? Why are you so adamant? Helena fired back.

“What if something happens to me?, because the last pregnancy I took out, I was warned to be careful!.

” Just what if? What if I lose my life, or my womb? What do you stand to gain in all of this?. Nancy asked, staring at Nancy with wet eyes.

“Do you really want to die, because you’re supposed to affirm positivity right now. When you are ready for our relationship and to take out that bastard in your womb, let me know. Helena said and walked out on Nancy, banging the door roughly.

Nancy became really despondent, her world was crumbling before her very eyes. Friends started leaving at the time she needed them the most.

It was like she had made a life drowning mistake, by wanting to keep the child in her womb, but it seemed the world was against her.

Nobody wanted her to keep the pregnancy, but she made up her mind to keep the baby. Even tho she didn’t have enough money to take care of her self and the child.

**She got to work one Wednesday morning and sat on her desk broken.

She thought of telling her boss the burden she carried, but she was scared her boss might probably sack her, or convince her to abort the pregnancy, which she didn’t want to hear.

“Oh God, what doom has befallen me? If I should call my mother, she will just finish me, she will disown me, God please just help me”. She said crying.

She breathed out heavily and pulled herself together and put a call through to her mother.

“Hello mama, she said with a broken voice.

“my daughter, what happened to you, why do you sound so sad?, the mother asked.

“Mama, I am not fine! She replied

” What is the problem with you, why are you not fine? The mother asked.

“Mama please, I am so sorry, I know you’ve tried so much for me, but along the line I have disappointed you”.

“What is the problem, go straight to the point”. The mother said already scared.

“Mama please, just forgive me please, I know I’ve…

” You’re getting me scared already Nancy, what is it just say it. Okay I have forgiven you already, what is it? She cut in.

“Mama, I am pregnant!!, I am so sorry mama. Nancy said crying.

“And the father? The mother asked.

Her mother went mute over the phone, as Nancy couldn’t answer, and Nancy kept shouting “hello”. She ended the call without saying anything.

Nancy kept calling, but to no avail. She then proceeded to meet her boss.

She knocked on the door and her boss responded from inside, telling her to come in. Nancy went in trying to clean up the runny nose and tears in her eyes, but it was late cuz her boss noticed it.

“What happened to you Nancy, Mrs Fadekemi asked in surprise.

” Good morning ma, Ma I am fine”. She said.

“You’re not fine, you’re crying already and you said you’re alright, do I look like a child to you. Mrs Fadekemi responded angrily urging Nancy to say what the problem was.

Nancy was already scared by her response, but she pulled herself together and released what was on her mind, expecting the worst from Mrs Fadekemi.

” Ma please, I love my Job, I love to work for you, but I just discovered that I’m pregnant, but I am not ready to leave my job”.

” So what do you want me to do for you, Mrs Fadekemi cut in and Nancy became more frightened.

Tears started rolling from her eyes, “ma please I want to request if I can still work for you until I put to birth?. Nancy asked with a shaky tone, and this time her heartbeat increased.

” Hhmm! This is hard, Nancy, who is the father? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

Nancy was really broken by what her boss asked her, it was a shameful thing that a classy girl like her didn’t have a father to her unborn child.

She went mute for some minutes and Mrs Fadekemi didn’t bother asking again.

“I understand, I really feel for you, pregnancies aren’t children’s playground, do you have anyone around to take care of you? She asked.

” No ma, but I will call my mother”. Nancy replied facing down.

” Okay that’s fine Nancy, I will get back to you before the end of today”. Mrs Fadekemi added and Nancy left.

She was still scared and not certain about Mrs Fadekemi’s decision.

Immediately she began to lose hope on everything around her, she didn’t feel any good taste at the moment.


At about 3:45 noon, Mrs Fadekemi called Nancy into her office again, and asked her deeper questions, Who the father of her child was and where he came from .

But Nancy didn’t want to open up to her boss, she didn’t want her boss to know that she has been dating her son all along.

Of course Mrs Fadekemi knew her son was a womanizer, she had scolded him severally in the presence of Nancy and other of her workers.

But Felix wouldn’t change, instead he goes about sleeping with them, of which Nancy was aware.

Nancy had caught Felix with her colleagues in his house several times, and some would even fight her just to have him.

Nancy and her co workers sometimes kept malice within themselves because of Felix.

“Nancy, I really do not want to intrude in your privacy, you have to call the father of this baby, and tell him what he needs to know.

” You guys should make peace and decide the fate of this baby”. She said.

” But ma, it’s because the father doesn’t want it, he wants me to abort my baby, which I do not want to do”. Nancy replied.

” I want to keep this baby, with reasons , I don’t want to loose my life or my child”.

That Is why I came to you ma, please, let me still work with you, until I put to birth. She added.

” Okay, do you have anyone to take care of you, or run errands for you when the pregnancy becomes bigger? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

“Hhhmmm, ma, I really do not have anyone right now, and …. She said, and another round of tears gushed out her eyes, as she gasped.

“It’s okay, stop crying”. Mrs Fadekemi said petting her.

“My mother doesn’t want to hear that I got pregnant out of wedlock, she will disown me”. She added.

“Okay, that’s okay, I will help you with the little I can”. Mrs Fadekemi said.

When the pregnancy gets to 4-5 months, I will arrange a room for you in my house, so you can move in with us.

“You know it’s just me, my husband and Felix my son, the cleaners do come and go, so till then.

Immediately it struck Nancy like a bomb, she never wanted to behold Felix ever again, and she didn’t want his parents to know that she had had something to do with him.

Even as she was delighted to hear that Felix’s mother wanted to assist her, but she became worried, really worried.

She didn’t want Mrs Fadekemi to know that she and her son had been having an affair all along, she didn’t know if she should accept Mrs Fadekemi’s offer or not.

Nancy nodded her head in agreement to Mrs Fadekemi’s offer, tho she was scared to say she will think about it, she thought if she gave it time, Mrs Fadekemi might change her mind.

She didn’t want the offer to go because of Felix, moreover she had hardened her mind against men, and even Felix.

She got home and couldn’t concentrate as the thoughts of moving in with Mrs Fadekemi kept running through her mind.

“If I mistakenly move in with these people, Felix might want to come to me, and I might fall in his trap again, because I still love him. I can feel it that I still love him.

I’m still deeply in love with everything about him, I think of him each day, but he doesn’t mean well for me, yeah! he is just after my body and that’s all”. She murmured.

But what if I open up to his parents, that Felix is responsible, and they take care of me and their child, when the child grows I will go my way

I think that is what I should do, I will tell his mother I will move in with them, I will reveal everything to them, they will take care of me and my child until I’m back to my feet.

That is a really nice idea, but “this time around I promise myself not to be a fool ever again. Men can never play with my emotions again.

When I’m finally back to my feet, I will show them what I’m made of. She murmured alone in the room while crossing her heart. She looked in the mirror and beat her chest so hard promising to deal with men when time comes.


Nancy was in the bathroom when Helena kept knocking on the door as if she wanted to bring it down.

She kept on screaming at Nancy’s name thinking Nancy intentionally shut the door against her.

Nancy rushed out from the bathroom with soap and water on her body as she heard Helena’s voice.

She opened the door and Helena was waiting to attack, but when she saw that Nancy still had soap on, she calmed her nerves and spoke with her gently.

“Why have you not called me baby? Helena asked.

” Nothing, I just felt we needed some time to fix things.”

I miss you no doubt, but I’m not accepting the idea of aborting my baby. Nancy replied coldly, putting on a sad and frowny face.

“Come to think of it, how would you even start? Keeping a child that has no father? Becoming a single mother at this age? Helena asked haphazardly.

“Anyways that is not what brought me here, you know why I’m here baby, she said licking her lips.

“Wait, I’m so shocked that you can’t accept something that comes from me, You’re only after my body and not my happiness.” Nancy said expressing bitterness.

” No baby, don’t say that, it’s just that you’re so adamant and can’t admit somebody else’s opinion, but in this case, permit me to make you happy. Helena said tickling Nancy, and she gave a weak smile trying to adjust to Helena’s horny feelings.

Helena left a soft kiss on Nancy’s neck and pulled her close slowly, she grabbed her butts and boobs and it sent a sweet sensation to Nancy’s veins, but she disrupted the moments as she rushed to the bathroom to bathe off her soapy skin.

Helena didn’t allow her to finish bathing when she quickly pulled off her clothes and joined her in the shower.

She gently penetrated Nancy’s v@g… With her finger, leaving Nancy to moan throughout the sweet moments.

Soon after they left the shower, Nancy and Helena started gisting, telling her about the recent happenings, and how Felix’s mother offered to accommodate her without knowing that Felix is responsible for the pregnancy.

“Men will stain your white girl, that is why I chose girls, with all my heart and everything in me, I choose girls over men, what do they do that we can’t do?

Please spare me “the men trash” . Helena said putting out a careless look.

“Toor, this time around ehh, if any man wants to have anything to do with me, it’s “money for hand back for ground” , I ain’t joking babe. Nancy added.

” Excuse me, what did you just say? Helena asked shockingly.

That if a man asks you out, you will accept? How many times have I told you that I don’t share my babe? Helena yelled.

“It’s not like that, I don’t even have the intentions to go into a relationship with any man, I’m only saying if any man wants me, we will just hook up and he pays”. Nancy replied carelessly, looking away with a hardened mind.

“I heard you right the first time, I am telling you that I don’t share my babe, be it relationship or hookup, I DO NOT SHARE MY BABE PERIOD!!. read my lips. Helena added and stood up to leave.

Nancy pleaded with her to stay and keep her company and also apologized and took back her words faintly.

Deeply she knew what she wanted, she didn’t mean well for men of all kinds, irrespective of Helena’s nagging, that wasn’t her concern, she wanted to play with men’s heart as she likes, regardless of their love for her.


The same night, Mrs Fadekemi called her husband’s attention to Nancy’s case, explaining to him how she wants to offer her a helping hand by bringing her to their house.

Of course, her husband was a philanthropist, he had the mind of pity for both young and old, he was known for helping people both far and near.

But he objected to the idea of moving Nancy to their house, instead offering to assist her with any amount to help her throughout her pregnancy period.

But after much pleading and persuasion, Mr Ridwan gave in and accepted Nancy to move in with them.

But Mrs Fadekemi had other motives, Mr Ridwan was shocked when his wife raised an alarm to convince Nancy and marry her off to their only son Felix after delivery.

“Woman! That is not going to happen, Felix is all grown, so allow him to make his choice.

“But that’s his choice, I have been seeing corny movements between two of them whenever he comes around to the office, but I just decided to keep calm”. Mrs Fadekemi said.

But when I asked her about the father of her unborn child, expecting to hear that Felix is the father, but she dashed my expectations, she said the father denied the pregnancy and told her to get rid of it, which she doesn’t want to do. She added.

” Have you called Felix’s attention to this? Mr Ridwan asked in amazement.

“No honey, they don’t know that I knew of their relationship from onset”. Mrs Fadekemi replied.

Please just do this for me honey, I beg of you, if there is anything you will do to make me happy, it is definitely this. She added touching her husband’s beards and teasing him.

The night went well for Helena and Nancy, as they played out what they knew best.

Nancy enjoyed every bit of it, she preferred and constantly wanted Helena over men.

Helena who never got tired, tried her best to make Nancy get indulged in lesbianism more than anything

“Promise you will never leave me for anyone? Helena amidst moaning, in one of the hot rounds, leaving Nancy to moan out the answer, “no baby, I promise”. She replied.

“Same here, I will stay with you forever, nothing will ever separate us”. Helena added.


Mabel received a call very early in the morning from Nancy, asking her for some advice on moving in with Mrs Fadekemi.

“I think that’s a very nice idea, if only she won’t later change her mind”. Mabel said.

“But do you think I should tell her about Felix as the owner of the pregnancy?” Nancy asked.

“Yes please, I really feel you should open up to them, let them be aware of the baby they are taking care of. Mabel replied happily, urging Nancy to open up to Mrs Fadekemi and her husband.

Nancy was all joyed by Mabel advice, she was ready to tell Mrs Fadekemi who the father of her unborn child was.

But things took a turn when rumours got to Felix about her moving in with his parents and he came to warn Nancy.

Felix banged on Nancy’s door heavily, he started screaming right from outside and it frightened Nancy to open the door with immediate effect.

“Nancy or what ever you call yourself, I heard you’re moving in with my parents soon? I don’t care and I don’t have anything to do with you, but keep my name off your mouth”.

I don’t know you, you don’t know me, we never met, and as for the child, if you are not ready to take it out, keep it and father it, I am not interested. I won’t warn you again. He said and stormed back into his car and zoomed off.

Nancy was left devastated, she held her phone which she used in recording Felix voice for evidence sake, for a long time without remembering she actually did.

“Who could have told Felix I am moving in with his parent? Could it be his mother? I am not sure, because she doesn’t even know we have a thing in common “. She toiled herself with rhetorical questions, before finally preparing for work.

She got to work and Mrs Fadekemi didn’t wait for her to settle before asking her to come to her office.

Nancy’s head was wagging because of too many thoughts, but she managed to get to her boss office.

“I have spoken with my husband, and he has approved your stay, and I am so excited to say this. Mrs Fadekemi said smiling widely.

“Oh that?, thank you so much ma I really appreciate it, but… Nancy replied

“But what?, Mrs Fadekemi asked with a change of mood.

“Nothing ma, I will gladly move in with you.”. She added.

“Is there any problem? Mrs Fadekemi asked again. “No ma, not at all, I was just considering the time, but I will move in as soon as possible”. Nancy added.

Mrs Fadekemi asked her about her pregnancy symptoms and well being, she went as far as covering up the expenses for her antenatal and other pregnancy checkups.

Nancy was so excited to hear that, she became more close to Mrs Fadekemi’s, tho she still had the feeling to Open up to her, but was scared of Felix’s threats.

She kept calm and started drafting out her movements, she planned to mind her business as soon as she got to Mrs Fadekemi’s house.


Two months later, Nancy was given a leave at her work place, she was already replaced by a new staff covering up until her resumption.

Mrs Fadekemi made all arrangements with her husband and got Nancy ready to move in with them.

The day came and Mrs Fadekemi called on Felix her son to volunteer to bring Nancy to the house.

“Hi son good day” Mrs Fadekemi greeted Felix who sat in the garden having a good time with his phone and sipping from his glass of wine…

“Hi mother, how you? Felix replied with a question.

” I’m doing just fine, trust you do too? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

“Yes mom, as you can see”. Felix replied all smiling.

“Alright son, I want to send you an errand!. She chipped in.

Felix looked up with surprise all written in his face, it been years since his mother sent him on an errand, they had drivers and janitors both at home and at work.

It was really shocking to hear, but he gave in without arguments.

“What!? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

” Nothing mother, what do you want me to do for you? Felix asked still surprised.

“I want you to go to take my car to this place and pick up a young lady, she is already waiting for me, so I want you to go just fast. Mrs Fadekemi added as she handed him a written note, containing Nancy’s address.

At first Felix thought it was probably a new hired house help, but when he checked the address again, his blood went cold, he was surprised to know it was Nancy that his mother sent him to pick up.

He as well didn’t want his mother to know they had had something in common, and he didn’t want anything to go fishy, so he stood up putting up a frowny look and left.

Mrs Fadekemi watched her son Left in anger, she wasn’t surprised, because she knew she was playing out smartly on them

Felix changed into something good and entered his mother’s car, as she instructed, to pick Nancy up.

Nancy saw her boss’s car coming and an exciting feeling tingled in her heart, she tried to see through the tinted glass, but couldn’t.

She quickly hugged Mabel who excorted her outside and bid her good bye before moving close to the car.

Felix became more furious the moment Nancy held the car door to open and hopped in for the front sit.

“Good morning ma” Nancy greeted with excitement before looking up to see it was Felix. “Oh my goodness” she exclaimed.

“Good morning, afternoon, sorry good day Felix” she greeted, stammering, as she became frightened by Felix appearance.

Felix snubbed her and made sure she settled well in the car seat before moving.

He drove as tho he was forced to, leaving Nancy to pray and cover her dear life with the blood of Jesus, as she held the seat belt with all her strength.

She couldn’t tell him to slow down, the two sitted juxtaposing, as Felix speedily arrived at his parents compound.

Felix drove into the compound all frowny and boiling. He pieced deeply into Nancy’s eyes with anger.

Mrs Fadekemi was waiting to receive Nancy warmly, she walked down to the car and Nancy opened and greeted her almost prostrating.

Felix tried to fake a smile so Mrs Fadekemi would not notice, but anger was written all over his face as he became uncomfortable with Nancy around.

Mrs Fadekemi could read through Felix’s facial expression, as he was boiling in anger, she was wondering why he had to suddenly flare up, but she ignored him and held Nancy by the hand as she picked her mini hand box from the car and they went in.

“I have to leave this house for my small apartment, I will manage however it is, I can sense trouble coming. He said and got his car keys from his pocket, he entered his car and zoomed off.

“I’m sorry ma’am, I didn’t come with all my boxes and the rest things”. Nancy chipped in as she sat on the couch scared, still had her eyes on the door to see if Felix will barge in, or yell at her.

“Oh that’s not a problem, you can always bring them anytime”. Mrs Fadekemi replied.

She showed Nancy her room and she moved in. After a while, Nancy came out all beautiful, as she changed into a simple skinny dress, leaving her little baby bomb to point out and that got Mrs Fadekemi smiling all over.

“Pregnancy really looks good on you”. Mrs Fadekemi praised her.

Immediately Nancy’s heart leaped, she felt bad and wished she could open up and be free from the truth hunting her.

“Thank you ma, she replied and gave out a weak smile trying to hold back tears.

“You’re welcome darling, my husband will soon be back, so I want you to feel really comfortable and feel at home, if anything bothers you, share with me, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know. She said.

” As you can see, my husband is a philanthropist, he likes helping, in fact, he enjoys helping people. So he will be so happy to have you home”. She added grinning hard to get Nancy to feel the same way.

” I really appreciate this act of kindness mom!, ma.”

” Ohh!, You can call me mother, mummy or ma, whichever one you feel comfortable with!!. Mrs Fadekemi cut in leaving Nancy to be all astonished and overwhelmed.

“Okay, thank you mother! Nancy added giggling.

” Oh I think I love that, that is what my son calls me too.” Mrs Fadekemi said and laughed ” I think I’m really liking you more now.

Nancy’s heart leaped faster, she became uncomfortable around Mrs Fadekemi almost immediately “maybe this woman wants to get words from my mouth, oh my goodness.” She murmured inwardly.

” God just help me to be careful, I can’t even try saying anything about this pregnancy, Felix will just swallow me raw.”

” Are you alright? Mrs Fadekemi asked as she noticed Nancy suddenly became tensed.

“Yes mother, I am alright”. She replied.

They were still discussing when a car honked outside, “oh that should be my husband.” Mrs Fadekemi said and they both went outside to check.

Jide, Mr Ridwan’s driver stepped out and rushed to pick some packages from the boot, and Nancy assisted to carry some inside.

Mrs Fadekemi went closer to welcome her husband, he stepped out gently and gave her a kiss. “How is my queen doing? Mr Ridwan asked smiling, holding his wife by the waist as the gist and went inside.

Mrs Fadekemi couldn’t wait to introduce Nancy to her husband, she asked him to sit on the sofa while she left to call Nancy, and immediately Nancy walked into the living room.

“oh here she comes, she said and Mr Ridwan looked up and was shocked to see that the young lady his wife wanted him to help was actually his ex girlfriend, one of the young ladies had been chasing.

Nancy too fixed her eyes on Mr Ridwan in surprise, they both stared at each other for long without a word.

Mrs Fadekemi looked in bewilderment as her husband and Nancy stared at each other lost.

“Hm hmm, have you too met before now? She said and it startled them”.

“Emh yes honey, I’m trying to recall, I think it’s in one of the outreach, when I and my team went to, eh, actually extend a helping hand to some people “. Mr Ridwan immediately covered up.

” Yes ma, I think I know him before now, he has helped me before and I will never forget it, I’m so glad that I happen to meet him again, thank you so much sir for your kindness.” Nancy added faking smiles.

” Oh that’s great, that’s lovely, so I don’t need to do the introduction any longer, since you both know each other. Mrs Fadekemi said grinning, she was all happy and overjoyed, but deep down, she wasn’t convinced about their explanations, but played along.


The day went by and Nancy wasn’t still comfortable with the corny laughs and movements of Mrs Fadekemi, and the presence of Mr Ridwan her ex boyfriend.

She got tired of the house but didn’t know how to convince Mrs Fadekemi that she wanted to leave in her day one in the house.

she sensed something but she couldn’t get what it was.

“She knew that Mrs Fadekemi too might be playing smartly, but she wasn’t convinced, so she buckled up to play smart and probably outsmart her.



“Hello there? Nancy said with a low tone as she put a call through to Mabel.

” Hi girl, what’s up how did it go? Mabel responded., you don’t sound good what’s up?

“Babe I’m scared, I don’t think I can continue with this. Nancy said

“What do you mean, continue with what? Mabel asked curiously.

” You won’t believe Ridwan is Felix’s father! Nancy revealed.

“Jessss, don’t say that again, Ridwan your ex? Felix’s Father? How?

“I am serious, I’m so shaking right now, like I’m confused, I don’t know what to do.

“so do you mean, Sunny is Felix’s uncle?, you know then he introduced him as his brother? Mabel asked more curiously.

” I think so too. Nancy replied

” What did he say when he saw you?

” He was shocked, We were both lost in thoughts and we stared at each other for long and almost got suspected by his wife.

“But he didn’t mention he was married to you when you were with him?

” I’m telling you babe, men are ridiculous, that is not my problem right now. My problem is how I will convince my boss that I won’t stay any longer, I can’t live here oo, when I have my two ex’s under the same roof.

“And to say his son is the father of my child, babe I’m so damn confused, I don’t know what to do. Nancy added.

“This is so unbelievable, Ahh this is hard, like, real hard, but you know what, just stay behind, don’t leave, stay there till you put to birth, and don’t tell them Felix is responsible for the pregnancy”. Mabel advised her.

” But guilty conscience girl!!, my conscience is playing so hard on me, I can’t concentrate, Nancy replied.

“So what do you want to do now? Mabel asked.

” I don’t know which is why I called you”.

” Babe sincerely I don’t know too, but let me figure a way out, I will get back to you”. Mabel added and hung up.

Felix’s apartment was so small, he was always comfortable in his room in his father’s compound, except if he needed some privacy or wanted to go down with a lady for the night, that was the only time he would consider his apartment.

He laid on the bed facing up, he kept thinking and murmuring to himself, how Nancy was able to sweet talk his parents into accepting the pregnancy and even accommodating her. “I think I just need to vacate that house once and for all, get a bigger and better place for myself and move on.”

“I don’t freaking want this girl in my life, why is she hunting me for crying out loud.

“My guys need to hear this, he said as he called one of his friends on a WhatsApp video call.

” Guy afar. Big flex greeted.

“Omo big flex your guy don enter oo, you won’t believe what happened to me like this.” Felix responded sadly.

“What’s up, let me know.

” It’s Nancy oo, Nancy has moved in with my parents with the pregnancy “.

” Guy what are you saying? You mean without your approval, Nancy moved in with your parents?

“That is what I’m seeing, and I’m speechless, like, guy I don’t know what to say. Felix replied scratching his beards.

“But why don’t you just accept the pregnancy?, since you know it’s yours. Just accept it and probably marry her, it’s not like she is going to tie you down not to flaunt with other girls. Big flex added.

” This is not what I called you for, please don’t add to what is happening to me now. In fact, we will talk later. Felix ended the call.

“I am telling you what is happening to me and you are there advising me to accept, accept what? Felix murmured after ending the call on Bigflex.


The next day came and Mrs Fadekemi and Mr Ridwan were all dressed and ready to leave for work.

Nancy came out and greeted both of them, “good morning mother, good morning sir.” She greeted.

“Good morning my darling, I believe you had a great night’s rest.” Mrs Fadekemi said smiling.

– good morning Nancy, honey meet me in the car.” Mr Ridwan said and walked out.

“Yes mother I did, how about you? Nancy replied with a question.

“Very well dear, I am leaving for work already, make yourself comfortable, the cook comes 2-3 times in a week, the cleaners too, so I think they might come today or tomorrow, but whichever one, the gate man is available and you can also call me if you want to get anything”. Mrs Fadekemi said.

” Okay mother thank you so much. ” Nancy thanked and hugged her, and escorted her to the car, and they left.

Nancy went back to take her bath, after a few minutes she came out of the bathroom with a towel, she was about to change into her outfit when Mr Ridwan opened the door and met her naked.

“What are you trying to do Ridwan? Nancy asked as she tried to cover herself.

Before she knew it, Mr Ridwan was already close to her and held her by her waist from behind. ” Calm down baby, you know we used to do this hun? He whispered softly in her ears.

“But I am pregnant! You want to make love to me with pregnancy that isn’t yours? Nancy asked softly.

” You know it’s medically approved, you need somebody to open down there, so you can push that thing out easily. Mr Ridwan said as he used his tongue to play with Nancy’s ear softly and laid her slowly on the bed.

“You still want this don’t you? He asked as he pieced into her eyes softly.

Nancy went mute and allowed Mr Ridwan to slowly have his way with her, ” please be careful with me, I am carrying a child.”Nancy said.

” Of course baby, I’ve got you, I won’t be hard on you I promise! Mr Ridwan replied and went deep in Nancy as she released some sweet moans.

**Minutes later, Mr Ridwan got off the bed and put on his clothes “I will talk with you on the phone okay?, do have a great day baby, and don’t forget to let me know whenever you need me.” He added and hurried out of the house.

Nancy laid on the bed with tears in her eyes, she couldn’t believe she had just messed with Mrs Fadekemi’s kindness, “I can’t believe I just paid my boss’s kindness with evil, huh!! God I didn’t mean to do this.” She said to herself.

” But one thing is sure, I am going to rip this man off his wealth, I promise. He thinks he has sense and has come to play with me this time, I will make sure he begs on the road.

He broke my heart and left me wandering on the streets hunting for jobs, after using me and promising to help me, and now his stupid son has gotten me pregnant, I will pay them back a hundred and one folds.

“I’m so sorry Mrs Fadekemi, I’m so sorry ma’am, I feel so bad doing this, but I just have to, I really have to repay this men who think they are smart. She added.

She was still in deep thoughts and hardening her mind against Mr Ridwan, Felix and other men who hurt her, when Helena’s call came in.

She let the phone ring several times as she didn’t know what to tell Helena.

Finally she picked the call and Helena didn’t wait a second before pouring out insults on Nancy.

“Helena hold it there, nobody is a child here do you get?, I am not a child, so don’t talk to me in that manner.

“I love you and want the best for you, I don’t want any man to use you and dumb you again. That is why I’m always making myself available for you, so you won’t be depressed or think of some negative things..

I thought we agreed you won’t be moving in with them and you are going to terminate the pregnancy? She asked

” Helena, I can’t remember us having such conversations, and besides I told you I am not, in anywhere touching my baby. And please let today be the very first and last day, you will ever tell me to terminate this pregnancy, else you won’t like me”. Nancy yelled .

” Okay fine, where are you? I’m so horny and I want you, like right away. Helena said over the phone

“I am far away from the house, and I can’t give you the location to where I am now, you can hang around with any babe, but just play safe, I will find a day to come see you okay.” Nancy responded.

“Are you sure about that? Helena asked.

“Yes baby I am. You know what? Let me send some videos to you! Will that be okay for now?

“Yes baby, I’m waiting I love you so much.” Helena replied and hung up.

Felix who was so angry and bitter about Nancy’s presence in his father’s house, decided to confront Nancy and ask her why she had to force the pregnancy on him and used her charms to convince his parents to accept the child.

He entered his car and drove speedily, not minding the traffic signals and traffic officers.

What was on his mind was to confront Nancy and probably throw her out of his father’s house.

He got to the compound and saw Nancy sitting beautifully in the garden, at first, he caught sight of her charming look, he stood for a while and admired her, before sighing heavily and approaching her with anger.

“Nancy!! Nancy!! What in God’s name did you tell my parents that made them to accept this thing in your womb?

Nancy stared at him angrily before looking back at her phone and leaving Felix to play a fool of himself.

“So I am a fool now right?, you have suddenly become a dummy that you can’t talk?

” I said what did you tell my parents that they accepted this rubbish?

He stood there ranting all alone and Nancy didn’t say a word to him, the driver drove in with Mrs Fadekemi as she returned from the office, she stepped down and rushed up to them in the garden.

“What is going on here? She asked.

” Good day mother. ” Nancy greeted and stood up to hug her.

” Thank you my darling, Felix am I not talking to somebody? I ask what the problem is and you refuse to say a word?.

Felix was angry and at the same time ashamed to tell his mother the truth, he walked out angrily and left Mrs Fadekemi in shock.

“Felix I’m talking to you, come back here”. Mrs Fadekemi yelled as she followed Felix from behind.


Mr Ridwan came back from work that evening, and Mrs Fadekemi reported Felix’s case to him.

“Why is my queen looking sad, what could be the problem? Mr Ridwan asked, placing his hands on his wife’s shoulders, and hugging her from behind.

” Honey it’s your son, I walked in on him scolding Nancy, when I tried to find out what the problem was, he walked out on me without a word. Your son is beginning to have some nerves, and it’s getting me worried. Mrs Fadekemi replied coldly.

” Did you ask Nancy to find out what the problem is? Mr Ridwan asked.

“No darling, I wanted you to come back first.”

“Okay honey, I am going to ask Nancy and get back to you alright.

” Okay honey.” Mrs Fadekemi replied and her husband left.

Mr Ridwan left to check Nancy in her room, she wasn’t there, he checked the living room, she wasn’t still there

He walked into the kitchen and found Nancy cutting some veggies. He approached her quietly and hugged her from behind, gently caressing her body.

Nancy startled and almost dropped the knife she was holding. She was visibly uncomfortable.

The sound of heavy footsteps coming from the door jolted them back to reality. Mrs Fadekemi walked in just as Mr Ridwan and Nancy stopped hugging each other.

“Nancy, what happened with Felix?” Mr. Ridwan asked loudly, pretending to be concerned. Only the two of them in the kitchen knew that he was acting. Mrs Fadekemi had no clue.

“What happened between you and Felix?” he repeated the question.

Nancy sighed and was about to answer when Mrs Fadekemi cut her off.

“Honey your business partner called your phone.”

“Oh really?” Mr Ridwan replied, looking at his wife.

“Let me go and talk to him.” He walked towards his wife and together they left Nancy alone in the kitchen, as she heaved a sigh of relief.

Tears welled up in Nancy’s eyes. “I never wanted this to happen, I really feel for my boss, but I’m never backing down on my decisions.”. She murmured to himself.


Mr Ridwan and his wife walked hand in hand as they gisted back into the master bedroom.

“Honey, you said you wanted to take Nancy to the hospital tomorrow? Mr Ridwan asked.

” Yes darling.” Mrs Fadekemi replied.

” And you said you have a lot of work to cover up too, why don’t I take her instead, so it will relieve you? Mr Ridwan asked. “And I mean!, you still have to put the new girl through on some things, so that’s a whole lot for you. He added.

“Honey! Really? Mrs Fadekemi asked with her eyes popped out in surprise.

” Yes, do you have any problem with that? Mr Ridwan asked.

“Of course I have every problem with that!, how on earth would my husband volunteer to take a pregnant woman that isn’t his wife for antenatal checkup”?

” Okay, if I can’t go tomorrow, I will send Felix instead, or probably send Jide or one of the drivers to take her there”. Mrs Fadekemi said as her mood changed, immediately she started suspecting her husband.

” The question is, would Felix go? Mr Ridwan asked carelessly.

“If he doesn’t, then Jide will take her to and fro.

“Okay, okay. If you say so. Mr Ridwan added and Mrs Fadekemi walked out with a suspicious feeling.

“She got to the living room and sat down with a new paper, her eyes were heavily fixed on the news paper, but her mind was analyzing what had just transpired between her and her husband.

She started suspecting her husband around Nancy, first, driving back to the road that lead to the house after dropping her at work.

Secondly, walking in on them in the kitchen.

“I strongly refuse to believe these feelings, maybe my mind is playing a trick on me, my husband likes helping and always enjoys helping, he offers to help in every little way, so I shouldn’t let this get a hold of me.” Mrs Fadekemi soliloquize as she dropped the new paper and went inside to meet her husband in the room.


Mrs Fadekemi instructed Ori, one of the drivers, to take Nancy to the hospital for a check up and bring her back. Unknown to her that Mr Ridwan had overheard her conversation with Ori.

He prepared and carried his bag and that of his wife to the car, and Jide took off, dropping Mrs Fadekemi at her office, he wanted to move to Mr Ridwan’s office, when he instructed him to make a turn and take him back to the house.

They got to the house and met Ori and Nancy about leaving, he was about telling Ori to give him the car key when he sighted Felix staring at him, and wondering why he had to return so early.

Felix stood up and walked towards them. “Dad, you’re back so early? Or did you forget anything?

“Ehm yeah!, no not really. I think… He was still struggling with words when Nancy cut in.

” Sir I’m leaving for the hospital. ” Nancy said.

” Okay dear, will see you when I’m back, Mr Ridwan said and walked inside speedily, to avoid more questions from Felix.

Nancy turned to see Felix giving her a soft look, and then suddenly walking out angrily, like he wasn’t looking at her. ” You’re just being stupid! Nancy murmured and entered the car and Ori zoomed off.

Mr Ridwan alerted his wife about his sudden flight to catch up with an appointment outside the state, Mrs Fadekemi doubted it at first, but gave in after much explanations.

The next day came and Mrs Fadekemi and Nancy had already arranged and packed up his bags.

“Honey, I do not want to stress you, just stay back okay. Mr Ridwan said as his wife offered to see him off to the airport.

” But why? I’ve always been the one seeing you off whenever you want to travel. Mrs Fadekemi asked with curiosity and surprise.

“Ahm, it’s not like I don’t appreciate it, or want you to do more. You know this is just too sudden and I don’t want to bother you too much okay. He said and pecked her on the cheek before hurrying to the car.

Mrs Fadekemi watched in disbelief as her husband who always made things known to her before time, and always drove down with her to the airport, suddenly had a new and twisted plan.

She paved it away and went inside with Nancy as they started gisting and getting over things.

Mr Ridwan got to the middle of the road, he asked Jide, his personal driver to reverse to the hotel he had fully booked down, Jide did as instructed and they arrived at the hotel.

A few minutes later, Mr Ridwan texted Nancy the address of their usual meet up spot.

“Hey baby, meet me at our usual hotel, I miss you so much and I can’t wait to have you”. He wrote.

“I thought you traveled? Did you miss your flight? Nancy replied with a question as she saw a message from Mr Ridwan.

“Why are you talking like you are not in the game, I sacrificed all this just to have you here, do you know how many I’ve done this just to see you, so it isn’t a new thing!, not a new thing baby! Mr Ridwan answered.

“But how do we go about it? Nancy asked.

” I’m eagerly waiting for your arrival baby, just come have some fun with me”. Mr Ridwan replied.

” For how much ? Nancy asked.

“Anything you want baby, you know your love is capable. He replied.

” 10 million naira?

“Ouch!, that’s quite high, I’ll give you a million naira baby.

” 8 million or nothing! Nancy replied with an angry emoji.

“Alright alright, just make your way here already. Mr Ridwan replied.

Nancy’s heart leaped as she couldn’t meet up because Mrs Fadekemi didn’t go to work that day, she wanted to stay by and take care of her and also keep her company.

Nancy’s blood started boiling as she thought of what to do with the 8 million naira, Mr Ridwan had never given her such money before, or even promise her.

She was always doing and giving the “understanding girlfriend’s vibes”, even when she was dating a rich man, so she didn’t want to miss such a huge opportunity, especially this time that she had stepped up. Her head wagged as she kept walking round the house, thinking of what to do.

She thought of different excuses to give Mrs Fadekemi, but none of them matched her mind, she didn’t know how to convince someone who skipped her work to care for her.

Mr Ridwan kept waiting as Nancy didn’t show up, he was obviously yawning hard for Nancy, he went hard many times and still went low as there was nowhere for Nancy to meet up with him.

Nancy almost cried as she thought the opportunity would pass her, and Mr Ridwan may probably never offer it again since he had never offered such an amount before.

“Ma how is work today? She asked Mrs Fadekemi out of frustration.

” Work? I wouldn’t know, but I believe it’s fine. Mrs Fadekemi replied innocently as she smiled at Nancy.

“Oh thank goodness, but have you called to check? Or probably can go to confirm some things. Nancy asked.

” Really? To go to work?, after I took today off my schedule to care for you? I don’t understand you Nancy, is there any problem? Mrs Fadekemi asked calmly, as she went perplexed.

“No! What I mean is that, I’m missing work so much and I…

” Do you want to go there ? I can take you there Mrs Fadekemi cut in softly and the response startled Nancy and she regained herself.

“Oh no ma!, it’s not like I want to go there, no I think, I would love to but, you know my colleagues are there! And I’m kind of shy. Nancy replied.

” Okay that’s fine, what ever it is, is fine by you.

They were still gisting when Jide walked in to the gate. Mrs Fadekemi looked at him in astonishment, she wondered why he had to come back without her husband’s car.

“Jide! What’s the problem?, did they collect the car from you? What happened? Why did you not come with me husband’s car?. Mrs Fadekemi bombarded Jide, her husband’s personal driver with questions.

” No ma, may God forbid such! Just that my boss asked me to pack it in one of his friend’s place, maybe the friend wants to make use of it or something.

” When did that start? Anyways you are not in the right place to answer this question! You can go. Mrs Fadekemi said and her body started vibrating.

Jide went in with Nancy who wanted to serve some food from the kitchen.

“Nancy!, oga said I should tell you to meet him at the hotel”.

“What’s the meaning of that, are you okay? Nancy asked pretending to not be aware of what Jide said.

Jide kept quiet and Nancy served him food and left.

Mrs Fadekemi started sensing things going awkward as her husband hide things from her all of a sudden.

She didn’t bother calling him, because she thought he might have not arrived his location yet, and she didn’t want to be a distraction.

She kept calm but was full of concern and curiosity, she didn’t understand her husband’s ways all of a sudden.

** Evening came and there was still nowhere for Mr Ridwan and Nancy to carry out their plans.

Tho it pained Nancy so much that she almost started hating on Mrs Fadekemi for ruining her plans.


The next day came and Nancy was up already making breakfast and preparing Mrs Fadekemi’s dress for work.

Mrs Fadekemi wasn’t surprised, she saw it as an act of kindness from Nancy as she always played the humblebee and loyalist.

Mrs Fadekemi left for work and Nancy quickly took her bath and changed into a skin revealing beautiful dress, but unfortunately for her Felix sighted her leaving hurriedly as he droved in to the compound.

His heart started melting for her all over again, he felt he could make things work with her, he felt guilty and wanted to at least say a “HI” to her.

He honked for her but she didn’t turn, instead she hurriedly entered the Uber that was waiting for her and they moved.

Felix wondered where Nancy would have gone to, at first he thought it’s her place, so he wanted to grab the opportunity and apologize to her so they can work things out.

But was shocked to see Nancy going a different way, far from her house. Out of curiosity, he tried her line severally but Nancy had blocked him.

He tried texting through SMS and on WhatsApp, but Nancy had blocked him everywhere, that alone made him feel guilty and wanted things to go right by all means.

He almost cried when he discovered his heart still beat for Nancy. He drove behind the Uber on the busy road until the Uber arrived the hotel.

Felix became more curious and confused so he drove fast and met with them as Nancy stepped down from the car.

He went down and ran to Nancy to ask what she was looking for in a hotel. Nancy was surprised as at same time wondered why Felix was after her, she started exchanging words angrily with him, and Immediately Mr Ridwan came out from the hotel to pick Nancy.

Fortunately for him, he sighted Felix from far and ran back inside before Felix could see him.

Felix stood there not letting Nancy into the hotel and Nancy refused to go back with him.

Felix and Nancy were pulling at each other when Nancy screamed loudly, and it got the attention of the security guards in the hotel as they saw them dragging hard.

They ran and caught hold of Felix, he struggled with them as a man, but they were more than him.

“What is the matter here? The chief security asked as he pulled forcefully to Felix.

” Please I don’t know him, and I don’t know why he is after me. Nancy responded shaking and sweating profusely.

“You don’t know me?, you don’t know me yeah? Felix yelled back.

” Mr man calm down if you don’t want to be locked up.” One of the security guards said.

” Madam which room are you going to? The chief security asked.

“I know my way, Nancy responded as she quickly counted the cash in her hands and paid off the Uber driver and ran into the hotel reception.

“My name is Nancy, going to room 119? Nancy said vibrating.

” Room 119, yes please, you have a guest waiting already. The receptionist replied as she showed Nancy the direction, and she left hurriedly.

Inside the room, Nancy entered and jammed the door. Her heart was beating fast, She heard noise outside as the guards held Felix, but she needed to focus. The room was dark and quiet except for the air conditioner.

“How did he know you are here?” She turned to the voice and shook quietly. She noticed that he was shaking too. It was then that the image of the room cleared up. Mr Ridwan was sitting at the edge of the bed scared.

“I don’t know.” She replied.

Just then, her phone rang. It was a strange number. Unsure of who it was, she picked.

“You have the guts to leave my parents house to see a man, with pregnancy? You will hear from my parents, I promise you, you will hear from my mother and my father. Nincompoops, rubbish.” Felix ranted.

Nancy went mute as Felix ranted alone over the phone before hanging up and driving out angrily from the hotel premises.

“Who was that? Mr Ridwan asked with his eyes wide open, and his hands folded.

” Huhhh!! He said I would hear from you and your wife, Nancy replied tiredly as she went to sit on the bed.

” Involving my wife in this would bring a bigger problem! Mr Ridwan said.

” But what do we do ? Nancy asked expressing fear.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know! Mr Ridwan responded coldly, and my son that I know isn’t the type that can be bribed! He added.

“I think you should call him, maybe that will work, call him to just tell him sweet words and probably apologize to him, and promise to be with him. Mr Ridwan suggested.

” Are you being serious right now? I should be with him? and still be seeing you under the same roof? Really? Nancy yelled.

“That isn’t what I mean, I just do not want things to cast, and I’m trying to protect you too.” Mr Ridwan added.

” Okay, okay, but trust me, I am not giving myself out to him.” Nancy replied.

Nancy put a call through to Felix, He looked at his phone with surprise, he wondered why she would call him and for what reason.

“Hello dear” Nancy whispered

“Hello” Felix replied dryly.

“Felix it’s not what you think, I will explain everything when I see you” Nancy spoke in a shaking voice. A long pause followed as she waited, her heavy breathing was the only sound in the room.

“What are you doing in that hotel?” Felix asked

“I just wanted to be alone for some hours Felix. I need some time to figure out some things. I will be with you soon, I promise” She was almost crying.

” What a blatant lie.” Felix yelled. You wanted to be alone and my father’s house isn’t big enough for you to be alone? He added and Nancy felt a little ashamed.

“Hello? Hello? Hello?” No response. She looked at the phone and saw the “network busy” notification. Mr Ridwan was staring at her with a puzzled look.

“What did he say?” He asked.

“Nothing” She answered sadly “I don’t like the mess I’m in right now. I wish I could go back in time and change things”

“Nancy everything is going to be fine” Mr Ridwan wondered in his mind if everything will really be okay. He had bitten a little more than he could chew.

**************. ***********

**At the office, at the same time, Mrs Fadekemi had a flash of Nancy. She wondered if she was okay.

“I think it’s time I sit these two down and talk to them, and also let them know I’m aware of their secret meetings, She seemed to be a nice young Lady. She will make a good wife for my son, of course he needs a caring and understanding woman in his life.” She murmured alone in the office before putting a call through to Nancy.

At first, she was scared to earth, she thought Felix had told her everything. ” Oh my goodness, your wife is calling.” Nancy said with a low tone.

” Maybe your son has told her everything. She added as she put her two hands on her head. I’m dead! Oh God! She exclaimed.

“Oh my world! Just pick the call to know what she has to say alright? Mr Ridwan said.

Nancy picked the call on the third ring. ” Hello mother, good morning.” She said trying to balance her shaky voice.

“Hi my darling.” Mrs Fadekemi responded excitedly and it sent some calmness in her system.

“Yes mother, how are you and how is work? Nancy asked this time more calmly.

” Work is very fine, I had a flash of you and I wondered if you’re fine, so I decided to call. ” Mrs Fadekemi said.

” Oh yes mother, I’m very well, you must be missing me already? Nancy said as she smiled over the phone.

“Of course darling, you know I’m used to you now more than anyone.” Mrs Fadekemi replied.

And the cook just called that she will soon be on her way, so I want you to tell her what she needs to prepare alright? She added.

“Alright mother, I will do just that.” Nancy replied and Mrs Fadekemi hung up.

She heaved a sigh of relief and faced Mr Ridwan.


“I’m tired of living a double life, Ridwan, I’m tired of deceiving her” Nancy lamented

“Don’t worry yourself too much my baby, Mr Ridwan sounded unconvinced by his own reply. He and Nancy knew that it was a tight corner they both were in.

“Are you sure about that? This thing has become more complicated than I thought.” Nancy insisted.

I need to leave, the cook is on her way to the house. She added.

” How about a round? Mr Ridwan asked amidst their situation.

Nancy almost burst into tears, and almost hated Mr Ridwan. ” How can he be so unconcerned about this situation.” She soliloquize.

“Okay how about the money? She asked.

” That isn’t a problem!, that’s the briefcase over there! Mr Ridwan pointed to where the briefcase was.

Nancy rushed to open it, and behold, clean notes were in there staring beautifully at her. She smiled and closed it back.

Deep down, she had lost appetite, she wasn’t in the mood for sex again but had to play along for the money.

Minutes later, they went deep as the sound of her moaning almost brought down the roof of the hotel. Mr Ridwan was good at it and that was one of the reasons Nancy kept going back. He nailed it rightly and to the right spot.

After some minutes, they got separated as they breathed heavily and faced each other smiling.

Mr Ridwan went to take his shower, and returned to see the room empty without Nancy and the briefcase.

He wasn’t surprised, instead he smiled and moved on. Nancy got to the compound, she knocked on the gate and the gate man opened. She wanted to go in with the briefcase, but Felix was staring at her from the balcony. He could recognize his father’s briefcase but was unsure.

Nancy found herself in a very tight corner as Felix kept staring at the briefcase in her hands.

Numerous questions ran through his mind as to if Nancy had stolen his father’s briefcase from the house, or had duped somebody of theirs, or had exchanged her body for money.

Nancy walked up to him trembling, she glanced at him and gave a weak smile before walking head high to her room.

Before Felix could finish his calculations and rush to meet up with Nancy for questioning, she had already made her way back to Felix at the balcony.

“Hi handsome, can I have some words with you?. Nancy said with a pretentious smile.

“How come about the briefcase? I don’t know you to have one? Felix asked with a suspicious look, piercing deeply into Nancy’s eyes.

He could sense the pretense and the funky movements of Nancy. He decided to end it on the root with Nancy about the briefcase.

“Bring down your voice Felix, you’re a man, act like one. Nancy replied.

“So now I’m acting like a mad man yeah? Felix yelled.

” I didn’t say so, not like I’m not gonna explain things to you, but obviously you are overreacting, calm down and let me explain please. She replied.

“I should calm down?, after you embarrassed yourself out there? You have the guts to leave this house with ” My unborn child ” into another man’s arms, and now you returned with a briefcase? Felix yelled and it immediately sent goosebumps all over Nancy.

She was shocked to hear Felix claiming the pregnancy for the first time.

” Did you just say your unborn child?” Nancy asked surprisingly, and Felix put up a sheepish look and stood there stupefied..

” Yes! You heard me! Felix voiced out after a long silence.

” My unborn child, you go about sleeping with men for money, is your boss aware of this? Is she aware you’re into hookup? Even with my child? Felix said as hot tears rolled down his chin.

He couldn’t control his emotions, he felt guilty, he felt he had cheated Nancy hugely that was probably the reason she went after another man.

“But you said you never wanted the pregnancy! You told me to take it out, and if I’m to keep it, it should be off your name! Huh?. Why suddenly?

Have you suddenly changed your mind? Have you now realized how bad you treated me and never wanted me close to you? Even when I begged you, proved everything to be truthful and genuine, you still denied me, locked me outside so you could move in with another woman? Nancy fired back with a teary tone.

“You are going off the point young woman, I asked you who you have been seeing with my unborn child? Who is that stupid man in your life? Felix asked harshly.

” That is none of your business, and it will never be any of your business, who I’m seeing is not any of your freaking, business!. Nancy replied.

“For the last time, who is that foolish man that is deceiving you Nancy?. Felix asked again with a more serious look.

” And for the last time, I am seeing my baby’s daddy! Go to hell! Nancy yelled.

“Oh I see! I see what gave you the nerves, but you know what, I will find that out myself, you will tell me who owns that baby in your womb, and the briefcase in that room.

Nancy got frightened and wanted to make things work with Felix so he won’t cast her little secrets.

She pretended to be hurt and emotional, she went closer to Felix and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I had always loved you and wanted you, but you left me with no choice, you made me think life has its favs, you rendered me useless and made me a loser.” What would I have done?

I met your mother and talked with her, she helped me to accommodate me, do you know how many times You’ve hurt me? But you never cared. Nancy poured out her mind.

Her words went deep into Felix, followed with a long silence and a sad spell cast on Felix’s emotions.

Felix held Nancy’s hands and looked deep into her face, with tears in his eyes and just then, a car honked outside and the gateman opened the gate.

the driver drove in with Mrs Fadekemi alongside Ruth the cook.

Mrs Fadekemi sighted Felix and Nancy from the glass as they sat opposite each other in a romantic manner. She was really impressed, she smiled to herself.

“Felix! Promise you won’t tell mom about the briefcase, I will explain to you later. Nancy whispered as they held hands and walked down to meet with Mrs Fadekemi.

But Mrs Fadekemi pretended to be surprised, and gave them a puzzled look and that got them a bit scared.

Nancy totally forgot about the issues at hand, and kept wondering if Mrs Fadekemi was pleased seeing her with her son.

“Felix! meet me in my room right now.” Mrs Fadekemi said pretending to be angry as she walked into the living room frowning.

“Don’t be scared okay, my mom doesn’t bite, trust me she won’t be mad.” Felix whispered to Nancy before hurrying to meet up with Mrs Fadekemi.

Nancy seized the opportunity to talk Ruth into her game.

“Please can I trust you with something? She whispered, trembling.

“Okay no problem, what is it? Ruth asked.

” My little secrets, can I keep it under your care? Nancy asked.

“Of course, what about it? Ruth whispered back, as they discussed and walked down to the kitchen.

Nancy wasn’t still convinced with Ruth offering to help, she never trusted anyone with Money, except for Mabel, whose line wasn’t connecting.

She opened the briefcase and turned out the notes, leaving “500,000.” In it. She closed it back and got a nyon bag from the kitchen to wrap round it and leave it in the big paper bag and handed it to Ruth in the kitchen as they exchanged contacts.


Moments later, Mrs Fadekemi came out with Felix and called on Nancy to join them in the living room.

They all sat down quietly in the living room waiting for Mrs Fadekemi to light up the room, seconds passed, and she exhaled deeply before starting her conversation.

“Nancy my darling, my son has told me his intentions towards you. I really don’t have much to say right now.

You know you’ve been the best, right from the office, and I’ve always liked you, I want to assure you that being with my son will never be a regret.

I will gladly adopt your unborn child and marry you off to my son. But for now, let’s let it lie until my husband returns, he will be the happiest man on earth, that at last, his stubborn boy is going the “marriage way.” Mrs Fadekemi said grinning.

Felix was left astonished as his mother kept unveiling the importance of having a beautiful and strong woman in his life, and as well talking Felix into having an affair with Nancy.

But it didn’t go down well with Nancy, her intentions were not to be in a relationship with anyone ever again. But to run down their financial lives and build up her wealth from thence.


Ruth took out the big paper bag that Nancy gave to her, she passed through the back door and burst out at the gate.

Of course, the gateman had always seen her carrying things that her boss had dashed her several times, so he didn’t bother checking.

“Ahh, Ruthie baby, madam don dash you today? Bolaji, the gate man asked jokingly.

” Ahh she don dash meoo, as usual! Ruth replied and walked out of the gate with the briefcase.

She got to the house and unwrapped the nylon and saw that it was a briefcase that Nancy gave to her. She didn’t bother to open the briefcase before blocking Nancy’s number and finding her way out of her area the same night.

“you gave me money to keep for you? I really do look like a bank yeah?. She said to herself as she squeezed herself in the back seat of the public transportation.

Nancy on the other hand kept dialing Ruth’s number to find out if she was safe and the briefcase as well

But she couldn’t reach her, instead a “line busy” notification kept popping up.

Nancy got into her room and arranged the bundles of new notes inside her wardrobe, using her clothes to cover them. She was boiling in anger after being tied to Felix another time by Mrs Fadekemi.

And it pained her so much when she demanded money from Felix and he replied with “money isn’t the problem.” After the years they had dated dryly, without any flow of money.

” So this guy had just been using me all along, he made me believe he didn’t have money. He’s father is a billionaire, yet he’s so stingy and dry.” Nancy murmured as she walked round her room in anger.

“She didn’t want to hear that Felix had money, she wanted to drain him and make away with his wealth, and that of his father Mr Ridwan.

She wanted them to feel the pains of being rejected and forgotten.

She hitted her chest hard never to back down from her decisions, even tho Mrs Fadekemi was nice to her. But she wanted her boys to pay for their evil.

She was still fuming in anger when the thoughts of Ruth struck her mind. She couldn’t believe Ruth had just scammed her and ran away with her money.

But she couldn’t disclose it to anyone as it was a secret between both of them.

“Wait a minute! I don’t get what this Ruth girl is doing. She said as she dialed Ruth’s number another time and it still bounced back.

Nancy became really worried and went down slowly to the bed to sit, so what if I had given her all the money in the case? She thought to herself as tears went down her chin.


Days later, Felix and Nancy started flowing, but Nancy’s mind was hardened against Felix. She was after the money and didn’t care about whatever happened.

They sat outside the garden cuddling in the cold of the evening. Mrs Fadekemi came out all smiling to break the news of the arrival of her husband.

“Hi love birds! Guess who is on his way here! Mrs Fadekemi said happily.

” Mom! I can’t guess just say it”. Felix replied.

” Mother please just say it pleaseeeee. ” Nancy added.

” Nah! You both should give it a try! Mrs Fadekemi said smiling.

“I… Think my Dad! (Father) Felix responded rolling his eyes upward. – and Mrs Fadekemi cut in almost immediately and they all laughed out.

Except for Nancy who got struck because of the news of Mr Ridwan’s arrival. She started feeling uneasy. She could hear her heart ponding like it wanted to burst out.

She tried to control herself but it didn’t work as Mrs Fadekemi noticed her expressing discomfort and questioned her.

“Are you alright ? Mrs Fadekemi asked with an accent.

” Oh! Yeah! I’m very fine, mother.

” You look sad. Is anything the problem? Mrs Fadekemi asked again urging Nancy to express herself, but she maintained her stand.

It was not long after Mrs Ridwan arrived. He got lots of goodies for his wife, Felix, the gateman and Nancy.

Everyone became very excited and hugged Mr Ridwan countless times. But Mrs Fadekemi’s mind told her otherwise.

She didn’t understand why her husband had to include underwear for Nancy. Including pads amongst her toiletries.

Felix could notice the expression on his mother’s face and his mood changed almost immediately.

He called his mother aside and asked her why his father would buy panties and brassieres for Nancy, and as well pads.

But Mrs Fadekemi who didn’t want to Include Felix in her discovery game played over and convinced him that his father is a philanthropist and would do anything for anyone.

“Are you sure about that mother? Felix asked coldly.

” Of course my darling. I’m pretty sure!. Mrs Fadekemi replied.

“But why the look on your face? Felix asked.

” What look? What look is that son? Mrs Fadekemi replied pretentiously.

“Never mind mother. I just hope it’s true. I take your words for it. Felix said and was about walking out when Mrs Fadekemi held him.

” Come back son! What do you notice? Do you mean your father has something to do with Nancy?.

“May God forbid that! Mother. I can’t say such. I am just wondering why he had to do such acts. Nancy is my girl for godsake. And my own father can’t stoop so low. Mom? Felix replied with a shock. He couldn’t believe his mother would think of such.

But Mrs Fadekemi noticed Felix wasn’t on the same page with her. So she let him and began to play out her plans by herself.


The next day came and everyone had left for work. Except Mr Ridwan who came back as usual to have Nancy’s delicious meal that he had missed so much.

He got into the living room and met Nancy watching the television all alone.

“Hi angel! They are all gone! So come to daddy!. Mr Ridwan said smiling.

” You should ask if I’m fine or not, why do you like sex all the time? You can’t even check up on me without demanding for sex!. Nancy asked calmly as she sat on the sofa, with her legs crossed and a glass of whine in her hand.

“What is the problem baby? What is bothering my queen? Mr Ridwan asked.

” It’s the money you gave to me? Nancy said and Mr Ridwan opened his eyes widely.

“What about it? He asked.

” It’s your cook! Your cook ran away with part of it! I’m so broken right now, I can’t concentrate. I feel like I’m going crazy. Nancy said pretending to cry.

“How much are we talking about? Mr Ridwan asked again.

“4M! 4 million naira!. I gave it to her and trusted her to keep it. Because your son was all over me and I didn’t want him to investigate . And up until today, Ruth has blocked my numbers. And she hasn’t come to work. Nancy lamented.

“Jesss! 4 million naira? How could you be so careless? Trusting someone you barely know with such an amount of money? Huhhhhh! Okay fine. So what do you want now? Mr Ridwan said as he went to sit beside Nancy and laid her head gently on his shoulders.

” You know what I want. I want my money back. And I can’t have it if you don’t give it to me! Nancy replied.

“Okay fine, I will do a transfer of 2 million naira to you right now, and will complete it next week. Mr Ridwan said.

” Nah, that can’t work. If you’re extending it till next week, you’re making it 5M naira! Deal? Nancy said.

“Okay fine. Now can I have my baby to myself? Mr Ridwan asked jokingly.

” You will have to do the transfer first. And besides my back account can’t contain such an amount. You’re transferring to two different accounts. Nancy said as she called out her account details and Mr Ridwan made some transactions for her.

Some minutes later, they both started kissing intensely. They climbed the stairs still romancing. It got really deep into Nancy’s libido and riding her high made her forget her wig on the stairs.

They got to Nancy’s room and started making out. They were still on it when they heard a loud scream. “Nancy! Nancy!. That was Felix calling loudly on Nancy.

They got separated and Nancy quickly put on her clothes sweating.

She ran downstairs to know why Felix shouted her name.

“What sort of nonsense is this? Why did you have to leave your wig here. What if I had come in with a visitor? Felix yelled.

” I’m sorry. Maybe I forgot, because I had some whines. And I think that got me high. Nancy pleaded.

“And by the way, where is my father? Felix asked.

” Your father? Your father left for work and he isn’t back yet! . Nancy replied shaking.

“I saw his car outside! He’s back.

” Are you sure? Your dad isn’t back yet. Let’s check outside. Nancy held Felix and dragged him outside.

They got outside and Mr Ridwan’s car was packed inside the compound.

“Do you now say I’m blind?. I know what I saw! Felix said.

“I don’t know about that? Could he be inside. Nancy returned the question.

They went inside and Felix was shocked, he stood there lost, fixing his eyes on his father’s manhood as it stood hard inside his boxer which Mr Ridwan forgot to zip up properly.

Felix looked at his father with shock from head to his toes. His opened zip, his manhood standing hard in his boxer and the sweats on his face sent questions down Felix’s mind.

He glanced at Nancy and made his way to his room. Nancy immediately gave Mr Ridwan a hard look. “What do we do? She asked.

” Follow him! Mr Ridwan replied and Nancy immediately went after Felix. Kissing all over him and trying to get his attention.

But Felix’s mind was somewhere else. He didn’t want to believe what his mind was driving at. And he couldn’t ask Nancy questions that might trigger his father’s anger.

Nancy was still all over him when Felix threw a sensitive question at her.

“Are you seeing another man? Felix asked.

” Babe! Why would you say a thing like that? I am not seeing any… (Immediately Helena’s call came in as “JOY GIVER” before she could complete her statement)

“Who is your joy giver? Felix asked with a puzzled look

” It’s my girlfriend. Trust me Nancy replied trying to convince Felix.

“Your girlfriend is your joy giver yeah? He asked again.

” I can pick the call and put it on the speaker if you want me to. Nancy said and the call came in another time, she picked without hesitation and turned on the speaker.

“Hello my love”! Helena said and Nancy went mute immediately.

Felix looked at her with great shock, different thoughts kept running his mind.

“Hello baby! I’ve really missed you, I feel so horny right now and I want to be with you right away. Helena added and Nancy was still quiet.

” So aside from sleeping with men with pregnancy, you do lesbianism too? Felix asked as he stood to his feet and his heartbeat increased. And immediately Helena heard Felix’s voice, she hung up. Leaving Nancy in the trouble she created.

Felix insulted the living day light out of Nancy. He couldn’t comprehend the kind of person she truly was.

“I don’t want to believe you have something to do with my father, because that alone will be an abominable thing to think of. But the way things are going I’m beginning to think so.

You’re so loose, I don’t even know how I came in contact with you in the first place. You’re a disappointment, that is probably the reason you hardly hear from your parents. If they’ve disowned you for a long time who knows, because you are as loose as they are.. Felix shouted as he rained insults on Nancy.

“You dare not talk to my parents like that!. Nancy said with anger.

” And what if I do. Felix added as he lit up another fire

“Then try it. Nancy said.

” I have said it and I will repeat it that, you are as loose as your parents. Felix said as he dared Nancy another time and Nancy angrily landed a hot slap on his face.

Felix angrily retaliated as he pushed Nancy hardly to the wall, she hit the wall and slumped immediately.

“My goodness! My goodness! What have I done! Nancy! Nancy! Please wake up I didn’t mean to do this!. Nancy please you pushed me to do this. I’m so sorry. Felix was still pleading with Nancy thinking she was playing hard on him, when he noticed blood flowing out from her vagina.

” Help! Help! Somebody help me. Bolaji! Bolaji! Dad! Please somebody should help me. He cried out.

Felix was confused, he didn’t know what to do or how to help Nancy get up from the floor, he went out to call on his father and the gateman. But his father had already gone out.

The gateman rushed to his room and met Nancy lying Lifeless.

They carried her into his car and he drove out speedily, not minding if he would hit another car or disobey the traffic signals.

He got to the private hospital and immediately the doctors and nurses rushed Nancy to an emergency ward.

They quickly attended to her case, leaving Felix to roam the hospital compound like one who was lost.

After much thought, he decided to call Mrs Fadekemi’s number. “Mother please pick the call! Pick up, pick up, pick up please! He said as the phone kept ringing and Mrs Fadekemi didn’t pick.

Moments later she called back. ” Hello son, I missed your calls, I had to use the convenience. Mrs Fadekemi said.

“Mother please you have to come to Life place hospital right away!. Felix said with a teary tone.

” Hospital? Why? What for? Mrs Fadekemi asked curiously.

“Mother it Nancy! He said.

” Yes ! What about her? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

“Mother it’s an emergency, please just come.. he said and Mrs Fadekemi picked her things and tried calling her driver, but he delayed. She booked an Uber and rushed to the hospital.

She tried to reach out to Mr Ridwan to know if he was aware of what Felix was going through, but he didn’t pick up his calls. Instead he sent a text message. “I am so busy at work right now my love. Talk to you later”. He wrote.

Mrs Fadekemi hurried to meet up with Felix in the hospital.

Minutes later, she got to the hospital and saw Felix sitting sadly.

She could read through his face that something terrible had happened.

“What is the matter with Nancy? She asked as she rushed to where Felix sat.

“Mother, she pushed me! I swear I didn’t mean to do it! She pushed me to. Felix cried out.

” Okay what ever! Where is she ? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

It was as if Felix was not fast with his explanations, Mrs Fadekemi stood up to meet one of the nurses to find out about Nancy.

They took her to the office of the doctor that handled Nancy’s case, but unfortunately he wasn’t there, because he was still heavily on Nancy’s case.

She was still running around the hospital to get someone to give her some details about Nancy when the doctor came out.

“Doctor! Doctor! Thank God you’re here. Please what happened? What is the problem?. Mrs Fadekemi asked with tears in her eyes.

” Madam, you need to calm down, she is still very unconscious, but she will be fine, yes she will be fine. But she lost the pregnancy. The doctor said.

“What? Felix and Mrs Fadekemi said in chorus. ” She lost what? The preg? Jesus Christ!. Mrs Fadekemi wailed.

“He didn’t bring her in on time, and before we could attend to her, it was already gone. You should even be grateful she is still alive. It was a critical one. But God took control, so she’ll be fine. The doctor added and made his way to the office.

“What came over you son? What really happened? Mrs Fadekemi asked as she cried heavily.

“It was a mistake mother, I mistakenly pushed her and she fell to the floor and passed out. Felix said crying along with his mother.

” Why would you slap a woman? For goodness sake, why would you raise your hands on a woman? Let alone a pregnant woman? Mrs Fadekemi said.

“But mom She slapped me! Felix said.

” She slapped you and so what? She could even k8ll you for all I care. Do you know what Nancy means to me? Do you know how much that pregnancy means to me, I bet you don’t know how much I wanted that baby!? Mrs Fadekemi yelled, and Felix raised an eyebrow.

Felix stood confused as his mother didn’t give him any listening ear. Instead she kept wailing and wishing Nancy a quick recovery.

He couldn’t understand why she was really after Nancy’s pregnancy. She barely had time for him since the day Nancy moved in with them.

He stood and watched Mrs Fadekemi as she cried out her eyes on Nancy’s case. He tried all he could to control his mouth from saying what might put him in danger. Before angrily leaving the hospital.

He got into his little apartment which was two streets away from his father’s house. He jammed the door angrily and went straight into the shower to cool off.

Some seconds later, he came out of the shower and went into deep thinking another time.

“Why would my own mother not believe me? This girl is hiding something from us. She is playing smart over everyone, but I bet it can’t be me.

Do I even know if I’m the owner of that pregnancy in the first place? Maybe she forced it on me. But thanks to God I didn’t accept it from the onset, and now it’s gone, huh!.

I feel guilty tho, I feel so guilty, I didn’t mean to do what I did and it has happened already. But I must find out what ever she has under her green grass, I will find out soon. He said to himself.

“I feel she has something to do with my father! But how do I tell this to people, that my own girlfriend has something to do with my own father. ( Hhmm. ) He exhaled and continued. “I’m not sure, but I can feel it.

Felix lamented as he made up his mind to look closely into Nancy’s corny movements.


Mr Ridwan visited the hospital to check on Nancy, on seeing how critical Nancy’s case turned out to be. He became very furious and went home to confront his son Felix.

But unfortunately, he didn’t meet Felix at home, as he was at his house in the other street.

Mrs Fadekemi stayed through the night with Nancy in the hospital, as she was too weak to move.

She cared and provided the necessary requirements for her at the hospital.

The next day came and Nancy regained her strength.

She got discharged and left the hospital with Mrs Fadekemi.

She laid down on the couch while Mrs Fadekemi ran around to fix something for her to eat.

Mrs Fadekemi was really worried, because she was not really a good cook.

“Honey! Our food is almost finished and the cook has not come. I’ve tried reaching out to her but her lines aren’t going through”. Mrs Fadekemi complained to her husband, and immediately Nancy turned to look at him as well.

” What could be the problem? Mr Ridwan asked

“I don’t have any idea”. She just left without any words and now her numbers aren’t connecting. What do we do now? Mrs Fadekemi said sadly.

“Mom, I know how to cook very well. Nancy said weakly as she interrupted them.

Mrs Fadekemi burst out laughing. “You? In this condition? Pleaseeee. She said laughing.

” But if she says she can cook, then I see nothing wrong with that, just let her relax for a while and then let her do what she wants to do. Moreover, it’s been a long time since we tested a nice meal in this house apart from Ruth’s food. Mr Ridwan said and walked out on them.

Mrs Fadekemi watched in shock as her husband embarrassed her in the presence of Nancy. But she smiled and pretended like she was not hurt. She joked with Nancy for a while before going to her room to meet with him.


Days later. Felix came back to plead with Nancy to forgive him. He called his father and mother to help him and beg Nancy.

“But how could you? Were you sent? Did you mean death for me ? Now you have succeeded in k8lling my child. The baby is gone ! Are you happy now? Tell me Felix are you? Nancy questioned felix as she cried heavily.

“I got pregnant for you – she said and Felix’s parents were shocked to hear.

Yes, Felix got me pregnant. I was carrying his child, I told him about it but he denied, I told my friends but nobody accepted the baby.

Everyone wanted me to abort, now the baby is gone. My joy, my peace of mind is gone. She continued.

“You mean you got pregnant for my son? Mr Ridwan asked.

” Yes your son got me pregnant. But he denied it. Nancy said crying.

“How come you didn’t let us know all this while. Mrs Fadekemi asked with astonishment.

“Mother, I couldn’t say it because he threatened to destroy me. He never wanted the child and here is it! She lamented.

“Felix how true is this? Mrs Fadekemi asked and immediately Mr Ridwan stood up and walked out on them angrily.

“Yes mom, but I mean, I’m a changed person now! I don’t know what came over me. But now I’m ready to stay. He said as he apologized to Nancy another time.

They pleaded with Nancy for a long time before she accepted their apology and forgave Felix.

Mom please don’t go in yet, I have something to discuss with you alone. He said as he hugged Nancy tightly and escorted her to her room.

He gently laid Nancy on the bed and kissed her slowly “let me meet with mom, I will be right back. He said and hurried back to his mother

“son why the look on your face? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

” Mom I’m not fine, I feel something strange between Nancy and Dad!. Felix said and Mrs Fadekemi raised her eyebrows.

“Sorry mom I mean no insult, but if you look closely you will see what I’m saying. He added.

“Felix! That is your father you are talking to, not an ordinary person. So get that out of your mind immediately. Mrs Fadekemi replied.

” Mother please, could you just believe me and observe this thing for once? And by the way, why was he angry when Nancy mentioned I got her pregnant?.

Mrs Fadekemi paused and gave a deep thought for a while. “So what do you suggest we do? She asked

” I’ve noticed that each time we leave for work, Dad will come back to the house to meet with Nancy! Felix revealed and it left Mrs Fadekemi in great shock.

“My God. I can’t believe this! She exclaimed.

I’ve noticed it too, but I didn’t know how to go about it! She added.

“mom believe me let’s give this a try. Felix said as he pleaded with Mrs Fadekemi to give in to his plans. And fortunately she did and they began plotting their plans.

Some days later. Mrs Fadekemi woke up one morning and prepared for work as usual.

Felix too wasn’t left out. They all left the house alongside Mr Ridwan, leaving Nancy in the house alone.

But Felix came back without his car and entered through the back door as he had planned with his mother.

It was not long after Mr Ridwan’s driver drove him back to the house before heading out.

Mr Ridwan made his way to Nancy’s room, he opened the door slowly and smiled at her.

Nancy too couldn’t wait to have him after a long time. They started kissing deeply. “I’ve missed you so much baby. Mr Ridwan said.

” I’ve missed you too, but too many people in the house want to distract us. Nancy replied.

“Yeah, wait a minute! What was Felix talking about the other time? That he was responsible for the pregnancy? Mr Ridwan asked.

” Nah! Not at all, I just wanted to get his attention. Nancy replied and the laughed.

“I know you to be a bad girl. But this time. I want you to be pregnant for me. I want you to carry my child in your sweet womb. Mr Ridwan said.

” Wait! What about your wife? Nancy asked.

“Forget about her, she can’t do anything! He really.

” Huh I can’t do that please, Nancy said as her mood changed.

“Don’t worry when the time comes, you will know. Mr Ridwan said as he pinned her to the bed.

They were deeply at it when they heard a loud bank on the door. “Kpem! Kpem! Kpem!. Felix knocked loudly. Nancy! Open the door! He said as he tried to peep to see if his father was in.

It was an iron door and everywhere was sealed so he couldn’t see throu.

Mr Ridwan ran and hid in the bathroom while Nancy rushed to put on her clothes so she could open the door.

Nancy ran around the room in confusion. She hid her panties, her brassiere and Mr Ridwan’s boxer under the bedsheets, she grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her chest. Leaving her fresh laps outside so she could seduce Felix.

She held the hand of the door and sighed deeply before unlocking it and immediately Felix pushed the door hardly and almost fell on her.

He entered the room and started searching everywhere for Mr Ridwan. He was convinced he was in the room. So he ignored all the shouts and insults of Nancy and went on searching every hidden place in the room for Mr Ridwan.

He opened the bathroom door, and Mr Ridwan who was scared of being caught used his elbow to brush Felix’s face. He fell to the ground and blood started gushing out from his nose.

“What have you done to your son, Ridwan? Nancy screamed.

” I don’t know, let’s quickly take him to the hospital right away. Mr Ridwan responded and they both ran around checking for clothes to wear.

Mrs Fadekemi who was in the game with Felix was on her way to the house so she could confirm if Nancy was truly seeing her husband behind her.

She kept dialing Felix’s number, but he didn’t pick up. That got her worried and she hurried Ori to drive fast so she could get to the house on time.

From afar, she could recognize her husband’s car, but she wasn’t sure. She kept calm and looked out for Felix.

They got to the compound and the gateman opened the gate hastily.

“Ah madam welcome oo. Bolaji greeted after opening the gate.

Mrs Fadekemi ignored and went inside as she dialed Felix’s number another time and Mr Ridwan picked up.

“Hello my lady, someone just called that Felix slumped so I hurried to take him to a nearby hospital.

” Christ in me! Mrs Fadekemi shouted as she ran outside to enter the car.

Which hospital please text me the address. She said to Mr Ridwan over the phone.

“Don’t worry my darling, the case is not so serious. He will be fine. Mr Ridwan said trying to balance his voice.

“okay, I’m reversing now, just text the address right away. She said again and was about entering the car.

“Bolaji, have you seen Nancy today? She asked the gateman.

” Ah madam, oga and Nancy just commot now now now. Them carry Felix enter car, e be like say him no well. Bolaji said.

“Ehh?! What did you say?. My husband, and Nancy, carried Felix out of this compound? Mrs Fadekemi asked as she expressed shock.

“Yes madam. I hear as person shout one time like that, I no come hear am again, I come see say them carry Felix out. Bolaji added.

Mrs Fadekemi didn’t bother listening to the rest of the story. She commanded him to open the gate and Ori Drove out speedily.

They got to the private hospital where she had all the family registered, but they weren’t there.

She didn’t know where else to go, so she kept calling her husband, pleading with him to direct her to the hospital where they took Felix to, but he refused.

Mrs Fadekemi pretended like she was not aware of anything . She didn’t bother asking him many questions, she was fully waiting to release fire for both Nancy and her husband, and arrest Nancy for attempting to end her son’s life. But she wasn’t sure of the truth, she got home and couldn’t concentrate.

Hours later, Mr Ridwan, Nancy and Felix entered the compound.

They entered the living room and saw Mrs Fadekemi sitting sadly.

She rushed to hug Felix who was weak,she glanced at Nancy who appeared scared and guilty, before helping Felix to refresh and got something for him to eat and rest.

Two hours later. Felix became stronger and whispered some things to his mother.

“Mom! This issue is so complicated. I came back without my car so they won’t notice, I took the back door as we discussed and got to Nancy’s room.

I knocked on the door several times and she refused to open, which I knew they were seeking for a hiding place. When she finally opened the door, I searched everywhere I didn’t see anyone.

When I opened the bathroom door, I felt a heavy hand hitting my face so hard and I fell down. I didn’t see or know who it was.

We got to the hospital and when I opened my eyes, the first person I saw was a strange guy with Nancy, before my Dad came in sweaty, saying that he heard of what happened.

And the sad part is that, the voice recorder I turned on was deleted, the one I saw there didn’t play. It’s so sad and unbelievable mom. Felix narrated out of pains.

” Do you mean Nancy brought a man into my house? Without anyone’s consent? And she is still under you? Oh no, this is the height of it!. She is leaving my house first thing tomorrow morning. I do not care whatever anyone thinks, but she is leaving. Mrs Fadekemi said angrily

“But mother, I didn’t catch them red handed! Felix added.

“I said I do not care! Mrs Fadekemi said and walked out furiously to warn Nancy.

“Nancy! Nancy!, where is this foolish girl. ungrateful being!. Mrs Fadekemi shouted and it startled Nancy, she quickly came downstairs to know what the problem was.

“Mother, I’m here!. Nancy said.

” I don’t want to know whether you’re here or there! You’re leaving my house first thing tomorrow morning, pack your belongings and get the hell out of my house.

“Mother please, what did I do? Nancy asked sadly.

” Do you want me to narrate to you what you did? You have the guts to bring a man into my house when you’re still answering to my son? Are you sick or something?

I offered to assist you because of the bastard you carried in your damaged womb, and now it’s gone, so you have no presence here in this house.

“But mother. – don’t mother me! I am not your useless mother. Mrs Fadekemi cut in and left Nancy teary.

” I’m sorry, but I didn’t bring any man into this house!. Nancy said cleaning the tears that wet her eyes.

“Oh, so who hit my son on the face? A ghost, do you now have a spiritual husband! You’re so shameless. I heard you’re a lesbian, where do you really belong? Mrs Fadekemi rained heavily on Nancy.

You will pack your things and go back to where you belong period!. She screamed.

“She is going nowhere! Mr Ridwan said as he walked down to where they stood. And Felix who also came out of his room lifted his face in surprise.

He didn’t understand why his father sided Nancy and shut down his mother in her presence.

Mrs Fadekemi looked at her husband in confusion, as well as Nancy who didn’t believe Mr Ridwan would side with her.

“Honey! Are you being serious right now? What do you mean by she isn’t leaving when I have given an order.” Mrs Fadekemi said with a roaring tone as she became pissed by what her husband said.

“I am the head of this family, and my order is final. Mr Ridwan replied carelessly and walked head high to his room.

Mrs Fadekemi was left shocked to her bones, she pierced into Nancy’s eyes in anger and Nancy couldn’t stand her angry look, she took to her feet, covering her mouth in surprise and locked herself in her room.

Felix stood still in shock, he couldn’t believe the drama that was just displayed by his parents. He wanted to speak but he was out of words. His lips kept shaking as he didn’t know what to say and how to start.

Mrs Fadekemi stood blinking her eyes, her head spun , she couldn’t understand the trouble she was in. She tried figuring out things but her head wagged. She sat on the couch without words or actions.


Night came and the whole family was still in silence and disarray. Shock caught hold of everyone except Mr Ridwan who didn’t feel remorse for his actions.

Instead he wanted to let his wife know that he had known the truth for a long time but decided to play over it for peace to reign.

He had loved her so much and wanted to do everything for her to be alright. And to say she was part of the reasons for his wealth and healthy living.

He didn’t also want to divorce the wife of his youth, but to take revenge, he decided to take actions that he thought would break the family but make him happy.

**** Days later. Mrs Fadekemi became sick. She laid on the bed in the guest room shivering. It was only Felix that was available to take care of her, as she didn’t want Nancy close to her any longer.

One faithful night. Mr Ridwan left the master bedroom and went to visit Nancy as usual.

He got to the door and Nancy had locked it. He knocked severally but Nancy refused to open.

Finally she opened and let him in. “What do you want Ridwan? Nancy asked.

” Can we talk? Mr Ridwan returned his question amidst Nancy’s question.

“You haven’t given me an answer Ridwan! She yelled loudly and her voice echoed outside the room, and it got the attention of Mrs Fadekemi who struggled to sleep but could not.

” Felix isn’t my son!! And my wife can’t give me one! I want you in my life, I want you in this family, I want to have a child of my blood. Please do this for me. Mr Ridwan pleaded as he raised his voice, with a crying tone.

It stunned Nancy so hard that she went slowly to the bed to sit. “Can you repeat that? She said Calmly fixing her eyes down and lost in thoughts.

” I said Felix is not my biological son. My wife lied to me, and I’ve lived with these lies for the past 27 years. It hurts me so bad that I cry almost every time.

“I’ve loved my wife so daily, that I can’t break the promises I made to her. We dated for about 8 years before we got married.

We wanted a peaceful union, we wanted a forever deal, we were constantly praying for a beautiful marriage and to make it work out, my wife couldn’t stand us breaking apart. So she took a step.

“And what step was that? Nancy asked sadly as she listened carefully to what Mr Ridwan said.

After 11 years of childlessness. I got an opportunity to travel abroad for a business deal. My wife supported me with everything she could lay her hands on. So I traveled, two months later, I got in contact with my wife and she broke the news. She told me she was three months gone.

I was so happy, I was the happiest man on earth and my Joy knew no bounds. I didn’t have enough money to travel back, so I stayed two more years before coming back to Nigeria.

When I got back, my boy “Felix” was two years old. I was so happy to have my wife get back the peace of mind she had ever wanted.

And ever since then, everything started booming, money coming from different angles and I became who I am today.

But along the line, I discovered a life shocking thing. My wife’s results from the family private hospital stated that my wife is barren, due to an abortion she tried to commit, she lost her womb, and she wont be able to conceive ever again.

I waited for my wife to open up and say the truth, but she refused. She has hurt me everywhere!. Mr Ridwan gasped for air and cried heavily as he narrated his life story to Nancy.

“But why didn’t you confront her, since you had the evidence and knew the truth.

” I took a picture of the result while waiting for her to open up. But how it got deleted from my phone, and the hard copy itself went missing I can’t say.

My wife didn’t feel any remorse doing this to me, so I have decided that this time around I will do everything it takes to restore my happiness.

That is why I want you to stay. Please stay for…

Mr Ridwan paused as they heard a heavy foot stop running down the staircase.

That was Mrs Fadekemi, she had heard everything as she put her ears closely to the door. She entered her room and locked herself inside and cried out in silence.

She didn’t want anyone to know that she was aware of what was going on.

She felt guilty about her actions but it was too late. She regretted and wished she could turn back the hands of time.

Her mind flashed back to when she offered herself to a sweet stranger who suckled her breasts and licked the liquor from under her just to have a child for her husband. Before she went for a test which confirmed she wouldn’t give birth again. She cried her heart out.

****** Mr Ridwan and Nancy tiptoed outside the room to check if there was somebody listening to them, but they didn’t see anyone. So they went back to continue their discussion.

In the room, Mr Ridwan knelt down and held Nancy’s hands with tears rolling down his chin. “Please Nancy, for the sake of my peace, for the sake of my inheritance, for the sake of the future and for everything my wife I’ve put me through in darkness. Please marry me, give me a child to call my own this time around, I beg of you. Mr Ridwan pleaded.

“Ridwan I don’t think I can do this! I mean, you have a wife. Are you intending to send her away? Nancy asked as she opposed Mr Ridwan’s proposal.

” Don’t get me wrong! I am not divorcing my wife. I’m only telling you to give me a chance. I need a child of my own, I am aging fast and I don’t have any heir to my inheritance.” Mr Ridwan pleaded.

” Okay fine! It’s late already. I will think about it and probably tomorrow or next I will get back to you.

“But why not now? Mr Ridwan asked.

” There are too many things on my head right now, and I don’t want to make a decision that I might regret later. Give me some time. Nancy added.

“Okay that’s fine. Mr Ridwan said as he hugged Nancy and made his way back to his room.


Still in the devastated stage. Mrs Fadekemi concluded in her mind to divorce her husband.

She couldn’t believe the girl she helped had just turned back to hurt her badly.

She wanted to move out, she was ready to live a new life. After all Felix didn’t have a father

She was ready to go anywhere with him and she wont regret it.

“It was for the good of us. For the good of the family. For our healthy marriage’s sake. But I’ve drowned in the same river. She murmured bitterly as tears dropped from her eyes.

“I have been ignoring the fact that you go about sleeping with young girls you’re supposed to father, I keep calm for the sake of our marriage. When the fault isn’t from me.

“Where did I go wrong? In trying to save my marriage, my mental health and the rest. I know I’ve messed up, I’ve messed up big time. But the fault is not totally from me, I wanted to keep his mind away from the truth hunting him.

I will walk away, I will go far away. Yes I’m walking out of this marriage. I can’t stand this. I can’t bear it anymore. She wept the whole night.


The next morning. Felix went to knock on the guestroom door where Mrs Fadekemi was.

“Mother can we talk? Felix said from outside.

” I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. Mrs Fadekemi replied from inside.

“Mother please. You have locked yourself up for some days. You barely eat. I don’t want anything to happen to you please. Let me at least know how you are doing. Felix pleaded out of fear that Mrs Fadekemi might think of the unnecessary. Especially suicide.

” I will call you when I need you son.. Mrs Fadekemi replied and Felix kept knocking and pleading. Still she did not open so he left.

A few moments later. Mr Ridwan went to check on how his wife was doing. He knocked on the door and Mrs Fadekemi thought it was Felix.

She stood up to open the door, only for her to see that it was Mr Ridwan.

“How are you doing my love. Mr Ridwan asked with a cold tone as tears formed in his eyes.

Mrs Fadekemi left him without a word. She went back and laid on the bed and covered herself up with the duvet.

“Honey please can you put a stop to all this already. Okay, I want us to talk. I don’t like…

” Enough! Mrs Fadekemi cut in angrily. “What do you want to talk about? She continued. If you don’t mind, I want to close the door. Go away. She stood up and began to drag with Mr Ridwan and he made his way to leave but just then Felix walked in.

“Mother what is the problem actually? Dad is trying his best to sort things out amicably but you keep acting up.

” YOU DON’T HAVE A FATHER!! Mrs Fadekemi screamed out and it struck both Mr Ridwan and Felix like a bomb.

” Yes! You do not have a father. Ridwan is not your father, he is not, your father!. She said as she cried heavily and bent slowly to the floor.

Felix gave a strange and shocking look to Mr Ridwan who couldn’t move an inch because of what his wife just revealed. He didn’t expect that. He wanted to be the one to tell that he was aware. But he was caught unaware.

They both stared at each other for long without a word. “Father! Felix finally voiced out after a long silence. ” What did Mom just say? He asked

Mr Ridwan raised his index finger and frowned just immediately, giving Felix a sign not to go further as he walked out of the room.

Felix couldn’t believe his eyes as Mr Ridwan walked away without any explanation. He turned to look at his mother who laid on the floor like one with no hope.

He didn’t know if he should help to raise her from the floor or walk away. He was left with mixed feelings of pity and resentment.

Finally he helped to get the weak Mrs Fadekemi up to bed before leaving and was still shocked that no one said a word to him.


” I think this is the best time to really strike! This is the time to restore all my lost, all the problem I’ve faced and all the sufferings. This should be my last bus stop.

If I don’t use my head this time around, I don’t know where I would see myself next. I have to really make good use of this opportunity.

I think I have a plan. I will forge a pregnancy test result and tell him I am pregnant for him. From there, I would get access to his money and investments. But far be it that I get pregnant again for this family. Nancy thought to herself in the cold and silent room where only the air-conditioners sounds could be heard.

She nodded her head in confirmation as she got up from the bed and took her shower to be able to go out and stretch her plans properly.

After bathing and dressing up. She tiptoed out of her room with her shoes and bag in her hands, so that no one would see her and question her.


Two days later, it was 8pm in the evening. Felix’s mind was still unstable and confused due to the drama his parents displayed right before his eyes.

He left his mini apartment angrily and entered his car and zoomed off to his father’s house.

He needed answers to the ocean of questions running in his head. He almost lost control as he couldn’t concentrate and his mind was unstable.

He got to his father’s house and parked his car outside the compound.

He angrily bounced on the gate which made Bolaji open the gate with haste.

He couldn’t look at him in the face, as anger and violence was written all over his face.

Felix walked into the sitting room which wasn’t locked. He made his way to the master bedroom but his Dad wasn’t there.

Without much thought, he went straight to Nancy to confront her for being the reason his family got torn apart.

He opened the door and behold, Nancy and Mr Ridwan were making out.

Felix stood mouth dropped, his eyes popped out of their suckets. He was confused and short of words. He couldn’t believe his eyes and couldn’t pour out his mind on Nancy as he planned.

Within the same seconds, both Mr Ridwan and Nancy rushed to put on their cloth.

“How could you? father!. Felix said as he tried to hold himself from crying but he couldn’t help it.

” Nancy!, why? Why my father? Why this family?. He gasped.

He wanted to close the door and leave when Nancy suddenly lost control of his mouth. “I think you should refer the question to your mother! She said.

Felix didn’t wait a second before running to jump on Nancy with his heavy muscles. He hit her two times and was about descending another time when Mr Ridwan caught hold of him.

“Leave me let me finish this bastard. Felix cried out.

” I say leave her alone. Mr Ridwan replied and they both dragged till Felix left in pains and shock.

Mr Ridwan rushed to meet Nancy who led on the floor with no words. “I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see that coming, I could have prevented it please forgive me. Mr Ridwan pleaded yet Nancy laid still.

He held his hand and kissed them still pleading, but Nancy still didn’t move.

Nancy sneezed hard and opened her eyes. Mr Ridwan who was all scared and shivering heaved a sigh of relief immediately.

“Oh thank God, Are you okay? He asked

” Please get me some water! Nancy replied with a tiny voice as tho that was her last strength.

Mr Ridwan went downstairs to quickly get a bottle of water for Nancy. He got to the living room and met a hitting argument between Mrs Fadekemi and Felix.

Mrs Fadekemi cried as Felix promised to walk out of the family and never return. Even tho he wasn’t sure of his next step. He wanted to just leave the disunited family and move on with his life.

“Come back here son! You can’t leave me alone here. You are my son. I trained you and fend for you. If anyone says you aren’t his, then that’s for them. Mrs Fadekemi said as tears became water on her face.

” Tell me where I belong right now, who is my father for crying out loud. How do I explain to my friends that I don’t have a father! If I was adopted or picked by the road side I don’t know and nobody cares to tell me anything. Not a word from you both.

How do I continue my life like this? I can’t live in this darkness anymore! Felix responded as he cried and gasped.

“Please my son, you can’t do this, don’t do this to me please. I promise to tell you everything please. Mrs Fadekemi pleaded.

Mr Ridwan whose attention was caught suddenly remembered he was supposed to attend to Nancy. He ran down stairs and his heavy footsteps distracted Mrs Fadekemi and Felix.

They both went mute at the same time and waited for him to pass.

Mrs Fadekemi locked the door of the living room and held the key, still pleading with Felix to change his mind about his decisions.

They both watched as Mr Ridwan ran back with a bottle of water to Nancy’s room. “What is the matter with him? Mrs Fadekemi asked curiously.

” I hit her mom! Felix replied angrily.

“You hit who? Nancy?how could you? Is that what you would do to your wife and children? Mrs Fadekemi asked with surprise.

” This is it mom! This is it! Everytime pity! From one way of pity to the other. Pity strangers pity everyone unnecessarily. Now she has stabbed you at the back. Felix poured out.

“I don’t get you Felix, what is the meaning of what you’re insinuating. Mrs Fadekemi asked

“I just caught Nancy and and and Dad making out! Hot sex at that! I don’t care how you would feel but that is just the hard truth! Felix alarmed angrily.

It was then down on Mrs Fadekemi that she had no place again. Her breath almost ceased as she held her neck and went down slowly to the floor.

“Mother are you alright!? Felix asked out of fear.

” Yes son, help me to my room please. She said weakly and Felix helped her walk step by step into the guest room.


Nancy sat upright putting her head on Mr Ridwan’s shoulder. “Your son is really a beast. He almost k3ll3d me. Thank God I’m alive. Nancy said.

“I’m so sorry about that my love, you could tell from here that he is not my son. And that is the more reason I want you to give me a child. The one that would have my blood run through his or her veins. Please do this for me. Mr Ridwan pleaded.

“I will marry you. And I will give you a child. Nancy said, and that lit up Mr Ridwan’s smile.

But promise me you won’t hurt me in any way, all the times you go about chasing little girls, and spending nights outside, I want them to stop right away. Is that a yes? Nancy asked.

“Anything for you my love, I promise to be with you alone forever. . Mr Ridwan said as he hugged Nancy and was with her for the night.


The next morning. Mrs Fadekemi woke Felix up very early. She had packed her bags up and arranged them in a place.

“Mother? Where are you leaving to? Felix asked.

” To my house. Mrs Fadekemi responded.

“Which? Felix asked again.

” Actually I was supposed to relocate to Abuja, but right now. I have some documents to sort out at work, and also file for a divorce. I am leaving for good. Mrs Fadekemi replied as she moved her bags to the car.

Felix helped her to carry some while still throwing questions at her. It was from there that he realized how much Mrs Fadekemi had built up for him. He also realized that she had played an important role in the business life of Mr Ridwan.

She owned more than two companies and houses. Felix then discovered he had inheritance that Mrs Fadekemi kept for him outside Mr Ridwan’s wealth.

“So son! forget about him, we can live without him. And if I happen to remarry, it’s not too late, I can still give you a younger sibling. That is if God permits. Mrs Fadekemi said as they arrived at one of her houses.

Felix discovered and learnt many things during their journey to the new place his mother never told him about. He then discovered how precious and vigorous Mrs Fadekemi is.

They got down and he helped her to pack her things to the living room.

He could not believe his eyes. The interior in the new house marveled him. He kept looking and smiling like a JJC.

It was then that Mrs Fadekemi sat him down and told him things about the company she wanted him to manage. But because of his wasteful lifestyle, she was scared he might run it down within months.

She advised Felix as she cried and pleaded with him to change for good, Felix promised to change, he promised to stand by her through thick and thin. And they both cried out as they prayed and wished their new journey of life a good one.

“Ruth is coming back to this house soon. I’ve given her the address. Mrs Fadekemi broke the news.

“But mom, I thought she had resigned. Since then she hasn’t called to apologize or give reasons why she left. And you want to take her back? Mother, it baffles me that you act this way sometimes. Felix replied as he was not okay with his mother’s decision.

“You won’t understand son. I told her to. Mrs Fadekemi said.

Felix became curious and sat still, and urged Mrs Fadekemi to say more.

” She texted me on the phone that Nancy gave her money in a brief case, and she didn’t know what to do. So I told her to keep the money . When Nancy looks for her, she should let me know so I can handle the case myself.

And ever since then, her number had been switched off, I kept trying her lines but they didn’t go. So just about a week ago, she called, pleading and giving her reasons and wanting to come back. Mrs Fadekemi said.

“Yeiiiiiuii! Jesus Christttttttt. I can’t believe this. Felix expressed shock.

” What son? Did she tell you anything about it? She asked.

“Mom, you won’t believe I caught this girl with the briefcase, I asked her questions, but I don’t know how she was able to overshadowed me and played her way out. Felix said and Mrs Fadekemi laughed.

Why the laugh mother? Felix asked.

Since your father couldn’t give me a child, I wanted you to marry Nancy so she would give me a child for you. I would have been the happiest women. She doesn’t know what she just missed. She thinks she is smart. But maybe in some ways, like how she is able to take my husband. Mrs Fadekemi said and laughed like she wasn’t in pain.

“Hold on mom, I’m trying to get something. Did you just say since my father, Mr Ridwan I mean couldn’t give you a child? Felix asked.

” Yes darling, I said so. Mrs Fadekemi said laughing again as she walked out from the ongoing discussion to check how she would arrange her things properly in the new house.

“Mom! You are still keeping me in the dark! If truly I am your son, why do you keep my existence a secret from me. Who is my father? Felix asked as tears formed in his eyes.

Mrs Fadekemi looked at Felix and smiled, she pulled him closer and hugged him. ” You are not in the right state of mind to know this”. She said.

” But mother! I am a grown up man, am I not supposed to know who my father is? If someone asks me anything about my father, how do I defend myself. Felix asked again.

At that time, Ruth called Mrs Fadekemi that she was close by. The call distracted them as Mrs Fadekemi sent Felix to go pick Ruth up at where she was.

He left all gloomy and angry. He felt like forcing his mother’s mouth to open so he could get all the information, but it wasn’t go as he thought.

Moments later. Felix drove in with Ruth. There was no gate man, so Mrs Fadekemi opened the wide gate for them as she welcomed Ruth with an open arm.

******Ruth was in the kitchen preparing jollof rice when Felix entered all smiling. “Is there anything I can help you with? He asked.

” Oh, there is a lot, but don’t worry. I don’t want to stress you. Ruth responded.

“I don’t mind! Let me just help, you know I’m very hungry and I would like to assist so it can be fast. Felix said again as he offered to help, and Ruth allowed him.

” Actually, I’ve really been watching you right from the other side, and I would love to…. — Felix! Mrs Fadekemi who was watching them from the door called out immediately and it startled them.

Felix followed Mrs Fadekemi who gave him a bombastic side eye to the living room.

“I think I need to slap some senses into you. Are you not the one I just advised not long ago. Do you have a memory that keeps things at all? Mrs Fadekemi asked as she yelled at Felix.

The first hasn’t been resolved, now you want to start another? As what? As one who has a father? Haven’t I suffered enough for you? Do you want to give me high blood pressure? Do you want me to die before my time? What is really your problem? Don’t you want me here? Should I disown you too? Mrs Fadekemi cried out as she warned Felix.

Ruth who came out to watch what she would do to Felix, heard everything and was shocked.

She left her chores and went to meet Mrs Fadekemi who walked out angrily.

“Ma! I’m so sorry for what you heard the other time. I think he was just joking. Ruth said.

” That’s not a problem you can go back to your work. Mrs Fadekemi replied still moody.

“I’m so sorry ma, but you don’t look happy. Is anything the problem? Ruth asked.

” Ruth go back to your work. I am fine. Mrs Fadekemi replied.

“Okay ma, but ma I could be of help if there’s anything. Ruth said as she tried to sit close to Mrs Fadekemi.

“I said I am fine. Leave my presence! Mrs Fadekemi shouted and Ruth ran back to the kitchen shaking. She was surprised, because she hasn’t seen Mrs Fadekemi in such a mood before.

Hours later. It was already late at night. Ruth went to knock on Mrs Fadekemi’s door. She opened and asked her what she wanted.

“I’m so sorry ma, but I’m really disturbed, because I have not seen you this way since I started working for you. I’m so sorry if I’m intruding, ma. But I can’t just ignore your mood right now ma. She said.

“Come have a sit. Mrs Fadekemi offered her a seat in her room.

After a long silence, Mrs Fadekemi breathed out. ” You are my daughter, more like Felix, that is why I want to tell you this. Mrs Fadekemi said.

“I dated my husband when I was a teenager, 16 I guess. But I was all grown and mature physically. My husband came and asked for my hand in marriage after about 7 to 8 years of our relationship.

My uncles accepted and he paid the little he had for my dowries and married me.

During the 8 years, my husband was constantly on my neck to give him a child, he would course me and call me all sorts of names. One day, still on the childless issues, he picked a fight with me and that was when I opened up about the abortion I did before I got married to him.

The guy who got me pregnant denied it, and my family almost disowned me too. So I was left with no choice than to about the baby.

It was a secret I didn’t want to tell anyone, but when Ridwan called me a barren woman that day, I had to open up to him that I once got pregnant. Thinking he would probably check his end because of that, unknowing to me that he would use that against me. Every now and then he would tell me that I had lost my womb, that was the reason I couldn’t give birth.

Fast forward to when he got the opportunity to travel out of the country.

We went to conduct a test from one of our family private hospitals.

There was a particular nurse who was always after my husband, hhmm, you know his cheating habits didn’t start today, that was the more reason I invested more in myself and my son. Because I didn’t want a situation whereby he would wake up one day and tell me, (barren woman, leave my house). She said with a commanding tone and they laughed.

My husband had slept with thisNurse countless times, telling my supposed situation to the nurse that I can’t give birth, and that he wanted a young lady who could give him a child.

The lady tried all she could to take in but it didn’t work.

One day, my husband dragged me to the hospital to conduct some texts. And the very nurse that was always after him was who handled my files.

She asked me some questions and I told her everything about my life and that was wen I mentioned the abortion to her.

Out of her jealousy and hatred for me, she twisted everything and told me I was barren and wouldn’t give birth ever again.

I cried my hearts out, I was not myself. But I lied to my husband that I was okay, and that he should check himself too.

My husband gave in and conducted a test, that was a week after my own. But we were told to come back the next day as people were so much in line to meet with the doctor.

The next day came and my husband got the opportunity to travel, so he didn’t hesitate to leave the country. He instructed me to get the result for him which I did.

And behold, my husband’s test results showed that he was impotent. I was shocked to my bones. I could not believe why a husband and a wife would be infertile at the same time.

So I went to another hospital to conduct another test. And true to my conscience, I was fine. I could give birth to as many children as I wanted. I was so excited, I was overjoyed. But I was down too, I became sick because of my husband’s test result.

I didn’t know how I would tell him that he was impotent. I was scared he might hang himself or have a high blood pressure, he’s the type that can’t control himself when something happens.

So I thought of how to give him a child, I met with this sweet stranger, who offered to pay off, but i rejected the offer, cuz I know when I went there for. The fixed day came and we got to the hotel room, we undressed and were about to start, suddenly it was down on me that I wasn’t doing the right thing. I started pleading with the stranger to take me back.

I even had to explain to him that I was married, and also told him why I had to accept it in the first place. He had pity on me and brought me back home.

My husband started making money and he constantly sent me money, and I gathered some money and adopted my son Felix, but I don’t regret it one bit. I love him daily and I pray for a long life for him. Because, to everything that happens, God knows the reason. She said as she concluded her story with tears and sweat all over her.

“Wow! This is so sad, I’m so sorry about all you went through ma. But is Mr Ridwan not aware of all this? Ruth asked.

” No, he is not, that is why he keeps acting foolishly. Mrs Fadekemi responded.

“But not to worry, I’m working on that, I’ll bring down his shoulders soon. Mrs Fadekemi added.

Mrs Fadekemi spent her days weeping as she flashed back to the moments of love and oneness with Mr Ridwan. She became heartbroken as each day passed.

“Should I go back and fight for what is mine?, should I take back my position and not allow this little girl to rub shits on my face?, what if the love would not be there again, what if my husband won’t take me back? She bombarded herself with numerous rhetorical questions.


Ma, I truly understand how you feel! And I wish I could be of help, but the only thing I feel right now is that, your husband doesn’t love you. Ruth said, and Mrs Fadekemi raised her eyebrows.

“You are too young my darling, you don’t understand what marriage is, you may understand tho, but may probably not understand what it means to spend years together in love and unity. Mrs Fadekemi said as tears rolled down her chin.

” I do ma, if I don’t, I won’t be here. Why I said so is because, it’s been 4 good months since you left his house, he has not come to look for you, or even called to check up on you. I just feel he’s tired of the marriage. And Mami,you don’t have a choice right now than to walk away. I know it’s hard. But that’s the only option. Ruth said with a sad tone.

“It’s okay Ruth, I will be fine. It’s just that I can’t let go of the love so easily, and can’t get over him either. But I will be fine, okay? Mrs Fadekemi said.

” Okay ma, let me go to the kitchen and do some clean up, the dinning will be set soon. Ruth said and left.


Moments later, Mrs Fadekemi called Felix on the phone to drive her down to Mr Ridwan’s house, so she could give him the divorce papers to sign.

Felix who was shocked and emotional gave in and they made their way down to Mr Ridwan’s place.

They got to the gate and honked, the gateman opened for them and they drove in. They sighted Mr Ridwan and Nancy I’m the garden playing out sweetly.

Mrs Fadekemi put down her face and pretended like she didn’t see them, but Nancy got scared and stood to her feet in surprise.

Some minutes later, Mrs Fadekemi came out from the living room.

“Ridwan! The divorce paper is on the table, please sign, and do let me know when you do, so I will come get them. She said and entered the car.

It struck Mr Ridwan like a bomb, he became sad almost immediately.

He put away his face in shame, as he could not withstand the news from his wife.

“Baby, why the sad face? I told you I would give you a child, it’s just some months away and everything will be sorted out. Nancy said as she caressed Mr Ridwan’s Laps.

“I know my love, that’s why I’m not bothered. Mr Ridwan replied sadly.

“One more thing baby, you know I really do not want our child to lack anything, so I need like 10 million naira to get more baby things, there are new things I saw online, and they are very classy, and would suit our baby. Nancy said as she touched his beards

“But I just gave you N5m, 3 days ago for the same baby things. How many things are you going to get for thjs baby?. Mr Ridwan said with open eyes.

” Do you even understand what it means to have a child of your own, you would always want the best for them. I guess it’s because your so-called wife couldn’t give you one. Nancy cried out.

“That’s alright, I will call my friend to do that now. Mr Ridwan without hesitation, called Babalola, his friend and one of the most influential personalities to help him make some transactions for him and promised to return as soon as possible.


Mrs Fadekemi and Felix got to the house and Felix started throwing questions at his mother.

Mrs Fadekemi didn’t have a choice than to sit Felix down and expose the secrets one after the other. She was surprised that Felix almost rolled on the floor, laughing out so hard instead of mourning.

“What is funny? Mrs Fadekemi was surprised.

” Mother, I’m so sorry about that, it’s just funny! The fact that I was adopted by a beautiful, strong and dedicated woman is amazing. And I’m super grateful to God almighty for the privilege, I promise you mother, I won’t let you down, I will stand by you throughout this rough time, and my prayer is that, God heal you soon . Felix said as he held Mrs Fadekemi’s two hands and made his vows.

But the fact that an impotent, fruitless human being is carrying the whole matter on his head is just so funny. We will see the end mother, don’t just bother yourself .Felix added and laughed so hard, and that got Mrs Fadekemi thrilled.


“Who was that on the phone that you shouted at? Mr Ridwan asked Nancy.

” Em! Yeah! That was my mother!, shee! I called her for something.

“But I heard you said you were able to convince him to get it? What and who did you convince? He asked again

” It’s not a big thing baby, I asked her about the money I sent to her! Nancy responded.

“I thought you told me your mom doesn’t want to hear anything about you, and you lost her number long ago. Mr Ridwan asked.

” Oh, she called me, so I now have her numbers. Nancy replied.

“Oh that’s fine, let me have her numbers, orrrr! I think you should call her, I really want to speak with her, especially to tell her about our marriage and baby that’s on the way. He said excitedly.

Nancy almost got caught, she Stammered as she didn’t know what else to tell Mr Ridwan. Instead she used her seductions to blow his mind away.


Days later, Felix pleaded with Mrs Fadekemi to move his things into her big mansion. “Mother please, I still can’t get over the beauty of this house and more, please offer me a room so I could move my things innnnn. Felix said as he teased his mother.

” Hey! Mr man, you are old enough to own your building, don’t inconvenience me in my own house oo. Mrs Fadekemi replied and they laughed

“Mom pleaseeeeeee. Felix pleaded.

” Just in two conditions! She said.

” What are the conditions? Felix asked.

” That you won’t bring any woman into my house – when I’m not Mr Ridwan. Felix chipped in and they burst out laughing, but deep down, it broke Mrs Fadekemi as Felix joked about her husband.

“I’m sorry mom, but I promise I won’t do that. Felix said as he sensed the sadness in Mrs Fadekemi’s heart.

” That’s fine, then secondly, you won’t trope in with friends into my house. This house is just for you, Ruth and I . She said.

“Speaking of Ruth, mom what do you think about her? Felix asked with smiles.

” I don’t get! What do I think about her, how ? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

“Mommmmm, don’t do like you don’t understand what I mean. Felix added and smiled deeply at his mother and that got Mrs Fadekemi to smile back.

“Nancy! Nancy! Nancy! Mr Ridwan screamed as he walked angrily to Nancy’s room.

” Why are you shouting? Nancy asked.

“Where are the bundles of cash I left in the drawer in the master bedroom? Mr Ridwan asked angrily and almost tearing down.

” Hold on! Are you accusing me of stealing your money? Nancy asked amidst the anger.

“The last time I checked, it is just you and I that live in this whole house. There is no ghost, no witches who appeared and disappeared to take out the 500k cash that was in my room.

“Look, let me tell you something Ridwan, I am not your wife that you treated anyhow okay?, if I tell you I didn’t touch it and you dont believe me, then go to hell. Nancy screamed back.

” Then who did? It’s barely been 5 months since we lived together, my company is going down, my other little businesses, friends have left and even my family is no more. You are such a destruction to one’s life. Idiot! Mr Ridwan yelled at Nancy before walking back to his room.

“Look at this one, you haven’t seen anything yet! Your life will be a platform of sorrows for others to watch and learn, rubbish. Nancy murmured.

Mr Ridwan went back and picked the divorce paper from the table which his wife left for him. He read through and tears started forming in his eyes.

Tho his mind was unsettled, he felt he had made a mistake, but wasn’t sure which was it. If it was divorcing his wife and marrying Nancy, or keeping his wife who made him live in lies for years.

He sat down on the sofa with the paper in his hands as tears dropped and wet the paper.


“Mom I feel something for this girl, but I don’t know what it is. Felix told his mother.

” And what is it you are feeling? Mrs Fadekemi asked with a click of the idea in her head.

“I can’t say mother, I don’t know how I feel, but I know I’m having this deep connection with Ruth, unlike every other girls. He said.

” Then what are you waiting for? Why not go for what you want as long as it gives you joy and happiness. Mrs Fadekemi replied smiling.

But note! Anything that would bring us tears and regrets is what I don’t want. So cross-check your feelings before you make a movement. She added.

“Okay mother, I will be more careful this time. Felix added.


Mr Ridwan woke up to a huge amount of money leaving his account.

At first he was confused, he could remember he slept together with Nancy, but he woke up not seeing her beside him, he became more curious and sat up.

He picked up his phone and tried her number several times, but she didn’t pick. He stayed awake as he struggled to sleep but couldn’t.

He finally was able to sleep some hours later and woke up very late, at about 8:46am.

“Hello Damascus! I don’t understand the 50million Naira debit alert that I got, what is happening? Mr Ridwan asked his bank manager.

” Mr Ridwan, I saw the same thing over here, but here it is stated that you approved the transaction with your correct passwords. Damascus replied.

“Wait wait wait, hold on. You mean, I made a transaction of 50million Naira and I don’t know? I’ll be on my way to the bank right away.

Mr Ridwan said as he rushed to take his birth and made his way to the UBA bank.

He got to the bank and started screaming at the top of his voice as he couldn’t get the right information on why the money left his account. Even when the bankers tried to calm him down.

He went outside the bank and called Nancy again and she finally picked.

“You bloody thief, you devil incarnate, how on earth can you do this to me? After all I’ve done for you?.

After I’ve brought you out from poverty? You have the guts to stab me at the back?.

“Baby calm down, what is the problem? Why the insults, what did I do ? Nancy asked innocently.

” You don’t know what you did? I will arrest you, irrespective of my baby in your womb I will arrest you bloody thief. You stole my 50m naira? You think I would not know?.

“Jesus Christ? Ridwan? I will be on my way soon. Nancy said and hung up and immediately another call came in from the manager, telling Mr Ridwan to meet him inside the bank.

He walked angrily to meet with the manger with a hard look on the face as he was boiling in anger.

“Sir please you have to calm down, we have figured out the account that the money was transferred to! Damascus alarmed.

” Please do, cus I won’t hesitate to arrest whoever it is. Mr Ridwan poured out.

“The account I’m seeing here is Fadeke Adeleke Ridwan. The manager said, and it struck Mr Ridwan.

” You say what? Fadekemi? My wife?. He asked.

“From the look of things sir, it seems this person has full access to your account. Damascus added.

” Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Mr Ridwan exclaimed and ran out of the bank.

He got home and started trying Mrs Fadekemi’s numbers. She allowed the phone to ring for long before she picked and put the phone in her ear without saying anything.

“What did I ever do to you? You made me live a lie all through my years With you! You adopted the idiot you called a son and forced him on me! Now you have succeeded in duping me? Ohhh no, don’t just let me know where you are, because I will forget the fact that I’ve loved you before, I will descend heavily on you and your stupid son.

I know you are jealous that you can’t produce, and for your information, she is carrying my child. So get your jealousy and hatred off this family. Mr Ridwan ranted over the phone.

Mrs Fadekemi laughed hard over the phone and ended the call on him. He called back and started ranting again.

“Just make your way to the hospital because you are the one who can’t produce , to avoid living another lie. Mrs Fadekemi said, and it left goose bombs on Mr Ridwan’s soul.

He ended the call and sat down on the sofa, thinking deep about what Mrs Fadekemi just said. He dialed his personal doctor’s number and informed him he would meet up with him.

Hours later, Mr Ridwan got to the hospital and discussed some things with the doctor. He was placed on several kinds of tests and diagnosis.


Nancy got to the house with anger to pour out on Mr Ridwan for accusing theft. She entered and searched but there was no one in the house.

She checked the master bedroom yet there was nobody in. She ceased the opportunity and searched the house, she searched the wardrobe, the bed, under the bed, the drawers and every other place possible. She couldn’t find anything as she too didn’t know what she was looking for.

Luckily she saw a key to the mini sized cupboard which was on top of Mr Ridwan’s long wardrobe.

She opened it and behold, tinted notes were in there.

She tried counting them as they were not wrapped, but she thought it could be risky. She packed and wrapped up the notes which amounted to 70 million naira and made her way with it.

She chewed her SIM cards and broke her two phones. Left the car that Mr Ridwan got for her and boarded an Uber to her new location which was another state entirely.


“Mr Ridwan! I’m so sorry to announce this. I know It’s hard but it’s just the simple truth. The tests we conducted on you shows that you are impotent .The doctor alarmed Mr Ridwan.

” Meaning? Mr Ridwan asked as his heart leaped and his heard spun.

“Hello Helena, what’s up babe? Where are? Nancy said with a low tone.

” I’m at home, is there any problem, why are you calling me on messenger ? Helena responded.

“Leave that for now, Please I am stranded, something happened so I left my boss’s house, and I don’t want to go back to my house can I join you at your place? She asked.

” Oh that’s fine, where are you so I can come pick you up? Helena asked.

“Where I am is really far, when I drop I will let you know so you can come pick me. Nancy said and hung up as she tried to find her way to Helena’s place.

A few minutes later, they hooked up and Helena drove her all the way to her house. They got inside and Helena started to ask her questions about the “Ghana must go bag she was with.

” Babe, you’ve still not told me anything since you came, what is the problem and what is in the bag you’re with? Helena asked curiously.

“Babe! You won’t believe what happened. Nancy responded as she narrated all that had happened in the little time Helena wasn’t with her. How she faked the pregnancy and her boss left the marriage, and how she stole the 70million naira from Mr Ridwan.

Helena’s mouth opened wide as she heard “70m. ” This is huge? So what’s the next step now? She asked.

“I am so convinced that this man would trace me, which I don’t want. buht I broke my 2 sim cards and my phone.

I got this new one on my way. Nancy replied fearfully. I want to leave this country as fast as possible, tomorrow, next tomorrow, this week, latest! I’m so scared. She added

” You don’t have to be. I will cover you up. I will arrange a place for us to stay in Togo, until I find the means to get a visa for you. Helena assured and Nancy nodded her head in agreement.


“Do you mean I can’t produce any offspring? Doc what are you saying, you have been my friend for years now, why would you do this to me. Mr Ridwan cried out.

“I’m so sorry Mr Ridwan, but that is what the results said. But whichever way, there’s a possibility that you can produce, the only problem here is that, you have been with this for a very long time.

“Is it treatable? Mr Ridwan asked.

” Of course it is, every course of impotency is treatable, it is just that, if you don’t notice and treat it in time, it will be there and probably get worse. And according to research 20 to 25% of men with full erection are impotent depending what causes them. But the remaining 75% always experience loss of erection and they would treat it in time.

Mr Ridwan’s face lit up with a smile when he was assured of reproduction another time. But almost immediately his mind flashed back to the 50million Naira his wife took from his account. His heart almost failed him, he held his heart as he couldn’t say a word, before the doctor noticed it and attended to him quickly.

A few moments later, he was given lots of drugs with prescribed dosages before heading home.

He got to the house and met the gate slightly open.

He was curious, but paved it away as it might be a result of him leaving the house angrily. He entered the compound and his door too was opened.

He became more curious and worried, so he entered and started checking from the living room. Everything was still intact, except for his bedroom which was scattered and turned upside down.

Immediately his eyes went up to the wardrobe where he kept the mini sized cupboard, he couldn’t find it there, his heart leaped another time, he looked down and saw the cupboard on the floor.

“What then am I living for? He said as tears rolled from his eyes and he became weak, all I’ve worked for all my life is gone. I emptied my account just to please this girl, and now here I am. Fadekemi has finished me. He murmured as he dialed Mrs Fadekemi’s number and she didn’t pick.

He switched and dialed that of Felix, and he responded almost immediately.

“What did I ever do to you and your mother? My life is messed up, my life savings are gone, if I d8e today, let it be known that you and your mother eliminated me.

“What are you talking about? Hello? Hello? Are you on? (Is he alright?) Felix asked himself as he ran to his car, he got the car and noticed the key was not with him, he ran back up stairs and almost pushed Ruth down on the way.

“Are you alright? Ruth asked . What could be the problem with him.

Immediately Felix rushed out, please open the gate. He yelled at Ruth and she ran to open the gate and Felix drove out to Mr Ridwan’s place.

” Where did he say he went to? Mrs Fadekemi asked after some minutes of not seeing Felix.

“Ma he didn’t tell me anything, he just hurried out of the house. Ruth responded.

” Get me my phone upstairs! Mrs Fadekemi ordered and Ruth ran along.

“Where are you son? -Mother you won’t believe I’m on my way to the hospital.

” What? She said as she stood to her feet. What is the problem with you, is anything the matter? She asked out of fear.

“No mom, it’s your husband, he slummed. I’m rushing him to the hospital right now. Felix reported.

” Please text me the address right away. Ruth! get my handbag and the car key.

She said and hurried to the car, while Ruth made her way to her room to get the handbag and the car key.

She drove out speedily to the address that Felix texted for her. She saw Mr Ridwan on the hospital bed and fear gripped her, as his physical appearance didn’t meet her expectations.

“Doctor please, what could be wrong with him. Mrs Fadekemi asked sadly, as the doctor came out of the ward.

” Ma you have to calm down. He is in a critical state right now. He has a heart failure, and from the diagnosis, I discovered he was given some dosage like some hours ago, and we don’t want to exceed the dosage to avoid more complications. But don’t worry he would be fine. The doctor said and walked away.

“My goodness! Heart failure? Since when? She asked the innocent Felix who watched her in disbelief.

” I thought she didn’t love this man again?) Felix murmured.

“So sorry about that mom, but the doctor has assured us that he will be alright. Let’s just hope on. Felix said.

” Father please do not let anything happen to him. I beg of you. Mrs Fadekemi cried as she uttered some words of prayers.

“what do you want from me you evil woman? Mr Ridwan cried out as he gained consciousness on the hospital bed.

Mrs Fadekemi kept mute with mixed feelings of anger and pity. She didn’t expect such a statement from her estranged husband.

“Hey! You guys should calm down okay?, it’s really not now that this should take place. You are still regaining your strength, so you don’t have to yell more. Felix stepped in.

” You closed down my account, and you broke into my house to take the 70 million naira cash that was left for me! What more do you want? To end my life, is that it? He said, and left Mrs Fadekemi and Felix perplexed.

“Broke into your house? You must be sick! When did I become a thief? And which house are you talking about? The one that you and I built? Do not worry, by the time the bank you got a loan from steps in, maybe then, you would behold your life with your eyes. Mrs Fadekemi fired back.

” You mean you didn’t take my money? 70 million naira cash from the master bedroom? Oh God this girl has finished me! Mr Ridwan cried with a shaky voice, expressing shock.

“But hold on? Since when did this happen? Felix asked.

” Please can you wait outside for a while, because he is not in a good state of mind to have some discussions now!. The doctor said and they made their way out.

“Please tell my wife and my son to look for Nancy, let them find her wherever she is. They should involve the police and maybe the army, she took my money, my 70 million naira, please find her. Mr Ridwan said weakly as he pointed his weak hand to the door.

” Please sir, just calm down, do not stress yourself too much. I will tell them okay! The doctor promised and rushed outside to disclose the news.

“Ma please, your husband said Nancy took away his 70 million naira and you have to find her now!. The doctor said.

At first, Mrs Fadekemi wanted to correct the doctor that Mr Ridwan was no longer her husband but Felix cut in.

“Okay okay,we will find her. Mother please stay with him, let me go to the police station right away.

” How would you find her? Mrs Fadekemi asked. “I will be back mother! Felix added and entered his car and left.

Felix stormed the police station with Nancy’s pictures, without much ado, her pictures were published and pasted on the street poles and on the bridges and other places, and was also posted on every social media which got to Nancy’s notice and made her cover her face anytime she goes out.

2 days later, Mr Ridwan got discharged from the hospital. At that time, he was well, and could reason properly..

He faintly thanked Mrs Fadekemi who stayed with him all through in the hospital. Immediately Mrs Fadekemi dropped him off, she ghosted him and went her way, even when her heart still beat for him, deep down, she didn’t want to have anything to do with a cheating husband anymore.

Mr Ridwan sent Nancy’s pictures to all his influential friends and Co workers and notified them to keep an eye on her, of which they knew her in the first place.


“Rid! What is going on? Is the message you sent to me so true? OLA of LAG, one of Mr Ridwan’s most influential personalities, and a Police officer said over the phone.

” OLA, it is very true, this girl has ripped me off my last, she has wrecked me. Please help me to do something.

“I saw her time line some time ago, when she uploaded a picture of her with one of my babes. I think I can get her through the girl. OLA said. Tho I am not assuring, I will just have to investigate properly before starting my judgement okay! He added.

” No! That’s very perfect, in whatever way you can help me, please do. Mr Ridwan said and they discussed other things before hanging up.


“Hello my sweet runs babe! OLA said to Helena over the phone.

” I have told you my name is Helena so many times, I do runs but that’s not my name. Helena corrected.

“Yours is runs plus lesbianism, that’s on the upgrade level. OLA said and laughed over the phone.

” Anyways, what do you want? Should I come over? Helena asked.

“Of course, if I don’t call you for this, what else? OLA said.

” For how much? Helena asked

” 2m is enough for you baby, as usual. OLA said.

“See now, I’m richer than your father? 5m or nothing. Helena said jokingly.

” Just make your way here, I will see what I can do for you. OLA said and hung up on Helena.

** Helena, I thought you said you are into girls only? So you betrayed me. Nancy, who overheard Helena’s conversation with OLA said angrily.

“Common babe, I’m fully into girls, men are just there for the money. Helena responded.

” And why didn’t you say it all along. Isn’t that a betrayal? Nancy fired again.

” Look at who is talking about betrayal, you that went to live with a man and his family, fucking the father and the son, what do we call that?. Helena stood to her feet as she challenged Nancy.

“Never in your life talk to me like that, I brought you into this business, I can discard you anytime. So you think because you are rich with stolen money, you feel you can talk to me anyhow yeah!. Let me sound this as a warning, if I don’t call you into any conversation, I don’t expect you to jump in. Fool! Helena said and walked away angrily.

“Hi boo! Today is actually the last day of my menstrual flow. If you can wait till tomorrow, that would be very perfect. Helena texted OLA through SMS.

” Bad bitch, is today the first time we do it in-between? Make your way here babe, I’m going hard already. OLA replied and Helena got prepared.

At about 3:45pm, Helena made her way to OLA’s office. She stayed in his car until he closed for the day and they moved over to their usual hotel.

Still on their way to the hotel, OLA started watching Nancy’s pictures which carried the news that she is wanted by the Police. He somehow engaged Helena in the discussion which made her pick interest in the bounty payment if anyone finds Nancy.

“In this kind of case ehh, I would even add like 20 million naira to anyone that sees her. This girl is a bastard, she almost wrecked my friend. OLA said

” Are you being serious? 20 million naira? Plus the 5 million they promised? Helena said expressing a mixed reaction of fear and anxiety.

“Why is your mouth so sharp? Do you know her? If you do, talk ooo, 25 million naira isn’t a small money o. Plus other goodies that my friends promised, it will be much.

Helena suddenly remembered how she asked Nancy for her share of the money if she helped her to relocate to Togo, but she bluntly refused, and how she just insulted her by calling her a betrayer.

“kpem!!! Helena knocked on the door of her house as she screamed Nancy’s name from outside.

” A minute please” Nancy said and hurried to open the door, behold, standing outside were two hefty soldiers, two police men, Mr Ridwan, Felix, OLA and Helena.

Before Nancy could run to hide, the soldiers already caught hold of her.

” Where is the money? One of the soldiers shouted as he raised his hand to threaten Nancy.

” I’m not with any money please! Nancy said -” i know where it is, don’t bother! Helena said and walked in to get the money where Nancy showed her.

She searched and searched all round the room but she didn’t see it. She came out and looked at the men confused. “Did you see anything? The other soldier by name Dare asked. ” No sir, this girl is a criminal! She hid the money. Helena said with a shaky tone, and with the fear that they might not believe her.

“I saw the money before I left, do not let her go, she is with the money. She added.

“You are a betrayer! Big one at that, so you went at my back to stab me yeah? It’s fine. I am with the money, I stole his money, but I did that for a reason.

“Madam save yourself the strength, when we get to the station, you can say whatever you want. For anything you say or do here would be used against you in the court of law.

“The DPO said as they moved Nancy with the money out of the compound.


“Hi Ruth, I’ve been really observing you for some time now. And I’ve seen that you are totally different from other girls. I want you to please be my girlfriend. Felix texted Ruth on WhatsApp as he rolled around the bed seeking sleep.

“I’m so sorry Felix. But that’s a big disrespect to your mother. Having an affair with me under her roof. Please I wouldn’t want anything that would make me loose my job. Ruth replied.

” But I feel something for you! Felix wrote, and Ruth sent a shy emoji.

“Please say something, I really have this deep feelings for you. He wrote again.

” I can’t deny the feelings I have towards you, but I’m scared of your mother. I don’t know what her reactions will be when she finds out. She replied.

“Don’t worry about mom. She has given us her permission. Felix wrote and Ruth went mute.

“Are you there? Ruth? Felix typed but no response, he called her but she had turned off her data. So he let her be till the next morning.


Morning came and Ruth was in the kitchen doing her usual clean ups.

Felix tiptoed and hugged her from the back. She felt the sensations sent to her veins as she let her whole body for Felix. They kissed for a long time and were not conscious of Mrs Fadekemi who stared at them for a while with a sheepish smile on her face.

“Hmm! hmm!!. Mrs Fadekemi coughed, Excuse me guys. She said and went straight to the fridge to have a cold bottle of water.

” Jesus Christ! I’m so sorry ma. Ruth went down, it was a mistake ma, I didn’t mean to do it ma. Please forgive me ma.. she said.

“Come on! Ruth, you’re a grown up beautiful lady. So you have the right to choose what’s good for you. Mrs Fadekemi said.

” I’m sorry ma, but ma, are you sure about that? Ruth asked shakily.

“Of course, you both have my blessings, come to mummy!. Mrs Fadekemi said as she opened her arms widely and hugged the both of them and prayed for them.

Days later. Mrs Fadekemi received a call from the DPO wanting her attention at the police station, as Nancy claimed to have a confession.

Mrs Fadekemi without hesitation got prepared, so did Felix and Ruth, and as well Mr Ridwan on the other hand.

They all got to the station almost the same time.

Mrs Fadekemi, Felix and Ruth could barely recognize Nancy as she was being beaten and injured all over her body.

“They did this to you? Mrs Fadekemi asked out of shock.

” I’m sorry ma’am. Please forgive me. I know I’ve hurt you so much, I’ve stabbed you at the back and it hurts that I actually did those things to you. Nancy said coldly.

I don’t know my next step from now. But please, forgive me, so my spirit would be at peace. Tears dropped from her eyes. with handcuffs on her hands.

“It’s okay my darling! You are not going anywhere alright! Just relax, do not worry yourself. Mrs Fadekemi assured and Mr Ridwan lit up his face angrily.

” You said you have something to say, that is the more reason we are here. Mrs Fadekemi said.

“Yes ma’am. Nancy replied as they all sat at the DPO’s office.

” I dated your husband for a very long time, even without knowing he was your husband. He played with my heart so much ,that so many times, I would go to my closet and cried my eyes out.

At some point I wanted to take my life, I tried all I could to have his attention but it was not working. Some years later, I happen to meet Felix. That was when I started working with you. He used to come to the office to see you. So he asked me out and I fell for him.

He resumed from where your husband stopped, the same way your husband treated me when I dated him, infact Felix treated worse than that.

I’ve had several abortions for Felix, took different pills on different occasions. The last pregnancy Was the one I refused to abort, and finally, he happened to be the one who made me have miscarriage.

So from there, I made up my mind to take my revenge, for every single thing that men had done to me, I promised myself to scatter every home and wreck every marriage.

I didn’t know it would start with you ma, when I remember how kind you were to me, I shade tears. But I’m begging you to please forgive me.

“And your husband told me you couldn’t give him a child, and that Felix isn’t his biological son. Nancy said, with the expectation to shock Mrs Fadekemi and Felix.

” Oh my darling, that’s an old story actually. Ridwan here is not the father of my son, yes, that’s because he can’t father a child! Mrs Fadekemi alarmed.

“That’s enough!!! Mr Ridwan yelled. Dpo please return this girl to the prison. He said and immediately Nancy was taken back.

” So you knew this all along, you knew I was the one who was affected and couldn’t give you a child, you kept quiet all this while, making me train an adopted child?. Mr Ridwan fired at Mrs Fadekemi.

“Ohhhh are you just waking up? Are you done with chasing girls? Because the last time I checked, you were following little girls up and down. Mrs Fadekemi said.

” Hhmm, Well that’s because I thought you couldn’t give me what I wanted, I have loved and cared for you for a very long time, I never wanted anything to tear us apart, that was the reason I hid those things from you. I wanted to have a child outside, because I didn’t want to leave my family. My first and childhood wife. Mr Ridwan said.

“Was that the right manner to have done it? Mrs Fadekemi asked.

“How else? Mr Ridwan said with tears dropping from his eyes.

” Hhmm hhmm! Please I think we have to excuse you guys to settle your differences.

The DPO ordered Ruth and Felix outside and was about following them when Mr Ridwan begged him to stay and help them settle.

“You see, 90% of marriages are full of unfaithful partners, and in the remaining 10%, lack of communication also contributes to cold and dead marriages. So I actually feel, you could have just opened up to your husband. The DPO said. And after a long talk, Mr Ridwan stood up to hug the soft hearted Mrs Fadekemi who couldn’t resist but gave herself out.

“I’m so sorry that I’ve really hurt you. Mr Ridwan said. “It’s okay, let’s get to the house. Sir, we’d give you a call on what to do about that lady’s case. Mrs Fadekemi added and they made their way out of the DPO’s office.

“Oh my goodness!!! This calls for celebrationnnnnn! Felix screamed as he sighted Mr Ridwan and Mrs Fadekemi holding hands.

They smiled back at him and entered their cars and zoomed off to Mr Ridwan’s place.

They all got to the compound and without much ado, drinks and foods were set on the table. Felix connected his Bluetooth and released hot jams.

“Ruth could you please clear up the place, and my bedroom for my wife and I? Mr Ridwan said.

” Hell no! Please do not send my son’s fiancee like that. Mrs Fadekemi interrupted. I will put a call through to my agent and he will give me 3 cleaners ASAP. She added.

“Did you just say Felix’s fiancee? Mr Ridwan asked in surprise.

” Of course yes, have you not noticed anything? Mrs Fadekemi said.

“Oh my world, come come come. Mr Ridwan ordered Ruth and Felix as he hugged them tightly and they continued their jubilation.

Two days later. Mrs Fadekemi explained to her husband why she withdrew the 50million Naira from his account and gave a convincing reason. They made peace and Mr Ridwan called the DPO to release Nancy.

They released her, and Mrs Fadekemi secretly settled her with some amount of money to start up something for herself, while Ruth and Felix planned for their wedding…


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