Episode 1

Alex was my Sister’s husband, I have been living with her family for nearly One months now. She has already given birth to Four children.
Her first son was within my age range… I was 19 and Leo was 17 and very handsome too, Solomon was 10 while the last born – Divine was 8 years of age.

They were all males and overly spoilt, in the sense that they couldn’t take good care of the home whenever their mum Jennifer was away.

And that was where I —George came into the picture, I was the extra helping hand needed to assist with the house chores especially when Sister Jennifer was away on her company trips.

She promised to take full responsibility for funding my education as far as I was going to help her take of the family whenever she’s absent

Due to the nature of her job, she was hardly ever around…it kept moving from one project to the other… she needed a house help but she refused hiring one.

And because of the evils occuring in the country. So she thought it better that a relative of the family should take up the work.

It was a golden opportunity for me and my family, owing to the fact that I come from a very poor background…a scenario where my both parents are uneducated.

We fed from hand to mouth….it was that bad. My parents struggled to make ends meet and it was very difficult to cater for our education

With every single passing day, the situation kept deteriorating.

So without hesitation, I immediately snatched the opportunity, who knows

maybe when I graduate from the University…. I may be the one to elevate my family from poverty

My parents were overjoyed, at least the burden of one child had being lifted from them…

I worked very hard for my Sister.

What ever chore she asked me to do, I did it diligently to the best of my human capacity…I knew my purpose there and concentrated on it not until my Sister’s husband started making passes at me.

Whenever Alex came home from work, he would always ask about my well-being…he would often if I had eaten and how I spent my day.

I was so free and open-hearted with him…

I didn’t take any of his profound kindness towards me seriously as I took him to be a lovely and caring father…who would take care of other children just like his own.

I took him as my father.

In fact we got so close to the extent I started calling him “dad” while he called me his baby.

And his wife wasn’t aware of all these happening.

But it didn’t take long before the sugar coated kindness and affection revealed it’s hidden agenda.

Alex would hold my hands and sometimes even ask me to hug him. I still took it as a normal something not until one evening when I was preparing dinner for the family.

I was in the kitchen while Sister Jennifer was just in the sitting room watching the news.

Her husband Alex walked in….

“My baby,how have you been” he asked in a soft tone

“I’m fine dad” I replied, almost immediately.

“I missed you today, didn’t you miss me ” he asked with a smile on his face

Naive me still didn’t know what was going on so I replied “I missed you, daddy”

I noticed he kept staring at me while I prepared the food… the next thing he did left me speechless…..

I noticed Alex bringing his face towards mine.

“What is he trying to do”. I can’t be what I’m thinking…

I remained frozen at the spot as he brought his lips towards mine.

Instinctively, in a quick reflex…I tilted my head backwards away from his. I was more than surprised…

Was he in his right senses…what was wrong with him

He must have realized himself as he quickly brought his face backwards and immediately left the kitchen in a somewhat shameful manner..

I still didn’t believe he tried to kiss me… I was dumbfounded.

I mean, his wife was sitted there in the sitting room.

A lot of thoughts kept racing through my mind;

What if I didn’t shift back…

What if we had kissed…

What if my Sister who just gave me the hope of a brighter future caught me kissing her husband in her own kitchen……what


I still couldn’t stop thinking about what ensued between me and my Sister’s husband the previous night…I could only wonder if he really meant his actions or maybe he was under the influence of alcohol.

It was the next morning and as usual I woke up early to start my chores;:I had done the dishes,swept the house,and even prepared breakfast.

I had already prepared Solomon and Divine for school.

Sister Jennifer would be leaving very early for work today so I had to be fast as possible.
After about an hour, my Sister had woken up from her sleep.

She asked her first son — Leo who was already done with secondary school to call for me.

“My mum said you should meet her IMMEDIATELY” he said in an urgent tone.

His sentence frightened me
Why would she ask me to meet her immediately??
What could the problem be?

I kept thinking when I suddenly remembered what occurred between her husband and I the previous night.

Could she have found out?
How did she get to know about it?
My adrenaline began pumping uncontrollably.
Chai…I’m finished

I don’t want to go back to that life of poverty.

Just this one chance I was given and I messed up.

I walked like a snail as I slowly dragged my legs to the sitting room. My Sister was sitted on the couch.

I became very uncomposed as the throbbing of my heart increased.

“George” she said drawing my attention

“I don’t want you to be at home all day doing nothing, so I decided you should learn a skill”

I was relieved finally hearing her speak.

“I’ve registered a one year tailoring program for you with the tailoring shop in the next street… the lady who owns the place is the tailor I give my clothes to. She’s very good at what she does.

So, definitely when you learn from her you’ll be very good at tailoring and maybe even better than she is”

Oh my goodness…this was unbelievable, I was as happy as someone who just won a lottery.

Wow my Sister must be a very kindhearted person.

After promising to further my education, she still thought it wise for me to learn a skill.

I was amazed because such people are rare

Having any séx.ual affairs with her husband would be a very wicked and cruel act, something I can never do

But how certain was I……

Leo’s POV

Since I wrote my JAMB exams, I have being at home almost everyday.
The chores at home had become too much on me so I pressured my mom to get a househelp;to assist us.

My mom came back home one evening with one of my cousins.

She said her name was “George”

I couldn’t recognize her anymore…
Last we met was about nine years ago during a burial ceremony in the village.

George was a very hard-working and well mannered beautiful young lady, but I had begun to notice this closeness, this bond between my dad and her.

I always knew my dad to be very promiscuous.

He was never a faithful husband, matters became even worse when he became a lecturer!

He would try to have an affair with any beautiful lady he sees during classes…and my mom never knew about it.
I was aware of most of his promiscuous deeds. I would always eavesdrop on his calls

And when I became suspicious, I took it to my heart to find out his phone password.

Luckily I succeeded but the messages I saw on his phone that day were terrible, I can never forget and I won’t want my mom to know about it because it would leave her completely broken

So I had to keep all these secrets to myself.

My dad was a typical hypocrite
at work, in the environment, and even in the church
Everyone knew him as a saint… but he was far from it.

I had started getting worried, I just hoped he had not brought his indiscriminate sëxual attitude into the home…but I was absolutely wrong

George’s POV

I greeted uncle Alex and he answered in his usual friendly manner as if nothing ever happened.

I was quite happy that it was over.

But my relief was cut short when uncle Alex started complaining of back ache and body pains.

Surprisingly, he asked me to come massage his back massage his back in his room. He continued bleating about how he had being feeling body pains since yesterday.

I needed to decline his request but how do I go about it, how would it sound if my Sister hears I disobeyed her husband. Besides it was just a simple massage

So grudgingly I knocked on his room door.

“come in” Alex replied with excitement visibly written all over his voice.

I opened the door and entered only to see Uncle Alex lieing on the bed almost unclad with a short pair of boxers…………………


I closed the door behind me and gently walked to the bed.

“I’m here sir” I said with my head bent towards the ground as I stood shyly before him.

“Just open my wardrobe and bring out the Vaseline, that is what you’ll use to massage me”

I quickly did as he said. I was uncomfortable and I didn’t want anyone to see me in his room. I needed to leave soonest if not it could result into a serious problem.

The fan whirrled above my head in a rhythmic manner. Vaseline was all over my hands now as I slowly worked my palms on uncle Alex’s leg. He insisted that I start the massage with his legs. I added more Vaseline to my hands as I rubbed them together to massage his shin.

I didn’t know if he did it intentionally or it was a mistake.

Because after a while, Alex raised his lap a bit exposing his thighs and a little part of his s@c was now visible.

I immediately shifted my gaze.

That was when I knew it was a well constructed script as he raised his thigh even higher exposing some part of his ****

He was literally seduc!ng me. The tension on me was becoming too much. I wanted to vanish away that instant.

I hoped that someone would eventually come back but my hopes were dashed when I remembered that Leo was not even at home.

“Ohhh…ahh… yeah…umm, that’s the spot”

Thirty minutes later and we were done

This man meant business, he kept releasing soft m0ans through out as I massaged him.

I covered the container and dropped it back into the wardrobe

“Thank you very much” he said appreciatively.
“Thank you sir” I replied
I had stopped calling him dad since the incident in the kitchen that night.

Finally, it was over but not for long.

With almost every passing day,my sister’s husband kept feeling “body pains” and I kept on massaging him. It suddenly became like a routine and normal something for me.
I came out from Uncle Alex’s room after massaging him one afternoon to meet Leo standing just in front of the door.

I immediately became scared, I just hope he isn’t thinking something else. He gave me a kind of “am watching you” look and left the place.

You wouldn’t need an angel to tell you that he had already began suspecting that something was going on between me and Alex. Wouldn’t it be better if I just opened up to him and stop him from thinking I have anything to do with him.

I needed someone to confide in, I couldn’t tell my sister because she might end up sending me back to prevent any further occurrences.

But if I tell her son… how would he feel, to know that his dad has being trying to cheat on his wife with his cousin. I didn’t know what action to take.

I walked up to where he was and decided it was time to spill the beans.

“Leo” I said “Umm… I want to tell you something” I stuttered

“What’s that” he urged on

“Hmm… I just don’t know what you reaction will be”

“It’s fine, you can go on” Leo said boldly

I couldn’t speak, it was like my lips were suddenly bound together with glue. I didn’t know what to say or where to start from, what if he doesn’t believe me. I was still comporting myself when he spoke.

“Is it about my dad? it’s alright you can tell me anything” he said.

Immediately I was relieved of the pressure on me and told him everything that had being going on. But to my utmost surprise, he seemed calm and unperturbed. There was no iota of shock in him.

It felt like he was already expecting such from his dad.

I was as eased as a millpond, at least someone else knew what was going on. I could now go to bed with peace of mind.

Next morning

I was woken up by the piercing sound of my phone alarm, I got up, said a short prayer and stood up to begin my duties.

I walked up to the sitting room and I realized I wasn’t the only one awake.

I stopped and greeted Uncle Alex was with a bottle of water which he must have probably gotten from the kitchen

“Good morning sir”

“Good morning my dear, how are you”

“I’m fine thank you sir”

I was still in my nighties and my b00bs and n!pples were terribly visible through my night gown

“Hope you slept well” he asked glancing at my upper chambers.

“Yes sir” I answered.

“It’s alright then” he said as he walked passed me and intentionally brushed his hands against my b00bs……………………..

*** “Hope you slept well” he asked glancing at my upper chambers.

“Yes sir” I answered

“It’s alright then” he said as he walked passed me and intentionally brushed his hands against my b00bs.

“Huhh” I gasped instantly in shock. I was stunned, now this man has actually taken things too far.

He ignored me acting like he wasn’t aware of what just happened as he instantly went to his room.

It was no mistake, it appeared he was delibarately trying to make me know he wanted to have extramarital affairs with me but he didn’t want to use his words. He preferred using signs

It’s a Monday morning and the beginning of a new week. I couldn’t wait to resume at my place of apprenticeship. Sister Jennifer also had me enrolled for evening WAEC lessons, at least I wouldn’t be at home always with her husband — who was on his monthly leave.

She would be busy through out this week due to the preparation for the launching of the new branch her company just planted.

She worked in a multinational industrial firm. And earned huge amounts of money every month, the working environment was also very good too but it limited the role she had to play as a mother.

She had very little time to spend with her family but she sure made her presence felt whenever she was around.

She is a very hard-working and caring woman. What I cherished most about her was the fact that she easily felt pity for others and she used her money to enrich the lives of the less privileged.

I began learning the tailoring skill my sister paid for today. The woman who owned the shop seemed to be a very nice woman. She put me through on the basics and explained everything to me in the simplest of terms. The talking part was easy but the practical part was the exact opposite just like they say ” it is easier said than done”

I arrived home that afternoon terribly exhausted.Everyone was at home apart from my sister, Leo had brought the kids back from school while uncle Alex was probably in his bedroom.

I had not even started the evening lessons and I was already getting worked up. It wasn’t going to be easy for me to manage the tailoring, house chores and lessons all together. I was highly fatigued and just needed to jump unto my bed and sink into the coolness and ardency that it brings.

It was barely five minutes since I lay on the bed when I was woken up from my nap by the sound of a soothing, calm voice.

“George! Wake up, my dad has being calling you”

I opened my eyes to see Leo who was now tapping my shoulders.

“What’s the matter” I asked with a fatigued voice.

“My dad has being calling you since, he wanted you to follow him to the supermarket to get some things”

“Hmm” I breathed deeply.

What is this man’s problem, I haven’t even slept for up to five minutes and he wants me to go on another errand with him. Why does he keep pestering me. Right now what I needed was rest!

I quickly put one of my short gowns, it was a bit worn but was still manageable.

My mom had gotten it for me two years ago for the Christmas celebration.

I met uncle Alex in the passage,

“Good afternoon sir” I greeted

“Good afternoon, please hurry up let’s get some things your sister asked me to get from the supermarket” Alex said hurriedly and left to the garage.

I came outside and waited for him outside his car, he then signalled me to join him inside. I hopped unto his 2017 Range Rover Velar,

Wow! the interior was a sight to behold. From the seats to the floor mats to the steering and the navigation system was absolutely mind blowing. The air conditioner was on and that made the car even more classic.

It was the perfect environment for me to relax.

“How was work today” Alex asked

“Fine sir” I replied

“You look tired, it must have been very stressful”

“Yes sir, tailoring isn’t actually as easy as I thought” I said

“How about we stop at a restaurant to get you something to eat?” He said smiling

“Ok sir” I said, I couldn’t turn down the offer just like that.

And one more thing; please stop addressing me as sir. You can call me dad or Alex.

“I’m sorry but Alex sounds disrespectful. I prefer calling you dad”

“As you wish” he said with a smirk on his face.

After about 20 minutes we arrived at the restaurant, it was one of the biggest in Port Harcourt. Well decorated to the class of the times with very friendly staffs. I immediately concluded that the food here would be very expensive. Uncle Alex ordered a plate of jollof rice and chicken, and I asked for the same thing because I was divided between two minds after seeing the cumbersome menu.

We chatted during the meal, about my family, social life and a lot of other things I can’t recall. I had a nice time and it was a great way to relax after a hectic day.

By the time we were done, it was already late,the time ran fast like a cheetah. We hurried down to get the things from the supermarket. It was getting dark so we had to be very swift.

As if the meal at the restaurant wasn’t enough Uncle Alex also got me a perfume worth ₦7500. The scent was heavenly!

I asked him why he was being extra caring and loving to me, but my question surprisingly threw him off balance. It took him a few seconds to provide an answer.

“I… I… just want to see you happy and smiling that’s all” he said.

I didn’t care, after all I wasn’t a kid anymore. I knew very well what he wanted. Aside that, I had started to feel comfortable around him, I began enjoying his company… I don’t know how to explain it but I think I’m beginning to like Uncle Alex……………………….


I just couldn’t concentrate while I played a video game in my room. I kept wondering why my dad and George were not back by now.

It has being almost two hours since they left to the supermarket. On a normal circumstance they ought to have been back by now. Even My mum was already back from work while they were still on their way.

What could be delaying them? Could they have gone somewhere else? I kept on soliloquizing. I became even more worried as I remembered what had being going on between the both of them.

Could the outing have been planned? Could it be that George had finally succumbed to my dad’s seduct!on?

“Hmm” I whispered to myself. I have being tolerating all these nonsense just because I don’t want my parents’ marriage to get broken. I can’t afford seeing my mom in tears. And life wouldn’t be easy on my siblings and I if anything bad happens to my parents’ marriage.

But if anything should occur between George and my dad that would be the last time I would keep silent.

Despite my gentleness I can be very baleful and if eventually anything happens, I might end up doing something very stupid.

And as for my cousin — George. It would be a huge shock to her the length I would go to make her life miserable.

I had sank deep in thoughts when I was jolted up by the loud sound of the car’s horn. I got up from my chair and looked downstairs through my room window.

My dad’s car drove in as Musa opened the gate. I was able to see clearly With the help of the high energy light bulbs in our compound.

“Oga welcome, welcome sir, your boy dey loyal sir” Musa said raising his both hands in the air with a very wide and absurd smile.

He kept on hailing my dad hoping to get some change to promote his drinking habit.

Dad stepped down from the car while George went to get the things they bought from the trunk. I couldn’t help but notice the way they were talking and smiling. It irritated me, And I couldn’t wait to speak to George.

George’s POV

It was already dark when we arrived. We hurried back home as fast as possible. We must have spent a lot of time since sistery Jenny was already back from work.

I was a bit startled because I never expected her to be back so early compared to prior times.

“Good evening ma” I quickly greeted her trying to reduce the uneasiness I was feeling

“How are you” sister Jenny asked
“Fine ma”

“You spent a lot of time at the supermarket…” she said expecting a reply from me.

I couldn’t just go ahead and tell her that I and her husband stopped at the restaurant. I would make her feel suspicious. So I told her that there was heavy traffic on our way.
She didn’t ask any further questions as she was busy arranging some of her paperwork.

I was just about leaving when she inquired of me if I had started learning the tailoring skill.

“Yes ma” I said, “thank you very much for all you have done for me ma. may God bless you deeply ma, I am very grateful” I said bending my knees forward as a sign of respect.
“Don’t bother yourself my dear, it’s nothing” she replied with a smile on her face.

I was in my room when I heard a hard knock on the door. I sluggishly got up and opened the door.

It was Leo

“Hi Leo, what’s up” I asked but he didn’t reply it was obvious he was angry about something.

“What’s the matter” I inquired looking concerned

“What are up to!!” he thundered

“What are you doing with my father!!!”

“Leo you have to calm down let’s go inside, we can’t be discussing such at the doorpost” I pleaded.

I entered inside the room and he followed suit but he left the door open.

“Now will you please answer my question??”

“Look, I don’t know what you’re insinuating but nothing is going on between me and your dad.

“Then why did you guys spend more than two good hours to just get something from the supermarket”

“I… I… I was very hungry and stressed so he said we should get something to eat at the restaurant.

“You went to the restaurant with my dad??” My statement seemed to have infuriated him the more.

“When last did he take me to the restaurant?!” Leo asked rhetorically

He was enraged and fuming in annoyance.

“And you told my mum there was heavy traffic!”

I didn’t know what to say to calm down his nerves, He was absolutely exasperated.

“Please you don’t have to be worried about that, nothing will ever happen between us. I am fully aware of what I am doing. Besides that I have boundaries which I take very seriously.”

“That’s none of my business, but one thing is sure if I you ever sleep with my father it’ll be the biggest mistake of you life

“Biggest mistake of whose life?” was the next thing we heard from the door. We were awestricken as we shifted our gaze towards the door and behold it was sistery Jennifer. …………………….


“Biggest mistake of whose life?” was the next thing we heard. We were awestricken as we shifted our gaze towards the door and behold it was sistery Jennifer.

George’s POV

I was visibly shaking as my sister’s voice pierced through my heart. Leo caused all this, if he had just listened to me and behaved a little mature we wouldn’t be in this mess.

The best I could do at this moment was to just hope and pray that sister Jennifer had not been listening to our conversation the whole time.

“What were you both talking about? Leo what will be the biggest mistake of her life?” Sister Jenny questioned.

Tension filled the air as every one kept mute.

“I’m I not talking to human beings” sister Jennifer said raising her voice.

“We…we…we were discussing our future ambitions when George suggested taking up singing as a career, that was why I told her it would be the biggest mistake of her life because she has a terrible voice” Leo said

“Huhh” I sighed within myself. I was very much relieved, a huge part of me felt he would tell his mum everything so I was very surprised when he covered up for me.

“Is that so?” she asked in a doubtful manner.

“Yes” we chorused

“Well, that’s not why I’m here… George here’s ₦3000, it should be enough to make your hair. So please do that tommorow”

“Thank you ma, thank you very much”

“You’re welcome” sister Jenny said as she left us.

I immediately shifted my gaze to Leo who was staring at the floor

“Thank you for covering up for me” I said in a sober and childish tone.

“Umm… I’m sorry…for the way I talked to you earlier. I was acting based on the anger I felt at that time and I just wanted you to be careful around my dad”

“It’s okay, I’m very sorry too for going to the restaurant with your dad. But you don’t have to be worried about me, in a few months time I’ll be twenty. So I know how to take care of myself.”

“George, it seems like you still don’t get me, my dad is ready to have s*x with any available lady. And whenever he wants someone he can do anything to have that person.

Even at the University where he works, he is ready to undo any female student just to taste what’s between their legs even if it means failing them on purpose!”

“Hmm… thats serious. I’ll try my best to be extra careful with him”

“You better be” Leo said in a rather caring voice as he walked out of my room”

The next morning

I was woken up from sleep by the usual buzzing of my 5am alarm. I managed to reach my phone and put it off. I still felt very sleepy.

Just then a message notification popped up on my Nokia handset. It was an old model of Nokia. A very cheap but strong phone. I had used it for close to five years but it was still alright.

I continued smiling till I was done reading the message. It was from my boyfriend— Chidi. He was very fond of sending me romantic messages in the morning. But the messages he sent today were different, he sent s*xy messages about how long he had missed my b**bs and my p*ssy. Chidi was always very naughty, so I wasn’t very surprised.

He kept talking about how he couldn’t wait to see me and feel himself inside me. Anyone reading the message would probably feel I had had s*x a lot of times but reverse was the case.

I have never tasted s*x, although there were instances where I almost lost my virgin!ty I had no idea what s*x felt like.

This was the reason I was confident nothing would happen between me and Leo’s dad. I never fancied keeping my virginity this long but it just happened and losing it to a man old enough to be my dad wasn’t the way I wanted it to end.

I wanted it to be an amazing unforgettable experience with someone

Later that day
Uncle Alex was back. I could hear the revving of his car from outside the compound. I avoided him like a plague through out the day. The only time we spoke to each other was when I greeted him.

He later went out that afternoon. I earlier overheard him on the phone speaking to someone. It sounded like he had an appointment that would fetch him a lot money.

Everyone was at home including sistery Jenny.

Uncle Alex walked him smiling seriously with some nylon bags and an envelope.

Sistery Jennifer was in the sitting room,

“welcome honey” she said

“Thank you” Alex replied as he gave her the envelope in his hand signalling her to read it.

She screamed joyously,it must be very good news I thought to myself.

“Where is George, where are the kids. Call them let’s celebrate” uncle Alex gave a blissful laugh as he brought out some drinks and plates of food from the bags he was holding.

Everyone came out see what the merry was all about.

“Drink everyone, daddy has just made more money” Uncle Alex said laughing joyously

It was an awesome night, we enjoyed ourselves and ate to satisfaction.

I can’t remember the last time I ate this much food, I was absolutely overstuffed.

Once we were finished I packed the plates and carried them to the kitchen.

As I walked I noticed someone was following me.

And then I turned back, lo and behold it was Uncle Alex. I was frightened at his sight

“Jesus…sir you scared me” I said

“I’m sorry my dear, I never meant to scare you. I just wanted to check up on you”

“So how was your day?” He asked

“Fine,thank you sir”

“Ok that’s good. You see; I just wanted to let you know that if there is anything you need I mean anything at all within my capacity you should do well to let me know, ok?”

“Ok sir but you don’t need to bother yourself, I don’t have any pressing needs”

“Are you sure, what about your phone? Don’t you think you need a new one?” He questioned

“Hmm… I guess I do, I’m tired of my phone and I’ll be very delighted if you can get me a new one. My phone is very old and it even started malfunctioning of recent. I will be more than happy if you can get me a new phone sir”

“It’s alright then…” he said

“Thank you very much sir… I’m grateful”

I was overwhelmed with joy until he spoke again.

“I can get you any model of phone you want as long as you do what I tell you…”…………………..


 “I can get you any model of phone you want as long as you do what I tell you” Uncle Alex said and walked away from the kitchen leaving me dumbfounded.

I couldn’t believe my ears, this man really doesn’t give up. So he wants to prey on my desires and use them to exploit me. Does he really think that I’m a kid who he can just trick easily. It seems he doesn’t know the kind of harsh and wayward environment I was born into. It’s just by God’s grace that I didn’t turn sour.

Since he’s ready to play games, I’ll let him know that I can play better than him.

Since he is ready to squander money, I will help him lavish it! I said as I walked boldly to my room.

Alex’s POV

I think I have finally gotten a hold on this girl. I don’t even know what’s so special about her that she has being playing hard to get. At this young age, she has constantly refused to yield herself to me.

Nevertheless, I know I will definitely get her, since she lived from the village it shouldn’t take a lot to get her feeling intimate affections towards me.

I needed to get some sleep, tommorow I’ll make my move. My wife was already on the bed but she was yet to fall asleep.

The expression that beamed up her face when she saw me indicated that she must have being waiting for me to enter the room.

I took off the blue polo shirt and shorts I was putting on, sat on the bed and was about lieing down when my wife spoke to me.


“Yes, what is it?” I asked

“Alex, there’s something I’ve being really bothered about and I wanted us to discuss”

“Okay, go on” I said

“Alex, it has being very long since we last had s*x, every single night you just leave me dry and go to bed. I have beared it for too long and I can’t take it any longer. And such a thing isn’t good for us as a couple; it could lead to extramarital affairs…you know”


“Alex I am a woman, you can’t just leave me like. We hardly have s*x with each other and even if we do it’s once in a while. The worst part is…”

“It’s enough! Jennifer I need rest!” I quickly interrupted her from finishing whatever thing she was about to say.

“I’ve been busy all through the day. Can’t you see that I’m tired, Jennifer I am very tired. Remember I have a very important meeting tomorrow, you’re supposed to let me rest instead you’re busy talking about s*x??”

“Alex that’s what you always say, that’s what you always say! Everyday I’m around and talk to you concerning this matter that’s always when you need rest. Alex let me just let you know; this habit you’re putting up it is not healthy for our marriage at all. It isn’t good, I just don’t know why you keep acting as if we’re not yet married or something. Aside that, you know I am a lady sometimes a lady like me needs good hot s*x with her husband not all this ones you are doing”

“See Jennifer that’s your business, right now I don’t need s*x what I need is sleep. Allow me to sleep, we’ll do that your good hot s*x some other time; not today please” I said as I covered myself with the duvet.

The next day
George narrates

Today was another very hectic day, this tailoring work isn’t easy at all. My madam bombarded me with work after work. It’s either I’m cutting the material, or I’m ironing or I’m weaving the clothes or I’m even trekking under the scorching sun to get sewing items from a store that sells sewing materials very far from the shop.

It is always hectic and today was not an exception. After taking a shower and eating my lunch the next thing to do was to call Chidi.

I dialed his number as I waited patiently for him to pick up.

“Hello my love how are you doing”

“I’m okay, how are you” I asked

“I’m fine, I’ve missed you a lot” he said

“I missed you more babe” I replied.

“So when will you come to see me I can’t stop thinking about you”

“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to visit any time soon”

“Hmm…okay then, at least we would be talking on the phone”

“so how is your sister’s place, you go done fat finish o” he jokingly said in his strong pidgin accent.

“Everything is fine, my sister is really trying. The only problem I’m facing now is her husband”

“What did he do? Hope he is not beating my wife”

“No” I chuckled.

“It’s something else… I don’t even know how I’m going to explain it”

“Ah ah, go on. Have you forgotten you are talking to your love you don’t need to start thinking of how you’ll explain it”

“Fine, from the way he has being behaving I think he wants me to… I’m sorry please can you cut the call he’s calling me”

“Who is calling you” Chidi asked

“Uncle Alex — my sister’s husband, please cut the call let me answer him”

“So you want me to cut the call because of him??”

“Babe just cut the call so that I can pick his, I call you lat..” Chidi hung up before I could even finish, I just hope he isn’t angry with me.

“Hello George, how are you”

“I’m fine sir”

“Please I need you to come meet me at the round about”

“But sir, I’m about leaving the house for my evening lessons

“Just forget about evening lessons for today, okay? I’ll be waiting for you, I need you to hurry up and please wear something nice” he said as he hung up the call.

What is this man’s problem? Why does he want me to meet him at the somewhere on the road. I hope he doesn’t have a hidden motive.

“Drop me!” I said to the tricycle driver who stopped the vehicle for me to alight. I gave him the transport fare and quickly drove away.

I kept looking around but I couldn’t find uncle Alex, he was the one who asked me to come here but I he has not even arrived. I was still checking around when I saw uncle Alex’s car parked across the road.

He had seen me also and began waving at me to cross over.

I crossed, opened the car door and joined him at the front seat.

“Good evening sir” I said.

“Evening dear” he replied softly.

“Sir I’m sorry to ask but why did you ask me to meet you here?” I said trying hard not to sound disrespectful.

“I just wanted us to go out, relax, eat something and have a wonderful evening. I hope you don’t mind?”

“No, it’s okay with me” I smiled at him.

It was obvious uncle Alex was unaware of who he was dealing with, I’ll make sure I exploit a fortune out of him.

The thick silence was broken as uncle Alex spoke

“George, do you know you’re actually very beautiful” he said trying to sound romantic.

“You have a very radiant smile that gives me goosebumps whenever I’m around you” he said smiling

“Wow” I smiled forcing a blush.

You’re just decieving yourself I said within me.

“Has anyone ever told you such before” he asked

“No, no one has”

“Does that mean you don’t have a boyfriend?”

“No” I lied


“Yes sir, why would I lie to you” I said.

I want to ask you a personal question, I don’t know how it would sound to you but have you had s*x before?”

I was stunned by his question, why would he be asking me something so personal. He didn’t even mind how his question would make me feel

“No sir, I haven’t”

“You must be joking” he said almost laughing

“I’m not sir, I’m a virgin”

“Are you serious??” He said looking very surprised.

“Yes sir, I’ve never had sex before” I answered.

If you’re actually telling the truth then I must say you are missing a lot”

“What I’m i missing?” I asked looking very confused.

“Don’t worry, I’ll show you” uncle Alex said.

He drove in silence for about five minutes until he came to a halt in front of a hotel.

“What are we doing here sir, I thought you said we were just wanted to relax and have something to eat.

“My dear you don’t have to be paranoid, I actually logded here so I can just have a mini-vacation. Away from family, work and all that.

This is where I come most of the time, it is a very big hotel. Besides, they have a bar and restaurant incase you need something to eat. Infact, why don’t I show you around. Trust me you’ll love it.

“Hmm” I sighed. “Okay then”

It was indeed a very big and luxurious hotel. Paradise Palm Springs was boldly crafted above the building. It was a classic five star hotel, only the reception was a sight to behold.

We went to the restaurant, the swimming pool and the bar. It was just so posh.

“This man get class o” I thought to myself.

We ordered some drinks and I was enjoying myself. It was like I was in heaven already.

“Are you shy?” He asked

“No sir, am not”

“I thought we’ve agreed that you should stop calling me sir”

“I’m sorry sir… I’m sorry dad”

“Better he said, you’ve enjoyed yourself today isn’t it?”

“Yes, thank you very much” I replied

“The hotel is elegant, right?”

“Yes, it’s very amazing”

I was still drinking my juice when uncle Alex asked me to follow him to the third floor. We entered the elevator, after a few seconds we were on the third floor. I felt unsettled as uncle Alex cupped his hands into mine. He led me to a passage with different rooms, we kept on walking until he stopped in front of a door written room 406 that was when I realized we were in front of the room where he lodged!!……………………….


Room 406 was the room number. As soon as I saw it, it stuck to my brain like iron does to a magnet.

“Please what are we doing here?” I asked him

“You see I lodged here for today and tomorrow so this is where I’ll spend the night” he said as he unlocked the door.

He opened the door with a card rather than a key. It was indeed a very fancy hotel.

Uncle Alex entered the room and signalled me to do likewise. It was very dark and hot inside.

He then inserted the card into a slot and suddenly the lights came up and the air conditioner was turned on.

The brightness of the lights revealed the beauty of the room in it’s magnificence.

“Wow!” I heard myself say.

This is luxury at it’s best. The room was very spacious and well furnished. It had a king size bed, a 42 inch plasma tv and an extremely soft-looking sofa. There was also this very beautiful painting of a woman carrying a calabash with her little child just beside her.

It was amazing and to think that the arrangements were made extraordinarily perfect was just so mind blowing. I could only wonder how much uncle Alex had spent.

“It’s wonderful, don’t you think?” he asked

“Yeah; it’s absolutely astonishing” I said.

Our conversation was short-lived as it got interrupted by the beeping sound of his phone ringtone. I took a quick peek at his phone and SONIA was displayed on his phone screen.

I noticed how he acted when the call came in, he didn’t want to pick up at first. I didn’t know if it was my presence that made him behave that way but after much hesitation he answered the call.

“Hello… yes. Ok, not now please. In like thirty minutes time,

ok then I’ll be expecting you” he said and ended the call.

“I’m sorry for the interruption, I would have loved you to stay for longer but you need to go home before my wife gets back from work” he said. I felt like he no longer wanted me around.

“Ok then, I should be leaving” I said.

Even I had started getting restless and my body itched to leave the room.

“You don’t have to be bothered, you can come see me again tomorrow”

“Tomorrow?… I’m sorry sir but that won’t be possible because tommorow is a Saturday. I don’t have any excuses to leave the house since there’ll be no evening lessons. Apart from that sistery Jennifer would also be at home through out.”

“Don’t worry” he said confidently “I’ve already prepared for that. Here’s what you’ll do; I’ll call her and ask her to give an envelope containing one “document” or the other which you will bring to me, that way you can still meet me in the hotel and we can both go together to get you a new phone. My wife won’t even suspect a thing” he said confidently.

“Sir I’m very sorry but I’m no more comfortable with this idea, what if she finds out or someone sees me”

“You’re sounding like a kid, how would she find out or do you plan on telling her that you’ll be seeing me in the hotel?”

“No, not that I plan on telling her anything but I don’t understand why I have to meet you in the hotel to buy the phone”

“Don’t you remember when I told you that if you want the phone then you have to do what I tell you?”

“Yes?” I answered interrogatively.

“Then if you’re ready, you’ll just do as I say and come see me tomorrow.”

Trust me if you be an obedient daughter; the phone will be the first of many more things to come” he said forcing a smile up his face.

“Ok then, if you say so” I uttered in a low voice.

“I’m sure you know your way back, right?”

“Yeah” I said.

“It’s alright then. You can go, I’ll see you tomorrow. And please do not disappoint me”

“Ok but sir I don’t have enough transport fare; I need some money to pay back home”

“Alright” uncle Alex said as he pulled out a lot of one thousand naira notes from his pocket and handed me three thousand naira.

“Thank you” I said visibly smiling, it was a lot more than my transport fare which was just two hundred naira.

“Expect more of that tommorow” uncle Alex said as he opened the door for me to leave.

I left the hotel, boarded a taxi and in no distant time I was already at home. Luck was indeed on my side today as sister Jenny wasn’t yet back from work.

I went straight to my room, pulled my clothes and changed into something more simple. I was folding some of my outing clothes when I heard a knock on the door. Who could it be? my best guess was Leo.

I opened the door and as expected Leo was the one at the door.

“You can come in” I said. He walked into the room and sat on the plastic chair that I usually use for studying

“What’s up” I said trying to break the silence.

“I’m fine, you didn’t attend lessons today?” he asked with his face looking blunt.

“Yea… I had to…”

“So where then did you go??” He asked sounding like a police officer.

I was in a state of dilemma, I was completely torn between two minds; a huge part of me wanted me to lie and save myself the stress of making him see reasons with me while a part of me wanted me to come clean and bear the consequences of whatever action he wanted to take.

Well I ended up telling him everything! Leoe was dumbfounded but rather than complain or threaten me he actually began to develop trust in me. He felt that if I could tell him everything then that shows that I do not have any ulterior motive.

As he was still trying to recover from what I told him my phone rang and when I looked at the caller ID Uncle Alex was boldly displayed on the screen.

“He is calling me” I told Leo

“Who is calling you?” he asked

“Your dad”

I picked the phone call and turned on the loud speaker.

“Hello, good evening sir”

“Good evening my dear, how are you?” he asked

“I’m fine, thank you sir”

“Are you done with your chores?” he asked

“Yes sir”

“Hope you’ve been reading?”

“I’m trying” I began wondering why he was asking me such unusual questions.

“Is there anyone else with you in the room” he asked.

“No, I’m the only one”

“Are you sure” he questioned further.

“Yes sir, there’s no one here with me”

“Okay, that’s good. George do you know I’ve being missing you since you left. I can’t stop thinking about you, you’ve being stuck in my head ever since.” he said

“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow”

“Yeah, me too” I responded.

“Hope you won’t disappoint me tomorrow??” He asked

“I won’t”

“I know you know what I mean, I hope you won’t disappoint me” he asked once again.

“I won’t disappoint you” I said trying to sound convincing.

“I hope so, I want to have some rest, please take good care of yourself. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight dear, I love you” he said.

That last sentence changed Leo’s mood, he instantly became restless.

“Aren’t you going to respond to me” uncle Alex asked sounding hurt.

“I love you too, goodnight” I said and hung up immediately.

My statement must have added salt to injury as Leo kept pacing up and down the room.

“Did you just tell my dad that you love him??” He fired

“In my presence??”

“I just needed to say that so that I can end the call” I said sheepishly

“Is that why you told him that you won’t disappoint him, or are you hoping to sleep with him??”

“No o, God forbid!”

“I just want him to get the phone for me then after that everything will be over”

“So you want to give him your body just because of a phone? Why can’t you just ask my mom she’ll definitely get it for you” Leo said visibly angered.

“Your mom has done a lot for me already, it would sound very ungrateful going to ask her for a phone. Besides I never asked her before she did all the things she did for me. I know what I am doing; there’s no need to be worried” I said.

“So that’s the flimsy excuse you want to give, I should have just told my mom everything the day she met me in your room” Leo said as he stumbled out of my room banging the door on his way out.

The next morning

It was a very sunny morning, there were very few clouds in the sky and the sun radiated it’s heat energy. It was the perfect weather for doing the laundry. As I washed my clothes I could only imagine the events that would unfold today. If that man is hoping to have s*x with me then he has failed because I can’t lose my virginity to soneone as old as he is. No!! I can’t do that.

I was brought back to reality when Solomon — my sister’s youngest son came to call me

“Sistery George, my mummy is calling you” he said and ran back inside.

I washed my hands, got up and went to meet my Sister.

“Yes ma, you sent for me”

“I need you to give this envelope to your uncle, he said he’s at Oben junction. He sounded very urgent so you have to be fast and please be very careful with it, ok?”

“Yes ma” I replied

She then gave me the sum of eight hundred naira to use as my transport fare. I rushed into my room and changed into a better looking gown, packed my hair and rubbed a little powder.

In less than five minutes I was on my way, I stopped in front of the hotel which was actually very far from Oben junction. Uncle Alex must had it all planned because he knew very well how far Oben junction was from the hotel; so he told my sister won’t get suspicious when I stay for a long while……………………………


Jennifer’s POV

I couldn’t believe it!

Tears strolled down my cheeks as I looked from the pew at the back where I sat.

Their hands were cupped in each other as they walked down the aisle. My sight was blurry so I couldn’t identify the lady in the wedding gown.

They had gotten to the pulpit and were now looking into each other’s eyes.

“Do you — Alex take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

“Ye…”I was woken up by a the beeping of my alarm sound.

Phew! I had being dreaming all along.

But why would Alex want to get married to another woman? Is there any way I have failed as a wife? I asked myself.

Despite my busy schedule I’ve always being trying my best to manage the home, I even brought in my niece to live with us in order to cover for my shortcomings. So what could that dream signify? I had no answers, the only thing to do was to go to God in prayer. I said a short prayer and I with faith I believed that everything was settled.

I looked out my window, it was bright already; the golden rays of the sun gave a bright coloring to the clouds and meadows. The weather was exceedingly bright; a lovely way to kickstart a Saturday. I turned over and faced the other side of the bed; it was empty. Alex wasn’t around because of the project he said he was carrying out. I sat upright on my bed, stretched a little and finally managed to get up.

I really found it hard concentrating on whatever thing I was doing. Any slight event that happened kept giving me a flashback of the dream I had earlier this morning.

Over time I suspected that Alex was cheating on me. Since he started sleeping outside the home in the facade of one conference, or one business meeting or the other. Especially when he began to deny me s*x.

A lot of events took place that made me very suspicious. I suspected that he was having extramarital affairs especially with one of his students who just graduated from the University where he worked. Her name was Adamolekun Sonia Eniola. You may be wondering how I got to know her, well I had received a lot of reports from friends that my husband was always posting pictures of her and sometimes the both of them together on his WhatsApp status. I had never seen it first-hand so I decided to not jump into conclusions. It appeared Alex had restricted me from viewing his status and that made me more suspicious.

But what struck me the most was when I saw a fertility test result he carried out with the so-called Sonia in his drawer. Surprise was an understatement for what I felt. Why would my husband take his student to the hospital for a pregnancy test. Were they planning on having a baby or what? I needed answers, I needed to speak with my husband.

When Alex finally came back home from another “academic function.” I made up my mind to get to the root of whatever was going on. As soon as he entered the room, I held the test results in the air for him to see. Once he recognized it, his countenance changed. Fear gripped him and he was overwhelmed with shock. He tried to act normal and pretended like he wasn’t surprised.

“Jennifer what are you doing with that paper?”

“Alex you went to run a pregnancy test with your student! Who is she?”

He kept quiet like a mouse as if thinking of what next to say.

“Alex who is Sonia??”

“I don’t understand why you would be asking such baseless questions. How many times do I have to tell you that Sonia is one of the brightest students in my department and because of that I naturally became close to her”

“Is that enough reason to follow her to carry out a pregnancy test??”

“Of course, yes; it is enough reason. She wanted to run a pregnancy test so I decided to accompany her in order to quicken the process”

“Hmm… I hope so”

I said trying to convince myself into believing him. Despite his excuses I wrote down her full name and even went further to search for her on Facebook. I got to discover that she had two facebook accounts; one of which the last post dated to about eight years ago while the other appeared to be her current functional account. Maybe she had lost access to it.

As I scrolled through her timeline I couldn’t even figure anything special about her that would make my husband attracted to her. I even saw a picture of her where she was pregnant.

So my suspicion immediately proved ephemeral like a fly that only lives for a day. I dismissed the thought of Alex cheating on me but the dream I had still recreated my fears and sent chills down my spine.

Although I wasn’t certain if my husband was cheating on me I always prayed that God would help him to remain faithful.

Amid thoughts, a phone call came tearing the quietness and serenity of the environment. Alex was the one calling, I can say without exaggeration that I had called him more than five times the previous night; none of which he picked.

“Hello” I said in a downcast tone

“Honey good morning” he replied.

“Morning, I’ve being calling since last night but you didn’t respond to my calls nor my WhatsApp messages”

“My dear I’m very sorry, I’ve being busy ever since. No spare time to even do anything, it’s being work all through”

“Okay then… It’s alright”

“Yeah, even now that I’m calling it’s in regards to the project. I need a very important document as soon as possible, I forgot to take it with me when I was leaving. So I don’t really know but the only way out here is for someone; maybe George, to bring it to me”

“Which document are you referring to?” I asked.

“It’s in my briefcase, it’s already packaged in an envelope. So you’ll just send George to bring it to me at Oben junction”

“Alright” I answered

“But I’ll have to send your son cos George is busy with some chores” I said

“Jenny… Just send her! I’m waiting. She’ll be more careful and cautious with it. And tell her to hurry up, I need it urgently!” Alex said as he abruptly ended the call.

I called George, gave her the envelope containing the documents and instructed her on what to do.

But as soon as she left, I began to feel weird on the inside, a strange feeling encompassed me. I started feeling like something was not right somewhere…

Leo’s POV

As George left the house, I knew very well where she was going to. I had not spoken to her since last night and I don’t know what she has in mind to do. I contemplated telling my mom what was going on behind her back? But it could be that George had a plan, she can can decide not to go to the hotel or even refused entering the room. There are many ways she can avoid seeing my dad. I decided to wait, if she stays for too long then I’ll uncover the truth in the open.

George’s POV

I knocked softly on the door and uncle Alex opened. He smiled as soon he saw me in a somewhat diabolical looking manner.

“I’d almost concluded that you won’t be coming anymore”

“Did my wife ask you anything?” He inquired.

“No, why would she?” I asked rhetorically.

“Ok that’s good, now let’s get to the business of the day. First of I need you to massage my back like you usually do. Just open the first drawer, you’ll see the oil lotion. That’s what you’ll use” Alex said as he lay face down on the bed almost unclad with only a pair of boxers.

Sluggishly, I brought out the oil lotion. As I got to the bed, I noticed goosebumps all over his back. Which signified that he was desperately anticipating my touch.

I massaged and massaged and massaged; then after he felt he was satisfied, uncle Alex finally spoke.

“It’s not only my back you’ll massage today. You’ll also massage that area, I’m sure you know what I’m saying” he said smiling.

“Which area do you mean?” I asked

“Ah ah, c’mon stop that joke nau. Don’t pretend like you don’t know why we’re here”

“Sir I’m here because of the phone you promised me”

“George” uncle Alex said sitting upright.

“The phone is not a problem, let’s just do this thing quickly.”

“Sir I don’t know what you’re talking about” I said pretending to be naive.

“Haba! Nawa for you o. Let me touch you, I want to feel you, I want to spank your @ss and bite your t!ps and cuddle you in my arms” Uncle Alex said

His hands were now on my laps and he had slowly started moving them upwards.

“Sir I can’t do that o, you’re my Sistery’s husband!!”

“And so? No one would know about it” he said letting out a seduct!ve smile.

“Sir I can’t, it’s not right”

“Didn’t you know that before you came here, it’s now that you’re here that you want to turn me down. See, I need you now more than ever, my heart yearns for you like the deer yearns for water. I know you’re scared probably because you’re a virgin but you have to trust me. I’ll go very easy on you. Afterwards, you’ll even begin to enjoy it” he said trying to convince me.

“Even if, I can’t have s*x with you. It’s not right”

“Look I’m ready to buy you the phone and any other thing you want, just accept my humble request.

I love you, I love so much and that’s why I want us to do this”

“Sir I can’t! I can’t! I’m sorry but I can’t!”

He wasn’t relenting, he must have used all the tricks in the box as frustration filled his face.

But just when I thought he had given up; the devil in him rose like a flood. Uncle Alex started putting his hands under my gown. He tried raising my gown up but I withstood him.

His hands were now concentrated on my b00bs in what had now turned out to be a struggle.

“Sir please, stop this! It’s not right. Ahh… you’re hurting me”

It seemed like my words became deaf to him, he hands had unhooked my bra from within my gown. He used one of his hands to restrain me while the other was fondling my br€ast.

While I screamed in pains, uncle Alex m0aned in immense pleasure.

“Is this how I’m going to lose my virg!nity?” I asked myself

I’m I really going to get r@ped by my uncle due to my stupidity. Is this really going to be the end?…………

********* Sir please, stop this! It’s not right. Ahh… you’re hurting me”

It seemed like my words became deaf to him, he had unhooked my bra from within my gown. He used one of his hands to restrain me while the other was fondling my br€ast.

While I screamed in pains, uncle Alex moaned in immense pleasure.

“Is this how I’m going to lose my virg!nity?” I asked myself

I’m I really going to get r@ped by my uncle due to my stupidity. Is this really going to be the end? I said in uncertainty.

Leo’s POV

It has being more than two hours since George left the house, I began getting worried. And my mom too was beginning to ask questions as to why George wasn’t back yet. I was becoming more and more troubled .A second couldn’t go by without me glancing at the time.

“Leo, please ask George to come and see me; I need her assistance” my mum said.

“She’s still not back”

“Oben junction isn’t that far na, she should be back by now. Let it not be that she has lost her way, please get me my phone; so I can call my husband. I need to make sure he has received the document and I hope George is alright”

I was eager to let the cat out of the bag but I didn’t allow my nerves to get the best of me. I handed my mom her phone and hung around so that I could listen to her conversation with my dad.

She dialed his number, i could hear the ringing but my dad didn’t pick. She called him again; but unfortunately for us there was still no response.

“Why is Alex not taking my calls, I hope all is well o”

She was about dropping her phone when she decided to try George’s line.

I could hear the beeping of the phone call from where I stood. Just like my dad, she didn’t pick up. Now my mum was beginning to get anxious, she called her two more times but to no avail. That was when she started getting paranoid.

“Why aren’t they answering my calls? They’re getting me worried., What could be the issue?” She asked herself.

“Leo you’ll help me call them with your phone; I don’t know why they’re not responding to my calls”

I wasn’t surprised that they weren’t picking up and I knew trying their lines with my phone was just a waste of time. I just wanted to tell mom everything, I wanted to let her know that my dad had being trying to lure the girl who she brought to live with us into having s*x with him. I wanted to let her know that things were not as it seems. I wanted to let her know that both my dad and George could be on the hotel bed right now!

But when I thought of what the outcome may be, I resolved to looking for another means to handle the issue. If my mom eventually finds out… I doubt if anything could make her remain married to my dad.

Definitely they’ll go their separate ways and being brought up by a single parent is not something I’ll want myself let alone my younger ones to experience. I can remember one of our neighbor’s son who’s currently in the police station awaiting trial.

He was a boy with a very promising future, Benjamin was self disciplined, obedient and very respectful, he was a very close friend of mine. But when his parents got divorced, his life changed for the worse. After the divorce, only him and his dad lived together.

Benjamin’s dad was a very busy man. Leaving very early in the morning and coming back very late at night. There was no guardian to correct and control his excesses. He began keeping bad friends, started moving with the boys on the street and slowly he started metamorphosing into a nuisance.

It didn’t take long for him to get initiated into one of the prevailing cult groups in the area. Ben went on to start drinking, smoking, doing drugs and causing chaos in the neighborhood.

At that time my parents strictly warned me to dissociate myself from him because he was no longer who he used to be.

Sooner than expected; his dad got to know about what his son had turned into but it was too late, the fine grape had already gone sour.

Anyone passing by their house that day could hear Benjamin’s father at the top of his voice seriously scolding his son. Meanwhile Benjamin kept quiet all through, one would have thought that Benjamin must have heeded to his dad’s advise.

But as his dad came back from work the next day, every single thing that belonged to his son was gone. He was totally devastated. His only son had ran away from home to live life without experience, knowledge or guidance. Last we heard of Benjamin was that he and some other boys got arrested after they were caught with hard drugs.

With all those happenini, I wouldn’t want to hasten into a decision that could change my life forever. I decided to not saying anything because when the truth will definitely reveal itself when it is ripe.

George’s POV

My struggle with uncle Alex was now intensified, he had successfully opened my zip and held me down but I didn’t give up. Alex was all over my body, twisting my n!pples, squeezing my @ss cheeks and trying to reach my v@g!na. He kept moving back and forth but I didn’t allow him go any further.

Luck then shone on me when his phone rang.

It was Sister Jenny he ignored it but it rang once more; Still he didn’t pick. After a while my phone also rang, the calls pis$ed him off so he took the both phones, put them on silent and stretched his hand to drop them on the sofa.

I made a move for it,as soon as I tried moving, just like a flash uncle Alex immediately got hold of me and pulled me back to the bed. There was no hope for me, this was surely going to be the end for me.

I tried hitting and slapping him but it was all useless, I then resolved to shouting still uncle Alex closed my mouth with his hand.

The scuffle continued for a while but it didn’t take long for him to overpower me. He got hold of my both hands and put them behind me, he raised my gown up and the only obstruction left was my pant!es.

Jackpot! The smile on his face at that point was like someone who finally won the lottery after playing for an huge number of times.

I was all in tears, there was nothing I could do; I had used up all my energy in shouting and struggling with him. He looked at my pathetic face but he didn’t give a rat’s @ss.

Slowly he carefully shifted my pxnties to the side like a kid opening a birthday present.

We had gotten to the climax of the occasion. There was nothing hindering him anymore, he reached for his boxer and wanted to bring out his JT…

I didn’t give up, I gathered the last strength in me and screamed as loud as I could.

“What is wrong with you? Do you want to get me into trouble??” He shouted terribly annoyed.

“Sir this is r@pe, you’re forcefully trying to have sé;x with me and you expect to keep quiet” I said almost in tears.

“Knock, knock” someone was at the door.

Alas! my savior had come. Whoever it was, he must have been attracted by my shriek.

“Do you see what you have caused” Alex thundered with rage in his eyes.

“You better remain quiet and don’t do anything stupid” he said.

Alex went to the door and opened to see who it was.

“Good day sir” it was one of the hotel attendants

“Good day” uncle Alex replied

He only opened the door a little and blocked the entrance so that no one could see inside.

“Sir we received a noise complaint about your room, someone reported that he’s been hearing screams from this room, we hope everything is fine?”

“Of course, everything is fine” uncle Alex said faking a laugh

“I was actually laughing because of the movie I was watching, whoever reported must have misjudged the sound; everything is okay” Alex said sounding innocent.

I listened to them and I could only wish that whoever was at the door would just push the door open. That was the moment reality dawned on me, it was a golden opportunity to finally save myself.

The toilet door was open, uncle Alex was at the door, nothing was stopping me now. I tried to get up but I was seriously weakened, there was no iota of strength left in me.

But I needed to go now; it was either now or never. I mustered every single energy left in me and crawled down to the toilet door. I pushed it open, entered inside and locked the door behind me.

As soon as I locked the door, Alex was done speaking with the man; he must have successfully convinced him with his sweet words; into thinking nothing was going on.

He quickly locked the door and hoped to continue from where he stopped, I was able to see him through the toilet door, he looked at the bed but I wasn’t there. He immediately became terrified

“George!” He called, but I didn’t answer

“George! please come out, don’t worry I won’t try to do anything with you again, please just come out from wherever you are”


I sat on the floor, and rested my back on the door.

“Pleease, I’m very sorry” he said

“I never thought it would turn out this way”

“You are heartless, you are a very heartless” I said audibly crying

I didn’t care whatever he had to say but I was ready to remain in this toilet for as long as forever………………………