Show Rishkashmiri has written a dangerous book on women’s one-rupee prostitutes and has taken a public bite of people’s society. That Bint Hawa published this story of preparing the sex of the bazaar. Soorsh Kashmiri was a domineering and flamboyant personality of Urdu journalism. During Ayub Khan’s rule, when America ruled, as a journalist he challenged Mara and also bound the prisoners, he was highly respected in religious circles, he had a keen eye on every aspect of society. “In this market” with reference to historical traditions, the map of Lahore’s Bazar Hasan said that the woman faced hatred in the name of obscenity. open. Had to explain. Dad Aish was left in the exposed mask of Bayani Bayan. In this book, you should also know what he has written on women’s prostitute form, compulsions and social and religious traditions. ..

Samudhar Neelam Munir agrees to marry

The predator’s early prey

Acting obscenity of a criminal in a woman. A born whore, a moral lunatic. A criminal and a harlot have the same characteristics: lack of morals, presence of heart, propensity for immorality, greediness, love for superficial pleasures and self-conceit.

Prostitutes are used to mean market women. Every woman trades her body or voice. Taifah is called Taifah in the dictionary, and Taifah is called Juq (Mandali). Egypt In Egypt, the group of dancers was called Joq. Then gradually Taif to create the singular meaning from the plural. And now it applies to every woman who is underprivileged. These prostitutes are also called Bewayarandi in Thatth Urdu.

It is impossible to say from what country or nation the first prostitute belonged, who was her father or brother, and what suspicious heart first forced her to marry a widow. According to the obvious information, there are some chests flowing or there are some signs and signs from which a chest is built and some guesses on which a building is seen. From the study of all these, it is certain that the first victim of slavery in the world is the immorality of women and probably the concept of national ownership is also derived from this. That is to say, to start the immunity of innocence before the statutes of use.

As society changes, so does the development and character of relationships with women. A New Rupee in Every Age It is not known what is the exact map of the relationship between men and women in the metal and stone ages. But till a certain period of the feudal period, every man considered sensual food and the method of obtaining it was not different from stomach food. The chief rides a horse. A few are wounded in the beaks and the rest fight, the assailants kill the conquered men and beat the women as they evacuate. He would divide the virgins into legions and thus become victorious.


A seemingly strange thing. But a consideration of the method of marriage in Asian nations shows that marriage is a social form of the cultural evolution of this militarism and the jewelry that brides wear is a symbol of these military victories. For example, bracelets are replaced by bangles or bracelets, shackles are replaced by kyanjins, collars are replaced by malas and kanthas. Instead of nickels, earrings and niths are placed on the bride’s forehead, in this case on the woman’s vagina. Still incarcerated prisoners who see Siddiqui’s old pictures are validated by them.

This era laid the foundation for the sharing of women. That is, a woman was declared the property of the man who was within her reach. Researchers believe that the initial treatment of unconscious disease is the system of Umhani and the system of Batiliqi, which was a man after a thousand historical cycles, on your boy until the present relationship. The seal of Biswai is more than a few thousand years old. There is a big difference on this question whether obscenity is a monument of love and passion or not.

Some believe that it is something much later than love and passion. And some say that his man is devoid of this concept. A woman and a man live in a married life from the beginning only the circumstances keep changing. But at this point the consensus begins that the three forms of couples begin to change. First, a man is the husband of many wives. Secondly, many husbands and brothers of a woman. In the middle, women and men should be reserved for each other for a limited period of time.

Another strange thing we see is the association of obscenity with the early religions of man. All religions supported the aching backs of human beings and were there for them for a long time, but with the passage of time, their original spirit disappeared, only a body remained and they fell into the hands of those who eliminated various motivations without worship. gone. This is the condition of the early religions of man. The world religions themselves cannot illegally find any place in the self-efforts of their followers and in the gradual perversion of human nature. Today there are prostitutes in the global society, all “religious”

‘ and ‘religious’ in the sense that they believe in the concept of ‘God and the Hereafter’ like us.

A famous traveler of Greece, Hero Dotanus (500 BC), in his travelogue of Lydia, in his account of the tomb of King Ilianis, stated that the major part of the money spent on its preparation was given to professional women. The same historian says that common people’s girls used to earn by profession and collect rupees for their dowry. The people of Babylon used to send their women workers to the temple of the goddess to mix with the men. These women used to wear flowers in their braids. When a woman liked a man, he would throw a silver coin in her cradle. She Charuna Char would accept that coin and be with him. When she returned home, she was considered a matter of pride.

In Greece, the festival of Phlor Balayadevi used to take place for eight years. And during these eight days, Roma girls used to provide luxury goods for the pilgrims. In Africa, genitals were a part of sexual worship and people hung them in their shops and houses. In India it is denoted by Sholing. Prehistoric records contain this kind of information about Sudan and other populations. The prehistoric remains found in European caves also reveal the organs of the body and reveal all these situations. That before this civilizational evolution, obscenity was practiced in all societies and people regarded sexual activity as a form of worship.

These are things before the good history. At the time when the Dutch conquered Java, they left a cannon in the forest. People thought that the organ of a god was special and the worship started. Infertile women wear bright clothes and go to visit the cannon. They sit on it like a horse and want children.

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Episode No. 1

 During the time of Alexander the Great, “religious obscenity” was particularly prominent. When a woman taunted her neighbor, she would say, “You are not worthy to touch your waist” and this was a sign of not being exalted in the temple of the goddess. There are many traditions related to obscenity in the Bible. When the Hebrews took an oath in a matter, they used to swear by putting their hand on their penis for emphasis. So (TESTA MENT) Agreement (TESTIMONY) Shahadat and (TESTICLE) the substance of the testicles is the same, in the ancient Egyptians it was customary to swear by raising the penis. The amulets used by them for children were the forms of sexual organs.

Davenport believes that the lingam of the Hindus, the phallus of the Greeks, the super-pass of the Romans and the cross of the Christians are all mysterious forms of the male organ. The courage of the intellectuals of this era is such that Dr. Lee Alexander Stone, while defending the constructiveness of churches, has also compared it to genitalia.

According to us, all these worries about materialism are the charisma of the insolent, but it is certainly known that at one time obscenity has received the patronage of human religions and it is the fruits of religious obscenity that have been transferred to the existence of prostitutes since ancient times. are done

Today’s prostitutes are actually a reaction to the “religious prostitutes” of ancient times. The women who were called Hatira in Greece, Virgin in Rome, Kavushtu in Babylon, Devadasi in India and Gambler in Baghdad are the name of the distortion of women. Some of the motivations behind this marketable pornography are:

First: The moral evolution of the society by which married life in civilized countries became formal and civilized and professionals were made an institution to save this life from sexual disorder.

Second: The difference in the ratio of men and women, which causes many defects. Therefore, in the countries where this difference is very prominent, obscenity is also prominent.

Thirdly: Those whose extravagant indulgences are at the expense of family honours.

Fourth: economic disparity in a class society and the disadvantages of individual ownership.

Hakim Solan is the first person in the world to establish the first chakla in Greece to prevent house-to-house prostitution. And he wanted to put a stop to the sexual immorality in which the whole of Greece was engulfed. At that time, the moral degradation of the Greek nation was such that in the first two statues of people who were made to express devotion, one was the subject and the other was the object. Every Modesto and Aristogaton felt shame if a boy did not find a knight of his choice. And such a boy was considered worthy of respect who had dozens of lovers, in many cities it was customary to marry boys.

There are mentions of such temples in Greek mythology, and some inscriptions have been found that attest to male sexuality. Many researchers believe that marriage to boys was actually the first step towards forced reproduction. Socrates himself recommended this practice, and even Aristotle advised men to give up their wives and adopt wives in return. On the approval and movement of these rulings, amortism was limited to special people, that is, only free citizens and Banke Shahwars had the right to do the same. Slaves could not even imagine this, for them it was a crime and the punishment was death. When this hobby became common, it was considered a social virtue, and the Greek government enacted various laws to patronize it.

There were more boys than women in the Roma capital. On the other hand, Paras was called Ajam, so the composition of Pars Ajam presents a complete map of the moral situation. From Pars, this epidemic spread to the surrounding countries. It reached Balochistan and Sindh from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, in Chinese Turkestan, a group of prostitute boys was born. When Sir Charles Napier conquered Sindh in 1845, apart from women’s brothels in Karachi, there were also 30 brothels for male prostitutes.

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Episode number 2

 The nation of Hazrat Lot is mentioned in the Torah, so the word for the same is derived from it. The English word (SODOAW) is derived from it.

Many Christian rulers in Europe worshiped the Qahabas. They increased their wealth with their income. But some people wanted to destroy them, for a thousand years, efforts were made to reform the situation from generation to generation. Even the punishment was fixed for the prostitute, but prostitution could not stop anywhere. Finally, his organization was recognized. Kuriat wrote in his travelogue of Venice that at the beginning of the seventeenth century there were about twenty thousand prostitutes, who were so profitable to the government that they could cover the expenses of a dozen warships.

As Greece developed, Rome developed, the status of women there was relatively low. But the sun of Rome also set and obscenity became so strong that Cicero, a teacher of morals and an orator, who wrote down the rules of rhetoric, supports the young men’s correspondence with prostitutes. At least Christianity has prevented adultery, but despite some individual efforts, Christian countries have played the trick that now sin has become an art.

Among the world religions, Islam is the first religion that defined women as half of the universe, recognized her rights, opposed obscenity, declared adultery as haram and made the concept of adultery the centerpiece, but when the hearts and minds of Muslim kings were changed by Islam. When they became empty of imagination, all bonds were broken.

It is a strange fact that prostitution in the Islamic countries of Asia was not only fostered by the Muslim kings, but also planted some interesting links in its business domes, and this situation shows that whatever destination the woman passed through the prostitution market. Yes, men are responsible for it and only men, men considered women as toys, so the name of dominance of man’s sensual desires is prostitution. No woman likes to be a prostitute, even a prostitute is not deprived of feminine modesty. Of those women whose habit matures and becomes a nature. No woman willingly allows herself to be a toy to different men. Feel the heart of anyone and remove the scab from the wound of their soul and you will know. That she sits on the head only because her “woman” is dead and all that remains is the bed, not the woman. In fact, physical obscenity is a plague. Its patient also lives a chardna-char life like the patient of Diq.

The scholars who have reviewed the anti-prostitution movements, believe that promiscuity is a useful institution despite being an inevitable sin. Which is the support of the chastity of the honorable families. It is the words of a philosopher poet.

Balzac writes that the prostitute sacrifices herself to democracy and makes her body the pawn of noble families. Shunpahar says that prostitutes and infidels are human sacrifices on the altar of husbands. Leckie’s history of moralizing prostitutes in Europe places a heavy burden of patronage and guardianship on the shoulders of prostitutes.

We do not necessarily agree with the narrators, their authors probably do not consider the economic relations of the society, although the worst is class and the thought and practice of class countries have declared prostitutes as an inevitable sin.

Prostitutes also have a political side. Despite their “beauty and ugliness”, they have ruled the minds of many, defeated many emperors. He destroyed many kingdoms, bowed down many rulers, looted the treasures of luxury. Shaking the foundations of empires, making the sanctuaries shed tears of blood, plunging the human race into wars, and forcing those who had molten lead around their necks to melt like a candle. Therefore, a large part of the history of Europe and Asia is full of their mentions, for example:

Tutia V. Argona’s poetry is considered a masterpiece of Spanish literature. Darwenka Franco is an expert on Greek etymology. Henry III, Emperor of France, attended his meeting, and took his portrait as he went. Ninon V. Linclos was so famous for his beauty that three generations of the family Severzna Pass among his lovers. His house outshone the big courts. Rhodupi is a famous prostitute who built a harem in one of the Egyptian pyramids. Plutarch writes of Pericles that he plunged Athens into war to please a courtesan named Spassia. Socrates himself used to sit in his company.

The young crop of French novelists devoted all their energies to the publication of these views. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Georges was a famous French writer who emphasized the colorfulness of sexual relations. Therefore, in the First World War (1914-1918), Europe destroyed moral values ​​brick by brick. In all the European countries, the French took the French Bazi was the same slogan. There is no need for “Bache Janavar Janaao”, a virgin or a widow who volunteers her mercy for the country deserves respect. These women were given the title of motherland. A French leader writes.

“In the last 25 years, we have achieved so much success that the “forbidden child” has become the same status as the halal child. Now there is only so much left that only the first type of children are born so that the question of comparison does not remain.

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Click here to read Part 3

A teacher was suspended for giving birth to an illegitimate child. It was reinstated by the French Ministry of Education on the grounds that motherhood without marriage was a more democratic way. The commander of the French 127th Division issued an order during the war which read as follows.

It is learned that the cavalry and infantry soldiers are complaining about the crowding of gunners at the military barracks. The high command is trying to increase the number of women. Do not let them in for long and act hastily in gratifying their desires.

The Great War did not teach the commercial almshouses, but also established charitable almshouses. The purpose of these charity houses is to comfort the soldiers, the Ministry of War of France gave these charity houses the title (WAR GOOD MOTHER), Urdu is handicapped by its translation. For many years now, the profession of prostitution in France has not been individual, but has become a collective trade and collective industry. Many limited companies are established. Their workers get huge salaries. Their advertisements are published in the newspapers, the employees who are entrusted with the task of providing these overnight weddings from different parts of the country, they receive regular rigorous training in this profession and work at office standards.

In crime, Dr. Magnoosh fought for six years in favor of legalization and forced the government to bear the responsibility. Does this country suffer? Isn’t this a more natural way? Those who call it unnatural do not have any argument, they just repeat an obsolete nation. On the contrary, a woman has to bear the consequences of mixing with a man, either she becomes a mother or loses a child, but there is no risk of this kind in childbirth, but the growth of sexual partners can also be stopped.

England is also immersed in the same culture and now Immortalism is legally free there. American bathrooms are state of the art. Due to this, at least 15 lakh pregnancies are aborted every year in the United States and thousands of illegitimate children are killed due to this. It has been many years that the figures of prostitution that were obtained by the Assembly of Nations from different countries are nominal. There are as many prostitutes in any one country as there are prostitutes in all the countries of the world. This bourgeois society (which has reached the point of exploitation) has produced two things.

(1). The spoils of hard work

(2). Buying and selling of innocence.

Due to the loosening of the political system, professional prostitutes are disappearing, but they have been replaced by non-professional prostitutes. Every wealthy person has access to the whole society for mental and physical pleasure. The whole society is a prostitute and the whole art is a trick. Russell was afraid that the fathers of half the world will be ministers or priests.

Burns of the same oven

The potter made a beautiful water tank, the people made it Jam Sahabah. The potter made a Jam Sahba and people mistook it for drinking water and placed it on the wall of the mosque, then did it change the reality of the soil? Fill the cup with wine or zamzam. Make a woman a beswa or a queen of the house, whatever you want, but in any case she is a woman. (Qazi Abdul Ghaffar)

The social system of prostitutes in Asia is different from that of Europe, but sexually similar. The main reason for the difference in market alcohol is the different moral ideologies of the East and the West, and the difference in the beliefs of the two regarding women. By the way, the European woman has surpassed the Asian woman in terms of social freedom. And the standards of shame and modesty that are considered the soul of the East are not there at all. On the contrary, in Asian countries, even a prostitute adheres to some level of morals. The reason is that Asia has been the birthplace of every major religion. These religions have provided Asian nations with a moral, which has awakened a concept of immortality in the minds. Here, no philosopher could dare to justify obscenity and Say that prostitution is an indispensable institution.

But in spite of this moral crufer, obscenity has become rampant in Asian countries, its various forms have always existed in all situations, so the Shashatras, written one and a half thousand years ago, can be traced to the religious obscenity of India. The people of South India love their daughters And they used to offer sacrifices to the temples, who were called Devdasiyas, these maidens would learn music and dance, till the appearance of youth was shining, their appreciators would also be present, when the youth faded, they would be expelled from the temples. Dar Badar used to live by begging. No Hindu of any caste could marry them, the temple’s mahants were happy with them, or they were persuaded to keep their children by encouraging the talukdars and zamindars.

Lingam is a major evidence of religious prostitution in India, it is true that Aryan civilization provided marital comfort to women. On the death of the man with whom she used to live, she would perform sati with him. But the woman’s body has always been in danger and has been ever since Lakshmana cut off Sarup Nakha’s nose, Ravana laid hands on Sita and the Pandavas lost Draupadi.

Manu Smriti mentions eight types of marriage, the eighth type is “Pishaj Bavah” which means fornication. The Bible mentions the fornication of the Hebrews, most of the stories of adultery at the door of the house of God were related to the Prophet’s mission in Arabia. The prostitutes in Makkah were among the slaves. The love of women was in the heart of the Arabs. The husband was happy that his bride’s lover was already there, often the husband did not prevent his wife from meeting and discussing her first lover. He considered it a pride that his wife is the beloved of such and such a poet and her beauty and chastity and purity are resounding throughout Arabia.

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Click here to read episode number 4

A Bedouin was asked what is the meaning of love for you. He said, “We touch the beloved by the chest, we connect our lips with his lips, we are happy with saliva and we revive the heart with his heart-warming words.” Arab poet says:

“Mahabuba has two parts. One for pure love, the other for a husband who never fails. “

Zoroaster has prayed for destruction for wicked women. There were big markets of prostitutes in Turkestan and it was not immoral to go to their houses. In China, prostitution remained on a commercial basis. There the prostitutes had the same status as the prostitutes in Greece. The common Chinese used to call them flowers and aliens. Now Mao’s government has banned brothels from the beginning, the residential market of Japanese prostitutes is called Yoshiwara and they have some legal privileges. In Korea, prostitutes are called Warak Al Noor. Prostitution for women is prohibited in these three countries: Russia, China and Hijaz.

Allama Jali says that Islam had eradicated obscenity and adultery. Prostitution remained completely absent in the Islamic world until the first century after the death of the Holy Prophet, the Lord of the Universe, Fidah Umi Wabi, but when Islam became dull and the Muslim kingdoms followed in the footsteps of Qaiser Vaksira, the market for blood and toys became hot in places. It has to be said that most of the Abbasid caliphs did not spare any effort to make the woman a toy. (Mashallah) now gamblers were toys and gamblers, the height or perfection they achieved during the era of the Abbasid caliphs, is unprecedented in any era. has been. The result was that great empires became rich with their beauty. Many caliphs sacrificed their crowns and thrones on their beckoning eyebrows. Many kings fell in love with one of her lips, while groups of prostitutes also appeared, the distinction between family and non-family was established among them. Dancers stayed and those who only sold their bodies were called prostitutes. On the other hand, the Mughals gave more flowers in India. It is obvious that prostitution is a thing of pleasure and man has created it for this reason. When the purpose is pleasure and that too for the soul, then all the essentials are collected one after the other which satisfy the soul, so with prostitutes they All the goods of Ishrat have been collected, which have become the art of pleasure and prostitutes. Artist.

Gamblers and concubines, on the other hand, were the result of war, when the flood of conquests stopped, their supply also stopped, which created a vacuum. Meanwhile, the Muslim caliphs had lost the spirit of Islam and were bound only by appearances, and imported slave girls to seduce them, creating a gang of slave traders who brought young girls from Turkey, Sicily, India, Armenia, Rome, and Africa, and brought them to Baghdad. used to sell, their biggest market was called Souq al-Raqiq where most of the houses were often shops and many compounds were located. The concubines of all countries were kept separately in terms of beauty and virtue, the most valuable concubines were from Madinah, Taif, Basra, Kufa, Baghdad and Egypt. She was drenched in perfection. A section of the same bazaar was reserved for newly-arrived maids, they were brought in naked, with open hair, with no adornment. The intention was that buyers could evaluate the physical beauty. Different traders would set the price of Puran according to the quality of Hussan and Ranai and would buy it after paying the price. The traders would have put this raw material in the field of education and training. When they matured, they were sold at a very high price. Therefore, most of the musicians, scholars, scholars and wise women have been born from these maidservants, great caliphs and princes have also been born from their wombs.

All the bazaars were filled with concubines of different origins. Big merchants and nobles would gather, the seller would make a noise.

“Abe businessman! O rich man! Not every round thing is a walnut, nor every rectangular thing a banana, not every thing that is red is meat, and not every white thing is fat, in the same way, not every thing is wine, and not every yellow thing is a date. It happens, it’s dangerous too  Can’t be priced, then tell me what you value?

Each concubine was auctioned for several thousands of dirhams, the customers had the right to see them naked, so Arabs have written many books on the characteristics of concubines of different countries. For example:

Concubines of Persia for deliverance, Roma for service, Abyssinia for cooking, and Armenian concubines for child rearing were considered standard.

In terms of appearance, Hussain liked the face of Turkey, the body of Rome, the eyes of Hijaz, and the waist of Kareeman. The masters of this trafficking were so clever that they would buy a slave girl on the pretense of her intelligence, Mutawakkil had four hundred concubines. Harun al-Rashid had two thousand of which three hundred Arbab Nishat, Umm Jafar Barmaki had several thousand concubines, Harun al-Rashid bought a slave girl for one hundred thousand dinars. Saeed, the brother of Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, paid seventy thousand dinars for his slave girl Zulfa.

Jafar Barmaki acquired a concubine for forty thousand dinars, sometimes the Abbasid caliphs would get angry on the question of purchase, there are many such incidents recorded in Kitab al-Aghani and Uqd al-Farid, when Harun al-Rashid sat on the throne, he ordered that such and such Should be bought by giving lakhs of dinars. Yahya bin Khalid, the minister of the kingdom, excused himself. Rashid was furious. Yahya scattered all the rupees in his room, Rashid understood that Yahya had hurt his extravagance, Amin asked Jafar bin Hadi to buy a maid named Bajil, Jafar refused. Amin got angry and ordered to buy the dowry in gold, it was obeyed. The price of this gold was two crore dirhams.

The involvement of these concubines in the affairs of the kingdom is not hidden, history is full of their exploits. Yazid bin Abdul Malik’s love with Hababa, Rashid bin Abdul Malik’s love with Zaat al-Khal has historical fame, Harun al-Rashid’s mother Khairzan was a concubine, Muqtadar’s mother was also a concubine, and her influence on the country’s politics is not hidden from anyone. Is.

Wherever the Muslim kingdoms were “destroyed”, the institution of concubines went with them, and when the caliphate was divided into national boundaries, these were also divided with them. The concubines of Khalifa Abd al-Rahman Andalusi had a special reputation, especially the concubines of Qasr-e-Libna, who were very famous.

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Click here to read episode number 5

Writing the secret texts of Fatima Khalifa, she had such skill in poetry that no man could reach her level. Khadija made a name for herself in poetry. Maryam taught poetry to the girls of the Ashbila family, Ruqyah created such excellence in poetry that Caliph Abd al-Rahman freed her. When Abd al-Rahman died, he traveled to the East and scholars from all over the world paid him homage.

These concubines made inventions in poetry and music, thanks to them the princes of the kingdom were killed. Ma’mun al-Rashid asked Ali ibn Hisham for one of his beautiful concubines, Ali refused. Ma’mun al-Rashid got angry and killed Ibn Hisham.

Harun al-Rashid wanted to flirt with a maid in the solitude of the night, so he struck in the morning. When morning came, Haroun called her and she came. Haroun reminded her of the promised night, the maids said.

Kalam al-il-yam-huh-ul-nahaw

It has been translated into Urdu by Chirag Hasan Hasrat.

Just mentioned about the night

Let the night go

Haroon left with a smile, asked all the poets of the country to tie a knot on this stanza.

It is a fact that the Muslim rulers (Illa Masha Allah) have benefited greatly from the justification of gambling. Hundreds of women have lived in their palaces as if they were in a prison of gold, their married life was not different from the life of Israqi in every royal period and in every royal palace.

Madam Kali Barzli, who was the wife of a Turkish minister, has written a book “Three Years of the Haram” in which she mentions the Haram of Sultan Abdul Majeed and writes that its bag used to beckon passers-by from its nooks and crannies. If she had enjoyed them, she would have died from the fear of revealing the secret.

Once Khalifa Muhammad Ali was asked by the husband of his daughter Nazli Khanum to wash his hands with a maidservant. After washing his hands, he said to the maids, “That’s it, darling!” “It was to be heard that Nazli Khanum got angry and ordered the murder of the slave girl, filled her skull with rice and cooked it in the oven. When her husband sat on the couch, she placed a stirrup in front of him and said, “One of my beloved’s also Have a bite and see.” When the husband heard this, he got angry and left the palace.

The arrival of the Mughals in India. In the words of a historian. It is a monument to the decadence of Islam. He had no deep connection with the foundations of Islam, when he found the school of Sultanate in India, his physical luxury surpassed that of his predecessors. Their luxuries were overshadowed, before their fall, Ajami and Hindi became handsome, the intelligence for which Arab concubines were famous was also embedded in Ajami. When Humayun arrived in Iran after being defeated, in order to correct his grief, the Darai of Iran held a Majlis Nishat, all the tribes were invited, a singer sang a ghazal:

Rama is the house of the same floor

Mark Kishore’s period is Rasha

Zaranj and Rahat Giti Mashukhandan ‘ Murbakhan Dil

That Amen, wherever he goes, let him be there

Humayun’s heart was full and tears came to his eyes, when the Shah saw it, he raised Mughnia from the assembly, but he could not help but admire this outstanding intelligence. When Humayun conquered Delhi again, he sent for this Mughnia It was found out that she had passed away. History is full of anecdotes of Emperor Akbar, he was the first king to set up Meena Bazar. The concept of Meena Bazar was borrowed from Turkestan. On the third day of every month, a market is held in Qila Maali. It was also called happy day. All arrangements were entrusted to the women of the kingdom. Eunuchs, Kalamaqinis and Urdbeginis were running horses here and there, Malins were cutting chaman, Jahangir had given his heart to Sahib Jamal, the daughter of Nawab Zain Khan Bahadur, in Meena Bazaar. The maid said, “Sahih scholar!” Badshah Salamat remembers you.” The prince had a pair of pigeons in his hand, Sahib Jamal was coming from the front, he said to him, “Please hold our pigeons, we are coming now.” When he came back, Sahib Jamal’s hands There was a single dove, asking:

“What happened to the other pigeon?”

“Sir, he flew away.”


Mr. Jamal released the second pigeon and said.

Scholar. “Like this.”

After this, Jahangir became enamored with Sahib Jamal. The tomb of Pomegranate in the Secretariat of Lahore is actually that of Sahib Jamal.

One day Yaz was playing chess with an Iranian prince on the condition that the loser would give him a concubine. Coincidentally, Jahangis lost, all the concubines were gathered, all were superior to each other in beauty. A maiden named Jahan was chosen after much hesitation. The world was not displeased. Submitted:

So Badshad Jahani Jahan Zadast Mada Ka Badshah Jahan Ra Jahan Bakar Aide

The king stopped. When he chose another concubine named Hayat, he said with impatience:

Where I am happy, but I must live if there is no life

Jahangir suggested a third concubine, Dilaram, who was herself a chess expert. He said, scholar, give me a check once and then I will make a decision. The request was approved. Dalaram pondered and said to Shah

May God rest in peace

Pesh kun wasp kishmat mat

Jahangir won the battle. Dil Aram was awarded with honor and reward. To this day, this poem is the tip of the tongue of humble players.

One of Jahangir’s wives was Manmati, daughter of Raja Uday Singh. Shahjahan was from his stomach. Jahangis himself was well-versed in music and entrusted many of his talents to him for musical education. At the same time, a prostitute named Kashmiri was a big name, one day there were many Ahl al-Ajam sitting in her company that an Arab also came. The Ajams felt mischief and wrote this rubai and sent it to him.

O Shiva, disbelief, grief, sadness, anger

The monuments of greatness were created by the Arabs and the Arabs

She was the queen of poetry even in her old age. In response, she wrote,

In the middle of the fast, I walked

Ghavitim Salaist Arab Ra and Ajam Ra

Consider “Guftim Salaist Arab Wa O Ajam Ra”, the business history of a prostitute will be seen in full and perfection.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad has written an incident of Aurangzeb’s suicide in reference to Sahib Maasha Al-Amra in “Ghabbar-e-Khater”, he says:

There was a village near Burhanpur called Zainabadi, and there was a singer living in Zainabad who became known as Zainabadi. His songs and his good deeds injured Aurangzeb in the princely age, what a beautiful poem Sahib Maaser al-Amra has written while mentioning this incident.

Ajab girna dame bodor ashiq ribai ha

Familiar look friend

The story of Aurangzeb’s relationship is very interesting. It shows that although the demand of the pioneers made him of iron and stone, he was once a man of flesh and blood and could say that

The spring season has passed on us too

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Click here to read episode number 6

A little while ago, we were talking about Mir Khalil Khan Zaman, the son-in-law of Yamin-ud-Daula. This Khan Zaman’s wife was Aurangzeb’s aunt, one day Aurangzeb was walking in the garden of Burhanpur, and Khan Zaman’s wife i.e. his aunt also came for a walk with his properties. Among the Khawas, there was a Khawas Zainabadi who did not respond to Saharkar in Naghama Sanji and Shiva Dilbarbai in Varanai.

While having fun, the whole crowd passed under the shade of a tree, in the branches of which mangoes were hanging. As soon as the crowd reached the tree, Zainabadi did not pay any attention to the presence of the prince or his aunt. She jumped boldly and plucked a fruit from a high branch. Khan Zaman’s wife was impressed by this joke and she reprimanded.

It was a wrong view of some kind of Qiyaamah that it finished the prince’s work and Sabru Qarran said God Hafiz.

High and high

Shorten the story of Zahid Darazman

Sahib Ma’asir al-Amra has written that “Bakmal Abram wa Samajat Zainabadi Ra Azkhala Ms. Self-Gripta, Baan Hamh Zahid Dry and Suffering Bakht, Shefta and Dildada Oushad, Qadh Shara Rast self-made Meida Govind, Roze Zainabadi we are on Qadh Bada.” By the hand of Prince Dadu, he suffered, that is to say, he obtained Zainabadi from his aunt after a lot of begging and persistence, and in spite of his asceticism and pure maintenance, for which he had become famous even in this era, he fell in love with her. He became so uncontrollable that he used to serve a cup full of wine with his hand and the scholar saw the signs of drunkenness. Lagae, see if a poem of Arni has been remembered and what has been pasted.

Shaikh Shahr of Saqi Noi and Saif Dili Bin

Do not believe that the country is full of people

Shahzad begged with every bit of wonder that the test of my love and devotion should not be limited to the drinking of this jam:

May Hajit Nist Mustim Ra Drachsham-i Tota Khamar Bakhist

But this character did not have mercy.

Iman and heart are still very vulnerable

Muslim Bia Muzaan Two-Eyed Na Muslim Ra

The four princes intended to put the cup in his mouth, as if the whole event of illusion happened.

Ishqish Khabars, the scholar was intoxicated, and the people of Salah were drunk

But as soon as the magician saw that the prince was helpless and ready to drink, he immediately took the cup from his lips and said.

Therefore, it is not a test of love that you are bitter

In this way, it is different that free lovers should be fed freely

Gradually the matter reached such a point that the news started reaching Shah Jahan and its details started coming in the persons of the chroniclers. Darashkoh used this story to express his grievances. He would pay attention to his father again and again. “Do you see what wisdom and piety are made of?”

What Hafizi has said well

When I take my hand, I will give him the blade of love

I don’t know how this case would have resolved, but the fate decided by itself, that is, Zainabadi died at the height of Shabab.

After Aurangzeb, the sun of the empire came to an end, the universalism of the country was uprooted, swords and swords went to the niche of women and were replaced by taws and rabb, everyone was immersed in debauchery, prostitutes were everywhere. It was a long visit. Everyone’s eyes were watery, every house had their teeth gnashed. Al-Qasa was a lesson learned for all the country. Ghulam Qadir Rohila forced Shah Alam’s daughters and daughters-in-law to dance naked. They started to dance and apparently he was oblivious by opening the dagger himself, when they finished dancing, the dagger was raised and said, “Greet has really left Timur’s house.”

Muhammad Shah used Noorbai Dumni for the orbits of Nadir Shah Durrani. Nadershah was very pleased with his light embrace, gave the reward, but said at the same time:

Noor Bai Rowe Hind blacken. Biakah Beh Irant Berem

Noorbai Karing became faq but then recovered and sang this ghazal

Min Shama Jangdazam Tu morning Dilrabai Suzam Garat Na Binam Meram Churukh Namai

Near and far away, when I said that I have patience, I have lost my strength

Nadershah was very happy with this beautiful and beautiful song and stopped from his intention, because the history of kings is full of these beautiful women and the women who are prostitutes.

They are actually burnt from the oven of these kings.


My daughter is my pride…

Muhammad Tughlaq, the first Muslim king of India, established his capital near Daulatabad in the name of Tarbabad. Every day at the time of Asr, Chakla’s Chowdhury would sit in the central constellation. All the randis and the likes would play the mujra in turn, then when the sun went down, the market would be decorated, the buyers would come, and then it would be morning. Amir Shams al-Din Tabrizi was the greatest courtier under whom the palaces of the twenty randis of the court were often close to each other. Akbar settled Shaitanpura for the randis near Fatehpur Sikri in Agra. In Delhi, there was Chawri Bazaar adjacent to Chandni Chowk and Qila Maali. Lucknow’s Chikla is on the approach to Wajid Ali Shah’s buildings. Take a look at Lahore itself, Shahi Qila and Lahore’s Chakla are just a few steps away. Now, with the passage of time, Lahore’s history has been quite subdued, but its traces can still be found in the geographical structure of the city. On the back of the fort was Baru Khana, ahead of which was Moti Bazar, Shah Alami Darwaza on the lower side, and turning right, Chakla, which is still called Bazar Chowk Chakla. Come out of Chowk Chakla to Lohari Darwaza, then there is Pomegranate Market. The story of Jahangir’s love story is attributed to this fictitious prostitute.

About half a century ago, prostitutes used to sit in Anarkali, they were raised on the proposal of Lahore Municipality, since then the Hera Mandi area is reserved for them.

How was the word Chakla formed? Only linguists can say something about it. In the dictionary, the meaning of Chakla is the house. Its noun is Chakidan, which means to sit on the base of an animal. Two other sources are Chakandan and Chakanidan which means to drip, the word Chakla can also be derived from them. The word chak itself has a different meaning, meaning earth, and also for the male organ, so the spelling of chakla is noteworthy. .

Gradually, the adjectives of the Randis increased with their professional eloquence, especially during the period when the banner of Shuja-ud-Dawla and then Wajid Ali Shah was flying over the kingdom of Oudh and the Muhammadan princes in Delhi considered women to be Chaucer’s dice. In the words of Ashraf Sabohi.

The princes are sitting in the water. On one knee is a pechawan, on the other is sitting Rundi. “

Actress Neelam Munir agreed for marriage

In that market. Click here to read episode number 7

This was the era of the desolation of the empire, only the formality of outward rituals and spiritual customs remained, as the strength of the arm decreased, the delicacy of the language increased, those whose profession was dancing and singing were called prostitutes, whose The sale of the business body was limited to those called prostitutes or kanchaniyas and those who were just “marketable goods”. That is, those takiyas who exchange rupees and bodies. The words Beswa Rundi, Patar and Desiya are also used for them. In which there is a subtle humanistic difference and now some low castes are also counted among them, for example Marathas, Doghias and Pirnias etc. Kanchan is not a caste, it has become a caste only with the exception of profession and now every human group is called Kanchan who belong to the family of prostitutes and prostitutes.

Shuja-ud-Daula and Wajid Ali Shah’s Lucknow fostered various branches of communalism. Such a society was created that there is no such great example of the rise of prostitutes in the entire history of Muslim kings.

Shuja-ud-Daula was the son of Nawab Sadr Jang, when he made peace with the British, he traveled to Faizabad. Ahmad Khan Bangash gave three advices before his journey, firstly not to trust the Mughals, secondly to make Faiz Abad as the capital, thirdly to work with eunuchs. Shuja-ud-Daula ignored these three things, the first thing he did was to hand over the command of the army to eunuchs. The largest division had fourteen thousand soldiers whose uniform was red. He made Khwaja Sirul Subnet Ali Khan his commander, under the command of another eunuch of the same name, there were 1,000 black horse riders. Under the direction of Khwaja Sara Anbar Ali, a troop of 100 horsemen and four platoons of five horsemen under Khwaja Sir Mahbub Ali, another happy-faced Khwaja Sir Lataft Ali had the same number of troops. Besides, there were many female and male sects in the court of Shuja-ud-Daula. The late Sharr has written that Shuja-ud-Daula’s heart was always filled with beautiful women. Even the capital of the kingdom was built as the residence of Naas Ali Din Malukham, there were many famous Dera Darnias with luxurious tents, when Shuja-ud-Daula visited different districts of the kingdom, there were tents with the king, where Yes, the tents would have been pitched.

During the reign of Wajid Ali Shah, the sapling planted by Shuja-ud-Daula became a Tanwar tree. Even Wajid Ali Shah and Lahuwa Laab became synonyms. Wajid Ali Shah grew up in the lap of Hasan and Nagmah since his childhood. And he had not yet realized that many bright pages of his age had been tainted by the embrace of prostitutes. The magazines were named Banga, Tracha and Ghanghor. The paltans were named Akhtri and Nadir, both after famous prostitutes, Wajid Ali Shah considered Muta to be religiously legitimate. Every time, the woman who was a victim of his lust would honor him with the title of Mut’ah. Once Bhangan Parji came, he not only made her fatiyab, but also gave her the title of Nawab Musfa Begum. Wajid Ali Shah was the first Muslim ruler to raise a small army of beautiful women.

The female troops seen in the armies today. He is probably based on the same precedent, the king’s minister himself, Ali Naqi Khan, was from Arbab Nishat. His daughter was the queen of Nawab Akhtar Mahal Shah, often minor and young girls fell victim to the King’s eyes. So they would have been kept unchallenged. And as soon as he was young, he was made into a mumtua, then in different situations, he was entrusted with the task of singing and dancing. They were so numerous that their clans were formed, each clan being named after their characteristic, for example:

Radha Manzil Vali, Jhumar Vali, Pendant Vali, Sardha Manzil Vali, Nath Vali, Ghonghat Vali, Nakwali and Untouchables. Most of them lived in the Sultan Khana near the king. Some had palaces in the palaces. To whom a child was born, he was given the title of palace. A woman who had no children was called Begum. The salary of Begums was six to twenty rupees per month apart from bread and clothes, however, as soon as they came under the category of palaces, it became two hundred rupees per month and they were given a palace house and a doorman etc. The name of each Mutua was chosen. Pari Jamal Begum, Khur Shamail Begum, Gul Rukh Begum and Nazak Andam Begum.

Last financial year, our sales from fruit juice shops decreased from 70 billion rupees to 39 billion rupees, representative juice industry.

In that market. Click here to read Episode No. 8

Thus the names of the palaces were Nawab Khas Mahal Sahiba, Nawab Mashuq Mahal Sahiba, Nawab Dildar Mahal Sahiba, Nawab Ashiq Sultan Mahal Sahiba, Nawab Mumtaz Mahal Sahiba, Nawab Akhtar Mahal Sahiba, Nawab Qaiser Mahal Sahiba. And these were about seventy palaces and palaces. Thanks to these revelers, Wajid Ali Shah was the last stage of the misery of Muslims in India. He has made such inventions in dance and singing that till now the great masters of this art consider him to be iron. He was the inventor and teacher of many raginis and dances. If a dancer would wake up somewhere, he would lie on the bed and make corrections. If there was any defect in the voice of a person, he would immediately point it out. Self-rhythms and surkis were in perfect harmony. His existence was the epitome of luxury. Sometimes she would take a motherly state over her and give birth to a child. When the British imprisoned him and brought him to Calcutta. Even there, he kept luxury as a cover, he used to write love letters from the prison to those who were in love with him, he would ask them for something, for example, he asked for ink from Dildar Mahal, hair from Akhtar Mahal. , slept with them on his head and smelled them again and again, asked Jafri Begum for a Dulai dupatta, which he used to hug and cry again and again. However, Wajid Ali Shah gave birth to a Lucknow which had become a prostitute after being molded into the mold of luxury.

There were three castes of randis in Lucknow.

Kanchania, these were low caste Hindu professionals and women, who migrated from Punjab and camped in Faizabad, followed by Chaklaabad in Lucknow.

Limestones, they were second in number. Their job was to dance and sing. Among them is the famous prostitute Hyder Bai Chunewali, who found Noor’s throat.

Nagarniyan: These were pachamel sweets in which the prostitute women of every nation were integrated.

Hyderbai’s voice was magical, Goharbai’s dance was such that the Europeans were amazed at the Allahabad exhibition, after some time the parrot of Venus and Jupiter started speaking, Venus was a poet herself. Nature had enchanted the voice. This poem belongs to him

Good divine repentance of the night

You will be ashamed if you listen

Famous film star Nargis’s mother Jadan Bai was the last candle of this event. Maulana Abdul Halim Sharar has written in an article that he had such perfection in peacock dance that his eyes were filled with his dances while staying on the dance.

In the same period, prostitutes formulated some professional rules and shared some words in their society which covered their sin. For example, if she established adulterous relations with a man for a fixed price, they used to call her a job in the term of profession. But for dance and song, its door is open to everyone.

This was Nastaliq Lucknow. But the moral decay of Muhammad Shah Rangele’s Delhi was even greater. Nawab Dargah Quli Khan wrote a mention of this era and Khawaja Hasan Nizami translated it into Urdu. See an excerpt of this disposition below.

“Look everywhere, the happy people of Delhi are busy returning to the spring of life, every street and market is a battle of beauty and love, lovers and lovers are seen dancing in the branches of every tree, lovers and beloved are seen in every field. Groups of are seen strolling and swaying. In every garden, there are gatherings of handsome and handsome boys, their lovers and lovers. These are the scenes of the early part of the night, when the night falls, even among the people of Delhi, the aspirations of the Shabab start to grow strong and they are free from the ombudsmen, and they indulge in lust without fear and without danger. They work as lovers and lovers but some people don’t like it.

Stray women abound.”

Mir Kulu is a free-spirited young man, he is in control of the temperament of the Amirzades and the youth and always fulfills their desires for pleasure and luxury, his quality is that nothing is lacking in the essentials of luxury. Karta, when the princes and their sons come to the wedding ceremony of Mirza Musharraf, everyone brings along with them the young and beloved mistress or Nokht Amard. They are planted in the garden, whatever the joji wants, there is no ombudsman, all the luxury goods are ready in advance. With each lover, alcohol starts to flow. So, reaching this destination, the desires of the soul are fulfilled with freedom. It is written about Ameer Ala Mara Azam Khan that he used to try to make every beautiful woman and handsome boy fall in love with him. Mirza Manwamar was the only one who was engaged in polytheism. Among these nobles there was a happy Latif Khan. Every night there were gatherings, Muggchas would attend, and they would live in the fragrance of truth. Roses would be placed in front of everyone and the entire house would be kept indoors throughout the night. Prostitutes used to come, and until the night reached their waists, the cycle of Badu Angoor and Bada Sakhn continued. People used to enjoy from sips of wine to sips of Rukhsar. Meeren was a nobleman of Delhi who got involved in the mood of Wazir-ul-Mulk. His job was to supply handsome boys for Wazir-ul-Mulk. Wazir-ul-Mulk spent lakhs of rupees on this hobby, which made his palace a hotbed of handsome boys.

Kisal Singh was a chieftain in Mohr Shah’s Hazaris, and Kisalpuraabad was named after him, where prostitutes made a living.

In Arbab Nishat, Nimat Khan and his brother were able to play delicate and delicate ideas in music. Ghulam Rasool and Jani used to work together in Qawwali. Baqir was unique in playing the tambourine. Barshah himself was devoted to him. Hasan Khan was unsurpassed in playing the rabb. Ghulam Muhammad was unique in playing the sarangi, and his students used to kneel before him. Qasim Ali was a disciple of Nimat Khan. His voice and his face had a great intensity. Moinuddin and Brahnauddin Jadoo had a magical voice. Ghansi Ram was Waheed Asr in Pakhwaj. Rahim Khan had a queen in Khyal singing. Shujaat Khan had access to the king on account of his voice. Hasan Khan was unique in playing the dholak and could play the dholak for months with a new rhythm. When his fingers shone on the dholak with speed and beauty, it was known that gems or stars were shining in the dark night and the earth and the sky were dancing. are Khawa and Anutha were famous impersonators. Green and Emerald were both good boys. When dancing, it felt as if the chimneys were moving.

These were the characteristics of men. The conditions of women were different.

Abul Hasan was the beloved dancer of Muhammad Shah. The power in the voice, the elasticity in the accent and the color in the performance was his. Nurbani was Domini. But in eloquent conversation there was no answer to him. His house was a modest court. She would always go out on an elephant ride, accompanied by herdsmen and servants as a security force, but when the nobles called, they would send valuable gifts. Not one or two, but twenty nobles were looted from him, the mansions of the good and the good were destroyed. There were many women in his retinue who were called Begum and Khanum. The art of all of them was to draw rupees.

Ameer Begum was a prostitute of a strange nature, her perfection was that every part of her was naked in the assembly. But in this style, the pajama would be painted as if the Beldar of a dream is wearing a pajama. Everyone could not recognize this nakedness, all people thought it was just a kiss.

The name of Etemad-ud-Daula’s daughter was Ram Rajni. Zainab and Gulab were very strong, knocking on their door was beyond anyone’s means. Rehmanbai was just a dancer, but her figure was like Syria embodied in Kashmir. Pannabai’s voice had that charm that made the yearning come alive and the dead come alive, she had also created many raganis. Drawing a line on water and tying a knot in the air was her left hand trick, Kamalbai was a court singer. Kanwarbai’s daughter’s name was Omabai. Her cremation vase was where her mother’s beauty ended, hers began. Panna and Tanu were Muhammad Shah’s favored prostitutes. When Muhammad Shah was satisfied with Nadir Shah’s loot and released Arbab Nishat, these two sat on the upper floors where every night the Mughal princes used to bring their end to the morning.

The Supreme Court rejected the request of the Election Commission to suspend the decision to form election tribunals

In that market. Click here to read episode number 9

On the other hand, due to the uprising that broke out in Delhi in 1857, the pillars of the old culture were shaken to the wall. The whole country has become twelve baht. Those who had never shaken anyone’s hand, their feet became loose and now they were begging on the steps of the Jamia Masjid, while the family nobility became a pauper’s ass. On the other hand, everyone was walking around in a trance. The faces on which the nobility of Delhi-Lucknow depended were scattered. Falsehood began to mount on everything. Sharafa’s lodge became the laughingstock of the laches and such a revolution took place in the eyes of the watching eyes that the daughters of Timur and Babur used to go around looking for rags to cover themselves.

History is an obscene witness that the existence of prostitutes is born from the womb of war or revolution and then flourishes and grows. It is also acknowledged in the history of Greece and Rome and the division of the Indian subcontinent itself is a fresh testimony to it. What happened in the last two major wars. Who is he hidden from? Regardless of the material destruction that left its dangerous consequences in Europe. The greatest tragedy is the moral destruction by which woman has become a sex.

In the last war, the Mogs, a zealous nation on the border of Assam, surrendered to famine. And when the demands of hunger became severe, Mog women sold all their virginity at the hands of the allied soldiers. Which was a change of bread anyway. Bread and Immaculate

The tragedy of 1857 had its consequences, when the throne was taken away, their affiliations also went away. The society of the society was destroyed. The randis, from whom the children of nobles used to learn manners, became the pioneers, who had no hiccups in their language. It rose in such a way that the concept of standard prostitutes sat like a blanket. On the contrary, there began to be a surprising increase in marketers, and those depraved who were unacquainted with the manners of the profession went so far as to sell the body for meat. All the molds of elegance were broken.

On a sarcastic question of Maulana Shibli, Sir Syed said. People of that time really looked at their friend’s daughter from the point of view of Bhavaj. It used to be the case of prostitutes themselves that once they had a relationship with him, they would not break their relationship with him for the rest of his life.

In a few days, the riot of ghadar subsided and the interests of the English colonialists kept the existence of the states as rubber, so the states became the supporters of taufism, so after the ghadar, the most prominent hands in promoting the institution of prostitutes were Nawabs, Maharajas, Khans, Talukdars and It belongs to the landlords. The existing system of prostitutes in this continent is a direct product of feudal lords, which is the characteristic of oppression, exploitation, exploitation and feudal system, the same feature is the life of a prostitute. Before the partition of India. There were 562 states. The largest Hyderabad was home to two crore people and the smallest Balbari with a population of only 72 people. The blood of prostitutes continued to run in the vein and fiber of all these states. Most of them are the children of prostitutes, and their consciences are soiled in the soil of prostitutes. It has been researched that the institution of prostitutes has grown up because of the landlords. Prostitutes are bought in big states and sold in small states. Due to the filth of these states, wholesale trade was greatly promoted. Chamba area in late Punjab was very famous for selling beautiful girls. Maharaja Patiala sold more than three hundred wives of his father at the rate of 35 rupees each. There were many kings and nawabs in India who benefited from daughter and mother at the same time. A prostitute told me personally that fair skin and gray eyes were always considered the property of the royals in the states. There is a famous saying that:

“In the states, beautiful girls are born to get promotion. “

A British officer who had worked in the state department wrote to the British government in a letter that the only job of the state officers is to kidnap women for the rulers.

A Maharani, while writing a crude account of Ranwas in the “Bombay Chronicle”, emphasized that:

“We are mere toys in beds, our life or death depends on the will of our masters.” We Oh, life is worse than nightmares in our narrow cage where we are imprisoned.

Thus, a Maharaja of Rajputana died leaving behind four thousand women and among them many were minors. In order to satisfy this lustful passion, these rulers used to have regular Ishrat Kadas built in the palaces, in which mirrors of this type were displayed, from which different angles of mixing were enjoyed. The Maharaja of Indore had to give up the mace for the mere crime of having an affair with Mumtaz, the great-granddaughter of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s daughter Moran, but after some time Mumtaz’s heart sank and she ran away. The Maharaja’s servants followed, but Mumtaz got married to Seth Bowle, a millionaire from Bombay. Maharaja’s employees took the opportunity and killed him and tried to pick up Mumtaz, but everyone was arrested on the spot, the case was started and finally Maharaj Adhiraj’s throne fell!

Based on these arguments, the author said:

“Every man begins the day in a different way, the English with eggs and pork, the German with sage and mince, the American with grapes, but the “Hazhai Nis” prefer two glasses.

The current Chikla of Lahore is the same age as the old narrator. It begins with the decline of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, earlier from Bazar Vichok Chakla to Risala Bazar which includes the area of ​​New and Old Anarkali. Prostitutes used to sit around Mughal government buildings or their ruins, during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, half of the city of Lahore was Chakla. It is possible that one of the reasons for this abundance of randis is that Lahore has always been a transit point for armies, when foreign invaders entered India from Khairpar, their first stop would be Lahore, apart from the soldiers of Sindh, Border and Delhi. He also kept a watchful eye on Lahore. It is obvious that when a city is under the attack of the army, not only its wealth but also its innocence falls. The conquerors make chuckles and the conquered make whores.

Former Indian fast bowler died after falling from the fourth floor

In that market. Click here to read Episode No. 10

Among the four major chaklas of Hindu-Pak, Lahore’s chakla was on the fourth level. Twenty years ago, the United Nations Cultural Committee provided the statistics of prostitutes in different countries, according to which the first was Calcutta, the second was Bangalore, the third was Bombay and the fourth was Lahore.

At that time there were more than one lakh randis in Calcutta and about ninety five percent of them were Tikkais. The institution whose name is Tawaif was either in Lucknow or in Agra or in Delhi or in Lahore.

The bazaar of Lahore is not like normal bazaars. It is equal to a big town with several bazaars and several neighborhoods, the entire area is collectively called Heera Mandi. Its level is higher than any part of Lahore. If the water of Ravi reaches this level, not only Lahore will be submerged, but the entire area up to Multan will be submerged.

Heera Mandi is like a triangle, there is a row extending to the far left of the Alamgiri Masjid and the Akbari Fort, with many crooked rows merging into it. There is a storeyed mosque with tear stains on its face. White spots on black walls. Its construction is in the Mughal style, just a few steps ahead of this mosque, the huts of the randis begin.

From the middle of Bazar Sheikho Puriyan, the road leading to Mohalla Simian leaves two or four shops and turns into a street called Tabi. It is a bazaar-like street whose second Sarbazar ends at the beginning of Chakmaan. On one side is Bazar Judge Abdul Latif, on the other side it passes by Tibi Police Station. Right in the middle is Geethi Theater Square where Sheikhupuriyan Bazaar, Chet Ram Road, Shahi Mohalla, Heera Mandi, Baru Dakhana’s Thibi section and Adda Shehbaz Khan meet each other.

Aurangzeb’s mosque is the right spectator of this Venus-like atmosphere. Or those towering minarets of the daughter of the Kaaba who have been watching the spectacle of the daughter of man for years. Tubby is a cobbled street lined with shops and houses filled with women of all colors and ages.

This is not a market, it is a serious bed, where a woman’s chastity is exhausted and sleeps forever. A woman is killed in this brothel. His meat is sold as meat to a woman. Lamb meat Two pieces of meat. Beef The flesh of the virgin. Ahoka meat Namiyar’s meat. Beef Heer’s meat, Sohni’s meat, Sahiban’s meat, Sada Sahagan’s meat. The meat of those honeymooners who become widows on their honeymoon. There are no restrictions for any customer, each herb has a fixed price. From eight to three rupees. You asked the price and then bought the meat you wanted, fresh, stale, young, old, red, white, meat, meat, body, body.

Your silver and women’s skins are the mainstay of this market. Fresh goods are always coming.

There is no straight line anywhere else in this twisted market. All the markets are joints, with a small square in the middle. There is a cut in the western part and there is a triangular bend on one side of the cut, at this bend is the shrine of Hazrat Syed Qasim Shah Mashhaddi. There is a mosque on the side of this shrine. There is usually a lock on the door of the mosque. The custodian says that those who come secretly, take the support of the wall of Hazrat Syed Qasim Shah’s shrine and leave from the back of the mosque. But some thieves do not feel the humiliation of the mosque and make it a door for thieves.

Hazrat Syed Qasim came to Lahore from Mashhad in the early days of Shah Ranjit Singh and stayed at the place where he is buried. In the neighborhood of the shrine, there is a house with an open courtyard, the wooden door of which is closed from the inside. Shah Sahib has been a teacher. He was the secretary in District Board Multan for about twenty years. He is the author and translator of several books. He states that Tabi is a diminutive noun. In the beginning, there was a taba (mound) in this place, Hazrat Qasim Shah chose it for residence and worship, built a mosque, built a room and engaged in Yad Allah, in a few days his words were removed. done

In those days, some nomads of Chichu’s Millian (Sheikhopura) settled in the valley, these people attributed themselves to different castes of Punjab, their work was to make mats and make chaqeen. But the beating of the belly spoils the appearance as well. Hazrat Qasim Shah’s son Hazrat Miren Shah, who was ten or eleven years old at that time, used to enter their huts at night, light lamps and shout: “Pig came pig, pig came pig”

On this, some people came to the service of Hazrat Qasim Shah and complained about Murshidzadeh. Shah Sahib said:

“Meren! Pray for them, do not curse. The pig is also God’s creation, the descendants of these nomads are the inheritors of the Pashtini Kanchans of Hera Mandi and they have huge mansions.

When Hazrat Miren Shah passed away in 1878, the name of the tube was changed to Kocha Miren Shah. But in 1920 or 1921, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Ali Gohar, named it after him, after he died, the streetcars were called Tubi or Chakla.

Every year on the occasion of Urs, Pashtini randis attend the shrine of Hazrat Qasim Shah and perform Mujra. Hazrat Allama Mir Hasan Sialkoti, the nephew of Hazrat Qasim Shah. Allama was Iqbal’s teacher. Allama Hasan had two sons Naqi Shah and Taqi Shah. Allama Iqbal had two satana ceremonies with Naqi Shah. In “Iqbal” of “Amroz” the copy of Allama Iqbal’s letter to Naqi Shah was mentioned in it, Amir is a famous prostitute. !

There are about two hundred shops, houses or other houses in Tubi where about four to four and a half hundred women used to sit. Their shops open at twelve o’clock in the morning and close at twelve o’clock at night. Since these women were begari property, their contractors stood at the head of these contractors. Rates and lust are all suspended. what women Playing cards, Chaucer’s dice, mango kernels, banana peels, melon rinds, sugarcane stalks, cigarette smoke, women, not common people, their existence was a terrible laugh, a naked insult, a serious protest, an open air. Theater, a public masterpiece with apologies to scholars.

Not women. Graves are not women. Be warned

Not women. Hiccups are not women. Tear,

Tears of nature, tears of man, tears of women, tears of blood, tears are tears.

Man feels God is silent. Outside Tubi is the Sheikhupuriyan market. Up to Heeramanda Chowk there are randy houses and shops. The largest Chaudhary in this area is Sialkot. Some dozen or so girls are at his disposal, his daily income will be four or five hundred rupees. He has rifle, bullets, car, rides, thong, horses, wealth, influence, influence, Everything is because there are girls.

These boxes are the boxes in different parts of Shahi Mohalla. Many young people are standing in the square leading to the dental hospital on one side and Shahi Masjid on the other side. Their work is brokering, the in-laws slip, the deal is sealed and they leave with the body.

From Hera Mandi Chowk to the end of Kocha Shahbaz Khan are the houses of Pashtini Kanchanis. A few family randis live around Madrasa Numaniya, often defunct. Some of the children have grown up in the house of elders and some are still following the old path.

There is a big difference between Hera Mandi and Tubi Bazaar, Tubi is just a butcher shop, Hera Mandi Photo Gallery is an art gallery where nights wake up and days sleep. In the upper houses of this area, in the morning, the Qahabs sit down with their wheels, the market starts to light up with the first crack of the night, the doors are opened at nine o’clock, the preparation for each sitting is complete, everyone can come. But it takes money and guts to go to these top boxes. Many havelis belong to ethnic Kanchans, these people are rich, not everyone can come to Iraghiran, their beds are royal, their bodies are royal toys, their palaces are an example of the combination of modern and ancient. There are drawing rooms, There are private rooms and closets, there are carpets. There are twined beds, smooth chandeliers on the floor, silver nakshi pandans, floral rugs, Mughlai khakas, lit mirrors on the walls and chandeliers, brooms in the middle. !

On one side, the heirs sit for money and until the customers come, they make jokes, make jokes and drink jokes. They give, khrant are sharat, charkat, nut khat, cheparghto, the first is jalul, but the eighth is ganth kamid, it is better to give them the suffixes and prefixes of randis, the common gunwarans call them Ustadji. Both the modesty from the face and the splendor from the face of the legacy have been taken away.

When the enthusiasts are in a mood, they examine them at a glance. Their appearance is usually correct. If someone is rich, their eyes look grateful. Their faces fluctuate on the customer’s pocket. Heavy pockets, murmuring bodies, the beat of the tabla, the tinkling of the bells, the wave of the sarangi, the blaze of the baje’s sound, because everything is dense in the heads, customers come and go, when someone comes, the gates are closed, If not, stay open. If the cods are open, the prostitutes are also open, some read film magazines or sexual novels, some wait for the customers, some light cigarettes and create smoke in the clouds of strange men who think of them as toys and whom they think of as toys. , but there are some who leave their or their children, the parents of these prostitutes live with them and eat the earnings. The whole family is blessed with them.

When the night gets a little darker, all kinds of cars come to a halt in the dark hollows of the Shahi Mahalla and at the foot of the stairs of the fort and stand there until the instruments of love are broken and the cataracts of beauty fade away. It doesn’t go until Sohni’s body is tired and Mahinwal’s courage is exhausted. Some ropes just stand against the wall and sometimes they spend the night in the shadow of the wall.

And when the sound of “Al-Salawat-e-Khair-min-Noom” echoes from the minarets of the scattered mosques, then the colorful cars of the princes move in full, singing the gamma pa dhani, and in their pursuit, the melodious song of the dogs. They go away. The sun wakes up, the dome burns, and if anything remains, the invisible letters of Hakayat Shabina, with which there is a tiredness on the faces.

What a red market. The buds of every branch do not bloom with dew, they are soothed by the light of day and awakened by the sound of night. The circle of rascals squeezes, the lime-washed friends of some corners make friends, some like the gossip that the moody pulp and peel take advantage of the vote, the bread is broken. There are some leaf beetles that chew the leaves and continue to chew them. The

No women, instrumental tunes, tabla ti, dance angle, and bed comfort.


In front of the Maidan of Lahore, Sargodha gave itself a judicial verdict.


In Chikla, the upper and lower tekais are the only tekais. Cheap women whose shops open at noon and close at night. From twelve o’clock to twelve o’clock. As the twilight sets in, the bazaar becomes even more lively. All the shops are lit up by handrails. Some hundreds of candle power bulbs are hanging and the red line is showing. Goodness returns. They look like shimmering, the market price is up to two or three rupees. As the night grows, the spectators of all ages rise, a crowd comes and goes, walking through the hollow. Their laughter and the voices of the spectators or their voices and the laughter of the spectators echoes. Slanders are thrown and insults are thrown out, the contractor of every window hangs down or walks, when the deal is done, he takes the money or puts it in a closed box inside the tiki, then the latch is given in Punjabi. . The client moves to the mattress behind the curtain. She asks for forgiveness before misfortune. Says in a tone of gratitude look! He will take away the life he has left, not from him, but sometimes his place is there. By cutting the shards of his soul, particles of blood emerge, nothing in them? There is a woman, there is a mother, there is a daughter. Lips move but try.

A girl named Khursheed tells about the eleventh house in the same street that she has one of her neighbours, Emerald. The difference is in the age of both. The color of the rash is salty. Sayed Round.Eyelids tall and medium.Nose outline sharp. The origin of the voice is Punjabi, but the accent also seems to be from Delhi. She wears khaki shalwar and a sealed shirt in an Omani style. The earrings in her ears sparkle. . But due to the stumbling block of time, there is misdirection, Khursheed and both of them sat down with us, Khursheed asked as soon as he left, what is the order?

“We are seven”.

“We are two”.

”only you? “

“For every five rupees, the total will be 35 rupees.”

“Huh” raising a finger towards the stairs, “You can go. I don’t even have a chicken for thirty money.”

We wanted to turn around but he stopped us

“Four Rupees”

“Yes, no, three.”

He shook his head and said, “Well, twenty-one rupees.”

All of us, the authority and the judge of Thatar, my mouth. Meat hanging on the cheeks of the judge and hangings too. He placed the glasses on the tinted glasses and then said in muffled words, “21 rupees”.

She muttered that Khuli was a gentleman, her lips were eager for a dirty phrase to take two reds from her pocket and said, “Here take twenty money.” We have no purpose other than to bring some information.




“About you?”

“So you come in the morning,” he said, shaking ten and two notes in his fist, “you can take these notes back too.”

“No, not suitable during the day. At this point every feature can be known. “

He put two or four wrinkles on his forehead, thought something and said.

“Well, you tell me.”

“Your Name”



“Where are you looking?”

“We mean the house of parents.”

Don’t ask this? No woman in this market is ready to tell the truth. “Being a cold-blooded soldier, “Well, there are women here? These are all bodies or abuse! The women who tell the name of mystery, they reach delusion?” He said in response to a burning question?

“Look carefully, all these houses are not darba. The rent of a small and large-scale darba is less than a hundred. In the city, such a house can be found for five or six per month, but there are no buildings in its link. . Of, the owner’s servant collects rent every day, all street houses are owned by three or persons, their four thousand rupees monthly, the woman who cannot pay the rent, the bill is paid to the outsider. . Many people are willing to give tracks. Nowadays, some people spend two times for it.

Is. As long as their bodies are in demand, they continue to increase the wealth of the contractor. As soon as the body decomposes, the contractor removes them. She founded her master’s brothel and earned it throughout her youth, with which she bought some stuffed toys. But as soon as he heard it, he said to the owner, “It’s too hot, give me a fan too.” He hurled insults and said, “It’s mouth and lentil dal. Three rupees a day is the rent of the hostel.” Eight coming electricity. Eight fans. One and a half rupees daily bread and then clothes. What are the earnings? Sometimes four and sometimes five” he insisted, then he beat him badly that he wanted it to go away, then another young body could come in its place.

“So why doesn’t it go away?” Akhtar asked

Where to go? Now it’s just a shell of bones, don’t you know how lonely a whore’s old age is. Look, there is an old woman sitting on the head. His story is no different now that Charuna Char is “free”. It would be difficult to generate two or four rupees. He has bought two little girls, whom he says are his brother’s daughters, who himself is on the edge of poverty, but is nevertheless satisfied with the idea of ​​their youth.

“Where do all these girls come from?”

He laughed out loud and then picked up the conversation and said, “There must be around four hundred girls in this street at this time, where are they from?” Listen! Some two and a half hundred are owned by border contractors who have been purchased from the outskirts of the border itself. Some of them are married off by their parents with rupees and “artificial” husbands bring them here. In one Chakla, it is sold to another city. Women who live on their own have different statuses, for example, some are kidnapped from orphanages, some are sold by their parents, some are sold. The stepsisters run away tired of their mother’s behavior, some of them bring sexual pleasure, some of them are cheated by their acquaintances, some of them only have problems with their stomachs and now twenty of them are emigrants.

“Don’t they hate this life?”

“Of course it comes, but it is forced.”

“What is the compulsion?”

He then laughed at Zanate and said to Emerald, “Call the sea and bring two cups of tea. It is not forced to cover up those who are in the prison of the owners, they are helpless, they have believed that their wealthy owners Nothing can go wrong, she thinks of them as virtual gods.

Women and rupees are powerful recommendations, law and justice also kneel before them, some of these unfortunates do not even know that there is another world outside Chakle, these village girls consider Lahore to be a village too. For them, the whole world is a mirage and this is a member of this mirage, then who listens to the cry of a whore, the world belongs to men and their masters are men, the world belongs to the rich and their masters are the rich. If you run away from here, where will you go? Is a man ready to support a woman without making a bed?

The question is, “And what is the compulsion of those who are sitting by themselves?” “

“You are right, apparently there is no compulsion, they can go, but they have been losing more sense, their habits have matured and become their nature. In the background, there is a stomach problem, and their habits are so They have become so bad that they are afraid to leave this environment, when they are in this place, there is no other place left for them.

“Do they think of their parents?”

She was silent, but Emerald said while offering cups of tea, “Your question is stupid!” A woman’s heart is very soft and delicate, every daughter remembers her mother’s lap, “Khursheed’s face will be tearful, he said while wiping tears with his pallu.

This question is related to the mind and not the heart.

“Why don’t you marry someone?”

“A marriage takes place every day, but with every marriage there is also a divorce.”

Excuse me, the desire of marriage in men remains till the bed, when the temperature of the blood becomes cold, then the idea of ​​marriage also flies away. “

“Do you have to get a license?”

“No, the report is written in the police station.”

Any taxes etc? “

“There is no profession tax, there are many taxes.”

“for example”

Don’t ask for example. For example, there are big risks in this? For example, a man’s beggar is his hard work, and a woman’s beggar is her chastity! “

“Yes, not every month, but every month and six months.”

It is known that fatal male diseases are spread from these houses.

“Maybe some women are sick, but what men give, they take away, this kind of disease is the right revenge of a woman against a man.”

“What is your income?”

“It’s a trade secret!”

“What will be the income of these women?”

Every woman’s income is different, some earn even hundred in a day. Some fifty, some forty, some fifteen and some twenty-four do not advance beyond two or four hours. Many old people do not earn anything for many days.

“And those who are in the possession of the contractors, what do they get?”

“Bread Cloth,”

”Besides that ?”

“In addition to receiving insults, abuse, believe me, most of them have not even seen the minaret of the nearby Shahi Mosque?” What is the mention of the city?

“So it is as if these are not women.”

“Yes, toys are interesting toys, with which everything in the universe plays.”

“Do you celebrate any holiday in the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year?”

“Ten Days of Ashura”

“And Eid, Shabrat.”

“These are our earning days.”

“In Ramadan?”

“Our business starts at night and fasting is related to the day.”

“What is your connection with Ashura?”

“These are the days of the martyrdom of Hussain, peace and blessings be upon him, and we respect these days religiously.”

“Are you interested in religion?”

”why not ! We are also Muslims by the grace of the Almighty. It is true that we are sinners, but the doors of God’s mercy are not closed to us. During the days, they mourn, they bring out condolences, they raise knowledge.

When I checked, his house was not Durba, it had two rooms. The first room was “waiting” where she sits on a chair and waits for the customers. The second room was a private room where a wooden bed was lying. There were newspaper clippings on the wall above. Photographs of Suriya, Kamini, Nargis, Nami, Sabiha and Noor Jahan were framed. There was a pile of mud, probably to hide the disfigurement of the beams, and pieces of newspaper were pasted into the ceiling. Meaningful Headlines, Interesting Texts:

The Government of Pakistan is considering the issue of uprooting the Chakles, the landlords

The government has taken a positive step by closing “Chatan” on the charge of obscenity. Afaq

The constitution of Pakistan is being made on Sharia basis. Syed Sulaiman

Nadvi’s specifications. Favor

A young Attaur Rehman committed suicide on Baden Road, he was hungry for many days. today

I have been forced into prostitution, Hussain Bano’s statement in court. Nawa e Waqt

This government is based on non-Islamic foundations. Explanations of Maulana Abul Ala Maudavi. Tasnim


The story of Neelam

If you look closely, Neelam’s face still had the look of a woman. Earlier her house was on Chet Ram Road, now she is in Bazar Sheikhupurian. Her house is the home of many newcomers. She is their mistress. She is their teacher. She is of medium height, but tall and tall, her eyes are full of storks, but her hair is May. Despite being cool, her life is a confluence of many contradictions and reconciliations. She is the right example of those women in whom the characteristics of many women are gathered. The honey of Harafa. Randi’s obscenity. Nayka’s experience and Chest thrusts of intake.

“You are collecting stories in this market?” he said. . “A hobby is good but you can’t make any profit from it as all the women in this market are all leaves of the same branch.” Everyone’s suffering is the same, everyone’s story is the same, everyone is happy, everyone is unhappy, everyone is a woman, and no one is a woman. Well, that woman remains a woman whose reputation anyone can knock on, who has no caste of her own and whose bed is something for rent. Yes ! If you want to ask my story, then listen. This is the story of a woman who has lost everything.

My father was the numberedar of his village in Patiala. His name is Sheikh Atta Muhammad. He owned three hundred bighas of barani and three hundred and sixty five bighas of canal land. When partition took place, we had to leave the village. The camp had continued and the family reached there. There were thousands of people, what happened was an earthquake. There was blood all around. Indian goldsmiths bought millions of rupees worth of gold at the rate of 30 rupees. His Majesty’s soldiers used to go round the camp in the morning and in the evening and pick up the women they liked. “

On this, his voice became a bit hoarse. Akali heart not grasshopper heart. He was ruining human dignity badly. Thousands of Muslims were like unjust metal, their daughter and sister were beaten in front of their father and brother. The command would be to reverse the veils. Soor ma girls would choose. As if there were no girls, there was no law and justice. Twenty 20 rupees worth of flour, two glasses of water and forty 40 rupees worth of salt!

What happened to you? ? “

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. Towaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 14.

” to us … Mother died in the camp. Father is 80 years old and has gone blind before seeing us in this condition. We are eight in total. Elder sister, younger sister, niece, three younger brothers, father and I are the burden of all. on my shoulders”

”your’s ?”

”Yes ”

“And how did you come here?” “

“God had brought Pakistan, he has brought belly in this market.”

“Isn’t it a miracle that your pig escaped from the hands of its mothers?”

”Yes … I said that God has brought it, thanks to Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, a special train was arranged and we reached Shahdara. “

“Then what happened?”

What happened? They lay there in the open field for several days. Then a middle-aged man took him by the hand and led him home in a spirit of God-seeking (she smiled a little at this). His house was in Anar Kali. They sewed us clothes. There was honey in his words. Father was worried about allotment of house etc. This stranger of ours used to take requests but in vain, on the third and fourth day a woman started coming, her name was Gulzar. At first she kept coming alone, then some young girls started coming with her. All the silk clothes and gold ornaments were laden with snares.One day he started seducing me. “

“Look, your father has become blind and is sitting in the grave with his feet hanging. How long will he feed you bread?” There is no harm in learning to sing. There is an art, God is the cause, there are reasons, in this way you will be freed from the worry of bread. This was a new phase for me. Many fears came before me, fear of God, fear of conscience, fear of man, fear of father, and fear of the mother’s grave, from whose breast we drank milk. There were small talk and our stomach was empty, so we didn’t listen. If he refused, his insistence increased. The person who brought us to this house was missing for several days.

Gulzar saw that ghee does not come out directly from the fingers, so he demanded that eight hundred rupees have been spent on you so far, pay it and leave. He said that the ground has come out from under his feet. Next morning Ustad Ji came. The education started, the voice was flexible, now it was organized and dancing was learned from this atmosphere and from movies. Within a few days, the body was discussed under the guise of sound. Believe me, I sold my body after a small panic of conscience, now we two sisters were marketable.

“Didn’t your heart hate him?”

”why not ? But this environment is such that when a person somehow reaches here, then he becomes here.

“Did you get married in Patiala?”

”Yes ! My sister got a divorce herself and I got a divorce.

“What happened?”

“These family feuds are so strange, mentioning them will do you no good.”

“Well, have you learned some tunes?”

“Just a melody without a name. And there will be only two or four singers in this market, our work is only for good time.

“What did Gulzar give you?”

“Bread for me and my relatives.”

“And what did you give him?”

“I earned her more than forty thousand rupees in a year, with which she has bought a luxurious building.”

“Where is he now?”

He is in the same market and owns many girls. When his pressure increased on me, I started a separate business with the advice of a man. These two rooms are rented for one and a half hundred rupees per month. By the grace of God, good days are passing.”

God’s Grace ?”

Why are you surprised at this? If there is no grace of God, there is no shelter for us, everyone calls us private and treats us like cattle, our honor or hard work is only up to the bed, there is no honor other than that.

“So you guys should give up this profession?”

“We are ready, but where do we go and who accepts it?” People are playing, not marrying, many times newspapers have made a noise about lifting the chakla, but nothing happens, those who are going to lift come stealthily at night and those who are making noise are only because the grapes are sour. Kaji wants that Sharia becomes common and Mahfooz continues to be sold for a while, a woman did not become a newspaper.

“But the government is being stressed.”

She chuckled and laughed. “You also become unknown. There are a few jobs for the government, this is a.” It is a moral issue and it concerns the whole society.

“But the government also has some duties?”

”Yes ! why not ? She fulfills her duties very well. For example, once Liaquat Ali Khan took a salute on the steps of the fort, the carpets that were laid on the steps of the fort were taken from our own houses. Whenever there is an official function outside the fort or inside the fort, the carpets go from us.

Oh yes! This is a news.

How is the news? A subject has a right over a subject, we have to buy tickets even for the official Dangal.

“Why don’t you guys refuse?”

Good! You are also tying knots in the air. So sometimes we have to send beds for Thanedar’s guests, otherwise our business will stop within a day. We people are a bundle of defects. Anyone who comes here is a moral thief. It is a matter of getting into a fight with the police and dying of hunger.

“Why don’t you get married?”

There are many who marry me and my body. Even if they are not, they can be born. But no one takes the responsibility of my old father and poor family. Once a local bank manager took me home but the next month he got tired and was ready to keep me and not the family and now I think the word marriage is a joke.

“Well, have you ever loved anyone?”

Love She fell into a deep thought.

“Never and absolutely not,” she said. Love is a futile thing. By this, virgins of respectable families can be cheated, not us, we are shopkeepers, the shopkeeper’s job is not to love the customer. When a person shows love, we think he is crazy or we think that he has no wealth left in his knot. We love only one thing and that is rupees. He said while pulling out a silver rupee. “From this rupee?”

“And the people who come to your houses?”

They are stupid or stupid. Some strange creatures also come, someone says you become mine, I can leave a wife for you, someone brings the mention of any desired wife to irritate us. In fact, such people are Gaudí. How can a man who does not respect a married wife respect a prostitute? “

“However, this work is bad.”

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. The story of the consciousness of prostitutes. Click here to read Episode No. 15.

“Why not, but men are not responsible for this. Cruel men are enemies of God.

“There is a solution.”

It is certain that there will be three and a half thousand women here. If Mir Abs is there, I will strengthen the wealth of big Kanchans and share it equally among the women of this profession. The wealth is so much that it can support everyone for a lifetime, eighty percent of them can get married and rescue homes can be opened for those who are disabled with the wealth of Kanchans.

“Will everyone be ready for this?”

” why not ! The dry bread of rest is better than the dry bread of Haram.”

“Can obscenity be stopped like this?”

“I cannot say whether obscenity can be stopped or not. However, the confusion can definitely end.

They picked us up and took us to the private room. It was a small room, but it was decorated with a sofa set on one side, a radio on the other side, and a bed on the other side. Underneath it was an interesting photo clipping from the old newspaper “Zamindar”.

“Khan Liaquat Ali Khan is presenting the resolution objectives in the Parliament of Pakistan.”

He opened the window and asked us to sit on the bed. A piece was hanging in front.

We have never shied away from rebellion, but you have not made our hearts hurt

We have planned a lot of hell, but your mercy did not save us

“I still have no qualms about getting married,” he said in a straight-faced manner. But I want a husband. If someone assures me that even at that age he will not taunt me for coming from that bazaar, then I can spend my whole life outside the four walls of my house, wearing thick clothes and eating dry food. You will not hear the sound. But I don’t have the courage to listen to the taunts of the past. Women who leave here and go with men, they go on false hopes. They really like to be called prostitutes, but when they feel that their existence is still being abused, their women die again and prostitutes wake up, finally they move here.

In response to another question, he said. Now there are no family houses here. That would be about ten or twenty houses, the full market you see. All these are newly built Kanchanis which have been drawn here by some other causes. “

“What are those reasons?”

This is a long story. Walk around this market for a few days. You will know everything, it is better not to ask me.

However, he told us on our insistence.

The major revenue base of this market has to be closed. In these Kothi Janas, everything happens like bodies are sold, liquor is sold, opium is sold and gambling is done. “

“So it’s not a crime by law?”

“There is crime, but there is a hatchet against law, women and rupees. By the way, it is against the law to set up closets, but devices are put in place to cover them up. “

“How many closets will there be?”

There are many small closets, but there are four big ones. “

A. Cabinet: This Sialkoti Chaudhary is the owner of the biggest kothikha. He has all the worldly and spiritual things. There are about a dozen girls, all superior to each other in appearance. This Namrad says that he will not leave this profession until he earns five lakh rupees. His personal expenses are one hundred and twenty rupees per day. There is always a drunkenness. His heroine wife who has a scary appearance is very skilled in her art. His only job is to rob customers, a stranger once trapped never comes again, a man knows a man, but he excels at clipping the wings of a new bird. “

“Where do these girls come from?”

Some have been bought from outside. Chaudhary “Saheb” has taught Nikah to some. This person takes a group of his disciples and goes to a village. There he collects his wealth and then according to a fixed program he brings some woman to marry him, he is impotent. All the girls he has are victims of his deception. He creates wealth from them, betrays his friends and bribes the officials. He was repeatedly caught red-handed with a rifle but always escaped. His rifle is not even confiscated. He does not send these girls out for the night, only to the “adults” quarters. Its rate is also high. A The price of one night is from 60 to 80 rupees, twenty 20 rupees for a stage, two rupees for the bed rent, two rupees for the pimp and whatever the girl steals in the private room, he is entitled to it.

“Don’t these girls live?”

All the girls he has are in a pitiable condition, but they are possessed by a heartless butcher and live the lives of a medieval prison. Just as the work of the Grahastans is only to give birth to children, similarly their work is only to create wealth and that too for Chaudhary and his heroine. If there is anything for them, bread or cloth, the rest, they are not even allowed to look out of the window. His life is a boil. Once a girl wanted to run away. She was caught and the treatment done to her was so cruel that the very thought of it makes the soul shudder. This unlucky person was hanged for several days. . And smoked chilies were given. In the end, Huqqee, who was handed over to several men, watched the spectacle with his mouth in his mouth.

“Doesn’t he fear God?”

He said with a sarcastic laugh. You are also strange people. What does the fear of God have to do with this market? Qasr-e-Shahi and Qasr-e-Ish have always been devoid of the fear of God. There would be God. ? “She became emotional.” So the minarets of the big mosque in front of this had been standing still for centuries? And Ravi’s water would come back to Minto Park? Humans have robbed God.

2. Another large Kothikhana. Its owner eats the earnings of the kidnapped women and is a gambler himself. The girls run away from home and their acquaintances are cheated. There have been many trials on him but he is always acquitted. Recently a girl named Hasan Bano gave a painful statement against him in the court. Since he himself knows the ins and outs of the law, he does business within the rules. He is accompanied by the dreaded gangsters of the city. He claims that he cannot stay even one night in Hawalat.

3. Hafiz ji has a house, apparently, a washing factory has been opened in Mohalla Sheikho Puriyan, a harrafah who is not with the heart is in his narga. It takes half of it and secretly sells alcohol. Ever since the government banned alcohol, these and many other people have been mixing alcohol with chemical ingredients and selling it in the name of alcohol, which has led to many deaths. “

4. Kothikhana of She is the only woman who has run her own business on a large scale. His income is consumed by many types of people, apart from regular girls some girls also come to him from outside. “

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. Towaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 16

It is a phenomenon that many girls’ parents leave them for the night and they go back after the day’s earnings. A girl who earns something takes half of her mistress. Some are fixed in the rent of the house, some are taken by brokers, and one-third is left in the girl’s share.

“Do you know the address of any of these girls?”

why not … But it is not our custom to give the address of one’s parents.

Apart from these, the small palaces are more or less running on the same lines. A big problem is that now educated girls are also joining. There lives a young girl who speaks English fluently but has come here because of her parents’ mistake. She befriended a young man in college and went out with him. That disgraced person disappeared within a week. Soghari wanted to return to her parents because the idol of family honor became resistant, now she is taking revenge on her parents’ honor in her own city. And they call their women pearls of honor. My past is a protest against a society which is merely a custom, my present is a mockery against the fathers whose daughters have secret relationships, my future is a grave and only one inscription can sit on it.

Look at what I have seen

I asked, “If you are made the prime minister of this country, what will you do?”

She smiled and said. “First of all, I will stop all relationships. Liquor, hashish, cannabis, opium, Chandu!

”Why ”?

“Not because they are prohibited by law, only because their use does not keep the youth young.”

We laughed uncontrollably, he said, “Excuse me, in our house, the honor of every nation is its youth. I can say with certainty that seventy out of a hundred faces are young, but their courage is old.” “


Spoken by Mumtaz

I wish there was no name for any thing in the world. Schiller

Shamshad, Imtiaz, Mumtaz and Shahnaz are four sisters. His father was a Chaudhary of the community in Amritsar. He has two cousins ​​in Lahore, Zahra and Jupiter, Agha Hasharwali Mukhtar is his Khaliri sister. Before the partition of the country, the four Amrits lived in Sar and had a great name and work there. She has been living in Lahore for five years now, she is very friendly, her existence is the true manifestation of the characteristics of a camp prostitute, after meeting her, it is known that those prostitutes who have been worshiped by kingdoms and then states. What were the characteristics of Shamshad has passed her days and now she is returning to her youth. She is a tall woman, white in color and fair-skinned. Aala Hazrat Mir Usman Ali Khan Khaldullah has sung in the palace of the Queen, the Sultanate. Prince Moazzam Jah kept calling him for Mujara, he has collected millions of rupees, he is uneducated, but his conversation, lips and tone, behavior and sitting and dismissal are so sophisticated that some other houses do not have this comprehensiveness at all. There is still a twang in her fiery voice, but in her youth, great singers used to believe in iron. She created crazy people throughout her life, but she never became crazy herself. Even today, I am still fond of the great veterans. Writers come, ministers come, journalists come, orators come, judges come, leaders come, since most of the political movements of Amritsar have passed before her eyes, so she also discusses some important political battles.

Imtiaz and Mumtaz are twin sisters. Imtiaz has been the center of customers in terms of body in all of them but now she hates this profession, her heart has stumbled on love, says the person who invented this profession. He was blind in eyes, deaf in ears, dumb in tongue and dull in mind, his tongue is sweet, he is as cunning as a shrewd politician, he does not tell the secret of his heart to anyone, but to deceive someone is also his fault. It’s against nature, now he’s discolored and fat, but still a thing of love, all his sisters love him and all of them love someone else against the will of the sisters. .

Mumtaz Chhoei is moi, her color is blooming wheatish, she hates men even though she is a prostitute. His favorite pastime is making jokes in cigarette smoke, he is the lamp of the night, but during the day his face feels like a dream, his tongue moves like scissors. Dropping Ho Amen and drawing a line on the water are her left-hand tricks. She is sarcastic, she reads poetry at the chance, she is a wordsmith, she is perfect in distorting words and saying meaningful sentences, she also sings well, but she does not dance, she thinks that dancing is for every woman. She is not a thing and she is helpless. In her opinion, a woman is something to love, not to understand, and a man is to be understood, not to be loved. Sometimes it gets stiff, but when she pinches, once in a while, the teary-eyed face even smiles. Shahnaz showed her drawing room. In it, only the face adornment was worth 1,200 rupees.

Women who earn a profession, their children are different from each other, the same topic was being discussed one day. Now he brought tea from the market. The bowls were different from each other. Shamshad kicked the shopkeeper, Mumtaz turned the party into a saffron tsar.

“You spoil for no reason, these are also your own children.” “

Sometimes her small phrases are very lively and she says frankly, for example, she is the lamp of the night to the tikis of the Chakla, the queen of the night to the prostitutes, the hiccup of nobility to the legacy, the speech of disability to the heroine, the speech of health to love. Ubakai considers Hussan to be a man’s inheritance, Manakhat to be imprisonment and hard work, Barat to be a prelude to funeral, Children to be a document of sin, Man to be a revelry and Woman to be an image of inactivity.

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. Towaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 17

She jokingly says that her profession is a revolutionary mission. How could it have originated, but prostitutes have drowned the reactionary forces of every age. Prostitutes have been returning and take sexual revenge for this economic exploitation. It has contributed equally to the death of the feudal system, it takes the revenge of one generation on another. It knows that a worker creates surplus value for the capitalist, and he uses this surplus value as sex. The wealth of the capitalist keeps circulating due to this.

“It seems that you have also studied economics.” I inquired from Mumtaz.

“Yes, no, I have not read any book, I have only read human beings. For example, who doesn’t come to these houses, everyone comes, they come in the darkness of the night and leave before dawn, those who are afraid during the day while making eye contact, those who touch their foreheads at night, everyone dirty prostitutes in the light of day. Mori says, but when the night spreads its arms, it is from this dirty Mori that his brothers come to quench their thirst.

Every night after ten o’clock, the Picard cars parked at the steps of the fort, the back of the Shahi Masjid and the grave of Allama Iqbal belong to our Shabina guests. These are the ones who have power directly or indirectly. This noise raised against us is only for show. Religion is among those who have no wealth and sin is feared by those who cannot reach it. Sin is the name of only the fall and fall of our own feelings, is the biggest sin in the world only to sell the virginity of a woman or apart from that, any word or action falls under sin? If man sucks the blood of man, that is politics. If the people rob the property, it is a riot, if the property spoils the people, it is a war, if the conscience is sold, it is expediency, if the Sufi Madasan works, it is austerity, if the leader usurps the national capital, then it is service, but women are superior. Sitting on the box is burning and wrestling, is a sinner, is a prostitute, is a scumbag, is a swindler, is a figure of sin whose humanity is dead!

I am not saying that prostitution is permissible. A woman’s chastity is indeed a great thing, so great that no one in the world has its equal, but men have always discussed the superiority of metal and paper over it. It’s been a few days now. Someone used to say. There is no one without wealth, such a person was a millionaire or a millionaire, he was ruined by them, such a friend has ruined thousands of rupees in their houses, he has become poor, it is not the prostitutes who are the poor. I ask, Mumtaz said, taking a long drag on her cigarette. A woman’s chastity is more valuable than a metal coin and now that too has become a valuable note for her.

You play with a woman without recognizing her rights, she has no legal authority over you. But you have a complaint that why does she charge from your pocket? Ever wondered what a man gives and what he takes? Each prostitute is the “trustee” of several families. The babies or children in his arms are the children of some respected father, their mothers know their fathers well and their fathers also know them, but in the family of the government, it is the mother’s. The name is written.

Here no one squanders his lawful earnings, and halal earnings never exceed hundreds. It is looted or stolen, or earned from the poor, or stolen from someone. Laying down, looting, losing, losing, all such verbal fallacies are the result of men’s mental instability. If something is forbidden, then it is the rupee of loot and not the chastity of a woman. Why does a man give a coin? And what gives a woman innocence? It is a strange thing that the stamp of Haram is placed on the coin and the coin is called Halal. “

I said, “Excellent!” You are an educated and experienced girl, that’s why your tongue runs wild, but doesn’t it prove with your own logic, so that innocence is not something for sale and people’s pockets are cut with you.

Mumtaz said, “I just have an objection to this last sentence No, say it like this, it becomes empty. If you want to comfort your self, then say this.

Meanwhile, some of his friends came and they started playing with their specific phrases, hurt him, hurt him, scold someone, taunt someone, abuse someone, ridicule someone and joke with someone. When they get together, their banter rises to the level of men.

Safia said, “Mumtaz, the night is Diwali, tell me, what is your intention?” Tashin is Mangwali, no panchhi came, then rupee point.

Mumtaz continued his speech and said, “Only randis save money, otherwise their earnings go out the way they came, some take them tied up, some end up in drugs, some in extravagance.” It gets burnt in the stove, some is lost in gambling and the little that accumulates falls into the stomach of rituals or causes destruction in marriages. Among the Kanchans, the rituals of happiness are celebrated with great pomp.

He said, “Just recently, Elahi John had his son shaved and the majra went on for a week, a joy that the whole community had to share, everyone danced and sang, their ‘visitors’ told them.” “Greetings” are given and in this way thousands of rupees are provided. In a house where there is happiness, different kinds of food are cooked for many days and hundreds of people are fed at a time.

In the marriage of Hajruwalis, the market of dancing and singing was hot for ten days, different kinds of food were cooked every day, different rituals were celebrated. When the women of the community go to call different houses in the form of a procession and each house is humbled with food and drinks. The second Ghad Gharoli ritual, when the women of the community go to the nearest well, throwing buckets of water at each other. Every night there is Mujra and it lasts till the last night, every day different dishes and food are prepared. Pulau and then their varieties, Moti Pulau, Ko Ko Pulau, Chanbeli Pulau, Noor Pulau, Gulzar Pulau, Pomegranate Pulau, Nortan Pulau etc., in addition to Matanjan, Sefida, Sher Baranj, Sher Mal, Kormah, Shami Kebab, Murgh. Chicken, chicken, quail, jam, pickles, chutneys, meat and their various types, especially spinach meat. When the marriage takes place, the bridegroom gives a pair of wedding rings to the women of the community. It has been decided to give one gold ring and one silver plate.

“Where does all this wealth come from?”

“I have said that those who are arrested from the pockets of Panchis, we call them Panchis, those who become mature behind the ritual, they would have been killed.” “

“What is this?”

“The reverse of theology and the invention of my mind are those who are mere marginals, mere observers, they are called Chamaks in the term of Kanjars. “

“And where do these marriages take place?”

“Most of the marriages take place outside, in the families of old people. Some even do it among themselves.”

Among themselves? “

” Yes ​​! . There are two types of women sitting in family chobaras. One is the daughter-in-law’s daughter. For example, daughters of brother or father, but their mother, who is called daughter-in-law, lives in a strict veil. And our daughter-in-law is highly respected. The daughter-in-law does not go in front of the old man even when she is old. Others are girls who are in the wombs of prostitutes, and among them rarely a girl is married. “

These markets, who are dictators from God knows where, the community has nothing to do with them, we consider them untouchable, they have lost the “lodge” of our profession.

“You said that your wealth is wasted extravagantly, who does this extravagance?” “

Some of the rinds become defective, for example, half a percent of them have alcohol in their mouths. Almost 90% smoke cigarettes, their mothers, who have become answerable heroines, are addicted to gambling. They lose hundreds in one sitting, then when they leave, they start drinking, and on top of that, there are men in the family who are all Shariah-defective. There are, regardless of this theory, ladies themselves also play gambling and racing, according to them, money and cigarette smoke have the same value.

“These ladies”? The judge said sternly.

Yes ladies! A prostitute can sell virginity to any rich person, but not their laps, they have babies in their laps, if you consider their nose shape, they are saddened by adults. This whole market is full of scumbags. “

Too many words to say

They were left speechless by the fear of corruption. In response to a question, Mumtaz said, “Punjabis are nomadic types of revelers, their middle business class indulges in temporary revelry of body and voice.” The luxury of big landowners of Sindh is that of Savan Bhadas, but some people of the border are killers of eternal love, their wealth explodes. These people not only have many wives, but even putting half a randi in the house is part of their life. They come back inside. One-third of them have had a stroke,” Mumtaz concluded, saying, “The love of a Punjabi is the love of a whirlwind, the love of a Sindhi is the love of a bee, and the love of a Pathan is the love of a bat.”


Music is the common language of all mankind. (Longfellow)

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. The story of Taaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 18.

Shamshad said, “Choli Daman goes hand in hand with music and women. Music used to be a part of Ghana worship, but according to some traditions, Ghana was for worship, but today, despite its artistic honor, It has become a profession, both the voice and the body are bad things, everyone is the killer of singing, but the respect that should be given to a singer in the society is not the same.

It is very difficult to ascertain whether women came first in Chaklay or music or both together, but it is true that there was a connection between rhyme and radif in both. Even in places of worship, women dance and sing together and they are also together in Balakhans. As long as music is related to dharma or religion, the Devdasyas continued to receive regular artistic education and were excellent singers, similarly the pursuit of dance and singing was one of the virtues or duties of the maidservants. Therefore, among the concubines, there are many famous singers, in a certain period, Shahi Beg herself used to be very talented in music.

Jahangir’s wife and Shahjahan’s mother Manmati’s interest in music was her acknowledgment that Jahangir entrusted a group of Khawas to her for education and training. The sister of Mamun al-Rashid (A.S.) had great talent in music. The Arabs claimed that there is no singer of this caliber in the whole world.

Among Aurangzeb’s successors. Many of them seem to have put women in their harem. Seeing them, the princes also followed the same path. In the last period, the condition was that the singers and singers were common, Sana’a and soldiers were not born.

This is the state of the world of good neighborhoods and mentions of it can be found by searching the pages of history, but it is as if a light has risen from this bazaar, where there is magic in the voice. Manoor Sultana has sung Noorani. Mukhtar Begum is called in this too, Farida blows up myths. Akhtar Jahan and his two daughters Nayab Akhtar and Aftab Akhtar have come from Delhi. Akhtar Jahan himself is very intelligent but rare also knows the nuances of the voice, plays the sitar well and is familiar with the perfect melody.

“Shout out”?

Shamshad said while picking up the matter. “The true melody is Pikarag.” Everything else is poetry. People who are familiar with ragas or raginis know their charm. This perfection is only in the melody that it reminds one season of another season and transports the human mind to a discrete state. At this time, the elder Ghulam Ali Khan is unique in his art. But they don’t count as Nike or Gandharp.

What are these Naik, Gandharp and Gini? “

Naik calls Fahama the allama of music. A person who knows music can teach others, sing all the ragas himself, teach others, and add to what the forefathers have created in music. It is called Nike. Till date there have been only thirty Naiks including Khusro, Hijo Bawara and Wajid Ali Shah.

Gandharpa, is one who knows the total raga but is self-motivated. Tan Sen, Ba Khan, Chand Khan etc were Gandharp.

Guni, who can only sing the tunes of his own country. But he does not focus on Marga ragas. Below them is the rank of Kalawant who sings Dhurpad and Trot. Tapa, thumre, khyaal and ghazal are sung by him.

“And what is the meaning of this bai”?

Mumtaz habitually pinched and said “By the way”.

“A joke is good, but it is a respectable joke.”

“Yes, it is honorable, but the fame of some words gets tarnished by the stumbling blocks of time, for example, the word Khalifah is now called Khalifah every person who is sitting with broken feet, a useless existence!”

Bai is probably a Gujarati word and its exact meaning can only be told by a Gujarati, but as in Turkey every woman was called Khanum or the word Begum was popular among us, so is the word Bai. Which is part of the name of women of some regions of India and some tribes. Gandhiji’s wife’s name was Kastor Abai, Raja Mansingh’s daughter who was in Akbar’s harem was named Jodhabai, it is possible that Muslim princes used the word Bai to protect the words Begum or Khanum.

Who is the best female singer nowadays?

“They have already told you.” Mumtaz said while blowing the cigarette smoke down his throat. She herself has lived a great life.

Shamshad drew a cold sigh, as if saying.

Just give Omar Rafta a voice

And said while raising the matter

“I’m not saying that there was no one like me, but there was a time when there was a lot of trouble They could not go beyond Yaz. Once the late Maharaja of Indore came to us in Amritsar. Many times, on the invitation of Prince Moazzam Jah, Hyderabad traveled to the Deccan and stayed for several weeks. Mir Usman Ali Khan himself used to attend several assemblies. Moazzam Jah’s mood was lavish, as long as he was staying, he would reward a zartar with a few sari and some gold ornaments every day. But the Holy Prophet was the most miserly among the servants of the Exalted, never gave anyone even a broken whip.

“Once I was singing, I liked a verse of a ghazal, the Holy Prophet put his hand in his pocket and ordered him to come forward. I saluted Farshi. People were amazed that the Supreme Leader was giving a reward to someone for the first time in his life, but the Nizam took out a box of Qawam from his pocket and asked, “Do you eat paan?”

“Requested, where shelter! Is it a habit?

He said, “Go, you are allowed to eat paan and take it.”

“It was a rule that when His Holiness was present in a meeting, no one would dare to eat paan in front of him and this was a great honor for me.”

Shamshad sighed and cut the conversation short.

Now those days have passed like a dream. Youth is gone, old age is coming and old age is really young epilepsy. I asked, “Do you know the history of music?” Mukhtar understood that I was asking him about the components of music, his answer was very brief.

“Music depends on the ear, the chord, the rhythm and the tone.” But when I explained my question, he said. !

“You know, I have spent most of my life in the company of Agha Hashar Kashmiri, he was also my guide. A husband, a teacher and a lover, he was a wonderful person. When he was in the mood, he was talkative. He was not feeling well on any subject. He understood the spirit of every art, one day many friends were gathered. Someone asked.

Aghaji! Who is the inventor of Ghana?

He said. “Nature”! Then what was a river came in waves. They said, “Speaking, laughing and crying have been done since the first day.” By their combination or composition, the song was also found, consider the phenomena of nature, the sound of the wind, the chirping of the birds, the thunder of the clouds, the rhythm and the tone.

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. The story of the consciousness of prostitutes. Click here to read Episode No. 19.

Music is a Greek word. And derived from Moses. Meaning is to invent or create. Just like Urdu, Persian Arabic uses yay for comparison. Similarly, Q is used in Latin and Greek. The Arabs considered the musical analogy, but added a relative element that made Musa the musician. Some scholars believe that the staff which Hazrat Musa struck the stone and from which twelve streams of water or seven fountains gushed out, was the Zero bomb that produced different sounds. Musa fi Haqi, Hazrat Musa remembered them and those sounds are seven or twelve notes of music.

Fakhruddin Rari has written that according to the people of Persia, the inventor of music is Faitha Ghorus, who was a student of Hazrat Sulaiman, but there is a trace of music in earlier books. Hindus have the word sangeet for music. , in the meaning of which, apart from singing, dance and singing are also his belief that the creator of music was God and the creator of music was Shoji Maharaj. Bharat Rishi taught knowledge to the Apsaras (heavenly dancers), Narvarshi taught man, so did those in the inner court who were engaged in dancing and singing. Among them, the dancer was called Apsara, Gandhar was called Gandhar, and the builder was called Kanar, on the contrary, another idea is that it was invented by Mahadeva, who was served by six devas and three fairies whose only job was to play songs. . There are six gods, six ragas. Bhairas, Malkonis, Handol, Deepak, Megh and Sri Ali. The names of the fairies were Bheera, Todi, Asavari and Raskali etc. All that is left are the inventions of the Nayaks called Patra (son) and Bhavaja (daughter-in-law). The earliest form of music in India is the Sama Vedic mantras called Raks. The Egyptians claimed to be gods of music and instruments. And a Greek sage has also supported it, but the Greeks insist that the Muses, the daughters of their god Zeus, are its founders and that the word music or music is named after them.

“From the Torah, the occupation music of Bani Israel is revealed. It is said that a person named Bil, who was born in the seventh generation from Adam, was the founder of Chung and Argonun. Hazrat Dawood’s psalms are famous. He had appointed musical stations for the performance of religious rituals, so the presence of cymbals, harps, tambourines, cymbals, qurans, tarahion, etc. is found in this era. Even during the era of Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.), music continued to be strong, then for some time it lost its air, and the art of music was definitely separated from Jewish temples.

“Music flourished during the Greek period, and they went a long way.” It was from the Romans that the Iranians were influenced, and gained a great name. The music of the Arabs themselves was nothing, all their material was derived from Sasanian music of Iran. “

Abu Masaj was the first Arab to collect musical capital from the cities of Persia and Rome. Then, by addition, he established easy and simple tunes in Arabic. After that, a great musician like Ishaq Mosuli was born, whose amazing music was famous in the corners and corners of that era. Abu Nasr al-Farabi has written a permanent treatise on law, Ibn Sina was a great master in this art. Shehnai is his invention.

“Since music is not a matter of words and meanings, but it is related to melody and rhythm, letters and words cannot do it, that is the reason why the conquerors have never been able to transfer their art and music to the conquered nations. . Rather, they have been dyed in their color due to mixing in them. A great example of this is the Muslim kingdoms of India. He accepted the great influence of Indian music. Made a few nominal changes. But those changes were not in the root but in the branches, so the interest in music of Khilji and Tughlaq dynasties in Muslim kingdoms is common. The royal family that believed in music as an art was the Sharqi dynasty. Sultan Hussain Shah Sharqi introduced some new styles in music, apart from this, Bahmani and Nizam Shahi families highlighted their passions and tastes. Therefore Ibrahim Adil Shah is called Jagat Guru by Zahoori.

This Jahangir, known for his patronage of singers and singers during the reign of Akbar among the Mughals, was himself familiar with the finer points of music. All over the country they were employed by the nobles of Delhi, Agra, Lahore, Bijapur, Ahmednagar and Ahmedabad. Ala-ul-Mulk Tuni was one of Aurangzeb’s ministers but such an expert in music It used to be that great teachers used to sit in his company. Abul Fazl and Faizi’s father Malambarak was among the musical experts. When he heard Tan Sen’s song, he just said, “Yes, he sings.”

Mulla Abdul Qadir was skilled in playing the Badayuni ban. Mullah Abdul Salam Lahore, Allama Saadullah Shahjahani, Sheikh Alauddin were among the masters of music. Bairam Khan’s passion for music is evidenced by the generosity of his son Abdul Rahim Khatihanan. Sheikh Salim Chishti’s grandson Islam Khan was the governor of Bengal during the reign of Jahangir. He used to spend 80,000 rupees annually only on dance and song troupes. When Prince Murad Baksh was imprisoned by Aurangzeb, he took Sarasbai along with him, who is said to have been second to none among the famous singers of that era. In the last period, Mazhar Janjanan and Mirdard were very enthusiastic and used to take reforms from them.

Mukhtar Agha’s speech was being heard. And I touched her face with great care, youth is dead but voice is not. It still has the coolness of the trap-laden days. Akhtar Jahan is married to a nobleman. Aftab Akhtar is also an employee of a Raees Ibn Raees. A rare example is the low stiffness of the defect. But Akhtar’s mother and his grandmother are world-renowned heroines. A time has told, the wrinkles on his face reveal the stone of his late youth. She seems to be a royal ruin even in this age and year. When an individual or a group comes to listen to a song, she examines them at first glance. Murad Abadi keeps the Pandan in front, makes the Pandan himself and serves it himself. But when there are familiar people, she immediately calls for Rarity, Rarity comes like coiled silk, bows her hand and sits like a pile of cymbals, her drawers over her big round eyes. The eyelids are drooping.

Rare habit is Guncha Dahan, plays sitar well, also sings pikarag. But Dhan Pan of UP sings the light ghazals of the poets well, in her company some Karkhand Arnawab of Delhi, and the elegant penmen sit still. Akhtar is where the big meeting is held. All the family speaks fluent Urdu, Akhtar said to Nayab, “Make tea”. After some time, Akhtar asked Nayab, has the tea been made? Hamzi has gone to get a leaf. It was a little late, Akhtar said, “Is the tea ready?” The water was getting hot there. Rare dialect.

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. The story of the consciousness of prostitutes. Click here to read episode number 20.

“The flowers haven’t even bloomed yet.”

Because their conversation is very neat. The ugliness which is the common feature of this market is not in all the houses, both the sisters have been publishing a weekly journal, Dance and Song.

Nayab believes that the sages have created the art of music from the musician. This bird lives for a thousand years and has seven holes in its beak, when it reaches its natural age. So the ghans collects the phoons and dances and chirps around it. It ignites the ashes, then it is consumed and is reborn from the ashes, this bird is called phoenix, phoenix in Greek, Atazin in Persian and Deepak Lat in Sanskrit.

Akhtar Jahan says that the seven sarsats came from the sounds of animals, Gharaj from the peacock, Rakhap from the parrot, Gandhar from the goat, Madham Kaling, Pancham from the quail, Dhyut from the horse and Nikhar from the elephant.

Khawaja said, “All the information related to music has been obtained from this market. This proves that music is an invention of men and men have nurtured it. “

“Yes,” Akhtar Jahan interrupted. This market itself is also the work of men and the upper houses have also been developed by men. “

Khawaja said, “Probably you are taking this as an insult, I am narrating the incident.”

So I didn’t say anything. This is also an incident,” replied Akhtar Jahan. !

Qazi said, “Don’t you see, dancing and singing become hot when they are adopted by a beautiful woman.”

Akhtar Jahan said, “You are right, if education is ignored, singing is a women’s thing.”

“Who is the inventor of this dance”?

Its creator is also a human being, apparently it has no history, but both dance and singing are of the same age and relationship. Sometimes dance was part of worship. And it is mentioned in the Torah. But now its status has become technical. In Qadam al-Ayyam, a Jewish ruler of Bait-ul-Maqdis was impressed by the name of the dancer of every two names and said, “What is the demand?” he said…

“The head of John the Baptist” and took it. The dancers in the early Egyptian circles claimed to be from two families of Baramka. Dancers in India were called Murlians. When Arab traders first arrived in Multan, they were captivated by their dance. Just as melodies were formed in music, Qasas were born in dance. Now the dance has reached its perfection, where the music is silent, the dance speaks. But like Ghana, the dance of one nation is also different from another nation.

“Is there any dancer in this market”?

“You know we have come from Delhi and are refugees, this house (Pukhraj Manzil) has been found for two hundred rupees per month. A few days there was a knock on the door of the settlement department. But in the offices, nobles walk and we are prostitutes. Charuna Char sat in this house. They are eating what they saved. Now the people who come do not know manners, they say whatever comes to their mouth and yes. You were asking whether there are any dancers in this market. It is well-known about Duchar that they play well. “

Shahnaz, Farida, Almas, Kako.

Kako Gati is obligatory, but Tharkata knows very well, it is known among you people that prostitutes are leeches, so it really affects some families. They do not consider human beings as human beings, they try to Some men have it, rob it and send it away after insulting it, for example. There are seven sisters, their mansions are standing in the same market, they can reach everywhere. But if there is a conversation, then it is polished, if there are faces, then it is beautiful, in the heart, then it is sangi.

“But this is the way of every prostitute, a prostitute does not love a rich person.”

Is your idea correct? But missing In spite of this love, decency can be practiced.

If politeness means sweetness of language, then it is everywhere regardless of the number of houses. And if decency includes sincerity of heart, I doubt its health. When people come to these houses, they are emperors, and when their bones are cut off, their lives are just a scar.

Almas’s voice is very resonant, the face has the look of youth, Ghalib sings well and Hafeez recites with sadness.

I am still young

His familiarity with music is not much, but he knows well the beat of the tabla, the sound of the tambourine, the note of the harmonium and the wave of the sarangi. It exists in a writing that is signed by many people. There are many secrets in his chest. Rather, it is a secret itself. According to him, a woman is a weakness of a man, but a man is also a weakness of a woman. According to him, emotional marriage leads to suicide, a woman cries before marriage and a man after marriage. He is not convinced to sit in the harem of prostitutes. He believes that prostitutes who do not have the courage to become wives should never become wives. For a prostitute who has told an age in this market. The courtyard of the house is a prison, just as a housewife is incapable of understanding the environment of a prostitute, in the same way a prostitute is incapable of understanding the atmosphere of the house.

His words are very funny. She says, a woman makes a man a coward, denigrates alcohol and plays music, in her eyes “prostitutes are a scumbag of madamkhis, kamiyas, cattle rustlers and the legacy of the afternoon sun”. ! The old Kochwan has been playing Tanga for twenty years, he comes to the base of Nogze’s grave early in the day and returns home late at night. All day long he travels from the royal neighborhood to the city and from the city to the royal neighborhood. The face is shriveled, the voice is hoarse, the body is curvy like the white of Amchur, the youth still peeks through the big eyes, the beard is Timuri. Nask changizi, haar mufli per al-jumla is a picture of a bygone time.

” husband ! Now the youths are on the rise. Our lamp has grown. You’ve been coming for weeks. It is your nobility that value has been created for you even in the heart of the poor, otherwise the well-dressed people, who are covered with the false image of wealth, come out of these houses, then their tone will have died. As soon as I sit down, they talk so wildly that according to their lineage, the Akhtar Bakhtar opens. In particular, she talks about the new Tanti Tont Khati that sometimes the nature is disturbed. Yes, I want to do more than them, they do not burn today’s thape today, but there is great good in one chip.

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. The consciousness of prostitutes, Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 21.

“My age is a little over sixty at this time, life has not been told in jjjho jhontas, what is seen today was never there and now it is the kingdom of Touklandars, everyone puts mustard on the palm of their hands. Then it is not limited to this market, the entire city has lost its modesty, where there are liars. Tears have flowed. Everyone’s ears are open, he says what comes into his mouth.

Badhe had a habit of speaking shazily. Every night we used to ride in his Tanga Hai and he used to drop us to McLeod Road for one and a half rupees, but today when the Qazi teased, an office opened, someone told us that the old man whose Tanga you go to, He knows the bottom of the market. His wealth lies here, once he was a rich man, he had mansions, but now he lives in Tanga.

Dad! We are writing a book on the conditions of this market and that is why we have been making rounds for several days.

Badhe raised his head for the first time and said, smiling and lowering his eyes.

” Yes ​​! The meeting should be held anyway.

It turns out, the old man has a sense of humor. Coincidentally, the emperor and others were not in the house that day and we were returning without meeting them. When we heard these words of Badhe, we stopped at the shrine of Allama Iqbal and wanted to ask him some questions.

“Heard you have also lost a lot in this market.”

I? His tone became very energetic. no Please ! I have earned a lot. Who told you that? The alfan with whom we once fought has been cut, the old forms of this house are in ruins, but two sisters of one child are in so-and-so’s house.

Well, leave this story, “Just look at me, I am an example, your blood is fresh, don’t waste it.” No one was ever safe from these houses. In these ducks, faith is licked by termites. These women are not fools, their men are scorpions, everyone is snobbish, their love starts with rupees and ends with rupees, they have no such thing as loyalty, patience, honesty, sincerity, etc. . Only in the body or in the bed, even if you follow their customs and manners for a thousand years, and even if you kill bald people, they will not be your friends. So their women meow like cats and their men bark like dogs.

“We come here to collect this information.”

” husband ! The lick of your section leaves behind periods. This first step becomes a chain. The illusions of sight shake the heart and mind of man, and the sight does not tire until the bones wear down. “

Dad! You can tell a lot about what your story is based on your experience.”

“My story is not different from ordinary people, it is the same for everyone here. My ancestors were wealthy people, had many square meters of land, had many mansions. I was his only child, when my father died, I had about one lakh rupees in cash, at that time I was studying in 10th standard. You know the children of the rich are usually stupid. I was also not very bright in studies. The trend of nature was towards sports. The death of the father broke every bond of the nature, one day some friends took him to recite a song in laughter, gradually love became stronger. It was his first year, mine too, I paid fifteen thousand rupees for the first honeymoon.

” wedding night ?”

“Yes, this is a noble word, otherwise they would have no honeymoon, Bajana Gaja Mehnd, no drum, barati, no invitation, nothing, only rupees, body and bed.”

When the cash ran out, the lands were mortgaged, they were also sold, then the mansions were mortgaged, and finally they were sold. And when he had given everything, he also put the scrap of the pot on the stake, but did he get it in five years? A body that was always alien. Bones healed. Ezzat burst into laughter and I stayed with them for a few days and they also continued to pay their respects to me, but the day came when I was asked to make paan and the people who used to bow down and say hello now started passing by smiling. Don’t even leave the legacy. Now that body had many customers. I continued to see everything in the sight of love and finally one day it happened that I began to cry to them. I have learned from them.

The old man’s voice was hoarse. Qazi asked for support.

“Where is he now?”

“She has passed away, one of her sisters is Nawab. Yes, two daughters. are in their houses, but the children of Khaliri and Chachiri sisters sit in the same market.

“Does she recognize you?”

“Yes, you recognize his door to the wall, you go to the market, all the buildings that are named after him have been built on the ruins of this poor man. Everyone knows that the New Muhammad religion of these buildings. has been placed on the wealth of but they do not know that Muhammad Din runs a tanga in the same bazaar.

“But why did you take this profession?”

“This is not a profession, it is an excuse to live, I have no children, no wife, no relatives, he took pity on me and gave me a thong, I kept driving, earning, eating.”

“Is this the same thong?”

” no Please ! This is another Tanga, but it is of the same Tanga’s earnings.

“I should have cut off your nose, but I didn’t do this humiliation.”

Badhe laughed at Rose as if he wasn’t ready to hear this.

” husband ! All these are the things to be said, those who come to this market, their own noses are cut off as soon as they come and their honor disappears, but what remains a burden on the health for some days is the thorn of conscience which Gradually, the fire of luxury burns, at this time you are sitting here, if you were in the market, I would have shown you, twenty people are sitting there with braids. Is there a brick?

“So let’s go now.” Badha agreed to our insistence, stood in the tanga-quade, said there is a young man with a shoe, take care, I will come now.

All five of us sat at the tea table in the hotel. At the other table, probably the teachers were scurrying about. Badhe said, “Listen to them, these are the people of this Katam,” one was saying!

“All these are the bones of Muhammad Din which are lying in the foundations of these houses, God knows whether he is dead or alive.” But in the past few days, someone was saying that Tanga runs, now that this prince is trapped, he will have twenty-five thousand rupees, and that is a maximum of ten to twelve days.

“How are these rupees stolen?”

This is their art. First, it assesses the audience’s status, then maps its demand accordingly. A large amount of money is fixed monthly, then there is the Mujra, there is the Master, there are the Lagabandhe, those who are sitting on their own, the servant comes.

“What will be cooked today?”

“Chicken, quail, matanjan, biryani etc. and his pocket opens automatically.”

“You said let’s go for a walk, he insisted on shopping, every time he spends several thousand, he has many hundreds of pairs of clothes, and jewelry is what he wants.” It never ends, the love of the night is very expensive for them, but the love of the day is sometimes expensive and sometimes cheap.

Increase in domestic foreign exchange reserves

In that bazaar. The story of the consciousness of prostitutes. Click here to read Episode No. 22.

“Look, there is a heroine sitting on the side, she is a very rich person.” He has no children of his own. He bought a girl from here and there and married her and now she is living with him. Here, see the Saj Dhaj of Pakhraj Manzil. His mistress has moved to the house, she is Pakapaan, she died today, she died tomorrow, there is a house of Hijro Kanjar in front, think about it, what is the nose map of the building? There is an inscription in the middle.

In the name of Allah, the Merciful

House of Haji Chaudhary Hajru

And what happens inside? Look at this row, below and above there are houses of the bazaars, do you sit snorkar, and that mosque, is sitting in these houses like a beautiful maiden. Varinch’s house is a large altar, and in front of it are several rooms. Each large building has the words “Bismillah Rahman Raheem” ​​carved in bold letters on the stone, either the Islam of their owners is dead or Allah Mian. They are loosening up.

“These people who practice Islam every moment do not speak on this trust of the divine verses.”

And look at that. It is the age of the youth, all their brothers are locked up, everyone is brainwashed. All these children grow up so bad that there is no self-earning in them, they all walk around in the charity of sisters or mothers, there is light in their eyes, but there is darkness in the world of honor.

“There is a khost sitting on the corner of the corner. He is close to the bazaar, but his father is missing and now he is gone.”

The markets of Chet Ram Road are the product of this two-and-a-half mana. Among the Kanchans, leavened bread is baked with unleavened bread, their business is limited to buying and selling. are! Here the big buildings are brick by brick, then in some places the bricks of these buildings are connected. In every mansion, there are bricks of many families, there is blood and mud, but now the prostitutes are balloons, and those who seem to be heirs, they hiccup and hiccup.”

But Dad! Some are good. “

“For example”

“For example, Mukhtar Hashrwali.”

“It’s pronounced wrong.”


“It abuses, but now its time has passed.”


“She doesn’t sing.”


“Sometimes it’s Kokti and sometimes it’s Mummyati.”


“She makes a fuss.”

“Anwar Bai.”

“Lahool wa laqwa, she laughs, or laughs.”


“It rattles.”

“Divine life.”

“Chow Chow does.”

“Venus and Jupiter.”

“Cows do crows.”

“Inayat Bai.”

“Bag Bagati.”


“It chimes.”

“Gulshan Ara.”

“It rattles.”

“His sister Shamshad.”

“It’s chirping.”

“And Zahida Parveen?”

“Prostitutes are not, they are prostitutes, they just abuse.”


“Thark takes.”

“You seem to know the roots of this market.”

” no Please! Even their Lord does not know their root, they are all small jewels no matter how many forms you see.

And these colors are blue, green, blue, yellow, black, white, champagne, purple, cyan, purple, orange, azure, zingy, winter, onion, pink, or cream. All that you see flying through the windows is our youth and yours .

Question: “And some of these are letters too.”

“Yes, what letter?” Many steps further than that, some are among them, some are regular brokers, some are of such a quality that the saying of a panth dukaj comes true for them, that is, they are professionals themselves and have opened a house. There are two or four girls themselves who bring customers and create wealth.

“Will there be such dogs?”

“I have no register, nor have I ever counted, but there are by no means less than two hundred and fifty. They have access to the great elders.” They work like a company, some live in this square, some near McLeod Road, some in the neighborhood of Qila Gurjar Singh, some outside Metro Hotel, some next to Elphinstone Hotel, besides Mazang, Ichhra, They also have shops at Muslim Town and Gaff Road. A hint is enough for them, you know, sin speaks from the face and desire shines in the eyes.

 “Aun Chaudhry told that Imran Khan was hidden in a dugout where he met Bajwa” Khawaja Asif criticized PTI.

In that market. Towaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 23

“And the people who come here?”

“Every shoplifter comes here.”

“And these women?”

“Some of those who earn at night are eaten during the day, some of them are husbands, they bring deals for them, some of them also make love.” But not from the customers, those who steal at night and feed them during the day are often thugs who go around on their earnings. If they do not feed these goons or do not keep them in their hands, then these people will get together and create such a fire that not even a lamp can be lit. “

“So it’s like their lives are in the hands of gangsters.”

“Yes, 90% of life is in the hands of gangsters, not even a living, I think 90% of these bazaaris are robbed of Rs. There is plenty here. Opium, hashish, chando, cocaine are traded in many chobaras.

“Dad, sometimes I miss my youth.” He laughed openly.

” Yes! Everyone remembers youth, not only me, but a person always sheds tears on the past, learns nothing from it, a person has never benefited from the experience of others, he always experiences himself, we make mistakes and call it experience. How sad that life’s lessons come to us when they become useless to us. Remember that the worst things in the world are always done with the best intentions.

Duran Nikah Idda case: My heart does not believe that I should call Mufti Saeed a scholar, lawyer Salman Akram Raja

Muhammad Sharif (these people always hide his real name) is a young man who is not very old. He is about twenty-two years old. A group of seven or eight youths is standing at the entrance of the dental hospital. All are letters and this is their leader, very good mannered. The citizen speaks Punjabi and pink Urdu well, Brahm scolded him many times for this profession, at first he kept making common excuses that he is unemployed, he has to take care of himself, he has younger siblings, his father is dead and his mother is old. Then another person came to know that he was a young man from a good family. At first, he cleaned the money of the house every hand and continued to indulge, when his elder brother kicked him out, he started staying with his “girlfriend”. He used to broker it for a few days now almost all of Kothikhana is missing, this heart nature has turned his thoughts, he considers the concept of sin as a mere talk, he thinks that something is done secretly. That is sin. Otherwise, the concept of sin is just extra.

Sharif says that the faces of the people who come here must create fear or sanctity for the age but not for us, big people are naked in this bath. You can’t imagine who comes and who goes, when it’s eleven o’clock at night, colorful cars come and go on the road behind the Shahi Masjid and take off with their goods. “

“Those who don’t want to stay here go to Kothis or hotels. Some people are happy in entertainment.

This town is devoid of the concept of reward” he said. “Stealing is not a crime, it is a crime to be caught. All people sin. Some do it secretly, some do it openly, there are some moral or legal walls that are chosen in the middle, those who break these walls, their sin goes out of control, young people stand on the walls, they are guilty of sin and They live in the grip of reward, and the young are on this side of the walls, they are not imprisoned.

“What do you get?”

“It’s just passing time, will you get it?” There is no honor in this profession.

“It is strange that you people admit humiliation and then you are adopting it. “

” Yes ​​! But it’s not our fault. First, the society is like this. Second, when the haram is embedded in the bones, honor or sense of honor is lost. . People no longer have money. Otherwise, the queues of the aspirants are blocked. Now someone is running a shop or needy people take it for bribes and recommendations.

“Aren’t you people bringing God’s wrath closer?”

“Yes, the name of God is echoed in the scattered mosques every day, but God His wrath is nowhere to be seen, he saw the Alamgir Mosque is standing, its dome is also standing, its minarets are also standing, its bricks have never been moved, it is the building of the forts in front of it, isn’t it, see what is written on his tablet. “This is by the grace of the Lord.”

Listening to him makes you shut your mouth.

There is a grave of Nugz in Ada Shahbaz Khan, the narrators say that they were elderly people who are also lying quietly. It is the monastery of Hazrat Qasim Shah in the street of Tiktai. His silence is also waiting for the dawn of judgment. Muharram is coming in two weeks, business is closed for ten days. A funeral gathering is organized. Each language has the name of the Ahl al-Bayt. These breasts beat, the dhikr stops hiccups and people cry, no Muslim stops them from taking the names of holy babies in public. But if you take the name of the daughter-in-law of a Muslim in the market, he will be ready to die. Canker sores are present all over the body.

“Sharif God Lagda, what do you think about these women?”

“They are better than today’s ‘Sharfa’.”

” why?”

“Because they are obvious, but the reputation of “Sharfa” is looking for physical pleasures in the covers of books, Babuji.” There was a slight resonance in Sharif’s voice. “Nature never leaves its revenge, the daughters of those people who clean their hands on the honor of others are the stain of shame.” With God there is no delay, no darkness, His staff is silent.

“That’s right, but what is your correct opinion about these markets?”

“What will I think? It is obvious that calling them women is an insult to humanity. A true woman comes out in a doll and goes in a shroud. She is seventy from the mother’s womb to the lap of the grave.


 “Aun Chaudhry told that Imran Khan was hidden in a dugout where he met Bajwa” Khawaja Asif criticized PTI.

In that bazaar. Towaif ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 24.

Hamzi has spent a lifetime at Saeeda’s house. At this time he is between fifty-five and sixty, he entered Saeeda’s mother’s time in her house and now he is also living in her daughter’s time. , the color is crazy, there are windows in the teeth, the face is politically inclined.

Not a single drummer in this market is his age, he has bought a couple of houses with what he earned, he himself lives in Sharafa’s neighborhood. Probably two children and both studying, one in college, one in school, he loves the tabla duo as much as a horseman loves a mare or a soldier loves a sword or a poet loves a pen. He says he doesn’t care about the elders. Now the tablachi have gone up, they have been replaced by “mishlachi” and mishlachi is for letters in his term. He considers an artistic tablachi as an artist, where the singer’s voice falters, the tablachi gives support. According to him, the sound of the tabla is not only a cover for the defects of the cowherd, but also supports their voice. Refers to a leading instrument, to him Indian or Pakistani Sangeet without the tabla. He is proud that the tabla is a Muslim invention, Amir Khusrau was the inventor of the sitar, Ibn Sina invented the shehnai. Abu Nasr al-Farabi was the inventor of the “Law”, for him Saifullah Wala Famanrui Syria summoned Arbab Nishat in his special court. Result” Big artists were impressed.

Saif al-Dawlah asked Abu Nasr. “You also know this art?”

“Yes, I know.”

Saif-ud-Daula insisted, say something. Abu Nasr took out some pieces of wood from a bag. He put them together in a certain arrangement, strung strings on them and played them and started singing in such a tune that one would burst out laughing. Abu Nasr opened the instrument and connected it to the new composition and started singing surmala, now the people were crying. Then he opened the instrument, reassembled it in a new way and started playing. Now the audience was drowsy. All including Saif-ud-Daula fell asleep, Abu Nasr opened the instrument and kept it in his palm and left from there!

“He is no longer Kamal, but his art is still there, people are licking it too.”

“There will be a few selected people.”

“Yes, in this full world, no one would die, but it would definitely decrease. Sometimes even clapping was an art. Now playing the tabla is not an art either, Dondi did not beat the tabla, he saw in the sitting room in front of him, one of the boys was beating the tabla and hitting the naqara. are.”

“A soul like Al-Qasa, like the angels, they do not know how to play nor do they know how to sing. It is the age of art. Here and there the appreciation is rising and here the art is disappearing. Now the tabla does not play, the monkey chirps.” The

“Do you guys get paid?”

“No, the singer takes half of the earnings from the song and the composer takes half. Tablachi sarangia and harmonium master.

“What will be the daily income?”

It depends on the customers, like the face like the customer, like the voice like the income. Zanama is becoming the third hand, once one of the builders used to earn five to six hundred rupees per month and even today it is two and a half rupees, but it depends on the reputation and reputation of different houses. Some owls have long tails, their builders are also heifers, most of them are starving, their hooves remain open for several days in a row, some are two-legged cows and their lives are also tolerated as far as the heirs are concerned. There is, in them the truth of the ears There is no one, either they are caught or there is a present answer, or a mockery, or a mockery in the world! The skill of taking a pinch comes from generation to generation, and they say things without hesitation, some of them are windy in chatting, the radio question is like a tailor’s needle, sometimes it is thick, sometimes it is in a dream!

“And the people who come here?”

“Obviously, on these branches, the wings of the birds are chirping and flying. Eyes have seen thousands of caravans thrown, the ropes of hundreds of tents have been cut. Twenty Sanghasans have passed away, people rise like a whirlwind, descend like a storm and settle like a balloon, come with a longing, leave with a longing. Those who have pride save their honor by looting wealth. Those whose honor dies, they seek honor after wealth. Both Biswa and Rahwa keep changing. “”

But those who go with people. “

Some actually sit at home and there are many such examples. But most come back. For them, home life is a prison life. The women who have actually accepted the life of the house are now as bright as the sun, their children are also named. Whenever the housewives sit together, they must whisper and the men too, whenever they get together somewhere, they must say that there is a prostitute in so-and-so’s house.

“It is a strange thing that the children of prostitutes go to the harem of their prostitutes. They are very smart. Many Nawabs in India were from the wombs of prostitutes. The ruler of half a state in Pakistan is the jewel of this ring. . This bazaar must have some connection with such and such a writer or such and such a minister. You people turn your nose up at these women, but appreciate that their breasts are the burial places of big secrets. Their stomach remains more secret than CID secret documents. I can say on the basis of my experience and observation that until a prostitute becomes a heroine, she must find some harem, under this there is a hidden desire for equality in her heart. It happens, but when she sees that there is no escape from this market life and people play it as a toy, she repays her youth with the youth of others. “

“The heroine is pure revenge and the prostitute is pure plaything.”

” and U?”

“Call us the pawns of this checkerboard,” Hamzi said with a laugh.

“Pawn or Farzeen?”

“Sometimes Farzeen Sometimes Pawn”

Every Nayak is a ruin in the Viranabad of Nasait. Naika is a blotting paper that rots as it sucks ink, hundreds of travelers have spent their youth under the shade of this banyan tree. When she is sitting on the seat, she looks like she has taken a cup of tea in her mouth, as if the darkness is taking support of the light of the lamps, she makes paan, she collects paan, at that time her tongue is very sweet. And when she deals, she is more cruel than a murderer, more cunning than a thief, more heartless than a robber and more cunning than a traitor. She owes her past debt to her children.

Kaku’s mother is a heroine of the same genre, but the minister’s sabha is a little different. His family is from Pashtun but now the paint has come off. The minister is about sixty-five years old. He has seen the mansions of kings and the palaces of nawabs. His family is inherited by the eminent Moran Bai. He was related to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Wazir Moran takes the name very politely, to meet Maharaja Ranjit Singh Moran, he himself used to go to Chowk Mati or Chowk Chakla located in his house, every Thursday Moran rode on an elephant to the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh. Would have been present for greetings. He built a mosque in Chowk Mati, the answer is also there and is called Mai Moran’s Masjid.

What do religious scholars and muftis say about this problem? ?

One day some chieftains whispered in the Maharaja’s ear that Moran is not loyal to you but a friend of your money, even though you are heaping treasure on her. And if she is really loyal to you, then ask her to eat jerky with you, Maharaja called Moran, asked, “Do you eat jerky?” “We will have to eat today,” he said. “Majesty! I have done your job, not sold religion.

Chicken became cheaper

In that bazaar. Towaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 25.

Ranjit Singh was upset. Orders were issued to confiscate all the property, but what about what was movable and immovable? Captured by the Surmaon, Moran was troubled for weeks, during which he met a dervish, he prayed and the Maharaj again became kind. When Moran returned home from the shrine of Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh, not only the vehicles were loaded with goods, but the Maharaj himself was present. The Wazir says that we went to Amritsar on the other side from Moran, and remained there till partition. What he earned was sacrificed to Allah Talal, there were several hundreds of acres of land in Amritsar. There were also two or four houses, and they were also divided into parcels.

The minister’s daughter Mumtaz had charmed the Maharaja of Indore in her youth. Maharaj called for singing then stopped there. Spent half a year in different European countries and had lunch with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. It was somehow revealed that Mumtaz Rani was not pregnant, and the State Department reprimanded him.

Meanwhile, Mumtaz’s heart was fed up with the state atmosphere. Parents were in Amritsar, Maharaja did not allow them to meet. One day Maharaja and Mumtaz were going to Mussoorie. When the car reached Delhi, Mumtaz made a noise. The whole plan was already prepared. The police assisted and along with Mumtaz’s parents, they headed to Bombay from Amritsar, where Mumtaz decided to marry Badle, a millionaire businessman. Chakars, servants of the Maharaja, were in pursuit, they killed Pakar Seth on the spot and wanted to capture Mumtaz and run away, but the accused was caught on the spot by the sudden arrival of two British military officers. The case went on, Quaid-e-Azam was Badle’s follower. The murderers were hanged and the Maharajah had to give up the mace. The trial was covered in newspapers across the country and today the same celebrity who was honored with the King and Queen at Buckingham Palace lives in a dilapidated hovel inside the Mint. has been There is a daughter Tikai whose income supports the family.

What else does the minister know about the life of Rajwaras? Generation after generation of Nawabs and Rajwarars, he has put demands on the breasts of the Nawabs and Rajwarars, he says that the rulers of the state are luxurious by nature, they have only three persons who are the rulers who prepare the alchemy for them. Haraf provides girls for young men and prostitutes who control their senses.

While mentioning the food of these rulers, he once told that their food is prepared with special ingredients. A common man does not have the stomach to digest them. The breakfast that the Maharaja used to have in the morning used to cost two hundred rupees. Hazrat Mir Usman Ali Khan, who was fondly called Zal Allah, had many wives in his harem. They had numerous children. When someone died, they were taken to the royal cemetery “indoors”. From his childhood, he himself was devoted to a famous prostitute. A girl was born from the womb of this prostitute. When the girl became young, her mother came to Lahore, angry about something, and wanted to place the girl in the market. The Prime Minister heard. So the land under the feet came out. It was a legal right, not just a name. Somehow the prostitute was again convinced and she went to the state. One night when both the mother and daughter were sleeping, a servant charged several thousand rupees and overturned the petrol can on the girl and set her on fire. In this way, the girl was burnt in a locked room and the thorn in the heart of the Prime Minister came out that even the memorial of her crucifixion can be made into a prostitute.

Chicken became cheaper

In that bazaar. The story of the consciousness of prostitutes. Click here to read episode number 26.

Another prostitute who is now the concubine of a very wealthy landowner. She was the special Goya of the Maharaja’s court, she had a special queen in singing mountain songs. The Resident conspired with him to poison the Maharaja. He mixed the poison in the wine. He was helpless in front of the Resident. He did not kill him for prostitution but confiscated all his property and expelled him from the state.

The minister said that all the states (B istishna) are empowered and what happens in these states does not happen in the state. Even today, the great Nawabs and zamindars in this country and the kings of God-father kingdoms outside this country do not value a woman more than a wine peg. There are countless wives in his harem whose natural desire remains thirsty for months or even years, because once the Lord has become adept, no one can touch his body. They are confined in fortified quarters and when they find a way out, they associate with old men.

It is true that there are some other causes of obscenity, but one of the main reasons is the mental illness of these rich people. Until there is a balance in the sexual mixing of men and women, these obscenities and tricks can never stop?

“But the main reason for this is economic.”

“Yes, the stomach is attached to everyone, but the natural demand of sexual desire also has a big impact on it.”

“Is it true that great literary and political leaders used to visit you?”

” Yes! Every big man used to follow this ritual. These two generations have passed before my eyes. In fact, the people of a quarter of a century ago considered prostitutes as a cultural institution and came to them. There were times. Sir Syed used to listen to the song with passion. He obtained a large sum of money from a prostitute while providing donations for Aligarh University. Maulana Shibli has also been fond of music. The late Sharr also used to come to the Chowk. Maulana Abu Laklam has confessed his passion in Azad Ghbar-e Khater, Maulana Muhammad Ali used to listen to the voice of Faizabad during his political journey. Allama Iqbal’s Amira also died in the last few days and those two daughters of Junkti sit in Adda Shahbaz Khan, they were part of the revolutionary goals of a great leader, let alone the story of poets or writers, their story is not hidden, probably with the stigma. She was also a prostitute. Who inspired “Leila’s Letters”? Mini Jan who was in the harem of Qazi Abdul Ghaffar. Akbar Ullahabadi arranged the marriage with Buta Begum

Some leaves were stolen by Lale, some by Narcissus, some by Gul

His stories are scattered everywhere in the lawn

“What did you feel these people up close?”

“What do we feel, only those who have lived in the company of young people can say. Yes, it is known that Hashar really wanted Mukhtar, whenever Amir mentioned Iqbal, he would smile. After all, these were great men. There was no gunwar lath among them. “

“Just now you mentioned Nawabi foods, you are also sitting on these tables. Say something about them?

There is no knowledge or news in it, it is a famous saying.

It is said that Wajid Ali Shah used to drink a foot full of essence of five servings of food in the morning breakfast. For them, one serving of 24 servings of meat was boiled in cold water and water was prepared in the aqueduct to digest it. These are just fabricated legends that chickens are cooked in the Kanchans’ house, the kind of bread you are eating is cooked here, if there is a guest, trouble is felt everywhere.

Mai Wazir lit a cigarette and gazed at the puffs of smoke, then when the smoke had dissipated in the air, he said. “Youth is a breath of sulfur and old age is smoke.” When this smoke clears, life ends.”



His cold-looking Ahu Chishti is white in color, double-breasted, gray dupatta, wide-brimmed pajama, and a pair of kumkhavam lifts on his feet. Evil definitely attracts attention. When he makes angles  If it passes, it is usually a deception that a married woman is going to Mecca with her in-laws. But he is born heterosexual, his conversation is not colorful, but serious.

“If I am entrusted with the government for a few hours, I will do three things.”

First, put the wine sellers in jail and the drunkards.

Second, hang the gamblers upside down and smoke fire from below.

Thirdly, those who eat the earnings of sister and daughter should be put to death.

This was the answer to our last question which was given by Khobaru Mukhnis Shaukat and then he made a right angle and went out like an arrow from a quiver.

Shaukat’s age is currently between 25 and 30. We asked him.

“Are you born heterosexual?”

” Yes! But heterosexuals are born.

Here in Lahore, Munir Jogi, a tall man, used to roam around, where is he now? He had written or had written a book on homosexuals, in which it was written that congenital homosexuals are rare, ninety-five out of a hundred are produced, some are male and most of the children are castrated at a young age.

It may be true that such things are heard, but the matter of misrepresentation does not seem right. It is true that some men become amateur homosexuals. But we neither allow them to sit in our circle nor have any relation with them.

“Who are amateur homosexuals?”

Amateur heterosexuals are young people who have femininity in their nature. For example, there are young people who are femininity due to the environment or atmosphere, there are also some young people who steal life from hard work, forbidden things are embedded in their veins, and their sexual desires are under gender passion or feminine desire. They paralyze themselves as if we have nothing to do with them, and the campers do not allow them to stay with them.

“What is meant by Deredar?”

“Just as family quarrels are called “dera darnias”, such dera dars are misogynists who go from place to place.

“But the Kanchans have children, there is no question of children for the malefactors”

“Okay, but our camps run through the succession of disciples and children. We heterosexuals consider each other as our relatives, we have a special social life. If we go to a distant city, it becomes the duty of the camp owner to arrange our stay and food, he gets a great pleasure from hospitality. Just like women, there are types of eunuchs, virgins, two girls, brides, middle-aged, old women, our place was once in the neighborhoods, now not even in the huts, once they were responsible for the protection of harems, now they are forced to beg from door to door. It is a matter of time.

Who is made in the eternal world?

“But these homosexuals are seen only in Asian countries, they do not exist in any European country.”

“When there are homosexuals in Asia, surely there will be in Europe, they may not have the status of an institution like we do there. Because in European countries, its expression is considered a defect. In Asian countries, we have got the status of an institution because here we were servants in the harem of kings. When the kingdoms were destroyed, the lamp of the prostitutes also dimmed.

“You are also mentioned in the history of the eastern kings.”

Why not? We were trusted by people in their neighborhoods, otherwise the misguidedness of the human soul would leave behind even the fire of the forest.

“The justification is good, but your history is just the history of the fall of kings.”

These are your philosophical words and I don’t know anything about them. Now people consider us a laughing stock. It is a joke of nature that we are born heterosexual and it is the kindness of society that we are living in a broken state. Otherwise, what did we do and what did we do, women did not cry, men did not cry. After taking our kingdom, the country’s forces started and the country ended on four. Shiraz itself has been scattered, now those times have become dreams and imaginations, where is the company of kings and where is the company of reputable vendors.

“Business…” A smile spread on Shaukat’s face. Every Nayak is a ruin in the Viranabad of Nasait. Naika is a blotting paper that rots as it sucks ink, hundreds of travelers have spent their youth under the shade of this banyan tree. When she is sitting on the seat, she looks like she has taken a cup of tea in her mouth, as if the darkness is taking support of the light of the lamps, she makes paan, she collects paan, at that time her tongue is very sweet. And when she deals, she is more cruel than a murderer, more cunning than a thief, more heartless than a robber and more cunning than a traitor. She owes her past debt to her children.

Kaku’s mother is a heroine of the same genre, but the minister’s sabha is a little different. His family is from Pashtun but now the paint has come off. The minister is about sixty-five years old. He has seen the mansions of kings and the palaces of nawabs. His family is inherited by the eminent Moran Bai. He was related to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Wazir Moran takes the name very politely, to meet Maharaja Ranjit Singh Moran, he himself used to go to Chowk Mati or Chowk Chakla located in his house, every Thursday Moran rode on an elephant to the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh. Would have been present for greetings. He built a mosque in Chowk Mati, the answer is also there and is called Mai Moran’s Masjid.

What do religious scholars and muftis say about this problem? ?

One day some chieftains whispered in the Maharaja’s ear that Moran is not loyal to you but a friend of your money, even though you are heaping treasure on her. And if she is really loyal to you, then ask her to eat jerky with you, Maharaja called Moran, asked, “Do you eat jerky?” “We will have to eat today,” he said. “Majesty! I have done your job, not sold religion.

Post-Budget Inflation Rise, Bureau of Statistics released data

In that bazaar. Towaif Ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 25.

Ranjit Singh was upset. Orders were issued to confiscate all the property, but what about what was movable and immovable? Captured by the Surmaon, Moran was troubled for weeks, during which he met a dervish, he prayed and the Maharaj again became kind. When Moran returned home from the shrine of Hazrat Ganj Bakhsh, not only the vehicles were loaded with goods, but the Maharaj himself was present. The Wazir says that we went to Amritsar on the other side from Moran, and remained there till partition. What he earned was sacrificed to Allah Talal, there were several hundreds of acres of land in Amritsar. There were also two or four houses, and they were also divided into parcels.

The minister’s daughter Mumtaz had charmed the Maharaja of Indore in her youth. Maharaj called for singing then stopped there. Spent half a year in different European countries and had lunch with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. It was somehow revealed that Mumtaz Rani was not pregnant, and the State Department reprimanded him.

Meanwhile, Mumtaz’s heart was fed up with the state atmosphere. Parents were in Amritsar, Maharaja did not allow them to meet. One day Maharaja and Mumtaz were going to Mussoorie. When the car reached Delhi, Mumtaz made a noise. The whole plan was already prepared. The police assisted and along with Mumtaz’s parents, they headed to Bombay from Amritsar, where Mumtaz decided to marry Badle, a millionaire businessman. Chakars, servants of the Maharaja, were in pursuit, they killed Pakar Seth on the spot and wanted to capture Mumtaz and run away, but the accused was caught on the spot by the sudden arrival of two British military officers. The case went on, Quaid-e-Azam was Badle’s follower. The murderers were hanged and the Maharajah had to give up the mace. The trial was covered in newspapers across the country and today the same celebrity who was honored with the King and Queen at Buckingham Palace lives in a dilapidated hovel inside the Mint. has been There is a daughter Tikai whose income supports the family.

What else does the minister know about the life of Rajwaras? Generation after generation of Nawabs and Rajwarars, he has put demands on the breasts of the Nawabs and Rajwarars, he says that the rulers of the state are luxurious by nature, they have only three persons who are the rulers who prepare the alchemy for them. Haraf provides girls for young men and prostitutes who control their senses. While mentioning the food of these rulers, he once told that their food is prepared with special ingredients. A common man does not have the stomach to digest them. The breakfast the Maharaja used to have in the morning used to cost two hundred rupees. Ala Hazrat Mir Usman Ali Khan, who was fondly called Zal Allah, had many wives in his harem. They had numerous children. When someone died, they were taken to the royal cemetery “indoors”. From his childhood, he himself was devoted to a famous prostitute. A girl was born from the womb of this prostitute. When the girl became young, her mother came to Lahore, angry about something, and wanted to place the girl in the market. The Prime Minister heard. So the land under the feet came out. It was a legal right, not just a name. Somehow the prostitute was again convinced and she went to the state. One night when both the mother and daughter were sleeping, a servant charged several thousand rupees and overturned the petrol can on the girl and set her on fire. In this way, the girl was burnt in a locked room and the thorn in the heart of the Prime Minister came out that even the memorial of her crucifixion can be made into a prostitute.

The budget will do nothing but destroy the textile industry, protested Aptama

In that bazaar. Towaif ki Hosh Raba Dastan Ulm. Click here to read Episode No. 26.

Another prostitute who is now the concubine of a very wealthy landowner. She was the special Goya of the Maharaja’s court, she had a special queen in singing mountain songs. The Resident conspired with him to poison the Maharaja. He mixed the poison in the wine. He was helpless in front of the Resident. He did not kill him for prostitution but confiscated all his property and expelled him from the state.

The minister said that all the states (B istishna) are empowered and what happens in these states does not happen in the state. Even today the great Nawabs and zamindars in this country and the kings of God Dad kingdoms outside this country do not value a woman more than a wine peg. There are countless wives in his harem whose natural desire remains thirsty for months or even years, because once the Lord has become adept, no one can touch his body. They are confined in fortified quarters and when they find a way out, they associate with old men.

It is true that there are some other causes of obscenity, but one of the main reasons is the mental illness of these rich people. Until there is a balance in the sexual mixing of men and women, these obscenities and tricks can never stop?

“But the main reason for this is economic.”

“Yes, the stomach is attached to everyone, but the natural demand of sexual desire also has a big impact on it.”

“Is it true that great literary and political leaders used to visit you?”

” Yes! Every big man used to follow this ritual. These two generations have passed before my eyes. In fact, the people of a quarter of a century ago considered prostitutes as a cultural institution and came to them. There were times. Sir Syed used to listen to songs with passion. While providing donations for Aligarh University, he obtained a large sum of money from a prostitute. Maulana Shibli has also been fond of music. The late Sharr also used to come to the Chowk. Maulana Abu Laklam has confessed his displeasure in Azad Ghobar-e Khater, Maulana Muhammad Ali used to listen to the voice of Faizabad during his political journey. Allama Iqbal’s Amira has also died in recent days and those two daughters of Junkti sit in Ada Shahbaz Khan, they were part of the revolutionary goals of a great leader, their story is not covered by poets or writers. She was also a prostitute. Who inspired “Leila’s Letters”? Mini Jan who was in the harem of Qazi Abdul Ghaffar. Akbar Ullahabadi arranged the marriage with Buta Begum

Some leaves were stolen by Lale, some by Narcissus, some by Gul

His stories are scattered everywhere in the lawn

“What did you feel these people up close?”

“What do we feel, only those who have been in the company of young people can say. Yes, it is known that Hashar wanted Mukhtar very much, whenever Amir mentioned Iqbal, he used to smile. After all, these were great men. There was no gunwar lath among them. “

“Just now you mentioned Nawabi foods, you are also sitting on these tables. Say something about them?

There is no knowledge or news in it, it is a famous saying.

It is said that Wajid Ali Shah used to drink a foot full of essence of five servings of food in the morning breakfast. For them, one serving of 24 servings of meat was boiled in cold water and water was prepared in the aqueduct to digest it. These are just fabricated legends that chickens are cooked in the Kanchans’ house, the kind of bread you are eating is cooked here, if there is a guest, trouble is felt everywhere.

Mai Wazir lit a cigarette and gazed at the puffs of smoke, then when the smoke had dissipated in the air, he said. “Youth is a breath of smoke and old age is smoke.” When this smoke clears, life ends.”



His cold-looking Ahu Chishti is white in color, double-breasted, gray dupatta, wide-brimmed pajama, and a pair of kamkhavam lifts on his feet. Evil eyes It definitely pulls you towards you. When he passes by making angles, it is usually mistaken that a married woman is going to Makkah from her in-laws. But he is born heterosexual, his conversation is not colorful, but serious.

“If I am entrusted with the government for a few hours, I will do three things.”

First, put the wine sellers in jail and the drunkards.

Second, hang the gamblers upside down and smoke fire from below.

Thirdly, those who eat the earnings of sister and daughter should be put to death.

This was the answer to our last question which was given by Khobaru Mukhnis Shaukat and then he made a right angle and went out like an arrow from a quiver.

Shaukat’s age is currently between 25 and 30. We asked him.

“Are you born heterosexual?”

” Yes! But heterosexuals are born.

Here in Lahore, Munir Jogi, a tall man, used to roam around, where is he now? He had written or had written a book on homosexuals, in which it was written that congenital homosexuals are rare, ninety-five out of a hundred are produced, some are male and most of the children are castrated at a young age.

It may be true that such things are heard, but the matter of misrepresentation does not seem right. It is true that some men become amateur homosexuals. But we neither allow them to sit in our circle nor have any relation with them.

“Who are amateur homosexuals?”

Amateur heterosexuals are young people who have femininity in their nature. For example, there are young people who are femininity due to the environment or atmosphere, there are also some young people who steal life from hard work, forbidden things are embedded in their veins, and their sexual desires are under gender passion or feminine desire. They paralyze themselves as if we have nothing to do with them, and the campers do not allow them to stay with them.

“What is meant by Deredar?”

“Just as family quarrels are called “dera darnias”, such dera dars are misogynists who go from place to place.

“But the Kanchans have children, there is no question of children for the malefactors”

“Okay, but our camps run through the succession of disciples and children. We heterosexuals consider each other as our relatives, we have a special social life. If we go to a distant city, it becomes the duty of the camp owner to arrange our stay and food, he gets a great pleasure from hospitality. Just like women, there are types of eunuchs, virgins, two girls, brides, middle-aged, old women, our place was once in the neighborhoods, now not even in the huts, once they were responsible for the protection of harems, now they are forced to beg from door to door. It is a matter of time.

Who is made in the eternal world?

“But these homosexuals are seen only in Asian countries, they do not exist in any European country.”

“When there are homosexuals in Asia, surely there will be in Europe, they may not have the status of an institution like we do there. Because in European countries, its expression is considered a defect. In Asian countries, we have got the status of an institution because here we were servants in the harem of kings. When the kingdoms were destroyed, the lamp of the prostitutes also dimmed.

“You are also mentioned in the history of the eastern kings.”

Why not? We were trusted by people in their neighborhoods, otherwise the misguidedness of the human soul would leave behind even the fire of the forest.

“The justification is good, but your history is just the history of the fall of kings.”

These are your philosophical words and I don’t know anything about them. Now people consider us a laughing stock. It is a joke of nature that we are born heterosexual and it is the kindness of society that we are living in a broken state. Otherwise, what did we do and what did we do, women did not cry, men did not cry. After taking our kingdom, the country’s forces started and the country ended on four. Shiraz itself has been scattered, now those times have become dreams and imaginations, where is the company of kings and where is the company of reputable vendors.

“Business…” A smile spread on Shaukat’s face. Throwing light on the customs of his society, Shaukat said that when one of us Mkhonish expels his disciple, no one else is ready to take him till the Panchayat gives its decision.

“The decision of the Panchayat sometimes amounts to a fine of hundreds of rupees and sometimes it is just oil in the shoe.”

Oil in the shoe

” Yes ​​! We consider it a big defect. Rather, we prefer fines.

Shaukat said, “Some people mix our stick with the utensils, but there is no distance between them and us, we do not imitate and we do not tie a bunch of fakes on anyone. Our life is a borrowed fakir which is spent in giving prayers to people!

“Your dead body is never seen?”

He laughed and said, “You also ask a strange question, sorry, we neither fall from the sky nor fly in the sky, we are also carried by our mother’s womb and our funeral is carried by men.”

“Who teaches the funeral prayer?”



“Yes!” Shaukat said, denying this suggestion.

Aren’t we Muslims? Our hearts are also filled with the fear of God, we also believe in Islam, celebrate Peer Faqir, offer Nazr Niaz, pay the attendance of the donor, go to Ganj Shukar’s shrine, reach the greetings of Bad Imam. Well, those days are gone now, but there was a time when every year Sabir used to attend Piya’s Chokht and Khwaja’s Nagri, every eleventh Sharif was given a Sharini. Eids come, Shab Barat comes, mourn Panjatan Pak on the days of Ashura, light lamps on Eid Milad, share things on the last four days of Shabbat, then we are also Muslims and we never have sectarian quarrels. Humans never get their hands dyed by themselves, never have we demanded political rights and we don’t have any rights, it’s a pity that God’s creation is in the possession of political miscreants!

The budget will do nothing but destroy the textile industry, protested Aptama

“And who are these political miscreants?”

Shaukat laughed out loud. “Excuse me, you also know that the dangers of political homosexuals are collective and sexual homosexuals are individual.” Smoke and laughter.

Talk of the night

The night of April 21, 1948 was the first Iqbal Day in Pakistan, while devotees of Hakeem-ul-Umat were studying philosophy in the university. Kalam Iqbal was being broadcast over the radio, and somewhere on the footpath, the melodious fakir was reciting “Saqi Nama”.

Gone is the era of capitalism

It was a mystery to Khan that we met the Amir in his funeral, Allama Iqbal was familiar with the voice of this Amir in his early youth and it was a good coincidence that he had an event planned today. All Pashtini randis were invited to him. Amir’s daughters, whose sun is at half-sun these days, were circling like beautiful doves in this yard. The entire enclosure was illuminated as if a swarm of nymphs had descended on this corner of the planet along with the stars.

Tonight, oh my god, tonight

Amir is at the age of sixty-six years, it is possible to cry fear, but now age is a false swing. Or apparently a pile of charred bones, rotted by smoke, discolored rather than black. The hair has turned white, the teeth are chipped, and the accent has become dull.

Elahi Jan said, “Aunty, this is something you want to ask.” Amir opened his eyes, as if chasing some forgotten story. When we asked, the wrinkles on his old face smiled, like the words of a lost story are scattered and she wants to put them together one by one. At the name of Iqbal, a light awoke in his drooping eyes, but quickly dimmed, like a silent pleasure.

He did not accept to tell us anything.

“We do not have the custom of tearing men’s shrouds. Licking human flesh is bad. Once it touches the mouth, it degrades more than the intoxication of alcohol. At this age, a person remembers nothing but the fear of God. When there was no fear of God, everything was remembered. “

We wanted to prolong the matter, and demanded that he tease some account of those associations, when Iqbal, Abdul Qadir, Grami, Nazra and others were present, but he wrapped up our inquiry in hollow laughter, then said a little bitterly. :

“The mistakes of the elders. I am not a book that I picked up and turned the page and began to explore it, the old things have died with time, I remain in the knowledge of the secrets that have been the guide in life. Benefit from exploring these things? Which may not benefit you but harm others simply because your ears have become accustomed to this taste.

Remember, we do not sell secrets, this is the work of the nobles.

We are convinced that Amir is in secret in this matter that his appearance has died but his spirit has not died, his self is alive.

The color of the ceremony had not yet been set, on one side Ustadji was blowing the smoke of rights, on the other side the colorful voices of the randis were joining each other. It was the first hour of the night and the invited guests usually gather in the middle of the night. Yes, they were against wandering around like this and their fear was largely justified. Finally agreed and when Pakhraj stepped on the threshold of Manzil, his heart was pounding. Sitting in front like a pile of rare silk, she recited etiquette with a furrowed brow. Khwaja said in his ear. “Brother elders did not say wrongly that there is great charm in sin.”

In these houses, the rush of customers is considered offensive. Nayab’s grandmother, whose eagle eyes recognize the purpose of the customers from their faces, whereupon this whisper, cut a prominent phrase and said, adding glory.

“Take it and enjoy it.”

Khawaja said. “You have probably seen this frame for the first time in your life?”

Naika interrupted, “Yes, how old are they now? And they will open in two or four meetings.” They have come here only on our insistence, otherwise there is no attachment for them here, they only have books to cover them with.” Khawaja said:

“Yes, he’s talking about them, covering books and laying books?” Ross had a great laugh, but changed the direction of the expansion.

” husband ! This hijab does not last long, even the deer in these bazaars forget their quadrilaterals. Who has not passed through this highway? They definitely benefit from the air, these flowers are flowers, but they are flowers, sorry, in Punjab, the trend of nature is a little different, and people want sex instead of cohabitation, but over there in Delhi and Lucknow, there are big honorable gatherings. They came for Sir Syed was a deaf ear, he laid the foundation stone of Aligarh University, then a well-known prostitute from Calcutta gave him a lot of rupees in donation. Nawab Nasir Hussain Khyal was also a lively person. Because every poet or writer of that era has visited these houses, on the other hand, among the political leaders, Maulana Muhammad Ali late and Mugfoor, whenever he went to Calcutta or stayed with Maharaja Mahmoodabad in Lucknow, he also had a half seat with Zahra and Jupiter. He was beautiful, because his mind was clear, so he did not see any fault in it. Pointing a finger at Hakeem Ajmal Khan’s asceticism is a fault in itself, but even during the days of the Khilafat movement, he sometimes had a good time, and then his Yes, the example of the knowledge and vision of the people who used to gather is an example in the whole country. It is a matter of time, at that time we people had the status of an institution, now our status is that of a base. It rusts.”

“So you proved that your houses have been blessed by big people.”

“Your phrase is a bit biased, the purpose of what I said was that there are not many pages, even a few pages, not even a few pages, even a few margins in Nih Hayat except for the big personalities. The only criterion for the relationship of prostitutes is rupees, they will not mind if you arrange a party with them day and night on the bill of rupees, this is their profession. They consider rupees and time to be the sexes of exchange. Even though they are “employees”, they are free in the “dance and song” business. Go to the night, listen to the song, untie the knot, if there is no rupee left, let’s get up. Apart from that, there is no third way for them, they are not convinced of “simple relations”, and they need assembly relations. . With which eyes did the makers look at the “Mughnia” as usual, they asked the manners, if you look into the eyes, then the tea is present, and if not, then the outward behavior is also absent, listen to the song, give money. Salam wa Alaikum Wa Alaikum Salam, Mabakhir Shama Bislamat and this goes up to the preparation of the speakers for a few minutes of formal speeches. There was a beat on the tabla, the singer made a circle of invisible lyrics with her fingers, the laughter stopped and the song faded away.

The ICC Champions Trophy schedule will be shared with other boards next week

Nayab’s tender fingers had reached the sitar, he said a lot in the tone of the sitar, none of us knew the language of the sitar, it was only known that its inventor was Amir Khusrau and the sound of the Baj in the string was muffled. is combined with Two thin strings make the sound of the kharj, the fourth string brings out the sound of the steel pancham, the brass string brings out the sound of the pancham of the saptak, both the chakaras give the sound of the kharj and besides the baj, there are jotars who give it its function, slowly. Slowly, slowly, a fire was kindled in the heads, and gradually the flame became a flame.

According to us, it was not the perfection of the strings of the sitar, but the magic of those delicate fingers which became a song in the strings of Patil. Waterfall seeds.

Drops were falling on Nayab’s forehead, Al-Hamdi said, “It takes soul to create life in these strings, where the poet’s mind thinks, there the singer’s fingers speak.”

Nayab teased Dagh’s ghazal, Hafiz stopped it, Khawaja said “Sing Iqbal”. Rarity dug into a corner of the mind, put a bill on the forehead and spoke.

The talk of those who are unbelievers is endless

Beauty protects and youth sleeps

Qazi cut it right there, this poem is not Iqbal’s but Sagar Nizami’s.

Rarity thought about it some more, then apologized.

“Excuse me, I can’t think of any poetry of Iqbal at this time.”

“Yes, even so, people on your side steal from Iqbal.”

“No, I have memorized Punjabi songs too.”

“Devotion or necessity”, asked the Qazi sarcastically.

“Yes, think about it.”

Al-Hamdi turned the conversation and said.

“Mian does not need to do anything, this is also necessary, Naidu is the abbreviation of Nayab, she is a child, now she is learning Pake Raag, these are some ten or twelve ghazals and that too you have remembered such grace. She sings them.

Stay for a while, Iqbal’s words will also be memorized.

“Go to Farida, her voice is very popular.”

But it does not belong to the managers, it belongs to the ministers. She doesn’t speak straight nowadays. Lovers have spoiled his habits. Ismail said.

“So she will not be in this event?” Qazi inquired.

“It should be, but because we can sit there, either those whose pockets are full or those whose honor is dead can sit there,” Khawaja said.

“But Khan has made a separate arrangement, it has been fixed in the balcony above”

“Let’s go, we will talk as the weather will be, where are such gatherings held before twelve o’clock at night?” These kinds of events always start at midnight. The first half of the night is for everyone’s own business.

Mumtaz called. “Agha ji, where are you going, let’s go. Aunt Wazir is sitting, she was asking you.”

“Today there is a celebration in your neighborhood, aren’t you guys going?”

” Yes ​​! For this celebration, Shahnaz has sewn a new suit for Salma, she has become burdened like the poems of Na Zouk.

And this is the special color of Mumtaz.

Wazir, Mumtaz Bawali’s mother, is eight knots and a true heroine, many stories are dreamed in every corner of her face, her eyes still have the glow of the past, her voice is also husky, her body is worn out. There is, but there is a hint of color, there is a richness in tone. The minister said to Game, bring Haqqah, Haqqah came, and she sat down with him in her mouth like a Banka Chaudhary sitting on a donkey and selling dolls.

“Agha Ji, tell me, how is the nature?”

“Thank God, how are you?”

“There is only God’s favor, no sorrow for what has passed, no grief for what is passing, no worry for what is about to pass, the name of this movement is life.”

“Mumtaz admires you a lot, sometimes tell her that you have preserved the memories of the times that have passed.”

” Yes ​​! Only memories remain and now there is nothing left but a sigh. You know the most memorable moments in life are the ones that have been lived.

Abu Yusuf said, “This is Oscar Wilde’s work.”

Mumtaz picked up the conversation and said while pinching.

“Yes, Aunt Wazir was also Saira last June.”

The same laughter. Hussain coincidentally Sabri also came, Qazi was saying

It is important to understand Mumtaz It is difficult.

Sabri said. Why is this also a mistake?

“It’s not anxiety, it’s anxiety.”

“Who was that?”

Mumtaz laughed as usual and said

“Kazi ji kahmzulf”

The minister said, Qazi! Women are not made to be understood, they are made to love.

“Okay, but love is also a sexual emotion.”

” Yes! We and you all are the product of sexual passion.

Khawaja said to the judge. ” brother ! It is not easy to win from Mumtaz, it is the fruit of intelligence.

Mumtaz lit a cigarette and said to the minister, “Aunty!” Do you want to ask some questions for your book?

“For example?” inquired the minister

For example, (Mumtaz said with a wink) the experience of youth?

The minister flinched, as if he wasn’t ready for it.

Mumtaz, as usual, pinched it again and said, “Experience is the name of Jag Beiti or Aap Beiti ka.”

Abu Yusuf said, “No, these are Oscar Wilde’s words.” We make mistakes and call it experience.

The minister said, “There is a reason why the world does not benefit from each other’s experiences, but every human being experiences this.”

“Well, man has always been in the passage of experiments, but why do you call old women heroines?”

What is the source? You are writers, you know, but when a woman gets old, she is called a heroine.

“It is possible that this is Naik’s tanit,” said Mumtaz.

It may also be that the soldier who drank the water of the Ghat Ghat in the earlier age was given the rank of a Naik in the latter age. The same is the case with Rundi, when she can get rid of it, she is called Naika when she is old,” said Qazi.

“But the real word is not Naicha?” said Khawaja.

“Yes, no, Haqke is the singer of Naicha,” replied Ismail.

“Then it’s Naicha (Mumtaz said interrupting the conversation) Hakke Ki also has a mouth and a Naika also calls that rundi who has a mouth.”

Everyone laughed out loud.

Minister said. “You call the old randy a title, there is a bit of contempt in it, for example, nowadays the incompetent is called Khalifa, the ignorant is called Allama, the clumsy is called Ustadji and the gifted is called Shafaa-ul-Mulk.”

“Have you ever thought about your past?”

Yes, everyone must think about their past sometimes, but it is futile to regret it, we learn lessons of life when they have become useless for us, it is useless to dwell on those lost days. There is no difference between the past and the present, only the circumstances change, as far as the causes and effects are concerned, they always remain the same with an apparent difference. The question has not changed in the centuries-old man that he has merged time, distance and land. Its changes are of the body, not of the soul, if there is any difference, it is only of ‘make-up’, life has either become mechanized or the rest of the features of business profit and loss are old.”

These words of the minister affected us all, although his words were not so clear, but the meaning of his words was even more clear.

“Have you read anything?” Qazi asked.

“If you mean books by reading, then understand that letters are taken up, but countless people must have read them, hundreds of people!” I saw the age of grandmother and mother, I saw the period of my mother’s youth, then I have reached here by telling a time myself, I have also seen my daughter’s crofer, and the granddaughters are also filling the quartet in front of my eyes, as if reading a person from the fifth back. I have been, but I’m sorry, a man’s love is just a ray of sunshine.

“And the love of a woman?” Khawaja asked

“Woman’s love, you may want to take a nap, but never forget that a woman lives only on feelings, she loves only once in her life, not many times, if her love betrays her. , then she doesn’t love, takes revenge?”

“Anyone else?” inquired the judge.

The minister’s face turned red with someone’s words. and said in a resounding voice,

Someone! A protest against the fascism of any men?”

“Ajjaj or Vengeance,”

“Say something, but changing the words will not change the reality.”

If your opinion is accepted, this protest or revenge is a cause of humiliation for the woman herself.

Interrupting the conversation, Imtiaz said, “It is not a reason for defamation. It is painful. You are calling prostitution revenge or protest. It is the wrath of God.”

Mumtaz said, “Are you listening to the story of Ram?” Send Salat on this tikka faihita.

“Look, this is a degenerate word. You are the one who is getting light on the decline of women, where is the story of Ram and where is Salat? And where is this meaning?” Kazi said while turning the conversation. And Mumtaz spoke while giving a bite.

Now it was almost half of the night, people who had started to turn away from Alam Ghulam, some Allaptos were passing by looking around. Some of the ropes were looking for “Pana Hai”, somewhere the horn of sound was being blown in four bars, and many of them were returning to their respective homes in a drunken state of destruction. The ceremony started. It was the son’s omen, but the Munchals also interpreted it as “Iqbal’s Day”, on one side there were sofas, “Khanzade” and Khan’s friends were sitting on them. On the other side, the common guests were sitting on carpets, Ustadji was busy in one corner. And over there, the prostitutes were sitting on the front face. The combination of their glowing faces was like a lamp. used to come, seeing them, I used to think that these women are not gold, our country is not an agricultural country. We are residents of a rich country, no one is hungry or naked. Everywhere there is abundance of sustenance and money, no one drinks blood, everyone drinks wine.

The ICC Champions Trophy schedule will be shared with other boards next week

Mumtaz was sitting in her correction slip, she came to us in the balcony and told us. “That gentleman, whose dark face has streaks of tears, wants to kill Farida first.”

“Who are these elders?”

Where are the elders, they are blessed! From the mother’s lap, they are blessed with fortune. Pakistan has come to its roots. The face looks like a child has drawn lines with chalk on the slate.

“Ebony has ivory work.”

“Well, who is good among them?”

“Apa Mukhtar and Apa Shamshad.”

“But they have adapted.”

“Age is different, but the voice is still young, to tell the truth, these two are sounds and the rest what you are seeing is an echo.”

Farida spoke up,

The hobby turned out to be a competitive service

For example, the curtain of the picture also showed nudity

Sow flowers, Nala Dil, Dood-e Chirag-Mahfil

The one who came out of Tribism came out troubled

A voice came from a corner, thank you for this recognition!

“The one who came out of Tribism was worried.”

A hundred rupee note, one note, two notes, several notes, one showed a ten rupee note, but he rolled his eyes, two notes, changed sides. Three notes, back. He was also angry, he spread out ten notes of 10 and 10 like the wings of a peacock, Farida said with a smile, “Aaj kal manda hai jeb hi mein rakhi lejeye”, she considered this taunt as an insult, pocket. He took out a bunch of reds and spread them on his feet. Note the note!

Now Farida curled up, her voice wafting on the arms of the wind. One ghazal after another,

You must have died

When someone

There is no third. A young man cut him in the middle, Farida came to the words of Iqbal.

That is my lack of luck, that is your neediness

Nothing came of death, it was blessed by Kamal

“Mre kam kuch ni aya ya kamal nawaza”, I was an ass

Repeating this stanza in reverse reached the level of impression and then the first half of the first stanza. That’s my bad luck. The slowness with which he took it to the extremes and returned it, had such a flow that the audience was captivated.

Chahrami Zindain is a famous speaker

That in the middle of the ghazal, Ashna Daru

She told many stories in one sentence, as if every stitch of her body was speaking and there was a store of forgiveness in the tension of her eyelids, but some essence was missing, so it was the essence of femininity.


Firdaus first examined the present, then I am young.

He wanted to sing, but the audience insisted. Iqbal

Changing sides, and making an angle, Firdous spoke up,

What is the glory of Alexander in poverty?

What is Kayseri?

Even though there was no shrillness in the voice, there was a need to dodge the voice. Each line was sung with apologetic tones and each note was received with gratitude, but the flexibility of his limbs showed that the sap of these twigs had died, if anything remained but a beautiful shell in which many nights were spent. are connected to

Inayat High Dhero Walli teased the ghazal,

Don’t become my heart after being worried

The difficulty that is now or the Lord should not become the same difficulty

And when it reached the point, the color was different.

Anjum is tolerated from the height of Adam-e-Khaki

That this returned star does not become a mill

Another ghazal stole the show, it was informed.

The heart is devoid of passion and the gaze is not pure

Then what’s surprising is that you are not bold

was the passage,

Do Sufis and Mullahs know about my jinn?

His head is not chalked yet

Inayat pointed his fingers at the necks of the sofa sitters and recited the first stanza in a slightly elastic voice. What Sufi and Mulla? And in a slightly resonant voice. The news is from my jinns, he repeated, so the party broke out on this occasion, notes were scattered from here and there.

Yes, just one more time.

Do Sufis and Mullahs know about my jinn?

His head is not chalked yet

Mumtaz also started with Iqbal.

If the sky is crooked, is it yours or mine?

I worry about where, why is where is yours or mine

These poems were much higher than the intellectual capacity of the guests, but he was stunned by the simple ghazal.

Unfaithful friends are remembered in sad moments of life

Rejoice, O Husain Ansa, nine paths are illuminated

Rahwar was running headlong in the night, but the laughter of the women and the smoke of cigarettes were even louder than that. Mumtaz had finished singing and then a voice called “Mumtaz” from a corner. When he heard it, his face lit up, as if full of gratitude, first he sang the voice with a ripe melody, then he sang the ghazal of fate.

The theft did not open anywhere

Khushbo uda ke lai hai gasoy yaar ki

His voice still has the dawn of youth, but life has reached the dawn of poverty. A harlot becomes a widow when her youth fades away, and this feeling was reflected in Mukhtar’s voice, she knows that now she is a voice whose pleasure is only for the ears and whose day is known as pan. Which is ripe, and it is also sealed with good luck.

What can be more shocking for a woman than that she has become old, or that her beauty has died, a woman is always afraid of the excess of age, that Aut will tell her true age, understand that she is guilty of her mistakes. I can’t create any charm. Then a prostitute who rises as a sigh and falls as a tear.

Shamshad (who is now tired) wanted an excuse at first, but agreed at the insistence of Humjoolis.

Ghazal of Qayyum Nazar,

Life went on, maybe even death came

and then … Iqbal

If the sky is yours or mine

Why should I worry where is yours or mine?

It was known that she was singing in her voice, but the question was spreading on the meteor color of her face that what would happen if life started from old age and ended at childhood?

Both his voice and time were flying away, and now the color of the atmosphere had changed, the elegance of the couch-dwellers had loosened, the red water of the bowls had called for the balance of the senses.

Shahnaz started dancing in a strange noise. A knot was tied from wrist to wrist, heels clicked, a voice came. ” Punjabi”

A well-dressed young man with very good hands and feet sat in front of him, looked carefully, felt his pockets, put two greens on his feet and said “Shamshad Punjabi!”. Dil Tere Piardian panda O stories

Shahnaz took a look at the distant mirror, the lights of these thoughts were flashing in her bright eyes, a circle was formed here, the hands moved there, the plants began to shake, an arc on which someone named Even slander cannot be stopped, its dance became even denser in the denseness of the night, the angles are the angles. Circles are circles

There is pain in the heart, and tears in the eyes

Sambh Sambh Rakhiyan made arrow signs

Dil Tere Piardian panda O stories

(There is pain in the heart, and tears in the eyes, O Beloved! I have kept the signs of your love very carefully. For the heart tells the stories of your love)

His dance grew faster, his tunes spread, his face became red, his dances flourished, his flowers blossomed, his flames broke, his form changed. The flame of his youth flared, sometimes rose like waves, sometimes curled like petals, sometimes spread like fragrance, sometimes leaped like lightning, sometimes peeled like enamel, sometimes dripped like an ocean, sometimes smelled like a rose, sometimes It chirped like a bulb, sometimes it rose like a ghana, sometimes it went away, sometimes it came to a duck, sometimes it became a hug, sometimes it started to dissolve in dreams, and sometimes it became a picture of colors. But as she danced, every angle of her became a question. The poison of angels. Lamentation of nature

She was dancing, we were watching. We were watching her dancing,

Time was dancing, atmosphere was dancing, hearts were dancing, mind was dancing, walls were dancing, eyes and ears were dancing. Dance There was a much better dance than the dance of politics, many things dance in the dance of politics, the nation dances, the country dances, honor dances, pride dances, beliefs dance, and just five years ago thousands of iniquities have danced. And this dance was only the dance of the body, the dance of the merchant, the dance of the transaction, the dance of the man’s pocket and the woman’s body, with which there was no thorn of multiplication, division and addition and subtraction.

Meanwhile, friends, it is empty

The night was about to end, and the caravans of stars faded into space, Shahnaz’s body was exhausted, but Iqbal supported the voice.

That is my lack of luck, that is your neediness

Nothing came of death, but Kamal blessed him


Now the Bhangra (Punjabi folk dance) had started, the sound of the bells, the waves of the stars, the thump of the tabla and then. There are songs from Sutlej, lyrics from Beas, ragas from Ravi, Mahia from Chenab, and two from Jhelum.

Uda Uda Dham, Bhangra. Blow up, Bhangra

Tathya, Tathya, Tathya. Blow up, Bhangra

Bhangra, Bhangra. That’s it, that’s it, that’s it

Ran came out from under the cover of Naha

Salfe the Lot Vargi

(Two glasses came out after taking a bath from Johar, then realized that she is not a woman, but the flame of Salafa)

Don’t think of me as a stick

Way Dan became three days

(Don’t think of me as a village girl, I can pretend to be a woman’, this is a reference to the forgetfulness of village girls and the banality of women)

Don’t look at me

And grasshoppers will wake up

(When I loved, everyone was unaware, but when love broke, the world knew)

Wash your hair and cry

And give help to the sheep

(I light a fire and roll it under the cover of smoke, how can I say how painful the diseases of love and affection are)

My Yarny Surodabota

So they ran away

(My favorite is Saruca Bota. I wish I could plant it in my yard.)

Damri Dask mill

Manda Moh liya to Patan wala

(A leprechaun has hunted a boy with amulets on his lips. It is customary in Punjab that mothers put amulets on their sons to protect them from the evil eye.)

Me Closed bottles

The lucky ones will drink all three

(The poet says to Majbubah, O Majhe (the closed bottle (doshiza) of Ferozepur and Amritsar region, which was famous for self-distilled liquor) you will be drunk only by the destined ones.)

Tere Long Da Piya Lashkara

And Halian took the plow

(O beloved! Farmers have stopped the plow on the shine of your nose nail. That means lightning has flashed, clouds are coming and rain is about to fall.)

Blow, blow, blow, blow

Blow, blow, blow, blow

Finally, the night passed, the stream ended. Now there were sore flowers of pearls on the selling ground and broken clouds of silk sarees, or the dappled layers of sleep on heavy eyelids, which the heir of Bilal was trying to wrangle on the majestic minarets of the Alamgiri Masjid.


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