The nurses and doctors were running in and out of the labour ward . Kunle sat quietly a green bottle of Erujeje alcoholic bitters squeezed inside his palm , from time to time he would pause his stream of thought and take a sip from the half empty bottle .

Titi Abike’s mother sat opposite her son inlaw , the fierce anger burning in her eyes could burn his to crisp , she was a boiling volcano waiting to explode . A doctor came out of the labour ward, he was wearing a sky blue scrub , a white cap and white Crocs, he avoided Kunle and went straight to Titi.

“Madam your daughter needs two more pints of blood , the woman will die if you don’t do something fast .” He said , Kunle could hear him clearly , but he paid no attention, his heart was burning with wrath and indignation.

“You’re giving me female children and you’re giving me stress . How much have I spent because of female child you want to give birth to ! rubbish .” Kunle hissed angrily, he kept sipping from the bottle of alcohol, Titi tightened her wrapper around her waist and walked up to her son inlaw .

“Kunle is it that you’re mad or deaf! I have taken enough of your rubbish! I swear if my daughter dies! Kunle I’ll get my revenge! is she the one putting the female children in her womb? what you gave is what she’s bringing out! I know you are pretending to be deaf! Just go and pay for the blood ,I won’t buy another one!” She barked , her face red with fury .

“Mammy I have told you I don’t have money! I told Atinuke not to take in again . I’ve five girls already, she can’t give me a son! but she wouldn’t listen , the thing in her stomach is going to be a girl again, why are you stressing my life ? I would have been at the shop, if you had not forced me to stay here , maybe I would have had the money . I’ve spent fifty thousand naira today.” Kunle hissed.

“Don’t you ever call me mummy again in this life! I can never be mother to an inhuman beast like you! You go and get that money for the blood . I’ve spent twenty thousand naira this morning .Atinuke is your wife , she’s your responsibility, don’t let me call your mother .” The woman screamed .

Reluctantly Kunle got up from the metal chair , and walked to the cashier stand , he paid twenty thousand naira for two pints of blood , and returned back to his chair facing his mother in-law , he could see the piercing hatred in her eyes .

“I am tired oh! I am tired doctor I can’t push anymore. Mummy! Mummy! Jesu! Jesu! I am dying oh! Mummy!” Atinuke screamed in terror , as the doctors kept urging her to push out the baby . “Please Na doctor I can’t push anymore , I will die here oh! I’m tired!” Atinuke cried , her gown was soaked wet with sweat and tears , she had been in the labour room for ten hours. The matron spoke to the senior doctor, who left the ward . “Doctor Bummy we have to carry out a Cesarean section, this woman cannot give birth naturally .” the elderly nurse suggested .

“Will her husband agree to pay for a cesarean section? that man that have been refusing to give blood to his wife, a man who watched his mother in-law buy three pints of blood for his wife ?” The doctor said in a low whisper to the matron . “We have to tell him .” The male doctor who had gone to see Kunle said .

“You go and talk to him Samuel, I don’t want somebody to beat me this afternoon.” The matron said . Samuel nodded and left the room . Doctor Bummy fixed a new bag of IV drip on the intravenous injection on Atinuke’s arm .

The doctor’s feet were heavy like a bag of cement were tied under them , he walked up to Kunle who was sitting with his back glued to the back rest of the metal chair, his face was raised up facing the roof , like one who had lost hope of living . “Hello Mr Kunle ?”one of Kunle’s eye popped open, he gave the doctor a dirty look .

“Mr Kunle we have tried all we could , your wife cannot give birth on her own , she has to undergo cesarean section.” The man said calmly . Kunle sat upright, and glared into the face of the young doctor . “Mr Kunle can you hear me ? we need money to carry out a Cesarean section on your wife , the life of your wife and baby are at risk with each minute you waste !” The doctor barked like a rabid dog.

“God which kind of wahala is this one ? ehn Operation ? this stupid woman you couldn’t even give birth to the female child like you were supposed to do . I can’t pay any money .” Kunle pondered with the idea in his big coconut head, too timid to let out his vermin thoughts .

“Kunle are you deaf! the doctor is talking to you ! what are we going to do !” Titi screamed , her lungs almost jumped out of her mouth . “Mummy Atinuke let me to think, ahhhh you think I have tree where I pluck money ?” Kunle hissed .

“Kunle you must pay the money , Atinuke has been inside the labour room since morning! you’re telling me rubbish , let us go he must pay .” Titi insisted , she got up and glued herself to Kunle , as if he intended to run .

“Ahh mummy let me breath , I’ll pay the money .” Kunle mumbled , as he got up from the chair , he strode into the doctor’s office to get forms to fill , Titi followed closely . Kunle’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the amount of money written on the form .

“Doctor four hundred and fifty thousand naira ? where am I going to get that kind of money ?” Kunle screamed in terror , throwing the piece of paper at the doctor . “Mr Kunle you’re talking about the money , what about the life of your wife and child ?” the doctor asked .

“What wife ? which child ? I can’t find four hundred thousand and fifty thousand naira, even if you raise me up from. Let her put to bed like a woman , this isn’t her first time .” Kunle said refusing to shift ground . “Mr Kunle we’re going to discharge your wife if you refuse to pay . Our hospital isn’t a mortuary, we won’t let her die here .” The doctor said .

“It’s better oh , you should discharge us oh! there’s no way on God’s earth I’m going to pay that kind of money. Iya Bashira will deliver my wife and my baby ,She was the one who delivered all my children , just because you want to steal my money , you are telling me my wife cannot put to bed .” Kunle ranted . The doctor wiped off beads of sweat falling from his eyes .

“You can bring two hundred and fifty thousand naira , we’ll commence the operation , while you look for the remainder.” The doctor said . “I don’t have money Ole , I said discharge my wife I want to take her away .” Kunle barked , Titi walked into the doctor’s office, sensing the consternation and acrimony brewing between her so inlaw and the doctor .

“Doctor what’s this man saying ?” Titi asked the doctor if ignoring her son inlaw as if he was invisible. “Madam your son inlaw is a difficult man . We’ve spent over eleven hour trying to get the baby from your daughter , Your son in-law is planning to take her away to a native doctor, we can or force him …” He was saying before Titi interrupted him and turned to Kunle who was slyly making his way out of the office , she grabbed him by the neck and wrestled him to the ground , pulling down a large tarpaulin picture that was hanging on the wall .

“Before you kill my daughter Kunle! I must first kill you! Kunle beat me ! You bastard kill me!” She screamed . “Mammy leave me alone ! Mammy you’re choking me , leave me alone!” Kunle screamed as Titi tightened the grip on his neck .

“I’ll pay the money ! Let me be ! I’ll pay two fifty now , then I’ll go and find the balance . You’re stressing me as if your daughter can give birth to a boy.” Kunle said , Titi refused to let him go until he made the payment.

An hour later the loud cry of a baby announced the arrival of kunle’s sixth child , Atinuke glued the baby to her chest and wept , she held the bundle of joy that almost ended her life .

“Congratulations Mr Kunle , your wife has successfully delivered her baby .” The female doctor said to Kunle , his arm was under his chin , he glared at the woman as if they were mortal enemies, he hissed and continued staring at the wall . Soon He was invited to go and see Atinuke and the baby after she had been cleaned .

“What did you give birth to!” Kunle yelled as soon as he was alone with Atinuke in the private ward they had put her . “Kunle leave me alone , you don’t care that I went to death and came back ?’ Atinuke asked her husband.

“Don’t ask me that stupid question, Open the child I want to see .” Kunle barked . “What does it matter Kunle , many people out there are crying to have just one child , but here you have six of them .” Atinuke said to her husband.

“May Ogun strike you dead Atinuke! May thunder strike you to death!” He cursed at his wife . “How dare you tell me such rubbish , now open it!” He said forcing open the shawl that was wrapped around the baby . Immediately Kunle saw the child , his face turned gray , like a corpse that had stayed too much in the mortuary freezer , he stood staring at Atinuke and her baby , a thought came to his head to strangle both mother and child , he stood trembling in fit of anger .

Atinuke grabbed her baby and glued the poor child to her chest, to protect it from her furious husband , she could see hatred burning bright hell red inside her husband’s eyes , she trembled on her bed wondering what he would do to her . His arms were shaking as if he was having an epileptic attackm she prayed for somebody to walk into the room , that same instant the phone creaked ,her mother stepped into the room with a flask of hot water .

Atinuke breathed a sigh of relief, Kunle’s eyes were fixated on her little bundle of which she glued to her chest like her life support . “What is it Atinuke ?” Titi said , Atinuke was tongue tied, she had never seen her husband in his beast form , his eyes said he would have killed them if her mother had not come in .



Kunle turned walked out of the hospital like a deaf and dumb person , he couldn’t say anything, until he got into his Nissan Frontier truck our of the compound , he was so enraged that he took the anger on the poor car .

“Madam your husband needs to come and pay the balance of three hundred thousand naira , before we can continue treatment on you .” A new doctor in the Surgery inpatient unit said to Atinuke, she sighed. “Madam please give us small time , my husband will come and pay all the money .” Atinuke assured the woman.

“See madam this is a hospital ehn , it’s not a charity home . Your drugs and injections have not been paid for , we will stop all treatment until all your debts are cleared up .” the doctor said , she turned and left Atinuke’s room , she began to cry , the door creaked opened and Titi walked in . “Why are you crying Tinu?” Titi asked her daughter.

“Mammy what are we going to do . it seems Kunle has abandoned us here , Damilare said he didn’t come home yesterday.” Atinuke said whimpering . “What’s wrong with that man of yours ? you see why I told you not to marry him ? if you had marry Teju who has male seeds in him , you wouldn’t be in this mess …” Titi said to her daughter, Atinuke got infuriated.

“Mammy stop it , how many years did I date Teju? four good years you he wouldn’t talk about marriage . Mammy I am talking of clearing my bills , the hospital has Siad they’ll stop treating me until Kunle pays the old debt .” Atinuke said , the baby began to cry, Titi picked her up and gave her to her mother .

“Have you called his number again today ?” Titi asked, Atinuke nodded with tears rolling down her eyes .” Stop crying let me call him with my new number . That your husband is a very senseless man .” Titi said , she dialled the number it went through on the first dial .

“Kunle what’s wrong with you ? how can you abandon your wife who just put to bed in the hospital and go your way ? Kunle are you sure you’re normal ? have you suddenly lost your voice ?” Titi barked angrily into the phone . “Aaarh Mummy this isn’t Kunle .” A female voice timidly said.

”Ogun will kill you if you call me mummy , you know Kunle is a married man and you kept him in your house . where is that stupid Kunle ? why is his phone with you ?” Titi asked angrily. “Mummy I am respecting you! please don’t lay curses on me , is Kunle a baby?” The lady barked back at Titi.

“Ahhh Useless woman , Ashawo , as you’re making my daughter cry , I swear on my mother’s grave you will also cry because of your children , born throw away , she goat , you’re a pig you shall never be happy!” Titi caused . “Who are you talking to ?” Titi heard kunle’s voice from the background.

“It’s your mother in-law o. Come and tell her not to lay curses on my head .” The lady said to Kunle so loud that Titi could hear. “Iya Atinuke please please respect yourself! you cannot call my girlfriend and be raining insults on her!” Kunle said ,it sounded like broken pieces of bottles inside Titi’s ears she couldn’t believe what her son in-law had just said .

“Girlfriend Kunle?” Titi said in shock , Atinuke placed her both arms over her head as she began to weep . “Yes you heard me well , Iya Atinuke I am not doing again , what! I won’t pay one naira , I’m leaving your barren daughter. I swear in the name of God I’ll deal with you if you call my phone again . Go and raise the girls , sell your late husband’s house in Karmo and discharge her . You think it’s only you who can curse . May God punish you and your stupid daughter!” Kunle cursed his mother in-law over the phone , Titi burst into tears , She bit her finger tip.

“Aaaarh I swear to God who made me Kunle , it shall never be well with you , your enemies will always rejoice over you, you will work and work and you won’t see the fruit of your labour . If Atinuke has been a good wife to you Kunle , you shall never find peace in that relationship.” Titi cursed with tears falling from her eyes .

“Nothing will happen to me , nothing will happen to my new wife , I’m going to Illesha to go and pay Omolara’s bride price tomorrow morning , come with your witch people , nothing you can do Titi. tell your stupid daughter to stop calling me her husband and I dash you the girls . Idiot , I’m going to block you now.” The call beeped and went off , Titi tried to call , she found out he had blocked her .

“Put yourself together Tinu! I don’t want to hear a cry from you ! he doesn’t deserve you! you had two sets of twins for that bastard but see all he can say . I’ll go and sell your father’s house in Karmo , you will be well.” The woman said , her eyes red like chilly pepper ,she remembered how Kunle had pleaded on his knees for to bless his relationship with her daughter, ten years had flown so fast , same Kunle insulted her to her face .

After ten days in the hospital, Atinuke was discharged to go home with the baby , Her children were happy to see her , only Damilare had gone to the hospital to see her , the rest wanted to carry their baby sister in turns .

“Mummy where is Daddy ?” Idewu her husband’s favourite daughter , she had been missing her father, she couldn’t understand why her father had to remain with her mum and her new sister in the hospital, when they had no to take care of them at home . “Idewu leave me alone , I don’t want to talk . I don’t know where your dad went .” Atinuke said , disenchanted.

“But mum dad went with you to the hospital, why did he not come back ?” Idewu insisted on an explanation, she pushed her angry mother to the edge , Atinuke slapped her back , that the sound made Titi to rush into the house , the slap had travelled through the wall . Idewu had began to cry . “Why did you slap her like that ?” Titi quarreled her daughter, Atinuke’s palm made a five fingers print on Idewu’s back the girl continued to cry , Atinuke didn’t say a word to her mother , she just sat on the bed , her knees tucked under her chin , she ignored her new born baby who was screeching at the top of her small lungs.

“Are you now also deaf Atinuke ? Can you not hear your baby crying ? you cannot put your husband’s sin on the kids , can you see how you injured Idewu ?” She said, Atinuke didn’t say a word until her mother picked up the baby .

Four days Atinuke couldn’t eat , her breasts stopped bringing out milk , Titi left her house in Maddala to take care of her daughter and granddaughters, she saw that Atinuke wasn’t ready to do any chores for the house , so she did it for her . She kept looking out of the door , staring and waiting patiently if Kunle would return home , she waited weeks and weeks Kunle didn’t return home .

When she went to see his mother at Karmo , the woman didn’t give her attention, she was in support of her son ,she reminded Atinuke that Kunle was her only son , that he needed to have sons to take over his share of his father’s properties , because his step siblings were taking over Kunle’s land , because he had no sons , that she should leave her so alone .

Atinuke Passed through Kubwa Express ,she stopped at Katampe to check her husband’s work shop , she saw his boys loosening tyres of tractors and payloaders , that told her he was around.

“Akeju where is your master .” Atinuke ordered with authority the boys . “Ma Oga went to go and deliver a lowbed with the driver .”the young man said , Atinuke ignored him and walked straight into her husband’s office , she growled when she came face to face with her husband who had abandoned her with the children, a lady sitting on his lap quickly jumped off. “Omolara why are you running here ? do you see a woman here? I don’t know this thing standing here with that child .” He said , Atinuke’s lips were left wide open , shock was written all over her body ,she could never had believed that her husband could cheat on her with another lady , was dumbfounded, no word came out when she opened her mouth to speak , she just gave her husband, a disdainful look .

Atinuke didn’t take well being fed to the lion , and thrown under the bus , the fact that Kunle’s new wife Kadijat , had given birth to two twin boys added salt to her injuries , He had refused to send a dime to his children for school fees and feeding. Atinuke regretted ever agreeing to be a full time housewife.

Her baby was almost six months old , Titi took full responsibility of the baby , Atinuke refused to have anything to do with her daughter, she was irritated with her constant cries , she refused to breastfeed her , Titi adopted her grandchild , she had to feed her with milk and pap.

Titi had come to drop food for her daughter , Segun her eldest son who sold Tokumbo cars in Lagos sent seventy thousand to Titi, that she should give it to Atinuke for food stuffs and to start a business of her choice.

But when Titi saw Atinuke wandering up and down the street without her slippers , she was like a scarecrow inside a big Bubu gown , her hairs were rumpled and tangled with tiny bits of dirts, Titi went berserk. She grabbed her by the hand and dragged her like she used to drag her to school when she was still a baby .

“Tinu! are you mad? because Kunle left has your world suddenly ended ?” Titi cried . “See your house it looks like where a mad woman stays! you refused to take your birth! You refused to take care of your children . Are you the first woman to be abandoned by her husband!” Titi yelled like a wounded lion .

“Mummy I can’t take this pain it’s too much , I can’t sleep I can’t think mum . Why will Kunle do this to me , Mummy am I the one who gave myself girls .” she asked her mother holding unto her clothes .

“Leave me alone Tinu! it’s been eight months already! I am not taking this madness from you , you better snap out of this self pity ! you have six beautiful daughters to raise ! you cannot treat them like trash!” Titi said , Tinu plopped into the old couch , the brown chair was worn , and torn in the middle .

“What’s wrong with you Tinu, if Kunle doesn’t want you , another man would want you .”Titi said, she sat down with Atinuke. “Ayomide needs her mother , Taiye and Kehinde needs their mother , you can spend the rest of your life raising this kids , and you wouldn’t regret it.” She calmly squeezed her daughter’s hand . A hot tear drop fell from Atinuke’s eyes .

“Segun sent seventy thousand naira, I’ve added thirty thousand naira for you to start a business. Think of any business you want to go in , you should do something with your life don’t let Kunle ruin you , he’s there enjoying his life .”Titi said , Atinuke wept bitterly, then wiped her eyes .Her mother Washed and braided her hair . “See how you’re looking like a skeleton, no flesh on your body , take care of yourself , Kunle will end up being jealous.” Titi said .

That afternoon Atinuke and her mother cleaned out the house , and washed the tiled floor , then removed the bedsheets and clothes , they spent over six hours washing.

Damilare and her siblings returned from school to meet a clean house , their grandmother had prepared Amala and ewedu soup , their favourite, and their mother was looking different , like some monsters residing inside her had left her, she was even carrying their baby sister .

The kids played with Ayomide, she was so happy to see her mother , Idewu carried the baby and played with her around the neighbourhood. “Grandma can Ayomide stay back with us ? don’t take her to Zuba please.” Idewu asked her grandmother.

“It’s up to your mum , does she want her to stay ?” Titi said , Atinuke gazed at her mother with a morose look on her face .Idewu went to her mother , the baby sleeping on her back . ”Mummy please let’s keep Ayomide here , I will take care of her .” She pleaded.

“She can stay .” Atinuke said , her children jumped up in elation , each dragging to carry the baby who was already sleeping on Idewu’s back . “Stop you’ll wake her up .” Titi said to her grandchildren .

“Idewu go and put her down on the bed .” Atinuke said . the baby was put on the bed , she slept soundly . The next morning Titi came to the house after her grandchildren had gone to school, she and Atinuke went about town looking for a place she could open a restaurant.

They searched from morning till about twelve noon , when she saw a shop at the Sulaja Garage . It was a big shop overlooking the buses and cabs heading to Abuja and Minna , it was a beehive of activities. “This place would be nice , market will flow well .” Titi said , Atinuke nodded and thanked her mother .

After buying pots and making tables , they exceeded the money they had initially budgeted. Titi spent about two hundred and forty thousand naira to set up her daughter’s business. Titi would leave her shop in the Zuba Market to Sulaja every morning to help Atinuke to cook , and teach her how to make her special delicacy of stew .

Three months later ,drivers and passengers queued to get Atinuke’s rice , people would pass through the garage just to get her food before going to work .

“What did just say?” Kunle turned to Kadijat, she was holding on to his shirt . “I said I will not let you take an inch , if you don’t give me the three hundred thousand naira I ask .” Kadijat said . “Three hundred thousand naira as what ? Did you keep money with me ?” Kunle asked his wife with a shocked look on his face .

“I want to buy Aso ebi for Morenikeji’s wedding , it’s just twenty five thousand naira. And we also have to contribute twenty five thousand Naira to support her wedding.” Kadijat said .

“You sais three hundred thousand Naira Kadijat?” Kunle asked his wife . “Yes I need to put two hundred thousand naira into my business, then I’ll hold fifty thousand naira .” Kadijat said still grabbing her husband’s shirt . “Kadijat Ogun will punish you , do you know it will not be well with you ? you’re an unfortunate woman . I gave you a two hundred thousand naira only two weeks ago what did you do with the money?” Kunle said plucking her hand off his shirt .

“I’ve used the money , I used it to take care of your children!” Kadijat said . “You must be mad , take care of which children ? is it not breast milk you’ve been feeding them ?” He asked .

“Yes I have to eat well so they can suck .” Kadijat said . “You’re a crazy woman let go of my shirt!” Kunle began to struggle with his wife to get her fist that was glued on his shirt off , she wouldn’t let go until some buttons came off the shirt, in a fit of anger , he slapped her across the face , she landed on her back.

“Jesus! Kunle did you just slapped me?” Kadijat said . “Yes I just slapped you , if you don’t respect yourself , I’ll slap you over and over again , what’s wrong with you ? how can you tear my shirt!” Kadijat rushed into the kitchen of their three bedroom flat , she grabbed a green beer bottle and rushed back to her hit her husband on the head with the bottle , Kunle’s head got opened , blood rolled down his body and stained his shirt .

The twins crawled after their mother as she screamed at the top of her voice begging her husband not to kill her Kunle beat the living day out of her , she bled from her mouth and nose , they had locked the gate to their house , nobody could hear their fight .

“I’ll deal with you this unfortunate woman , you won’t go to any wedding , you think I’m your bank ? I’ll work and you will go and waist the money? how much did those stupid friends of yours contributed during our wedding?” He said before leaving the house , he drove to a Pharmacy at Kubwa Federal Housing Estate where he had gotten the flat to treat his head . His head was stitched together and a large pink plaster was put on his head.

It was seven A.M in the morning , the sun was glowing a pink bulb in the east . Atinuke had transported all her children to the shop . Kehinde and Taiye were still sleeping, while Ayomide was glued to her mother’s back sucking her fingers , Ife had a plate of leftover beans in front of her , she was eating furiously, as if she had been starved for three days . Idewu and Damilare were the ones helping her with cooking , she was yet to get a sales girl , she left the house at about five A.M to start preparing for the day , her mother had to go back to her shop, so she had no one to assist her other than her daughters.

Idewu was a nut case , an iron that refused to be bended without fire , but Atinuke was soft like Agege bread , she barely could scream , talk less off beating . That made the girls wings to spread wide like a tree canopy . She had told her to wash the plate she had left the previous day , but the Zuma rock, did what she wanted whenever she wanted .

“Idewu how many times will I tell you to wash the plate ?” Atinuke asked calmly. “Customers have started coming .”

“Mummy leave me alone! mummy leave me alone, I won’t wash the plate!” Idewu barked at her mother, the look of shock buttered as her face as she stared at her daughter in disbelief. “What did you just say ?” She asked .

“I said I won’t wash the plate , what has Damilare done since morning ? I’m the one who washed the beans , I am the one who took it to the engine , her own is just to sit and be ordering me about .” The ten years old girl fumed .

“Blood of Jesus Idewu are you talking to me ?” Atinuke asked . “Mummy it’s you that has been leaving this girl , she’s been growing wings .” Damilare said . A driver was sitting down quietly watching the drama unfold between mother and daughter, he was slowly eating his plate of white rice , with stew and beef .

“Will you shut up your big Kpomo mouth, see head like roasted cocoyam .” Idewu dished a cup of insults on her elder sister . Like an angry leopard Atinuke pounced on her and began to flog her with spatula she was using to turn eba .

“I’m going to remove the witchcraft from you , how dare you talk back at me , are you possessed?” She lashed her daughter on the buttock . “Leave me alone , leave me alone!” Idewu fought her mother , the man rushed to hold Atinuke, Idewu escaped from her mother’s grip and ran out of the shop .

“You chased my father away , I hate you ! take me back to my father . What kind of a wicked mother are you? I want my father! Idewu do this! Idewu do that! you hate me! I want my father!” Idewu back at her mother in the middle of the garage. Atinuke tried to ignore her daughter’s rash behaviour but couldn’t , Idewu’s aggressive behaviour had gotten worst , she blamed her mother for her father leaving the home.

“Mammy Dammy stop crying , it’s not your fault that your daughter is behaving this way , she just needs a father figure , a strong hand to hold her .” Brother Toheed one of Atinuke’s regular customers,who had continuously shown his interest in having a relationship with Atinuke said gently . “What have I done to deserve this rubbish , I feed this girl , I pay her fees this is how she pays me .” Atinuke cried , the man walked up to her , and sat by her side.

“Atinuke I have seen you’re a good woman , you need a man to take care of you. Your husband is out there enjoying himself , he has a second wife . Why do you fight to remain faithful to him ?” He asked , sitting next to her . “I love you , I want to marry you , we can raise your daughters together.” he said in a cunning and enchanting way .

“Leave me Toheed, no man will accept me with six children . You too want to use me and dump me .” Atinuke said calmly , she wiped tears from her eyes . “I will accept you .” he said , Atinuke gazed into the ocean in his eyes to see if they was sincerity in them , she saw a sparkle of light , she got up from the bench , she had sank into . “I doubt you Toheed , this heart has been shattered, it cannot be fixed .” She said and went to the back of the restaurant where her pot of Ewedu soup was boiling on the fire.

The man finished his meal and walked up to where Idewu was standing with an angry look on her face , she would have set the shop on fire , if her eyes had flames. She didn’t see the man sneak up on her , she was about to run away , when he grabbed her hand .

“Leave me alone . ” Idewu cried . “Shiiiiit!” the man said putting his finger tongue mouth , he tightened his grip on her hand , until her chocolate skin turned red , she feared the man . “You will go to the shop now and apologize to your mother Idewu! are you mad! what came over you ? how dare you talk back to your mother ? have you been possessed?” He yelled with an authoritative voice .

“No!” she said with tears bubbling down her eyes . “The next time you ever make that woman cry , I’ll also make you cry . go and apologize to her now!” He said Idewu nodded and ran into the shop , she knelt before her mother .

“Mummy am sorry , I won’t do it again please forgive me .” She cried , Atinuke ignored her and continued with her cooking , singing a Yoruba , Damilare had already taken the beans she wanted to use to prepare Moimoi to the grinding engine . Idewu’s words always cut Atinuke I’m the heart like a knife .

The car horn kept blaring , each bone on her body was crying from pains , she had stayed up late to prepare stew for the next morning. Atinuke checked time on her phone , it was about five A.M she was already late , she should have gotten up to by four thirty to boil the rice , for drivers that would want to eat before they embark on their long journey .

She rushed out of the bed and went to Damilare’s room to wake her up .

“Dammy wake up we’ve slept too much . Idewu stand up go and wake your sister’s up brother Waheed is here to take us to the shop .” She said , the two sisters were still in their nightgowns, Idewu stretched and yawned,

“Good morning mum …” Idewu said still yawning. “Please don’t swallow me . it’s late just rush and take your bath .” She said before leaving their room for Taiye and Kehinde’s room , she also woke them up to go to Damilare so she could bath them . Ifemi and Ayomide slept with her in her room . They had a spare room but she wouldn’t let her youngest children sleep alone .

A soft knock on the door announced Waheed’s presence outside the door , Atinuke cracked the door open , he was standing outside the door , with a smile plastered on his face , it had rained all night , the morning was still bone crushing cold .

“Waheed you’re already here ? me and the girls are not yet ready yet , can you come inside and wait ?” Atinuke politely asked , he obliged. “Okay but you ladies shouldn’t take all the time in the world, I’m suppose to take goods to Lokoja today .” He said .

“We won’t take your time . The kids are getting ready . please five minutes I’ll be done .” Atinuke promised before disappearing into the bedroom. Twenty minutes later she was set , Waheed helped her load the cooler of stew into the trunk of his car , the whole time his eyes were glued on Atinuke.

The girls climbed to the back , except for Ayomide who was perched on her mother’s lap , sucking her fingers in her sleep . “You’re looking good .” Waheed complimented Atinuke , she bit her lips not to smile , for over ten years no man had ever told her she was beautiful, her worries over not having male child made her age two times faster than her age .

“Stop exaggerating, I look like an old woman.” Atinuke said eyes focused on the road ahead , it wasn’t so bright ,the sun was yet to start rising . “Well let me pamper you , your husband don’t know what he threw away .” Waheed said his face on the road .

“The children are here o. Don’t say anything about their father .”Atinuke pleaded . “I won’t but you have to loosen up , do you want to become a reverend sister ?” He asked Atinuke.

“It’s not that , I don’t want to fall for man sweet mouth , when you want something you can say anything.” She said , Waheed was quiet for a while . “It’s been two years since I started asking you to give me a trial ? what did your husband do to you to make you distrust a complete different man like this ?” Waheed asked .

“I don’t want to talk about this . Can we talk about something else ?” Atinuke said wanting to change the topic . The day’s business was going well , Bisi Atinuke’s new sales girl was

collecting orders from customers when she heard a familiar voice , she thought her ears where playing tricks on her , but when she left the small kitchen to the hall , she was stunned, she couldn’t believe her eyes .

Kunle was chewing down a big piece of meat , the meat almost choked him when he saw Atinuke, he turned blue , there was a plaster on his fore head . “Kunle do you know her?” Kunle’s friend asked when he screamed out , before becoming transfused on Atinuke, he was too stunned to mutter a word , he quietly got up on his feet , watched his arms . “Alabi let’s go , I can’t eat anymore I lost my appetite.” He said , Alabi wasn’t going to follow his friend without any explanation .

“What’s happening? you were just telling me how amazing this food was , that it tasted like your former wife’s food , and that it made You miss your home…” Kunle who had turned blue just walked out of the restaurant, Alabi apologized and dropped some amount of money on the table and walked out of the restaurant.

Damilare and Idewu who were behind the restaurant washing plated ran in when they heard their father’s voice . “Mummy I heard daddy’s voice where is he ?” She asked eagerly , Atinuke wiped the tears from her eyes , then turned to her daughter.

“Your father wasn’t here , you heard something else .” Atinuke said . Idewu calmly turned to her elder sister Sammy , to see if she believed what their mother had said , but when she saw the clear signs that her mother was lying she dashed out of the restaurant.

“Idewu come back here!” Atinuke screamed running after her , she didn’t want her to be heart broken by her dad , she ran until she caught up with her father’s truck leaving the big garage . “Daddy! Daaaaddy!” Idewu screamed the car was speeding away, Idewu glued her head to the wall and cried her eyes out , her mum soon caught up with her .

“Please stop crying Idewu your dad doesn’t want us .” Atinuke tried to cry . “It’s not us mum , it’s just you daddy didn’t want .I hate you mum!” She said before running back to the shop.

The Sulaja market was a beehive , traders had come from all over Niger and Abuja to buy goods for the festive period , Sulaja market was the best to get clothes and shoes , it served the two neighbouring states as a depot for goods from Lagos and Onitsha .

Waheed drove Atinuke to the market , and helped her carry her luggage around the market , when they were done he drove her back to the house . “Waheed you have to take this money, it’s not everyday you’ll be carrying me for free .” She forced two two thousand naira notes into his hand, he refused to close his hand over the money .

“Atinuke I can’t take this money from you . Everything isn’t about money ,” He said with a smile buttered on his face

“When are you going to mamas place ?” Waheed asked . “We’ll be going this evening, we’ll be spending the Christmas and New year with her , let me rest for two weeks abeg , the stress is too much .” Atinuke said . “Let me go and take my bath I’ll come and carry you and the children to Zuba .” Waheed said .

“No that’s not necessary Waheed I’ve stressed you enough in the market , you refused to take money , when you come to my shop to eat you pay , it’s only fair I pay too .” Atinuke said . “Well you have children to support, I don’t have anyone , I’ll be back wait for me .” He drove away without saying another word to Atinuke.

He was in the house at about three P.M Atinuke served him rice and stew with beef , he ate and played with three years old Ayomide, the child was found of him , at about three thirty they headed for Zuba . Titi was outside her house slicing Ewedu leaves when she saw her daughter and granddaughter in a Sienna XLE Bus . She rushed to pick Ayomide who was extremely excited to his her grandmother, she couldn’t stop kissing her .

Waheed helped Atinuke and her kids move the bags into the house , then he stood with Atinuke talking for over ten minutes, before waving at Damilare and Idowu , the twins had run into the house , struggling for who would hold the remote .

Atinuke helped her mother to make the soup , with goat meat , to be eaten with Amala and stew . “What about your life Atinuke, will you continue waiting for Kunle ? you should get a man .” Titi said to her daughter, which made Atinuke laugh . “Mama who would still be interested in a mother of five ? Men would just want to come in and eat my money and run away .” Atinuke said , she was pessimistic about ever loving again , since the man she gave her heart and soul crushed it under feet and walked away .

“Tinu you’re still too young , at thirty six years old , you cannot forget the dream of marrying , because Kunle broke your heart , you have to find a man to marry .” Titi said . ”Aaarh mammy marriage cannot work o. all men are cheat, I can’t my heart to a man to be broken the second time .” Atinuke said .

“Who is that Taxi man who brought your luggage into the house ? he looks more than a taxi man to me .” Titi said , Atinuke smiled . “What do you mean more than a taxi man ?” Atinuke asked her mother , as they sat outside on the dark pavement that was dimly lit .

“Aaarh you think I am old I don’t see ? that man was pampering you , carrying your load , and he didn’t collect money from you .” She added .

“Well mammy Waheed is his name , he has been pursuing me since I opened the shop.” Atinuke said , the darkness made it impossible for her to see the shock on her mother’s face . “What have you been waiting for ?” She asked.

“Mum my priority is to raise my daughter’s so they can go to university and achieve great things in life .” Atinuke said , Titi put her arms around her daughter’s neck . “My daughter you see this life is only one . And we need to enjoy it while we’re still here , you can’t get the time you’ve wasted . A man doesn’t stop you from doing all what you want for your daughters.” Titi said , Atinuke was lost in thought , she was quiet thinking about all her mum had said .

“Mummy I am afraid , I don’t want to forget my daughters , I don’t want a man to tell me to choose between my daughters and my marriage.” Atinuke said to her mum with a worried look on her brows .

“You walk out of any relationship where you’re ajwd to choose between your marriage and your children, that man isn’t a husband, he’s just a play boy.” she said Atinuke was quiet for the rest of the night . The visit was fun filled , Titi took care of Ayomide, whole Taiye and Kehinde played outside.

Early morning which was the day she had promised to leave back to Sulaja, Waheed came like about ten A.M , Atinuke and her children loaded themselves into the car , the thirty minutes journey back to Sulaja, Atinuke was quiet Reminiscing on discussion with her mother , she began to see Waheed , he looked so handsome , her heart was beating wondering what to say to him , after rejecting him so many times .

When they had gotten to the house and they offloaded the luggage and the kids had run into house , Atinuke turned Waheed. “Is the offer to be your girlfriend still open ?” Atinuke asked Wahweed , the man was thrown off balance she had no word to say .

Atinuke had been itching to tell Waheed her new resolve , but didn’t know how to go about it , she wondered if he would still want her , after she had ignored him for many years. She had just resumed her business in January. Waheed had travelled to Illorin to see his parents , he was to return a week later , Atinuke felt empty without him , she missed his company and wished he would come sooner.

Damilare and Idowu where packing up after close of market when they saw Waheed driving into the garage , Damilare ran in to inform her mother , Atinuke thought her daughter was playing a prank on her , she promised to spank her if she was pulling her legs , but when she got out of the shop , she saw Waheed driving towards her shop , she tightened her brows and went back into the kitchen where she and her salesgirl were washing dirty dishes .

Ayomide ran to Waheed immediately he stepped feet into the restaurant. ”My friend how are you ?” Waheed asked the three years old girl . “Am fine ,” She said in baby tongue . “Where is your mother ?” the baby pointed to the kitchen , Waheed burst in there .

“My friend my friend .” He trickled Atinuke, she refused to laugh , she held a hard face .”Habe why are you angry at me Na ?” He asked wondering if it was because he had not been helping her carry her load .

“Am sorry I’ll make sure I carry your food for one month , for free .” He said she still refused to smile .”What’s the problem am sorry , My mother was sick , I couldn’t just leave her , I took her to the hospital and made sure …” Atinuke didn’t let him land , she turned to him and gave him a hot passionate kiss . Which got Waheed confused . “What don’t you like it ?” She asked, he got out of his shock .

“It’s not that , but why did you do it ?” Waheed asked , Atinuke felt cheap and embarrassed her girl was trying to force the laughter hanging on her lips , back into her stomach . “Am sorry I did it .” She said avoiding eyes contact , Waheed held her hands calmly .

“I love the kiss Tinu,I just want to know why you did it , you said you couldn’t …” Atinuke didn’t let him land . ”I thought about it , I found out I love you . That’s if you’re still interested in an old expired woman like me .” she said , Waheed couldn’t believe his ears.

”I am interested Tinu, I love you , I adore you , you’re the only woman my heart beats for.” He said , he scooped Atinuke from the ground and spinned her around , shouting for joy . “Give everyone malt , the bills on me .” he said Atinuke’s girl didn’t wait for a second order before she began to distribute before Waheed may change his mind .

He helped Tinu load the cooler into the boot of his car and drove them back home , he stayed with Atinuke talking and telling her about what had happened in his journey, the kids had gone to bed , but they stayed together in the living room talking till about One A.M , Waheed refused to go home .

He began to kiss Atinuke and carried her to her room , they made love severally that night , to cover for the times Atinuke was starved of s e x.

“Waheed now that I’ve accepted you , I want you to take my kids as yours, those kids are the only things I have in the world , please I want you to help me raise them .” She said lying on his bare chest .

“You don’t have to worry , I’ll show them so much love that you wouldn’t be able to believe that I’m not their dad .” he said Atinuke Lay her head on his chest , playing with the hairs on it.

Idowu was angry with Waheed for sleeping over at her family house , she would never accept him as step father ,she got her father’s phone number from an old file , she reported to her dad that a Waheed was coming to sleep in the house , that he should come back home and be with them .

The next morning Kunle drove to his family house , for three years he had not set foot on the house , when Ayomide saw him , she ran into the house, afraid of the stranger. Kunle began to bang on the door , he banged so much that Atinuke ran outside the house with a towel wrapped around her chest .

“What are you doing here Kunle?” Atinuke asked her husband. “I heard rumours that a man is sleeping in my house.” It sounded so funny to Atinuke.

“I don’t know who you think you are Kunle ! you disappeared from me for three years and you’re back to claim property? you must be crazy Kunle!” she hissed. “Get out of my way ! I want to to go into my house .” He said , Atinuke stood in his way . “You don’t have a house here! return to your wife Kafayatu , I’ll be with whoever I want to you can’t stop me!” She yelled back , she refused to let him step into the house , Waheed was hiding in the bathroom.

Kunle pointed at Atinuke’s face “I don’t care if you do Ashawo , or become an Olosho! all I am saying is that you do bring men into my house!” He warned her, he was no longer struggling to get into the house , Atinuke smiled .

Idowu embraced her angry father. “Daddy is this you ?” she said. Damilare stood from afar off gaping at him , Taiye and Kehinde came out to see the stranger . ”Go back to your new wife !” she barked , Kunle gave money money to his daughter’s.

“I swear on my father’s grave , if I see that man in my house again I’ll kill him!” Kunle said Atinuke just laughed. “Come and kill him , you’ll go to jail!” She barked at him . “I’ll first kill him before going to the jail!” He said angrily.

when he left Atinuke grabbed Idowu ear and began to squeeze it hard , that the ear turned red . who sent you a message to your father , somebody who abandoned you for all the years gone ?” She said while crying , Idowu was speechless .

“You’re a stupid man , you think I’ll wash this plate ? you’ll come and eat my mummy’s food and keep the plate for me to wash , am I your house girl ?” Idowu challenge Waheed he was so shocked to his bone . “Idowu why are you talking to brother Waheed like that ?” Damilare cautioned her younger sister .

“He should come and be going to his house , what is he doing in our house .” Idowu said . “I’ll nor touch you with my hand you devil!” Waheed barked pointing furiously at Idowu . “Touch me with your filthy hand if I won’t go and call my father for you . Shameless man it’s somebody’s wife you came to be living under .”Idowu continued her barage .

“Idowu shut up!” Damilare tried to stop . “Leave me alone is he not a parasite ? which responsible man would come and be living with a married woman and get her pregnant!” Idowu said , it got to Waheed’s gut , he didn’t know when he gave her a resounding slap , Idowu grabbed his shirt and tore it ,the two began to fight , pushing down plates and cups that Waheed had used to eat .

Atinuke returned from market that Sunday afternoon with tomatoes and meat she had gone to buy , to meet Idowu fighting her fiance , she was enraged , she got a broom and began to beat Idowu with the broom . Waheed went inside his shared room and grabbed his boxes , he was done taking insults from a girl who had no respect for anyone .

Idowu escaped from the house, she had bruises all over her body , she didn’t spare her mother , she insulted her and called her names . Atinuke asked her to go to her father , since she missed him so much , she was heavily pregnant for Waheed but still only Idowu refused to accept Waheed .

“Waheed you’re not going anywhere!” Atinuke said seizing the boxes from his hand . “This baby I’m carrying is yours , and you should stay and take care of it . will you leave me like Kunle ?” She begged .

“But see how your daughter injured me .” Waheed cried . “She tore my clothes , she called me a parasite , I can’t continue staying here. it was a wrong decision when I moved over .” He said , Atinuke held his hand .

“I’ve had enough of that selfish girl . I’ve sacrificed my life for and her siblings,for three years I didn’t know the touch of a man , not that men where not coming , but because I decided not to give them bad example . I have thrown her things out , she will be going to her perfect Father .” Atinuke fell on her knees . “Please don’t leave me too Waheed you promised to love me .” Waheed raised her up , he stared into her eyes with his blood stained eyes .

“I’ll leave this house the day you let her come in here.” Waheed said . Idowu was walking up and down the street, regretting ever fighting her mother’s boyfriend, she had never seen her mother so angry . Her clothes were outside the house in her pink suitcase, she was yawning from hunger .

When she saw her mother walking up to her , Idowu took to her heels . “Come here I won’t beat you , come and take this money , it will be enough to take you to Kubwa , go and meet your father , you can’t no longer stay with me .” Atinuke said, Idowu thought she was dreaming , she fell on her knees and began to beg . “Mummy am sorry , I won’t do it again .” She begged.

“No way! it’s too much! I don’t want to see your face! each time I see you , I am reminded of what your wicked father did to me! Go to him , I’ll call him and tell him you’re coming so he can pick you up from the junction .” Atinuke said , Idowu burst into tears , she turned to her elder sister . “Dammy please beg mummy for me , I don’t want to go mummy I’m sorry!” She cried . Damilare tried to beg her mother , but the woman was furious she wasn’t buying it , she dragged Idowu to the road , Damilare carried her luggage, she put her in a vehicle going to Kubwa Village , and watched the vehicle leave ,Idowu was crying looking back at her mother until the bus disappeared, she cried until the bus reached Kubwa .

She came down and sat on a bench that was at a vulcaniser shop , the girl was just thirteen going to fourteen , but she couldn’t contain the fire in her chest . Soon she saw her father’s car drove to the bus stop , he was looking for her , her eyes were red and swollen , he saw her and crossed the road to where she was . He embraced her , for over a year he had not set his whsd on her , she was the height of his shoulder. She sobbed into his arms .

“Daddy mummy chased me away because of a man .” She said the pain was unbearable. “Don’t worry you’re in your father’s care now , let’s go home .” He said and picked her box , he held her hand and crossed with her to the other side of the road where he had parked his car .

They drove to Kunle’s house , it was a three bedroom detached bungalow, painted white , he had two cars in the compound . When she got into the house and saw Kafayatu, she knew she wasn’t welcomed , it seemed to her that her father had not informed her of her coming , the lady gazed at Idowu from head to toe , then she turned to her husband. “Kunle we have to talk now! in the bedroom.” She said ready for war . “Wait let me show Idowu to her room .” Kunle said .

“I should tell you , she’s not going to stay here Kunle!” Kafayatu yelled at her husband, anger was buttered over her face , she shook in anger . “Who are you to tell me who is to come into my house and not come in ? did you bring a block from your father’s house ?” Kunle barked back pointing at her in the face .

“Kunle ! I swear to God you’ll regret it! that girl cannot stay here she should go back to her mother !” She continued. “Because you brought part of the money I used to build this house ?” Kunle asked her . “Some times I think you are mad! Idowu is my daughter! she will stay here as long as I want!’ Kunle said , Kafayatu laughed in a sinister tone .

“Will you bet me here! she will see hell fire!” Kafayatu dared her husband. “You think you are the only one who is mad ? touch her I’ll beat you till you faint. Ashawo! A street woman shouldn’t be made a house wife . if not because God didn’t give me a son , why would I be with a low life , who has nothing inside her Calabash head!” Kunle hissed.

”Go back to her! if you love her so much why did you abandon her ? fool , old fool I’ll show you madness!” She said , her sons began to cry . “Mummy stop it!” They begged Kafayatu, she pushed them out of her way . Kunle left the room to the sitting room , where Idowu sat quietly like a rat that fell into a bowl of water.

“Are you okay Idowu ? ” Kunle asked , Idowu nodded .He knew she was shaken by the open hatred by her step mother . “Let me take you to your room .” Kunle said , Idowu got up and followed him into one of the room , it was spacious with a big bed and wardrobe.

“This is your father’s house , you can stay here as long as you want .” he said , Idowu wasn’t sure , the firece anger of the woman when she left the room still remained plastered on her mind , she wished to run back to Sulaja, but she took her bath , and changed into her night gown . “Come to the dinning room , let me bring food .” He said she reluctantly followed him to the sitting room , Kunle had dished a bowl of Jollof rice and chicken .

He went to the fridge to get her Five Alive juice , Kafayatu burst into the dinning room and flung the plate of food across the dinning table , the plate crashed into the wall , and broke into several bits , Idowu sat with shock plastered on her face . Kunle ran back into the dinning room he saw Kafayatu standing with her arms planted on her waist , he slapped her across the face , she crashed into the dinning table .

She fought back using the broken plate to scratch her husband’s face , she left a deep gash on his neck , he slapped her across the lips , her lips began to bleed . “You beat me ? With pregnancy! Kunle it shall never be well with you in this life you came to ! Nothing you ever put your hand will work!” She cursed , Kunle couldn’t reply her , he walked out of the house. the sound of his engine was heard outside the house , he drove out of the house .

“You came to come and caused trouble in my marriage ? you’ll see shege idiot!” She cursed Idowu who ran into her room and locked the door . She began hearing sounds of glass breaking , Kafayatu used the pestle to smash the television and glass tables , she broke them all before going into her room , she locked herself with her children .

Kunle returned about twenty minutes later to see the house in total disarray , he couldn’t count the number of times he had replaced the television in the house . “Idowu take this .” He said handing over the yellow nylon he was holding , she collected the plate and thanked him .

It was fried rice and chicken, with a bottle of coke , he went to a different room to sleep .Idowu didn’t sleep all night , she missed her sisters , she missed her mother , hot tears rolled down her eyes all night ,she couldn’t stop them her eyes burn .

The next morning Kunle knocked on her door and asked her to get ready , an hour later he took he knocked to be sure she was done . He fried eggs, and made tea which he served with bread .

“Idowu eat fast we need to take you to school , you’re in what class ?” He asked . “I am in JSS two .” She said Kunle nodded . ”I want to take you to one of the best schools in Kubwa.” He said , Idowu thanked him and got Into the front passenger seat of the car ,Kunle opened the white gate and drove out . Idowu saw the curtain go sideways, she could see Kafayatu staring at them from behind the mosquito nets on the window burglary proof . She could see the black spots around her face where her father had slapped her , if gaze could burn up a human her gaze could have burnt her and her father up .

Ten minutes later they arrived at a beautiful school with a white fence , a three storey building, the school buses were arriving with students. Kunle took Idowu to the principal’s office , after exchanging pleasantries Idowu was taken to a room to be accessed , she aced her test , she was immediately admitted to GSS two . Kunle was proud of his daughter, he missed the woman who had singlehandedly raised her in his absence .

He paid her fees which amounted to about four hundred thousand naira before driving away , she promised to come back to pick her by four when the school closed .

Atinuke lost her peace ,she had no joy the next morning , she knew she had over reacted , but she couldn’t tell her Kunle to return Idowu back to her , when she had dragged her to the bus stop herself , and he had told her that she had started school that morning , she felt like she had lost a part of her body .

She wasn’t happy all day , she had lost appetite . “Atinuke what are you thinking about ?” Waheed asked when he came to her shop after close of work . “I am fine .” Atinuke said , she turned to Damilare. “Wash that plate fast we should be going home , we have church service to attend this evening.” She said .

“Ife mi , I know you , you’re not okay , is it about Idowu ?” Waheed asked Atinuke. She ignored his question , and turned her attention to her sales girl boiling the meat for the next day . “Hope you’ve put salt in the meat ?” She asked , she nodded .

“I miss her , I think I overreacted, she was just being a teenager.” she added . “You don’t call that being a teenager, that’s being rude , that’s being disrespectful, that’s being undisciplined. Can you imagine she fought me because I asked her to take plates that I used to eat to the kitchen and wash it ?” Waheed asked a bit angry , his muscles tightening.

“I’ll have to leave the house , if she’s to return, maybe she can help you take care of our unborn child .” He said . “It has not come to that , my mother won’t be happy if she hears that I chased Idowu out of the house . When she put up with all my rubbish .” Atinuke said calmly.

“Atinuke she’s going to be fine , her father will take good care of her .” He said , Atinuke prayed Kunle would take care of her , since they both connected , Idowu was his favourite child . She didn’t say much on their way home , she was tired from the day’s business and her heavy pregnancy.

“How was school today ?” Kunle asked Idowu when he picked her from the school around four P.M “School was good dad .” She said shyly , she was still not used to being close to her father, after he had left the family for over five years .

“I want to take you to ShopRite.Have you been to any before ?” He asked , she shook her head . “Let’s go and buy turkey and ice cream .” He said , he expected Idowu to be happy , but she was indifferent, with sadness in her eyes .

“Dad why did you have to leave us ?” Idowu asked when her father was quiet , it took Kunle by surprise. “What did you say ?” He asked turning his attention to her .

“I asked why you left us dad , mum was very sad for a long time , she cried for so long . Did you leave because we are all girls ?.” She said with sadness hidden behind her eyes , Kunle tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles went white . “I was a fool , there’s no day that passes that I don’t regret my action .” He said .

“Why don’t you go back home now , so we can be one family again ?” She asked , he bit his upper lips . “Idowu it’s not so easy , I’ve Kafayatu to take care of , I’ve Taiye and Kehinde, and she’s heavily pregnant, your mum is also pregnant for another man .” He said. Idowu began to cry she kept heaving with her eyes red like pepper .

”But you don’t love aunt Kafayatu, you were beating her .” She said . “You won’t understand sometimes when a man Marries the daughter of the devil , he has no choice than to beat her up .” He said , she wipe her tears .

“We need you at home dad , we need our daddy .” Idowu said pleadingly. “You can have two homes , you spend some time with us , sometimes you spend with her .” She suggested, Kunle burst into laughter.

“Then you don’t know your mother Idowu, Tinu will never in this life allow that . Moreover I can’t just go back , she might no longer love me , her mother hates me .” He said , they were quiet for a moment. “But hope Waheed isn’t troubling you and your sisters?” he asked , Idowu didn’t say anything, she forced her face to the car floor .

Kunle bought different kinds of meats and food , different kinds of ice creams , she had no appetite for them , she wished she could share them with Damilare and her Ayomide. She took a big plate of ice cream for Kafayatu and her kids . When they got home she handed it to her step brothers , when Kafayatu saw the gift she collected it and dump it into the trash basket .

“Witch did I tell you that I want your posssed ice cream?” Kafayatu asked Idowu, Kunle was speechless, he had no word for her , he just asked Idowu to go and remove her school uniform.

A month after Idowu left , Atinuke went into labour , she was rushed to the general Hospital, she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy , Waheed was over the moon , words couldn’t explain his joy, his friends bath him with white powder. He slaughtered two rams did end naming ceremony, a Fuji life band was invited to perform at the child’s naming ceremony.

An Imam named the boy “Tajudeen.” The love between Atinuke and Waheed festered and blossom .

With the passing of time Kafayatu had no choice but to accept Idowu , the girl was helpful to her , she would help her bath her twin boys and take them to school. She was also an excellent cook , she had learnt well from her mother , Kafayatu left the kitchen to her ,and Idowu never disappointed.

Taiye and Kehinde were fond of Idowu , they insisted she picked them from school instead of their mother , who was happy to have other’s fend for her children . Idowu was inside the kids room helping them with their assignments when she heard a screeching scream from the living room , it was Kafayatu’s voice , she was in intense pains , she dropped the book and ran to the living room .

“Aunt Kafayatu are you okay ?” Idowu said , Kafayatu was sweating profusely, pain was buttered on her face , her face had turned red . “Call your daddy , my water just broke .” She said unable to hide the pain , she wailed . Idowu was lost , “how would water break ?” she mumbled under her breath as she went on get Kafayatu’s phone from her bedroom .

She dialled her father’s number , it was saved as my love on the phone book , he picked on the first ring . “Hello Kafayat? “She heard her father’s baritone voice say. “It’s not mummy Taiye , it’s me daddy .” Idowu said .

“What’s it Idowu why are you calling with your mummy’s phone .” Kunle asked . “Daddy aunt Kafayatu is screaming in the living room , she said her water broke that I should call you .” Idowu said . “Can you take the phone to her ?” Kunle asked , Idowu rushed with the phone to Kafayatu.

“Hey My love can you walk ?” He asked . “I can’t walk , I need to get to the hospital my water broke. Come and take me to the hospital!” .” Kafayatu barked , crying like a hungry baby.

“I can’t come to Abuja right now , I’m in Lafia right now doing land grading with my boys , I’ll start coming to Abuja now .”Kunle tried to explain . “Don’t tell me that nonsense! Don’t tell me that , Kunle you’re a wicked man! you know your wife is about to give birth and you travelled to Lafia!” She cried .

“My love you know you’ve been one week over due , I’ll start driving to Abuja , I’ll call Aburo to come and take you to the hospital, I’ll be in Abuja before five P.M.” Kunle promised, Kafayatu refused to reply him , she cut off the call . Ten minutes later Aburo , Kunle’s best friend drove a white Toyota Camry into the compound, Idowu had gone to open the gate for him .

“Where is she ?” He asked Idowu , she led him to the sitting room where she sprawled on the sofa crying . He Immediately threw her arm over his neck , and helped her out of the house into the backseat of his car.

Idowu was asked to stay at home to take care of the twins , while Aburo packed all the kits Kafayatu needed at the hospital. Idowu continued with the assignment for the her step brothers, she made food for them after eating, she bath them and put them to sleep .

She was in the living seeing a movie on the TV when she heard her father’s car honking out of the gate , she ran to the gate and opened it . “Daddy daddy welcome.” Idowu embraced him like a little girl. “What about Taiye and Kehinde?” He asked .

” I’ve put them to sleep daddy .” Idowu said . “What about aunt Kafayatu? has she put to bed ?” Idowu asked , her father’s warm smile told her the good news before he spoke .

“Yeah she had a baby girl .” Kunle said with happiness buttered on his face . “I came to give you this chicken to make chicken Peppersoup for her , she insisted that you should make it for her , I’ve to take it back to the hospital this night .”

Idowu accepted the freshly slaughtered chicken into the kitchen , she was so happy Kafayatu put to bed successfully, she rushed to the kitchen and made the kind of special Peppersoup her mother used to prepare. Kunle thanked Idowu and took flask of the soup to the car , he left back to the Kubwa General hospital at about eleven P.M once again leaving the twins with Idowu .

The next morning Kafayatu returned with the baby , Kunle was all around when carrying the baby like it was a goddess , it made Idowu sad , her father never ran around her mother the way he did for Kafayatu whenever she put to bed .

another fight broke when Kunle refused to give Kafayatu the amount of money she asked to host her child naming ceremony. “Do you know how to make money ?” Kunle asked Kafayatu angrily. “How dare you tell me to give you two hundred thousand naira, for only a baby’s naming ceremony, You must be mad Kafayatu! How many businesses have I not open for you , but you run it down , if there’s a tree where they pluck money , please take me there .” Kunle said .

“You don’t have money bought you sent money to this girl ? you did birthday for her ? I swear if you don’t give me that money , they’ll be no peace in this house!” Kafayatu swore , Kunle just turned his head to her , and turned to the television set in front of him.

“Am talking to you and you refused to answer me ?” Kafayatu said fi Kunle he ignored her , the sitting room went quiet , Kafayatu retreated to the kitchen and grabbed a pestle and smashed the back of Kunle’s head . He crumbled to the ground with a thudding sound, he lay face down blood pouring out of the back of his head .

Idowu began to scream when she saw her father on the ground, the blood was spreading in all directions, his white shirt had turned to red from blood . Idowu kept screaming , until neighbours from the next compound came into Kunle’s compound . Kafayatu gathered her kids and ran away from the house before the men could ask about what had happened .

Idowu was screaming hysterical, she was terrified seeing her father lying lifeless on the ground , she tried to drag the tall and huge man out of the house to get help , she saw the futility so she put him down and ran out of the house .

She ran into the street and blocked the road , no car could ask , she was rolling on the ground senselessly , cars stopped to ask her what was happening. “My daddy wife has killed him , she hit him in the head with a pestle , she has run away with her children.” Idowu said . “Blood of Jesus , blood of Jesus !” Neighbours screamed they all followed the girl back into the house , they could Kafayatu’s footprints all over the place she had stepped on Kunle’s blood .

The fresh blood surrounded Kunle like a carpet , his eyes tightly shut , he was immobile. One of the men checked for he pulse , but couldn’t find any , Kunle was not breathing . “Carry him from the back!”.A man instructed. “You carry his leg .” He assumed the responsibility of a doctor.

They lifted Kunle’s body out of the house , into one of the cars of the sympathisers Idowu had stopped ,she kept crying hysterically as they head towards the Kubwa General hospital.

“Jesus I cannot believe a woman can be this wicked , what was she expecting when she hit him with that kind of big pestle ?” A neighbour in the vehicle said . “This man is the cause of it , how many times would she injure him before he would come to his senses ? this woman doesn’t love him , but he’s waiting for a prophet to tell him , the other time she tried to stab his neck with a kitchen knife , he was lucky to put his hand which stopped the impact and saved his life .” the driver said .

“I heard he left his wife at Suleja and came to marry this mad woman , it’s good for him , when people don’t learn to appreciate what they have this is what they get .” She added , Idowu didn’t say a word , she couldn’t hear them either , she was just praying for her father . “Daddy ? daddy please don’t die and leave me .” She kept saying , in fifteen minutes time they were at the gate of the general Hospital , traffic gridlock slowed their pace .

They took him into the emergency department, lucky for them they were doctors to attend to him . Idowu sat on a steel bench , waiting for the doctors to bring confirmation of his death , but minutes passed they didn’t come out .

“Who are the family of this man ?” A male doctor in his mid fifties asked . “I am the one .” Idowu cleaned her eyes and walked up to the doctor .”Are you his daughter?” He asked , Idowu nodded .

“Your father’s life is hanging on the line , we need about six pints of blood , call and adult we can talk to . Where is your mother ?” He asked Idowu . “She’s in Suleja .” she said , the doctor nodded .

“Call her to come to the hospital.” He said . Idowu got the phone of one of the men in the hospital and called her mother . Atinuke came over to the hospital with her four months old baby glued to her back .

The doctors carried out a brain surgery ,to drain blood from his head , for one week Atinuke was running between her house to check on her kids and the hospital. Titi and Waheed were against that , but nobody could stop her from tending to the father of her kids .

Kunle’s retained consciousness after five days , he couldn’t look at Atinuke, he was dying of shame . “I couldn’t leave you in your worst time , I’ve called your sister she would be coming here to take over , tomorrow morning , she had travelled to Cotonou for a business trip.” Atinuke said with a strong face .

She remembered going to her mother in-law to complain , they had all been on it , they supported Kunle to get a second wife , since Atinuke couldn’t give him a son , they agreed with his plan to get a second wife , they knew about his relationship with Kafayatu. “Please forgive me Atinuke.” Kunle begged , Atinuke didn’t utter a word , she made pap for him .

She was so happy to Idowu if had been five months that she last saw her daughter, she had grown so much , and was looking better like she was happier at her father’s place .

Atinuke returned to Suleja when Kunle’s sister came from Ibadan to the hospital, she took over from Atinuke. After three weeks in the hospital Kunle was discharged.

Aburo Kunle’s best friend came with a pot belly man who they said was Kafayatu’s family member . “What is she doing ?” Kunle asked when he saw Kafayatu standing like a scared child . “Kunle you have to forgive Kafayatu, she’s been sorry , she didn’t know how to come back , she thought you were dead .” Aburo said .

“Kunle please don’t be angry , it was the devil that pushed her to harm you please forgive her , she has your kids you don’t want to start another family, Kafayatu has realised her mistakes she’s very sorry .” The fat man they called Ojo said .

“In-law let me ask you this , if you were me would you accept this woman back ? she tried to kill , she hit my head with a pestle and ran away , she thought I would die , I can never forgive her , Aburo get out of my house with this demon.” Kunle barked, Kafayatu fell on her knees she held Kunle’s leg .

“My love I’m sorry , I allowed my anger to have the best of me . Please don’t let me go your children need you , I need you .” she cried , Kunle kept staring at her he had no word to say .

The malice between Waheed and Atinuke had stretched beyond two weeks , he would do everything he usually did for her , help her take her food to the shop in the garage, but said very little to her . Atinuke was tired of the silent treatment.

“How long will this go on Waheed ? He’s still my husband, bride price wasn’t returned as tradition demanded . He’s the father of my children , the woman ran away , was I to leave Idowu to fend for him ? when his only sister traveled out of the country?” Atinuke said to Waheed while they headed to the shop . “The same man who abandoned you in the hospital bed , and ran into the hands of his mistress . I don’t blame you sha , it’s myself I blamed , I shouldn’t have moved into your house ,No respect for me . Your daughter would insult me to my face and call me all sorts of name , what have you ever done about that? she fought me .” Waheed babbled bitterly .

“Waheed that’s not true , you know how much I love you .” Atinuke said wiping tears from her face . “I was only there when he was unconscious and couldn’t help himself , as soon as his sister came to the hospital I left .” Atinuke explained.

“The issue is you disobeyed my instruction. I told you not to go there , but you went anyways.” He said speeding towards the garage . “I don’t have evil thoughts in my heart against Kunle , I just had to show him I’m better .” She said stifling the urge to sob.

“Mother Theresa I’ve heard you . Abeg you to stop talking rubbish to my ears , I know you still love that man , how many years ago did he leave you …” Kunle continued rambling. “Enough! ehn! enough can’t I have peace ? I won’t eat dust to show you I’m sorry, if you can’t stay anymore you should go back to your house .” Atinuke said , he remained quiet and drove to the shop without saying a word .

“No mummy you cannot knee for me , I am your son .” Kunle said when Kafayatu’s mother came to beg him , he had refused to listen to Aburo and the pot belly man. Her father and mother had to travel all the way from Ibadan to Abuja to plead with Kunle , the man also came along with them .

“My son we’ve been pleading with you for long now , and you’re not listening to us , we know Kafayatu did wrong , but for the sake of your children, please don’t let them suffer .” Her father pleaded , Kafayatu was still kneeling down with tears running down her face .

“What you’re asking me to do papa, you know she tried to take my life , I didn’t report her to the police , see where they cut my head open and worked on my skull ?” He bent his head to show the people in the living room . “If not that God said my time has not reached I would have died .” Kunle complained .

“It’s for a reason that you didn’t die my inlaw . It must be the devil that must have gotten into her , please forgive Kafayatu, she’s learnt her lesson she won’t repeat it again .” Kafayatu’s old father pleaded .

The pot belly man looked at Kunle and nodded to what Kafayatu’s father said . “My friend our people make a parable that a woman doesn’t throw away her baby with the dirty water she used to wash poo from the child . Kafayatu let her anger have the best of her , we’re begging you not to let this marriage break , her children will suffer .”The pregnant man said .

“Please am sorry my husband, if you chase me away , where do you want me to go ?” Kafayatu begged . “Please from today I will never argue with you , I’ll never fight with you , whatever you say I’ll do , don’t throw me out I beg you .” She lay on the ground crying bitterly .

Kunle sat quietly for a long while gazing at the ceiling fan rotating overhead , he was hot even though the Air conditioner was blowing high . “Mummy and daddy, I am accepting Kafayatu back because you too thought wise to honour me , you travelled all the way from Oyo to come and reconcile us .” Kunle said .

“Aaarh thank you my son .” her parents said falling on their knees . “No mummy don’t do that , don’t do that for me , she just has to stop being troublesome, she makes me regret leaving my first marriage .” Kunle said.

“Kafayatu what will you say to your husband?” Her father asked in an authoritative manner . “I am sorry my husband, I’m sorry I won’t let this repeat again , just forgive me my husband.” Kunle held Kafayatu up and they both embraced and kissed. The clapped for them and cheered the lovers.

Idowu was surprise to see Kafayatu preparing dinner when she returned from school , she had already made fresh tomatoes stew , with ice fish , she gave her a disdainful look. “Idowu are you back from school ?” Kafayatu said to Idowu inside the kitchen , the girl ignored her and went straight to her father’s bedroom .

“Daddy what’s that woman doing here ?” Idowu barked so loud and angry her father thought she had been possessed.”Calm down Idowu you don’t understand this things , she’s my wife , we have three children, I can’t just abandon her because we had a misunderstanding.” Kunle said .

“Daddy that wasn’t a misunderstanding, how many times did mummy try to kill you , because you had a misunderstanding? Daddy you have to leave her , she will kill you .” Idowu said , the same moment Kafayatu stepped into the room with a tray pan holding white rice and stew , Idowu immediately turn to leave .

“Idowu your food is ready I placed it on the dinning table.” Kafayatu said , as she gently placed the food on Kunle’s bedside stool , Idowu went out and banged the door That the roof and foundation shivered .

Kafayatu had tried all her best to repair her relationship with Idowu , but it kept getting worst, Kunle had to force her to eat her step mother’s food , she kept asking Kunle to take her to her grandmother Titi at Zuba , that she didn’t feel like staying with her dad anymore .

Kunle tried to bribe her with a Java phone , and beautiful gowns , but the cool the two ladies in his life enjoyed vanished the day Kafayatu attacked him . He hated when Idowu talked back at Kafayatu, he regretted the day he had to slap her after she insulted Kafayatu.

“See Idowu you have to stop all this you’re doing , I’m tired , I’ve forgiven her why can’t you forgive her ? she’s been nice , she’s been cooking for us , washing our clothes .” Kunle said to Idowu when Kafayatu went to the market, she stood akimbo staring at her father , with a placid look on her face . “Daddy I can wash my clothes , tell your wife not to touch my clothes . I left mum because of Waheed , why can’t you just let her go and go back to mum.” She said .

“How do you want me to go back ? your mum has a child for Kunle she’s pregnant with his child , it’s been almost two years since we had a fight why can’t you understand that Kafayatu is my wife now , and I can’t go back to your mum .” He said .

“Daddy please take me to grandmother. I don’t like it here anymore , she’s just as toxic as Waheed is .” Idowu said . “It’s you, you’re just being difficult, I won’t let you go to your grandmother, you think I don’t use to see the boys hanging outside of the gate ? tell them that any day I catch anyone of them , I’ll make sure they sleep in the police station .” Kunle said .

“Whatever dad!” Idowu said , Kunle was shock to the bone . “What did you just say ?” He asked Idowu she ignored him and went into her room .

It was a long holiday, Idowu was in Senior Secondary school class two, she was outside with some boys and girls from the street,they were playing music and videos on Idowu’s phone . Kafayatu dropped from a motorcycle, she had gone to the Kubwa market to buy food stuffs, Idowu paid her a blond eye .

“Idowu is it that you’re blind? can’t you come and help me with this luggage?” Kafayatu barked , Idowu didn’t hear a bee buzz, she continued talking to her friends . “Idowu your mum is talking to you .” One of her male friend said .

“My mother isn’t here , let the mad woman yelp . ” She said and continued with her conversation with her friends , Kafayatu went in with the luggage leaving some by the gate , when Kunle saw her struggling to get the bags of yams into the house , he was forced to ask where Idowu was that she wasn’t helping her .

“She’s there by the gate talking with those boys , I called your daughter to help me carry some bags , she ignored me as if I was a voiceless ant .” Kafayatu said , Kunle dropped the baby on his lap on the ground and grabbed his belt , he stomped out of the house , when Idowu’s friends saw the gate open , they scampered to safety , Kunle grabbed Idowu before she could run , he began to flog her all over her body , he had never beat her since she was born , but he felt her wings had to be broken , he picked her phone where it had fallen , he smashed it and dragged Idowu into the house .

“I don’t want to ever see you out of that gate till the school reopens . From today no more allowances for you , you must do household chores, you must help Kafayatu with the children , if you have two heads don’t do it , you’ll understand why your mum brought you to me!” Kunle barked , Idowu went up to her room she wept all day , bathing was impossible, her injuries were so severe from the beating , that bathing felt like a trip into a boiling pit .

Kehinde and Taiye snuck up into her room. “Aunt Idowu sorry ehn.” Taiye said cleaning Idowu’s tears, she didn’t say a word , she just remained silent . Soon after Kafayatu called Idowu to join the family for dinner , Idowu ignored her , she hated Kafayatu a lot more than Waheed , she knew they weren’t going to be able to eat the food , she had sneaked into the kitchen and emptied the bowl of salt into the stew Kafayatu was preparing .

“Aaarh is it all the salt in the market that you poured into the stew ?” Kunle bickered , Kafayatu couldn’t understand what he was saying , the food was okay when she had tasted it before bringing it down from the gas cooker. But when she put a spoon of the rice into her mouth , she was shocked to the spine , she rushed into the kitchen and returned with the transparent bottle she had put the salt she bought from the market, half of it was gone .

“Kunle it’s this one I can’t take !” Kafayatu screamed returning with the container in her hand . “See what Idowu did she poured half of the salt into the stew , I won’t cook anything this night!” She said and grabbed her kids and left for her room .

“Idowu! Idowu come here!” Kunle screamed , Idowu came out her room . “Why did you add salt to the food your mother made ?” He asked calmly.

“She’s not my mother, and I don’t know what your saying daddy .” Idowu said , her father kept looking at her , he was speechless.

”Go and wash the plates you ate and left in the kitchen now!” Kafayatu said to Idowu . She simply ignored her step mother and continued with her school assignments. “Is it that you’re deaf or something ?” Kafayatu yelled at Idowu , she continued with her school work , Kafayatu got angry and slapped Idowu .

“This should be the last time you lay your filthy , and ungodly hands on me , are you crazy ? are you my mother ?” She barked at her step mother . “Idowu is it me that you called crazy ?” Kafayatu yelled, Idowu wasn’t moved , she was ready to give Kafayatu fire for fire . Her phone that her father had destroyed was still sitting on her mind , she had been unable to connect with her class mates on 2go app or Facebook.

“If you didn’t hear me the first time husband snatcher , I said you’re crazy , your filthy hand shouldn’t come near me again , if not you’ll know why my mother dumped me here .” Idowu said , before she could complete her statement, she felt a plank strike her face flat , she fell to the ground , the stars were twinkling in her eyes , when her eyes got clear , she leapt from the ground like a cat and pounced on her step mother , she wrestled Kafayatu to the ground , the two wrestled as the kids cried , Taiye and Kehinde couldn’t understand what was happening, they begged their mother to stop but Kafayatu was enraged she meant to teach Idowu lesson that she wasn’t learning .

When they finally disentangled themselves, Kafayatu rushed to get her phone . “Kunle wherever you are now start coming home , or else you’ll come and meet your daughter’s dead body now!” Kafayatu said and hung up .

Kunle tried to call her back , but she wasn’t picking his phone , he immediately left his shop and began to rush to the house . Kafayatu went to the kitchen and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife , she rushed towards Idowu who was standing with her face towards the kitchen, when she saw the glittering blade , she remembered what Kafayatu had done to her father , she took to her heels , she ran outside of the gate compound . Kafayatu came out and locked the door .

In twenty minutes later Kunle got home , he met Idowu with torn clothes and an injured face , her shirt was soaked with blood , her eyes swollen , she had attempted to run , he chased her down and grabbed her , he dragged her into the compound .

Kafayatu was still holding the knife . “Kafayatu drop the knife!” Kunle ordered her , Kafayatu was breathing heavily , her eyes were burning red with anger , she was heaving heavily. “Kafayatu I said give me the knife .” He forcefully retrieved the knife from her . “If she was your child , would you have carried a knife to stab her ?” Kunle quarreled.

“What happened here ?” He asked Kafayatu. “She ate and refused to wash the plate , I told her to go and wash the plate she ignored me , I said it over and over , she wouldn’t listen , then she I slapped her , she insulted me and started fighting me , see how she injured me ?” Kafayatu turned her lips for her husband to see .

“Idowu you have become something else , now pick pin . You think you can’t be bent over ?” He said angrily. “After this third term , I’m taking you to your grandmother, your mother cannot bring you into my house to scatter my family!” Kunle hissed.

“Daddy it’s …” She tried to speak . “Shut up your mouth and pick pin , today that witch inside you must leave!” He barked , Idowu took the position on pick pin, she was shaking on her feet , one finger pinned to the ground in front of her , she was standing on one feet, while one leg hung loose behind , she began to sweat and shake , the whole floor was soaked in her sweat .

After two hours Idowu began to cry . “Daddy am sorry I won’t do it again .” She begged . “I don’t think you… you are sorry . you want to give me heart attack , you’re going to stay like that till eight today .” Kunle said and Idowu burst into tears .

“Daddy am sorry , please let me go to Granny’s house, I won’t look for trouble again .” She begged and fell to the ground , Kunle’s skin belt kissed her body , she screamed and resumed the punishment position, he beat her until she could no longer stand before asking her to go and bath. She couldn’t walk to her room , she leaned on the wall and crawled to her room , she was mad at her mother for bringing her to her father’s house . Her malice with Kafayatu intensified, she avoided her like plague , from school to her room from her room to school, she bought food outside the house , Kafayatu was happy with the arrangement.

One afternoon Idowu returned from school much earlier , she was having a running stomach, at about twelve P.M she found her father’s friend car parked outside the house , she wondered if her dad had returned back from work so early , but when she knocked severally on gate and no one responded, the gangsterism in her asked her to scale the barbwire fence and jumped into the compound, when she went and knocked on the door , nobody responded, so she turned round towards her father and Kafayatu’s room , she could hear Kafayatu moaning .

“Aburo small small now do you want to injure me ?” Idowu was stunned she couldn’t believe what her ears had heard , she tiptoed towards the glass window and peered in , she could see Aburo lying on Kafayatu’s fair body , her breathe seized for a minute, her eyes almost popped out of her skull ,the stone she was standing on loosen and Idowu almost fell .

“Who is there ?” Kafayatu asked , Idowu tiptoed and ran away from the window . “Come baby no one is there , the gate is locked who can come in through the fence ?” Aburo said , Kafayatu wasn’t leaving anything to chance .

“Aaarh I have to go and check , Kunle’s daughter is a witch .” Kafayatu said , she branched into the kitchen and picked a sharp knife before strolling out to check who the intruder was , if it was Idowu , she didn’t plan to let her tell tales, she planned to kill her and make Aburo held her bury her, nobody would know where she went , they’ll just assume she got missing from school, nobody will trace her death to her , she prayed it was Idowu , she hated the girl with passion .

Kafayatu went round the compound , with the knife in her hand , she painstakingly searched for Idowu , the girl was hiding behind a flower bird , she squat behind the flower , one could see her hiding behind the flower bush if they looked intently , Kafayatu and Aburo walked close to the spot Idowu was hiding , she paused her breathe . “We should go and continue what we were doing , you see I told you nobody was here .” Aburo said .

“I know what I heard , if Idowu saw us , that girl will report us to her father .” Kafayatu said bending over the flower Idowu was hiding in . “Is that not somebody there ?” Kafayatu said when she saw Idowu’s uniform .

“What do you mean there’s somebody there ? How did they get in ?” Aburo asked . “It’s Idowu . Idowu get up !” Kafayatu yelled, trying to turn round the flower bed. “There’s no one here!” Aburo barked when he turned round to where Kafayatu was pointing as the hiding spot. “In fact am going back to my shop, you’re wasting my time , don’t call me this week , you’ll call me and come and be playing useless games .” Aburo quarreled as he stomped into the house .

“Am sorry Aburo , I swear to god, I heard something.” Kafayatu swore Aburo ignored her , she chased after him as he wore his clothes and left the house .

Idowu had almost fainted where she was hiding , she thought Kafayatu would see her , she was standing over her with a knife . Idowu took an Okada to the road and then joined a taxi that took her to Katampe Junction where her father ran his heavy machinery rental.

Her father’s boys told her , that her father had gone to Kuje to inspect a land grading job , they offered to buy her rice and Fanta, she ate impatiently waiting for her father . Kunle returned with the Excavator on a Lowbed truck , he was surprised to see Idowu waiting for him .

“Idowu what are you doing here ?” Kunle asked his daughter. “Why did you not go home after school?” He asked in the presence of his boys , Idowu tied her tongue, she couldn’t tell her father what she had seen , she just climbed into his car .

“Daddy I saw something today , I left the school very early , I had running stomach earlier today .” Idowu said , she waited for her father do urge her on . “So?” Kunle asked .

“Daddy I went home by twelve P.M , I was having a running stomach . Dad I saw Uncle Aburo in our house …”Idowu said , she saw her father’s eyes spread wide open . “Aburo at home ? he didn’t tell me he was going on .” Kunle said still confused ,wondering what his friend would go to his house to do , when Aburo didn’t call to inform him of a visit .

“Daddy I saw uncle Aburo there , he and aunt Kafayatu were sleeping with each other in the bedroom.” Idowu said , she had not closed her lips when her father slapped her back .

“Aaarh Daddy why did you slap me ?” Idowu cried . “Why would you be lying on your stepmother, and Aburo my best friend, Aburo can never do such rubbish to me .”Kunle said .

“But dad I saw them with my eyes , aunt Idowu said they should kill me , so I don’t reveal the secret to you .” Idowu continued. “This your mouth will not put you into trouble Idowu , because you don’t like Kafayatu you now made up such story to make me drive her away and bring in your mother?” Kunle said .

“No daddy I’m serious , I can’t lie to you , I saw them.” Idowu insisted. “Daddy call Uncle Aburo and ask him where he was by twelve today .” Idowu said , Kunle drove with anger boiling in his heart , he couldn’t believe what his daughter was saying , with all the mischievous attitudes she had been putting on display.

Kafayatu was sitting innocently outside the house with her kids when Kunle got back , she rushed to the car to help him carry the nylon of fruit , the kids jumped on his body . Kafayatu didn’t throw one single glance at Idowu , she acted as if Idowu had dreamt about all she had told her father .

Idowu hung her backpack over one of her shoulders as she followed behind her father and his happy family. Kunle took his bath and drove out of the house , he went straight to Aburo’s house . Aburo’s wife served them Eba and Egusi soup , with big chunks of meat and Kpomo. Kunle tried to eat the little he could . “Don’t you like the food ?” Omolayo asked .

“I ate at the site am still filled .” Kunle lied .when they were done with the food , the men excused themselves and went out of the gate to discuss . “Aburo I want to ask you a question, can you tell me only the truth ?” Kunle asked .

“What kind of a question is that ?” Aburo asked angrily. “Am I not your right hand man again ? why would I want to lie to you ?” He asked Kunle .

“Did you go to my house today ?” Kunle asked Aburo . “No Na , I even traveled to Minna to go and see my mother , but why are you asking ?” Aburo asked . “Nothing Aburo, it’s just that somebody told me you went to my house today .” Kunle said .

“I’ve not been in your house for one week now , how will I go there when you’re not around ? whoever told you that is mad , they want to spoil our relationship.” Aburo lied . “Are you sure Aburo? “Kunle asked.

“My friend if you can’t trust me when I say I didn’t go to your house, then you’re not my friend , you should know what I can or can’t do .” Aburo said , enraged and angry . “Am sorry , I’ve to go home now .” Kunle said , he got into his car and drove away .

Aburo immediately called Kafayatu . “Your husband knows , it’s true that Idowu saw us .” Aburo said . “Did he confront you ?” Kafayatu asked.

“Yes that’s why he came to my place he’s very angry .” He forewarned her. “Don’t worry I know how to handle him .What should we do about that girl ? she wants to spoil our relationship.” Kafayatu said .

“I don’t know of , whatever you do with her , is not my business,she’s your child not mine .” Aburo said and hung up . Kunle didn’t confront Kafayatu as she expected,there days later Kunle woke her up in the night and put a question that took her off balance.

“Kafayatu are you cheating on me ?’ Kunle asked . “God forbid , what kind of rubbish talk is that my husband? I can’t cheat on you , if I do let me die , let me not see tomorrow.”Kafayatu swore .

“Don’t place curse on yourself.” Kunle said , Kafayatu didn’t sleep all night ,she cried till the next morning, her eyes were swollen like puff puff . She hated Idowu , she waited for three weeks, on a Sunday after church , Kafayatu boiled water on the gas , for over thirty minutes, when the water was boiling , she poured it into a bowl and was taking it to the sitting room , when the bowl slipped from her hand , the bowl of hot water drenched Idowu who was lying on a couch near the kitchen door . Her scream made Kunle to jump out of his room in a second .

The water landed on her stomach down to her knees , her skin immediately peeled off and the white skin exposed , the girl writhed in pain . “What did you do! What’s wrong with you !’ Kunle barked at Kafayatu who seemed confused .

“Aaaarh it’s a mistake the water fell from my hand .” She said running up and down trying to help Idowu .

“Mr Kunle your daughter sustained a first degree burn to her buttocks, her stomach and to her laps , this would take a minimum of four to six months to heal .” A female doctor said to Kunle. Idowu was placed on a sedative , the girl had been in serious pains.

He called Atinuke, in less than an hour she was in the hospital. “Kunle see what your wife did to my daughter? Did I commit a crime to send her to you ? she couldn’t stay without you , see what you allow your wife do to her .” Atinuke said with tears in her eyes .

“Am sorry Atinuke , it was a mistake , Kafayatu wouldn’t intentionally do this, the water slip .” Kunle said trying to defend Kafayatu. “Oh You’re defending her ? why did she not mistakenly pour the water on her sons? oh because mine is a girl her life doesn’t matter ?” Atinuke asked.

“It’s not that , I love all my children.” Kunle said sadly . “I am not here to argue with you , just go away I can take care of my daughter.” Atinuke said , Kunle moved away from her , he stayed in the hospital all night .

The next morning Kafayatu came to the hospital with breakfast, as soon as Atinuke saw coming , the hairs on her body rose , she was ready to pounce on her . “What are you doing here ?” Atinuke said blocking her way .

“Please madam I am here to see my step daughter, I don’t want fight leave me alone!” Kafayatu said just outside the door of Idowu’s hospital room . “You this cheap Agbo seller , you too my husband from me , I didn’t talk , you have the gut to pour her hot water ?” Atinuke asked with a grin on her face . “I’ll teach you a lesson today that no one messes with my children !” Atinuke yelled .

“Abeg abeg madam let me hear word , am I the one who asked you to be giving birth to girls girls ? if you love your child so much , why did you push her to my house .” Kafayatu challenged Atinuke .

Atinuke grabbed her hair and wrestled her to the ground , she delivered a number of punches to her head , before Kunle and the security men in the ward separated them . Atinuke had thrown the food Kafayatu brought all over the floor . She left her business for two weeks and tended to Idowu . Titi came to relieve her so she too could to her business.

Titi insulted Kunle so much the day she saw him, Gradually the injury began to heal , Idowu was on the hospital bed for four months , her lower part covered in white bandages , being fed pain killers. On the fourth month she was discharged.

“Idowu please come home so I can take care of you ?” Atinuke begged her daughter. “No mummy I don’t want to go home , I want to stay with grandma .” Idowu insisted .

“Well you can always go to visit grandma?” Atinuke said . “No mummy I don’t want to go home .” Idowu insisted .

“Your sisters miss you .”Atinuke said , Idowu had already resolved in her mind not to go home , she couldn’t stand Waheed she hated the man to the bone . “Atinuke leave her let her come and spend some months with me , you can always come to see her or she can go for weekends .” Grandma Titi suggested .

“I’ll never go back to that house .” She said angrily , Kunle took them to Grandma’s house , he left three hundred thousand naira for Idowu’s upkeep before leaving .

Grandma Titi registered Idowu in a private secondary in Zuba, she continued from Senior secondary school. she stayed with Her grandmother Four months, grandma Titi had to go and take care of her daughter who had recently put to birth in Lagos , she had to return Idowu to her mother , Idowu wanted to follow her , but she would stay for three or four months before coming back to Abuja , so she forcefully took Idowu to Atinuke’s place . Her siblings were so happy to see her , she was not happy to see Waheed .

” won’t you greet your dad ?” Atinuke quarreled Idowu , she kept glaring at him from head to toes , she refused to say a word . “What is wrong with you Idowu ?” Atinuke asked , Idowu ignored her , she hated the man with passion .

She avoided the man and stayed away from him , Waheed also stayed out of her way . Damilare was writing her WEAC, so she was busy studying for the exam , Idowu couldn’t understand why she was looking so busty and chubby, she snuck up to her one evening.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” She asked Damilare. “I don’t have time for a boyfriend , why would you ask me such a stupid question ?” Damilare fired back .

“You look pregnant to me .” Idowu said , Damilare dropped her pen and faced her sister . “As you’ve made yourself a thorn in everybody’s flesh ehn , I want you to stay away from me .” Damilare said angrily .

“Your boob is so full , it seems like somebody has been touching them .” Idowu said , Damilare got up and pushed her to the ground , she gave her several punches before Atinuke rushed up to separate her daughter’s .

“What’s the problem why are you two fighting ?” She asked , the two girls refused to speak , Damilare stared at Idowu disdainfully. She went back to her book . Idowu went outside the house . Not ten minutes later , Damilare ran out of the house bare footed , she rushed to the little garden her mother had behind the house , she bent down and began to vomit . Idowu ignored her sister her attention was focused on the screen of the new phone her father bought for her .

Damilare covered the slimmy mess with sand and washed her mouth , then glared at Idowu before walking into the house .

Idowu was in the kitchen doing dishes , when she heard Waheed’s car drive into the compound , Taiye and Kehinde rushed to him to welcome him home , her mother had gone to the shop with the youngest siblings .

“Daddy how are you ?” The twins asked him . “Am fine take this money go and buy fish from that aboki that sells across the road .”

“Thank you daddy .” the twins said . “Who is at home ?” He asked .

“It’s Idowu she’s washing plate in the kitchen .” They said . “When you people guy fish you should go and play with your friends okay ?” He said the twins nodded The twins were over happy to be given money, they ran away from the compound .

Waheed got into the house , he went straight the kitchen, when he saw loins , he walked slowly towards her , the door to the kitchen was already open . Idowu felt Waheed’s hands on her buttocks , she turned quickly to push him away , he cupped his palms over her breastts . “What are you doing ? take your hands off me!” Idowu yelled .

“Scream all you want , I must get what I want , you thought you could run from me ? you stupid bastard!” He said and wrestled the girl to the ground , she had dragged a frying pan with her to the kitchen floor with which she hit Waheed over his face , he was not deterred, he kept pulling off her skirt , Idowu fought and kicked with her legs .

“You won’t have me again! devil! the one you’ve done is not enough for you! leave me alone!” She fought furiously. “Somebody help me! Somebody help!” she cried . Lucky for Idowu Damilare stepped into the house from school, she rushed into the kitchen .

“Jesus ! Daddy what are you doing ?” Damilare screamed when she met Waheed trying to defile Idowu , he jumped away from her body , and began to tie the rope of his trousers . “Aaarh Dammy are you back ?” He said hurrying away from the room . “Don’t let your mother hear about this if will break her heart .” He whispered to Damilare before leaving the room .

“Idowu am sorry .” Damilare said as she embraced Idowu . “Am sorry , I didn’t know he had eyes for you too .” She said Idowu burst into tears . “Eyes for me ? he has been doing it to me before I left the house , uncle Waheed disvirgined me , I don’t have anyone to tell , even when I want to tell mum I can’t . I can’t stay in this house ,he will do it again .” Idowu said with tears pouring from her eyes .

“Daddy cursed this , I’ll never forgive him in this life , he has made me do thirteen abortion , you were right , I was pregnant last month when you came back , we’ve gone to aunty nurse to remove it .” Idowu said .

“thirteen abortions ? why didn’t you speak up to mum ? Hu didn’t you run away ?” Idowu asked . “Mum was broken when you left , he started immediately with me when you left , I got to understand why he was harsh to you and why you were stubborn to him .” Damilare said .

“We should tell mum , we can’t let this to continue.” Idowu suggested. “Mummy will be heart broken ,when dad left she went mental , remember mummy went crazy , how our class mates used to laugh at us that our mother was mad , I can’t let that happen again .” Damilare said .

“I won’t let that man sleep with me again , I’ll tell mummy , I’ll tell grandma , I’ll stab him if he tries to touch me again .” Idowu said . “Don’t tell mum , he won’t do it again , since he knows I’m aware , I’ll tell him I will tell mummy if he tries to touch you again.” Damilare said , Idowu was not satisfied, she didn’t change her clothes , she just at the sitting room foaming and waiting for her mother , she cannot believe Damilare could allow herself to become a sex slave under their mother’s nose , at the age of seventeen she has aborted for Waheed thirteen times .

She heard the sound of Waheed’s car around six in the evening , she waited impatiently for her mother to step into the house . “Idowu what happened to you , why are you looking this way ?” Atinuke asked .

“Mummy your husband tried to rape me .” She said , as tears fell from her eyes . “What do you mean ?” She asked , glaring at Waheed . “Is it this my husband that has been with me in the shop all day ? or another one ?” Atinuke asked .

“Mummy uncle Waheed came home in the afternoon he met me washing plates in the kitchen , he tried to rape me , see the swollen place on his fore head I hit him with a frying pan , I was only lucky that Dammy came in , he wanted to rape me , as he has been doing before I left the house .” Idowu said .

“She’s lying my darling , how can I do something like that to my own child ?” Waheed asked . “You’re crazy! I’m not your child! you’re a pedophile , God will judge you uncle Waheed!” Idowu cursed him . Atinuke gazed at Waheed suspiciously.

“God! do you believe what this liar is saying ?” Waheed asked . “Me Waheed touch this dirty girl and rude girl ?” Waheed asked . Damilare came go the living room .

“Dammy Idowu said you met Waheed trying to abuse her , tell me the truth no lies I beg you in the name of God.” Atinuke asked, Dammy stood staring with a lost look on her face . “Talk to me! I am going crazy now! tell me the truth!” Atinuke barked .

Dammy looked at her step father and at Idowu. “Mummy it’s a lie , Daddy didn’t come home today .” Damilare said , Idowu burst into cry . “Aaaarh! Dammy why are you lying ! you told me he’s been raping you too , mum he has slept with me for over four times .” Idowu said .

“It’s a lie mum , uncle Waheed has never touched me before .” Damilare said . “Mummy you can ask Taiye and Kehinde if he didn’t come home .” Idowu said , praying her twins sisters would say the truth .

‘Did your daddy come home today .” Atinuke barked,the twins didn’t respond immediately,she barked the second time . “I said, Did your daddy come home today, since we went out ?” The twins about ten years of age ,shook their heads at the same time . “Daddy didn’t come home , we didn’t hear anything.” Atinuke slapped Idowu across the face and began to beat her .

“Why did I not leave you in Kubwa for Kafayatu to kill you ! ungrateful child, you don’t want my happiness.” She beat Idowu until her body was covered with scars . Idowu wept all night , the pain of betrayal hurt more then the pains from the injury , she felt empty , she felt alone , she felt betrayed she wished for death to take her away .

Idowu had locked herself in her own world , she barely spoke to her mother , she hated her father , she had called her grandmother severally to come and take her from her mother’s place but grandma Titi told her she was staying for three months , that her aunt Bisi gave birth through Caesarian Section , and she couldn’t take care of herself .

She was feeling sickly, her body hurt , he had sneaked into her room ,when everybody was out , he manhandled her with malice , three days later he did it again ,Idowu didn’t fight back , she saw no need , she had no one to stand by her , both parents had betrayed her , she was looking for a place she could stay , far away from her parents.

“How is your health Idowu ?” Atinuke said placing her hand on Idowu’s forehead, the girl glared at her disdainfully, but wouldn’t say any word , Atinuke dropped some drugs she had gotten from the pharmacy on her bed , Idowu pushed them off the bed to the floor . “how long would you continue being angry ? it’s been one month now , if you don’t take your drugs how would you get well ?” Atinuke asked Idowu .

“It’s not your business if I die .” She mumbled , Atinuke left the room , the smell of the fish Atinuke was frying in the kitchen filled her nose , she couldn’t breath she went outside the house .

She refused to eat that evening, Atinuke tried to see her eat , but the she refused to eat that evening, when she went to school at Zuba the next day , Idowu had collapsed in the class , her teachers rushed her to a nearby hospital, where she was treated of malaria and typhoid, but when a female doctor checked her she requested to see her parents, Idowu refused to give her parents phone number , grandma who registered her was out of town .

Idowu escaped from the hospital,she went to the nurse who used to help her and her friends get rid of unwanted pregnancies. “Aunt nurse please I need your help .” Idowu said when she got into the medicine shop . “How may I help you ?” The nurse said . “Aunt nurse I am pregnant I want you to help me get rid of it .” Idowu said , she had removed two pregnancies for Segun . “The money has increased oh , it’s twelve thousand naira, go and bring the money I’ll do it .” she said .

“But aunt nurse that money is too much Na , where am I to get it ?” Idowu pleaded. ”Go and meet the man who got you pregnant or learn how to close your legs .” She said Idowu couldn’t say another word she just walked away .

she went to the house of her boyfriend , Segun had gone out , she waited for him to return , he was a young man of about twenty three years old , tall and bearded . It was after one hour before he came back home .

“What are you doing here Idowu ?” He asked when he saw his underage girlfriend.

“Segun I need your help please .” She pleaded . ” What help ?” The boy asked .

“Please I need twelve thousand naira.” Idowu said . “Twelve thousand naira for what ?” He asked . Idowu hesitated for a while . “You see I need the money to treat myself .” Idowu said , she just wanted to remove the child she had in herwomb , she would never bear his child.

“If you can’t tell me what you need the money for , I won’t give it to you .” Segun said . ”Please Segun I need the money , Okay I’ll tell you the truth , I am pregnant, I can’t keep this child .” Segun almost fell when the truth slammed him in the stomach .

“Pregnant for who ?” He asked with his brows furrowed, his lips went dry. “I was raped by my stepfather, I think I’m pregnant, I didn’t see my period , please will you help me .” Idowu said, Segun stared at her with a hateful stare.

“You refused to let me sleep with you for two months now , you were busy giving it to him , leave my house , I can’t help you prostitute.” He said , Idowu fell on her knees . “Please am sorry Segun I couldn’t do it with you , I told you I was going through hell at home , did I not use come from school just to give you ?” She asked .

“I don’t care before I go to the field and come back , I don’t want to see in my house Ashawo!” He cussed before he left the house , Idowu sat up and cried her eyes , when she had cried enough she left his house still in her uniform , she began to wandered the streets of Zuba in her school uniform.

Atinuke and Waheed returned from the shop late , she went to check on Idowu to know how she was doing , she was surprised to hear that Idowu didn’t return from school , she began to call her phone number , it was ringing but Idowu wasn’t picking up , it was about ten P.M Atinuke began to panic , she ran out of the house to all of Idowu’s friends houses to look for her , they all said the same thing , that they had not seen her her that day . Atinuke couldn’t sleep all night the next morning she begged Waheed to drive her to the school .

It was there that the Head master reveal to them the secret that Idowu was hiding , that she was pregnant, after much investigation her friends in the class told them of Segun, that Idowu used to leave class to go and see him. Atinuke and Waheed with the head teacher took police to go and arrest Segun , for getting Idowu pregnant and for sleeping with a minor .

Segun denied ever sleeping with her , he claimed she was just his friend, that he had never touched her ,that he had not seen her the previous day , the police let him go . Atinuke was so worried when she couldn’t see her daughter after searching for her all day .

“I will be gone for two weeks , the contract will last for three weeks , If we find gold in the site , our contract might be extended to four months .” Kunle said , as he wore his black sneakers , he wore a blue jeans , a black shirt , with a black face cap . “Do you mean you will stay there for a week ?” Kafayatu asked .

“I will stay for more than a week , I have to see how my boys are working before I leave them . I’ll be there for like two weeks or three weeks .” Kunle said , Kafayatu’s face went sour . “But that’s too long honey , you should try to come back earlier .” Kafayatu said , Kunle smiled , she had been showing him excess love since Idowu left the house , he felt she didn’t want him to leave .

“It’s only three week Kafayatu, I’ll be back before you know it.” Kunle said Kafayatu shook her head . “No it’s two long , you’ll come and see us after one week then you go back .” Kafayatu insisted .

“Okay I’ll do as you commanded, I’ll come back to come and see you and my handsome boys .” Kunle said , he planted a soft kiss on Kafayatu’s lips . “I’ll miss this soft lips of yours .” He said , he gently squeezed her waist , as she threw her arms over his shoulder.

“My sweetheart don’t go and start playing with those girls in Kwara , tell me am your only one ?” Kafayatu said , Kunle laughed . “You’re my only one , I cannot cheat on you my love , I’ll love you from now to eternity, other women look like monkeys in my eyes , you’re the only beautiful woman .” He teased Kafayatu, she laughed so hard , she escorted him to his car. Kunle went with his black Toyota Tacoma, a four wheel drive , which could enter a bushy terrain .

Kunle picked two of his boys from Zuba junction , and they headed towards Gwagwalada, the truck had gone ahead with two Excavators to Kwara, Kunle owned about five Excavators, three Bulldozers, four trucks and four Pay Loaders , and seven Low Bed trailers .

He was discussing with his operators shortly after they left Abaji , they had stopped to buy boiled corn from the roadside seller . They had not driven for ten minutes, when they ran into a bandit roadblocks, Kunle swiftly turned his car and was heading for Abuja , when the bandits shot several rounds of ammunition at them and other motorist , they climbed on their motorcycle and chased after Kunle and the other motorist escaping , At some point Kunle had to abandon the car and jump into the bush with his boys .

They ran for three minutes in the bush , the bandits chased after them and were shooting sporadically in all directions, at some point he heard a thudding sound, he turned to see one of his operators lying on the ground. “Matthew get up!” Kunle called , the operator remained on the ground grimacing.

“Oga I’ve been shot .” He said holding his hand over his stomach , that was sprouting blood . “Oga they’ve shot me .” Matthew said breathing heavily. “Oh God , oh Jesus what will I do ?” He said .

“Godwin come and help me let’s carry Matthew.” He said , the bandits were still running towards them on foot , shooting those who had fallen by the way , Kunle and Godwin carried Matthew under a three and hid themselves there , the bandits tried to trace the blood , but had to run on ,when they saw people moving in the thick green forest .

Kunle and Godwin remained in the bush with Matthew who was losing blood , two hours later when the bush was quiet , Kunle carried Matthew on his back . His arms and legs dangled limply as he ran towards the road , they got to the road about two P.M , Kunle tried to stop the few vehicles that had returned to the road , but the drivers were scared nobody was willing to risk stopping at a place where bandits had killed several people, and kidnapped over forty five travellers for people covered in blood , who also had what looked like a corpse.

A good Samaritan rushed them to University of Abuja Teaching hospital, Kunle didn’t have phone or his ATM with him , so he rushed into Gwagwalada town to get money from his bank . Matthew was being given blood . Kunle borrowed a phone to call Kafayatu to inform her what had befallen them , but she was not taking her calls .

Matthew didn’t make it through the night , he died , Kunle cried his eyes out . At around six A.M he and Godwin got on a vehicle to Zuba . At about nine A.M Kunle arrived at Kubwa , he took an Okada that rode with him to his house . Kunle was surprised to see Aburo’s car parked a few street from his own , it looked like it was hidden .

It was a Sunday morning, he expected Kafayatu to have gone to church with the children , but when he saw the curtains still raised up , he knew she was still at home , he began to knock on the gate , he knocked so loud , eager to know if what he was suspecting was true .

Kunle climbed over the fence and landed heavily in the compound, he walked calmly to the door , he knocked , it was one of his six years old twins who came to the door , He embraced Kunle . “Daddy welcome back !” He said and embraced Kunle . “Where is your mum?” Kunle asked.

“She’s sleeping in her room .” The boy said . “Didn’t you people go to church ?” Kunle asked , the boy shook his head , Kunle proceeded towards the bedroom .

Taiye led the way to his parents bedroom , the door was open , Kafayatu was shocked to see Kunle . “Hey darling why are you here ?” She said covering herself with her bed sheet , Kunle didn’t answer her , his attention was on the room he was searching to see if Aburo was in the room .

“Kunle why are you not talking? what are you looking for ?” She said , Kunle ignored her , he went to the wardrobe and was searching it one after the other , he was almost about stopping his search when he heard Kafayatu’s voice behind him, It turned out she was chasing Taiye out of the room .

“What’s it .” he turned to his wife and son . “It’s nothing darling , I was telling Taiye to leave our room .” Kafayatu said fidgeting. “Daddy see uncle under the bed .” Taiye said pulling at Aburo’s leg , Kunle bent down , at this point Kafayatu bit her finger. Kunle grabbed Aburo’s leg and dragged him out.

“Aburo what are you doing here ? you’re here sleeping with my wife ?” He said and slapped the man across the face , Aburo tumbled back . “Aaarh my friend is the devil !” Aburo said clutching his trousers and shirt to his body .

“It’s the devil ? you stupid man , you came and be sleeping with your best friend’s wife ? aaaarh Kafayatu you have killed men!” Kunle screamed as he continued to beat the living day out of Aburo he jumped behind Kafayatu to prevent Kunle from reaching him . “Aaaarh! So Idowu was right!” He screamed .

“Leave me alone o! Leave me alone , you’re not happy I did it with your friend , what if I went out to go and do it outside, your thing is too small!” Kafayatu yelled at Kunle , the man was too enraged to reply them , he knocked Kafayatu and Aburo to the ground . Kafayatu picked an empty bottle with which she hit Kunle in the head , the giant man crumbled to the ground , the whole house went black .

Kunle woke up at about ten P.M in the night , he was confused he couldn’t recollect where he was , the pain on the back his head was heart wrenching, he got up and turned on the light , he saw that Kafayatu had cleared her things and her children’s things from the house , she drove away in the Mercedes Benz-E.

Kunle called his in-laws in Minna , they heaped insults on Kunle for beating their daughter and breaking her nose , Kafayatu’s nose was swollen like one who was stung by a bee , there told him for whatever reason he didn’t have any reason to beat her .

Kunle gathered all the alcoholic drinks in the fridge , he began to drink them one after the other , trying to numb the pain building around his life , he didn’t know what else to do , he wept that night .

The next morning Kunle went to Suleja to see Atinuke and her children, he wanted to Idowu the most , he had to apologize to his daughter for doubting her , he felt so ashamed , he couldn’t believe that his best friend could stab him in the back . He met Damilare at home , with her siblings, she was all grown , a woman , he couldn’t believe how time flied . She gazed at him from head to toes , then she hissed .

“What are you doing here ?” Damilare said , when her siblings heard his voice they ran to the door thinking it was Idowu , the twins recognised their father , but Ayomide and her older sister didn’t know who Kunle was .

“Taiye and Kehinde.” Kunle called his kids , they looked at him and gazed at Damilare. “All of you go inside now!” Damilare barked angrily , she gazed at her father from head to toes hissed and banged the door at his face . Kunle was speechless, he knew he had messed up , but he hadn’t expected such a hostile meeting with his daughter.

He sat outside the house for five hours , when Waheed drove into the compound, he saw Atinuke his heart began to beat like a drum . “Hello Atinuke?” Kunle said , she wasn’t happy to see him .

“What are you doing here ?” Atinuke said . “Please I came to see you and my children.” Kunle said , Atinuke gazed at him without a word to say to him . “After seven years, it’s now you think to come and see them ?” Atinuke asked .

“Please where is Idowu I need to see her .” Kunle said . “She ran out of the house for almost three weeks now , I didn’t go to shop today , I went to look for her .” Kunle’s lips went dry , he sat heavily on the corridor and began to scratch his head violently.

“What happened Atinuke ? why would you let her leave ?” He said with disappointment in his voice . “The same reason why you return her to me , I don’t have anything to tell you Kunle , you should come and start going , when we see Idowu I’ll let you know .” she said , Kunle nodded .

“Can I talk to you privately?” Kunle said . “Why ?” She asked Waheed stood close by watching Atinuke and Kunle .

“Please tell him to go .” Kunle said pointing at Waheed , Atinuke pleaded for him to leave . “I’ve hurt you and the kids so much , I neglected my responsibilities, but I didn’t forget my children , this are the documents of shares I bought in their names .” He handed Atinuke the papers .

“This are papers of my lands in Abuja , this is my main bank account where I keep all of my money , it’s worth millions , please don’t let that man lay hands on them . You and the kids wouldn’t lack anything.” He said tears fell from Atinuke’s eyes .

“Why are you doing this Kunle ? we don’t need this now , you should take your money to Kafayatu.” Atinuke said . “Am sorry Atinuke, this is everything I’ve worked for , you’re my wife , it’s you I trust , please the children hate me , just tell them am sorry . The land and shares worth over hundred million naira . In my account I’ve seventy five million naira put aside for you . I’ll go and look for Idowu and bring her to you .” He said before leaving . Idowu stood there watching him walk away , she sat on the verandah and cried her eyes wet .

Kunle returned home to an overturned house , some people had broken into the compound , they tore the house down , the couch was turned upside down the television was removed from the wall and flung on the flow. The carnage continued into the bedroom, his bedroom was overturned, the mattress was thrown on the floor .

“Kafayatu ah!” Kunle kept saying as he walked over the wreckage of his house . He arranged the house and took all the damaged household items out of the house , he spent the good part of the evening cleaning the house .

When he went out to get dinner at about seven P.M he saw strange looking men trailing him , he ran for his life without buying the food . He got home and bought Fanta and bread to quench the hunger in his stomach . At about twelve A.M he heard the voices of men coming from the back of his house . Soon the light in the compound went off , the men poured in about five of them , they began to shoot in the air .

Their axes dodge into the wall of the house , soon they were inside the house . “You’re the bastard that’s making our work hard Abi?” The leader said as he slapped Kunle straight across the face , he fell to the ground . “Am sorry please don’t kill me . I don’t have money in the house please don’t kill me ,” Kunle said the man kicked him over and over with a boot behind his spine .

“Am sorry don’t kill me !” Kunle said . “Now go and give us the documents to your land in Kuje , Katampe and Suleja , hand us over the password to your Union Bank account, give us all the papers to your car , then I’ll think if I would or would not kill you !” the leader barked while the other guys continued scattering the house , looking for what they didn’t keep there .

“Oga please those papers are not with me , they’re with my lawyer please don’t kill me !” Kunle pleaded, in anger the robber shot into the ceiling . “Boys match him , he thinks we’re playing !” He ordered his boys they began to beat and kick Kunle in the back and in the head . “Now will you tell me where you keep the paper? we know it’s here of you don’t give it to us we will kill you .” The men threatened , their leader shot into the ceiling.

Soon they heard the blaring sound of siren coming towards their direction . “Let us waste this man and go!” One of the robbers said. “Let’s go before the police reach here .” He said . The gang members ran out of the house and climbed the back fence , through which they got access to the bush behind Kunle’s house , from there they disappeared into the night , Kunle was bleeding he had to go to the hospital to get stitched that night .

For one month Idowu had been moving from house of her friend to another , her friends got tired of her and asked her to leave . Her problem was how to get rid of the pregnancy, she knew she couldn’t care for a child .

“Hello grandma when are you coming back ? I can’t stay with my mummy anymore!” Idowu said to her grandmother over the phone . “What’s the issue Idowu? is your mum or her husband maltreating you ? ” grandma asked .

” grandma just come back I need you. We’re fine they’re not maltreating me , but I am tired here , I hate it here .” She said .

she had been calling her grandmother begging her to come back , but Grandma Titi thought Idowu was being too clingy , she told her she would come a month later , that she would cut her stay by two months , but Idowu insisted that she should return immediately.

“I’ll cut my stay short , so I can come back to you , I’ll be back in a month time .” grandma Titi said . “grandma that’s too far away .” Idowu lamented.

Idowu had no choice than to sell her only possession. her phone , she had given her phone to one of her friends , a boy from her class Stephen , who said he had a buyer , she waited for him for several hours , Stephen didn’t show up , her father had gotten her that Guoni phone worth over sixty thousand naira, she planned to sell it for thirty five thousand naira, and use the money to get rid of the pregnancy and take care of herself , but Stephen sold the phone and ate the money .

She had spent two months jumping from place to place begging for food to eat , when she got tired she went to Deidei , to a brothel that had a bar , girls came there to hustle . men to picked them and took them home , her pregnancy made her look quite older than her age ,so she blended with the girls there .

A man with a dreadlocked hair, who had a wrap of Indian hemp around his finger walked up to Idowu. “Baby how much do you charge per night ?” He asked Idowu her heart began to beat, she didn’t know how much to charge . “Fifteen thousand naira.” She said unable to look at the man to his face .

“I’ll give you ten thousand Naira?” He bargained. “No sir I’ll take twelve thousand Naira last .” Idowu said . “Okay twelve thousand I hope you will be able to work for the money .” The young man said , Idowu followed the stranger home . He was so hard and rough with her , that she cried in pains . He would go and take energy drinks , take pills and come back to mount on Idowu . The girl regretted her mistake .

“Please brother give me my money I want to go .” Idowu said the next morning. “I like you , you’re tight I’ll double that money , I just want you to stay today .” The man said, as he puffed Indian hemp on Idowu’s face .

“No sir my mother will be looking for me , I have to return home!” The man held her hand and flung her to the bed . “I said you should go to the bed , that’s what you would do , you’re a runs girl , I said I’ll pay , why are you complaining ?” he said .

“Please sir I’m pregnant , I can’t take the force you use , you’re too strong for me .” He said . “Is it not money you want ? I’ll triple the money , you’re tight I like you .” Said .

“Brother please pay me my money let me go!” the guy pushed her to the bed with one arm and mounted her , she cried as the pain was too unbearable, she was finding it hard to breath, she clinched her teeth in pains ,as the beast throttled her , her sweat soaked his Bedsheet.

The food sat in front of Idowu ,she was so weak and tired , the dreaded man had drilled her for four hours straight, he would take bathroom break , drink pop his pills and come back to mount on her like a Carmel . “You better eat o , or else it’s with empty stomach we will do it , at this your young age you have started doing Ashawo .” The man said .

“Please sir I don’t use to do it , it’s my first time , I needed twelve thousand naira to get drugs for my seek mother .” Idowu lied , trying to get the man’s pity , he bust into laughter. “You think am a JJC ? you have not started self you’ll give me until I’m satisfied.” The man said , when he went to the bathroom to take his bath ,Idowu grabbed his wallet that was left beside the bed , she rushed down from the bed , grabbed his wallet from the bedside and rushed to the door , he had forgotten to remove the key , she fumbled until the door was unlocked, then she escaped from the bedroom, she struggled with the main door and the door opened too, she burst into the compound and ran out of the compound .

She had not left the room for a second when the young man dashed out of the compound running after her , he was wearing only his boxers , with soapy foam in his ears . “Hey stop there! hey stop there!” The guy screamed . Idowu began to bang on gates as she ran calling for help , it was around six P.M in the evening. “Help me please! somebody help!” Idowu cried as the man drew closer , he was almost catching her when a man stepped in between them .

“Why are you chasing her ?” The huge man said . “she’s my girlfriend she stole my wallet and money and she’s running away.” The man said . “Sir he’s not my boyfriend, he picked me from …” Idowu tried to explain but the guy wouldn’t let her , he cut her off .

“Sir check her hand , she’s with my wallet , why are you lying Idowu ?” The dreadlocked guy said . “You said you don’t know him?” The man asked Idowu , she nodded vehemently. “Can I see the wallet you’re holding ?” The man asked , Idowu gave her the wallet . “He opened it and checked the drivers licence in it , and gazed at the young man . “Are you Dapo Dotun?” He asked the young man nodded .

“My dear sister why do you have his wallet ?” athe intruder said , at this time many of the occupants of the neighbouring flats had come out , they were watching from afar off. “Sir he picked me from a brothel, he refused to pay me and let me go .” Idowu said . ”Please sir don’t let him take me back he wants to kill me .” Idowu begged .

“Sir this is my girlfriend, she’s pregnant, her parents know she’s with me , she stole my wallet and was running away . I need to take her back home , and tell her parents to come and take her , I won’t marry her again . Dotun lied , the man handed him the wallet , he grabbed Idowu and started dragging her back to the house . Immediately they got to the house , he slapped her across the face .

“You stupid bastard! you think you could run away from me !” Dotun barked , his eyes turned red , he slapped Idowu with the back of her hand she fell on the couch and passed out . The young man grabbed her and lifted her unto his bed , he ripped off her clothes and began to devour her .

Idowu was weak , but she continued to cry .”Help me! Somebody help me! Am dying oh! he’s killing me oh!” Idowu cried as the man tightened his grip around her neck.

“Brother Dotun please stop it am on fire I can’t take it anymore please you’ll kill me oh.” Idowu begged the man didn’t cough a word , he just continued grinding her as if he was a machine . “Help me please! Somebody help me please!” Idowu screamed , two hours after Dotun dragged her into the compound, there was a knock on the door . the neighbours waited Dotun came to the door.

“Dotun waiting Na ? why you no no go let us get peace for this compound ? this girl has been crying since yesterday night , why don’t you let her go ?” The man asked . “Oga caretaker she’s my girlfriend in my room whatever I do isn’t your business, please just leave me alone .” Dotun hollered.

“Dotun this isn’t your father’s house that you can do as you want . You better take that girl out of this place or I’ll go and call the police.” The caretaker threatened. “Because you no dey bring Banny come home , or Na say we no dey hear when you dey whip her ? I go count scores for you if you bring policies matter come here . Na girl when I pick from bar nothing concern you .” Dotun hissed .

“Tell her to keep it down .” The man said , two men who accompanied him turned and left , Dotun got back into the bedroom where he had tied Idowu . “Oh you want to show me that you’re stubborn abi?” He asked Idowu who was crying .

“I will teach you lesson today you’ll hate yourself !” Dotun said , Idowu whimpered . Dotun spent another two hours assaulting her , at some point Idowu went quiet , she didn’t move, Dotun checked for her pulse , when he didn’t see any, he knew he had messed up , he raised Idowu’s hand if fell bedside her .

The young man began to run in all different looking for a way of freedom. he began to pace around his room . he placed a call to his friend. “Barry please come my place . Bro I don f up!” Dotun begged his friend as he sat on the floor near where he had tied Idowu. He was scratching his head violently.

“What did you do to her Na Dapo? Can you not see she’s a small girl ?” Barry said , Dapo put his hands over his mouth . “Nigga keep your voice down Na! do you want the whole fuccking compound to know what happened here ?” Dapo said angrily.

“Dude you were brutal on the girl , you’re a beast Dapo , I told you to stop doing this to girls , the last time you did same thing with Aisha .” Barry said displeased with his friend. “Dude I don’t know what comes over me . I didn’t plan to do this , I just wanted to have fun with her , she was now playing hard and then things went out of control .” Dapo said pacing about , he would stop to pound on his head , with his palms , then get a bottle of wine from his bar , with which he washed down some pills in his left palms .

“Is she dead Barry ?” Dapo asked. Barry was a medical student, he checked for Idowu’s pulse .”Bro her pulse is weak , I think we should take her to the hospital.” Barry suggested.

“What the heck! Nigga how Olopa no go take hold me Na? them go arrest me . that Na baddest idea . I can’t show my face anywhere they’ll arrest me .” Dapo said . “See I didn’t send you to go and be raping girls , why didn’t you tell me this what you mean by f up . You’re a rapist dude . If we don’t rush this girl to the general Hospital, she’ll be dead in the next one hour .” Barry said .

“I am dead! Barry I’m dead , my dad would kill me.” Dapo said . “Please dude you know I am the one who bailed you out of your debt to Sparrow . we need to take her far away from here and dump her , because I can’t be associated with this , my dad will reject and disinherit me , I’ve got too much for lose.” Dapo begged .

“So what if the catch us trying to dump the girl ? I’ll be rusticated from school , my parents will disown me .” Barry stood his ground . “Dude I can’t do what you’re asking me , you want to rope me in and ruin my life . I was never here, handle your shit.” Barry said and turned to leave .

“Dude calm down help me , I’ll give you five hundred thousand naira .” Dapo pleaded with his friend. “I am not going to involve myself Dapo , face your mess .” Barry said .

“What if I give you one million , would you help me ?” Dapo asked . “Bro that money isn’t enough . And I can’t get myself into your mess .” Barry said . “I’ll give you one million Naira.” Dapo said .

“are you kidding me bro ?” Barry asked , his eyes almost popping out, at the sound of money “Give me your AZA let me wire you.”Dapo said , Barry called it out for him . “Two million Naira?” Barry thought to himself.

“We need to get her into your car when it’s dark and everyone has gone to bed ,we will take her dad from here and dump her at Zuba Pedestrian Bridge and dump her .” Barry Said . Dapo spent the evening smoking marijuana one roll after the other , when the became quiet, the two men wrapped the unconscious girl in a duvet and rushed her into Dapo’s car , and they drove out of the compound in Deidei towards Zuba.

they watched when no was looking , they removed her from the car and dropped her by the bridge and sped off ,Idowu lay under the bridge for hours nobody came close to her , people were scared of getting close to her , not to be arrested by the police .

It began to rain at about eleven P.M , it rained till about twelve A.M , when a police truck stopped by the bridge after a few minutes they took her in their truck and rushed with her to the Kubwa General hospital.

She was immediately placed on drip , she was still very much unconscious,the doctors suspected she was pregnant, her stomach was looking bloated, they rolled her to the scan , when they found out she was pregnant with twins babies , and the babies had recently become deceased .

They had to carry out surgery on her to remove the two fetuses,to stop the vaginal bleeding , she was placed on life support.

“Hello madam , please can you come to the Police station, there was a call from Zuba division that your daughter was found .” A police woman called Atinuke, she dumped out of the bed . ”Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus she said .” changing into a sky blue Bubba . Waheed was awoken by the noise from Atinuke , as she was getting ready to go the police station .

“What is it Atinuke? why are you calling Jesus?” Waheed asked . “Honey I just got a call from the police station, Idowu has been found .” Atinuke said wiping tears of Joy from her face .

“You don’t look existed Waheed ?” Atinuke asked . “Please if you want to go and bring your daughter go , why would they be calling you in the night ?” Waheed asked angrily.

“See she’s still my daughter, you would love her if you claim to love me .” Atinuke said . “She’s just a girl hurt by the breakup between me and her father . Please can you take me to the police station?” Atinuke asked , Waheed lay down on the pillow and close his eyes .

“Waheed please come and take me to the Police station.” Atinuke begged . “I am not feeling well .” Waheed said with his eyes tight shut , Atinuke grabbed her purse and walked to the road , where she saw an Okada man who was doing night runs, he carried her and they rushed towards the Zuba , Atinuke missed her daughter she wished to see her .

The Okada man dropped Atinuke outside the Zuba police station , he turned his motorcycle and whisked away towards Suleja , Atinuke was met by a sentry at the gate . “Madam where you dey go ?” The police man , who sat in a dark room, she couldn’t see his features in the black silhouette, the white bulb outside the gatehouse made it impossible for her to see . “Good evening sir , I was called by a woman police here .” Atinuke said .

“Called for what ? can you not see the time ?” he asked . “Sir my daughter has been missing for over three months, I was told that she’s here .” Atinuke said .

“So it cannot wait till tomorrow morning ? this is One A.M in the morning.” the officer said . “And moreover no girl was brought to the station , go straight to the counter and meet the officers there .” He said in his dark shade , only the red light of the burning cigarette was visible.

When Atinuke got into the station,she met a female police with two other men at the counter . “Madam how may we help you ?” The woman asked . “I’m the mother of Idowu , you told me she’s been found I came to take her home .” Atinuke said staring all around the station looking for her daughter.

“Oh madam I didn’t say she was here , your daughter is in the hospital, our patrol officers saw her in a critical condition and rushed her to the Kubwa General hospital.” the officer said , Atinuke Stumbled and almost fell , she became so dizzy. “Madam you have to be strong , we will take you to the hospital now .” The woman said , the men held Atinuke and helped her sit down . After she had regained her strength they escorted her into the the vehicle of the female police , one armed police man joined them and they drove silently on the dark Kubwa Express to the hospital, some portions of the road was pitch black , while others were lighted up by yellow street lamps .

Soon they arrived at the hospital. Atinuke was led to the trauma surgery emergency room , immediately she saw her daughter, she was broken to pieces she began to cry . Idowu’s face was swollen from the beaten she had received from the man who had raped her . A black spot like a ring sat on both of her eyes, a white bandage was wrapped around her head .

“Jesus Christ who did this to my baby .” Atinuke sobbed as she knelt beside Idowu she lay her head on Idowu’s arm ,the only sign of life was the life support machine constant beeping , Idowu could not move her finger . The doctor was called over.

“Doctor please what happened to my daughter?” She asked . “Madam we suspect that your daughter was ganged raped by many men , we had to stitch back the upper part of her vaginah , it was a brutal assault, the heartless people didn’t care that she was pregnant.” The female doctor said , Atinuke’s eyes almost popped out .

“Preg what ?” Atinuke screamed , surprise was written all over her face . “Madam your daughter was four months pregnant when this incidence happened, we recovered two deceased fetuses from her womb .” Atinuke began to wail.

“Aaaarh my baby please wake up and forgive your mummy , I’ve failed you , I’ve failed you .” Atinuke cried .

Immediately Atinuke left the house Waheed tiptoed into Damilare’s room, he touched her boobs , she hissed and woke . “What is it Na uncle Waheed ? I don’t want to do this , what of mum hears us ?” She said with a derisive look on her face . “Calm down my baby , mum won’t hear anything, she said Idowu has been found she went to bring her home .” Waheed said he was still feeling Damilare up .

“Stop it uncle Waheed I don’t want to do it again, you told me you won’t go near Idowu , but you did it to her .” Damilare said . “I swear to God Almighty, I didn’t touch Idowu .” Waheed said with all sincerity .

“She was pregnant for you before she left here , she hates me , she hates us all because we covered for you , go away and leave me alone , you destroyed me that wasn’t enough you joined my sister.” Damilare said . “Please leave my room , I want to lock my door .” Damilare said , she could see Waheed’s eyes darting like squirrel trying to undress her .

“Uncle Waheed I told you I won’t do it again !” Damilare said .”Please just allow me to do small konji want to kill me right now .” Waheed begged . “You’re a beast go and get a prostitute, I won’t let you see my pant!” Damilare said , he slapped her across the face and pinned her to the bed , he closed her lips with his iron palm , he had her as many times as he wanted that night , Damilare cried blood when he left her room .

“Mummy there’s trouble o.” Atinuke called her mother . “What trouble?” She asked . “Mummy some men raped Idowu , she’s in the hospital on life support machine o. Mummy I’m going crazy , it’s my fault o!” Atinuke wept throwing her hands over her head , stamping her legs along the corridor of the hospital. “Jesus Christ, what are you talking about ? where and how did this happen ?” Grandma Titi screamed .

“Mummy Idowu ran out of the house because I beat her three months ago .” Atinuke said , “Aaa! Aaarh! Aaarh!” She screamed . “Atinuke pray that nothing happens to that girl , you knew my grandchild left your house you couldn’t call me ? Idowu has been calling and begging me to come home , I didn’t know you chased her out of the house .” Grandma Titi said .

“Mummy I didn’t chase her . She started making false allegations about Waheed , saying he tried to rape her , when I asked her siblings if Waheed came home they said no , I was so angry I beat her , after some weeks you ran away .” Atinuke said . “I thought I gave birth to a sensible daughter , Atinuke you’re a mumu! did you call me ? I’ll be leaving Lagos tomorrow morning nothing should happen to my daughter.” Grandma insulted her a few more and hung the phone .

The next morning Atinuke called Waheed , in twenty minutes time he was in the hospital, he paid about five hundred thousand naira accumulated bill , he and Atinuke couldn’t look at each other , they were both ashamed , they knew they failed their daughter who want more than anything to see her both parents together.

Grandma Titi arrived at the hospital that evening , she came with her luggage , she insulted Kunle so much that Atinuke and the hospital staff begged her to stop , Kunle had to leave the room for her .

For one week Idowu’s eyes were shot in her subconscious state, she was being fed liquid food through a pipe that passed through her nose down to her throat . Idowu opened her eyes one the eight day , she was staring blankly at Atinuke who was kneeling by her bed praying intensely.

She touched Atinuke, who slowly opened her eyes . “where … Grandma…” Idowu struggled to speak , it was inaudible. Atinuke ran out of the room to go and call the doctor and her mother who was sitting outside . “Idowu am sorry my baby , am sorry mummy loves you.” Atinuke said when they got back into the hospital.

Grandma embraced Idowu . “My love am sorry . why didn’t you tell me over the phone what was happening behind my back ?” Grandma ask , Idowu tried to speak the pains was too much she couldn’t . “Where does it hurt ? your head ?” Grandma asked , Idowu slightly nodded .

“Please you have to get well for granny .” Titi said , tears poured from Idowu’s eyes . “Please baby hang on please get well , am sorry for beating you .” Atinuke said , she held Idowu’s hand she gently moved her hand more tears poured from her eyes . Kunle came into the room , the doctors and nurses were checking Idowu’s vitals .

”Grandma… tired .” Idowu said with tears pouring from her eyes . ”Please be fine get well .” She said Idowu shook her head . ”Grandma… want … go .” Idowu said .

”Go where ? you’re not going anywhere.” Grandma said . she had not finished saying those word when Idowu began to stretch , her eyes rolled out of their socket , she foamed from her mouth stretched and her arms fell from the bed , it began to dangle by the bed side . the vital signs machine stopped beeping , Atinuke rushed to her child .

“Nooooo! Jesus no! Please Idowu cannot die!” She screamed and threw herself to the ground rolling , trashing the room with her body , not minding the blood that was gushing from her injured head , Kunle sat on the ground his head tucked into his knee as he cried , he remembered the good time he and Idowu had when they had gone out he sobbed like a woman that day . The doctors covered Idowu with a white piece of clothes and her body was moved to the morgue .

“My love please don’t do this to me , please wake up my love , please don’t let them bury you .” Atinuke begged , eyes soaked wet with tears . Idowu’s body was put on display in a casket , she was worn a white a line lace gown , with white stockings and hand gloves. Atinuke couldn’t believe her reality . “It’s okay Atinuke there’s nothing we can do for Idowu now , she’s gone to be with good.” Titi shook her head vehemently, she removed her mother’s hand from her back .

“No mummy Idowu will wake up , I can’t lost her too, I lost my sons and Kunle left me . Now my daughter my hard working daughter, my lovely daughter is gone , mama I can never forgive myself .” Atinuke said as her mother led her away from Idowu’s casket .

“We all have our fault in this , I should have come when she kept calling , I should have called you . Kunle is the selfish man who destroyed Idowu , he made her become stubborn that nobody could cope with her , she blamed you for the crisis in the marriage . What did she know ? she was only a child .” Titi said . The pastor mounted the pulpit with a sombre look on his face , Kunle was sitting far away from Titi he didn’t want to go near her snapping mouth .

“We want to begin this evening by telling the Kunle family , for the lost of your daughter, our deepest condolences.” The pastor said before adjusting his bishop collar . “The Bible says there’s time for everything under the sun , a time to be born , and a time to die , life isn’t measured by the length of it , but by the quality and impact.” The pastor said .

“Idowu was a beautiful singer , a lover of God, she was very cheerful and happy, but suddenly she was faced with challenges beyond her power and she fell , I pray that the Lord console the bereaved family in Jesus name .”the pastor said the whole crowd roared “Amen.”

“We’ll be taking her body to the general cemetery, her mother and father will join the ambulance as we take the body to the cemetery.” The minister said , Kunle was worst hit , he had no one to talk to , Idowu was the only one of his children he had a relationship with . He had not heard from Kafayatu or his kids for three weeks , he refused to go to Minna since his in-laws openly took sides with their daughter.

Waheed put his arms around Atinuke , she felt a bit relieved as they headed towards the vehicle, Atinuke climbed in , then Waheed went in after her , before Kunle , he despised the man the man who had taken over Atinuke’s heart , his turned his pain to his daughter lying in a white casket , tears filled his face .

“From the dust were we gotten to the dust shall we return.” The minister said . “We come against whoever would come to temper with this grave , may the thunder of the Lord strike them in Jesus name .” The pastor prayed , Idowu’s body was lowered to the ground , Damilare was the first to burst into tears , before Atinuke joined in .

“Aaaarh Jesu , oh Jesu! my daughter! they’re burying my daughter, please somebody tell me am dreaming o! Idowu come back to mummy am sorry!” Atinuke cried , her mum held her as she tried to jump into the grave , Waheed embraced and hugged her tight .

“Am sorry my love it’s going to be okay , I won’t let you hear this pain alone , I’m with you , we all love Idowu , but God knows best .” Waheed said still embracing Atinuke who sobbed on his shoulders.

Grandma was the first to pour sand on Idowu’s casket . “Idowu you cannot just die like this my daughter, they’ve caused me pain , it pains me to my bone, Idowu don’t rest until everyone involved in your death , is six feet below …” She said with the sand squeezed into her palm , the pastor stopped her midway from laying more curses .

“Leave me alone pastor , leave me !” Titi said to the pastor . “Sister Titi this is a Christian wake keeping , you shouldn’t be laying curses .” The pastor added . “I don’t care what you’re saying , my grand daughter must take her revenge , those who made me cry , those who made my daughter sad , their mother’s will mourn for them!” Titi said and dump the sand on the casket . Kunle cried like a baby mucus falling from his hand as he dumped his sand , Waheed poured the freshly dug red soil over Idowu’s casket , one arm holding Atinuke so she wouldn’t fall , for six days she had not eaten any food , she survived on only water . He led her to the car , Atinuke cried all the way to the house .

“Idowu what are you doing here ?” Ayomide asked staring at the blank couch in front of her . “Idowu they said you had died , why add you here ?” Idowu’s younger sister said . The Twins rushed into the house when the heard Ayomide talking . “Who are you talking to ?” They said to six years old Ayomide .

“It’s Idowu I saw her she was here , she was crying .” She said . “Idowu is dead , you won’t see her again.” The Twins said to the poor girl . “It’s a lie Idowu isn’t dead , I saw her , she said somebody killed her , that you people lied against her , that she’s not happy that she died .” Ayomide said , Damilare had walked in on her siblings talking , she froze when she heard what the little girl said , she knew there was no way for her to make them up herself.

“Stop talking rubbish Ayo , Our sister Is back , she won’t be coming again .” Damilare tried to explain to her , the girl walked out of the room when they kept forcing her to stop saying she saw Idowu , that it freaked them out .

It had been a very difficult period for Kunle , two of his Low bed trucks , carrying two excavators from Kwara to Abuja disappeared on the way , his driver claimed they were waylaid and the trucks taken away .

He later got to find out that Aburo and Kafayatu were behind it , the Excavator was sold to a dealer in Cameroon, he tried to recover his trucks and excavators , but no result came from the police , he lost about hundred million naira. He couldn’t go to Kafayatu’s parents , because they were clearly in league with her , so he avoided them .

He faced the problem of Idowu’s voice crying all around the house , he had seen her walking down the corridor, In the white lace she was wearing when she was buried, Kunle followed behind the apparition calling her Idowu’s name , when he turn a bend it disappeared.

“Hello Daddy Taiye Idowu is dead!” Kunle heard the weeping voice of Kafayatu say . “Are you just hearing who told you ?” Kunle asked .

“We buried her over a month ago .” Kunle said . “Aaaarh I’m dead oh! Kunle not your daughter Idowu o! My son is dead , they were involved in an accident , my brother was driving them to the mall , when a truck rammed into them , I am going mad!” He heard Kafayatu scream , people were begging her to calm down in the background. Kunle dropped the phone beside him and sat down gently on the couch.

“God what is this ehn?” Kunle mumbled to himself. “First you took my daughter, now my son what did I do to you ?” Kunle asked . A few minutes later Kafayatu called him again .

“Daddy Taiye you need to start coming to Minna , they said they need pints of blood for Taiye and Kehinde, please don’t let my children die please I beg you in the name of God .” Kafayatu cried .

“I’ll come before four P.M .” Kunle said . He couldn’t take his bath , he changed into a pair of blue jeans and hoodie, he left Abuja by Eleven A.M , he arrived at Minna at about four P.M .

He made his way to the Good Hope hospital. When he saw Kafayatu, she was shedding tears , her immediate younger brother who had driven her kids , had passed on from the injury he sustained on his head.

Kunle tried to console Kafayatu, then he asked to see his children , he ignored his in-laws and went straight to his children bed , there were born wrapped bandages like mummies , a drop of tears fell off from his eyes .

The doctor came into the room . “Are you the father of the kids ?” Kunle nodded . “Oga we need four pints of blood , we would need your blood and that of your wife .” The doctor said .

“That’s not a problem, please let’s go to the lab.”* Kunle said and hurried behind the doctor who showed them to the Lab , all the necessary test was done when the results came out it shocked Kunle .

“Sir are you sure this kids are yours?” The doctor asked Kunle . “Yes ma , they are my children .” Kunle replied .

“It’s difficult to understand how your blood group didn’t match with your children . sir we would need to go and get blood since your blood doesn’t match your children’s. ” She said .

“Madam I don’t understand what you’re saying why won’t my children’s blood match mine ?” Kunle complained. “Sir see the test results.” Kunle held his head , he paid for the blood , Kafayatu couldn’t look at Kunle . He left immediately he paid the hospital bills .

He cried all the way from Niger to Abuja , Kafayatu couldn’t explain . “Call Aburo , to come and take care of his children, I owe you and those children nothing!” Kunle had said before disappearing fro, the hospital.

Kunle couldn’t sleep all night , he was woken the next morning by Kids shouting outside the gate . Kunle tried to get up from the bed , his hands and legs were dead , he couldn’t move them . He was so terrified, he began to scream frantically.

He screamed for over an hour before people scaled the fence and came to his rescue, Kunle was rushed to the general Hospital.

”He had a cardiac arrest, I think at a result that help didn’t get to him on time , it resulted to stroke .” a doctor said , as they tried to resuscitate Kunle, he was hanging on a tiny tread of life .

Kunle lay on the floor for hours , he couldn’t get any sound to come out of his stomach , after about two hours of suffering a heart attack , he dragged himself to the gate , one part of his body was paralyzed , he weakly began to pound on the gate . “Some…body help!”he struggled to say with a slur voice . “Help me.” He continued crying for another hour before somebody came to the gate .

“Who is there ?” A male voice said from outside the door . “Please -help-me.” Kunle mumbled with a slurred voice . He was still weeping, the man called people scaled over the fence and open the gate from inside the compound.

They drove with him to the Kubwa General hospital, doctors gathered around Kunle they began to check him . “He has a left hemisphere stroke .” The doctor said to his colleague , as they attended to Kunle . “He has lost control of his right hand and leg , his lips is slightly shifted to the right .” The doctor said , all kinds of cables were being plugged to his body .

“Please who is a family member of this man ?” The doctor asked the good Samaritans that had brought Kunle to the hospital. The people looked on in silence , before a man moved forward. “He lives on our street , his wife left him , he barely talks to anyone, he actually keeps to himself , we heard his faint cry this evening, we had to scale the fence to bring him out .” He said.

“Can you get access to his phone? you need to call his family to inform them that he’s in a critical condition, he had a cardiac arrest that led to a stroke .” the doctor said .

“We need money to begin his treatment immediately. We’ve done our best to stabilise him , he was left unattended, he has a severe case of left hemisphere stroke.” The doctor dismissed the good neighbours, they left two neighbours to stay with him , while they went home to get his phone .

Kunle’s phone was beside his bed , he had tried to call for help , but couldn’t, they saw his sister’s number on the screen . “Hello Madam Sade how are you doing?” the man said . “Who is this why are you calling me with brother Kunle’s phone ?” The woman asked curious .

“I am Mr Kunle’s neighbour, I just called to inform you , that your brother is currently in the intensive unit of Kubwa hospital.” The man said Sade let out a loud cry . “My brother o! my brother ! what happened to my brother ?” She asked crying over the phone .

“Madam it’s not about crying , if you’re close to Abuja I want to beg that you should start coming , the doctors want to get his medical , and somebody to take care of him . Please I’m in Ibadan , I can’t come today , but his wife is in Suleja , I’ll give you her number so you call her , I’ll be coming to Abuja tomorrow.” Sade said still sobbing .

“Okay till tomorrow, please send me the number .” The man said and hung up the call .

Waheed and Atinuke were sleeping in bed , Atinuke felt a cold chill creep through her bones , her eyes popped open , she saw Idowu standing before her , her white gown was sparkling white like a florescent light, her eyes were red , she was holding two tiny dead babies in her hand , she froze with fear , her head felt so heavy , she couldn’t breath , she struggled to grab Waheed and dragged his short , his eyes popped open .

“What is it Atinuke? I want go sleep!” He grumbled . “See there!” Atinuke pointed towards were the spectre of Idowu was standing , Waheed couldn’t see anything there . “Mummy you killed me .” The ghost said , with blood spilling out of it’s eyes and mouth before it vanished . Atinuke jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom, to wash her face , while she was staring at the bathroom mirror , Idowu appeared again , she let out a loud yelping scream from her lung , Waheed ran into the bathroom. “What is it Atinuke?” He asked perspiring. “What is it ?” He asked , Atinuke was frozen with fear , she couldn’t talk , she was ashamed to say her own child was haunting her ,he hissed and returned back to bed .

The next day Damilare making breakfast for her siblings who were about to leave for school at about six A.M in the morning , she had fried Akara and put water on the gas cooker to make custard, when the door began to suddenly move , swinging in all directions , before it finally banged shut. Damilare ran to the door and tried to open it , she heard a demonic laughter behind her , she turned to meet the apparition levitating above the ground , higher than the kitchen cabinet, it was holding the pot of boiling water in the air .

“You are wicked Dammy! you betrayed me! I’ll take your life !” The apparition barked at Damilare, she froze where she was . “Can’t you say anything for yourself ?” The ghost asked , Damilare was trembling, her lips were moving , lips were moving but no word came out .

“I didn’t-I didn’t kill you Idowu .” She said the apparition burst into laughter. “Is that what you believe in your heart?” It asked Damilare. “Leave me alone Idowu! am sorry I lied I didn’t mean for you to die , I love you .” Damilare said , which got the ghost angrier , it flung the pot of hot water towards Damilare, a loud scream left her mouth ,as the scourging water met her skin .

“Go and tell mummy what he did to me .”it said with its back turned towards Damilare. “Or else I’ll make your life a living hell , blood betrayed blood , blood will come for blood .” It said face turned towards its back , the eyes were burning red , it vanished from the room with a strong wind that blew all the plates and utensils to the ground. Damilare held her lips and unable to speak when her mum and Waheed burst into the kitchen to meet all the destruction.

“What happened here ?” She asked , Damilare embraced Atinuke weeping like a little baby that had just seen the devil she couldn’t say a word .

Atinuke was sweeping the master bedroom where she and Waheed shared , her broom touched a Calabash that was hidden under the bed , she knelt down on all fours to see what was there under the bed , she froze in fear when she saw the Calabash , She dragged the Calabash from under the bed .

A beheaded tortoise was put in the medium sized Calabash, a talisman made of brown leather , wrapped with black and red thread , a black smelly substance , Atinuke couldn’t believe her eyes , she picked up the Calabash and flung it outside of the house .

“church he’ll not go! Mosque he wouldn’t go even though he claimed to be Muslim , I don’t understand this kind of man I married .” Atinuke quarrelled, she went to buy a bottle of kerosene with which she doused the charms and set it on fire .

“Aaarh!” Damilare screamed , running out of her room . “Aaaarh! fire ! fire!” She screamed her mother was confuswd when she got into the house.”Mummy fire!” Damilare kept shouting .

She felt so weak and tired .”Mummy I’m week .” Damilare said, Atinuke asked her to sit down as she got Malt and Milk for . “What’s it Dammy ?” Atinuke asked with a worried look over her face .

“Mummy I felt something dark leave my body , I feel very light.” Damilare said . “Take the malt you’ll feel better .” Atinuke said to her daughter. Soon Waheed’s car roared into the compound. “What did you do Atinuke! why did you burn my charm ?” Waheed screamed angrily .

“I told you I’m Christian you cannot bring fetish things to this house .”Atinuke chided him . “You’re mad Atinuke! you’re not normal ! How dare you touch what you don’t know nothing about?” He barked with red eyes .

“What are you talking about ?” Atinuke asked . “You have killed me , this witch you have killed me!” Waheed sat on the ground and threw his arms over his head .

Later that evening Damilare came to Atinuke where she sat silently staring into the evening son set . “Mummy where is Idowu ?” She asked with all sincerity, Atinuke turned to glare at her .

“How can you be asking me about Idowu? Are you mad? are you not aware your sister died months ago ?” Atinuke said , Damilare shook her head in disbelief. “Mum what killed her ? what happened to Idowu .” Damilare asked , Atinuke put palm on her head to see if she had a fever .

“Are you okay ?” She asked her daughter who nodded .”Then why are you asking me funny questions? are you mocking my pain?” Atinuke asked as tears poured out of her eyes . “Oh mummy Idowu is really dead ?” Damilare asked she sat down on the floor and began to weep her eyes out.

“Oh mummy Idowu is dead .” Damilare held her mother tight and cried , her siblings surrounded she and her mother , they watched in silence .

Waheed became so angry after his Calabash was burnt and broken , he was hostile to Atinuke and her kids , Damilare couldn’t hold the guilt in her , she wanted to tell her mother all Idowu had told her about Waheed , but the sly fox never left Atinuke’s side , always there to prevent Idowu from revealing the truth .

On a morning he left to work in Abuja . Damilare went into her mother’s room.

“Mummy uncle Waheed was responsible, he raped me and Idowu many times .” Damilare said, Atinuke couldn’t close her mouth . “Aaarh! don’t say this Waheed cannot do that\ to me .” Atinuke said in disbelief.

“Mummy he has aborted over fourteen pregnancies.” Damilare said , Atinuke let out a loud cry . “Aaaarh God this is not true I am dreaming!” Atinuke screamed .

“Mummy if you doubt me , ask aunt Tolu , if she wasn’t the one who remained the fourteen pregnancies. Atinuke wiped her eyes , and went outside the house , she took a motorcycle to the Suleja Police station with tears in her eyes . Soon she returned with police men , lucky for her Waheed had returned ,he had just finished washing his car , when he saw the police half dressing .

“Mr Waheed we want you at our station, for rape of two minors , you have any right to remain silent , anything you say will used against you in the court of law .” They handcuffed Waheed and took him out of Atinuke’s house , he was put in a police truck and driven to the shop of the lady they call nurse , she too was swiftly arrested and taken to police station .

Guilt almost killed Atinuke, her mother had to run to Sulaja, the poor woman couldn’t eat , she couldn’t think straight, she began to lost weight . She was wishing to push the case to get Justice for her late daughter, the fact that Waheed raped her daughters pained her to the bone.

She was shocked to hear that Waheed had been placed on bail , she went with tears to the police station, the police told her that they didn’t have powers to keep him for longer time , that the judge was the only one who could remand him in prison .

Atinuke had closed her shop for over a month , she was at home trying to sleep when a call came in , it was Sade calling. “What is it Sade?” Atinuke said when she picked the call . “My sister in-law are you still angry with me ? Please we only wanted the best for my brother .” And said , Atinuke hissed .

“what do you need Sade ?” Atinuke said angrily. “Your husband has been sick for one month , he had a stroke he’s in the general Hospital, I’ve been with him for two weeks, please come and take over , so I can go to Ibadan to see my children.” Sade said ., Atinuke only signed .

“I’m holding myself not to insult you mama Ramon , now I’ve become your wife . Please go and call Kafayatu.” She cut off the call .” Crazy people everywhere.” she hissed loudly and hung the phone .

Dotun and Barry were Chilling out with friends at Greenpoint bar , taking Hennessy and roasted turkey . The atmosphere was high , the men were talking at the top of their Voices, the music was vibrating the bottle of their drinks on the table . Dotun was the only one who sat quietly, staring at the bottle in front of him , his glass was full , he had no strength to lift the cup to his lips .

Barry saw his friend’s reclusive state, though he sat with the four of them on the table his mind was somewhere else . “Dotun are you okay ?” Barry asked . Dotun ignored him , he just picked his glass of wine and sipped from the cup. “Manchi talk to me , is anything the problem, for a while now you’ve been acting strange to me .” Barry said .

“Man you won’t understand.” He said , the other guys on the table began to stretch their ears to hear their conversation.Dotun got up and left the table . Barry raised his transparent tumbler to his mouth and drained the content , he got up from the table and ran after Dotun .

“Men why are you acting strange ? whatever is the issue we can iron it out .” Barry said running behind Dotun . “Leave me alone Barry , you cannot help me , no one can help me , she’s focking haunting me wherever I go , I’ve not slept for one month now .”Dotun confessed pacing around the car park .

Barry deeped his arms into his pocket of his denim jeans jacket. “Dude I swear I don’t get what you’re saying .” Barry continued, Dotun held his friends shoulder and stared into his face . “Bro that girl is tormenting me , she won’t let me sleep , she won’t let me rest , she is making my life a living hell .” Dotun said , he removed a brown cigarette from his pocket and lighted it up .

”Bro what if it’s just your head playing a trick on you ? what if that girl didn’t die ?” Barry asked . “Come on bro don’t say that , that girl was almost dead when we dumped her at the Zuba bridge , and it rained heavily. She confirmed to me than she died , she said I cannot have rest , that I will never enjoy the money I got from it .” Dotun said almost breaking into tears .

“Have you gone to see Baba ?” Barry asked . “Men he said he cannot help , that the girl’s head is too strong , that he didn’t ask for a sacrifice, that I did that to pleasure my skin , men the old man said I have to pay for my sins.” Dotun said .

“Bro we just have to go back to the club , Miller and Cyril are waiting for us .” Barry said , reluctantly Dotun followed behind him , they went into the club. they brushed their way through ladies wearing short dresses that left almost everything to the eyes of the spectator, with the men who were grabbing their buttocks and dancing seductively to the songs on the loud speaker.

Dotun poured a glass of wine , as he was about to lift it to his lips , he felt a bone crushing cold , he turned to the direction where the spectre stood , it red eyes burning like he embers of Hades , she was wearing the clothes with which they had dumped her . She began to walk towards Dotun unbothered by the people passing through it , it focused on Dotun , he dropped his glass and stood up .

The guys stopped drinking and trained their gaze on Dotun , he was acting crazy, he stumbled out of the chair he was sitting . “Dotun what’s the issue ?” Barry asked walking up to his friend , Dotun dropped a bundle of one thousand naira note on the table . ”Guys this is for the drink am heading home .” Dotun said , as he bolted out of the club knocking off the dancers who were blocking the exit door .

“Men what’s happening to your friend ? is he on Colos?” one of their mutual friends asked . “Bro Dotun is going through a lot of shit at the moment.” He said .

“Man you need to rush down to him and make sure he drives safely home .” another guy suggested.Barry ran out of the bar and caught Dotun reversing his car to leave the club .

“Men why are you leaving me behind ?” He screamed , they had come together,Barry didn’t own a car , so he depended on Dotun for his movement. “Bro this girl is messing with my head , I need to go and take some pills they help.” Dotun said as Barry stepped into the car , they spun the white Mercedes Benz-E Gwagon out of the club .

While they were speeding away , the beams of the headlamps poured on an apparition standing on the road like Idowu’s shape , it was holding two bloody children. “What’s the hell men why are you driving like a mad man!” Barry screamed when Dotun swerved the car to avoid a collision with the entity. But the entity flew in the air and began to follow them , Dotun kept turning to see if the ghost was still following them . It was beside his door , flying like a piece of clothing . It was looking very angry .

Blood began to flow down the road windscreen , the wipers couldn’t clear them off , Dotun kept stepping on the gas , firing the car , down the dark road . “Dotun calm down , you’re going to get us killed.” Barry begged , but Dotun wasn’t slowing down , he wanted to outpace the flying demon , he lost control of the car and barraged into the side pavement of a bridge , the white SUV spun into the air , and fell to the ground of bridge .

Barry’s head was bashed in like a trampled tomatoes, his blood had spilled all over the beautiful and opulent interior of the car , as they lay upside down . Dotun kept making rattling sounds from his throat , as his blood threatened to choke him , he made gasping noises , trying feebly to get himself out of his seatbelt , the cracking sound from his voice sounded like one with severe cartarhh struggling to breath , tears stood on his eyes as he gazed at the ghost that was looking down at him with a disdainful glare it’s his eyes . It stood there until Dotun went blank and his hands and feet stopped moving , before it turned it a smoke and vanished away .

“Aaarh this young boys them don go smoke and drink, see how them end their lives for road?” another man said . “Well this boys are Yahoo Boys , I don’t feel sorry for them .” Another said as the Body of the two men were loaded into a truck and driven towards the nearest hospital.

Atinuke couldn’t stand the incessant calls from Kunle’s old mother and his sister , they had used all kinds of blackmail tactics on her , she went to the hospital to take care of her estranged husband. Whenever she looked at him the pain of losing Idowu hit her fresh . Kunle was in a vegetative state , he could barely speak and recognise faces. Atinuke had to clean him up when he defecated and change his adult pad , then whip his body , he couldn’t sit up on his own . She left her kids with Damilare.

Damilare was inside the kitchen making dinner , when she heard the sound of Waheed’s car , she immediately dropped the spoon , and ran out of the house where Ayomide and Tajudeen were playing, she got there on time to see her. five years old step brother drop his toy car and jumped up towards his dad . Damilare stepped infront of him and snatched the lad , who began to struggle with her to get down . Damilare spanked the boy and he began to cry .

“Dammy let my son come and greet me .” Waheed said , Damilare grabbed Ayomide and ordered her to go into the house . “What are you doing here uncle Waheed, I thought the police told you not to come to our house ?” she asked with a raised voice praying for a neighbour to come in and help , she was terrified of Waheed .

“I came to see my son , I don’t want any problem. Tajudeen is my boy , I want to see him .” Waheed barked angrily his hand had began to shake . “Leave here before I call the neighbours.” Damilare threatened.

“Okay I’ll go , no need to scream.” Waheed said , Damilare stood her ground watching the monster leave . She could see his back of his car was loaded with bags , she thought he was running away , the court hearing was the next week.

Waheed went out to check if anyone was near the compound , when he didn’t find anyone , he rushed back to Damilare and began to struggle with her to take possession of his son , Damilare stood her ground and fought him off like a lioness protecting it cub.

“Are you crazy ?” He asked with red eyes , hatred and anger sat in his eyes . “You cannot take my brother, go and call my mum .” Damilare cried . Waheed wrapped his arms around Damilare’s neck and began to squeeze. Just then Taiye and Kehinde came back with buckets of water , they met their step father dragging with their sister , they began to scream .

That didn’t deter Waheed , he wrestled Damilare into the house , she dropped the boy , but would not let Waheed go away with her brother . Waheed began to press her neck , threatening to burst her wind pipe , he pushed her to the ground .

“Daddy leave aunt Dammy!” Tajudeen screamed in horror , he pulled at his father to pull him off Damilare, but his feeble strength couldn’t help . Damilare’s eyes began to bulge out , she was struggling on the tiled ground to get Waheed off her , but her efforts were in futility. The man sat on her stomach his palms remained on her neck firmly . she began to kick widely looking for anything to help her escape , she was trashing her legs in all directions, his hands clasped tighter around her neck . She began to stretch her leg , a stream of urine soaked her skirt . Her eyes had turned to white , the black iris had ran I to the socket .

Damilare began to stretch, her legs and knuckles became so white . “What are you doing daddy you’re killing aunt Dammy leave her !” The boy screamed . The girls had returned with some neighbours just when Damilare’s arms became limp , she had stopped moving , Waheed left her and ran out of the house , he got into his car and drove away before the dust would settle .

The men lifted Damilare and rushed her to nearby hospital.

“Hello Madam Atinuke, please come to Saint Paul hospital, your daughter is on admission there .” A male voice said to Atinuke. “My daughter? what happened to her , which of my daughters?” She asked confused .

”The Oldest one , your husband came home , and tried to kill her , she’s not in a good condition, she has not opened her eyes since we brought her here .” The man said , Atinuke excreted on her undies , she almost collapsed, she rushed to the room where Kunle was , she told him she would be out for a short while . She took a vehicle to Suleja .

Titi had to come and take her grandchildren to her house , Atinuke stayed with Damilare that night , she wept till the next morning , she couldn’t believe she had brought destruction to her daughters . When she remembered the Gynaecologist report on Damilare she cried , the girl had been fighting to stay alive .

She recovered quickly, she was discharged the next evening . Kunle cried when he heard what Waheed had done to his daughter. His siblings abandoned him for Atinuke , Sade refused to take her call when she got back to Ibadan, angry that Atinuke kept her in Abuja for three weeks before she came to stay with Kunle in the hospital. Kunle’s mother was still in Texas with her daughter, she kept promising to come the next week . Kunle was discharged from the hospital, Atinuke took him to her home in Suleja , Kunle was on a wheelchair, paralysed from head to toe on his right side. He sat and cried all day , sorrowful and pained for not being able to move his body.

Atinuke had reported to the police , a search was put in place for Waheed, from all findings from the investigation, he had left Nigeria for Togo . He had also been reported by three parents , that he had raped their teenage daughters. Many believed he had come to take his son with him as he was already on the run , but Damilare had put sand on his wheels , that was why he tried to kill her . They tried to trace him to Togo through the Interpol, but it seemed he had vanished into oblivion.

Kunle was lying on his bed in his old house , the memories he had shared with Atinuke in their twelve years of marriage played in his head , he remembered how he carried Damilare and Idowu all about the house , how they played like mates , tears rolled down his eyes. He knew he didn’t deserve the love Atinuke was pouring on him , she shouldn’t have come to his rescue .

When his own family turned their backs on him when he needed them the most . “You cannot remain with a woman who cannot bear sons ! You must find another wife! six girls what am I using them for Kunle? you’re the only son I could give your father . See your step brothers are inheriting all your father’s properties and lands . Kunle you must stop this now! Send that woman out of your house and get a wife . I can bring you a woman .” Kunle’s mother said , he cried as those memories flashed in his face .

“Mummy I love my wife . Times have passed , I’m okay financially my business is thriving , mummy I don’t want to hurt Atinuke. That woman has been there for me when I had nothing.” Kunle said . “Okay if you won’t divorce her take a second wife , have a concubine . You cannot give me only girl children . Kunle if I die without a heir I won’t forgive you .” Mama Kunle said and then burst into tears .

“Okay mum I will get a concubine.” Kunle said . Tears fell from his eyes , when he heard Atinuke’s voice , she was just calmly talking to Damilare.

“See I’ve forgiven him , you cannot carry on hating your father . Yes he’s hurt you , he hurt us all but we should forgive him… he’s your father .” Atinuke said .

“Mummy you should take him to Ibadan , to his mother and sisters ,he cannot abandon us when we needed him . and just walk in whenever he wants .” Damilare said with a tears soaked voice . “They’re scars on my body , scars on my heart , that man left me to be burnt . It’s either he leaves this house , or I’ll leave this house for all of you . I cannot forgive him , Idowu is gone because of him . I’ve talked to one woman to get me a housemaid job in Abuja , I’ll leave when it clicks . I cannot stand him , I hate him more than I hate Waheed .” She said and walked out of the house .

Atinuke came into the house and met her husband crying . “Kunle what is it ?” she asked “why are you crying ?” He couldn’t express the word , he just shook his head and cried so more .

“If it’s Dammy, don’t worry she’ll come around . ” she said , he shook his head , he heard the hate in her voice , she was shocked when the vehicle came with him and Atinuke to the house , disdain was plastered on her face , she Immediately left the house and didn’t return that day .

“I…I am Sorry.” Kunle stuttered. “I..caused it, I left… them . Idowu died…” Kunle struggled to speak . “She will come around . Stop crying she loves you .” Atinuke assured her husband, who kept shaking his head .

Atinuke had to close her business in the market to take full charge of Kunle , since Damilare got a job in Asokoro and stayed away from the Hoose. She would come during weekends, but stayed out of the house .

She had visited the house towards month end , Atinuke took the opportunity to rush to the market to get food stuff . Damilare was at home , she heard her father making a grunting sound . She went into the room and saw him on the ground struggling to get up .

“Please… help… me…” Kunle said Atinuke gazed at him for so long , she hissed and turned to leave . “Am sorry Dammy forgive me!” He cried struggling to get into his wheelchair, but couldn’t .

“I told mum , that I won’t touch you . I hate to be hear , I hate to be near you! I can never help you , you deserve everything that came to you . I am ashamed to call you father!” She barked at Kunle who had dragged himself to a sitting position near the foot of the bed , his wheelchair was standing behind him . She got a hot slap from her mother .

“What are you saying to your father Dammy ? are you mad?” She screamed in annoyance. “This thing isn’t my father! I am fatherless! When the boys raped me where was my father ? would Okolo and the other boys do that to me ? they knew I had no one to fight for me mother! I lost my virginity to those bastards!” Damilare burst into tears .

“I ran to Waheed thinking he was a father figure! Mum he took advantage of the situation and did his own too . If my father was around , just maybe if my father stayed around and wasn’t looking for a son! I wouldn’t have faced that!” She cried , almost choking on her tears . “If my father had not left maybe I would have been able to confide in him my fears . Waheed said if I ever told you what he was doing , that he would sleep with Taiye and Kehinde, and even kill you , and make sure we moved in with him , if my father was here , that wouldn’t have happened! You this wicked man you hurt me so much . I saw hell because of your selfishness, I am not my mother , I cannot forgive you , until the day I die never .” She said Atinuke yelled at her . “Stop talking rubbish!” She screamed .

“I still have more to say to you dad . I am seventeen years old , my womb has been damaged, I lost my sister because of you daddy , you wanted a son , why did you come to your daughters ? My life is worthless to me . Everyday I think of ending it , nobody will call me mummy , am just seventeen, I’ve had seventeen abortions , not that I wanted it , but I had no one to talk to . Be sincere would you have believed me ? Did you believe Idowu ?” The girl asked Atinuke couldn’t speak she just kept cleaning tears from her eyes .

“You priorities your happiness over us your daughters ,I can forgive you . But this man .” She pointed to her father who was still sitting on his buttocks . “I can never forgive you , I am fatherless.” She got up and wiped the tears from her eyes and walked out on her parents.

Damilare went to her room and began to pick her clothes one after the other , she loaded them into two of her suitcases and dragged them out of the house , Atinuke couldn’t say a word , she and Kunle watched their daughter leave the house .

Kunle tried to repair the relationship with his daughters, they kept going for his hospital appointments, but Atinuke saw that he had lost the will to live , the fire of excitement disappeared from his eyes, he looked like a man who wanted to be somewhere else .

She lay on his chest , after they had known each other , he breathed lightly. “Do you think Damilare will ever forgive us?” Atinuke asked . “I… I … don’t know… I know I messed up, o wish I can have a relationship with her…” He said tears rolling down his eyes .

” Everything will be alright.” Atinuke said , Kunle chuckled . The next morning , she woke up to see Kunle looking blue and cold . “Kunle ? Kunle ?” She shook him, Kunle had gone rigid .

“Jesus! Jesus! Aaarh Kunle don’t do this to me Nah!” She cried dragging his shirt . “You cannot do this to me ! You just came back to me , aaarh please Kunle wake up!” Atinuke shook him , Kunle’s body was already cold . Taiye and Kehinde ran into the bedroom, they all joined in the crying .

Damilare came to the house the next day , she tried to cry , she tried to feel the pain of losing a father , but she couldn’t, the hate in her heart left when she saw her father’s corpse ,when they traveled to Ibadan. After the burial they all returned back to Suleja, Damilare moved back to the brothel were she was working, she couldn’t stay with her mother anymore .

Six months after Kunle’s death , Atinuke put to bed , she had her eight baby, it was a boy , a carbon copy of Kunle , she named him Kunle Junior .

In Lome Togo Afeez had settled in , he changed name and changed environment, he moved in with his girlfriend, who was a Yoruba food vendor who had stayed in Togo for twenty years. The woman loved Afeez, who told her a compelling story of how his pregnant wife had died with their baby during delivery.

Madam Shukurat accepted Afeez into her home , she wished to bring happiness back into the sad life of the widower who had just left his sadness and worries I’m Nigeria and ran to find solace in the arms of mama Kudirat .

His eyes was on Kudirat , she was a beauty to behold , he only prayed his past secrets wouldn’t haunt him to Togo and make mama Kudirat chase him away , he loved the mother and daughter and wished he could build a family with them . But he knew the charm Baba Ijesha had given to him couldn’t bind the angry ghost forever, whenever it came out , he knew that it would be time for him to go back to Nigeria to bind it into the bottle of death .


The nurses and doctors were running in and out of the labour ward . Kunle sat quietly a green bottle of Erujeje alcoholic bitters squeezed inside his palm , from time to time he would pause his stream of thought and take a sip from the half empty bottle .

Titi Abike’s mother sat opposite her son inlaw , the fierce anger burning in her eyes could burn his to crisp , she was a boiling volcano waiting to explode . A doctor came out of the labour ward, he was wearing a sky blue scrub , a white cap and white Crocs, he avoided Kunle and went straight to Titi.

“Madam your daughter needs two more pints of blood , the woman will die if you don’t do something fast .” He said , Kunle could hear him clearly , but he paid no attention, his heart was burning with wrath and indignation.

“You’re giving me female children and you’re giving me stress . How much have I spent because of female child you want to give birth to ! rubbish .” Kunle hissed angrily, he kept sipping from the bottle of alcohol, Titi tightened her wrapper around her waist and walked up to her son inlaw .

“Kunle is it that you’re mad or deaf! I have taken enough of your rubbish! I swear if my daughter dies! Kunle I’ll get my revenge! is she the one putting the female children in her womb? what you gave is what she’s bringing out! I know you are pretending to be deaf! Just go and pay for the blood ,I won’t buy another one!” She barked , her face red with fury .

“Mammy I have told you I don’t have money! I told Atinuke not to take in again . I’ve five girls already, she can’t give me a son! but she wouldn’t listen , the thing in her stomach is going to be a girl again, why are you stressing my life ? I would have been at the shop, if you had not forced me to stay here , maybe I would have had the money . I’ve spent fifty thousand naira today.” Kunle hissed.

“Don’t you ever call me mummy again in this life! I can never be mother to an inhuman beast like you! You go and get that money for the blood . I’ve spent twenty thousand naira this morning .Atinuke is your wife , she’s your responsibility, don’t let me call your mother .” The woman screamed .

Reluctantly Kunle got up from the metal chair , and walked to the cashier stand , he paid twenty thousand naira for two pints of blood , and returned back to his chair facing his mother in-law , he could see the piercing hatred in her eyes .

“I am tired oh! I am tired doctor I can’t push anymore. Mummy! Mummy! Jesu! Jesu! I am dying oh! Mummy!” Atinuke screamed in terror , as the doctors kept urging her to push out the baby . “Please Na doctor I can’t push anymore , I will die here oh! I’m tired!” Atinuke cried , her gown was soaked wet with sweat and tears , she had been in the labour room for ten hours. The matron spoke to the senior doctor, who left the ward . “Doctor Bummy we have to carry out a Cesarean section, this woman cannot give birth naturally .” the elderly nurse suggested .

“Will her husband agree to pay for a cesarean section? that man that have been refusing to give blood to his wife, a man who watched his mother in-law buy three pints of blood for his wife ?” The doctor said in a low whisper to the matron . “We have to tell him .” The male doctor who had gone to see Kunle said .

“You go and talk to him Samuel, I don’t want somebody to beat me this afternoon.” The matron said . Samuel nodded and left the room . Doctor Bummy fixed a new bag of IV drip on the intravenous injection on Atinuke’s arm .

The doctor’s feet were heavy like a bag of cement were tied under them , he walked up to Kunle who was sitting with his back glued to the back rest of the metal chair, his face was raised up facing the roof , like one who had lost hope of living . “Hello Mr Kunle ?”one of Kunle’s eye popped open, he gave the doctor a dirty look .

“Mr Kunle we have tried all we could , your wife cannot give birth on her own , she has to undergo cesarean section.” The man said calmly . Kunle sat upright, and glared into the face of the young doctor . “Mr Kunle can you hear me ? we need money to carry out a Cesarean section on your wife , the life of your wife and baby are at risk with each minute you waste !” The doctor barked like a rabid dog.

“God which kind of wahala is this one ? ehn Operation ? this stupid woman you couldn’t even give birth to the female child like you were supposed to do . I can’t pay any money .” Kunle pondered with the idea in his big coconut head, too timid to let out his vermin thoughts .

“Kunle are you deaf! the doctor is talking to you ! what are we going to do !” Titi screamed , her lungs almost jumped out of her mouth . “Mummy Atinuke let me to think, ahhhh you think I have tree where I pluck money ?” Kunle hissed .

“Kunle you must pay the money , Atinuke has been inside the labour room since morning! you’re telling me rubbish , let us go he must pay .” Titi insisted , she got up and glued herself to Kunle , as if he intended to run .

“Ahh mummy let me breath , I’ll pay the money .” Kunle mumbled , as he got up from the chair , he strode into the doctor’s office to get forms to fill , Titi followed closely . Kunle’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the amount of money written on the form .

“Doctor four hundred and fifty thousand naira ? where am I going to get that kind of money ?” Kunle screamed in terror , throwing the piece of paper at the doctor . “Mr Kunle you’re talking about the money , what about the life of your wife and child ?” the doctor asked .

“What wife ? which child ? I can’t find four hundred thousand and fifty thousand naira, even if you raise me up from. Let her put to bed like a woman , this isn’t her first time .” Kunle said refusing to shift ground . “Mr Kunle we’re going to discharge your wife if you refuse to pay . Our hospital isn’t a mortuary, we won’t let her die here .” The doctor said .

“It’s better oh , you should discharge us oh! there’s no way on God’s earth I’m going to pay that kind of money. Iya Bashira will deliver my wife and my baby ,She was the one who delivered all my children , just because you want to steal my money , you are telling me my wife cannot put to bed .” Kunle ranted . The doctor wiped off beads of sweat falling from his eyes .

“You can bring two hundred and fifty thousand naira , we’ll commence the operation , while you look for the remainder.” The doctor said . “I don’t have money Ole , I said discharge my wife I want to take her away .” Kunle barked , Titi walked into the doctor’s office, sensing the consternation and acrimony brewing between her so inlaw and the doctor .

“Doctor what’s this man saying ?” Titi asked the doctor if ignoring her son inlaw as if he was invisible. “Madam your son inlaw is a difficult man . We’ve spent over eleven hour trying to get the baby from your daughter , Your son in-law is planning to take her away to a native doctor, we can or force him …” He was saying before Titi interrupted him and turned to Kunle who was slyly making his way out of the office , she grabbed him by the neck and wrestled him to the ground , pulling down a large tarpaulin picture that was hanging on the wall .

“Before you kill my daughter Kunle! I must first kill you! Kunle beat me ! You bastard kill me!” She screamed . “Mammy leave me alone ! Mammy you’re choking me , leave me alone!” Kunle screamed as Titi tightened the grip on his neck .

“I’ll pay the money ! Let me be ! I’ll pay two fifty now , then I’ll go and find the balance . You’re stressing me as if your daughter can give birth to a boy.” Kunle said , Titi refused to let him go until he made the payment.

An hour later the loud cry of a baby announced the arrival of kunle’s sixth child , Atinuke glued the baby to her chest and wept , she held the bundle of joy that almost ended her life .

“Congratulations Mr Kunle , your wife has successfully delivered her baby .” The female doctor said to Kunle , his arm was under his chin , he glared at the woman as if they were mortal enemies, he hissed and continued staring at the wall . Soon He was invited to go and see Atinuke and the baby after she had been cleaned .

“What did you give birth to!” Kunle yelled as soon as he was alone with Atinuke in the private ward they had put her . “Kunle leave me alone , you don’t care that I went to death and came back ?’ Atinuke asked her husband.

“Don’t ask me that stupid question, Open the child I want to see .” Kunle barked . “What does it matter Kunle , many people out there are crying to have just one child , but here you have six of them .” Atinuke said to her husband.

“May Ogun strike you dead Atinuke! May thunder strike you to death!” He cursed at his wife . “How dare you tell me such rubbish , now open it!” He said forcing open the shawl that was wrapped around the baby . Immediately Kunle saw the child , his face turned gray , like a corpse that had stayed too much in the mortuary freezer , he stood staring at Atinuke and her baby , a thought came to his head to strangle both mother and child , he stood trembling in fit of anger .

Atinuke grabbed her baby and glued the poor child to her chest, to protect it from her furious husband , she could see hatred burning bright hell red inside her husband’s eyes , she trembled on her bed wondering what he would do to her . His arms were shaking as if he was having an epileptic attackm she prayed for somebody to walk into the room , that same instant the phone creaked ,her mother stepped into the room with a flask of hot water .

Atinuke breathed a sigh of relief, Kunle’s eyes were fixated on her little bundle of which she glued to her chest like her life support . “What is it Atinuke ?” Titi said , Atinuke was tongue tied, she had never seen her husband in his beast form , his eyes said he would have killed them if her mother had not come in .



Kunle turned walked out of the hospital like a deaf and dumb person , he couldn’t say anything, until he got into his Nissan Frontier truck our of the compound , he was so enraged that he took the anger on the poor car .

“Madam your husband needs to come and pay the balance of three hundred thousand naira , before we can continue treatment on you .” A new doctor in the Surgery inpatient unit said to Atinuke, she sighed. “Madam please give us small time , my husband will come and pay all the money .” Atinuke assured the woman.

“See madam this is a hospital ehn , it’s not a charity home . Your drugs and injections have not been paid for , we will stop all treatment until all your debts are cleared up .” the doctor said , she turned and left Atinuke’s room , she began to cry , the door creaked opened and Titi walked in . “Why are you crying Tinu?” Titi asked her daughter.

“Mammy what are we going to do . it seems Kunle has abandoned us here , Damilare said he didn’t come home yesterday.” Atinuke said whimpering . “What’s wrong with that man of yours ? you see why I told you not to marry him ? if you had marry Teju who has male seeds in him , you wouldn’t be in this mess …” Titi said to her daughter, Atinuke got infuriated.

“Mammy stop it , how many years did I date Teju? four good years you he wouldn’t talk about marriage . Mammy I am talking of clearing my bills , the hospital has Siad they’ll stop treating me until Kunle pays the old debt .” Atinuke said , the baby began to cry, Titi picked her up and gave her to her mother .

“Have you called his number again today ?” Titi asked, Atinuke nodded with tears rolling down her eyes .” Stop crying let me call him with my new number . That your husband is a very senseless man .” Titi said , she dialled the number it went through on the first dial .

“Kunle what’s wrong with you ? how can you abandon your wife who just put to bed in the hospital and go your way ? Kunle are you sure you’re normal ? have you suddenly lost your voice ?” Titi barked angrily into the phone . “Aaarh Mummy this isn’t Kunle .” A female voice timidly said.

”Ogun will kill you if you call me mummy , you know Kunle is a married man and you kept him in your house . where is that stupid Kunle ? why is his phone with you ?” Titi asked angrily. “Mummy I am respecting you! please don’t lay curses on me , is Kunle a baby?” The lady barked back at Titi.

“Ahhh Useless woman , Ashawo , as you’re making my daughter cry , I swear on my mother’s grave you will also cry because of your children , born throw away , she goat , you’re a pig you shall never be happy!” Titi caused . “Who are you talking to ?” Titi heard kunle’s voice from the background.

“It’s your mother in-law o. Come and tell her not to lay curses on my head .” The lady said to Kunle so loud that Titi could hear. “Iya Atinuke please please respect yourself! you cannot call my girlfriend and be raining insults on her!” Kunle said ,it sounded like broken pieces of bottles inside Titi’s ears she couldn’t believe what her son in-law had just said .

“Girlfriend Kunle?” Titi said in shock , Atinuke placed her both arms over her head as she began to weep . “Yes you heard me well , Iya Atinuke I am not doing again , what! I won’t pay one naira , I’m leaving your barren daughter. I swear in the name of God I’ll deal with you if you call my phone again . Go and raise the girls , sell your late husband’s house in Karmo and discharge her . You think it’s only you who can curse . May God punish you and your stupid daughter!” Kunle cursed his mother in-law over the phone , Titi burst into tears , She bit her finger tip.

“Aaaarh I swear to God who made me Kunle , it shall never be well with you , your enemies will always rejoice over you, you will work and work and you won’t see the fruit of your labour . If Atinuke has been a good wife to you Kunle , you shall never find peace in that relationship.” Titi cursed with tears falling from her eyes .

“Nothing will happen to me , nothing will happen to my new wife , I’m going to Illesha to go and pay Omolara’s bride price tomorrow morning , come with your witch people , nothing you can do Titi. tell your stupid daughter to stop calling me her husband and I dash you the girls . Idiot , I’m going to block you now.” The call beeped and went off , Titi tried to call , she found out he had blocked her .

“Put yourself together Tinu! I don’t want to hear a cry from you ! he doesn’t deserve you! you had two sets of twins for that bastard but see all he can say . I’ll go and sell your father’s house in Karmo , you will be well.” The woman said , her eyes red like chilly pepper ,she remembered how Kunle had pleaded on his knees for to bless his relationship with her daughter, ten years had flown so fast , same Kunle insulted her to her face .

After ten days in the hospital, Atinuke was discharged to go home with the baby , Her children were happy to see her , only Damilare had gone to the hospital to see her , the rest wanted to carry their baby sister in turns .

“Mummy where is Daddy ?” Idewu her husband’s favourite daughter , she had been missing her father, she couldn’t understand why her father had to remain with her mum and her new sister in the hospital, when they had no to take care of them at home . “Idewu leave me alone , I don’t want to talk . I don’t know where your dad went .” Atinuke said , disenchanted.

“But mum dad went with you to the hospital, why did he not come back ?” Idewu insisted on an explanation, she pushed her angry mother to the edge , Atinuke slapped her back , that the sound made Titi to rush into the house , the slap had travelled through the wall . Idewu had began to cry . “Why did you slap her like that ?” Titi quarreled her daughter, Atinuke’s palm made a five fingers print on Idewu’s back the girl continued to cry , Atinuke didn’t say a word to her mother , she just sat on the bed , her knees tucked under her chin , she ignored her new born baby who was screeching at the top of her small lungs.

“Are you now also deaf Atinuke ? Can you not hear your baby crying ? you cannot put your husband’s sin on the kids , can you see how you injured Idewu ?” She said, Atinuke didn’t say a word until her mother picked up the baby .

Four days Atinuke couldn’t eat , her breasts stopped bringing out milk , Titi left her house in Maddala to take care of her daughter and granddaughters, she saw that Atinuke wasn’t ready to do any chores for the house , so she did it for her . She kept looking out of the door , staring and waiting patiently if Kunle would return home , she waited weeks and weeks Kunle didn’t return home .

When she went to see his mother at Karmo , the woman didn’t give her attention, she was in support of her son ,she reminded Atinuke that Kunle was her only son , that he needed to have sons to take over his share of his father’s properties , because his step siblings were taking over Kunle’s land , because he had no sons , that she should leave her so alone .

Atinuke Passed through Kubwa Express ,she stopped at Katampe to check her husband’s work shop , she saw his boys loosening tyres of tractors and payloaders , that told her he was around.

“Akeju where is your master .” Atinuke ordered with authority the boys . “Ma Oga went to go and deliver a lowbed with the driver .”the young man said , Atinuke ignored him and walked straight into her husband’s office , she growled when she came face to face with her husband who had abandoned her with the children, a lady sitting on his lap quickly jumped off. “Omolara why are you running here ? do you see a woman here? I don’t know this thing standing here with that child .” He said , Atinuke’s lips were left wide open , shock was written all over her body ,she could never had believed that her husband could cheat on her with another lady , was dumbfounded, no word came out when she opened her mouth to speak , she just gave her husband, a disdainful look .

Atinuke didn’t take well being fed to the lion , and thrown under the bus , the fact that Kunle’s new wife Kadijat , had given birth to two twin boys added salt to her injuries , He had refused to send a dime to his children for school fees and feeding. Atinuke regretted ever agreeing to be a full time housewife.

Her baby was almost six months old , Titi took full responsibility of the baby , Atinuke refused to have anything to do with her daughter, she was irritated with her constant cries , she refused to breastfeed her , Titi adopted her grandchild , she had to feed her with milk and pap.

Titi had come to drop food for her daughter , Segun her eldest son who sold Tokumbo cars in Lagos sent seventy thousand to Titi, that she should give it to Atinuke for food stuffs and to start a business of her choice.

But when Titi saw Atinuke wandering up and down the street without her slippers , she was like a scarecrow inside a big Bubu gown , her hairs were rumpled and tangled with tiny bits of dirts, Titi went berserk. She grabbed her by the hand and dragged her like she used to drag her to school when she was still a baby .

“Tinu! are you mad? because Kunle left has your world suddenly ended ?” Titi cried . “See your house it looks like where a mad woman stays! you refused to take your birth! You refused to take care of your children . Are you the first woman to be abandoned by her husband!” Titi yelled like a wounded lion .

“Mummy I can’t take this pain it’s too much , I can’t sleep I can’t think mum . Why will Kunle do this to me , Mummy am I the one who gave myself girls .” she asked her mother holding unto her clothes .

“Leave me alone Tinu! it’s been eight months already! I am not taking this madness from you , you better snap out of this self pity ! you have six beautiful daughters to raise ! you cannot treat them like trash!” Titi said , Tinu plopped into the old couch , the brown chair was worn , and torn in the middle .

“What’s wrong with you Tinu, if Kunle doesn’t want you , another man would want you .”Titi said, she sat down with Atinuke. “Ayomide needs her mother , Taiye and Kehinde needs their mother , you can spend the rest of your life raising this kids , and you wouldn’t regret it.” She calmly squeezed her daughter’s hand . A hot tear drop fell from Atinuke’s eyes .

“Segun sent seventy thousand naira, I’ve added thirty thousand naira for you to start a business. Think of any business you want to go in , you should do something with your life don’t let Kunle ruin you , he’s there enjoying his life .”Titi said , Atinuke wept bitterly, then wiped her eyes .Her mother Washed and braided her hair . “See how you’re looking like a skeleton, no flesh on your body , take care of yourself , Kunle will end up being jealous.” Titi said .

That afternoon Atinuke and her mother cleaned out the house , and washed the tiled floor , then removed the bedsheets and clothes , they spent over six hours washing.

Damilare and her siblings returned from school to meet a clean house , their grandmother had prepared Amala and ewedu soup , their favourite, and their mother was looking different , like some monsters residing inside her had left her, she was even carrying their baby sister .

The kids played with Ayomide, she was so happy to see her mother , Idewu carried the baby and played with her around the neighbourhood. “Grandma can Ayomide stay back with us ? don’t take her to Zuba please.” Idewu asked her grandmother.

“It’s up to your mum , does she want her to stay ?” Titi said , Atinuke gazed at her mother with a morose look on her face .Idewu went to her mother , the baby sleeping on her back . ”Mummy please let’s keep Ayomide here , I will take care of her .” She pleaded.

“She can stay .” Atinuke said , her children jumped up in elation , each dragging to carry the baby who was already sleeping on Idewu’s back . “Stop you’ll wake her up .” Titi said to her grandchildren .

“Idewu go and put her down on the bed .” Atinuke said . the baby was put on the bed , she slept soundly . The next morning Titi came to the house after her grandchildren had gone to school, she and Atinuke went about town looking for a place she could open a restaurant.

They searched from morning till about twelve noon , when she saw a shop at the Sulaja Garage . It was a big shop overlooking the buses and cabs heading to Abuja and Minna , it was a beehive of activities. “This place would be nice , market will flow well .” Titi said , Atinuke nodded and thanked her mother .

After buying pots and making tables , they exceeded the money they had initially budgeted. Titi spent about two hundred and forty thousand naira to set up her daughter’s business. Titi would leave her shop in the Zuba Market to Sulaja every morning to help Atinuke to cook , and teach her how to make her special delicacy of stew .

Three months later ,drivers and passengers queued to get Atinuke’s rice , people would pass through the garage just to get her food before going to work .

“What did just say?” Kunle turned to Kadijat, she was holding on to his shirt . “I said I will not let you take an inch , if you don’t give me the three hundred thousand naira I ask .” Kadijat said . “Three hundred thousand naira as what ? Did you keep money with me ?” Kunle asked his wife with a shocked look on his face .

“I want to buy Aso ebi for Morenikeji’s wedding , it’s just twenty five thousand naira. And we also have to contribute twenty five thousand Naira to support her wedding.” Kadijat said .

“You sais three hundred thousand Naira Kadijat?” Kunle asked his wife . “Yes I need to put two hundred thousand naira into my business, then I’ll hold fifty thousand naira .” Kadijat said still grabbing her husband’s shirt . “Kadijat Ogun will punish you , do you know it will not be well with you ? you’re an unfortunate woman . I gave you a two hundred thousand naira only two weeks ago what did you do with the money?” Kunle said plucking her hand off his shirt .

“I’ve used the money , I used it to take care of your children!” Kadijat said . “You must be mad , take care of which children ? is it not breast milk you’ve been feeding them ?” He asked .

“Yes I have to eat well so they can suck .” Kadijat said . “You’re a crazy woman let go of my shirt!” Kunle began to struggle with his wife to get her fist that was glued on his shirt off , she wouldn’t let go until some buttons came off the shirt, in a fit of anger , he slapped her across the face , she landed on her back.

“Jesus! Kunle did you just slapped me?” Kadijat said . “Yes I just slapped you , if you don’t respect yourself , I’ll slap you over and over again , what’s wrong with you ? how can you tear my shirt!” Kadijat rushed into the kitchen of their three bedroom flat , she grabbed a green beer bottle and rushed back to her hit her husband on the head with the bottle , Kunle’s head got opened , blood rolled down his body and stained his shirt .

The twins crawled after their mother as she screamed at the top of her voice begging her husband not to kill her Kunle beat the living day out of her , she bled from her mouth and nose , they had locked the gate to their house , nobody could hear their fight .

“I’ll deal with you this unfortunate woman , you won’t go to any wedding , you think I’m your bank ? I’ll work and you will go and waist the money? how much did those stupid friends of yours contributed during our wedding?” He said before leaving the house , he drove to a Pharmacy at Kubwa Federal Housing Estate where he had gotten the flat to treat his head . His head was stitched together and a large pink plaster was put on his head.

It was seven A.M in the morning , the sun was glowing a pink bulb in the east . Atinuke had transported all her children to the shop . Kehinde and Taiye were still sleeping, while Ayomide was glued to her mother’s back sucking her fingers , Ife had a plate of leftover beans in front of her , she was eating furiously, as if she had been starved for three days . Idewu and Damilare were the ones helping her with cooking , she was yet to get a sales girl , she left the house at about five A.M to start preparing for the day , her mother had to go back to her shop, so she had no one to assist her other than her daughters.

Idewu was a nut case , an iron that refused to be bended without fire , but Atinuke was soft like Agege bread , she barely could scream , talk less off beating . That made the girls wings to spread wide like a tree canopy . She had told her to wash the plate she had left the previous day , but the Zuma rock, did what she wanted whenever she wanted .

“Idewu how many times will I tell you to wash the plate ?” Atinuke asked calmly. “Customers have started coming .”

“Mummy leave me alone! mummy leave me alone, I won’t wash the plate!” Idewu barked at her mother, the look of shock buttered as her face as she stared at her daughter in disbelief. “What did you just say ?” She asked .

“I said I won’t wash the plate , what has Damilare done since morning ? I’m the one who washed the beans , I am the one who took it to the engine , her own is just to sit and be ordering me about .” The ten years old girl fumed .

“Blood of Jesus Idewu are you talking to me ?” Atinuke asked . “Mummy it’s you that has been leaving this girl , she’s been growing wings .” Damilare said . A driver was sitting down quietly watching the drama unfold between mother and daughter, he was slowly eating his plate of white rice , with stew and beef .

“Will you shut up your big Kpomo mouth, see head like roasted cocoyam .” Idewu dished a cup of insults on her elder sister . Like an angry leopard Atinuke pounced on her and began to flog her with spatula she was using to turn eba .

“I’m going to remove the witchcraft from you , how dare you talk back at me , are you possessed?” She lashed her daughter on the buttock . “Leave me alone , leave me alone!” Idewu fought her mother , the man rushed to hold Atinuke, Idewu escaped from her mother’s grip and ran out of the shop .

“You chased my father away , I hate you ! take me back to my father . What kind of a wicked mother are you? I want my father! Idewu do this! Idewu do that! you hate me! I want my father!” Idewu back at her mother in the middle of the garage. Atinuke tried to ignore her daughter’s rash behaviour but couldn’t , Idewu’s aggressive behaviour had gotten worst , she blamed her mother for her father leaving the home.

“Mammy Dammy stop crying , it’s not your fault that your daughter is behaving this way , she just needs a father figure , a strong hand to hold her .” Brother Toheed one of Atinuke’s regular customers,who had continuously shown his interest in having a relationship with Atinuke said gently . “What have I done to deserve this rubbish , I feed this girl , I pay her fees this is how she pays me .” Atinuke cried , the man walked up to her , and sat by her side.

“Atinuke I have seen you’re a good woman , you need a man to take care of you. Your husband is out there enjoying himself , he has a second wife . Why do you fight to remain faithful to him ?” He asked , sitting next to her . “I love you , I want to marry you , we can raise your daughters together.” he said in a cunning and enchanting way .

“Leave me Toheed, no man will accept me with six children . You too want to use me and dump me .” Atinuke said calmly , she wiped tears from her eyes . “I will accept you .” he said , Atinuke gazed into the ocean in his eyes to see if they was sincerity in them , she saw a sparkle of light , she got up from the bench , she had sank into . “I doubt you Toheed , this heart has been shattered, it cannot be fixed .” She said and went to the back of the restaurant where her pot of Ewedu soup was boiling on the fire.

The man finished his meal and walked up to where Idewu was standing with an angry look on her face , she would have set the shop on fire , if her eyes had flames. She didn’t see the man sneak up on her , she was about to run away , when he grabbed her hand .

“Leave me alone . ” Idewu cried . “Shiiiiit!” the man said putting his finger tongue mouth , he tightened his grip on her hand , until her chocolate skin turned red , she feared the man . “You will go to the shop now and apologize to your mother Idewu! are you mad! what came over you ? how dare you talk back to your mother ? have you been possessed?” He yelled with an authoritative voice .

“No!” she said with tears bubbling down her eyes . “The next time you ever make that woman cry , I’ll also make you cry . go and apologize to her now!” He said Idewu nodded and ran into the shop , she knelt before her mother .

“Mummy am sorry , I won’t do it again please forgive me .” She cried , Atinuke ignored her and continued with her cooking , singing a Yoruba , Damilare had already taken the beans she wanted to use to prepare Moimoi to the grinding engine . Idewu’s words always cut Atinuke I’m the heart like a knife .

The car horn kept blaring , each bone on her body was crying from pains , she had stayed up late to prepare stew for the next morning. Atinuke checked time on her phone , it was about five A.M she was already late , she should have gotten up to by four thirty to boil the rice , for drivers that would want to eat before they embark on their long journey .

She rushed out of the bed and went to Damilare’s room to wake her up .

“Dammy wake up we’ve slept too much . Idewu stand up go and wake your sister’s up brother Waheed is here to take us to the shop .” She said , the two sisters were still in their nightgowns, Idewu stretched and yawned,

“Good morning mum …” Idewu said still yawning. “Please don’t swallow me . it’s late just rush and take your bath .” She said before leaving their room for Taiye and Kehinde’s room , she also woke them up to go to Damilare so she could bath them . Ifemi and Ayomide slept with her in her room . They had a spare room but she wouldn’t let her youngest children sleep alone .

A soft knock on the door announced Waheed’s presence outside the door , Atinuke cracked the door open , he was standing outside the door , with a smile plastered on his face , it had rained all night , the morning was still bone crushing cold .

“Waheed you’re already here ? me and the girls are not yet ready yet , can you come inside and wait ?” Atinuke politely asked , he obliged. “Okay but you ladies shouldn’t take all the time in the world, I’m suppose to take goods to Lokoja today .” He said .

“We won’t take your time . The kids are getting ready . please five minutes I’ll be done .” Atinuke promised before disappearing into the bedroom. Twenty minutes later she was set , Waheed helped her load the cooler of stew into the trunk of his car , the whole time his eyes were glued on Atinuke.

The girls climbed to the back , except for Ayomide who was perched on her mother’s lap , sucking her fingers in her sleep . “You’re looking good .” Waheed complimented Atinuke , she bit her lips not to smile , for over ten years no man had ever told her she was beautiful, her worries over not having male child made her age two times faster than her age .

“Stop exaggerating, I look like an old woman.” Atinuke said eyes focused on the road ahead , it wasn’t so bright ,the sun was yet to start rising . “Well let me pamper you , your husband don’t know what he threw away .” Waheed said his face on the road .

“The children are here o. Don’t say anything about their father .”Atinuke pleaded . “I won’t but you have to loosen up , do you want to become a reverend sister ?” He asked Atinuke.

“It’s not that , I don’t want to fall for man sweet mouth , when you want something you can say anything.” She said , Waheed was quiet for a while . “It’s been two years since I started asking you to give me a trial ? what did your husband do to you to make you distrust a complete different man like this ?” Waheed asked .

“I don’t want to talk about this . Can we talk about something else ?” Atinuke said wanting to change the topic . The day’s business was going well , Bisi Atinuke’s new sales girl was

collecting orders from customers when she heard a familiar voice , she thought her ears where playing tricks on her , but when she left the small kitchen to the hall , she was stunned, she couldn’t believe her eyes .

Kunle was chewing down a big piece of meat , the meat almost choked him when he saw Atinuke, he turned blue , there was a plaster on his fore head . “Kunle do you know her?” Kunle’s friend asked when he screamed out , before becoming transfused on Atinuke, he was too stunned to mutter a word , he quietly got up on his feet , watched his arms . “Alabi let’s go , I can’t eat anymore I lost my appetite.” He said , Alabi wasn’t going to follow his friend without any explanation .

“What’s happening? you were just telling me how amazing this food was , that it tasted like your former wife’s food , and that it made You miss your home…” Kunle who had turned blue just walked out of the restaurant, Alabi apologized and dropped some amount of money on the table and walked out of the restaurant.

Damilare and Idewu who were behind the restaurant washing plated ran in when they heard their father’s voice . “Mummy I heard daddy’s voice where is he ?” She asked eagerly , Atinuke wiped the tears from her eyes , then turned to her daughter.

“Your father wasn’t here , you heard something else .” Atinuke said . Idewu calmly turned to her elder sister Sammy , to see if she believed what their mother had said , but when she saw the clear signs that her mother was lying she dashed out of the restaurant.

“Idewu come back here!” Atinuke screamed running after her , she didn’t want her to be heart broken by her dad , she ran until she caught up with her father’s truck leaving the big garage . “Daddy! Daaaaddy!” Idewu screamed the car was speeding away, Idewu glued her head to the wall and cried her eyes out , her mum soon caught up with her .

“Please stop crying Idewu your dad doesn’t want us .” Atinuke tried to cry . “It’s not us mum , it’s just you daddy didn’t want .I hate you mum!” She said before running back to the shop.

The Sulaja market was a beehive , traders had come from all over Niger and Abuja to buy goods for the festive period , Sulaja market was the best to get clothes and shoes , it served the two neighbouring states as a depot for goods from Lagos and Onitsha .

Waheed drove Atinuke to the market , and helped her carry her luggage around the market , when they were done he drove her back to the house . “Waheed you have to take this money, it’s not everyday you’ll be carrying me for free .” She forced two two thousand naira notes into his hand, he refused to close his hand over the money .

“Atinuke I can’t take this money from you . Everything isn’t about money ,” He said with a smile buttered on his face

“When are you going to mamas place ?” Waheed asked . “We’ll be going this evening, we’ll be spending the Christmas and New year with her , let me rest for two weeks abeg , the stress is too much .” Atinuke said . “Let me go and take my bath I’ll come and carry you and the children to Zuba .” Waheed said .

“No that’s not necessary Waheed I’ve stressed you enough in the market , you refused to take money , when you come to my shop to eat you pay , it’s only fair I pay too .” Atinuke said . “Well you have children to support, I don’t have anyone , I’ll be back wait for me .” He drove away without saying another word to Atinuke.

He was in the house at about three P.M Atinuke served him rice and stew with beef , he ate and played with three years old Ayomide, the child was found of him , at about three thirty they headed for Zuba . Titi was outside her house slicing Ewedu leaves when she saw her daughter and granddaughter in a Sienna XLE Bus . She rushed to pick Ayomide who was extremely excited to his her grandmother, she couldn’t stop kissing her .

Waheed helped Atinuke and her kids move the bags into the house , then he stood with Atinuke talking for over ten minutes, before waving at Damilare and Idowu , the twins had run into the house , struggling for who would hold the remote .

Atinuke helped her mother to make the soup , with goat meat , to be eaten with Amala and stew . “What about your life Atinuke, will you continue waiting for Kunle ? you should get a man .” Titi said to her daughter, which made Atinuke laugh . “Mama who would still be interested in a mother of five ? Men would just want to come in and eat my money and run away .” Atinuke said , she was pessimistic about ever loving again , since the man she gave her heart and soul crushed it under feet and walked away .

“Tinu you’re still too young , at thirty six years old , you cannot forget the dream of marrying , because Kunle broke your heart , you have to find a man to marry .” Titi said . ”Aaarh mammy marriage cannot work o. all men are cheat, I can’t my heart to a man to be broken the second time .” Atinuke said .

“Who is that Taxi man who brought your luggage into the house ? he looks more than a taxi man to me .” Titi said , Atinuke smiled . “What do you mean more than a taxi man ?” Atinuke asked her mother , as they sat outside on the dark pavement that was dimly lit .

“Aaarh you think I am old I don’t see ? that man was pampering you , carrying your load , and he didn’t collect money from you .” She added .

“Well mammy Waheed is his name , he has been pursuing me since I opened the shop.” Atinuke said , the darkness made it impossible for her to see the shock on her mother’s face . “What have you been waiting for ?” She asked.

“Mum my priority is to raise my daughter’s so they can go to university and achieve great things in life .” Atinuke said , Titi put her arms around her daughter’s neck . “My daughter you see this life is only one . And we need to enjoy it while we’re still here , you can’t get the time you’ve wasted . A man doesn’t stop you from doing all what you want for your daughters.” Titi said , Atinuke was lost in thought , she was quiet thinking about all her mum had said .

“Mummy I am afraid , I don’t want to forget my daughters , I don’t want a man to tell me to choose between my daughters and my marriage.” Atinuke said to her mum with a worried look on her brows .

“You walk out of any relationship where you’re ajwd to choose between your marriage and your children, that man isn’t a husband, he’s just a play boy.” she said Atinuke was quiet for the rest of the night . The visit was fun filled , Titi took care of Ayomide, whole Taiye and Kehinde played outside.

Early morning which was the day she had promised to leave back to Sulaja, Waheed came like about ten A.M , Atinuke and her children loaded themselves into the car , the thirty minutes journey back to Sulaja, Atinuke was quiet Reminiscing on discussion with her mother , she began to see Waheed , he looked so handsome , her heart was beating wondering what to say to him , after rejecting him so many times .

When they had gotten to the house and they offloaded the luggage and the kids had run into house , Atinuke turned Waheed. “Is the offer to be your girlfriend still open ?” Atinuke asked Wahweed , the man was thrown off balance she had no word to say .

Atinuke had been itching to tell Waheed her new resolve , but didn’t know how to go about it , she wondered if he would still want her , after she had ignored him for many years. She had just resumed her business in January. Waheed had travelled to Illorin to see his parents , he was to return a week later , Atinuke felt empty without him , she missed his company and wished he would come sooner.

Damilare and Idowu where packing up after close of market when they saw Waheed driving into the garage , Damilare ran in to inform her mother , Atinuke thought her daughter was playing a prank on her , she promised to spank her if she was pulling her legs , but when she got out of the shop , she saw Waheed driving towards her shop , she tightened her brows and went back into the kitchen where she and her salesgirl were washing dirty dishes .

Ayomide ran to Waheed immediately he stepped feet into the restaurant. ”My friend how are you ?” Waheed asked the three years old girl . “Am fine ,” She said in baby tongue . “Where is your mother ?” the baby pointed to the kitchen , Waheed burst in there .

“My friend my friend .” He trickled Atinuke, she refused to laugh , she held a hard face .”Habe why are you angry at me Na ?” He asked wondering if it was because he had not been helping her carry her load .

“Am sorry I’ll make sure I carry your food for one month , for free .” He said she still refused to smile .”What’s the problem am sorry , My mother was sick , I couldn’t just leave her , I took her to the hospital and made sure …” Atinuke didn’t let him land , she turned to him and gave him a hot passionate kiss . Which got Waheed confused . “What don’t you like it ?” She asked, he got out of his shock .

“It’s not that , but why did you do it ?” Waheed asked , Atinuke felt cheap and embarrassed her girl was trying to force the laughter hanging on her lips , back into her stomach . “Am sorry I did it .” She said avoiding eyes contact , Waheed held her hands calmly .

“I love the kiss Tinu,I just want to know why you did it , you said you couldn’t …” Atinuke didn’t let him land . ”I thought about it , I found out I love you . That’s if you’re still interested in an old expired woman like me .” she said , Waheed couldn’t believe his ears.

”I am interested Tinu, I love you , I adore you , you’re the only woman my heart beats for.” He said , he scooped Atinuke from the ground and spinned her around , shouting for joy . “Give everyone malt , the bills on me .” he said Atinuke’s girl didn’t wait for a second order before she began to distribute before Waheed may change his mind .

He helped Tinu load the cooler into the boot of his car and drove them back home , he stayed with Atinuke talking and telling her about what had happened in his journey, the kids had gone to bed , but they stayed together in the living room talking till about One A.M , Waheed refused to go home .

He began to kiss Atinuke and carried her to her room , they made love severally that night , to cover for the times Atinuke was starved of s e x.

“Waheed now that I’ve accepted you , I want you to take my kids as yours, those kids are the only things I have in the world , please I want you to help me raise them .” She said lying on his bare chest .

“You don’t have to worry , I’ll show them so much love that you wouldn’t be able to believe that I’m not their dad .” he said Atinuke Lay her head on his chest , playing with the hairs on it.

Idowu was angry with Waheed for sleeping over at her family house , she would never accept him as step father ,she got her father’s phone number from an old file , she reported to her dad that a Waheed was coming to sleep in the house , that he should come back home and be with them .

The next morning Kunle drove to his family house , for three years he had not set foot on the house , when Ayomide saw him , she ran into the house, afraid of the stranger. Kunle began to bang on the door , he banged so much that Atinuke ran outside the house with a towel wrapped around her chest .

“What are you doing here Kunle?” Atinuke asked her husband. “I heard rumours that a man is sleeping in my house.” It sounded so funny to Atinuke.

“I don’t know who you think you are Kunle ! you disappeared from me for three years and you’re back to claim property? you must be crazy Kunle!” she hissed. “Get out of my way ! I want to to go into my house .” He said , Atinuke stood in his way . “You don’t have a house here! return to your wife Kafayatu , I’ll be with whoever I want to you can’t stop me!” She yelled back , she refused to let him step into the house , Waheed was hiding in the bathroom.

Kunle pointed at Atinuke’s face “I don’t care if you do Ashawo , or become an Olosho! all I am saying is that you do bring men into my house!” He warned her, he was no longer struggling to get into the house , Atinuke smiled .

Idowu embraced her angry father. “Daddy is this you ?” she said. Damilare stood from afar off gaping at him , Taiye and Kehinde came out to see the stranger . ”Go back to your new wife !” she barked , Kunle gave money money to his daughter’s.

“I swear on my father’s grave , if I see that man in my house again I’ll kill him!” Kunle said Atinuke just laughed. “Come and kill him , you’ll go to jail!” She barked at him . “I’ll first kill him before going to the jail!” He said angrily.

when he left Atinuke grabbed Idowu ear and began to squeeze it hard , that the ear turned red . who sent you a message to your father , somebody who abandoned you for all the years gone ?” She said while crying , Idowu was speechless .

“You’re a stupid man , you think I’ll wash this plate ? you’ll come and eat my mummy’s food and keep the plate for me to wash , am I your house girl ?” Idowu challenge Waheed he was so shocked to his bone . “Idowu why are you talking to brother Waheed like that ?” Damilare cautioned her younger sister .

“He should come and be going to his house , what is he doing in our house .” Idowu said . “I’ll nor touch you with my hand you devil!” Waheed barked pointing furiously at Idowu . “Touch me with your filthy hand if I won’t go and call my father for you . Shameless man it’s somebody’s wife you came to be living under .”Idowu continued her barage .

“Idowu shut up!” Damilare tried to stop . “Leave me alone is he not a parasite ? which responsible man would come and be living with a married woman and get her pregnant!” Idowu said , it got to Waheed’s gut , he didn’t know when he gave her a resounding slap , Idowu grabbed his shirt and tore it ,the two began to fight , pushing down plates and cups that Waheed had used to eat .

Atinuke returned from market that Sunday afternoon with tomatoes and meat she had gone to buy , to meet Idowu fighting her fiance , she was enraged , she got a broom and began to beat Idowu with the broom . Waheed went inside his shared room and grabbed his boxes , he was done taking insults from a girl who had no respect for anyone .

Idowu escaped from the house, she had bruises all over her body , she didn’t spare her mother , she insulted her and called her names . Atinuke asked her to go to her father , since she missed him so much , she was heavily pregnant for Waheed but still only Idowu refused to accept Waheed .

“Waheed you’re not going anywhere!” Atinuke said seizing the boxes from his hand . “This baby I’m carrying is yours , and you should stay and take care of it . will you leave me like Kunle ?” She begged .

“But see how your daughter injured me .” Waheed cried . “She tore my clothes , she called me a parasite , I can’t continue staying here. it was a wrong decision when I moved over .” He said , Atinuke held his hand .

“I’ve had enough of that selfish girl . I’ve sacrificed my life for and her siblings,for three years I didn’t know the touch of a man , not that men where not coming , but because I decided not to give them bad example . I have thrown her things out , she will be going to her perfect Father .” Atinuke fell on her knees . “Please don’t leave me too Waheed you promised to love me .” Waheed raised her up , he stared into her eyes with his blood stained eyes .

“I’ll leave this house the day you let her come in here.” Waheed said . Idowu was walking up and down the street, regretting ever fighting her mother’s boyfriend, she had never seen her mother so angry . Her clothes were outside the house in her pink suitcase, she was yawning from hunger .

When she saw her mother walking up to her , Idowu took to her heels . “Come here I won’t beat you , come and take this money , it will be enough to take you to Kubwa , go and meet your father , you can’t no longer stay with me .” Atinuke said, Idowu thought she was dreaming , she fell on her knees and began to beg . “Mummy am sorry , I won’t do it again .” She begged.

“No way! it’s too much! I don’t want to see your face! each time I see you , I am reminded of what your wicked father did to me! Go to him , I’ll call him and tell him you’re coming so he can pick you up from the junction .” Atinuke said , Idowu burst into tears , she turned to her elder sister . “Dammy please beg mummy for me , I don’t want to go mummy I’m sorry!” She cried . Damilare tried to beg her mother , but the woman was furious she wasn’t buying it , she dragged Idowu to the road , Damilare carried her luggage, she put her in a vehicle going to Kubwa Village , and watched the vehicle leave ,Idowu was crying looking back at her mother until the bus disappeared, she cried until the bus reached Kubwa .

She came down and sat on a bench that was at a vulcaniser shop , the girl was just thirteen going to fourteen , but she couldn’t contain the fire in her chest . Soon she saw her father’s car drove to the bus stop , he was looking for her , her eyes were red and swollen , he saw her and crossed the road to where she was . He embraced her , for over a year he had not set his whsd on her , she was the height of his shoulder. She sobbed into his arms .

“Daddy mummy chased me away because of a man .” She said the pain was unbearable. “Don’t worry you’re in your father’s care now , let’s go home .” He said and picked her box , he held her hand and crossed with her to the other side of the road where he had parked his car .

They drove to Kunle’s house , it was a three bedroom detached bungalow, painted white , he had two cars in the compound . When she got into the house and saw Kafayatu, she knew she wasn’t welcomed , it seemed to her that her father had not informed her of her coming , the lady gazed at Idowu from head to toe , then she turned to her husband. “Kunle we have to talk now! in the bedroom.” She said ready for war . “Wait let me show Idowu to her room .” Kunle said .

“I should tell you , she’s not going to stay here Kunle!” Kafayatu yelled at her husband, anger was buttered over her face , she shook in anger . “Who are you to tell me who is to come into my house and not come in ? did you bring a block from your father’s house ?” Kunle barked back pointing at her in the face .

“Kunle ! I swear to God you’ll regret it! that girl cannot stay here she should go back to her mother !” She continued. “Because you brought part of the money I used to build this house ?” Kunle asked her . “Some times I think you are mad! Idowu is my daughter! she will stay here as long as I want!’ Kunle said , Kafayatu laughed in a sinister tone .

“Will you bet me here! she will see hell fire!” Kafayatu dared her husband. “You think you are the only one who is mad ? touch her I’ll beat you till you faint. Ashawo! A street woman shouldn’t be made a house wife . if not because God didn’t give me a son , why would I be with a low life , who has nothing inside her Calabash head!” Kunle hissed.

”Go back to her! if you love her so much why did you abandon her ? fool , old fool I’ll show you madness!” She said , her sons began to cry . “Mummy stop it!” They begged Kafayatu, she pushed them out of her way . Kunle left the room to the sitting room , where Idowu sat quietly like a rat that fell into a bowl of water.

“Are you okay Idowu ? ” Kunle asked , Idowu nodded .He knew she was shaken by the open hatred by her step mother . “Let me take you to your room .” Kunle said , Idowu got up and followed him into one of the room , it was spacious with a big bed and wardrobe.

“This is your father’s house , you can stay here as long as you want .” he said , Idowu wasn’t sure , the firece anger of the woman when she left the room still remained plastered on her mind , she wished to run back to Sulaja, but she took her bath , and changed into her night gown . “Come to the dinning room , let me bring food .” He said she reluctantly followed him to the sitting room , Kunle had dished a bowl of Jollof rice and chicken .

He went to the fridge to get her Five Alive juice , Kafayatu burst into the dinning room and flung the plate of food across the dinning table , the plate crashed into the wall , and broke into several bits , Idowu sat with shock plastered on her face . Kunle ran back into the dinning room he saw Kafayatu standing with her arms planted on her waist , he slapped her across the face , she crashed into the dinning table .

She fought back using the broken plate to scratch her husband’s face , she left a deep gash on his neck , he slapped her across the lips , her lips began to bleed . “You beat me ? With pregnancy! Kunle it shall never be well with you in this life you came to ! Nothing you ever put your hand will work!” She cursed , Kunle couldn’t reply her , he walked out of the house. the sound of his engine was heard outside the house , he drove out of the house .

“You came to come and caused trouble in my marriage ? you’ll see shege idiot!” She cursed Idowu who ran into her room and locked the door . She began hearing sounds of glass breaking , Kafayatu used the pestle to smash the television and glass tables , she broke them all before going into her room , she locked herself with her children .

Kunle returned about twenty minutes later to see the house in total disarray , he couldn’t count the number of times he had replaced the television in the house . “Idowu take this .” He said handing over the yellow nylon he was holding , she collected the plate and thanked him .

It was fried rice and chicken, with a bottle of coke , he went to a different room to sleep .Idowu didn’t sleep all night , she missed her sisters , she missed her mother , hot tears rolled down her eyes all night ,she couldn’t stop them her eyes burn .

The next morning Kunle knocked on her door and asked her to get ready , an hour later he took he knocked to be sure she was done . He fried eggs, and made tea which he served with bread .

“Idowu eat fast we need to take you to school , you’re in what class ?” He asked . “I am in JSS two .” She said Kunle nodded . ”I want to take you to one of the best schools in Kubwa.” He said , Idowu thanked him and got Into the front passenger seat of the car ,Kunle opened the white gate and drove out . Idowu saw the curtain go sideways, she could see Kafayatu staring at them from behind the mosquito nets on the window burglary proof . She could see the black spots around her face where her father had slapped her , if gaze could burn up a human her gaze could have burnt her and her father up .

Ten minutes later they arrived at a beautiful school with a white fence , a three storey building, the school buses were arriving with students. Kunle took Idowu to the principal’s office , after exchanging pleasantries Idowu was taken to a room to be accessed , she aced her test , she was immediately admitted to GSS two . Kunle was proud of his daughter, he missed the woman who had singlehandedly raised her in his absence .

He paid her fees which amounted to about four hundred thousand naira before driving away , she promised to come back to pick her by four when the school closed .

Atinuke lost her peace ,she had no joy the next morning , she knew she had over reacted , but she couldn’t tell her Kunle to return Idowu back to her , when she had dragged her to the bus stop herself , and he had told her that she had started school that morning , she felt like she had lost a part of her body .

She wasn’t happy all day , she had lost appetite . “Atinuke what are you thinking about ?” Waheed asked when he came to her shop after close of work . “I am fine .” Atinuke said , she turned to Damilare. “Wash that plate fast we should be going home , we have church service to attend this evening.” She said .

“Ife mi , I know you , you’re not okay , is it about Idowu ?” Waheed asked Atinuke. She ignored his question , and turned her attention to her sales girl boiling the meat for the next day . “Hope you’ve put salt in the meat ?” She asked , she nodded .

“I miss her , I think I overreacted, she was just being a teenager.” she added . “You don’t call that being a teenager, that’s being rude , that’s being disrespectful, that’s being undisciplined. Can you imagine she fought me because I asked her to take plates that I used to eat to the kitchen and wash it ?” Waheed asked a bit angry , his muscles tightening.

“I’ll have to leave the house , if she’s to return, maybe she can help you take care of our unborn child .” He said . “It has not come to that , my mother won’t be happy if she hears that I chased Idowu out of the house . When she put up with all my rubbish .” Atinuke said calmly.

“Atinuke she’s going to be fine , her father will take good care of her .” He said , Atinuke prayed Kunle would take care of her , since they both connected , Idowu was his favourite child . She didn’t say much on their way home , she was tired from the day’s business and her heavy pregnancy.

“How was school today ?” Kunle asked Idowu when he picked her from the school around four P.M “School was good dad .” She said shyly , she was still not used to being close to her father, after he had left the family for over five years .

“I want to take you to ShopRite.Have you been to any before ?” He asked , she shook her head . “Let’s go and buy turkey and ice cream .” He said , he expected Idowu to be happy , but she was indifferent, with sadness in her eyes .

“Dad why did you have to leave us ?” Idowu asked when her father was quiet , it took Kunle by surprise. “What did you say ?” He asked turning his attention to her .

“I asked why you left us dad , mum was very sad for a long time , she cried for so long . Did you leave because we are all girls ?.” She said with sadness hidden behind her eyes , Kunle tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles went white . “I was a fool , there’s no day that passes that I don’t regret my action .” He said .

“Why don’t you go back home now , so we can be one family again ?” She asked , he bit his upper lips . “Idowu it’s not so easy , I’ve Kafayatu to take care of , I’ve Taiye and Kehinde, and she’s heavily pregnant, your mum is also pregnant for another man .” He said. Idowu began to cry she kept heaving with her eyes red like pepper .

”But you don’t love aunt Kafayatu, you were beating her .” She said . “You won’t understand sometimes when a man Marries the daughter of the devil , he has no choice than to beat her up .” He said , she wipe her tears .

“We need you at home dad , we need our daddy .” Idowu said pleadingly. “You can have two homes , you spend some time with us , sometimes you spend with her .” She suggested, Kunle burst into laughter.

“Then you don’t know your mother Idowu, Tinu will never in this life allow that . Moreover I can’t just go back , she might no longer love me , her mother hates me .” He said , they were quiet for a moment. “But hope Waheed isn’t troubling you and your sisters?” he asked , Idowu didn’t say anything, she forced her face to the car floor .

Kunle bought different kinds of meats and food , different kinds of ice creams , she had no appetite for them , she wished she could share them with Damilare and her Ayomide. She took a big plate of ice cream for Kafayatu and her kids . When they got home she handed it to her step brothers , when Kafayatu saw the gift she collected it and dump it into the trash basket .

“Witch did I tell you that I want your posssed ice cream?” Kafayatu asked Idowu, Kunle was speechless, he had no word for her , he just asked Idowu to go and remove her school uniform.

A month after Idowu left , Atinuke went into labour , she was rushed to the general Hospital, she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy , Waheed was over the moon , words couldn’t explain his joy, his friends bath him with white powder. He slaughtered two rams did end naming ceremony, a Fuji life band was invited to perform at the child’s naming ceremony.

An Imam named the boy “Tajudeen.” The love between Atinuke and Waheed festered and blossom .

With the passing of time Kafayatu had no choice but to accept Idowu , the girl was helpful to her , she would help her bath her twin boys and take them to school. She was also an excellent cook , she had learnt well from her mother , Kafayatu left the kitchen to her ,and Idowu never disappointed.

Taiye and Kehinde were fond of Idowu , they insisted she picked them from school instead of their mother , who was happy to have other’s fend for her children . Idowu was inside the kids room helping them with their assignments when she heard a screeching scream from the living room , it was Kafayatu’s voice , she was in intense pains , she dropped the book and ran to the living room .

“Aunt Kafayatu are you okay ?” Idowu said , Kafayatu was sweating profusely, pain was buttered on her face , her face had turned red . “Call your daddy , my water just broke .” She said unable to hide the pain , she wailed . Idowu was lost , “how would water break ?” she mumbled under her breath as she went on get Kafayatu’s phone from her bedroom .

She dialled her father’s number , it was saved as my love on the phone book , he picked on the first ring . “Hello Kafayat? “She heard her father’s baritone voice say. “It’s not mummy Taiye , it’s me daddy .” Idowu said .

“What’s it Idowu why are you calling with your mummy’s phone .” Kunle asked . “Daddy aunt Kafayatu is screaming in the living room , she said her water broke that I should call you .” Idowu said . “Can you take the phone to her ?” Kunle asked , Idowu rushed with the phone to Kafayatu.

“Hey My love can you walk ?” He asked . “I can’t walk , I need to get to the hospital my water broke. Come and take me to the hospital!” .” Kafayatu barked , crying like a hungry baby.

“I can’t come to Abuja right now , I’m in Lafia right now doing land grading with my boys , I’ll start coming to Abuja now .”Kunle tried to explain . “Don’t tell me that nonsense! Don’t tell me that , Kunle you’re a wicked man! you know your wife is about to give birth and you travelled to Lafia!” She cried .

“My love you know you’ve been one week over due , I’ll start driving to Abuja , I’ll call Aburo to come and take you to the hospital, I’ll be in Abuja before five P.M.” Kunle promised, Kafayatu refused to reply him , she cut off the call . Ten minutes later Aburo , Kunle’s best friend drove a white Toyota Camry into the compound, Idowu had gone to open the gate for him .

“Where is she ?” He asked Idowu , she led him to the sitting room where she sprawled on the sofa crying . He Immediately threw her arm over his neck , and helped her out of the house into the backseat of his car.

Idowu was asked to stay at home to take care of the twins , while Aburo packed all the kits Kafayatu needed at the hospital. Idowu continued with the assignment for the her step brothers, she made food for them after eating, she bath them and put them to sleep .

She was in the living seeing a movie on the TV when she heard her father’s car honking out of the gate , she ran to the gate and opened it . “Daddy daddy welcome.” Idowu embraced him like a little girl. “What about Taiye and Kehinde?” He asked .

” I’ve put them to sleep daddy .” Idowu said . “What about aunt Kafayatu? has she put to bed ?” Idowu asked , her father’s warm smile told her the good news before he spoke .

“Yeah she had a baby girl .” Kunle said with happiness buttered on his face . “I came to give you this chicken to make chicken Peppersoup for her , she insisted that you should make it for her , I’ve to take it back to the hospital this night .”

Idowu accepted the freshly slaughtered chicken into the kitchen , she was so happy Kafayatu put to bed successfully, she rushed to the kitchen and made the kind of special Peppersoup her mother used to prepare. Kunle thanked Idowu and took flask of the soup to the car , he left back to the Kubwa General hospital at about eleven P.M once again leaving the twins with Idowu .

The next morning Kafayatu returned with the baby , Kunle was all around when carrying the baby like it was a goddess , it made Idowu sad , her father never ran around her mother the way he did for Kafayatu whenever she put to bed .

another fight broke when Kunle refused to give Kafayatu the amount of money she asked to host her child naming ceremony. “Do you know how to make money ?” Kunle asked Kafayatu angrily. “How dare you tell me to give you two hundred thousand naira, for only a baby’s naming ceremony, You must be mad Kafayatu! How many businesses have I not open for you , but you run it down , if there’s a tree where they pluck money , please take me there .” Kunle said .

“You don’t have money bought you sent money to this girl ? you did birthday for her ? I swear if you don’t give me that money , they’ll be no peace in this house!” Kafayatu swore , Kunle just turned his head to her , and turned to the television set in front of him.

“Am talking to you and you refused to answer me ?” Kafayatu said fi Kunle he ignored her , the sitting room went quiet , Kafayatu retreated to the kitchen and grabbed a pestle and smashed the back of Kunle’s head . He crumbled to the ground with a thudding sound, he lay face down blood pouring out of the back of his head .

Idowu began to scream when she saw her father on the ground, the blood was spreading in all directions, his white shirt had turned to red from blood . Idowu kept screaming , until neighbours from the next compound came into Kunle’s compound . Kafayatu gathered her kids and ran away from the house before the men could ask about what had happened .

Idowu was screaming hysterical, she was terrified seeing her father lying lifeless on the ground , she tried to drag the tall and huge man out of the house to get help , she saw the futility so she put him down and ran out of the house .

She ran into the street and blocked the road , no car could ask , she was rolling on the ground senselessly , cars stopped to ask her what was happening. “My daddy wife has killed him , she hit him in the head with a pestle , she has run away with her children.” Idowu said . “Blood of Jesus , blood of Jesus !” Neighbours screamed they all followed the girl back into the house , they could Kafayatu’s footprints all over the place she had stepped on Kunle’s blood .

The fresh blood surrounded Kunle like a carpet , his eyes tightly shut , he was immobile. One of the men checked for he pulse , but couldn’t find any , Kunle was not breathing . “Carry him from the back!”.A man instructed. “You carry his leg .” He assumed the responsibility of a doctor.

They lifted Kunle’s body out of the house , into one of the cars of the sympathisers Idowu had stopped ,she kept crying hysterically as they head towards the Kubwa General hospital.

“Jesus I cannot believe a woman can be this wicked , what was she expecting when she hit him with that kind of big pestle ?” A neighbour in the vehicle said . “This man is the cause of it , how many times would she injure him before he would come to his senses ? this woman doesn’t love him , but he’s waiting for a prophet to tell him , the other time she tried to stab his neck with a kitchen knife , he was lucky to put his hand which stopped the impact and saved his life .” the driver said .

“I heard he left his wife at Suleja and came to marry this mad woman , it’s good for him , when people don’t learn to appreciate what they have this is what they get .” She added , Idowu didn’t say a word , she couldn’t hear them either , she was just praying for her father . “Daddy ? daddy please don’t die and leave me .” She kept saying , in fifteen minutes time they were at the gate of the general Hospital , traffic gridlock slowed their pace .

They took him into the emergency department, lucky for them they were doctors to attend to him . Idowu sat on a steel bench , waiting for the doctors to bring confirmation of his death , but minutes passed they didn’t come out .

“Who are the family of this man ?” A male doctor in his mid fifties asked . “I am the one .” Idowu cleaned her eyes and walked up to the doctor .”Are you his daughter?” He asked , Idowu nodded .

“Your father’s life is hanging on the line , we need about six pints of blood , call and adult we can talk to . Where is your mother ?” He asked Idowu . “She’s in Suleja .” she said , the doctor nodded .

“Call her to come to the hospital.” He said . Idowu got the phone of one of the men in the hospital and called her mother . Atinuke came over to the hospital with her four months old baby glued to her back .

The doctors carried out a brain surgery ,to drain blood from his head , for one week Atinuke was running between her house to check on her kids and the hospital. Titi and Waheed were against that , but nobody could stop her from tending to the father of her kids .

Kunle’s retained consciousness after five days , he couldn’t look at Atinuke, he was dying of shame . “I couldn’t leave you in your worst time , I’ve called your sister she would be coming here to take over , tomorrow morning , she had travelled to Cotonou for a business trip.” Atinuke said with a strong face .

She remembered going to her mother in-law to complain , they had all been on it , they supported Kunle to get a second wife , since Atinuke couldn’t give him a son , they agreed with his plan to get a second wife , they knew about his relationship with Kafayatu. “Please forgive me Atinuke.” Kunle begged , Atinuke didn’t utter a word , she made pap for him .

She was so happy to Idowu if had been five months that she last saw her daughter, she had grown so much , and was looking better like she was happier at her father’s place .

Atinuke returned to Suleja when Kunle’s sister came from Ibadan to the hospital, she took over from Atinuke. After three weeks in the hospital Kunle was discharged.

Aburo Kunle’s best friend came with a pot belly man who they said was Kafayatu’s family member . “What is she doing ?” Kunle asked when he saw Kafayatu standing like a scared child . “Kunle you have to forgive Kafayatu, she’s been sorry , she didn’t know how to come back , she thought you were dead .” Aburo said .

“Kunle please don’t be angry , it was the devil that pushed her to harm you please forgive her , she has your kids you don’t want to start another family, Kafayatu has realised her mistakes she’s very sorry .” The fat man they called Ojo said .

“In-law let me ask you this , if you were me would you accept this woman back ? she tried to kill , she hit my head with a pestle and ran away , she thought I would die , I can never forgive her , Aburo get out of my house with this demon.” Kunle barked, Kafayatu fell on her knees she held Kunle’s leg .

“My love I’m sorry , I allowed my anger to have the best of me . Please don’t let me go your children need you , I need you .” she cried , Kunle kept staring at her he had no word to say .

The malice between Waheed and Atinuke had stretched beyond two weeks , he would do everything he usually did for her , help her take her food to the shop in the garage, but said very little to her . Atinuke was tired of the silent treatment.

“How long will this go on Waheed ? He’s still my husband, bride price wasn’t returned as tradition demanded . He’s the father of my children , the woman ran away , was I to leave Idowu to fend for him ? when his only sister traveled out of the country?” Atinuke said to Waheed while they headed to the shop . “The same man who abandoned you in the hospital bed , and ran into the hands of his mistress . I don’t blame you sha , it’s myself I blamed , I shouldn’t have moved into your house ,No respect for me . Your daughter would insult me to my face and call me all sorts of name , what have you ever done about that? she fought me .” Waheed babbled bitterly .

“Waheed that’s not true , you know how much I love you .” Atinuke said wiping tears from her face . “I was only there when he was unconscious and couldn’t help himself , as soon as his sister came to the hospital I left .” Atinuke explained.

“The issue is you disobeyed my instruction. I told you not to go there , but you went anyways.” He said speeding towards the garage . “I don’t have evil thoughts in my heart against Kunle , I just had to show him I’m better .” She said stifling the urge to sob.

“Mother Theresa I’ve heard you . Abeg you to stop talking rubbish to my ears , I know you still love that man , how many years ago did he leave you …” Kunle continued rambling. “Enough! ehn! enough can’t I have peace ? I won’t eat dust to show you I’m sorry, if you can’t stay anymore you should go back to your house .” Atinuke said , he remained quiet and drove to the shop without saying a word .

“No mummy you cannot knee for me , I am your son .” Kunle said when Kafayatu’s mother came to beg him , he had refused to listen to Aburo and the pot belly man. Her father and mother had to travel all the way from Ibadan to Abuja to plead with Kunle , the man also came along with them .

“My son we’ve been pleading with you for long now , and you’re not listening to us , we know Kafayatu did wrong , but for the sake of your children, please don’t let them suffer .” Her father pleaded , Kafayatu was still kneeling down with tears running down her face .

“What you’re asking me to do papa, you know she tried to take my life , I didn’t report her to the police , see where they cut my head open and worked on my skull ?” He bent his head to show the people in the living room . “If not that God said my time has not reached I would have died .” Kunle complained .

“It’s for a reason that you didn’t die my inlaw . It must be the devil that must have gotten into her , please forgive Kafayatu, she’s learnt her lesson she won’t repeat it again .” Kafayatu’s old father pleaded .

The pot belly man looked at Kunle and nodded to what Kafayatu’s father said . “My friend our people make a parable that a woman doesn’t throw away her baby with the dirty water she used to wash poo from the child . Kafayatu let her anger have the best of her , we’re begging you not to let this marriage break , her children will suffer .”The pregnant man said .

“Please am sorry my husband, if you chase me away , where do you want me to go ?” Kafayatu begged . “Please from today I will never argue with you , I’ll never fight with you , whatever you say I’ll do , don’t throw me out I beg you .” She lay on the ground crying bitterly .

Kunle sat quietly for a long while gazing at the ceiling fan rotating overhead , he was hot even though the Air conditioner was blowing high . “Mummy and daddy, I am accepting Kafayatu back because you too thought wise to honour me , you travelled all the way from Oyo to come and reconcile us .” Kunle said .

“Aaarh thank you my son .” her parents said falling on their knees . “No mummy don’t do that , don’t do that for me , she just has to stop being troublesome, she makes me regret leaving my first marriage .” Kunle said.

“Kafayatu what will you say to your husband?” Her father asked in an authoritative manner . “I am sorry my husband, I’m sorry I won’t let this repeat again , just forgive me my husband.” Kunle held Kafayatu up and they both embraced and kissed. The clapped for them and cheered the lovers.

Idowu was surprise to see Kafayatu preparing dinner when she returned from school , she had already made fresh tomatoes stew , with ice fish , she gave her a disdainful look. “Idowu are you back from school ?” Kafayatu said to Idowu inside the kitchen , the girl ignored her and went straight to her father’s bedroom .

“Daddy what’s that woman doing here ?” Idowu barked so loud and angry her father thought she had been possessed.”Calm down Idowu you don’t understand this things , she’s my wife , we have three children, I can’t just abandon her because we had a misunderstanding.” Kunle said .

“Daddy that wasn’t a misunderstanding, how many times did mummy try to kill you , because you had a misunderstanding? Daddy you have to leave her , she will kill you .” Idowu said , the same moment Kafayatu stepped into the room with a tray pan holding white rice and stew , Idowu immediately turn to leave .

“Idowu your food is ready I placed it on the dinning table.” Kafayatu said , as she gently placed the food on Kunle’s bedside stool , Idowu went out and banged the door That the roof and foundation shivered .

Kafayatu had tried all her best to repair her relationship with Idowu , but it kept getting worst, Kunle had to force her to eat her step mother’s food , she kept asking Kunle to take her to her grandmother Titi at Zuba , that she didn’t feel like staying with her dad anymore .

Kunle tried to bribe her with a Java phone , and beautiful gowns , but the cool the two ladies in his life enjoyed vanished the day Kafayatu attacked him . He hated when Idowu talked back at Kafayatu, he regretted the day he had to slap her after she insulted Kafayatu.

“See Idowu you have to stop all this you’re doing , I’m tired , I’ve forgiven her why can’t you forgive her ? she’s been nice , she’s been cooking for us , washing our clothes .” Kunle said to Idowu when Kafayatu went to the market, she stood akimbo staring at her father , with a placid look on her face . “Daddy I can wash my clothes , tell your wife not to touch my clothes . I left mum because of Waheed , why can’t you just let her go and go back to mum.” She said .

“How do you want me to go back ? your mum has a child for Kunle she’s pregnant with his child , it’s been almost two years since we had a fight why can’t you understand that Kafayatu is my wife now , and I can’t go back to your mum .” He said .

“Daddy please take me to grandmother. I don’t like it here anymore , she’s just as toxic as Waheed is .” Idowu said . “It’s you, you’re just being difficult, I won’t let you go to your grandmother, you think I don’t use to see the boys hanging outside of the gate ? tell them that any day I catch anyone of them , I’ll make sure they sleep in the police station .” Kunle said .

“Whatever dad!” Idowu said , Kunle was shock to the bone . “What did you just say ?” He asked Idowu she ignored him and went into her room .

It was a long holiday, Idowu was in Senior Secondary school class two, she was outside with some boys and girls from the street,they were playing music and videos on Idowu’s phone . Kafayatu dropped from a motorcycle, she had gone to the Kubwa market to buy food stuffs, Idowu paid her a blond eye .

“Idowu is it that you’re blind? can’t you come and help me with this luggage?” Kafayatu barked , Idowu didn’t hear a bee buzz, she continued talking to her friends . “Idowu your mum is talking to you .” One of her male friend said .

“My mother isn’t here , let the mad woman yelp . ” She said and continued with her conversation with her friends , Kafayatu went in with the luggage leaving some by the gate , when Kunle saw her struggling to get the bags of yams into the house , he was forced to ask where Idowu was that she wasn’t helping her .

“She’s there by the gate talking with those boys , I called your daughter to help me carry some bags , she ignored me as if I was a voiceless ant .” Kafayatu said , Kunle dropped the baby on his lap on the ground and grabbed his belt , he stomped out of the house , when Idowu’s friends saw the gate open , they scampered to safety , Kunle grabbed Idowu before she could run , he began to flog her all over her body , he had never beat her since she was born , but he felt her wings had to be broken , he picked her phone where it had fallen , he smashed it and dragged Idowu into the house .

“I don’t want to ever see you out of that gate till the school reopens . From today no more allowances for you , you must do household chores, you must help Kafayatu with the children , if you have two heads don’t do it , you’ll understand why your mum brought you to me!” Kunle barked , Idowu went up to her room she wept all day , bathing was impossible, her injuries were so severe from the beating , that bathing felt like a trip into a boiling pit .

Kehinde and Taiye snuck up into her room. “Aunt Idowu sorry ehn.” Taiye said cleaning Idowu’s tears, she didn’t say a word , she just remained silent . Soon after Kafayatu called Idowu to join the family for dinner , Idowu ignored her , she hated Kafayatu a lot more than Waheed , she knew they weren’t going to be able to eat the food , she had sneaked into the kitchen and emptied the bowl of salt into the stew Kafayatu was preparing .

“Aaarh is it all the salt in the market that you poured into the stew ?” Kunle bickered , Kafayatu couldn’t understand what he was saying , the food was okay when she had tasted it before bringing it down from the gas cooker. But when she put a spoon of the rice into her mouth , she was shocked to the spine , she rushed into the kitchen and returned with the transparent bottle she had put the salt she bought from the market, half of it was gone .

“Kunle it’s this one I can’t take !” Kafayatu screamed returning with the container in her hand . “See what Idowu did she poured half of the salt into the stew , I won’t cook anything this night!” She said and grabbed her kids and left for her room .

“Idowu! Idowu come here!” Kunle screamed , Idowu came out her room . “Why did you add salt to the food your mother made ?” He asked calmly.

“She’s not my mother, and I don’t know what your saying daddy .” Idowu said , her father kept looking at her , he was speechless.

”Go and wash the plates you ate and left in the kitchen now!” Kafayatu said to Idowu . She simply ignored her step mother and continued with her school assignments. “Is it that you’re deaf or something ?” Kafayatu yelled at Idowu , she continued with her school work , Kafayatu got angry and slapped Idowu .

“This should be the last time you lay your filthy , and ungodly hands on me , are you crazy ? are you my mother ?” She barked at her step mother . “Idowu is it me that you called crazy ?” Kafayatu yelled, Idowu wasn’t moved , she was ready to give Kafayatu fire for fire . Her phone that her father had destroyed was still sitting on her mind , she had been unable to connect with her class mates on 2go app or Facebook.

“If you didn’t hear me the first time husband snatcher , I said you’re crazy , your filthy hand shouldn’t come near me again , if not you’ll know why my mother dumped me here .” Idowu said , before she could complete her statement, she felt a plank strike her face flat , she fell to the ground , the stars were twinkling in her eyes , when her eyes got clear , she leapt from the ground like a cat and pounced on her step mother , she wrestled Kafayatu to the ground , the two wrestled as the kids cried , Taiye and Kehinde couldn’t understand what was happening, they begged their mother to stop but Kafayatu was enraged she meant to teach Idowu lesson that she wasn’t learning .

When they finally disentangled themselves, Kafayatu rushed to get her phone . “Kunle wherever you are now start coming home , or else you’ll come and meet your daughter’s dead body now!” Kafayatu said and hung up .

Kunle tried to call her back , but she wasn’t picking his phone , he immediately left his shop and began to rush to the house . Kafayatu went to the kitchen and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife , she rushed towards Idowu who was standing with her face towards the kitchen, when she saw the glittering blade , she remembered what Kafayatu had done to her father , she took to her heels , she ran outside of the gate compound . Kafayatu came out and locked the door .

In twenty minutes later Kunle got home , he met Idowu with torn clothes and an injured face , her shirt was soaked with blood , her eyes swollen , she had attempted to run , he chased her down and grabbed her , he dragged her into the compound .

Kafayatu was still holding the knife . “Kafayatu drop the knife!” Kunle ordered her , Kafayatu was breathing heavily , her eyes were burning red with anger , she was heaving heavily. “Kafayatu I said give me the knife .” He forcefully retrieved the knife from her . “If she was your child , would you have carried a knife to stab her ?” Kunle quarreled.

“What happened here ?” He asked Kafayatu. “She ate and refused to wash the plate , I told her to go and wash the plate she ignored me , I said it over and over , she wouldn’t listen , then she I slapped her , she insulted me and started fighting me , see how she injured me ?” Kafayatu turned her lips for her husband to see .

“Idowu you have become something else , now pick pin . You think you can’t be bent over ?” He said angrily. “After this third term , I’m taking you to your grandmother, your mother cannot bring you into my house to scatter my family!” Kunle hissed.

“Daddy it’s …” She tried to speak . “Shut up your mouth and pick pin , today that witch inside you must leave!” He barked , Idowu took the position on pick pin, she was shaking on her feet , one finger pinned to the ground in front of her , she was standing on one feet, while one leg hung loose behind , she began to sweat and shake , the whole floor was soaked in her sweat .

After two hours Idowu began to cry . “Daddy am sorry I won’t do it again .” She begged . “I don’t think you… you are sorry . you want to give me heart attack , you’re going to stay like that till eight today .” Kunle said and Idowu burst into tears .

“Daddy am sorry , please let me go to Granny’s house, I won’t look for trouble again .” She begged and fell to the ground , Kunle’s skin belt kissed her body , she screamed and resumed the punishment position, he beat her until she could no longer stand before asking her to go and bath. She couldn’t walk to her room , she leaned on the wall and crawled to her room , she was mad at her mother for bringing her to her father’s house . Her malice with Kafayatu intensified, she avoided her like plague , from school to her room from her room to school, she bought food outside the house , Kafayatu was happy with the arrangement.

One afternoon Idowu returned from school much earlier , she was having a running stomach, at about twelve P.M she found her father’s friend car parked outside the house , she wondered if her dad had returned back from work so early , but when she knocked severally on gate and no one responded, the gangsterism in her asked her to scale the barbwire fence and jumped into the compound, when she went and knocked on the door , nobody responded, so she turned round towards her father and Kafayatu’s room , she could hear Kafayatu moaning .

“Aburo small small now do you want to injure me ?” Idowu was stunned she couldn’t believe what her ears had heard , she tiptoed towards the glass window and peered in , she could see Aburo lying on Kafayatu’s fair body , her breathe seized for a minute, her eyes almost popped out of her skull ,the stone she was standing on loosen and Idowu almost fell .

“Who is there ?” Kafayatu asked , Idowu tiptoed and ran away from the window . “Come baby no one is there , the gate is locked who can come in through the fence ?” Aburo said , Kafayatu wasn’t leaving anything to chance .

“Aaarh I have to go and check , Kunle’s daughter is a witch .” Kafayatu said , she branched into the kitchen and picked a sharp knife before strolling out to check who the intruder was , if it was Idowu , she didn’t plan to let her tell tales, she planned to kill her and make Aburo held her bury her, nobody would know where she went , they’ll just assume she got missing from school, nobody will trace her death to her , she prayed it was Idowu , she hated the girl with passion .

Kafayatu went round the compound , with the knife in her hand , she painstakingly searched for Idowu , the girl was hiding behind a flower bird , she squat behind the flower , one could see her hiding behind the flower bush if they looked intently , Kafayatu and Aburo walked close to the spot Idowu was hiding , she paused her breathe . “We should go and continue what we were doing , you see I told you nobody was here .” Aburo said .

“I know what I heard , if Idowu saw us , that girl will report us to her father .” Kafayatu said bending over the flower Idowu was hiding in . “Is that not somebody there ?” Kafayatu said when she saw Idowu’s uniform .

“What do you mean there’s somebody there ? How did they get in ?” Aburo asked . “It’s Idowu . Idowu get up !” Kafayatu yelled, trying to turn round the flower bed. “There’s no one here!” Aburo barked when he turned round to where Kafayatu was pointing as the hiding spot. “In fact am going back to my shop, you’re wasting my time , don’t call me this week , you’ll call me and come and be playing useless games .” Aburo quarreled as he stomped into the house .

“Am sorry Aburo , I swear to god, I heard something.” Kafayatu swore Aburo ignored her , she chased after him as he wore his clothes and left the house .

Idowu had almost fainted where she was hiding , she thought Kafayatu would see her , she was standing over her with a knife . Idowu took an Okada to the road and then joined a taxi that took her to Katampe Junction where her father ran his heavy machinery rental.

Her father’s boys told her , that her father had gone to Kuje to inspect a land grading job , they offered to buy her rice and Fanta, she ate impatiently waiting for her father . Kunle returned with the Excavator on a Lowbed truck , he was surprised to see Idowu waiting for him .

“Idowu what are you doing here ?” Kunle asked his daughter. “Why did you not go home after school?” He asked in the presence of his boys , Idowu tied her tongue, she couldn’t tell her father what she had seen , she just climbed into his car .

“Daddy I saw something today , I left the school very early , I had running stomach earlier today .” Idowu said , she waited for her father do urge her on . “So?” Kunle asked .

“Daddy I went home by twelve P.M , I was having a running stomach . Dad I saw Uncle Aburo in our house …”Idowu said , she saw her father’s eyes spread wide open . “Aburo at home ? he didn’t tell me he was going on .” Kunle said still confused ,wondering what his friend would go to his house to do , when Aburo didn’t call to inform him of a visit .

“Daddy I saw uncle Aburo there , he and aunt Kafayatu were sleeping with each other in the bedroom.” Idowu said , she had not closed her lips when her father slapped her back .

“Aaarh Daddy why did you slap me ?” Idowu cried . “Why would you be lying on your stepmother, and Aburo my best friend, Aburo can never do such rubbish to me .”Kunle said .

“But dad I saw them with my eyes , aunt Idowu said they should kill me , so I don’t reveal the secret to you .” Idowu continued. “This your mouth will not put you into trouble Idowu , because you don’t like Kafayatu you now made up such story to make me drive her away and bring in your mother?” Kunle said .

“No daddy I’m serious , I can’t lie to you , I saw them.” Idowu insisted. “Daddy call Uncle Aburo and ask him where he was by twelve today .” Idowu said , Kunle drove with anger boiling in his heart , he couldn’t believe what his daughter was saying , with all the mischievous attitudes she had been putting on display.

Kafayatu was sitting innocently outside the house with her kids when Kunle got back , she rushed to the car to help him carry the nylon of fruit , the kids jumped on his body . Kafayatu didn’t throw one single glance at Idowu , she acted as if Idowu had dreamt about all she had told her father .

Idowu hung her backpack over one of her shoulders as she followed behind her father and his happy family. Kunle took his bath and drove out of the house , he went straight to Aburo’s house . Aburo’s wife served them Eba and Egusi soup , with big chunks of meat and Kpomo. Kunle tried to eat the little he could . “Don’t you like the food ?” Omolayo asked .

“I ate at the site am still filled .” Kunle lied .when they were done with the food , the men excused themselves and went out of the gate to discuss . “Aburo I want to ask you a question, can you tell me only the truth ?” Kunle asked .

“What kind of a question is that ?” Aburo asked angrily. “Am I not your right hand man again ? why would I want to lie to you ?” He asked Kunle .

“Did you go to my house today ?” Kunle asked Aburo . “No Na , I even traveled to Minna to go and see my mother , but why are you asking ?” Aburo asked . “Nothing Aburo, it’s just that somebody told me you went to my house today .” Kunle said .

“I’ve not been in your house for one week now , how will I go there when you’re not around ? whoever told you that is mad , they want to spoil our relationship.” Aburo lied . “Are you sure Aburo? “Kunle asked.

“My friend if you can’t trust me when I say I didn’t go to your house, then you’re not my friend , you should know what I can or can’t do .” Aburo said , enraged and angry . “Am sorry , I’ve to go home now .” Kunle said , he got into his car and drove away .

Aburo immediately called Kafayatu . “Your husband knows , it’s true that Idowu saw us .” Aburo said . “Did he confront you ?” Kafayatu asked.

“Yes that’s why he came to my place he’s very angry .” He forewarned her. “Don’t worry I know how to handle him .What should we do about that girl ? she wants to spoil our relationship.” Kafayatu said .

“I don’t know of , whatever you do with her , is not my business,she’s your child not mine .” Aburo said and hung up . Kunle didn’t confront Kafayatu as she expected,there days later Kunle woke her up in the night and put a question that took her off balance.

“Kafayatu are you cheating on me ?’ Kunle asked . “God forbid , what kind of rubbish talk is that my husband? I can’t cheat on you , if I do let me die , let me not see tomorrow.”Kafayatu swore .

“Don’t place curse on yourself.” Kunle said , Kafayatu didn’t sleep all night ,she cried till the next morning, her eyes were swollen like puff puff . She hated Idowu , she waited for three weeks, on a Sunday after church , Kafayatu boiled water on the gas , for over thirty minutes, when the water was boiling , she poured it into a bowl and was taking it to the sitting room , when the bowl slipped from her hand , the bowl of hot water drenched Idowu who was lying on a couch near the kitchen door . Her scream made Kunle to jump out of his room in a second .

The water landed on her stomach down to her knees , her skin immediately peeled off and the white skin exposed , the girl writhed in pain . “What did you do! What’s wrong with you !’ Kunle barked at Kafayatu who seemed confused .

“Aaaarh it’s a mistake the water fell from my hand .” She said running up and down trying to help Idowu .

“Mr Kunle your daughter sustained a first degree burn to her buttocks, her stomach and to her laps , this would take a minimum of four to six months to heal .” A female doctor said to Kunle. Idowu was placed on a sedative , the girl had been in serious pains.

He called Atinuke, in less than an hour she was in the hospital. “Kunle see what your wife did to my daughter? Did I commit a crime to send her to you ? she couldn’t stay without you , see what you allow your wife do to her .” Atinuke said with tears in her eyes .

“Am sorry Atinuke , it was a mistake , Kafayatu wouldn’t intentionally do this, the water slip .” Kunle said trying to defend Kafayatu. “Oh You’re defending her ? why did she not mistakenly pour the water on her sons? oh because mine is a girl her life doesn’t matter ?” Atinuke asked.

“It’s not that , I love all my children.” Kunle said sadly . “I am not here to argue with you , just go away I can take care of my daughter.” Atinuke said , Kunle moved away from her , he stayed in the hospital all night .

The next morning Kafayatu came to the hospital with breakfast, as soon as Atinuke saw coming , the hairs on her body rose , she was ready to pounce on her . “What are you doing here ?” Atinuke said blocking her way .

“Please madam I am here to see my step daughter, I don’t want fight leave me alone!” Kafayatu said just outside the door of Idowu’s hospital room . “You this cheap Agbo seller , you too my husband from me , I didn’t talk , you have the gut to pour her hot water ?” Atinuke asked with a grin on her face . “I’ll teach you a lesson today that no one messes with my children !” Atinuke yelled .

“Abeg abeg madam let me hear word , am I the one who asked you to be giving birth to girls girls ? if you love your child so much , why did you push her to my house .” Kafayatu challenged Atinuke .

Atinuke grabbed her hair and wrestled her to the ground , she delivered a number of punches to her head , before Kunle and the security men in the ward separated them . Atinuke had thrown the food Kafayatu brought all over the floor . She left her business for two weeks and tended to Idowu . Titi came to relieve her so she too could to her business.

Titi insulted Kunle so much the day she saw him, Gradually the injury began to heal , Idowu was on the hospital bed for four months , her lower part covered in white bandages , being fed pain killers. On the fourth month she was discharged.

“Idowu please come home so I can take care of you ?” Atinuke begged her daughter. “No mummy I don’t want to go home , I want to stay with grandma .” Idowu insisted .

“Well you can always go to visit grandma?” Atinuke said . “No mummy I don’t want to go home .” Idowu insisted .

“Your sisters miss you .”Atinuke said , Idowu had already resolved in her mind not to go home , she couldn’t stand Waheed she hated the man to the bone . “Atinuke leave her let her come and spend some months with me , you can always come to see her or she can go for weekends .” Grandma Titi suggested .

“I’ll never go back to that house .” She said angrily , Kunle took them to Grandma’s house , he left three hundred thousand naira for Idowu’s upkeep before leaving .

Grandma Titi registered Idowu in a private secondary in Zuba, she continued from Senior secondary school. she stayed with Her grandmother Four months, grandma Titi had to go and take care of her daughter who had recently put to birth in Lagos , she had to return Idowu to her mother , Idowu wanted to follow her , but she would stay for three or four months before coming back to Abuja , so she forcefully took Idowu to Atinuke’s place . Her siblings were so happy to see her , she was not happy to see Waheed .

” won’t you greet your dad ?” Atinuke quarreled Idowu , she kept glaring at him from head to toes , she refused to say a word . “What is wrong with you Idowu ?” Atinuke asked , Idowu ignored her , she hated the man with passion .

She avoided the man and stayed away from him , Waheed also stayed out of her way . Damilare was writing her WEAC, so she was busy studying for the exam , Idowu couldn’t understand why she was looking so busty and chubby, she snuck up to her one evening.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” She asked Damilare. “I don’t have time for a boyfriend , why would you ask me such a stupid question ?” Damilare fired back .

“You look pregnant to me .” Idowu said , Damilare dropped her pen and faced her sister . “As you’ve made yourself a thorn in everybody’s flesh ehn , I want you to stay away from me .” Damilare said angrily .

“Your boob is so full , it seems like somebody has been touching them .” Idowu said , Damilare got up and pushed her to the ground , she gave her several punches before Atinuke rushed up to separate her daughter’s .

“What’s the problem why are you two fighting ?” She asked , the two girls refused to speak , Damilare stared at Idowu disdainfully. She went back to her book . Idowu went outside the house . Not ten minutes later , Damilare ran out of the house bare footed , she rushed to the little garden her mother had behind the house , she bent down and began to vomit . Idowu ignored her sister her attention was focused on the screen of the new phone her father bought for her .

Damilare covered the slimmy mess with sand and washed her mouth , then glared at Idowu before walking into the house .

Idowu was in the kitchen doing dishes , when she heard Waheed’s car drive into the compound , Taiye and Kehinde rushed to him to welcome him home , her mother had gone to the shop with the youngest siblings .

“Daddy how are you ?” The twins asked him . “Am fine take this money go and buy fish from that aboki that sells across the road .”

“Thank you daddy .” the twins said . “Who is at home ?” He asked .

“It’s Idowu she’s washing plate in the kitchen .” They said . “When you people guy fish you should go and play with your friends okay ?” He said the twins nodded The twins were over happy to be given money, they ran away from the compound .

Waheed got into the house , he went straight the kitchen, when he saw loins , he walked slowly towards her , the door to the kitchen was already open . Idowu felt Waheed’s hands on her buttocks , she turned quickly to push him away , he cupped his palms over her breastts . “What are you doing ? take your hands off me!” Idowu yelled .

“Scream all you want , I must get what I want , you thought you could run from me ? you stupid bastard!” He said and wrestled the girl to the ground , she had dragged a frying pan with her to the kitchen floor with which she hit Waheed over his face , he was not deterred, he kept pulling off her skirt , Idowu fought and kicked with her legs .

“You won’t have me again! devil! the one you’ve done is not enough for you! leave me alone!” She fought furiously. “Somebody help me! Somebody help!” she cried . Lucky for Idowu Damilare stepped into the house from school, she rushed into the kitchen .

“Jesus ! Daddy what are you doing ?” Damilare screamed when she met Waheed trying to defile Idowu , he jumped away from her body , and began to tie the rope of his trousers . “Aaarh Dammy are you back ?” He said hurrying away from the room . “Don’t let your mother hear about this if will break her heart .” He whispered to Damilare before leaving the room .

“Idowu am sorry .” Damilare said as she embraced Idowu . “Am sorry , I didn’t know he had eyes for you too .” She said Idowu burst into tears . “Eyes for me ? he has been doing it to me before I left the house , uncle Waheed disvirgined me , I don’t have anyone to tell , even when I want to tell mum I can’t . I can’t stay in this house ,he will do it again .” Idowu said with tears pouring from her eyes .

“Daddy cursed this , I’ll never forgive him in this life , he has made me do thirteen abortion , you were right , I was pregnant last month when you came back , we’ve gone to aunty nurse to remove it .” Idowu said .

“thirteen abortions ? why didn’t you speak up to mum ? Hu didn’t you run away ?” Idowu asked . “Mum was broken when you left , he started immediately with me when you left , I got to understand why he was harsh to you and why you were stubborn to him .” Damilare said .

“We should tell mum , we can’t let this to continue.” Idowu suggested. “Mummy will be heart broken ,when dad left she went mental , remember mummy went crazy , how our class mates used to laugh at us that our mother was mad , I can’t let that happen again .” Damilare said .

“I won’t let that man sleep with me again , I’ll tell mummy , I’ll tell grandma , I’ll stab him if he tries to touch me again .” Idowu said . “Don’t tell mum , he won’t do it again , since he knows I’m aware , I’ll tell him I will tell mummy if he tries to touch you again.” Damilare said , Idowu was not satisfied, she didn’t change her clothes , she just at the sitting room foaming and waiting for her mother , she cannot believe Damilare could allow herself to become a sex slave under their mother’s nose , at the age of seventeen she has aborted for Waheed thirteen times .

She heard the sound of Waheed’s car around six in the evening , she waited impatiently for her mother to step into the house . “Idowu what happened to you , why are you looking this way ?” Atinuke asked .

“Mummy your husband tried to rape me .” She said , as tears fell from her eyes . “What do you mean ?” She asked , glaring at Waheed . “Is it this my husband that has been with me in the shop all day ? or another one ?” Atinuke asked .

“Mummy uncle Waheed came home in the afternoon he met me washing plates in the kitchen , he tried to rape me , see the swollen place on his fore head I hit him with a frying pan , I was only lucky that Dammy came in , he wanted to rape me , as he has been doing before I left the house .” Idowu said .

“She’s lying my darling , how can I do something like that to my own child ?” Waheed asked . “You’re crazy! I’m not your child! you’re a pedophile , God will judge you uncle Waheed!” Idowu cursed him . Atinuke gazed at Waheed suspiciously.

“God! do you believe what this liar is saying ?” Waheed asked . “Me Waheed touch this dirty girl and rude girl ?” Waheed asked . Damilare came go the living room .

“Dammy Idowu said you met Waheed trying to abuse her , tell me the truth no lies I beg you in the name of God.” Atinuke asked, Dammy stood staring with a lost look on her face . “Talk to me! I am going crazy now! tell me the truth!” Atinuke barked .

Dammy looked at her step father and at Idowu. “Mummy it’s a lie , Daddy didn’t come home today .” Damilare said , Idowu burst into cry . “Aaaarh! Dammy why are you lying ! you told me he’s been raping you too , mum he has slept with me for over four times .” Idowu said .

“It’s a lie mum , uncle Waheed has never touched me before .” Damilare said . “Mummy you can ask Taiye and Kehinde if he didn’t come home .” Idowu said , praying her twins sisters would say the truth .

‘Did your daddy come home today .” Atinuke barked,the twins didn’t respond immediately,she barked the second time . “I said, Did your daddy come home today, since we went out ?” The twins about ten years of age ,shook their heads at the same time . “Daddy didn’t come home , we didn’t hear anything.” Atinuke slapped Idowu across the face and began to beat her .

“Why did I not leave you in Kubwa for Kafayatu to kill you ! ungrateful child, you don’t want my happiness.” She beat Idowu until her body was covered with scars . Idowu wept all night , the pain of betrayal hurt more then the pains from the injury , she felt empty , she felt alone , she felt betrayed she wished for death to take her away .

Idowu had locked herself in her own world , she barely spoke to her mother , she hated her father , she had called her grandmother severally to come and take her from her mother’s place but grandma Titi told her she was staying for three months , that her aunt Bisi gave birth through Caesarian Section , and she couldn’t take care of herself .

She was feeling sickly, her body hurt , he had sneaked into her room ,when everybody was out , he manhandled her with malice , three days later he did it again ,Idowu didn’t fight back , she saw no need , she had no one to stand by her , both parents had betrayed her , she was looking for a place she could stay , far away from her parents.

“How is your health Idowu ?” Atinuke said placing her hand on Idowu’s forehead, the girl glared at her disdainfully, but wouldn’t say any word , Atinuke dropped some drugs she had gotten from the pharmacy on her bed , Idowu pushed them off the bed to the floor . “how long would you continue being angry ? it’s been one month now , if you don’t take your drugs how would you get well ?” Atinuke asked Idowu .

“It’s not your business if I die .” She mumbled , Atinuke left the room , the smell of the fish Atinuke was frying in the kitchen filled her nose , she couldn’t breath she went outside the house .

She refused to eat that evening, Atinuke tried to see her eat , but the she refused to eat that evening, when she went to school at Zuba the next day , Idowu had collapsed in the class , her teachers rushed her to a nearby hospital, where she was treated of malaria and typhoid, but when a female doctor checked her she requested to see her parents, Idowu refused to give her parents phone number , grandma who registered her was out of town .

Idowu escaped from the hospital,she went to the nurse who used to help her and her friends get rid of unwanted pregnancies. “Aunt nurse please I need your help .” Idowu said when she got into the medicine shop . “How may I help you ?” The nurse said . “Aunt nurse I am pregnant I want you to help me get rid of it .” Idowu said , she had removed two pregnancies for Segun . “The money has increased oh , it’s twelve thousand naira, go and bring the money I’ll do it .” she said .

“But aunt nurse that money is too much Na , where am I to get it ?” Idowu pleaded. ”Go and meet the man who got you pregnant or learn how to close your legs .” She said Idowu couldn’t say another word she just walked away .

she went to the house of her boyfriend , Segun had gone out , she waited for him to return , he was a young man of about twenty three years old , tall and bearded . It was after one hour before he came back home .

“What are you doing here Idowu ?” He asked when he saw his underage girlfriend.

“Segun I need your help please .” She pleaded . ” What help ?” The boy asked .

“Please I need twelve thousand naira.” Idowu said . “Twelve thousand naira for what ?” He asked . Idowu hesitated for a while . “You see I need the money to treat myself .” Idowu said , she just wanted to remove the child she had in herwomb , she would never bear his child.

“If you can’t tell me what you need the money for , I won’t give it to you .” Segun said . ”Please Segun I need the money , Okay I’ll tell you the truth , I am pregnant, I can’t keep this child .” Segun almost fell when the truth slammed him in the stomach .

“Pregnant for who ?” He asked with his brows furrowed, his lips went dry. “I was raped by my stepfather, I think I’m pregnant, I didn’t see my period , please will you help me .” Idowu said, Segun stared at her with a hateful stare.

“You refused to let me sleep with you for two months now , you were busy giving it to him , leave my house , I can’t help you prostitute.” He said , Idowu fell on her knees . “Please am sorry Segun I couldn’t do it with you , I told you I was going through hell at home , did I not use come from school just to give you ?” She asked .

“I don’t care before I go to the field and come back , I don’t want to see in my house Ashawo!” He cussed before he left the house , Idowu sat up and cried her eyes , when she had cried enough she left his house still in her uniform , she began to wandered the streets of Zuba in her school uniform.

Atinuke and Waheed returned from the shop late , she went to check on Idowu to know how she was doing , she was surprised to hear that Idowu didn’t return from school , she began to call her phone number , it was ringing but Idowu wasn’t picking up , it was about ten P.M Atinuke began to panic , she ran out of the house to all of Idowu’s friends houses to look for her , they all said the same thing , that they had not seen her her that day . Atinuke couldn’t sleep all night the next morning she begged Waheed to drive her to the school .

It was there that the Head master reveal to them the secret that Idowu was hiding , that she was pregnant, after much investigation her friends in the class told them of Segun, that Idowu used to leave class to go and see him. Atinuke and Waheed with the head teacher took police to go and arrest Segun , for getting Idowu pregnant and for sleeping with a minor .

Segun denied ever sleeping with her , he claimed she was just his friend, that he had never touched her ,that he had not seen her the previous day , the police let him go . Atinuke was so worried when she couldn’t see her daughter after searching for her all day .

“I will be gone for two weeks , the contract will last for three weeks , If we find gold in the site , our contract might be extended to four months .” Kunle said , as he wore his black sneakers , he wore a blue jeans , a black shirt , with a black face cap . “Do you mean you will stay there for a week ?” Kafayatu asked .

“I will stay for more than a week , I have to see how my boys are working before I leave them . I’ll be there for like two weeks or three weeks .” Kunle said , Kafayatu’s face went sour . “But that’s too long honey , you should try to come back earlier .” Kafayatu said , Kunle smiled , she had been showing him excess love since Idowu left the house , he felt she didn’t want him to leave .

“It’s only three week Kafayatu, I’ll be back before you know it.” Kunle said Kafayatu shook her head . “No it’s two long , you’ll come and see us after one week then you go back .” Kafayatu insisted .

“Okay I’ll do as you commanded, I’ll come back to come and see you and my handsome boys .” Kunle said , he planted a soft kiss on Kafayatu’s lips . “I’ll miss this soft lips of yours .” He said , he gently squeezed her waist , as she threw her arms over his shoulder.

“My sweetheart don’t go and start playing with those girls in Kwara , tell me am your only one ?” Kafayatu said , Kunle laughed . “You’re my only one , I cannot cheat on you my love , I’ll love you from now to eternity, other women look like monkeys in my eyes , you’re the only beautiful woman .” He teased Kafayatu, she laughed so hard , she escorted him to his car. Kunle went with his black Toyota Tacoma, a four wheel drive , which could enter a bushy terrain .

Kunle picked two of his boys from Zuba junction , and they headed towards Gwagwalada, the truck had gone ahead with two Excavators to Kwara, Kunle owned about five Excavators, three Bulldozers, four trucks and four Pay Loaders , and seven Low Bed trailers .

He was discussing with his operators shortly after they left Abaji , they had stopped to buy boiled corn from the roadside seller . They had not driven for ten minutes, when they ran into a bandit roadblocks, Kunle swiftly turned his car and was heading for Abuja , when the bandits shot several rounds of ammunition at them and other motorist , they climbed on their motorcycle and chased after Kunle and the other motorist escaping , At some point Kunle had to abandon the car and jump into the bush with his boys .

They ran for three minutes in the bush , the bandits chased after them and were shooting sporadically in all directions, at some point he heard a thudding sound, he turned to see one of his operators lying on the ground. “Matthew get up!” Kunle called , the operator remained on the ground grimacing.

“Oga I’ve been shot .” He said holding his hand over his stomach , that was sprouting blood . “Oga they’ve shot me .” Matthew said breathing heavily. “Oh God , oh Jesus what will I do ?” He said .

“Godwin come and help me let’s carry Matthew.” He said , the bandits were still running towards them on foot , shooting those who had fallen by the way , Kunle and Godwin carried Matthew under a three and hid themselves there , the bandits tried to trace the blood , but had to run on ,when they saw people moving in the thick green forest .

Kunle and Godwin remained in the bush with Matthew who was losing blood , two hours later when the bush was quiet , Kunle carried Matthew on his back . His arms and legs dangled limply as he ran towards the road , they got to the road about two P.M , Kunle tried to stop the few vehicles that had returned to the road , but the drivers were scared nobody was willing to risk stopping at a place where bandits had killed several people, and kidnapped over forty five travellers for people covered in blood , who also had what looked like a corpse.

A good Samaritan rushed them to University of Abuja Teaching hospital, Kunle didn’t have phone or his ATM with him , so he rushed into Gwagwalada town to get money from his bank . Matthew was being given blood . Kunle borrowed a phone to call Kafayatu to inform her what had befallen them , but she was not taking her calls .

Matthew didn’t make it through the night , he died , Kunle cried his eyes out . At around six A.M he and Godwin got on a vehicle to Zuba . At about nine A.M Kunle arrived at Kubwa , he took an Okada that rode with him to his house . Kunle was surprised to see Aburo’s car parked a few street from his own , it looked like it was hidden .

It was a Sunday morning, he expected Kafayatu to have gone to church with the children , but when he saw the curtains still raised up , he knew she was still at home , he began to knock on the gate , he knocked so loud , eager to know if what he was suspecting was true .

Kunle climbed over the fence and landed heavily in the compound, he walked calmly to the door , he knocked , it was one of his six years old twins who came to the door , He embraced Kunle . “Daddy welcome back !” He said and embraced Kunle . “Where is your mum?” Kunle asked.

“She’s sleeping in her room .” The boy said . “Didn’t you people go to church ?” Kunle asked , the boy shook his head , Kunle proceeded towards the bedroom .

Taiye led the way to his parents bedroom , the door was open , Kafayatu was shocked to see Kunle . “Hey darling why are you here ?” She said covering herself with her bed sheet , Kunle didn’t answer her , his attention was on the room he was searching to see if Aburo was in the room .

“Kunle why are you not talking? what are you looking for ?” She said , Kunle ignored her , he went to the wardrobe and was searching it one after the other , he was almost about stopping his search when he heard Kafayatu’s voice behind him, It turned out she was chasing Taiye out of the room .

“What’s it .” he turned to his wife and son . “It’s nothing darling , I was telling Taiye to leave our room .” Kafayatu said fidgeting. “Daddy see uncle under the bed .” Taiye said pulling at Aburo’s leg , Kunle bent down , at this point Kafayatu bit her finger. Kunle grabbed Aburo’s leg and dragged him out.

“Aburo what are you doing here ? you’re here sleeping with my wife ?” He said and slapped the man across the face , Aburo tumbled back . “Aaarh my friend is the devil !” Aburo said clutching his trousers and shirt to his body .

“It’s the devil ? you stupid man , you came and be sleeping with your best friend’s wife ? aaaarh Kafayatu you have killed men!” Kunle screamed as he continued to beat the living day out of Aburo he jumped behind Kafayatu to prevent Kunle from reaching him . “Aaaarh! So Idowu was right!” He screamed .

“Leave me alone o! Leave me alone , you’re not happy I did it with your friend , what if I went out to go and do it outside, your thing is too small!” Kafayatu yelled at Kunle , the man was too enraged to reply them , he knocked Kafayatu and Aburo to the ground . Kafayatu picked an empty bottle with which she hit Kunle in the head , the giant man crumbled to the ground , the whole house went black .

Kunle woke up at about ten P.M in the night , he was confused he couldn’t recollect where he was , the pain on the back his head was heart wrenching, he got up and turned on the light , he saw that Kafayatu had cleared her things and her children’s things from the house , she drove away in the Mercedes Benz-E.

Kunle called his in-laws in Minna , they heaped insults on Kunle for beating their daughter and breaking her nose , Kafayatu’s nose was swollen like one who was stung by a bee , there told him for whatever reason he didn’t have any reason to beat her .

Kunle gathered all the alcoholic drinks in the fridge , he began to drink them one after the other , trying to numb the pain building around his life , he didn’t know what else to do , he wept that night .

The next morning Kunle went to Suleja to see Atinuke and her children, he wanted to Idowu the most , he had to apologize to his daughter for doubting her , he felt so ashamed , he couldn’t believe that his best friend could stab him in the back . He met Damilare at home , with her siblings, she was all grown , a woman , he couldn’t believe how time flied . She gazed at him from head to toes , then she hissed .

“What are you doing here ?” Damilare said , when her siblings heard his voice they ran to the door thinking it was Idowu , the twins recognised their father , but Ayomide and her older sister didn’t know who Kunle was .

“Taiye and Kehinde.” Kunle called his kids , they looked at him and gazed at Damilare. “All of you go inside now!” Damilare barked angrily , she gazed at her father from head to toes hissed and banged the door at his face . Kunle was speechless, he knew he had messed up , but he hadn’t expected such a hostile meeting with his daughter.

He sat outside the house for five hours , when Waheed drove into the compound, he saw Atinuke his heart began to beat like a drum . “Hello Atinuke?” Kunle said , she wasn’t happy to see him .

“What are you doing here ?” Atinuke said . “Please I came to see you and my children.” Kunle said , Atinuke gazed at him without a word to say to him . “After seven years, it’s now you think to come and see them ?” Atinuke asked .

“Please where is Idowu I need to see her .” Kunle said . “She ran out of the house for almost three weeks now , I didn’t go to shop today , I went to look for her .” Kunle’s lips went dry , he sat heavily on the corridor and began to scratch his head violently.

“What happened Atinuke ? why would you let her leave ?” He said with disappointment in his voice . “The same reason why you return her to me , I don’t have anything to tell you Kunle , you should come and start going , when we see Idowu I’ll let you know .” she said , Kunle nodded .

“Can I talk to you privately?” Kunle said . “Why ?” She asked Waheed stood close by watching Atinuke and Kunle .

“Please tell him to go .” Kunle said pointing at Waheed , Atinuke pleaded for him to leave . “I’ve hurt you and the kids so much , I neglected my responsibilities, but I didn’t forget my children , this are the documents of shares I bought in their names .” He handed Atinuke the papers .

“This are papers of my lands in Abuja , this is my main bank account where I keep all of my money , it’s worth millions , please don’t let that man lay hands on them . You and the kids wouldn’t lack anything.” He said tears fell from Atinuke’s eyes .

“Why are you doing this Kunle ? we don’t need this now , you should take your money to Kafayatu.” Atinuke said . “Am sorry Atinuke, this is everything I’ve worked for , you’re my wife , it’s you I trust , please the children hate me , just tell them am sorry . The land and shares worth over hundred million naira . In my account I’ve seventy five million naira put aside for you . I’ll go and look for Idowu and bring her to you .” He said before leaving . Idowu stood there watching him walk away , she sat on the verandah and cried her eyes wet .

Kunle returned home to an overturned house , some people had broken into the compound , they tore the house down , the couch was turned upside down the television was removed from the wall and flung on the flow. The carnage continued into the bedroom, his bedroom was overturned, the mattress was thrown on the floor .

“Kafayatu ah!” Kunle kept saying as he walked over the wreckage of his house . He arranged the house and took all the damaged household items out of the house , he spent the good part of the evening cleaning the house .

When he went out to get dinner at about seven P.M he saw strange looking men trailing him , he ran for his life without buying the food . He got home and bought Fanta and bread to quench the hunger in his stomach . At about twelve A.M he heard the voices of men coming from the back of his house . Soon the light in the compound went off , the men poured in about five of them , they began to shoot in the air .

Their axes dodge into the wall of the house , soon they were inside the house . “You’re the bastard that’s making our work hard Abi?” The leader said as he slapped Kunle straight across the face , he fell to the ground . “Am sorry please don’t kill me . I don’t have money in the house please don’t kill me ,” Kunle said the man kicked him over and over with a boot behind his spine .

“Am sorry don’t kill me !” Kunle said . “Now go and give us the documents to your land in Kuje , Katampe and Suleja , hand us over the password to your Union Bank account, give us all the papers to your car , then I’ll think if I would or would not kill you !” the leader barked while the other guys continued scattering the house , looking for what they didn’t keep there .

“Oga please those papers are not with me , they’re with my lawyer please don’t kill me !” Kunle pleaded, in anger the robber shot into the ceiling . “Boys match him , he thinks we’re playing !” He ordered his boys they began to beat and kick Kunle in the back and in the head . “Now will you tell me where you keep the paper? we know it’s here of you don’t give it to us we will kill you .” The men threatened , their leader shot into the ceiling.

Soon they heard the blaring sound of siren coming towards their direction . “Let us waste this man and go!” One of the robbers said. “Let’s go before the police reach here .” He said . The gang members ran out of the house and climbed the back fence , through which they got access to the bush behind Kunle’s house , from there they disappeared into the night , Kunle was bleeding he had to go to the hospital to get stitched that night .

For one month Idowu had been moving from house of her friend to another , her friends got tired of her and asked her to leave . Her problem was how to get rid of the pregnancy, she knew she couldn’t care for a child .

“Hello grandma when are you coming back ? I can’t stay with my mummy anymore!” Idowu said to her grandmother over the phone . “What’s the issue Idowu? is your mum or her husband maltreating you ? ” grandma asked .

” grandma just come back I need you. We’re fine they’re not maltreating me , but I am tired here , I hate it here .” She said .

she had been calling her grandmother begging her to come back , but Grandma Titi thought Idowu was being too clingy , she told her she would come a month later , that she would cut her stay by two months , but Idowu insisted that she should return immediately.

“I’ll cut my stay short , so I can come back to you , I’ll be back in a month time .” grandma Titi said . “grandma that’s too far away .” Idowu lamented.

Idowu had no choice than to sell her only possession. her phone , she had given her phone to one of her friends , a boy from her class Stephen , who said he had a buyer , she waited for him for several hours , Stephen didn’t show up , her father had gotten her that Guoni phone worth over sixty thousand naira, she planned to sell it for thirty five thousand naira, and use the money to get rid of the pregnancy and take care of herself , but Stephen sold the phone and ate the money .

She had spent two months jumping from place to place begging for food to eat , when she got tired she went to Deidei , to a brothel that had a bar , girls came there to hustle . men to picked them and took them home , her pregnancy made her look quite older than her age ,so she blended with the girls there .

A man with a dreadlocked hair, who had a wrap of Indian hemp around his finger walked up to Idowu. “Baby how much do you charge per night ?” He asked Idowu her heart began to beat, she didn’t know how much to charge . “Fifteen thousand naira.” She said unable to look at the man to his face .

“I’ll give you ten thousand Naira?” He bargained. “No sir I’ll take twelve thousand Naira last .” Idowu said . “Okay twelve thousand I hope you will be able to work for the money .” The young man said , Idowu followed the stranger home . He was so hard and rough with her , that she cried in pains . He would go and take energy drinks , take pills and come back to mount on Idowu . The girl regretted her mistake .

“Please brother give me my money I want to go .” Idowu said the next morning. “I like you , you’re tight I’ll double that money , I just want you to stay today .” The man said, as he puffed Indian hemp on Idowu’s face .

“No sir my mother will be looking for me , I have to return home!” The man held her hand and flung her to the bed . “I said you should go to the bed , that’s what you would do , you’re a runs girl , I said I’ll pay , why are you complaining ?” he said .

“Please sir I’m pregnant , I can’t take the force you use , you’re too strong for me .” He said . “Is it not money you want ? I’ll triple the money , you’re tight I like you .” Said .

“Brother please pay me my money let me go!” the guy pushed her to the bed with one arm and mounted her , she cried as the pain was too unbearable, she was finding it hard to breath, she clinched her teeth in pains ,as the beast throttled her , her sweat soaked his Bedsheet.

The food sat in front of Idowu ,she was so weak and tired , the dreaded man had drilled her for four hours straight, he would take bathroom break , drink pop his pills and come back to mount on her like a Carmel . “You better eat o , or else it’s with empty stomach we will do it , at this your young age you have started doing Ashawo .” The man said .

“Please sir I don’t use to do it , it’s my first time , I needed twelve thousand naira to get drugs for my seek mother .” Idowu lied , trying to get the man’s pity , he bust into laughter. “You think am a JJC ? you have not started self you’ll give me until I’m satisfied.” The man said , when he went to the bathroom to take his bath ,Idowu grabbed his wallet that was left beside the bed , she rushed down from the bed , grabbed his wallet from the bedside and rushed to the door , he had forgotten to remove the key , she fumbled until the door was unlocked, then she escaped from the bedroom, she struggled with the main door and the door opened too, she burst into the compound and ran out of the compound .

She had not left the room for a second when the young man dashed out of the compound running after her , he was wearing only his boxers , with soapy foam in his ears . “Hey stop there! hey stop there!” The guy screamed . Idowu began to bang on gates as she ran calling for help , it was around six P.M in the evening. “Help me please! somebody help!” Idowu cried as the man drew closer , he was almost catching her when a man stepped in between them .

“Why are you chasing her ?” The huge man said . “she’s my girlfriend she stole my wallet and money and she’s running away.” The man said . “Sir he’s not my boyfriend, he picked me from …” Idowu tried to explain but the guy wouldn’t let her , he cut her off .

“Sir check her hand , she’s with my wallet , why are you lying Idowu ?” The dreadlocked guy said . “You said you don’t know him?” The man asked Idowu , she nodded vehemently. “Can I see the wallet you’re holding ?” The man asked , Idowu gave her the wallet . “He opened it and checked the drivers licence in it , and gazed at the young man . “Are you Dapo Dotun?” He asked the young man nodded .

“My dear sister why do you have his wallet ?” athe intruder said , at this time many of the occupants of the neighbouring flats had come out , they were watching from afar off. “Sir he picked me from a brothel, he refused to pay me and let me go .” Idowu said . ”Please sir don’t let him take me back he wants to kill me .” Idowu begged .

“Sir this is my girlfriend, she’s pregnant, her parents know she’s with me , she stole my wallet and was running away . I need to take her back home , and tell her parents to come and take her , I won’t marry her again . Dotun lied , the man handed him the wallet , he grabbed Idowu and started dragging her back to the house . Immediately they got to the house , he slapped her across the face .

“You stupid bastard! you think you could run away from me !” Dotun barked , his eyes turned red , he slapped Idowu with the back of her hand she fell on the couch and passed out . The young man grabbed her and lifted her unto his bed , he ripped off her clothes and began to devour her .

Idowu was weak , but she continued to cry .”Help me! Somebody help me! Am dying oh! he’s killing me oh!” Idowu cried as the man tightened his grip around her neck.

“Brother Dotun please stop it am on fire I can’t take it anymore please you’ll kill me oh.” Idowu begged the man didn’t cough a word , he just continued grinding her as if he was a machine . “Help me please! Somebody help me please!” Idowu screamed , two hours after Dotun dragged her into the compound, there was a knock on the door . the neighbours waited Dotun came to the door.

“Dotun waiting Na ? why you no no go let us get peace for this compound ? this girl has been crying since yesterday night , why don’t you let her go ?” The man asked . “Oga caretaker she’s my girlfriend in my room whatever I do isn’t your business, please just leave me alone .” Dotun hollered.

“Dotun this isn’t your father’s house that you can do as you want . You better take that girl out of this place or I’ll go and call the police.” The caretaker threatened. “Because you no dey bring Banny come home , or Na say we no dey hear when you dey whip her ? I go count scores for you if you bring policies matter come here . Na girl when I pick from bar nothing concern you .” Dotun hissed .

“Tell her to keep it down .” The man said , two men who accompanied him turned and left , Dotun got back into the bedroom where he had tied Idowu . “Oh you want to show me that you’re stubborn abi?” He asked Idowu who was crying .

“I will teach you lesson today you’ll hate yourself !” Dotun said , Idowu whimpered . Dotun spent another two hours assaulting her , at some point Idowu went quiet , she didn’t move, Dotun checked for her pulse , when he didn’t see any, he knew he had messed up , he raised Idowu’s hand if fell bedside her .

The young man began to run in all different looking for a way of freedom. he began to pace around his room . he placed a call to his friend. “Barry please come my place . Bro I don f up!” Dotun begged his friend as he sat on the floor near where he had tied Idowu. He was scratching his head violently.

“What did you do to her Na Dapo? Can you not see she’s a small girl ?” Barry said , Dapo put his hands over his mouth . “Nigga keep your voice down Na! do you want the whole fuccking compound to know what happened here ?” Dapo said angrily.

“Dude you were brutal on the girl , you’re a beast Dapo , I told you to stop doing this to girls , the last time you did same thing with Aisha .” Barry said displeased with his friend. “Dude I don’t know what comes over me . I didn’t plan to do this , I just wanted to have fun with her , she was now playing hard and then things went out of control .” Dapo said pacing about , he would stop to pound on his head , with his palms , then get a bottle of wine from his bar , with which he washed down some pills in his left palms .

“Is she dead Barry ?” Dapo asked. Barry was a medical student, he checked for Idowu’s pulse .”Bro her pulse is weak , I think we should take her to the hospital.” Barry suggested.

“What the heck! Nigga how Olopa no go take hold me Na? them go arrest me . that Na baddest idea . I can’t show my face anywhere they’ll arrest me .” Dapo said . “See I didn’t send you to go and be raping girls , why didn’t you tell me this what you mean by f up . You’re a rapist dude . If we don’t rush this girl to the general Hospital, she’ll be dead in the next one hour .” Barry said .

“I am dead! Barry I’m dead , my dad would kill me.” Dapo said . “Please dude you know I am the one who bailed you out of your debt to Sparrow . we need to take her far away from here and dump her , because I can’t be associated with this , my dad will reject and disinherit me , I’ve got too much for lose.” Dapo begged .

“So what if the catch us trying to dump the girl ? I’ll be rusticated from school , my parents will disown me .” Barry stood his ground . “Dude I can’t do what you’re asking me , you want to rope me in and ruin my life . I was never here, handle your shit.” Barry said and turned to leave .

“Dude calm down help me , I’ll give you five hundred thousand naira .” Dapo pleaded with his friend. “I am not going to involve myself Dapo , face your mess .” Barry said .

“What if I give you one million , would you help me ?” Dapo asked . “Bro that money isn’t enough . And I can’t get myself into your mess .” Barry said . “I’ll give you one million Naira.” Dapo said .

“are you kidding me bro ?” Barry asked , his eyes almost popping out, at the sound of money “Give me your AZA let me wire you.”Dapo said , Barry called it out for him . “Two million Naira?” Barry thought to himself.

“We need to get her into your car when it’s dark and everyone has gone to bed ,we will take her dad from here and dump her at Zuba Pedestrian Bridge and dump her .” Barry Said . Dapo spent the evening smoking marijuana one roll after the other , when the became quiet, the two men wrapped the unconscious girl in a duvet and rushed her into Dapo’s car , and they drove out of the compound in Deidei towards Zuba.

they watched when no was looking , they removed her from the car and dropped her by the bridge and sped off ,Idowu lay under the bridge for hours nobody came close to her , people were scared of getting close to her , not to be arrested by the police .

It began to rain at about eleven P.M , it rained till about twelve A.M , when a police truck stopped by the bridge after a few minutes they took her in their truck and rushed with her to the Kubwa General hospital.

She was immediately placed on drip , she was still very much unconscious,the doctors suspected she was pregnant, her stomach was looking bloated, they rolled her to the scan , when they found out she was pregnant with twins babies , and the babies had recently become deceased .

They had to carry out surgery on her to remove the two fetuses,to stop the vaginal bleeding , she was placed on life support.

“Hello madam , please can you come to the Police station, there was a call from Zuba division that your daughter was found .” A police woman called Atinuke, she dumped out of the bed . ”Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus she said .” changing into a sky blue Bubba . Waheed was awoken by the noise from Atinuke , as she was getting ready to go the police station .

“What is it Atinuke? why are you calling Jesus?” Waheed asked . “Honey I just got a call from the police station, Idowu has been found .” Atinuke said wiping tears of Joy from her face .

“You don’t look existed Waheed ?” Atinuke asked . “Please if you want to go and bring your daughter go , why would they be calling you in the night ?” Waheed asked angrily.

“See she’s still my daughter, you would love her if you claim to love me .” Atinuke said . “She’s just a girl hurt by the breakup between me and her father . Please can you take me to the police station?” Atinuke asked , Waheed lay down on the pillow and close his eyes .

“Waheed please come and take me to the Police station.” Atinuke begged . “I am not feeling well .” Waheed said with his eyes tight shut , Atinuke grabbed her purse and walked to the road , where she saw an Okada man who was doing night runs, he carried her and they rushed towards the Zuba , Atinuke missed her daughter she wished to see her .

The Okada man dropped Atinuke outside the Zuba police station , he turned his motorcycle and whisked away towards Suleja , Atinuke was met by a sentry at the gate . “Madam where you dey go ?” The police man , who sat in a dark room, she couldn’t see his features in the black silhouette, the white bulb outside the gatehouse made it impossible for her to see . “Good evening sir , I was called by a woman police here .” Atinuke said .

“Called for what ? can you not see the time ?” he asked . “Sir my daughter has been missing for over three months, I was told that she’s here .” Atinuke said .

“So it cannot wait till tomorrow morning ? this is One A.M in the morning.” the officer said . “And moreover no girl was brought to the station , go straight to the counter and meet the officers there .” He said in his dark shade , only the red light of the burning cigarette was visible.

When Atinuke got into the station,she met a female police with two other men at the counter . “Madam how may we help you ?” The woman asked . “I’m the mother of Idowu , you told me she’s been found I came to take her home .” Atinuke said staring all around the station looking for her daughter.

“Oh madam I didn’t say she was here , your daughter is in the hospital, our patrol officers saw her in a critical condition and rushed her to the Kubwa General hospital.” the officer said , Atinuke Stumbled and almost fell , she became so dizzy. “Madam you have to be strong , we will take you to the hospital now .” The woman said , the men held Atinuke and helped her sit down . After she had regained her strength they escorted her into the the vehicle of the female police , one armed police man joined them and they drove silently on the dark Kubwa Express to the hospital, some portions of the road was pitch black , while others were lighted up by yellow street lamps .

Soon they arrived at the hospital. Atinuke was led to the trauma surgery emergency room , immediately she saw her daughter, she was broken to pieces she began to cry . Idowu’s face was swollen from the beaten she had received from the man who had raped her . A black spot like a ring sat on both of her eyes, a white bandage was wrapped around her head .

“Jesus Christ who did this to my baby .” Atinuke sobbed as she knelt beside Idowu she lay her head on Idowu’s arm ,the only sign of life was the life support machine constant beeping , Idowu could not move her finger . The doctor was called over.

“Doctor please what happened to my daughter?” She asked . “Madam we suspect that your daughter was ganged raped by many men , we had to stitch back the upper part of her vaginah , it was a brutal assault, the heartless people didn’t care that she was pregnant.” The female doctor said , Atinuke’s eyes almost popped out .

“Preg what ?” Atinuke screamed , surprise was written all over her face . “Madam your daughter was four months pregnant when this incidence happened, we recovered two deceased fetuses from her womb .” Atinuke began to wail.

“Aaaarh my baby please wake up and forgive your mummy , I’ve failed you , I’ve failed you .” Atinuke cried .

Immediately Atinuke left the house Waheed tiptoed into Damilare’s room, he touched her boobs , she hissed and woke . “What is it Na uncle Waheed ? I don’t want to do this , what of mum hears us ?” She said with a derisive look on her face . “Calm down my baby , mum won’t hear anything, she said Idowu has been found she went to bring her home .” Waheed said he was still feeling Damilare up .

“Stop it uncle Waheed I don’t want to do it again, you told me you won’t go near Idowu , but you did it to her .” Damilare said . “I swear to God Almighty, I didn’t touch Idowu .” Waheed said with all sincerity .

“She was pregnant for you before she left here , she hates me , she hates us all because we covered for you , go away and leave me alone , you destroyed me that wasn’t enough you joined my sister.” Damilare said . “Please leave my room , I want to lock my door .” Damilare said , she could see Waheed’s eyes darting like squirrel trying to undress her .

“Uncle Waheed I told you I won’t do it again !” Damilare said .”Please just allow me to do small konji want to kill me right now .” Waheed begged . “You’re a beast go and get a prostitute, I won’t let you see my pant!” Damilare said , he slapped her across the face and pinned her to the bed , he closed her lips with his iron palm , he had her as many times as he wanted that night , Damilare cried blood when he left her room .

“Mummy there’s trouble o.” Atinuke called her mother . “What trouble?” She asked . “Mummy some men raped Idowu , she’s in the hospital on life support machine o. Mummy I’m going crazy , it’s my fault o!” Atinuke wept throwing her hands over her head , stamping her legs along the corridor of the hospital. “Jesus Christ, what are you talking about ? where and how did this happen ?” Grandma Titi screamed .

“Mummy Idowu ran out of the house because I beat her three months ago .” Atinuke said , “Aaa! Aaarh! Aaarh!” She screamed . “Atinuke pray that nothing happens to that girl , you knew my grandchild left your house you couldn’t call me ? Idowu has been calling and begging me to come home , I didn’t know you chased her out of the house .” Grandma Titi said .

“Mummy I didn’t chase her . She started making false allegations about Waheed , saying he tried to rape her , when I asked her siblings if Waheed came home they said no , I was so angry I beat her , after some weeks you ran away .” Atinuke said . “I thought I gave birth to a sensible daughter , Atinuke you’re a mumu! did you call me ? I’ll be leaving Lagos tomorrow morning nothing should happen to my daughter.” Grandma insulted her a few more and hung the phone .

The next morning Atinuke called Waheed , in twenty minutes time he was in the hospital, he paid about five hundred thousand naira accumulated bill , he and Atinuke couldn’t look at each other , they were both ashamed , they knew they failed their daughter who want more than anything to see her both parents together.

Grandma Titi arrived at the hospital that evening , she came with her luggage , she insulted Kunle so much that Atinuke and the hospital staff begged her to stop , Kunle had to leave the room for her .

For one week Idowu’s eyes were shot in her subconscious state, she was being fed liquid food through a pipe that passed through her nose down to her throat . Idowu opened her eyes one the eight day , she was staring blankly at Atinuke who was kneeling by her bed praying intensely.

She touched Atinuke, who slowly opened her eyes . “where … Grandma…” Idowu struggled to speak , it was inaudible. Atinuke ran out of the room to go and call the doctor and her mother who was sitting outside . “Idowu am sorry my baby , am sorry mummy loves you.” Atinuke said when they got back into the hospital.

Grandma embraced Idowu . “My love am sorry . why didn’t you tell me over the phone what was happening behind my back ?” Grandma ask , Idowu tried to speak the pains was too much she couldn’t . “Where does it hurt ? your head ?” Grandma asked , Idowu slightly nodded .

“Please you have to get well for granny .” Titi said , tears poured from Idowu’s eyes . “Please baby hang on please get well , am sorry for beating you .” Atinuke said , she held Idowu’s hand she gently moved her hand more tears poured from her eyes . Kunle came into the room , the doctors and nurses were checking Idowu’s vitals .

”Grandma… tired .” Idowu said with tears pouring from her eyes . ”Please be fine get well .” She said Idowu shook her head . ”Grandma… want … go .” Idowu said .

”Go where ? you’re not going anywhere.” Grandma said . she had not finished saying those word when Idowu began to stretch , her eyes rolled out of their socket , she foamed from her mouth stretched and her arms fell from the bed , it began to dangle by the bed side . the vital signs machine stopped beeping , Atinuke rushed to her child .

“Nooooo! Jesus no! Please Idowu cannot die!” She screamed and threw herself to the ground rolling , trashing the room with her body , not minding the blood that was gushing from her injured head , Kunle sat on the ground his head tucked into his knee as he cried , he remembered the good time he and Idowu had when they had gone out he sobbed like a woman that day . The doctors covered Idowu with a white piece of clothes and her body was moved to the morgue .

“My love please don’t do this to me , please wake up my love , please don’t let them bury you .” Atinuke begged , eyes soaked wet with tears . Idowu’s body was put on display in a casket , she was worn a white a line lace gown , with white stockings and hand gloves. Atinuke couldn’t believe her reality . “It’s okay Atinuke there’s nothing we can do for Idowu now , she’s gone to be with good.” Titi shook her head vehemently, she removed her mother’s hand from her back .

“No mummy Idowu will wake up , I can’t lost her too, I lost my sons and Kunle left me . Now my daughter my hard working daughter, my lovely daughter is gone , mama I can never forgive myself .” Atinuke said as her mother led her away from Idowu’s casket .

“We all have our fault in this , I should have come when she kept calling , I should have called you . Kunle is the selfish man who destroyed Idowu , he made her become stubborn that nobody could cope with her , she blamed you for the crisis in the marriage . What did she know ? she was only a child .” Titi said . The pastor mounted the pulpit with a sombre look on his face , Kunle was sitting far away from Titi he didn’t want to go near her snapping mouth .

“We want to begin this evening by telling the Kunle family , for the lost of your daughter, our deepest condolences.” The pastor said before adjusting his bishop collar . “The Bible says there’s time for everything under the sun , a time to be born , and a time to die , life isn’t measured by the length of it , but by the quality and impact.” The pastor said .

“Idowu was a beautiful singer , a lover of God, she was very cheerful and happy, but suddenly she was faced with challenges beyond her power and she fell , I pray that the Lord console the bereaved family in Jesus name .”the pastor said the whole crowd roared “Amen.”

“We’ll be taking her body to the general cemetery, her mother and father will join the ambulance as we take the body to the cemetery.” The minister said , Kunle was worst hit , he had no one to talk to , Idowu was the only one of his children he had a relationship with . He had not heard from Kafayatu or his kids for three weeks , he refused to go to Minna since his in-laws openly took sides with their daughter.

Waheed put his arms around Atinuke , she felt a bit relieved as they headed towards the vehicle, Atinuke climbed in , then Waheed went in after her , before Kunle , he despised the man the man who had taken over Atinuke’s heart , his turned his pain to his daughter lying in a white casket , tears filled his face .

“From the dust were we gotten to the dust shall we return.” The minister said . “We come against whoever would come to temper with this grave , may the thunder of the Lord strike them in Jesus name .” The pastor prayed , Idowu’s body was lowered to the ground , Damilare was the first to burst into tears , before Atinuke joined in .

“Aaaarh Jesu , oh Jesu! my daughter! they’re burying my daughter, please somebody tell me am dreaming o! Idowu come back to mummy am sorry!” Atinuke cried , her mum held her as she tried to jump into the grave , Waheed embraced and hugged her tight .

“Am sorry my love it’s going to be okay , I won’t let you hear this pain alone , I’m with you , we all love Idowu , but God knows best .” Waheed said still embracing Atinuke who sobbed on his shoulders.

Grandma was the first to pour sand on Idowu’s casket . “Idowu you cannot just die like this my daughter, they’ve caused me pain , it pains me to my bone, Idowu don’t rest until everyone involved in your death , is six feet below …” She said with the sand squeezed into her palm , the pastor stopped her midway from laying more curses .

“Leave me alone pastor , leave me !” Titi said to the pastor . “Sister Titi this is a Christian wake keeping , you shouldn’t be laying curses .” The pastor added . “I don’t care what you’re saying , my grand daughter must take her revenge , those who made me cry , those who made my daughter sad , their mother’s will mourn for them!” Titi said and dump the sand on the casket . Kunle cried like a baby mucus falling from his hand as he dumped his sand , Waheed poured the freshly dug red soil over Idowu’s casket , one arm holding Atinuke so she wouldn’t fall , for six days she had not eaten any food , she survived on only water . He led her to the car , Atinuke cried all the way to the house .

“Idowu what are you doing here ?” Ayomide asked staring at the blank couch in front of her . “Idowu they said you had died , why add you here ?” Idowu’s younger sister said . The Twins rushed into the house when the heard Ayomide talking . “Who are you talking to ?” They said to six years old Ayomide .

“It’s Idowu I saw her she was here , she was crying .” She said . “Idowu is dead , you won’t see her again.” The Twins said to the poor girl . “It’s a lie Idowu isn’t dead , I saw her , she said somebody killed her , that you people lied against her , that she’s not happy that she died .” Ayomide said , Damilare had walked in on her siblings talking , she froze when she heard what the little girl said , she knew there was no way for her to make them up herself.

“Stop talking rubbish Ayo , Our sister Is back , she won’t be coming again .” Damilare tried to explain to her , the girl walked out of the room when they kept forcing her to stop saying she saw Idowu , that it freaked them out .

It had been a very difficult period for Kunle , two of his Low bed trucks , carrying two excavators from Kwara to Abuja disappeared on the way , his driver claimed they were waylaid and the trucks taken away .

He later got to find out that Aburo and Kafayatu were behind it , the Excavator was sold to a dealer in Cameroon, he tried to recover his trucks and excavators , but no result came from the police , he lost about hundred million naira. He couldn’t go to Kafayatu’s parents , because they were clearly in league with her , so he avoided them .

He faced the problem of Idowu’s voice crying all around the house , he had seen her walking down the corridor, In the white lace she was wearing when she was buried, Kunle followed behind the apparition calling her Idowu’s name , when he turn a bend it disappeared.

“Hello Daddy Taiye Idowu is dead!” Kunle heard the weeping voice of Kafayatu say . “Are you just hearing who told you ?” Kunle asked .

“We buried her over a month ago .” Kunle said . “Aaaarh I’m dead oh! Kunle not your daughter Idowu o! My son is dead , they were involved in an accident , my brother was driving them to the mall , when a truck rammed into them , I am going mad!” He heard Kafayatu scream , people were begging her to calm down in the background. Kunle dropped the phone beside him and sat down gently on the couch.

“God what is this ehn?” Kunle mumbled to himself. “First you took my daughter, now my son what did I do to you ?” Kunle asked . A few minutes later Kafayatu called him again .

“Daddy Taiye you need to start coming to Minna , they said they need pints of blood for Taiye and Kehinde, please don’t let my children die please I beg you in the name of God .” Kafayatu cried .

“I’ll come before four P.M .” Kunle said . He couldn’t take his bath , he changed into a pair of blue jeans and hoodie, he left Abuja by Eleven A.M , he arrived at Minna at about four P.M .

He made his way to the Good Hope hospital. When he saw Kafayatu, she was shedding tears , her immediate younger brother who had driven her kids , had passed on from the injury he sustained on his head.

Kunle tried to console Kafayatu, then he asked to see his children , he ignored his in-laws and went straight to his children bed , there were born wrapped bandages like mummies , a drop of tears fell off from his eyes .

The doctor came into the room . “Are you the father of the kids ?” Kunle nodded . “Oga we need four pints of blood , we would need your blood and that of your wife .” The doctor said .

“That’s not a problem, please let’s go to the lab.”* Kunle said and hurried behind the doctor who showed them to the Lab , all the necessary test was done when the results came out it shocked Kunle .

“Sir are you sure this kids are yours?” The doctor asked Kunle . “Yes ma , they are my children .” Kunle replied .

“It’s difficult to understand how your blood group didn’t match with your children . sir we would need to go and get blood since your blood doesn’t match your children’s. ” She said .

“Madam I don’t understand what you’re saying why won’t my children’s blood match mine ?” Kunle complained. “Sir see the test results.” Kunle held his head , he paid for the blood , Kafayatu couldn’t look at Kunle . He left immediately he paid the hospital bills .

He cried all the way from Niger to Abuja , Kafayatu couldn’t explain . “Call Aburo , to come and take care of his children, I owe you and those children nothing!” Kunle had said before disappearing fro, the hospital.

Kunle couldn’t sleep all night , he was woken the next morning by Kids shouting outside the gate . Kunle tried to get up from the bed , his hands and legs were dead , he couldn’t move them . He was so terrified, he began to scream frantically.

He screamed for over an hour before people scaled the fence and came to his rescue, Kunle was rushed to the general Hospital.

”He had a cardiac arrest, I think at a result that help didn’t get to him on time , it resulted to stroke .” a doctor said , as they tried to resuscitate Kunle, he was hanging on a tiny tread of life .

Kunle lay on the floor for hours , he couldn’t get any sound to come out of his stomach , after about two hours of suffering a heart attack , he dragged himself to the gate , one part of his body was paralyzed , he weakly began to pound on the gate . “Some…body help!”he struggled to say with a slur voice . “Help me.” He continued crying for another hour before somebody came to the gate .

“Who is there ?” A male voice said from outside the door . “Please -help-me.” Kunle mumbled with a slurred voice . He was still weeping, the man called people scaled over the fence and open the gate from inside the compound.

They drove with him to the Kubwa General hospital, doctors gathered around Kunle they began to check him . “He has a left hemisphere stroke .” The doctor said to his colleague , as they attended to Kunle . “He has lost control of his right hand and leg , his lips is slightly shifted to the right .” The doctor said , all kinds of cables were being plugged to his body .

“Please who is a family member of this man ?” The doctor asked the good Samaritans that had brought Kunle to the hospital. The people looked on in silence , before a man moved forward. “He lives on our street , his wife left him , he barely talks to anyone, he actually keeps to himself , we heard his faint cry this evening, we had to scale the fence to bring him out .” He said.

“Can you get access to his phone? you need to call his family to inform them that he’s in a critical condition, he had a cardiac arrest that led to a stroke .” the doctor said .

“We need money to begin his treatment immediately. We’ve done our best to stabilise him , he was left unattended, he has a severe case of left hemisphere stroke.” The doctor dismissed the good neighbours, they left two neighbours to stay with him , while they went home to get his phone .

Kunle’s phone was beside his bed , he had tried to call for help , but couldn’t, they saw his sister’s number on the screen . “Hello Madam Sade how are you doing?” the man said . “Who is this why are you calling me with brother Kunle’s phone ?” The woman asked curious .

“I am Mr Kunle’s neighbour, I just called to inform you , that your brother is currently in the intensive unit of Kubwa hospital.” The man said Sade let out a loud cry . “My brother o! my brother ! what happened to my brother ?” She asked crying over the phone .

“Madam it’s not about crying , if you’re close to Abuja I want to beg that you should start coming , the doctors want to get his medical , and somebody to take care of him . Please I’m in Ibadan , I can’t come today , but his wife is in Suleja , I’ll give you her number so you call her , I’ll be coming to Abuja tomorrow.” Sade said still sobbing .

“Okay till tomorrow, please send me the number .” The man said and hung up the call .

Waheed and Atinuke were sleeping in bed , Atinuke felt a cold chill creep through her bones , her eyes popped open , she saw Idowu standing before her , her white gown was sparkling white like a florescent light, her eyes were red , she was holding two tiny dead babies in her hand , she froze with fear , her head felt so heavy , she couldn’t breath , she struggled to grab Waheed and dragged his short , his eyes popped open .

“What is it Atinuke? I want go sleep!” He grumbled . “See there!” Atinuke pointed towards were the spectre of Idowu was standing , Waheed couldn’t see anything there . “Mummy you killed me .” The ghost said , with blood spilling out of it’s eyes and mouth before it vanished . Atinuke jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom, to wash her face , while she was staring at the bathroom mirror , Idowu appeared again , she let out a loud yelping scream from her lung , Waheed ran into the bathroom. “What is it Atinuke?” He asked perspiring. “What is it ?” He asked , Atinuke was frozen with fear , she couldn’t talk , she was ashamed to say her own child was haunting her ,he hissed and returned back to bed .

The next day Damilare making breakfast for her siblings who were about to leave for school at about six A.M in the morning , she had fried Akara and put water on the gas cooker to make custard, when the door began to suddenly move , swinging in all directions , before it finally banged shut. Damilare ran to the door and tried to open it , she heard a demonic laughter behind her , she turned to meet the apparition levitating above the ground , higher than the kitchen cabinet, it was holding the pot of boiling water in the air .

“You are wicked Dammy! you betrayed me! I’ll take your life !” The apparition barked at Damilare, she froze where she was . “Can’t you say anything for yourself ?” The ghost asked , Damilare was trembling, her lips were moving , lips were moving but no word came out .

“I didn’t-I didn’t kill you Idowu .” She said the apparition burst into laughter. “Is that what you believe in your heart?” It asked Damilare. “Leave me alone Idowu! am sorry I lied I didn’t mean for you to die , I love you .” Damilare said , which got the ghost angrier , it flung the pot of hot water towards Damilare, a loud scream left her mouth ,as the scourging water met her skin .

“Go and tell mummy what he did to me .”it said with its back turned towards Damilare. “Or else I’ll make your life a living hell , blood betrayed blood , blood will come for blood .” It said face turned towards its back , the eyes were burning red , it vanished from the room with a strong wind that blew all the plates and utensils to the ground. Damilare held her lips and unable to speak when her mum and Waheed burst into the kitchen to meet all the destruction.

“What happened here ?” She asked , Damilare embraced Atinuke weeping like a little baby that had just seen the devil she couldn’t say a word .

Atinuke was sweeping the master bedroom where she and Waheed shared , her broom touched a Calabash that was hidden under the bed , she knelt down on all fours to see what was there under the bed , she froze in fear when she saw the Calabash , She dragged the Calabash from under the bed .

A beheaded tortoise was put in the medium sized Calabash, a talisman made of brown leather , wrapped with black and red thread , a black smelly substance , Atinuke couldn’t believe her eyes , she picked up the Calabash and flung it outside of the house .

“church he’ll not go! Mosque he wouldn’t go even though he claimed to be Muslim , I don’t understand this kind of man I married .” Atinuke quarrelled, she went to buy a bottle of kerosene with which she doused the charms and set it on fire .

“Aaarh!” Damilare screamed , running out of her room . “Aaaarh! fire ! fire!” She screamed her mother was confuswd when she got into the house.”Mummy fire!” Damilare kept shouting .

She felt so weak and tired .”Mummy I’m week .” Damilare said, Atinuke asked her to sit down as she got Malt and Milk for . “What’s it Dammy ?” Atinuke asked with a worried look over her face .

“Mummy I felt something dark leave my body , I feel very light.” Damilare said . “Take the malt you’ll feel better .” Atinuke said to her daughter. Soon Waheed’s car roared into the compound. “What did you do Atinuke! why did you burn my charm ?” Waheed screamed angrily .

“I told you I’m Christian you cannot bring fetish things to this house .”Atinuke chided him . “You’re mad Atinuke! you’re not normal ! How dare you touch what you don’t know nothing about?” He barked with red eyes .

“What are you talking about ?” Atinuke asked . “You have killed me , this witch you have killed me!” Waheed sat on the ground and threw his arms over his head .

Later that evening Damilare came to Atinuke where she sat silently staring into the evening son set . “Mummy where is Idowu ?” She asked with all sincerity, Atinuke turned to glare at her .

“How can you be asking me about Idowu? Are you mad? are you not aware your sister died months ago ?” Atinuke said , Damilare shook her head in disbelief. “Mum what killed her ? what happened to Idowu .” Damilare asked , Atinuke put palm on her head to see if she had a fever .

“Are you okay ?” She asked her daughter who nodded .”Then why are you asking me funny questions? are you mocking my pain?” Atinuke asked as tears poured out of her eyes . “Oh mummy Idowu is really dead ?” Damilare asked she sat down on the floor and began to weep her eyes out.

“Oh mummy Idowu is dead .” Damilare held her mother tight and cried , her siblings surrounded she and her mother , they watched in silence .

Waheed became so angry after his Calabash was burnt and broken , he was hostile to Atinuke and her kids , Damilare couldn’t hold the guilt in her , she wanted to tell her mother all Idowu had told her about Waheed , but the sly fox never left Atinuke’s side , always there to prevent Idowu from revealing the truth .

On a morning he left to work in Abuja . Damilare went into her mother’s room.

“Mummy uncle Waheed was responsible, he raped me and Idowu many times .” Damilare said, Atinuke couldn’t close her mouth . “Aaarh! don’t say this Waheed cannot do that\ to me .” Atinuke said in disbelief.

“Mummy he has aborted over fourteen pregnancies.” Damilare said , Atinuke let out a loud cry . “Aaaarh God this is not true I am dreaming!” Atinuke screamed .

“Mummy if you doubt me , ask aunt Tolu , if she wasn’t the one who remained the fourteen pregnancies. Atinuke wiped her eyes , and went outside the house , she took a motorcycle to the Suleja Police station with tears in her eyes . Soon she returned with police men , lucky for her Waheed had returned ,he had just finished washing his car , when he saw the police half dressing .

“Mr Waheed we want you at our station, for rape of two minors , you have any right to remain silent , anything you say will used against you in the court of law .” They handcuffed Waheed and took him out of Atinuke’s house , he was put in a police truck and driven to the shop of the lady they call nurse , she too was swiftly arrested and taken to police station .

Guilt almost killed Atinuke, her mother had to run to Sulaja, the poor woman couldn’t eat , she couldn’t think straight, she began to lost weight . She was wishing to push the case to get Justice for her late daughter, the fact that Waheed raped her daughters pained her to the bone.

She was shocked to hear that Waheed had been placed on bail , she went with tears to the police station, the police told her that they didn’t have powers to keep him for longer time , that the judge was the only one who could remand him in prison .

Atinuke had closed her shop for over a month , she was at home trying to sleep when a call came in , it was Sade calling. “What is it Sade?” Atinuke said when she picked the call . “My sister in-law are you still angry with me ? Please we only wanted the best for my brother .” And said , Atinuke hissed .

“what do you need Sade ?” Atinuke said angrily. “Your husband has been sick for one month , he had a stroke he’s in the general Hospital, I’ve been with him for two weeks, please come and take over , so I can go to Ibadan to see my children.” Sade said ., Atinuke only signed .

“I’m holding myself not to insult you mama Ramon , now I’ve become your wife . Please go and call Kafayatu.” She cut off the call .” Crazy people everywhere.” she hissed loudly and hung the phone .

Dotun and Barry were Chilling out with friends at Greenpoint bar , taking Hennessy and roasted turkey . The atmosphere was high , the men were talking at the top of their Voices, the music was vibrating the bottle of their drinks on the table . Dotun was the only one who sat quietly, staring at the bottle in front of him , his glass was full , he had no strength to lift the cup to his lips .

Barry saw his friend’s reclusive state, though he sat with the four of them on the table his mind was somewhere else . “Dotun are you okay ?” Barry asked . Dotun ignored him , he just picked his glass of wine and sipped from the cup. “Manchi talk to me , is anything the problem, for a while now you’ve been acting strange to me .” Barry said .

“Man you won’t understand.” He said , the other guys on the table began to stretch their ears to hear their conversation.Dotun got up and left the table . Barry raised his transparent tumbler to his mouth and drained the content , he got up from the table and ran after Dotun .

“Men why are you acting strange ? whatever is the issue we can iron it out .” Barry said running behind Dotun . “Leave me alone Barry , you cannot help me , no one can help me , she’s focking haunting me wherever I go , I’ve not slept for one month now .”Dotun confessed pacing around the car park .

Barry deeped his arms into his pocket of his denim jeans jacket. “Dude I swear I don’t get what you’re saying .” Barry continued, Dotun held his friends shoulder and stared into his face . “Bro that girl is tormenting me , she won’t let me sleep , she won’t let me rest , she is making my life a living hell .” Dotun said , he removed a brown cigarette from his pocket and lighted it up .

”Bro what if it’s just your head playing a trick on you ? what if that girl didn’t die ?” Barry asked . “Come on bro don’t say that , that girl was almost dead when we dumped her at the Zuba bridge , and it rained heavily. She confirmed to me than she died , she said I cannot have rest , that I will never enjoy the money I got from it .” Dotun said almost breaking into tears .

“Have you gone to see Baba ?” Barry asked . “Men he said he cannot help , that the girl’s head is too strong , that he didn’t ask for a sacrifice, that I did that to pleasure my skin , men the old man said I have to pay for my sins.” Dotun said .

“Bro we just have to go back to the club , Miller and Cyril are waiting for us .” Barry said , reluctantly Dotun followed behind him , they went into the club. they brushed their way through ladies wearing short dresses that left almost everything to the eyes of the spectator, with the men who were grabbing their buttocks and dancing seductively to the songs on the loud speaker.

Dotun poured a glass of wine , as he was about to lift it to his lips , he felt a bone crushing cold , he turned to the direction where the spectre stood , it red eyes burning like he embers of Hades , she was wearing the clothes with which they had dumped her . She began to walk towards Dotun unbothered by the people passing through it , it focused on Dotun , he dropped his glass and stood up .

The guys stopped drinking and trained their gaze on Dotun , he was acting crazy, he stumbled out of the chair he was sitting . “Dotun what’s the issue ?” Barry asked walking up to his friend , Dotun dropped a bundle of one thousand naira note on the table . ”Guys this is for the drink am heading home .” Dotun said , as he bolted out of the club knocking off the dancers who were blocking the exit door .

“Men what’s happening to your friend ? is he on Colos?” one of their mutual friends asked . “Bro Dotun is going through a lot of shit at the moment.” He said .

“Man you need to rush down to him and make sure he drives safely home .” another guy suggested.Barry ran out of the bar and caught Dotun reversing his car to leave the club .

“Men why are you leaving me behind ?” He screamed , they had come together,Barry didn’t own a car , so he depended on Dotun for his movement. “Bro this girl is messing with my head , I need to go and take some pills they help.” Dotun said as Barry stepped into the car , they spun the white Mercedes Benz-E Gwagon out of the club .

While they were speeding away , the beams of the headlamps poured on an apparition standing on the road like Idowu’s shape , it was holding two bloody children. “What’s the hell men why are you driving like a mad man!” Barry screamed when Dotun swerved the car to avoid a collision with the entity. But the entity flew in the air and began to follow them , Dotun kept turning to see if the ghost was still following them . It was beside his door , flying like a piece of clothing . It was looking very angry .

Blood began to flow down the road windscreen , the wipers couldn’t clear them off , Dotun kept stepping on the gas , firing the car , down the dark road . “Dotun calm down , you’re going to get us killed.” Barry begged , but Dotun wasn’t slowing down , he wanted to outpace the flying demon , he lost control of the car and barraged into the side pavement of a bridge , the white SUV spun into the air , and fell to the ground of bridge .

Barry’s head was bashed in like a trampled tomatoes, his blood had spilled all over the beautiful and opulent interior of the car , as they lay upside down . Dotun kept making rattling sounds from his throat , as his blood threatened to choke him , he made gasping noises , trying feebly to get himself out of his seatbelt , the cracking sound from his voice sounded like one with severe cartarhh struggling to breath , tears stood on his eyes as he gazed at the ghost that was looking down at him with a disdainful glare it’s his eyes . It stood there until Dotun went blank and his hands and feet stopped moving , before it turned it a smoke and vanished away .

“Aaarh this young boys them don go smoke and drink, see how them end their lives for road?” another man said . “Well this boys are Yahoo Boys , I don’t feel sorry for them .” Another said as the Body of the two men were loaded into a truck and driven towards the nearest hospital.

Atinuke couldn’t stand the incessant calls from Kunle’s old mother and his sister , they had used all kinds of blackmail tactics on her , she went to the hospital to take care of her estranged husband. Whenever she looked at him the pain of losing Idowu hit her fresh . Kunle was in a vegetative state , he could barely speak and recognise faces. Atinuke had to clean him up when he defecated and change his adult pad , then whip his body , he couldn’t sit up on his own . She left her kids with Damilare.

Damilare was inside the kitchen making dinner , when she heard the sound of Waheed’s car , she immediately dropped the spoon , and ran out of the house where Ayomide and Tajudeen were playing, she got there on time to see her. five years old step brother drop his toy car and jumped up towards his dad . Damilare stepped infront of him and snatched the lad , who began to struggle with her to get down . Damilare spanked the boy and he began to cry .

“Dammy let my son come and greet me .” Waheed said , Damilare grabbed Ayomide and ordered her to go into the house . “What are you doing here uncle Waheed, I thought the police told you not to come to our house ?” she asked with a raised voice praying for a neighbour to come in and help , she was terrified of Waheed .

“I came to see my son , I don’t want any problem. Tajudeen is my boy , I want to see him .” Waheed barked angrily his hand had began to shake . “Leave here before I call the neighbours.” Damilare threatened.

“Okay I’ll go , no need to scream.” Waheed said , Damilare stood her ground watching the monster leave . She could see his back of his car was loaded with bags , she thought he was running away , the court hearing was the next week.

Waheed went out to check if anyone was near the compound , when he didn’t find anyone , he rushed back to Damilare and began to struggle with her to take possession of his son , Damilare stood her ground and fought him off like a lioness protecting it cub.

“Are you crazy ?” He asked with red eyes , hatred and anger sat in his eyes . “You cannot take my brother, go and call my mum .” Damilare cried . Waheed wrapped his arms around Damilare’s neck and began to squeeze. Just then Taiye and Kehinde came back with buckets of water , they met their step father dragging with their sister , they began to scream .

That didn’t deter Waheed , he wrestled Damilare into the house , she dropped the boy , but would not let Waheed go away with her brother . Waheed began to press her neck , threatening to burst her wind pipe , he pushed her to the ground .

“Daddy leave aunt Dammy!” Tajudeen screamed in horror , he pulled at his father to pull him off Damilare, but his feeble strength couldn’t help . Damilare’s eyes began to bulge out , she was struggling on the tiled ground to get Waheed off her , but her efforts were in futility. The man sat on her stomach his palms remained on her neck firmly . she began to kick widely looking for anything to help her escape , she was trashing her legs in all directions, his hands clasped tighter around her neck . She began to stretch her leg , a stream of urine soaked her skirt . Her eyes had turned to white , the black iris had ran I to the socket .

Damilare began to stretch, her legs and knuckles became so white . “What are you doing daddy you’re killing aunt Dammy leave her !” The boy screamed . The girls had returned with some neighbours just when Damilare’s arms became limp , she had stopped moving , Waheed left her and ran out of the house , he got into his car and drove away before the dust would settle .

The men lifted Damilare and rushed her to nearby hospital.

“Hello Madam Atinuke, please come to Saint Paul hospital, your daughter is on admission there .” A male voice said to Atinuke. “My daughter? what happened to her , which of my daughters?” She asked confused .

”The Oldest one , your husband came home , and tried to kill her , she’s not in a good condition, she has not opened her eyes since we brought her here .” The man said , Atinuke excreted on her undies , she almost collapsed, she rushed to the room where Kunle was , she told him she would be out for a short while . She took a vehicle to Suleja .

Titi had to come and take her grandchildren to her house , Atinuke stayed with Damilare that night , she wept till the next morning , she couldn’t believe she had brought destruction to her daughters . When she remembered the Gynaecologist report on Damilare she cried , the girl had been fighting to stay alive .

She recovered quickly, she was discharged the next evening . Kunle cried when he heard what Waheed had done to his daughter. His siblings abandoned him for Atinuke , Sade refused to take her call when she got back to Ibadan, angry that Atinuke kept her in Abuja for three weeks before she came to stay with Kunle in the hospital. Kunle’s mother was still in Texas with her daughter, she kept promising to come the next week . Kunle was discharged from the hospital, Atinuke took him to her home in Suleja , Kunle was on a wheelchair, paralysed from head to toe on his right side. He sat and cried all day , sorrowful and pained for not being able to move his body.

Atinuke had reported to the police , a search was put in place for Waheed, from all findings from the investigation, he had left Nigeria for Togo . He had also been reported by three parents , that he had raped their teenage daughters. Many believed he had come to take his son with him as he was already on the run , but Damilare had put sand on his wheels , that was why he tried to kill her . They tried to trace him to Togo through the Interpol, but it seemed he had vanished into oblivion.

Kunle was lying on his bed in his old house , the memories he had shared with Atinuke in their twelve years of marriage played in his head , he remembered how he carried Damilare and Idowu all about the house , how they played like mates , tears rolled down his eyes. He knew he didn’t deserve the love Atinuke was pouring on him , she shouldn’t have come to his rescue .

When his own family turned their backs on him when he needed them the most . “You cannot remain with a woman who cannot bear sons ! You must find another wife! six girls what am I using them for Kunle? you’re the only son I could give your father . See your step brothers are inheriting all your father’s properties and lands . Kunle you must stop this now! Send that woman out of your house and get a wife . I can bring you a woman .” Kunle’s mother said , he cried as those memories flashed in his face .

“Mummy I love my wife . Times have passed , I’m okay financially my business is thriving , mummy I don’t want to hurt Atinuke. That woman has been there for me when I had nothing.” Kunle said . “Okay if you won’t divorce her take a second wife , have a concubine . You cannot give me only girl children . Kunle if I die without a heir I won’t forgive you .” Mama Kunle said and then burst into tears .

“Okay mum I will get a concubine.” Kunle said . Tears fell from his eyes , when he heard Atinuke’s voice , she was just calmly talking to Damilare.

“See I’ve forgiven him , you cannot carry on hating your father . Yes he’s hurt you , he hurt us all but we should forgive him… he’s your father .” Atinuke said .

“Mummy you should take him to Ibadan , to his mother and sisters ,he cannot abandon us when we needed him . and just walk in whenever he wants .” Damilare said with a tears soaked voice . “They’re scars on my body , scars on my heart , that man left me to be burnt . It’s either he leaves this house , or I’ll leave this house for all of you . I cannot forgive him , Idowu is gone because of him . I’ve talked to one woman to get me a housemaid job in Abuja , I’ll leave when it clicks . I cannot stand him , I hate him more than I hate Waheed .” She said and walked out of the house .

Atinuke came into the house and met her husband crying . “Kunle what is it ?” she asked “why are you crying ?” He couldn’t express the word , he just shook his head and cried so more .

“If it’s Dammy, don’t worry she’ll come around . ” she said , he shook his head , he heard the hate in her voice , she was shocked when the vehicle came with him and Atinuke to the house , disdain was plastered on her face , she Immediately left the house and didn’t return that day .

“I…I am Sorry.” Kunle stuttered. “I..caused it, I left… them . Idowu died…” Kunle struggled to speak . “She will come around . Stop crying she loves you .” Atinuke assured her husband, who kept shaking his head .

Atinuke had to close her business in the market to take full charge of Kunle , since Damilare got a job in Asokoro and stayed away from the Hoose. She would come during weekends, but stayed out of the house .

She had visited the house towards month end , Atinuke took the opportunity to rush to the market to get food stuff . Damilare was at home , she heard her father making a grunting sound . She went into the room and saw him on the ground struggling to get up .

“Please… help… me…” Kunle said Atinuke gazed at him for so long , she hissed and turned to leave . “Am sorry Dammy forgive me!” He cried struggling to get into his wheelchair, but couldn’t .

“I told mum , that I won’t touch you . I hate to be hear , I hate to be near you! I can never help you , you deserve everything that came to you . I am ashamed to call you father!” She barked at Kunle who had dragged himself to a sitting position near the foot of the bed , his wheelchair was standing behind him . She got a hot slap from her mother .

“What are you saying to your father Dammy ? are you mad?” She screamed in annoyance. “This thing isn’t my father! I am fatherless! When the boys raped me where was my father ? would Okolo and the other boys do that to me ? they knew I had no one to fight for me mother! I lost my virginity to those bastards!” Damilare burst into tears .

“I ran to Waheed thinking he was a father figure! Mum he took advantage of the situation and did his own too . If my father was around , just maybe if my father stayed around and wasn’t looking for a son! I wouldn’t have faced that!” She cried , almost choking on her tears . “If my father had not left maybe I would have been able to confide in him my fears . Waheed said if I ever told you what he was doing , that he would sleep with Taiye and Kehinde, and even kill you , and make sure we moved in with him , if my father was here , that wouldn’t have happened! You this wicked man you hurt me so much . I saw hell because of your selfishness, I am not my mother , I cannot forgive you , until the day I die never .” She said Atinuke yelled at her . “Stop talking rubbish!” She screamed .

“I still have more to say to you dad . I am seventeen years old , my womb has been damaged, I lost my sister because of you daddy , you wanted a son , why did you come to your daughters ? My life is worthless to me . Everyday I think of ending it , nobody will call me mummy , am just seventeen, I’ve had seventeen abortions , not that I wanted it , but I had no one to talk to . Be sincere would you have believed me ? Did you believe Idowu ?” The girl asked Atinuke couldn’t speak she just kept cleaning tears from her eyes .

“You priorities your happiness over us your daughters ,I can forgive you . But this man .” She pointed to her father who was still sitting on his buttocks . “I can never forgive you , I am fatherless.” She got up and wiped the tears from her eyes and walked out on her parents.

Damilare went to her room and began to pick her clothes one after the other , she loaded them into two of her suitcases and dragged them out of the house , Atinuke couldn’t say a word , she and Kunle watched their daughter leave the house .

Kunle tried to repair the relationship with his daughters, they kept going for his hospital appointments, but Atinuke saw that he had lost the will to live , the fire of excitement disappeared from his eyes, he looked like a man who wanted to be somewhere else .

She lay on his chest , after they had known each other , he breathed lightly. “Do you think Damilare will ever forgive us?” Atinuke asked . “I… I … don’t know… I know I messed up, o wish I can have a relationship with her…” He said tears rolling down his eyes .

” Everything will be alright.” Atinuke said , Kunle chuckled . The next morning , she woke up to see Kunle looking blue and cold . “Kunle ? Kunle ?” She shook him, Kunle had gone rigid .

“Jesus! Jesus! Aaarh Kunle don’t do this to me Nah!” She cried dragging his shirt . “You cannot do this to me ! You just came back to me , aaarh please Kunle wake up!” Atinuke shook him , Kunle’s body was already cold . Taiye and Kehinde ran into the bedroom, they all joined in the crying .

Damilare came to the house the next day , she tried to cry , she tried to feel the pain of losing a father , but she couldn’t, the hate in her heart left when she saw her father’s corpse ,when they traveled to Ibadan. After the burial they all returned back to Suleja, Damilare moved back to the brothel were she was working, she couldn’t stay with her mother anymore .

Six months after Kunle’s death , Atinuke put to bed , she had her eight baby, it was a boy , a carbon copy of Kunle , she named him Kunle Junior .

In Lome Togo Afeez had settled in , he changed name and changed environment, he moved in with his girlfriend, who was a Yoruba food vendor who had stayed in Togo for twenty years. The woman loved Afeez, who told her a compelling story of how his pregnant wife had died with their baby during delivery.

Madam Shukurat accepted Afeez into her home , she wished to bring happiness back into the sad life of the widower who had just left his sadness and worries I’m Nigeria and ran to find solace in the arms of mama Kudirat .

His eyes was on Kudirat , she was a beauty to behold , he only prayed his past secrets wouldn’t haunt him to Togo and make mama Kudirat chase him away , he loved the mother and daughter and wished he could build a family with them . But he knew the charm Baba Ijesha had given to him couldn’t bind the angry ghost forever, whenever it came out , he knew that it would be time for him to go back to Nigeria to bind it into the bottle of death .


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