The River Goddess

Rejected Little Secret by Lisa

Wow,I never for once think about where am going to spend my holiday,my parent where still saying I will travel to California for my holiday but am thinking of going to my village spending time with my grandma will be alot of fun,my friends keep talking about their experience in the village I wish to experience the same thing,But my parent don’t want me to stay in the village they keep covincing me that they are alot of evill things there,have never for once been to the village.

I keep having strange nightmares and it felt real I needed to find out about myself I keep having feelings that my parents are both hiding things from me,so I decided I would go to the village for my summer holiday but my parent keep giving me excuses like grandma is a bad person and there are alot of witches in the village which I find it hard to believe,and I keep seeing my Mom in my nightmare and immediately I woke up I would forget all of it,so have decided that is only grandma that would give me answer to my questions.

Well my name is Cassandra am 20yrs old and am the only child of my parent,due to my mom’s sickness she couldn’t give birth but why did I find it hard to believe that my mom has a sickness which cannot be cured by money cause we are freaking rich,I always get jealous of my classmates that keeps talking about there siblings,there was this nightmare I had me seeing the small talking to a mermaid and if I could remember the mermaid looks alot like my mom,so I confronted my mom saying she’s a witch not gramdma and how can I see my mom in a fish form

Cassandra why would you say am a witch,is there anything you want to share with mummy,mom I keep having the same nightmares every night seeing you in a fish form,dear what you are telling me right is that am a mermaid in your dreams,yes mom, sweetheart that’s an illusion it can never be real how can you believe such a stupid nightmare,mom are you hiding anything from me I promise if you tell me whatever it is I promise not to tell Daddy about it, sweetheart am not hiding anything maybe you are having those nightmare because you love watching mermaid movie,mom this is different this is not all about watching movie or not I keep saying that dream is too real to be an illusion, Cassandra can you please stop now what is all these why do you keep creating a scene everyday in this house,Mom I think am tired of staying with you I want to staying with Grandma ever since I was a child have never been to the village and you keep deciving me that I have a grandma can’t I see her for once maybe she would be able to explain my nightmares for me,let all this rubbish stop I told you your grandma is in the village and you are not allowed to see her now,okay fine if am not allowed to see Grandma can’t I see Dad also,we are only talking on video call I want to see him am tired of talking to him on fone,I think have heard enough of your rubbish go into your now and you Know what you are going nowhere on your summer holiday cause we are both staying here together no more going to California or anywhere, Cassandra I know know the kinds of friends you make at school cause you have been so arrogant lately,Mom am not arrogant I just need to know the truth that’s all,and madam what truth are you talking about is it the same truth that would endanger your,mom see what am saying maybe you should I just tell me truth so I would just avoid the danger instead of you keeping it yourself mom I think you are too protective, Cassandra get out Mom is that all you could say I should get out, Cassandra don’t allow me to behave like a monster just go into your room,mom am going nowhere cause right to hell with you and your house(She gave her a hot slap) Are you crazy you know what right now you are not allowed to leave this premises your are grounded for 1month,mom you can’t be serious right now,am deadly serious and if you want to disobey me I will make your life a living hell,mom if you lock me in these house I will kill myself, sweetheart am the only one that’s is allowed to kill you…….………….Fast forwarding


Queen Lucia we have found our way into her dreams,Well that’s a well done job to you and in the meantime she will find out cause I can see the girl is hell bent in looking for you,my queen is she is your lost daughter that you were looking for,I know I just want her to find me Cause my friend is not allowing me to get closer to her,my Queen why is your friend not allowing you to get closer to her,cause she felt that I took the love of her life,she never knew me and Alexander have been inlove since our childhood so she had to get back to me with my daughter I never wanted my child to be involve with all this am just keeping quiet cause I don’t want to endanger my daughter’s life…

Back in the Island

My mom please am sorry,I won’t disobey you ever again, Cassandra I forgive you but you know right now mummy is still angry at you(She drag her inside her room and lock the door)don’t worry sweetheart just stay in there your food will be brought to you by the maid,mom please forgive me I wont ever think of disobeying you,enjoy yourself sweetheart have alot of nap cause all I know is that you care not getting out soon(Talking to herself)This girl doesn’t know who she is dealing with I will make sure I use her to hurt her stupid mother cause I know her mother is an emotional fool…


Why is she hurting my child let her face me .


My queen calm down I know how you feel,why are you telling me to calm she wants to hurt my child,my queen she can’t do anything to your child,please why can’t she face me why is she using my child to get back at me..

Back in the lsland

(Knocking on the door) Sweetheart are you okay,mom thanks for coming can you open the door for me now is good that you came I was already suffocating in here, sweetheart is not up to three days and you are already suffocating my dear you are staying there for one month,mom have apologies to you I promise I won’t talk to you in that manner ever again,and have forgiven you but you still have to finish your punishment for talking to mummy rudely, mom am sorry please just let my own let me even see the brightness of the day my room is dark,well your room is dark because I remove all the light in your room,mom why do I feel like you have change you are not the same loving mom I use to have why do I feel like you have change to another person, sweetheart you made me change you know I was once a good person but I see that you want the other of me,so sweetheart enjoy the rest of your day..


My queen it is good that you calm down,yes I decided to calm down I don’t to cry anymore I just want to give her chance to do whatever she is doing all I know is that she won’t hurt my child she,she will just torture her,my queen are you just going to keep quiet,well for now I think yes all I know to do is to find my husband cause I know he is using our child to threaten him the last time I went to their house I saw Cassandra making a video call with her dad and I know it’s all Catherine’s fault because I and Anderson are still having issue so right now am going to look for him first before catherine

Back in the lsland

I know right my boys are everywhere looking for the love of my life and once I set my eyes on him I will kill his child with that stupid friend of mine..

I know people might think am wicked but I don’t about what people think about me,I was once a good woman until when Lucia stole what was rightful mine,if it was not for Lucia Anderson will still be with me by now and we would have been happily married,but Anderson is also a stupid man he choose Lucia over me am I not beautiful enough I know I might not be the queen but I do have alot of power but no worries i will use Cassandra to get him back I will never allow Lucia to get to him first and if she tries to do anything funny I will her child first and go after her..


My queen,go straight to the point am not in in the mood for long stories,I think we have found your husband,okay that’s a good news,my queen he is under a spell I think someone has gotten there before us, Catherine has gotten there but is fine I know how to break such spell,my queen the spell is so strong it cannot be broken easily,okay I don’t know where Catherine got her power from but I know I will defeat her and get m y child and my husband’s back all i know is that I will beat Catherine in her own game,my queen we have to think of a plan first your daughter needs to get out of that house cause right now Catherine is planning to kill since she has found Anderson first,can you please manipulate her dreams tonight why don’t you show her way of escape I don’t want to loose my child,she doesn’t deserve all this pain she is going through she needs to escape tonight cause I think Catherine is planning to kill her tonight,okay my queen

Back in the lsland

Wow I think am about to win in this game,does Lucia think am stupid I won’t even allow her get to Anderson first so I had to cast spell on him,Lucia does not know i am the one behind Anderson disappearance maybe she thought that he just decide to leave her but she never knew I casted spell on him to leave Lucia if not I know Anderson is very stubborn I know he doesn’t want to leave her,I just started…

Lucia thinks am stupid,I have a spy there, so all her plans I know everything so should not think she is safe but I can strike anytime,how do you guys think I know she is going to look for Anderson cause someone told me and she is also planning to break the spell but I laugh out loud she does not know that the spell I casted on him is too strong and only what can break the spell is when Cassandra is dead,I know that girl is very stubborn she will not want to die as far as she is alive the spell can never be broken..

Cassandra pov

I need to escape why do I feel that am in danger,she has lock me in here for over one week am not even sure if she is even planning to to release me,all I know right now is that mom has a dangerous plan going on and I think I need to call for help but how can I call for help when she has seize my means of communication..


Why do I feel I have a traitor here I need to find out who the person is,cause I don’t think Catherine would be able to find out about anything if someone was not giving her information and once I finds out who the spy is I will kill the person first then go to his or her household and kill or her family,my queen you need to calm down nobody can ever betray you,why do you think we have spy amongs us everybody is loyal to you,there is a spy here I want to know how Catherine knew I was looking for Anderson she is no more in the water she does not have any power to know what’s going on except someone told her ,my queen I will look for the spy for you my queen and I promise to fish out the person for you , okay this one you are volunteering yourself in looking for the spy I hope is not what am thinking cause if I eventually finds out is you or anybody else be prepare to die and before I kill you I will kill your family members first before killing you and I promise to torture you before I kill you,my queen calm down you don’t have to be scared I can never hurt you,I hope so…

My queen I think is Lilian,Lilian can never betray me she has been my faithful servant I don’t think so,my queen my spy’s are everywhere I kept them even in the lsland so that’s where I found out that Lilian has been the one giving Catherine all these information,wow can I see Lilian I want to speak to her in private ..

Back to the lsland

Catherine,queen Lucia is suspicious of me,are you insane I told I will soon be your future queen why are you calling me Catherine you need to show some respect now,sorry my queen but you need to act fast so I won’t get caught,well don’t worry you won’t get caught and why are you afraid of Lucia is she more powerful than me,I know that she’s not powerful but my queen the reason am helping you is that we made a deal that if you become the future queen you will give a higher position,I know I promise you that and I won’t break my promise

Catherine pov

Who is my mom talking to and who is queen Lucia,why do I feel she is hiding something from me,mom is trying to hurt someone and I also heard something like becoming a queen mom is really funny is not like she is a princess of one kingdom but I shouldn’t laugh to this I need to find out who mom is taking about and why does she want to become a queen.


My queen you sent for me,yes I did have you found out about who the spy is,my queen the spy is none other than Kimberly,I know she has been lying to me all this while,my queen she told you she told you she kept spy everywhere even on the lsland,I found out that there was no spy anywhere,wow is fine I will beat them in their own game,my queen what’s your plan now,well leave that to me anytime I need your help I will call you but for you are not needed I think I need to do this myself,my queen hope you are not planning to kill your friend,well if it has to do will killing her I think I would do that,I wanted to give her Anderson, I wanted to settle things with her,but she doesn’t deserve it

My queen you don’t have to cry,why won’t I cry when I Know my best friend is the one behind my tears,my queen she doesn’t deserve to be your friend you are too good for her,I actually want to know why she hates me so much she was not like this before maybe she became like this when she found out I will soon become the queen,cause I know my friend is not as heartless has this,my queen you are a good woman and me Lilian I swear my loyalty to you I would never betray you like Kimberly because you are a good person to me when I lost everything you made me regain all, Lilian I want to see Catherine I want to know why she choose destruction instead of friendship..

Back in the lsland

My queen I need to leave before everyone will be suspicious of me, Kimberly you need to find out more about what Lucia is planning,I want to be one step ahead of her,my queen you don’t have to worry about anything cause you are already one step ahead of her, I know now that she still is not yet suspicious of you you need to find out more about what she is planning cause I know my friend very well she has a big plan going on she might be fooling you that she still trust you,my queen she trust me very well she does not hide anything from me once I get to the kingdom now she will still tell me what she is planning now,I Know my friend more than you that’s why I said you should keep your eyes on her don’t trust her too much not mistake her quietness for stupidity, okay my queen I will put that at the back of my mind I need to take my leave now(She disappeared)


Kimberly where have you been have not seen you today,my queen I was with my spy that’s where I found out that Lilian went to see Catherine today,okay,or did you see her in the palace today,even I was surprised cause u haven’t seen her today,I Know she will not be here cause all through she was with Catherine giving her some information, Kimberly I want to speak with your spy tomorrow..

Cassandra dear,mom is sorry for locking you indoor am not going to do that ever again,mom have also learn my lesson I won’t ever talk to you rudely again,my dear you don’t have to apologise to me and my dear I think have been having strange dreams also,mom you see what am sayiny,I know that’s why am sorry for not believing you,mom am glad you also have the same nightmares as well(Well I know my is trying to brainwash me but I won’t fall for her tricks),(Well I will make sure you never get to meet your real mom not when am alive)


My queen you don’t have to meet my spy that’s why am here for you so I would be able to give you all the

information,but I don’t want to render myself useless that’s why I think you need to rest now cause I know you have been stress out,my queen am not complaining and more over I need to repay for your kindness,okay fine I want you and Lilian to work hand to hand,my queen I cannot work with a traitor I can do it all myself

Back in the lsland

Hi Catherine is been a while, Lucia what are you doing here and by this time of the night,well can’t I come anytime to see my friend,well I did not say you should not come and visit,I just want to know what you are doing here,well I found out you now have a daughter,well it seems so,but why didn’t you invite me to your wedding,well I felt is not necessary that’s why,why is it not necessary well I haven’t seen your husband,well I lost him five years ago when I was pregnant of my child,sorry my condolence and do you also know I lost my child that same five years ago,you also got married yes and you want to know who my husband is,well you don’t need to tell me cause I know is none other than Anderson you guys were madly in love then,wow and you also know that Anderson is also missing too,are you sure or maybe he’s dead,and I also found out that you are the one behind my missing child and my missing husband..

Lucia why would you say am the one behind your missing husband and child,well my friend I was only joking with I know you can’t even hurt a bird talkless to hurt me I was only joking with you I want to see your expression,you scared me you don’t have to joke with something as serious as this,am sorry but why is your face like this is not as if you are the one behind the evil plot that have been happening to me recently,sorry for not entertaining you Lucia what would you like to have or maybe I should start by giving you drink, my friend am not hungry neither am I tasty I just came to visit my old friend and it is better to keep yourself safe than to eat at your enemy’s place have a wonderful day(she disappeared)


Lilian I need some guys to watch over Catherine for me,okay my queen, and as for Kimberly you have to keep your eyes on her,but my queen you know Kimberly is smart and cunny too, that’s why I want you yourself to keep an eye on her and I also need evidence so I will strike on them,my queen what are you going to do about your husband and child,well I need my daughter by my side first then I will think of how to break the spell Catherine casted on him, yesterday I went to visit her I can really feel she has alot of power and I can feel my daughter was in a room there and she was eavesdropping in all our conversation..

Back in the lsland

Mom I decided to spend my summer holiday here with you,my love I know I forced you to stay but you don’t have to stay you can travel to anywhere of your choice even if you want to see Grandma am ready to let you see her if you wish,no. You don’t have to bother yourself cause I don’t want to go anywhere I want to stay with you, how do you know mummy want you to stay with her..

Catherine pov

I need to convince her to leave the country,and I will put a spell where by Lucia won’t get through to her,wow Lucia is trying to test my patience.


And I also want my daughter beside me by any cost, I dont want want her to get hurt during all this wat between me and Catherine,my queen you don’t have to bother yourself with all this,am a mother you can’t tell me to stop worrying about my child and moreover she is my only child I know Catherine would try to hurt her but I won’t allow that,my queen what about your husband,well I just have to leave him for now I need to get to my daughter first she needs me more than Anderson i know that Catherine won’t hurt Anderson but she will hurt my child,my queen that means we need to get your child out of there first,and do you know that I haven’t seen that kind of spell she casted on Anderson is too strong to be broken and I think is only Catherine that knows the solution to that spell..

Back in the lsland

My love I think we are leaving the country for now,mom I don’t want to go anywhere,well my love am not forcing you but you only talk to your daddy on video calls but now have decided you would see him now,mom I know have been wishing to see him but mom can we go on my next summer holiday,we can only go now and moreover daddy wishes to see you now and have already promise him that you will come and see him,mom you don’t have to decide for me am angry at daddy,why are you angry at him is not he left without not telling me,mom you told me he left you, sweetheart I was angry that’s why I told you that,mom it means you have been lying to me that means he didn’t leave us, sweetheart everybody gets angry so I was angry then that’s why I told you he left,mom is there anything else you are hiding from me,am not hiding hiding anything,mom I overheard you saying you will become the queen, mom queen of which kingdom, Cassandra can you please stop now I think am tired of your rubbish,mom for crying out loud am a grown up don’t I deserve to know the truth, Cassandra am locking indoor again,mom you won’t dare do that not anymore….

Mom I just told you am going nowhere:you are always having your way with me not this time, Cassandra you dare stand with me and say all this rubbish,mom am not saying rubbish mom you are the woman I know: you have change alot, Cassandra why do you always want me to behave like a monster towards you and you Know I love you,mom you don’t love me anymore all you have for me now is hatred and just that:,She gives her a hot slap)I think have been overlooking all your mistake she deserve a hard punishment:mom if you like slap me from today til tomorrow it won’t change the fact that i know that you are hiding something from me..


My queen: Catherine is planning on flying Cassandra out of the country, that’s never going to happen to happen ,my daughter is coming to stay with me today,my queen you know you cannot go there now that you are angry cause you will destroy alot of things there and it will also endanger your daughter’s life,it doesn’t matter I won’t allow Catherine to separate my daughter from me one more time,my queen she won’t do such,don’t underestimate Catherine she has a bigger plan than you think,my queen that’s why you have to be careful with whatever you are doing don’t allow your anger take over you..

Back in the lsland

Cassandra do you know you are stubborn like your mother,mom I don’t understand you,sorry I mean like me ,yes of course am stubborn like you that’s why I won’t allow you to treat me as a slave, nobody is treating you as a slave I just want you to learn some manners:you don’t actually know how to talk to your elders most especially to me,just go inside now:mom am going nowhere (As she was busy dragging her inside Lucia came inside) Catherine can you please leave my daughter alone,did you just say your daughter,yes I mean leave my child alone,Lucia you must be daydreaming and who even gave you the right to come in here,well am already here and am going nowhere,you two should stop now.

Mom I just told you am going nowhere:you are always having your way with me not this time, Cassandra you dare stand with me and say all this rubbish,mom am not saying rubbish mom you are the woman I know: you have change alot, Cassandra why do you always want me to behave like a monster towards you and you Know I love you,mom you don’t love me anymore all you have for me now is hatred and just that:,She gives her a hot slap)I think have been overlooking all your mistake she deserve a hard punishment:mom if you like slap me from today til tomorrow it won’t change the fact that i know that you are hiding something from me..


My queen: Catherine is planning on flying Cassandra out of the country, that’s never going to happen to happen ,my daughter is coming to stay with me today,my queen you know you cannot go there now that you are angry cause you will destroy alot of things there and it will also endanger your daughter’s life,it doesn’t matter I won’t allow Catherine to separate my daughter from me one more time,my queen she won’t do such,don’t underestimate Catherine she has a bigger plan than you think,my queen that’s why you have to be careful with whatever you are doing don’t allow your anger take over you..

Back in the lsland

Cassandra do you know you are stubborn like your mother,mom I don’t understand you,sorry I mean like me ,yes of course am stubborn like you that’s why I won’t allow you to treat me as a slave, nobody is treating you as a slave I just want you to learn some manners:you don’t actually know how to talk to your elders most especially to me,just go inside now:mom am going nowhere (As she was busy dragging her inside Lucia came inside) Catherine can you please leave my daughter alone,did you just say your daughter,yes I mean leave my child alone,Lucia you must be daydreaming and who even gave you the right to come in here,well am already here and am going nowhere,you two should stop now.

And who told you am jealous of you and moreover there is nothing to be jealous about is not like you are more beautiful than me and is not like you are more powerful than me,can you forget about been powerful or beautiful I know you are starting to get jealous of me that’s why you are saying all of this, funny you,you think am after the rank am only doing my job by protecting the queen,keep on protecting her you better join hands with me so our rank will be higher,and when did you start adding me to your plans is not like am your friend,well you are not my enemy either,okay I think I will join hands with you..

Back in the lsland

Mom i want you to start talking now or else I will runaway from home and I promise not to come back, sweetheart she was my childhood friend,we grew up in the same village,mom where is that your village cause I need to know right now,in the sea,mom I don’t understand which one is in the sea,did your parent left you beside an ocean,well not like that am a mermaid,mom you know you are been funny right now,you once told me that you are not a mermaid,I know I lied to you again,(crying)mom don’t tell me you lied again cause everything coming out from your mouth is all a lie, sweetheart can you please don’t get angry at me,,so when did you have legs, well I left the sea cause she took my husband which is your father,okay right now I actually want to know why she was calling me her daughter,my love she mistook you for her child,she was only saying that because you look alot like her dead child,point of correction Catherine my child is not dead you stole her from me immediately I gave birth to her,why will I steal your child, cause you wanted to get your revenge on me through my child,my mother is not wicked and why will she steal someone else child just to get revenge on her,well she thought I stole the love of her life,she never knew I and Anderson your father has been inlove since our childhood..

You knew my dad, sweetheart I know you might also think am lying like your mom Catherine but I promise you that all what am saying now is nothing but the truth,ma fine I also know that you won’t lie to me,your mom and I are both best friends,we do things together until one day we were both swimming until we saw someone fell inside the deep ocean,so we both save your dad and the three of us became friends but I later found out that your mom Catherine was inlove with Anderson,so i tried to talk to your dad about Catherine but your dad said he doesn’t love her that he loves me,so I was confuse and I told your dad that I don’t want to hurt my friend maybe will should be having secret relationship,your dad told me that was fine until Catherine saw I and your dad naked,so when she found what did you tell her,I told her am truly sorry that I and your dad loves each other but she said to me that am a betrayal,I tried to explain everything to Catherine but she doesn’t want to listen to me she thought I betrayed her,but later your mom decided to forgive me we became friends back,I later found out that am pregnant for your dad but before I could tell him am pregnant for him I saw a letter your dad sent to me saying he is leaving I should not bother looking for him,so I tried looking for him he was nowhere to be found,I cried day and night Catherine told me she will be there for me that I should stop crying over Anderson,so I decided to move on, your mom said alot of bad things about Anderson,so I felt it was all true that Anderson doesn’t deserve my love,until I went into labour my friend was also missing I couldn’t see her nor even contact her,the day I was giving birth to you I fell unconscious for 2hours,when I woke up the nurses told me that they lost my child, so how do you know that I was your child,well I decided to look for my friend by putting up a spy on her but my spy told me she has a child but they couldn’t find her husband,

Mom they couldn’t find dad where was he then,he went on a trip,so he hasn’t come back ever since that time,well he actually came back when you were still little,mom we usually talk to him on phone,mom can we talk to him now,my love he told that ,he is in a board meeting that he cannot pick his phone,mom when did you leave here to make that call,can you please stop questioning me,must I explain everything to you and moreover you are still a kid can you please go inside and don’t ever interfere when adult are talking,mom why won’t I interfere cos I know you are lying here, Cassandra you are testing my patience,mom you have to explain everything to me so I could help you out, Cassandra you don’t have any right to interfere in my matters,ma please can you continue,well after they told me her husband was nowhere to be found I went back to the hospital to threaten all of them that I would kill if they don’t tell me who took my daughter,and they told me that she was the one that stole away from me,so why didn’t you try looking for me ma,I tried looking for you but Catherine here is using her spell to block me from getting to you,mom you never told me you were powerful mom, Cassandra and if I told you I was powerful what will you do about it, nothing mom but you knew all along that those dreams of mine were real,yes of course am a mermaid but I decided to distant myself from the water,so mom do you know where dad is,your dad has decided to not to stay here with me he doesn’t love me,what do you know about love,mom am 20 so why do you think I know nothing about love


Lilian what do you think about my offer, Kimberly have told about it about it and have decided to work hand in hand with you,you see what am saying we can be slave forever,I know that’s why i want to work with you you see what I was saying,what were you saying,well if you must know I wanted you and I to become friends,well I don’t want anybody to suspicious of us

Mom, let’s just forget about we everything that happens in the past, maybe the two of you should become friends back,my love I can never become friends with my enemy not in this lifetime,mom I don’t think she is a bad person you just need to understand her, Cassandra I know you believe her that she is your mother and you are also planning to leave me and stay with her,mom am not leaving you for anybody,fine she might be my real mother but you took care of me and I promise not to leave you for her,but you will also promise me that you will never lie to me, sweetheart I was not lying to you I was only protecting you for getting hurt, Catherine be who do you think want to hurt my child,Lucia you just need to go back and watch everyone closely, Catherine I already know Kimberly is working for you,fine you know about Kimberly but can I also tell you that is not only Kimberly,fine I you think I stole your child but I only saw her in the basket at the front of my gate,so that means somebody else drop her there,yes you just have to be careful and I also think the person will soon start destroying you soon, Catherine I know you are not a bad person and am also sorry for not trusting you I always know that you are not a bad friend am really sorry,am not angry anymore and I also to stand by you nobody will hurt you or Cassandra,ok see you later(she disappeared)


My queen you are back,yes Lilian I want to know all what happened when am not in the palace,my queen there is nothing much is just that Kimberly wants me to join hand with her and bring you down,what did you say to her,my queen I agreed to join hands with her,well that’s good of you, my queen she also told me that Catherine is also with her,I know cos Catherine told me herself,my queen you went there and you never told me I hope she didn’t hurt you,my friend is not bad as you think I know she is angry at me for stealing the love of her life,and you trust her…

Sure why won’t I trust her is not like she is a bad person we just have our misunderstanding,okay my queen you just have to be careful,well you don’t have to about that I know how to handle myself once it gets worst all you just have to do is to put yours on Kimberly and not only her I want to hear daily news about whatever is happening in the sea,my queen I don’t find anybody suspicious so I only thought maybe we should just watch Kimberly and if there is anybody that is also plotting evil against you we will also find out the person through Kimberly,i don’t want to know how you will fish out the person all I know is that I want to know why the person wants to harm me and my family,my queen you can trust me on that.

Back in the lsland

Lucia what are you doing here again,well Catherine I know right from our childhood that you are not a bad person but can you actually tell me who is the person that wants to kill me,well I haven’t seen the person face, Catherine I know you are lying to me, Lucia there is no reason for me to lie to you the person am talking about is a female and she always covering her face with a veil,a veil,yes I haven’t heard that voice before I tried to find that woman but I can’t actually figure out the person,can you actually remember anything about the the woman,well I only knows she has a grey hair at the middle of her hair, grey hair you say I think I will tell Lucia to look for the woman in question,well Lucia my suggestion is that you should do that yourself dont trust anybody I know Lilian is very loyal to you but am suggesting that you should not tell anyone about your plan in looking for that person,so what do you think I should do,well for now just go back I will think of solution, Catherine I really appreciate all what you are doing,well I know have hurt you badly is not like I intentionally stole your child I only found out that somebody is trying to kill her that’s why I stole her,well you told me..

You could have told me,that what is it that someone wants to kill your baby or someone wants to kill your family,yes everything maybe by now I would have find solution,I know if I tell you,you would just stop my plans with your anger:so what you are now saying is that I have hot temper right,yes now am not saying it at your back :well let’s just forget about this so what’s the plan,plan for what,plan for catching that strange woman that wants to kill me,I haven’t thought of anything here:should I organized a party,party for what,is not like is your birthday,it doesn’t matter am a queen I can actually think of anything to celebrate about, Lucia you must be a joker,am serious maybe I should just do small get together in the palace,well that’s good,but what about Cassandra cos that your daughter is stubborn,is your daughter not mine so she has the same character as you, Catherine you took care of her for me, so she is your daughter ok,must we always argue well she is our daughter,and how are you going to persuade not to come to the party,I will think of a way I don’t want to endanger her life,so maybe I would like to her to that am travelling for some days..

Cassandra pov

What are they planning again,mom wants to lie to me as if is even new to me I really want to know the person that wants to kill I and mummy Lucia,cos am really tired of been indoor all the time,I really wat to tell my friends how my summer holiday was,it was not good at all, finding out my mom isn’t my real mom and she is a mermaid too:that means am also a mermaid too and I also have power, maybe later I will try patricing that power that is in me..


Kimberly I actually don’t know why we haven’t done any meeting since I joined your group, Lilian you just have to calm down okay we don’t just go to meeting anyday:we only have meetings when we are notified,so now is only when you are notified that’s when will have our meeting:why don’t you notify them .

I can’t do that cos that’s out of the rules:just calm down okay maybe our leader decided not to have meeting with us for now because is not safe,why is not safe nobody is suspecting us and moreover am not fully welcome yet, Lilian you just have to calm down maybe I should visit queen Catherine first before i would decide what to do next,did you just say queen Catherine,yes she will become the queen,so what you are saying is that queen Lucia will have to step down for Catherine to become the queen but you know queen Lucia is very stubborn she won’t agree easily:we know that is why we will have to hurt her love ones for her to step down, that’s serious oo I hope with all of this you won’t tell the queen about me, Lilian you don’t have to be scared is not like anyone is suspicious of us so the queen won’t find out about anything, Kimberly thanks for keeping my secret,I need the see queen Catherine now

Back in the lsland

My queen, Kimberly what are you doing here, nothing I just came to check on you cos you were nowhere to be found in the palace,so how do you know am here,I know you are really angry at Catherine so I felt that you are here fighting with her,sorry I think I have heard your voice many times, Cassandra when elders are talking you don’t interfere,mom can you scold me later not now,have you been here before,well this is my first time coming here and talking about my voice maybe it was someone else that came here, Kimberly just go back to the palace am okay here Catherine won’t dare hurt me,my queen I cannot leave her without you and is my duty as your maid to always protect you, but Kimberly how do you even know this place and if I could remember you said this is your first time coming here,yes my queen this is my first time like I said but I don’t even know how I got to know here, Kimberly just forget for now once we get to the palace you will explain everything to me cos I can see it in your face that you are really tense.

My queen am not tense is just that am really worried about you and moreover you never told that you were coming here,is not like am a baby that I would announce to you that am going out,my queen don’t get me wrong is just that am really worried about your safety and coming to Catherine’s place is not a nice idea at all, Kimberly I can understand your fear I only came to discuss some few thing with her,my queen next time don’t go alone just allow me be behind you,okay Kimberly I don’t actually need all of this attention all I want is for you to takecare of the palace in my absence,my queen are you going out,yes I would be going out for three days and once I come back I would throw a big party for everyone, Kimberly why are you been overprotective she can take care of herself she is not a kid, Catherine I will protect her and I also know you are planning to kill her, Kimberly can you just stop I know I hate her but am not that kind of person that would kill anybody,miss Kimberly you heard what my mom is saying she can never kill fly not to talk about human being,young lady where are your manners when adult are talking you don’t interfere, Kimberly can you please be respectful to my daughter or else I would banned you never to come to my house ever again,and who told you I want to come if it’s not because of my queen do you think you would ever see me here, Kimberly is okay i don’t want you to argue with her anymore and moreover am not here to fight with her I only came to talk to her about my husband and she is not giving good response I want to go and look for my husband myself,my I will miss you so much but don’t worry I would take good care of the palace,I trust you ok I want everything to be the way I left it ok,okay my queen let me go and pack your things for the journey…

Kimberly pov

Wow,am really happy today the queen is leaving the palace for three days and am the one in charge and as for Lilian i will show her

Kimberly pov

Lilian I pity you,you thought I have forgiven you but I will show you,I will let you know what it seems to be a leader since am in charge now and as for queen Lucia she does not have any other choice than to leave her position for someone else and now that am in charge I think I will have to take this position of a queen precisely opportunity comes ones in a life time and if I don’t grab this opportunity how will I know what it seems to be a queen is not like destined to suffer and for that stupid little brat called Cassandra I will have to show her and for that I need to get her mom to side with me and after achieving my goals i will make Catherine and Cassandra life miserable, hahahaha..

Back in the lsland

My friend wow you are really sensible I like the fact that you told her that you are going for three days journey,my friend that’s the only idea that pop in my brain at that point of a time, that idea was great but where actually are you going for that three days,well I haven’t decided yet all I just know is that am planning to rest for three days,no that’s not right you have to look for Anderson,why should I look for him when you actually know where he is and sincerely speaking am not ready to see him for abandoning i and my unborn child am not ready to face him,Lucia I Know you are angry at him but my dear don’t you need an explanation from him maybe someone force him to leave,at least he could have explained to me he claims he loves me,well he really loves you and actually I tried to seduce him but he didn’t fall for it all he was saying was that he can’t betrayed to, Catherine why are you telling me is late already is useless knowing now,all am saying is that he left for a reason he couldn’t even think of touching me when I was seducing him, Catherine am going to the palace I need to take some of my stuff ..


My queen am done parking,am only going for three days don’t be too excited,I know..

My queen what makes you feel that am excited cos you are leaving your home in the hand of this nobody,you are not a nobody and moreover you are quite different from anybody here that’s why I left my home in your hands and I know it will be taken care of properly,my queen I really appreciate you for trusting me and am making my promise to you that home is in a safe hands,and please promise me you would take care of Lilian I know you don’t like her but please just forget everything she has done wrong just take care of her for me,my queen why does it seems like you are not coming back and moreover Lilian is not my problem I can actually take care of her even though she would be stubborn to me I promise to do my best towards all what you said to me,thanks (she disappeared)

Kimberly pov

Why am I even trying to hurt someone that loves me this much,I don’t think I can be a better queen like her I promise to change I promise to make myself more useful and more helpful towards her I don’t need that position of a queen all I need to do is to protect this position for my queen alone and I don’t care if it would cost me my life: I think i will use my life to pay for my sins:am really an ungrateful fellow for not protecting my queen..

Back in the lslan

So Lucia what’s your plan now,I need to look for my husband first i need my family beside me I want them to support me in looking for that bad woman,my friend I think you are right we need to look for Anderson he has to explain is own side so maybe we will get some clue from him,ma when do you want to embark on your journey, Cassandra when do you want to start calling me mom I really want to hear that from you,ma is not that easy I only know mom Catherine as my mother hearing you are my mother is just too sudden I can bare that but don’t worry I will try to call you mom,okay am leaving tomorrow,ma please can I go with you ..🌺🌷👑👑🥀

Cassandra you can’t go with me moreover you are still a child and I can’t endanger your life,ma please am not a child am 20 years old and I can decide for myself so now have decided that I want to go with you,(crying)why don’t you want to listen to me for crying out loud am your mom can’t I also make decisions in your life don’t I deserve to be given that right as your mom please is too dangerous outside and I can’t afford to loose you for the second time please listen to me,ma can you please stop crying I don’t want to be responsible for your tears okay fine I wont go with you is that fine by you, is fine by me thanks for listening to mummy..


Kimberly you sent for me,yes I did Lilian well I called you here to tell you that to the queen will be absent for three days,I know she told me that,did she also tell you that am the one in charge now,well she didn’t say you are the one in charge she only said you are the one that will take care of the palace in her absence,so what’s the difference it means am in charge and I need you all to respect me for that three days I will be the only one to give rules and I hope you all will follow my instructions,I don’t understand what you are trying to say here,well I won’t repeat myself and if you don’t follow my rules you will be disciplined, Kimberly you are talking these too far i thought you said we are friends we are suppose to be controlling here together so why are you the only one making decisions,you thought I would make you my friend easily I will get my revenge on you for insulting me back and precisely I will soon be the queen so you better don’t act funny towards me, Kimberly that’s not how to do something you betrayed me you took my friendship for granted and am angry at you for that, that’s your problem not mine(she left)..

Cassandra pov

I need to act fast I must go with her..

Cassandra pov

I can’t just sit down and watch while my family is going through a hard time,even if she said that am not coming with her I still don’t care am going to go with her that’s my final decision and nobody is going to stop me not even my mom and I also need to be prepared for the worst and I also don’t mind if this could all lead to my I still would lay my life down for my family is not like am actually useful to them..

🐠🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟🐠🐠🐟Lucia pov

Why do I feel that something bad is going to happen I just have to be prepared at all cost and I also need to protect my daughter from any danger I don’t care if that could also take my life I can lay down my life for my long lost child whom I actually just found now I don’t want to loose her one more time I know she is very stubborn just like me(back to reality )

Lucia do you know how many hours have been standing here, Catherine I was lost in my own thoughts, Lucia everything would be fine you just have to stop thinking about it okay,why won’t I think about it I just need to find out who is trying to harm I and my family that’s all,well Lucia I hope you are fully prepared cos is not going to be easy, i know that’s why I need to find Anderson as Soon as possible,I hope you know that Anderson is not himself anymore we have casted spell on him,then I would try harder to break the spell,my friend is not that easy have tried to break it but it’s not working,why is it not working weren’t you the person that casted the spell on him so why can’t you break,well I did cast the spell on him but someone else also had a hand in it,so it means I need a lot of power to break that spell, that’s what am saying you need to be prepared,that means I need to go back to the palace to gather more powers for me to be able to defeat my enemies,only God knows how the palace would be right now, Kimberly would have done a lot of worst things to everyone most especially Lilian, be prepared 🐠

My queen what are you doing here,I haven’t gone yet but what am I seeing why is my palace upside down,my queen you ask me to take care of the palace for you,yes I did say you should take care of the palace but not this way to our are suffering my people,my queen that’s not suffering is just that I increased their work that’s why you saw them like this they are not suffering at all, Kimberly can’t I beg you to look after the palace for me,sure my queen am only doing what is right by me,this is not right you are hurting everyone including Lilian,my queen Lilian deserve to work hard is not all about eating alone she needs to learn hardwork also, Kimberly and who told you that you are the one I charge,in charge of what my queen,in charge of training Lilian well right now I don’t want to see you here you may leave,my queen am going nowhere you don’t expect me to leave now that am almost at the winning point,I don’t understand the winning point you are talking about,my queen well the kingdom will soon have a new queen,I don’t understand who the new queen is as far as I can remember am not yet dead neither am I old enough for me to stop ruling neither have I choosen heir to my throne,my queen you don’t have to bother choosing heir cos right now someone else is in charge,you must be kidding me right now..🐠🐟🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐟🐠🐟🐟

Back in the lsland

Mom where is she,my love you don’t need to bother yourself with such issues,mom am not bothered okay I just want to know where my second mom is,wow Cassandra you have finally decided to call her your mom,mom I just said second mom aleast I can’t compare anyone to you even if she is my real mom, sweetheart you don’t have to be rude okay she loves you just the way I do,mom can we just stop..(words cut short)ma what are you doing here, Catherine I want to see you , Cassandra can you please excuse us,mom mom am going nowhere..🐟🐠🐟🐠
Mom I just said that am not going inside, Cassandra why are feeling too big can’t they talk to you,mom am always going inside Everytime can’t I just stay here with you,that my problem with you:you are too stubborn can’t you just listen to mummy for once,it is fine Catherine you can leave her let her stay if she wants to stay,okay Lucia can you please go straight to the point now, Catherine am facing a bigger problem now my palace is on fire,I don’t understand what kind of fire are you talking about,I mean Kimberly has turn another person in my kingdom,but I told you to be careful that girl is dangerous,I thought she would be a change person if I leave the palace in her care, that’s my problem with Lucia you trust people too much,my problem now is that she has taken my throne from me,you mean you are no longer a queen, Cassandra please don’t say anything, your words are quite emotional,ma can you please calm down you are already hurt so I won’t hurt you the more,Lucia so what are you planning to do now,I don’t know can I just stay here for some days and think of what to do,ma you can stay is not like we are much in here just I and my mom and to there are many spare rooms here and you can also have one, Cassandra can you please be quiet let mummy decide okay: Lucia you can stay as many days as you want ,thanks friend.🐠🐟🐠🌷🥀🐠🐟🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠


Kimberly,why are you doing this to everyone here, Lilian can you please calm down you haven’t started working and you are already complaining, Kimberly I don’t know what you are up to but I hope you won’t hurt yourself in the process,and who are you to care about me,well am still your friend who care alot about you, Lilian can just continue your chores and moreover am the one in charge now so if I were you I rather do my work quietly so that I won’t double your chores,okay I wont complain anymore,you better not..

(Crying)Why does it seems like nobody wants to be with me: everybody is against me,my friend you don’t have to cry am always cheering for you so you don’t have to bother cos am always behind you,my friend you are the only one supporting me what about my child my husband they are suppose to be here with me in this hard time;my husband is no where to be found my daughter does not want to get close to me cos she felt am a bad mother, Lucia you don’t have to get sad right now all you have to think of is how to save your people in the hands of those wicked people,how can I do that Catherine when am not even myself, that’s what am saying you have to get hold of yourself and fight for your throne, (crying) Catherine do you think am in a good state to fight for just a throne I need my family with me I don’t want to be a queen anymore, Lucia you are a queen you don’t have to be emotional in front of your subject,am not crying in front of my subject am only crying in front of my childhood friend,well feel free to cry out loud am the only one here ..

Cassandra pov.

Why am i acting this way towards her now I know she is feeling lonely I was suppose to be consoling her now,but here I am hiding at the back of door listening to her cry,I just wish I would go there right now hug her and say to her everything would be okay mom is not going to harm me if I call her mom,i just wish I could be of help right now..🌺🌿🥀

Lucia is okay now so what are you talking about the throne you are not going to leave it for Kimberly you know that,I know Catherine somebody higher than Kimberly is behind this,you mean someone is controlling Kimberly,yes but how am I going to find out who the person is,ma I think I can help you out with that, Cassandra I told you not to interfere why don’t you listen,mom please I can handle this if you let me,okay Cassandra how can you be of help,ma I want to go with you to the palace..Happy Sunday famz

Sweetheart I know you are a big girl but you can’t go with me,ma please i know I can be of help if you let me, Cassandra I don’t want you to endanger your life for someone else,ma if I endanger my life for the well being of my family is not a bad thing at all,but can you please think about yourself and not others,who are the others ma is it my family I can sacrifice my life for my family, Cassandra can you please stay quiet we can sort it out ourselves so don’t interfere okay,mom can you please allow me to talk this time I want to fight for what is really mine, Cassandra when do you start thinking about the throne,mom just now i am the rightful owner of that throne so how can someone else take what’s rightfully mine ,so Cassandra so what’s the plan,ma if you permit me can I go with you to the palace,to do what,you need to tell them that you have found your daughter and she is the rightful owner to the throne then Kimberly has no choice than to step down and I promise you that someone that is helping Kimberly will also try to kill me,you mean you want to sacrifice your life for me,well ma just save the thank you until all your troubles ends,how do you know I want to thank you,well I can read people’s expression and your expression tells me you want to say thank you,thanks Kimberly I really appreciate all your effort,(smiling)I told you am a seer you welcome,my love am really proud of you I know you are the only one that can stop all this problem,mom you are making me to be emotional can you please stop blackmailing me with your tears…🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🥀🌿🌿🌿🐟


Lucia what are you doing here I thought you have left here for good,you thought have left but sweetheart am sorry am back now and am going nowhere,but you don’t have a choice than to go back,well I know that you are not surprise but I have to tell you now that the heir to my throne is back and you need to step than now,sorry mam am back🐠🐠

(Hold her on her neck)you little rat when adult are talking you don’t interfere,(push her down)can you leave my daughter out of it come and face me instead,i don’t have time for you am only interested in your daughter okay, you can leave Cassandra out of it why can’t you face us instead, Catherine what are you doing here you are a betrayal, Kimberly for your information I choose who to be loyal to,mom what are you doing here,my love i sense danger that’s why am here,where is Kimberly,she has disappeared,am sure that girl is up to something, tomorrow am coronating my child has the new queen nobody is stopping that,ma am not ready to become a queen how will go to school, my love there are many schools here and you can also hire a private tutor, sweetheart your mom is correct these is where your mom and I went to school you would also like it here..


Kimberly what are you doing here,my queen am sorry I got defeated easily,I don’t understand can you put more light to your words,my queen Lucia is back and she is back with her only child,so just tell me you cannot defeat them,am sorry my queen she is more powerful than I am my queen,so when is her child’s coronation,my queen is tomorrow,well we don’t have much time to waste,am sorry my queen,you don’t have to be sorry is fine so do you know where Anderson is,yes my queen,then we have to use him and collect the throne from Lucia,my queen that’s a good suggestion,you don’t have to waste time you have to go now and bring Anderson for me now,yes my queen your wish is my command..🐠🐟🐠


Mom don’t you think am too young to become the queen and moreover I don’t know anything about been a queen,my love is not too early when your mom Lucia became the queen she does not know anything so don’t worry we will guard you through it, sorry for distracting the both of you Catherine am feeling uneasy..

Lucia it happens to every mother so you just have to calm down, Catherine I know what am saying something bad wants to happen, that’s why you are powerful right you will block it from happening,mom you don’t have to bother yourself this is what we plan for and moreover we have all of this covered,you called me mom,mom Catherine can you please excuse us,okay take your time is remaining few hours before the party starts,mom I Know am not worthy to call you that but am sorry mom,my love you don’t have to apologise is not your fault okay I was the one who abandoned you,mom point of correction you did not abandon me I was stolen away from you,okay I agree we are both sorry for our mistake,okay you two is time for the party to began..

(As they were busy with the coronation Lucia’s husband Anderson also came to party with some other woman who we later found out to be Lucia’s sister)

(Running to her her husband) Anderson have missed you, Lucia don’t get close to him cos i will kill him,Alexia what all this rubbish he is my husband,well you think I will allow you to give the crown 👑to your child I can’t allow you do that the throne belongs to me,you must be joking,my queen what should I do to her,who the hell is your queen,I mean queen Catherine what should I do to her,do anything I can you please take Cassandra out of here and I also want my husband too, Catherine I thought you have change, sweetheart do you think I would allow you take the love of my life away from me,mom can you please stop all this she is your friend why would you betray her,well Cassandra she is my enemy not my friend and you I don’t love you okay, Catherine just stop all this okay: we are best friends for Christ sake, Alexia you know what to do with the mother and child kill them both I want my husband alive okay (she left), Alexia am your sister do you want to listen to Catherine’s order,did you just say my sister;I will start the killing from your daughter..

Alexia what’s all this we are related for Christ sake,sis i want that throne badly but you are giving it to your child,you can take over the throne but leave my child out of this,sis is late already I was giving instructions to kill the both of you,sis you can kill me but I need to know who have the grey hair between you and Catherine,sorry Catherine has the grey hair not me so Catherine is our boss and it is fine if you know all the truth now cos you will die soon,Ma please can you leave my mom out of this and kill me first,Hello i need to introduce myself to you am your aunt, Cassandra you need to leave now I will face her,mom am not leaving you i promised myself not to let you go again, Cassandra I will stay alive for you but for now just go,Well sorry sis your child is going nowhere, Lilian can you please take Cassandra out of here i put my trust in you please save my child that’s a dying mother wish, Kimberly attack them,my queen stay alive for us,mom i promise to come back and take my revenge on them.(The war started queen Lucia was blocking every way they could get close to her child but she was later stab, Lilian took Cassandra to the Western part of the sea where Lilian family reside)

Aunt Lilian I heard my mom’s voice,can we please go back i need to see her please Aunt, Cassandra I Know how you feel but we can’t go back there your mom tries to save us with her life so we can’t afford to loose our life,Aunt i promise to take my revenge on Catherine and my dad;why did my dad leave my mom to fight all by herself, Cassandra you just have to calm down moreover Catherine has casted spell on your dad,why is Catherine doing all this i have always love her but she betrayed me I hate her only God knows what mom is passing through

(Back in the lsland)

My queen am sorry, sorry for what, Cassandra has escape,so have you killed Lucia,my queen she refused to die, Alexia throw her in the prison 🐠

Happy 1st 🌞day

(Catherine went to visit Lucia at the prison) Lucia hope you are having a great time in here don’t worry your daughter will soon get to join you, Catherine don’t add my daughter into all this:just let her be;you have me here already do whatever you want with me, Lucia wow this is what I want i want you to beg me i want to see that tears probably more of it, Catherine i promise to get back at you for all you did to my family:my husband,my child,and me myself,Am always waiting for you okay am not like you and am always alert, Catherine just get out i don’t want to see you, sweetheart i don’t have any other choice that to leave you i have other plans for the day one of the plan is to bring your daughter back to you cos i know you miss her,try everything you can get close to her i will use my life to protect her, your life is already short so my advice for you is that she should fight for herself: sweetheart am leaving i will Dem to bring food for you,am not hungry,you better eat for you to have strength to fight..🐠💕🐟💖💖


Cassandra what’s wrong with you and why are you moody,Aunt Lilian am not fine and i know right now that my mom is not okay wherever she is,We don’t know if your mom is alive all I know right now is that you need to stay strong for her,aunt Lilian how can i be strong I don’t have any power even if i said am going back to have my revenge I don’t have any power, sweetheart with time you will learn okay I think by tomorrow we should start our practice so just go inside and sleep..


Alexia,I don’t want to see your face right now,My queen you will be glad with the news i brought to you,what news,Have found out where Cassandra is,oh my gosh this is the best news ever,she is in the Western part of the River ,with who,with Lilian’s family,I think i will go there myself,my queen i will do that for you, Alexia am in charge now..🐠🐟🐟
Alexia i think i need to share it with her mother I want to see her mother okay,my queen I think that’s not necessary,will you tell me what i will do,my queen am but she might communicate with her child through her dreams, Alexia can’t you see she is powerless now she won’t dare..

(In the prison)my friend i brought a piece of goodnews for you and i know you would like it, Catherine am not ready for this your nonsense, Lucia you better calm down she should tell you so won’t ever regret for not listening to her, Alexia we are blood sister’s from the same parent why would you do this to me, Lucia when we were little you were giving all the attention to including the throne so what do you want me to do,did i not share everything I have with you:did i not satisfy all your need then why did you choose to join hands with the enemy just to hurt me,this is not some family gathering I came here to give you goodnews and you two are having family get together, well Lucia i think your loving daughter will be joining you here,(stands up) Catherine what are you up to,well i know where your daughter is okay and she will be joining you soon, Catherine i promise to kill you if you touch one piece of her hair, Lucia this is the expression this is the look i want to see on your face, Catherine i don’t mind if you kill me but i won’t allow you to hurt my child:have given you Anderson but i won’t give you Cassandra not in this lifetime, Hmmmm that’s nice to know that you have given me Anderson even if you don’t give me Anderson he is already mine okay,(crying) Catherine you know Cassandra does not have any power please don’t hurt her please Catherine, Lucia you Know i was once her mother so for the love i have for her i won’t kill her okay, Catherine did you raise her up for you to kill her later, Lucia yes i raise her up to kill her are you satisfied I know that’s what you want to hear, Catherine you brought her up well she has a good manner🐠🐠

Lucia can you please stop,you are making me feel like am a bad person, please Catherine just let i and my daughter go i promise to leave the throne and also i promise to leave Anderson just please let i and my daughter I promise you won’t hear about us anymore just let us go, Lucia why do you think i would let you go cos i know no matter you will come back to make trouble so you are not going anywhere, Catherine what is wrong with you at first none of this belongs to you now am offering you everything in exchange of my daughter safety then you don’t want to agree, Lucia am leaving I don’t have time for all your rubbish not now (she left),(Shouting) Catherine please don’t hurt my child am begging you..

(Catherine pov)

She is trying to blackmaile emotional

but it won’t work everything here is mine this is what i long for many years and now I have it all hahaha,now she knows how it feels to get hurt and i will hurt her the more i won’t use Anderson anymore i think I now found out her weakness is her daughter:I will use her child has her weaking point ..


Cassandra can you please try using your power,Aunt Lilian do you know that you are funny where do you expect me to see the power from, Cassandra am not joking we have to be fast i can’t protect you from all our enemy myself,Aunt Lilian it can’t work i know what am saying moreover am still young to have powers,Are you been serious right now; Cassandra we can’t stay here for long cos right now am sure your mom has found out where you are now and she is coming for us am sure of that,(getting angry her body became extremely hot)She is not my mom don’t ever call her mom,(Thinking)wow this is what i want her body is hotter now I need to use this words now, Cassandra she is your mom she took care of you,(colour of her eyes has change to blue)Aunt I just warn you not to call that devil my mom,and if i call her what will do,I will kill you

Alexia i will handle this myself I can’t trust you with this at all,but my queen am sorry but you know is very powerful that’s why i can’t kill her and her child,so you mean she is more powerful than me,my queen that’s not what am saying,can just shut up that’s an insult to my face; so you mean someone is powerful than i your queen,my queen am sorry if am been rude,I think i will have to show you what am capable of just get out before i do something stupid.


Cassandra she is your mom and there is nothing you can do about it,(ran towards her and hold her neck) Aunty I told you i will kill you if you get me angry, Cassandra please you are hurting me,(Holding the neck strongly)Aunt this is what you deserve for calling that monster my mom,(push her hard),Aunt what just happened,you have became someone else totally:I mean you were trying to kill me,(Feeling guilty)Aunty am really sorry it wasn’t intentional,I never said it was intentional but there is still more powerful in you that we haven’t found out, okay Aunty please can I try the magic one more time,I don’t think it will work,I can sense that is only when you are angry that’s we can see your powers..


(Catherine went to visit Lucia)

Lucia i was told you are a very powerful woman,Who told you that,your stupid sister of course who else have the gut to talk to me if not her, Catherine am not interested in all this you are saying,of course but why didn’t you kill me with your powers when you have the chance,I can’t kill you okay you are my best friend,hmmm even if you don’t want to kill me Cassandra is still there to kill me,my daughter can never be a murderer i won’t allow her to stain her hands with blood not even with your dirty blood,hahaha you see what am saying I know if you have the opportunity you would have killed me,what do i want to gain in killing you,many things your child,throne and your husband..


Aunt I keep having feelings that mom is not okay, Cassandra we all know your mom is powerful she won’t die easily,Aunt i agree that she won’t die but is she powerful enough to stop her suffering, Cassandra can we just stop this discussion already moreover you still have alot of practice to do,Aunt if is all about that practice am not doing it anymore cos right now am not ready to become a monster once again, Cassandra you are not a monster you deserve to have power cos you are a princess,Aunt can we just forget it you know that am ready to kill you that day if is not because you pushed me away is something else we would have been saying now,and who told told you that you can kill me am more powerful than you are cos your mom trained me, oh I see but right now am farmished can we look for something to eat..


(Catherine went to visit her friend in the prison)Long time my friend:hope you are enjoying your stay, Catherine what are you doing here you came to mock me right is fine i laugh at you for been so stupid for thinking I Lucia the powerful queen would stoop so low to your level,I know you are trying to piss me off but i won’t get angry at you i will only get back at your daughter,(feeling tensed) Catherine if you ever touch a single hair on my daughter’s head I will what it feels to be a mother, Lucia you can’t threatening me you are suppose to be begging not feeling too big right now, Catherine i would never beg you okay so go to hell are you fine by that,(Calling Alexia)”Alexia “Alexia,my queen,do you know you are stupid have been calling, (Bowing down)my queen am sorry,Hahahaha:Alexia is this the reason why you betrayed your sister to bow down for someone you are older than I laugh you, Lucia can you please keep quiet before i send the guard to you and i promise you won’t like what they would do to you,

Alexia and who told you that am afraid of what they would do to me, moreover you are shameless for scattering what we share, Alexia i did not call because of this get together,what else did you call her for she is an errand girl you can send her to wherever you want she would go she is your dog you can also tell her to bark for you, Lucia i would have killed you right now but let me just leave you cos i want to kill your daughter in your presence,You see what am saying why don’t the two of you go and get married and also have children then you would know what it feels to be a mother maybe then you won’t want to kill someone child, Lucia can you keep quiet now before I loose my temper, Catherine can you keep quiet now i want to talk to my sister i thought you would be the queen so you fought for the throne for the sake of Catherine,Lucia she promised to give me the throne okay,and you trusted her why are you behaving childish does she look like someone who is ready to leave the throne for anyone, guards”guards “guards can you please deal with this woman for, Catherine what are you doing, i want them to beat you up for me..

They won’t dare touch me cos am still their queen,says who cos as far as i can remember nobody gave you the title of a queen and moreover am the queen now and anything I say that’s what they will do they dare not disobey me,(facing the guards)if you ever lay your dirty hands on me i promise to kill you first and your next,(facing the guards)you better don’t disobey me cos i will not kill you but you will be begging death to come and take you, Alexia is this what you want your little sister should be beaten by ordinary guards, Lucia that’s what you deserve cos you lack manners,How I wish our parents were alive to see whatever you are you doing to me,am not doing anything wrong and even if they are alive they would even appreciate me cos they know am collecting what’s rightfully mine, what’s rightfully yours is it the throne that you are not sitting on it or is it the crown that you are not wearing on your head then tell me what else do you still want cos right now you don’t have anything,can you please keep quiet moreover Catherine promise to give me the throne once everything is over,and you believe her she betrayed her childhood best friend for the sake of this throne,then tell me who are you that she won’t betray, let’s this family get together ends here; Alexia haven’t I warned you several times that anytime am discussing with your so called sister don’t ever distract us,my queen am sorry,can you please get out and excuse us i want the guards to do with her for me..

Alexia pov

What am I actually doing,why am I not behaving like a elder sister should:I know all what am saying to her i actually don’t mean any of that:I just need to sit tight:only I myself knows that am jealous of my sister i need to release her from the prison tonight.🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐠

(They have finish beating lucia, Catherine went to see Kimberly secretly)(Bowing down)my queen what brought you here,well am here to see my loyal servant..

My queen am always at your service, Kimberly you know i trust you so much,yes my queen i know that,can you please be on guard i want to you to watch Alexia for me,my queen what happen,she is suspicious;I know she is planning something and i know right now that you are the only one i can trust,my queen don’t worry you just have to put your mind at rest and sleep tight cos am in charge now i will give you feedback tomorrow okay,you see why am always at rest when you are around me good night,my queen goodnight..

Kimberly pov

This is also the time to help my queen,I need to repay her for her kindness i know she would find it hard in her heart to forgive me but am willing to help out this time,i need to talk to Alexia about my plans

(Kimberly went to see Alexia in the middle of the night) Knock knock knock,come in, Alexia i came to see you, like seriously Kimberly when did you even start talking to me,i know have been an asshole all this while and am sorry, Kimberly you came when i was planning to go to bed can we just see tomorrow instead, Alexia i know that you are not feeling sleepy and i also know what you are planning to do,see Kimberly i don’t know what you are talking about can you please go now, Alexia i know that you are trying to rescue your sister and i can help you out with that, Kimberly just leave me alone am not ready to discuss anything with anyone and even if i have a plan I won’t allow anyone to interfere cos i can handle it, Alexia, Catherine asked me to put my eyes on you,(crying) Kimberly i don’t deserve to be called a sister cos i myself knows am a bad sister,I can’t even take care of my only siblings and i also know that my parent would be angry at me up there, Alexia just calm down your sister would understand she knows you are not a bad person unlike me she took care of me like her own I still betrayed her cos am the worst human being in here .

Okay let’s just forget the deed has been done:what we need now is solutions to the problem on ground, so weed need to find away out for her to leave the kingdom for now, Kimberly i don’t want to endanger your life so you will have to stay in the kingdom then i think i will go with Catherine since she is already suspecting me,okay let’s go now…

(Kimberly and Alexia went to the prison to release Lucia) Lucia we don’t have any time can you please come with us,i don’t want anything to do with any of you most especially you Alexia,my queen this is not the time to shout at us you can do that later not now, Kimberly can you just shut up you betrayal and please don’t ever call me your queen you and i know where your loyalty lies in,my queen just calm down,(shouting at her) don’t you dare call me your queen again, Lucia i know have been a bad sister but please i can’t let you get killed like this please leave my sake then come back and scold me later,okay sis are you planning to stay here with her,yes don’t worry i will be fine here,my queen stay safe,okay thanks

(Lucia found and escape root she went to meet her daughter in the Western part of the sea,the moment Cassandra saw her mom she hugged her mom)(crying)mom have missed you, sweetheart why are you looking this tattered and where is Lilian,mom she got killed,i don’t understand she got killed as in how,mom Catherine came here, Catherine what did she came to do,she came to kill me but Aunt Lilian said i should run and hide,so where is Lilian now,I think the took her corpse,I think she is not dead can we just go inside for now,mom am scared of staying here, sweetheart just trust me okay am here now there is nothing that’s going to happen okay, mom aren’t you hungry can we just go inside and look for something to eat, sweetheart can i cook for you,mom you must be joking right now,am serious okay..🐟🐠🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟


Kimberly don’t tell me she is no longer in the prison.

My queen is not my fault, Kimberly if not your fault then whose fault is it ;i gave you an instruction to watch her for me what did you do you let her escape from that prison,my queen calm down please it’s not my fault actually it’s Alexia’s fault i saw her when she was releasing Lucia from the prison,can you just spare me all these rubbish how can i believe you when you are not capable of doing your job i can never trust you okay,my queen can you just send the guards to call for Alexia or else she will escape,can you please stop telling me what to do and am giving you another chance can you find out where Lucia is i want to punish her and Cassandra for disobeying me,my queen i don’t know where to find them,this is the last time am talking about this I want them okay on your way out tell Alexia i want to see her..🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠

(In the Western part of the sea)

Sweetheart how is your training going,mom is really stressful but i can do it, Cassandra you can stop training now cos am here okay,mom i think I really need to train more so that i will be of help mom,and what help can you render to me i don’t want you to train anymore i can actually help myself out, Cassandra don’t be stubborn to mummy just listen to me i don’t want to endanger your life for my selfish reasons,and mom who told you that you are selfish cos what I see now you are the best mum ever..🐟🐠🐟🐠


My queen I ws told you wants to see me, Alexia why did you betray me just like this,my queen what are you talking about, have i ever wronged you then why are you hurting me,my queen i have no answer to that question, Alexia i hate when someone is lying to me and i can actually kill you for just lying alone so just tell me where she is right now, my queen i don’t know anything about her disapearance, Alexia don’t give me that shit cos am going to kill you now if you don’t tell me where she is,my queen even if you kill me my answer is still the same..

Alexia don’t test my patience okay;am looking at you does not mean am stupid,my queen i don’t want to say something that would make you angry can please stop asking me stupid question you of all people knows how i hate Lucia so why will you think i would release her, Alexia i don’t trust you cos i know you are doing this so that she would forgive you but am sorry to tell you that your sister can never forgive you, Catherine think whatever you want moreover i don’t deserve her forgiveness and let me tell you the reason why she would forgive me is because we are blood sisters;am sorry for you cos you don’t have any siblings,well Alexia i better not have siblings than to have the one i would hurt; Alexia you would be in the prison until you change your mind and tell me where your sister is for the maintime enjoy yourself in the prison, whatever, guards”guards”guards, yes my lady,throw her in the prison and don’t give her any food and don’t forget to torture her until she confess to you guys where her sister is, Catherine is this all you are capable of doing;i thought you would do something worse than this but i remembered that you a low life bitch and this is what your little brain can think of,(give her a hot slap)you dare not talk to me in the manner or else you will regret your actions, Catherine is that what you can do then you are nothing compare to Lucia,(getting angry) guards take her out of this place before I will do what nobody would expect from a queen 🐟🐠🐟

(Catherine pov)

I don’t want anybody to think am weak i need to act like a brave queen that i am i must never show my weakness to anybody but where can I find Lucia now cos i don’t think Lucia would want to leave her daughter’s side:I think i need to leave Lucia for now i know she cherish Cassandra so much that’s why i would go for Cassandra she would be the one i will use her to get to Lucia cos she is her mother’s weaking point, hahahaha,Lucia wait and see what happen

Kimberly saving Lucia is a bad idea she is not even coming back to help us, Alexia she is your sister and you know your sister she can never back down:she is preparing herself so she won’t come and disgrace herself in front of Catherine, Kimberly you are correct you know my sister better than I do,yes i Know her because have work with her all my life i betrayed her for some stupid title

(As they were busy discussing Catherine came to interrupt them)

Well ladies i guess you are enjoying yourselves here,my queen why did you throw me in the prison with Alexia:don’t you believe me that I know about Lucia, Kimberly you thought am stupid right you both are playing games with me right, Catherine if you don’t have anything important to say to us can you leave us in peace, Alexia you better behave normal cos nobody is coming here to save you the only person that can save you:you betrayed her so you better stay side with me or else i will kill you,my queen what are you here for, Kimberly my faithful servant i want you to tell me where Lucia is i promise to free you out of this prison and if you don’t tell me the truth sharks 🦈are already waiting for you will be served as dinner to them,(getting scared)my queen did you just say sharks my queen you know how scared i am when it comes to sharks 🦈my queen just ask Alexia cos she is the only solution to your problem, Alexia can you tell me where Lucia is cos she is not in the Western part of the sea so where is she, Catherine i thought you would threaten me with shark but am sorry to tell you i don’t know where she is right now so you better let me out of this stupid prison of yours, Alexia can you please tell me where she is I promise to leave the throne for you, Catherine i won’t ever believe any words that comes out from that your stinking mouth okay just leave cos am not ready to talk..

(Somewhere in the lsland )

Cassandra i think this place is safer for us we are no longer going to the sea..

Mom we need to go back, sweetheart i don’t want to have this kind of conversation not now and moreover we just arrived, mom you can’t just do this they all need your help please don’t betray them, Cassandra am not ready for this discussion and what do you know about betrayal where you there when my own sister Alexia betrayed me or where you there when my childhood best friend betrayed me and even my loyal servant Kimberly,mom you don’t have to be like them okay mom you need to prove to them that you are different,I don’t want to be different i just want to be like everyone else,mom am hungry maybe we should have this discussion later, Cassandra let’s finalize everything now we are not going back there okay you and i will live happily here,mom have heard all you say but at least even if you are not going because of anyone but what about dad,your dad should stay with his new wife moreover i don’t want to lose you because of your dad,mom that means you don’t love him,(shouting at her)can you keep quiet now and get out..


Kimberly do you know why i kept you in this place with this betrayal,mom you know my loyalty lies in you,well i know you are my loyal servant but my instinct tells me that you are betraying me,my queen you know i can never do anything stupid to hurt you just please let me out please i promise to stand beside you, Kimberly i will to think about it but please i want you to become friends with Alexia i think she knows where Lucia is,my queen just let me out of the prison and I promise to do whatever you want and please also let Alexia out, Kimberly i cannot let her out easily I want her to suffer a little bit in there,my queen just let her out or else she Will suspect you and i and she won’t ever trust me and moreover i can only found out where Lucia is if we are friends so you just have to release her and later you will throw her in there, Kimberly have always known you to be a wise little girl

Have always known you to be a wise little girl and that’s why i trusted you,my queen i really appreciate you for trusting me and that’s why i would stay right beside you and support you in whatever you are doing okay cos i know you do things right and you can make mistake,thanks Kimberly but can you please tell me where Lucia is,my queen i don’t know where she is but i promise to look for her for you, Kimberly thanks once again and don’t forget my promise still stand and if you help me find her i promise to look for much better title for you and you will be respected in the whole of this kingdom that’s my promise to you Kimberly,my queen can you please let Lilian out of the prison so she won’t be suspicious of us, Kimberly she will be out today, thanks my queen..

(Kimberly went to visit Lucia in the lsland) Kimberly what are you doing here,my queen i came to visit you,i know is Catherine that sent you; so what did sent you to me,my queen she wants to know where you are so asked me to look for you and Cassandra,first of all am not your queen you don’t have to call me that any longer:and why didn’t you tell her that you know where i am,my queen she is very dangerous and moreover she is not coming to get you,i don’t understand can you please explain better,well she is coming for Cassandra she wants to use Cassandra to get to you,but wait where is Cassandra now,i can’t feel her anywhere around here,my queen she is not in here with us,then where is she Kimberly.(Cassandra was nowhere to be found )


Hahahahaha does Kimberly to thinks am stupid,mom can you please let me be, Cassandra you are so naive do you think am joking with you and your mom,mom why are you wicked and moreover mom has left everything for you then why are you still hurting us, did you just say your mom left everything for me well i don’t need any of that anymore all I want now is your life okay,mom that’s the last thing you would get from us..

Kimberly where is my daughter,my queen i don’t know where she is, Kimberly i tried to trust you but everytime you always disappoint me,my queen i only came to tell what Catherine is planning and you are already accusing me,see i don’t want to listen to any rubbish you are vomiting out all i want right now is my child and if i found out that you are behind my missing child i promise to draw your life out of you.


Cassandra you are naive do you think someone will save you even your mom cannot do anything to me,ma don’t think my mom is weak okay don’t worry she will come for me so just run for your life now that is still early,(getting angry) Cassandra why are my even talking to you,you are not even mature yet so what can i be saying with an immature girl like you..

(Back in the lsland)

My queen am ready to leave now,yes where do you think you are going have you found my child,my queen i have nothing to do with your child please just let me go in peace my queen, Kimberly i just told you that you are not going anywhere if i can’t find my only source of happiness,my queen let me go and give Catherine feedback,are you planning to leave just like that am going with you cos my instinct is telling me that Catherine is the one behind my missing child,my queen so you believe me now,well for the first time i can sense truth in your eyes but that doesn’t mean that i trust you,my queen thanks am sorry for all the pains that have cost you(The both of them disappeared to the sea)


Wow what a pleasant surprise,what is there to be surprise about can i have my child,are you serious Lucia and you Kimberly I thought you said you are with me so why are you against me now first of all i will kill you and you will join your friend Lilian, Catherine where is my child i came here in peace i don’t want to get angry ok, Lucia your child is not here with me you should ask your sister Alexia i think she would give you an answer

What has Alexia got to do with my missing child,well she is the only that has a problem with you,well Catherine i won’t ever trust you i know you are the one behind this can you please give me my child am speaking to you with a cool voice so don’t allow me to get angry at you,lucia do you think i would allow you leave from here alive well you have entered into the lion’s den and there is no way out, Catherine hope you remember what i told you when i was in the prison that when it comes to my child i can kill anybody, Lucia there is no way out for you and your stupid child, Catherine can i have my child now,guards pull her down, Catherine this is how you want to play the game then i will show you that am a game mistress,then show me what you got..

(The war started Lucia was busy killing everyone without mercy, Alexia also came to support her support her sister, Catherine was busy laughing at them until she uses her magic to draw power from Lucia body,it was too late for Lucia to save herself, Catherine went to bring Cassandra, so that she could see her mom struggling for life) sweetheart what did i tell you,ma can you please leave my mom out of all this i came to meet you in my own free will,(struggling for breath) Cassandra why would you do this why did you come here i don’t want to loose you again dear,mom can you just stop talking please i would find solution, Cassandra no solution you can also see for yourself that Kimberly and Alexia are unable to help,mom please just let us go for the sake of what we had before,then who will save you..

(Has she was busy talking they heard a voice it was Anderson’s voice) Catherine what’s all these rubbish you are doing can you just let them go, Anderson what are you doing here,(Anderson bent down to talk to Lucia)my love am really sorry for letting you go for the first time is not going to happen anymore,(crying)my love i really miss you thanks for coming to save me but is already late.

Don’t say that okay please you can’t leave me now cos you are a strong woman i just cannot imagine my life without you,wow is this a family gathering; Anderson what are you doing here why can’t you just stay at home and listen to my instructions,what are you saying Catherine what wrong has my wife and daughter done to you that made you think this punishment is okay for them,my love you don’t have to say that or have you forgotten that am your only love,can you keep quiet and let them go just allow Lucia to treat herself,so that you would go back to her right;well am sorry to say she is not going anywhere…

(Anderson in his angry state want to kill Catherine but before he could get there Catherine has already struck him down)Am sorry to do this to you have told myself that am going to kill who so ever stands in my way of killing this two,(Crying) Catherine is this what you want, Lucia can you just keep quiet and die slowly so enjoy with your lovely husband in the after life,(facing Cassandra) sweetheart i and your dad loves you so much but you have to fight for your right here you are the rightful owner of this throne,(crying)mom what else can i do i am helpless and powerless i just want to go with you guys there is nothing am doing here i just want to go with you two,well is okay guys you all should stop your family gathering now and you Cassandra you are my slave now, sweetheart don’t mind her you just have to show her what you got i know there is still some powers inside you, (getting angry) Catherine stop all this your nonsense now that’s an order not a request,(laughing really hard)hahaha what a funny girl your mom can never withstand not to talk about you; Cassandra my little girl of yesterday, Catherine i just told you to stop whatever you are doing cos i will take it serious with you:just let my parent go so that the will take there treatment, Cassandra are you normal,you are talking to me your mom.

You stopped been my mom ever since I noticed that you are a betrayal, Cassandra love i just want you to obey all my commands right(she started casting a spell) Catherine too late cos it doesn’t work on me,then let’s fight with our powers let’s see who is the real queen and you can only get your parent out of here alive if you beat me and if i eventually defeat you I will kill you and also kill your parents.

(The fight started between the two and Catherine has already defeated Cassandra but this was Cassandra last chance of winning so she got angry and gathered all her powers together and struck Catherine down)(breathing heavily)I told you that you are going to loose this time and am also sorry that am the one that will kill you, sweetheart am sorry I already know that you would kill me so am not surprise,and am also sorry for doing this also(she brought out her sword and cut of her head)(crying)mom am sorry for doing this,my love is not your fault don’t blame yourself for anything,(she wipe her tears )Aunt Alexia can you please take my parent to where the would be treated,yes my queen,am not your queen just do what i told you to do(Alexia and Kimberly took them to where they would be treated)🐠🐟🐠🐠🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🌺🐟🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟🐠🐠

Cassandra pov 🐟🐠🐠🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟

I never knew a day like this would come,where i will have to kill the woman who raised me up with love,but i have to do this for the sake of my real parent i don’t want to loose them again most especially my dad who i just got to know,I just hope they would get better after their treatment,i really want to have a heart to heart conversation with them i really want to know them better i just wist they would get better for the sake of love I have for them.🐠🐟🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠


(Mom and dad has gotten better now,mom has to leave her position for Alexia,mom said she deserves the throne more than her

Mom decided to leave the throne for Alexia so she could be a loving mother and a loving wife to i and dad,mom decided to leave the sea but she visit the sea sometimes,I wake up Everytime thanking God for making me be with my family but sometimes i miss mom Catherine even if later ended becoming a wicked mother she has been the best thing that has ever happened to me🐠🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐠🐠🐠🐟🐟🐟

🐠🐟THE END🐠🐟🐠