The Pastor’s Wife

The Pastor's Wife

What’s really sad about life is that many people carry hypocrisy and hatred for those struggling to open up about their problem, because the very people they should talk to might actually be happy to see them suffering.

I spoke with a woman who is silently enduring a terrible situation in her marriage. Despite this, she presents a perfect-picture family to others. When I asked her why she doesn’t confide in someone close to her for support, she explained that her pride stops her and she fears being rediculed by those around her instead of receiving help.

Isn’t it hard that most people have trust issues because of the bad experiences they’ve had with people? Some people hide their happiness because they worry it will make others feel jealous or insecure. Life shouldn’t be this way.

I wish the world was a better place.

Natasha stood on the same spot as yesterday when she was approached by Dickson, a young handsome guy who preached the word of God to her. And what occurred yesterday began to replay in her head.

Hello beautiful damsel, how are you doing today, Dickson asked

I’m, fine customer, just follow me to the room. I will do you well, can’t you see I’m very sexy, I’m a complete woman, check my front and back. Natasha replied as she turned around.

You are truly beautiful, by the way I’m Dickson by name what about you? Dickson asked

I don’t disclose my name to my customers but you look different, so I will tell you, I’m Natasha. Natasha replied

Well, I actually didn’t come to patronize you, but to share the word of God to you. Dickson Said.

I don’t have time for that now, I came here to make money, so if you don’t want to patronize me you can leave, Natasha replied

Okay! How much is per hour? Dickson asked

Now you are talking, per hour is 30 thousand naira, and if I sleep over it’s 100 thousand naira, Natasha replied

Dickson dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out 30 thousand naira and gave it to Natasha.

I like your kind of person, payment before service, follow me let’s go. Natasha turned to go.

No! I’m not going to sleep with you, I pay for one hour for us to talk, Dickson replied

Just to talk and you paid me 30 thousand naira? Natasha asked

Yes! Dickson replied

Okay, let’s talk. Natasha Said

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, father LORD, I asked that this your word am about to share brings light and understanding into the heart of Natasha, let the word break every bondage and set her free, in Jesus name. Dickson prayed but Natasha was just laughing at Dickson.

I’m not in bondage, I’m a free person, do you know I own a car and house? Do you know I’m the one training myself in the University? So I’m not in bondage. Natasha replied.

Natasha Williams, do you know who you truly are? Dickson asked

How did you know my father’s name? Natasha asked,

The secret of the LORD came upon me when I was in my prayer room, He sent me to tell you that, there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction. He opened your file to me, you are the only daughter of your mother, your father married two wives, Monica which is your mother and Alice is the second wife, your mother passed away when you just finished your secondary school, she had a serious fight with your step mother the previous day, then she died early hours the following day, and after then your father chased you out, and that is how you found yourself in prostitution house. But that is not the will of God for you, you have a great destiny, your step mother saw it and she vowed that you will never become anything in life, she pushed you into prostitution. But I brought the message of Hope to you, I brought the message of salvation to you, if only you will believe, you will be set free and your glorious destiny will begin to manifest. Dickson said and Natasha was already in tears, she was weeping bitterly.

How did you know all these? I don’t enjoy doing this, but it’s my only source of livelihood after my mom passed away. I was forced Into the street at a tender age, then I met Luisa who introduced me Into prostitution. Natasha cried.

You are a great woman of God, a great Evangelist but the enemies saw this and decided to change it, but there is God that lives above who rules over the affairs of men, He alone can set you free and that is if you believe. Dickson Said.

It’s too late for me sir! I can’t turn back now, my sins are way too much for God to let go and rescue me. Natasha replied

Your sins are not too much. Isaiah 1: 18 says. Come now let us reason together, though your sins is dark as Scarlet, it can be white as snow though they be red as crimson they can be white as wool,

Verse 19 says if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the Land.

It doesn’t matter how terrible the sins are, our God is able and just to forgive, Dickson Said

You don’t understand the gravity of my sins, Natasha replied with tears and smiles.

How terrible is it that you think our God cannot forgive you? Dickson asked

Very terrible. Natasha replied

No matter how terrible you think it is. Our God is able, for the Bible says in Roman 8:32: He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? All y need to do is to ask and it shall be given. Dickson Said

After several abortions I went to the hospital with my own legs, I told the doctor to remove my womb, because I don’t want to get pregnant again, I sleep with almost 25 men per day, I’m a chronic prostitute, that is what I’m telling you. So do you still think God can forgive me? Natasha replied with tears in her eyes.

Yes! My God can wipe the slate clean, He can take the burden off your shoulders if you are willing, He will mend your broken heart if you give him the pieces. Dickson said

This is the only Job I have done in my life, how will I survive? Natasha asked

The LORD always makes away, Dickson replied and Natasha was quite. Can I pray for you? Dickson asked

Sure! Natasha replied and Dickson held her hands.

Say after me. LORD Jesus, I’m a Sinner, but today I come to you, have mercy upon me, forgive all my sins and accept me as your daughter, I want to serve you all the days of my life. In Jesus Name.

Amen, Natasha replied.

Dear LORD I have come as you have asked of me, Dickson was still praying for Natasha when Luisa came and removed his hands from Natasha’s hands

What are you doing? Our clients are waiting for us and you are praying? Luisa drags Natasha along, she was trying to stop Luisa but she kept dragging her along.

I’m sorry, let’s talk tomorrow, Natasha said to Dickson

May the Grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you, Dickson said to Natasha with tears in his eyes.

The following day, Natasha came back to the same spot to wait for Dickson, but Dickson did not show up, and she didn’t have his number, for the very first time she became angry with Luisa for not allowing her to collect Dickson’s number. She waited for awhile again but no sign of Dickson and then a car parked close to Natasha

Hello! The occupant of the car said

Hi Natasha replied

Come in let’s go, he said and Natasha entered the car and they drove off. Immediately they left Dickson came back but no sign of Natasha

On their way Natasha wasn’t free, she felt as if something is wrong about the guy, she tried to start a conversation with the guy

I’m Natasha, Natasha said

Do you think names are necessary? We should rather talk about Price, how much for the whole night? The guy Said

100 thousand, Natasha replied

I will pay you 150 thousand naira, the guy Said

That’s generous of you. Natasha replied

It’s nothing! The guy said as he continue driving.

They got the guy’s place, he brought out a bottle of wine and poured some into a glass and hand it to Natasha, she collect it and sip a little, that was it.

She woke up the following day and found a pot of charms, different colours of candles, a knife with blood stain everywhere, she checked herself but there wass no injuries, she quickly sneaked out and began to run, the guy and one other guy were chasing after her on their car, they caught her and dragged her back to the house.

Why are you stressing us? The other guy Said

I’m sorry! Just allow me to go. Natasha replied

Hahaahhaa! Go? You can’t go, this is the end of the road for you, you will die tonight! The other guy said as they left and shut the door behind Natasha

Natasha cried, the blood on the floor is scary, she was out of options and then she remembered Dickson, how I wish Dickson came earlier, I wouldn’t have met this guys, how I wish I didn’t come out today. She continued blaming herself and then the scripture Dickson quoted for her came to her mind

Roman 8:32: He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? So God can give us all things freely? So He can save me? For the first time in a long while, Natasha knelt down and began to pray.

Dear LORD! I know that I don’t know you that much, but if you can set me free, I will never go back to prostitution again, I will forever serve you all the days of my life till my last breath. Help me LORD, she was still praying when four guys walked Into the room with machete in their hands.

Save me Dear LORD, Natasha whispered as she closed her eyes tight

Natasha closed her eyes so tight but tears was still dropping down her cheeks, then she felt someone touched her, she opened her eyes and saw a man with outstretched arms beaconing on her to come, she was scared because of those guys with machete, she looked at the man again and gave Him her hand and He lead her out, but the guys were busy scattering everywhere searching for her

The man held her hand and was humming a popular hymn, “Trust and Obey”

When we walk with the Lord

In the light of his word

What a glory he sheds on our way

While we do his good will

He abide with us till

And with all who will trust and obey

Trust and obey,

For there’s no other way

To be happy in Jesus,

But to trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise,

Not a cloud in the skies,

But His smile quickly drives it away;

Not a doubt or a fear,

Not a sigh or a tear,

Can abide while we trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear,

Not a sorrow we share,

But our toil He doth richly repay;

Not a grief or a loss,

Not a frown or a cross,

But is blest if we trust and obey.

But we never can prove

The delights of His love,

Until all on the altar we lay;

For the favor He shows,

And the joy He bestows,

Are for them who will trust and obey.

Then in fellowship sweet

We will sit at His feet,

Or we’ll walk by His side in the way;

What He says we will do;

Where He sends, we will go,

Never fear, only trust and obey

Natasha remembered the hymn, back when she was a kid the choir always sing the hymn Sunday morning, Even though He was humming it, the song was so captivating and soul piercing, As He continue to hum the song Natasha felt guilty, her sins bare before her, the song was reminding her of her wayward lifestyle, she began to weep as they walks side by side

Jesus thou son of David, have mercy on me, I know I have failed you, I know I have wondered away from your presence, I know I’m not worthy, have mercy upon me, give me another chance, Dickson told me that in the Book of Isaiah 1: 18 says: come now let us reason together say the LORD, though your sins be as Scarlet, they shall be as White as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool.

Verse 19: if ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the Land.

LORD my sins are bare before me, I admit that I’m not worthy, but I’m willing and I will obey, have mercy upon me. Natasha continue to plead.with tears in her eyes

Fear not Daughter! Your sins has been forgiven, obey my word and do according to all that is written on it, then I will make your enemies your footstool, I will make you the head and not the tail, I will bless you till nations calls you blessed, I will lift you high above principalities, the word of God will be a light unto thy path and a lamp into your feet, meditate on it day and night then you shall have good success. I will come shortly, those that their name is not found in the book of life, will be thrown into the everlasting lake of fire, where there will be gnashing of teeth, follow my path because that day will be terrible, the man spoke and His voice echoes. And Natasha continue pleading for mercy.

Knee down! The man said and Natasha knelt down, He brought out Anointing oil and anoited her head, I will make you a voice to this generation, I will honour every word from your mouth, stand firm tribulations will come, trials will come, but fix your eyes on the Cross, Don’t go back to the world forget the formal things because I will do a new thing coming, there is another path that is set before you, Walk on the path diligently. The man said when they got to the road

How do I survive? Natasha asked

My Grace is sufficient for you. He replied and disappeared. And Natasha was shivering. Then a car came and parked beside her.

Hello! What are you doing here? The occupant of the car Said

I.. I’m.. Natasha stammered

Where are you going? She asked

Anywhere apart from here , Natasha replied still shaking

Get inside let’s go, the lady opened the car and Natasha entered and they drove off.

I’m Mildred by name.. the lady said

I’m Natasha, Natasha replied

So where are you heading to? Mildred asked

I don’t know, Natasha replied and Mildred stopped the car.

You don’t know? What Happened? Mildred asked

I will tell you, just keep driving, Natasha replied and Mildred continue driving., On the way Natasha opened up and told Mildred everything

Wow!, I’m just short of words, don’t worry, I’m promising you that I will be there for you. Mildred Said

“Thank you” Natasha replied. And they drove home,

It’s a beautiful two bedroom apartment, follow me let me take you to your room, Mildred Said as she led her to her room.

Thank you, Natasha replied

You are welcome, I’m going to prepare food for us to eat. Mildred Said

Okay! Natasha replied,and she began pace back and forth, wondering what the future holds for her, help me LORD, she said silently.

Mildred bought new clothes for her the following day, and she was excited because she left everything her bag, her phone and ATM cards at the guy’s place. Thank you very much. Natasha said

You are welcome, I will get you a Job so you can start afresh. Mildred replied

That will be good, because I need to engage myself, I don’t want to go back to my past life, Natasha Said

That’s good! Mildred replied.

For weeks they looked for job but none is forthcoming, Natasha was getting impatient,

So she went out again to look for a job. As she was coming back she passed the place she used to live before, she saw her car in her compound, and she wanted to go inside, she heard a voice audibly. “Don’t go back to the world, anyone that put his hands on the plough and looked back is not fit for the kingdom”

Natasha quickly turned back and Luisa came out shouting her name. Natasha, where have you been, have been looking for you. But Natasha ran out without saying a word to Luisa, she ran to a church nearby and lay at the Altar,and she began to cry to God

Forgive me LORD, I made a promise that I will never go back to the world, and I intend to keep, give me the Grace to stand LORD because it’s not easy with me, She began to cry

“The Grace of God is sufficient for you” a voice replied and Natasha stood up, it was Dickson, she ran and hugged him

Where have you been? I waited for you but you never came back, Natasha said

I did came back, but you were gone before I could reach there Dickson replied

How? Natasha asked

I saw you entering the car, and I was calling you but you didn’t hear me,

I almost lost my life, that day Natasha cried

But mercy said no to the devil, and the Grace of God brought you back.Dickson replied smiling

Yeah! His Grace is enough for me, Natasha replied

Let’s sit down and talk Dickson Said

Okay! Natasha replied and they sat down

I’m glad that God has brought you back to where he has prepared for you, there’s a lot about you and I want you to hold on to God, and you will never regret it.. you will travel round the world, nations will hear you ministering the word of God, healing and raising the dead, Dickson said

I don’t understand anything you are saying, I don’t even know how to pray, I don’t know what the future holds for me, I’m confused, sometimes I’m tempted to go back to my old life, to even get a Job is a problem, if Mildred didn’t give me to eat I won’t eat, what do I do? Natasha asked

I Peter 5:10 says: The God of all grace, who hath called us unto eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. This is a time of pruning, it’s a time the LORD is separating you, the LORD is working on you, you must stand strong, He will surely settle you, when He’s done with you. I know it’s not easy. I will place you on three days fasting and prayers, asked God to reveal who you are and what He has called you to do, then you will understand and continue pressing forward, it won’t be easy, after this prayers lot of things will happen, you will be tempted to quit, but if you overcome doors will be opened unto you. Dickson replied

My God help me, and I know you will be around to guide me also, Natasha said

God will definitely help you, but I won’t be around, this is my last day in Nigeria, I’m traveling to London tomorrow, Dickson replied and Natasha felt a sharp pains piercing through her heart,

What! How do I stand? I thought you will be around to encourage me? Natasha asked with tears in her eyes,

I’m traveling because I’m getting married to my fiancee, who stays in London by next week, Dickson replied

Jesus! Natasha held her head with both hands as tears continue to drop down her eyes

It’s well, everything will be fine, I can assure you that, Dickson Said

Thanks for everything, Natasha replied

Dickson dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a bundle note of 100 thousand naira and hand it her, “use this to buy some little, little things you will need, we will talk on phone” Dickson said.

Thank you, but I no longer have a phone, Natasha replied

Follow me, Dickson took her to the store and bought her a new phone,

I don’t know what i would have done without you.. may the good LORD bless you.

Amen! Just promised me that when next I return I will still meet you in the Faith. Dickson said

By the Grace of God I will. Natasha replied.

The Grace of God is sufficient for you. Dickson said

Have a safe trip, and I wish you happy married life in advance. Natasha replied as they hugged each other and went their separate ways.

The following day, Natasha started the prayers, she began to worship God in her room, it was so powerful that the whole building was filled by the presence of God, she was lost in worship as she began to speak in tonques, she couldn’t stop, she kept at it for hours till the second, she couldn’t believe herself, she continued till the last day and then same man that saved her the other time came. In a flame of fire,.

My daughter! Fear thee not, before you were born I have called thee and ordained you a prophet, whatever you will ask of me I will do it, I will honour every word from your mouth, you will raise the Dead and heal the sick, I will make you a voice to this generation, stand on the truth always no matter what, I will be with you always, He said and touched Natasha on her head and she fell down groaning in the Holyghost.

After awhile, Natasha stood up and began to worship God and giving thanks to God Almighty.

The following day Mildred called Natasha to the parlour, she came and sat down

I’m sorry to say this, I want you to leave my house! Mildred Said

Leave your house? If I have done any wrong to you, tell me and I will apologize to you. Natasha replied

You didn’t offend me, my boyfriend is coming and I’ll need my privacy, Mildred said

Natasha knelt down, with tears in her eyes, and began to plead with Mildred.

Stand up! Don’t knee down for me please Mildred said

Thank you, Natasha replied as she stood up and went to her room, she knelt down, and began to pray. Dear LORD, I know you are seeing what is happening, remember you promised to be with me always, I don’t even know my next destination, lead me please, Natasha prayed, and she stood up and left.

She didn’t know which direction to go, she just started walking aimlessly on the street and it began to rain heavily, there was no place to hide, she continued walking under the rain. After awhile the rain stopped and she heard some people screaming and she ran to where the voices were coming from and then she saw people have gathered and they were crying

What Happened she asked,

This lady just lost her only son. A lady Said

Was the boy sick? Natasha asked

No! She’s sick the lady replied again.

Natasha pushed everyone aside and knelt beside the boy, everyone was looking at her.

Do you believe this boy will live again? Natasha asked, but everyone was quiet.

Hey! Woman, what nonsense are you talking about? Someone that is Dead? Please leave here if you don’t know what to say! an old woman said angrily.

Who is this woman? Natasha asked

She is my neighbor! The mother of the boy replied

Your neighbor? Natasha asked again

Yes! The mother of the boy replied again

Madam! What has this woman done to you that you have to kill her only son? Natasha asked and everyone was surprised

What nonsense are you talking about? The old woman asked angrily.

You will soon know. Natasha said and she knelt down began to worship God.

Mighty man of war..

Lion of Judah

We bow down and worship you

Yahweh! Yahweh!

Come and do! What only you can do.

Natasha continue to worship God and her voice echoes as the power of God came down mightily, everyone joined her in worship, and after awhile she stopped.

What is the name of this boy? Natasha asked

His name if Richard! The mother replied

Natasha laid her hands on the little boy’s head, Father LORD, glorify yourself in the life of this boy, just like your word said, that for this reason the son of God was made manifest that He may destroy the works of the devil, your word says whatsoever we shall asked in the name of Jesus Christ it shall be done, I believe in your word and I know you will have never fail and you will not fail me. Richard in the name of Jesus Christ come forth! She said that three times

And Richard sneezed three time and he stood up, everyone was surprised as they jumped up in excitement, glorifying the name of the LORD,

Fire! Fire! The old woman started creaming rolling on the floor, I will confess, she continue rolling on the floor and everyone kept quiet to hear what she’s saying

I poisoned him, i was jealous of mummy Richard and her family, please forgive me. The old woman began to cry and everyone was surprised.

It’s was a mix reaction, some where Happy for the the boy, while others were angry at the old woman.

Then someone came out from the crowd who recognized Natasha, is this not Natasha? The popular prostitute who stays at the popular Orent Hotel? The guys asked and everyone was eagerly waiting for her response.

Natasha took a deep breath, yes I was but not anymore, because the greater one now lives inside of me, His name is Jesus, He saved me from hell, He rewrote my stories, now I’m a new creature, old things has passed away, and all things have become new. That same Jesus is still here waiting for you, it doesn’t matter how far you have gone, it doesn’t matter the sins you have committed. He said as many that belives to them He gave the power to be called the sons of God. I wouldn’t have been able to bring this boy alive, but is the nature of God, He has given us power to raise the dead and heal the sick. So for you to know me very well means you must have been patronizing prostitute very well, so I beg you, to turn around and follow God, because there’s a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction. I have been there and I can tell you there is no way there. Natasha replied and the boy was quite.

God brought me here for a purpose, and today you have all seen it, what if I didn’t accept Christ as my personal LORD and savior? What I’d I rejected salvation? What if I was still a prostitute? Do you think this boy would have been alive today? Many are dying out there because we refused to make ourselves available to be used by God, and their blood will be required from our hands on the Last day.

The spirit of the LORD is upon me, because he has anoited me to preach the gospel to the poor, he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. So I asked everyone of you here today, between light and darkness which do you prefer? When the roll is called up yonder” will you be there? Natasha was ministering and the power of God came upon the people, and they started praying in the Holyghost. She later led them to Christ. And they were happy, and she turned around to go then she saw the Joy in hearts of the people, this made her happy.

Immediately she crossed the road still drenched in water, she heard her name and she looked up, it was Luisa.

Babe, what is happening? Luisa asked as she draws closer to her.

Nothing is happening, I’m fine, Natasha replied

Why are you soaked in water, you abandoned your car and house and you are walking about the street with Bible in your hand and you are telling me nothing is happening? Luisa asked again

Jesus happening to me, so old things has passed away and everything has become new. Natasha replied

I don’t understand! Are you sure one of those Alhaji or those Yahoo boys have not used you for rituals? Luisa asked

Not at all! God is the one using me now, and it’s the best place to be. Natasha replied

Follow me let’s go and see the Doctor, Luisa Said.

I will tell you everything, then you will understand me, Natasha replied

Tell me! Luisa Said. And Natasha narrated how everything happened.

This is confusing, God saved you, so? What about your house and car? did God also asked you to abandoned them? Luisa asked

They are distractions, for now I don’t needs them, I need to secure my place in Zion, and I know every other things shall be added including,cars, house, just name it. Natasha replied

What? Luisa was surprised

The blessings of God makes rich and added no sorrow, Natasha replied

So I can take everything? Luisa asked

You are free. Natasha replied

Thank you, you can go ahead and secure your place in heaven if you must, that’s your business. Luisa Said as she drove off.

Natasha was surprised she didn’t know the next steps to take,she doesn’t even have a place to lay her head. She look at her right and she saw a church and she entered the Church, she went to the Altar to pray, and then she slept off. That’s how she started sleeping in the Church, at night she will pray and sleep, she will wake up early in the morning before anyone will come to church.

She is always the first person to be seated during church service, her dedication to the work of God is unwavering, she always clean the whole Church before anyone will come

One day she came early as usual, it was a weekly activity, The Pastor was seated with few members and the Pastor called on Natasha to come and lead the opening prayers, Natasha hesitated for awhile,

Come up daughter! The pastor Said again and Natasha stoop up and collected the microphone and began to worship God, she tried to stop but the power of God was so strong upon her, and then she began to pray in the Holyghost, she was lost in the worship and for hours she was still praying, she couldn’t stop, the anointing was so strong that everyone was screaming,

After awhile Natasha stopped and opened her eyes, she saw everyone on the floor, she was surprised as she dropped the mic and went back to her seat, and that was the end of the sermon that day because she took the whole time ministering in Holyghost and in power.

The following Sunday the Pastor called Natasha out. What is your Name young lady? The pastor asked

I’m Natasha by name Sir.

Where are you staying?

I’m staying with my friend in G.R.A Natasha replied

After you led the prayers in our last weekly activity I was led by the holy spirit to do this. The Pastor said as he brought out Anointing oil and began to pray for Natasha,

From today henceforth I’m putting you in charge as our new prayer band leader, since our prayer band leader travelled, and I pray that the LORD Almighty will give you the Grace to stand firm and do His will, the Pastor prayed and for her and she went back to her seat.

Few days later Natasha sex videos was sent to the Pastor, he was wondering who sent it to him, that night the pastor could not sleep, who is this Natasha? The Pastor was full of questions.

The following prayer band meeting being the first day Natasha will lead as the new prayer leaders, she was seated even before time, waiting for others to come, she prepared very well, she prayed through the night asking God to take control and help her to do it right

Soon they began to come one after the other, she noticed the expression on their faces, she could not tell what is wrong with them, so after awhile she stood up and asked everyone to be upstanding, but no one answered her, she was confused,

You are not our leader, we cannot have a whore as a leader, Jessy Said

What? Natasha was surprised and Jessy moved close to her and show her some of the videos,

Natasha ran out of the Church with tears, she didn’t look where she was going and she was knocked down by a car, and was rushed to the nearby hospital, she was place on oxygen because she wasn’t breathing

Will she survive? Joan asked

I don’t know yet, let’s observe her for today. The Doctor replied as series of test was conducted on her,

I pray she survive, I have never killed anyone before Joan cried.

Don’t worry madam, she will survive, the assured Joan.

Natasha was unconscious as she saw herself on a journey crossing to the other side. She got to a beautiful gate made of gold, and the angel stopped her from entering.

Why? Natasha asked

Because anyone whose name is not found in the book of life, will be cast into the everlasting lake of fire, the Angel Said

But I’m not a Sinner, I have given my life to Christ, I’m a born gain christian, Natasha replied and the son of man appeared.

It is true that you are a born again Christian, but In Revelation 21:8 says : But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murders, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and liars shall have their part in the late of fire, which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. And you guilty of lying. The son of man said

Lying? How? Natasha asked

And the LORD point towards a wall and Natasha saw herself on a big screen when the Pastor asked her where she’s staying. And she replied that she staying with her friend in G.R.A with her friend, meanwhile she was sleeping in the Church.

Forgive me, I didn’t want them to know that I’m sleeping in the Church, Natasha cried.

No liar can enter the kingdom of God, now follow me, He held Natasha and led her to the other side which is hell, the horror there was scary, the fire was burning continuously as people were crying gnashing their teeth, and asking the son of man to have mercy upon them, “give us a second chance and we will serve you” they were crying and pleading.

Anyone that refused to to accept me, this is their place, the son of man Said

Please forgive me, give me another chance, Natasha held his garment, with tears in her eyes,

I will give you another chance because you still have a lot to do for me, your assignment is not yet over, go back and tell them what you saw here and warn them because after death is judgement, the son of man said. And Natasha woke up in the hospital with tears in her eyes

Thank you Jesus! Natasha said, she tried to stand up and the Doctor asked her not to

Lie still, don’t force it, the Doctor said

What happened? Natasha asked

You were hit by a car. The Doctor replied

A car? Natasha was surprised as she tried to remember, then tears began to drop down her eyes, she remembers everything now. And then Joan walked in

Oh she’s awake, Joan Said

Yes, she is, the Doctor replied

Young lady, how are you? Joan asked

I’m fine, Natasha replied

I’m sorry for hitting you sweetheart. Joan said

It’s not your fault, the fault it’s all mine, I wasn’t looking, Natasha replied

Doctor, how long will she be here? Joan asked the doctor

We will monitor her till tomorrow, the Doctor replied

Okay! I’m off the an event I will come back tomorrow to check on her, Joan Said

Okay, the Doctor replied

Sweetheart, I will see you tomorrow, Joan bent down and kissed Natasha as she left

Natasha was just in tears as the whole event began to replay in her head, what if I had? died. That would have been the end for me, I would have joined those in hell. Thank you LORD for your mercy, LORD, please give me the Grace not to fail on the last day. Natasha prayed silently.

The following day Joan came and paid off the hospital bills, then she turned to Natasha, can I take you to your house? Joan asked

I have no place to lay my head, Natasha replied

What do you mean? Joan sat down to listen. And Natasha explained all that happened to her.

Jesus Christ! People can be so heartless! well I will take you to my place, I have three bedrooms, and I’m the only one in the whole building if you don’t mind moving in with me, Joan said

I would have love to but I don’t want what happened to repeat itself again Natasha replied

It won’t, I promise, Joan said

It’s okay, Natasha stood up and followed Joan.

It’s a beautiful apartment, every thing was well placed, and Joan took Natasha her room

After awhile Joan invited Natasha to the dinning, and she brought out food and they ate after eating, they went back to the sitting room.

I would love to talk to you, Joan said

It’s okay, I hope there’s no problem? Natasha asked

Not at all. I’m a Director in my office, and I will like to know your qualifications, Joan asked

Well, I’m in 300 level, before this whole event took place, Natasha replied

How about if I employ you, and you continue your education till you graduate? Joan asked

Wow! That would be lovely, Natasha replied kneeling down to greet Joan

Don’t do that, stand up please, take me as your eldest sister, don’t be scared to asked me anything, we are now family, Joan said

God bless you abundantly, Natasha replied.

There was a hunger in Natasha’s heart, the revelation she had was scary, she needs to take the message back to the people, how do I convinced them about what I saw? The world is blinded, no one believes God anymore, LORD help me to do my part, I don’t want to be a cast away on the Last day.

That night Natasha began to worship God for hours and Joan join her, and they both prayed together and the Holyghost came down mightily in their midst and Natasha began to give Joan message.

Some people are planning to dupe you, don’t give in to them, because if you do, you will be arrested and jailed. Do you know anyone called Maxwell? Natasha asked

Yes! Yes, he’s my fiancee, Joan replied

That guy is dangerous, he will come with a business plan, and if you fall for him you will be duped and the company you are working with will jail you. Take heed to what I’m saying, please Natasha Said

I will, but he loved me very much! Joan replied

He doesn’t love you, there is a plan going on as I’m talking to you, few days from now, he will come with the plan, no matter how sweet he may sound, don’t give in, the LORD loves that’s why He’s revealing this secret to you, Natasha said and they concluded the prayers and everyone went to their rooms

Joan was confused about what Natasha Said, she truly love Maxwell, is Maxwell capable of doing that? Well let’s watch and see, Joan said.

The following Sunday Natasha dressed up for church and Joan asked her which church she’s going?

My church of course, Natasha replied

What! The same church your sex videos was shared? Joan asked

Well, the LORD has not asked me to leave the Church, I know my assignment is not yet over in that church Natasha replied

Hmm! It’s your choice, Joan said

So are you coming with me? Natasha asked

No! I’m going to my own church, Joan replied as they went their separate ways

Everyone was just staring at Natasha when she walked into the church, but she kept her cool, after service the pastor asked her to wait behind,

Good afternoon sir, Natasha greeted the pastor as she walks into his office.

Afternoon my daughter, where have you been? The pastor asked

I had an accident, so I was just discharged few days ago, Natasha replied

Accident? How? The pastor asked.

Well, after you appointed me as the new prayer band leader, my first day was shocking, I got to the church, they said they won’t have a whore as their leader and they showed me my sex, video, which was my past before I met the LORD, and everything changed, I don’t know their aim of sharing the video, this is the house of God, and we are not contesting for an election that someone will want to blackmail me with my past in the house of God, So I was angry and sad, then I ran out in tears, I didn’t look very well till i was hit. I was unconscious for hours then I met the LORD, Sir the LORD gave me a message to give to the Church and everyone, I won’t allow my past to ruin my glorious future, so I will beg you for something, Natasha said

What is that? The pastor asked

A chance to tell the people what the LORD Said. Natasha replied

I will think about it, meanwhile you will step down as the prayer band leader for now, let me seek the face of God again concerning this. The pastor Said

It’s okay sir, Thank you.

You are welcome, the pastor replied as Natasha left.

Few days later, Joan called Natasha and told her that Maxwell brought the business plan just as you said

I know, so what did you tell him? Natasha asked

I told him I will think about it first, Joan replied

Call him and tell him you can’t do it because you are not interested. Natasha

Okay, thanks, Joan replied as she cut the call.

Later in the evening, Joan came back from work, her face was swollen and Natasha surprised

What happened? She asked

I told him I’m not interested about the business and he broke up with me, Joan replied with tears in her eyes,

You shouldn’t be crying, you should be grateful that it happened this way, or do you prefer to be jailed? Natasha asked

No! Joan replied

Don’t worry, a better man will come, he’s a scam. Natasha consoled her.

In the dream of the night after prayers, the LORD appeared to Natasha, and said to her, “you have not delivered my message” then she woke up trembling, and she began to plead for mercy.

The following day she went to look for Luisa at the popular joints, immediately she appeared, they were hailing her, she responded well to them , then she saw Luisa,

What have you come here to do? I have sold your car, and your house, Luisa Said

Don’t worry about that, it’s all yours, I came for something different. Natasha replied

What? Luisa asked.

I want you to gather all the prostitutes for me, there’s something important that I want to tell them, Natasha replied

I can’t do it, Luisa Said

Then be ready to return my car and my house, Natasha replied

Okay! I will do it, but why do you want to see them? Luisa asked

I want to tell them about God, Natasha replied

Are you okay? Do you think they will listen to you? They don’t care about some God somewhere. Luisa Said

They will listen when they see me dress like one of them, Natasha replied

When? Luisa asked

By tomorrow, Natasha replied

Okay! I will do that, Luisa replied and Natasha left.

That night Natasha prayed till the following day asking God to touch the hearts of the people. So that the words that will come out of her mouth will penetrate the heart of the people

The following day she dressed up like a prostitute and put her Bible in her bag.

Where do you think you are going with this dress? Joan asked

To win soul to God. Natasha replied

Really? And you are dressed like this? Joan asked

To tell them I was one of them before, well I want you to follow me to see for yourself, Natasha replied

I can’t follow you like this Joan replied

Then stay in your car and watch Natasha pleaded with her, and they went

When Natasha stepped out they were hailing her because she was one of the them, and she is among the first set who taught them about prostitution.

She walked to the middle and they were eagerly waiting to hear what she has for them, because Luisa has promised them that Natasha will introduce them to a business that will fetch them quick money.

Greetings to you all, I’m glad you came on such a short notice. But before we proceed, I want us to pray Natasha Said, they were surprised at first then they closed their eyes reluctantly.

Holy spirit, penetrate the heart of your daughters and let their eyes of understanding be opened, Natasha prayed silently.

I was once like you till I was kidnapped by some guys who wanted to use me for rituals. But the LORD saved me, they were about to butcher me, they were five in numbers with machete in their hands, then I prayed silently, I told God that if He save me from this, I will never go into prostitution again, they came to the room but could not see me, then our LORD Jesus appear and stretches out his hand and held me, He led me out of the room and they didn’t see me till I escaped.

What if I wasn’t saved by God? That’s how prostitutes are missing every now and then, no one cares, they are used for rituals and other things, it may happen to you and that will be the end because no one cares, all the hustling will just end, some of us sleeps with several men before we will be able eat, that is not the will of God for us, the Bible says you beautifully and wonderfully made, our body is the temple of God, why sell it for just a few Naira? The blessings of God makes rich and added no sorrow, most of you here are not really happy about prostituting, but the condition you find yourselves is not helping either. Most of you here are Evangelist, prophetess, bankers, lawyers and Doctors, yet look at where we are today, sleeping with different men to just to feed, and buy stuff

Wake up O’ you sleeping Deborahs, Don’t you know that generation is tied to your rising?

Then why do you sleep?

Don’t you know your families is still tormented by demons because you are not in your duty post?

This is not the plan of God for you, it’s not too late to be who God wants you to be.

Judges 5: 12 Awake, Awake, Deborah, awake, utter a song…

Natasha continue to minster and the Power of the Holyghost came down strong in their midst and they began to scream out, Natasha began to worship God powerfully

If you don’t help me where else can I go.

No where, no where

If you don’t heal me where else can I go.

No where, no where,

If you don’t fix me where else can I go

No where, no where…

Natasha continue to sing and her voice echoes like thunder, and they began fall under the anoited as the power of God moved mightily in the midst of the people.

After awhile she made an Altar call and almost all of them came out and gave their lives to Christ, it’s an usually meeting, because they were broken, and Luisa came and knelt down before Natasha after they dismissed

Why are you kneeling down for me? Natasha asked

I’m responsible for your sex videos leak, Luisa replied

Natasha was pained as tears began to drop down her eyes.. I forgive you, Natasha replied and Luisa stood up and hugged her

I want to follow this your God Luisa Said

Congratulations sweetheart, Joan said as they hugged each

Thanks” Natasha replied as tears drops down her eyes,

Wow! I was shivering when you were ministering, I can’t believe my eyes. Joan Said

All Glory belongs to God Almighty, Natasha replied,

Wherever you go I will follow you, Luisa Said

But I don’t have anywhere else to go, I’m squatting with Joan, you have house and car, why do you want to follow me? Natasha asked

I have all those things but after your preaching tonight, I had a change of mindset, I felt the emptiness in my heart, I felt the hunger to know God the more, please take me along with you Luisa replied

I understand, but…Natasha was confused, she didn’t know what else to tell Luisa.

Don’t worry, you can come with us, we still have space in the house Joan replied

Thank, Luisa Said to Joan

God bless you, Natasha said to Joan as she hugged her and they entered the car and drove home

They got home, and they began to worship God for the successful meeting, and after that they prepare food and they ate,

Natasha was worried, what would become of the people she preached to? Will they go back? This became a burden to her and she began to pray about it, she was asking God to to provide financially to enable her pull some of the girls off the street and set them on various trades, she continue praying to God to bless her financially and it seems the answer is coming forth.

What is going on? Joan asked Natasha,

I’m worried about those girls Natasha Said

Why are you worried about Joan asked

I don’t want them to go back to the street Joan replied Natasha

First of all try and gather them together again and talk to them, get their opinions then you will know what else to do. Joan advised.

I will help you gather them again if you want. Luisa Said

That will be good, but where are we meeting? Natasha asked

You can invite them here, if the parlour is not enough then they can use the compound. Joan replied

What would I have done without you? Natasha said as she hugged Joan.

Make yourselves comfortable I would be going to work see you girls when I come back. Joan said as she left

So how do we go about everything now? Natasha asked Luisa,

Don’t worry, I will just message them on our WhatsApp group

So the group is still active? Natasha asked

Yes! Luisa replied

Then message them and text them the venue. Natasha Said

Luisa message them, and Natasha went to the kitchen and she began to cook for them. Later in the evening they came but not all of them,

You guys are welcome, I really appreciate you guys for coming, what about the rest? Natasha asked

Most of them have gone back to school, while some got jobs, Sonia replied

Wow! I’m happy that some has gone back to work, and school,so we that are here, I want to ask us, what do you want to do now because I don’t want any of you go back to prostitution. So I will start with you, Naomi, what do you want to do now? Natasha asked

I want to go back to my tailoring, noami Said

What about you, Tessy, I want to go back to my baking, I’m a caterer, Tessy and the rest opened up about what they want to do. Even the graduates amongst them brought their CVs for jobs

By next week you guys should come back, those that need jobs will get Job, and those that need money to set up their business will get it. Natasha Said

Are you sure? Luisa asked

I’m sure because there’s nothing the LORD cannot do, He will make a away where there seems to be no way,. So can you all be on our feet let’s commit this discussion we just had to God, I know he won’t fail us, Because He said in his word that we should come to Him with strong reason. So we are going to cry to him because we don’t want to go back to the street, we don’t want to sell our body for few naira, Arise Oh LORD and grant our heart desires. Natasha said and they began to pray, after awhile the closed the prayers and everyone went back with joy.

So what do we do now? Natasha asked Luisa.

Let’s sell your house and car, I will also sell mine, then we can use the money to settle them. Luisa replied

What! You mean the house and car is still available? Natasha asked

Yes. It is Luisa replied

Then you have to sell it before next week. Natasha said

Okay! Luisa replied and Natasha was relieved.

Joan came back and she explained everything to her,

That’s good, at least I can give the graduates amongst them jobs. I have at least seven space plus yours making it eight space Joan replied

Wow! God will continue to bless you, but give the eight of them the Job, I will get mine later Natasha replied

Okay! If you say so Joan said as she entered her room.

Few weeks later, Natasha was able to engage all of them and none was without a Job or business, and she was satisfied.

I have found my ministry, she said excitedly,

How? Joan asked

Turning prostitutes to God, Natasha replied

That’s true, you really did an amazing job, they are all engaged and about four of them are getting married soon I’m really happy Joan said

Yeah! Me too, Natasha replied

Guess what? Joan said

I’m not good at guessing, just tell me big sis. Natasha replied

I got engaged today at the office to one of the director Nicolas by name , Joan said as she stretched out her fingers

Wow! I told you, that the right man will come unlike Maxwell who is a scam Natasha replied

Thank you for coming to my life, who know what would have become of me? Joan Said

God know our hearts. Natasha replied

And Luisa Walked in excitedly with smiles all on her face,

Why are you so happy? Joan asked

Well, I met Julius today, Luisa Said

Who is Julius? Joan asked

Julius is her boyfriend who travelled out of the country after graduating from the University. Natasha replied

I saw him at my place of work today and after much discussion, he proposed to me, he said he came because of me , that he’s taking out of the country after our marriage, Luisa Said

Wow! I’m happy for you, Natasha Said.

Thank you Natasha! for all you have done for me, this wouldn’t be possible if not for you, he said something, that if he met me still doing prostitution he would married another person, and travel with her, he also said he has been monitoring me for two weeks, then when he founds out that i have changed, he decided to propose to me, Luisa Said

Natasha is truly a blessing to this generation. Joan replied

I pray you meet a man of your dream in Jesus Name, Luisa Said

Amen! Both Natasha and Joan replied simultaneously.

Natasha continue visiting prostitutes houses bringing them to God, but the only challenges she is having now is fund to keep establishing them.

Natasha became a threat to the kingdom of darkness, she is pulling souls out from darkness.

This cannot continue, she must be stopped. Lucifer cried out.

So how do we stop her? Beelzebub asked

We cannot stop her because she is pure, Apollyon ( one of Lucifer agent, which also means destroyer) replied

Then we will push her into wrong marriage, this is the only way to get her, this will end her ministry. Leviathan said

She need funds to establish every souls she won, and now she doesn’t have fund to establish them, so I will packed one of my son to her, I will equipe him with all he needs to get her attention, money wealth and power. Lucifer replied

Who will go? Belial asked

I have a young Pastor who just graduated from pastoring school, he came looking for power, his name is Michael, I will use him for the assignment. Lucifer replied.

The following week Micheal was empowered to carry out the assignment, the assignment is simple, get close to her, offer her help and get married to her and end her ministry.

Natasha set out to visit another prostitution house as usual, on getting there she saw another Pastor ministering to the prostitutes, Natasha was happy, she listened to the powerful messages from the new pastor,

After he was done he walked up to Natasha, I heard what you are doing, my God will bless you, I’m Pastor Micheal, he introduced himself

Thank you Pastor Micheal, I saw what you are doing too, may God strengthen you. Natasha Said

Amen, Pastor Micheal replied

But the challenges is money to fix them somewhere, to get their minds off prostitution Natasha Said

That’s why I have come, I have enough fund and I will help them, I also want to work with you, Pastor Micheal replied

That would be great! Natasha replied excitedly.

This is my card, call me when you get home, Pastor Micheal replied as he gave Natasha his card and he entered his big Jeep and drove off.

Natasha was happy, Thank you LORD for sending a helper, Natasha replied as she went home

Natasha got home excitedly, she was all smiles, you are glowing differently these days sweetheart. Joan said

Yeah! God has been faithful, you know I have been praying to God for helper right? Natasha asked

Yeah! We are all praying about it. Luisa replied

I think God has answered us, Natasha said

For real? Joan asked

Yeah! Natasha replied

So tell us about this helper, Luisa Said.

I went to preach as usual, on getting there I met one Pastor Micheal, a young handsome and fireful man of God, he was ministering in power, then when he was done, he walked up to me and told me that he heard all the LORD is using me to do, that he would like to work with me, i told him it’s good that the only challenges is finance to take the prostitutes off the street, Natasha replied

So what did he say? Joan asked

He said money won’t be an issue, that he will help with any amount required. Natasha replied

Wow! That’s a good one, Luisa Said

Yeah! It is but you should also take it to God in prayer. Joan advised.

It’s answered prayer big sis, you know how long we have been praying for this, if it’s not from God it wouldn’t have come to pass. Natasha Said

Well, it’s okay, Joan replied

He even gave me his number to call him, Natasha Said

Wow! Hmm, let it not be what I’m thinking, Luisa Said

What are you thinking? Natasha asked

Maybe he’s your missing ribs. Luisa replied , they all laughed.

Luisa, what did you cook? I’m hungry, Natasha Said

Spaghetti! Luisa replied

Wow! That’s my favorite, I can’t wait to devour the whole pot Natasha said as she stood up and rushed to the kitchen to serve herself.

Later in the evening, she decided to call Pastor Micheal, Good evening sir.

Evening, who am I speaking to? Pastor Micheal asked

It’s me, Natasha.

Wow! How are you beautiful? Pastor Micheal asked

I’m fine, Natasha replied

I was worried because I didn’t see your call, and you know I don’t have your number. Pastor Micheal Said

Sorry about that sir. Natasha replied

Can we see tomorrow if you are not busy? Pastor Micheal asked

Yeah! What time? Natasha asked

In the evening, Pastor Micheal replied

Okay! At where? Natasha asked

I will text you the address. Pastor Micheal replied as he ends the call.

The following day, Natasha got the text and she dressed up and went to the address, from afar she sighted him as he leaned on his black Jeep, he’s cute and Godly, Natasha said silently.

Hope I didn’t keep you waiting? Natasha asked when she got there

Not at all, you are looking stunning. Pastor Micheal replied

And you are looking cute too, Natasha said

Thanks, let’s go, Pastor Micheal replied as he opened the door for Natasha and she entered the car and they drove off.

They drove to a big super market and Pastor Micheal bought her lots of provision, they drove to the boutique, he also bought lots of clothes and gave it to Natasha, she was surprised and she decided to speak.

I don’t really need all these things, material things are not my thing, my concern are the lost souls. Natasha Said

Even me too, that’s my priority too, but I’m doing this to show my appreciation for all you have been doing, if you are worried about money to take care of the girls, I will give you any amount you want, winning soul is our priority, okay? Pastor Micheal said

Okay! Thanks, Natasha replied with a smile, knowing fully well that they share the same goal.

They went to one eatry close by and he ordered for food and they ate, after that he brought out four million Naira cash and gave it to Natasha.

Use this for a start, make sure you got the girls engaged, Pastor Micheal Said

Wow! Thank you so much, Natasha replied hugging him.

You are welcome, Pastor Micheal said as they drove back to Natasha house and he turned to go,

Why don’t you come in and greet my friends Natasha said politely

Is it necessary? Pastor Micheal asked

Very necessary, I have told them about you, and I know they will be glad to see you. Natasha replied

Okay! Pastor Micheal came down and they went inside and Natasha introduced him to Luisa and Joan, then Joan and Luisa introduced themselves.

What do you care for? Natasha asked

Just water, Pastor Micheal replied and Natasha went and brought water for him, after drinking the water he stood up and Natasha escorted him out.

Wow! This guy is cute, Luisa Said

Yeah, he’s but I don’t know there’s something off about him, Joan replied

Really? But I didn’t notice anything, Luisa Said

I don’t know yet but with time, all I want is for Natasha to be careful Joan replied

Becareful about what? Natasha asked as she entered the room.

Nothing! Joan replied

This guy is cute Luisa said

Yeah he’s, can you imagine that he gave us four million to help those girls. Natasha Said

Four whole million? Joan asked

Yeah! Natasha replied

Wow! May God bless him, Joan said

Amen! They all replied.

Natasha continue her soul winning and people were getting converted and she was happy because the money is there to settle them,

Pastor Micheal was summoned again bey Lucifer

Simple assignment and you are delaying? Lucifer asked angrily

I was taking my time, the girl is very spiritual, and if I make any moves now she will suspect me, Pastor Micheal replied

I don’t have time to waste, she’s destroying my plans, she is tearing my kingdoms apart, I’m giving two weeks to get her. Lucifer Said

Okay My Lord, I will as you have commanded, Pastor Micheal replied bowing down.

Take this substance and put in her drink and food, this will make her unconscious, and then you can make love to her, and transfer demons to her true the sexual intercourse. She won’t be able to stand again, she will do all you want because we will be possesses and control by us, now open your mouth, Lucifer said to Pastor Micheal and he opened his mouth and Lucifer breath on his mouth, go now… and complete the mission. Lucifer Said and Pastor Micheal bow down and left.

One evening Natasha was tired and she didn’t pray before falling asleep, so at about 8pm she was woken up by the Holy spirit to pray but she was so weak, the urge to pray came upon her but she tried to get up and but she slept back again. And suddenly her phone began to ring and she jumped up it was Pastor Micheal

Hello! she Said after picking up the Call

Can you come to my place please. Pastor Micheal replied

What happened? Natasha asked

It’s urgent Pastor Micheal Said faintly

I’m on my way, Natasha jumped up and dressed up to go but Joan stood on her way.

Where are you going? Joan asked

Is like Pastor Micheal is in trouble and he needs my help, Natasha replied

I don’t think it’s right! Look at the time! Joan said

It’s just after eight, I will soon be home Natasha replied and she went straight to Pastor Micheal’s places, on getting there she met him on the dinning table.

What is happening and why did you sound as if you are dying? Natasha asked

Just take a sit first, I’m fine, sorry for calling you this late. Pastor Micheal replied

It’s okay, so what is so urgent that you couldn’t leave it till morning? Natasha asked

Well, I prepared a dinner for you, because there is something I would want us to discuss with you, Pastor Micheal replied

Hope it won’t take time because I want to be home before nine o’clock Natasha said

It won’t Pastor Micheal replied, he dish food and drink for Natasha,

1John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirit whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

The Bible says we should pray without ceasing because the devil is moving to and fro looking for who to devour.

The mistakes most Christians are making today is in the area of marriage, many Christians are woves in sheep clothing, their tongues are very sweet like honey, their mouths are filled with scriptures, they dress decently but their hearts is a Broad way to hell, and when you don’t have discernment of the spirit they fall for them.

No matter how weak you are, when you feel the burden to pray try and pray Because there may be a danger ahead and the holy Spirit may be waking you up to pray and avert the danger.

This is perilous time. Examine yourselves every now and then. You can be operating in power but your soul is on the way to hell, because the gift of God is without repentance. Some will say on the Last day, ” I heal the sick, I raised the dead in your name ,but Jesus will say to them “get behind me you workers of iniquity I know you not” may we not be cast away after our labour of Love in the vineyard of God.

I don’t have appetite to eat, Natasha Said

I’m sorry for inviting you this late, I came back late from program, please, you can’t waste the food because I put so much energy into preparing it, even if it’s just a little, please Pastor Micheal pleaded with Natasha.

I will just take a little because I’m not hungry, Natasha replied

Thanks, Pastor Micheal smiled as Natasha took the spoon and fork and began to eat.

You cook this? Natasha asked

Yes, I did Pastor Micheal replied

You must be a good cook then, Natasha Said

Yeah, I learnt from the best, Pastor Micheal replied

Your mom? Natasha asked

Yeah. Pastor Micheal replied.

After awhile Natasha began to feel dizzy, she couldn’t move, so Pastor Micheal carried her to the bedroom and he had sex with her,

The following morning Natasha woke up and found herself fully drees up as she came, she jumped up and then Pastor Micheal opened the door with breakfast on his hands, he dropped the breakfast on bed and Natasha was surprised and couldn’t say anything.

I know you are surprised, I’m sorry for everything, Pastor Micheal asked

Did we have sex? Natasha asked

No! Nothing happened, you were feeling sleepy so I brought you to the bed to sleep Pastor Micheal replied

Where did you sleep? Natasha asked

I slept in the other room. Pastor Micheal replied

I need to go back, I didn’t tell anyone I will sleep over Natasha said

Go and take your shower before you leave Pastor Micheal replied.

Natasha stood up and went to take her shower, she came back. And Pastor Micheal drove her home.

Luisa and Joan were waiting for her, so when she walked in they kept her quiet.

I’m sorry guys, I didn’t know I will sleep over please forgive me. Natasha replied

Did you forgot about our online midnight prayers with the girls? Luisa asked

Oh God! I totally forgot Natasha exclaimed

What has come over you? I don’t understand you anymore, since the arrival of Pastor Micheal you have suddenly gone cold, you are distracted, you no longer pray as before. Joan Said

That’s not true and you know it, Pastor Micheal has nothing to do with it, I’m a little bit stressed out these days, Natasha replied

Don’t destroy what you have built, the girls and lots of people are looking at you, don’t give the devil a chance, because his mission is to steal, kill and destroy . Luisa Said

The devil won’t dare because I’m the daughter of the most high God, I know who I am. Natasha replied

Really? Do you actually know who you are? Flee from every appearance of evil, that’s what the Bible says. Joan Said

I think you are being to harsh with me now, this is what I cannot take, Natasha replied with anger as she went back to her room

Something is seriously wrong and I can assure you that, Joan Said

Yeah! I haven’t seen her this angry before.i should go and talk to her, Luisa replied as she went in.

Luisa was shocked to see her in serious pains holding her stomach as if something is moving in her stomach

What is wrong with you! Luisa asked

Nothing I’m fine, just take my phone and call Pastor Micheal to come immediately Natasha replied

Why? We should be going to the hospital, Luisa Said

I know what I’m saying, Natasha screamed and Luisa quickly called Pastor Micheal on the phone

Few moments later Pastor Micheal came, what happened? He asked

Since she came back from your place she has not been okay! Joan replied angrily

What! I don’t understand what you are driving at. Pastor Micheal replied Joan

You blood sucking demon, you came to steal, kill and to destroy but guess what! The LORD will disgrace you. Joan said

You all should keep shut, I don’t want to hear all these now! Natasha screamed

Let me take you out of here, Pastor Micheal Said

Nobody is taking anyone out of here, Luisa replied

I can’t stay here because the noise is too much, take me out of here Natasha Said and everyone was surprised. Pastor Micheal held her and led her out.

They got home and Pastor Micheal lie her on the bed and began to rob her Tommy with an oil from one small container. And after awhile Natasha was okay,

What did you apply on my Tommy? Natasha asked

It’s ointment, Pastor Micheal replied

Ointment? It’s magical, the pains are gone, Natasha Said

Yeah, I brought it from Jerusalem Pastor Micheal replied

Thanks for everything, Natasha said

You are welcome, however there is something I have been wanting to tell you, Pastor Micheal Said

What is it? Natasha asked

Pastor Micheal Bent down and brought out a small box containing a ring. I know I don’t know you that much, but I’m sure you are the one for me, we have the same goal, the same ministry, together we will win souls to God together, please Natasha will you marry me? Pastor Micheal asked

You have been a very nice guy to me, you have also helped me a lot, but marriage is not something you can just jump into, we need to table it before God, so I suggest we should we should pray about it first. Natasha replied

That’s true, let’s pray about it as you have suggested Pastor Micheal Said

Thanks you for your understanding, God bless you. Natasha replied

Should I take you back home now? Pastor Micheal asked

Yeah, I’m fine now, Natasha replied

Let’s go Pastor Micheal Said as he led Natasha to the car, and drove to Natasha’s place.

Immediately Natasha walked in Joan and Luisa were in the parlour watching TV. She walked up to them, I’m very sorry for what happened, I over reacted, Natasha said

It’s obvious that you are under a spell, so it’s not your fault. Joan replied

Why are you so angry with me? Natasha asked

I’m angry because ever since Pastor Micheal came into the picture, you have completely changed, no more midnight prayers, no more studying of the word of God, you seems to be busy with that Satan who called himself a pastor, if you are not careful, you will end up in the belly of the beast, I can assure you that. Joan replied

What! What has come over you? Why did you hate him that much? When you and Luisa were proposed to, I was happy, I was there for you guys, but when it came to mine, he has suddenly become a beast and Satan? Natasha asked angrily

Natasha! Calm down, what Joan is saying is true, I know you think it’s about helping those girls financially but what about their spiritual growth? What about your own growth, money will come and go what then? Will they be able to stand when there is no money? What about your assignment? Build them on the word on the word of God, so that they will be able to stand when trials and temptations comes.You seems to be heading to the wrong direction, the Natasha I knew will spot demon from hundred miles but now you are spiritually down Luisa Said.

I see it’s a plan between you both to spoil my day, but it won’t work, Natasha replied as she went inside and locked herself inside the room.

She tried to pray but she couldn’t, she struggled to pray she still couldn’t, then she slept off.

That same night, Pastor Micheal brought out a Calabash filled with blood and he began to do some incantations, and after awhile, he called Natasha name three times. Come now!!! He said

Suddenly Natasha woke up and carried all her bag to leave the house

Where do you think you are going? Luisa asked holding her bags,

I’m leaving this house, it seems both of you don’t want me here again, let me go. She replied as she drags her bags outside.

Luisa tried to stop her but Joan asked her to let her go.

Why would I let her go? Luisa asked Joan

It’s more spiritual than you think, Pastor Micheal is controlling her Joan replied

So are we just going to watch him destroy all she has built? Luisa asked

Not at all, gather all the girls from far and near, this is a battle between light and darkness and the gate of hell shall not prevail. Joan replied.

I’m on it, Luisa replied as she drops message on the WhatsApp group. The following day they all gather together in their numbers.

The devil is about to steal one of our own, but not on our watch we will allow it to happen. For the Bible says, who is that man that will say a thing and it come to pass when the LORD has not commanded it? Which report will you believe? For the LORD has set us over the nations and over the kingdoms to destroy, to uproot and to plant and to build, we are going to uproot everything the LORD has not planted in Natasha’s life, because we are the Battle axe of the LORD with which He will destroy nations and kingdoms. Awake, awake of hand of God, the Bible says the prayers of the righteous availeth much, not on our watch will this happened. So that why I gather you all here to break the hand of the enemies that’s is try to plunder us. So we are going to pray, Joan Said

Do you know you are the most beautiful lady? Pastor Micheal Said to Natasha

“You are flattering me”, Natasha replied with smiles

“I’m not flattering you, I’m just stating the obvious, it’s so sad that your friends are envious of you, you have a whole lot to offer the world, but you need stable minds, caring friends not those who gets jealous when you begin to win” Pastor Micheal Said

“That’s why I came to stay here for awhile, I want to concentrate, I want to focus on my calling, and you are the only one who share the same ideal with me” hope you don’t mind if I stay here for awhile”? Natasha asked

You can stay as long as you want, the house is yours, the cars too, including everything belongs to you now. Pastor Micheal replied

“Are you for real”? Natasha asked

Yeah! But there’s something I really want from you” Pastor Micheal Said

What is it? Natasha asked

I want you to accept my proposal, I want us to get married quickly so that we can enjoy our marriage in peace, we can travel out of the country together and live happily ever after. Pastor Micheal replied

Natasha kept quiet, she began to think about what Pastor Micheal Said.

Pastor Micheal noticed that she didn’t like the idea, he stood up and went to his secret room, he brought out the Calabash ” Natasha! Natasha!! Natasha!! You will do whatever I ask you from now, you don’t have a will of your own, whatever I ask you will do it without questioning me” Pastor Micheal Said as he dip his finger inside the Calabash and lick the finger, he then came back again, he knelt down with the ring on his hand, ” will you marry me? He asked

Yes! Yes! I will marry you, Natasha replied with smiles on her face

Thank you, Pastor Micheal Said as he put the ring on her finger and hugged her, ” I will take you out for celebration, Pastor Micheal Said

That would be beautiful. Natasha replied

So let’s go! Pastor Micheal Said as he led Natasha out and opened the car door and she entered and he drove to a big car stand and asked Natasha to pick any car of her choice, Natasha was a bit shocked,

How do you mean? Natasha asked

Pick any car of your choice and it will be yours Pastor Micheal replied

I suggest we should keep the money for the girls project Natasha Said

Don’t worry about that, I have more than enough, I just want to do this for you, Pastor Micheal replied. And Natasha picked Range Rover.

It’s all yours, Pastor Micheal Said as he went inside and paid the money and they Drove back home.

Things were going fine between Natasha and Pastor Micheal and the fixed their wedding on Saturday, which is just three days away, only few guest were invited, they want it to be a secret wedding even Joan and Luisa didn’t know.

Let us lift up our voices, let’s us worship Omega, because when Paul and Silas were in the prison they began to worship God and the prison doors opened on it own accord, our God is the God of yesterday, today and forever, if He did it before, He will do it again, He will break Natasha out of every spiritual prison, because there is nothing too hard for God to do. So lift up your hands, for the Bible says the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehend it not, and when light appears darkness always disappeared.

Power from above

There is power from Above

Power from Above

There is power from Above

I believe, I received

There is powerful from Above.

Deliverance from Above

There is Deliverance from Above

Deliverance from Above

There is Deliverance from Above

I believe, I receive

There is Deliverance from Above

Anoiting from Above

There is Anointing from Above

Anoiting from Above

There is Anointing from Above

I believe, I receive

There is Anointing from Above

Healing from Above

There is healing from Above

Healing from Above

There is healing from Above

I believe, I receive

There is healing from Above.

They began to worship God in songs and their voices echoes for hours they, and the Holyghost descends upon them and they began to speaking in unknown tonques. They were there for days without food nor water.

That Saturday came Natasha dressed up in a beautiful wedding gown which Pastor Micheal bough with huge some, they drove to the church and their guest were already seated. So the Pastor called both of them out to exchange their marital vows, so both of them stepped out. And Natasha began feel somehow.

They continue worshipping God and Luisa went out to eased herself, then she opened her phone and saw Miss calls, she decided to Call back Jessica back “hello she Said”

Where have you been? Do you know Natasha is getting married today? Jessica replied

Natasha? To who? Luisa asked

To Pastor Micheal, Jessica replied

I will call you back, Luisa ends the call and rushed because. “They are getting married as we speak”

Who is getting married? Joan asked

Natasha and Pastor Micheal. Luisa replied

It will not happen except there is no God, let’s come together, Joan said and they came together, let’s hold eachother’s hands, Joan said and they continued worshipping God and the power filled the room and they began to pray in the Holyghost.

Job 22:28: thou shall also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways. And Matthew 18:19 says: Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven. Verses 20 says: for where two or three are gather in my name, there i am in the midst of them. We agree because we are more than three, that the marriage between Natasha and Pastor Micheal is null and void, it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass, Arise Oh LORD and let thy enemies be scatter. Jehovah El Gibhor the mighty God, move now and restore your daughter. We are going to call her name three time and pull her out from that evil gathering, Are you all ready? Joan asked

Yes! They all replied

Natasha! Natasha!! Natasha!! In the name of Jesus we command you to come out from that evil gathering, she can’t end like this, not after her labour of Love in the vine yard of God,

Do you take Pastor Micheal as your lovely weded husband in sickness and in health till death do you part. The officating Pastor asked,

And Natasha heard her name from afar, she turned around and she didn’t see anyone, she looked at Pastor Micheal’s face, and his face has changed to a beast “No!! I won’t marry a beast Natasha replied as she throw her wedding ring on the floor and ran out of the church, she ran to the house and met the whole girls holding hands praying and she knelt down and began to weep

LORD have mercy upon me, please forgive me, I have failed you again, but I’m here with again at your feet, help me, wash away my sins and make me whole again. Natasha continue praying and asking God for mercy. And Joan hugged her

Welcome back my warrior, our God is able and just to forgive you, all you need to do is to ask him,Joan said and all the girls hugged her and she began to weep.

Just remove this nonsense you are wearing Luisa Said

I will do that, Natasha replied as she went inside and remove the wedding gown and Luisa burnt it. And Natasha continue crying

It’s okay, we tried to stop you but you didn’t want to listen Joan Said

I don’t know what he did to me, I could no longer pray I was just there saying yes to everything he says Natasha replied

But thank God you are back. Luisa said

If not for your prayers, what would I have done?

Just be happy that you have built people around you who were able to stand for you in times of need, Joan replied

I lust after money because I wanted to help the girls, Natasha began to cry again,

I want you to go and talk to the girls Luisa said and Natasha stood up and went to meet them.

I’m sorry for putting you through this, you all left your business and place of work just because of me,I can’t thank you enough but I pray the good LORD will continue to be with you all. I want you all to be strong in the LORD, I was trying to do everything on my own without asking God who called to do this for directions, money and material things is not everything, I neglected the spiritual aspect of this calling, and you all saw what has happened to me, you all should forgive me. Natasha said with tears in her eyes.

You are forgiven, if not for you we would still be on the street,some of us May be Dead by now, but your teaching and your prayers kept us going, Naomi replied and Natasha face was brightened

Thank you for this, it really means a lot, so I want to encourage you all that whatever you do from now on ,always seek direction from God, He alone will not lead us astray, He is always on time, He’s never late, Natasha was still speaking to them when her phone began to ring, she looked at it and it was Pastor Micheal, she picked it up

How dare you disgrace me before my invited guests? Pastor Micheal asked

You beast! Don’t you ever call my number again or else you will have yourself to blame. Natasha replied

Do you know I have you under my control? I will so deal with you that you will beg for your life, Pastor Micheal Said

Try and see! Natasha replied

I’m giving you three days to come back to me or else it will be disastrous. Pastor Micheal Said

Joan quickly collected the phone from Natasha. You blood sucking demon, who are you to challenge the daughter of Zion? Touch not the anoited of God and do His prophet no harm. You came against us in your chariots and horses but we will come against you in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ. Because our trust is in the LORD we can’t be afraid of what man can do unto us, you are giving her three day, we are giving you this night, let’s see darkness and light who will overcome. Joan replied

I have always known you to be stubborn, but I’m assuring you that it will not end well with you.

Hahaha! We will be waiting for you. Joan replied and end the call.

That night Natasha began to feel movement in her Tommy, she groan in pains, she stood up and went Into her, she reached out for her anoiting oil and she began to plead for mercy

I have done wrong to you my father, please have mercy upon your daughter, Jehovah El Gibhor, you are the mighty God, I come to your throne of Grace to obtain mercy, have mercy upon your daughter and uproot whatever you have not planted by you in my life, because your word says in the presence of God there is liberty, in the name of Jesus Christ, I asked for your deliverance. I know I have failed you, forgive me, I don’t want to be found wanting on the Last Day. You have showed me hell and I don’t want to go there because it’s horrible, forgive me LORD, I will never stray again, I will never be deceived again, I will never ignore your warnings, I want to be welcomed by you on the last day, I don’t want to be cast away, Jesus thou son of David Have mercy upon me, Natasha cried and started worshipping God

On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

The emblem of suff’ring and shame;

And I love that old cross where the Dearest and Best

For a world of lost sinners was slain.

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,

Till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

And exchange it someday for a crown.

Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,

Has a wondrous attraction for me;

For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above

To bear it to dark Calvary.

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,

Till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

And exchange it someday for a crown

In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,

A wondrous beauty I see,

For ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,

To pardon and sanctify me.

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,

Till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

And exchange it someday for a crown

To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;

Its shame and reproach gladly bear;

Then He’ll call me someday to my home far away,

Where His glory forever I’ll share.

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,

Till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

And exchange it someday for a crown.

Her voice filled the room and all the girls including Joan and Luisa were surprised, she continued worshipping God and all of a sudden a dark shadows left her and who whole body vibrates and she fell under the power of God and she began to speak in tongues and groaning at the same time , And the power of God moves over the whole building

She is back! Joan screamed and they all began to pray in the parlour, it was so intensed as they prayed till the following morning,

Natasha came out and her face was shining so bright and her eyes were like a flame of fire, everyone stepped back as she approached them

She opened the door, and was about going outside, Joan touched her and the power of God throw her to the ground and everyone became afraid of her,

Natasha were are you going? Luisa asked

I’m going to end the battle once and for all, Natasha replied

You mean you are going to Pastor Micheal’s house? Naomi asked

I’m taking the battle to him, he must pay for trying to disrupt the assignment of God upon my life, Natasha replied

Let us all go, Joan said and they followed Natasha .

Immediately they open their door Pastor Micheal stood there with four horrible looking men

Are you not afraid? What gave you the audacity to come to this compound? Natasha asked angrily at him

Hahaha! You will know who you are dealing with today, I will make sure I inflict you all with incurable diseases, Pastor Micheal replied as he bend down and the four horrible men entered his body.

If you like change to python I don’t give a damn because the LORD has assured me in the book of Luke 10: 19 Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Natasha replied

As Pastor Micheal stood up and began to make some incantations and the winds began to blow horribly, and he began to move his arms and a ball of fire appeared and he throws it at Natasha.but Natasha stretched out his hand and the ball of fire fell on the ground

For the Bible says, those that Put their trust in the LORD are like mount Zion that can never be moved by abides forever, and the Bible also said suffer not the witch to live in the name of Jesus I command you to bow, Pastor Micheal staggered backwards and fell down, this time he changed to a different animals and Natasha signaled the girls and they began to worship God. And Pastor Micheal advanced again to strike and Natasha stretched out her hand and a sword appeared.

A thousand will fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand and it shall not come near me, with only my eyes will I see and behold the reward of the wicked, and the LORD has given me a blank cheque that whatever I decree shall be established, so therefore in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I decree by the power of the Holyghost to consume you by fire. And Pastor Micheal caught fire and he screamed and disappeared. But they continue to worship God after awhile they stopped and began to thank God.

Nothing was heard again about Pastor Micheal and Natasha and the girls become great Evangelists as they continued winning soul for Christ.

Few months later Natasha met a young Pastor at the evangelist field named Pastor Elijah, he is a Great Evangelist, the power of God is upon him, but he was a young Pastor who has nothing much just a one room apartment where he lays his head

One night Natasha was in the dream and the LORD appeared and spoke audibly to her that He’s sending her a helper who will uphold her and guide her, through in the person of Pastor Elijah Natasha woke up terrified

Oh! Not again, I don’t want to make another mistake like Pastor Elijah and she began to pray asking God that , if truly Pastor Elijah is her husband let Him reveal it to him before four days and on the third day Pastor Elijah came to her.

I don’t know how to say this but I believe you are my wife, the LORD has spoken to me Three time, and I told him I’m just a young pastor who has little or nothing, how will I take care of you and the ministry, but He replied that He is Jehovah jireh my provider. Pastor Elijah replied Shyly

We will pray together about it again, Natasha replied

That’s fine with me, Pastor Elijah said and they did three nights together and on the Last day of the prayers the LORD spoke again to them

I will be with you as I was with my servant Moses, keep my status and you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not below, I will bless you till nations calls you blessed and the voice fades away.

Few weeks later Natasha and Pastor Elijah traveled to see Natasha’s Dad, but when they got there, she finds out that her father was late, only Alice her step mother was at home, and everything has changed.

Good evening mummy Natasha greeted her step mother,

Evening, so you finally remembered your father’s house? If your coming is to asked for your mother properties, I have taken charge of it because your father willed everything to me and my sons including your mother’s land and properties on his dying bed. Alice replied

I just came to inform my dad that I brought the man that wants to marry me, but it’s so sad that I didn’t meet him alive, Natasha replied with tears in her eyes

And where is the man? Alice asked

It’s me ma’am, Pastor Elijah replied kneeling down to greet her

You this pauper? Well I don’t have anything to say it’s Natasha’s life, Alice replied

Don’t ever talk to my husband to be like that. Natasha Said

You call this husband? How am I even sure that he has money to sponsor the wedding? Nonsense! Alice replied

You still haven’t changed? Natasha was surprised.

Have you changed yourself from prostitution? Alice asked

Natasha didn’t replied and Pastor Elijah held her, it’s of no use speaking to her, let’s go and meet your kinsmen. Pastor Elijah said and they went to meet one her Uncle Mazi Ibe

Good evening Sir Natasha knelt down in greetings

Evening my daughter! Where have you been? Mazi Ibe asked

You know after my father and my stepmom throw me out, I promised myself never to return back, but today I’m here with the man God has given to me, it was supposed to be a happy day for me, but I was told my father died Natasha replied with tears in her eyes,

Hmm! It’s a sad story, your father would still be alive if not for that witch called Alice. Mazi Ibe replied

How? Pastor Elijah asked

That woman is a witch, she bewitched your father and claimed all his properties including your mother’s own, she turned your father to a house boy before he died, any one who dares to speak up will end up Dead, so no one dare speak, even when your father was sick she didn’t allow any of us come close to him till he died. Mazi Ibe replied

Jesus! What about his sons, my step brothers?

Those ones are useless, all they know how to do is to smoke weed around the village square, Mazi Ibe replied.

Thank you for telling me this, Natasha replied as she brought out some money and drinks and she drops it on the table,

Sir we need your help, help to inform your kins men, we will be coming by next week for proper introduction. Pastor Elijah said

I will do just that, but hope you have not informed your step mother about the marriage plans? Mazi Ibe asked

I told her, Natasha replied

Then you have to be prayerful, because the Alice that I know doesn’t want any good thing to happen to our family ,everyone fears her Mazi Ibe said

Don’t worry about that Uncle, the wickedness of the wicked shall come to an end in this family. Natasha replied

Okay! May the good LORD lead you back safely Mazi Ibe replied as Natasha and Pastor Elijah left.

Early morning the following day, Alice went to where Natasha umbilical cord was burried she fetched some sand there and went into the bush and began to call Natasha name three time, she appeared in the palm of her hand.

That marriage will not hold, as I have pushed you into prostitution and it worked, you will never be happy in your life, that useless man that wants to marry you will abandon you, you will leave all your life in miseries and pain till the day you die. Alice spoke and turn back home.

That same night the LORD revealed it to Natasha and she told Joan about it.

Then we will take the war to that your step mother, she will know that power pass power. Joan replied

We are leaving tomorrow, inform the girls. Natasha said

I’m on it Joan replied

They prayed together that night including Pastor Elijah till the following morning. At about 8:am they move on three cars. So they got to the village at about 5 pm in the evening, they drove straight to Natasha’s father’s compound, Natasha came down, so Natasha rushed to Mazi Ibe’s house

Good evening sir. Natasha knelt down and greeted Mazi Ibe,

Evening my daughter, you are back again? You travel back few days ago. Ibe Said

Yes! Uncle that’s because there is something that needs urgent attention. Natasha replied

I have informed our Kingsmen about the introduction. Uncle Ibe said.

It’s not all about that, I have come to deal with that wicked Alice, all I want you to do now is to gather our family members to my father’s house, Natasha replied

To do what? I don’t think anyone will come knowing fully well that Alice will not welcome the idea. Uncle Ibe said

Don’t worry about that, all her wickedness will come to an end today, just do as I have Said please Natasha replied

Okay! Uncle Ibe went around to inform his Kingsmen, on getting there, Natasha’s friends and Pastor Elijah have started worshipping God powerfully.

Alice came out and ask them to leave.

No one is leaving here, this is my father’s house, you have no right to ask anyone to leave, Natasha replied

I can see that you have grow wings right! I’m coming back for you. Alice said as entered the house, Uncle Ibe went to meet Alice

I guess we should leave now, this Alice is up to some mischiefs. Uncle Ibe replied

I’m to loaded to run away from a mortal man, Uncle, you just hold on and you will see the salvation of the LORD Natasha said as she joined his friends and they began to worship God powerfully


Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah

We bow down and worship You

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

You are the God that killeth and also make alive

You’re the Lion yet You are the Lamb of God

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

You are my glory and the lifter up of my head

Demons tremble at the mention of Your name oo

God of thunder, You’re the God of fire

Come and do what only You can do

Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah

We bow down and worship You

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah

We bow down and worship You

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

You’re the father to the fatherless

You’re the mother to the motherless

The husband to the widow

You’re the help to the helpless

My healer, You’re my deliverer

Come and do what only You can do

You’re the way maker

You’re the mountain mover

You raise the dead and You make the barren fruitful

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah

We bow down and worship You

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Mighty man of War, Lion of Judah

We bow down and worship You

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Yahweh, Yahweh

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Yahweh, we call You by Your name

Nobody can do the things You do

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Yahweh, Yahweh

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Yahweh, Yahweh

Yahweh, Yahweh

Come and do what only You can do

Their voice echoes and people began to troops in from every corner to know what is happening.

They were Amazed as the power of God moves and they join them in worshipping God. And Alice came out with a pot on her hand and smoke was coming out from the pot,

I want you all to leave this place now! Alice shouted

No one is going anywhere, because the book of numbers 23:23 says, surely there’s no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against isreal… You can come against us with your charms and whatever, but we’re coming against you in the name of Jesus Christ, the name above all name, and at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ Evey knees shall bow and every tonques shall confessed that Jesus Christ is LORD Natasha replied,

Some lessons will knock some brain into that your empty skull, Alice said and she carried the pot and smashed it on the ground and smoke filled everywhere, Mazi Ibe and the people ran into hiding but Natasha and her friend continue worshipping God and all of the sudden a python appeared

And Pastor Elijah stepped forward and screamed in thy Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth he smacked the python on the head with his bare hand and it changed back to Alice, and everyone was surprised

Alice tried to stand up and but she fell down and began to crying, I can’t see, please help me,,

Help you? Mazi Ibe asked as he moves close to Alice

Please is that Mazi Ibe? Alice asked

Yes! It’s me! Mazi Ibe replied

Forgive me for everything, I’m the one responsible for all the problem happening in this family, I killed Monica Natasha’s mother, I also kill my husband, and I’m the one that pushed Natasha into prostitution, I burried seven goats just to stop progress from coming to this family, please forgive me. Alice cried

Tufiakwa!!! We are not surprised we know all your atrocities in this family, everyday is for the thief but one day is for the owner, you are worst than a witch, Mazi Ibe said

Please forgive me Natasha, I have realized my mistakes

Shut the hell up, I know you are not sorry for your mistakes, you are apologising now because you have been overpowered and blind, wicked witch Joan replied Alice.

I’m sorry please have mercy upon me. Upon me, Alice continue crying

Leave her let’s go, Mazi Ibe began to drag Natasha out

Uncle Ibe, the God I serve is a Lion and also a Lamb, He can kill and make alive, I understand all Alice did, but if she is asking for forgiveness then I forgive her, Natasha replied and she Bent down and lead Alice to Christ she place her hands on her face and prayed for her and then she regained her sight, the people that were wondering whick kind God the power to heal a blind person, and lots of the people gave their lives to Christ that day

My daughter, I’m very happy for what you have done, I wish your parents were e alive to see you now, Mazi Ibe said amidst tears.

It’s okay Uncle ,from now on, no one can trouble this family again, infact after my marriage I will organize crusade in this community to liberate the people and bring the powers of wickedness to an end. Natasha replied

Thank you, when are you going back to the city? Mazi Ibe asked

By tomorrow sir, Natasha replied

Here is the list of the items for the marriage Mazi Ibe replied as he brought out a piece of paper.

Thank you sir, we will be coming by next month, I will send you the whole money to buy everything, now I have to go back to the meet my friends Natasha replied

The following morning as they are about to travel back to the city, Mazi Ibe ran to meet Natasha as they were entering the car. “She has committed suicide” Mazi said from a distance

Who? Natasha asked

Your step mother Alice, Mazi Ibe replied

Serves her right! Luisa Said

She deserves more! Joan Said but Natasha bent her Head down.

You guys should go back to the city I have to stay back Natasha Said

No one is staying back, you have done your own part, let the dead bury the dead, Joan replied as she zoomed off.

The following month Joan , Luisa and four of the girls got married, it was a beautiful wedding celebration. And Natasha’s and Pastor Elijah’s own is coming up next but no money was coming forth for the wedding, so Pastor Elijah suggested they pray about it, they agreed and decided to go into prayers for three days and after three days the LORD spoke to Pastor Elijah in the dream of the night, He told him to go to the General hospital to pray for a patient, he woke up and told Natasha about,

Then we should go Natasha replied. So the following day they went, on getting there they met, a big man crying outside. And Pastor Elijah approached the man

Sir! What is the problem? Pastor Elijah asked

My only son is dying! We have spent a lot but the doctor said he have just two more days to live, after taking him to abroad for several operations. The man replied with tears in his eyes,

Do you believe the LORD can heal your son? Pastor Elijah asked

I don’t know about that, because several pastor’s has prayed for him but nothing happened

Let’s go inside Pastor Elijah said and they went, on getting there Pastor Elijah and Natasha held eachother’s hands and began to worship God in power and after awhile they prayed for the boy and he woke up after awhile, and the father rushed and called the doctor, and after several test the doctor was confused

What happened? The father of the boy asked

I can’t explain it medically but I can assure you that your son is perfectly okay, He will live. The doctor replied, and the boy stood up and hugged his father and the father almost went crazy as he began to jump up and down,

Can have your numbers? The father of the boy Said

Yes of course, Pastor Elijah gave him his number and they left, the following day he called them to come to the address he sent to them, so Natasha and Pastor Elijah went, they met lots of people there celebrating, and the father of the boy was excited to see Natasha and Pastor Elijah, he welcome them and they served them food to eat, so after that food he drove them to Amazon Estate and gave them four bedrooms duplex and Ten million Naira.

This is too much, we didn’t do this for the money Pastor Elijah Said

But the Bible also says the gift of a man makes away for him right? I have spent almost hundred million in the sickness because he’s my only son, so what I’m giving you is nothing, and if it’s not enough tell me, I will add more, the father of the boy replied. And they thanked him and went back home, giving thanks to God.

Natasha and Pastor Elijah’s wedding was wonderful as people came in their numbers to celebrate with them. And Both of them continue winning souls for God and they never lacked Because they LORD blessed them more abundantly and they began to bless others. And they lived happily fulfilling God Divine purposes in their lives.

Let me ask you all reading this, what is God Divine purpose in your lives? Do you know how many destinies is tied to your rising? Do you know the will of God concerning your marriage? Heaven and Earth shall pass away, and where will you find yourselves on the Last day? Will God say to you welcome my faithful servant ? or will He say get out you workers of iniquity? May you end well in Jesus Name 🙏

The End…..