The morning breeze blows slowly and the sun has started rising gradually. its another monday morning, another working day for mama. The old woman glanced at the clock on the wall and looked away

“It’s just nine o clock, the sun rise earlier today” mama muttered to herself as she dragged her leg to the bus stop, waiting patiently for any bus,after few minutes of waiting,a napep stopped by for her to come in while the driver started stating his charges,she simply nodded her head and get in side,she was trying to balance herself when the vehicle started moving.

Mama got to her destination and stretch fifty naira to him

“Please my son,I don’t have enough money on me accept the fifty naira” the old woman pleaded to the napep driver looking apologetically

“Who is your son mama! I know who my mother is…and I know how many kids my mother gave birth to,don’t tell me that..I said it before leaving the bus stop that hundred naira is my transport fare,you don’t talk all this while,we naw get here,you are telling me what is not right! I will collect my full money” the driver shouted throwing his two hands up in the air while mama mood changed to sober mood

“Please dear accept it,you won’t know poverty all your life” mama prayed

“Mama or what are they calling you?you are wasting our own time here o,we have allot of places to get to….stop taking our time and give him his money or what’s all this”a young lady rudely interfered frowning her face.

“My daughter,am sorry for keeping you all waiting please help me to beg this young man to accept my money” mama pleaded once again.

“When you don’t have money,u supposed not to come in or what kind of thing is this early in the morning” the driver complained

“I will pay for her” a young guy said

“Mama keep your money,I will pay everything” he said while mama thanked him before leaving.

She got to where she normally work every day and met mama cook the owner of the canteen in front of her shop waiting for her to get closer,she could sense the rage in her eyes as she keep getting closer to her.she held her chest due to fright and dragged her weak legs faster…..

She didn’t know what to expect from her boss

Hope she won’t send her away this time around?

Those questions run through her mind ….

“Mama! Is this the time to come to the shop when you are aware of this business protocol. this is nine thirty for heaven sake,if I started talking now,they will say that I have started. I have an elder at home too and they don’t behave like this”. She shouted as mama got to her presence while mama pleaded.

“I am sorry ma! The weather make me sleep more, that is why I don’t come to my work earlier. Such won’t repeat itself again” she replied while mama cook hissed and went into the canteen.

Mama also get inside and met alot of people already eating and her co_workers attending to people. She dragged her legs to the backyard where she normally wash plates and met piled plates waiting for her with flies hovering around it. She sat down and close her eyes, she was interrupted by mama cook voice.

“Mama what is the meaning of all that early in the morning. If you want to sleep maybe you should quit this work”. She shouted at the d old woman while she shakingly dip her hands into a bowl of water in readiness for washing.

” wash that plates very well o,if I hear any complaint from my customer,you are out of this place” mama cook said to the old woman, the old woman wiped few drops of tears from her face and continue washing the piled plates with flies hovering around it

One of the customer rudely dropped a plate on the clean water used for rinsing the plates and it splash over the old woman

“Yeeeh! She shouted

“What is it?it’s ordinary water,why the noise,abeg don’t complain,it’s your work naw” the young lady rudely said and went inside the canteen

The old woman clean her body and keep on Washing the plates,it gets to a point that her back ache her seriously,she stand a little bit to relieve her back.

She managed to rinse the remaining plates and take it inside,she was looking downwards not knowing that a customer is holding an hot plate of soup,they bumped into each other and it splash all over the floor,the young man shouted at her.

“Are you b.l.i.n.d old woman,how would you the soup I used my last money to buy. did you put your eyes inside your pocket? Or what kind of thing is this?”

“A..m sorry sir, am so sor..ry” the woman pleaded

“You are sorry right! Does sorry get me another soup,I am hungry right away and I need new soup”

“What’s happening here?” Mama cook interfere

“I mistakenly bumped into this young man ma,and all his soup splash on the floor”

“You did what!

Mama! You again!

“They told me then not to employ an old woman but I refused to hear,look at what you caused now,your salary will cover the expenses,please young man order for another soup,she will pay for it” mama cook said while the old woman left the place to sit down,she look so devastated and is tired of everything now! She suffered during her youthful times and it continues now!

She supposed to be reaping the fruit of her labour now!

Not suffering again!

She look up as tears gathered round her face

She is really suffering

“Where is my child?” She muttered to her self.

Mama muttered to herself and keep on crying. Mama cook is approaching her, she quickly wiped her tears and continue washing the plates before she start complaining.

She washed the remaining plates but it keep on getting much because of customer patronage. Her stomach grumbled now. She removed her small phone from her pocket and checked the time. It is 11:30a.m . She put it back in her pocket and went inside to get some food.

Mama cook is busy attending to customers. She hold a plate full of soup and added three meats to it before handling it over to a customer. Mama move closer to her so that she can see her very well.

“Mama what’s wrong?” She asked while the old woman touch her stomach

“I am hungry ma” she replied

“By what time? Just 11:30a.m. it is too early to eat! You arrived by 9:30 and you want to eat now! You can’t! Come back at 1:30pm. Then I will attend to you”. She yelled at the old woman while the customer behind her interfere into the matter.

“Haba! 11:30am is too early for an old woman to eat. It is not ma! I know if she is your mother, you won’t treat her this way. If you don’t have the food to give her, just tell her and stop post phoning the time to eat” the young man cut in.

“And who the he*ll are you? Did I call you into this matter! Are you the owner of the shop? Wetin concern you? Mr Man mind your business ooooo. I get chinchin for head and I am not nor*mal as you are looking at me. I am not ready to give her food and that is my final decision”.

“It is surprising how people with one shop behave like God. They treat people any how! I always see you anytime you talk to this woman anyhow. You don’t have the fear of God in you…you ….

“Sh.u.t up your mouth! Toot*hpick! Is she your mother or why is your own much than everyone here! Mr Man if you know that you are here to talk. Shift for me and let me attend to other good customer ” she rud*ely replied the young man while he left in anger. She faced the old woman.

“You see what you caused hnnn? Just because of food , are you c.u.r.sed? Did they born you with food?”

“I am sorry ma” mama pleaded while tears trickled down her wr.inkled face…

“Get out of my sight! She shouted at her while she left. She got back to the d.i.rty plates and sat down. Opeyemi approached her with some left over food and stretched it towards her.

“Mama! I saw how mama cook treated you in there and I don’t like how she talk to you anyhow. Please can you manage the food with me. I can’t eat everything finish. Quickly eat this food pending the time that you will be given your food” she said while mama wiped off the tears on her face and happily eat the food while opeyemi keep on watching if anyone is coming. Mama ate the last grain of rice in the plate and drank a cup of water.

“Thank you opeyemi! Ever since I got here, you are the only nice person I have. You will never lack. Your situation won’t be like mine by God grace. Ah! Thank you ooo” mama prayed while she smile …

“Mama! I have to go now before she started looking for me, you know that she is not normal”.

“Thank you my daughter ooo”. Mama appreciated while she left.

She gladly washed the remaining plates and when it is 1:30pm. Mama cook handed her a plate of Amala with one meat along with ewedu soup. She sat down and devoured the food while opeyemi smiled from afar.

She don’t know why her life is like that?

She heard that mama had a son but what happened?

She don’t have to be suffering all around. What she need is full attention and care.

Everyone had a story to tell


Where is mama son?.


Where is mama son?”

Mama finished eating the food and take the plates to the backyard for washing. She washed the remaining plates too and left the place to rest for a bit.

herr phone ring and she picked it up.


“Good afternoon my sister. How are you doing?” Rebecca asked over the phone.

“I am doing good my dear”

“Are you sure my sister?”

“I am fine” mama replied

“Alrigh,t ma! I just called to greet you. I haven’t heard from you in a while, that was why I called!

“Thanks for remembering me Rebecca. I am doing good”

“Alright Sistoo! Anytime I have enough time here, I will come and greet you at home”.

“Alright dear, till then, bye”. She replied and end the call while she sighed. Her back ached bĂ dly now but she managed to stand up and went inside.

She glanced at the clock and it is 3:00 pm, people are still buying food while some were just entering the shop.

A guy and a lady came in, the lady look so young and beautiful while the guy look It reminds her of her youthful life. She has such beautiful features before ….damñ old age. Her skin is full of wrinklès now. The young lady raised her hand and stare into mama’s face calling her attention.

“Excuse me ma! She called out while mama tiredly walk up to her.

“Are you the waitress here?” She asked while mama shook her head.

“She must be part of their waitress because I don’t understand what she is doing sitting down there!. The töugh-looking guy interrupted.

“You don’t have to talk to an old woman like that” she cut in.

“Mama! Please where is the waitress here? “she asked searching her eyes for an answer.

“They are all busy, but I can assist them by taking your order. What did you want dear?”

“I want swallow which is amala and egusi soup along with assorted meat. What did you want baby?” She asked the tĂ´ugh-looking guy.

“Give me eba and Vegetable soup along with five cow skin meat” he replied while mama take their order.

The lady paid for their meals by giving mama the money while she returned with the change.

“This is your change dea,r,” she said stretching the five hundred naira note to her.

“Mama! You can keep it ma I love people like you. If it is another person. She won’t return with the change. You can keep it ma” she replied while the young guy interrupted.

“What did you mean by her keeping the change. It is her work now and she has every right to return the change. Mama or what are you called , bring the change” he requested while she handed it to him and returned to her seat.

“You don’t have to collect the money back from her. She is an old woman for christ’s sake. I gave her the money because she deserve it and more of it. I pitied her condition” the lady argued while the guy replies

“What concerns you about how old she is? Did you know what she has used her youthful life to do that makes her in this old age of hers abeg spare me that sh!t” the guy replied while the young lady sighed and continue eating.

When they are through with eating, mama packed their plates and left them alone. They rest a bit and decide to leave. The guy left first while the lady removed 5000 naira notes from her bag and slipped it into mama’shand along with her card.

“I have to leave quickly, I don’t want that guy to be aware of what is happening”.

“Thank you, dear,r ooo my God will bless you”

“Amen! If you need any assistance ma, kindly call me” she said and left while mama quickly pocket the money.

It is closing time for the day. Mama cook called all her workers while they all assembled in her front.

“We thank God for today’s sales, as you all know that the month is coming to its end. I don’t want you to keep coming late like some of you used to do. I thank everyone for their cooperation in this shop and I would like to compensate you this evening. Mama! I am sorry I won’t compensate you because of the guy food you spilled over so you can leave, you don’t have any business here for now” she said while mama sadly left.

Mama cook compensate the other workers while everyone left.

Mama got back home and opened her door. She entered and counted the money with her. It is 6000. The remaining 1k with her and the 5k that the lady gave to her. She dropped the purse on her bed and walked to the bathroom. There is no water left in the house. She sighed and peep outside.

There is no child to call outside too. She brings out a bucket and went to fetch her water.

She lifted the bucket on her head and keep on dragging her leg back to her house. She was about to enter her house when she slipped and fall. The water was wĂ sted while she hurt her back. She let out a loud pain while her neighbors rushed her to her room. They applied balm to her back while she groaned in pain.

“Mama! You should have called me when you know that you need assistance, you shouldn’t be the one doing all this” Tundee said( one of mama neighbor)

“I don’t want to disturb anyone and it is just a bucket” she replied

“Next Time always call me ooo, I am here for you,u,” he said while mama noddedd her head.

He helped mama to fetch all her water while the remaining people stayed with her.

“Please help me to dial my son’s number,r,” mama said while they all looked into their eyes.

“You have a son mama! Bimpe asked surprised

“Yes. I have a son and his name is ibikunle”.

“You have a son and he dont bother to check on you. Even if it’s once, mama! You don’t have a son” simply argued whileTundee joined back in the conversation.

“Mama can’t have a son and be in this condition” Tunde interrupted.

“I am with my stomach. If I am full, I will know and if I am not, I will also know. I said that I have a son”. Mama replied laying her back on the floor while facing them.

” mama! It’s just hard to believe. We haven’t seen your son for a while and we all thought you didn’t have a son. Anyways, no problem” she replied.

Bimpe dialled mama’sa son’s number and it ring twice and later went busy. She keep on dialing it and it went busy straightway.

“Mama your son’s number is not reachable ooo. Who should I call again?”.

“Call his wife”

“His wife! Bimpe exclaimed

“Yes. He has a wife”.

Bimpe dialed ibikunle’s wife’s number and it ring instantly while she picked it.

She gave the phone to mama

At ibikunle house

Temitope walked up to her phone lying on the bed and picked it up.

She started at the screen of the phone and noticed that it is mama’s number. She saved her name with ““.

She hissed and put d phone on her ear after answering the call.

“Ehn! ehn!! She said over the phone.

“How are you, my wife? It’s been a while here. How is everything?” Mama asked over the phone.

“We are all doing fine as you know, so, say whatever you want to say” she rude*ly replied

“Ehmm my wife! I have dialed your husband’s number …..but …he is not picking it up. I haven’t seen him for a while and I missed him. I missed everyone including…I…

“I know you are the one that called him” Temitope cut in.

“I was with his phone and I decided to end the call instantly. I know it is my number you are going to call next. Wait, you this woman. I hope nothing is wrong with you. How many times have I warned you not to call my husband again? He is your son but my own husband. Let this be the last time you are going to call our number. You this w! cked b! tch” she shouted over the phone and end it.

Ibikunle entered her room and met his wife’ bĂ d mood

“What’s the matter, dear?” He asked

“Oh! It is one of my customers. He likes owing me money and if I don’t shout at him like that, he won’t know that what he is doing is bĂ d” she l!ed.

“Then you should stop selling your goods to him. How would he be stressing my wife over small things. I don’t like it”.

“I will stop selling to him. This one that you came into my room, hope there is no problem?” She asked.

“I missed my baby”.

“Missed me as to how? We are always together so what did you miss about me?”

“You know what tope. I just love everything about you. I don’t like it when you are away from me. I love you so much” he confessed.

“You don’t have to worry yourself about that. I am not living your side for a second” she replied and pulled him over for a hug.


Mama’s mood changed immediately after ending the call but composed herself because people are around.

“I want to rest,” she said while everyone left.

She broke down into tears remembering the last call she made to her daughter-in-law.

When would Temitope leave her son alone?

She didn’t enjoy her son for once ever since she got married to him.

She remembered her youthful age.

Flashback to mama youthful life(Ibiwunmi)

She was the only prettiest lady in the village then. Every man tried their luck to win her heart but it all prove abortive. Her parents are getting worried.

“Ibiwunmi! Won’t you get married? The rate at which you keep on declining every male that comes your way is alarming. Why? Don’t you want to get married?” Her mum asked one day when she arrived from the river.

“Mammi! I will get married but I haven’t seen the right man of my choice. Anytime I see the man of my choice. I will let you know”.

“That is what you keep telling me all this while, you are no longer getting younger. I want you to be serious with your life at this age of yours.

“Maami! I am serious about my life. I don’t love any guy that comes my way. I will let you know anytime I see anyone that befits me” she replied and left for the river while her mum shake her head.

She has someone she secretly love but he has not approached her yet and she will wait patiently for him.

She joined her friends at the riverbank to wash some clothes while they all keep singing.

A young guy approached her. His name is Jacob. He just arrived from town to spend some time in the village. He always stares at Ibiwunmi anytime she passes…

He trailed her down to the river bank and decided to talk to her.

“Good morning everyone oooo” he greeted while the ladies look up and greet him. Ibiwunmi look surprised seeing him while her friends keep on murmuring. Jacob moves closer to her…

“Can I talk to you Ibiwunmi?” He asked with a cute smile on his face.

“Yeah! Sure” she replied dropping all the clothes in her hand and walking back to the nearby plantain tree.

After she left, her friends started gossiping

“Is she the only one? She is the only person that guy’s approached every time we are together. I don’t think I will be walking with her again o. It is getting too much now. Is she the only one here?” Ranti said almost whispering while others joined in the conversation.

“It always surprises me too. Ever since that guy is around. I have this feeling for him. I wished that he belongs to me but look at what happened now. Is she prettier than me?” Olamide asked

“She is prettier than everyone so stop disturbing yourself over her matter. That is how God created her” yemisi cut in.

“I know that you will always support her, that is why you don’t have a boyfriend all this while” olamide replied.

“Nah you Sabi. Mtcheeeewwwww”.

At Ibiwunmi and Jacob side

Jacob confessed his love to her and she gladly accepted while he hugged her.

Ibiwunmi is shy before him.

“Don’t be shy my lady. I will take care of you. I am planning to get a wife before leaving this Village and I have found you. Thanks for giving me the chance to your life. We will talk later” he said and dipped his hand inside his trousers. He brought out a few notes and gave them to her while she thanked him. She kept the money and left.

All her friends stopped talking when they see her approaching them.

“Why is everywhere silent like this? She asked while they all hissed except yemisi. She ignored them and continue washing her clothes.

She spread the clothes on the rock and left the stream.

All that is in her mind is complete happiness

At least, her mum will stop disturbing her in getting a husband. She happily went back home and jumped on her bed after getting to her room. She tossed on it for a while.

“Mama and Papa are not around, I would have told them the good news now” she muttered to herself and sit upright. She jumped on her feet and dragged the nearby sack with her.

She keeps on checking different clothes.

“I will keep some special clothes to wear anytime I want to see him. I am so happy!!!! She shouted and continue doing that.


After two months

Everyone is aware of their relationship while Jacob’s friends praise him for winning her heart over. They know it’s not easy winning Ibiwunmi’s heart but Jacob did that easily. They always visit each other and their love glows like ever…

“My love! When am I meeting your parents?” Ibiwunmi asked after laying her head on his lap.

“My parents! They are all in Lagos State”.

“Yeah! When am I meeting them?” She asked again.

“…very soon my dear” he replied.

“Because I am not getting younger and my mum is on my neck about my marriage. Am I not good for a wife?” She asked while Jacob gently stroked her hair.

“You are good for a wife. You are perfect for everything” he replied while she smiled.

“I can’t wait to be yours forever”

Jacob lifts her head and stares into her eyes.

“Ibiwunmi! You also know that I love you dearly and I don’t want our love to fade this way. I am planning to leave this village next month because I have some work to do back at home and also to plan against you coming to Lagos.

“So you will leave me all alone ?” She asked almost crying while Jacob move closer to her.

“I am not leaving you alone. Not now! I will spend the remaining two weeks with you and I will return next month but I promised to come back for you” he said while she cried out.

Jacob consoled her, promising to come back for her.


Jacob left for Lagos leaving Ibiwunmi behind. During all those times, she don’t have a phone of herself yet. He has promised to come back after a week. Ibiwunmi keep imaging what his coming back will be. Perhaps, it will be the right time for her to get married.

Jacob arrived at Lagos beaming with smiles. He has missed his parents and his younger ones. He was picked up by his father driver at the bus stop to his house.

His family welcomed him back while he keepll hugging everyone.

“Village boy. How is village?” His dad teased him while he smile

“Village is sweet oooo, let me change and give you the full gist” he replied while he rushed in to change his clothes and ate before finally settling down.

Everyone sit in his front, waiting patiently for his story.

“Everyone is so eager to hear the outcome of my Village visit”.

“Yes ooo! We want to know how the village is” Ronke replied (his younger sister)

“But dad! Mum! You once lived in the village”

“Yeah! That was years back and I have missed everything about the village but still yet. I am eager to hear it” his dad replied while he adjusted on his seat very well before he start talking.

“Village life is so sweet. You will wake up with a cool and peaceful face because everywhere is sooooo silent. Not the buzzling life of Lagos. People fetch water from the stream to cook,bath,wash and do various things while some prefer to bath and wash clothes in the river”.

“Wait! The water that is used for cooking is also the place where people bath as in! I don’t get it. Aren’t they scared of cholera” kemi cut in( Jacob second younger sister)

“That is the life of the villagers and if you see them, they are so healthy. They will bath in the stream,wash In the stream while they will still fetch water in the same stream. The village is so cool with air flowing in from different angles. You want to know why?

“Why?” Ronke asked

“You see, in the village, they don’t cut their trees. They prefer sleeping under it or sitting under the tree shade because it prevent them for the sun. Now tell me, how would they feel any heat. In the town here, we cut down almost all our trees and we always complained of heat. Why won’t we? When all the trees that supposed to absorb the heat from the sun is cut down. There is no how we won’t experience heat but in the village. You won’t experience such. Everything is evergreen and cool.

“Hmmmmm” they all sighed while his dad and mum just laughed it off.

“All these things isn’t surprising to us because we have once had the experience of the village life but don’t worry, you will soon visit the village too and experience everything” his mum replied while they all laughed.

A gentle knock hit the door while they all looked up.

“Are you expecting someone?” Jacob asked

“Can’t say precisely, but , hmm Ronke! go and check who is at the door and let the person in”.

She walked up to the door and opened it. While folake come in.

“Ah sister folake! You come on time, enter please” she said leading her to tehe sitting room while she smiled and walked behind.

She greeted everyone and sit beside Jacob.

“Mum! Dad! Who is she?” He asked in confusion

“You don’t remember folake!


“Yes nah! Folake the daughter of my friend” his mum replied.

“Oh! Oh! Folake! It’s been a while, how have you been?”

“Am fine and you?”

“I am doing okay! He replied

“It is good that you met us together” his mum cut in.

“Ehm! Jacob! You are not getting younger and it is high time you get married. Time is not on your sides anymore, that was why I am enthrusting Folake to you. You guys fit each other in everything, she is educated, beautiful, intelligent and everything you want in a lady . You will find her amusing when you spend some time together”.

“Is this a joke or what?” Jacob asked all of a sudden.

“It is not a joke but a reality!

“You don’t even bother to hear the remaining gist I had for you from the village. The main topic of my discussion”. He said almost getting angry

“It can’t be important than what i just said” his mum replied while Jacob stand up.

“For your information mum. I met a lady in the village and she is everything to me. I mean, she means the world to me and she is the only woman I am getting married to!!!!

“You want to marry a village lady?”

“Are you not once a village lady mum! You were once a village lady. If you can get married to dad then why can’t I” he shouted while her mum slapped him.

“You don’t shout at me when I am talking to you, I am your mother and you will obey whatever I laid down for you” she shouted back at him while his husband held her hand back.

“It’s okay sweety! He is being chil-dish! He will get married only to Folake! His dad replied while Jacob held his chin in pain.

He angrily left the sitting room while his dad called him back but he refused to answer. He run to his room and shut the door behind.

Folake shift uncomfortably on her seat.

“You don’t need to panick young lady. He is merely joking. He belongs to you only” his dad said while she managed to smile.

“You are a lady, you should know how to win your man over. Or, Should I teach you few tricks?”

“It’s okay mum! I will try my best” she replied while Jacob mum sit back .


At Jacob room

He sit on his bed in anger and hit his head twice. He spent few hours thinking about what to do next.

“Damñit! What will I tell my own Ibiwunmi? I can’t leave her for that ug._ly lady. She is not even beautiful” he spat out and remember their memories of being together. He managed to win her heart and he don’t think his parents will be in support of their union.

” I have to find a way to bring Ibiwunmi to the town. I think it was because my parents haven’t see her, that was why they keep insisting that I marry Folake. I will bring her home. I missed my love alot.

He stand up and pace around the room before getting out.

In the sitting room

Everyone has left the sitting room while it remains only Folake watching a movie. Jacob came out of his room with a huge frown on his face.

Folake is happy seeing him in the sitting room back, she draws down her top revealing her cleava_ges while Jacob hissed seeing her and went into the kitchen to get himself some tea.

He stirred the tea very well and lift it to his mouth when someone hand move to his chest. Realising that it is Folake, he turned and poured the tea on while she coughed out hard. The tea has escaped into her nostril and she find it hard to breathe. She coughed so hard. Jacob on his side realizing what he did wrong quickly move closer to her and dragged her head down for the cough to relive her.

She stopped coughing now while he angrily left for his parents door.

He banged on their door so hard.

“Dad! Mum! Come outside oooo” he shouted while they both rushed out.

“Mum! If you are teaching that lady any tricks to win me over, I am sorry to say, you are wasting your time because I won’t fall for any lady tricks. Just warn her to stop disturbing me. I have who my heart belongs to and it is Ibiwunmi. Tell her to stay off” he said and left while his mum laughed it off.

Back at village.

It is exactly four days now that Jacob has left for Lagos. Ibiwunmi keep on counting the days left for a week to be completed. She can’t wait to see her love back . Her heart yearn for his love.

She has boas-ted to all her friends that she is getting married soon and will leave them behind while they keep on congratulating her.

She sit on the bench outside her parents house while yemisi joined her.

“My friend! How are you doing?” She asked sitting beside her.

“I am not too good”


“My fiancee is not yet back, I am trying to be strong”.

“Hn! Hnn!! Two lovers, I prayed that I found my own too love soon oooooo” yemisi teased

“Nah you Sabi! I just feel like seeing him”

“Don’t worry! He will soon be back.”

“When are you going to the market because time is far spent ooo” Ibiwunmi asked.

“Very soon! I will leave. Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! Is that not the prince?” Yemisi asked pointing towards the prince.

“He is! She simply replied.

“That is good! You know that I had a big crush on the prince and I wished that he is mine” yemisi confessed.

“Who don’t like better thing? It will be good if you guys get married to each other. You are also a beautiful lady” Ibiwunmi complimented.

“But not beautiful as you Ibiwunmi. You are too pretty” she replied while prince adeyinka move closer to their side along with his guards. They both greet him while he keep on starring at Ibiwunmi.

“My guards and you yemisi. Excuse us” he ordered while they all left.

“Ibiwunmi! Ibiwunmi!! How many times did I call you?”

“Two times your highness!.

“Three times! Did you know that you are” He asked pointing towards her.

“What did I do your highness?”

“You are Still asking me about what you did wrong? I professed my love to you, telling you how happy you will be anytime you give me a chance into your life but you keep on rejecting me. Who dares reject wealth?

“Your highness! I am not after your wealth. I am after what my heart wants. You see, love is a beautiful thing. It gets more beautiful when it comes naturally from two people. I have someone else I love”.

“That Lagos guy! He cut in

“Yeah Jacob! He is the one my heart truly wants and we are planning to get married soon” she replied looking at the other side.

“You want to marry an ordinary Lagos guy when you have a wealthy person disturbing you. You need a thorough orientation about the choice you are making but….I know what to do” he said and left while she hissed.

Yemisi get back to her friend.

“Why is your face this hard?” She asked

“It’s your crush”

“What about him?”

“He wants to marry me”

“How would he woo you when I love him deeply. He don’t look at my side at all and it pains me everyday”.

“Maybe you should start talking to him maybe he will give you a chance”.

“But why is it that anytime I had a big crush on a man. They always end up coming to you. That is how it happened during habib and adisa time. Hope you are not using a cha-rm?” Yemisi asked in anger while ibiwunmi stare at her face in shock.

“What did you mean by that question?”

“How does it sound to you? Everyone keep on coming for only you. Are you the only person in this village. It is getting too much and I can’t take it anymore. Won’t I also get married or what is d meaning of all this” He asked in a fury and left immediately.

Ibiwunmi stand up and clapped her two hands.

“Ehhhh! Ehhh! Is it my fault that I am beautiful or what kind of talk is this? I have to be careful with people around me. People are j.e-al.ous ooooooo…..

Back at Lagos

Jacob has packed his load into a bag and dragged it to the sitting room. He met his parents sitting in the front of the television.

“And! Where are you going to?” His dad asked

“I am going back to the village”

“The village! To do what?” He asked once again

“I have missed the village life and I can’t wait to be there back”.

“And what should happen to your fiancee here?” Her mum cut in.

“I dont have any fiancee here, the only fiancee I have is in the village”. He replied nonchalantly.

“You this boy, am I not your mother again, because I don’t understand. You have a beautiful wife here waiting for you. An educated woman for God sake . you want to leave her behind and went for a village girl. Like how does it sound to you?”

“Mum! You were once a village lady . We have had this conversation before why are you repeating it?”.

“For your information my stub-born son, you are going no where not until you get married”.

“Mum! I am sorry, I have to leave. I don’t have more strength to argue this morning” he said leaving while his parents called him back.


Back at village

Ibiwunmi is waiting at the bus stop to receive her beloved man. She sat on a bench, looking forward to see him. She keep on peeping at every vehicle that stopped in her front.

After few minutes of waiting, she get tired.

Her eyes caught adeyinka the prince coming from afar. She looked away.

Adeyinka move faster to her side and ordered his guard to spare them some minutes.

“Ibiwunmi! How far?”


“Ibiwunmi! I am talking to you!

“Please adeyinka or what did they call your name, I am not in for any talk this morning. I am waiting for the love of my life here. Please don’t disturb me.

“But you know that you belong to me only. I have told the king about you and he is planning to call your parents for a visit”.

“Whether he called them because of my case or not, what I know is that I am not in love with you and, you can’t force me to love you”.

“Let’s wait and see” he said and left.

“This issue is getting out of hand o, what if his father order me to marry his son Nkor! I must do something to this. Where is Jacob?” She asked herself looking at the road.

A bus pulled over while everyone Alighted from the bus. Ibiwunmi move closer. Her eyes caught the back of a man pulling his bag. She run up to him and hugged him from the back


“I know it’s you” she said while Jacob faced her

“What if it’s someone else, slap would have landed on your face”. He said

“That person won’t dares to do that. I have missed you” she said hugging him while he hugged her back.

“Let’s go to my house” he said pulling her from his hug and lead the road.

They both entered the house and sit on the bed.

“How is Lagos and everything?”

“Lagos is good and I also bought alot of things for you”.


“Yes nah! Let me rest a bit before unpacking everything” he said and l!e down.

Ibiwunmi went outside the house to cook for her fiancee. She pounded yam with melon soup along with the bush meat she bought before the arrival of her fiancee.

She covered the pots and went inside the house. Jacob is deep into sleep while she sit beside him, starring at his body. She placed a soft kiss on his forehead and l!e down beside him, placing her head on his chest and finally drifted off to sleep.

Ibiwunmi opened her eyes to see Jacob washing his hands.

“Ah! Ah!! You have eaten before me, you don’t even bother to wake me up” she accused him.

“I am sorry, I don’t want to disturb your sleep. Wow babe! Your food is delicious. Come and marry me” he teased.

“Yeah! That “marry” statement make me remember something now”.

“What is it?” He asked drawing closer to her.

“There is big problem oooo”.

“What problem is that?”

“The king will soon request my hand in marriage for his son and that means that you won’t have d Chance to marry me”.

“How can we revert this? And babe! My parents is against our Union too. I got back home to meet an arranged woman waiting for me. How is our life complicated like this …. Ibiwunmi I can’t leave you for any man in this world.

“I have an idea to stop my union with the prince but! What about your parents?” She said looking sad.

“Let’s stop the union between you and the king son first. I know what to do to my parents”.

“The only device I have is to loose my virginity” she said while Jacob opened his mouth in shock.

“Why is it through that method. I want us to wait till our wedding night”.

“If you don’t want to lose me. Then, you should dis flowered me and you will have me”.

“Can you explain to me in a better way because how does loosing virginity connect with you not getting married to the prince”.

She stand up, paced around the room before sitting on his laps.

She sighed and look up.

“You see, this village. It is a taboo for the prince to marry a disflowered woman. No man should sleep with the prince wife before he get married to him because once he marry a disflowered lady. The village won’t be in peace again. That is why we should do this now!!!!

“Ibiwunmi, you don’t have to worry about my parents. I know how to handle them”. He said while ibiwunmi stand up.

“Let’s keep the Virginity till next week”.

“We should do whatever we want to do now, because the king will summon my parents any moment from now on” Ibiwunmi replied while Jacob covered his face with his two hands.

“This is serious!

“Very serious! I don’t want to do this now but……we ….we don’t have a choice. It is the only escape plan we have” she replied.

“No problem”. He said and move closer to the door. He locked it from the back and close the windows.

Ibiwunmi l!e on the bed with her heart beating furiously. She hope that her plan work out for them and Jacob won’t betr-ay her.

Jacob undressed and move closer to the bed. He lift her head up and kissed her.

They both ended together on the bed.


Ibiwunmi opened her eyes and met herself on the bed na.k.ed with Jacob sleeping soundly beside her. She stand up and turned to look at the bed sheet. It was filled with her blo-od stain. Her pride! She just lost it that way. She sniffed back the tears that is threatening to fall from her face. It is getting late and she need to get back to her house.

She tapped him while he opened his eyes. He yawned and stretched his body.

“You are leaving right Ibiwunmi!

“Yes dear, I need to leave now. My parents will be waiting for me. I need to cook for them” she replied shyly. Jacob stand up and placed a kiss on her lips.

“Don’t worry sweetheart! You have my promise. I will take care of the stain. Thanks for today and thanks for trusting me with your pride” he said while she dressed up quickly.

She left for her house quickly.

She entered her house and met her mum sitting on the chair with loads of gifts in her front beaming with smiles.

“Mama! Good evening ma!

“Evening my baby! We just hit the jackpot”.


“Yes my baby! The king summoned I and your dad”.

On mentioning the king. Her heart beats furiously.

“He said that his son see a flower in our garden and he wants to pluck it. He gifted us with all these gifts. I know that you have alot of good ness in you my beautiful daughter.

“Mum! I will implore you to return the gift because I am not interested” she replied shrugging her shoulder.

“You are not what!

“You will be interested in this because you are getting older and I want to see my grandchildren. A wealthy man wants to marry you and you wanted to declin-e it.its not done Ibiwunmi”..

“Mummy! You already know my fiancee! I can’t leave him”.

“I know him very well but he is not ready to marry you and I have not see the place where a woman will reje-ct the royal proposal. I want to be rich my daughter”.

“Mum! I am not doing ooo. I have my boyfriend and no one is separating us” she shouted.

“Whether you shout or not, what I know is that you will marry the prince. Hope you have not started sleeping with that guy?” Her mum asked

“What if I sleep with him!

“They don’t born you well! I will diso-wn you in this life. You must not lose this opportunity in front of you. Let it rings a bell in your ear. You must not allow him to touch you. It is against our tradition”

Ibiwunmi heart beat faster on hearing how her mum will disowned her. She kept mu-te after this.

“Go and cook for me oooo”

She went outside to cook for the family.


After two weeks, her family is planning for her wedding with the prince. She kept mute over her Virginity. Jacob can’t afford seeing Ibiwunmi with another man. He has slept with her twice after the last time they met.

Ibiwunmi is not allowed to go out like before because her mum is monitoring her every moment. She wants to be assured that her daughter is still pure.

Yemisi on her own part stop talking to Ibiwunmi after the last time they met about the prince. She concluded that she is not a good friend because she just snatched the prince from her.

Her remaining friends were surprised about her getting married to the prince because all what they know is Jacob and her. Everyone kept mute about it and congratulate her on her upcoming wedding.

Ibiwunmi always cry anytime she remembered her parents not allowing her to marry Jacob. She had no one to talk to. Jacob do sneak to her house sometimes but was caught the last time he see her. Ibiwunmi mum lambĂ sted him seriously that day, warning him off her daughter.

Few weeks to the wedding

Ibiwunmi fell ill and this got her parents worried. Adeyinka rushed to their house the day he heard about the news.

He tried to touch her forehead when she dusted his hand off her.

“Don’t you dare touch me” she shouted at him.

“You better get used to it because this is how I am going to touch you everyday after we get married. I can’t wait to touch every part of your body” he replied while she hissed at him.

“Mum! I will sent the palace priest to her to examine her” adeyinka said

“Alright your highness. I will be expecting them” her mum replied while Adeyinka left.

Ibiwunmi is more than scared now. She prayed in her heart that it is not pregnancy because she can’t afford to disgra-ce her parents. She only wants to be disvirgined so that she won’t marry the prince not planning to get pregnant…….

Prince Adeyinka left while ibiwunmi is so scared now. She managed to maintain a straight face. mother noticed her uneasiness. She decided to talk to her.

“What is wrong Ibiwunmi? You look so worked up. I Hope you are not pregnant because I can’t stand it if you disg-race I and your dad”.

“Pregnant! Mum I am not and I can’t believe that you have such thing in your mind. You nurture me so well mum and I can’t disap-point you and my dad.

“You better don’t, because I will diso-wn you”.

“You don’t need to panick mum” she replied and lie back on the mat.

“Let me check the herb that I am cooking for you. It Should be well cooked now so that you will drink it on time”. She said standing up. She adjusted her wrapper and went outside.

After few minutes. The palace priest is around. She look so calm.

Ibiwunmi trembled where she is on sighting the priest. She pretended to be sleeping.

“Our mother! Thanks for taking care of the future Queen. How is she doing now?” The woman asked Ibiwunmi mum.

“She is fairing a little but the weakness is still there”. She replied.

“Alright! I just want to examine her body before going back to the palace. She is asleep now”.

” Ohh!! Can’t you examine her that way ?”

“We can’t our mother until she wake up”.

“Can I wake her up ?”

“No ma! I will gladly come back” she said and left.

Ibiwunmi sighed of relief and waited for some minutes before opening her eyes.

She opened her eyes after few minutes and met the house empty. Her mother has left for her friend place leaving her behind thinking that she is asleep.

She managed to stand up and sneak to Jacob house. She met him outside his house deep in thought. She tapped him twice. He look behind him and is surprised at the person in his presence. He quickly hugged her.

“I have missed you darling! How did you manage to get out?” He asked while she close his mouth .

“Let’s go inside, no one must see me here with you” she said while they went in.

He closed the door behind while she sit on his bed.

“Jacob! There is a big problem oooo”

“What problem is that?” He asked moving to her side.

“I am ill these days and my instinct keep telling me that it is pregnant”

“If you are pregnant, there is nothing wrong with it. I will take you home to my parents.They won’t have any choice than to accept you and the baby” he simply reply

“I am not planning to get pregnant now. See, the prince has sent a priest to examine me and if they discovered that I am pregnant, it will be a big disap-pointment to my parents and everyone”.

“Hnn!!! This is complicated. You know what, you can’t be sure that you are pregnant yet. Let the priest examine you. Put your mind at rest”. Don’t conclude yet” he said with and assured look.

“Are you sure?” She asked

“I am sure that you are not pregnant” he said

“Okay! I will believe I am not” she replied.

“Let me keep going now because I sneak out of the house. I need to get back before my mother is back from her friend place”.

“I will miss you again. Ibiwunmi! I don’t know the reason why our love story is like this. I really want you..

“My love! The Same thing apply to me too. But let us carry this cross first. We will get back to us” she said while she stand up.

Jacob draw closer to her and kissed her forehead while she left immediately.

Trickle of tears strolled down his face. He don’t want to lose her to anyone.


Ibiwunmi get back home to meet her mum in the front of her house. She slowly walk to her.

“Where are you coming from?” She asked her without looking up.


“Can’t you answer me! She shouted at her.

“From the prince place” she lied.

“Why did you derive pleasure in lieing?” She asked looking up.

“The prince just left this place few minutes away….. to check on your health but couldn’t see you. Now, for the last time. WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM?

“From….ja..Jacob place ma” she responded while her mum eyes widen in shock.

“Jacob Again! Are you m-a.-d? Hope there is nothing wrong with you and that Jacob? Like I always tell you, you this child. If you get pregnant. I will dis own you. I don’t even trust you again. I will personally call the priest now to confirm whatever thought that is in my mind”.

“Mum! Please don’t call the priest. Trust me mum! I am okay! I won’t fall sick again!

“I don’t trust you again. You that I left the house few minutes away and you left the house immediately. I am calling on the priest now, if you like run to that Jacob side again” she said and left the house in anger.

“But why am I scared? I am not pregnant joorh. Let her call the priest and let them confirm the nature of my sickness” she said to herself and went to lie back on the mat inside.

Her mum arrived with the priest. She went in and examine her body including her palm. She chanted few words and her countenance change….

Ibiwunmi mum move closer to her

“What happened?”

She glanced at the wall in the house and stare Into Ibiwunmi eyes…..

The story continues…..

A car from no where stopped at her front.

She fainted from the shock.

Jacob was shocked and confused about a woman he almost hit. He gently dropped from his car to check on the person.

He gasped on seeing her body on the floor.

It is no one than his Ibiwunmi.

He lifted her up and placed her at the back of the seat.

He hurridly drove to his house and Alighted with Ibiwunmi body.

He dropped her and went to get some water.

He sprinkled it on her face while she gasped.

“Thank God you are awake”

She opened her eyes to see her love. She rubbed her face very well to be sure of what she see

“Jacob! She exclaimed.

“It’s me, your love ” he replied and move closer to her.

She pulled him away in a flash.


“You are asking me that why? After leaving me all these months. You promised to come back for me but you didn’t. You left me in pains. I was di-sgraced everywhere and people moc–ked me alot. My parents is so di-sappointed in me. You left me Jacob, you did! She shouted at him while he broke down in tears.

“It’s not my fault my love, you know that I dare not to leave you all alone . I also missed you and always crave for your attention. You are like a diamond to my life which I will always care for,please forgive me. My parents don’t let me get out before and after my marriage with Folake”. He confessed while her eyes widen in shock.

“You….are ….married!

“Yes Ibiwunmi, I was forced to!

“So, what will happen to me now?” She asked amidst tears

“I come back for you, I never touch the new wife . It is you I want not her”. He replied pulling her over for a hug while she wept.

It’s a union to both people.

She cooked for him while he ate with satisfaction.

He sit on the chair and keep on looking at her body.

“Why are u looking at me that way?”

“You have changed in appearance, pregnancy look good on you” he confessed.

“Thank you”

“Come over” he instructed while she stand up.

He pulled her on his laps and gently stroke her hair.

“I missed you. I wished to see your parents, at least, they will accept me to marry their daughter now. I have come with enough money”.

“Alright dear, I will be glad if you do so” she replied.

They chatted and joked about their future when Ibiwunmi decided to go home.

He kissed her passionately before seeing her off.


Ibiwunmi get to her house and met her mum cooking

She excitedly run to her front and kneel down.

“Good afternoon ma”

“Where have you been since morning?”. She asked.

“Mum, I brought to you good news”

“What’s that”

“Jacob is back! She shouted excitedly while her mum hissed at her.

“You call that one good news you this shĂ m-eless lady. You must be s.t.u.p.i.d. if you ever mention that name in this house again, I am going to k!ll you”.

Ibiwunmi is surprised at her mother reaction. Her mum is really furious with her. She gently went inside and cry her heart out.

The rest of d evening was spent in full sadness.


The next day

Jacob is nervous about seeing Ibiwunmi parents. He don’t know what to meet in their house. He check himself out in the mirror and left the house.

He approached Ibiwunmi house and the door is closed from within.

He gently knock the door.

“Who is there?” Someone voice from inside asked

“It’s me ma” he replied

The person move closer to the door and opened it. It is Ibiwunmi, she ushered him in and tell him to sit down.

She went in to call her parents.

Her parents came into the sitting room looking angry.

They met him sitting down.

“What, you came visiting us for the first time and you are sited. My friend stand up!!! Her dad shouted at him while he stand on his feet.

The both parents sit on the chair

“Ngbor, you are the one that impregnate my daughter”

“I am the one sir and I am sorry” he pleaded.

“You are sorry, you are not sorry when you are sleeping with her, you are now sorry . You are aware that she is someone else wife and you go ahead to impregnate her, you are a f.o.ol, a big one at that. You make our daughter d!sgrace us. You are m.a.d” her mum fired at him while he prostrated.

“I am so sorry ma and sir, I promise to take care of her, please let us gt married” he pleaded.

“I don’t trust this guy, why did you run away when you impregnate my daughter because we came to your house and met it locked”. Her dad asked

“I went to Lagos to inform my parents about Ibiwunmi pregnancy”.

“So, where are your parents? They supposed to come with you”.

“They are preparing to come sir” he l!ed.

“We have no choice than to let him perform the right dues on her head and take her away, after all she decided to turn herself cheap to him abi what did you think mama Ibiwunmi”.

“I am angry looking at this guy because I warned him off my daughter, how are people this w!cked? You make us loose our lifetime opportunity. ahh I am not happy”.

“It’s okay mama Ibiwunmi, we have no choice again that to accept him”.

“Mr Man, we want to see your parents next week, we want to Know how serious you are” he said while Jacob thanked him.

He left afterwards.

After Jacob visit that day, Ibiwunmi mindset started changing towards her daughter, she started Caring about her daughter pregnancy.

Jacob on his side started working on inviting his parents over but they tell him to come back home or di-sown him. He is getting tired of everything already. What should he do?.

Yemisi came visiting Ibiwunmi , she is now the wife of Adeyinka, she apologized to her friend for her unr-uly behavior then. They both reunite again.

After a month

Jacob mum planned with his husband to visit Jacob in the village and to see his wife. Perhaps, they can take him back with them. They came with Folake.

They arrived at the village and went to his house. Jacob is happy seeing his parents, at least they are here with him. He is not happy with bringing Folake .

“Mum, why did you bring Folake here?

“She will stay behind while we visit your fiancee parents house” she replied.

The next day

The dressed for Ibiwunmi parents house.

Folake stayed behind

She was told to trail them to their house without Jacob noticing

They were ushered in on getting to Ibiwunmi house.

Her parents welcomed them.

“Thanks for honouring our invite, we called you based on Ibiwunmi pregnancy, your son has admitted that he is the one responsible for her pregnancy and we invited you for the date of the wedding” her dad said.

“About the wedding date sir, that is why we are here. You see my son John already has a wife, he is married to a woman before coming to the village and I don’t think this meeting is necessary because he can’t marry two wives at the same time” Jacob mum said while everyone gasped. Jacob is so furious now.

Ibiwunmi parents are ashĂ m-ed to speak on

“You see your life Ibiwunmi! He shouted at her.

“Your daughter is good looking too, if you think we can help you in any way. We can take her in as our maid if you want her to live with us in Lagos. Folake come in” she order while folake pushed the door open and came in.

Ibiwunmi parents can’t contain the embar-rassment,they flare up.

“What is the meaning of Al this Jacob?” Ibiwunmi dad asked.

“I am sorry sir”.

“My name is Folake and I am Jacob new wife in Lagos. My husband refused to touch me because of your daughter pregnancy, I can see the reason why he fell in love with you but listen young lady, you are not prettier than me” Folake said facing Ibiwunmi.

Ibiwunmi broke down into tears, she run inside while Jacob parents take their leave.

Jacob keep on pleading to Ibiwunmi parents but they don’t answer him, he later left.

Jacob got back home and shouted at his parents. His dad slapped him.

“He is Carrying my baby dad” he calmly said amidst tears.

“I told you to let us take the baby and leave the mother behind but you refused, are you ready to comply to my instructions now?” He asked why Jacob broke down into tears.

His mum is moved to pity, she started re+gretting her actions towards his son marrying her friend daughter. His son has never cry so hard. She feel like they are making things hard for him.

“Ibiwunmi dad, let me see you for a sec” she said while he went to meet his wife.

“My husband, don’t you think we are taking all this thing far, after all, that lady is carrying our grandchild or what did you think?”

“What about Folake! They just got married for Christ sake”.

” He won’t leave Folake but we can let ibidun live with us for d meantime, whenever she gave birth, we can collect d baby and let her go”.

“Did you think Jacob will let you do that? He personally love that Ibiwunmi” Jacob dad said.

“When we get to that bridge, we will carry it” she said.

They told Folake to wait for them in the car while they talked to Jacob.

“Jacob, we will come back next month to leave with Ibiwunmi, do you like it?” She asked

“Yes mum! Yes! Thank you so much” he said excitedly.

“What about the wedding mum?” He asked

“We will do that later” she said

“But on one condition”

“What is that mum? I will do anything for you”

“You will impregnate Folake” she said

Jacob don’t have a choice than to agree to his parents wish.

“I will come to Lagos next week to do that but after that, I will be with Ibiwunmi”.

“Yes sure, you will stay with her” she said while they all left.

After Jacob parents left, he didn’t know how to approach Ibiwunmi parents back. He is so confused about everything.

Ibiwunmi on her own side can’t face her parents after the whole drama. The plan she made is now haunting her. Her parents don’t take it lightly with her as they abu-se her everyday.

Jacob concluded in his mind to visit Lagos and do the condition his parents wanted him to do. He informed Ibiwunmi about his visit to Lagos while she begged him to come back.

“I will my love ” he said and left.

That is it

Jacob never returned to the village, she don’t know what happened? Her parents has accept their daughter cross.

Ibiwunmi is always depressed about everything.

Months after months.

She delivered a bouncing baby boy

She named him “ibikunle” “Abidemi” “iremide” etc.

Her parents nutured and cared for the boy.

She never heard from Jacob again, she lost herself in the process and will always cry. After few months. She forgot about everything and move on with life.

She struggled with her parents to cater for the child, her once glowing skin has started fading due to constant hustling inside the sun.

She do laundry, farmed and any other menial jobs.

Ibikunle turned 2years and she is happy for it.

She is happy with her son.


One fateful day.

Jacob parents arrived from the town .

They look so bĂ d and sad.

They move closer to Ibiwunmi parents house and knock at the door.

Ibiwunmi went to open the door and was shocked at the person in her presence, she hissed and went inside…

Jacob parents went to the sitting room to have their seat while ibiwunmi parents came out to see them.

“It’s this w!cked people again, why are you here? What are you here for?” Ibiwunmi mum asked while Jacob mum went on her kneel

“We agree that we are a baĂ d people but please forgive us, we regretted our actions”.

“Why are you begging me, I am not the one that your son impregnated, where is Ibiwunmi? Ibiwunmi! Ibiwunmi!!.


“Your people are here o”

Ibiwunmi walked to the sitting room with a big frown on her face.

“My wife, I am sorry”.

“Who is your wife? Don’t you ever call me your wife again, why are you here in the first place?”

“My wife, ehmmm….we are sorry, we are here for jacob child”

“Which child? Is it the child you abandon or which one?” Ibiwunmi dad cut in.

“We are deeply sorry sir’s and ma’s . We re the cause of all this. We forced Jacob to Lagos to sleep with his new wife but everything seems abortive as Folake don’t get pregnant again. He wanted to come back to the village for Ibiwunmi but we disagree, we instructed the bouncers we hired to monitor his every moment. Not until he impregnate Folake. He was forced to sleep with her several times but all proved abörtive. My husband decided to take Folake for a check up and Everything is Alright. Unknowingly, she has planned with the doctor to hide the real result, she has a dam_aged womb. We didn’t know all this and keep on forcing him on Folake. Jacob lost himself in the process, he started drinking heavily……

“One day, there is no one in the house and all the bouncers are outside. Jacob got drunk and made a mistake in touching the na-ke-d wire beside the house socket. He died from electric shock. I lost myself as his mother, I cried so hard, I just k!ll my sonnnnnnnnn!!!! She said and broke into fresh tears.

Ibiwunmi couldn’t believe what she hear as she jumped and scream so loud.

“Jacob is dead!

“No! No!! No!!! No!!!! You are lieing, tell me this is all a joke” she shouted moving closer to Jacob mum while she broke into another round of tears.

“You k!lled him! You did! She held Jacob mother cloth in tight fist.

“You have ru!ned my life, I will never forgive you for this” she said pushing her.

Everyone is shocked at the news.

“You just k!ll that man for nothing, are you sure you are a mother? I don’t think you are the one that gave birth to him because if you are, you would be after his happiness and what are you doing here mĂ»rde-rers? Ibiwunmi mum asked

“We are here for jacob child ma” Jacob dad replied.

“For which child? So that you can k!ll him just like you k!ll his father right! We won’t give you!

“Please sir, the child is the replica of his father, he is the only child that can replace his father in our mind, we promise to take care of him. No harm will come towards him, pleaseeee..

“If you think I will give you my child, then you are making a big mistake” she shouted and leave their presence.

Ibiwunmi parents don’t agree with them taking the child away but promise to let them see him anytime they want. They left their complimentary card for her parents and left amidst tears.

Throughout that week,

Ibiwunmi cried her eyes out, she loved Jacob alot and this is how their love life ended. Her parents consoled her, telling her to move on with life.

Ibiwunmi struggled to take care of his child,

After a year.

A war break down in the village, the warrior from other village attacked the village and k!ll more people, Ibiwunmi Parents are among the people that was k!lled. Ibiwunmi take the complimentary card and her child and flew to Lagos.

She struggled to take care of his kid in Lagos, she decided not to get married to another man and do many jobs ….

Ibikunle graduated from primary school and things started getting wor-se for her, she fell ill and don’t have an helper. She managed to call Jacob parents. They assist her to the hospital and take care of her child..

When she was hale and hearty, she decided to Leave their house with his son.

They refused to let go of ibikunle.

“Let me go with my child, did you want to k!ll him just like you k!ll his father?”

“We don’t k!ll his father, he died a natural death and his son will replace him” Jacob mum shouted at her.

She don’t bother arguing with them because she know the kind of person they are.

She sneaked out of the house the next week and fled to another state.

She met another man who claimed to love her and decided to give love another chance again.

After a while, the man started beating her, she endured alot not until the man started beating ibikunle. She can’t stand it again and left man house.

She focused on her son until he graduated from the institution and has a decent job.

All her thought was that,

She will have a good life now and enjoy the fruit of her labour, but such is not the case when he came home with his wife to be.


They got married and everything changed.

Her son stopped visiting her, he stopped sending her money….

That is the beginning of her pains, she is so lonely, so sad and started suffering …..

Anytime she wanted to reach her son, Everything proved abörtive.

Temitope made life m!serable for her.

Is she aware of the pain she went through before she met her son, it’s so painful

She is in so much pain and started afresh by working with mama cook.

Mama cook is her only survival

“My second name should be sufferness” she said to herself and closed her eyes….

In anticipation for d next day work…..

At ibikunle house

Temitope is sitted on the chair sipping an orange juice, her husband has gone to work and she is the only one at home. Someone knocked on the door while she went to open it. It is her friend.

“Ah! ah!! see who we have here? Salewa! lewa!! My friend!

“That’s me ooo”

“Come in! Come in!! Come in!! She said ushering her friend in.

“Have your seat please, what can I offer you for visiting me today?”

“If you have pounded yam, I will eat it”.

“Who have the hand to pound? I don’t have such strong hand o but I have rice at home”

“I was only joking, water will be okay” she said while temitope went to get her friend water.

“So, how is everything now? Your husband and everyone ?

“My husband is good o, I came to give you good news”

“What’s that?” Temitope asked excitedly

“I am pregnant”

“Wow!!! Thank God oooo, that’s beautiful”

“Am so happy”

“We praise God, I prayed that God that answer you should answer me too”


“But wait my friend, what’s happening?”

“Happening as how?”

“You got married before me and you are yet to give birth to your own child? Salewa asked.

“You better thank God that you don’t have a mother in law . I guess that is why you are able to get pregnant”. Temitope replied.

“Is it your mother in law again?”

“It is o, that woman is a w!tch , if she is not a w!tch. I should have given birth to my second child nawww and what I will do to her, she won’t expect it”.

“How are some mother in law so w!cked like this, she should leave you alone nawww, did she normally visit you?”

“Visit who? I stopped allowing her to come here o, even I don’t care if she is dead by now because I always prayed to God to not let me meet my mother in law alive but such is not my case. i will soon show her pepper, she will reg-ret it if I don’t get married before this year runs out”.

“That is good, you should deal with her or what is the meaning of all that? Sorry my friend, the Lord will provide your child to you”

“Amen ooooo, I am waiting for him to answer my prayers and save me from that woman”.

“Don’t worry, he will”

“How is your husband?” Temitope asked.

“He is fine oooo, he went to work and I am not opening my shop for naw, that is why I came to give you the good news”

“That’s good”.

They both chatted and gist each other before she finally left.


Mama woke up early today but her back still ached her Seriously, she managed to bath for her place of work.

Her phone ring and it is Rebecca ( Rebecca is like a neice to mama)

“Hello my sister”

“How are you Rebecca?”

“I am fine ma”.

“I wanted to visit you today, will you be around?” She asked

“I will be around in the evening”

“Okay I will be there by evening, take care ma” she end the call while mama sighed.

She managed to prepare a pap and drink it along with using a pain reliver.

She dragged her legs to the bus stop but met alot of people there also waiting for the bus.

“Ahh! People are much today, hope I won’t get to the shop late like this?” She asked herself and sighed.

Two buses arrived and people rushed to it, mama can’t rush the bus due to her health and don’t have a strong leg.

There is still much people around after the two bus left. Mama waited for people to leave and finally board a cab to work. The time is 11:30a.m now.

She knows that mama cook will get so angry at her and has determined to beg her.

She got to shop and met another new face washing the plates, she hurridly went to meet mama cook.

She met her attending to some customers, shouting at her co-workers . Mama heart beat so fast .

“I prayed she doesn’t send me away today” she muttered to herself.

After a while, mama cook left her seat to go outside when she see mama standing at a side.

“So, you are around naw. I thought you won’t come to work again ni. What says the time now?” She asked mama while she shakingly answer her.

“It’s 12:00pm ma”.

“Good, 12:00pm right! You will do me a favour now, you see that passage? You will help me pass the place back to your house”.

“Ah! Mama cook ,don’t do this to me, you are my only survival , forgive me”. Mama pleaded.

“You can see that I don’t shout at you because I don’t want people to start seeing me as someone who don’t have an elder at home. I have employed another staff to your post and I don’t have any vacancy again” she said

“Please, I woke up early but people are much at the bus stop, it’s not my fault”.

“You Kno what! I am tired of listening to your f!lmsy excuse these days. I am done with you, opeyemi, bring me my purse, let me pay this woman off”.

Opeyemi came with the purse with a sad face, she managed to plead to mama cook on mama behalf .

“If you begged me on this woman mater again, I will send you away” she said .

She counted five thousand naira and gave it to mama.

“That is it, have a good life” she said and pushed mama outside.

Ibiwunmi (mama) cried so hard. She later left the place for her house. She went in and sit down.

“Is this how my life will continue?”

“God, what have I done wrong to you? I suffered during my youthful life because of a mistake I made in my early life and I am still suffering after taking care of my child. Is it a crime to come to this world?” She cried out.

She slept off after crying for a while.


In d evening

A nice aroma filled her nostril while she managed to open her eyes.

She met two plates of food beside her and smile.

“Rebecca is around” she said and went out to see her cooking.

“My sister, you are awake, I am coming” she said stirring the soup before going to her.

“Sisto! I know that you will be hungry, that is why I cook before you wake up and …..sister, you just opened the door . What if someone come in nko, please anytime you want to sleep, always close the door” she said while mama sit to eat her food.

She ate and rested her back on the wall.

“Thanks for taking care of me Rebecca, you will not suffer? You will reap the fruit of your labour?” She prayed.

“Amen! My sister, talking about the fruit of my labour, where is ibikunle? Are you hearing from hi?” She asked.

“I am hearing from him” she lied.

“You know I don’t like it when you lie to me, I know that ibikunle is not here, people around told me about it, why sister, stop covering up for your son bĂ d behavior. Why won’t he visit you? It’s too badddddd”.

“I am tired Rebecca, I want to see my son” she finally said.

“Don’t worry, you will see him . My husband has travelled with my kids, that is why I am here. He will be using a week and I will be here throughout this week. Once it is tomorrow morning, we are going to his house. Did you still have the address?” She asked

“Yes, I do”

“Alright, we will go there tomorrow” she said.

Rebecca stayed with mama that night and they prepared to visit ibikunle house the next day.

They board a cab to his house in the estate and knocked on the gate.

The gatekeeper opened the gate and smiled.

“Mama! Good morning ooooo, it’s been a while, we don’t see you here all this while…yo…

“Is your boss around?” Rebecca impatiently asked.

“He has gone to work but madam and madam mum is inside the house” he replied.

“Good” Rebecca said and went inside.

Temitope and her mum is in the sitting room gisting when a gentle knock hit the door. Tope went to open the door and met mama and Rebecca outside, she was about to close the door back when Rebecca pushed the door.

She staggered back while they both went in

“It’s good that I met your mum here today Temitope” Rebecca said holding mama hand.

“Ah, my in-law, good morning ma” temitope mum greeted.

“Mama temitope, your daughter is not a good child and we didn’t know that is the type of person she is before she got married to mama son. Can you believe that your daughter didn’t allow ibikunle to visit her mother”.

“Ngboor, Temitope, is that how I raised you? I even asked about mama when I came in and she told me that mama still visited her yesterday. Is it true Temitope?” She asked her while she stomped her feet on the floor.

“You are a ba-d child and I didn’t raised you that way”

“I am sorry my in law please have your seat” she said while mama sit down.

“What are you still doing there my friend, gt mama what to eat” tope mum instructed while she grumble and went inside.

“I am so sorry ma. I didn’t have the idea of her behavior, I am so so sorry” she pleaded once again.

Mama and Rebecca was entertained and Decided to leave and come back the next day once ibikunle is around. They left.

Temitope mum faced her daughter.

“Tope! What you did is bĂ d. That is not how I nurture you. What « came over you? Did you want to receive everlasting cĂ»rse from an old woman? You didn’t allow that old woman to see her son. It is a ba-d thing from your side”.

“Maami, you are just blaming me. I didn’t get pregnant all this while and I know bthat she is the cause of it”.

“Is she God? Then how is she the cause of it?”

“I Sha know that she is the one behind my predicament and you know what mummy. If I am not har-d on those woman, they will not make me stay in my husband house. They are the type that like disturbing their daughter in law in their son house”.

“I know there are some mother in law like that but not this woman. This woman will be nice to you, learn to take care of that woman and put her in your shoes. Did u want your son to do such to you? If you don’t want that to happen to you, please amend your ways. An half word is enough for the wise”.

“Alright mummy, I will change”.

“It’s better you do, it’s time to leave now”.

“Hunnnn hunnnn mummy, I don’t want you to leave”.

“Then tie me down, I am going back to my husband house”.

“Alright ma, bye” she said and see her off.

She went back to the gate keeper

“The two women that came earlier, not my own mum oooo, I don’t want you to ever open the gate for them again”.

“But, she is the boss mother”

“Are you m.-a.d?”

“No ma!

“If you don’t want to lose your job, obey my order”.

“Alright ma” he said while she went back in.

Mama got back home with Rebecca

“Thank you dear, if not for you, I wouldn’t have gone to that house today. You saved me today.

“Mama, we have to give it to that lady höt so that she will respect you next time. It’s not okay now. You are too old for struggling at your age”.

“Thank you o, you won’t suffer like me o”

“Amen, what should I prepare you sister?”

“Anything will be okay, let me rest my back” she said and slept off.


The next day being weekend

They both left the house for ibikunle house.

Getting to the gate, the gatekeeper refused to open the gate.

“Gateman, are you ok_ay? Why don’t you let us in?” Rebecca imapatiently asked.

“My madam has instructed me not to let you in, please I don’t have any other job, I don’t want to lose my job” he replied.

“Temitope told you not to let us in”

“Yes ma”. He replied

“Is she the owner of the house? Mai friend open this gate” Rebecca shouted at banged her fist on the gate.

She continuously banged her fist on the gate and this woke ibikunle up, he rushed outside.

“Who is that? Musa, are you si-ck? Who is at the gate?” He asked.

“It’s one sister like this”

“One sister, didn’t she knows that she is in an estate? Open it?” He ordered while Musa opened the gate.

Rebecca and mama pushed him back and enter the compound.

“Mama! Ibikunle exclaimed while strands of tears streamed down mama face.

Rebecca move closer to him.

“So…you are around and still living this house while your wife keep treating Mama anyhow ibikunle”.

He move closer to her mum while mama pushed him away.

“Is it a cr!me to nurture you all alone ibikunle? She calmly said and continue

“You left me all alone, all alone to myself. You don’t bother to check on me, you don’t know how I am fairing and you called yourself my son” mama cried out pointing to ibikunle”.

“I am sorry mama, I am really sorry. I had allot of work in my hands, I am a busy man and mama, God knows that I always send temitope to give you some money. Didn’t she delivered it?” He asked her mum.

“Temitope that warned me to stop coming to your house, she made my life a living he-ll. I started working in a canteen, I really suffer ibikunle and you couldn’t spare a day to see me…Ahhh ibikunle, I suffered! Mama cried out once again while ibikunle hugged her mum. He cried so much for abandoning her mum for a long time , she really suffered on his behalf. Ibiwunmi trieeeeeeedddd.

Rebecca couldn’t hold back her tears watching mother and son together. It is a good day for mama.

Ibikunle released her mum from the hug and went back to Musa.

“If you don’t want to be sacked in this house, you must never stop my mum from entering this house. She suffered for me, if she didn’t nurture me well, how would you get a job here? Be careful” he warned him and went inside with her mum and Rebecca.

Getting to the sitting room, Temitope is already up, she sit on the chair and started watching some movies.

Ibikunle came in with mama and Rebecca. She jumped up on sighting them.

“Wow, mama, it’s been a while visiting us here, how is everything mama? I have missed you, please come and have your seat” she said acting all nice.

“Essss madam prete-nder, stop acting all nice and get this straight into your sk_ull, mama will start living here with you and you don’t have a choice than to accept it” Rebecca said while her mood changed. Ibikunle charged forward.

“Temitope! You are a w! cked soul, anytime your mum come to my house, I always make sure to drop something for her, she is living in a good building and has a car of her own but such is not the case about my mother, you refused to take care of my mum after all the money I gave to you to give to mama, you are w! cked” he shouted at her while she trembled with fear.

“I al…wa..ys visit ma…ma…I…

“Sh_ut up your mouth, which mama did you normally visit? You l! eing b!t ch” Rebecca interrupted.

“You know what, my mum like staying in her lane, she don’t like living with people but will all what I see, she will start living with us, I will always see my mother now. I want her to be the first person I see in the morning and the last person I will see before nightfall. LET IT SINK IN YOUR SK_ULL, MY MUM WILL START LIVING HERE”. He said while she nodded her head.

“Thats good, now, go into the kitchen and get everyone what to eat” he instructed while she went in.

“Thank you my son, the Lord will bless you”

“How are you now surviving since mum?” He asked sitting down while mama and Rebecca sit down too.

“I was working with a woman in a canteen, I helped her in Washing plates while she pays me 5k every month and always give me food to eat”.

“Imagine! My own mum washing plates with all the influence I have in this country and how wealthy I am…Ah! Temitope don’t do well at all! he exclaimed.

“Everything is settled now, when are you packing mama loads to this place?” Rebecca asked.

“Once we finish eating our food, we are going there to pack her loads and to also get her new stuff” he replied.

“Thank you dear, your own too child will take care of you”


They all ate Happily and chatted before mama stuff is moved to her new room.

Mama was given the largest room in his son house, everything she ever needed was provided into the room. Her son always spend his time with him whenever he is around.

Her son love grow in her heart.

Temitope never like the idea of mama living with them, she had to pre-tend for a while.

Monday arrived quickly and ibikunle left for work, leaving temitope and mama behind.

Mama woke up late, her stomach grumble while she groaned out loud. She weakly brush her teeth and rinse her mouth before going to the sitting room.

She met Temitope on the chair, still dressed in her night gown. She was busy pressing phone and laughing at the same time.

Mama got to the sitting room, Temitope looked up from her phone and hissed out loudly.she continue pressing her phone.

“My daughter, I am so hungry, please get me some food” she pleaded.

She ignored her at first.

“Temitope, I am talking to you”. She said while she flared up.

“What is it? Why is your pro-blem this much?she shouted dropping her phone,she faced mama.

“If you are hungry, you will go into the kitchen and fix yourself something to eat, you know that I stayed in my lane now, I don’t disturb your life, so please, spare me the ru-bb-ish. I am not your maid”

“But you know that I can’t operate the cooker in the kitchen, how did you want me to fix my breakfast?” She asked almost crying.

“If you don’t know how to fix it, then drink garri(cassava flakes) . I don’t have the time to cook old woman, LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEE!!!!

Mama staggered back and wiped the tears on her face. She walked to the kitchen and get herself some flakes to drink in the morning.

She dranked it with a sad heart and went back to her room.

After a while, she started experiencing stomach ache.she held her tummy in pain and called on Temitope, she refused to answer her and she passed out….

Temitope went to her room when she didn’t hear her name again and met mama lif-eless body on the floor. She tapped her twice but couldn’t respond.

“Ah! My life!! Hope I haven’t k-!ll her like this ” she said . She went out to call musa while they both carried mama to the hospital.

Ibikunle is aware of her mum ai lment, he rushed to the hospital and met Temitope on the reception seat pressing phone.

“Temitope or what are they calling you, I left Mama in your care today and she is rushed here in how many minutes? Nothing must happen to my mother because I wouldn’t take it easy with you, you this w! cked woman” he shouted at her while she pleaded.

The doctor call them in the next minute.

“Mr Jacob ibikunle, please is that mum your mum?” He asked.

“Yes doctor, my biological mother, why did you ask sir?”.

“What we discovered in her bl oo dstream is not good, she is an old woman for God sake and people like her should have a special meal, they don’t eat what young people like you eat . Her balanced diet is sooooo po..or, please take care of her very well, before you leave, I will refer you to a nurse to give you the list of what mama will start eating from now on”.

“Alright doctor, what did she ate this morning because I left her with this woman alone in the morning” he asked pointing to Temitope.

“How will an old woman drink garri early in the morning?”

“Ga…wetin! Temitope, what are you doing at home while mama is drinking garr” he asked in a fury.

“I gave mama good food in the morning, I don’t know what’s wrong?” She lie..d.

“Please monitor mama very well, she shouldn’t be drinking garri, please!!!.

“Alright Doctor, I will work on that, when are you discharging her? Ibikunle asked.

“She should be discharged on Wednesday”

“Can I see her?” He asked.

“No, you can’t see her for now but you can see her tomorrow”

“Alright doctor, thank you” he said and left while Temitope left too.

Throughout their journey back home, ibikunle is angry at his wife. They got home and went inside.

Ibikunle went straight to the bedroom while Temitope enter the room.

“My husband please I am sorry, I gave mama good food in the morning but she insisted in drinking garri” she lied.


“Show me the food that you gave to her in the morning, let’s go to the kitchen” he instructed while Temitope shakingly obey her husband.

They got to the kitchen and met all the pot clean and neat including the plates, except the cup that mama used for drinking garri.

“Where is the food that you prepared? He asked raising up the cup that mama used for drinking garri.

“I have ate it when mama refused to eat it”

“Stop lieing to me topeeee! He shouted throwing down the cup in his hand.

“Until you learn to respect my mother, you won’t have peace in this house” he said and left the house in anger.

Ibikunle left the house in an**ger….

He went straight to his friend house “Abayomi”.

He met Abayomi in the sitting room with his wife and her mother in law (which is Abayomi mum).

“Ah! Ah! My friend, good evening, please come over” Abayomi said sighting his friend when the maid opened the door.

“Good evening jare!

“Good evening ma” he greeted everyone while they replied him.

“Mr ibikunle, your visit today is a surprise visit, I will personally serve you before going back to mama. What would you like to eat sir?” Esther asked smiling.

“My wife, thanks for the hospitality but for now, I am okay! I don’t want to eat anything”.

“You can’t be okay o, I didn’t see you in my house for a while, you came here today and won’t take anything, my love, serve him cold juice first and later get him yam flour and soup” Abayomi instructed her wife while she went in.

“Mama, how are you doing ma? It’s been a while that I have see you, hope you are enjoying yourself?” Ibikunle asked his friend mum.

“Am doing Alright, in fact, I am enjoying myself here. Abayomi has a good wife ooo, she Pampers and take care of me. I don’t re-gret the day my son brought her in for me. That girl is a nice girl” mama complimented while a pain struck Ibikunle chest after hearing the way mama praised her daughter in law. He managed to smile.

“That is good” he replied while Esther brought in the juice and handed it over to him. He gulped down the content and thanked him.

“I will soon bring in your food, just give me few minutes”she said and went in.

“My friend, you look somehow when you came in . Hope there is no problem? Let’s go to the verandah outside to discuss it” Abayomi said while they both left the sitting room.

They sat down outside.

“It’s about my wife”

“What happened to her?”

“Nothing happened to her, she just hat** my mother. Imagine, the woman that gave birth to me”.

“Wait! Wait!! Wait!! Wait!! You can’t just conclude on only that, what did u see to make you think that way?” He further probed him.

“Can you believe that over the years, Temitope don’t visit my mother, she never give my mother any money, my mum ended up working in a canteen, can you believe that?”

“A canteen”.

“Yes my friend, mama was forced to work at that old age when she had a wealthy son”.

“But, you did something that amaze me o”.

“What’s that?” Ibikunle asked.

“You didn’t bother to check on your mother, u only send her money, my friend….that is ba**”.

“I agreed that ,that was the mistake I made. I thought everything is fine, not knowing that the woman inside my house is only deceiving me”.

“Where is now mama?” Abayomi asked.

“She is in the hospital”.


“Yes, tope refused to give her food ,she ended up drinking garri which affected her” .

“That your wife is a cr! m!n*al. She need thorough orientation, you know what, I will visit you guys tomorrow and talk some sense into her sku-ll, thats too ba-**d”. Don’t worry about it again. Everything will be settled, I will visit mama too in the morning before coming to your house”.

“Thanks so much my friend, I was so ang**ry at her. I don’t want to be**at her, that is why I left the house”.

“Don’t be**at her, we will settle everything” he said and lead him inside.

“I have been waiting for you sir, I don’t want to disturb your conversation with your friend, your food is ready and it is in the dinning room” she informed him smiling.

He walked up to the dinning to eat his food, while Esther helped mama to massaged her feet.

He watched them from afar and smile. He wished his wife can do the same for his mother.


After ibikunle left the house.

Temitope picked her phone and dialed salewa’s number.

“Hello salewa” she said over the phone.

“Hello Tope how far?”

“Am not okay o, that w!t-**ch has implicated me. She started living with us and I refused to cook for her, she drank garri and it affected her, she is in the hospital” she said.

“What’s wrong with her drinking garri, in the town that I am here, I always see old women drinking garri. That your in-law is a w!t-ch . She Sha want to send you away from your husband house” salewa replied over the phone.

“”I am tired ooo, she just want to sent me out of his house”.

“How did your husband take the news?” Salewa asked over the phone.

“He left the house in an**ger, I will have to plead to him”.

“That’s good, beg your husband very well, I will also visit you before this week runs out. Be careful dear” she said and ended the call while she sighed out hard.

She cooked her meal and eat up.


Ibikunle arrived to the house back .

“Welcome my husband” she greeted moving closer to him while he pus**hed her away.

“You can greet me but don’t let that your hand to touch me” he warned and went to the bedroom. He showered and sleep on the bed.

“Darling, I have cooked your meal, won’t you eat before sleeping?”

“I can’t eat the meal of a k!-ll**er so woman go away”. He sho**uted at her.

“You don’t eat since morning and…. Please Ibikunle, don’t do this to me nawwww! I am your wife for God sake, you always love me”.


“Ibikunle, I am talking to you”


She got fe**d up and sleep too.

In the midnight, she managed to se-duce his husband by touching all the sensitive parts of his body, ibikunle realizing all this sho***uted at her while she squ***irred off…


The next day

Temitope woke up early to prepare everyone meal, including Mama’s own.

Ibikunle yawned and stretched his hands before going straight to the bathroom. He bathed and brush his teeth.

He dressed up for the hospital and was surprised to see Temitope with two flask of food. He his**sed and walked to his door.

She also joined the front seat, he drove off to the hospital. Through out the journey, they both ignored each other.

They arrived at the hospital and ibikunle rus**hed in. He met her mum awake.

“Mama! He exclaimed moving closer to her while she touched his face. He has the full resemblance with Jacob. How sweet of him!.

“How is your health now?”

“I am feeling better now” she replied while Temitope came in.

“Good morning ma” she greeted.

“Good morning my wife, how are you?”

“Am fine ma, I brought you your food this morning ma” she said stretching the food towards mama.

“Thanks my wife, I will eat it now” she replied and smile.

The doctor came in to examine mama

“Please don’t disturb her, what food did u bring to her today, let me check it. I have to monitor her food since she is here”.

Temitope opened the food while the doctor peep into it.

“That’s good, I hope you have collect the list of food from the nurse Mr Jacob?” He asked

“Yes doctor”

“Alright” he replied and left.

Mama sit upright and eat slowly.

“Thank you my wife, if you are this nice to me. We won’t be quar**re**lling with each other”.

“She dares not because she is leaving my house once she repeat it all over again” ibikunle cut in.

Abayomi walked inside the ward while they all exchanged pleasantries.

“It’s been a while o….Abayomi”

“Same here mama, I have missed your face. Who is behind your glowing face? He teased mama while she laughed.

“It’s God and my son”.

“Or there is another man outside there?”

“You play too much, I am old and I don’t need all of that”.

“I am joking mama, how is your health now?”

“I am okay”mama replied smiling while munching the food.

Abayomi faced Ibiwunmi

“Please lets see outside” he informed her while they both left.

They both sit in the reception room while ibikunle stayed with his mother.

“Temitope, I heard something about you and it is hard to believe”.

“What’s that?” She asked fe**igh**ning ignorance

“I heard that you are not treating mama well which is not supposed to be so, you see, all these old women and men, we have to pamper and take care of them so that when we too! grow old, we will have people to take care of us too. You don’t have the idea of how much suff**ering that woman endured because of your husband, she shouldn’t be the one that you will be treating anyhow…y…

“Please are you a newscaster?”

“I am not, I don’t understand!

“Then why are you talking as if you are programmed, what concern you? If she didn’t suffer because of her son, is it because of me that she will suffer. Any pa*ins she went through while nur*”turing her kid is normal and I don’t see anything wrong with it, please spare me the sermon. I have something else to do” she replied frowning.

“Did you realize that you are talking to ur husband’s friend?”

“You are his friend not my husband! Mr Man mind your business” she hissed out loudly and walked back to the ward.

Abayomi came in

“Ibikunle, we will talk later, I have a place to go. Mama take care ma” he said and left.

He opened the door of his car and sit on the seat.

“Imagine, that id**t talking to me anyhow, I know what to do? She won’t last in Ibikunle house. She disr-esp**ected me”. He fumed out in an**ger and drive off.


Back to the ward

Rebecca is aware of what happened to mama. She board a bike to d hospital and alighted from it.

She barge into the ward and met ibikunle and his wife .

“My sister, is it true? How did you do it?” She asked.

“My wife gave mama garri to drink” ibikunle replied.

“You mean your wife, is she m_a_d ?”

“With all due respect ma, I can take anything but not you in_su_lt**ing me. My mother has never talked to me in that manner before please I am respecting you. After all, I am d l e that cooked mama food this morning, I have begged my husband. What else did you want me to do…I am tired!!!.

“Then leave my house, you are ch-oking me temitope, you are!!! He sho***uted at her.

“Am I the one you talked to in that manner, ibikunle your wife l**ack man**ners”.

“Tope, kneel down and beg your mother in law” mama ordered.

She insisted at first but seeing his husband face. She kneel down and begged her. They all left the ward except Rebecca.

Ibikunle and his wife went back to their house.

He sit on the chair and sighed.

“Ibikunle mi! Why are you treating me in that manner, you loved me right! Why are you treating me like this, ever since mama is here, you stopped touching and talking to me. Aren’t I attractive?” She asked rubbing his chest.

He removed her hand and stare into her eyes.

“What you mean is that, mama is the cause of our regular fig**ht right!

“No, I don’t mean it that way”.

“Respect my mother first, then you will have your husband love back. I don’t trust your motive this morning. My ins**tinct keep telling me that you will go back to your vom-it(go back to her behavior).

“I won’t my husband, I missed you. You always touch me nawwww!!!

“We always touch each other then why are you not pregnant all this while? Instead of you knowing how to get pregnant, you always use that time to disr-esp**ect my mother. Leave me!!! He shou**ted leaving her behind while she rem***inisced on what her husband said.

Perhaps, this is the time to take a step on it more. She will frus-tra**te mama life so that she will remove the rope on her neck and allow her to have her child…..

Mama is discharged from the hospital. She look more healthy now.

She was lead into the house while Temitope went in to prepare a meal for the family.

They all ate and chatted with each other.

Ibikunle received an urgent call.

“Hello, tomorrow sir, Alright sir” he said and end the call.

“My dear, what’s the matter?” Temitope asked.

“My boss just called me”.

“What happened”

“He said that I am to defend the business proposal that i submitted to the other company and to help in preparing the fifth branch of the company in Abuja”.


“Yes dear”.

“That means that you are leaving me behind”.

“I am not leaving you alone, am leaving you with mama”.

“Don’t worry my daughter, you won’t feel bored” mama interrupted.

“How many days are you spending there now?” She asked looking sad.

“Two months”

“Two months! She exclaimed

“Yes dear, I am sorry I had to take that long. I will miss you guys” he said while she managed to smile.

They all went in to sleep.

Earlier the next day.

Ibikunle has dressed up before anyone would wake up.

He touched his wife na_k_ed body under the duvet and smile. He has forgiven his wife when they both picked mama from the hospital and they sleep with each other in the midnight since it will take long before returning back home.

He tapped her laps and she opened her face.

“Honey! You are dressed?”.

“Yes dear, I have to leave early. You know, my boss ha_te lateness”.

“Alright dear, she sit upright and stretched her hands before packing her husband load.

Ibikunle collected the leather box from her and walk down to the sitting room. He turned to Temitope.


“Yes dear”.

“I want to ask you of a favour” he said

“What’s that?”

He went on his kneel and gazed into his wife eyes.

“Temitope” he calmly said

“I beg you…. please!! Take care of my mother very well, if you ever need anything,don’t hesitate to call me. Please, take very good care of my mother, she means the world to me. Prepare her meal on time and ensure that she take her drugs everyday. Mama is not a trou-ble some woman. What she need is pampering and good care. I am begging you my wife . This is the favour I want to ask of you, will you do it?” He asked her with a pleading look.

“I will my husband, don’t worry… Is that d reason why you kneel down, you are funny, stand up joorh! She playingly said while ibikunle stand up and give her a long kiss.

He peeped into mama room and met her sleeping, he tapped her and she opened her eyes.

“Mum, I don’t mean to disturb you. I just want to see your face before leaving “. He said.

“That’s good, I am going to miss you dear, thanks my son. Take care of yourself ooo”.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of myself. I will always call you too mum, byeeee”. He left.

Leaving Temitope and mama behind.

Mama slept back after he left and was woken up by hunger.

She walked to the sitting room and met it empty.

“Temitope! Temitope!! She called out but no one respond to her. She walked up to her room and met it locked from inside.

“Maybe she is still sleeping due to yesterday stress but…this is past 10:00am. I will come back” she muttered to herself and went back to the sitting room.

She sit on the chair waiting patiently for Temitope to get out. She glanced at the clock again and it is 11:00am. Her stomach growled louder this time around. She went to the kitchen and met garri and a pot of soup with meat. She can’t afford to drink garri now. She opened the cupboard and met beverages there. she prepared herself some tea with cold water since she don’t know how to operate the cooker. She dranked it and sent Musa to buy her some food outside.

She went in to take her bath and dressed up. She sit back in the sitting room and Musa has came in with her food. He stretched it to her while she thanked him. She munched the food and used her drugs before sleeping off in the sitting room.

Temitope on the other side is inside her room pressing phone, she just met a guy online and started developing some feelings for him. She laughed out so hard after the guy replied her message.

She glanced at the clock and it is 12:00pm. She is hungry. She went to the sitting room and met mama sleeping. She ignored her and went to the kitchen to cook her meal. She dished it out and went back to the room locking the door behind.

A message popped up on the screen of her phone, she smiled and unlocked it.

“Can i use the video call app here, I want to see your face?” The guy asked over the phone.

She video call him and saw his face. She keep eating and Calling at the same time.

“Can I visit you?” The guy asked her all of a sudden.

“Excuse me young man, I am married! The fact that I only liked you doesn’t mean you have the chance to request for anything. Read my lips, I only liked you” she replied.

“Don’t worry, when you see me, you won’t like me . You will fall for me instantly” he said.

They keep on gisting before she ended the video call. The time is 2:30pm now. She packed her plates to the kitchen and met mama sitting ….

“My wife, I came to your room and met it locked, I don’t want to disturb your sleep that is why I don’t knock, please can you prepare me some yam flour and soup. I am hungry, that drugs make me hungrier everyday” she said while Temitope smile.

“Mama! You can see that I ignored you since morning, it’s not because of anything but because of the fact that I don’t want to involve myself with you. You tied my womb down, I don’t talk and you still want to disturb me but requesting me to make your meals. You know that your son is not around, the best advice I can give to you is to stop talking to me or else you wont like yourself in this house”she said and left.

Mama don’t know what to do. She called on Musa again to get her some food. She wished she is living alone, she will be able to cook anything she like but using plank, stick or the normal gas…….

It is late at night and everyone has sleep. Temitope started dreaming.

She dreamed of mama beating her with a huge stick in her dream, she screamed out loud panting heavily. It is 5:00am in the morning.

Out of anger, she walked up to mama room and banged her fist on her door. Mama weakingly opened the door while she pounched at mama.

She hit her with her fist so hard and c_ur_se her.

“It won’t be better for you, how dare you beat me in my dreams, you are indeed a w!tch, before you k!ll me in this house. I am going to k!ll you first” she punched mama so much that she can’t stand on her feet again. She left afterwards.

The old woman cried so hard and take care of herself in pains.

Temitope went back to her room to sleep back. She was woken up by the refelection of sound that pass through the window. It is 9:00am in the morning.

Her phone ring and it is ibikunle

He asked of his mum and everything while she pretended to him.

“Can you give the phone to mama? I called her number but she is not picking it up” ibikunle requested.

“Mama is still sleeping” she lied.

“Alright, I will call you back, let me know once she wake up” he said and ended the call.

She went to the sitting room and met it empty. She walked up to mama room and met the old woman crying.

“Why are you crying? Hnnn!! Did I beat you much? Answer me!!! She shouted at her while she shivered.

“Now, give me your phone” she instructed and collected her phone. She switched it off instantly.

“You will stand up nowww and do the house chores in this house because you are not here to be sleeping and eating all the time. Stand up!!! She commanded while mama weakly stand up.

“Go to the backyard, there are some d!rty clothes there, go there and wash everything” she commanded

“But, I haven’t eaten and taken my drugs” she. Insisted.

“You must be st-u-pid. How dare you question my authority? When next you did this, you are going to have yourself to blame. My fweeendd go out there and do what I want” she instructed while mama left for the backyard.

She smiled and left for the sitting room. She unlocked her phone and started chatting with the guy back. She laughed so much.

A gentle knock hit the door

“Are you done with the clothes? If you are not done, go back there and get it done”…

“It’s me salewa” her voice interrupted.

“Come in”

Salewa walked in and greet her friend.

“How is now everything tope?” She asked.

“I am fine o, my husband is not around and her mother is outside there washing the Clothes we have in this house”.

“That’s good, by the time you maltreated her, she will let you have your child”.

“How is my baby doing?” She asked her . Her baby bump is now big and heavy. She will soon deliver

“Your baby is doing good, I came to check on you over the last fight you had with your husband”

“He has forgiven me, we ended it with a hot s….x” she laughed out while salewa exclaimed.

Mama came in looking so weak….

“I am done with it”

“Please can I eat now, I am really famished” she requested.

“Go to the kitchen, you will see cornflakes there with a warm water and milk, take it, that is your food for today”

“But, I can’t take foods like that”.

“Can you see this old woman, I gave you food to eat and you are still telling me what you want and whet You don’t want, you must be a f.o.o.l. what if I don’t give you anything to eat nkoor! Go in there and take it before coming back to grind the pepper in the kitchen” she said while she walked to the kitchen.

“That’s good my friend, you did the right thing, in no time , you will have your child”.

“Amen o, I prayed that it is now because I can’t wait to see the big smile on ibikunle face”.

“My friend, I am suggesting something ooo”salewa said.

“What’s that?”

“Why don’t you try another guy outside maybe you will get pregnant because I am thinking that your husband may be the problem”.

“You have a good idea and I just met a guy online. This guy is sweet in chatting. I can’t wait to see him”.

“Whenever you want to bring another man to your house, don’t let that w!tch know o”.

“She won’t”.

“I will be planning on trying another guy, ibikunle may be the problem…..

They both chatted before she left.

After two weeks

Mama is still in charge of the house chores. Ibikunle was unable to communicate with his mother. Temitope always give one excuse or the other. He is becoming suspicious and called Rebecca to visit mama in the house.

Rebecca left her house after taking care of her kids, she board a bike to the house and knocked on the gate.

Musa opened the gate while she enter the compound. She greeted the man and went in. She met mama sleeping on the chair with a mopping stick beside the chair she is sleeping on.

“Is anyone home?” She shouted to Temitope hearing. She dropped her phone on the bed and rushed out.

“Ah, my sister-in-law, good morning ma. How is everyone and family? She greet her.

“We are all doing fine. Why did mama sleep here and with a mopping stick beside her?” She asked.

“Oh! She said that she love sleeping on the chair and for that mopping stick, I was the one cleaning the sitting room before I rushed into my room to pick my phone”. She lied

“That’s good, I just want to play with you guys today, that was why I come”.

“What should I offer you ma?”

“Orange juice is okay for now because I have eaten at home before coming here”.

“Alright ma” she went to the fridge and poured the juice into the glass cup before handling it to her.

“Thanks my wife” .she thanked her while she went into her room back.

Rebecca dranked the juice finish and started watching movies. She got tired of watching it and slept off.

Not long,

Mama woke up and found Rebecca sleeping, tope also came out of her room.

“Your job-less sister is here to see you but unfortunately for her, she met you asleep. Now listen and listen good. If she wakes up and ask you any questions, tell her not to worry about you and start leaving. You must not tell her anything, if you does that….you know we are the only person living in this house, I will deal with you during her absence”she warned mama while she nodded her head.

“That’s good, what should I prepare for you, since your sister is around, let me prepare the food for you guys and mind you, the food I prepre for you this afternoon will be the last food you will receive from me today, understood!

“Yes dear” mama replied while she went in to cook for the family.

Rebecca woke up to the sweet aroma of jollof rice. She thanked Tope and eat with mama. She left afterwards…..


Ibikunle just arrived from the board meeting with the management of Rubin company. He sighed and loose his tie after sitting on the bed.

His colleague came in.

“Ibikunle, it’s time for lunch or won’t you eat?” Richard asked.

“I will be there, I am coming” he replied while he left . He walked to the bathroom to shower before leaving his room.

He met his friend already eating and sit opposite to him.

“Ah! Ah!! You are that hungry”.

“See, man must chop. I can’t k!ll myself after working tirelessly today”.

“Excuse me” a tiny voice interrupt« their conversation while they look up.

“Can I sit with you guys?” She asked the two looking man.

“Yes you can” Richard replied and continue munching his food.

Ibikunle draws his food closer and start eating in silence.

The young looking lady break the silence.

“Sorry to disturb you guys, I am jumoke olawale, this is my first time in this company canteen because I came to visit my friend. I looked around to see where I can sit not until my eyes fall on this cute looking guy” she said pointing towards ibikunle while Richard laughed out hard.

“Please,what’s funny here now? Ibikunle asked the laughing Richard.

“Am sorry, if what i said looks like a joke to you, the reason why I came to confront you guys is because I can’t help it when I set my eyes on him. Please what’s your name?” He asked ibikunle.

“Aren’t you ashĂ med of yourself, you approached a guy in the first instance and started asking of his name. You get no shĂ me” he replied angrily while jumoke smile.

“Why should I be ashĂ med of myself, I saw what I like and I went after it. I can’t think because of shyness now, I should now lose what I like. You don’t get it!

“Let me excuse you guys” Richard interrupted her and left.

“For your information miss likeness, I am already married and I don’t need a fl!ng or a one night stand. I am competent with what I have” he said.

“Who told you that I am looking for a man that I will like to fl!ng with. I am looking for a man to pass my time with and if you don’t mind. I wished to be your second wife”.

“You have really gone cra-zy. I don’t have to exchange any words with you, I am leaving” he said dusting his mouth.

“I can help you with that”.

He hissed at her.

“Please I need your complimentary card” she requested.

“For what!

“To call you sometimes”.

“I said I am married, or are you de_af?”.

“I know you are, Alright! Here is my own” she Said stretching her card to him. He paused a little and take it.

“Thanks dear, I will be expecting your call”she. Said and left immediately. Ibikunle used the time to look at the woman that just left. “She is beautiful but, I am married”. He muttered to himself and left.

Ibikunle got back to his room and glanced at the card very well before putting it in his pocket. He showered and sleep on the bed against tomorrow work.


Temitope just dialled Alex number and he said that he is in front of her gate.

She happily jumped out and peep on mama that is already asleep. She has drugged the old woman before the arrival of Alex. She rushed outside and instructed Musa to let him in.

Alex entered the house and she smiled.

She ushered him in and entertained him with foods. She hardly remove her gaze from his face. He is indeed cuteee!!!

“Wow! You got a beautiful building, your husband tried but not as beautiful as my own house. If you see my house ehn, you will bend”. He bragged.

“How would I know how beautiful your house is?”

“Will you visit me?” he asked her with a pleading look.

“If I would visit you, let me think about it”. She replied.

“Oh! Is that not fast and furious?” He asked pointing at the television.

“It is! Have you watched it?” She asked

“Yes, I love this movie” he said focusing his attention on it. After awhile, they end the movie.

“So, tell me more about yourself” Temitope requested.

“You have know everything you wanted to know about me. I wished to know more about you Temitope”.

“You have known from the beginning that I am a married woman”.

“For how long are you in this marriage?” He asked moving closer to her.

“This is my fifth year in this marriage”.

“What about your kids, everyone.”

“I don’t have any kids yet and I am tired”.

“Don’t you think your husband is d problem?” He further ask.

“I don’t even know what to believe, I always see his mother in my dreams. I am tired of living alone with out my kids” she replied and broke into tears.

Alex move closer to her and patted her back. He further picked up her fingers and plays with it.

“You know….you are beautiful, you don’t have to ru!n yourself on marriage that doesn’t make you happy. Can you come with me?” He asked her while she sobbed more.

He placed his hand on her laps and rubbed it. She let out a sigh. He kissed her neckline while she trembled in his hand.

“I will treat you like the queen you are”he wisphered into her ear and kissed her earlobe.

“Should we stay here or go somewhere else?” He asked her. She has lost her sense of her reasoning in his arms. She pointed to the bedroom while he carried her to the bedroom. Locking the door behind…..

They make out on her matrimonial bed.


Back at ibikunle place.

He called his wife on the phone but she didn’t pick it. He sighed out loud and pick up a newspaper. He read the first and second content but still yet …..

His mind is with his wife. He walked out of the hotel room to the bar and ordered two bottles of wine.

He just poured the content inside the glass when jumoke startled him.

“Gotcha!!!! She exclaimed while he spilled the wine on the table.

“So, you are not a man, see how startled you are…..

“But, what is the meaning of all this? Is there something wröng with you?” He asked in anger.

“I know what makes you angry, I will clean the mess. She bend down and clean the table with a smile. Ibikunle looked away. He don’t understand the reason why a lady will be that tro-ubles-ome.

“Why don’t you call me?” She asked sitting in his front.

“Wait! Are you monitoring me all around?” Asked her with a big frown on his face.

“I am not monitoring you, let’s say coincidence. So, why don’t you call me?”.

“I am married and I don’t call single ladies. I don’t like ladies at oooooollllll”.


“Can you prove it to me?” She. Jokingly asked.

“Are you tempting me to….

“Let’s wait and see” she said picking up his glass cup and gulped down the content.

“This taste so nice, you have eyes for good things. Won’t you entertain me?” She asked him.

“Excuse me young lady” a baritone voice interrupted her while she looked up.

A man in his late forties is standing beside her.

“Can I see you for a moment?” He asked while she look into ibikunle face for a go ahead.

“You can go, what concerns me there” ibikunle shouted at her while she left with the man.

After she left, he felt a ting of jeal-ous in him but waved it off.

Jumoke didn’t return on time. He stand up to look for her.

The truth is…..

He always enjoy her company….

She is jovial…..


Temitope let out a loud mo-an after Alex plunged into her. She couldn’t let down her voice .

Mama just woke up from the deep slumber she is….

She checked the time and it is 5:00pm.

She exclaimed.

She don’t sleep that long before….

She move to the sitting room and started hearing Temitope loud m-0ans.

“Is ibikunle back?” She asked no one in particular and move closer to the door.

The m-oaning increases while she is at the door.

“But,why am I here. I don’t have to disturb the two love birds. They have see each other for a while now. I will wait till they are done”. She said and went to sit back in the sitting room.

bikunle got back to his room and glanced at the card very well before putting it in his pocket. He showered and sleep on the bed against tomorrow work.


Temitope just dialled Alex number and he said that he is in front of her gate.

She happily jumped out and peep on mama that is already asleep. She has drugged the old woman before the arrival of Alex. She rushed outside and instructed Musa to let him in.

Alex entered the house and she smiled.

She ushered him in and entertained him with foods. She hardly remove her gaze from his face. He is indeed cuteee!!!

“Wow! You got a beautiful building, your husband tried but not as beautiful as my own house. If you see my house ehn, you will bend”. He bragged.

“How would I know how beautiful your house is?”

“Will you visit me?” he asked her with a pleading look.

“If I would visit you, let me think about it”. She replied.

“Oh! Is that not fast and furious?” He asked pointing at the television.

“It is! Have you watched it?” She asked

“Yes, I love this movie” he said focusing his attention on it. After awhile, they end the movie.

“So, tell me more about yourself” Temitope requested.

“You have know everything you wanted to know about me. I wished to know more about you Temitope”.

“You have known from the beginning that I am a married woman”.

“For how long are you in this marriage?” He asked moving closer to her.

“This is my fifth year in this marriage”.

“What about your kids, everyone.”

“I don’t have any kids yet and I am tired”.

“Don’t you think your husband is d problem?” He further ask.

“I don’t even know what to believe, I always see his mother in my dreams. I am tired of living alone with out my kids” she replied and broke into tears.

Alex move closer to her and patted her back. He further picked up her fingers and plays with it.

“You know….you are beautiful, you don’t have to ru!n yourself on marriage that doesn’t make you happy. Can you come with me?” He asked her while she sobbed more.

He placed his hand on her laps and rubbed it. She let out a sigh. He kissed her neckline while she trembled in his hand.

“I will treat you like the queen you are”he wisphered into her ear and kissed her earlobe.

“Should we stay here or go somewhere else?” He asked her. She has lost her sense of her reasoning in his arms. She pointed to the bedroom while he carried her to the bedroom. Locking the door behind…..

They make out on her matrimonial bed.


Back at ibikunle place.

He called his wife on the phone but she didn’t pick it. He sighed out loud and pick up a newspaper. He read the first and second content but still yet …..

His mind is with his wife. He walked out of the hotel room to the bar and ordered two bottles of wine.

He just poured the content inside the glass when jumoke startled him.

“Gotcha!!!! She exclaimed while he spilled the wine on the table.

“So, you are not a man, see how startled you are…..

“But, what is the meaning of all this? Is there something wröng with you?” He asked in anger.

“I know what makes you angry, I will clean the mess. She bend down and clean the table with a smile. Ibikunle looked away. He don’t understand the reason why a lady will be that tro-ubles-ome.

“Why don’t you call me?” She asked sitting in his front.

“Wait! Are you monitoring me all around?” Asked her with a big frown on his face.

“I am not monitoring you, let’s say coincidence. So, why don’t you call me?”.

“I am married and I don’t call single ladies. I don’t like ladies at oooooollllll”.


“Can you prove it to me?” She. Jokingly asked.

“Are you tempting me to….

“Let’s wait and see” she said picking up his glass cup and gulped down the content.

“This taste so nice, you have eyes for good things. Won’t you entertain me?” She asked him.

“Excuse me young lady” a baritone voice interrupted her while she looked up.

A man in his late forties is standing beside her.

“Can I see you for a moment?” He asked while she look into ibikunle face for a go ahead.

“You can go, what concerns me there” ibikunle shouted at her while she left with the man.

After she left, he felt a ting of jeal-ous in him but waved it off.

Jumoke didn’t return on time. He stand up to look for her.

The truth is…..

He always enjoy her company….

She is jovial…..


Temitope let out a loud mo-an after Alex plunged into her. She couldn’t let down her voice .

Mama just woke up from the deep slumber she is….

She checked the time and it is 5:00pm.

She exclaimed.

She don’t sleep that long before….

She move to the sitting room and started hearing Temitope loud m-0ans.

“Is ibikunle back?” She asked no one in particular and move closer to the door.

The m-oaning increases while she is at the door.

“But,why am I here. I don’t have to disturb the two love birds. They have see each other for a while now. I will wait till they are done”. She said and went to sit back in the sitting room.

Authoress pov:

Thanks for ur engagement, I was busy today and couldn’t type two chapters but promising you two episodes this evening.

D story continuessssssss..

Ibikunle went in search of jumoke and couldn’t find her. He walked out of the gate and met her chatting with the man with a smile on her face.

Jumoke catch a glimpse of him and laughed.

“I will soon be back love” she said to him while he slug-g-ishly walked back to the bar.

He draws out his chair and sit down.

“But…why am I looking for her around, she is not my girlfriend neither is she my wife. I am a big f-o-ol”. He muttered to himself.

Jumoke left the man alone and slowly walk into the bar. She covered ibikunle face from the back.

“Gotchaaa!!!! She exclaimed while he removed her hand.

“Did you miss me? Am sorry, I am back”. She said.

“Who Missed you? Why would I missed you? Are you my wife? You are not! I only checked on you”.

“If you say so” she replied and sit in his front.

“Won’t you entertain me?”

“What did you want to drink?”.

“Just soft drinks”. She responded.

“You are not even ha-rd. I thought you will order for a beer”.

“I dranked beer before coming here, I am not easy as you see me. If I liked you, you should be lucky” she replied smiling.

“You are funny, like me…let me get you your drinks”. He walked to the counter and place two soft drinks in her front.

She muttered with a “Thank you”.

“Did you now consider me as a friend?” She asked sipping the drink.

“Let’s say a friend for now and nothing more” ibikunle replied.

They both chatted and laughed so much.


Temitope reach orga_n-sm and moa-n-ed out loud. She is tired and rested her back on the bed. She turned to the other side and met Alex beside her. She jumped up.

“How did we get here?” She asked him.

“Get here as how! You pointed to the bedroom and I brought you here”.

“You mean, you are the one I am sleeping with all this while”.

“It’s me naw, you complained about your sad mood in this house and the issue of your childbirth, that was why I helped you out. I did you a favor mehn!!!!

“You are m-a-d, when I told you to bring me to my room,you can’t remind me that I am a married woman. Ah! On my matrimonial bed”.

“You enjoyed it now, didnt you, you begged me not to stop! What is my own fault in it?’.

“Alex, you just ru!ned my life. Ah!! She exclaimed and quickly put on a dress. She checked the time now and it is 6:00pm in the evening, she exclaimed and peep outside..

She saw mama sitting on the chair. She get out.

“Ah! Temitope! Is your husband around?” Mama asked.

“Why did you ask me such questions?” Temitope asked.

“I hear loud m_oans from your room and my thought was that ibikunle is around. Please call him outside for me, let me see my son” she said excitedly while she shouted at her.

“So, you are eavesdropping on the door right! What audacity did you have in this house to listen to my m_oa-ning, you are not asha-med of yourself you this old woman, what is your prob_lem. Have you washed the plates in the sink?” She asked.


“Then what are you doing here? Stand up!!!!! She shouted at her while mama went to the kitchen.

She returned to her room and told Alex to leave her house.

He quickly left while she sit on the bed and pondered on what happened.


The next day.

Temitope phone rang while she picked it up.

“I just gave birth to a boy” salewa shouted over the phone while tope jumped up.

“I am coming over there now” she replied while she quickly dressed up.

She went to the sitting room and couldn’t find mama. She checked her room and couldn’t find her, she went outside.

“Musa! Musa!!

“Yes madam”.

“Did you see mama this morning?” She asked.


“Where did she now go?” She asked no one in particular.

“Anyways, I am going out, tell her to be around before I came back from my friend place”.

“Alright ma”.

She drive out one of the car and left with it.


Ibikunle went to work and quickly attended to the files in his front. It remains two weeks for the completion of travelling in that state. He missed his wife so much and can’t wait to to see her including his mother.

He worked diligently and retired back to his room.

A light knock hit his door.

“Who is there? Come in” he said while jumoke walked in.

“How did you know my room number?” He asked standing up.

“I asked around and was told that it is here, I mean no harm. just wanted to see you”.

“On what!

“I can see that your mood is not good, we will talk about it later”. She said and get out of the room.

Ibikunle didn’t understand all of this, he is beginning to like her but don’t want to forfeit his Marital vow to his wife…..

Ibikunle tried calling Jumoke on the phone but it’s not reachable.

“Why did she enter my room and quickly left, I guess I was h**ar**sh on her. I don’t know anything about where she is living”. He mu***tter**ed to himself and lie on the bed.

Throughout the evening, ibikunle is bored. His colleague Richard has gone out with a babe he just met recently.

He dialled her number again and it rang twice before she finally pick it up.

“Jumoke, why is your number not reachable?” He asked in his most calmest voice.

“I don’t want to disturb your peace, that was why I left your room earlier”. She replied over the phone.

“Why did you leave quickly without stating what you wanted to say, I feel bor**ed here”.

“It’s about my life, can I see you?” She asked.

“Yeah! Are you around the hotel?”.

“Yeah, I will come to your room” she replied and ended the call.

Within few minutes, a light Kn**ock h**it the door. He went to open it and usher her in.

“Please have your seat” he requested pointing towards the chair in his front.

“Yeah I am listening to you!

“Ibikunle, the first time I saw you back then, with your friend, I have this feeling of love towards you. Am not a sha**m**-eful woman. I know what a woman dignity is….what prompted me to approach you that day is the pressing issue I have in hand that day.

“What issue is that?”he asked with a serious look.

“The real problem is, there was a guy I was dating, he is my childhood friend and my parents like him because his father is my father’s friend. They wanted the both of us to get married but this guy has a very b**Ă d atti***tude. He talks to people anyhow, he drinks, sm**oke and lav**ish money anyhow. He has no respect for anybody. I complained to my parents and they told me that he will change with time. In this generation that we are now, I should manage a guy. It’s cho**kin-**g me. Our wedding is coming on in the next four months and I am ti**red. Everytime I visited you in the bar is to cool off my head. I don’t know, I am attached to you…..I am tired”. She said and broke down in te**a*rs. Ibikunle is moved to pity and move closer to her, he patted her back while she raised up her head to his face. He quickly look at the other side while she touched his chin.

“You will be Alright, you can probably talk to your mum. She will know how to change your father’s mind”.

“My dad is a strong hea-**ded man and….it’s ch**ok***ing meeee!!!

“Sorry babe, you will alright”. He patted her back again while she rested her head on his shoulder.

Ibikunle glanced at her dress…up to her chest and saw her clea***vag**es open. He remembered his mother tale and look away, her mum always talk to him about her youthful life whenever he wants to go back to the institution. The tale has guided him all his life and won’t want to make the same mistake that his parents make.

He gently lifted her head and stare at her pa**le face from coñstant te**ar*s.

“You will be fine! You are a strong girl. Talk to your mum. Let her reason with you”. He said before laying his back on the chair.

“Thanks Mr Ibikunle, it’s time to leave”. She said and left.

“That was close, I had to control myself”. He m*utt**ere*d to himself and went back to sleep.


Temitope just got back home while a message popped up on her screen, she tapped it to read ahead.

“Dear Temitope, the last time I came to your house is so hooooot. I haven’t had a nice time all this while like the one I had with you. I can’t take the memories of that day out of my head. It lingers on my mind all the time. When are we meeting, I wanted to have more….

She his**sed and deleted the message before going inside the house.

She met mama sleeping on the chair and ta**pp**ed her aggre***ssiv**ely. Mama yawned and opened her eyes.

“Which kind of sleep are you sleeping here? Don’t you have your room? Mai friend go to your room! She ordered while Mama hurridly enter her room.

“See her, she look like a buf*”*fa*lo”. She sh*ou**ted and went into her room.

“I am now getting fe**d up of everything, anytime my husband sleep with me. I don’t ever get pregnant, now that ed**!ot slept with me, it’s still the same thing. To be Candid with myself, I enjoyed every bit of it. That guy is ma***aa***aaddd but being married is stopping me from going out with him. I had to play a fast one on him so that he won’t think that I am cheap. If I stayed throughout this year and I didn’t get pregnant. I am going to move out of this place and stay with Alex. I am strarting to like him. Before then, I am going to show that mama h**ll before leaving this house”. She said and lie on the bed.

Mama is extremely hungry, her dru**gs is not constant again due to hunger that she always experience anytime she used the dru**g. Temitope didn’t cook for her except when Rebecca came around. She is getting tired of everything.

“Is this how I am going to continue, I will just d**ie before my son comes back”. She went to the kitchen and met some rice with little stew and meat. This excite her while she quickly dished out the food and eat it.

She bel**ch and went back to her room.

Temitope came out of her room due to hunger, she went to the kitchen to eat the food she left in the morning and met the pot empty. This ange***red her, she went out to call Mama.

Mama sha***king*ly came out of her room.

“Ibiwunmi or what is your name called? Where is the food that I left in the kitchen?” She asked with an angry face.

“I….ha…ha….ha…ve….eaten it” she slut***te*red while she sl**ap***ped Mama face. This an**ger**ed mama, she lifted her hand and sla**p**ped her back before dragging her hair. She scre**am*ed out in pain.

“If you think because I am old and look weak, I don’t have strong bones, you are lieing. I am watching you all this while because I don’t want to look as a ba**d mother in law. I will be**at you” she said h*it***tin*g her back. Temitope tried to overpower mama but her bones are weak now, she pus”**hed her away and she h**it her head on the wall. She scre***ame*d out in pains while Temitope pu**nch**ed on her.

Musa keep hearing noise from the building and went to peep into the house when she see Tope beating mama. He run in to stop the scene.

“Madam it’s okay now…leave her”. He shouted at her while she looked up with her sca**tter**ed hair.

“Are you m***d? We’re you there when this mama started h*it**tin*g me. It’s payback time so leave me, I am going to hit her till she d**ie”. She said while Musa run to pus**hed her away.

He saw bl-**oo**-d sta**ins from mama back. She look weak and fra**il…

She finally close her eyes.

“Ah madam, you have k!ll someone! He exclaimed.

“That serves her right, what gives her the nerve to talk to me anyhow”.

“She is not opening her eyes madam! Musa shouted while she move closer to mama.

She tre**m**bled with fear and begged Musa to help mama to the hospital.

She was rushed to the hospital and lead to the emergency ward. Temitope started c*ry**ing.

What would she tell her husband?

How would she explain herself?

She has to plan on what she will tell her husband.

The doctor came out of the ward.

“Mrs Jacob, please what happened to mama?” He asked with a worried look.

“Mama fell from the staircase and passed out” she li**ed.

“Are you sure madam because the marks on her body doesnt look like it. It look as if someone be**at mama to st*u***por and her condition is critical, she is in coma and we don’t know when she will come out of it.

“Ehhh!!! Mama in coma, she only fell from the staircase, Ahh! Doctor please, can I know when she will come around?”

“But you are educated madam, you know that once someone is in coma, it is only God that can revive the person. She may take months,years. Just keep praying for her”. The doctor replied and left while Tope sit back.

“My husband will be around in five days from now on. What should I tell him” she think inwardly and keep pondering on the next step.

She called on Musa.

“Musa, listen and listen good . My husband will be around in few days, if you made mention of me beating mama to him, you just lose your job. Did you understand!!!!

“Yes madam”.

“Good, I will doubled your salary this month” she said while he left.

Temitope got back home and met Alex at the gate. She roll down the glass of her car while he lean on it.

“What are you doing here?” She asked in a hus**ky voice while Musa went to open the gate.

“You think you can give me sweetness and send me away like that, it’s not possible. I don’t like leaving sweet things” he replied smiling.

“Alex! Alex!! What we had is just a flin-g why are you taking it as something serious?”.

“It’s serious because you are beautiful and taste sweet, if you don’t want me to reveal all our chats to your husband when he is back, let me in now and make out with you”.

On mentioning of husband, Tope heart thu**mped furi***ou**sly, she gla**nced to the other side and stare back into his cute eyes. She bite her lips hard and respond.

“Go inside, I am coming now” she instructed while he happily walk into the building while she drive in.

She alighted from the car and went inside with Alex. She closed the door behind while Alex gr*ab**bed her lips and sucked at it. She pus**hed him away.

“Why the rush? She asked in an**ger

“I have missed those lips” he replied moving closer to her.

“I want it here, right in the sitting room” he instructed while she obeyed.

He lic*ked his lips and bend her over. He draws down her gown and suc*”ked her bwess…soft mo_ans esc*aped from her lips while he rou***ghly had his way in…..

She whi**mpers in pain after a hour of rough s…..x. she pleded to him but it all fall on de_af ears. He finally reach clim_ax after more thirty minutes and fell beside her. Temitope is so weak, she couldn’t lift her hands and closed her eyes .


Mama is the only one in the ward, she is still in coma.

Rebecca had a bĂ d feeling about mama, she waved it off but the strong urge came over her.

“Why did I feel like seeing my sister and this is five past. Should I go or not? Let me go over to her house since my kids are with my father in law. I will come back later for them. I won’t stay long in mama house”. She said to herself and close the door.

She board a bike to ibikunle house while Musa opened the gate.

She got to the doorstep and place a heavy knock on the door.

Rebecca hit the door with an heavy knock but no one responded to her. She hit it twice after the first knock and no one respond to her.

She walked back to Musa

“Is your madam inside the house?” She asked with a worried look.

“She is inside”.

“Then why am I knocking since without no one responding to me?”.

“Maybe she is busy, you can knock the door again or call her number if you have it”.

“Unfortunately, I forgot my phone in the shop. I will try to knock on the door back”. She replied and went back to the door.

She hit it back…

Temitope was woken up with an heavy knock on the door, she stared at her body and found it na_k_ed with Alex body beside her.

“Who is at the door?”she asked.

“It’s me Rebecca”.

On mentioning of Rebecca, her eyes widen in shock. She tapped Alex virgorously while he turned his back to her.

“Stand up! Stand up!! My sister in law is here” she wisphered and tapped him back. Alex opened his eyes and found his body na_k_ed. He quickly picked his clothes while Temitope instructed him to hide in her room. She wore back her gown in an hurry and used her hand to dress her hair.

“What’s taking you so long to open this door?”Rebecca asked in an angry tone.

She rushed to the door and opened it.

“Good evening ma” she greeted with a pretended smile.

“What took you so long before opening the door? Have been waiting for so…looooooongggg at the door”.

“I was busy taking my bath that was why” she replied while Rebecca walk over to mama room. She opened it and met it empty.

“Where is mama?”.


“Yes! You heard me right!

“Mama went to visit her friend” she lied.

“When did mama started visiting her friends all around, she has no friends. I called her number last week Sunday and its not reachable. What’s wrong? Where is my ibiwunmi?”She asked with a more serious look.

“Ehmm….what happened was that, mama went to visit her friend but unfortunately, she had an accident when coming back from the place and hit her head on the floor which lead to coma”

“Co…wetin! Since when?”

“Since this morning”.

“Mama is in coma since morning and you are here sitted in the house. You don’t bother to inform anyone not even your husband”.

“I tried Calling your number but it was not reachable”.

“Now, let’s go to the hospital” she instructed while Temitope shakingly follows her”.

They drove out that Evening leaving Alex in the room.

They got to the hospital and Rebecca jumped out of the car, she asked of mama ward and was lead into the ward. She met her lifeless body on the hospital bed with different tubes connected into her body. She broke down into tears.

She checked her body very well and found many bruises.

The doctor came in and see her.

“Please! Where is Mrs Jacob?”.

“She is in the receptionist”.

“How would she leave an old woman all to herself”. Its not good now” the doctor complained.

“Please how is my sister health?” She asked.

“Its only God that can answer that because she is still in the state of coma. You can keep praying for her plus our own treatment here, she will be Alright.

“Thanks for your care oooo” she thankes the doctor while he left. She walked back to the receptionist and met Tope pressing her phone.

“Is this the right time to start pressing phone, call ibikunle right naw!!! She ordered while she dialled her husband number.

Rebecca snatched tge phone from her and explained to ibikunle.

“Please ma, help me to take care of mama. I had such ba_d feelings about her. I will be around in four days from now on. Please take care of mama” he pleaded while Rebecca nod her head.

“I will dear, please come home fast ooo” she pleaded and end the call.

“Tope, it is getting late and my husband will soon be back. Please stay with mama. I will come back tomorrow morning” she pleaded while she nod her head.

Rebecca left afterwards. She went to mama ward and the old woman is still in deep slumber. Her husband will soon be back and if mama should wake up from her deep slumber, she will be out of this house.

“What should i do ooo, my husband must not know about this,should i planned with the doctor to inject mama to death or what…

“No! No!! No!!! No!!! The doctor may refused. I need to talk to one of the nurses. To be safe in my husband house, i have to get rid of this old woman” she said and walked out of the ward.

Alex is still in her room and she need to send him out. She drove to the house in anger and openes the room.

Alex is sitting on her bed with a towel wrapped around his waist while his chest is na-ked.

“Whats d meaning of all this?” She asked in anger.

“I am waiting for you”.

“Waiting for who? Why are you waiting for me? You should be out of this place nawwww!!!!

“I am not satisfied with the one we did last, i wanted more throughout this night since your husband is not coming home” he demanded while she hisses at him.

“You must be out of your senses. What lead me to you in the first place..y…

“Should i send our messages to youe husband or you will obey me?” He asked in a more serious note.

“Alright! She replied and pulled off her cloth.

“Thats my girl, now come over” he instructed while she move closer to him while he pushed her on the bed …..


Ibikunle didnt get himself after the call he received from Rebecca. His instinct keep telling him that Temitope is the cause of mama predicament. He called his wife on the phone while it rang twice.

He got so angry and throw his phone on the bed. He has to leave for lagos tomorrow morning.

He went over to his laptop and sent an email message to Richard and the boss. They granted him the leave since it remains four days for the completion of the project.

He is happy after the mezsage he received from his boss and packed his loads against tomorrow morning.

Ibikunle packed his load in anticipation for tomorrow leave…..


Alex rested his back on the bed while Temitope started crying. He ignored her and picked his phone.

There is 20missed calls on it

All from a number.

He ignored it and kissed Temitope chest.


“What else did you want from me? Is it a cr!me to know you? My lifeee….

“You wanted a kid and i am trying to give you one by sleeping with you all the time before your husband comes back”. He calmly responded. I am doing you a favour mehn!!!

“You call that one a favour hnn! On my matrimonial bed. You know what! I am not interested in having a kid again. Leave my life alone!!! She shouted at him.

“I will leave you alone on one condition”.

“Whats that? I am ready to do anything…just leave me aloneeeee….

“I will sleep with you throughout tomorrow and left afterwards.

“My sister in law is going to the hospital to see mama tomorrow and i must be there, how did you want me to do it?” She asked with a worried look.

“You will go and meet me back here in your bedroom”.

“Dont you get tired of doing this thinggggg?”

“I dont like it but after sleeping with you once, i developed this sweetness feeling over you. That is why? Your husband is enjoying i sweear…he laughed out while she went to the bathroom to shower and sleep back.


The next day

Ibikunle applied fo the next available flight to Lagos. He cant wait to see his mother. He got to lagos early and dragges his bag along to the hospital.

Temitope woke up early to cook for everyone including mama. she served Alex food and packed mama food into the flask.

Rebecca has informed her about her being in the hospital. She drove to the hospital and gently alighted from the car.

She entered the ward and met Rebecca with a man in the ward. The man turned his back towards her. She tried to figure it out…..

….All of a sudden, ibikunle turned around and met his wife standing right in his front. Temitope was shocked beyond words. She dont expect him to be in the hospital. It remains three days for him to arrive in the hospital. How come….

“Tope! Tope!! He called out while she recover from the shock. She formed a smile and greet his husband. She feel uncomfortable.

Ibikunle noticed the uneasiness in her wife mood.

“Dont you like seeing me here? You are behaving somehow?” He complained.

“Are you not happy to see your husband? No hug? No lovely greetings…Are you Alright?” Rebecca asked.

“I am sorry, it came as a surprise to me that is why i behaved in that manner, but babe! You told me that you are comimg back home in three days time” she said while he hugged her.

“I had to come early due to mama health. I missed everyone”.

“Tope, what exactly happened to mama ? Why is she in coma? He asked in a more serious tone.

“She had an accident and hit her head on the floor” she lied.

“Where is she going that she had an accident. My mum dont know anywhere in our estate”.

“She had a friend after estate. She said that she has missed her and wished to visit her…i…

“And you allow her to go!.

“I am sorry babe” she pleaded while he sit down. She dropped mama food and went over the reception. She secretly send Alex a message to leave the house. While doing all this ibikunle expressed his worries to Rebecca.

“I dont trust my wife on mama accident. My instinct keep telling me that Tope had a hand in this, look at all the bruises on my mother body. Its hurting me”. He voiced out.

“Wether she is lieing or not, lets wait till mama open her eyes. She will tell us everything”. Rebecca consoled.

Ibikunle and Rebecca later left the ward after spending few hours with his mama. He promised to come back for her.

They all enter Temitope car and she drove to the house. He alighted from the car whike Musa jumped up.

“Boss! Welcome back. I have missed you ooo. What did you bring for me?”. He asked collecting his bag.

“I brought plenty canes for you” he replied while he laughed it off.

They all enter the house.

“Why is mama number not reachable after leaving home? He asked Tope.

“It may be network”.

“Network! Everyday! No problem…get us something to eat while i went in to shower.

He went inside his room and a strange scent hit his nose.

“Whats smelli_ng here?” He asked no one in particular and move towards the bed.

The strange scent hit his nostril all over again. He placed his hand on the bed and sit down. He was about to toss to the other side when the scent filled his nostril. He rushed to the toilet and vomitted into the toilet. He flushed it off and removed the bed cover trying to recognize the scent.

“It smell like sp-e–*-m. What is it doing here? I am not around all this while, how did sp-e-*–m got here.

“Temitope! Tope!! He called out.

She rushed in.

“What is d meaning of this?” He asked raising up the bedsheet stain.

She collected it and sniffed it. She pulled away .

“Oh i remember, it is my mucus. When i was rushing to the hospital in the morning. I have cattarh and i blew it away with the bedsheet.i forgot to remove it before going out. I am sorry”.

“You blew your nose with the bedsheet. It sound di_r_ty. You are not a dirt_y woman nawww!!!

“How can your mucus smell like that? He asked with a smirked look.

“D bedsheet is d_irty that is why i used it to blow my nose. I am sorry and that is how my mucus smell” she lied once again. Ibikunle doesnt know what to believe again, he left the room while she sighed.

“That was close” she muttered and quickly clean the room. She sprayed perfume everywhere and changed the bedsheet.

She went back to the kitchen and the food is ready, she served everyone.

Rebecca ate all her food and left the house for hospital telling ibikunle to rest .

He slept off after having his shower.

Temitope sent a message to Alex never to disturb her life again.

“But, you havent fulfill the promise you made to me today”. Alex complained over the phone through messages.

” I will find a way to do that. She typed and send it to him. She is getting tired of everything.

Ibikunle woke up at night and had beverages. He has missed his wife and his body yearn for her touch.

He called her over and kissed her neckline.

She pushed him away.

“Why?” He asked with a surprise look.

“I am doing my menstruation” she lied.

“Alright! I will wait till you are done with it”.

She has several bruises on her v….gina and wouldnt want ibikunle to see it. It will raise questioning look.

They both slept off.


The next day

Ibikunle was woken up by the buzzling of his phone. He picked the call.

“Guess what?” Rebecca asked over the phone.


“Mama just moved her fingers! She exclaimed over the phone while he jumped up.

“Thats great news. I am coming over to that place”. He shouted with excitement in his voice and went to have his bath. Temitope is up too from the noise she heard. She was forced to dressed up while they both went to the hospital.

“Its time to make a big move on mama before she opens her eyes”. She thought inwardly.

They arrived at the hospital while he rushed inside the ward.

Mama has opened her eyes. She smiled on sighting her son.

Temitope sluggishly came in and see mama. Their eyes came into contact and mama screamed out…..

They are all confused.

Mama passed out!

Ibikunle rushed to call the doctor. He ordered everyone outside.

“Why did mama passed out after seeing you? Hope you are not the cause of her illness becaus if you are, consider yourself gone in my house” ibikunle warned sternly.

The doctor call them in.

“Who did you say mama saw before passing out?” He asked

“My wife!

“Your wife!

“Yes! Temitope!!

“What i see in this case is that, maybe your wife has done some things to mama that when mama saw her. It triggers up the memories of what your wife has done to her. I prayed it dont lead to memory loss for her”. The doctor said.

“How is she?”

“She only passed out, we have stabilize her and she will be alright after sleeping…please dont disturb her” the doctor responded while they left.

Ibikunle walked over to her wife.

“Are you sure you did nothing wrong to mamaa?”.

“I am sure, why would i hurt mama?. Please believe me….

“We will all wait and see”.

“Excuse me please, i want to use the restroom” she informed her husband and went to a corner. A nurse is passing by, she approached her.

“Excuse me please! I want to see you”.

The nurse move closer to her.

“How can i help you?”

“Please nurse, you wont see someone that will send you away from your rightful place?”.

“Amen! Please go straight to the point. I have alot of work to do”.

“Alright. Please i have a work to request from you and it involve 2 million naira”…

On mentioning of 2 million naira, the nurse have more interest in it.

“There is an old mama in your ward and i want to get rid of her”.

“If she die, i hope it wont implicate me?” The nurse asked.

“Of course, i will make sure no autopsy is carried out on her. I will give u the money”.

“2 million right!

“Yeah! 2million”.

“Should i bring my account details?” She asked

“Yeah sure! I will pay 1.5 and after the completion of the job, i will give u the remaining 500k.

“Thank you”. She said and forward her account details to her.

She instantly sent the money to her.

“When should i be expecting my work done?”.

“Before this week runs out” she replied and left.

Temitope sighed out of relief.

“Everything is falling into places. Mama please forgive me, i have to do this to save my marriage. God will understand that am preventing my husband divorce. I cant leave ibikunle now. He is the one that helped me with my notes, assignment and seminars during our institution time. We dated for four years before getting married. Yes!! Ibikunle is the one that disvirg–ined me on our wedding night. I dont understand the reason why i am not pregnant all this while. Just few months to my marriage, i dreamt of mama. She is in charge of my womb. She locked my womb and i had to deal with her. Her death will solve everything. It willl!!!!. She think inwardly and walked back to her husband.


After two days

Mama is responding to treatment and Rebecca just left her in the ward.

Nurse peju arrived at the ward and brought out the de_adly syringe.

She looked everywhere and noticed that no one is coming. Since the hospital dont have cctv camera. It is the perfect way to carry out the job.

She raised the syringe up for proper checking…


And what….

She raised the syring up for proper checking and lower it down. She was about to inject mama when she lifted her hands and changed her sleeping position. She look so sad in her sleep. This brought so much emotions to the nurse. She remembered her grandmother that nurtured her to that stage before she died.

The syringe dropped from her hand and tears filled her eyes. She picked it up and run out of the ward to the restroom. She cried her eyes out and du_mped the syringe into the waste bin. She placed a call to Temitope requesting to see her.

Temitope on her side is happy…hearing from her. She jumped into her car and drove to the hospital. Nurse peju rushed to meet her with her dull face.

She entered her car and requested for her account details.

“What happened? Why are you requesting for my account details? Is the work done!.

“Just tell me ur details first” she insisted while she gave her her account number.

She transferred all the money back to her.

“Why did you send the money back?” She asked the nurse in complete shock

“I am not a mur_de_rer and I was not taught to spoil my future because of money”. She replied.

“Is the money small? I will add more to it if you want”.

“I have conscience, in whatever a human being does in this life. He/she should check his/her conscience very well. D day a human being lack/ lose his conscience, is the day the person is no longer a human being…I was not trained to take people life. I was trained to save life. That woman is old for such d*eadly plan, I once had someone like her and they are the most sweetest person you can relate with in this world. Why don’t you relate with her and see how your life will change around according to the story you told me last time. Take time and know her”. She replied and left her car.

The words hit Temitope b*adly. She has really treated the old woman b_Ă d. Would she be forgiven? Hope it’s not too late for her?.

“How did I get to this stage? My parents taught me to be a good person, where have I lost my morals ? God please forgive me. If you can give me the last chance, I will treat mama better”. She muttered to herself and sighed.

A message popped up on her screen while she checked it. It’s from Alex requesting to see her in an hotel to fulfill her last promise.

She typed:👇

(My husband is going to work tomorrow, let’s see in the afternoon before he is back from work) she send it and delete the message.

She alighted from her car and went to checked on mama.

The old woman is sleeping peacefully, she look so cute while sleeping. Why didn’t she notice her beauty all this while? Hat_red_ness is so b*ad that it covers your face to see the good side of a person. She gently touched her face while tears wallowed her face.

She kneel beside her and cried out her eyes.

“Mama I am sorry” she pleaded. I promised to take care of you from now on. Please be healthy on time to come back home. I missed you!!!! She cried out loudly and wiped her tears before leaving the ward.


The next day

Alex message popped up on the screen of her phone reminding her of their visit. She had to fulfill the last promise between them so that he can leave her alone.

She prepared everyone food while ibikunle left for work. She drove to the hospital to check on mama before leaving for the hotel.

She got to the hotel in fear and entered the room number that was sent to her.

She met Alex sitting on the bed.

“My mind changed” he informed her.


“I don’t feel like doing anything with you here in the hotel room, you know they have CCTV camera here and I don’t like it. It’s like someone is watching me while sleeping with you, it may later expose our secret”.

“Then, where did u want to use?” She asked impatiently.

“Your house!

“Mai house!!!

“Are you m-a-d? How could you think of something like that? When you are aware of my husband presence.

“But you told me that your husband always arrived late in the evening,let’s go now and get straight down to business” he ordered with a serious look while she compy with him.

They both walked to her car while she drove off to her house.

They both alighted from the car and went into the bedroom.

He carried her on entering the house and straight to the bedroom.


Ibikunle is busy flipping through the files in his front when jumoke call came in.

“Hello dear”.

“Hello jumokeee!!!

“How are you dear? I have a good news for you….

“What’s that?” He asked in anxiety

“My wedding with that guy is called off after he insul*ted my father when he tried to correct him for his wro*ng behavior. I am free!!! When will you be back to Abuja?” She asked in deep excitement.

“I am not coming to Abuja anytime from now, I have to stay with my family especially my mother, I am sorry” he responded.

She sniffed before replying.

“I am going to miss your company, my greetings to your wife and that your special mother”.

“I will, thanks dear” he replied and ended the call.

He continue flipping through the files when he remembered something.

There is a print out of a document in the middle of the files that he is working on. He forgot it at home when typing on his laptop yesterday night. He have to go early before his boss found out his absence from work.

He quickly left for his house. He don’t bother to drive his car due to the traffic and boarded a bike to the house.

He alighted in the front of his building and rushed in, he opened the sitting room door in an hurry and dashed to the room. Loud mo*ans filled his ears as he approached the room. He dusted his ears very well to be sure of what he heard.

He gently opened the door and met a strange man on top of his wife moa*ning loudly. He was shocked beyond words. Tears streamed down his face as he watched the strange man hitting her wife v……Gina. They were Carried away with their enjoyment.

Out of anger, he rushed to him and pushed him away while Temitope eyes widen in shock. Alex was shocked too! He quickly packed his clothes and left the two couples again.

Temitope covered her face with the duvet in her hand while ibikunle continue crying. He left the room in anger. Temitope jumped up. She just know that she has ru!ned her home with what her husband see…

She quickly wore her clothes and rushed off to Salewa house.

She met salewa cutting her mother_in-law nails in fright. It shows in her facial expression that everything is not Alright. She cut the old woman nails while Temitope greeted her. She sit on the chair confused.

Salewa Mother in law instructed her to flush the toilet she made use of in the morning.

“Ma, I have flushed the toilet you made use of in the morning”. She informed her.

“Are you st-u-pid, I have defecate in it once again, Mai fweend go inside the toilet now and flush it. When you are done, come and wash my clothes” she instructed her.

Temitope couldn’t believe her ears. She jumped up.

“What’s wrong salewa? Why is this woman controlling you all around? This is not my friend.

“See, this is my husband house o, don’t send me away, let me obey whatever mama sent me to do”.

“Who is this?” Her mother in law asked.

“She is my friend ma”.

“What concerns her in what I sent you?”.

“Mama! It concerns me… Salewa, you that you always advice me to be hars*h on Mai own mother in law. Ahhh! I am a f-o-ol! She cried out jumping up.

“Essssss! Uncu*ltured lady, you are disturbing my peace in my son house. Get out!!! She ordered while Temitope left in anger.

She cried back to her car and sit in the back seat.

“I am a big f-o-ol all this while, salewa wro*ng advice lead me to all this. Her mother in law is w!cked and she keep treating her like a queen while I that my mother in law is gentle. I treated her like a tra_sh. I have ruined my life in my husband house. Who will help me plead to Ibikunle. Mama will soon be discharged from the hospital even though she is still receiving treatment. What if she finally regained her strength and reported me to my husband. My life is gone. My mother warned me oooooo! God! I just want a last chance”. She cried her eyes out and drove out of the area.

She drove to her mother house.

“Why is your face this way?” The woman asked her daughter with a worried look.

“My mum! I am finished!.

“Finished as how?”

“I never treat my mother in law right , the woman landed in the hospital because of my beatings and my husband caught me on the bed with another man.

“Ah Topeeee!!! Is this how I raised you! You have spoil everything. How did you do it all this while? Ah you Sha want to tarnish my image. I warned you”.

“Mum I am sorry”.

“What will we do now?”.

“Please mum, help me to beg my husband” she cried out.

“How did you want me to do it now? You just tarnished my image”.


Ibikunle went to Abayomi house.

He broke down into tears on getting «there, this surprised Abayomi. He moved closer to him.

“What happened friend! Why are you not in work?”.

“I can’t go back to work”.

“What happened? Why? What’s wrong?”.

“I caught my wife with another man”. He cried out.

“You what!

“This is serious, that lady is something else. I don’t know what’s wrong with her? The last time I advised her, she ins-ulted me that day. I don’t know the reason why a lady will behave that way. Sorry my friend, you have to inform your boss at work for your absence or what did you think.

“I can’t think straight!

Abayomi collected his phone and send an email message to ibikunle boss, explaining the reason to leave for an emergency call at home in order to take care of his mother.

Ibikunle lie flat on the chair,

Reminiscing on how she met Temitope, she is such a lovely lady then. Did she pretended for him during their courtship or what lead to her sudden b*ad behavior.

His memory flashed back to how the strange man is hitting her wife. He screamed out while Abayomi patted his back.

He keep consoling him reminding him not k!ll himself because of a lady.

He promised to accompany him back to his house in order to settle everything but he doubted if ibikunle will still be with his wife…

Throughout that night in Abayomi house, Ibikunle don’t get himself. He keep on cr***ying and reminiscing on everything. Esther (Abayomi wife) also tried her effort in con**so**ling him. He was fo***rc*ed to eat and later slept off.

Back at Temitope mum house.

She is weak from cr*”*yi**ng. She sent a cu**rse message to Alex phone, telling him that he won’t have an happy life.

Alex switched off his phone and blocked her line.

She is h**ur*t!.


Her mother is not helping matters at all as she keep a**bus***ing her, reminding her of how she has locked her former room. She don’t have a dad again. She lost his dad when she was in school then…


The next day,

Rebecca is not aware of what happened to the family. She only dressed up to visit mama in the hospital. She is leaving the hospital that day.

She met mama already sitted on the bed with a big smile on her face.

She can’t help it but to hugged the old woman.

“I am glad to have you back” she said.

“Its good seeing you too! Don’t tell me that i have been on this bed all this while”.

“You are on this bed all this while, no probs mama. Am happy that you are going back home today.

“Which home?” Mama asked.

“Ibikunle house nah!.

“I will rather stay in my former house than living there”.

“What would send you away from your son house when you are still alive?”.

“I have endured enough pains in this life. I don’t want to experience more pains again. I am tiredddd!!!

“What did you mean by that statement?”.

“Did you know that I was confined to this bed due to Tope!.

“Tope! How?”

“She be**at me up the day I fainted and didn’t know where I am, not until the day I saw her in the ward and scre***am**ed out. I don’t want to have anything to do with that woman again. Please Rebecca, I don’t want to live in that house again”.

“It’s okay mama! Rather for you to leave that house, she will be the one to leave for you. She told us that you had an acc**ide**nt when coming back from your friend house. That lady is w!c***ke*d. She is leaving ibikunle house.

Rebecca packed mama stuff and called ibikunle to come and pick them. His voice sound sad over the phone.

“What happened dear? You sound so ba***d! I just called to inform you that, mama wants to see you, she is ready to leave the hospital.

“Alright ma, I will be there”. He replied and ended the call.

Mama held Rebecca hand. She looked up to her.

“Thanks for being there for me always, my parents couldn’t do more than all what you did for me. Thanks my dear”. Mama appreciated her while she hugged her.

“You are my big sister and i love you so much, your past tale about your life make me love you so much. I will always be there for you”. She responded and released her from the hug.

Abayomi drive Ibikunle to the hospital, he is looking so down!.

They both Alighted from the car went into the ward.

He hugged her mum on sighting her while tears strolled down his face . He sobbed so hard….

Mama couldn’t understand the reason behind his tears, she gently pulled him back and clean his face.

“Why is my boy cr**yin**g like a baby?” She asked him facing Abayomi at the same time.

“Let’s all go home and I will explain everything”. Abayomi replied while they are all lead home.

They Alighted from the car and went into the sitting room.

“Where is Temitope?” Rebecca asked ibikunle

“That lady is leaving your house today , it must not exceed today, she has crossed her limit in this house and I will make sure that she is gone in no time. How could she be***at mama till the state of coma! That lady is a cr**!Mi*”nal”.Rebecca sho***ute*d to everyone hearing. Ibikunle couldn’t talk he just keep looking.

Mama is so concerned about her son state.

The last time his son cr**ied that way was when she couldn’t afford his final year fees back then before God later perform his wonders and the day he saw her back in his house.

She move closer to him and tapped him.

“Ibikunle mi! Did you want me too to start cr***yin*g. Whats wrong with you?” Mama asked .

Rebecca checked all the rooms to see Temitope but couldn’t find her.

“Where is Tope?” She asked ibikunle before he finally reply.

“I caught her with a man on our matrimonial bed”.


“That lady is gone already”. Rebecca sh**out out.

“She b*e***at mama to coma in the first place and commit adul***ter*y againnnn. It’s not accepted here”. Rebecca voiced out again.

Just then,

A gentle knock hi**t the door.

“Who is there?” She asked.

“It’s me o”.

She went to open the door while Temitope mum and her daughter with two elders entered the house. On sighting Temitope, Rebecca rushed to her and hit her. A fight ensued while they separated the both of them.

“Take it easy ma, let’s settle what we are here for”. One of the elder man said while they all sit on the chair.

Temitope mum went on her kne**el with Temitope and b*eg**ge**d Mama.

“Mama! I know you are the eldest person here in this gathering, i know my mouth doesn’t contain what I want to tell you but please, I am using the Almighty God to beg you, please forgive Tope, let her come back to her husband house. Ibikunle my dear, please am be***gg***ing you too. Forgive your wife. She will never repeat it again. She pleaded while mama smile.

“God is wonderful, he really is! So, Temitope can beg me. I have forgiven her o, but my son cant take her in again because she has exceeded the chances she had in this house”.

“Mama, we know that you are still angry, please forgive her. We know it will remain in his husband mind forever but i want you all to know that if we don’t forget yesterday fight, we won’t have someone to play with. Please forgive her”. One of the elder man cut in.

Ibikunle stand up all of a sudden and move closer to Tope which is on her kneel.

He raised her chin up and stare into her eyes.

“Temitope! He said with tears in his face.

“I loved you! I love you right from our institution days. You are such a fragile soul then….you are beautiful, we courted for some years before getting married. Oh yes!! I was the one that disvi**rg**ined you and I won’t ever forget that happiest day in my life but ….you ruined it by di**sli**kin**g my mum. I begged you the day i was leaving home for Abuja to take care of my mum. I came back to meet her in coma. You even go as far as bringing in another man into the house. Didn’t I satisfy you enough? I performed all my marital roles to you. What else did you want? What is it you desire again? I gave you alot of money. I sho**we**red you sooooo much love but….see where it lead you. I am sorry, my dear love. You are de**a*d to me!. He said

“Salewa Lead me to all this, she said that because i dreamed of mama once, she is the one in charge of my ch**ildle**ssn**ess. I am sorry, give me the last chance please Ibikunle”. She pleaded with hot tears streaming down her face. Ibikunle shake his head, dropped her chin and went back to his seat.

“She is not coming back to his house because any lady that raise her hand up to beat her mother in law is looking for cu***rse to herself”. Rebecca shouted.

“Can you advice your own too son, the two elders that came in….can you advice your son to marry someone like this. She is not coming back here, I have forgiven her o. But, she is not coming back and that is the finallll”. Mama replied while Tope cri***ed out.

“Don’t you know that any younger lady beating and maltreating her mother in law is looking for cĂ»rse towards herself. How would you get pregnant when you keep mal***trea**ting her. I don’t know what to say again”. The second elder replied.

All pleadings to ibikunle and his family fall on deaf ears. Temitope and her people left them while Tope c**ry so much.

If you are a man what will you do if you are in Ibikunle shoes?

As a lady is ibikunle decision right!

Did Tope deserve a third chance Incase if she is called back…

Drop your opinion, let me Know your mind…

Temitope left ibikunle house in tears while Rebecca dragged her loads outside. Musa helped in taking the loads to the gate for her to pick it up.

It is the saddest day in Temitope life. Everyone left her behind. She packed her loads and drive over to her mother’s house.

“If you think you can move in here after leaving your husband house…then…you must be joking. You can see that I left you there earlier and drive my own personal car home”. Her mum shouted at her when she alighted from the car.

“Mum! Please forgive me. I have learnt my lesson in an hard way. Let me in please, I don’t have anywhere to go to”.

“Wether you learnt your lesson in a hard way or not, you can’t live in my own house. If you have nowhere else to go, you can live with the guy that is sleeping with you on your own matrimonial bed or go to your friend house. As for this house o,you are not coming in”. Her mum respond in a fury.

All her pleadings fell on her mum de-af ears. She had no choice than to drive back to a nearby hotel. She collected the key to the room and locked herself inside.

She wept bitterly.


After a month,

Mama is fully healthy, she eat on time, sleep on time, use her drugs on time.

Ibikunle ensured that her mum never lacked anything again. Mama look more chubby.

“Ibikunle! Please I wanted to see you on something!.

“What’s that mum? He asked moving closer to her while her mum placed her hand on his soft chin.

“My son, she gently said

“I know what happened to me in the past is so trau*amatic and saddens our heart anytime we remember it. But I wanted you to know that, you cant think because of what has happened in the past ,you shouldnt move on with your own life. It’s not done!. You have to get another wife and live your life plus, I wanted to see my grandchildren.

“Mum, I don’t want to have any other wife in this world again because of what happened to you and what Temitope did to me. Who could believe that she could do such things. Mum, I am tired of heartbreak. I just don’t want to marry again. you are enough for me”. He replied moving back from his mum.

“If we close our eyes for a ba*d person to pass, when a good person pass we won’t know. please Grant my wish.

“Is that what you want?”.

“That’s what I want”. Mama replied.

“Mum, I have a surprise for you tomorrow! He exclaimed .

“Really? What’s that?”.

“It’s a surprise mum”.

“Okay, I will wait till then”. She replied while Ibikunle went to the kitchen to check what he is cooking and dished it out.

He later retired back to his room after serving his mom.

Jumoke thought filled his mind after he reminisced on what mama said.

He called her.

“Hi handsome” she said over the phone.

“Hello beauty, how are you dear?”.

“I am not fine because you don’t come back to Abuja”.

“Like I told you that day that I missed my mum, that was why I am staying back in Lagos.

“Alright, guess what!

“What?”. Ibikunle asked.

“I am in Lagos”.

“Wow! Which part are you? When did you arrive this place?

“My younger sister is getting married soon, so she said that she will like to shopped for her cloth in Lagos”.

“That’s a good idea, so you came together”.

“Yeah! She loved Lagos wares.

“I will like to see you before you go back to Abuja”.

“No problem Handsomeeee…

“Let’s meet tomorrow being weekend, I will text the address to you, you can ask around for the place. It’s popular”.

“Alright, will be expecting it and till tomorrow then”.

“Byeee” she said over the phone while she end the call.

Ibikunle jumped up excitedly.

He prayed that she accept his proposal.


The next day in mama room

Mama was woken up by a loud song blarring into her ears. She opened her eyes to see his son, Rebecca, Abayomi and Esther . She was surprised.

“What are we celebrating here?” She asked.

“I promised you a surprise yesterday and I want to fulfill it”. He said.

“Alright! Mama responded and followed them outside. They all went into the car while he drove off. He arrived at a big house while an old man opened the gate. They all Alighted from the car. The house is so big and has different eye catching design. There is two cars packed Inside the compound. A young lady came out of the house and welcomed them with a big smile.

“Where are we? Ibikunle”.

“Mum, this is your house and those are your cars”. He replied pointing to the cars while mama rubbed her face twice.

“It’s a lie o, it’s a lie o, all these for me?”.

“Everything belongs to you mama, you owned it all”.

Hot tears streamed down her face as she walked towards the car and hugged his son, she thanked everyone.

It’s hard to believe for mama. Her son held his hand and walked her into the house. It’s breathtakinggggg!!!.

“Mama! This young lady here will be assisting you with cooking, washing etc while the man at the gate is your gatekeeper”. He said introducing the lady to mama.

“I have employed a driver on your behalf and he is resuming work next week”.

“Whether I later have a good wife or not, I don’t want you to experience any pains again in this life.i will always check on you and take care of you”.

“Thank you my son, your own too child will take care of you”.

“Amen! They all chorused.

The young lady served everyone food to celebrate the good news. It’s the happiest day for mama.


Temitope is running out of cash due to the hotel bills. She packed out of the hotel to Salewa house.

“Salewa, so this is how life is…you don’t even bother to ask about my life, how I am coping. You ruin*ed my life with your ba*d advice, you always support my complain about my mother in law. Ah it’s not good o”.

“I am sorry Tope, I had to support you because you are my friend”.

“Where is your mother in law?”.

“She has gone back to the Village”.

“That’s good, salewa please, can I stay with you for a while pending the time that I will rent my own house”.

“I am sorry you can’t”.


“I havent informed my husband about it and I can’t risk my husband getting snatched”.

“So, you mean that I can snatch your husband when you destroy my own life”.

“You are a lady and I am also a lady, don’t ruin my life like you rui*n your life”. Salewa spat out

“You are a ba*d friend, infact, I re*gret having you as my friend. My God will punish you”.

“My own too God will punish you, leavemy house. I can’t accommodate you”.

They keep exchanging words before Tope finally left her house.

She called Alex but the number is not reachable. She is really tired.

She rented a room apartment and start living there since no one is ready to accomodate her.


Jumoke meet with ibikunle and he explained all what happened to him and told jumoke that he is ready to marry her.

“I am sorry” jumoke said

“Sorry for what?” He asked in a surprise.

“I already have my boyfriend and my wedding is in two months to come”.

“That means that I have lost you to another man?” He asked almost crying.


“Who is the lucky man? I am eager to know him.

“You will get to Know him later”. Jumoke said.

Ibikunle is lost in words, he don’t know what else to say. They a bid each other good bye.

He was about to leave when jumoke pulled him for a hug.

“You wanted to leave like that! You are a big joke!!! Tadaaaa! I was joking!!! She said.

Ibikunle gently pulled her back.

“You don’t mean it?”

“I mean it, I was jokinggggg!!! She exclaimed while he jumped at her. He hugged her tightly.

“You can’t change, you joke alot” he said smiling.

“I will treat you like the queen you are, I promise” . He said.


The next day,

He take her to his mother house along with jumoke younger sister, Deborah.

Mama stood fixed at a spot after sighting Deborah.

“Excuse me young lady, I know you somewhere” mama said while Deborah tried to remember her.

“Mama cook canteen!!! They both exclaimed.

“Yeah, it’s me! God work in a mysterious way”. Mama said while she hugged her.

“Ibikunle, this lady once helped me when I was working in mamacook place”.

“Why dont you call my number mama?”.

“I lost the card”.

“That’s good, mum! This is my wife to be and Deborah is her younger sister”. Ibikunle introduced while mama welcomed her.

“What are you doing in Lagos then?” Jumoke asked her sister.

“D day I came for my friend party, so, I have arrived before that day. I came then with my ex boyfriend. We were hungry and decided to eat at mama place. We Sha thank God”.

The day is the second happiest day in mama life, without no one telling her, she knows that Jumoke is the perfect match for ibikunle.


Temitope is running out of groceries, she decided to manage the money in her hand to get few of it.

She branched at a nearby market.

While patronizing a woman, she saw Alex with a woman. They both Alighted from a car. She run up to them.

“So, this is your face hnn! You think you can ruin my life and continue enjoying your life”.

“Honey! Who is this?” She asked.

“Don’t mind them, maybe she is a begger”.

“Me! A begger, you must be m_a_d.

She quickly unlocked her phone and showed the woman his number, including their previous chats before he blocked her.

“This man sent me out of my husband house when my husband caught the both of us red handedly. He is a cr!Minal.

This angered the woman

“So, after making you the c.e.o of my father’s company. You think you can cheat to me right! After all what I have done over the years. Hnn!. Read my lips, it’s over between us. I will freeze ur account and everything will be withdrawn from you, be expecting my lawyer anytime for now”. The woman spat out angrily and left them.

Alex is so angry that he punched Temitope. People rushed up to them and separated them.

It is a big blow to Alex life.

Temitope left the scene, half accomplished.

She knows that she has to start her life all over again. If nothing is dealing with her now, it’s karma. No guy profess their love to her. She is living alone and is running out of cash.

She learnt her lesson in a hard way.

Jumoke got married to ibikunle after few months and lived happily there after.


Please mother in law’s that just read this story, don’t start treating your daughter in law anyhow and guys too. Don’t start misb*ehaving to your wife. Take the lesson you learnt there.

As for anyone that has parents, grandparents please endeavor to check on them, know how they feel, Call them, make them feel lively. These people like seeing their children around or take your kids to them for an holiday. The rate at which old women and men do things by themselves without no one assisting them is alarming. This story is inspired by many things I have seen and heard about in this century that we are in.


When last have you called your parents?

When last did you see them?

I say make I drop my pen here.

It’s time to relax my brain!.

What have you learnt from this story so far?

Please drop your opinion

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