THE MOTHER IN LAW | Famous Mother in Law story is available | new story to read

Portrait of happy mother-in-law and a young couple in the back yard

A Yoruba adage says having a bad husband is better than having a bad inlaw. Ifeoma had always argued against it but now that she was in such a situation, she agreed effortlessly. She could vividly remember how in love she and her husband, Oluwafikayomi was back in their university days. They were both freshers back then in University of Ibadan when they met. They hated each other’s guts at first since they started on a wrong foot. If anyone had told her then that she would last this long in a relationship with Fikayo much more lead to marriage, she would have laughed hysterically and told that person that he or she was hallucinating.

What made her so close with Fikayo then was his genius abilities, Fikayo was the most brilliant student of their set. Ifeoma was intelligent too, but while Fikayo graduated with a First Class degree, 6.70 CGPA, Ifeoma graduated with a Second class Upper degree, 5.55 CGPA.

Fikayo on the other hand was attracted to Ifeoma at first sight, and he couldn’t be blamed either, he was just another one of Ifeoma’s numerous admirers. Ifeoma was a very beautiful and attractive light skinned slim lady whose colour of eyes are the unique colour of blue which only adds more to her already extravagant beauty.

Fikayo and Ifeoma started dating in the first semester of their second year in the university and they were even tagged the cutest couple in the Faculty of Education back then. They had their ups and downs, several fights and one or two breakups before they graduated but they overcame it all.

Now that Ifeoma thought about it all, she should have taken the signs she got from Fikayo back then so serious, maybe she wouldn’t be in the position that she was in right now. Fikayo was a typical Mama’s boy, have always been and will always be. He placed his mother in such high level in his life, of course, it’s okay but then believing that his mother is always the right one and is never wrong is just too much for Ifeoma to handle.

As long as his mother was involved in any fight or any argument with anybody, to him, his mother has no fault nor is she wrong.

Fikayo also had a very huge flaw back then, jealousy. Ifeoma had never seen or known of any man who could be as jealous as Fikayo was. He never wanted Fikayo near any man whatsoever and he made her cut off any form of friendship or acquaintance with them. Ifeoma always thought of it as being cute and just overprotective of her but now that she thought of it all, she should have taken it more serious.

But then, you do not get into water and then start crying of cold since it should be expected.

Ifeoma was still in the mood of reminiscing the past and all the signs she missed back then when the doorbell rang.

And immediately she shouted the typical “who is that?”

The voice that answered “Come and open the door for me!” was none other than her worst nightmare.

It was her Mother-in-law.

Ifeoma sighed before she opened the door to let her in. But then she was not alone this time, she came along with a grown up woman who has one very thick tribal mark on both sides of her face.

“Good afternoon, mama.” Ifeoma greeted her Mother-in-law kneeling on both knees, she didn’t want to start on a wrong foot with her since she could practically take up her —not kneeling— as a very big deal.

“Well-done, where is my son?” Mama asked eyeing Ifeoma vigorously.

“He’s yet to be back from work ma. You know the nature of his job, but I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Ifeoma replied smiling and trying to lighten up the tense room.

“He’ll be back soon and you are just sitting doing what? Is he going to drink just water after a tiring day at work?” Mama questioned.

“No ma, I am already preparing his favourite ma. Jollof rice and fried meat. I have enough to go round for you and even your guest ma. Let me go and check it.” Ifeoma said rushing towards the kitchen until she was stopped by mama.

“Come back here. Wonders shall never end! So Jollof rice is now my son’s favourite? My son that couldn’t even do without eating Amala dudu and Ewedu soup in a day.”

“No mama. He hardly eats swallow food now ma. He loves my Jollof rice a lot and can even do everything for me just to make sure I cook it.” Ifeoma retorted.

“Okay, so I don’t know my son’s favourite food again, abi? You know my son for ordinary six or seven years now and you are the one that knows him more? Have you forgotten that no woman can know a man more than his mother does? All this stupid sons’ wives that thinks they know their husband more than the mother. Nonsense!” Mama fumed.

“I am sorry ma!” Ifeoma apologized even though she didn’t do or say anything wrong.

“Sorry for yourself. Meanwhile, I have gotten a maid for you people o. My son complained about you not doing all the chores nor cooking his foods very well. So this is Tofunmi who will be living and working in this house henceforth.” Mama said while Ifeoma looked at her dumbfounded for a while before she found her voice and spoke.

“But… mama… Fikayo didn’t mention any such thing to me ma. And he never complains of my foods, not once. And I can handle all the chores. There is literally nothing she’ll be doing in this house. The washing machine washes our clothes and the dishwasher does our dirty dishes. I sweep this house myself and cooking is not a big deal either, it’s what I’m good at so a maid is definitely not what we need ma. But thank you for trying to help mama.”

“So that nonsense food that hardly has pepper in it is what you call food? Ordinary Ewedu, I have never seen you cook it in this house. All you cook is stew that has twenty tomatoes and two pepper in it. I have brought this girl here and she is here to stay. Tofunmi, take your things to the room right there jare.” Mama complained and then directed the girl.

Ifeoma had already had enough.

“No mama. She had better not leave that spot! I have respected you enough o, mama. This is my husband’s house and I have a say in it. You can’t just come and start controlling things for me. Your son is a grown up man who is now a married man and he doesn’t need his mother to take care of him anymore, his wife can do that.”

“Eh eh! So I do not have a say in my own son’s house? Ehn? I don’t blame you, I blame your parents that have refused to teach you manners from home…”

Ifeoma sparked, she could take anything but her parents being insulted so she started insulting her Mother-in-law before she could stop herself.

“Mama, ahnahn… what is it sef?! Don’t you have your own husband’s house to be controlling? Why do you keep pokenosing into another family’s matter? Why won’t you stop terrorizing me in my husband’s house? Nothing I do satisfies you in any way! I think it’s high time you left. This girl is not staying in this house and that’s my own. Her services are not needed here, you can check the next building!”

Mama burst into fake tears while Ifeoma wondered what warranted her drama now. She looked at the the door to see her husband standing at the entrance observing the whole scenario.

Ifeoma was surprised to see her husband at the entrance and she immediately understood why his mother started her fake tears. She shook her head in a manner that says ‘this woman’.

“What is going on here, Oma? What have you said to my mother this time to make her start crying, and you know how emotional she can get?” Fikayo questioned his wife as he rushed to console his mother.

“Your wife have been insulting me since I entered this house, Akanni! I don’t know why it is this Igbo girl that you had to marry when it is not that responsible Yoruba girls are nowhere to be found. Very disrespectful and mannerless!” Mama spat while Ifeoma looked at her husband as if expecting him to say something to support her but Fikayo said nothing about it instead he said something totally unrelated to the matter.

“Oma, what is burning?!” Ifeoma who had completely forgotten about the Jollof rice she was cooking ran into the kitchen.

Mama laughed hysterically and said something that Ifeoma heard clearly,”The good wife that burns food! When a woman is bad, she is bad! There is nothing anybody can do to make her good! Akanni, is it burnt food that you have been eating in this house? No wonder you look so lean and malnourished. Infact, I am going to have to stay in this house for some weeks and look after you. I won’t allow one useless woman to kill you for me!”

Ifeoma rushed out of the kitchen not minding the burning smell that the Jollof rice have created, she would have to cook again for her husband since the rice got burnt real bad, she wondered how they hadn’t even perceived the smell on time.

“No mama! You are not staying in this house, I will never allow that, never!” Ifeoma snapped standing akimbo.

“Oma, what is wrong with you now? Why won’t you stop acting like a rival with my mother?” Fikayo questioned.

“Are you asking me that? Shouldn’t you be asking your mother? She should have just married you now if she just can’t allow her son to be a man in his own house.”

Ifeoma certainly wasn’t ready to allow her Mother-in-law to stay in her matrimonial home, she can definitely send her packing if care was not taken.

“If only you can use all these strength you are using here to fight your mother at home who has locked your womb somewhere!” Mama snapped and walked into the guest room knowing fully well that she had won the battle with that little statement of hers.

Ifeoma burst into tears, her Mother-in-law knew just what to say to hurt her, she had those words in her palms.

“Don’t mind mama, Oma! Why are you crying cos of what she said, you know it’s old age that has made her this way.” Fikayo said in way to console his wife.

Ifeoma shook her head vehemently before she spoke,”When she was the one crying, you said she is emotional now that I am crying, you still keep on supporting her! When will you grow up for Christ’s sake?!”

Ifeoma rushed into her room afterwards expecting her husband to rush after her to settle the misunderstanding but instead, Fikayo went into the guest room.

‘His mother will always be his first priority’, Ifeoma thought as she cried.

It was after Fikayo was through with his mother that he went into his wife’s bedroom. Immediately he entered the room, Ifeoma who was only lying down on the bed tired of crying acted like she was asleep because she did not want any form of conversation with her husband at that moment. She was too annoyed at him.

“Oma dear, are you asleep? It’s only 4:30pm now, why would you be sleeping by this time?” Fikayo questioned knowing fully well that his wife was only pretending to be asleep, she is always fond of doing that whenever she wants to avoid any form of argument with him. Fikayo knows her too well.

“Okay o, where’s my food o? The Jollof rice I should be eating now is burnt and you know how much I hate burnt foods, won’t you get up and cook me another one?” Fikayo was too hungry to start an argument so he had to ask for what would stop the hunger which was his wife’s Jollof rice.

Ifeoma who had forgotten that she was supposed to be acting asleep responded with fury,”You kept a cook in the house abi? Or isn’t your best food Amala and Ewedu soup or whatever your mom called it? Go and call that stupid girl that your mother brought into my house to cook it for you now. Why do you want to eat a food cooked by a bad cook when your mother already brought a good cook for you? Biko, don’t disturb me o!”

“But Oma, why do you keep allowing Mama’s opinion to affect you?” Fikayo questioned while Ifeoma stared at him like he suddenly grew two horns on his forehead.

“Is that even a question? Really? How would you feel if my mother walk into this house to terrorize, insult and blaspheme you every time, ehn? But I trust my mother though, she has no such time, she’s not as jobless as someone’s mother!” Ifeoma shouted angrily.

“Don’t talk that way about Mama, Ifeoma! You know I won’t take that from you!” Fikayo snapped at his wife getting pissed off already.”Just one bad word about your mom makes you spark like electricity yet your mom would say hundreds of bad words to me and you won’t even flinch! Hypocrisy at its best. By the time I go out of this house for you and your mother ehn, you would just marry her since that’s what she wants anyways!” Ifeoma said again.

“Oma, I don’t have time for all these. I need to eat, please.” Fikayo begged his wife.

“Then go into that kitchen and make yourself something to eat, I am not stepping a foot into that kitchen today, not today! If not for your mother that barged into this house with the motive to provoke me, that delicious Jollof rice wouldn’t have gotten burnt!” Ifeoma concluded as she laid on the bed.

Fikayo shook his head and left his wife to cool her temper. Trying to talk to her right now will result into nothing, he walked into the kitchen that he had not stepped foot in for at least five months now to cook something but before he could even touch the gas cooker, his mum rushed in like someone that was being chased.

“Eh eh! Ifeoma or whatever they call her has turned my own son into a houseboy. My son now enters kitchen o! Your Charm or voodoo will not work o, useless woman, it won’t work! It is not while I am alive that you will turn my own son into your house boy!” Mama shouted running helter shelter like a deranged woman as soon as she succeeded in dragging her son out of the kitchen.

“Who is that shouting like someone who escaped from a psychiatric hospital now?” Ifeoma asked in false politeness as soon as she walked out of her room.

“It is your whole family that will end up in a psychiatric hospital, not me!”

“Oh, I am so sorry mama. I had no idea that it was you. I was just wondering why anyone would shout like that when it’s not that she got bitten by a dog.” Ifeoma apologized in a mocking manner all the while trying not to laugh.

“Why won’t I shout when you have decided to turn my Akanni into your house boy!”

“Seriously?! Fikayo who has not stepped into the kitchen for months even if it’s to take ordinary bottled water from the fridge? And then he steps into it just today and he has turned into my house boy?! The height of foolishness in this house amazes me a lot! Meanwhile, house boy, it’s better you get into that kitchen and cook cos I won’t do it for you and I better not see that dirty girl your mother brought into this house in my kitchen either! Even your mom isn’t allowed and you know me o, so don’t try me at all!” Ifeoma concluded as she walked gracefully into her room with no care in the world.

“Mama, you caused all of this o! Oma hardly gets angry at everything you say to her but now you have pushed her to the wall.” Fikayo complained.

“What have I said or done? How can I see the truth and keep shut about it? I never liked that girl since the day you introduced her to me as your wife. She’s so disrespectful!” Mama snapped.

“You’re just been tribalistic cos she’s an Igbo girl and she hasn’t given birth yet but mama, our marriage is not even up to three years yet! Let her breathe, please. I’ve had enough of rivalry in this house and I can’t deal with it anymore. Meanwhile, take Tofunmi back to Imeko, Oma will never accept her into this house.” Fikayo concluded as he walked into his wife’s bedroom to cajole her.

“Since when does your wife’s opinion matter in your own house? Why would you allow her to make decisions for you? Is she now the husband in this house? Tofunmi, get your things, we are going out of this house. I’ll have to do something to nullify the voodoo that this stupid woman has put in my son’s food to turn him against me! Let us go!” Mama said as she banged the door angrily on her way out.

Meanwhile, Fikayo succeeded in cajoling his wife and Oma went into the kitchen to cook for her husband.

It was a cold Sunday and Mama who as usual had come to spend the weekend in her son’s house barged into her son’s room to greet her son only to meet the horror of her life so she rushed out the same way she rushed in.

Ifeoma had the best laugh of her life at the woman’s expense, she just wouldn’t stop laughing.

Her husband quickly rushed after his mother. Meanwhile, in the guest room that mama stays whenever she comes around, mama was fuming.

“Mama, what you saw is a normal thing that occurs between couples. You shouldn’t have barged into the room in the first place.” Fikayo tried to explain utterly embarrassed that his mother had to see such an intimate thing.

Mama on the other hand was still shocked, she had never experienced nor expected such, it never occurred during their own days so she found it hard to mask the shock and disgust she was feeling.

“What was that nonsense that you were doing, Akanni? The same place that blood comes out from every month? I am so dissapointed in you, what has gone wrong with you nitori oloun?” Mama complained almost crying.

“Mama, it’s called oral sex and it’s an intimate thing between couples these days, it’s nothing to cry about.” Fikayo pestered scratching his neck not knowing how else to explain this to his mother.

Ifeoma who had been standing at the entrance of the room burst into hysterical laughter, she was enjoying the woman’s horror.

“Fikayo, is your mom crying…cos … of ordinary oral sex? That will teach her to always knock on the door instead of just barging into the room every d*mn time like she owns the house. She always seem to forget that you have a wife in this house.” Ifeoma said amidst laughter.

“You evil woman! How dare you make my son do that? How dare you! You witch!” Mama shouted at Ifeoma who still wouldn’t stop laughing, she was just finding the whole situation so funny.

“Mama o! Ask your son if I force him now! We both enjoy it and it’s a two way thing so it’s no big deal! You are the one who needs to know her place in this house, you should let your son have some privacy and stop meddling into his life both physically and emotionally. What we do on our matrimonial bed is our business and not yours.” Ifeoma stated now hiccuping as a result of laughing too much.

“Biko, baby. I need to take my bath or should I wait for you, let’s continue what your mother interrupted.” Ifeoma said again as she bursted into another fit of laughter before walking into her husband’s room.

Mama stared at her son still not processing what her eyes just saw. She swore never to barge into her son’s room ever again.

“Oma, you are really trying with that woman you call your Mother-in-law o! If I had such Mother-in-law, God knows I would have poisoned her tey tey!” Bola, one of Ifeoma’s best friends said nonchalantly.

Ifeoma had just two bestfriends right from secondary school, Bola and Halima. They attended the same university and their friendship seemed to grow stronger through the days. Bola was yet to be married but has a boyfriend who was a married man, Halima on the other hand was a year married on the basis of an arranged marriage to an Hausa man.

“Ah ahn! Bola, that is too extreme, killing on top what na?!” Halima exclaimed while Ifeoma just kept quiet.

“Look at this one o! It’s like you don’t know what these Mother-in-laws are capable of doing! I trust myself. If I should get married and any stupid woman tries all that nonsense with me, she should be ready to join her ancestors in hell!” Bola exclaimed taking the whole issue personal.

“Oma, you had better not mind this girl who doesn’t even know what marriage entails yet. Don’t let her ruin your marriage o!” Halima said disagreeing with Bola who was just fuming.

“What do you mean?! Oh you think the stupid arranged marriage that you got yourself into is what marriage is? The man hardly even stays with you! It’s just as if he married you into his house as a living showpiece!” Bola exclaimed.

Ifeoma could have stepped into their bickering since they were already taking the matter to a whole different level but she was just too stressed up to say anything.

“And the married man you are dating who is deceiving you that he’ll leave his wife for you nko? Am I not better than you?!” Halima snapped angrily.

“Ademi is a man of his words. He always does what he says. He’s going to marry me and that’s it. Oma, you need to see the enjoyment galore he put me through in Dubai last month. The shopping spree alone is enough to kill someone, I even bought us a matching gown. It’s dope!” Bola said excitedly.

Bola is that kind of person whose mood never stays the same for over twenty minutes, the way she switches seems so impossible.

This minute, she’s angry and fuming and the next minute, she’s happy and excited. Ifeoma used to call her bipolar.

Ifeoma decided to contribute after minutes of silence, “But really, Bola, Halima is just telling you the truth. You are over thirty already, you are not getting younger. I don’t know why you have always found married men attractive since our school days. That man will never leave the mother of his kids for you.”

“He will. He definitely will! Meanwhile, they don’t have kids yet and why are you guys now focusing on my own relationship life? Is my life incomplete just because I’m yet to get married? Ademi is the love of my life and he’ll get married to me, I don’t care if I have to be the second wife, he just has to be my husband.” Bola insisted while Halima and Ifeoma shook their heads in pity.

“I hope it’s not too late before you come to your senses! What joy would you derive from ruining a fellow woman’s marriage? Or have you forgotten that it’s the same cane that he’s using to beat the first wife that he’ll use in beating you too?!” Halima said.

“No! You guys don’t even know him and you’re judging him so much. He even introduced me to his mother and the woman likes me so much, they have just decided to keep it all low key till he can break the news to his wife.” Bola explained.

“I am just so disgusted at you, Bola. It should be women raising other women up and not bringing them down. I have to be careful around you cos you can even snatch my own husband too since married men are your spec.” Halima remarked angry at Bola.

“Hun, ode! Your husband that have been snatched already abi which one are you saying? A woman is probably grinding him right now and you are here shouting my husband up and down!” Bola said.

“You guys are taking this too far! Bola, it seems your mind is made up with your so called Ademi so just do quick and get married to him already, we want to eat rice biko!” Ifeoma said trying the lighten the tense atmosphere.

“Meanwhile, I’d better get going now before my husband comes back from work and doesn’t meet his beautiful wife at home. You know how he gets when I come home late form work, I don’t want wahala today, biko. You girls should take good care of yourself, I’ll call you!” Ifeoma said as she departed.

“You people like carrying husband on your head like its a trophy sef!” Bola snapped.

“Ehn, isn’t being married also an achievement?” Halima asked confused.

“No, being happilly married is an achievement and the happiness in it is a huge difference!” Bola said conclusively.

“So make sure you tell your wife to drink the mixture when you get home! I don’t want to hear stories that touches! This pregnancy must stay o!” Mama repeated to her son who looked uncomfortable wondering if he should break the news to his mother or not.

“Ehm… mama, Oma had a miscarriage last week.” He finally let out.

“Ehn! And why are you just telling me?! Oh, you want to become those men that believes that their mother shouldn’t know everything that goes on in his marriage, Ehn?! After everything I did for you before you could reach the level you are today?! Oko mi, don’t I deserve a grandchild already. You’ve been married for three years and within that period, Ifeoma have had three miscarriages, now four! Are you sure that girl does not belong to a marine kingdom? She Kuku looks like a mermaid.” Mama complained.

“God’s time is the best, mama!” Fikayo said.

“God’s time for her have passed o! She just keeps killing it as soon as you put it in. That girl is an ogbanje!” Mama exclaimed.

“What exactly are you now trying to drive at with all your pep talks mama? What am I supposed to do about it?” Fikayo questioned confused.

“I don’t care how you do it but I think it’s time o!” Mama said in a coded way.

“Time for what now? Don’t even go there, mama. I’m too young to have two wives, do you want me to die before my time?”

“Then send her packing! She’s utterly useless!” Mama snapped.

“I can never do that, mama. I love Oma and I can’t imagine living without her in my life. Oma is my life.”

“Yen yen yen yen yen! Eh! Ifeoma has cooked efo(vegetable) for my son o! She has turned you to ode(dummy) for me! If Oma is your life, please, me nko?! Ehn! Wonders shall never end! Oma is my life, orisirisi(wonders)!” Mama exclaimed in an exaggerated manner.

“You shouldn’t be jealous of your daughter, mama! Oma is your daughter too.”

“Daughter nibo(where)? I don’t have a daughter o, I know how many children that I gave birth to and Ifeoma is not one of them, she has her own mother!”

“Mama, I’ve had enough of your silly tantrums. You’ve been so hostile to Oma ever since I married her and I always overlook it but I’ll not allow you to do this one, no way. How do you think she’s feeling now, she just lost a baby! She’s the one who’s even more hurt and she needs to be left alone not terrorized. I think I’ll take my leave now, meanwhile, the drink is no longer needed. Goodbye.” Fikayo snapped as he went out of his mother’s two bedroom apartment.

“So I’m now silly, ehn, Akanni?! I will not allow that woman to turn you into an unfortunate man! Whether she leaves or not, another woman is coming into your house” Mama shouted even though Fikayo had already zoomed out of the compound.

She rushed into her room to take her phone, she dialed a number and spoke into the phone speaker, “Hello, my dear… No, all is well jare. I just want to tell you to come to my house tomorrow with some of your luggage…. Yes… it’s time to claim your husband too… No… don’t worry… I’ll settle that… okay dear. Till then… thank you… Bye”

“We shall see whose want will come to pass now.” She said to herself after hanging up.

Ifeoma was trying so hard to sleep despite the sleeping pills she used, she had called her boss that she wouldn’t be able to come to work that day and her boss been a very understanding woman told her to take two days off. When sleep seemed not to come, she decided to fill her tummy up with the large bowl of ice cream that her husband brought home the previous night.

She turned on the TV and sat directly in front of it, her eyes were on it but her mind was elsewhere. She just couldn’t understand why her womb have refused to hold a baby for at least six months. Why miscarriage seemed to dwell in her marriage, she was just tired of it all. She had tried pills, injections, herbs and even prayers but nothing seemed to work, was God punishing her for not keeping her virginity till marriage? A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and she only wondered who could be knocking instead of using the doorbell that has just been repaired.

She unlocked the door and in came her Mother in law followed by a young dark-skinned lady dragging a big box behind her.What is mama looking for early in the morning for God’s sake? She thought before greeting her.

“Keep your greetings to yourself, Ifeoma. Keep it to yourself! Why have you made it your life mission to just ruin my son’s life, ehn? So after my son have worked hard to put a child in that useless womb of yours, you just had to kill it again? If I call you a witch or ogbanje now, you’ll say that you are not. With that your evil cat eyes, the moment I saw those eyes of yours, I knew you are not ordinary but my son had fallen stupidly in love with you!” Mama ranted angrily.

Ifeoma was certainly not in the mood for banters nor did she have the strength to fight so she just carried her bowl of icecream and attempted to go into the master’s bedroom until mama stopped her.

“And where do you think you’re going? So what I’m saying makes no sense, abi? You want to walk out on me?” Ifeoma ignored her and proceeded into the room but stopped abruptly when the woman beside mama talked.

“What kind of disrespectful woman is that? So full of herself!”

Ifeoma turned to her and then spoke, “who are you?”

“She’s Ewatomi, the new wife I brought for my son. And you have no say in this, you either shift for her to sit or you stand up so she can sit, your choice!” Mama said smirking.

“What makes you think I’ll share my matrimonial home with this woman! Why would I share my own husband with any woman at all? My husband and I had no such agreement, our marriage is for better for worse, mama, not even you can put asunder!”

“Keep decieving yourself! Tomi, that’s your husband’s room, take your load in there.”

“You keep looking for ways to just drown this relationship, mama, what have I done to deserve this from you? Please, why won’t you leave me alone?” Ifeoma started crying as she fell to her knees pleading.The pain she was feeling had overwhelmed her and her defence was breaking, all she suddenly wanted was peace.

“All these crocodile tears means nothing to me, all I know is that, Tomi is here to stay!” Mama remained adamant.

Ifeoma suddenly got up from her knees in a way that startled mama, she walked into her room and began to pack her clothes into a small box.

Her face was devoid of any emotion and tears have suddenly stopped flowing down her face. She closed the zip of the box loudly, grabbed her car keys and began to walk towards the main entrance of the house, mama watched her with satisfaction and happiness but it soon vanished when Ifeoma turned back and said,”You have the house to yourself for now, but not my husband.”With that, she sauntered out of the house gracefully.

Ifeoma drove recklessly into her Parents’ compound, she was fuming and her knuckles had turned white due to the way that she was gripping the steering so tight.She got out of her car and headed straight into her parents’ home.

Her mom was shocked to see her and her dad just stared at her as if trying to decipher what she was doing there by that time.

“Good morning, mom and dad.” Ifeoma greeted hastily and proceeded to go inside her room before her mom called her back.

“Ifeoma, where do you think you’re going? What’s wrong?” Her mom said.

“Mummy, I am f*cking tired of marriage! I’m not interested in it anymore, I’m tired of fighting for someone who doesn’t fight for me! I’m tired of fighting for my marriage alone! I’ve had enough! Marriage is just a f*cking scam!” Ifeoma bursted out with anger, rage was coursing through her body like electricity.

“Don’t you dare use the F-word in my house!” Her dad scolded sternly.

“Calm down, Ifeoma. Just sit down and talk to us. How would we know what happened and how to help you if you don’t explain it to us?” Her mom said with worry.

Ifeoma sat reluctantly, took a few breaths in and out before she started talking,”Its my mother in law, mummy. I’m tired of that woman, I find myself including her death in my prayer points these days.”

“That woman again? What happened this time?” Ifeoma’s mom asked.

“Mum, she brought another woman into my matrimonial home as a wife for her son! Who does that in this century, just who? I’m so exasperated. She just derives joy in seeing me cry or moan in pain. She’s that wicked! And you know who gives her a go ahead? Her son! My husband! He says absolutely nothing to at least caution his mom, nothing at all! He even tells her every d*mn thing that happens in our marriage and I mean everything! Sometimes, I feel like there are two women in that house, he acts like a woman a lot. I’m tired of his childish mommy’s boy acts! I’m not going back to that house, mom, I’m going to divorce him!”

“Divorce? Is that the solution to all of these? That woman is going to win if you give up on fighting for what’s rightfully yours. You’ll be the loser, dear.” Her mom said.

“Loser or not! I don’t even care but don’t have it in mind that there’s a room for you in this house. Divorce is your choice, your business! And how many times do you want me to tell you that whatever happens in your matrimonial home should stay there. You shouldn’t report your husband or your mother in law to us, these are the little things that ruin marriage!” Ifeoma’s dad scolded.

“Dad, Fikayo is the one who really needs that advice not me! Despite all that I go through in that wicked woman’s hands, I only reported her to mum once. Fikayo reports to his mom a thousand times! He even told her about me having another miscarriage.” As if realising that she had slipped, she shut her mouth abruptly.

“Ifeoma, you had a miscarriage?!” Her mom exclaimed.

“And what do you mean by another miscarriage?!” Ifeoma’s dad questioned shock, written over his face.

“I thought you’ve never gotten pregnant.” Mrs Ogbonna, her mom said calmly.

“Mom, I took to your advice and kept certain things from you guys. That was my fourth miscarriage in three years, dad, the fourth! Each pregnancy does not last up to four months, non did. They just suddenly come out of me in form of thick blood, the fourth miscarriage happened last week.” She explained.

Her mom stared at her in shock and disbelief while her dad just stared in silence.”Those are not the kind of things you should keep away from your own mother, Ifeoma! Four miscarriages? Does that sound normal to you? I know you don’t believe in spiritual cases and all that but don’t you think this one isn’t something ordinary? How could you lose four of my grandchildren and still be so calm?” Mrs Ogbonna snapped angrilly at her daughter.

She couldn’t believe that her own daughter didn’t think she needed to share something that sensitive with her.

“You talk as if they aren’t my children. And I pray fervently these days, I even fast a lot. Our doctor said there’s nothing wrong with my husband and I.” Ifeoma said.

“I can’t believe my ears! Peter, see what your marriage advice has made your daughter keep from us o. Ifeoma has killed me!” Ifeoma’s mom shouted.

“Calm down, woman. Must you blow every single thing out of proportion? Meanwhile, Ifeoma, miscarriage or not, this is not an issue to be solved right now. You still have to go back to your husband’s house. Your mother will see to your problem with immediate effect. All I know is that you are not spending a night in my house.”

With that, Ifeoma’s dad left them and went into his room. Ifeoma’s mom followed her husband in after promising her daughter that she’ll talk to him.

When Ifeoma saw that her parents were taking too much time in the room, she stood up to leave until her mom came out slowly,”He says you can stay.”

Ifeoma’s phone rang for the umpteenth time and she again ignored it. She just wasn’t ready to speak to her husband, she was still angry about what his mother had done the previous day.Her parents had gone to some charity event that morning so she was alone at home with her parents’ maid.

Halima walked gently into the living room wearing a sunshade and a veil which surprised Ifeoma because Halima wasn’t one who fancied things like that and she never covers her head even though she’s a muslim.

“If you have also caught apolo or something, please do me a favour and keep those shades on, abeg.” Ifeoma joked as her friend sat beside her.

“Apolo would have been better o.” Halima said as she took off the sunshade and veil.

Ifeoma gasped, her friend’s face was battered and bruised badly, she felt like she could feel her pain even though she was not the one who was battered.

“What happened to your face, Halima?” She half screamed.

“My husband happened o, Oma! I am married to an animal!” Halima said as she suddenly started to cry.

Ifeoma was shocked! A man could actually do that to his own wife? What kind of devil lives in him?

“Why would he even raise his hand in the first place? What kind of man is that? Did you guys have a huge misunderstanding?” Ifeoma asked as she touched Halima’s swollen left eye gently, Halima winced in pain.

“I am surprised too, Oma. All I did was ask him about the used wraps of condoms in his pockets and then he just went savage like a wild animal! He started to hit me so hard and he didn’t stop until he was satisfied that I was battered enough. As I am speaking, Oma, I sneaked out of that house and I am not going back in! I was thinking of where to go when you called me to explain your own marriage palava so I thought I’d better come here. My parents would send me back to him if I should go to them. Whoever said there’s an happily ever after is mad! It isn’t even up to a year yet and I’m fed up of it already!” Halima ranted with anger and pain.

“I’m tired too, Halima. When last have you heard from Bola?” Ifeoma asked.

“Was it not last week friday or so? When i called her sef, she said she was on a boat cruise with her man and would call me back but she didn’t.” Halima responded.

“Bola and that her man friend, she doesn’t seem to care about marriage. I wish I could be that carefree, maybe I would be happy by now too instead of just depressed everytime. I really wish I can actually poison that useless mother in law of mine but I just don’t have the mind to kill.” Ifeoma lamented.

“Don’t tell me that you are already starting to think like Bola o. Just see her as one troublesome mother.”

“Mother?! No mother would terrorize her daughter this much, Halima. Do you even understand the amount of emotional and verbal abuse she puts me through? I am getting fed up of the marriage already and I even told my parents that I want to divorce.”

“You are kidding! No no! Please, don’t do something you’d regret all your life, just because people seem to just opt for divorce these days doesn’t mean you should too. Fikayo is a really nice man and you know it, he just needs some marriage counselling and he needs to grow up, that’s all. And you guys love each other so much, please, don’t let that old woman ruin it.” Halima pleaded.

“Mama is not an old woman, she gave birth to her only son at an early age, that’s why she has so much strength to terrorize me everyday!” Ifeoma snapped.

“Just take things easy with her, go back to your home and claim whats rightfully yours. Stand up to her and let her know her place, no woman can just come in between you guys. Aren’t you even grateful that you’re not in my shoes? What if Fikayo is also a woman beater, wouldn’t it be even worse?” Halima pestered trying to knock some sense into Ifeoma who seemed to finally heed.

“I think you’re right, dear. You’re a lifesaver!” Ifeoma said as she hugged her friend.

“So what do we do about that husband of yours too? How about you give him just one more chance and see what happens?” Ifeoma asked.

Ifeoma walked into the apartment and was shocked at the rearrangements that the house had undergone. The cushion direction was changed and their wedding portraits were off the walls.

Angered, Ifeoma turned to storm out of the house having in mind, “If I perish, I perish, but I’m definitely divorcing him! The disrespect!”

But Fikayo’s voice stopped her,”Baby? Oma?”

She did a U-turn to look at her husband or maybe soon to be ex-husband as she thinks, she was heartbroken to see how disheveled and unkempt he looked, he had big eye bags and had one of their wedding portraits in his arms.

Ifeoma definitely missed her husband so much and was feeling bad at how he looked lifeless but then she remembered the stunt his mother pulled and how they turned her living room upside down so her angry mood returned.

“Yes? Are you happy now?” Ifeoma asked harshly.

“Baby, I’m so sorry! I asked Mama and that woman to leave immediately I came home and saw them. I called you a million times, Oma, you refused to pick my calls. I asked your friends about your whereabouts and they just shunned me. I’m so sorry.” Fikayo pleaded on his knees.

Already softened but wanting to put up more act, Ifeoma boned her face wanting to hear him plead a little bit more, “So suddenly you don’t know my parents address anymore?”

“You were there? I swear, I would be lying if I said I didn’t think of that but then I thought you can’t be there because knowing your father, he would have sent you back immediately so I crossed it off. And I wanted to call them but I didn’t want them to know that we had issues. You said I shouldn’t tell them about our misunderstandings.”

Already softened, Ifeoma knelt in front of her husband, holding his face, she whispered, “I missed you so much, baby. You know I really can’t do without you.”

“I missed you more, I almost went crazy! I love you baby and I apologize on behalf of my mom.”

Fikayo claimed Ifeoma’s lips with his as they kissed as long and deep as they could. Fikayo’s hands were already roaming around under his wife’s top and things were already getting pretty heated before Ifeoma broke the contact.

They looked at eachother before they both burst into laughter.”I see what you did there.” She joked.

“Oh come on! I have a boner already, baby and you are as horny as I am if not worse.” Fikayo teased as he pouted.

“I’ll allow you to do anything you want with me but baby, you really need to talk to mama. On a serious note, she’s annoying and honestly, I’ve had it to my throat on her issues. I already considered divorce, baby.”

Fikayo gasped, “Divorce?, Do you want me to die?”

“Of course not! But that’s just to tell you how much your mom is making me overthink things and can even come in between us. Fikayo, you already know this! Your mom’s hatred for me is something that can’t be quenched, she will do anything to bring me down and throw me out of this house and that isn’t even the painful part, baby, the most painful part is that fact that you’re allowing it!”

“I’m so sorry, that’ll stop henceforth. I can’t lose you.” He apologized.


“Pinky promise.”

“Can I do whatever I want now?”

Ifeoma nodded as Fikayo scooped her up in his arms and carried her into their bedroom.

Several Weeks had passed after the major misunderstanding which was caused by no one other than Mama.

Mama suddenly reduced the way she visited Fikayo and his wife and they hardly saw her like before.

When they did visit her or she did, she never even paid any attention to Ifeoma. She ignored her totally as if expecting that to make her unhappy or something but then Ifeoma was just so thrilled about the new changes, to her, it was very better for mama to ignore her than make her life a living hell. She was enjoying the new freedom and happiness until her husband announced a news that sounded like a death sentence to her one night.

“The heavy rain and storm that the news carried also happened in Mama’s area, it was so bad and destructive. Many houses collapsed and roofs were removed by the storm.” Fikayo started.

“Oh really! Only God can save us from this rainy season o. It’s too much, I hope no lives were lost?” Ifeoma replied, although she was still focused on her iPhone.

“No, but there were minor injuries. So the thing is that Mama’s roof was also removed in that storm, and a part of the house collapsed too.” “Wow! What the… How did that happen? Is she okay though?” She asked sincerely worried.

“Yes, she is. Thankfully, she wasn’t in the house at the moment when it happened, she was at her friend’s place then only for her to come back to meet all her properties destroyed by the rain. She was so sad when I went to see her this evening.” Fikayo explained further.

“Oh my God. I can imagine how she feels. You should really get an apartment for her to stay for a while before you finish the reconstruction.”

“Yes, that’s the thing. She’s going to stay with a friend for a couple of days and I’m thinking of bringing her to this house to stay with us till we get hers back.”

“Which house?” Ifeoma asked now focusing all her attention on her husband.

“This house, baby. I ought to bring her this evening but I just didn’t because I wanted to talk to you about it first.”

“You want to bring mama into our house to live with us? The same mama I know? Are you even listening to yourself? She is not even living with us and she’s causing chaos among both of us, what’s to say that when she now moves in, she won’t even kill me.” Ifeoma raises her voice as she stood up.

“Calm down baby. I told you she’ll change and she did, didn’t you see the difference these few weeks?”

“What difference? She ignores me and my existence! She doesn’t allow me to touch her, doesn’t respond to my greetings and refuses to eat anything I cook. Not that I’m complaining or anything, I actually like it that way than her terrorizing me but is that what you call change? Fikayo, your mother can’t stay with us, she just can’t!” Ifeoma refuses.

“Aren’t you being so insensitive and unnecessarily wicked right now? Am I supposed to just let my mom suffer? What do you think people will say? Her house is not in a good condition right now and her only son couldn’t take her in for a while! It’s not even forever” Fikayo explained trying to knock some sense into his wife Who isn’t even seeing his point.

“It sounds like forever to me if you don’t know! Like a very long forever. And she’s not suffering, stop putting it that way. All you have to do is just get her an apartment for a while, this isn’t even a big deal.”

“She can’t stay in an apartment when she has her son nearby, she’s not even feeling too well to stay alone. Oma dear, can’t you just see my point? Please.” He pleaded when he saw that reasoning with her is not helping.

“It won’t work o! It won’t! Mama staying with us won’t work. I don’t care how people see it, were they blind when she’s terrorizing me? People choose to see what they want to see!” Fed up with her adamant responses, Fikayo raises his voice at her.

“Shut up, Oma! Just shut it! My mother will come into this house and you will cohabit with her whether you like it or not! Put yourself in her shoes and stop being unreasonable!”

“Did you just raise your voice at me? See ehn! If you choose not to listen to me, this house will become hot for you to live in! I promise!” Ifeoma said as she put on her slippers and walked out of the room.

“Where are you going?” Her husband shouted after her.

“Somewhere that has sanity!!!”

Fikayo was seated in the bar taking shots of vodka while his mind wandered away.He was honestly tired of the misunderstanding he had with his wife. She intentionally refused to cook for him before leaving for work this morning like she usually did. He can’t seem to see why living with his mom for a while was such a big issue. ‘Can’t they just try to understand themselves? What’s the matter with women? There should be a whole book on how to understand women, honestly’

That was what filled his head as he filled his stomach with the alcohol.His mom called him this morning to ask when he would be coming to get her saying that her friend had already started making it seem like she’s a beggar.

He tried his luck by asking her if he should get her an apartment to stay instead of staying with them but it only resulted in another headache for him as mama flared up saying, ” is it that your wife? She does not want me in my own son’s house! I’m sure if she could kill me, she would have done so. She thinks I’m her rival!”

Fikayo had to hang up the call after telling her he’d get back to her.

“Sup, man!” Biola, one of Fikayo’s best buddies slapped his back as he took a seat on one of the chairs beside him.Two other guys who are also Fikayo’s friends followed suit and took their seats on the other empty chairs while exchanging pleasantries.

“This one that you’re the first person amongst us to be here, it never happens. Hope all is well with you?” Kunle, another one of his buddies asked with humor.They all ordered for different brands of alcohol from the Barman as they started their conversation.

“See, I don’t even know! Guys, I’m tired” Fikayo lamented.”Of what?” Biola asked.”Of misunderstandings between Oma and I”

“You have just started man! You have not seen anything, I thought she was the sugar in your tea before, your hearthrob, did she turn to a bitterleaf in your tea?” Ade, who’s the only bachelor amongst them said while the rest of the guys hissed.

They don’t take him serious when it comes to marriage issues because he does not respect women neither does he believe in love or marriage. It’s all bullsh*t to him so he finds every means to discredit anything marriage or love.”Ade, how many times do we have to tell you that whenever we are talking about marriage issues, do not contribute! You end up saying the sh*itt*iest rubbish ever!” Kunle reprimanded.

“The truth is bitter! Whether you guys will admit it or not, you are tired of your marriage and I can understand. Imagine having to eat the same type of meal everyday. Just imagine, I’ll commit suicide!” Ade said laughing at his own joke.

“Who told you that I’m tired of Oma? The way you jump to conclusions like a frog ehn! I’ll never be tired of Oma, infact, she’s still the sugar in my tea. I can’t imagine life without her and she’s my forever but these misunderstandings, I really wish I have a way to do away with it. It’s really straining our relationship” Fikayo praises while Ade rolled his eyes and hissed.

“Don’t worry man, you’ll understand one day” Fikayo patted him.”Don’t mind him, it’s not even as if he doesn’t understand o! Abi is he not the same guy that fell in love with Chioma that year? Always doing everything for her? The girl turned him to big time maga! Because that one broke his heart now, he no let us hear word again. You better open up your heart for a soulmate!” Biola chided.

“Me? Love Chioma? I was only acting for her to get punani!(pvssy) No be only love” Ade replied even though Chioma is a touchy subject for him.

“If you don’t shut up there now, we will open up your matter today. You that when she got married to that old man then and left you, you considered suicide. If not because someone was there to stop you on time from taking the sniper, na underground you for Dey now. Don’t worry, today is not about you and Chioma, if not, we for table am here small. Today is for Fikayo so shut your mouth and let’s hear him out” Kunle said.

“You people and your arguments with Ade ehn. Maybe he forgot na!” Fikayo added laughing.His clique were always like that, always bickering at eachother and still there for eachother. They have been friends since their first year in the University.

“This misunderstanding now is about mama o. I told her that I want mama to come and stay with us for a while before I finish her roofing o, that’s all and Oma flared up. She refused vehemently as if mama is an hired killer” Fikayo explained to his friends.

“Oh, about the roofing that rain removed? But what’s wrong with her always picking fights with your mother? What’s her problem?” Biola asked.

“Calm down, Biola. Don’t judge like that o, have you ever been opportuned to be there with mama and Ifeoma when they are arguing or something? I once witnessed it o, and before God and Man, Fikayo, your mom is so extra! It’s like she has this nurtured hatred for the lady o. If you see how she cursed and abused Ifeoma that day all because she gave her One meat, you’ll think its because she added poison to her food, it was when Ifeoma couldn’t take the insult anymore that she replied her. Fikayo, your mom is annoying sometimes, I won’t lie” Kunle said.

“It still doesn’t mean! Ahnahn, she still deserves her respect! A mother will always be a mother. My own mother and my wife have been staying together for years now and they are cohabiting quite well aside some unusual misunderstandings. Ifeoma is not homely at all, I noticed that in her when you guys were dating in school then. She doesn’t joke with us, always quiet. She won’t even care to cook for us when we visit her. You know that I never liked her, I prefer Adesewa to Ifeoma anytime any day. Sewa with that big a*ss of hers back then, she’ll cook, wash and even do everything for us just because she liked you yet you didn’t even reciprocate her love for you. Na Ifeoma, the slim one you carry put for house” Biola explained.

“You can’t compare your own mother to Fikayo’s mom o! They are different, you sef know what I’m talking about na. Ifeoma may also be stubborn in her way but well… and you should know better that marriage and love isn’t about shape o” Kunle replied.

“Don’t mind him, your own wife that has the big a*ss, big boobs now, hasn’t it all fallen apart?” Ade said as he received a slap on his head from Biola.

“Don’t talk about my wife like that! Do you expect her to be well shaped after two beautiful kids?” Biola stood up for his wife.

“No, I’m only saying you cared about curves so much and now that it’s somehow, you’re already following other girls with the a*ss.” Ade accused.

“It’s non of your business, that’s just pleasure. Every married man does it” Biola covered up.

“Abeg o, which one is every married man does it? Am I not married? I would never be part of that” Fikayo said.

“Sorry o, the faithful husband” Ade mocked as the other guys laughed.

“Meanwhile, you just need to calm down and talk to your wife. See reasons with her and try to understand her point of view, maybe you’ll get to understand why she’s so against it” Kunle advised.

“Which calm down? You will never understand women no matter how hard you try to. I saw a book on how to understand women one day and man, it was blank! Nobody knows it…”

The guys laughed ….

“See ehn, my own is that you should bring your mom in! You’re the husband in that house, you command and she listens, that’s the role. It’s your mother we are talking about for God’s sake” Biola advised.

“In this 21st century? He commands and she listens? You better go back to the 80s” Kunle joked.

While his friends were bickering at one another, Fikayo was torn between both advices, he then decided to heed to both. Talk again to Oma first and if she still proves stubborn, he’ll do what Biola said, after all ‘I’m really the husband’, he thought.

Ifeoma walked into the eatery gracefully on her heels. She spotted Halima and Bola seated around one of the tables eating jollof rice and fried rice and then she walked towards them and sat down.

” Eh eh! Ifeoma! Your face is scarce o! I almost thought you’re no more living in Nigeria sef” Bola said as soon as she sat down.

” Abi you’re the one who hardly stays in Nigeria again. Dubai everytime, you’re the one everyone is talking about right now o. Money Dey your hand na, make we help you spend am ” Ifeoma saluted her friend jokingly.

” Ah . It’s not my fault o , that’s where Ademi is enjoying his life now o , trying to get away from his wife as much as possible. We might get married in Dubai sef” Bolanle said with excitement.

“Get married to another woman’s husband! I hope you know that he married his wife legally and can sue you people!” Halima said.

“This one have come again o . You’re such a kill-joy. Never happy for me for once, blah blah blah ! Abeg, leave me alone o, let everybody do what pleases them” Bola said while Ifeoma rolled her eyes at the both of them.

“When will you ladies ever stop fighting each other at every little thing. Abeg o, let’s talk about what has been troubling me” Ifeoma started.

“What else will be troubling you if not your husband and his mother?” Bola said with sarcasm.

“I can’t believe that I have to admit that you are right. See, I’m so tired of this woman. You know what the new development is right now, Fikayo wants his mother to live with us!” Ifeoma exclaimed.

” Ehn ! And you agreed to it? Any other normal mother in law would be fine o but that bag full of troubles Fikayo calls his mom shouldn’t be allowed o! See ehn! Say goodbye to your marriage” Bola aggravated.

“Calm down, Bola! You’re such a drama queen. She’s tensed already as you can see, why are u trying to aggravate the issue for her? See

jare, Oma, I think you should have a heart to heart discussion with your husband o. Do not allow it” Halima also contributed.

“You guys think when he told me, I just said, oh okay, why not, bring her in? of course not, I refused! I refused vehemently. For the past two days after he told me, we haven’t even exchanged as little as hello in that house. But he’s not listening, he thinks I’m just been dramatic and insensitive about the whole thing. You girls know how much of an high regard he places his mother compared to me!” I explained even further.

“And that is such a bad thing, honestly!” Halima buttressed.

“I thought you’ll say it’s a good thing! We are saying the same thing but in different ways yet you think I’m wrong and you’re right” Bola said to Halima and then faced Ifeoma squarely.

“See ehn , What I’ll tell you is that you should just take her since there’s nothing you can do! When she moves in, poison her! Simple as ABC!” Bola said nonchalantly and went back to drinking her smoothie.

“Is she a rat to just poison like that? Eh Bola! You never cease to amaze me! Oma, don’t even listen to this girl o, when everything happens and it backfires now, the world will not help you to hear that you killed your mother in law just because she frustrates you. This girl giving you advice sef will disappear then. Even Fikayo will not hear such reason, he’ll throw you in jail straightaway!” Halima said.

“Ahnahn, is she daft? She’ll do it in a way that she doesn’t get caught na! Na who them catch dem go dey ask questions ” Bola shrugged.

“It’s like you’re talking from experience” Ifeoma guessed.

“Well, in my head, I’ve killed Ademi’s wife a million times! Now that I even heard that she’s pregnant, it’s even more annoying” Bola explained.

“If anyone should be killing anybody in their head, it should be that woman killing you cos you’re the one who won’t leave her husband alone, yet she’s overlooking whatever her husband does outside with you and you’re still looking for how to collect her husband entirely! Bola, you won’t succeed, I fear who no fear you!” Ifeoma said.

“Leave her now! I just can’t wait for the day your Ademi will disappoint you and tell you he can never leave his wife, that’s when you’ll know that you’re just the other woman and will always be the other woman” Halima added.

“It’s okay! You guys are not even supportive at all”

“If you’re looking for friends who’ll support this nonsense you’re into, you know where to find them! Or did those glamorous Titi and Chioma leave you, those ones will keep hailing you. But we? We’ll always tell you the truth, so that when it all backfires, I’ll be able to say that I told you so” Halima said again.

“Oh! Halima, hope your husband hasn’t pulled the stunt of that time again?” Ifeoma asked in a coded way so that Bola doesn’t get what she was asking about.

“No, he hasn’t. But I think it’s just because he hasn’t been coming home for some weeks now. When he’s stable at home then I’ll know. Plus I always try to avoid any sort of confrontation with him, I still found condoms in his pocket last week but I didn’t bother to say anything about it” Halima told Ifeoma.

“At least he’s using condoms with his concubines. Some men are so dumb that they do it raw and then they’ll now bring disease home for you!” Bola contributed.

“Who called you? Do you know what we’re talking about?” Halima accused.

“See this one. What you don’t want the father to hear ehn , it’s the father that’ll still finish the matter for you. You think I’m daft? It’s me that all these coded nonsense will work for? You found condoms in his pocket, confronted him and he beat you up. Guy that looks very much like a woman beater before, if there was a job that says woman beater, he’d fit that job perfectly, he looks like he beats women for a living! Be coding nonsense there, you didn’t want me to know because I’ll say the truth abi ” Bola said.

“I didn’t want you to know because you’ll mock me” Halima said.

“And have I mocked you? Sometimes you conclude sh*t about me just because of the way you act. Don’t conclude about what I’d do for me please”

” Mehn , you guys are as useless as the p in psycho. You didn’t say anything tangible that can help me to stop mama from living in my house. Just changing the whole topic up and down” Ifeoma joked.

But deep down within her, she was scared at the fact that her mother in law will really move in with them and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

The day that mama was to move in with her son and his wife came knocking on the door. Ifeoma was grunting and acting all angry with her husband the more the day grew nearer.

Fikayo was taking his bath while Ifeoma was seated in the sitting room watching a telemundo that she wasn’t quite giving attention to.

She kept murmuring to herself angrily. Her husband’s phone rang loudly and she jumped up hastily to check who it was, she never thought it would be a mistress because she had never doubted her husband. She only wanted to see if it was mama and she was right.

She picked up the phone from the table mumbling under her breath. She hung up the call and deleted it from the call log. The phone rang again and she did the same thing. She continued to hang up the call over and over again as mama kept calling.

When she heard footsteps of her husband coming out of their room, she quickly dropped it and laid down on the couch.

“Oh, I left it here. Mama would have been calling me to come and pick her up at the park” Fikayo said as he picked his phone.

He was shocked to see no missed calls from his mother. His mom wasn’t that patient.

“Oma, did my phone ring?” He decided to ask his wife.

“Ring? No o. At all! It didn’t even blink, why are you asking?” Ifeoma feigned innocence and talked to her husband lovingly.

Fikayo was shocked because all she had been doing in the house was giving him grunts and nods.

“Mama is coming today na. Have you forgotten?” He reminded.

“Oh! Maybe she already changed her mind. You know how these old women think” Ifeoma replied.

“Definitely not my mother. Let me call her” Fikayo said as he attempted to dial mama’s number.

Ifeoma stopped him before he could go further, “No! Don’t call her na! Just wait tills he calls herself na” She exclaimed.

Fikayo gave his wife weird looks before surrendering to her charms and then he went back into the room after dropping his phone.

Ifeoma smiled secretly as she picked up the phone and followed her husband in.

‘If she couldn’t stop her from moving in, at least she should get some punishment while at it, she must find her way into this house by herself. Doesn’t she come uninvited before, so because of some luggage now, she needs car to pick her up’ Ifeoma thought.

It was afternoon and Ifeoma was lying on her husband’s chest stroking his tiny chest hairs. Fikayo was enjoying all the attention his wife was gifting him all of a sudden today. He really missed her been like that so he completely forgot about who was coming and who he had to pick.

Mama barged into the house, her face contorted in anger as she startled the lovebirds who were lying down on the cushion. Fikayo was shocked while Ifeoma just had a smug smile on her lips.

“Mama, you’re here? By yourself?” Fikayo exclaimed as he rushed towards his mother.

“No! I’m here with Jesus!” Mama replied sarcastically.

She was fuming judging by the way her eyes was glaring daggers and her hands on her waist standing akimbo.

Ifeoma chose that moment to welcome her mother in law despite the fact that she was the reason for the whole scenario.

“Mama welcome o! How was your journey?”

“Go and greet your ancestors in heaven!” Mama responded angrily.

Ifeoma retreated, smiling mischievously.

“But mama, I told you to call me na. You should have called!” Fikayo accused his mother.

“If I throw my slippers from here, it’ll hit you right in the groin and you know that I never miss! How else would I call you? I called over a hundred times and you kept hanging up the call!” Mama shouted at her son.

“Ahnahn! Mama, don’t exaggerate it o, you only called fifteen times.” Ifeoma said forgetting that she was supposed to just keep her mouth shut.

Fikayo turned to look at his wife, his face contorted in confusion.

“Fifteen times? What are you saying? You said she did not call!” Fikayo snapped.

“Oh! So your wife is now your phone keeper? This witch that doesn’t want me here in the first place, ehn! You left me in the park to look for taxi and pack all these heavy loads by myself!” Mama shouted.

At the mention of loads, Ifeoma’s eyes surveyed the luggage that the taxi driver had helped mama to drag inside.

Her mouth hanged open, “is she planning to die here?” She unconsciously whispered.

“Shut up, Ifeoma! Shut it!” Fikayo snapped at his wife.

He was beyond angry about the stunt she pulled and the fact that she kept acting like she did nothing infuriates him the more.

“Sorry o! Mama, what will you eat o?” Ifeoma continued not minding her husband.

“Who will eat your food? So that you can poison me, abi?” Mama retorted.

“Baby, can you see that I’ve tried my best as a daughter in law? I don’t want to hear that I’m stressing your mother o. Ehnehn, Mama, in case you’re hungry, tell me o because the kitchen key is with me and you can’t cook for yourself without it. I rest my case” Ifeoma concluded as she went into her room.

“See your life! Is that a wife or a stupid girl! Next time when your mother says you shouldn’t do something, you won’t do it!” Mama snapped at her son before she sat down on one of the sofas.

Fikayo looked to and fro at the direction of the two women. He was tired already and today was only the first day of cohabitation.

He felt like there was more to come and he dreaded it.

Fikayo arrived home a bit late than usual and he was so famished. He entered the house expecting greeting as usual from his wife and mother but didn’t hear any. He then started to hear their muffled arguments from the kitchen, not wanting to face their trouble that evening, he started to tiptoe into the room until they both caught him.

“Baby, you’re back?” Ifeoma said at the same time that mama said,

“Welcome, my son”.

“Why are you walking on your toes like a thief?” Ifeoma eyed him mischievously.

“What kind of wife calls her husband a thief? You are so disrespectful!” Mama accused.

Ifeoma simply ignored the woman’s attempt to get her angry again so she focused on her husband instead.

“Baby, go and take a shower dear. Your food will soon be ready” Ifeoma simply said and went back into the kitchen.

Fikayo rushed inside.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mama was desperately and intentionally frustrating Ifeoma.

“My son is not going to eat that nonsense you’re cooking this night! Can’t you see that he’s tired and needs solid food? How can a man go and work all day and come back to eat macaroni?” Mama said.

“The way you keep saying he works all day like it’s something that is unusual, one would think I’m a full housewife. I work all day too and we split everything we pay for in this house, you don’t see my mother coming here to frustrate your son” Ifeoma said calmly.

“Are you saying I’m frustrating? Don’t worry, the vegetable that you concocted that makes my son like you so much will soon expire! Just know that he’s going to eat my food and not yours!” Mama retorted.

Ifeoma ignored her.

Fikayo sat patiently on the dinning table expecting his wife to bring him his food. He was confused when he saw both Ifeoma and Mama walking hastily into the dining room carry dishes of food.

“Baby, I prepared spaghetti just the way you like to eat it” Ifeoma said as she started to dish the food for her husband.

The bliss was short lived as mama opened her own dishes too.

Fikayo was beyond confused this time that he just kept mute and continued to watch both women act whatever drama it was that they were acting.

“Oko mi(My child), why eat that broom when you can eat your favorite eba and egusi soup?” Mama said dishing the food too.

Ifeoma was tired of her troubles.

“I’m confused in this house! Mama, are you a wife or a mother? Ehn! Why do you keep acting like a rival with me? My husband will not eat eba this late at night, he won’t. Who eats such heavy food when going to bed?” Ifeoma snapped.

“What I know is that I won’t let you starve my son. Why does he have to eat that stupid food? There’s nothing you know how to do, nothing!” Mama responded.

Fikayo was confused as to what to do or whose food to eat so he simply stood up and went inside. He was having headache already.

‘You haven’t seen anything, you wnat her to live with us and here she is’ Ifeoma thought.

“See your life! You have used your stupid food and nagging to send him off to sleep on an empty stomach! Ifeoma, my son will not die in your hands! Is it because of his property?” Mama shouted.

Ifeoma looked at her mother in law like she was stupid.

“Property? So he has property? Wonders shall never end. Mama, please, you’re always out of point” Ifeoma replies and proceeded into the room.

“Its your whole family that will be out of point! Stupid girl! Very disrespectful!” Mama shouted after Ifeoma who had already entered into the room.

In the room, Ifeoma climbed on her husband in a playful way, Fikayo simply looked away.

“Baby, I’m tired of this house already and it’s not even a month yet, not even close. I’m sure you are fed up too, was it beer like this when we were alone? Your mother comes with all sort of negative energy, I’m tired” Ifeoma whined, stroking her husband’s beard.

“You keep indulging her too, Oma. Baby, can’t you just do me a Favour and ignore her sometimes?” Fikayo pleaded.

“You of all persons know how much I do that. I do it everytime unless I’m pushed to the wall to talk. She knows how to get on my nerves! Talk to her too” Ifeoma snapped and got off him.

She was pissed that Fikayo still thought that most of it was her fault and that she has to be the bigger person yet again.

In the middle of the night, Fikayo awakes into the kitchen to eat the food his wife prepared for him right after microwaving it.

He thought about how he had suddenly became a rat that now sneaks around in the middle of the night as he puts each spoon into his mouth.

It was already two weeks since mama started to stay with her son and his wife, with her bags full of trouble of course.

Ifeoma was already tired of it all but she had stopped paying any attention at all to her and kept giving her husband attitude. She stopped complaining as well and just went about her work, also making sure to mind her business in the house. It felt like she was the third wheel in the house and not her mother-in-law.

She didn’t even talk much to her husband anymore neither do they play and joke around like they used to. Mama was straining the relationship and it still seemed normal to Fikayo.

Ifeoma turned to the wall as her husband prepared to lay on the other side of the bed. Fikayo sighed.

What was paining him wasn’t the fact that she refused to talk to him but the fact that she also refused to do the bed duties and it was frustrating him already.

“Oma, please. I’m horny” Fikayo started.

Ifeoma knew she can always win over her husband in that aspect, when he starts begging and pleading for sex. She knew that she has a upper hand and she was ready to use it to her satisfaction.

“Oma, I’m sorry” Fikayo begged even though he really didn’t know what he was sorry for but then he’d do anything to have some of that sugar.

“What are you sorry for o?” Ifeoma asked and turned to him.

“I don’t know” He replied.

“If you don’t know what you’re sorry for, why say sorry? Get ready to sleep” Ifeoma snapped.

“Wait na. Okay, I’m sorry for the strain we are having and whatever I might have done to offend you. Oma, I’m sorry for what I’ll do next sef. Please na” Fikayo pleaded desperately.

“It’s when you are horny that you remember to beg for everything you’ve done and haven’t done. Ayo, I’ve been relegated to second wife o, there should be shifts. Do you want to starve your first wife?” Ifeoma said sarcastically.

Fikayo decided to play dumb, “I have only one wife and that’s you, my dearest Ifeoma. I can never think of taking another wife not to talk of relegating you to second wife”

“Indeed, your mother nko?”

“Oma now. I’m sorry, please” Fikayo tried to close the issue as he started to kiss and caress his wife.

Mama barged into the room suddenly and they almost jumped out of their bed.

Ifeoma hissed, Fikayo rolled his eyes too.

“You want to make love and you didn’t lock the door. It’s like you’ve forgotten that we have someone in this house that doesn’t understand the word privacy” Ifeoma murmured glaring at her husband.

“Mama, what is it?!” Fikayo snapped.

“Akanni, how dare you shout at me? Is it not you I am watching out for? Nothing is more important than what I came here to do. Get up! We need to pray right now. There are evil spirits in this house, they’re in every nook and corner” Mama lamented.

Ifeoma hissed loudly again and turned to her other side.

“Keep hissing. I can’t blame you, you are the one who invited those evil spirits anyway. You’re their queen, Marine water evil spirit” Mama cursed while Ifeoma continued to ignore her.

“Mama! It’s enough! We don’t have any evil spirit in our house. Pastor comes to sanctify it regularly” Fikayo convinced.

“All those yeye pastors? Just give me the opportunity to invite baba Anigilaje , my herbalist. He’ll point them out for you, even your wife will dance out and show her real self” Mama pestered.

Fikayo was getting even more irritated.

“Mama, you’re getting on my last nerves. It’s becoming too much. My wife is not a mermaid or whatever you think!” Fikayo snapped.

Mama burst into tears.

“So now I can’t even guide my own son properly? Akanni, you know what I went through to make you who you are today

o . So now, you want to start shouting at me because of your wife? The woman that wasn’t there when I was suffering to make you who you are today, ehn , Akanni. The woman that will leave you if one small thing happens to you now and I’ll still be the one that’ll stay by you.”

Mama remnisced amidst tears.

Ifeoma hissed again.

“Drama Queen” she murmured.

“Mama, I’m sorry. But there’s no evil spirit. I’m sorry for shouting at you” Fikayo apologized.

” Oko mi, what an elder sees while sitting, a child would never see even while standing, the evil spirits in this house want evil for you and I would not allow them. I didn’t give birth to you and raise you for years only to allow some idiots turn you into something else for me. And your wife? She’s so relented when it comes to praying matters, look at her sleeping when I said there is fire on the roof. Until the fire burns her, she won’t pray” Mama said.

“Anybody that wishes for fire to burn me, Holy Ghost Fire will burn that person” Ifeoma said solemnly although loud enough to be heard by her husband and his mother.

“Holy Ghost Fire will not burn me, I carry Holy Ghost fire in me already. The banana is rotting, we keep saying it’s ripening. Useless wife. Only God can help you!” Mama concluded and went out of the room.

“Mama, that’s too harsh! You want prayer? Oya!” Fikayo said as he followed his mom out of the room.

“Evil spirit is in the house? If there are any at all, it’s she herself, nothing else.” Ifeoma murmured.


Fikayo came back into the room after a long chain of prayers and by then his wife was asleep.

He decided to wake her up.

“Oma, oya ” He said.

“Please, please! I don’t feel like anymore, go and meet your mother. She can do everything for you!” Ifeoma snapped and went back to sleep.

Fikayo sighed.

“What has he gotten himself into” He thought.

Fikayo arrived home a bit late than usual and he was so famished. He entered the house expecting greeting as usual from his wife and mother but didn’t hear any. He then started to hear their muffled arguments from the kitchen, not wanting to face their trouble that evening, he started to tiptoe into the room until they both caught him.

“Baby, you’re back?” Ifeoma said at the same time that mama said,

“Welcome, my son”.

“Why are you walking on your toes like a thief?” Ifeoma eyed him mischievously.

“What kind of wife calls her husband a thief? You are so disrespectful!” Mama accused.

Ifeoma simply ignored the woman’s attempt to get her angry again so she focused on her husband instead.

“Baby, go and take a shower dear. Your food will soon be ready” Ifeoma simply said and went back into the kitchen.

Fikayo rushed inside.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Mama was desperately and intentionally frustrating Ifeoma.

“My son is not going to eat that nonsense you’re cooking this night! Can’t you see that he’s tired and needs solid food? How can a man go and work all day and come back to eat macaroni?” Mama said.

“The way you keep saying he works all day like it’s something that is unusual, one would think I’m a full housewife. I work all day too and we split everything we pay for in this house, you don’t see my mother coming here to frustrate your son” Ifeoma said calmly.

“Are you saying I’m frustrating? Don’t worry, the vegetable that you concocted that makes my son like you so much will soon expire! Just know that he’s going to eat my food and not yours!” Mama retorted.

Ifeoma ignored her.

Fikayo sat patiently on the dinning table expecting his wife to bring him his food. He was confused when he saw both Ifeoma and Mama walking hastily into the dining room carry dishes of food.

“Baby, I prepared spaghetti just the way you like to eat it” Ifeoma said as she started to dish the food for her husband.

The bliss was short lived as mama opened her own dishes too.

Fikayo was beyond confused this time that he just kept mute and continued to watch both women act whatever drama it was that they were acting.

“Oko mi(My child), why eat that broom when you can eat your favorite eba and egusi soup?” Mama said dishing the food too.

Ifeoma was tired of her troubles.

“I’m confused in this house! Mama, are you a wife or a mother? Ehn! Why do you keep acting like a rival with me? My husband will not eat eba this late at night, he won’t. Who eats such heavy food when going to bed?” Ifeoma snapped.

“What I know is that I won’t let you starve my son. Why does he have to eat that stupid food? There’s nothing you know how to do, nothing!” Mama responded.

Fikayo was confused as to what to do or whose food to eat so he simply stood up and went inside. He was having headache already.

‘You haven’t seen anything, you wnat her to live with us and here she is’ Ifeoma thought.

“See your life! You have used your stupid food and nagging to send him off to sleep on an empty stomach! Ifeoma, my son will not die in your hands! Is it because of his property?” Mama shouted.

Ifeoma looked at her mother in law like she was stupid.

“Property? So he has property? Wonders shall never end. Mama, please, you’re always out of point” Ifeoma replies and proceeded into the room.

“Its your whole family that will be out of point! Stupid girl! Very disrespectful!” Mama shouted after Ifeoma who had already entered into the room.

In the room, Ifeoma climbed on her husband in a playful way, Fikayo simply looked away.

“Baby, I’m tired of this house already and it’s not even a month yet, not even close. I’m sure you are fed up too, was it beer like this when we were alone? Your mother comes with all sort of negative energy, I’m tired” Ifeoma whined, stroking her husband’s beard.

“You keep indulging her too, Oma. Baby, can’t you just do me a Favour and ignore her sometimes?” Fikayo pleaded.

“You of all persons know how much I do that. I do it everytime unless I’m pushed to the wall to talk. She knows how to get on my nerves! Talk to her too” Ifeoma snapped and got off him.

She was pissed that Fikayo still thought that most of it was her fault and that she has to be the bigger person yet again.

In the middle of the night, Fikayo awakes into the kitchen to eat the food his wife prepared for him right after microwaving it.

He thought about how he had suddenly became a rat that now sneaks around in the middle of the night as he puts each spoon into his mouth.

IFEOMA walked towards the door and opened to welcome her husband.

She simply paved way for him to pass instead of the usual hug and pecks. She didn’t even deem it fit to collect his briefcase and jacket.

Fikayo was really tired and has absolutely no time for arguments so he simply ignored her.

Ifeoma took her seat in front of the TV and continued to watch her favorite

Skinny Girl in Transit TV show.

“Baby, I’m ready to have dinner” Fikayo announced as he took his seat comfortably on one of the dining chairs.

“Oh! Okay. Mama! Mama!” She shouted on top of her lungs.

Mama walked out seething, she was dressed in her usual Ankara Iro and buba (native)attire.

“Am I with your destiny? What’s with the shout?” Mama questioned glaring vivaciously at her daughter-in-law.

“Sorry ma. I’m sorry. I just wanted to announce to you that our husband is ready to eat so you should get his food served” Ifeoma said innocently.

Fikayo was confused. Mama was even more confused.

“Are you acting some kind of drama? Whose husband am I!” Fikayo snapped.

“Before nko? She’s definitely rehearsing a drama now. Probably the one they want to stage at your church for the Celebration of praise program” Mama concluded.

“I’m not in the church drama group so I don’t know what you are talking about. I merely asked you to serve our husband. Or are you not a wife in this house too?”

Ifeoma asked, her tone laced with total sarcasm.

“Wonders shall never end! You are expecting my mother to cook for your husband?! Ifeoma! Is something wrong with you? Are you even listening to yourself right now?” Fikayo snapped at his wife again, he was fuming.

“I don’t understand what this whole fuss is about o . So you expect me to come back from work, cook and then when you get back home, You choose your mother’s own and then I have to throw mine out? All my efforts and everything?! Fikayo, tell your mother to cook for you as usual! You won’t see me lift a finger today! Not anymore! I’m tired of this nonsense! She’s a wife too! She can cook! No big deal, we already have two wives in this house” Ifeoma complained as she left for her room.

“Ah! Fikayo, they have gotten your wife!” Mama exclaimed dramatically.

“Who?” Fikayo questioned.

“They! Evil spirits! If not that evil spirit possessed her, how will any sane wife stand and say such things? Wonder shall never end in this house of yours, Fikayo!” Mama said clapping her hands.

“You have come with exaggeration of all matters. Which evil spirit now? Ifeoma! Oma!” Fikayo left to call on his wife.

To him, she wasn’t acting normal.

Meanwhile, in the room;

“Are you serious? Where did you see him?! Wow! For real? Don’t give him my number o, that guy is troublesome, he doesn’t care whether I’m married or not….”

“Oma!” Fikayo interrupted his wife.

“Stop shouting my name like that, Fikayo! Ahnahn! What is it now? I’m on a call, biko!” Ifeoma replied her husband before she continued her conversation.

“It’s nothing o, Bola. Oh! Thank you dear, thank you so much. That’s how I saw it too o, promotion, double salary increment, God is very wonderful!”

Fikayo stood patiently watching and listening to his wife chitchats. Immediately she hanged up, he resumed.

“You got promoted at work and didn’t think you should tell me?” Fikayo accused, shocked that he isn’t the first person to know of such important news.

“Yes. How will I tell you when it’s wahala you started immediately you came back and I don’t have time for small talks” Ifeoma countered.

“You started it now, baby. You know what, we are not even cooking. We should celebrate this, we are going to eat out. Get dressed, it’s a Friday, I want us to go clubbing, it’s been a while” Fikayo cajoled.

“For real?” Ifeoma beamed.

“Yes, we’ll eat out first and then have fun till late night! I’ve missed having some fun with you. I’ll call my guys to meet us, it’ll be more fun” Fikayo added.

Ifeoma’s countenance changed.

“Those guys, you know I don’t like been around them like that. I want it to be a ‘us’ night. I want to get see the movies and be naughty. I want to get tipsy and give you a lap dance” Ifeoma cooed now cuddling Fikayo.

Fikayo’s ears perked up at that.

“Okay, Whatever you want”

Ifeoma dressed up in her beautiful body-con red dress and matched it with her white heels and white chic bag. She dusted her long Brazilian hair wig, oiled it and it was soon back in its spotless and glistening way. She added a little makeup to her face and she was satisfied with what she saw in the floor length mirror.

The Clubbing Ifeoma.

“Okayyyyy! Now, that’s my girl! Shush every spirit that whispers that you can’t measure up, numb every feeling that says you’re not enough. Don’t give room to anything that’ll make you think you’re nothing. You’re above all challenges, you are a complete you, you’re the better half of me. Smile baby, I need to have this look on my lock screen” Fikayo gassed his wife up as he took photos of her.

Ifeoma smiled heartily, one thing would never ever change about Fikayo and that one thing would always let her endure his mother’s ill behaviors towards her.

That thing was Fikayo’s caring, loving and utmost amazing gestures. What they feel for each other is the realest, he is one of a kind and she knew it.

” Ah ah! Where is a married woman going dressed in something this short?!” Mama exclaimed as soon as Ifeoma cat walked gracefully out of the room.

Ifeoma simply ignored her and proceeded to take selfies of herself on her phone.

“Look at you, your mates are busy giving birth, you’re here going to parties, dressing up and taking pictures” Mama mocked trying to get her to react.

“Not today, Satan!” Ifeoma whispered to herself shaking her head as she tried so hard to make sure that her mother in-law didn’t ruin her mood for that wonderful evening.

“Baby, I’ll be waiting for you in the car, be fast” Ifeoma simply called out to her husband and walked out of the house into the compound.

“Go girl!” She gave herself a mental high-five as soon as she got into the the passenger seat.

She connected her Bluetooth to the car’s speaker as she began to sing along to Timaya’s I can’t kill myself.

This life, I can’t kill myself.

I can’t kill myself, o yea.

I can’t kill myself

Allow me to flex o….

“Hey Girls!” Ifeoma beamed as she ran to hug her girlfriends.It had been a long while since they ever came to visit her in her home. Marriage actually drew some distance between them.

When they called that morning to tell her that they would be coming to visit her, her joy knew no bounds. It was a Sunday and since they got back from church, she was just bored and in her room trying to avoid any form of encounter with her mother in law.Her husband, Fikayo was on his usual hangout with his friends somewhere.

“You! You just forgot about your friends just like that.” Halima accused as she took her seat.

“It’s not like that now, you know I always have you guys on my mind. It’s just some issues here and there” Ifeoma replied.

She stood up and walked into her kitchen to get glasses of juice for her friends.

“You know that I take alcohol now. What’s all these five alive something? I’m not doing wife material in my friend’s house o. Get me Andre, Hennessy or something, abeg!” Bola said as her friends laughed.

“You can’t even keep your attitude for a while.” Halima joked.

” Abeg o! I’m not trying to impress anyone. Bring Hennessy and Cranberry for me jor !”

Ifeoma walked into the store and picked a bottle of Hennessy out of the wine cellar and then proceeded into the kitchen to pick a carton of Cranberry juice out of the fridge.

She balanced it all on a tray and as she walked out with them in her hands, she came in contact with mama.She sighed, already expecting some kind of remark from her as usual.

“Good afternoon, mama” She greeted before she proceeded to leave.

“Afternoon o, so who are those prostitutes in the living room?” Mama asked.

Ifeoma was triggered but managed to keep her cool.

“They are not prostitutes, they are my childhood best friends. I won’t like you calling them names like that, please” She corrected as politely as she could.

“So I don’t know what I’m saying? Is it not prostitutes that use so much makeup and wear clothes that tight?” Mama retorted.

Ifeoma didn’t want to engage her so she simply walked out.

That infuriated mama as she walked to the living room with the aim of starting trouble.

“Good afternoon ma” Halima and Bola greeted as they both went on both knees.

Mama ignored them and sat at the other side of the living room directly opposite them. Bola and Halima stood up regardless, wondering what kind of madness was wrong with the woman.

“Ignore her” Ifeoma whispered to her friends as she balanced the tray on the center table.

“Girl! Halima has a good news for you!” Bola exclaimed with excitement.

Ifeoma looked at her friend, wondering what it could be.

“Don’t bother to guess! I’m pregnant! A month pregnant!” Halima broke out with happiness.Ifeoma stood up to hug her friend, she was happy for her too.

“Celebrating others pregnancy when yours can’t even hold blood” Mama threw at them.

“Don’t worry. Just keep ignoring her, she’s like a kid who does anything for attention” Ifeoma calmed her friends.

“I’m hungry o! Won’t we eat lunch in this house?” Mama questioned.

“Mama, I already prepared Semo and the leftover egusi soup for lunch, it’s in the cooler. Or should I serve you?” Ifeoma replied.

“I’m not interested in any Semo this afternoon! I want Pounded Yam.” Mama countered.

“The poundo yam is finished already and I’ll only get new pack on my way back from work tomorrow. Eat the Semo for today, mama” Ifeoma said politely even though her patience was running thin.

She knew how to put the woman in her place but she just wasn’t in the mood for fight that afternoon.

“There are lots of Yam in that store and there is mortar and pestle. What’s wrong with your hands that you can’t pound yam?”

“Mad o ” This time, it was Halima that talked.

“I don’t know how you take all these insults from her sha! No mother in law can try all these bullsh*t with me. Before she knows it, she’s already dining with her ancestors in Hell Fire” Bola said as loudly as she could trying to make sure that mama heard her.

“Oh my God! Bola, keep your voice down, she’s directly there” Ifeoma snapped.

“I heard her already and I think that’s her motive. She wants me to hear her insulting me in my son’s house. The house that my son pays for and takes responsibility of. And this food I asked you to cook was bought with my son’s money! Well, I don’t blame her, I blame you for moving around with this unmarried indecent woman and calling her your friend. Well, it’s expected since birds of the Same feathers flock together. I’m sure you sleep around like they do!” Mama insulted.

” Ehn ! Mama! Don’t even think I’m like Oma o! Don’t even cross my path! I’m very mad o, like I don’t care who is who! Who are prostitutes? So marriage is now the new criteria for friendship? Eh!..” Bola flared up, ignoring Ifeoma’s incessant pinches.

” Abeg! Stop pinching me! Let someone help you to put this woman in her place! You’re too stupid jor ! How can she tell you to go and prepare pounded yam after you’ve prepared Semo already? Are you a slave in your husband’s house? Even full housewives don’t get treated like this, not to talk of you that work and pay bills like your husband! You even get paid more! What is all this insult! This woman wants to hear tales and I’ll give it to her!”

“Ifeoma invited a mad dog into my son’s house! Wonders shall never end”

” Taah! Your son’s house, your son’s house! Let us hear word! You act like Oma doesn’t even pay for the house like he does! Ooooooh God! Oma, this woman doesn’t know anything now! Why aren’t you lecturing her sometimes? They both work, they both pay, they both buy things! It’s their house, not your son’s house!”

‘ Please, let her know !’ Ifeoma was cheering her friend on in my her mind.

These are the things that she was always scared to say because she felt like it would be like an insult to her husband’s ego. So most times, she let it slide when his mom says he pays for everything and he doesn’t even counter it. She even gets more pay than he does and the new house they were to pack into as soon as it was finished has more of her money in it. But, was her own mother shouting?

“What are you saying?! My son pays for everything with his hard earned money and the only thing this woman does is collect from him to add to hers and spend on alcohol, clothes and hair!” Mama retorted.

That triggered Ifeoma.”Did your son tell you that?” She asked, hoping it wasn’t her Fikayo that was feeding his mother with those lies, because if it was so, he should be ready to explain when exactly she ever collected money for clothes and hair from him, right in mama’s presence.

“Yes! And is it not true? All your

mami water look is what is killing your babies anyway!” Mama insulted yet again.

” Chai! And I didn’t think Fikayo was such a fool sha!” Halima said.

“Why exactly am I a fool?” They heard a masculine voice ask as they all turned towards the door to see Fikayo.

“Ifeoma, Why are your friends shouting at my mother and calling me names? Is this what goes on in my house whenever I’m not home?!” Fikayo snapped.

” Eh! It’s like they swore for both mother and son with these my house, my house

sef ” Bola chuckled.

“I beg your pardon? Bola or whatever that name of yours is, you know how I never liked nor talked to you because you are just a stupid prostitute who specializes in snatching people’s husbands. Can you get yourselves out of my house, please! This is not a psychiatric hospital where you can just display your madness!”

“I’ll leave before now! Why won’t I leave?

Na here I go sleep? People wey get mansion sef no Dey shout my house up and down. I’ll tell you my own before I leave! Learn to manage your home, learn to caution your mother! Learn to take your wife’s side sometimes too! And learn to keep somethings that concern you and your wife away from your mother! You are the main source of fight between the both of them. Put your mother in her place, you won’t die! Stop acting like a dimwit! Nonsense! Oma,

chop kiss jare! Make I carry this Hennessy Dey go, na my friend get am. ” Bola concluded as she took the bottle of Hennessy and went out of the apartment.

“Take it! You are too poor to even get one yourself! And what are you waiting for?follow your friend!” Fikayo snapped at Halima who just shook her head.

“I thought my own home was full of drama, but Oma, yours is a soap opera. I’ll call you later.” Halima said as she picked up her bag and proceeded to leave.

“Don’t ever call her, she’ll never be friends with you people! Not when I’m her husband!”

” Peeele ! (Sorry)” Halima sang as she stepped out of the apartment.

“Oma! We need to talk! Meet me in the room right now!” Fikayo commanded as he walked past her into their room.

“Talk some sense into her! Or better still send her packing!” Mama shouted after her son.

Ifeoma hissed before she followed her husband.

“What is that nonsense that just happened!” Fikayo questioned through gritted teeth.

“Baby, I’m sorry about the insults directed to you” Ifeoma apologized.

“And the ones directed to my mother? You’re not sorry about that?!” Fikayo snapped.

Ifeoma flinched.”Calm down! Stop shouting at me like that, you can’t shout at me like that! You know how much I hate been shouted at. I can’t apologize for your mother because she insulted me way too much and they were just standing up for me as friends!” Ifeoma retorted.

“You hate being shouted at yet you do things that warrants being shouted at?! Ifeoma, your friends called me a fool! Is that how you rubbish me within yourselves? You are a married woman, they shouldn’t even know anything going on in your marriage, weren’t you taught that?”

Ifeoma was getting enraged.

“They shouldn’t know anything about my marriage? Coming from someone who tells his mom about everything in our lives, even our sex life! The fact that you’re lecturing me on what you yourself should be lectured about irks me”

“Seriously? Mother is different from friends! You know how much I never liked you still having contact with them anyways. They are bad company. When people see you with them, they think you do the same thing they do”

“Oh my God! Fikayo! Stop it! You need to listen to yourself right now. You sound… so… I don’t even know the right word for it…”


“No! I knew these women before I even knew you, I was friends with them before we even met. They are the only friends I have and you can’t separate us, it’s just not possible. Marriage shouldn’t make me become a loner for God’s sake! It’s unfair!”

“Oh please! Don’t play that pity card! It won’t work! What is wrong with you? I keep trying to get you to be a good and responsible wife, yet you keep been childish about it! You are not a child anymore, Oma! When will you understand that?!” Fikayo snapped three at his wife.

Ifeoma had had enough of that.

“You know what? Shut up! I’m childish? Childish? Wow! A whole Me! Childish! If there is any childish person in this marriage, it’s you, Fikayo! You and no one else! You have taken an oath to be a mama’s boy forever which makes you a little boy! I don’t even want to talk about this before cos I love you and didn’t want to doubt you but Fikayo, you told your mother that I collect money for hair and stuffs from you? That you pay all the bills? Really? I thought you were just a mama’s boy, I didn’t know that you already added manipulation and lying to that!”

“Oh! Is that it? You want to start riding on me and acting like the husband because you pay more bills than I do? Because you’re now a little bit richer than I am?! Women will always do this!” Fikayo changed the subject as it hurt his ego.

“Don’t even change it! Don’t even try to! Did you or did you not tell your mother that sh*t about me?! That was the question, just answer it” Ifeoma stood her ground.

“That was normal! That was what she expected of me and I didn’t want to ruin her hopes. I want her to see me as the man of the house, so I just told her that. It’s no big deal!” Fikayo replies nonchalantly.

Ifeoma broke into tears.

“Wow! I don’t even know my husband anymore. It’s happening. You made me look useless and bad just to make your mom look at you as the man of the house?! Does that even sound sane to you? Like, have I ever told people or my own mother that I paid more bills and that I was the one who actually carries this household? Even my friends just guessed based on my post and workplace and comparing to yours! I never told them! That was how much I respected you, Fikayo! But you on the other hand don’t even have an iota of respect for me, all you care about is your oversized ego and your mother! And then you dare tell me not to be friends with my BFFs again?”

“You will not be seen with them anymore, baby. That’s my own! I can’t have my wife been associated with those whores and mad people!” Fikayo simply said ignoring his wife’s tears and lamentations.

Ifeoma chuckled, “That’s the only thing you have to say to all I said? I want to see what you’ll do when you see us together!”

“It’ll shock you, Ifeoma! At this juncture, you’ll have to choose between your husband and your friends!” Fikayo said and stormed out of the room.

Ifeoma cried as she stared at the entrance which Fikayo passed through.”Where is my husband?”

A week later, Ifeoma and Fikayo were yet to have another confrontation about issues.

It was like they were both walking on the edge of a knife trying not to get wounded. But how do you walk on the edge of a knife and not get wounded? They were both scared to sit down and have a conversation about their issues because they didn’t want it to get bigger again. But the strain that was between them was as obvious as anything, they didn’t talk or joke together as before and they only went by their everyday activities.

None was ready to compromise and start the ‘talk’ again so they just kept on going through each day acting like everything was perfectly okay. But was it?

Ifeoma stepped out of the kitchen into the living room and sighed when she saw how her husband who just returned from work littered it with his suit jacket, shoes and socks. She had told him several times to stop undressing anyhow but he still kept on doing it.

She proceeded to pick up everything. Trying so hard not to burst out what she had been trying to keep within. She didn’t want to complicate their misunderstanding, especially not now that she didn’t understand her husband anymore.

Fikayo was sitting on their spacious bed, pressing his phone with all focus when Ifeoma walked in.

“Welcome, how was work?” Ifeoma asked.

“Fine, thank you” He replied, while still focused on his phone.

Ifeoma took a long look at him. Normally, he would have given more details about work, or asked about her own day and just like that. They would start gisting and gossiping about coworkers, bosses and other stuffs. But not these days.

Ifeoma sighed yet again.

” Uhm, Dinner is ready. I’m going to set the table” She announced.

“Okay” That was Fikayo’s response.


“Jesus!” Fikayo spitted our his rice as soon as it entered his mouth.

Ifeoma was alarmed.

“What is it?” Ifeoma questioned at the same time that Mama said the same thing.

“Oma, do you want to kill us in this house? What is this?” Fikayo snapped.

“What is what? What’s wrong now?” Ifeoma looked at him wondering what she did again.

“Taste your food!” Fikayo simply said.

Ifeoma proceeded to put a spoon of rice in her mouth and she also spitted it out immediately.

“Oh my God!” She exclaimed.

“See? Is that what you used hours to cook? Salt?!” Fikayo mocked.

“I… I don’t understand. I didn’t put that much salt for it to be this salty.” Ifeoma said, trying to rack her brain on how it was possible.

“You didn’t add too much salt, so you used salt water to cook?” Fikayo asked his tone laced with sarcasm.

” Hm. If I talk now, you people will say I’ve come o. Imagine giving an old woman like me so much salt. Is that an antic to kill me?” Mama contributed.

“Mama, you can talk about this one. I’m so disappointed right now. What were you thinking? I came back from work and I meet this? Is this fair? Are you trying to punish me for telling you to pick between your friends and I?”

Ifeoma was speechless, she stared at the food, her husband and then mama.

She just couldn’t fathom how she could make such mistake.

Did she forget that she already added salt and then went ahead to add salt again?

Not knowing how to defend such reckless act, she did what was expected and right.”I’m so sorry. I… I honestly don’t understand how I made such mistake. I’m sorry. I’ll cook another one” She apologized as she stood up quickly and started to pack the food.

“Cook another one? You keep wasting food just anyhow! And who has the time to wait for you to finish cooking rice again, cook it for yourself alone. I’m going to order food from African Kitchen. I don’t want to eat another salty food. Mama, what should I order for you?” Fikayo said going through his phone to place an order.

“Amala and gbegiri with ewedu soup. They should add intestines and cow leg too. I haven’t had it in days because your wife can’t cook good soup” Mama said as she threw a look at Ifeoma who just stared at them.

“This is why I like that Sewa girl that you used to date before. That one that you introduced to me first. She was so respectful, decent and such a good cook. Babies surrounded that girl so much that I’m sure if you had married her, we would have been carrying your third baby. But no, you had to break up with such a nice girl to marry this one that has nothing but beauty” Mama threw again.

Ifeoma could take anything but being compared to an ex of his husband was one she won’t take. The same one that he still cheated on her with even while they were already dating.

That same one!

“Mama, I’m not going to seat down and watch you keep insulting me” Ifeoma said.

“Will you shut it? A whole five years, not one child. Only plenty miscarriages. And you are talking” Mama continued.

“Fikayo, are you not listening to your mother right now? Won’t you shun her?” Ifeoma directed to her husband.

“What should I say to it? Is she not saying the truth? Please, leave me alone” Fikayo dismissed.

Mama smiled.

Ifeoma was even more shocked.She stood up and simply walked into her bathroom and there she began to cry her eyes out while also praying.”God, give me my own child” Was the highlight of her prayer point.

Ifeoma stood by the roadside, right beside her car with the bonnet opened, wondering what could have gotten into the car again.

She was dressed in a V-neck blue top and a black skirt that was slitted to her mid thighs. Her four inches black heels glistened and her human hair fell majestically on her shoulders even though it was starting to irritate her skin.

Her rare blue eyes shined as she kept on tapping on her phone and trying to see if whatever was wrong with her car was something she could handle.

Sometimes, she felt like these cars have some demons in them.

How else would she explain what happened to a car that she already took to the mechanic’s workshop for service the previous week!

She was looking so frustrated as she stood under the sun expecting her mechanic to just appear right in front of her, repair the d*mn thing and then she could drive home safely. She felt like the sun was draining her magically bright skin and burning it up as she stomped her feet like a little child been deprived of sweets.

She couldn’t believe that she was facing this frustration right after work. Who had she offended?

She dialed her husband’s number for the sixth time that evening and she felt like smashing her IPhone 7plus on the floor when she heard the same annoying voice say, ” The number you’re trying to call is not reachable at the moment, please, try again later. Thank you.”

She wanted to explain her predicament to him, maybe he might come through for her but it didn’t seem possible.

“Madam, I don come ” She heard a masculine voice say.

She turned back to see Naira, her favorite mechanic as she sighed with relief even though the sight of him made her boil with anger.

“Naira! You talk say you dey come since an hour ago!” She snapped at the unkempt young man, trying so hard not to pour her whole frustration on the innocent guy.

” No vex , madam. Na traffic. Make I quickly check Wetin Dey do am. ” Naira said as he started to work on the car.

Ifeoma shook her head. She knew that it wasn’t traffic, the young man simply took his time.

Five minutes later, Naira sighed and stopped working.

Ifeoma eyed him suspiciously.

“Don’t tell me that you’ll have to tow this car to your workshop again? Don’t tell me that this car will not sleep in my compound o .”

“Madam. Na Wetin go happen be that o. The car sef go need thorough servicing. He go use like two days for our workshop .” Naira explained.

“I’m just tired of cars in general. Take it to wherever, are you still using that account number?”

“Yes ma”

“Okay. I’ll call you about the money and everything when I get home. Right now, I’m so tired to even start listening to the problem of a car” Ifeoma said as she handed her car key over to the mechanic.

She walked forward trying to wave down a motorcycle or a cab.

A white Mercedes Benz slowed down and parked right in in front of her.

She walked carefully towards the car and when she saw that it was just her boss, she stepped into the back seat right beside him.

“Thank you sir, good evening sir” She greeted as his driver started the car.

“Ifeoma, don’t tell me that you’ve not been home since you left work, that you’ve been stuck here?” The handsome man asked, his voice laced with concern.

Ifeoma simply smiled.

“I’ve told you that your car needs to be changed. You just won’t listen, if only you heeded to my advances, all these wouldn’t be happening to you. I hate to see you face all these troubles” He said, looking between the road and Ifeoma at intervals.

“Sir. Car troubles happens to people who own cars, it’s normal sir. And I’ve told you to stop about this dating of a thing, I’m a married woman sir. I know I don’t look like one, but I am and you know that” Ifeoma replied her boss as politely as she could.

She was tired and just didn’t have the time to deal with his incessant wooing.

She just couldn’t understand how the handsome dark man wouldn’t stop pestering a married woman like her about such issues. He had a trail of women on his matter, throwing themselves at him, even at work but he was just on her own matter like Mario.

What do single people find attractive in married people?

“Ifeoma. I’m off that matter, trust me. I honestly like you, a lot and you know that. I respect that you are married but I know you can accommodate me too.”

“Mr. Williams, with all due respect, I’d have to tell you to drop me here if you will continue to pester me like this. It makes me very uncomfortable” Ifeoma snapped.

“Okay, okay. Its alright. Calm down”

They didn’t exchange a word as they passed by the estate gate and zoomed into their estate. He refused to stop at his gate according to Ifeoma’s words since they stayed in the same estate, instead he zoomed on till they reached ifeoma’s gate and then stopped.

Ifeoma said a quick thank you as she got out of the car. The hot air engulfed her immediately.

Fikayo stood at the balcony, boiling, as he watched his wife get out of her boss’s car. He watched as she walked away and then went back to get something from the man again.

He was furious. What mama told him replayed in his head as he thought about it over and over again.

‘Maybe Mama was right,’ he thought as he watched her walk into their building.


Ifeoma collapsed on the bed, too tired to even undress and take a shower. She was dozing off when she heard her husband’s voice.

“Is that how tired you are from roaming around the city with that man?” Fikayo said calmly even though Ifeoma could detect the venom behind his words.

She wasn’t fazed, she was used to it already. He was always like this whenever he saw her in close proximity with a man, she just couldn’t fathom what kind of thoughts went through his head.

The kind of possessiveness he had was just out of this world.

“That man is my boss, Fikayo. And you know that” Ifeoma simply replied. She wasn’t in the mood for banters or any argument.

“More reason to even ask more questions! Why would your boss drop you off, where are u coming from with him? Why are you late? Why is your skirt ripped to your thighs?” Fikayo bombarded as Ifeoma sat up.

She felt like laughing but tried not to.

“The same skirt you told me I look beautiful in before I left for work this morning?” She teased.

“It’s now ugly” Fikayo replied, as he started to feel fuzzy towards his wife even though he was still insecure and very jealous.

“Okay then. Should I take it off?” Ifeoma teased further as she began to take off the skirt in a very seductive manner.

Fikayo could feel his member begin to throb him as his anger subsided.

How she managed to cool him off when he was very angry or jealous, he would never understand but she had always succeeded whenever she wanted to.

“Come here” Ifeoma called on him lovingly as he walked towards her.

She was already in her panties as she dragged him to sit on the bed very close to herself. She rested on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

“I’m not having an affair with any man, babe. I would never do that, I’m yours and yours alone” Ifeoma reassured for the billionth time, even though she knew that this wasn’t even supposed to be something she does every time she’s seen with a man but knowing the man she got married to, it was a necessity.

Even though she was very tired and not in the mood, she kissed her husband with all her romantic night as he started to dive into her brassiere.

Fikayo went into the sex mood, even though he was still going to do what was on his mind.

‘He had to do it. That way, she’d be a more obedient and better wife.

Power shouldn’t be in women’s hands’ He thought as he felt her mouth on his dvck and just like that, he forgot all about it.

For the time being…

“Oma, we need to talk ” Fikayo tapped his wife for the third time.

They finished making love about five hours ago and after having their dinner and also taking a shower. They fell asleep immediately.

What Ifeoma couldn’t understand was the reason for her husband’s incessant tapping at that time of the night. Why has the man refused to understand that she had a stressful day and she needed to be well rested in order to take on the following day’s work.

“Can’t we talk about this in broad daylight? Like tomorrow morning or evening? What are we talking about in the middle of the night, Fikayo?” Ifeoma questioned, furious for been deprived of her sleep.

She refused to sit up as she proceeded to turn her back on Fikayo and go straight to lala land once again.

Fikayo knew just what would make that sleep vanish from her eyes so he said it.”I want you to stop working”

Ifeoma didn’t hear at first and then as if just processing what he said, she jumped up on impulse.

“Come again?” She questioned, certain that her ears must have been playing games on her.

“I said I want you to stop working, Oma” Fikayo repeated.

At that moment, Ifeoma has the great urge to slap her husband continuously, maybe then his sense that vanished would come back but she knew she couldn’t do it.

“Where is this coming from?” She simply asked even though she was enraged.

“From nowhere, Oma. Just from me, you work too much, so I thought that maybe you need to take a break. Remember that the doctor also said that stress causes miscarriage?” Fikayo explained trying got justify his reasons because his wife wasn’t one who’d just listen to him without reasons.

“Am I pregnant?” Ifeoma asked rhetorically.

Fikayo shook his head.

“So why do I need to rest just to avoid miscarriage? From which pregnancy? Fikayo, that excuse have got to be the dumbest one ever. Who put this thought in your head? Is it mama again?”

Ifeoma accused, even though she was very sure that all of it was from mama.

“No no. I just thought you needed rest and I’m the man of the house, I’m the one who should be taking care of you” Fikayo tried again.

Ifeoma blinked twice, thrice and then over five times.

She wanted to be sure that she wasn’t in a dream.

How on earth did she end up with a fifteen year old boy as a husband? Heck…. even fifteen year old boys don’t tell their mothers everything nor listen to every d*mn thing their mothers say.

What was wrong with her own man?

She was tired.She was tired of having to go round and round within the same circle. She was tired of going back and forth about the same misunderstandings. She was tired of coming back to arguments that she was very sure her mother in law fueled or started. She was tired of being the third wheel in her own marriage.

Nobody understood her frustration, her own marriage didn’t have physical abuse, but the emotional and mental abuse was enough to make one run mad.But nobody understood, it seemed like she was overreacting every d*mn time.

She was tired and she knew she was holding on to a strand of hope that maybe everything would be fine and she wouldn’t have to keep facing abuse from her mother in law or abuse from her husband sponsored by her mother in law.

She found herself hoping she dies a very dreadful death that involves all her part been shredded.Was that too much? No, Ifeoma didn’t think so, not anymore.

“So you want me to stop working?”

Ifeoma finally asked again after having a thorough mind battle and finally getting herself to calm down.

“Yes, baby. That’s all, I swear, it’s for your own good” Fikayo cajoled.

“No problem, as long as you make sure to buy my Maryline body kit every three months, you know that one that contains face scrub, face toner, face cream, body cream, body oil, face bar soap, body liquid soap, aloe Vera mixture and all that. That one that I get for fifty-five thousand naira. You also have to make sure you get me my human hair regularly and anytime I want them. Aaand… yes! You know how I love to buy new dresses online and all that, that must also be in consideration. Don’t forget my expensive heels too. You would also have to put in mind the fact that you’ll be the one paying for the monthly foodstuffs henceforth too, we used to split it before, but now you’d be paying the whole fifty thousand Naira per month for foodstuff. Don’t forget the rent too, I pay 70%, you’ll be paying all now too. I should probably remind you about the Dubai trip we were saving up for, I won’t be able to drop money in the joint account anymore, it’s all on you henceforth. Oh yes, I can’t forget my parent’s monthly allowance, twenty thousand naira, you must send it to them per month. Yes, my car too, the mechanic keeps telling me that it’s getting old which is why it keeps breaking down and I was planning on saving up to buy a new one for myself so if I stop working, you should know how I’d get a new car as soon as possible too. Uhm…. what else???? Don’t worry, I’ll keep reminding you of everything as soon as I remember…” Ifeoma concluded.

She smiled mischievously as she watched the wide-eyed look her husband had on at that moment with satisfaction.

Fikayo had just realized one thing that he had never wanted to admit to himself, his wife carried a lot of things in the house and he couldn’t do it alone.His mom was wrong.

But was he going to admit defeat that easily?

“But there are some miscellaneous expenses you’d have to cut down, you spend too much on frivolities. Like that body kit, hair, dresses and even a new car? Your car is just four years old”

“Miscellaneous expenses? Frivolities? Fikayo, in case you haven’t noticed, that was why I spent six years in elementary school, six years in high school and four stressful years in the university. I went to school, my parents paid for my school fees so that I could have a future, get a job, make money and buy whatever the

fvck I want for myself. I never asked you to get them for me, did I? But if you don’t want me to work anymore as per you want to be taking care of me like you said, then you have to get me what I used to get for myself. And you dare call a car of four years new? Your car is a year old, Fikayo! I’m working towards getting myself a new one, I didn’t even ask you to get it for me! See, I’m not going to tone down my expenses because of you! I don’t want to stop working, You are the one who wants that. I love working, I love supporting my husband, my parents and my home. I love been independent and not asking you for money to buy undies or Maggi ! I love been able to get whatever I want whenever I want them without asking anyone. Why are you threatened by that, Fikayo?” Ifeoma said calmly.

Fikayo was speechless, and Ifeoma felt proud of herself.

She wasn’t going to sit at home and watch the compound from the window all day hoping her husband comes home early. No.

She wasn’t one to stay home all day on the television, waiting for her husband to come home with money for her to take care of herself and the home. No.

She just wasn’t that woman.

“Are we done with this conversation? Or should I continue to list everything you’d have to do henceforth?” Ifeoma teased, knowing that she already won this one.

Fikayo simply laid down on the bed, covered himself up with the duvet and whispered,”Goodnight”

Ifeoma whispered “love you” as she turned to the wall, and smiled wholeheartedly.

At least, she won this one.

The club colourful lights twinkled and glistened as Bop Daddy by the Nigerian rapper, Falz filled the club.

Fikayo’s eyes roamed the club from the VIP room he was seated with his friends. It was a room built in a way that they could see everything going on outside the room but no one from outside could see them. Expensive bottles of concentrated alcohol and red cups filled with mixtures of Hennessy, Andre, cranberry, coke, ice and Hollandia yoghurt littered the tables in the middle of the comfy leather chairs they were seated on.

Fikayo watched as the girls his friends had brought into the club that Friday night stood up to twerk as soon as the song was changed to Yemi Alade’s song titled bum bum.

One of the girls walked up to him to give him a lap dance but he declined politely.

Fikayo felt the chair beside him sink as a result of having a weight on it. It was Biola.

“You’ve been kind of moody for a while. Try to have some fun. Get mama and Ifeoma off your mind for a while. Even if it’s lap dance, let these girls give you. This life is too short, man!” Biola shouted as a result of the loud music.

” Abeg o ! He’s the faithful man, getting a lap dance from another woman is cheating” Ade teased as he spanked the a*ss that belonged to the girl in front of him.

“I… I don’t know how you guys are always so comfortable doing this. What if your wives get to know?” Fikayo asked.

“We’ll beg them and blame the devil. Trust me, women are wired to always forgive us. And then we go back to it, they get used to it” Biola replied.

“I’d die if my wife finds out sha, I’d completely die. I don’t ever want to hurt that woman” Kunle said.

“Why do it when you don’t want to hurt her?” Fikayo questioned, confused.

“We can’t help it” Biola answered.

“That is one big lie! You can help it, you just do it because you guys know nothing will happen and your wives will just overlook after you beg, I’m just saying you’d be so angry to find out about your wife cheating too, won’t you?”

“My wife will cheat? When she’s not mad! The day I suspect her is the day she leaves my house for her father’s house!” Biola raged.

“Fr, man! Cheating is not for women, it’s for us. We are polygamous in nature, they are not. Trust me, they’d never do that sh*t in marriage. When they get caught, they get mocked in the society and for life. When we do it, we get seen as men. Men will always be men sort of thing. It gets overlooked. It’s a man’s world after-all” Kunle lectured.

Fikayo listened and assimilated.

“See, our lives as men is so tiring. We go to work, for our family. Get them what they want, yet these things called wives are so troublesome and toxic. They can frustrate one’s existence. So we have to get one or two beautiful youngies outside to keep us calm, sane and satisfied. Those are the ones they call side-chic but we? We call them peace and new. Why? Because, they are still young, new and in town, they know how to love us better.” Biola butressed.

“I can’t relate cos I’m not married and will never be!” Ade shouted as he poured all the content of his red cup down his throat.

“Who asked you?!” Kunle retorted.

“I’m just saying I can’t keep eating one kind of fruit when I can have fruit salad. Where’s the fun and life in eating one kind of fruit for my whole life?” Ade countered.

“I don’t think women should be compared to fruits though” Kunle said.

“Whatever! I can compare them to whatever I want. Yes baby, shake that a*ss for daddy!” Ade hyped his girl as she twerked continuously.

Fikayo was mesmerized at the way she twerked her a*ss with great ease.

“You see? Now imagine touching that bopping a*ss, get a baby! You too dey dull. Ifeoma’s efo(vegetable) is too potent” Biola whispered into Fikayo’s ears one last time and then went back to rocking the girl he came with.

And as if the devil was happy to get a new member in his adultery institution, Fikayo sighted a very familiar face walk into the club with two other women in a very short White gown that still looked classy.

Her a*ss was still as big and curvy as Fikayo could remember but she was now very much fairer than before.

What they call skin toning these days?

She was never fair, never. She was a beautiful chocolate skinned girl, but was always jealous of fair skin tones. What Fikayo didn’t know was that she’d bleach to become that tone that she used to rubbish.

Fikayo decided to put that thought away as he walked out of the VIP room and towards her.

“Hi” He greeted as she looked up at him, shocked.

“May I sit?” He asked.

“Yes, sure”

“So, long time, no see and no calls” Fikayo started.

She laughed, revealing her perfectly arranged white set of teeth, “It’s been what, six or seven years?”

“Six” Fikayo answered.

“Wow, that’s long. How have you been? Ifeoma and … the kids?” She asked looking down at her finger at intervals.

“Ifeoma is fine but no kid for now. I’m fine too, thank you for asking. Husband?”

She laughed yet again, ” Uhm.. some of us are not destined for early marriage. I’m still single” She replied showing her left hand.

“Oh, Okay then. Can I have your number so that we can get to hang out sometime?” Fikayo furthered.

He watched as she entered her phone number into his iPhone 8 and he knew he was in for it and getting out wasn’t going to be easy.

He was going to cheat on his wife with the same lady he cheated on her with while in University.

He was going to make Sewa his side-chic.

It was a boring Sunday evening. Ifeoma was focused on the television watching the movie ” Acrimony ” while her husband was out with his friends or that was what he said. Mama was seated on a couch opposite Ifeoma dozing off and already snoring.

Ifeoma rolled her eyes, mama had been told several times to go into her bedroom whenever she wanted to sleep but had she ever listened?

Ifeoma was startled by the banging on the door as she walked as silently as she could to check who was at the door before opening it. ‘Only an armed robber or hired assassin would be knocking on a person’s door that way.’ She thought with fear as she peeped.

It was a woman and a man and they looked unarmed and nothing like armed robbers. They were even carrying a cake.

“Well, they could be carrying a bomb in the cake” Ifeoma whispered to herself.

She knew she was overreacting so she finally opened the door.

“Good afternoon, we are so sorry to disturb you. We are the new neighbours who just packed into the building next to yours” The man explained.

Ifeoma knew about a couple packing into their compound the previous day but she hadn’t kept it in mind to check on them and say hi. Ifeoma knew that she wasn’t a good neighbour in any way. She had always preferred to stay in her home, and be on her own that she never even talked to the previous neighbour more than twice.

“Oh okay, come on in”

They greeted mama who was still on the same spot but now awake and she responded.

“I’m Bori and this is my wife, Falilat. We got married almost a year ago. And we just decided to settle down in a rich people estate like this to start our life too” The man who was dressed in a brown knicker and red round neck top introduced humorously.

Ifeoma laughed.

“That’s nice. Nice to meet you Mr Bori and Sister Fa…lili. I’m Ifeoma and my husband is Fikayo. This is my mother in law.” Ifeoma introduced and pronounced the woman’s name wrongly.

” You fit just call me Fali, na wetin people dey call me be that” The woman finally spoke.(You can just call me Fali, that’s what people call me).

Ifeoma could understand why she was speaking Pidgin. She didn’t look educated in any way and her dress sense proved that she was a local woman. She was dressed in a white top and a wrapper.

Ifeoma wondered what an impeccable man like Bori was doing with such a woman but who was she to judge, love was blind anyway.

She just hoped that she wasn’t a busybody woman like she looked because if there was anything Ifeoma hated, it was people meddling into her business.

“Alright, Sister Fali. What can I get for you guys?” Ifeoma asked as she remembered that she was supposed to offer them something to drink at least.

“Anything is fine” Bori answered but for Fali, anything was not fine.

” I no want anything o, you get cold chivita, the one wey don cold wella. Na that one I wan t” Fali said.(I don’t want anything, do you have cold chivita, the one that is very cold, that’s what I want).

Ifeoma found her funny so she laughed.

“I’m so sorry. I apologize for my wife, she eats a lot these days” Bori apologized for his embarrassing wife.

“No no. It’s fine, I’ll get you that coooold

chivita, Sister Fali. I’ll be right back” Ifeoma said as she left for her kitchen.

While in the kitchen, Ifeoma was shocked to see that Fali followed her in. What kind of woman was so jumpy like this? Ifeoma thought.

“Sister Ifeoma! My friend! Wetin I fit help you carry?” She asked, forming some kind of familiarity that was already getting on Ifeoma’s nerves.

“You are the guest. All you have to do is sit like a guest while the home owner brings the stuffs, not follow her into her kitchen” Ifeoma corrected politely but the woman was too daft to get the message she tried to pass across.

” We no be guests again jare, we don become friends be that. See, Ifeoma, me I like you o. You be fine girl, with fine skin. See as you no get one black spot like this. Which cream you dey use na? “(We are not guests again, we have become friends. Ifeoma, I like you, you’re a fine girl with beautiful skin. See how you don’t have one dark spot on your skin. What is the name of the cream you use?)

Ifeoma found herself disliking the woman the more she spoke, the fact that she quickly switched from formal to informal made her boil.She had a special dislike for women like this.

” Shey na the Ifeoma wey I call you make you do face like that? You sef call me Fali na. All this Sister something na church thing, he sure for me say you no old pass me. You just marry quick quick” Fali said making Ifeoma’s irritation grow by the minute.(Did you change your countenance because I called you Ifeoma? You can also call me Fali, all these Sister we keep calling ourselves is for church people and I’m very sure that you’re not older than I am, you just got married at an early age).

“You seem so chatty very well, Fali. But I’m not like that, especially not with people I just met” Ifeoma simply said as she balanced the drinks on the tray and walked out of the kitchen.

She knew that Fali wouldn’t know that

chatty was another English word for

talkative which was like an insult.

Ifeoma had her seat after she served her guests.

“Thank you, We also brought you this cake” Bori said pointing to the square-shaped white box on the table.

Ifeoma was stunned as Mama quickly grabbed the box and opened it to reveal a beautiful white oval shaped cake and on it was written, “Hi, Neighbours ” in blue icing.

Mama dug into the cake and began to eat, just like that. Ifeoma was embarrassed, one would think she had never had or seen cake in all her life.

“Thank you, Mr Bori. Mama, you could have just asked me to get you a knife and plate so you can cut a part off it instead of digging into it with your hands” Ifeoma told her mother in law who just hissed.

“New neighbor, welcome to our compound. This cake is very nice, who made it?” Mama asked eating the cake like a glutton.

‘ Our compound, like this is her house ‘ Ifeoma retorted in her mind as she glared at mama.

Fali noticed the coldness between mama and Ifeoma and she smiled.

“My wife is a kitchen wiz. She makes anything food like a chef and she didn’t even learn most of it. She made the cake too.” Bori praises his wife and Fali blushed.

Ifeoma was enraged all over again, she knew that it was a new thing for mama to use to taunt her.

“That’s very nice. Some wives only know how to cook noodles, broom and jollof rice” Mama shaded Ifeoma who just looked away.

Fali’s loud laughter made her boil even more.

” Which kin wife go sabi cook only three food? That one na wife ?” She said still laughing as mama joined her.(Why kind of wife would know how to cook only three meals? Is that one a wife?).

“There’s something called exaggeration, but you wouldn’t know since you’re so uneducated and illiterate” Ifeoma mumbled under her breath.

“What did you say?” Bori asked.

“Oh nothing.”

‘ When will you guys leave or are you planning to live here too? ‘ Ifeoma thought.

” We no even ask, where your pikin? We no see them since we don come. Na them we even bring these sweets for ” Fali asked, succeeding in getting on Ifeoma’s last nerves.(We didn’t even ask, where are your kids? We haven’t seen them since we came around. They are the one we even brought these sweets for).

And just like that, Ifeoma concluded that she hated the woman. Couldn’t the husband caution his wife?

“We don’t have kids yet” Ifeoma simply replied.

“Oh. Falilat, get up. We are so sorry about that. We’d like to leave now” Bori suddenly announced.

Who asked them to be sorry? Sorry for what? Who died? Ifeoma escorted her new neighbours to the door.Immediately she came back, Mama was ready for her.

“See your life, that lady is pregnant and they are not even a year married yet. And see how her husband says she cooks a lot and very well? Your own husband can’t say the same about you. You should lock yourself up and cry out of shame.” She said and left carrying the cake with her.

Ifeoma slumped into the cushion and stared into space.

“Where are you going to again, Fikayo? You haven’t even had lunch yet and it’s almost 4pm. Can’t this night out with your friends wait?” Ifeoma lamented.

She was now fed up of having to compete with her husband’s friends for his attention.

“We just want to talk and have few drinks together, that’s all. Stop been so dramatic about everything.” Fikayo replied her as he got dressed in his casual outfits.

He hadn’t thought that not having a taste of another woman asides her wife for years was just him being stupid and now that he had a taste of this freedom, he knew that he wasn’t going to stop it anytime soon. It was that addicting.

Sewa been a girl who had been with quite a number of men also had so much experience than his wife who had only had sex with one man her entire life. Not that he was complaining, he liked the fact that he was the man who deflowered his wife in their university days and the fact that he was the only one who ever got that sugar but then Ifeoma was always naive in bed and quite boring. He didn’t think much about it until Sewa… again.

Sewa was just the kind of woman that was fit for the other woman role. She fvcked like a porn star and had the curviest body that could get him to cvm just by staring at it. She could go five rounds without getting so tired unlike his wife who’s always fed up after two rounds.

“I’m dramatic? Really?! You know what, I want to go to that hangout with you today! I’m fed up of been at home with your mother who just enjoys tormenting me. Her house has been renovated yet she refuses to leave and if I talk now, they’ll say Ifeoma is wicked. You’ll say I’m not giving you peace. I’m not staying in this house o” Ifeoma said.

“Follow who? To where? Why do you think it’s called guy’s hangout? Why aren’t they bringing their own wives? Learn to stay home and have conversations with your mother in law, Oma, you won’t die!” Fikayo refused.

“You keep seeing friends while you refuse to let me see my own friends! Do you think this is fair, huh?! God, I’m so frustrated right now!”

“See, Oma, I really don’t have time for banters with you right now. You can even talk to your friends on phone, na u sabi !”

With that, Fikayo stormed out of the house. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing Sewa, not even his dear Ifeoma.

Ifeoma slumped onto the bed in annoyance. She was beyond fed up of the whole house.

She walked into the kitchen to get dinner done and forget about the issues they were having for a while.

Ifeoma was never a kitchen person, she never liked to cook, it was a chore that she hated the most in her life but as a woman, she knew she had to and she learnt it as much as she could. She had always hoped to have a chef and she knew she was definitely still going to get one.

Her father had always made it mandatory for her to always go to the kitchen even when she never liked to. She would always remember the words he used to say when she was young, “No matter the education you get or bosslady whatever, you will still end up cooking in the kitchen for your husband”

It had always infuriated Ifeoma that she had to learn to do what she never liked all because of a man but then her dad was right after all.

Wasn’t she in the kitchen?

And the fact that she got married to an egoistic african man who didn’t even believe in stepping foot into the kitchen prolongs her stay in it.

The world isn’t just balanced, she thought as she proceeded to wash the plates that had been used by her mother in law. Mama enjoyed using four plates to eat, for reasons Ifeoma would never understand. Maybe it was to just leave more chores for her or maybe it was just her bad habit, Ifeoma never asked. It wasn’t like she’d give her a response anyway.

She stopped abruptly when she noticed that her her liquid soap was so watery. She dropped the container in annoyance!

Who had diluted her soap? This was one of the things Ifeoma hated, she had her ethics and she liked to have her things in some way. She was about to scream mama’s name when mama walked into the kitchen herself.

“Mama, did you dilute the soap?” Ifeoma asked as politely as she could.

“I won’t put water in it now! You left it there to be very thick and then that one would always end up finishing on time. Did they not teach you how to manage stuffs in your own house? Ehn, you’re just so wasteful” Mama retorted.

“Mama, all you had to do was take a very small quantity, very small. If it was to be watery, the factory that did it would not make it thick.” Ifeoma corrected but she knew mama was not going to listen anyways.

“I won’t stay here and watch you squander my son’s money! Every little thing counts” Mama said as she left for the living room.

‘God should really circulate common sense to everybody.’ Ifeoma said in her mind as she left to get a new liquid soap from the store. She wasn’t going to use something so watery.

She came back, watched the dirty dishes and then she had another problem.

She couldn’t find the lighter.

“This is what happens when we have two wives in the house. How can a woman just come into my kitchen and be rearranging stuffs for me, in my kitchen!” Ifeoma shouted in exasperation.

Mama heard her and walked into the kitchen yet again.

“What are you fussing about? You didn’t have sense to know that you don’t put lighters anywhere like that, you put them in the high cabinets, well, i can’t blame you, you know that you’re barren, that’s why. If you had kids, you’d have burned down the whole house with your carelessness because kids would always take things that are reachable for them! And you’re here shouting because I helped you to do what you didn’t have the sense to do! Lighter is in the top cabinet to the left o!” Mama lectures and left the kitchen again.

“They definitely sent this woman to frustrate my life” Ifeoma said to herself as soon she found the lighter.

An hour later, Ifeoma was done with the cooking and she was seated on her bed as she dialed Halima’s number first to have a conference call with her girls.

Her phone rang multiple times and she didn’t pick it up. She then proceeded to call Bola who picked it up instantly.

“Oma! Thank God! I was planning on calling you right now! We have to go to Halima’s house! She called a minute ago, she said she’s bleeding so bad. Meet me there in five!” Bola ranted in panic and hung up.

Ifeoma jumped on her feet, took her car keys and rushed out of the house.

Ifeoma drove at a dangerous speed to Halima’s home. She packed in front of the gigantic and royal-like gate and got out of the car not even remembering to lock it.

It was the second time she was stepping foot into the house, her husband’s house .

It was a typical rich people’s house, a beautiful duplex painted green with numerous expensive outdoor flowers beautifying the side of the walls. Standing Air conditioners stood at different corners of the house giving the home a chilly feeling. Mohammed was a rich man, no doubt. A middle aged man born into a wealthy family was bound to have such houses.

Ifeoma was shocked to see Halima whimpering on the floor in her own pool of blood. When she heard bleeding, she didn’t think it was something so huge and gory.

She and Bola helped to get Halima into her car and they zoomed off to the hospital.

In the car, while in pains and agony, Halima kept lamenting and crying.

“He pushed me, he threw such a huge flower vase at me. He punched me like I was a man like him. I… I… never wanted him, my parents did this…” She reminisced while Bola told her to reserve her strength instead of talking.

Ifeoma was focused on the road, as she drove to the nearest hospital.

Halima was unconscious when they got to the hospital and while they both waited outside for the doctor to treat her and come back with a good news, they talked.

“She’s never going into that man’s house again.” Ifeoma concluded.

“I told you girls that she should leave this man but whatever I say looks like I’m being jealous of your married lives! Marriage is not a do or die affair! When will you women learn this? Gosh! I can’t believe this! That idiot had the right to beat her up, have her wounded and then run away? Wow!” Bola ranted in exasperation as she walked to and fro.

The female doctor who went to attend to her came out at that moment, Bola and Ifeoma ran to her.

“How is she?” Ifeoma questioned.

“Who are you to her? Is she here with her husband?” The doctor asked.

“Was it her husband who brought her here?! What kind of useless question is that!” Bola snapped.

“Call down, Babe. Doc, she’s divorced. We are the guardians available. What’s her state?” Ifeoma replied calmly.

“Okay. I’m sorry to say this but it’s a case of DOA.”

“Doctor, speak in our language and not in tongues, please” Ifeoma pleaded.

“She was Dead On Arrival. She had given up before you reached here” The doctor said and left.

Ifeoma screamed.


Ifeoma’s Heart didn’t stop beating rapidly. She watched as Halima’s mother collapsed onto the floor, crying and shouting. She scoffed at the sight.

She was enraged.

“You should have done this when she was forced to marry that man” She suddenly let out.

“This is not the time to blame anyone! Do you think our own child’s death can be more painful for you than it is for us?” Halima’s dad said in his strict voice.

But Ifeoma was having non of it.

“She’s my childhood friend. You forced her to marry that man because he’s rich and a Muslim! You should have done all this when your daughter came home the first time, second time, third time, saying her husband raised her hand on her but what did you do? You sent her back, saying her husband will always be her husband” Ifeoma continued in her calm self.

She was hurting, she was angry, she was in a state of shock. These were things she expected Bola to say as the spokeswoman of their clique but Bola was in utmost tears and not saying a word. The ones who appear strong and uncaring hurts and care the most.

Ifeoma still found it hard to believe that she was really dead. Halima was such a happy girl. She was such a good, reserved and homely girl. She finished the Quran while in Secondary school. She prayed five times a day like a Muslim should. She was perfect.

The troubles started when she fell in love in the second year of university, with Richard. They were such a beautiful couple, they did everything together and was the evidence that love existed. Not until her father found out about it, her father been an alhaji was never going to give her daughter out to a Christian, an Igbo one at that. Hell went loose as he was adamant, even when Richard chose to convert to Islam for the sake of the love of his life, it wasn’t enough for Halima’s father.

He cursed their relationship and rained hell on them until Halima decided to give it up and get married to the man of her father’s dreams, Mohammed, despite knowing that she was never going to be happy in the relationship.

Ifeoma remained non-teary as she continued to reminisce the past. The first time they went clubbing, the first time they had alcohol, the way they laughed at their first crushes and how they got over their first love as teenagers.

She remembered the last time she spent with her girlfriend, her last words echoed, ‘ I thought my own home was full of drama, but Oma, yours is a soap opera. I’ll call you later.’ She called later like she said but Ifeoma didn’t pick up her call due to the issues with her own husband.

‘She was pregnant.

She wanted to run away then and I told her to stay for a while to see if he changes.’ Ifeoma thought.

She stood up and walked out of the hospital like a zombie, got into her car and zoomed off.

It was already 12am in the midnight when she got home.

“Where the hell have you been?!” Fikayo snapped at her.

She stared at her husband for minutes before she finally surrendered to her heart and burst into uncontrollable tears.

“Ha…. Hali….She’s dead” She choked out.

A month had passed since Halima’s burial, Mohammed was still yet to be found and Ifeoma was still sulking about her best friend’s death.

The morning she got home after that dreadful incident had been the most agonizing one of her life, her husband had held her in his arms for hours while she cried her heart out.

Ifeoma was on her way to the hospital for her monthly check up when she came across Fali.

“Ifeoma! How Una Dey!” The chubby woman greeted cheerfully.[How are you?]

“I’m fine, dear. How is your husband?” Ifeoma responded with the same energy.

” He Dey o! I just Dey come from market, I go buy baby stuffs” Fali said.[He’s fine. I just returned from the market, I went to get baby stuffs]

Ifeoma almost rolled her eyes.

Was she trying to make her envious of the baby bump she was getting?

Ifeoma had also shopped for baby items several times as she was also pregnant multiple times. But the baby stuffs ended up been dusty in the baby room they had reserved for a baby they give birth to.

“That’s nice. I’m so happy for you, but I think you need to take a chill pill. Shopping for baby stuff in early stage is bad luck. Just saying” Ifeoma said with envy.

” Bad luck? He no Dey for our family o. But Ifeoma, come o, mama tell me say you don get like six miscarriages. And you no Dey do anything about it? Na spiritual thing you dey use play like this? Na until they chop all your pikin finish you go know say he Dey serious?” Fali said.[Bad luck? It doesn’t run in our family o. But Ifeoma, mama told me that you’ve had six miscarriages and you’re doing nothing about it? Why are you taking such spiritual issue with levity? Is it until they kill all your unborn children before you know that it’s something serious?]

Ifeoma was enraged. Mama had gone around telling her private matters to strangers? Especially to one whose mouth doesn’t stay in one place, Fali of all people.

“It’s not six, it’s four. And I don’t think these are issues you should be talking to me about, it’s my business not yours, please.” Ifeoma replied harshly but Fali was adamant.

” Na because I like you I Dey concern na! Imagine say na both of us carry belle like this and we don born am together, he no go sweet?”[I’m concerned because I like you. Imagine that the both of us are pregnant and we give birth at the same time, won’t that be sweet?]

Ifeoma stared at her in confusion. Why would giving birth together be sweet? Were they friends?

“Fali, May I please, just leave? I have an appointment” She said dismissively as she proceeded to leave but Fali stopped her yet again.

What kind of mad people did we get as neighbours like this ? Ifeoma thought.

” Which appointment con worth Wetin I wan tell you? See, I get one pastor wey be say Wetin he talk na him go happen. If he talk say make night no come, I swear, he no go come. Hin name na Pastor Solo. Just give me the chance to take you there, I swear, if you no born, make I die! ” Fali rushed on.[No appointment is worth this information I’m about to give you. See, I have this pastor that whatever he says comes to pass. If he says Night shouldn’t come, I swear, it won’t! His name is Pastor Solo, just give me a chance to take you there, if you don’t give birth, I should die.]

Ifeoma was suddenly calm. Fali is a crazy busybody and all but what if she actually had solutions to her problem? What if she was actually the angel God sent to bring her connections that would help her? What if? But on the other hand, what if she was just going to take her to a fraudulent man who knows absolutely nothing.

Ifeoma knew that she wouldn’t find her answers with the what if’s , so she decided to follow her, it was a pastor after all and not an herbalist.

Her need for a child overcame the irritation she had for Fali.


“Let us pray” The young fair man who was dressed in a long white gown said as Fali and Ifeoma went on their knees.

The man seemed too young to actually be so vast and good like Fali had painted, but then who says only old or middle aged men are good pastors.

After a long chain of prayers, and been in the spirit, pastor solo asked them to take their seats.

” Ehm… Sister, what’s that name of yours again?” He asked.

“Ifeoma… sir” She added reluctantly since she thought the guy was too young to be addressed like that but he was spiritually older than her so maybe he deserved it.

“Sister Ifeoma, I’ve consulted the angels concerning your matter and they told me that all this happening is because you have a spiritual husband and that husband which is in the spirit realm would never allow you to give birth to another man’s child, so he kills them, with joy”

Ifeoma was perplexed, she had never heard of that nor even thought of it. She was beginning to trust in the man of God.

“So how can we stop the… spiritual husband sir?” Ifeoma enquired hoping that she would leave that church as a woman who would give birth soon.

“You have to look for a man whose spirituality is higher than that of the spiritual husband, you have sex with him and when you get pregnant for him, he would never be able to kill the child because he carries the spirit stronger than his” The pastor said.

Ifeoma was confused, what gibberish was the man saying? Adultery?

“Why can’t we just make my husband’s spirit strong?” Ifeoma asked.

“We don’t make spirits strong, spirits would be strong right from birth”

Ifeoma was dumbfounded and even more confused. She already knew where this was going but she wanted to listen till the end.

“Where would I now get a man who has strong spirit?” Ifeoma eyed the pastor vigorously.

“Men who speaks to angels like they are friends, men who go to the spiritual realm. They are very hard to find, I am one of these rare species”

Ifeoma stood up instantly.

” Ehnehn ! I know! I should have known when you started talking incoherently. You want to sleep with me! Eh, wonder shall never end. What women go through just to get baby is alarming o! So you think you can dupe me of my body because I want to give birth? Spiritual husband? Fali, is this the man who says anything and it comes to pass? Chai, abi that’s how you got pregnant too?”

” Ifeoma, no be so na! Na so plenty women be o, no be new thing. If man think say make them do DNA, fifty percent of them go see say no be them get pikin” Fali said in a bid to make Ifeoma see it as something usual.[Calm down, Ifeoma. Women do this all the time o, it’s nothing new. If men should think of doing DNA tests for their kids, fifty percent of them will find out that the kids they’ve been fathering aren’t theirs]

“Not me! Definitely not me! What kind of insult is this? Me and this one? Ah, God! It’s not your fault o, it’s because I allowed my need for a baby to cloud my reasoning, if not, am I even supposed to follow you to a place like this?” Ifeoma exclaimed as she felt tears well at the corners of her eyes.

She stormed out of the church, got into her car and drove off.

She couldn’t imagine that such an insult happened to her. The fact that she wanted to give birth doesn’t mean she was willing to do the next irritating thing for it.

She thought about what Fali said about fifty percent of men fathering children that aren’t theirs and she shook her head.

On another note, she didn’t blame them. Most of these men have the notion that the woman is always the problem when it comes to childlessness meanwhile most times, they actually are the problem, and when the women get to know this, they do it with another man and bring it to them.

As she drove into the hospital compound for her check up, she thought: What if Pastor Solo was Right?

Mrs Ogbonna, Ifeoma’s mother stepped into her daughter’s home with items in her hands.

As soon as Ifeoma sighted her mom, she ran to hug her tight. She had missed her and she hardly visited.

“Ifeoma, you’re getting so lean o , aren’t you eating well?” Mrs Ogbonna questioned her with worries all over her face immediately she took her seat.

“I’m fine mom, maybe it’s because I fast too much” Ifeoma replied.

“Don’t kill yourself o, I know that I said you should be praying and fasting, but don’t overdo it, bikonu . God will answer our prayers, take it easy. What of your husband?” She asked looking around the house.

“He’s not around, mom.”

“Ahnahn, even on Sundays? Where does he go to every time? You people should always use Sundays as family time after you get back from church” Mrs Ogbonna advised.

“That’s what we used to do when we just got married but now, it’s not. It’s either mama is around or he says he’s going for guy’s hangout. He didn’t even go to church with me today.” Ifeoma complained.

“I will call him and scold him, he should not use God to play. Guy’s hangout can’t be more important than church. Speaking of your mother in law, how is she now?”

“She must be somewhere in the room or kitchen”

“Wait, What? She’s still living with you for all these months? I thought you said her house has been renovated, why is she still here?”

“Why can’t I be here? Ehn! In my son’s house?” Mama cut in as she stepped out of her room.

“My In Law, Good afternoon Nna. How are you?” Mrs Ogbonna greeted warmly with smiles on her face.

” Abeg, carry your hypocrisy away.” Mama snapped.

Ifeoma never played with her mother, she always lambaste whoever talks anyhow to her or about her but right now, she decided that she wouldn’t. Her mom had always thought she exaggerated whenever she talked about what mama does to her. She should see it herself.

” Ahnahn , my in-law. I apologize, I was just shocked that you are still leaving here. It’s your son’s house of course, you can stay till whenever…” Ifeoma glared at her mother.

“…but you know that these children need privacy and all. They are still a young couple” Mrs Ogbonna completed while Ifeoma nodded in affirmation.

“I’m not disrupting their privacy, until my son says I should go, I’ll be here. He’s the only one who can tell me to leave his house and I know that he dare not, I didn’t give birth to a useless child” Mama replied adamantly.

“Mom, don’t engage her” Ifeoma whispered to her mother as they both decided not to reply her anymore.

Mama took her seat.

“So, Ifeoma, I went to see our pastor and he prayed on this water, make sure its the one you drink for at least three days. After taking a cup each time, pray. God will answer our prayers, my daughter.” Mrs Ogbonna instructed as she brought out a five liters keg of pure water.

“Keep deceiving her” Mama snickered at them.

“What did you say, my in-law?” Mrs Ogbonna asked politely.

“I said, keep deceiving her! Instead of you to just untie her womb, you’re deceiving her” Mama threw.

Mrs Ogbonna stood up instantly.

“I beg your pardon? I will not accept such foul talks from you towards me at all. All these respect I’m trying to give you is because respect should be accorded to in-laws but if you weren’t taught that respect is reciprocal, I’ll tell you now”

Ifeoma was elated. Her mom was never a gentle woman, she had a gentle pretty face and acts gentle but when pushed to the wall, she unleashes her madness, that madness was what was about to happen and Ifeoma was happy about it.

‘Go, mum!’ She hyped mentally.

“Do you want to beat me in my son’s house?” Mama replied as she also stood up.

“Enough with the son’s house thing, this is my daughter’s house too and I have the same amount of right that you do but do you see me acting stupid about it, no! I’ve heard about what you put my daughter through but I used to think that she was exaggerating it but now, I know that she wasn’t. What is your problem with my daughter? Na marry she marry your son, no be kill she kill am! Why do you want to kill her for me?”

“I will not stand here and let you insult me in my son’s house. Ifeoma, so you went to bring your mother to beat me up?” Mama shouted.

“Leave Ifeoma alone and face me! I’m a mother like you! How would you feel if you had a daughter and she gets terrorized in her husband’s house everytime? Infact, put yourself in her shoes, what has she ever done to you? Her only crime was marrying your son! Ifeoma, remember how we warned and told you about this boy, ehn! He was lower than you in all ways, lower! Beneath! But we thought, we should give love a chance and see the mother here acting like she gave birth to gold.”

“My son is gold, if not, your daughter won’t be here digging it!” Mama retorted.

Mrs Ogbonna laughed.

“Which gold is she digging? Ifeoma, does this woman know that the job her son has right now is even due to our connections? Does she know that if not because love is blind and stupid, you’re not even supposed to marry him at all? I hate to brag but your son never measured up, you want to hear story and that’s it”

Ifeoma remained seated as she watched the drama between the two mothers. Her mother had the upper hand and she was enjoying it. Mama needed to know that her son wasn’t all that and that she actually had a lot to do with his growth.

“Sorry o, money ritual people! Is that why you are feeling like God? He’s bigger now and I’m sure you thought he’ll always be lower! God is bigger than all of you! Leave my son’s house and you can even carry the empty basket you dropped in his life along!” Mama shouted yet again.

Mama was proof that empty barrel makes the loudest noise, Mrs Ogbonna was tackling her with facts and she was doing it with ease and no shouting while Mama was spewing lies and shouting while at it.

” Calling my daughter an empty basket? If I wanted to act like God, then do you know what I’d do? I’ll lock you up! Yes! And no one, not even your son can get you out…”

‘ Mum, please, lock her up and chain her mouth small sef ‘ Ifeoma thought.

“… but I won’t stoop to your level. Ifeoma, I’m leaving” Mrs Ogbonna concluded as she picked up her bag from the couch.

“Leave! Witch! Don’t forget to untie her womb from the tree you hanged it on!” Mama shouted.

“Mama, that’s enough! Stop disgracing yourself the more! Don’t talk to my mother like that!…” Ifeoma wanted to say more but her mom tapped her, telling her to not worry about it so she stopped reluctantly.

Mama was still shouting and saying insultive words as Mrs Ogbonna got into her car.

“Ifeoma, I feel your pain with that mad woman that Fikayo calls a mother. But be patient and good, okay? Don’t talk back at her and don’t insult her, God is with you, my daughter. I’ll call Fikayo to come and see me in the shop too, he needs to be lectured and you should always pray that he grows up too, he’s a grown baby. Don’t forget that water and the instructions, okay? Come and visit us at home sometime soon” Ifeoma’s mom said as she touched her daughter’s face, Ifeoma nodded to everything she said.

She zoomed out of the compound afterwards.

Ifeoma walked into her house, already feeling stressed.

” Wait till my son comes back to hear that your mother beat me in his house and you even joined her, useless woman!” Mama said.

Ifeoma simply ignored her, carried the keg of water and other items her mum brought and then went into her room, she already had enough madness for one day.

Ifeoma and Fikayo walked into the fancy restaurant, Ifeoma had finally succeeded in getting her husband to have a date night even though she had to beg so much for it.

They asked for their reservation as they were directed to a seat next to a beautiful view of the world outside the restaurant.

They placed their orders after going through the menus and while they waited to be served, Ifeoma decided to talk dirty.

“Wanna guess what I have underneath this dress, baby? She cooed.

“Undies, obviously” Fikayo replied in a nonchalant way that Ifeoma didn’t expect.

He loved when she talked dirty.

She decided to try again. “I’m not in panties, boo. Remember the first time we visited this place, how we did it in the restroom? How about we do it again?” Ifeoma said seductively while Fikayo rolled his eyes.

“We are not getting any younger, having sex in restrooms is childish” Fikayo snapped.

Ifeoma was enraged. “In case you haven’t notice, I’m only trying to keep this relationship together by trying to get us to do what we used to do. Heck, you are not even attempting to start a conversation and how is having a quick sex with my husband childish? You were the one who used to beg me for it! This is not you, Fikayo! What is wrong with you? I don’t know if this is a twin that is replacing you or something! I’m tired of been the only one putting in some efforts! I’m tired!” She snapped trying not to make a scene.

“You do know that your voice is getting louder right? You want all these rich people to be looking at us like we’re ghetto?” Fikayo questioned.

“There’s nothing wrong with being ghetto! Answer…” Ifeoma was interrupted by the waitress who brought their orders.

As soon as she left, Ifeoma continued but Fikayo wasn’t listening to his wife anymore. He was now uneasy as he sighted Sewa and two of her friends in the same restaurant with them.

That wasn’t the bad part, the bad part was that she saw them and was heading towards their table. Fikayo suddenly wished that the ground would open up and swallow him.

“Hey!” Sewa greeted as soon as she got to them.

“Hi?” Ifeoma responded not knowing who it was that was greeting them.

“Don’t tell me that you don’t remember me, If.” Sewa said laughing.

And just like that, Ifeoma knew who she was. There was only one person in the world who called her that. Sewa.

They used to be in the same department and she was always teasing and saying bad things about Ifeoma. She didn’t know that it was all because she wanted her boyfriend, and well, she did get him.

The memories that came to Ifeoma at that moment made her shudder, she never wanted to be reminded that her so called boyfriend cheated on her with the same lady that he used to rubbish. She was so pissed.

“How are you, dear? You’re skinnier than I remember! Is marriage going well?” Sewa said in a sickly sweet voice that Ifeoma never liked.

She always acted like she liked her and then said sh*t behind her back.

“I’m fine, you changed your skin colour too? Last time I saw you, it was dark” Ifeoma shaded intentionally.

The tension between them was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

Sewa smiled at her as she suddenly acted like she was seeing Fikayo for the first time. “It’s called glowing. And Fikkie, how are you, long time no see” She greeted while Ifeoma cringed at the nickname she called her husband, she was getting annoyed at the lady and was even more annoyed that Fikayo was just mute.

Fikayo in the other hand was just trying to keep his calm even though he was already sweating profusely, scared that Sewa would make a slip up about his affair with her. The lady was unpredictable.

“Long time, S…Sewa.” He stuttered.

Ifeoma glared at him.

“It’s been how many years since we saw eachother now, or is it days?” Sewa teased dropping a hint that only Fikayo caught.

“Years, Sewa, years. Uhm…don’t you have a husband or something to go to, or did you come alone?” Ifeoma said trying to get her to leave them alone.

“Oh no! I’m not married, although I’m in a serious relationship that would lead to marriage soon” She said as she threw Fikayo a look.

“That’s very nice” Ifeoma replied.

‘At least, you’ll stop holding and seducing people’s men’ Ifeoma added mentally.

“So I’ll leave you guys to your date night! Have fun” Sewa said as she cat-walked over to her own table, swaying her hips in an exaggerated manner.

‘Date night? How did she know that it was a date night?’ Ifeoma thought but then decided that she probably guessed it.

Fikayo let out the breath he didn’t even know that he was holding.

“Gosh! I hate that girl!” Ifeoma let out.

“Me too, dear. Me too! She’s so extra!” Fikayo added.

“Why did you turn mute when she was here then?” Ifeoma asked giving her husband a suspicious look.

“I don’t want her to stay for long, she stinks” Fikayo said as he laughed.

Ifeoma laughed too. “She doesn’t stink though, infact her fragrance is sweet. And I wonder why she bleached, I used to envy her dark skin, it was so shiny.”

“She wants to be fair like you and now she ended up looking multicolored. Even her ass is fake” Fikayo badmouthed more drinking a little of the French wine in his cup.

“She’s still beautiful and whether fake or not, it’s her body and she can do whatever she likes with it. You know how I feel about body shaming, Fikayo” Ifeoma said as she took a spoon of the Chinese rice.

“Sorry, I’m just saying the truth. She’s hideous and one of her butt is bigger than the other”

Ifeoma glared at him.

“Alright, alright! I’ll stop it” Fikayo said holding his two hands up.

They spent the next five minutes eating before Fikayo’s phone chimed, indicating that he had a message. He opened his phone to see a message from a number he saved as ‘Zenith Customer Care’

“Baby, meet me in the men’s restroom in a minute”

He looked at her table and she winked, he quickly averted his gaze. Sewa left for the rest room.

“Gosh, I’m having a running stomach, see why I didn’t want to eat beans this morning?” Fikayo told his wife as he held his tummy.

“Sorry, dear. Quickly visit the restroom” Ifeoma said as Fikayo stood up and left.

In the rest room, Sewa was waiting patiently for him, ignoring the looks she got from the men who kept going in and out. It was a men’s restroom after all but Sewa didn’t care.

“Babyyyyy…. I’ve missed you” She cooed as soon as she saw Fikayo.

“Sewa, what the hell are you doing? My wife is right in this restaurant!” Fikayo snapped.

“And so? I want you” Sewa said as she kissed and caressed him.

“Here? No way! I’ll come and see you tomorrow! I can’t do anything with you here” Fikayo whispered.

“Stop whispering, there’s no one here. Fikkieeee, I just want a little bit of that sugar, hon. You said you’ve had sex with Ifeoma here. Why not me too?” Sewa said as she pouted giving the puppy eyes.

“I can’t do that…” Fikayo couldn’t complete his sentence as Sewa grabbed him into one of the bathrooms in there, unzipped his trousers, went on her knees and began to play with his member.

Fikayo was already aroused.

“See? You want me to! Why are you denying yourself of the pleasure no one can give you except me not even If.” She said seductively as she took the whole of him into her mouth.

Fikayo gasped and just like that, he knew that he was going to fvck another woman even when his wife was only a few feet away.

“You look disheveled, that sh*t must have made you lose your mind” Ifeoma laughed as Fikayo took his seat.

“You have no idea, it was as if my whole intestine was going to come out. I don’t think I can eat anymore.”

“Sorry, dear. I’ll ask them to pack it up, we can’t waste such an expensive meal” Ifeoma said as she called on one the waiters.

Minutes later, Ifeoma walked out of the restaurant with her husband trailing behind her, he turned back to look at Sewa who just blew him a kiss.

He smiled.

Ifeoma decided to check up on Bola after she hasn’t heard from her since Halima’s death. She decided to give her a surprise visit and drove to her house. She stayed in a two bedroom apartment.

Bola rushed towards her friend as soon as she sighted her and they had the longest hugs of their lives.

Bola began to weep and soon enough, Ifeoma joined her and they were a crying mess as they both cried and hugged each other saying absolutely no words.

Halima’s death had left a void in their hearts that they knew would never be filled.

After what seemed like forever, they let go of themselves and went into Bola’s apartment holding each other. Bola served a cup of juice to her friend before she then took her seat right beside her.

Ifeoma looked around the house as she took notice of the renovations Bola had done since the time she last visited. The house was now painted white and everything was sparkling white including the chair in the living room which they were in, Bola was the cleanest freak amongst them, it was no surprise that her best colour is white and she made sure to make everything white.

“How’s Fikayo?” Bola Broke the comfortable silence.

“He’s fine, he should be home by now. What of Ade or what’s his name?”

“I’ve not been picking his calls for a while now.” Bola revealed.

Ifeoma was shocked. Bola not picking that man’s calls? She never for once thought that was ever possible. She was always treating the man like a gem and had been so in love with him that his marital status didn’t even matter to her. She didn’t even mind been a second wife as long as it was with him.

A knock was heard on the door and Bola unconsciously just said Come in, thinking it was one her neighbors but who she saw made her stand up with immediate effect.

Ifeoma didn’t understand what was happening nor who she was yet but she also stood up.

A woman who looked like she was in her late thirties was standing at the entrance and she was dressed in a conservative and expensive looking maternity gown. She was heavily pregnant and the scowl on her face was scary.

“Why are you shocked, Bola? Or what’s that useless name of yours? You whore! You know, I had it in mind to come in here with acid and destroy your face and body but then I thought why should I have my name in police records cos of a thing like you!” The woman shouted.

When Ifeoma noticed that Bola was saying absolutely nothing which was unlike her, she decided to speak politely. “Ma’am, What is wrong? Can we sit down and talk like civilized and educated people?”

The slap that landed on Ifeoma’s face made her tumble. Her fair face was instantly red from the impact.

Who was this woman?

Ifeoma was about to return the favour when she stopped at the next words she said.

“Birds of the same feathers flock together! Are you not also an husband snatcher like her?! Home wreckers!”

“Nope! Absolutely not! I’m a married woman, I’m not an husband snatcher. You may proceed” Ifeoma simply corrected her and took her seat planning to watch the drama unfold.

She couldn’t blame the woman. It was high time, she had been gentle enough and she was putting herself in her shoes although she wouldn’t have put up that much scene if it were her but then we have different ways of dealing with pain.

“See, Bola! I’ve only come here to warn you to stay away from my husband! Aren’t you a woman? Can’t you put yourself in my shoes? He’s always with you and never spending time with me anymore! As if that’s not enough, I hear you want to become his second wife and he proposed? Before you become that wife, you’d die! Yes! You heard me, die! The next time I come won’t be a warning anymore, it’ll be with acid and that man that you think loves you will still be the one to bribe the police and no one would get you justice! Dare me, Bola! Dare me!” With that last warning, she sauntered out of the apartment.

Bola finally took her seat and the next thing that happened wasn’t one that Ifeoma envisioned. Bola burst into tears.

Ifeoma didn’t want to pet nor tell her it was okay because it was absolutely not okay and she deserved that harassment.

“This is not the time for tears, Bola. You know how many times we’ve warned you about this man, but you never listen! When won’t you listen now when it has reached acid matter? See, Bola, I’m a married woman too and although I might not go this extra if it was me that it happened to, I’d be very hurt too, very! It’s just that I believe in facing and blaming my husband rather than the mistress, it still doesn’t mean that I won’t be angry at that other woman. It’s not fair, how would you feel when you get married and one woman gets all your husband’s attention and even plans on marrying him? How? You have to let go of that man, Bola. Even if you won’t do it for your own sanity and for womanhood, do it for Halima, please.”

“I swear, I love that man. I really do” Bola said still crying.

“I know that you do. You make him a priority but you’re just an option to him Bola and you know it! If he was asked to pick between you and his wife, he would never pick you, never! You’d be thrown under the bus in an instant. Please, let go of him and pave way for a good single man to enter your life. You’re beautiful, sassy, curvy and caring. Any man would be happy to have you, stop giving yourself to men who don’t deserve you, babe, you deserve better! You can do better!” Ifeoma continued to speak more sense into her friend.

“Okay. I will for you and for Halima” Bola finally surrendered. Ifeoma sighed.

“And for womanhood too. That’s my girl! So take that phone and add his number to black list, then block him everywhere.”

Bola took her phone and did just that.

“Good girl, I’m proud of you”

“Thank you, Oma.” Bola replied as they hugged each other again.

Ifeoma had been noticing the way her husband never took certain calls in her presence and how he even changed the password to his Iphone. Her fingerprint couldn’t open his phone anymore unlike before and no matter how much she tried to keep trusting him and not be suspicious, she was a woman and she couldn’t help it anymore. It was getting too glaring.

She watched as he continued to type on his phone and she tried to strain her eyes yet she couldn’t see anything. It was half past eight in the night and even while the TV in their room was on, they were both on their phones, although Ifeoma was just pretending to be busy on her own phone while trying to get a look at who her husband was texting.

“That reminds me. Baby, why did you change your password?” Ifeoma finally decided to ask.

“Nothing, I got tired of the former one” Fikayo simply replied.

“Even if, why can’t my fingerprint open it anymore too?” She questioned further.

“You hardly checked my phone or anything so I just thought having your fingerprint has no use”

That was true, Ifeoma trusted her husband so much that she was not the kind of wife who went through her husband’s messages, pictures, contacts and all that but then Fikayo wasn’t acting suspicious. Now that he was, she had the great urge to get hold of that phone.

“Who are you always texting though?” Ifeoma let out the question that had been in my mind.

“It’s just the guys, see? It’s a group chat” Fikayo replied as he showed his wife the chats.

“Can I read it?” Ifeoma blurted out.

Fikayo started at her like she grew horns. “Why would you want to read the chats between my guys and I? Have I ever read the chats and gossips you have with your girls? It’s a private chat and it’s not for women. Wait, when did you start getting so nosy, babe?”

“Ever since…” Ifeoma was interrupted by the ring on Fikayo’s phone.

“Be right back” He said.

Ifeoma watched as her husband climbed off the bed and walked to the balcony just to pick a call. She was getting more scared, as much as she was getting suspicious and all, she didn’t want whatever she was thinking to be true.

Ifeoma sat patiently waiting for her husband to return. She had decided to trash this out that night. Fikayo returned after ten minutes.

“Since when do you have to leave my presence to pick a call for almost ten minutes, Fikayo?” Ifeoma questioned.

“Ifeoma, you’re getting too paranoid, come on babe. It’s just the bank, they called to ask me about the amounts of money that I keep withdrawing, that’s all”

“Is that our joint account?”


“You are withdrawing from it, without telling me? Why is it a joint account then? And what the heck are you withdrawing money for?” Ifeoma snapped.

“Calm down, babe. It’s just a little amount” Fikayo tried to cajole his wife but she wasn’t having it.

It was getting too glaring to ignore.

“Don’t tell me that, Fikayo! Don’t even tell me that! We were saving that money for our wedding anniversary so that we can go to Dubai for vacation and then you go ahead to keep getting out of it?” Ifeoma found herself raising her voice and she continued. “Fikayo, I absolutely don’t understand you anymore! At all! You change your phone password, go out every time to God knows where, leave my presence to pick certain calls, keep acting shady and now taking out of the joint account?”

“Why are making these simple issues look like such a big deal? I’ll return the money.”

“It’s a big deal! A very big deal! Everything that is happening is pointing to one glaring fact!” Ifeoma snapped.

“What fact, babe?” Fikayo said still remaining as calm as ever.

“You’re having an extramarital affair, Fikayo! That’s the only reasonable explanation!” Ifeoma concluded.

Mama opened the door and walked into their bedroom at that moment. Ifeoma was even more annoyed.

“Even if he is, is he not a man? Is that why you’re shouting like someone died? Children of nowadays!” Mama said in support of her son.

“Imagine! Was she eavesdropping before? Wonders shall never end! Mama, please, get out of my room! This is not your business!” Ifeoma snapped not caring that she was been rude. In-fact, if mama got on her nerves the more that night, she was going to blast her like totally blast her.

“Fikayo, look at the rude way in which your wife spoke to me!” Mama said as if Fikayo was deaf.

“Fikayo, tell this woman to get out of this room! Else, she’ll see the other side of me! And you know that my other side don’t know elderly woman or mother in-law o! You know I can be crazy when I choose to be! Tell her to leave our room this instant!” Ifeoma warned.

Fikayo knew his wife too and even though she was gentle and only talked when pushed to the wall, whenever she did flare up or talk, it was a disaster. She doesn’t get angry easily but when she finally does, she did things without caring about the consequences, Fikayo could see that she was already at that stage.

“Mama, please leave us alone. It’s a private matter that doesn’t concern you” Fikayo told his mother who was adamant.

“I should leave and she should kill you for me? This one that her eyes is flaming like fire?”

“Eh eh! Someone is trying me today!” Ifeoma started to tap her right foot on the ground multiple times.

Fikayo decided to give her mom a little push till she got outside the door and then he locked it even though mama was relentless and kept talking outside the room.

“My son, don’t let her kill you for me o! Stand your ground! It has been like that froom generation to generation, you’re not the first man who would do it! In fact, it makes you a complete man! Don’t let her turn you to fool, you’re the man of the house!….”

“I can’t talk with your mother saying all that! Meet me in the balcony!” Ifeoma said as she stormed to the balcony and Fikayo followed.

There was silence for over ten minutes and by then, Fikayo had perfected his lies and tactics.

“Babe! I swear, I’m not cheating on you! If you want me to swear with a bible, I would, just so you see it.” Fikayo lied.

Ifeoma’s anger was subsiding but she didn’t buy it yet.

“If you want me to believe what you just said, then explain what exactly you used the money you withdrew to do and explain why you keep leaving my presence to pick certain calls too and why you haven’t really given me much attention for weeks now! Don’t forget to also explain why we haven’t had sex for the past one month! Tell me, I’m listening!”

“This was meant to be a surprise but since it had been putting doubts and suspicions about me in you, I think I’ll have to let it out.”

“Please do! I don’t want surprise!” Ifeoma stood her ground.

“Okay. Ehm…. you know that your birthday is in two weeks?…” Fikayo started while Ifeoma nodded.

“…well, I have been busy trying to give you the best surprise weekend vacation. I thought that you’ve gone through a lot these few months with your friends death, the miscarriage, and all that. And the fact that you work too much also. I wanted to gift you a surprise car too but now, you’ve ruined all my surprise plans. I was only communicating with all the people involved in it, the car dealer, the caterer, the plane tickets and all that and my own money finished so I had to dig into the joint account hoping to pay it back and these are stuffs I have to say behind you if not that surprise would be ruined but I didn’t know that it was putting other ideas in you.”

Ifeoma suddenly felt guilty, all these while, she had been suspicious of him while he was only trying to put a smile on her face for her birthday.

“I’m so so sorry. I… I… totally didn’t even think…. God…. I feel like a bad person right now. Oh my God” Ifeoma started to sob.

“I’m hurt though. The fact that you started thinking that I’m having extramarital affairs is unfair, really. I thought we built this home based on trust and I thought I told you to always trust me. What is the essence of marriage when trust is broken, Oma? I totally didn’t expect this from you at all.” Fikayo succeeded in guilt tripping his wife the more.

Ifeoma quickly hugged her husband feeling very apologetic. “I’m so sorry. I’m really so sorry. That was so foolish of me. I promise not to doubt you ever again, please, I’m sorry.” Ifeoma apologized.

“It’s alright, I love you babe”

“I love you too” Ifeoma replied and kissed her husband and that was what led to them making love for the first time that month.

Fikayo rushed into the lounge in which his friends were already seated.

“Who is chasing you?” Kunle questioned when he saw how unsettled he was.

“If it’s hired assassin that is chasing you, please, direct them somewhere else abeg!” Ade added.

“Nobody is chasing me! Guys, I’m in trouble…” Fikayo said as he took his seat.

“Who wants to play pool?” Biola cut in.

Fikayo glared at him.

“What!” Biola snapped.

“I said I’m in trouble and you’re worried about pool? What kind of a friend does that?” Fikayo questioned.

“Don’t mind him, what’s wrong?” Kunle asked as they all focused on him.

“I’m in soup. Ifeoma started to suspect that I was cheating due to the money I took out of the joint account to give to Sewa for her upkeep, in-fact, she was very sure of it if not for the lies I thought off at the last minute” Fikayo explained.

“How could you let her suspect now? Okay, did she believe the lies?” Biola asked.

“She did. And this is where the trouble comes in, I told her that I was planning a surprise vacation for her and I wanted to get her a new car as a gift for her birthday which is next two weeks!” He blurted out.

“Ehn… hope you’ve already paid for the car and vacation trip?” Ade asked.

Kunle slapped his bald head. “Are you daft? Does he look like he was planning anything?” He added afterwards.

“Thank you, Kunle. Sometimes, I feel like Ade has no sense.” Fikayo said.

Biola stared at him at first before he then spoke, “Fikayo, you fvcked up big time! Out of all lies, you had to rope yourself into money spending lie? Do you have the money to get her a new car, because you have entered it o and you have to get that car for her!”

“I was thinking that maybe you guys could borrow me two million naira to sort myself and I’ll return it by the end of the year”

“Ah! Two million in this economy? Bro, you know how this Nigerian recession is affecting everybody now. As you are looking at me, I can’t give you five hundred thousand naira not to talk of a million except I want to be drinking garri with my family for the next three months.” Kunle quickly opted out.

“The only amount I can manage to borrow you is six hundred thousand naira, bro and that one sef, I would be squeezing it out just for you.” Biola added.

“I don’t know why y’all acting like this is such a big deal! Fikayo, would you like to hear what I have for you? And this one wouldn’t even cost you up to one hundred thousand naira” Ade said as Fikayo sat upright immediately.

“One hundred thousand naira? I’m in! Shoot, bro!” Fikayo replied enthusiastically.

“You have to be ready to take a beating sha. We’ll beat you so much that it’ll be very evident on your face, very…” Ade started.

“Who and who will beat him?” Kunle questioned.

“Us now!”

“For what reason?” Kunle questioned further.

“Won’t you let me land first?”

“Sorry, carry on” Kunle apologized.

“Thank you! So we’d beat you up to the extent that it’d look very real. And then we’ll carry you to the hospital, I have a friend that owns a hospital, all we have to do is tip him to call your wife and then exaggerate the whole package like saying you were beaten with a gun and rushed to the hospital and all that. And then when she comes, you’ll tell your wife that you were kidnapped by some armed robbers, they took the car you just got for her and made you transfer all your money, including the one you had planned to use for vacation trip and all that, and finish! That’s all, case closed!” Ade concluded and rested on the chair with his legs crossed. He had a proud look on his face as his friends stared at him in disbelief.

“How on earth would you think that would work?” Fikayo questioned with doubts.

“Why won’t it work? I have a lot of tactics I’ve used for women who I promised stuffs and don’t want to do them. And she’s your wife, she’ll obviously choose your safety over some dumb car and weekend trip” Ade said.

“But… I feel so guilty about pulling such stunt on her” Fikayo said with a sad face.

“You feel guilty! Sorry o! Get ready to look for a believable excuse as to why she won’t get a car as a birthday gift nor go on a weekend trip anymore then! Since you’re guilty” Ade told him.

“I think you should take Ade’s idea and make good use of it, it costs a penny other than having to borrow money to buy stuffs you didn’t plan for. Plus she’ll even see you as a hero afterwards, you got her the car but got kidnapped. You made an effort in her head” Kunle supported.

“This is why I never wanted to get involved in extramarital sh*t! See how it’s costing me more money than normal. It’s even giving me stress” Fikayo confessed.

“You’re the one who isn’t smart about it, bro! We’ve been doing it for years now and our wives had never suspected sh*t but you? You’ve been at it for just three months or so and you’ve been getting suspected already? You’re a pvssy, bro!” Biola said as he slapped Fikayo’s back.

“Whatever! Let’s play some pool, guys! I’ll have to leave early, I’m threading gently so as to make Oma settle and clear off whatever doubts she might still have” Fikayo announced as he stood up and took one of the pool cue.

“Get ready to loose, bro!” Biola said as he kicked one of the pools with his pool cue.

“Are you sure you’re well enough to go?” Ifeoma asked her husband with care.

After the supposed kidnapping and nabbing experience he faced in the hands of armed robbers a day to her birthday, Ifeoma had been overprotective of her husband even though it had been months already since it happened.

Their neighbours, Fali and Bori had just given birth to a baby boy and it was the naming ceremony. The Fuji music blasting from the speakers, the numerous chairs, the tents, the number of people troooping in and out and even the smell of Jollof rice in their compound was proof that the naming ceremony wasn’t going to be a small one.

“Oma baby, of course I’m fine. It’s been months already since that. I’m perfectly okay now.” Fikayo assured her while limping a bit for dramatic effect.

“Where is your cane? You need it to steady yourself.” Ifeoma said as she went to look for the royal-like staff her husband had been using for over four months now.

Ifeoma was dressed in a wine coloured skirt and blouse that fitted her perfectly and she let her twenty inches straight double drawn human hair to drop over her shoulders. Fikayo was in the same colour but a different type of material.

“Fikayo!” Mama shouted as she rushed into their room with an empty carton in her hands.

“Mama, What is it? I’ve told you to always reduce the volume of your voice. This estate doesn’t condone noise.” Fikayo scolded his mother.

“Indeed, yet, your neighbours are throwing a very noisy party right in this compound.”

“That’s different, it’s a party and they’ve asked for permission to throw it.” Fikayo explained.

“See, Whatever! I was calling you to see what I saw in the dustbin in the kitchen! See!” Mama said as he gave the carton to her son.

“Postinor 2?” Fikayo exclaimed.

“No matter how old school I might be, I’m educated and I know that it’s what is used to prevent pregnancy, isn’t it?” Mama asked.

“Yes, mama! Who could be using this in my home?”

“See question! It’s me na! Because I’ve not hit menopause so I’d want to be preventing pregnancy!” Mama replied him with sarcasm.

“How many women live in this house? Is it not that your wife? How can someone who is looking for a child be using pregnancy prevention pill? And when I say she’s a witch now, you’ll start shouting! Are these not the qualities? How can she be ruining all your efforts on her?” Mama accused.

Ifeoma came out of the bathroom at that moment.

“What’s happening here?” Ifeoma asked looking to and fro between her husband and her mother-in-Law.

“This happened!” Fikayo snapped as he threw the drug carton at her.

Ifeoma was confused. “Okay? What should I do to it?” She questioned still not understanding the situation.

“Pretender!!! See her cat eyes! She can pretend so much! Are you not the one using it? What’s with the pretense! Wicked woman, while my son is busy working and pouring it in, you’re busy turning it into water, ehn?” Mama shouted.

“Fikayo, What is your mother saying? Why would I be using this? For what? Does that even make sense?”

“It’s you that we would ask o! Where is the real drug, Oma! Where is it?” Fikayo snapped at his wife as he rushed towards the wardrobe and started going through her own space.

“What are you doing? I just arranged those clothes!” Ifeoma snapped.

“Do I look like I care? I want to see where you hid the whole drug!” Fikayo remained adamant as he kept taking out all the clothes and ruffling them. Finally, he found the drug, three pairs out of it had been used.

He was enraged.

“Oma, are you now adding lies to your list of flaws? It’s not yours yet there is the whole drug with six of it missing in the wardrobe? Oma?” Fikayo said accusingly as he dangled the drug.

“I said it! Imagine! And she’s dressed up to go to a naming ceremony in which her mate gave birth! Her mate that is married for just a year! I’ve never seen a woman as shameless as her, tueh!” Mama spat dramatically.

“I didn’t put that there, Fikayo! I didn’t put that there! I’m not using any drug, I’m trying to get pregnant not prevent it. This is something your mom could have done to start drama again! It’s definitely not me! Am I using a drug unconsciously or what are all these accusations for?!” Ifeoma stood her ground as she glared openly at her mother-in-Law.

“Can you hear this stupid woman? I did what? I came into your room to put drug in it? You think my life revolves around you? If you don’t have excuses, please, desist from using my own name. And she’s even more dressed than the owner of the party. Shameless thing! You that you’re supposed to stay indoors and try to commit suicide, when they ask why, you tell them that your womb can’t hold a child. Uncultured swine” Mama hurled at Ifeoma who was getting enraged.

She was tired of this woman and she was going to stand her ground. She wasn’t going to keep taking abuses over something she has no control over or something she didn’t do.

“Mama! I’ve been patient enough for you but this is the height of it, I will not take this from you, mama! You’re the witch here, no one else! It’s you and you alone! I’m tired of your antics! You planted that drug! Yes, you! And your cunning sh*t will not work! We are smarter than that! Try again!” Ifeoma shouted at mama rudely.

“Oma! Are you mad? That’s my mother you’re talking to!” Fikayo snapped at her.

“And so? Have you ever said Mama, are you okay? That’s my wife you’re talking to! Have you ever said that too? Respect is reciprocal, please. Your mom have utilized the last respect I have for her! If she says she’s mad, I’m madder! If she thinks she’s crazy, I’m crazier! Infact, she says I’m uncultured anyways, why don’t I show her how uncultured I can be!” Ifeoma was heaving heavily as she shouted. She already had it to the brink and she couldn’t take it anymore.

Fikayo was now confused and didn’t know who to support. His wife was angry and so was his mom, supporting either one was deadly at that moment so he just kept shut.

“Fikayo! I want this woman out of this house! She has done enough harm than good, her house is fine now. She should go to her house!” Ifeoma suddenly let out.

“What?! You can’t do that!” Fikayo exclaimed.

“Yes I can! It’s my house as it is yours! It’s either she leaves or I leave! Choose!” Ifeoma snapped.

Mama suddenly ran out of the house into the compound where people where already seated under the tents and waiting for the naming ceremony to start. Ifeoma and Fikayo followed her.

“Help! Help o! My son’s wife wants to send me packing out of my son’s house o! She wants to send me to the streets!” Mama shouted getting the attention and pity of the well wishers that had started to watch the scene.

“See your mother, Fikayo! See the drama queen you call a mother! Eh! Nobody have ever heard bad things about us in this neighborhood but now she has tainted our good reputation.”

Mama continued to shout and taint her daughter-in-law while the people there were now starting to give Ifeoma bad eyes and talk badly about her.

“All these girls of nowadays, they usually forget that if the mother didn’t suffer on her son, they wouldn’t be able to marry him.” A chubby woman dressed in a fancy Igbo attire said to a fellow woman beside her.

“Lady, leave this elderly woman alone now! Do you want to kill her?” Another shouted as if Ifeoma was busy flogging mama.

“You forget that you’ll be old one day too, How would you feel if you are treated like this by your son’s wife?” Another told her.

Before the accusations could continue since Mama had succeeded in making her look like the bad person and the crazy one, she went back into their own apartment.

Fikayo stood behind trying to console his mother who was still shouting and crying fake tears.

Ifeoma took off her beautiful attire, washed the makeup off her face, knelt beside the king sized bed and then burst into tears while she prayed.

The week in which mama had pulled the pity stunt had passed and after the whole issue died down, Fikayo had invited the pastor of their church to help talk to his mother and wife.

The pastor however focused on Ifeoma alone in such a way that angered her the more. He even told her to apologize to mama and although she did it reluctantly and just to create peace, she still felt wronged.

‘Mama was the troublemaker not me. She needed the scolding and preaching more not me. She was the one who ought to apologize not me.’ She had thought.

Ifeoma had however decided to take to the pastor’s advice and forget about what had happened even though mama was still acting like the devil that she was.

Ifeoma was presently at the wedding of one of her university friends who had deemed it fit that she had to attend. She was seated round one of the tables with other people when a familiar masculine voice got her attention.

“Ify? Is that you?” The voice asked.

Ifeoma looked up to see Adam, one of the guys who used to stalk Ifeoma and shower her with gifts in hope that she’d be his girlfriend. She could remember that Fikayo had to file a police case of stalking against him before he finally stopped trying to win her over.

Adam has always had short cute dreads and studs on both ears. His skin was neither fair nor dark, just somewhere in between but very smooth. He was now a part of the beards gang and it was neatly cut and cute. He had perky lips with the bottom lip pinker than the upper lip and his nose was like a cute little button that was just etched on his face. He was dressed in a cute white agbada and looked so fresh and cute. He was always like this though, but Ifeoma knew that he had definitely gotten finer and richer. There had always been this bad boy aura around him and it was still there.

“Can I sit?” He politely asked, even though he was already drawing out the empty chair beside Ifeoma.

“Even before I reply, you’re already planning to sit.” Ifeoma said humorously.

Adam laughed and sat down nevertheless. He found himself staring at the lady he had a huge crush on back in school days. He knew that he still longed to have something with her even now but the wedding ring he spotted on one of her left fingers pulled him back even though it wasn’t a big deal. He had numerous married women offering him money for sex, most especially the elites. Sugar mummies and internet fraud was what he did for a living even though he already owned legal businesses through it. Marriage didn’t mean those in it do not fuck other people but for Ifeoma, he knew that it’d be hard even if it were to happen. Someone who didn’t even cheat while dating.

“Ify, how have you been? You look the same. So beautiful and sparkling as usual. Marriage gat nothing on you, girl” Adam complimented.

“And you look dashing as well, monsieur” Ifeoma said… with humor yet again.

They both laughed.

“Let me guess, you married Fikayo?” Adam questioned.

“You guessed right. I think that was pretty obvious, right?” Ifeoma chuckled.

“Well, maybe. But I actually hoped that you’d end up with someone better, I’ve always thought that he’s… how do I put this? He’s just not fit for you, I felt like you deserved better.” Adam let out.

Ifeoma found herself sighing. ‘I made a big mistake, right?’ She thought to herself.

“I love him and he loves me. Nothing is greater than that.” She shrugged.

“It always isn’t about love alone. Love is a basis, fine. But it takes more than love for relationships to work. I’m not a counselor, psychologist or anything like that but I’m very sure that in one way or the other, you’re regretting saying yes to his proposal.”

“Well, maybe. Maybe not.” Ifeoma shrugged.

“I know how difficult it can be. I know that people shout at other people to do something they themselves might not be able to do if they were in that shoes, like get out of it, why is she there. What’s her problem. People say it can never be me even though it can literally be anybody. I know that it can be easier said than done and no one would know how they’d react unless they are actually in it.” Adam lectured.

Ifeoma looked at him, wondering how he became so observant, counseling and all or how maybe and maybe not led to the speech he just gave. She knew that she was definitely not going to open up to someone who was once her stalker and definitely had the criminal aura to him. But she was happy to meet someone who didn’t really judge her nor think she was been foolish or too stupid despite her not saying a thing to him.

“You’re now counsellor-ish, Adam. That’s so impressive.” Ifeoma tried to wave the subject.

“I know right? I know that I can’t have you ever again but one thing I can’t do is let you stay unhappy” Adam said.

“I’m not unhappy. You’re so hilarious, Adam, are you now into acting? Where’s all these coming from?” Ifeoma laughed it off.

“You can keep trying to change the subject but I’m still gon tell you this. Leave when you can’t take it anymore, you love him, fine. But love isn’t enough, it isn’t, get out of it. Any thing that stresses you or makes you unhappy no matter the form it takes is unhealthy and one shouldn’t bask in it. Here is my card, you can always call me when you need someone to talk to, okay?” Adam left his card in Ifeoma’s palm as he lingered his hands on her skin for a while before he left her alone.

“Well, well, well! If baby, was that Adam Badmus I saw with you right now?”

Ifeoma sighed as she saw Sewa yet again.

“We keep bumping into eachother and it’s so annoying, can’t you like pretend you didn’t see me?” Ifeoma told her.

“Why? What I caught you doing isn’t modest for a married woman, especially not a guy you had history with.” Sewa accused.

“Girl, I don’t give a fvck what you think you saw or what you conclude on in your stupid head. I have more important things to worry about than a b*tch, please!” Ifeoma snapped as she stood up and walked out of the hall.

“We’ll see about that.” Sewa said and then smiled mischievously.


“I’m pregnant.”

Fikayo found himself suddenly choking on his own spit. He was seated in her two bedroom apartment, and was now suddenly uncomfortable at the whole atmosphere that he found relaxing before.

“How can you be pregnant?”

“Is that even a question? Having sex leads to pregnancy not a house?” Sewa replied with sarcasm.

“But you said you can’t get pregnant that you’re on contraceptives or something. You stopped me from using condoms, it’s your fault not mine. How can you get pregnant, I’m married!” Fikayo finally snapped.

“Don’t shout at me please! Did I get myself pregnant? And didn’t you think about being married before doing it and enjoying yourself on me? Please, don’t tell me that sh*t! You know I’m not gentle like your wife o” Sewa raised her voice.

“Okay fine! How much?”

“How much is what?” Sewa replied, feigning naivety at the question asked.

“Abortion, Darn! Sewa, stop getting on my nerves, please!” Fikayo snapped again.

He wasn’t going to act like he was actually scared in front of her, he didn’t want anything to jeopardize his marriage. And he never thought that such a day would even come since Sewa had always said she was very strategic about the sex thing, why she suddenly decided to get pregnant was what he couldn’t fathom.

“I’m not aborting, Fikkie.” Sewa let out.

“Oh! Let me guess, you think I should take you to my house, tell my wife that you’re pregnant and then you automatically become the second wife or something?”


“You’re sick! You’re very sick, no doubt. You think I’d actually let a whore like you into my home? Have you forgotten that you’re into runs? Have you forgotten that you’re just a side chick and nothing more? You’re giving yourself so much importance than you actually are to me. If you say you can’t abort, no problem. I don’t care, but there’s no way I’d jeopardize my marriage for a thing like you” Fikayo exclaimed harshly.

“I won’t take name calling from you, Fikkie! You saw me as a runs babe before you approached me. You think I don’t want to have a happy home with a husband too? And this is my opportunity, a rich young man like you” Sewa said.

“Oh! You know next to nothing, you’re looking for where to finally rest your load and your overused body, right? Definitely not my own house, definitely not! I love my wife and I respect her and I won’t let you bring a pregnancy or what not into my house to ruin it!” Fikayo shouted, he was now getting very riled up.

Sewa laughed hysterically before replying him, “Wife this! Wife that! Did she tell you that she had a date with Adam last week Saturday? The wife you’re carrying like an egg? She’s probably cheating on you with the finer and richer guy and you are here clueless!”

“Oma would never do that, she’s very loyal and that, I’m sure of. I’m not daft, I know what you’re trying to do. You’ll abort that sh*t and that’s my final verdict!” Fikayo said as he stood up to leave but who he met at the entrance shocked him.


“I knew that it’d come to this so I already called your mom yesterday before talking to you about it and I sent an Uber to bring her here.” Sewa explained smiling.

“Sewa, Iyawo mi(my wife)! You’ll give birth safely in Jesus name. Fikayo, What did I hear you tell her to do, ehn? Abort your baby? A whole baby? Are you getting younger? Do you want to die without a child? The wife you have at home that is an empty basket? And you finally have another woman who is sure to give birth to an healthy child for you and you told her to abort it? Do you want me to die without seeing my grandchildren?” Mama scolded her son.

“Mama, it’s not like that. She’s a manipulative b*tch, if not, why would she tell you first? She’s only trying to ruin my family.” Fikayo reported like a child.

“I don’t care! She’ll give birth to that child and she’ll live with you as a wife. You know how I’ve always liked her better than that useless girl you married.”

“Mama, you can’t do that. Oma won’t take that and I personally won’t let it. It’s not right, she doesn’t deserve such”

“It’s either she shifts for Sewa to sit or she gets up and leave. I’ll like the latter better. She’s useless in that house and have no character anyways. You won’t be the first married man to impregnate another woman nor would you become the first one to have two wives. She’ll take it like that, she has no choice!” Mama concluded for her son.


“Don’t Mama me, please! That’s final. Sewa my dear, don’t worry, I’m solidly behind you. Nobody can intimidate you at all. This is the prayer I’ve always prayed for my son, I’m happy that he finally became a man and realized his worth.” Mama told Sewa who had quickly knelt down in front of her.

Fikayo watched their exchange, fear was very much etched in his heart. He knew that the war that would happen afterwards was definitely bigger than World War Two.

Ifeoma had been uncomfortable about the smiles that lingered around mama’s lips for a few days now. It was like she had something up her sleeves. Fikayo’s restlessness was even more uncomfortable and she found herself wondering what was wrong with the duo.

It was a Saturday evening and she had just returned from the hospital and also her mom’s place when she walked into her home and found mama, Fikayo, mama’s younger sister and another elderly man she doesn’t really remember seated in the parlor.

Fikayo was uneasy and sweating profusely as he saw his wife walk into the scene. He kept saying silent prayers as he stared at her confused demeanor.

“Good evening ma and sirs.” Ifeoma greeted them bending her knees a little.

“I see why you don’t like her, she really is uncultured.” Mama’s sister, Bukky whispered loudly to mama and even though Ifeoma heard it, she decided to ignore it.

“Get us something to drink and come back to sit. We are all here for you.” Bukky said again.

Ifeoma walked into her room, dropped her bag, took off her heels, earrings and wig before she did as she was told.

“Ifeoma” The elderly man started. “Your husband has committed a mistake that you might find very unsettling and unfair although we all know that men will always be men and they are bound to make mistakes.”

Fikayo continued to steal glances at his wife as he watched her countenance go from confused to more confused.

“I want you to accept him and his mistake and continue to live in harmony like you’ve always done. He impregnated another woman and I’m very sure he didn’t really mean for it to happen but things tend to get out of hands…”

Ifeoma cut into what the man was saying as soon as she processed it carefully.

“Wait… you’re saying that my own Fikayo impregnated another woman?!” She exclaimed, her heart beating wildly in her chest like it was about to fall out.

“Sewa, you can come out now!” Mama announced as Sewa walked out of the kitchen dressed in a green conservative gown, she had a smug smile on her face as she stared at Ifeoma who was still trying to process all that they threw at her at once.

Ifeoma could swear that she almost fainted. She was speechless for good fifteen minutes, opening and closing her mouth like a fish that fell out of the water and was gasping for air, she continued to watch the drama unfold hoping that her husband would get up and say something like, “you need to see your face! It’s a prank, baby.” But she knew it was true even though she still didn’t want to believe what she had just heard nor seen at that moment.

“Our new wife, go and hug your co-wife.” The elderly man told Sewa as she proceeded to do what she was told and as if Ifeoma had just finally gotten the drill of everything unfolding, she snapped.

“If you touch me with those filthy hands of yours, the slap that will land on your haggard face will land you in mortuary!”

Sewa retreated immediately even though the smug smile was still very much etched on her face, she was enjoying how she made Ifeoma loose her cool and all.

Fikayo was scared, the flames in Ifeoma’s eyes was enough to let him know that she already went crazy and what was going to happen next might be brutal.

“If you drink out of those cups again, thunder will strike that mouth!” Ifeoma snapped at mama’s sister and the elderly man who kept taking more and more of the expensive juice she served them. They dropped the cups immediately.

“You were here to tell me about a… new wife and then you asked me to go bring you juice and you sit here drinking comfortably yet you think you will make it in this life?” Ifeoma knew that she was directing her anger at the wrong people but she couldn’t help it, every single person in her home that moment angered her.

“Take it easy, are you the first woman who’s husband will impregnate another woman! Men are polygamous in nature and we have to take them like that.” Mama finally contributed.

Ifeoma felt like breaking one of the glass cups on her head but she decided against it. She wouldn’t waste her expensive glass cups on such a woman.

“Fikayo, have you suddenly gone mute? Are they your mouth piece?!” Ifeoma screamed as she finally faced her husband who was seated on the sofa with his head in his palms.

He suddenly stood up and knelt in front of her. “I’m so sorry, Oma. I swear, I never wanted to hurt you, never. I swear to God, baby, I love you and I would never do anything to jeopardize your love nor our marriage. Please, forgive me, please baby.” He was already crying as he begged holding Ifeoma’s legs.

Tears welled at the corners of Ifeoma’s eyes, not because Fikayo was begging but because it hurt to finally hear her husband confirm it.

“You told me that you were not having extramarital affairs when I accused you. You made me feel guilty, God, Fikayo! We met this lady months ago and you badmouthed her so much, so you were already having stuffs with her? Oh my God, Sewa of all people? This same Sewa? Fikayo, you’re a devil!” Ifeoma said as she finally couldn’t control the tears that fell down her cheeks as if in competition of which could run faster.

She was hurt, she felt like her heart had just been ripped out of her chest as she started to connect the dots, lies and loopholes. Fikayo kept repeating that he was sorry.

“I was so excited to tell you that I was pregnant again and I came to meet this?” Ifeoma let out while Sewa’s ears perked up.

She didn’t like what she just heard as she picked her phone and started to type.

Mama scoffed. “Pregnancy that won’t last 4months again.”

Ifeoma smiled and wiped her tears furiously. “Fikayo, I don’t know what you expect from me but if you think I’m going to share my bed with another woman, or anything. Then you are more daft than I thought. Fikayo, I trusted you, you did it before, I managed to trust you again and now you do it again? Even if it didn’t lead to pregnancy, did you even think about diseases she might have been carrying, did you think that I might have also contacted it. Did you even think at all?”

“Ify! Ify!” Ifeoma’s name was called with fury as everyone went out to see who was causing a scene.

“Adam?” Ifeoma was shocked before she told the gatemen to let him in.

Fikayo was confused as he saw the same Adam he hadn’t seen for years coming towards his wife.

“When were you going to tell me that you’re pregnant?” Adam questioned as all eyes turned to stare at Ifeoma.

“What kind of question is that? Why would I tell you about my pregnancy?” Ifeoma questioned.

“Because it’s mine and you know it!” Adam said.

The parties present shouted dramatically.

“I talk am!” A new voice said. They all turned to see who spoke and it was Fali.

“What gibberish did you say, busybody?” Ifeoma snapped, she never even like the lady anyways.

“Pastor talk say he no possible make you carry belle for your husband, say you go need another man wey go do am for Una. You do like say you no go do but you later do am, no be so?”

[The pastor said you’d never be able to hold a baby for long for your husband and that you need another man to do the deed. You acted so saint and then went to still take his advice, isn’t it?]

“Gbam!” Mama added.

“You went to see her pastor and didn’t tell me?” Fikayo asked, confused.

Ifeoma laughed hysterically at how everything was now about her and not about the idiot who actually cheated and started the whole drama.

She looked from Fali to Adam to Mama and then to Sewa and then she bursted into another fit of laughter.

“You sure say she still dey okay like this?” Fali asked moving away from her.

“I think she’s running mad o.” Sewa said.

“Of course, I’m mad! Wait, let me even try something.” Ifeoma finally spoke.

“Fikayo, I also cheated on you, once, I think and yes, with Adam.” Ifeoma blurted out as both Sewa, Adam and even mama looked confused.

But mama quickly composed herself and started to shout.

“Bad wife! So it’s true? You opened your legs for another man? Useless woman! That pregnancy isn’t even yours, Fikayo! See what I’ve been telling you and you never listened?”

Ifeoma laughed harder, “Why, he can cheat but I can’t? We are even now, so let’s just forgive each other and leave in harmony, don’t you think?”

“What are you talking about! How could you? And you made me keep kneeling for you despite knowing that you did the same thing?” Fikayo said.

Ifeoma laughed yet again. “You’re angry, right? Yep, that’s good cos that’s exactly how I feel and then you’re begging me to just take it like that and forgive you! You should take it like that too! Take what you’re dishing out to me! Take it!” She screamed at Fikayo.

“I can’t! I can’t take another man’s baby! I can’t have a woman who just goes having sex with the next man available! I didn’t even envision you as a whore! You’re a wife!” Fikayo snapped.

“You think you have the right to shout at me or point fingers? No, you don’t! We are going to forget all of these happened, and we are going to live happily ever after! I love you baby. I didn’t think it’d come to this, I never wanted to hurt you. Forgive me, baby, please, forgive me!” Ifeoma acted and then burst into laughter again.

The parties in the compound were all beginning to doubt her sanity as she laughed too often rather than cry like she was doing before. The fact that she admitted to cheating even confused the parties that plotted it.

“Oma, are you even in your right senses?” Fikayo asked again.

“Trust me, I’m very much okay. I’m even more okay than every single one of you. Even though you’re threatening my mental health, I’m very okay.” Ifeoma responded and then she walked towards Sewa who still had a smug smile on her face.

She chuckled before she spoke as calmly as ever. “Let me guess, you’re the director of all this, right? Then mama is like the producer, and then there is an actor and an actress. You’re going through all this stress just to get this man?…” She laughed again before she continued, “Fikayo? You must think he’s quite a catch, girl, you’d be surprised very soon and I can’t wait to see the look on that face when you get to know that he’s not all that! Well, it’s not my business anymore. I’m leaving this house to you, you won!”

“Y’all won! Mama! You won! Congratulations, I’ll have your award sent to you! You are the winner! You’ve succeeded in your agenda! The witch have given up your gold of a son! You now have your son to yourself, you now have the daughter in law of your choice. In-fact, you have the whole house to yourself. I’m done with this shvt! Over what! That thing? Man, I’ve been so blind! I’m out, man! I’m fvcking out of here!” Ifeoma screamed as she walked towards the gate.

“What of your car and load?” Sewa shouted after her, satisfied.

Ifeoma looked back at them and just smiled yet again despite the huge ache she felt in her heart. “I’ll send people to get all of them for me! And that includes every single thing I bought with my money in this house! I’m not sure there will be much left so I suggest you start shopping!”

And then she went out of the gate. She expected Fikayo to run to her and stop her, she expected him to not believe that glaring drama, but then she had always been the one putting in the effort.

But now, she was done, she thought before she ordered a Uber and immediately she got into the car, she burst into tears that had been held in her.

‘She was really leaving and he didn’t care.’

Ifeoma dragged herself into her father’s house ignoring the middle aged gateman who was trying so hard to get her attention.

It was already half past six and the sun had already set. She walked into the bright living room dragging her feet like a walking dead.

Chief Ogbonna and his wife turned their attention on their daughter who had just walked into their house in the same attire she left in that afternoon looking disheveled.

“Ifeoma, didn’t you just leave here this afternoon? Did you forget something?” Her father questioned her.

“Daddy, can you not question me this evening, please? I’m tired.”

“How dare you answer my question with another question? Is that how you were raised?” Chief Ogbonna snapped her his daughter and as if he had just flogged her, she bursted into tears.

Mrs Ogbonna stood up immediately to tend to her child. “What happened dear? Talk to us.” She soothed as she helped Ifeoma sit on one of the cushions.

“He cheated on me. He impregnated another woman. He… he took in a second wife…” Ifeoma reported looking expressionless.

Her mom sighed before speaking, “I knew that this was bound to happen but how could he bring her in?”

Ifeoma looked at her mom like she said pigs could now fly but decided to keep mute.

“That’s really not enough reason to leave your husband’s house like that. You can’t just decided to leave him and come here every time you have little misunderstandings, have you forgotten that it’s for better for worse or do you need to be reminded?” Ifeoma’s father said.

“Festus, calm down! This is not the time for that, she’s grieving!” Mrs Ogbonna snapped at her husband.

“You think I don’t know that? She’s a married woman and she can’t just come in here every time there is an issue. He didn’t send her packing, he’s still her husband. The only help I can render is send for him and talk senses into him. Other than that, there nothing else to be done, he isn’t maltreating or beating you. Don’t think you can come and stay here just because he cheated, you will go to his house and tackle it as a couple.” Chief Ogbonna lectured.

Ifeoma found herself raising her voice higher than she intended, “I’d rather sleep on the streets of Lagos than go back to that house! I don’t understand parents sometimes! I don’t just understand you guys, I’m your daughter, couldn’t you be on my side for once? Just once?! He did wrong to me yet you want me to just go back to him just like that? Seriously?”

“Ifeoma! I will not tolerate any form of disrespect in my own house! Didn’t I warn you against this boy? Did I not tell you that I don’t like the looks and personality of him? Did I not? And what did you tell me then? I love him and he loves me too, he’s not who you think he is, he’s the love of my life, I’ll die if I don’t marry him. If it’s not him then it’s no one else, and all that nonsense! Do you also remember what I told you then? Even if you don’t remember, I’ll remind you! Ifeoma, I told you that if anything happens in the future that I would not be a part of it, don’t you remember? This is that future, Ifeoma. That future is right now! You kids think you know best once it’s about love, you forget that love alone is not enough to keep a relationship going! See, what I said is final, even if you won’t go back, you would not stay in this house! I’m not going to harbour another man’s pregnant wife.”

An uncomfortable silence lingered in the air for a few seconds before Ifeoma then stood up and walked towards her father, she took her seat beside him ignoring his strict and angry face.

Ifeoma had known her father for years, she knew that behind his short temper, strictness and all that, was a soft man who would do anything for his family despite all.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I know better now, but you really can’t tell me to go back into that house. Everything about that house is toxic at the moment, The three women that are in it right now hates me for whatever reason I don’t know, coming out alive is highly impossible. I’ll be frustrated and they might just end up killing me. Dad, do you want your baby girl to die?” Ifeoma cajoled.

“God forbid! That happens and they spend the rest of their lives in jail!” Chief Ogbonna threatened.

“But that wouldn’t raise me from the dead o. Why not just prevent that when you have the power to?” Ifeoma further cajoled.

“Hm! You and your stylish ways to get what you want. But just know that it’s not forever. Whether you like it or not, this is a phase you’d still go back to. He’ll come back to his senses and all will be well once again.” He said as he stood up and walked up the stairs into his room.

Ifeoma scoffed. ‘He never even had the right senses to begin with.’

“I’m going to call pastor and we can tell him about all of this so that he’ll include it in his prayer for us. And you should also pray and fast a little too, Satan can only try to jeopardize a happy home but we won’t let him succeed. Whatever influence that his mother or whoever has put him under will be broken in Jesus name.” Ifeoma’s mother said while Ifeoma stared at her for minutes as if trying to process what she just said.

“Did you just tell me to fast and pray for a cheating man? A man who brought another woman into our matrimonial home and even watched me leave without running after me? That same man is who you said I should fast and pray for? Am I missing something?”

“My daughter, this is nothing new under the sun o. Men are like that and we just have to take them like that. Leaving a marriage because a man cheated is like leaving a whole country because rain falls there, don’t you not know that rain falls everywhere? We just have to pray for them not to get lost in it o.” Mr’s Ogbonna advised.

“It won’t be well with whoever thought of that proverb or whatever it is, mummy. And what charm are you talking about, he knows what he’s doing, he wasn’t forced to ask another woman out or sleep with her. He did everything on his own accord, mom, stop these excuses, please. You women keep giving them the power to frustrate us. Ahnahn, which one is it rains everywhere?” Ifeoma disagreed.

“If you like, curse me too, I’ll still stand my ground. You have to keep praying for him, I’ve been in this world way before you and the experiences I’ve had concerning marriage, you’ve not had it. If you know how much your father’s family frustrated me because I didn’t give birth to a male child after I gave birth to you, you’d know that we women go through a lot in this institution called marriage. If you know how many times I’ve caught your father red handed like this cheating, you won’t even say this. But did I leave? Aren’t we together till now? Has he not stopped been promiscuous? That’s men for you, you leave them till they get tired of it by themselves.”

‘You’re talking in the rubbish. You are talking in the thing that makes no sense’ Ifeoma was tempted to say but she knew better than to say that to her mum.

“I just don’t like this edge you people give to men over us o. Your own days have passed, now, it’s show madness, I show equal madness. You mothers have endured too much and we? We can’t endure the same amount. Times have changed o. This isn’t the times of men going hunting or doing the work and women staying home and taking care of the kids which I would say was why men thought they owned us and could do whatever. We are now independent women who earn money and pay bills equally too, such trash can not be taken.”

“Stay there and be yarning feminist nonsense there. We both know that if Fikayo walks through that door now and begs you, you’d open up your arms wide and take him back. When you’re done deceiving yourself, call Chiamaka to prepare something for you to eat.” Mrs Ogbonna concluded as she left her daughter and went up to meet her husband.

Ifeoma remained mute as she stared at her fingers, her mom had just spoken the truth that she had hidden somewhere deep inside her and never wanted to admit to herself.

Four months had passed since the whole drama of Ifeoma and the new wife. Sewa has moved into the house with Fikayo and mama, living the married couple’s life.

Ifeoma had sent two hefty men to get her car and some of her belongings for her leaving most of the appliances and lots of stuffs she bought due to her parents’ wish.

Fikayo had just gotten back from work and after taking a shower, he sat around the dining table expecting his new wife to bring him his dinner. Sewa on the other hand was oblivious to this as she remained seated in the living room watching the Game of thrones series while eating popcorn, drinking juice and eating all other sugary foods.

Fikayo decided to let her know that he was waiting. “Sewa, my food!” He snapped.

“Which food?” Sewa questioned still focused on the television and rubbing her protruding belly.

“What kind of question is that, am I not supposed to eat after a strenuous day at work?” Fikayo snapped yet again, getting annoyed by the minute. One thing he couldn’t allow anyone play with was his stomach.

“There’s spag in the kitchen.” Sewa simply replied still not taking a moment to even glance at him.

Fikayo hissed before he reluctantly dragged himself into the kitchen, after opening all the pots on the gas cooker and finding nothing but air, he stormed out in annoyance.

“Is this a joke? There is no spaghetti in the pot!” He roared.

“Calm down! Do you want to make me deaf? There’s no spaghetti in any pot before now, I only told you that there’s spaghetti so you should just cook it.” Sewa replied finally giving Fikayo her attention.

“Are you in your right senses? You expect me to come home from work and cook by myself? Are you mad? You were inside this house all day! You did absolutely nothing from morning till night, yet you couldn’t even cook for me? All you do in this house is eat like a glutton!” Fikayo snapped at Sewa who looked like all he was saying was just some boring speech. “Sorry o, husband. Abeg, you’re obstructing my view, winter is coming.”

“What’s wrong with the both of you? Your noises woke me up.” Mama said while yawning as she came out of her room.

“Mama! It’s this liability that you forced on me. Can you believe that she…” Fikayo started to report before Sewa interrupted.

“Continue, big baby. Like a baby that was beaten and is now reporting that person to his mummy. You just don’t want to have sense, ehn? Are you five years old? When will your brain grow to the same level as your height, age and dvck? Everything, mama, like an imbecile!”

Fikayo’s mouth hanged open as he took in all the abuse that Sewa hurled at him.

“Close your mouth before houseflies rush in else I won’t kiss that lip again. I don’t know what your problem is, is it not your mate that enters kitchen to cook? I don’t blame you, it’s your mother that raised you like one alpha male who should always sit and expect everything done as per man. If you’re hungry, you know the way to the kitchen, go and cook spag.” Sewa concluded as she stretched forth her leg on the center table and dig into a bowl of ice cream beside her.

“Iya, please, you’re not transparent.” She directed to mama who just walked away from the front of the living room.

“But Sewa, you cooked Spag for him too this evening, I saw it in the pot.” Mama said.

“My baby ate it.” Sewa simply replied.

“What baby?”

“Don’t you know that I’m now eating for two? My baby was hungry so I had to eat it so as to feed him or her.” Sewa explained while Fikayo glared at her wishing that it was possible for him to just strangle her at that moment.

“Apart from that, I didn’t see any new foodstuff arranged in that kitchen when I walked in, did I not give you some money to buy foodstuffs! We have been eating spaghetti in this house for almost a week now!” Fikayo snapped.

“Oh! That money? I was craving for sugary foods a lot so I used it to get myself some chocolates and all that.”

“Are you mad? You used twenty thousand naira to get chocolates?” Fikayo exclaimed.

“This one that your eyes wants to fall out of their sockets, better be careful. How much is twenty thousand naira that you’re shouting over, something I use to buy food in one sitting. You’d have to drop another for foodstuff o, I forgot to tell you that I also need one hundred thousand naira by next week Saturday, one of my friends is celebrating her big thirty and it’s one in town. The asoebi(party cloth) is just fifty thousand naira and then the remaining fifty will be for other miscellaneous expenses.” Sewa laid her demand while mama and Fikayo just stared at her.

“Ten naira! I repeat! Ten naira, you won’t get from me not to talk of a hundred thousand naira for a stupid birthday.”

“You won’t give me what?” Sewa stood up, chuckling as she clapped her hands dramatically. “When you’re not mad, you will not give me what? Eh, it’s like you want me to close all this good wife act and unleash my mad side for you. Do I look like Ifeoma? Ehn? If you try nonsense with me, I’ll show you the difference between Sewa and Ify! Imbecile! Mama, leave the way, abeg!” She pushed mama out of her way as she then sauntered into the room still carrying her bowl of ice cream.

Mama and Fikayo stared at her till she disappeared completely from their sight.

“Mama, you have pushed me into making the devil my wife.” Fikayo told his mother.

“It’s not like that, you know that she’s pregnant, it’s the pregnancy that’s making her like this. Just be patient with her.”

Fikayo hissed before he stormed into the kitchen to make himself something to eat.

Bola screamed as soon as she stepped foot into the house and sighted her friend’s huge belly and fat face.

“How can you not tell me about this?!”

“I honestly didn’t want to disturb you. How is Canada?” Ifeoma questioned after hugging Bola and then sitting down. Since Ifeoma had packed out of her husband’s house, she hadn’t seen Bola for months because she had travelled to Canada to cool off as she put it. Too much had happened to her that she needed to get off her mind by stepping away from the whole environment that it happened.

Bola and Ifeoma spoke on phone regularly but Ifeoma didn’t for once, mention the issues she was having to her nor did she even tell her that she was pregnant hence Bola’s shock.

“Telling me that you left your husband is disturbing me? Telling me that you are pregnant is disturbing me? I’m pissed, I thought we are best-friends!” Bola snapped at her friend in annoyance.

“I’m so sorry, Bola. You know that I never keep things like that away from you, I just needed a whole lot of privacy and I thought you needed to get yourself together for now and not worry about my own issues. I’m sorry, babe.” Ifeoma apologized. “I leave for what, Eight months? And I come back to a lot of soap opera? I can’t believe that I’m going to have a goddaughter or godson soon!” Bola switched to excitement mood as she leaped for joy.

Ifeoma shook her head, ‘Bipolar.’ “Your mood swings, ehn!” She said and laughed.

“Don’t mind me, babe. So you’re how many months gone so that I can start preparing for my babyyyy?” Bola whistled happily.

“Seven months and a week.”

“Whoohoo! Your tummy looks like it has this huge pot we use in cooking Jollof rice in it, it’s so huge!” Bola joked making Ifeoma burst into laughter.

“I know right?” “But then jokes apart, what about Fikayo? Do you mean what you told me about him not visiting or even calling you since you left?” Bola questioned as she switched to serious mood.

“I mean every part of it. He never called, not even by mistake! I find it so hard to believe too, at a point in time, I started to hold my phone in my hands all the time, thinking that maybe he did call and I didn’t just see it nor the missed call, dumb yet I still thought that way.” Ifeoma said.

“Jeez! The fact that it’s the same Sewa of all people is so annoying, how could he do that? That idiot that used to pick on you at the slightest issues yet acted like she liked you so much. She was such a snake.”

“She still is.”

“And you didn’t even scratch out her eyes before you left? She deserves that!” Bola said.

“Maybe she does but what of my so called husband who asked her out, huh? His own eyes should be plucked out? I just can’t believe that he’d do that to me, I honestly trusted him so much, too much. And you need to see the way he was so pissed when I acted like I actually slept with Adam. How do they do stuffs that they can’t take, just how?!”

“Oh yea, that Adam issue! But really, Oma, you take certain things with levity. How can you not have arrested that idiot?! That’s false accusation! I don’t even understand this whole thing, why did you play along with it?” Bola questioned, looking confused.

Ifeoma sighed before she responded, “I was honestly just tired of the whole scenario, they were getting to me and I needed to act like they didn’t. And at that moment, I don’t think me denying or not denying would have mattered, he surely wouldn’t believe me. And I’m sure Sewa is behind all that shvt.”

“It’s funny how you think your empty headed Fikayo understood that you were just joking. That guy doesn’t even know what sarcasm is. I never liked that guy, jeez! He was such a dumb fellow, I knew that he’d be one who can’t think for himself and needs someone to do it for him.”Bola reminisced.

“Don’t talk about him like that.” Ifeoma warns sternly.

“Sorry o! Wife! That one that is probably enjoying couples life with Sewa! That lady always seemed to have him under her nails since way back. Is it the ass? I just hope that you don’t go back to him, I really hope. He honestly doesn’t deserve you, you deserve better, I hope you know that.”

“I honestly still love him though so I can’t promise anything. I just wish that he didn’t do that to me, I could take his mother’s shit but cheating and then bringing her in? That was just too much for me, he did too much. My parents are certain that he’ll come begging and I’ll go back to him though.”

“Well, will you?” Bola questioned as she eyed her friend.

“I… I honestly don’t know. I just want to give birth safely for now, I don’t want to think about that. My boss even gave me a proposition.”

“What’s that?” “He wants me to go and head that branch in Canada. I turned him down before because Fikayo would never allow me take it, but now, I don’t even know.” Ifeoma explained.

Bola stared at her friend like she had her head screwed on wrongly before she finally spoke, “you are trying to tell me right now that you don’t want to take a mouth watering offer like that? And I’m sure this is still about that Fikayo! Sis, when will you learn to not shrink yourself for a man to shine! He wouldn’t do the same for you, he’d take that offer without even blinking! What’s wrong with women and always wanting to sacrifice more in marriage?” Bola snapped.

“It’s not like that, marriage is about sacrifices.”

“What marriage! The fact that you’re still thinking about going back to him is annoying enough! He can’t take half of what he dished out to you, he can’t! He’s a mama’s boy, an insecure man and to top it all off, he’s a cheat too! How can you still think of even forgiving him? Jeez! He didn’t even call to ask of your well-being, he’s not even part of your pregnancy phase. He’s with that whore! I’m not going to let marriage ruin you, Oma. I already lost one of my best friends to that institution and I can’t lose another to it. It’s not a do or die affair!” Bola lectured.

“So you expect her to give birth without a man? To have a baby in a broken marriage? Do you know how that affects kids?” Mrs Ogbonna who had been eavesdropping on their conversation contributed as she came down the stairs.

“Good afternoon, mom” Bola greeted.

“Afternoon, dear. How was your flight and all?”

“Fine, thank you ma”

“So about what I heard you say, do you want her to give birth to a child without a father? Do you want her to face the mockery, shame and all that? Do you?” Mrs Ogbonna questioned but Bola was ready with her response.

“I think that’s better than facing depression, unhappiness and taking bullshvt from people who are undeserving. Its a matter of self worth, mom. She deserves better and you know it, I know that you’re talking based on experience and all that but in all honesty mom, if not because you didn’t want to be divorced and face the stigma, would you not have left while you faced all those struggles and took a lot of bullshvt that you took as you used to tell us? Do you want your daughter to keep facing the same thing? It’s not marriage anymore if it’s now situationship and just been in it to avoid being mocked.” Mrs Ogbonna remained silent even after Bola was done talking and then she stared at her daughter for a while.

“Well, it all depends on her and what she wants at the end of the day. Whatever she chooses, I’m solidly behind her.”

Ifeoma and Bola smiled.

“So that’s that. Did I tell you that this guy I started dating five months ago or so proposed to me?” Bola decided to change the topic.

“What!!!! Is that the same Bioye or something?!” Oma exclaimed with excitement.

“Yes, I said no though.” Bola replied nonchalantly as she looked through her nails.

Ifeoma’s face held the ‘What-the-hell’ expression and it almost made Bola laugh.

“I’m not ready yet. And he did it like he was doing me a favour. I don’t want that.”

Ifeoma stared at her friend as she wondered how she was just so carefree about marriage issue despite pressures from her parents and even the disrespect from people around. She wished that she was that carefree.

Mama stormed into the living room in which Sewa was seated with her legs sprawled on the center table. She looked heavily pregnant and her swollen face and feet was greater than normal. On her large tummy seated a big bowl of vanilla ice cream in which she had eaten over half of the container.

Nylons of chocolate and candies littered the tiled floor and the white cushions that was gradually turning to brown. She noticed mama but decided not to greet her.

“What kind of woman are you, Sewa? No matter how heavy you are, what kind of wife wakes up on a Monday morning, late at that and then sprawls herself like this eating junks in a very dirty environment. The kitchen is full of so much dirty dishes that the houseflies are beginning to turn it into an habitat for their eggs. The chairs are as dusty as anything, yet you’re seated here watching TV.” Mama snapped.

“But you know that I can’t bend now which means I can’t sweep. And as for the dishes, since Fikkie has refused to repair the dishwasher since it developed a fault, the plates will remain there because I can’t even dip my hands into any soapy water, the doctor said that it’s bad for my health.” Sewa replied mama as she went back to digging into her bowl of ice cream.

“Wonder shall never end! Please, are you the first woman who would be pregnant? Soapy water is bad for your health? Do I look illiterate to you? Even if I didn’t attend university, I finished my secondary school education and I even have my ND. So what are you telling me? Sewa, before I open my eyes, stand up from there and go to that kitchen to clean it up!”

“See this woman o! Is it weed? No, like, are you high? And you’ll come and be talking anyhow to me, who you be sef? Oh, I don’t blame you, you must have thought that just because I do your wishes all that time that I fear you or something. See, I don’t have a mother o, I never knew my mom, so I don’t respect anybody’s mother. If I slap you, you’ll meet yourself in synagogue…”

“Ah” Mama exclaimed but Sewa wasn’t done as she finally stood up and moved closer to mama who was now moving backwards as she walked to her.

“Ah kill you there! That mouth will tear! Every mother in law that I know will be carrying their daughters in law like egg and petting them just to make sure the baby is safe but you, it’s as if I came to do slavery here. The first few months, you used chores to kill me, with your it’s pounded yam that I want today, Sewa, cook Egusi for me. Sewa, I can’t eat leftover breakfast as lunch. Sewa, I like fresh food. You think I enjoyed been troubled like that? I was just trying to make you keep liking me, and now I can’t do shvt like that anymore. We don’t even know why you turned to Mario in this house, go to your house, mba, you want to die here and be controlling as if you put one maid here.”

“Are all of these insults for me, Sewa? How dare you speak to me in that manner? Do you know that I can tell my son to send you packing this instant and you would be out on the streets within a twinkle of an eye?” Mama managed to reply even though she was scared of what Sewa could do.

“When both of you aren’t mad? You will send who packing? You don’t know what they call me on the streets? Oh, is it my gentle face? Is that what is deceiving you? I’m mad o, I didn’t even complete my injection in the psychiatric hospital before I escaped. I’m very mad! If you think I’m like Ify that you can be treating like trash, then mama, you have missed the way. You that you’ll soon be washing my clothes for me if you keep crossing your boundaries. Your own elder does not make peace in the home, it disrupts it. Better get away from my front before I use my backhand on your face!” Sewa concluded as she at down back on the couch and sprawled her legs once again.

Mama’s mouth hanged open as she stared at the lady who had been so respectful for some months she knew her, the lady who had been so obedient and did everything to please her, the lady who she thought was the best one for her son, the lady who had her grandchild in her. She wondered if it was the pregnancy that was making her mad since there are some cases of pregnant women who are not usually mentally stable during this stage of their lives. Mama was so shocked that she didn’t know that she had zoned out for quite a while until Sewa kicked her legs.

“Get out of my face or are you transparent? Better come and clean up this place too, because, I’m not cleaning up shvt!” She snapped not bothering to use all formalities again.

Mama reluctantly stepped away from the spot as she kept on looking back at the lady seated on the couch.

“I really allowed the devil to invade this house.” She murmured to herself before she walked into the kitchen to start washing the dirty dishes.

“I proposed.” Ade suddenly blurted out amidst the conversations they were having.

The men suddenly stopped talking and drinking altogether as they stared at him in shock. The silence was so deafening that if a pin dropped at that moment, the noise it would make would be resounding.

They blinked harder as they weren’t sure who just spoke the word, ‘proposed.’

“Ehm… Ade, did you stutter or am I the only one who heard him say the word proposed?” Kunle asked for clarity.

“Why are you people making it seem like a big deal? I said I proposed, to ehm… Glory.” Ade said the last part with his head bent.

The guys exclaimed.

“The same Glory? The Glory that you said you’re just enjoying for a while?” Biola asked, bewildered.

“The same Glory that you said is an improper fraction with her big boobs and flat behind?” Kunle questioned too.

“You mean you proposed, like, proposed to a lady. As in, will you marry me stuff?” Fikayo added.

“Yes, I proposed to her with a diamond ring at that. She just deserves it, I love her so much that you people probably can’t understand. She’s like the missing rib I’ve been looking for all these while. She’s so understanding, loving and caring. She has my heart in her hands and I don’t mind. Love is so sweet with her, she completes me and I can’t wait to fully make her mine by marrying her. I’ve gone to see her parents last weekend and we are going to choose an introduction date soon.”

The guys exchanged looks amongst themselves before they focused their attention back on Ade who was smiling sheepishly.

“Ah, he’s gone.” Biola exclaimed.

“Gone to where?” Ade asked, confused.

“They have gotten you! You don’t know? The womanizing Ade is the one doing poetry right now about love? That girl’s charm is potent, I salute her baba.” Biola said.

“What do you mean? See, I won’t condone any form of disrespect to my fiancé o, don’t even try it. The same respect you accord to me is what I expect you to give to her too. I won’t take any form of badmouth about her and I’m serious.” Ade warned sternly.

“Eh eh, now now, she have turned to your fiancé? Eh, mad o. I go love o! I wish you the very best.” Fikayo contributed.

“Thank you man! Thanks. Anyways, the attire for the introduction will be white agbada for you guys, as per the groomsmen. I told my fiancé to let us know about the amount for that and she’ll get back us soon.”

“Ehm… tell her not to pick something too expensive, please. I really can’t afford frivolities right now.” Fikayo begged.

“What happen to your job and all that? You used to be fine before.” Kunle questioned.

“See, What you guys don’t know and what I have never mentioned is that Ifeoma sponsors a lot of things in our house. I can’t even deny the fact that her whole presence is being felt in that house. Unlike before, I now sponsor the foodstuffs monthly, Sewa’s upkeep which is so outrageous and all that. The rent was due last month and I trust that if Ifeoma was still in my house, we would have found a way to pay it. We have never owed rent. She was like my partner in everything, she never allows me to just carry all the burdens, she assists in a lot of things and I can’t believe that I took all that for granted. Now that I have that one liability in the house that does nothing other than eat, sleep and ask for money, I know that what I had was priceless. I honestly miss her a whole lot and I’m contemplating calling her and all that but I’m scared of how low that’ll make me look.” Fikayo blurted out all that had been embedded in him.

“Begging will make you look very low, I won’t even deceive you. She cheated, she has another man’s baby in her. No man can take that from any woman. Yes, maybe you did fvck up too, but hers was way unacceptable. Do you want to take another man’s pregnancy? Where does Sewa now belong? Is that even sane to you?” Biola snapped.

“That is what is still confusing me. I’d better confess right now that I’ve been stalking her since a month after she left. She stays with her parents and not the idiot that she claims impregnated her. I’ve not even seen the both of them together, not even for once. The only places she goes to are Bola’s place, the hospital, her workplace and then the market. No other place at all. It’s not just adding up.” Fikayo tabled, as his face was masked with confusion.

“That’s the weak spot you have for her speaking in you. That’s the weak spot! She said it herself that it’s true after she was accused or was that not what you said? It’s not as if you sent her packing too, she left by herself and I’m sure it’s because she knows that what she did was way too bad to be forgiven. Let her regret leaving, don’t go and drag your family’s dignity on the floor by going to beg or take her back.” Biola stood his ground.

“Wait, Biola. Shouldn’t this be investigated properly? What if it was the whole issue that made her just say stuff like that. Like Fikayo told us, she was even laughing at a point in time, What if she wasn’t just stable?” Kunle added.

“All these what ifs are just because you people want them back together and I still don’t understand why. Sewa is his new wife, she’s pregnant with his baby, she’s the fruitful one. Tomorrow can come now and Ifeoma’s own will just disappear as usual…”

Fikayo interrupted him immediately, “stop that, what do you mean. A pregnancy that’s almost nine months will disappear? Are you the one that’ll eat it? If you want to talk, talk with sense, please. I’m too angry to even listen to talks like that, Sewa insists on having a huge naming ceremony for our unborn baby and I’m still trying to gather money for that so don’t aggravate my anger, please.”

“Sorry o! You’re getting worked up over pregnancy that isn’t yours! But then the earlier you let this Ifeoma lady go her own way with her another man’s pregnancy, the better. Else you become a fool in the society and that will taint us.” Biola persisted.

Fikayo’s phone started ringing at that moment and when he saw whose name the caller ID showed, he didn’t want pick it as he thought that it was probably another fight or confrontation between her and Sewa yet again but when the calls persisted continuously, he reluctantly picked it up and pressed it to his ear, “My son, she has given birth o. Sewa just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy!” Mama’s voice echoed and Fikayo could detect the happiness and excitement in his mother’s voice. His frustration and anger disappeared as a smile become etched on his face immediately.

“My boy is here.” He announced to his friends as he jumped on his feet with joy.

The aroma of different kinds of foods and scents of combined body perfumes engulfed the ceremonial hall. The one man band was busy singing one of Ebenezer Obey’s songs as mama continued to enjoy the money been sprayed on her by one of her relatives while dancing on the dance floor.

It was the naming ceremony of Anthony Iremide Johnson after all. All of Sewa’s past and present friends were in attendance, every single one of mama’s friends and families were in the hall eating and nodding their heads to the loud music. Fikayo was too busy to even sit in one spot as well wishers kept dragging him left, right and center, complaining of not been served food yet, being disrespected by the servers or just giving him baby and monetary gifts.

Fikayo received each monetary gifts with a smile, hoping that he receives enough to keep the family going as he had to use his whole savings for a naming ceremony as mama and Sewa wished.

“Daddy Anthony, where is the baby’s Mother? I want to give her something.” Fali said to Fikayo.

“You can give it to me, I’ll give her.” Fikayo responded not understanding why people kept asking to see the mother instead. He spent the money for everything, hospital bills, naming ceremony, even the baby’s upkeep. Why it had to be the mother who gets all the gifts is what he would never understand. Fali refused to hand over the monetary gift to Fikayo as she went in search of the baby’s mother instead.

“Idiot.” Fikayo mumbled. He sighted his friends as they walked into the hall with their wives and kids and was so relieved and happy to see them.

“If it isn’t the newest father in town!” Biola hailed his friend as they shook each other’s hands jovially.

The women greeted him too and asked to see the baby and his mother. Fikayo described the way to the room in which they were in and they left.

He directed the servers to his friends’ table and was about to go join his mother who was still on the dancing floor when he heard the rowdiness of sounds of motorcycles which sounded like it was more than three. The bouncers at the entrance of the hall were soon seen arguing and trying to restrict certain people from invading the hall but they didn’t succeed at it as the men were over ten and they barged in with so much force and authority that you’d think they orchestrated the party.

The cutlasses, baseball bats and other dangerous objects they held in their hands made people to stand up from their seats and start packing their loads immediately even though most of them still wanted to see what the fuss was about.

“Who get this party?!” A voice thundered. Everyone in front strained their necks to see who was speaking behind guys and that included Fikayo himself.

“Uncle Fikayo, we didn’t see your wife in that room.” Kunle’s wife said before she then noticed the tense atmosphere in the building.

Fikayo nodded before speaking, “it is I who threw a party in a hall that I paid for with my money. Who are you?!”

Before Fikayo could even blink, one of the hooligans was already beside him and the slap that landed on his cheek was enough proof for the spectators to take their leave.

The rowdiness in the hall was so much as everyone started to hurry out of the hall immediately, almost tripping over one another.

Fikayo’s friends and some relatives had to wait behind though they already told their wives and kids to drive themselves home.

“Na you be the man wey Dey throw party for another man’s child?” Another hooligan snapped as he landed another slap on the same cheek.

Fikayo had never been one good in fights and he hardly won one. He was the kind of man who couldn’t beat up his fellow man, although he could argue or shout. He struggled to talk even though his cheek felt like it was hit with pestle.

“I had…” His voice came out squeaky like that of a mouse so he cleared his throat and tried to talk in his usual manly way so as not to portray fear to the men before him. “I am not throwing a party for any man’s child, the child is that of my wife.”

Another hooligan was about to give him another resounding slap that was sure to send him into coma before mama stepped between them and went on her knees.

“Please, my sons. He has no idea what you are talking about and so do all of us here. Please, pardon him and explain yourselves.” Mama pleaded.

“Where is Sewa?” The man who seemed to be the one who directs the hooligans shouted. He was dressed in a white Agbada and his brow held a scary scar that looked like it was about to reach his eye. He looked over sixty but one could tell that it was because of his lifestyle and couldn’t be more than fifty five.

“We couldn’t find her and the baby.” One of the females still standing announced.

Fikayo was starting to connect the dots, why did Sewa disappear and with the baby at that?

“You won’t find her! How will you find her? She knows what she did and she knows that if I should catch her, she’s dead. She’s dead both ways. Young man…” he directed at Fikayo who shot his head up instantly.

“Never take another man’s wife in as yours! Sewa is my wife, my fourth wife for that matter. That whore stole my money and fled eight months ago. She’s the mad woman I’m trying to take in my house. She left her two kids and left just like that, I’ve looking for her before I was told that she gave birth and she’s in this state.”

Fikayo could swear that his legs were about to give in beneath him as he took in the information. He turned sideways to glare at his mother first who avoided his gaze before he watched the retreating backs of the hooligans who had come to disrupt it all. He was enraged and bitter that he couldn’t help the next words that escaped from his mouth.

“Is that why you had to slap me twice and cause all this embarrassment when we could have just had a civil meeting and avoid been the gist of the town for the next one month?”

The man turned back immediately and waved his guys towards Fikayo.

Fikayo was covered with blows and kicks instantly and his friends who tried to plead on his behalf got the same fate. Mama fainted.

Three days had passed since the drama that caused Fikayo his money and legs as he was on crutches.

Mama was seated on the couch opposite her son while her son bowed his head. Mama could hear his son sobbing from where she sat.

“But mama, why is this happening to me? Why has two women in my life gotten pregnant for another man? Is something wrong with me spiritually?” Fikayo lamented as tears ran down his cheeks.

“Ifeoma gave birth yesterday.” Mama said instead like she didn’t hear what her son had just said.

“And so? Are you trying to remind me of my ill lucks again?”

“No, I’m trying to tell you about your real child.” Mama said.

Fikayo stared at his mother wondering if the incident had rendered her insane. “What are you talking about? Weren’t you here when Adam claimed the pregnancy as his and she agreed?”

“It’s not his, Fikayo. The baby is yours…” mama looked at her son’s face that was contorted with confusion before she decided to let the cat out of the bag, at this juncture in which everything had backfired, she knew it was necessary.

“Sewa and I connived with Adam to just have you send her out of this house. We were also shocked to see her agree that the baby was his. I thought she’d be a bad luck on Sewa’s pregnancy and might kill the baby with her witch eyes if left alone and I thought her own pregnancy was bound to go down after four months as usual. I really didn’t foresee all of this.”

“What the fvck are you even talking about right now, mama?!” Fikayo stood up instantly supporting himself with the crutches, as he tried to understand what he was hearing.

“I’m sorry. You know how much I do not like that girl, you know it! Yet you went against me and married her all the same. That was when the hatred I had for her started. I can’t even begin to mention all the atrocities I’ve committed against her, adding too much salt or even detergent in her food, and so on. Everything, I did everything. In all honesty, that girl is such a good girl, she tried to please me nonetheless and only spoke when I pushed her too far. I overdid it.”

“Wait, Wait. I can’t process this, Ifeoma didn’t cheat on me? You cooked all of that up?” Fikayo almost snapped at his mother, he was enraged.

“I’m sorry.” Mama murmured.

“Oh my God! Mama! Look at what you made my life into! All because you couldn’t learn to tolerate her, all because you feel I should only do what you want every time! Mama, look at how I’ve been ridiculed. Everyone now points at me and says that’s the man who sent his wife packing because of the one whose child isn’t even his at the end of it all. I’m now a joke! I even made it to blogs! Mama, and you’re just sorry? How am I supposed to approach Ifeoma after everything you’ve made her go through, after everything I’ve done too, after everything! Gosh, I’ve been such a fool!” Fikayo lamented as he realized it all.

“I’m such a fool!” He repeated.

“Don’t worry, she’ll take you back. It’s not like she has a choice. No one wants to give birth in an incomplete family. The child is yours and there’s nothing she can do to it.” Mama said with utmost confidence that almost rubbed off on Fikayo.

“Even when that happens, mama! Get ready to be out of my family’s business! You’ve done enough harm!” Fikayo said feeling a bit at ease.

He was also sure that Ifeoma would take him back after all.

Ifeoma had just returned from the hospital and was still very weak. She had used over two weeks in the place due to little complications here and there before giving birth but she was grateful that she gave birth naturally nonetheless.

Some of the women she was in there with couldn’t relate to that as some had still birth and some even died during labour.

She had plans to just do the naming ceremony in a little way and move on with her life. The moment she laid her back to rest for a while, loud cries filled the house as she grumbled before getting up reluctantly. Mothers are really trying, she thought as she dragged herself into her room.

Fikayo and his mother knocked on the huge gate after they had pressed the bell over three times with no response. After some seconds, a middle aged man came to open the gate for them. Fikayo felt like snapping at him for taking so long but he decided against it and limped into the building with his crutches instead. Mama followed suit.

“Yes, how may we help you?” Mrs Ogbonna snapped as soon as she sighted them.

“Ahnahn, my in law.” Mama tried to joke as she walked towards her for a hug.

Mrs Ogbonna held her hands out immediately, “Don’t even form familiarity, please. The last time we crossed each other’s path, I clearly remember how much insult you hauled on me. So just Dey Your Dey, abeg.”

Fikayo was on all fours immediately as he prostrated before his wife’s mother who to her, it looked like all they were doing were mere drama.

“Mommy, I’m so sorry for all my mistakes ma. I’m here to right my wrongs and I’m ready to take whatever punishment because I know that I deserve whatever. I’m so sorry ma.” Fikayo pleaded.

Bola and Ifeoma emerged from the rooms, Bola tried not to laugh at the sight before her but she failed woefully and burst into laughter. She was definitely going to enjoy this the most. Ifeoma on the other hand rushed towards him and helped him up. She sized him up first, trying to understand why he had a black eye and was using crutches.

“What happened?” She asked, concern lacing her voice.

Fikayo remained mute as Ifeoma helped him to a couch. He was surprised to see how warm she had been towards him when all he had expected was coldness and insults. This was too easy, he thought as he stared at her. Her skin was still as radiant as he remembered, asides from her stomach that was still big and her breasts that looked three times the usual size, she almost didn’t look like a woman who had just given birth. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at him and her nipples were looking him right in the face. He made a promise to hold her tight as soon as he gets her back.

“He can’t talk. It’s too humiliating to talk about. Oma, so you didn’t hear about the man who threw a huge party for a baby that turned out not to be his. It was at that party that all this happened to him. I laughed so hard as I watched the video and read the news online. He’s famous right now.” Bola explained as she snickered.

“Oh.” That was the only words that managed to escape ifeoma’s mouth as she took her seat on a three-seater opposite Fikayo and his mother.

Mama continued to avoid her gaze as she stared at everywhere and anywhere except Ifeoma’s face.

“Let me guess, you’re here to beg me to come back home?” Ifeoma started.

“Yes, my baby. I’m so so sorry for all I put you through and all you were accused of. I honestly had no idea that it was a set up, mama only told me a week ago. I honestly thought it was true since you also agreed to it. I’m so sorry, I’ve been such a fool.” Fikayo begged, Ifeoma smiled.

“Don’t you want to see your babies?” Ifeoma asked.

Fikayo and mama looked confused, “Babies?”

“Yes, I gave birth to a boy and a girl.” Ifeoma said and couldn’t help the joy that she felt in her heart as she said that. She felt too happy to be angry or hold a grudge against anyone.

“Bola dear, could you and Amaka help me in bringing the babies?” She asked politely.

“Ahnahn, just like that? The babies he said aren’t his.” Bola mumbled as she glared at Fikayo and his mother wishing she could at least give him a resounding slap.

“Dont worry about that, please, hon.” Ifeoma pleaded and Bola left to get the babies reluctantly.

“I’m sure they look as beautiful as you.” Mama finally contributed whilst smiling. Ifeoma smiled back.

Mrs Ogbonna remained seated as she watched the whole exchange, not sure about her daughter’s actions.

Bola came out of the room carrying one of the babies who had a cute pink cap embroidered with feminine goodies and was wrapped in a pink shawl. Amaka walked behind her with the twin who was wrapped in a blue shawl and had a blue baby cap on his head. The resemblance was striking and if not for the gender differences, there was sure to be difficulty in telling the twins apart. They both had the skin colour of their mother and the boy had his mother’s eyes while the girl had the usual brown eyes, although very brown.

Bola gave the girl to Fikayo while Amaka handed the boy to mama.

Mama started eulogy immediately, “Ẹ̀jìrẹ́ ará Ìṣokún, Ẹdúnjobí, ọmọ ẹdun tíí ṣeré orí igi. Ó-bẹ́-kẹ́ṣé-bẹ́-kàṣà, Ó fẹsẹ̀ méjèèjì bẹ sílé alákìísa; Ó sọ alákìísà donígba aṣọ. Gbajúmọ̀ ọmọ tíí gbàkúnlẹ̀ ìyá, Tíí gbàdọ̀bálẹ̀ lọ́wọ́ baba tó bí í lọ́mọ. Wínrinwínrin lójú orogún Ejìwọ̀rọ̀ lojú ìyá ẹ̀. Tani yo bi ibeji ko n’owo?” [Twins, natives of Isokun, relatives of the colobus monkey playing and having fun on a tree. You jumped up and down, you landed in a wretched man’s home and turned him to a wealthy man. Revered set of children that commands undue honour and respect from their parents. You are a horrible sight to your stepmother, But to your mother, you are both emperors of two empires! Wouldn’t you love to be parents to twins?]

Ifeoma couldn’t help the smile that crept unto her lips as she listened to the eulogy. It was sweet to the ears, that she couldn’t argue.

“I call them Noah and Naomi. Their Igbo names are Amadi and Amarachi, given by my Mum. What would you like to name them?” She directed at Fikayo who seemed to rack his brain for a while but before he could speak, mama interrupted.

“Taiyewo, Omokehinde. Oluwaseyifunmi, Oluwafeyikemi. Akanji, Abebi.” Mama listed.

Bola’s eyes almost fell out of their sockets due to the pressure she used in rolling them.

Fikayo ignored his mom and spoke, “Ifeade, Oyinade. Fogofoluwa, Fiyinfoluwa.” He said as he pecked the baby on her forehead, his eyes gleaming with pride as he stared at his children. He could already imagine the fun he was going to have with his kids and Ifeoma as a family. How he was going to spoil them with gifts and vacations as they grow. These thoughts were what prompted the next question that came out of his mouth.

“We have to start preparing for their naming ceremony, when will you start packing so we can go home?”

Ifeoma smiled at the question Fikayo asked. She stood up and walked into her room.

Fikayo remained on the edge of his seat as he kept looking at the entrance expecting her to come out with luggages and all. Instead, Ifeoma came out of the room with a brown paper in her hands.

She sat down before stretching it forth to Fikayo who stared at it for a few seconds before handing over the baby to Amaka and then collecting the paper.He almost ripped it open in a bid to get the content out quickly. He read the first paper on top of over ten others:

To: Mr. OluwaFikayomi Johnson. From: Ms. Ifeoma Ogbonna.

Date: 22nd October, 2022.

Subject: Divorce from husband through court of law. Dear Client, It is to notify that your former wife had filed a case of divorce from you and from now onwards further future communications (internet, postal, cellular) will be sent to you only and the mutual account of bank will be solely held by you as she had withdrawn her portion of money from the bank. She made it clear that you will be no longer held liable of her pay or other personal concerns and if you do approach her for any financial affair, this court of law will take strict and firm action against you. For your safety, this court orders you to show compliance with its verdict and it will be appreciated. Best Regards,

Mr. Agbor,

22nd October, 2022.

Sweat suddenly gathered on his forehead as he went through the other papers which were full of other divorce documents.

“What… what is this about, Oma? I… I thought you were taking me back? Oma, please, don’t do this to me, please.” Fikayo went on all fours yet again.

Mama was confused.

Ifeoma’s eyes glistened with tears before she began to speak, “I will never forget the beauty I saw when I first set eyes on you. I never get tired of telling you how handsome you were, often to your intense irritation. You were ambitious, it was infectious. You made me promises I never imagined you wouldn’t keep. Life was exciting. We enjoyed nights out, exotic holidays, I felt loved and wanted. We married and had delay in childbirth. But then I soon realised that I wasn’t your priority and never would be. I soon realized that I would always be second no matter what. I could have kept taking all that your mother dished to me, you never took my side but as if that wasn’t enough, you went ahead to cheat and then rub it on my face. You know, I thought the moment you walked through that door to beg me, I would shout and scream and then put my hands in yours and we would live happily ever after. But then as I grew closer to my time to give birth, I thought about it all from the beginning.

Meals have only ever been cooked by me and you have never attempted to prepare anything, I have asked that you try but to no avail. I took it all with levity cos I thought you were the man after all. All I want is to be held, to be brought a cup of tea in the morning, to be told I am appreciated, to enjoy life’s simple adventures with the man I am meant to share my life and my world with. You are irritated by any plans I make to ensure our free time as a family is spent as best we can together. We both work full-time and although I earn more than you do, you treat me as your intellectual, emotional, and marriage inferior. When your work day has finished, mine continues the moment I walk through the door of our house. Laundry, preparing meals, cooking three times a day when your mother is around, food shopping, and all other stuffs. The pressure is often more than I can bear. I want to scream: “Where is the man I fell in love with?” But then I soon realized that I actually fell in love with the man I thought you would be not the one you actually are. I mean, it was all glaring while we dated, but I still went ahead and that… that was an error on my part.

The slightest touch that speaks volumes, a kiss on the neck which induces the saddest feeling within me simply in the knowledge that, that was enough, that love was enough.

I am scared that my children will be raised in a world where it is acceptable to allow a mother to do everything, where the woman should take all sorts of nonsense all in the name of marriage and where a woman can be constantly drained emotionally and psychologically and still keep taking it. It isn’t acceptable now and should never be considered so.

I am so sad. For you. For me. For our children. For the life that we were meant to have together. But I can’t stay for the sake of the children, I know it would only prolong an increasingly unbearable agony. I always thought I was unbreakable, but continuing down this road will surely break me, it almost did. Please don’t let that happen. Please let’s just hold our hands up, admit defeat and walk away as friends. Please, don’t expect me to go into that relationship where I almost lost my sanity and where you watched as a spectator when all of it were being thrown. Don’t expect me to go back into a marriage where my respect was trampled upon and I had little support from you.”

Tears streamed down Fikayo’s eyes as he listened to his wife. He could tell that her mind was made up but he knew he should try harder. Maybe, just maybe, she’d change her mind and come back to him.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. Really, I am. I promise to change, you know how much I love you. I’m so sorry, it was mom, i also allowed my friends to lead me astray. I’m so sorry, baby, please, don’t do this to me. I’d die if you don’t come back to me, please.”

“You lost the chance to change, Fikayo. Don’t get me wrong, honestly, you were loving and caring on your own way, you loved me and I did too, I still do, as little as the feeling may be, it’s still there. But honestly, I can’t go back to that. No, I deserve better, of that I’m sure. Your mother hasn’t even for once apologized for everything she did which means she doesn’t even think she did anything wrong and would still go back to doing it. If Sewa’s issue didn’t turn out the way it did, you might never have looked back. You didn’t call, you didn’t care to get the root of the matter, you discarded me immediately like trash. In-fact, you’re here because she told you to be here, you still can’t decide on your own and I don’t think you ever will. It’s not your mom’s fault, Fikayo. Take the blame and move on with your life. You allowed it and that’s a fact. I’m not perfect too but I know that I deserve better than you. I wish you the very best, I honestly do. But I’d rather be a single mother than go back to being your wife. You have access to our kids, trust me, that’s fine.” Ifeoma concluded.

Mama started to plead after that but Ifeoma’s mind was made up as she stood up and left the living room, carrying one of the twins with her. Amaka took the other twin from mama and followed her. Mama called after her.

“She said she’s not doing again, abi what is it na! It’s time to leave!” Bola snapped at the woman as she glared at them both.”She was even so kind to you, it pisses me off! Leave jor!”

Fikayo took another look at the papers in his hands and then turned to glare at his mother as if to say, “this is all your fault” before he then stormed out of the building.

“We’ll come back for our children! The man owns the children after all! We’ll be back for them!” Mama shouted.

“If you cross your boundary, mama, I’ll pour hot water on your body!” Bola threatened.

Mama didn’t stop shouting as she left the building. Her son had zoomed off in annoyance.

Ifeoma stared at empty space, she was sure that she had taken the right decision and she was proud of herself.

“Peace and greatness, here I come.” She whispered as she rested her head on the pillow.