Meet cute and simple Patrick. He seemed nice and generous, always helping his family and community by giving donations.

But behind his friendly face, he had a dark secret. He had lots of phones and used them to talk to girls online. He would promise them love and money, when they visit him he take advant@ge of them then ki!! them.

Patrick was actually involved in harvesting. He would trick girls into coming to his house, and then he would hurt them and sell their body parts to make money. He targeted teenagers who were easily tempted by money.

One day, he met a girl named Blessing online. She is studying psychology in the university, she is very careful about who she talked to online. Patrick tried to get her to come to his house, but she refused. She didn’t fall for his sweet talk

Because Blessing didn’t go to his house, Patrick couldn’t deliver an order he had received. He lost a lot of money because Blessing was smart and didn’t let herself be tricked.

Patrick muttered to himself, “No girl has ever refused me.Blessing has become my obsession. I will ensure I acquire her by any means necessary and inflict upon her a painful demise.”

Since he wasn’t able to deliver his last order,he decided it’s better he get more girls on ground so when he get orders it won’t be stressful for him.

Patrick kept more than 30 girls inside his outhouse. When he received an order, he would eliminate one or two of them. Whenever Patrick visited his community, he always helped people around. This caught the attention of a pregnant girl, who wanted Patrick’s help for her boyfriend.

Patrick offered to help the pregnant girl, but he said she had to follow him to the city. The girl agreed to this condition, which was not a wise decision.

The girl followed Patrick to the city, but instead of helping her, Patrick tied her up and added her to the other ladies he had kept in his outhouse. The pregnant lady was always crying and making noise, which angered Patrick.

He decided she would be the first to d!e. In her final moments, she cursed Patrick, warning that his actions would bring consequences. Ignoring her plea, Patrick callously s!lenced her. The other girls, witnessing the horror, trembled with fear, realizing the danger they were in.

Patrick brought part of the remains of the pregnant woman to his mansion, and divided it for his clients to come pick up.

Patrick said is next target is blessing who made him lose so much money. I will pretend to love her and bring her to his house. I will make sure she beg for her life before i finally send her to the next life.

Patrick called Blessing on the phone and suggested meeting up. Blessing preferred to meet at her school. Patrick agreed and traveled to see her.

When he arrived near her school, Patrick called Blessing and asked her to meet him at a hotel, but Blessing refused.

Blessing suggested meeting in an open place, and she sent Patrick the address.

Patrick got there before her,when Blessing arrived, Patrick said wow.. beautiful girl with nice shape,if only you didn’t get me angry I would have taken you as my girlfriend..well, I have ki!!ed more girls who are more beautiful than you.

Your case will be no different.

Blessing was accompanied by three friends. After months of chatting online, she finally met Patrick in person. They engaged in conversation, asking each other questions.

As they prepared to part ways, Patrick saw an opportunity. He gave Blessing’s friends a large sum of money to share. Delighted, the friends thanked Patrick.

Before Patrick left, he offered money to Blessing, but she refused to accept it.

Blessing scolded her friends for accepting money from Patrick, expressing her disappointment. Despite her friends’ encouragement to date Patrick, Blessing stood firm in her decision.

Feeling frustrated, Blessing’s friends remarked that it’s hard to find a handsome and wealthy man these days,so she need to accept Patrick.

She sighed in annoyance and left her friends at the restaurant.

Patrick continued to pursue Blessing for a relationship, showering her with gifts and money. While Blessing accepted some, she rejected others. Patrick insisted that his gestures were out of love for her and emphasized the effort he made to see her.

He pleaded with Blessing to give him a chance, promising that she wouldn’t regret it. Patrick also attempted to win over Blessing’s friends by showering them with gifts and money, hoping they would help convince Blessing to accept him.

Despite initial hesitation, Blessing’s friends continued to persuade her, and eventually, Blessing agreed to date Patrick.

Feeling enamored with Patrick, Blessing agreed to visit him. When she asked for his home address, Patrick cryptically responded that she wouldn’t be able to find it. Instead, he instructed her to let him know once she arrived at the park, where he would come to pick her up.

Despite Blessing’s insistence on knowing the address, Patrick continued to decline. Blessing decided to inform her friends about her visit to Patrick’s place and shared his phone number with them for emergency purposes. Afterward, she went home briefly before embarking on her journey to visit Patrick.

As soon as Blessing arrived at the park,she called Patrick, he asked her to wait for him to come pick her up. However, right after their conversation, Blessing received a call from her mom, informing her about her younger brother’s involvement in a car accident near his school. Without hesitation, Blessing boarded another motor to go to her brother’s school.

Despite her attempts to call Patrick and inform him of the situation, he kept ignoring her calls.

Patrick’s initial reaction to Blessing’s departure shows his intense frustration and obsession. However, when Blessing explains the emergency involving her younger brother, Patrick calms down and expresses understanding. Despite his inner turmoil, he still professes his love for Blessing before ending the call.

Despite the minor nature of her brother’s accident, Blessing remains understanding and supportive, demonstrating her maturity. She returns to school after ensuring her brother’s well-being.

On the other hand, Patrick’s actions escalate, showing a disregard for human life as he continues his heinous crimes. This stark contrast highlights the importance of empathy, responsibility, and the consequences of obsession and violence.

Blessing promises Patrick that she will spend two weeks with him during the holiday, as Patrick has been insisting that she visit him.

Patrick has never spent so much time trying to talk to a girls before capturing them, but Blessing has been difficult for him. He’s not happy about it, but he’s determined to capture her no matter what.

Blessing called Patrick to say she’s coming over the weekend, which made Patrick really happy. He thinks he’ll finally be able to ki!! her.

Blessing surprised Patrick with a call, saying she’s in his city and ask him to come pick her up. However, Patrick isn’t happy because he has a lot of deliveries to make that day.

Patrick decided to pick Blessing up from the park and take her home. He provided her with things to make her comfortable. Patrick explained that he had to go to work and would return the next morning, asking her to understand that he didn’t know she would be coming that day.

Blessing asked Patrick to leave as she would manage on her own. While Patrick went to deliver his clients orders, Blessing stayed alone in the house. At night, she heard frightening cries from outside the house, which made her very scared. Despite her fear, as a psychologist, she decided to investigate the source of the noise. She noticed a house in the compound where the noise is coming from and peeked through the door, only to discover hundreds of women tied up inside with blo.od everywhere.

The first thing that came to Blessing’s mind was to go back inside and get her phone so she could call the nearest police station. However, she thought that would take too much time. Instead, Blessing went to the back of the house to get wood to open the door. There, she saw many shallow graves and a freshly har.ves.ted body of a girl.

She exclaimed, “Jesus Christ, this is too much!”

She didn’t allow what she saw to terrify her…she manage to get wood and hit the door open…

When she got inside she feel disgusted with what she saw… the place is smelling badly with human sk..ull everywhere..

Blessing ask them, why they are all tied up?a girl who had been there for a month answered blessing that they meant Patrick online.. Patrick gave them juice to drink when they woke up they find themselves here..

Patrick ki!! allot of girls everyday,we don’t know when is our turn, please help us.

Blessing also told them he meant Patrick online too….

One of the girl ask blessing to stop talking and untie them

Blessing untied some of the girls, and they helped to free the others. Blessing then left them to untie themselves while she went inside to get her phone. She quickly searched online for the phone number of the nearest police station and found it just in time.

Blessing informed the police about the urgent situation and gave them the address. The police quickly responded and arrived at the location.

They swiftly rescued the girls before morning, surrounding the premises without Patrick realizing.

The next morning, Patrick returned home, unaware of what had transpired.

The police asked Blessing to stay in the house, even though she is scared. They needed her presence to gather more evidence and possibly get a live confession from Patrick.

As Patrick entered his house, he harbored dark thoughts about Blessing, intending to inflict a painful on her. However, upon his arrival, Blessing greeted him warmly. Patrick offered her a juice, but Blessing declined, saying she doesn’t drink juice.

Patrick responded coldly, implying that Blessing wouldn’t need it since she wouldn’t be alive for long. Confused, Blessing asked him what he meant. Patrick laughed sinisterly, calling her a stupid girl and revealing his sinister intentions, declaring that she wouldn’t leave his house alive.

Blessing remained calm despite Patrick’s threats, stating that she was glad she surprised him with a visit. She informed him that they had plenty of evidence and witnesses against him.

As Blessing spoke, the police emerged and warned Patrick that anything he say or do would be used against him in court. Patrick became enraged, realizing that Blessing had set him up.

In a bold move, Blessing approached Patrick, slapped him, and smiled, telling him that the predator had become the prey.

Blessing joined the police in their efforts to bring Patrick to justice. They commended her bravery and quick thinking, recognizing that she had saved the lives of not only the girls trapped in Patrick’s captivity but also potentially many others who could have fallen victim to his crimes.

Patrick confessed to all his heinous deeds, and the police arrested everyone involved in his

cr!minal activities. In court, Patrick and his accomplices received a death sentence for their crimes. Justice was served for their victims, and the community could finally find closure.

The End.

Written by Rukevwe merry

This story shows how important it is for everyone to be careful and watchful when talking to people, whether online or in person. Blessing’s experience teaches us that it’s risky to trust strangers. Although Blessing got away safely, not everyone is so lucky. We need to always be cautious and aware of our safety.

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