The Hufaithful Husband (part2)

George’s POV

I kept staring at the mirror as I sat on the floor. Tears flooded my eyes when I saw my reflection. My hair was scattered and my dress thoroughly messed up.

My face now looked very pale due to the excessive crying, how did I get to this point? I asked myself.

Uncle Alex kept pleading with me to come out of the bathroom but I gave deaf ears to his pleas. I had sat down on the ground for close to thirty minutes now; as I recalled everything that happened I buried my head between my legs and continued shedding tears.

I needed to leave soonest and I already knew what step I was going to take.

“George I’ve apologized; please you’re taking this too far. My wife may start getting worried” he said.

“You can’t blame me, it was because of your actions I had the courage to do this. I thought you were okay with it and I expected you to reciprocate the love I had for you. But now that things have gone sour I’m begging you to forgive me in any way I may have hurt you” he pleaded.

He expected a response from me but he didn’t get any. I remained mute like a stone.

As I looked through the door I noticed uncle Alex was no more paying attention, he seemed to be searching for something in the drawer.

Instantaneously in a quick reflex; I got up from the floor; opened the bathroom door and raced for the door to the room. I didn’t mind the fact that I was leaving my phone and transport fare behind, the only agenda I had was to leave the room.

As I ran, he soon realized what was going on. I had already gotten to the door and was just about opening it when uncle Alex held me from behind.

. .
. .
. .

I turned my head to face his, I fearfully waited for whatever action he wanted to take.

“George please it would be very bad for you to leave like this, what would my wife say when she sees you. Aside from that, there are even CCTV cameras in the building. A lot of people will see you on your way out, please I don’t want them asking questions. Before you leave, just go to the bathroom; wash my your face, arrange your dress and put your hair in order please I beg you; just do that for me. And I also want you to forgive me for what I did, please I’m very sorry”

I looked at his face; his apology looked very genuine. He let go of my hands and went to sit on the bed. I considered what he said but I was definitely going to tell his wife what happened. I grabbed my phone; headed straight to the bathroom and thoroughly washed my face. Then I put my gown in order and glanced at the mirror; my appearance was better than before but my eyes were still looking swollen.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, uncle Alex gave me a five hundred naira note to pay my transport fare. I collected it without saying any word to him.

“Please before you leave I want you to promise me just one thing”

“Please I want everything that happened here to be kept secret between you and me. Please let no one know about it; especially my wife.” He said seriously pleading.

“I don’t think I can keep what happened here today to myself and if your wife starts questioning me too much I might tell her everything” I said.

“Please don’t, I beg you; for the sake of my children” Alex said

I didn’t reply him, I just opened the door and walked out of the hotel room.

I was filled with relief as soon as I got out of the hotel. I couldn’t believe that I was able to finally leave without having s*x with Alex. I couldn’t stop thanking God for preserving my virg!nitƴ.

On my way back I tried thinking of what excuse to give to my sister but I couldn’t come up with anything till I got back home. As I entered the house, the first person I met was her.

“George what happened? Why did it take you so long to come back and why did you refuse to take my calls” Sister Jenny queried.

“Ermm… I… I was waiting for uncle, he…he… he said he was going to get something so I waited for him but.. he took very long to get back” I said stuttering through out my sentences.

“Hmm” my sister sighed as if in disbelief.

“What is wrong with you?” She asked as she noticed how red and puffy my eyes were.

“Why are your eyes looking like that?” She asked

“Umm… I’ve being feeling head ache since I left the house” I replied

“Why won’t you?” She said.

“When you left the house without eating, please quickly go and get something to eat, then you take paracetamol tablets. I don’t want anyone to fall ill.” She said.

I immediately left her presence to avoid anymore questions.

Leo’s POV

As I heard voices in the sitting room I realized that George was back, I immediately left my room to listen to what was happening.

I heard my mom ask her what caused the delay and from her response I just knew she was lieing. I needed to hear from her myself.

As they were done talking, I quickly intercepted George as she was about entering her room. I noticed her eyes, they were swollen. It was like someone who had been crying all day long.

“What happened?” I asked in a stiff manner but she didn’t reply.

“What happened to you” I questioned once more.

“I hope you didn’t go to the hotel?” I asked

“I did” she finally spoke up.

“Why did you go there na, hope nothing happened?” I asked now looking tensed.

“He…he tried to r@pe me” she said childishly.

“JESUS!” I heard myself scream.

“Please lower your voice”

“Lower my voice? for what! I hope he didn’t succeed” I said, my curiosity was now at it’s peak.

“No, he almost but he didn’t”

“Hmm” I gave a big sigh of relief.

“Thank God o” I said.

“But you shouldn’t have gone there in the first place na; I expected you to know that going there is just like surrendering yourself to him. You should have maybe given him the so-called document outside or even go somewhere else”

“I was hoping to continue hiding this his little secret for the sake of the family but it is beginning to eat deep into my flesh. We are going to tell my mom everything! Everything that has been happening from day one till date” I said courageously.

I had made up my mind and nothing was going to make me turn back.

“No, please let’s not do that. He…”

“Why??” I quickly interrupted.

“He has begged for my forgiveness and he begged me not to tell your mom”

“No! That can’t happen o, she must know everything” I said.

“Please I think he has gotten his senses, at least for my sake. Do you think your mom will allow me to continue living with her if she finds out. No! She won’t, no one would.”

“So I’m begging you; at least just for my sake; for the sake of my family and my future pleease don’t let her know about anything, please”

I was beginning to feel emphatic and sober towards her. She was right, my mom would never allow George to continue living with us if she found out. This was a tough decision to take, I was in between the devil and the Red Sea.

After much consideration; I decided to let it go. I didn’t want to be the reason why someone’s education and future will be ruined.

I just left and went to my room.

I was seriously operating my phone when I heard the loud honk of my dad’s car. I left my room with urgency so that I’ll be able to hear what he had to say to my mom.

She was still in the sitting room when he entered.

“Honey good afternoon” she greeted.

“Good afternoon my lovely wife” he responded.

I knew very well that he was just trying to buy her heart with his words.

“Why did you keep George there for long, she had not even eaten before she left the house.”

“My dear I’m very sorry” I heard my dad say.

“I thought I would be able to leave on time so I asked her to wait for me so we could come back together and save transport. But as I saw that I wouldn’t finish what I was doing early I asked her to start coming home”

“But that isn’t what she told me, she said that you asked her to wait while you went to get something”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying na, I went to get some thing I will need for the project I’m carrying out but when I saw that time was no more on my side I asked her to come home”

“I’m still very confused here” my mum said. She was beginning to feel that something was off as both George and my dad gave different excuses.

“Alex I don’t really understand what you’re saying” she said.

“See just forget about that matter and give me food to eat, my belly has been rumbling ever since”

My dad was playing smart by quickly changing the discussion. He had successfully hidden the truth from being exposed

So this was how another one of his evil acts will pass by going unnoticed by mom. Anyhow it goes, the truth would definitely be exposed in the course of time.

Alex’s POV

I almost got into trouble today because of that girls childishness. So that is how she would have tarnished my image, imagine her telling me that she can not have s*x with me. Who does she even think she is, why is she just proving stubborn. I’ve promised her anything she wants, still she doesn’t want to succumb.

What do I do? What step do I take next? I wasn’t very much interested in her until she started playing hard to get. She can’t play hard to get with me o. Nobody can, emi Alex, odidi emi, ko le seleme (me Alex; a whole me, it can never happen)

I will get her no matter what I said snapping my fingers.

George’s POV

I longed for sleep but it was nowhere to be found, I longed for peace of mind but it was beyond my reach. The event that took place remained in my mind like a fresh wound.

It kept playing like a movie before me, the harder I tried to forget; the more I remembered. How long would it take for me to recover from this trauma, no one apart from Leo knew what I was going through. No was there to help me, to comfort me. I was left to carry my cross alone.

Amid thoughts, I remembered my boyfriend — Chidi. He wasn’t aware of anything going on, I had to tell everything; because he is the only one whose words can bring me peace of mind.

I picked up my half dead antiquated mobile phone and dialed his number.

“Hello baby what’s up” he asked.

“I’m fine” I replied in a downcast tone.

“What happened, you don’t sound too well”

“Hmm” I sighed

“It’s a long story”

“C’mon, tell me what happened” he said with concern.

“It’s my sister’s husband”

“Your sister’s husband again, what exactly is the problem?” He asked.

I told him everything from start to finish, it took me some time but I didn’t leave any detail uncovered. I even told him that my uncle’s son was aware.

He remained speechless till I was done, I even began thinking I was just speaking with myself.

“Hello, are you there? Babe why are you not responding”

“I’m hearing you, is just that I’m shocked beyond words. It’s just so astounding to hear such a thing” he said.

Chidi gave me the peace of mind I needed, he told me that everything would be fine and I stopped me from being worried.

He also advised me to be very careful around the house especially with what I eat. So that I don’t end up getting r@ped in my sleep.

He asked me to take very good care of myself and to always be conscious of my environment. I really missed him and I never wanted the call to end. He was the only true friend I could ever have.

I was about sleeping off when I heard a knock at the door, as usual I expected it to be Leo. It was a very bad timing for me, just when I was finally going to get some sleep.

I forced myself to get up to open the door.

As I opened the door I was thunderstruck by who I saw. It was Uncle Alex! what does he want again, hasn’t he done enough harm. I was ready to serve it hot for him this time around……………………….


I was about sleeping off when I heard a knock at the door, as usual I expected it to be Leo. It was a very bad timing for me, just when I was finally going to get some sleep.

I forced myself to get up to open the door.

As I opened the door I was thunderstruck by who I saw. It was Uncle Alex! what does he want again, hasn’t he done enough harm. I was ready to serve it hot for him this time around.

“Sir please I was about sleeping off before you knocked on the door. I’m tired and I seriously need rest” I told him in a cold manner trying hard to avoid eye contact.

“George I know you’re very angry with me but I need you to find a place in your heart to forgive me”

“I’m very sorry for what happened earlier today and I just wanted to be sure that you have truly forgiven me; from your heart”

It was hard for me to believe that he came to ask for my forgiveness. At least it added joy to me to know that he was truly sorry. I was more than happy that his pestering had come to an end.

“It’s okay sir, I’m not angry anymore” I said

“Are you sure” asked Alex

“Yes, I’ve forgiven you”

“Thank you very much my dear. So that means we’re good and things will go back to the way they used to be, right?”


“Okay that’s great, well here’s what I got for you to show that I’m truly sorry” Alex said as he brought out a gown from the plastic bag he was holding.

It was a very beautiful and attractive flare gown, I was short of words because the gown was currently in vogue, not to mention it was red — my favorite colour. Although I didn’t mention it to anyone; the gown uncle Alex got for me was at the top of my wishlist.

The only problem was that it was a very expensive gown, and if sister Jenny eventually sees it; she wouldn’t believe I bought the gown myself. Leaving me with no choice than to turn it down.

“I’m sorry but I can’t accept it” I said sadly


“Or don’t you like it!” Alex asked.

“I like it, it’s very beautiful but where would I tell your wife that I got it from, she won’t believe that I was able to afford such an expensive gown.”

“So you want to reject my gift? a gift I bought specially for you just to show how sorry I am. Please don’t just turn it down that way; at least to show that you have forgiven me”

“I have forgiven you sir” I said firmly

“But you don’t appreciate my gift”

“Sir I do, but you have to understand me, we have already raised enough suspicion. So it’ll be better if we just leave things the way they are”

“It’s alright then” he said.

“I’ll just return the gown to the boutique since the person I bought it for doesn’t want it” uncle Alex said like a child seeking sympathy.

“It’s fine, I’ll take it” I surrendered.

I could clearly see the smile that lit up Alex’s face when I finally accepted his gift.

“Thank you” I said and closed my room door.

Leo’s POV

My mom would be traveling in a few days time. It was indeed a very bad time for her to travel, because I knew this would give my dad the license to cook up more mischief.

I made up my mind to try my best to be at home always. I won’t want my dad and George to be alone. I was getting wearried of all these happenings. When would all these be over I thought to myself. Left alone for me I would have let my mom know everything but then George’s future would be on the line.

I kept racking my brain for a final solution to this issue. I knew my father too well to conclude that he had given up. Deep down I was sure his pleading was all pretence.

Later that day

My mum was having issues updating her facebook app and she needed my help. After I successfully updated the app for her, i helped her log in on her device and when I entered the search history; I was shocked to find Sonia’s name all over the recent search items.

How did my mum get to know about Sonia, up to the extent of looking up her name on social media. For her to do such then it signified that she had started getting suspicious of my dad. I began to wonder if she was also suspecting that something was going on between my dad and George.

Nevertheless, I was happy she knew about that b*tch called Sonia; whose agenda is to reap where she did not sow. I was fully aware of everything going on between my dad and her.

She recently graduated from the University all because of my dad’s help. When I tried getting more information about her I found out she came from a very poor background.

Sonia was raised by a single parent; she was brought up by only her mom. When she gained admission into the university they didn’t have any source where they hoped to get funding for her schooling.

That was were my dad came in handy, when my dad wooed her just for the usual one night stand she siezed the opportunity and clung to him like a leash.

She got herself attached to him, used him; for financial purposes, to pass exams and even to settle family bills. Sonia knew very well how promiscuous my dad was but she was never bothered; all she wanted was to exploit him to her benefit. She became so close to him that a lot of people in the university got to know about it.

I still don’t know what was so special about her that unlike other girls who my dad just uses and dumps; he never did so to Sonia. Instead their bond grew stronger and more intimate with every passing day.

Alex’s POV

I received a call from my colleague and very close friend — Jacob

Jacob was like a brother to me, we attended the same university and studied the same course. Even after graduation we gained employment in the same institution. After working as junior staffs for years fate smiled at us when we both got promoted to become senior lecturers.

After knowing each other for this long, nature had it that we became very good friends. Jacob was a lot like me and that cemented the bond between us; just like they say birds of the same feather flock together.

Jacob was a pervert even worse than I am, he had slept with more than half of the females in the department. Shocking right, but no matter how many he had s*x with; his s*xual satiety could never be filled up. Which ever lady he desired, he acquired through any means whatsoever. Jacob never gave a dam;n if you want to have s*x with him or not, he was ready to intentionally fail you if you didn’t concur to whatever he asked of you.

During the course of time, he had used his position as a lecturer harass students and have s*x with them against their wish. Afterwards, most of the ladies would even go to the extent of swearing against him, and raining all sorts of curses on him and his innocent generation but as usual; Jacob cared less.

And his promiscuous and devil-may-care attitude influenced me greatly.

As I picked his call I noticed he was rather perturbed in his speech.

“Hello my good man, how is everything” I asked

“My brother, everything is not fine”

“Is anything the matter” I asked expressing solicitude

“Hmm” he sighed heavily.

“Just meet me at our usual hangout joint, I’ll tell you everything there” he said and hung up abruptly.

I became very worried; I had never heard him sound so nervous. What could have happened I thought to myself. Whatever it was I just prayed deep down that it wasn’t something serious.

In less than thirty minutes, I arrived our hangout joint. It was a classic bar filled with expensive drinks of all taste, there was also a club situated inside which only functioned at night. From the entrance where I stood I could sight Jacob at the bar seating area. He looked like he had drank to stupor.

I quickly rushed to meet him and I noticed a lot of bottles on the bartender’s desk.

“Jacob, what is wrong with you why did you take this much alcohol” I asked with concernment

“Alex if I tell you the reason, if I tell you, you will even buy more bottles for me”

“That can’t happen, please stop this; you’re messed up”

“I know that already, see Alex I am messed up, I am messed up” he exclaimed.

“Please stop saying that, just get up and clean yourself”

“By the way, what happened that made you sound so worried over the phone” I asked

“Alex” he said placing his hand on my shoulder.

“Do you remember Samantha?”

“Which Samantha?” I questioned.

“Samantha; the one that I had an affair with sometime ago”

“I can’t remember her o, you know you’ve had a lot of extramarital affairs” I hailed him laughing.

“Alex this isn’t a laughing matter” he said with all seriousness.

“Can’t you remember Samantha?? We started dating when she was in her 400 level. That fair not too tall Igbo girl”

“Oh yes, I can remember now” I said.

“What happened to her, I hope she isn’t pregnant” I said fearfully

“It would have been far better if she was pregnant”

“Ah ah, what then could have happened that would be worse than her getting pregnant” I said very tensed.

“You know she didn’t date me on her own accord, I threatened to get her waffed from the University if she didn’t comply”

“So??” I wanted Jacob to just hit the nail on the head but he kept beating about the bush.

“I never knew this girl had her own plan of revenge to met out on me. Just yesterday I was told that the HOD wanted me to see him in his office. When I got there I was surprised to find a panel seated and this same Samantha who I had lost contact with for more than a year”

“Fear gripped me to my bones, Samantha showed them videos, chats, voice notes and a lot of other things to prove that I had forced to have s*x with me. I was stiff like someone paralyzed with stroke; the evidence she showed them was undeniable. According to her; she was fighting for all those who I had maltreated with my position in the past”

As Jacob narrated, my mouth was left agape. Such offence wouldn’t only make him lose his job but also his operating license. It was really a big blow.

“What about your wife, does she know about it?” I asked.

“No she doesn’t, the case is still pending. I won’t let her know anything until the it is concluded just in case I luck out on this one”

“You’ll need more than luck” I told him plainly.

“Aren’t you worried” he asked me.

“Why should I” I asked confusedly.

“Samantha is hell bent on bringing us to book, don’t forget she said she’s fighting for all those who have been exploited. Or have you forgotten that you also exploited a lot of students.”

Jacob’s statement left me in a state of bewilderedness. If this so-called Samantha had any evidence against me I could also lose my job and get my reputation tarnished. The worst of it all is that I could lose my operating license.

All I suffered for in the university, the many sleepless nights I spent studying would be gone just like that.

Even after leaving the bar that day, fear refused to let go of me. It buried me in his arms and left me frightened like a little child.

Leo’s POV

It was finally the day my mom would be traveling, it was a business trip that would last for a period of about two weeks in Imo state. She would be leaving only me, the kids, my dad and George at home.

I gave her the last wave and told her the final goodbye before my dad finally drove her out of the compound to the airport. I knew that there was no equipment that could measure the happiness he felt inside. With my mom leaving the state, one thing was for sure; the next two weeks will be definitely be INTENSE…………………….


Alex’s POV

I couldn’t sleep comfortably last night. Flashes of my discussion with Jacob kept coming to me, there was absolutely nothing I could do to save myself. It was all in God’s hands; if I lose my job I’ll lose everything. I don’t even have enough savings to start up any business; my life would be as good as ruined. No! This can’t happen, I won’t allow it; it’s like the so-called Samantha is longing for premature death I said smirking.

Indeed bad news spread like wildfire; it didn’t take more than 24 hours for the scandal to spread round the university. Even the local news paper were not left out on the fun.

The headline read boldly in caps.


So just like that everything had gone viral, what explanation would he give to his family, the panel and even those who looked up to him. It had become an open secret.

When I got to my office, I was seriously worried. I sat on my chair and began imagining the devastating consequences that would befall me if I’m eventually caught; it would be a great tragedy.

I was deep in thoughts when the ringing sound of my phone jolted me back to reality. My wife was the one on phone, I picked up

“Hello honey good morning” she said

“Morning” I said in a very gloomy voice.

“Is anything the matter” my wife inquired.

“No” I said still very down cast.

“Did you hear what happened to your friend — Jacob, I heard a former student of the university accused him of forcing her into having s*xual escapades with him”

“How did you get to know about it?” I asked curiously.

“The issue has been trending all over social media, that’s not why I called Alex I’ve being expecting your call since I travelled; you couldn’t even call to ask if I’ve arrived Imo state”

“My dear, I’m very sorry. It’s just that a lot of things have being on my mind lately” I told her.

“Alex, you sound like something is bothering you; what is it?” my wife asked.

“It’s this Jacob’s issue; I’m just worried about my job”

“Why should you?” Jennifer asked

“If they want to met out any form of punishment it is supposed to go to him and not you. After all you weren’t there when he was carrying out such wickedness”

“Jenny you won’t understand”

“Understand what?” She questioned suspiciously.

“Or is there something you are not telling me”

“No, I’m just worried about Jacob; you know he is a very close friend of mine. How would he be able to cater for his family” I said trying to clear my wife’s skepticism.

“You’re right, but if really the accusations are true; then I think he deserves some level of punishment. What he did is pure evil”

“Hmm… that’s your opinion.”

“I’ll call you later; I’m quite busy. Do have a nice day”

“Yeah…you too” I said and hung up the call.

Leo’s POV

One day after my mom travelled and my dad was yet to make any passes at George. Was the devil actually telling the truth? could it be that his apologies were truly sincere and he was regretting his actions.

This was certainly more than a miracle. My younger ones were at school; George and I were the only ones at home, I was in the sitting room watching a movie while George was about leaving for work.

“You’re late today” I said to George who was seriously packing up her things to leave for work.

“Yes, I didn’t wake up on time” she replied.

“How’s the work going?”

“Stressful” she said “tailoring is very stressful; not as easy as you think”

“Really?” I asked m


“I wanted to ask you something, about my dad”

“Ok; you can go on but you have to be fast about it” she spurred.

“It’s not as if I don’t trust you or something; I just wanted to be sure. Are you saying my dad no longer disturbs you” I asked.

“Leo how many times do I have to tell you, he came to beg for my forgiveness for all he did. Isn’t that enough to show that he no longer has any evil intention towards me”

“Hmm” I sighed.

“If you say so… no problem I just hope it’s not pretence”

“Yea, I hope so too” George said.

“Have a nice day” I told her as she dashed out of the house.

George’s POV

The loud piercing sound of my phone ringtone broke the serenity that filled my workplace. I forgot to put my phone on vibration mode due to the hurry. Everyone’s attention was now diverted to the funny ringtone of my Nokia handset. I quickly muted the call and switched my phone to vibration mode because my madam was very strict about answering calls at work.

After a few seconds, another call came in

The vibration beat softly against my palm, who was this person that won’t let me rest. I took a quick glance at my phone screen and saw Naijatea stories that Chidi was the one calling. Oh! How eager I was to answer his call, I was forced to ignore it and wait till work was over for the day.

As soon as I closed from work; the first thing I did was to dial my boyfriend’s number.

“Hello babe, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to pick your calls; I was at work”

“It’s fine; I’ve missed you so much” Chidi said passionately

“I’ve missed you more” I said

“I just wish I could see you”

“Actually you can”

“What do you mean?” I asked confusedly

“That’s why I call was calling you. I came to town to spend a few weeks with my elder bro. And guess what?”

“What?” I asked.

“He also lives in Jentown”

“Are you serious” I said with uncontainable joy.

“Yes my love, that means we can now get to see each other” he said gladly

“Wow, where exactly is his house? are you there now? can I come see you today?”

“Yes, anytime you’re free. I’ll send you the address now and please one question at a time”

“Na you sabi; just send me the address I’m already on my way” I said letting out a joyous laughter.

In few minutes time, Chidi sent me the address to his brother’s house. I was stunned to find out that his brother lived not too far away from my sister’s building. It felt more than sheer coincidence to me; I just felt that fate wanted us to be together. The universe had it all planned out m

I quickly dressed up, packed my hair, put on some perfume and ensured I was looking my best. I hung my lesson bag and told Leo I was leaving for evening lessons. It was the only way I could sneak out to meet my boyfriend.


It wasn’t hard for me to locate the place. I got to a flatmate with different rooms; I knocked on the metal door to the second one just as Chidi described in the text. As the handle moved open- I saw my boyfriend for the first time in two months, I ran as swift as Usain Bolt and dived on him. He reciprocated by holding me tight to himself.

“I’ve missed you so much” he said

“Wow… I never thought I would be able to see you anytime soon, I’m overwhelmed to finally hold you in my arms”

“Yea… nothing can separate us not even distance” I said.

Alex still holding me in his arms took me inside and left me on the couch. It was a one bedroom apartment not very spacious but big enough for someone to comfortably live in. I had never seen Chidi’s brother but he had told me a lot about him.

They said he was a very industrious person who always tried to maximize the little he hard. From all indications; he was a hardworking person.

Chidi went into the kitchen and came back with a glass cup and a bottle of Maltina

He poured it into the glass and gave me to drink.

“How has everything being” he asked

“All good” I said taking a sip from the cup.

“What about your uncle who you said has been disturbing you”

“Everything is okay now, he seems to have come back to his senses.”

“He’s lucky he did or else”

“Or else what” I said laughing.

“You need to calm down” I smiled.

“Forget your uncle I’ve really missed your lips” Chidi said staring at my face.

“You’re such a naughty boy” I giggled.

“Do you want to see how naughty I can be” he said biting his lips.

“C’mon I haven’t even finished the drink”

He cared less and bent his forward; when our lips met it was like time stood still, the rest of the world blurred around me. I returned the favor by moving closer to him and placing my hands in his.

Chidi started biting my lips and using his tongue to draw circles round my tongue. He gave me a flirty eye look and moved his hand down to my @ss cheeks, Chidi was a very passionate k!sser; my knees went weak and my whole body became limp. There was this rush of dopamine and oxytocin in my system; I was literally on cloud nine!

The next few minutes became intense; what was a mere kiss began developing into something wilder. I fell on the bed as Chidi slowly pushed me backwards. With the level of pleasure I was feeling at the moment I didn’t mind losing my virginit;y right there. Besides, it was with someone I cherished.

I lost control of myself and my hormones took over me; our bodies pressed together heatedly against the bed, I breathed heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat as we fumbled to take off one another’s clothes.

First his shirt and then mine; the only covering preventing my b00bs was the pink br@ I was putting on. Slowly, Chidi unbuckled my br# and carefully took them off my chest exposing my firm b00bs.

His eyes were filled with unspoken love as he tentatively he placed his hand on my left br*ast, and began sucking my ***** one after the other.

I was overwhelmed with excitement and s*xual pleasure; I prepared my mind for whatever that would happen. I even gave him the go ahead; I tried moving his head lower but he kept it stiff. Taking his time with whatever action he was taking.

The pressure was too much, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Chidi, let’s do it; I am ready” I said desperately.

“We can do every other freaking thing in the world but as for s*x — it is off limits; till our wedding night” Chidi said dropping a tender passionate k!ss on my lips.

He then started using his tongue to lick my chest down to my waist. My laps were visibly shaking and my whole body ached for his touch.

He paused looked at me and smiled; what next? Chidi lowered his head down to my **** and began ****


We were best friends right from childhood, we knew and understood each other to the core. Even at a tender age, we joked about getting married; three years of formal relationship and he had never had s*x with me. He keeps hoping that he would get to carry out the honors on our wedding night.


We laid face up on the bed in each other’s arms.

“I should get going” I said.

“I don’t want to stir suspicions”

“It’s alright, put on your top and put yourself together. I don’t want my big bro to meet us like this”

As I checked the time, I realized I was supposed to be back home by now. It turned out what seemed like thirty minutes in fantasy land was actually more than two hours in reality. I quickly dressed up, hung my lesson bag and hurried to take my leave.

“Won’t you at least give me a peck before you leave; when I don’t even know when next I’ll see you” Chidi said.

I hastily walked up to the bed and gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

“Chidi, I need to leave as soon as possible… We’ll see again anytime soon”

“I love you” he said.

I couldn’t even give a reply as I raced towards the door . As soon as I opened it; I saw a tall light skinned young man who I guessed should be in his late twenties. He looked a lot like Chidi.

“Good evening” I said as I hurriedly walked passed avoiding eye contact.

Alex’s POV

As I got to work, I wasn’t surprised to see the office block scanty; most workers must have probably gone to the council hall for Jacob’s meeting with the panel. I went straight to my office; opened the door and sank into the wooden chair behind the desk.

Knock knock came the sound from behind the door

“Yes, you may come in”

Lawal who was newly promoted to be a senior lecturer walked in.

“Good afternoon sir” he greeted.

“Good afternoon, you may have your seat” I responded kindly

“Don’t bother yourself sir. I won’t take much of your time” Lawal replied

“Were you at the council hall? How did it go” I asked

“Yes, that’s even where I’m coming from. The lady who laid the accusations brought very incriminating evidence against Mr. Jacob; she had sound records, chats, hotel receipts and a lots of other very inculcating materials. Jacob really broke his boundaries, I mean he really deserves thorough punishment don’t you think?” He said staring at me

“Yeah… yeah” I said

“We all know student-teacher relationships are strongly prohibited in this institution yet Jacob – a high ranking senior lecturer went ahead to break the work ethics; and to think that he even did it forcefully is very apalling” Lawal said slightly irritated.

“My honest prayer is that everyone who has been intimidating students will be brought to book”

“Amen” I concurred so it seems m as if I wasn’t in support.

“Meanwhile I actually came to inform you that your presence is also needed before the disciplinary council”

“How?… Why?… What for” I stuttered.

“You’ll find out yourself, they have some questions to ask you” Jacob said giving me a fierce look as he left my office………….


The pounding of my heart beat was immediately amplified, it became loud enough for anyone around to hear. I stared at the marble tiled floor and kept pacing about my office. So this was this going to be the end for me? I pondered to myself

Bee Alex leleyi yoo pari (so Alex this is how you will end)

bẹ́ẹ̀ ni gbogbo ohun tí o ti retí, tí o sì ṣiṣẹ́ fún ni a óo gbà lọ́wọ́ rẹ (is this how everything you have hoped and worked for will be taken away from you?) I soliloquised with my hands folded in each other.

I couldn’t decide not to go, if not it will be concluded that I’m guilty, I was left with no other choice than to appear before the disciplinary council. As sluggish as a tortoise I walked down to the council hall; counting each step I took.

I tried to spend forever on my way; but after wasting as much time as I could I finally arrived.

Opening the door lazily I could hear the indistinct chatter from the crowd. As I stepped into the hall I felt I was in between time and timelessness, no word could express the nervous agitation that had engulfed me.

I was directed by a protocol officer to a seat at the front.

“Good day, Mr. Alex Olamilekan” came the voice of Professor Maxwell

Oh my Goodness! Professor Maxwell? Were my eyes playing pranks on me or was this reality; I had only come in contact with him twice in my life and this was the second time.

Being the regional head of the Nursing And Midwifery Council of Nigeria – NMCN in the west region he could only be present when it involved very daring matters.

As I looked beside him I realized the presence of the Vice Chancellor; this was definitely going to be remembered as the worst day of my life. I could see my friend Jacob standing before the panel with fear written all over him.

“Good day sir” I quickly replied after noticing I had been keeping him waiting while I was deep in thoughts.

“Mr. Alex I am sure you know why you were asked to appear before us” came the voice of Dr. Ladipo.

Dr. Ladipo— a highly notable and respected man. He is a man of integrity; a no nonsense man who shunned corruption and hated bribery. It was for these qualities he was chosen to head the disciplinary council.

“Not exactly” I replied

“But you must have heard about the quicksand Mr. Jacob is sinking into?”

“Yes I have sir” I said trying to comport myself

“Reports reaching me is that you are a very close friend of his, is that true” he asked sternly.

“Not that close sir, we just happened to have known each other for a long time, that’s all” I lied.

“But Mr. Jacob here says he has known you since secondary school, isn’t that so”

“It is sir”

“So are you saying that with all these years of knowing each other there is no friendship shared between the both of you?”

“There is”

Why would Jacob tell them that he has known me for that long, he shouldn’t fan flames to the fire that was already burning.

“Okay, but you discuss with each other, you call each other. I even got to know that you have a hangout joint where you meet most weekends; I’m I right?”

“Yes” I said softly.

“Currently, it has been proven that Mr. Jacob here has been using his position as a point of intimidation to any student who he could prey on their vulnerability. Consequently; sufficient punishment will be metted out to him to serve as a lesson to others partaking in such inhumane act.”

“Meanwhile, Mr. Alex you were a very close friend to Mr. Jacob and it would sound unreasonable to say that you never for once knew that your friend had been carrying out such evil act. Therefore the board would like to know why you didn’t report all these to higher authority rather you kept it to yourself and let innocent people suffer”

“Sir, I was never aware about it; I had no idea such a thing was going on. I was even stunned to hear all these; infact I never believed Mr. Jacob could do such a thing” I said sheepishly.

“Are you saying he never mentioned anything to you” the Vice Chancellor cut in with a doubtful look on his face.

“Yes sir, you can ask him”

I wished I could swallow the words that I just let out of my mouth; with the mess Jacob had gotten into would he allow himself go down alone. The fear that was beginning to leave me suddenly gripped me once more. This would be a real test of friendship for Jacob, I thought.

“Mr. Jacob is it true that your friend here never knew about all what you had been doing” Dr. Ladipo questioned.

I looked at Jacob and he looked at me, my eyes spoke a thousand words to him begging to say “yes.”

“Well I can’t lie to you my chairman” Jacob began. “Alex is a very good friend of mine yes I know that but I can’t lie to cover him up.”

Tears flooded my eyes just waiting for him to speak before I finally pour them out.

“If there was anything going on; Alex would be the first to know even before my wife. I can’t do anything without his knowledge… but when it comes to the issue on ground, I didn’t allow Alex know even an atom of it. I had to keep everything to myself to prevent any troubles from occuring” Jacob said very convincingly.

Wow! My joy knew no bounds; I knew Jacob wouldn’t disappoint me. Once again he had proven our friendship.

With a huge sigh of relief I sat down back on my seat as the hearing continued. To my dismay Jacob was indeed used as a scape goat; the university immediately terminated his appointment with them as if it wasn’t enough the NMCN also withdrew his operating license.

Not only did Mr. Jacob lose his job; he also lost what it takes to get another lecturing job due to the fact that he had lost his operating license and his image severely tarnished.

When the meeting finally came to an end I couldn’t believe it. At some point, I thought I was been called because my own acts had also been exposed. I was ecstatic that I had just escaped what would have been my downfall; the euphoria I felt was just so immeasurable.

On the other hand Jacob had just lost everything he ever laboured for; it was a situation of mixed feelings for me. I was glad that nothing was revealed about me while I was also sad that Jacob just lost all he toiled for.


Fast forward to four days later

Jacob’s wife had found out everything, she couldn’t bear the burden and she packed her things and took her children to live somewhere else. Jacob was devastated and truly sorry for his actions but his wife couldn’t continue living with him after all that had happened. Besides, he was of no need to her; a promiscuous man without a job, money and possibly a future.

I couldn’t even imagine myself in his shoes, it was his own undoing and he had to pay dearly for it. A lot of rumours had being going round about him getting suic!dal. I needed to talk to my friend and give him some words of encouragement.

I dialed Jacob’s number twice still there wasn’t any response. I tried one more time and he finally picked.

“Hello my good friend, how are you” I asked.

“I’m fine; even though you know I’m not I just have to say it”

“I know it hasn’t being easy, but you just have to endure”

“What is there to endure, ehnn Alex; you can only say that because you aren’t in my shoes. Everyone has given up on me, my former colleagues, my friends and even my family, life itself has given up on me. I’m just like the walking dead; I’m alive but there is no life in me. Honestly speaking, I just want to die and leave this world of humiliation…”

“No! No! No! Don’t say such a thing, as long as there is a will; there is a way. Jacob there is still hope for the living, you are alive so there is still hope for you. Infact, you know what; let’s just meet at our usual place, we can talk better there than on the phone” I said.

With the statements Jacob made, it was crystal clear that suic!de was becoming an option for him.


I arrived the bar before Jacob and waited for more than fifteen minutes before he finally showed up. It took me some seconds to believe that the person standing before me was actually Jacob. He looked very pale and thin, I was surprised how fast depression could make someone emaciate. Within me I was pretty sure that his ribs would be very visible by now.

His eyes were sunken and his skin dry, Jacob whose appearance was once vibrant had now become an eyesore.

“How far” I said trying hard not to sound irritated.

“I’m managing”

“I thought you wouldn’t be coming anymore”

“I had no other choice” Jacob replied coldly

“Please get us some drinks… the usual” I said to the bartender.

“So what is your next plan?” I asked

“I don’t know what to do, where to start from and what to start, life has just rendered me useless” Jacob said soberly

“Jacob, you are not useless. Weren’t you surviving before you got this job?” I asked rhetorically.

“Why don’t you sell some of your property; maybe your car and continue the boutique business you were doing before you got employed”

“Hmm…you are quite right there” Jacob said.

“I was making enough profit then to take care of my family and now that I’m alone; I’ll even have enough for myself.”

I saw Jacob smile for the first time since he came in.

“This is a very brilliant idea…you know. If I can start that business then maybe my life could have meaning again” Jacob said.

This was the Jacob I knew, he had finally found light at the end of the tunnel and I was delighted that I was responsible for it.

Leo’s POV

Not much has happened lately except for the issue my dad’s friend Jacob was having with the university; I heard the man later lost his job and family. I just hoped that my dad had learnt a great lesson from what happened to his friend.

Meanwhile I had began to notice George’s strange behavior newly. She would leave very early for her evening lessons and come back very late. There was something very fishy about her movement and I decided to find out from her.

It was still more than forty five minutes before the lesson usually starts and George was about leaving once again.

“George!” I called. She was already leaving the house when I called her.

“Are you going for lessons already?” I asked.

“Yes, where else would I go” she said

“But the time is just 3:15, and lesson starts by 4pm”

“I really don’t know you’re asking all these questions, I just want to get there on time”

“But it would take at most ten minutes to get there” I said but she didn’t reply.

“Are you sure you’re attending the lesson or there is somewhere else you have in mind to go to”

“What is it? Why are you questioning me like you’re my father.”

“George I’ve noticed how early you go to lessons these days and how late you return; I just wanted to tell you that if there’s anything you want me to know you can open up. Your secrets are safe with me” I told her.

After some seconds, hesitantly she finally opened up to me. She told me about this guy named Chidi who was the only guy she had ever dated; how long they’ve known each other and the kind of love they shared. I wasn’t surprised because my instincts told me she had something hidden under her sleeves.

But then; I had to warn her to be extracareful and very cautious so she doesn’t get caught by my parents. It would be a big mess if they should find out.

George’s POV

I was in a serious haste to go see Chidi and I had almost left the house when Leo’s baritone voice brought me to a halt. What could he possibly want? I expected it to be one of his usual talk but to my surprise Leo started asking me a lot of questions. He had began suspecting my movement, he didn’t let me go instead he continued pestering me to tell him where I was really going to.

After much consideration, I finally decided to let the cat out of the bag. I told him about my relationship with Chidi and how I had been going to see him. Leo didn’t say any other thing he just advised me to be careful. Despite the fact that I was older than him; he kept trying to play the role of a senior brother in my life.

I left the house and went to Chidi’s place. I had being going there since my sister travelled; I couldn’t even recall when last I attended lessons.

We watched a few romantic movies together, while he held me to his body. We talked, laughed and acted like couples do.

I spent more than three hours with him but it still seemed so short to me. It began to feel like the world spinned faster whenever we were together.

When I looked out the window, it was almost nightfall; I had to get going. I gave Chidi a deep wet kiss and hurried left his brother’s apartment.

By the time I got to the house, it was already few minutes to seven. I was late as usual; I just hoped that uncle Alex was not yet back. He had been coming home late through out the week and that gave me the confidence that he won’t be home by this time.

Alex’s POV

After spending some time at the bar to cheer my friend up, I decided to come back home. The time spent wasn’t wasted because I had finally given him a reason to continue living.

We had some drinks and something to eat; and I gave him some money to add in starting up his business.

I drove in as Musa hailed me in his usual chants.

“Zha boss man, oga for za top; anything for ya loyal boy,” Musa said with his both hands in the air.

“Musa when will you stop this your everyday ranting” I said smiling as I gave him the two hundred naira note left with me.

“Nagode oga, nagode. More money for ya account” he said laughing hysterically.

I was just about entering inside when I noticed someone come in through the gate. I studied the figure very well and I noticed it was George.

“Where are you coming from by this time” I asked.

“I’m coming back from lessons” she answered.

“By this time?? Impossible!” I thundered.

“Where did you go to” I questioned but she just stood still like a maniking.

“Ohh… You don’t want to answer. So you have started going out to see men right”

“I didn’t go to see anybody o, I only went for my evening lessons” she finally spoke up.

“Evening lessons and you’re coming back at night, you better be very careful or else I’ll show you my other side. I don’t…”

“Abeg it’s enough” George cut me from completing my statement.

“What’s all these sef, why are you screaming and shouting up and down. See you can’t do me anything o; absolutely nothing, Let me just tell you now if you don’t behave yourself and keep acting like this I’ll just let your wife and everyone know how tried to r@pe me”

“Will you keep quiet” I fired “Don’t you know the walls have ears”

“That’s your business, just behave yourself and let me be. Mtchew” she hissed as she catwalked like a model into the house.

I was frozen at the spot in disbelief. Was this the same George I knew; what gave her the guts to threaten and talk to me like that. I had already forgotten about my escapades with her and amended my ways but this act she just pulled has awoken my dark side.

One thing was for sure, her days in this house are numbered………………..

************* Leo’s POV

I kept looking down my window; till I noticed that George was back, I just hoped that my dad would enter the house before she does; so he won’t notice she wasn’t around.

My dad had almost entered when he paused and looked at the gate because someone just entered. Only the expression on his face would tell you that he was amazed as to why she came back late. And his inquisitive nature led him to ask her her reason for the lateness.

George didn’t respond to his questions, she was obviously out of excuses. This girl has gotten herself into big trouble I said to myself; the situation had now gotten nasty my dad was now at the top of his voice seriously questioning a silent George. Then suddenly; George raised her voice back at my dad and talked to him like he was her age mate.

She even got the point of threatening him about telling my mom what happened between them. I was dumbfounded while my dad was frightened out of his own wits. Where did she get such courage from, I wondered. It couldn’t believe it was the same George I knew; She should have behaved this way to him when he was trying to engage her in a relationship with him.

It was good she now possessed some level of bravery at least she should be able to stand up for herself whenever my dad wants to try anything stupid.


The next day

Alex’s POV

Finally a normal day from all the stress I’ve been going through; I reserved today to just chill out, have fun and relax. I didn’t have any plans for the day but I hoped to crash at Sonia’s place; it has been a very long time since I saw her.

Sonia was just one of those ladies who during the course of lecturing caught my eyes; she wasn’t that beautiful though but I just wanted to feel myself inside her. I asked her to see me in my office after class and when she came I told her straight up what I wanted “no S£X; no GRADES”

To my surprise; Sonia unlike other ladies didn’t feel bad or try to object to my demands instead she willingly embraced my offer. From that time onwards Sonia kept on glueing herself to me; she became like a fly that just won’ go. We became very close and our closeness excalated into something more serious; I started feeling some form of attraction towards her, I couldn’t even figure out why but I began to develop feelings for her. It just happened.

It even got up to the extent of her introducing me to her family; things happened so quickly and I started harnessing plans to make her my second wife.

As I arrived Sonia’s place, I knocked softly on the door; after waiting for a moment she finally opened.

Like a tiger which has been patiently awaiting it’s prey Sonia dived me giggling like a little baby. It felt so good to finally see her; she hugged me so tightly like a kid hugging his mom who just came back from a journey.

“Sonia I’ve really missed you, you know”

“It’s a lie, you’re just saying it to please when really you forgot about me” Sonia said childishly

“You know I can’t forget you, I’ve just been very busy these days; that’s all” I replied.

“Even at that; you hardly give me a call”

“You have to understand me; I mean a lot has happened in these few days that passed” I told her

“Or didn’t you hear about what happened to Jacob?” I asked.

“I did o” Sonia answered “it’s a very painful something. I heard his operating license was also withdrawn from him; is that true?”

“Yes it is, if you see Jacob now you won’t even recognize him; last time I saw him he looked like a walking corpse”

“Woah! Is it that bad?” Sonia asked

“Yes it is; I wonder if not that I gave him some money to start up something and cheer him up, if he wouldn’t have committed suicide by now”

“Hmm…that means it’s actually very serious” Sonia said”but that Jacob sef he deserves some level of punishment”

“Why?” I asked very perplexed

“Because he is ever ready to sleep with any lady he meets. Do you know there was a period he was even pestering me for s*x”

“Really? Were we together then” I asked.

“Yes and he knew very well. There was once were he wanted me to have s*x with him right there in his office; I told him I couldn’t and you wouldn’t be happy about it. But Jacob cared less; he kept on pressuring me that you would understand”

“I will understand?? So Jacob did all these to you and your l couldn’t let me know!” I said slightly angered.

“I didn’t want to come in between your friendship; let it not be that am the reason your long lasting friendship gets broken”

“Nawa for this my friend sef o” I chuckled

“Can we forget about that and talk something else” Sonia pleaded.

“How can we talk when you didn’t even serve me anything”

“I’m so sorry my love; silly me. Our discussion made me forget to get something for you; just hold on” she said as she hurriedly left the the sitting room.

Sonia rushed back with a plate of rice and stew and a bottle of juice. Sometimes I wonder to myself; how did we get this far; what caused such strong bond between us. There wasn’t anything peculiar I could think of; at times I would feel like I’m not myself; like something is out of place but I couldn’t point out what it was.

As I chewed down every spoon; Sonia appeared to be getting more and more quiet. With her sudden mood change I concluded that something was definitely bothering her.

“What is the matter?” I asked

“Why the sudden change of mood?”

“Don’t worry, let’s talk about it when you’re done with your meal” Sonia said soothingly.

After I had eaten to my satisfaction, rested my back on the sofa and relaxed for a while before I continued my discussion with Sonia

“So what is it you wanted us to talk about” I asked her.

“It’s about our marriage”

“Which marriage?” I asked befuddled.

“Alex I noticed you’ve stopped planning towards our marriage; it seems you have lost interest” she said with a frown.

“How will you say such a thing; it’s just because I’ve being very occupied that’s why I put the preparation on hold. I’m still working on it, it’s something that follows processes. Don’t forget we haven’t even done formal introduction.”

“Alex I know there are processes but you have to hasten it up. Look at me; I’m ripe for marriage, I’ve graduated from the University, concluded my NYSC program and I’m currently working. Alex what is it we’re waiting for.”

While we were still talking her mum knocked and entered into the sitting room.

“Ahh! My in-law you are here?” She asked rhetorically.

“Sonia I hope you have given him something to eat”

“Ma don’t bother yourself, she has done that”

“Hope she fed you well; enough to your satisfaction” she asked smiling

“Of course ma”

“It’s alright my son, make yourself feel at home; your wife’s house is your house” she said smiling.

Sonia’s mum has always being friendly to me whenever I’m around; she was obviously in support of our relationship, she even cemented it and urged us to take it to the next level.

A few of my relatives knew about it; that is; the ones I trust. Even my immediate younger brother; he never supported me getting married to Sonia.

There was once when he poured out his mind towards me

“Alex I don’t see anything wrong with your wife that would make you want to get married to another lady. She is a virtous, hard-working and industrious woman” he said

“If she wasn’t able to bear you kids I would understand but she did not just give birth; but she even bore you male children”

But then Dayo was just my younger brother; his opinion never mattered to me anyway. There was just this strong force pushing me to get married to Sonia and nothing could make me turn back.

George’s POV

I jumped unto my matress after another stressful day at work; just like every other day; work was hectic. The only happiness I got now was knowing that after all the stress I would get to spend the rest of the day with Chidi.

I slipped out of my dress to take a shower; through out my bath I couldn’t stop thinking about Chidi. These few days with him have been inexplicably amazing;0 the understanding we both have for each other just makes us a perfect match.

When I was done with my bath, I changed into one of my most beautiful gowns; applied a little pancake on my face and a little gel to the front of my hair. Chidi and I would be going out today so I needed to look my best.

After I finally dressed to my contentment, I picked up my lesson bag as usual and left the house.

As I arrived Chidi’s place, he wasn’t even dressed; he was fast asleep. I had to wait for him to have his bath and change into good looking clothes.

When he was finally done, we boarded a cab to one of the most beautiful restaurants in the city, according to him; it was the finest he had seen since his arrival. As we entered inside; I then realized that it was indeed beautiful; it had class though not up to the one uncle Alex took me to but it was almost perfect.

One thing about me was that I loved classy things despite my background. We really had fun, we chatted, laughed and talked about a lot of things I can’t even remember. A lot happened but it seemed to me just few minutes not knowing we had actually spent hours in reality.

Alex’s POV

After a day well spent at Sonia’s, I decided to relax at my house. Although she didn’t stop pressuring me to spend the night with her I just felt the strong urge to come back home.

Now I arrived by a few minutes past seven. It took me some time to even realize George wasn’t around because of how large my house is.

“Is George not yet back from lesson” I asked Leo just to confirm and he gave me an affirmative nod. By this time, George was not yet back! she definitely had something under her sleeves and when I get to the root of all these I’ll make sure I send her packing out of my house.

I quickly went downstairs to Musa and gave him a strict warning not to open up for George when she gets back until she says where she went to.

If she feels she has grown wings then I Alex will break her feathers.

Leo’s POV

I tried calling George but for some network issues the call didn’t connect. I don’t know the kind of stunt she was trying to pull of but it was definitely going to end in a disaster. My dad had left the house and was now ranting all over the neighborhood in search of George. With the look of things I think he wanted to take actions against her because she refused to have s*x with him. This night might end up being an unforgettable one.

George’s POV

We held each other’s hands like the lovers we are as we strolled out of the restaurant.

“JESUS” I shouted

“What is it” Chidi asked a bit scared.

“I didn’t know we have actually spent this much time, it’s already dark. Ahh! I need to get going if not my uncle will kill me” I said as I quickly entangled myself from him and hurried to take a cab.

“So you can’t even wait for me so we could go together” Chidi said from afar.

I couldn’t reply or wait for him, I’ll have to call him when I get home.


On my way, I received multiple phone calls from Uncle Alex of which I didn’t pick any. But then I just felt I should ease the atmosphere by answering him just in case.

“WHERE ARE YOU??” I heard Uncle Alex thunder through the phone speaker.

“I’m… I’m at the market”

“Market?… doing what??”

I went to get some food stuff I’ll use for cooking tommorow morning.

“What things, didn’t my wife buy enough food stuff before leaving?”

“Yes she did”

“So which foodstuff did you go to get??”

“Pepper sir, pepper is finished at home”

“So all this while, you went to get pepper? Do you think I’m a fool or what; just come back to this house then you will know who I really am” Alex said and ended the call abruptly.

I could feel the anger in his voice and I knew there was fire on the mountain. What have I just done, what sort of trouble have I gotten myself into. I didn’t know what action to take but I hoped I will be able to blackmail Alex into keeping shut.

I was just few blocks away from the house when someone forcefully grabbed my hand from the back. It was Alex, before I could say Jack he collected my phone from me and entered my call logs. He was searching any thing that could give him an idea of where I really was. My only prayer was that he wouldn’t check my messages.

He didn’t see anything suspicious and he was already handing my phone back to me when a message popped up. He clicked on it and it read

“My love, I hope you’ve arrived home safely and your uncle didn’t shout at you. I’ve being thinking about you since we left the restaurant; I just wanted to tell you that even though you just left I miss you and I’ll always love you”

Alex was so stunned he couldn’t say a word, the message he saw compelled him to read more. I was terribly shaking as he pushed the buttons and scrolled down to my older messages. Chidi’s naughty messages filled my phone and the fear of him seeing them scared me to death.

All of a sudden Alex paused and began reading “Gm PEARL, hope you slept well, i miss your eye, nose, lips, your waist, @ss, i miss your n!pple, and i so much miss ur PUS$Y. I woke up wierd. I love you.”

“George!!” Alex screamed

“So this is what you have been doing?? So you’ve been sleeping around with the boys in this area, I can’t believe this”

chai! I’m in trouble, Chidi’s unnecessary naughty messages has landed me in trouble! what would my sister say if she gets to know about it………………………………….