The Haunted Asylum – world top ranked Article #01

Writing as an Art :

Once upon a time, there was a group of three friends named Gabe, Tim and Mark, who loved to explore old, spooky places. They called themselves the “The Daredevils.” One day, they found an old asylum deep in the forest. It was abandoned for years. People said the asylum had a dark history, filled with stories of ghostly screams and mysterious shadows.

The three friends were excited. “Let’s check it out,” Tim said. Gabe nodded. Mark grabbed a flashlight. They entered the asylum. The air was cold. Dust covered everything. The walls had old stains. “This place gives me the creeps,” Gabe said, but he was smiling.

They walked through the long halls. The floor creaked under their feet. Each room was dark and empty. Tim took photos. Mark recorded sounds with his equipment. They hoped to find something strange. Maybe a ghost or a whisper in the dark.

After a while, they reached a large door. It was locked. “Let’s find another way in,” Gabe said. They searched around and found a small window. Gabe squeezed through first. He looked back at Tim and Mark. “Come on, it’s safe,” he said. But just as they were about to climb through, the door behind them slammed shut. The noise echoed through the asylum. Gabe was on the other side. He was alone.

“Hey, what happened?” Gabe shouted. He tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. Tim and Mark pulled, but it was stuck. “Don’t worry, we’ll find another way in,” Tim said. But the door was heavy and didn’t move. Gabe was trapped.

Inside the room, Gabe’s flashlight flickered. The light was weak. He heard a noise behind him. A soft whisper. It sounded like someone was crying. Gabe turned around, but there was nothing there. He felt a chill down his spine. The room was filled with old beds and broken furniture. The crying grew louder.

Tim and Mark ran through the halls, looking for a way to reach Gabe. They heard the whispers too. The walls seemed to breathe. Shadows moved in the corners. “Where are you, Gabe?” Tim called out. No answer. They tried to stay calm, but fear crept into their hearts.

Inside the room, Gabe’s flashlight went out. He was in complete darkness. The whispers grew closer. He felt something brush against his arm. A cold hand. He tried to scream, but his voice was gone. The crying was all around him now. It was like the walls were weeping.

Tim and Mark found another door. It led to the same room where Gabe was trapped. They pushed it open and ran inside. But Gabe wasn’t there. The room was empty. The beds were old and broken, and the walls were stained. There was no sign of Gabe.

Tim and Mark called out for Gabe. They searched every corner, but he was gone. The whispers faded away, but the cold air remained. The asylum was silent again.

They left the asylum, scared and confused. They never found Gabe. The forest grew quiet as they walked back to their car. No one ever returned to the asylum after that night. And the whispers? They never stopped. They still say you can hear them on a cold, dark night, crying and calling out for someone who is lost