1: The Chinese Doctor Is Well ?

The Chinese Doctor

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Dr Chow Ming [ The Chinese Doctor] leaves Hong Kong for the United States in search of a better life.

He arrives in New York, but he can’t find a job.

However, Dr Ming is a resourceful and enterprising guy, so he opens his own clinic.

A few weeks after the clinic opens, a lawyer is walking by and he reads the sign in the window, which says: –


Chinese Doctor


Well, this guy is a top Wall Street, corporate lawyer and he sees this as an opportunity to have some fun and make a little pocket money.

The lawyer walks into the clinic to be greeted warmly by Dr Ming, who says, “Good morning. What seems to be problem?“

“Well,” says the lawyer, “I’ve lost my sense of taste.”

“Nurse!” says Dr Ming. “Bring medicine from Drawer Number 8 and put three drops on his tongue.”

The nurse dutifully does as she’s asked.

“Open your mouth wide, please sir,” says the nurse to the lawyer.”

With that, she puts the drops of medicine on his tongue, and the lawyer immediately starts coughing and sputtering.

“That’s not medicine!” exclaims the lawyer. “It’s kerosene!“

“Excellent!” says Dr Ming. “Your taste is restored. That will be $20, please.”

The lawyer’s not happy but he has little choice but to pay the $20 and then leave.

Nevertheless, he’s determined to get the $100, so after a few days he returns, and Dr Ming recognises him immediately.

“Back again, so soon?” says Dr Ming. Chinese Doctor…….

“I’m sorry, have we met before?” asks the lawyer. “You see, I’ve lost my memory.”

“Nurse,” says Dr Ming, “please bring medicine from Drawer Number 8 and put three drops on his tongue.”

The nurse dutifully does as she’s asked. Chinese Doctor….

“Open your mouth wide, please sir,” says the nurse to the lawyer.” Chinese Doctor

With that, she puts the drops of medicine on his tongue, and the lawyer immediately starts coughing and sputtering.

“More kerosene!” says the lawyer. “You gave me that last time for restoring my taste.“

“Excellent!” says Dr Ming. “Your memory is restored. That will be $20, please.”

The lawyer’s not happy but he has little choice but to pay the $20 and then leave.

However, he’s more determined than ever to get one over on Dr Ming.

One week later he returns to the clinic and again Dr Ming recognises him.

“My eyesight has become so weak, I’m virtually blind,” says the lawyer.

“Unfortunately, I have no medicine for that,” says Dr Ming, “so I must give you $100.“

With that, Dr Ming hands the lawyer a $20 bill.

The lawyer looks at what he’s been given and then says, “But this is only $20, not $100!“

“Excellent!” says Dr Ming. “Your eyesight is restored. That will be $20, please.

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