Mother has this obsession with my brother, she never wanted him to even get married.

Each time she sees a girl hanging out with him she will make sure that relationship ends in split of seconds.

Right from when we all grew up as kids she made sure he gets the most valuable things much more than I did, he was the apple of my mother’s eyes.

my father thought she was looking out for their son but it was the opposite. She never rested till kunle my brother turned 29 and yet not married.

Nevertheless, kunle got fed up with the control of our mother and decided to move out of the house to his own apartment but mother objected.

Some night later, I was tired of pressing my phone. I decided to get something from kunle’s room when I overheard some funny noise coming from his room.

It was like a soft mourn and a bit of pleasure in it, I tried opening the door but I noticed it was closed.

I decided to move back to my room since the door was being opened some seconds later.

I peeped through a small hole from room door and saw my mother coming out from kunle’s room with her night wear slightly rough.

This happened for like many night till the day they forgot to lock the door, I slightly opened the door and found my mother undressed while kunle my brother was foundling her brea_ts.

I tip toed back to my room, I was shocked at what I saw. The memories of a loving mother vanished from my head and heart, how could she be this cruel?

Later the next day I told my father about it and he couldn’t believe it, he even told laid a curse on me for lying against his wife.

I became the enemy in the family, my father hated me, my brother disliked me and same goes to my mother. Her hatred towards me was worse, I began to Wonder what kind of family I was birthed into.

Their nasty a t continued and I couldn’t bare it any longer so I decided to move out from the house.

The night before I was planning on moving out, I saw my mother spiking my father fruity drink.

It dawned on me, this whole time my father has been sleeping like a log of wood, not even noticing when his wife sneaks into their sons room.

When my mother left the kitchen, I went in and changed the fruity drink into a different one. She took the drink to my father that night and hoped for him to sleep like a baby.

I kept monitoring the door and movement going on, I think my dad slept a little but later woke in the middle of the night on search of his wife.

I watched him moving from door to door, I noticed when he entered mine to check on me but I had to pretend like I was fast asleep.

Soon he got into my brothers room, they still forgot to lock the door.

Once my father saw the abominable act his wife and son was committing his heart couldn’t take it anymore.

I ran to my father to hold him down since was jerking, it felt he was going to die. I didn’t want to loose My father die to the abominable act of my mother and my brother.

At the other hand they were trying to put on their clothes to hide their naked bodies, but ot was too late.

I quickly called on the neighbors to helo us take my father to the hospital leaving my mother and brother to their fate.

I hated the fact that my father never believed and yet he had to witness it and land himself in the hospital.

I stayed I the hospital for 3 days with my father who was lying on the hospital bed unconscious.

I prayed for God’s intervention in his life but it felt like it wasn’t my prayers weren’t heard.

I cried aimlessly before the doctor walked into the room woth a file.

“doctor will my father be okay?”, i curiously asked.

“his condition is critical and his heart is not beating like its regular state, we will have to keep an eye om him to see how he respond to treatment”, the doctor replied.

I was left with no strength, no were to turn to. my mother never visited the hospital for 3 days, even my brother never came to check on his father.

I began to wonder what kind of people were they and why would they indulge in such act.

so many questions going through my head but no answers where given, I decided to go home and freshen up and bring new set of clothes for my father.

I got home and the first thing that greeted me was my mother’s undies lying around the living room.

I began to hear soft mourn and flapping sounds in the other side of the house.

when I go closer I realized it was coming from my brothers room.

I watched how my mother was enjoying something that wasn’t meant for her. My brother was lost in his world with her forgetting our father, it’s such a shame to see them playing a nasty game.

I quickly freshened up and prepared something for my father in order to feed him when I get to the hospital.

I was about stepping out of the house when my mother blocked the door leading to the gate.

“Where do you think your going?”, My mother asked angrily.

“Am going to he hospital to see my father”, i said trying to escape from more questions, looking at her made me feel so much disgust.

“You think your better than I am or any of us, I will make sure you suffer for all the pain you caused”, she said.

“I never caused any pain, you and kunle brought this upon father and he is siffering because he felt betrayed by his own wife”, i replied.

Before I knew what was happening she gave me a sound slap, making the food flax fall from my hands and I watched all the food laid to waste.

“Let this be a warm up for you, you will receive more slap and beating when your done with your good girl act towards that cabbage called a man”, she ranted and walked away.

I had no option than to make something else and package it for my father.

I watched how kunle was unable to talk or even follow me to the hospital, he just stood there looking at me and being controlled by our mother.

I rushed to the hospital to check on the health of my father, but on getting there the doctor called me to his office to explain things to me.

“Your father may not be able to make it, we examined him closely and we found out that his kidney has been ruptured due to a certain substance that was found in his system and I believe he has been taking a chemical substances without your knowledge”, the doctor said.

“Sir am not aware of that, but what can we do to save him?”, I asked.

“Getting a new kidney is nit the problem, but after the surgery he has a slim chance of being alive”, he added.

It dawned on me that all the fruity drink she has been giving my father was spikes with a chemical substances that has damaged his kidney.

I couldn’t bare the pain of loosing my father, it will take me back to another state of pure suffering and trauma.

Am just 20 years old and I really don’t know much about all these things. I rushed home to tell my mother and brother the bad news and see if they could be of help to me.

“Mom please dad needs help with a new kidney and i can’t do everything”, I said.

“No you will do everything yourself, since you want to be the good egg of the family you will suffer and do everything yourself “, she stated.

“Please brother help me, even if it’s little money so I can add up with my savings to pay some bills in the hospital and get a new kidney for our father”, I pleaded.

“Benita I can’t help you, I have a project am working on and helping a sick old man is not what am ready for”, my brother said before walking out of the room.

I looked at my mother with tears in my eyes, seeing her as the only hope I have. She equally walked out of the room and leaving me to my fate.

I walked down to the hospital with tear flowing from my eyes, I didn’t even know when I stumbled upon the youngest doctor in the hospital.

He should be in his late 20’s he was so handsome and calm, he was different from the other doctor I spoke to.

He took me to his office and gave me a sanitized tissue towel to wipe my eyes.

“What’s the problem young lady”, he asked while he seated half way on his desk.

I looked at him for a while and I couldn’t bring myself to tell him what has befell my family. I quickly told him about my father’s health, and how I wasn’t able to raise money, before I knew what was happening the doctor called on the emergency team to conduct a surgery on my father and ensure he was fine.

I couldn’t speak, I was cold for a moment. Could this be God working?

I was shocked on how God could works in mysterious ways, I thanked the young doctor for his kindness.

“You don’t have to worry, your father is in safe hands now. But how can a you g girl like you cater for the welfare of your father?”, He asked.

My face turned blue, I couldn’t reply him. I couldn’t reveal the bad things going on in my family, I was so calm and unable to talk.

“You have to tell me what’s going on, I just went all out for you. You know I will be signing some papers on behalf of your guardian so please tell me what’s going on?” He asked curiously.

“Okay I will tell you everything but please don’t judge me or my family”, I pleaded.

” I won’t, just tell me what’s going on”, he added.

I calmly opened up to him, telling everything but the truth.

He was starstruck, he couldn’t believe his ears. “Wait tell me you are joking”, he asked.

“No am not, thats what led to my fathers sudden attack”, I revealed.

“Am really sorry you have to pass through all this alone without any help from your family”, he pleaded.

“It’s fine sir, I thank God for bringing you my way. Helping me the moment I needed help the most”, I said.

“It’s okay, am a philanthropist. I love to help those who are in need”, the young doctor said.

“I didn’t catch your name young lady”, he asked.

“My name is Benita sir”, I replied.

“Nice to meet you Benita, am Kenneth by name”, he added.

After much discussion and fun conversation, I suddenly forgot about my pains and fears. I was a total new person, I was more familiar and calm around Kenneth.

After some hours, the other doctor came to inform the young doctor about the surgery.

“So how was the surgery?”, The young doctor asked.

“Its was successful”, the other doctor replied.

“How is my father? Is he okay?”, I asked.

“Yes his fine and his responding to treatment”, the other doctor replied.

I cried loudly, throwing myself on the floor and thanking God for his infinite mercies and kindness.

I quickly requested to see my father even if they wouldn’t let me into his room at least I could be at the other side of the door and check on him.

I was so happy to see my father’s peaceful face, I couldn’t thank God enough.

I thanked the young doctor, and he was pleased to help.

I wanted to go home and share the good news but something kept telling me not to. Besides no one cares about him at him, I was my father’s only hope.

I never told anyone about my father’s recovery, I kept going home to refreshen up and after that I hurry back to the hospital.

Each time I go home no ever ask of him, my brother was less concerned.

My mother is not even worries about her husband, she’s always in my brothers room.

One evening I came back from the hospital to freshen up and make something to eat but my mother stopped me from using the kitchen.

I began to ask why, but she ended up pouring the ingredients I wanted to use into the waste bin.

She made my little stay in the house unbearable for me, I couldn’t take it anymore.

I decided to get few of my clothes and few of my father’s clothes since I was the only there with him in the hospital.

That day I arrived the hospital in tears after the whole quarrel, Kenneth saw me and was worried.

“Tell me what’s the problem?”, He asked while we walked to his office.

I told him all that had happened and he was furious, I could see how irritated he got after hearing what happened.

“This is insane, after all the nasty things she has been doing she still makes you look like the bad person while she plays the victim card”, Kenneth said.

“Am tired, am no more safe in that house anymore. How do I bring food for my father to eat?”, I asked.

“Dont worry that will be taken care of”, Kenneth replied.

I nodded and just wiped the tears from my eyes, I and Kenneth talked for a long time till the hours of the night before I retired to my father room.

I began to feel goosebumps, and butterflies after the very lenty discussion I had with Kenneth.

It was one of the nicest moment since my life turned into a living hell.

For some days my father got better, he ate well and I kept him company all the time.

All thanks to Kenneth who never wanted us to get hungry, my father got fond of him.

He told my father got so addicted with all the stories Kenneth told him..

But one thing was strange about this you get doctor, he never talk about his family even when I tried to know him better he always skip that part.

My mother never called or swing by the hospital, well I wasn’t expecting her to anyways. My brother was just the worse, how could he even sleep peacefully after committing such act with our mother.

I was having a fun conversation with my father when he started crying uncontrollably.

“Father what’s the problem? Why are you crying”, I asked.

“Am just thinking about how my family grew apart this terrible way without my notice”, he replied.

“It’s not your fault, you have been a good father to me and my brother”, I added.

“I could have done better, I can’t believe my wife would do this kind of thing to me. She never cared she even poisoned me slowly”, my father wept.

“Father please stop, you need to calm down your health is more important now. Mother has some explaining to do, and I don’t understand why she will do such a thing”, I said.

“Well i have a confession to make”, my father said.

“What’s that?”, I asked.

“kunle is not your biological brother, he took refuge in our arms when saw him wondering on as a little boy”, my father revealed.

I was speechless, I couldn’t even blink for a second.

“What!”, I exclaimed.

“Yes kunle was just 4 years old when saw him on the road, he was almost half dead when we picked him to help him. No one around the scenerio helped, all they did was to video him and post on social media while he was dying”, my father revealed.

“We picked him up and rushed him to the hospital, luckily we was still alive and responded to treatment. At the other hand we tried to find his parents but they were died, he Aunty never wanted him she was the one that inflected pain on him that almost lead to his death”, my father added.

“What? So kunle is not in anyway related to me?”, I asked to be sure.

“Yes his not, my wife got fond of him and loved him as her own. I never knew that love became an obessession to her, I was just so blind to see all the signs”, my father replied.

“Wow, I can’t believe this. Now I see”, I pitched in.

“When she had you, it was another bundle of joy for us and I was excited for God’s blessings”, he said.

“Father please don’t ever think that you are at fault, you are more than what I asked for and am happy you survived. We have to think about what to do next because mother doesn’t even know you okay and she kicked me out of the house”, I said.

“Okay, I know what to do. Just be patient, am sorry I didn’t believe you when you told me what happened”, my father pleaded.

“It’s okay, am pleased to see you in great shape”, I replied.

“I thank God for bring Kenneth your way, his a fine young man and I think his really into you”, my father revealed.

“Huh! Am not sure about that”, I replied.

“Your very funny Benita, Kenneth is so much into you and I think you like him too. Just act matured and you will see how he will open up like a flower”, he added.

I and my father had a very funny and long conversation that evening, I began to wonder if truly Kenneth likes me.

Besides I don’t even know if am his spec or not, his too handsome and advanced for a girl like me.

Later that evening, I showered and wore one of my best gowns. I walked down to his office to check up on him as usual, but when I got there I saw a very beautiful young girl seating on his office chair waiting for him.

I won’t lie this is the kind of spec that suits Kenneth not me in my cheap clothes and perfume.

The way this lady dressed, I could tell her outfit could pay for my one month feeding. Not to even talk about the jewelries and her hand bag, God help me.

“Hey, who are you looking for?”, She asked.

“Am looking for Kenneth”, I replied.

“He just stepped out to attend to a patient, hat do you need him for?”, She asked.

Her english is so polished, I could tell she school in England.

“Okay, am a patient here I just needed to explain something to him”, I said trying to leave.

Just then Kenneth walked in and I could tell he was happy to see me.

“Hey”, I said.

“How are you? You look so beautiful this evening what’s the secret?”, He asked dragging me into his office.

“Nothing it’s God that’s my secret weapon”, I replied.

“Hey honey meet Benita a friend of mine and Benita this is my fiancee Jane”, he introduced.

“Huh! Fiancee?” I asked in shocked.

“Nice to meet you Benita”, she voiced out.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I ran out of the office. I ran of the hospital to get some air, I can’t believe he has a fiancee.

I couldn’t breath, how can this happen? What was I even expecting? Well my father was right I need to grow up and act matured.

I will be clocking 21 in few weeks, I need to act matured and dress like an elegant lady and not a child.

I listened to my favorite song on my mobile phone, I sat outside for an hour till I began to feel chill.

I was ready to make my way inside the hospital when I got an email notification from a publishing firm.

I was super shocked because I emailed this firm a year ago, stating my reasons for applying as one of their authors.

I equally sent them one of my books for them to review and see how creative I am. I never got any feedback from them since last year, seeing this now has to be something good.

I went through the email all I could say was thank you Lord.

Ah! The publishing firm finally accepted me, I was so happy at list I could have something that gives me money while i continued my education.

My father isn’t financially bouyant as before so had have to hustle hard to see myself through school.

I quickly filled an online form and submitted it, I was told to resume work when I can.

I was so excited that I hurried inside to tell my father the great news but Kenneth bumped into you and I wasn’t having it.

“Sorry”, I said trying to move out if sight.

“What’s wrong? Why did you act that way some hours ago?”, He asked.

“Nothing, I only needed air”, I replied.

“You sure your okay?”, He asked.

“Yes I am, I want to see my father now”, I said.

“Or maybe you can come to my office let’s have dinner and gist a little bit”, he requested.

“Well i have better things to do, you can have your free time with your fiancee Jane”, I replied before walking out on him.

I felt bad for talking that way to him, I couldn’t hold myself from doing that. I felt betrayed when I got introduced to his fiancee.

I bet he was shocked at my attitude but I didn’t care much.

I burst into the room to tell my father the great news.

I saw unfamiliar faces, some older men a bit older than my father. They where discussing with my father, I didn’t want to be rude so I had to greet them.

“Good evening”, I greeted.

‘good evening our daughter”, the replied in unison.

“Father who are they?”, I asked curiously.

“They are my old time friends, they are the elders of my clan and I invited them to come over for a meeting”, he replied.

“Okay welcome sirs, but father its kinda late for such and you need to rest”, I replied.

“I know but they have been here for hours, I was wondering where you went to after asking series of nurses to look for you”, he stated.

“Sorry, I went out to get some air”, I replied.

“I told them about all that happened at home, and they are going to take a legal action once am being discharged from the hospital”, he revealed.

“Really? How will that interven in such matter?”, I asked curiously.

“Well our daughter, the elders have an old ways that handle cases like this. They may be drastic and sometimes fair”, the first elder stated.

“For the case of your mother and brother it maybe very drastic because they indulged in an abominable act despite the circumstances”, the second elder added.

“Okay so what will happen to them?”, I asked.

“Don’t worry my child you will know when the time is right, you will see things yourself”, my father chipped in.

I wasn’t expecting such from my father because I didn’t want to go back to that house anymore.

Since I have a good paying job now, I could relocate and start afresh in a new apartment.

I can’t stain myself by staying in that house that such abominable act has been committed.

I left the room after hearing everything, my brain needs to process A lot of things.

I went straight to Kenneth’s office to apologize to him. Getting there he was just focused on his laptop, I calmly knocked on his door before entering.

“Hi”, I said calmly.

“Hey, what’s up?”, He asked cheerfully.

“I came to apologize, am really sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. Knowing you have done a lot for me and my father, I shouldn’t have crossed that line”, I pleaded.

“Oh Benita, you don’t have to be that way. I know you have been going through a lot so I don’t see anything wrong with how you spoke to me”, he said.

“Thank you”, I said trying to leave the office but he stopped me.

“Benita what’s going on? You don’t look happy”, he asked.

“Nothing much, I just thought I had someone really important in my life. It’s funny because he has someone else now, such is life”, I replied.

“Now I know where that silly attitude came from”, he said as he smiled.

“Hm, so why are you smiling?”, I asked.

“I want you to know that everything will be fine and whoever or whatever is yours will come to you without stress I assure you that”, he emphasized.

“Yeah your right, am happy for you. Jane is lucky to have you by her side”, I said as a single tear dropped from my eyes.

“Oh my God, Benita”, he said bring a tissue paper to wipe my eyes.

“It’s fine, am okay”, I said.

I quickly changed the topic and we talked for a long time, I had dinner in his office before he closed for the day.

By the time I went to my father’s room his friends had already left.

I shared the good news with him about my job offer and he was excited.

Some days passed I haven’t seen Kenneth at the hospital, I asked some nurses and they said he won’t be resuming work till after some weeks.

I asked why but they had no idea, funny me I didn’t take his number for communication. I got carried away by his stories and fun conversation.

Fee days later my father was discharged and we went home, his friends had already arrived home before us.

When we got there we saw other men and women, and then I knew the matter was going to hotter than it was before.

I greeted everyone and they welcomed I and my father, they praised me for taking care of my father singlehandedly.

I got into the house and my mother and brother weren’t around, seems they went out.

We all sat outside the compound, and I served drink as we talked about all that happened.

Fee minutes later, my mother and brother burst into the compound smiling and talking. They never noticed us till they got closer, my mother’s eyes popped when she saw her husband healthy and strong.

My brother almost fainted when he saw lots of elders seated, then he knew his days where numbered.

“Linda, so this is true? You actually left out brother to the cold hands if death?”, The first elder said.

“How can a mother be this disgusting?”, The second elder asked.

“Please father I can explain”, my brother muttered.

“What do you want to explain to us kunle?”, The third elder asked curiously.

“It’s not my fault, my mother pushed me into doing this. I don’t even know how it started, she turned me into her puppet, please father forgive me”, my brother pleaded.

“Kunle ain’t you ashamed of yourself? You where the one I begged for money for fathers surgery but you refused to help, mother you even told me to my face to leave the house and never come back. You called my father a vegetable, how could you?”, I asked painfully.

“Don’t worry our daughter we will settle this matter the traditional way, don’t bother yourself”, the first elder said.

“What will you all do? After all my husband has some explaining to do”, my mother said.

“Ah Linda so you have the mind to talk”, my father echoed.

“Yes, infact I will expose you. You see my husband here was the one who picked kunle up from his dying place, kunle is not our son”, she revealed.

Everyone laughed at her, making her looked stupid.

“Linda we know all of that, our brothers kind heart is what kept him alive till this day. He felt pity for this boy kunle and took him in as his son of which you know about and supported. Now you have turned this little boy into your lover boy, a child that suppose to call you mother”, the second elder added.

“Please all this one you people are saying is non of my business, I don’t see anything wrong in what am doing”, she replied.

“Ah, abomination”, people around shouted.

“Linda I can see you are really possessed, you will swear by the sliver stone, if truly the act you committed is right the gods will bless you and guard you all your days.

But if it’s wrong and abominable then a strong wrath will befall you”, the third elder revealed.

“I will not swear by anything, please you all should get out of my house. I will never swear to any stone, who do you people think you are? My God?”, My mother echoed.

“What?”, I exclaimed.

I couldn’t believe my ears, it resulted to a very big fight that lasted for 3 hours. My mother refused to swear, my brother kept pleaded with my father to forgive him.

I was dumbfounded, the worse part was the fact that she told us to pack our things and leave the house.

My father refused and then she decided to deal with him drastically if he doesn’t move out of the house.

I began to wonder why my mother will try to chase us out of the house knowing that my father is the head of the family.

I really didn’t understand, till my father told me that his wife was the one paying the rent and taking care of the house when he lost his job.

I couldn’t continue my school when my father lost his job and then my mother refused to help so I stayed home while I watched my brother finish and graduated with a second class upper.

nothing is ever too late but I know I will go places without my parents help. the meeting shattered, the elders and women who came visiting couldn’t hold my mother down.

I pleaded with my father for us to leave the house for peace to rain knowing that fully well that we had no place to go.

my mother humiliated I and my father, I began to regret coming back to that house. my father didn’t even acknowledge my brother anymore, beside he was my mother puppet.

we watched her move inside the house while she dragged my brother with her, leaving the rest of us outside to our fate.

occasionally she has embarrassed my father before but I took it like a normal couples fight but I never knew she was disrespecting my father.

I lost hope already on life, if I don’t have where to put my head at night how do I go to work with a happy face? I asked myself.

I decided to call the publishing firm concerning my present predicament.

“wait Benita you mean you didn’t read the contract completely?”, my boss said.

“noy really sir, I was just excited that I got the job have been praying for”, I replied.

“well its fine, let me summarize the contract for you. firstly your book you sent to us for review got our eyes and we want to sponsor and spread so many copies across the country and secondly you have an apartment and a car given to you by the company waiting for you as soon as you start the job”, my boss said.

“really? I can’t believe this, Jesus! sir you mean if I start I can move into the house?”, I asked to be sure.

“yes you will, and please start soon because we need to discuss concerning your book. there is a biding war going on here in the firm, we are going to make so much money from it”, he said.

“thank you so much sir, I will start right away”, I replied before the call ended.

I quickly lost interest in taking my clothes from the house because my mother refused to let us inside after so much begging.

I told me father about the good news and took him with me, to be honest that was the last time I set my eyes on my brother and mother.

I had some money left with me, so I and my father went to a guest house to sleep for the night. the next morning as soon as 6am I was ready to leave for work with same dress I was putting on.

I didn’t mind I just wanted my father be okay, when I got to work I became the center of attraction to other employees. what I was wearing looked tacky and I wasn’t ashamed because I was here for business and to have a better life.

I got to the bosses office and he was surprised to see me, we had few talk and he gave me the keys to the apartment and the keys to the car.

well i didn’t know how to drive but that wasn’t a problem, they appointed a driver to me and there onward my life changed.

I and my father moved to the apartment, I was thrilled to see where I was staying.

well furnished apartment and designed kitchen, now I know why money is good.

work was going well and my book was published, I got so many calls from schools, companies, and large amount of funds from my book.

who would have thought that I will get to this point in my life.

at the other hand, I could get hold of Kenneth to share my recent experience.

my boss Rex was an amazing person, normally they don’t employ an undergraduate but my ideas and how smart I was, changed everything.

I further my education and I studied hard to ace all my test and exams.

Rex and I began to see eye to eye, I was always close to him because he wanted me to be. almost all the ladies in that firm lust over Rex my boss, besides he is handsome and wealthy who wouldn’t want to have a man like him.

Rex would sweep me off my feet with any chance he gets and this made so many employees jealous.

We fell head over heels with each other, each day coming to work was amazing. We go on dates, outings, and some other places to get to know ourselves better.

My book became one of the best seller, and my father was proud of me.

One day at work, while I was busy attending to a client. Kenneth walked into the hall and I caught sight of him.

At first I wasn’t sure he was the one because he has grown so much beards on his face, and he became more thick than he was before.

Don’t get me wrong my new found love Rex is really handsome, his muscular, wealthy, a fashion freak when it comes to designer clothes, perfume, shoes, wristwatches and many more.

When he got closer I know it was Kenneth, he walked pass me and went straight to Rex office.

After attending to a client, I was called into the office by Rex assistant.

“Ken, let me show you my baby boo, my love and precious beauty”, Rex began to introduce me even before I walked into his office, I could hear him reigning more sweet words on me.

“Just look at my beautiful love”, Rex said while hugging me.

Kenneth was shocked, he couldn’t say anything. I was also surprised at what was going on because i have no idea.

“Benita!” Kenneth said.

“Kenneth!”, I echoed.

“Do you two know each other?”, Rex puzzled.

“Yes, he was the guy I told you about. That help I and my father in the hospital”, I said.

“Oh what a small world, Kenneth here is my Brother”, Rex revealed.

“Huh!”, I was shocked.

“Yeah, rex and I are siblings. Rex is my older brother, he love to most things together let’s say where inseparable”, Kenneth revealed.

“Wow great, I didn’t i have any means of communication with you and I couldn’t get to you, at least to check up on you and appreciate you for all you did for I and my father”, I said.

“Oh Benita, sorry I didn’t leave my number for you.”, He said.

“So how did your wedding go? How is Jane?”, I asked while seating down on the chair next to Kenneth.

His face turned pale, and he was sad the next minute. I began to wonder what I said wrong.

“She’s fine, the wedding was great”, he replied sadly.

“Hm! Are you okay?”, I asked.

“His fine his just overwhelmed of seeing you again”, Rex pitched in.

I know rex is trying to cover up for his brother, but I know something was definitely wrong.

After work hours, I quickly drove home to share the news with my father. He was equally stunned, he never thought we would come across Kenneth.

I wasn’t expecting to see him but I really wanted to respect my boundaries I never interfere with family matters anymore.

Few weeks later, Rex finally popped the big question and I obliged.

My father was happy with my decision, though I want done with school yet but I was close to my finals.

Visiting his parents after the proposal was magical, they loved me and accepted me with open arms.

It felt like they have been waiting for me all their life’s.

Wedding preparation started and I wished my mother and brother was here with me.

I wanted a simple and small wedding, nothing too expensive.

Red didn’t have problems with that, he loved all my plans and arrangement.

Few days to the wedding I came across kunle, I was driving down to the bridal shop when I caught sight of him crossing the road.

He was looking so tired, sick and pale. He doesn’t look like the kunle that was once my brother, I first began to doubt if he was the one but I made effort to call out his name, then he turned to see who it was.

He was shocked to see me, he ran towards me.

“Benita is this you?”, he asked.

“Of course, I had doubted it was you. I had to call out your name to make sure”, I replied.

“Wow Benita you look good, is this your car?”, he asked while scanning the car with me inside.

“Yes it’s mine”, I replied smiling.

“Wow, you must be living well now”, he said with a sad face.

“Yeah, how is mother?”, I asked.

He gave a frown before he could speak “hm, mother is dead”, he replied with tears rolling down his eyes.

Episode 11

“Dead?”, I asked in shock.

“Yes, she died shortly after I lost the big project I was working on them. First I lost my project and then she died, leaving without you and father was difficult. I tried reaching you but it felt like you don’t use that line anymore”, he revealed.

“Yes I don’t use that line anymore, wow this is too much to bare. I warned you kunle to stop your deceitful act with mother but you refused now look at where it has landed you”, I responded.

“Everyday I cry myself to sleep knowing that my evil act scares me at night, I no longer have peace not even for a little while”, he replied.

“Please I want you to forgive me, am deeply sorry for the pains I cost you and father, please forgive me”, he pleaded going down on his knees not minding the moving cars on the road.

“You are my brother, I have been thinking about you for so long hoping for you to return to God and stop the evil act you indulged yourself. Now am finally happy to see that you have turned a new leaf”, I replied.

“I forgive kunle, please stand up”, I added.

“Thank you so much”, he replied.

“You also need to ask father for his forgiveness, I know it won’t be easy but you have to”, I emphasized.

“Please take me to him”, he replied.

I was happy in my heart, knowing that my family that was once torn apart will be brought together again. Knowing the fact that mother died broke my heart into pieces.

I quickly stopped at the bridal shop to pick up my dress and then we drove home.

Kunle was amazed at the kind of luxurious apartment I stay, he kept looking at everywhere till I we got into the living room.

He sat down but he never stopped admiring the art works and lovely interior designs.

Shortly I went in and brought my father out to see who came visiting.

“Benita what’s going on here?”, he asked surprised to see kunle.

“Father please hear him out”, I pleaded.

Kunle began to plead with father, this happened for while before my father gained a soft spot for him till he accepted his apologize.

Then I realized family was indeed everything at the end.

My father was quit sad after hearing his wife was no more, it brought more pains and tears to him.

“Father its okay, it hurts so bad. But we your Childern are here for you”, I consoled him.

He smiled and we celebrated our unity, I had to package kunle for my upcoming wedding.

I wanted him to look the best and feel the best, after every packaging…I introduced him to my fiance Rex and he was delighted to meet him.

Two days before my wedding, one cold and windy night. I was caught in the web of choosing between Rex and Kenneth.

Choosing between Rex and Kenneth was one of the hardest thing to do.

Kenneth showed up in my house one day looking pale and stressed. I was shocked to see him, besides how did he know my house? And why is he here?

I just kept asking myself plenty questions but no answers to them.

“Benita sorry for showing up on announced”, he starmmered.

“Are you feeling alright?”, I asked him.

“I don’t even know what I feel right now Benita, I really need to talk to you about something “, he said shivering.

I knew he was feeling really cold due to the windy weather.

“Sure come in, let’s talk”, I said while I invited him in.

“What should I serve you? Wine, whiskey or fruit juice?”, I asked.

“Whiskey will be fine”, he replied.

I quickly served him and then we started a conversation I wished I never had.

“Benita please I have been thinking about this for a very long time since I stopped going to the hospital”, he stated.

“And what have you been thinking of?”, I asked.

“Have been thinking of you “, he revealed.

The moment he stated those words I became tensed and uncomfortable.

“How do you mean?”, I asked.

“Right from the moment I saw at the hospital I was moved to help you, not just because I needed to buy because I gained a soft spot for you. You are different from most girls I have seen and came in contact with, I really want to be with you and share my life with you”, he revealed.

“Ah Kenneth! What are you saying?”, I asked still in awe of what was going on.

“I mean I love you Benita and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want you to be my wife”, he emphasized.

“Jesus! Kenneth, are you sure you know what your doing? Because in two days time i will be your brother’s wife, besides what do you want me to say?”, I asked.

“I know and I should have come to you earlier to tell you how is feel. I don’t mean to mess up your plans but I will love you to say yes to me”, he replied.

“Wait what about Jane your fiancee?”, I asked him.

“I dated Jane for a year and six months, I loved her so much. I never knew she was a con artist (scammer). She took a huge amount of money that was supposed to be for our wedding and vanished,leaving a letter saying she never loved me”, he stated as tears rolled down his eyes.

I began to feel his pain and I gave a tissue towel to wipe his tears.

“I have wanted you for so long, even right in the hospital. I liked you and wanted you to be mine but you where head over heels with your fiancee Jane. So what do you want from me now? To leave Rex your brother and marry you?” I asked.

“Am really sorry Benita, I knew you liked me but I couldn’t leave Jane to be with you”, he replied.

“That’s the same way I can’t leave Rex to be with you, please Kenneth an done with this conversation. Leave my house”, I said with tears and rage in my eyes.

“Benita it hasn’t gotten to this, please just think about it. Remember i saved your father’s life, choose between who saves life and a job giver”, he stated before he stood up to leave my house.

I was dumbfounded, how can choose between who saves life and a job giver?

I sat down thinking about all Kenneth said, I looked at the time it was past 2am in the morning.

I rushed to my room to sleep, I was having headache due to too much thinking.

The next day was Thursday, I was still pondering on what to do. Kenneth saved my father’s life without me paying for it, and then he left me.

At the other hand, Rex offered me a job that has changed my life completely. How would I do this without hurting one person?

I was moved to call Kenneth but at a second thought, why would I be confuse about this knowing that my heart wants only one person.

I drove to Rex office, I just want to have a simple conversation with him, but on getting there I met Rex and Kenneth having a heated argument.

I was just close to the door when I overheard their argument.

“Why will you go to her house?”, Rex yelled.

“Why won’t I? She is the one my heart beats for and long for. Besides I saved her father’s life”, Kenneth replied.

“Damnit you own the hospital Kenneth, you are a philanthropist. You help people for a living why pining it on her”, Rex yelled.

I bursted into the office because it was getting too much.

“Kenneth you own that hospital?”, I asked sadly.

“Yes I do, I didn’t mean for you to know this way”, he mumbled.

“That’s why you refused to share some stories about your life to me. You hide everything from me even when I asked you but you waved off the topic and now this?”, I echoed.

“Am sorry Benita, I didn’t mean..”, he pleaded before I Interrupted him.

“Don’t even start, you want me to leave your brother Rex and please you by marrying you”, I said.

“I want you to willing marry me and not please me”, he responded.

“That will not happen, why are you this cruel?”, Rex yelled.

“Rex baby calm down, Kenneth I can’t marry you”, I said.

“But I saved your father’s life, I saved him”, he replied.

“I know you did, but your pinning it on me. You don’t even care if I will be sad or happy marrying you all you just care about is yourself and am sick of it”, I echoed.

“Now send me the whole bill of my father’s treatment and other things you did in your hospital and I will wire the money to you”, I added.

Rex was shock to see my reaction, I could tell he was pleased to see me act like that. Kenneth couldn’t believe his ears, I sat down to rest my feet.

“That’s what you want to do?”, Kenneth muttered.

“Yes, since your holding me ransom for the help you offered, I want to relieve myself”, I replied.

“You can do whatever you want but I promise you that you won’t marry Rex”, he echoed before leaving the office.

I was stunned, “what have I gotten myself into?”, I asked myself.

I couldn’t think straight, I talked with Rex for a moment.

We discussed how the wedding decorations and event would look like.

I acted like nothing happened earlier, it was better that way.

I got home, hoping to relax with a glass of wine in my hands but getting there I met my father deep into thoughts.

“What’s going on?”, I asked my father.

“Kenneth was here earlier and his attitude was nice at all, he didn’t seem like the Kenneth I knew back in the hospital”, my father said.

“What did he say to you?”, I asked curiously, while I sat down for comfort.

“He told me you have to accept him if not you will never be able to tell what will happen next”, my father revealed.

“What? Has this guy gone mad?”, I yelled.

I grabbed my bag and car keys heading back to the car, I could hear my father calling out my name but I didn’t stop.

I drove down to Rex’s family house, since rex and Kenneth are brothers therefore their parents has to know what their son was planning.

When I arrived the compound was calm, too calm for my liking.

Usually there were so many servant moving around the place, attending to their various choirs but it was different.

I could see Kenneth’s car, so definitely he was around.

I quickly hurried into the house, and I got the shock of my life.

“Surprise!!!!”, the whole family shouted, including Rex snd Kenneth.

“What’s going on here rex? I just left you in the office not too long, how did you get here?”, I asked in shock.

“We wanted to surprise you, we learnt you where friends with Kenneth before abd how you had a chemistry with him so we decided to put you on a test, to see if you truly love Rex”, Their mother said.

“What?”, I exclaimed.

“Yes, we wanted to see the kind of person you and we where shocked to see how bold and defensive you are towards your own, we are so proud of you and Rex for making a great choice”, their father revealed.

I was under the weather immediately, I couldn’t understand what was going on. How could they put me to test like I was one beggar they picked from the street.

I had potentials before I was given the job, so why put me in this kind of stress?

“Rex I can’t believe you did this to me, why put me on a test? Why stress me to be with you?”, I asked.

“My parents wanted to know you and how well you can manage a situation when it gets tough”, he explained.

“You do everything your parents tells you to do, without even thinking if the next person is mentally stable for this. I had to go through all this just to be with you?”, I said.

“Am so sorry baby”, rex pleaded.

“Am so sorry Benita, I really didn’t want to do it, but they gave me no option and I had to. Please don’t be mad at me”, Kenneth pleaded.

“You know what, I can’t do this anymore. Rex I can’t marry you, look for someone who will keep going through difficult times just to be with you”, I said before walking out for the house.

I could hear so many side talks and Rex pleading from behind.

Kenneth ran to my car to apologize, but it was too late. I know my worth and I know what I have offered to the company since my arrival, no man has the right to make me feel like am not enough.

You should think that way when a man tried to put you to test, or challenge your self worth.

I got home and revealed everything to my father, he wasn’t pleased with what they did.

Rex had given me up to 12 missed calls, he wouldn’t let my phone rest till I switched it off.

I told him how bad I wanted to quit work and stat my life afresh but he warned me not to.

“You have to marry Rex, I know you love him and you care for him not because of money but because of your genuine heart”, he said.

“Yes I love him but why will he do that to me?”, I asked in frustration.

“It’s basically life, people intend to know ones true intention in so many ways and i believe they wanted to know yours. You have won their hearts”, he replied.

“What do I do now? I left their angrily”, I said.

“You have to hear out and accept him, your wedding is tomorrow Benita. Don’t break the poor guys heart like that”, he suggested.

I was deep in thoughts, I didn’t like the fact they played me like that. Am not just any girl, am different and I love people genuinely for who they are.

Later that evening, I turned on my phone. Suddenly Rex call came in and I had Jo option than to pick his call.

“Baby please am so sorry for the stunt I pulled, am really sorry”, he begged.

“Your a man you should know when people love you genuinely, you don’t need a test to prove it to you”, I scolded.

“Am sorry my love, it won’t happen again. I regret my actions, please take me back into your life”, he pleaded.

“It fine, I love you so much. I care about you deeply and I know you love me too”, I said.

“Thanks baby I love you so much, our wedding is tomorrow I can’t wait to be with you, and you in my arms”, he said.

“Can’t wait for you to be my husband, tomorrow is the deal day to forever”, I replied.

I was so happy within, I was at peace with myself. I slept off immediately and the next day I was awake by the sound of my brother and father singing for me.

I was so happy that I was getting married, my glam crew had to come early.

I got fully glammed and dressed for my big day, marrying rex was one of the best things life threw at me.

We got married, spent our first three months in Paris.

Life became bigger and better for us, I got my brother a new job that skyrocket his project.

My father spent his life in Canada, he found a new live Clara a Canadian beauty.

Love was in the air and everywhere, I was happy for my father. If he could find love so can you never look down on yourself because of your present situation.

Life is different and it plays trick, learn new tricks and push forward.

The end.

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