SOLD|Triumph of Jennifer

SOLD|Triumph of Jennifer

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, high school sweethearts turned life and business partners, had built their empire from the ground up. However, their success was overshadowed by the burden of supporting his three l@zy sisters and their families. Despite being the eldest, Mr. Thompson’s sisters had married and had children before him, and they relied heavily on their brother for financial support.

Mrs. Thompson, tired of seeing her husband carry the weight of his sisters’ expenses, advised him to establish them independently, rather than just providing for their needs. She wisely said, “Giving them fish isn’t good, but teaching them how to fish is.” Mr. Thompson finally heeded his wife’s advice and decided to empower his sisters and their husbands to stand on their own feet.

With a newfound determination, Mr. Thompson set out to establish his siblings, teaching them the skills they needed to succeed. He provided them with the necessary resources and support, but also made it clear that he would no longer be their financial crutch. It was time for them to take responsibility for their own lives.

After finally establishing his siblings,Mr. Thompson focused on his own family. Mrs. Thompson soon gave birth to a baby boy, but he mysteriously passed away at just three months old. This heart-wrenching pattern repeated itself with two more sons, leaving the Thompsons devastated. However, when Jennifer was born, Mrs. Thompson prayed fervently that she would defy the curse that seemed to haunt their family. Miraculously, Jennifer survived past the three-months mark, but she frequently fell ill, leaving her parents worried and baffled.

Unknown to the Thompsons, Mr. Thompson’s sisters had been visiting the children under the guise of welcoming them to the family, but in reality, they were secretly administering a harmful potion in the children’s mouth that led to their demise. But Jennifer proved to be a resilient exception. Despite being given the potion multiple times, she would only fall sick before recovering and growing stronger.

As Jennifer grew up, her aunt’s malevolent intentions became increasingly evident. Their sinister plans consistently backfired, and Jennifer continued to thrive. By the time she turned 25 years, she had become a strong and vibrant young woman, a constant thorn in the side of her aunt’s evil schemes. Jennifer’s survival and success were a testament to her inner strength and the power of her parents’ love and determination.

Jennifer’s aunties were very jealous of her because they thought she was getting too much money and living too well than them. They wanted their own kids to have that wealth instead.

“The sisters had squandered all their money on failed business ventures. Now, they sought to manipulate their brother, Thompson, into supporting them once again, just as he had done in the past. To achieve this, they plotted to el!minate Jennifer, the obstacle they believed stood in their way. By removing her from the picture, they hoped to manipulate Thompson into taking responsibility for their financial burdens and their children’s well-being, just as he had done before.”

When Jennifer came home after graduating, her father threw a big party to celebrate. Her aunties, Thompson brother in-laws, cousins, and other family members were all there. But something terrible happened. The food meant for Jennifer was po!soned! Just as she is about to eat it, her father quickly took it away and ate it himself. Then her mother took the food from him and ate it too.

A few minutes later, they both started vomiting blood and had to rush to the hospital.

Jennifer’s parents fought valiantly for their lives in the hospital, but the

po!son had taken its toll. Despite the doctors’ best efforts, they succumbed to the deadly substance, leaving Jennifer alone and heartbroken.

The funeral was a blur of tears and grief, with Jennifer’s aunts pretending to mourn the loss of their brother and sister-in-law. But their crocodile tears barely concealed their true intentions.

As soon as the burial was over, the sisters pounced on Jennifer, accusing her of

murder!ng her own parents. “She’s a monster!” they cried. “She wanted the wealth and property for herself!” Jennifer was stunned, unable to comprehend the ev!l accusations.

But her aunts didn’t stop there. They conspired to se!l Jennifer into sl@very, sending her to a far-off land where she would never return. “It’s better this way,” they sneered.

“We’ll take over our brother’s property, and no one will ever suspect a thing.”

“Baron and his gang stormed into Jennifer’s father’s house, following her aunts’ orders. Jennifer fought back, but they used chloroform to knock her out. Then, they dragged her away into the night.”

Jennifer’s eyes fluttered open, groggily taking in her surroundings. She is in a cage, surrounded by men ogling her like a piece of meat. The auctioneer’s voice boomed through the room, “Bidding starts at $10,000! Who’ll start the bidding?”

A wealthy-looking man shouted, “I’ll give you $20,000 for her!”

A murmur rippled through the crowd, and a rival bidder countered, “I’ll give you $30,000!”

The bids escalated, with each suitor trying to outdo the others. “$50,000!” “No, $60,000!” “I’ll give you $61,000!”

The room fell silent as a tall, dark-haired man emerged from the shadows. His piercing eyes locked onto Jennifer, and he bid with a confident smile, “I’ll give you $100,000!”

The crowd gasped in shock. “What? That’s outrageous!” someone exclaimed. “You can’t waste that much money on a woman!” another bidder scoffed.

But Prince Adrian didn’t flinch. His gaze remained fixed on Jennifer, and he nodded to the auctioneer. “Sold to Prince Adrian for $100,000!” the auctioneer declared, slamming down his gavel.

As they exited the auction house, Jennifer’s mind raced with questions. Who was this mysterious man? And why had he saved her from this nightmare?

Meanwhile, her aunts called Baron, eager for updates. “Has she been taken out of the country?” they asked.

Baron l!ed smoothly, “Yes, she’s long gone. You’ll never see her again.” But he had already s0ld Jennifer to Prince Adrian, collecting the payment without a care for her fate. Trust was a luxury he couldn’t afford.

Prince Adrian took Jennifer to his home. She thanked him for saving her life. “Thank you for buying me, Prince Adrian. Thank you for saving my life.”

But Prince Adrian just laughed. “I didn’t buy you to save your life,young woman. I bought you to have a son with you. I need a son to inherit my father’s throne. I have many siblings, and they already have sons of their own. But as the eldest, I must have a son to secure my claim to the throne. If my father passes away without me having a son, I will not be crowned king.”

Jennifer’s eyes widened in horror. “You paid so much money just for a child? Why not have children with your wife?”

Prince Adrian’s face turned sad. “I was married before, but my wife cheated on me. She had three girls, but none of them were mine. I don’t trust women anymore. That’s why I bought you from Baron’s place. I want a son, and I want to make sure he’s really mine. A friend told me about Baron’s !llegal bidding place, and I decided to come there myself.”

He reached out to touch her hair, but Jennifer slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me!”

Prince Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “Fine, be that way. But you will bear me a son, young woman. You have no choice.”

“I refuse to be part of your game,” Jennifer spat, her eyes blazing with defiance.

Prince Adrian smirked. “Watch and see, Jennifer. You will do as I say. I always get what I want.”

Jennifer’s mind raced as she tried to process Prince Adrian’s words. She was horrified by his plan to use her as a breeding tool for his royal lineage. She knew she had to escape, but the prince’s guards were watching her every move.

Prince Adrian approached her, his eyes gleaming with determination. “Jennifer, I know you’re hesitant, but I assure you, this is the only way to secure your freedom. You will bear me a son, and in return, I will set you free.”

Jennifer shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “I can’t do this, Prince Adrian. I won’t be a part of your game.”

Prince Adrian’s face darkened. “Fine, then you will rot in this pr!son forever. You will never see the light of day again.”

Jennifer knew she had to think fast. She couldn’t give in to the prince’s demands, but she also couldn’t spend the rest of her life in captivity. She needed a plan, and she needed it fast.

Just then, a soft knock at the door broke the tension. “Enter,” Prince Adrian called out. A servant entered, bowing low. “Your Highness, the royal advisor requests an audience with you.” Prince Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “Tell him I’m busy.” But the servant hesitated. “He insists, Your Highness. He says it’s urgent.” Prince Adrian sighed. “Fine, I’ll see him. But this isn’t over, Jennifer. You will bear me a son, or you will suffer the conséquences.” He stormed out of the room, leaving Jennifer alone with the servant.

The servant approached Jennifer with a sympathetic gaze. “My lady, what may I fetch for you to eat?” Jennifer’s response was firm. “I’m not your lady, and I don’t need anything. But if you truly wish to assist me, help me escape from here. I will be forever grateful.” The servant’s eyes dropped, and he bowed. “I regret I cannot assist with that, my lady. If there is no other thing, I beg to take my leave.” He quickly departed, leaving Jennifer alone in her room.

Just a few minutes later, Prince Adrian stormed into the room, his anger palpable. He paced back and forth, his eyes blazing with intensity. Jennifer asked, her voice steady, “What’s wrong?” He halted his pacing and turned to her, his expression pleading. “Are you ready to do what I ask? I implore you, Jennifer. My father’s health is failing, and I must ensure my claim to the throne is secure. I beg of you, help me in this matter. I’m not here to force you, but please, help me out. My dad is sick; this is the information I’ve just received. I don’t wish anything to happen to my father, the King, but I still want to be prepared in case anything happens.”

Jennifer’s eyes narrowed. “You want me to bear you a son, just in case your father dies? You want to use me as a means to secure your claim to the throne?” Prince Adrian’s eyes flashed with anger, but he composed himself quickly. “I’m not using you, Jennifer. I’m offering you a chance to gain your freedom. You’ll be treated like a queen, and our son will be the future king. You’ll have everything you could possibly want.” Jennifer scoffed. “Freedom? You call being a pr!soner and a breeding tool freedom? No, thank you. I’d rather die than submit to your plans.” Prince Adrian’s face darkened. “You’re not in a position to refuse me, Jennifer. You’re mine now, and you’ll do as I say.”

Prince Adrian’s face showed a mix of anger and desire. He growled at Jennifer, “You think you can reject me?” His hot breath was on her face. “I’ve been patient, but I can’t wait anymore. You will do what I want, one way or another.” Jennifer tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He pinned her against the wall and started kissing her forehead. She asked him to wait, saying, “Don’t force me, give me some time, let me freshen up.” Prince Adrian replied, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Jennifer went to the bathroom, locked herself in, and cried. She didn’t know what to do. After a while, Adrian asked her to come out. She did, and suggested they take a test to see if they’re compatible for having children together. Adrian said, “I’m 0 positive and my blood genotype is AA, so I can marry anyone.” Jennifer asked, “Do you know if I have any diseases? You barely know me.” Adrian replied, “You don’t have sickness. You don’t look corrupt.” Jennifer then asked him to promise that if they had a girl, he would let her go. But Adrian wanted a son and insisted they try again if the child was a girl. Jennifer reluctantly agreed, and they were intimate, with tears in her eyes. Adrian promised to help her if she gave him a son. They continued to share intimate moments, with Adrian showing her love and affection, and eventually, Jennifer started enjoying their time together.

Adrian noticed that whenever he came to Jennifer’s room to spend time with her, she seemed distant and uninterested. She would often leave the bed to vomit, and he could sense that something was amiss. One day, he approached her with concern etched on his face. “Jennifer, what’s wrong? You seem unwell,” he said, his voice soft with worry.

Jennifer looked up at him, her skin pale. “I…I don’t know,” she stammered. Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “When was the last time you saw your period?” he asked, his voice firm but gentle. Jennifer’s eyes dropped, and she hesitated before answering. “I…I’ve forgotten.” Adrian’s expression turned grave. He knew that this was no trivial matter. He took her hand and led her to the hospital, determined to get to the bottom of her condition.

At the hospital, the doctor ran some tests and performed a scan. Adrian’s eyes widened in surprise as the doctor announced the results. “She’s pregnant, Your Highness,” the doctor said with a smile. “With twins!” Adrian’s face lit up with joy, but Jennifer’s expression remained subdued. She knew that this was not the life she had chosen for herself, and the thought of being trapped was suffocating her.

As the days passed, Adrian’s joy knew no bounds. He showered Jennifer with love and care, promising her the world. He bought her lavish gifts, took her on romantic walks, and whispered sweet words in her ear. Jennifer’s heart swelled with happiness, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was all temporary. That once she gave birth, Adrian would take the children away from her.

As the months went by, Jennifer’s belly grew rounder, and Adrian’s affection only grew stronger. He would surprise her with her favorite dishes, massage her feet, and read her favorite books aloud. But amidst all the pampering, Jennifer couldn’t help but feel like she was living a l!e. That Adrian’s love was conditional, tied to the fate of their unborn children.

One day, while Adrian was out, Jennifer broke down in tears. She realized she had fallen deeply in love with Adrian, but she knew he would never love her for who she truly is. She felt like she was just a means to an end, a way for him to secure his royal lineage.

The day finally arrived when Jennifer gave birth to two adorable sons. Adrian was overjoyed, and he celebrated by gifting her a luxurious car. But Jennifer refused, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she would soon be separated from her children.

After three months of staying with her kids, Jennifer decided it’s time to leave. “I have to go back and fight for my rights,” she said, her voice firm but her eyes filled with tears. “I need to revenge for what my aunts did to me. I can’t stay here and be a mere nanny to my children. You will never tell them I gave birth to them. I need to secure my rightful place in my father’s house.”

Adrian begged her to stay, holding their children close. “Please, Jennifer, don’t go,” he begged, his voice cracking with emotion. “I know I hurt you, I know my approach was wrong, but I swear on our children’s lives, I truly love you. I’m sorry for forcing you to have children for me, but I can’t imagine living without you now.”

As they stood in the doorway, the babies started crying loudly, their tiny voices piercing the air. Jennifer’s heart melted, and she couldn’t help but pick up one of the babies from Adrian’s hand, cradling him in her arms. “I love you so much, my child,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “It hurts me that I have to leave you guys, and I might not see you again. But I have to do this for myself, for my future.”

She returned the baby to Adrian, who dropped them onto a nearby chair, his eyes fixed on Jennifer. He fell to his knees again, his hands grasping her legs, begging her not to leave him alone. “Please, Jennifer, stay with me. I can’t imagine a life without you.

Jennifer’s heart raced as she looked at Adrian, her resolve weakening. She saw the sincerity in his eyes, the desperation in his voice, and her mind was torn. She wanted to believe him, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she was just a means to secure his royal lineage.

“Stay as what?” Jennifer asked. “My children’s nanny or what?”

Adrian’s face lit up with hope, and he replied, “As my woman, my love, my wife. I want to officially marry you and introduce you to my family. I want to love you and our children forever.”

Jennifer’s heart melted at his words, and she felt her resolve weakening. She saw the love in his eyes, the desperation in his voice, and she knew that she couldn’t leave him. Not yet, at least.

“Okay, Adrian,” she said finally. “I’ll stay. But only for my kids alone. I can’t marry you,” Jennifer said, her voice firm.

Adrian replied, “I know you are angry, but I will give you time to get over everything.”

Jennifer returned inside, carrying one of the babies, and Adrian’s face lit up with joy.

When Jennifer went inside she don’t know if she will should be happy or grateful…she didn’t make Adrian realize she love him…

While in her room…Adrian came to her, holding her hands in his,my dear trust me… going to fight your aunts like this will make you vulnerable…

They will take advantage of you again and might even hurt you…let’s strategies before going.

Please accept my marriage proposal,let’s get marry.

Your fight is now my fight,I promise you that you will get everything you lost,I promise I will deal with your aunts…

I will protect you with my last blood

“I still don’t trust you, Adrian,” Jennifer said, her voice laced with skepticism. “I feel you want to keep me here because you want me to make more babies for you…”

Adrian’s expression turned contrite, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and longing. “I understand you are scared because I started on the wrong path in this relationship,” he replied, his voice gentle. “But I have never treated you inhumanely since you arrived here two years ago. Even when you didn’t get pregnant on time, I didn’t put pressure on you. I have taken care of you, provided for you, and loved you to the best of my ability, even when I didn’t say it. I was wrong to manipulate you into getting pregnant, but I promise to make it right. Trust me and give me a chance. Do it for me, and for our children. They need their mother and father to be happy and together.”

Jennifer’s expression remained guarded, but a small part of her felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, Adrian was genuinely changing. But she still needed time to think, to process her feelings and doubts. “Give me some time to think,” she repeated, her voice firm but slightly softer.

Jennifer, after much contemplation, finally gathered the courage to visit Adrian’s room, her heart overflowing with emotions. She took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she knocked on the door. Adrian’s inviting smile as he opened the door reassured her, and she stepped inside.

“Adrian, I’ve thought a lot about us… and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Adrian’s eyes sparkled with joy, and he swept her into a tender embrace. “I’ll love you forever, Jennifer,” he whispered, sealing their love with a gentle kiss.

Adrian, Jennifer, and their children arrived at the palace, where King Albert, Adrian’s father, lay bedridden. The king’s eyes lit up as he saw his son and grandchildren, and he smiled weakly at Jennifer.

“I have heard so many good things about you, Jennifer,” the king said, his voice frail. “I’m glad you’re here. You must be very special indeed to have captured Adrian’s heart again. My son had vowed never to love another woman after his first wife’s betrayal, but you have clearly changed that.”

The king’s eyes filled with gratitude as he looked at Jennifer. “You have brought joy and happiness back into Adrian’s life, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I want to bless your union and welcome you into our family.”

As the king spoke, Adrian’s siblings, Prince Sebastian and Prince Lucas, stood by, their faces stern and disapproving. But their displeasure went unnoticed by the king, who was focused on Jennifer and his son.

The king prayed for Adrian and Jennifer, blessing their union and welcoming her into the family. Jennifer smiled graciously, her heart full of joy.

After the king’s blessing,a month later. Adrian and Jennifer exchanged vows in a small ceremony, solidifying their union. They were officially married, and their love was stronger than ever.

Jennifer and Adrian arrived at her childhood home, where one of her aunts had taken over. The aunt was shocked to see Jennifer, whom she thought was either de@d or out of the country.

“You’re supposed to be de@d!” the aunt exclaimed.

Jennifer smiled coldly. “I’m very much alive, and I’ve come for what’s mine.”

The aunt tried to flee, but Jennifer and Adrian were too quick. They chased her down and handed her over to the police.

As they were taking her away, the aunt revealed that her sister was at another location. Jennifer and Adrian followed the lead and found the second aunt, who was also arrested.

The second aunt revealed that the third aunt was hiding in a different location. Jennifer and Adrian tracked her down, and she too was arrested.

As the aunts were being taken away, Jennifer confronted them. “How could you be so mean? You didn’t even let me mourn my parents, but sold me into sl@very instead.”

The aunts looked at her with shame and regret. “We were desperate, Jennifer. We didn’t know what else to do.”

Jennifer shook her head. “You should have thought of that before you betrayed me. Now, the tables have turned, and I’m in control.”

“I will get to the bottom of my parents’ death,” Jennifer declared, her eyes fixed on her aunts. “I know one of you is responsible.”

One of the aunts shook her head, her eyes wide with feigned innocence. “I didn’t harm your parents, Jennifer. It was her,” she said, pointing a trembling finger at the other aunt. “She

po!soned your food, but your parents ended up eating it instead.”

Jennifer’s face went white with shock, her mind reeling from the revelation. “No…that can’t be,” she stammered, her eyes darting between the two aunts.

Without another word, Jennifer turned to the police and nodded curtly. “Take them away,” she said, her voice icy with rage. “I want them to pay for what they’ve done.”

After the aunts were arrested, Jennifer and Adrian went to her parents’ gravesite. Jennifer cried as she introduced Adrian to her parents. Adrian consoled her, holding her close.

Later, they went to the lawyer’s office, where her father’s will was read. Everything her parents owned was left in her name. Jennifer was overjoyed,but miss her parents so much.

She and Adrian spent the next week in the town, sorting out the property documents. Finally, they return back to the hotel room to have a peaceful time alone.

Adrian and Jennifer were savoring a romantic evening in their hotel room, finally enjoying some much-needed privacy after a chaotic day. But their bliss was short-lived, as Adrian’s phone rang, shattering the tranquility. His mother’s trembling voice on the other end delivered devastating news: “Adrian, it’s your mother. The king has passed away. You need to come home immediately.” Adrian’s face fell, and he felt like he had been punched in the gut, his world crashing down around him.

Jennifer’s concern was palpable as she noticed the shock and grief etched on his face. “What is it?” she asked, her voice laced with worry. Adrian took a deep breath, struggling to find the words. His voice shook as he delivered the news: “My father, the king, has d!ed. I need to go home, now.” Jennifer’s eyes widened in shock, her expression mirroring Adrian’s anguish. She quickly gathered her belongings, her movements swift and decisive. “I’m coming with you,” she said, her voice firm and resolute. Adrian nodded, his gratitude for her unwavering support evident in his eyes. Together, they rushed out of the hotel room.

Adrian and Jennifer arrived at the palace, their hearts heavy with grief. The king’s passing had left a void in their lives, and the atmosphere in the palace was tense. Adrian’s siblings, Prince Sebastian and Prince Lucas, eyed him with suspicion and resentment.

The burial ceremony was a grand affair, with dignitaries from all over the kingdom in attendance. Adrian delivered a heartfelt eulogy, praising his father’s wisdom and kindness. But beneath the surface, a power struggle was brewing.

As the king’s eldest son, Adrian was the rightful heir to the throne. But his siblings had other plans. They had always resented their father’s favoritism towards Adrian and saw this as an opportunity to claim the throne for themselves.

After the burial, the princes gathered in the throne room, each with their own agenda. Prince Sebastian, the most vocal of the two, challenged Adrian’s claim to the throne. “You were always Father’s favorite,” he sneered. “But that doesn’t mean you’re the best fit for the throne.”

Adrian stood tall, his eyes flashing with determination. “I will not be bull!ed or intimidated,” he declared. “I am the rightful king, and I will do what’s best for this kingdom.”

Jennifer stood by Adrian’s side, her presence a reminder of his strength and support. “I will not let you bring harm to my husband or the kingdom,” she said, her voice firm and resolute.

Prince Sebastian sneered at her. “And who are you to interfere in royal matters?” he asked, his tone dripping with disdain.

Adrian’s face darkened with anger. “She is my wife, and her words carry weight,” he said, his voice commanding. “I will not be threatened or intimidated by your schemes.”

Prince Lucas joined in, his voice venomous. “You’re just a commoner, Jennifer. You don’t belong here.”

Their sisters chimed in, taunting Jennifer with cruel words. “Yes, you’re just a servant, a mere plaything for Adrian’s amusement.”

Adrian’s eyes flashed with anger, but he remained calm. “Enough!” he commanded. “You will respect my wife and your future queen.”

But his siblings would not be silenced. They continued to hurl !nsults, questioning Jennifer’s legitimacy and the paternity of her children. “You’re just a mere r@t, a nobody,” Prince Sebastian sneered. “Your children are bast@rds, born out of wedlock.”

The queen, unable to bear the !nsults hurled at Jennifer, stormed into the room, her face red with anger. “How dare you!” she thundered, her voice commanding silence. “How dare you speak of my son and his wife in such a manner!”

The princes and princesses stopped their verbal ass@ult, but their eyes still burned with resentment. Prince Sebastian sneered at Jennifer, “She’s just a commoner, Mother. She doesn’t belong here.”

The queen’s eyes flashed with anger. “How dare you! Jennifer is my son’s wife, and she is a noble and virtuous woman. You will not speak ill of her again!”

Prince Lucas joined in, “But Mother, Adrian is impotent. He can’t even produce a child talk more of sons. That’s why his first wife cheated on him.”

The queen’s face darkened with grief, “How dare you say such a thing! Adrian is my son, and he is capable of producing children! You will not question his manh**d again!”

Prince Sebastian stood tall, his voice dripping with venom. “We believe Jennifer got impregnated by another man, not Adrian. Those children are not his, and he knows it.”

The queen’s eyes filled with tears, “Your father would be ashamed of you all. Fighting and plotting against each other, instead of uniting for the good of the kingdom. Your father just passed away three months ago, and you are already fighting over the throne.”

Prince Sebastian: “I am the rightful heir, and I will take the throne. You, Adrian, are just a pretender. You got all the love and attention from our father, leaving us with nothing. But we will not be denied our rightful place.”I will take the throne, no matter what it takes.”

Adrian’s face darkened with anger. “You will not take anything from me! I am the rightful heir, and I will not let you take away my throne!”

The chiefs entered the room, their faces grave with concern. “My princes,” their leader said, “we have reviewed the ancient laws and consulted the elders. Adrian is indeed the rightful heir to the throne.” But Prince Sebastian and Prince Lucas refused to accept the verdict, shouting and arguing with the chiefs.

“You’re just a bunch of old men, out of touch with the times!” Prince Sebastian sneered. “We will not be denied our rightful place! Adrian is a pretender, and he will never rule over us!” The queen’s eyes filled with tears as she watched her children argue and fight over the throne.

She knew that this was not what her late husband would have wanted, and she feared for the future of the kingdom. Prince Lucas said, “Let us have a DNA test, I will prove to you all that the children Adrian is using as a ticket to the throne aren’t his. They are b@st@rds, born out of wedlock!” The chief replied, “Prince Sebastian can only be king if the children are not Adrian’s children, but if they are, then Adrian will be the king. The ancient laws are clear on this matter.” Prince Sebastian’s face turned red with rage, “I will never accept that! I will take the throne, no matter what it takes!”

After they returned home, Adrian approached Jennifer to apologize for the hurtful words his siblings had directed at her. But instead of accepting his apology, she made a heartfelt request.

“I’m not angry, Adrian, but please, for the sake of our love and our children, forget about the throne,” Jennifer said, her eyes filled with concern.

Adrian, teased her, “What do you mean? Are the kids not mine? Did you sleep with my guards to get pregnant?” Jennifer pushed him away, her face red with anger.

“How dare you, Adrian! I was a pr!soner here when I got pregnant. How could I possibly sleep with someone else? You took my v!rg!nity yourself, what nonsense words!” she exclaimed.

Adrian quickly backtracked, “I’m sorry, baby. I just wanted to see you angry. Forgive me.”

Jennifer accepted his apology but reiterated her plea, “Leave the throne, Adrian. I’ve lost too many people in my life. I don’t want to lose you too.”

Adrian hesitated, torn between his love for Jennifer and his birthright. “I love you and the kids, but the throne is my birthright. I won’t leave it.”

Jennifer stood up, her face set in determination. “Then I’m leaving.” Adrian chased after her, begging her to stay, “My baby, stop getting angry. I want you to be the queen.”

But Jennifer remained resolute. “Not interested, Adrian. Your life is more important than the throne. Do what you think is best. I love you.”

With that, she went to play with their children, leaving Adrian to ponder his choices.

Prince Sebastian and Prince Lucas stood in front of Adrian’s house, their faces twisted with malice. “Those kids can’t be Adrian’s,” Sebastian sneered. “I gave him medicine long ago to make him imp0tent. He won’t have children, and now this u$el*ss Jennifer has given birth to two kids not just two but two sons”

Lucas nodded in agreement. “Yes, it’s impossible. We need to do a DNA test to prove those kids aren’t his.”

They entered Adrian’s house, their eyes scanning the room for him. “Adrian, we need to talk,” Sebastian said, his voice dripping with deceit.

Adrian appeared, his eyes narrowing at their presence. “What do you want?”

“We want to do a DNA test for your sons,” Sebastian said, a smirk on his face. “We need to know if they’re really yours.”

Adrian raised an eyebrow. “And why should I agree to that?”

“Because we have doubts about their paternity,” Lucas chimed in.

Adrian smiled wryly. “Very well, but I want the DNA test done for all of us, including your own kids. And will I choose the hospital – one that won’t manipulate the results.”

Sebastian and Lucas exchanged uneasy glances. They had already arranged for a doctor to manipulate the results if the kids were indeed Adrian’s. “No, we have our own doctor in mind,” Sebastian said stiffly.

Adrian shook his head. “I won’t agree to that. If you’re so sure the kids aren’t mine, then let’s do the test at a neutral hospital.”

Sebastian and Lucas refused, and the argument ended with them storming out of Adrian’s house, their faces red with anger.

“We need to get r!d of Adrian,” Sebastian fumed as they walked away from the house. “He and the chiefs won’t let us have the throne. It’s better to send him where our father is.”

Lucas nodded in agreement. “Yes, let’s get r!d of him once and for all.”

Prince Sebastian and Prince Lucas sat in a dark, damp cellar, their faces lit only by a faint candlelight. They were surrounded by shadowy figures, their faces obscured by hooded cloaks.

“We need to get r!d of Adrian once and for all,” Sebastian said, his voice low. “He’s the only one standing in our way to the throne.”

Lucas nodded in agreement. “Yes, and we have the perfect plan. We’ll make it look like an accident, and no one will suspect a thing.”

The shadowy figures nodded, their faces hidden in the darkness. “We’ll take care of it,” one of them said. “But it won’t be cheap.”

Sebastian smiled, his eyes glinting with cruelty. “Money is no object. We’ll pay whatever it takes to get r!d of Adrian.”

As they finalized their plans, Adrian was unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. He was busy with Jennifer and the children, enjoying a rare moment of peace at home..

The next morning, Jennifer had a terrible nightmare. She screamed and woke up, her heart racing. Adrian quickly grabbed her and held her close. “What’s wrong, my love?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Jennifer’s eyes were wide with fear. “I had a bad dream,” she said, her voice trembling. “You were in an accident and never came back.”

Adrian laughed and stroked her hair. “It’s just a nightmare, my love. Don’t worry, I’m right here with you.”

But Jennifer’s fear lingered. “Please don’t go today, Adrian,” she begged, her eyes welling up with tears. “I have a bad feeling.”

Adrian’s expression turned stubborn. “I have to go, Jennifer. It’s just a business meeting. I’ll be back in two days.”

Jennifer’s tears spilled over, and she clung to Adrian. “Don’t go, please,” she whispered.

Adrian’s face softened, and he kissed her forehead. “I’ll be fine, my love. I promise.”

But Jennifer’s intuition screamed warnings. She knew something was off, but Adrian wouldn’t listen.

“Don’t you understand, Adrian?” Jennifer pleaded. “I’m scared. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Adrian smiled and pulled her close. “I know what you want, Jennifer,” he whispered, his voice husky. “You want some intimate moment, don’t you?”

Jennifer’s face flushed, and she pushed him away. “That’s not it, Adrian. I’m serious.”

But Adrian just laughed and kissed her, silencing her fears with his intimate touch. They shared a passionate moment before he traveled that morning, leaving Jennifer with a sense of unease that lingered long after he was gone.

Adrian was driving his car. Another car was following him. They kept following him until they got to a quiet road. Then, they stopped in front of him.

Adrian got out of his car and asked, “What do you want?”

But they didn’t answer. Instead, they started hitting him with sticks. Adrian tried to defend himself, but they were too strong. He fell to the ground.

They put Adrian in his car and set it on fire. They made it look like an accident. They wanted people to think Adrian’s car caught fire and he d!ed. But they didn’t want to get caught, so they left quickly when they saw other cars coming. They got in their own car and drove away fast. They wanted to make it look like Adrian’s de@th was an accident, not a múrdér.

The royal family gathered in the palace, their faces somber and grave. They had summoned Jennifer to deliver the devastating news about Adrian’s fate. The Queen, her eyes red from crying, took a deep breath before speaking.

“Jennifer, dear, we have some terrible news to share with you. Adrian…he didn’t make it.”

Jennifer’s eyes widened in disbelief, her mind refusing to accept the truth. “What do you mean?

Lucas stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm. “Jennifer, we’re so sorry. Adrian’s car was engulfed in flames. He didn’t surv!ve.”

Jennifer’s world crumbled around her. She felt like she was suffocating, unable to breathe. Her loving husband, her partner, her best friend, was gone.

The family tried to comfort her, but Jennifer was inconsolable. She refused to believe that Adrian was truly gone.

The days passed, and the family made preparations for Adrian’s bur!al. They collected the ashes from the car and placed them in an urn, which they buried in the royal cemetery.

But Jennifer was not present at the burial. She was too grief-stricken to attend. Instead, she stayed in her room, surrounded by memories of Adrian. She couldn’t bear the thought of living without him.

Meanwhile, Sebastian is busy covering their tracks. He used his influence to stop the police investigation into Adrian’s de@th, claiming that it was an accident. They also made sure that Jennifer and the children were thrown out of Adrian’s house, leaving them with nothing.

The scene opened with Jennifer returning to her parents’ house, seeking refuge from the palace’s treachery. She was determined to take control of her destiny and find her husband, Adrian, who she believed was still alive.

Meanwhile, back at the palace, the queen mother pleaded with her sons to bring Jennifer back, but they refused. Sebastian and Lucas had other plans, conspiring to take the throne. They called upon the chiefs to crown Sebastian the next week.

However, Lucas had a hidden agenda. He had been gathering evidence to fr@me Sebastian for Adrian’s m*rder. The day of the coronation arrived.

As Sebastian was about to be crowned, Lucas burst into the ceremony, his eyes blazing with determination.

“Stop this coronation at once!” Lucas thundered, his voice echoing off the palace walls. “Sebastian is a m*rderer and a traitor, and he must be brought to justice!”

The room fell silent, with all eyes fixed on Lucas and Sebastian. The queen mother’s face turned pale with shock, and the chiefs and nobles looked on in confusion.

“What are you talking about, Lucas?” Sebastian sneered, his face twisted in contempt. “You’re just trying to sabotage my coronation.”

“I have evidence, Sebastian,” Lucas replied, his voice steady. “Evidence that proves you ordered the hit on Adrian. You’re not fit to be king, and I won’t let you get away with this!”

and Lucas revealed his evidence, exposing Sebastian’s guilt.

The evidence was overwhelming:

– Video footage of Sebastian ordering his henchmen to ki!! Adrian, captured by a surveillance camera in the palace courtyard.

– Call recordings of Sebastian’s conversation with the assassin, obtained through a wiretap on Sebastian’s phone.

– Witness testimony from one of the henchmen, who had turned state’s evidence and was now cooperating with the investigation.

– Document trails linking Sebastian to the assassination, including a suspicious transaction on his bank statement.

– Security footage showing Sebastian’s henchmen near Adrian’s car, captured by a traffic camera.

– Forensic reports matching Sebastian’s fingerprint found on the m*rder weapon.

– Text messages from Sebastian to his accomplices, detailing the plan and obtained through a search warrant on his phone records.

– Hidden camera footage of Sebastian celebrating Adrian’s demise, captured by a spy camera in the palace.

– A confession from Sebastian himself, caught on tape.

As Lucas presented the evidence, Sebastian tried to defend himself, claiming that Lucas was involved in the m*rder. However, the evidence Lucas provided was too convincing, and no one believed Sebastian’s claims.

“This is a clear case of premeditated m*rder,” said the police commissioner. “We have a mountain of evidence that links Sebastian to the cr!me. He’s going down for this.”

The police officers handcuffed Sebastian and read him his rights. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

The queen mother’s face contorted in anguish as she beheld her son, Sebastian, being led away in chains. She had never imagined that her own flesh and blood could be capable of such a heinous cr!me.

“You w!cked son!” she cried, her voice shaking with rage and grief. “How could you ki!! Adrian, your own brother? You are no son of mine!”

She turned to Lucas, her eyes brimming with tears. “Thank you, Lucas, for exposing Sebastian’s treachery. You have done a great service to our kingdom.”

Lucas bowed his head, his expression somber. “It was my duty, Your Majesty. I could not stand idly by while Sebastian’s ev!l deeds went unpunished.”

The queen’s gaze returned to Sebastian, her eyes blazing with anger. “You will pay for your cr!mes, Sebastian. You will rot in prison for the rest of your days, and may your name be forever forgotten in our kingdom!”

Before being dragged away by the police, Sebastian turned to Lucas with a fierce gaze.Sebastian’s face twisted in a snarl as he struggled against his restraints. “You’ll pay for this, Lucas!” he spat. “You’ll pay for betraying me!”I will get back at you, Lucas,” “You may have won this time, but I will not rest until I bring you down.”

The queen’s curse echoed through the palace, a haunting reminder of the consequences of Sebastian’s actions. The once-loyal son had fallen from grace, and now he would face the ultimate price for his treachery.

The scene ended with Sebastian’s arrest, his fate sealed.

The kingdom was in shock after Sebastian’s arrest. The queen mother was heartbroken, unable to understand how her own son could comm!t such a terrible crime. Lucas was praised as a hero for bringing Sebastian to justice. Adrian was still in the hospital, unconscious, after the car accident.

Jennifer was devastated. She took her kids and hid them in a safe place, then went to investigate the accident scene with a private investigator. They spoke to witnesses who revealed that the accident was actually a m*rder attempt. Jennifer was told that a car had stopped, injured Adrian, and then forced him into the driver’s seat before setting the car on fire.

Jennifer was overcome with grief, crying uncontrollably. “They ki!!ed my husband, those ev!l people!” she exclaimed. “I warned him not to leave the house. What will happen to me and the kids now?”

Just then, another local approached her. “We don’t know if the man is really de@d,” he said. “He was taken away in an ambulance to a hospital.”

Jennifer’s tears stopped suddenly. “Do you mean it?” she asked, her voice filled with hope.

The local nodded. “Yes, he was rescued and taken to a hospital. He was still alive when they took him away.”

Jennifer’s heart raced with excitement. She asked which hospital, but the locals didn’t know. Jennifer took Adrian’s photo and went from one hospital to another, determined to find her husband.

Jennifer searched hospital after hospital, showing Adrian’s photo to anyone who would look. She was met with shake after shake, and her hope began to dwindle. Just when she thought she couldn’t search anymore, she walked into another hospital, her feet heavy with exhaustion. She approached the reception desk. “I’m looking for my husband. He was in a car accident…I think he might be here.” The receptionist scanned the photo, then shook her head. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We don’t know this person.” Jennifer’s heart sank, and she turned to leave. But just then, a doctor called out to her. “Wait, ma’am. Let me see that photo.” He examined it carefully, then looked up at Jennifer with a hint of recognition. “This man…he’s here. He’s in a coma.” Jennifer’s heart leapt with joy and relief. “Where is he?” she asked, her voice trembling. The doctor smiled and led her to Adrian’s room.

Jennifer’s heart raced as she followed the doctor to Adrian’s room. She had been searching for what felt like an eternity, and finally, she was about to be reunited with her husband. The doctor pushed open the door, and Jennifer’s eyes fell on Adrian’s peaceful face. He lay motionless, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Jennifer’s eyes welled up with tears as she rushed to his side. “Adrian, my love,” she whispered, taking his hand in hers. “I’m here. I’ve found you.” She gazed at his face, willing him to wake up, to respond to her presence. But he remained still, lost in a deep coma. Jennifer’s heart ached with sadness and longing. She had found him, but he was still so far away.

Jennifer begged Adrian to wake up, her voice cracking with emotion. “Adrian, please, for me, for our kids, wake up!” But Adrian remained still, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling with each breath.

The doctor gently touched Jennifer’s shoulder. “Ma’am, please, follow me to my office. We need to talk.”

Jennifer hesitated, unwilling to leave Adrian’s side. But the doctor’s urgent tone convinced her to follow him. As she stood up, she felt a sudden tug on her dress. She turned back to see Adrian’s hand grasping her dress tightly. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw his eyes flicker open.

“Adrian!” she exclaimed.

The doctor rushed back to Adrian’s bedside. “It’s a miracle!” he exclaimed. “This man has been in a coma for over three months, motionless. And now, he’s showing signs of consciousness!”

Jennifer’s heart raced as she gazed at Adrian’s face. His eyes were still cloudy, but they were open, and they were looking at her.

“Adrian, can you hear me?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Adrian’s lips moved, but no sound came out. Jennifer leaned closer, her ear inches from his mouth.

“J…Jennifer…” he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Jennifer’s heart soared. “Yes, Adrian, it’s me! I’m here!”

But as she looked into his eyes, she saw something that made her blood run cold. A flicker of fear, a hint of warning.

“Adrian, what is it?” she asked.

Adrian’s eyes locked onto hers, and he whispered one word: “Run.”

Jennifer refused to run, her eyes locked on Adrian’s as he pleaded with her to flee.

“Leave me, Jennifer. Save yourself. They’re after my life, and I won’t risk yours.”

But Jennifer’s love and devotion would not be swayed. “No, Adrian. I won’t abandon you now that I’ve found you again. We’ll face whatever comes together, side by side. I’ll live with you, and if need be, I’ll d!e with you.”

Her words were sealed with a tender kiss on his forehead. Adrian’s heart swelled with emotion, knowing he couldn’t convince her to leave.her love for him stronger than any danger that thre@tened them.

Soon, Adrian was discharged from the hospital, his body still weak but his spirit renewed by Jennifer’s unwavering support. Jennifer took him to her father’s hometown. There, Adrian recovered fully, his strength and determination growing with each passing day.

As they spent their days in quiet seclusion, Adrian’s mind turned to the palace, and the treachery that lurked within. He knew he had to act, to surprise the palace and reclaim his rightful place as king. Jennifer sensed his resolve, her eyes sparkling with courage as she stood by his side, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Together, they planned their next move, their love and loyalty to each other the foundation of their quest for justice.

Adrian’s determination to reclaim his throne burned brighter with each passing day. Jennifer stood steadfast by his side, her love and support fueling his resolve. Together, they crafted a plan to surprise the palace and bring the truth to light. As they prepared to depart for the kingdom, Adrian’s heart swelled with gratitude for Jennifer’s unwavering loyalty.

“You’re the reason I’m alive, Jennifer. I couldn’t have made it without you,” Adrian said, his voice filled with emotion.

Jennifer’s eyes shone with tears. “We’re in this together, Adrian. Always.”

Their arrival at the palace was met with shock and awe. Lucas was about to be crowned king, but the sight of Adrian and Jennifer left everyone stunned. The queen mother, thinking she was seeing a ghost, turned to flee, while others in the palace, including Lucas, followed suit.

But Jennifer’s voice rang out, steady and clear. “Adrian is alive! He’s been in a coma, but he’s back!”

The crowd’s disbelief was palpable, but Jennifer’s words slowly sank in. They began to return, their faces etched with wonder and curiosity. Jennifer reached out, her hand touching Adrian’s arm, proving to them that he was indeed flesh and blood.

Adrian, with a warm smile, approached his mother, embracing her tenderly. Tears of joy streamed down her face as she held her son close, the reality of his return sinking in.

The palace erupted in a mixture of cheers and tears, the news of Adrian’s return spreading like wildfire. Lucas’s face contorted in anger and disbelief.

Adrian, the rightful king, had returned, and nothing could ever take that away. The coronation was immediately stopped, the leader of the Chiefs declared, “Now that the eldest son is back, he should be crowned king.”

The other Chiefs agreed, but Lucas shouted in protest, “No, I’m the king! Crown me now!” instructing the head of the Chiefs.

The Head of the Chiefs stood firm, declaring, “Lucas, the rightful king has returned. Adrian, the eldest son, is the true heir to the throne. We cannot crown you when the legitimate king stands before us.”

Lucas stormed out of the palace room, only to return with a gún, shouting, “Crown me now!” But the Head of the Chiefs refused. Lucas pointed the gün at him, shocking everyone.

“I have done so much for this throne,” Lucas stated. “I can’t let Adrian be crowned.”

Jennifer hid behind Adrian’s back as Lucas turned to him, sneering, “Why didn’t you d!e?” Adrian was shocked, realizing Lucas was behind the attempt on his life.

Lucas dragged Jennifer out, pointing the gûn at her. “You’re the cause of everything,” he snarled. “We made sure Adrian was imp0tent, but you gave birth to two sons, giving him access to fight for the throne again.”

Lucas’s anger boiled over, revealing his deceit. He had slept with Adrian’s first wife, fathering three daughters, and plotted with Sabastine to destroy Adrian’s family.

Adrian fought back, grabbing the gûn and throwing it away. He slapped Lucas, and the Queen Mother intervened, calling the police. Before Lucas was taken away, she gave him a dirty slap, saying, “You’re worse than Sabastine.”

Lucas was taken to the same cell as Sabastine, where they engaged in a vicious fight.

After Lucas was taken away by the police, the Head of the Chiefs turned to Adrian and Jennifer, a warm smile on his face. “Adrian, you are the rightful king, and Jennifer, you are the new queen of our kingdom,” he declared, placing the crown on Adrian’s head and the queen’s tiara on Jennifer’s.

The palace erupted in cheers and applause as the newly crowned king and queen embraced, beaming with joy. The chiefs and courtiers gathered around, offering their congratulations.

The kingdom celebrated grandly, with feasts and festivities that lasted for days. The streets were filled with music and laughter, and the people rejoiced at their new king and queen.

Adrian and Jennifer sat on their thrones, surrounded by their subjects, their faces aglow with happiness. They knew that they had a lot of work ahead of them, but they were determined to rule with wisdom and justice, bringing peace and prosperity to their kingdom.

The queen mother, stepped forward and embraced her son and daughter-in-law. “I am so proud of you both,” she said, tears of joy in her eyes. “You will make a great king and queen, and I will be here to support you every step of the way.”

Adrian and Jennifer sat alone in their room, surrounded by the quiet of the night. Adrian took Jennifer’s hand, his eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you for coming into my life, Jennifer. I’m so sorry for buying you with money at first. I was blind to what truly mattered.”

Jennifer smiled, her eyes shining with love. “That’s destiny, Adrian. I was sold so we could be together. And I love you so much.”

Adrian’s face lit up with joy. “I need another child,” he said, his voice filled with longing.

Jennifer laughed and got up, returning with their sons. “Here is your children,” she said, placing the boys in Adrian’s arms.

Adrian’s face glowed with happiness as he held his family close. “I have everything I need right here,” he said, his voice filled with contentment.

As they sat together, surrounded by the love they shared, they drifted off to sleep, their hearts full of joy and gratitude.

The End

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