Chimobi dragged one of Chinwe’s suitcase to the living room . She was all dressed up and ready for the four hours journey from Owerri to Awka , she was a bit tense . It was her first time of leaving her family house , going to school in Anambra State wasn’t what she had planned . For three years after she left Saint Theresa’s Girls Secondary School in Owerri. She always had good scores in JAMB , she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get admission to the Imo state University to study law .

It was late Mazi Nicolas’s dream to see his daughter become a lawyer , he would drive her to the JAMB centre and wait till she finished her exam , before driving her to the house . Mazi had slept and never woke up , it shook Chinwendu to the bone. He was her encouragement. “Chinwendu don’t worry God is going to give you admission, you’ll become my lawyer, don’t worry I’ll be there the day they call you to bar .” He said while poking her ribs , Chinwendu’s tears dried as she began to laugh . Mazi Nicolas took his daughter to SPAR store that evening to spoil her .

“It’s not your fault my daughter, you read well . Imagine you scored two seventy in JAMB and they didn’t give you admission . What requirements did they use to give Ngozi the daughter of Mazi Ikenga.” Mazi Nicolas said trying to cheer his daughter. “Nigeria and corruption are five and six , there’s no way you can tell me money didn’t run hand .” Mazi Nicolas hissed , Chinwendu chuckled.

Mazi Nicolas was on high blood pressure drugs, the shrieking scream that left her mother’s throat when she found her husband cold and dead , made Chinwe’s legs become boiled spaghetti. She struggled not to pass out , she dragged herself to her parents room , when she saw her father’s lifeless body she thought she was dreaming, she thought her dad was sleeping that he would wake up . It became a reality to her when she saw her father’s body in the casket ,and then being lowered to the ground.

“Chinwe you’ve finally gotten the admission to read law , your father will be in heaven rejoicing .” Dorcas said as she hugged her daughter. Chinwendu was wearing a white flair gown, her hair was braided into a long cornrow style , the colour was so black as charcoal. Her skin glittered like the rays of the sun , so fair like Dorcas’s skin , she was slim like a model , with an average bust that would enchant any man with eyes . Chinwendu smiled to hide the pains inside her sad eyes , she wanted to remain on her mother’s shoulder to pour out her pains , to let the water flow.

“Chinwendu you were born and raised in a Christian home . You were introduced to God in your infant age , you know what the Bible says about sin. “Mrs Dorcas said still holding her daughter’s hands in hers . “We’ve heard and have seen many girls and boys who were good Christians until they got to school were their parents cannot see them , they turned their backs on God and joined others to sin .” Mrs Dorcas said .

“But you my daughter you’re a child of God. You won’t disappoint me or your father . You didn’t go to school to go and become wild . Your virginity you must bring it back home . I married your dad as virgin and he honoured me all his days , he respected me for that singular act . Your roommates will try to make you change from who you’re and then to live a wreckless life , always remember your family, remember where you’re coming from .” Mrs Dorcas said .

“Mum I’ve heard you , I’ll hold on to God.” Chinwendu promised . “My sister Azuka stays close to your school always visit her. And don’t worry your uncles should keep holding on to your dad’s properties, God won’t shame us , I’ll work hard to make sure you never lack anything in school, even if it takes me to sell my last wrapper .” The woman said .

“Collins please fetch me my head tie let me pray for your sister .” Dorcas said , they held their hands together,the five of them and prayed passionately, it was the abrupt honking sound , from Brother Chibuike’s car , that made Dorcas to end her prayer. Chimobi helped her carry her suitcase to the trunk of the car ,Dorcas carried the Ghana Must go bag with her Utensils and Gas cookers . Collins carried her second suitcase, Chinwendu walked like a princess into the car . Brother Chibuike took her from Owerri North to Onitsha park where she boarded an eighten seaters bus , she waited for another hour before the bus was full.

A preacher came to the door of the bus just before the driver left the park , he was wearing a blue suit , that looked like all the colours had been bleached out , he prayed for them and asked for offering , Chinwendu hissed at him ,and plugged in her earpiece.

They arrived at Awka about three hours later , Chinwendu boarded taxi that took her to hostel , she had made her hostel payments online , she had already been given her hostel room . South East University was such a beautiful place to be , the architectural design of the buildings were entrapping, sometimes she felt she was abroad not in Nigeria.

Some boys offered to help her Carry her luggage to the first floor where her room was , Chinwendu was stretched to her limit, she couldn’t lift any of the suitcases . The young men worked together like soldier ants to lift her boxes one after the other , her roommates took it up from them , when the boys were are the verandah, they heartily and noisily welcomed Chinwendu. She felt so relieved because she had been wondering if she would meet nice and kind friends . It was too difficult for Chinwendu to make friends , most friends she made ended up being jealous and envious of her , her beauty overshadowed them , they hated the admiration of men for Chinwendu. So they would begin to recent her , she learnt to be alone . But in the new hostel, she felt she was genuinely being loved by her new friends and roommate , which sweetened and soften her heart . She took her bath and settled in , before her roommates began to ask questions that she wasn’t ready to answer .

The beauty of the campus was breathtaking, trees lined up the sides of the black asphalt road , the students dressed modestly, Chinwe pinched herself to see if she was dreaming, but it was real she was in the South East University.

“Have you gone to infirmary for your Medicals ?” Ezinne asked , she was a fresher too , but had resumed school weeks earlier . The death of Mazi Nicolas made Chinwendu to stay a bit longer at home , for burial , she was almost a month late . “Which way is the infirmary?” Chinwe asked Ezinne .

“It’s close to the admin building , do you know your way there ?” Ezinne asked . “Well I don’t know anywhere this place is so big , and the tall buildings look too similar, I need someone to lead me around for at least one week before I begin to know my way .” Chinwendu said the two ladies laughed .

“It was that hard for me when I first got here , I’ll lead you around .” Ezinne said . “But you’ll share your food with me when you cook .” Ezinne said , the two other girls who shared the one room self contain with Chinwendu and Ezinne burst into laughter.

“Ezinne you’re a glutton , Chinwendu just got here yesterday night , she’s yet to arrange her luggage you’re already talking of food .” Gloria one of the final year student said . “See Ezinne this your chop chop I hope one day you’ll not go and eat dog meat or human being meat .” Agatha the fourth room mate said .

“Leave it for me o Agatha, who told you I’ve not eaten dog meat before ? it was sweet and oily .” Ezinne said the girls burst into laughter. “Ezinne you’re crazy , please remind me so I don’t eat your dog meat food .” Gloria said .

“I’ve given you guys dog meat before , you all enjoyed it .” Ezinne teased . “God forbid!” The girls screamed , Ezinne laughed at her joke . “Please give me ten minutes let me take my bath , I’ll take you to the Clinic .” Ezinne said . She stepped into the bathroom and was out in a short while .

Chinwendu was wearing a white round neck polo , with a blue knee length Jean skirt , while Ezzine rocked a Fela Kuti Jean trousers and white shirt. Ezinne held Chinwendu’s hand as if they had known each other for a lifetime ,she was a gramophone, chirping and chirping , Chinwendu was more of the listener , she listen with rapt attention, chirping in here and there to keep the conversation rolling .

“Hey God’s Love what are you doing here?” Ezzine asked . “Have you fallen sick again ? it’s only you that wants to finish all the drugs in SE Infirmary , everyday you must fall sick .” Ezinne bashed the young man , who was so embarrassed that the book he clutched to his chest kept falling to the ground , he bent to pick his books , he got electrocuted when his hand touched hand touched Chinwendu’s, she had also bent down to help him collect the book . He looked into her eyes and he hurriedly turned his gaze away , he grabbed his note book and scurried away . Ezinne chuckled hard almost rolling on the floor .

“Haba Ezinne that was not fair . You were so mean to him .” Chinwendu complained . “Abeg his own is too much, his over church church is too much , but that boy is intelligent sha .” Ezinne said . They left the clinic an hour later , Chinwendu was asked to check the next day for her test results .

Ezinne took her to the library and to the cafeteria. Boys kept gawking at Chinwendu.”Do you want to swallow her ?” Ezinne confronted a boy who almost swallowed Chinwendu with his eyes. “Sorry my bad , she’s just too beautiful. Please are you a mermaid ?” the boy asked Chinwendu, she was too embarrassed to smile .

“If you don’t leave our table now , I’ll call the security to throw you out of here for sexual harassment. Or better still charge you for sexual harassment pervert!” Ezinne barked . The young man raised his hands and walked away . “No harm intended .” He said as he went back to his table. The mocking laughter of his friends overshadowed the voice of everyone in the class .

Their food arrived Ezzine bulldozed into her rice , eating like a hungry lioness , Chinwendu scooped with grace , her eyes couldn’t get off the eyes of the boys staring at her , they followed her spoon as it rose to her mouth and down to her plate. She finished her food and hurried out of the cafeteria.

A young man wearing a navy blue Senator wear rushed after them . “Hello ladies .” He said with a whimsical smile on his face . “Yes what is it ?” Ezzine attacked him .

“Please tout I didn’t come for you .” He said to Ezinne, who held her chest in shock .”please can I have your number, my heart stopped beating when I saw you in the restaurant, I don’t think I can breath if I don’t take your number .” The young man said .

“You overbloated buffoon with the head of a hippopotamus, she’s my friend , this tout says know , go and feed your lust on something , watch Blue film , or just masturbate , this is my girl , if you mess with her I’ll show you that I’m a Lagos raised tout .” She said almost shoving her fingers into his eyes , the boy towered over Ezinne, but when he saw the fierce fire in the girl , he turned and walked off to his friends who were waiting for him in the car . Chinwendu watched as they laughed him to scorn .

“Hmmm you’re fire for fire .” Chinwendu chuckled, Ezinne laughed . “Well I’ve seen that somebody cannot defend herself. Let us go to the department so I can show you around .” Ezinne said the girls walked towards one of the four storey building that housed the Law department.

On the third day , Chinwendu had finished with all the running around to complete her departmental registration. She panted when they entered the law building , she was frozen outside the door to the hall . “Come on , let’s go inside .” Ezzine urged her . “I’m just so shy , what if they tease me ?” Chinwendu asked , the question made Ezinne giggled.

“Teased you that you have faeces plastered on your face , or that you’re abnormal?” She queried . Chinwendu sighed and walked into the hall , the whole class erupted into cheerful laughter . “Welcome late comer Mrs Chinwe!” They teased , Chinwendu turned to Ezzine who was beaming with laughter, her crazy friend had tricked her to an open embarrassment.

Ezinne introduced Ezinne to their over eighty course mates , then she led her to her desk , she removed a back pack of her male coursemate and dumped it another sit at the back . She looked at God’s Love and laughed in a sinister voice . “Keep this bag for Ugochukwu , I’ve sacked him from my sit .” She said , God’s Love didn’t cough , he keep staring at her like a television.

It was still like a dream to Chinwendu that she was actually in school with her coursemates , the first lecturer came in , she took them on a General course Use Of English one zero one , she enjoyed her teaching , the woman asked her to stand up and answer some questions. Chinwendu was dumbfounded, and unable to speak .

She brazenly stood up and answered the questions after the initial phase of shyness. “I love your hair .” The lecturer said walking up to Chinwendu “Did you relaxed your hair ?” she asked.

“No ma it’s natural .” Chinwendu said . “It’s so beautiful.” The woman said gently caressing Chinwendu’s full hair . Then she turned back to the class . “Remember your assignment, I need it on my desk by eight A.M tomorrow morning. As Good lawyers , you should have excellent command of English.” She said .

“Not that somebody would be saying , she come , she came in the court of law .” Mrs Jessica teased , the class erupted into laughter. “Course rep tomorrow morning, I want all the assignments turned in , before I come for my afternoon class , I want to see if you’re actually learning .” Mrs Jessica said , before stepping out of the class .

The class became a market place . Chinwendu turned to her back , she saw God’s Love’s eyes glued on the back of her head , he immediately turned his gaze away , and was behaving like a one with cerebral palsy, she turned to her front and stifled the urge to laugh.

Ezinne had left her sit and was gallivanting around the class , looking for trouble , Chinwe sat quietly observing everyone .

At about One P.M a lecturer stepped into the lecture hall , the class went grave silent , he was a bald head, and a slightly protruded stomach . “You nincompoop at the back will you sit down! If you’re here to play I’m not here to play buffoon , I don’t entertain such buffoonery in my class , the next time you disrupt my class , I’ll make sure you find yourself in the senate answering questions you have no answer to .” The man said to the young man disrupting his class .

He was lecturing, walking through the rolls , the lecture had been programmed on his system , it was displaying on the white board. He stopped in front of Chinwendu, dumbstruck, Chinwendu couldn’t breath , she couldn’t understand why the lecturer was staring at her . She turned her gaze from him and focused on the board .

“Who was that lecturer?” Chinwendu asked Ezzine . “That’s Professor Magnus Maduka Cletus, he’s a man you should avoid , most students dread him , he’s very wicked , if you fall into his trap he won’t let you graduate until he’s emptied you of all the juice in you .” Ezinne said .

“Then why was he staring at me that way ?” She asked confused . “Pray he doesn’t have interest in you .” Ezinne said gathering her books .

Somebody bumped into Chinwendu as she was about to leave the lecture hall .”Ohhh God’s Love must you always be clumsy ? why do you keep bumping into my friend ?” Ezinne bickered . “Am sorry , it was my fault I didn’t look where I was going .” God’s Love pleaded as he bent down to gather his book , Chinwendu smiled . She helped him pick up the books .

“My name is… God’s -Love Chinedu .” He said extending his fidgeting hands towards Chinwendu. “I am Chinwendu Nicolas Azubuike.” Chinwendu said with a smile on her face . God’s Love disappeared into the class .

“Hmmm that’s an odd guy .” Chinwendu said . “Well I think he’s fallen in love with you , he’s going crazy over you. You should be careful of those churchy type .”Ezinne said as they walked towards the hospital.

“See you , you think I’m ready for relationship? I want to come out top to make my mother proud.” Chinwendu said . “I’ve heard you madam. Do you know the way to the hostel?” Ezzine asked , Chinwendu nodded .

” Please be going home , take my bag , I need to see my boyfriend off campus , I’ll be back around eight P.M.” Ezzine said . “Boyfriend in this hot afternoon Ezzine?” Chinwendu asked .

“Yeah I need to go and get romanced this afternoon. I’m not churchy churchy anymore . My parents won’t let me breath at home . In this school I’ll recover all I’ve ever wished I had .” She said and shoved her bag into Chiwendu’s arms and climbed into a mini can and headed towards the exit of the campus.

Chinwendu had left the house with Ezzine at about ten P.M to the Law department building to read , she got tired of waiting for Ezinne, who had stopped to talk with another boy . Chinwendu was enraged , she couldn’t understand how Ezinne was so free with the boys , she would embrace and hug the boys as if they were intimate.

When she got to lecture hall , her eyes fell on God’s Love, he almost melted into the ground when his eyes met hers , three times did he knock his book and pen to the ground , Chinwendu fought hard not to laugh out loud , his friends were not so merciful , they laughed so loud that she felt sorry for him . She decided to walk up to him .

“Hello God’s Love .” Chinwendu said in a melodious voice, he raised his eyes to look at her . “Good… evening – Chinwe…” He stuttered. “Can you join me at the front ?” Chinwendu said with a charming smile on her lips .

“I will like to .” He said and gathered his books , he clutched them to his chest and followed Chinwendu to the front seat. “Why do you behave like a nerd ?” Chinwendu asked , he was tongue tied, he couldn’t say a word .

“Have you suddenly lost your ability to speak?” She asked . “Well I’m not a nerd . It’s just that – I don’t know why I can’t be myself when I’m around you .” He confessed , Chinwendu couldn’t understand why she wasn’t shy , usually she would melt away , but then with him she felt warm , she felt comfortable.

“I don’t eat people, stop acting bizarre around me , you giving me the bad vibe .” Chinwendu said , God’s Love only nodded . “Can we be friends ?” Chinwendu asked , God’s Love nodded excitedly.

“Now let’s study.” Chinwendu said , he nodded , they began to read . After the first two semesters of their hundred level , the two topped their class . Two hours later Ezzine stepped into the hall .

“Power couples, have you guys replaced me ?” Ezinne asked with a tone of jealousy. “So I should have been waiting for you? you left book that we came to read , to go and be gisting with some flirt of yours .” Chinwendu said .

“God’s Love leave my friend and go back to your friends .” Ezinne ordered with ferocity, her face turning red . “God’s Love sit down , was I not the one who invited you here ?” Chinwendu said .

“You won’t go Abi?” Ezinne asked grumpily. “What were we saying before somebody interrupted?” Chinwendu asked Godslove . “Should I not…” He was about to utter a word .

“Forget her , let’s focus on our studies , when she’s ready , she will join us .” Chinwendu said . Ezinne went behind them and say down , she opened her book and was scanning through the pages.

The two besties walked back to the hostel at about two A.M both ignoring each other .

As the week went on Chinwendu began to enjoy Godslove’s company, Ezinne had no choice but to accept him into their circle .

On a sunny morning, the hall was packed full with students from the Law department two hundred level , Professor Magnus Maduka Cletus was taking the students on Administrative Law .

“Some of you in this department think you’re stubborn, I can get anything I want . Your beautiful CGPA is in my palms , I’m the alpha and Omega of this department. I’ll ask you to do me a simple favour , to my face you’ll say no? what impetus !.” The professor said .

“I don’t care who you think you know , if you don’t give me what I ask for , you’ll keep on repeating my courses, you won’t graduate from my course buffoon.” He cursed . “You will come with tears to beg me , you’re doing like you’re too powerful nobody can touch you ? I’ll do my own shakara.” The professor said boldly in the lecture hall , before gathering his suitcase he left the lecture hall .

The class was thrown into a deep mumbling, murmuring, the students mumbled in low whisper . Chinwendu was quiet , Ezinne noticed .

“Chinwendu why are you so cold ?” She asked . “Nothing I’m fine .” She said .

“Stop lying to me , I can see fear in your eyes .” Ezinne said . “I’m fine .” Chinwendu said .

“So why are you behaving like he’s talking to you ? if it’s you tell me so I can do something about it.” Ezzine said . “I’m fine Ezzine, let us go to the hostel , I’m having a slight headache.” Chinwendu said.

Chinwendu was sleeping when a call came through, when she checked the screen of her phone , it was a strange number, she picked up the call to hear her professor’s voice . She got up and left the room to the verandah where her roommates couldn’t eavesdrop.

“Hello baby are you sleeping already?” Professor Maduka said . “Yes sir I was sleeping before your call woke me up .” Chinwendu grumbled . “And point of correction sir , I’m not your baby .” Chinwendu said .

“Chinwendu why are you playing hard to get ? I am rich , I can make you lack nothing in this school and you would come out with first class degree .” The professor boasted .

“Sir I’m a Christian, I cannot do that , I can’t mortgage my body for grades . And sir you know I cannot fail your exam .” Chinwendu said politely. “See Chinwendu we can do it just once , and then it will be over , you’re too beautiful I need to taste you.” The professor pleaded .

“Sir my body belongs to Jesus , involving myself into such will not go down well with my beliefs. please sir I’m having a headache, I need to go to bed .” Chinwendu said and hanged up the call .

Professor Maduka had just finished his lectures , he was packing up his suitcase, the lecture hall was quiet , they had all gotten to know that the professor was ill tempered, he would throw his text book at anyone who provoked him while lecturing, but when he was in a joyful mood , he would laugh as if he got a visa to heaven .

“You should all turn in the assignment to the course rep . Nedu I should have them by tomorrow morning .” He turned to leave the lecture hall , he stopped by the entrance and turned towards where Chinwendu was sitting . “Chinwendu Nicolas Azubuike see me in my office .” The professor said , Chinwendu almost froze . “I mean immediately.” He said and turned away from the class .

“Babe this man is becoming a thorn in your flesh , you should do something, before he makes good his threat.” Ezinne said . “But what can I do ? “Chinwendu complained .

“They’re many things I would do , I would put him in place .” Ezinne said with anger burning in her eyes . “Ezinne I’m not like you . God knows I won’t do what he’s asking of me .” Chinwendu said and went out of the hall.

Chinwendu knocked softly on the door of the professor’s office . “Come in .” A voice from inside of the office said , Chinwendu’s hands were soaked with sweat .

“I-will-bw with you in a moment.” He broke his sentence word by word , eyes glued to his laptop in front of him , on his desk , he spent over ten minutes perusing his file , before his attention was returned to Chinwendu. “My baby my baby why are you giving me hard time . Okay I know you want money .” The professor said , he deeped his hand into the pocket of his grey jacket , he brought out a bundle of new mint one Naira notes.

“That’s hundred thousand Naira.” He said spinning his office chair round , he pushed the bundle towards Chinwendu, she stared at the money as if it was a diabolic ritual . “Sir what’s the money for ?” Chinwendu asked .

The professor sprouted up from his chair , the chair made a loud squeaky noise , he arranged his suit and walked up to Chinwendu. “Baby girl you light up my fantasy. Don’t pretend you don’t understand what I need . I want you sleeping under me , making those beautiful sounds when I pound you .” The professor put his hand on Chinwendu’s boobs , she retracted from him and turned to leave , he put his hands against the door and pinned her to the door , he tried to kiss her Chinwe turned her face away .

“Stop it sir!” She cried . “Don’t pretend as if you’re a virgin . You’re twenty two years old I saw your file , you wouldn’t be doing anything wrong , all the girls on campus do it , that’s how they get upkeep money and good degrees.” The professor said in a seductive voice .

“I am a Christian sir , I cannot do that .” Chinwendu said . “Oh cut the crap , oh the money isn’t enough ? I’ll give you two hundred thousand Naira, four hundred thousand? I am a millionaire, you will lack nothing Chinwe.” Chinwendu was vibrating under his weight , she was wriggling to get away from his grasp , but he was too strong for her .

Then there was a saving knock on the door . “Leave me alone sir!” Chinwendu cried , the professor glued her lips with his palms . “Who is there ?” He called out .

“Sir Professor Edmond is here to see you .” His secretary said . “For the love of God Theresa couldn’t you tell him I was in the middle of a meeting ?” The professor asked his secretary.

“Am sorry sir , he said it was urgent that it couldn’t wait .” Theresa said from outside of the door . “tell him to Give me five minutes.” He said , then gathered the bundles of cash and squeezed it into Chinwendu’s hands. “You should keep it. this isn’t the end of our discussion.” Chinwendu let the money drop from her hand to the ground . She angrily turned and left the professor’s office .

“You’re welcome Edmond , I was having a discussion with my student when you step in , sit down , what do I offer you .” Professor Maduka said .

Chinwendu felt defiled and assaulted, she kept cleaning the stream of tears pouring down her cheeks with her handkerchief. When she returned to the hostel she met Ezzine preparing noodles for lunch , when her eyes fell upon Chinwendu’s frustrated look , she got up and gave her a tight hug .

“Girl what did he do to you ?” She asked . “I am finished , professor Maduka wants to destroy me .” Chinwendu cried .

“Is he still insisting to sleep with you ?” Ezzine asked , Chinwendu couldn’t voice her response, she simply nodded with more tears running down her eyes .

“I can report him to one of my boyfriends , Spark can deal with professor Maduka and solve this issue for once.” Ezzine suggested . “I don’t want anyone ones blood on my hand . Spark is a cold blooded cultist , I would rather quit school and go back home to be with my mother. I cannot give up my faith and my body for grades. Not that I can fail any exam , but he’s bent on destroying me .” Chinwendu said crying .

“You see your problem , you’re too soft , somebody is trying to destroy you , you don’t want to do anything about it .” She said . “If it was me , he would have been long dead , somebody will shoot him dead . I will tell Spark just to scare him off , and put him off your back .” Ezinne said, Chinwendu nodded , she was okay with a good warning , she didn’t want his blood on her hand .

Ezinne led Chinwendu towards an abandoned area of the campus , where weeds and grasses had overshoot. It was a den for the no do gooders , those who came to school just to enjoy the beauty of ecstasy.

Chinwendu’s heart was on her palm , she could hardly breath , she felt the their peering eyes digging into her soul , for the first time in her life , she saw a girl smoking marijuana. Thugs sat on windows and doors of an uncompleted basketball indoor building , smoking and listening to loud music from a Bluetooth speaker.

“Hey stop there where are you stepping to? what brings a Jew to this hallowed ground?” One of the thugs blocked Ezzine and Chinwendu’s path. Chinwendu held tightly to the hand of her friend who was not unfazed by the bold afront by one of Spark’s foot men .

“Bounce from my face , who do you think you’re ? you want terrify me ? I didn’t come here to eat small frogs , lead me to your boss before I change am for you.” Ezinne spoke the language the cultist understood. He rushed towards her , arms raised to slap him . “You no fit, I dare you slap me , you ugly bastard!” Ezinne responded presenting her cheek the tout.

“Stop it Dirty Money! Na Capone babe you want wooz like that ? e be like to go yonder the hungry .” Another gang member with a dreadlocked hair said . “Ezinne sorry about that afront . But why you no ring Capone say you dey come ?” He asked Ezinne.

“Crazy B the matters urgent , you know I won’t come down here to meet urchins like this werey who wants to slap his mother . Please where is Spark ?” She asked . “He’s inside the sanctuary meditating .” He said . “Follow me .” Crazy B added . He led Ezinne and Chinwendu through a tunnel of scary looking boys and girls , who dressed in torn jeans and were smoking every kind of substance.

Ezinne saw Spark , squeezing the boobs of one of the girls that sat beside him , whilst kissing her on the lips , he didn’t notice her presence , until she coughed to bring him up to note .

“Spark what are you doing with that B#tch!” Ezinne said , he smiled and looked up at her . “Zee babe what are you doing here ? you should be in the lecture hall.” he tapped the girl’s buttock , she got up and left walked out of the empty hall .

“So you’re still seeing her ? I thought you …” Ezinne confronted the hardened lord of the cultist. “Common don’t patronise me , our relationship is give and take Zee you eat away , I also eat away , don’t act like a saint .” The Capone said .

“Well no be that one bring me come , you should know that I’ve not done my hair . And always use a condom , no come give me sickness . This is my friend Chinwendu.” She turned to Chinwendu. Spark’s face lighted up , he stretched his hands to shake Chinwendu but Ezinne stepped in . “Stop it Spark .” She knew he had started lusting after Chinwendu.

“She’s a church girl , she isn’t into that kind of life .” She said , he sighed and nodded . “So what brought a church girl to the den of devils?” Spark asked . “She’s having issues with professor Maduka.” Ezinne interjected.

“Maduka again ? Crazy B e be like say we done let that man over do pass himself o. He no dey see say this Na church girl ?” He spoke to his Lieutenant. “The same man where chop my ex Adaka that year still dey on games . E be like that Patron when he be for Vickers the enter his brain , we go treat him case we go fall am down .” He said , Chinwendu pinched Ezinne.

“She doesn’t want you to fall him . She just want you to warn him or scare him off .” Ezinne added . Both Spark and Crazy B burst into laughter. “I told you somebody is a grand patron of Vickers you’re saying we should scare him . how do you scare the devil himself ? Na to knack am one shot and send am to meet his ancestors in glory .” Spark said .

“No she doesn’t want blood on her hand . Chinwendu is a Christian .” Ezinne defended her friend . “So why she no go call Jesus make he come fight her battle for her ?” Spark asked angrily .

“Please baby help my friend .” Ezinne walked up to him , and put her arms around his neck , while sitting on one of his laps , she kissed him softly on the lips , Chinwendu averted her gaze , she had tried all her best to see her friend change, but she got to understand that Ezinne had already been exposed to the ways of the world only God could save her . A girl who would travel from Anambra to Lagos to meet a man she met online without the notice of her parents.

“It’s going to be hard , if we don’t off him , the snake will come back to bite .” Spark said . “Please babe just do it as she wants it , do you think Chinwe is the only girl that beast want to sleep with ? I know of three students he’s dating .” Ezinne added .

“Well don’t worry about that , what will be my own Na ?” Spark asked . Ezinne gave him a French, then got up and spun around three sixty . “All this will be yours for one week. No billing .” Spark licked his lips and squeezed his beards .

“No billing is important. I will teach you a lesson .” He said with a wink . Chinwe thanked him, she and Ezinne left the den of thieves .

“You’ll cook for one week . that’s my own fees .” Ezinne teased Chinwendu, she smiled and followed behind her friend .

The professor was sleeping , when a sharp snarling growl from his German Shepherd woke him up from sleep . He went to the front window , he pushed a side of the curtain open , and peeked outside , he couldn’t see what was making his dog unsteady . They was a loud blast of rifle his dog squirmed and went silent, he rain into his cupboard, and grabbed his double barrel pump action gun .

His shaky and unstable hands struggled to feed rounds of the bullets into the gun . He rushed to the window and aimed at the general direction where his dog was shot , he shot five rounds of his shortgun , then he went back to reload .

He began to hear the thudding sounds of big hammer bursting open his front door , the men began to shoot sporadically at his windows and walls , the sound of gunshots almost deafened him . Rounds of lead bullets tore down his glass windows , the fragments poured on the ground like ice blocks dropping on a tiled ground on a rainy day .

The professor was shaking like a puppy drenched in ice cold water ,when he heard the crashing sound of his Israel made bullet proof door , the heavy footsteps of men walking up the staircase made him wet himself . Soon they were in front of his master bedroom, he heard a hoarse voice of one the men .

“We are about to come in , we’re six of us , if you shoot one of us , we wouldn’t only kill you , we will trace your kids to the city and finish them , your mother and your divorced wife won’t be spared .” Soon they began cut open the door with a portable electric filing machine . A heavy kick at the door sent it swinging weirdly as it slammed at the concrete wall. The men stepped into the dark room , beaming their torchlight at the professor , he lay down on the floor, dressed in a white pajamas .

“Professor Maduka today is your day of reckoning!” Spark said , the professor shivered uncontrollably. “You see a dog who refused to heed to warning , will swallow a big bone that would bury it. Now say your last prayer!” Spark said .

“Aaaarh please don’t kill me . I have my kids , I’ve an old mother , if you kill me, she will die!” The professor said shaking violently. “Oh you love your kids right ?” Spark asked the professor nodded , his face still covered on the ground .

“But you’re messing up people’s daughter’s!” Spark cried . “Please I won’t do it again , take my money , take my phones spare my life!” The professor cried . Crazy B kicked him hard in the stomach . “You socker! you think everything in life is about money ? we want you to face the repercussions of your actions!”

“Jesus Christ o, am sorry o, please don’t kill me , I can give you money!” The professor said . “Clear here out!” Spark said , his boys went into the rooms and began to tear it down , searching for valuables , they got his gold chains , and about fifteen thousand dollars.

“You slept with my girlfriend, any day I hear that you go close to another girl in that school, I’ll return and make sure you never go near another girl .” The professor nodded as his head was still covered on the floor . “Predators like you should be six feet below .” Spark said. “Forgive me sir , please forgive me.” The professor begged .

Spark kept beating him with the butt of his rifle , the professor cried like a goat being slaughtered. “Please don’t kill me o , I won’t talk to any girl again .No girl in the school, please spare my life!” He begged .Spark beat him with the butt of his rifle until his head was covered in blood . The six when stepped out of the house to meet their two colleagues who were standing guard outside the house .

“Let’s go !” Spark ordered his men . They got into a Sienna bus and drove away . The professor had passed out , he came around at about five A.M he got up and dragged himself out of the bedroom ,and made his way to his car , he drove himself to the Awka general Hospital, where he was admitted trauma surgery department. He had more than five fractured bones in his skull and neck .

Chinwe felt so guilty when the news was broken I’m the school, that professor Maduka was attacked and was in a critical condition af the hospital, she felt relieved, stories began to make rounds on campus how professor Maduka has been sleeping with girls in his department. She wished he could be transferred away from the school.

Chinwendu thanked Ezinne for saving her , at the end of the session , Ezinne was a few marks from the top of her class . God’s Love was a burning brain , he barely missed any point in his exams , she wished she could beat him .

“I’ll miss you so much Chinwe promise to call me when you get to Owerri?” God’s Love said to Chinwendu she giggled. “You should call me , you’re the man , pamper me .” Chinwendu said to him.

“I’ll call you . Promise me you won’t go and get a crush at Owerri?” He said , fovjnf her a finger to promise . Ezinne was tired of the lovy dovy banter. “Chinwendu come and go inside the bus!” Ezinne cried .

“God’s Love will take to you for ten years and not get tired love birds .” Ezinne said . He grabbed Chinwendu’s hand and shook it . “I love you go well .” God’s Love said they waved at each other until she got into the eighteen seater bus . They waited until the vehicle moved before they returned to the school. God’s Love was taking a flight to Abuja the next day , and Ezinne was flying back to Lagos .

It was a beautiful time with her siblings, they almost didn’t want her to return to school but she had to leave home . Chinwe returned to school to meet a wild spread rumour that the police had stormed the campus . There was a long standoff between Vickers and Black Mambas which was led by Spark . Crazy B and Dirty Money fell in the confrontation.

Over ten people lost their lives, four from Mambas and six from Vickers . Professor Maduka had reported the robbery at his house to the state Anti Robbery Squad , he paid for his phone to be tracked , an arrest in Aba led to the manhunt for Spark and his surviving gang members, the police chased him to his village in Okigwe where the final standoff took place at about six A.M in the morning the neighbourhood woke up to heavy exchange of gun fire between Spark group and the police . Five of his comrades fell to the superior fire of the police , while two police officers where gunned down , two others were critically injured .

The police men drove with Spark out of his hometown and wasted him , his body was dumped in a nearby bush , in a shallow grave . The weight was so heavy on Chinwe’s chest , she couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down from her eyes , she felt guilty for the death of over thirteen people. God’s Love was there for her , Ezinne was shattered when she heard her boyfriend was killed .

She hated professor Maduka with passion , the professor kept making passes at Chinwe, now more emboldened by the demise of the feared cultist . Chinwe reported to her campus pastor , who took the issue up with Senate of South East University, there was promise to investigate professor Maduka .

Chinwe kept experiencing missing scripts from the point she reported the professor to the senate . She had three carryover in the first semester of three hundred level , she couldn’t hold her tears . It was carryover in her core courses.

“Sir I don’t understand what the obsession in me is . I am a Christian girl , I have never in my life been with a man , I’ve told you I would never give my body for grades , sir why do you want to destroy my life ?” Chinwendu asked the professor when she came into his office . “I thought you were back to your senses , that’s why you’re in my office . Did you fail my courses ? you passed with distinction, why do you assume I had a hand in your failure ?” The professor said sitting comfortably, with his back glued to his chair , a toothpick sticked out of his lips , he was using it to clean his teeth .

“Sir you threatened me publicly, I failed in Labour Law , Commercial Law and Law of Torts , sir can you say that you didn’t instruct the lecturers under you to fail me ? “Chinwendu said while wiping tears off her face . “My dear you’re talking rubbish , if you believe I’m so powerful why have you refused to give me what I want ? You think you can scare me with the senate? who is in the senate that can question me ?” The professor asked .

“Sir please if I’ve done anything to offend you please forgive me .” Chinwe fell to her knees . “My mum is the only one struggling with my fees , she’s a widow , my uncles took everything from her . I don’t want to disappoint her . Please I beg you in the name of God , I could be your daughter, why would you want to destroy my life ?’ Chinwendu asked the professor. “You’re not my daughter, and you’re not the first girl to do this , you should know that you’ll never leave this school if you don’t give me what I want . for ten years you’ll keep failing , your Jesus won’t help you .” The professor said , Chinwendu got up from the floor and went out of his office with tears on her eyes .

“How did it go ?” God’s Love asked . “He’s insisting on sleeping with me . I can’t do that , it’s just unfair I taught half of our coursemates during revision week , they passed with distinction and flying colours . This devil decided to destroy my results.” Chinwendu cried .

“There’s nothing God cannot do , we would take this to God in prayers , this Professor can be brought to his knees through prayers , God is going to do it .” God’s Love said confidently.

The members of the school fellowship gathered together and fasted for Chinwendu for three days . The professor stopped disturbing her , but when the results for three hundred level second semester was out , she failed two more courses .

Depression set in , she couldn’t eat or sleep . Ezinne and Godslove couldn’t console her , she lost interest in her studies , she couldn’t make first class with so much academic deficit.

She kept running to the senate, there was nothing anyone could do for her . Godslove became her backbone. He told her the professor sent for him , when he got to his office , the professor warned him to stay off Chinwendu if he wanted to graduate first class degree, because he would ruin him , if he continued seeing him jump about with the Chinwendu.

“I would never leave you Chinwendu, I could leave this school because of you .” Godslove told Chinwendu. ”I came to school to get a degree , I found something more important than a degree , you and I are in this together, leaving you isn’t an option , if he likes he can fail me , but I can’t let go of your hand.” Godslove said wiping the tears off Chinwendu’s face , he clasped his hand around hers . ”You’re not alone in this .” He said . Chinwendu felt a bit relaxed .

A supermarket merchandiser showed Chinwendu and Godslove to a new set of electronics, thinking they were a married couple, which made Ezinne to laugh hard . “Husband and wife please don’t leave me behind, who dash monkey banana .” She teased her friends.

“Oh you people are not married ?” The young man who was wearing a green shirt , a black cap and a black trousers said realising his mistake apologised to Chinwendu and Godslove. “This pressure pot is good for her , if she use it to cook rice , you’ll see it will be cooked in ten minutes, just for thirteen thousand naira you can get it .” The man said .

“Let’s go Godslove it’s too expensive.” Chinwendu cried . “Well I have the money let me get it for you so it can save you cost on gas .” He said Chinwendu protested but he went ahead and bought it , he also bought groceries for Chinwendu and Ezinne.

The young man helped them pushed the commodities to Godslove’s car , his parents had sent him a brand new Mercedes Benz saloon car . He gave him a handsome tip .

“We should go to Grand Mama for lunch .” Godslove suggested . “Huh you’ve spent too much , leg us go back to school, I’ll prepare lunch for us .” Chinwendu suggested . Godslove took her hand . “You’re too modest babe , I brought you out to spend on you , we should go and spend my father’s money he has a lot of it to spare .” He joked , he led Chinwendu and Ezinne to the restaurant.

they spent afternoon talking and eating , their bill was just over twenty thousand Naira when they left the fast food joint ,they came face to face with professor Maduka, he was getting off his car , he had a female friend with him . “Linda go ahead , I want to have a word with my students.” The lady was wearing a short blue Jean skirt, with a red crop top , a boot that went up almost to her calf , she was chewing gums. She three her hand and walked towards the fast food restaurant and waited for the professor , she was in her early twenties, very beautiful.

”I see you’re out here to enjoy yourselves?” He said walking close to the three . “You I thought I warned you go stay away from Chinwe , seems you want to taste my wrath . Since you’ve chosen to be stubborn , I’ll show you what I can do .” The professor said. “Bet me here , if you don’t have problem with your results this semester my mother did not give birth to me .” The professor vowed.

“Sir let me tell you something.” Godslove said . “They’ve been men worst than you , who thought they were God , because they had small power and control, sir right now they’re six feet below the ground . If you don’t stop what you’re doing now , you shall be going to meet your judgement.” Godslove boldly said . “Everybody come and hear my student is threatening me ! We shall see if I am the god in law department or not . you shall regret your defiance , bet me here .” The professor said . Godslove took Chinwendu’s hand and led her to his car , Ezinne eyed the lecturer with disgust .

“I don’t just know what’s wrong with this man , he feels he’s God. if Nigeria was a sane country , this man shouldn’t be a head of a village secondary school, talk less of being the HOD department of law .” Godslove complained .

“Last time they didn’t succeed in taking his life , the next time he wouldn’t be so lucky . that man is a predator , and nobody is protecting the rights of girls in this school.” Ezinne complained . Chinwendu was quiet throughout their journey to the house.

“Why are you not talking Chinwendu?” Godslove asked when they got to campus . “You shouldn’t waste your life . He said you should avoid me , why don’t you do it to save your education?” Chinwendu asked .

“Come on babe , you see I don’t want to continue this argument. I am a grown man . I can do as I please , nobody can tell me who or who not to associate with . let him do his worst , God will vindicate us.” He said and helped the ladies they had gotten to the pedestrian entrance gate to the female hostel , before the security stopped him .

Chinwendu and Godslove would hang out regularly, she had grown to love the once shy boy , they went to the same church , so most times he would drive her to church and dropped her off before heading to his off campus residence.

True to the professor’s threat , the whole class was shocked when the results came out and Godslove had two carry over , he went up to the professor’s office.

“You have to fix what you did to my result , you know when God begins to deal with you , it would feel like death . No one touches God’s own and go free .” He said . “I thought you brought a gun to shoot me or to even beat me , you just came here to tell me about God? I will go to hell , but I’ll make sure you never graduate from this school as long as I live .” The professor said .

“Sir you don’t understand something, when God begins to fight for me and Chinwe, you might not be lucky to be alive, God will visit you with his anger .” Godslove said . ”Get out of my office! I say get out!” He barked at Godslove , who stood there glaring at the professor with disdain.

“Any day you come to my office to spill rubbish I’ll get you locked up!” the professor threatened. Godslove turned and left the office with anger burning in his chest .

“Brethren we have to pray , the Bible says by the arms of flesh we cannot prevail. The devil has taken the form of a lecturer , he has said two of our brethren won’t graduate from this campus . We have to pray and tell the Lord that he will destroy the devourer for our sake .” The prayer coordinator said and the whole campus church began to pray , they roared like wounded lion .

Chinwendu and Godslove had gotten seven carryovers each when they got to five hundred level , with only two semesters to go , Chinwendu couldn’t close her eyes at night . She had prayed until her throat became sore . She had not seen professor Maduka for over eight months . Even though they had not been crossing paths, she knew he was witch-hunting she and Godslove.

“Chinwendu we have to take our case before the senate . They will have to investigate professor Maduka.” Godslove said while they were returning from night class . “With what evidence are we going to pin him down ?” Chinwendu asked her boyfriend.

“Well you can put your phone on record when you go to see him , you make him confess while you record it .” Godslove said . “I’ll just be outside if you need me .” He said .

“But you know the professor is smart , he can’t allow himself to be recorded .” Chinwendu suggested . “He has been telling you nonsense before , God won’t stop him this time .” Godslove said . “We don’t have an option babe , we could pin him down with that evidence ,” He said with a sad looking frown on his face .

“I pray this works oh , I’m getting go my limit , I’ve not been able to sleep for several weeks . I can’t tell how my mum would react if she heard I have seven carryover, in my core courses .” Chinwendu hissed . “Dear God is still on the throne , he will not put us to shame .” Godslove said . Chinwendu didn’t have the courage to say . “Amen .” she stalked along with a gloomy face .

The next morning she and Godslove trouted to the professor’s block , Godslove stood outside of the office , while Chinwendu went into the office to see the professor, a smile lit up his face . “So later decided to come see me?” The professor said and covered up his laptop.

“Are you ready to give me my food now ?” The professor asked . “What food sir?” Chinwendu feigned ignorance .

“Come on Chinwe baby. You just have to give me what I want , and I’ll give you what you want .” The professor said , squeezing his moustache. “Sir you know I cannot fail any of those courses you failed me,” Chinwendu said.

“I failed you in seven courses? come off it .” The professor said chuckling. He stood up and walked towards, he placed his arms on her shoulders . “If I don’t taste your juicy honey , Chinwendu you’ll never graduate from this school. You’ve been calling Jesus , why has he not come to help you upgrade your results. If I don’t sleep with you , you will never graduate from this school.” He whispered into her .

“Sir I cannot do what you’re asking from me , please sir give me my results and that of my friend,” Chinwendu said ,which made the professor laugh even more . “You’re not done begging for your results, you’re talking of your boyfriend. Maybe he’s too dull to write his exam and pass them himself . I’ll think about all you said , and get back to you.” He said and went back to his seat , Chinwendu remained standing in front of him .

“I’m done with you Mary Jesus , I am busy you should take your leave.” The professor said . Chinwendu left his office crying . “Hey babe why are you crying ?” Godslove said , Chinwendu couldn’t say a word , she handed the phone to him . He listened to the fifteen minutes record, but couldn’t find his girlfriend was crying .

“He said we’ll never graduate from this school, if I don’t let him sleep with me . I am so tired .” Chinwendu said weeping. “We are Christians, you cannot sacrifice your holiness and sanctification to get what is rightfully yours . If we have to call on god to take him away , we should because this is becoming too much .” Godslove said , his face was red with anger .

“First we must go to the senate to submit this evidence .” He said , before transferring the file to his phone .

“Hello Professor Maduka please come to my office , there’s a damning evidence against you here by a student.” Professor Edmond said to his colleague. “How do you mean damning evidence? did Involbe myself in a criminal enterprise?” Professor Maduka asked .

“If you can come to the senate building now , please come . this is gonna ruin you .” Maduka’s friend said . “I’ll be there in a minute.” He said and hung up . the professor got into his Lexus RX parked outside his office and drove to the senate building, where professor Edmond had his office .

Professor Edmond’s secretary led him into the office . “You’re lucky prof Maduka, this evidence was sent with a petition to the Vice Chancellor, your voice was clearly heard demanding sex for mark from a student .” He played the voice recording.

“Thank you Professor Edmond I owe you one .” Professor Maduka said . “You were just lucky , if I had not gotten my hand on this , you would have been on your way out of lecturing . I’ve always told you to stop this obsession of yours . Not all meats are meant to be eaten . leave that girl alone .” Professor Edmond said to professor Maduka.

“I’ve heard you, I’ll let her go .” Professor Maduka said , he thanked his friend. “They may still have copies of the recording how are you going to get it from them .” He asked .

He left his friends office , he searched his phone log and dialled a number . “Hello Scorpion come to my office Immediately.” He said and hung up the call. His fist tightened around the small button thing phone , his knuckles turned white , he smashed the online against the hard concrete floor , it scattered into many pieces , before he climbed into his car and drove back to his office .

The car seat was covered in fresh blood , the tyres burst open with bullets, the car was riddled with bullet wounds , the glasses poured to the ground like ice . Some good Samaritans had removed Godslove from the car and rushed him to the teaching hospital, he was barely breathing , his body was covered in blood. A Christian friend who had shared the front seat of the car with him, wasn’t so fortunate, a bullet had hit his head and gashed open his skull , close to his right ear .

Chinwendu was in the campus church , they had a ladies conference, she got several missed calls from Ezinne. She stepped outside to call her back .

“Hello Ezinne you know am in church, why are you calling me?” Chinwendu asked she wasn’t pleased with the bombardment. “You should rush to the Awka Teaching Hospital, I am here , Godslove was shot outside campus , Raymond didn’t survive , they rushed him into the emergency room right now .” Ezinne said with a tone of urgency, the phone almost fell from Chiwendu’s hand .

“Jesus Christ! I am coming to the hospital now .” She said ,and hung up , she got into a taxi and headed to the hospital, by the time she got there , Godslove had been rolled out of the theatre , gun wound injuries on his shoulder was stitched .

“Chinwe…” He mumbled weakly, Chinwendu burst into tears , she held his hand and cried till her eyes went pepper red . “Am sorry babe.” Chinwendu said holding his hands . “Who could have done this ?” She said .

“I don’t know babe , but I thank God , what would I tell Ray’s mum ? her only son has been wasted?” Godslove said with a teary eyes . “When he was coming to Anambra, his mother begged me to take care of her son , that he was her only son , and I shouldn’t let him go where he would be harmed . I drove him into his death.” He said whimpering. Chinwendu sat in silence with tears in her eyes , she wondered if professor Maduka has anything to do with the attack .

Godslove was on admission for three weeks before his parents flew him back to Abuja , he didn’t return to Awka for six weeks , he has come for his first semester exam .

“Chinwendu why are you ignoring my calls? what did I do wrong ?” Godslove asked almost breaking into tears . “Please talk to me babe ? did I do anything wrong ?” He asked.

Chinwendu shrugged her shoulders, she tightened her crossed arms around each other. “I’m thinking what happened to you , was because of me , because of me a mother lost her only child . I don’t want any more blood on my hands .” Chinwendu begged .

“You don’t have the right to do that Chinwe. I have a say in this , this is my life , if I wish to spend it for you , it’s my choice . Please don’t do this .” He said while holding her hand.

“Am sorry Godslove, I don’t want another mother to cry because of me . you’re young , rich and handsome , getting a girl won’t be hard for you .” Chinwendu said. Godslove lips went dry and crusted , he didn’t have any words to say to her . He stood there watching her as she walked away . When she got home , Chinwendu burst into tears , she cried like a baby , her new roommates tried to know why she was crying, Chinwendu refused to say a word .

At the end of the first semester, Chinwendu travelled to Imo to go and see her family. She was inside the market helping her mother to grind Egusi for a customer , when a woman walked up to them .

“Mama Chinwendu how long have you been promising to pay me my money . See I don’t want to hear story today I want my money !” The woman screamed . “Mama Chika please find me some time , I will pay ooh. please stop the embarrassment.” She begged.

“Mama Chinwendu you’re mad! You’re sick , how can you tell me that rubbish pay me my money , I’ll call the police for you o!’ The plumpy woman said . “Madam my mother has said she would pay you , why are you making a fuss her ?” Chinwendu attacked her .

“Mama lawyer.” She laughed loud and gazed at Chinwendu from head to toe . “If you’re so good , why have you not collected all the properties your father brothers seized from you and your siblings? oh it’s me you’re out to get ? foolish fake lawyer .” The woman said , Chinwendu was quiet, wondering what was happening, wondering why she had not taken her aunts and uncles to the court .

the trial began a few weeks before Chinwendu returned to school. She would stay up all night crying , her mother couldn’t come up with her school fees for the last semester.

She went to one of her father’s brother who took over father’s business in Owerri market , to ask for hundred thousand naira , the man who was already mad at her for taking the case to court chased her out of his house .

Chinwe’s mother tried to know what was eating her up , she remained silent most if the time, and wouldn’t eat , her mother tried to make her eat, but gave up , when she felt he would not talk to anyone .

“Chinwe I’ve sold all I’ve , I’ve tried to borrow money for your school fees , but nobody could lend me money , seems I am already owing everyone I could borrow from .” She said with a melancholic look on her face . “Mummy I’ll be fine , thank you for all you’ve been doing for me .” Chinwendu said with sadness in her eyes .

“Don’t worry ehn everything will soon be alright, once you’ve finished from the University and go to law school, you will fight your father’s brothers in court.” She said , Chiwendu nodded , she couldn’t tell he mother that she wouldn’t be graduating anytime soon with seven carryover.

“But Chinwendu you refused to tell me why you have been so sad , you hardly joke and laugh with your siblings, you’re just on your own this days ?” She asked. “Mummy I’m fine , I’m just going through a phase .” Chinwendu said .

Godslove refused to stop calling , she kept rejecting his calls , Chinwendu was dying inside , but didn’t want to take him down with her , she wondered why her beauty was a curse on her . She was at her lowest point , she had gone home with a heavy heart, but was going back with a broken heart . If she didn’t sort out her issues that semester, it meant she would have an extra year.

“Hey Babe you’re back ?” Ezinne embraced Chinwendu. “How was your holiday?” Chinwendu replied gloomily.

“Well it was fun my boyfriend took me to Bar beach , we went had lots of fun , I rode on a horse , the horse almost threw me into the sea .” She said laughing , Chinwendu melancholic look remained rigid and solemn.

“Chinwe are you okay ?” Ezinne asked . “Please I want to be alone Ezinne, I am just getting home from a long journey, am tired and worn out .” Chinwendu said . “Babe it looks more than that , did anything happen at home ?” She asked Chinwendu referring to her hometown in Imo .

“It’s well .” Chinwendu said . “It’s not well , I can see it on your face , tell me what is it ?” Ezinne insisted . “I miss him .” Chinwendu said .

“But it’s you who has been turning him down ?” Ezinne interjected with a puzzled look on her face . “It’s complicated, I don’t know if I can keep on fighting professor Maduka, I’ve prayed , I’ve fasted , I have pleaded , we reported to the senate nothing came from it , instead we lost Raymond. I think it’s my fault there’s no way you can tell me professor Maduka’s hand wasn’t in the assassination attempt on Godslove, on the eave we took the file to the senate .” Chinwendu said .

“You’re not sure Chinwe, Raymond could have had his hands in many bad things and it came to haunt him .” Ezinne tried to make sense . “That’s not true you know it , he was a church boy , professor Maduka wanted to end Godslove’s life , Raymond was at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Chinwendu said , Ezinne sighed .

“Chinwe why don’t you let him do it ? just once with a condom and then you’re done . This issue with him has been on for four years. I have been sleeping with some lecturers to get my needed result. You see , I don’t just make friends , my friends must be beneficial. Except you sha . That’s how some girls get their first class in school, you give them what they want and you give you what you want .” Ezinne advised her friend .

“God forbid I reject you Satan in Jesus name .” Chinwendu said with a disdainful disgusting look on her face . “I know you live a care free life Ezinne, my body is my husband’s and my husband’s alone , never will I give it to another man .” She said , Ezinne shrugged and got up from the bed , she walked out of the house .

The two friends stopped talking for over a month. She couldn’t avoid professor Maduka, he taking the final year students in a course Chinwendu had to pass . She was terrified the day he entered the lecture hall , his eyes were glued on Chinwendu .

“We meet again ?” He chuckled then walked up to Chinwendu’s desk . “In the book of Matthew chapter five verse twenty five the Bible says

Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.” The professor spoke indirectly to Chinwendu.

Godslove eyed the professor, he kept crackling his knuckles, wishing to punch out the teeth of the professor. Chinwendu walked quietly to the hostel , she was wondering where she would get money to pay for her school fees . Ezinne’s words kept playing in her head .

“You should let the professor do it , just once with a condom and then all this problems will be over .” Chinwendu burst into tears , she sobbed silently so her new roommates wouldn’t hear her cry .

“What about my school fees ? my mother has not come up with the money till now . Am I going to be able to graduate with all this problems?” She wondered aloud . “Should I call Godslove? would he help me with money for my fees ?” Chinwendu wondered .

Chinwendu became a skeleton of her old self ,for the two months she was in school, her mother didn’t send any money , she had to share Ezinne’s food , she couldn’t read, she couldn’t talk , she stopped attending class she felt no need for it . Ezinne felt sorrow for Chinwendu.

“Why don’t you talk to Godslove at least he can help you pay your fees and give you feeding money ?” Ezinne said . “No I can’t , we have not spoken for long , I think he’s already moved on , I saw one of the ladies in our fellowship twice in his car , they went to Crunches together. I’ll be fine don’t worry about me .” Chinwendu said , when Ezinne left for a party , Chinwendu fell on her knees and began to pray . “Please God intervane in my case . I can’t take this anymore .”

She picked up her phone and called Godslove, she made sure her voice was clear . “Hello Godslove please I want to see .” She said .

“Are you okay ? you’re sounding …” he tried to probe, but Chinwendu cut in . “It’s urgent I want to see you right now , please.” Chinwendu said , she had reached her breaking point .

“Well am at the library with some friends, where can I come and pick you ?” He asked . “don’t worry am on my way already.” She said , she knew he would refuse to borrow her the money , since they were no longer in a relationship, she didn’t feel like taking his money . She had no to borrow from .

When she got to the front of the Library, Godslove and some members of the fellowship were heading out, she got infuriated when she saw Cyndy the lady that had been clinging to Godslove since she broke off with him , resting her elbow on Godslove’s shoulder , she immediately brought her hand down when she saw Chinwendu coming .

She made a detour , and turned away from the gathering of her friends and church members. Godslove ran after her . “What is wrong with you Chinwe ? why are you walking away?” Godslove said , Chinwendu fought not to cry .

“Leave me alone .” She wrestled her hands out of his grasp . “Don’t touch me ! go back to her .” Chinwendu said . “Please I can explain Chinwe, it’s not what you think!” He said Chinwendu dragged her hand and jumped into a taxi . Godslove chased after the taxi , he tried to get in , but she pinned down the door and asked the driver to drive off .

The hunger was stomach churning, Chinwendu lay face down on the bed . She had told her mother how precarious her situation was , Ezinne had travelled to Delta to see her boyfriend, who was a yahoo boy . Chinwendu didn’t want to bother her , she had borrowed so much money from Ezinne that she didn’t know how she would pay , from her calculation it was about seventy thousand Naira.

She lay in bed weak and tired, she had not had any food for two days , her final exam was weeks away , she was yet to pay her fees , or course registration. She called her mother who kept promising to send the money , when she sold her wrappers . A fire incidence in the market , burnt her mother’s shop to the ground . Chinwendu was trapped between the devil and the blue sea .

“God please send me a helper .” She cried . Her roommates who were her juniors prepared food for dinner . Chinwendu gobbled down the food like a hungry pig , for two days she had not tasted a meal cooked on fire , her body had began to shake .

“Hello mummy the exam is three weeks away , they will close the portal on Friday , and I’ve not registered my courses .” Chinwendu said almost crying . “Chinwendu I’ve not seen anyone to buy…” Chinwendu’s mum broke into tears on the phone .

“I took my new Hollandex your father bought , that I didn’t use to Chukwalla, my daughter, she didn’t have money to buy . I want to go and beg your uncle’s again if they can release one of your father’s lands to me , so I can sell and pay your fees .” Her mother said , when Chinwendu heard those words she burst into tears , when she dropped the phone , she took her bath , and wore her best gown , she begged one of roommates for transport money ,

She went to the faculty of law , where professor had his office . The new secretary at the door stopped her . “Please tell the professor that Chinwendu Nicolas Azubuike is here to see him on urgent matters.” Chinwendu said her heart beating like war drum the message was relayed to the professor , he asked that Chinwendu to be let into his office .

The door creaked open and Chinwendu stepped in , the professor was still focused on the work he was doing on his laptop. “Speak I’m a busy man , I don’t have all the time in the world.” He said without lifting his head from the laptop .

“I want to do it . I’m here to do it .” Chinwendu said tears pouring from her eyes , she cleaned it with the back of her hand . Professor Maduka closed his laptop and looked at her . “Are you kidding me ? are you here to record me again ?” He asked .

“Am sorry sir for what I did the other time , it was a mistake, you can have my phone I won’t record you sir. I’m tired , there’s no way I’m winning this fight .” Chinwendu said the professor laughed and relaxed his back on his chair .

“So Jesus didn’t save you ? you see why I left that religion ? Jesus couldn’t even save you . You’re looking like a Bonga fish , how am I sure that you don’t have a contagious disease?” He asked , Chinwendu sniffed and wiped her nose for the tenth time .

“Sir I’m tired of fighting, you can bring a condom and do your thing , I won’t fight you .” Chinwendu said , the professor chucked , he got a remote and pointed it at his book shelf at the back of his chair . It parted and revealed a hidden room behind it . “When you were fresh you refused to give your sweet tomatoes to me , now that you look old and haggardly you want to dump yourself at me ?” The professor mocked Chinwendu, she couldn’t say a word , she kept sniffling and whimpering .

”Leave my office ! I don’t need you anymore!” He barked . Chinwendu whipped her eyes clean . “Okay sir .” She turned to leave , the professor stopped her .

“Get into the room , I want to teach you a thing or two there that would be useful when you’re married ,” The professor said while laughing, Chinwendu got up and went into the room . He went to one of his office cabinets and got a half used packet of condoms ,and followed Chinwendu into his secret room .

“Remove all your clothes, are you still giving me a hard time ?” He said teasing her . “I’ll just change my mind and your results will be gone with the air .” The professor threatened. She was ashamed of herself and embarrassed, she slowly took off her clothes and lay on his students bed .

She wept bitterly, as it hurt her so much like hell,the professor wasn’t gentle , he was intentionally rough , he had taken a concoction right infront of Chinwendu, herbs and roots left in water to ferment , he mixed it with alcoholic spirit , he gulped it down and mounted, squeezing his face when the hot stroke his nerves , then he mounted on Chinwendu and began to make her regret her action .

It was the worst day of her life , the pain was excruciatingly unbearable, he clasped his palms on her mouth as he punished her , he gave space for the sprouting blood to shoot out . “Hahaha no wonder you’re so tight , you’re still a virgin.” The professor said when he broke her hymen.

he held shut her mouth to keep her cry from traveling far . He had dismissed his secretary, he intentionally made it harder , his propellers were do big , she cried with pain , he enjoyed every tears that fell from her eyes .

He went six rounds from six P.M to eight P.M . Chinwendu could barely walk , each step felt like a nail was being hammered into her thighs , He threw a bundle of one thousand Naira to Chinwendu with smile on his face . “I thought you said nobody can touch you ? I’ve conquered you . I had you under me , you’re no different from all the tough girls , the tougher the sweeter .” The professor said .

“I know I delt with your waist , use that money to buy some drugs .” The professor said . “Please sir are you going to clear my carryovers?” She asked .

“I’ll think about it , if you’re good to me , I will clear them up , go and use that hundred thousand to take care of yourself .” He said , Chinwendu dragged herself out of the office .

Walking like a crab the pain was intense , she got a taxi to her hostel , she lay in bed , she tried to cry but no tears could come up , she closed her eyes and slept off .

On Monday morning , Chinwendu rushed to the bursary office to pay part of her school fees and registered her courses, she returned home to an empty house , Ezinne usually didn’t stay out so long , but stayed four days this time around. Chinwendu was so happy to see her ,she embraced her with a smile of hope on her face .

Ezinne cans back with some catch . Which she handed over to Chinwendu. “That’s fifty thousand naira, you should use it for part payment of your fees .” Ezinne said , tears fell from Chiwendu’s eyes. she hugged her friend and cried some .

“Thank you Ezinne I don’t know what I would have done without you .” Chinwendu said , which made Ezinne laughed. “What are friends for ?” She said , while hugging her back .

“Have you done your course registration?” Ezinne asked . “Yeah I did , I’ve even paid part of my school fees , I’ll go and complete my school fees with this money you gave me .” Chinwendu replied.

“Did your mother later send the money?” Ezinne asked . “Hmmm no my mum didn’t, things became worst when her shop was burnt down , thank you for this money .” Chinwendu said.

“But where did you get the money to register your courses?” Ezinne probed . Chinwendu was quiet for a while,finding the right words to say , she couldn’t tell her friend that she finally took her advice .

“Somebody helped me with the money.” Chinwendu said , Ezinne nodded and ended the conversation. The professor called Chinwendu a few days later . “Can you come and meet me at Mangrove Garden just outside of the campus .” The professor said.

“Sir it’s late already and I’m preparing for my exam .” Chinwendu replied. “Are you mad ? are you crazy ? what exam are you writing? it’s only when I decide that you will pass that you will pass . Whatever you write if I say you fail , then you failed, I’m trying to pardon you for all the troubles you caused me in the past , don’t get me upset , or else you will hate me even more!” The professor said .

“Am sorry sir , I’ll be coming there now .” Chinwendu said . “You better come for your own good, you idiot!” He cursed her , she wiped the tears from her eyes , she took her bath and left her hostel accommodation at about eight P.M , she went to the garden . The professor was sitting with his friends and colleagues, drinking and eating suya , Chinwendu sat amongst his pack of wolves unable to ,one her lips .

He held her by the hand and led her to the car . “Sir where are we going ?” Chinwe asked fearfully. “We’re going to house you have to go and service me .” The professor said .

“Sir you said it was a one time thing , sir you’ve gotten what you want why can’t you let me be ?” Chinwendu asked tearfully. “I’ve never seen a honey pot so sweet like yours , I cannot have enough of it , if you can be my girlfriend I’ll treat you well .” The professor said .

“I can’t be your girlfriend sir, you know why I did what I did.” She replied. “That goes to say you’re a prostitute? you sell your body for marks and money ?” The professor asked .

“Sir please go and clear my result and Godslove’s results , we’re the brightest in the whole of our department, everyone know you were the one who failed us.” Chinwendu said .

“Well you two thought you were smart , what were you thinking when you went to report me to the senate?” the professor laughed while driving. “He was lucky to have survived that attack , I’m a dangerous man . We did this cult things and dropped it , same as I felt with that Spark and his group of charlatans. I’ve Connections in the right places if you try to stress me I stress you .” Chinwendu was boiling up inside of her , she felt like biting his face off .

They got to his house , it was in a big estate he lived in a four bedroom detached duplex, with no guards and house help. He made her prepare dinner , before he began another round of sex , she lay there and let him do his thing , she couldn’t go that night , the professor did over five rounds over the night ,she was tired at first light .

She took her bath in the morning and the professor offered to drop her at the school gate , he gave her twenty thousand Naira . A black tinted Mercedes Benz saloon car was driving into the school compound when it stopped . Chinwendu opened the passenger door of the professor’s car and stepped out .

She got on a cab at the school gate to take her to her hostel , the professor turned and drove back to his house . Godslove was left in shock , he was sure he saw Chinwendu, but doubted his sanity , he thought he was insane . He followed the cab into the school to see if his eyes was playing a trick on him .

The car stopped at the Junction of the female hostel , Chinwendu alighted from the car . Godslove began to pound his fist against the steering wheel, he drove out of the school angrily.

It was the last week of June, towards the exam period , the Lecturers were revising their work for the year . Professor Maduka came into the class , after the fourth meeting between the professor and Chinwendu, she refused to go see him , she knew he had turned her to a sex slave and she wanted to break out . The professor had a lot in mind for her , when he stepped into the lecture hall.

“Settle down please. Finally you guys have gotten to your last semester, you’ve bribed your way and sexed your way to this final year , soon you would become lawyers , don’t bring shame to this prestigious institution.” He said . “Some of you will be claiming Christian Christian, one like that came to my office begging me to give it to her . I’m so generous I gave it to her , she moaned like a big cow .” The professor threw jabs at Chinwendu.

“Later they’ll cover headtie and be running up and down church deceiving people that’s why I stopped going to church . Church people are hypocrites. I can even point her now . Are you recording me ?” the whole class burst into laughter, except for Godslove, Chinwendu and Ezinne, she could see her best friend was the subject of ridicule. The turned to a student .

“No sir , I’m not recording you sir .” The young man said. “Be playing with your results , if I see a video of me outside of here , I’ll make sure you never get your results . Give me that phone!” He yelled and the young man scampered to the front the professor collected his phone and smashed it on the ground . ”Go back to your seat!” He barked at the guy.

“Sex is transactional, I pay you and you service me . How dare you come to my office and tell me to give you A for sex , you won’t read your book when others are reading , you’re jumping from church to church , my dear you’re going to do another year .” Chinwendu covered her head on her desk and began to cry loudly for everyone to hear , Ezinne put her arm around her to console her . Chinwendu had never been that embarrassed in her entire life . The jeering remarks , the low toned mockery , the mumbling and murmuring in the hall , she knew everyone in the class knew she was the subject of discussion, she tried to get up and leave the class , but her legs refused to obey her brain .

Godslove stared at her with his red teary eyes , he got up grabbed his back pack and was about to leave the lecture hall when professor Maduka blocked his path .

“Are you tired of hearing how I grinded your girl ?” He whispered loud enough for Godslove and those close by to hear him . “You couldn’t disvirgin her ? what a shame , she moaned softly under my huge thing .” He said with a sadistic smile on his face .

Godslove had taken enough , he let go of his back pack and barreled into professor Maduka, he punched him severally in the face , his coursemates tried to stop him , but they couldn’t , he followed the professor to the ground , and made sure the professor’s face was covered in blood .

“You will never graduate from this school mark my words!” Professor Maduka shouted as Godslove picked up his back pack and left the hall . Soon the picture of the attack had gone viral . Godslove only wished he had done something about the menace earlier .

Her high heels clicked and clacked on the tiled staircase as she meandered her way towards the professor office , just outside his office , she paused and arranged her boobs , she pushed them up so they looked like they were almost falling out of her skimpy dress that left the bare cleavages for any interested male to fantasize.

She knocked softly on the door , the secretary came to the door , she gazed at the lady dressed is a very short and revealing gown . “Yes how may I help you?” she asked with a bit of jealousy in her voice . The lady was busy smacking gums and making annoying noises, when she popped the balloons she made from the gums . ”Go and tell your boss that Zee baby is here to see him .” Ezinne said still chewing gums .

The lady retracted into the office and locked the door behind her . Professor Maduka was busy on his laptop when she stepped in . “Sir a lady is outside wanting to see …” The professor didn’t take his head off his laptop , he barked at her . “Have I not told you not to disturb me when I’m busy !” He muttered not lifting his head from the screen or the laptop.

“Sir what should I tell her ?” She asked . “Are you dumb or you’re stupid? I said I don’t want to see anyone get out of my office .” He yelled at the lady who hurried out of the office, to meet the lady outside the office .

“The professor is busy he doesn’t want to see you , you must leave here at once .” The lady instructed , Ezinne shoved her out of her way and stepped into the office , the lady tried to stop her , but Ezinne was too determined to stop .

The professor heard the commotion and lifted his head from his laptop , when he saw Ezinne’s short dress , he was immediately inflamed . “Uhh lahlah.” He whispered gazing at her from head to toe , her short red lace gown . ”Go!go Betty , I will attend to this beautiful damsel .” The professor said , the Betty stood her ground , gazing at Ezinne with disdain , she hissed and left the room .

Ezinne sat on the professor’s table and pulled up her short gown , her fresh and smooth lap was visible for the professor to see .”I know you , you’re from five hundred level, you’re friends Chinwe or so ?” The professor said , Ezinne came down from the table and held the professor’s tie and kissed him on his lip , the professor was taken aback .

“I know you love what you’re seeing professor.” Ezinne said pulling the professor’s tie , the professor was tongue tie . “What do you want ? do you have a carryover too ?” He asked , Ezinne giggled.

“Sir I don’t have carry over . My friend said you’re good in bed , and that you gave her money after everything. I’ll make you yearn and whimper like a girl .” Ezinne pushed the professor back into his chair and sat on his lap , while the dazed man couldn’t utter a word . “Can we have a good time ?” She asked and planted a kiss on his lips .

The professor gently pushed Ezinne from his laps . “What are you up to ?” The professor asked suspiciously. “Did that boy send you here to rope me in ?” The professor asked he was terrified, Ezzine let her gown fall to the ground, she stood before him in her birth suit .

“I am a girl of the world , I like money , I love good life . I told my friend to give it to you long ago , I slept with lecturers to get some of my courses that I failed .” Ezinne confessed . “But she was too naive , she said you gave her money , I want you to pamper me .” Ezinne said and kissed the professor, he went crazy .

“Please wait baby let me lock the door .” He said and bolted the door , he pressed a remote , the book shelves moved away to reveal a hidden room . “This is where we do it , if you’re good as you said you’re , I’ll make you my girlfriend you’ll not lack .” He said , Ezinne didn’t have the time to exchange more words she wrestled the professor to the bed , she used all the tricks in her book on him.

“Oh my god! you’re fire . Oh my god.” He cried and kissed Ezinne severally. “I’ve never had it this good , you’re a genius , you’ve become my girlfriend. I hope you can cook ?”Hr asked Ezinne nodded , they both got dressed and went to a supermarket to shop for groceries. After Ezinne prepared dinner and they ate together, she washed the plates and they continued having intercourse Maduka was on fire that night .

He would rest for ten to fifteen minutes , he would take his concoction and continue with the romantic exercise. Ezzine was with the professor for days .

He wasn’t happy when she brought up Chinwendu and Godslove cases begging him to forgive them . “I’ve sworn over my mother’s grave those two will never graduate from this school , I’m going to show them who is boss .” Professor Maduka boasted ..

“Did they pass their exams prof ?” Ezinne asked . “Well it’s none of your business! don’t ask me about two urchins or else I’ll throw you out .” He said . Ezinne didn’t want to sabotage her purpose in his house , so she did as she was told.

The aphrodisiac he was taking was too powerful, but Ezinne was a master in her business . “Baby I’m not feeling you anymore seems your man power drug isn’t working very well . have you tried Viagra ?” Ezinne suggested .

“I thought I was doing it well .” He said . “No you were just scratching the surface I didn’t feel anything.” Ezinne said , the professor was embarrassed, he knew he couldn’t meet her energy. “Viagra is not good for the heart . I’m on Blood pressure drugs that could make it shoot to the roof .” The professor confessed .

“Babe my boyfriend used to take four at a time , just one or two would be okay .” She said , the professor didn’t want Ezinne to go , so he went to a nearby pharmacy and got the drugs .

He began to use it , his performance tremendously increased , but he was getting weaker by the day , Ezinne poured over five tablets into his bottle of concoction. The professor drank the mix with some Viagra .

When they began to make love ,at a point professor couldn’t breath , he began to gasp for air . “Help… Help! Help me !” the professor cried looking terrified as he could no longer breath , he looked pitifully at Ezinne expecting help from her .

“I would rather help a Boko Haram member, or even a snake than help you . I pushed my friend into sleeping with you , but see what you did to her ? you slept with her and exposed her in public, she’s dying from depression daily . And remember the guy you had the police kill ? Spark is his name .” She continued even as professor Maduka watched speechlessly. “I’ve been plotting my revenge and today is the day .” she said .

“So where did you keep my friends result ? is it here or in the office ?” She asked the professor couldn’t move, he had suffered a massive stroke , he couldn’t move , he watched disoriented , seeing her go up and down tearing the house down .

“Did you keep the results in the school ? tell me do one good before you die wicked man .” Ezinne teased him , he didn’t say anything, he hands were just shaking. Ezinne went upstairs and dragged a Ghana must go bag with one thousand Naira notes .

“I’ll use this money and compensate all the girls you abuse , you’re a vegetable now , you don’t need it .” She gathered all her clothings and evidences that she was in the house and left at about nine P.M the professor stayed alone .

She took Professor’s office key , and went there , when she had safely dropped the bag of money at home , she sneaked to the first floor and opened the professor’s office , she scattered his files all over the place , after about an hour she found a file containing Chinwendu and Godslove’s results , they had distinction. She placed the files untop of his table,and left .

The next morning there was a wild fire , most of the students danced for joy when they heard of the professor’s death . Students began to reveal their traumatic experiences they had with the professor. He had slept with over fifteen girls from the Law department with evidences of his misconducts . the VIce Chancellor was embarrassed, when news media began to accuse the school authorities of shielding professor’s atrocities.

“You deserve this money Chinwendu. I’m gifting it to you ,go and clear your bills. And use the rest for to your mother.” Ezinne said . “But Ezinne I can’t take this money,how did you get it ?” Chinwendu asked .

“That’s compensation for pushing you into the arms of the devil . I hope he burns in hell .” Ezinne said with anger in her eyes . Chinwendu sighed . “thank you for all you did for me , you stood with me when everyone turned against me ,” Chinwendu said and embraced Ezinne.

“I brought the idea to you in the first place .” She said .

the final exam was excellent. Chinwendu graduated as one of the best graduating students. She and Godslove shared the podium,as the best graduating students from law department. She couldn’t turn her face towards his direction she was ashamed, she didn’t want to come up to take her award, but Ezinne wouldn’t hear of that . She accepted her award with tears in her eyes , most people thought it was tears of joy , but it was just a tears of sorrow .

Chinwendu wondered how life would have been for she and Godslove if she had not been too hasty and pushed him away , if she had not slept with the professor. She was celebrated for her brilliance, but she went back home with about a million naira and broken heart to build her life from a scratch .


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