Secret of a twin

Mr Williams married a lady who didn’t respect their marriage, a spoilt brat Mr Williams tried everything to change her but all to no avail…. although Linda was an all-nighter person she was also

Mr Williams’s strength.

Linda: are you going somewhere my husband bcoz you look disturbed.

Mr Williams: my business is crumbling down & I need 20 million.

Linda transferred the money to her husband’s bank account & within a few weeks, Linda asked her twin for the unbelievable.

Jessica: what are you saying Linda are you ok?

Linda: just pretend to be me for the weekend & I promise to be back Monday.

Jessica, what If your husband notices that I’m not his wife or what if he wants sex?

Linda:you give him what he wants & besides my husband doesn’t know that I have a twin oh let me go to this party with my boyfriend & I’ll be back in time.

Jessica was confused & stressed about everything after all she had to prepare & go to Linda’s work & pretend to be night she drove home & prepared dinner for Linda’s husband.

Mr Williams:(shocked) you cooked today? (hugging her).

Jessica:(pretending to be Linda) Yes I did my love Anyway how was work?

Mr Williams: wait a minute who are you & what have the universe done with my wife?

Jessica: Oooh God what is he talking about? (talking from within).

Mr Williams: I love the new you babes honestly you’re becoming soft & humble.

Jessica: (faking a smile) Thanks, babes.

They eat silently then at night, Jessica feels uncomfortable sleeping on the same bed with her twin sister’s husband.

Mr Williams: why are you moving away from me?

Jessica: I need water (leaving the bedroom).

Jessica used the opportunity to call her twin sister.

Jessica: when are you coming back to your husband? I’m tired of playing to be you.

Linda: come on honey I don’t think I’ll be back anytime soon ok?

Jessica: what are you saying?

Linda: just pretend to be me for 7 days okay & If the guy wants sex then give it to him.

Jessica did her best in faking to be Linda & a few days later Jessica was on her monthly flow & Mr Williams took care of her….he prepared warm food for her.

Mr Williams: let me feed you

Jessica: ooh oh (feeling uncomfortable).

Within 3 days Jessica was done with her periods & without realising it Mr Williams returned home & found Jessica asleep & he kissed her cheek.

Jessica:(waking up) Blood of Jesus what are you doing sir?

Mr Williams: Linda are you ok?

Jessica: ooh sorry babe I just woke up from a terrible nightmare (lying).

7 days later Mr Williams went to a business meeting early in the morning & Jessica went to the airport in disguise to fetch Linda her twin…They went to a nearby hotel.

Linda: how is my husband & I hope you didn’t get me in trouble.

Jessica: Honey you have the best husband please stop misbehaving…I didn’t sleep with him.

Linda: what’s wrong with you? You need to change OK?

Jessica: I can’t continue telling lies to him Linda pretending that I’m hurt okay?

Linda went back home & took her bath & an hour later she watched a movie.

Mr Williams: good evening babes.

Linda: evening anyways let me order in so we can eat(walking away).

Mr Williams: what is going on with my wife bcoz I thought she was getting better(talking from within).

Linda: babes let us go to a club.

Mr Williams: you are a married woman, okay & we aren’t going anywhere.

A month later Mr Williams told his mom about Linda’s all-nighter life & his mom told him to get her pregnant…Linda begged her twin sister to pretend to be her again for 2 weeks bcoz she was leaving the country.

Jessica: you love that your boyfriend but the truth is you’re a married woman.

Linda: Honey please don’t starve my husband in bed on his birthday.

Jessica decorated the living room & bought a cake with snacks & wine then she cooked…Mr Williams returned home & he was shocked…he hugged Jessica thinking it was Linda.

Mr Williams celebrated his birthday with Jessica & Mr Williams wondered why his wife was acting like a total stranger.

Mr Williams: babes thanks for the meal & everything.

Jessica: it’s my pleasure babes.

Mr Williams went to take his bath & after that, he played a game with Jessica & they enjoyed each other’s company until they slept off in the sitting room.

Linda was dating a girl & she was hiding the truth from her twin & family.

Bianca: babes when are you divorcing your husband?

Linda: I’m not ready to divorce my husband OK?

Bianca: you love him?

Linda: you are the love of my life girl always remember that.

Bianca: but you chose your husband over me….we were high School lovers then after varsity you left me & got married to a guy.

Linda: I’m with you now is that not enough?

Bianca: anyways isn’t your husband suspecting anything fishy?

Linda: no he doesn’t.

Linda couldn’t help but keep the secret from her girlfriend that her twin was busy faking to be her… Jessica woke up in the middle of the night & went to the bedroom to get a blanket for Mr Williams….

Jessica: good morning honey.

Mr Williams: ooh morning my wife (kissing her forehead).

Jessica:( faking a cough).

Mr Williams: are you ok? Besides you aren’t going to work right?

Jessica: no it’s Saturday today.

Mr Williams took Jessica to his mom & Mr Williams’s mom was indeed pleased to see her daughter-in-law… Jessica cooked & cleaned the house & Mr Williams’s mom was amazed.

Mrs Elizabeth: I thought you married a lazy type what changed bcoz she’s calm & reserved.

Mr Williams: Mother I don’t know how to explain it but sometimes I feel like she isn’t my wife.

Jessica & Linda were identical twins & the funny part is that their voices sounded almost the same…the difference was their behaviour…Jessica & Mr Williams bumped into each other & they kissed passionately.

Jessica: let’s go to the bedroom babes.

Mr Williams carried Jessica up & they went upstairs… Jessica was already feeling Mr Williams & all she wanted was to feel him inside.

Mr Williams: I love you my wife (undressing her).

Jessica didn’t know what to say to Mr Williams….they had s£x & Mr Williams slept like a newborn baby…. early in the morning Jessica woke up & took her bath & Mr Williams followed her.

Mr Williams: good morning babes.

Jessica: don’t you wanna bath?(biting her lips).

Jessica continued to have s£x with her twin sister’s husband & Mr Williams thought his wife had changed..2 weeks later Linda returned home.

Linda: hey twin I’m back.

Jessica: Welcome back honey.

Linda: your skin is glowing honestly.

Linda’s return ruined Jessica’s mood & Mr Williams couldn’t figure out what was happening with his wife.

Linda: let me go & rest I’m tired.

Mr Williams felt like the world could swallow him…. a few days later Linda started cooking for her husband & she apologized to Mr Williams… Linda was trying her best to change & reduce going out to parties… Jessica was missing Mr Williams at times she felt like calling him just to hear his voice…one faithful day Linda went to a business meeting & Jessica paid Mr Williams a visit to his office.

Mr Williams: hey wife I thought you’d be working until late.

Jessica: (cat walked to him) I need you inside me now (undressing herself).

Mr Williams & Jessica had s£x to a point that they didn’t see Linda standing at the door… Linda left quietly & closed the office door.

Linda went to her car & started crying bitterly… Jessica left Mr Williams’s office feeling satisfied & went to her hotel room only to see Linda standing near the window.

Jessica: hey twin.

Linda: Are you & my husband having unprotected s£x? Do you enjoy his s£x so much that you have to follow him to his office knowing that I’m back?

Jessica:(crying) mmh I’m sorry.

Linda: stay away from my husband.

Jessica felt like slapping her twin sister but decided to let it be… Jessica was now madly in love with her twin sister’s husband…Linda was busy cooking when she received a call from an unknown number telling her that Bianca was hospitalized…Linda cried bitterly & she knew she had to leave the country….she left the country without telling her husband or twin sister this time.

Linda: ooh God I haven’t told my twin I’ve travelled.

Jessica went to a nearby hospital bcoz she wasn’t feeling well & the doctor told her she was 2 months pregnant & this news almost choked her to death then she received a call from Linda.

Jessica: you are out of the country again?

Linda: yes my partner is hospitalized.

Jessica: Mmmm so why are you calling me?

Linda: please pretend to be me again.

Jessica: I’m no longer interested OK.

Linda: I’m sorry twin ohk.

Jessica excitedly agreed & she left with her pregnancy results & forgot them in her handbag & went to Linda’s place & found Mr Williams.

Mr Williams: hey babes I missed you.

Jessica:(hugging him) I missed you more father-to-be.

Mr Williams: what? You are pregnant?

Jessica: yes I’m pregnant.

Mr Williams was extremely happy & couldn’t believe it… Jessica started to be a clingy & obsessed partner.

Mr Williams: I’m going to work my love.

Jessica:(crying) Mmmh mmh please stay with me.

Mr Williams: I have a meeting to attend to OK.

Linda got to Bianca’s apartment & saw the bedroom decorated & she felt a hand touching her waist.

Bianca: welcome home babes.

Linda:(annoyed) What’s going on bcoz I thought you were hospitalized.

Bianca: I just planned it to see how much you love me.

Linda: me it’s not funny though.

Bianca: what you feel for your husband is not love but lust & you have to let him go please free that man.

Linda walked & sat on the bed confused & Bianca kissed her & looked deep into her eyes.

Bianca: Marry me, Linda.

Linda: but I’m already married babes?

Jessica felt like slapping her twin sister but decided to let it be… Jessica was now madly in love with her twin sister’s husband….Linda was busy cooking when she received a call from the unknown number telling her that Bianca is hospitalized….Linda cried bitterly & she knew she had to leave the country….she left the country without telling her husband or twin sister this time.

Linda: ooh God I haven’t told my twin I’ve traveled.

Jessica went to a nearby hospital bcoz she wasn’t feeling well & the doctor told her she’s 2 months pregnant & this news almost choke her to death then she received a call from Linda.

Jessica: you are of the country again?

Linda: yes bcoz my partner is hospitalized.

Jessica: mmmh so why are you calling me?

Linda: please pretend to be me again.

Jessica: I’m no longer interested ohk.

Linda: I’m sorry twin ohk.

Jessica excitedly agreed & she left with her pregnancy results & forgot them in her hand bag & went to Linda’s place & found Mr Williams.

Mr Williams: hey babes I missed.

Jessica:(hugging him) I missed you more father to be.

Mr Williams: what? You are pregnant?

Jessica: yes I’m pregnant.

Mr Williams was extremely happy & couldn’t believe it…. Jessica started to be clingy & obsessed partner.

Mr Williams: I’m going to work my love.

Jessica:(crying) mmmh mmh please stay with me.

Mr Williams: I have a meeting to attend to ohk.

Linda got to Bianca’s apartment & saw the bedroom decorated & she felt a hand touching her waist.

Bianca: welcome home babes.

Linda:(annoyed) what’s going on bcoz I thought you are hospitalized.

Bianca: I just planned it just to see how much you love me.

Linda: mmmh it’s not funny though.

Bianca: what you feel for husband is not love but lust & you have to let him go please free that man.

Linda walked & sat on the bed confused & Bianca kissed her & looked deep into her eyes.

Bianca: marry me Linda .

Linda: but I’m already married babes?

Mr Williams told his mom the good news that his wife is pregnant & Mrs Elizabeth was extremely happy. Bianca stopped talking to Linda & she slept in the guest room but Linda followed her.

Linda: do you really have to give me attitude?

Bianca: aren’t you a married woman? So what are you doing here.

Linda:(shocked) bcoz I love you ohk.

Bianca: do you love me though?

Linda: yes .

Bianca: then divorce your husband & allow your twin sister have him you forced her to be faking her identity & your husband think that Jessica is you.

Linda:how do you know that?

Bianca: I hired a private investigator & that’s not the case…Linda you can’t live a double life.

Mr Williams & Jessica went to a dinner date & they wore matching outfits & everything was great… Bianca revealed the truth to her mom that she’s dating a married woman.

Mrs Layla: give Linda an ultimatum & if she loves you she will choose you.

Bianca was indeed happy that her mom didn’t judge her.

Bianca: Linda you have to choose between me & your husband & I’m giving you 7 days to make a final decision but tommorow I don’t want to see you in my house (walking away).

Linda called her twin sister & told her she’s coming back tomorrow & Jessica was stressed… Linda returned home & realised that Jessica went back to the hotel but saw her hand bag & boom she saw pregnancy results.

Linda: ooh no Jessica is pregnant for my husband (shocked).

Linda went to Jessica & asked her if she’s pregnant & Jessica replied honestly.

Jessica: yes but you can act like a pregnant woman after all you introduced me to this game.

Linda walked away feeling powerless & speechless & she went to see her parents.

Linda’s parents: our daughter welcome home.

Linda: I have a confession to make… I’m a lesbian I’m not into guys & I’m getting divorced.

Linda’s dad: how dare you speak abomination before me?

Linda’s mom: you won’t divorce Mr Williams ohk…you can’t bring disgrace just like your twin sister.

Linda left her parent’s house & went straight home only to see her husband preparing dinner.

Mr Williams: hey beautiful…I just prepared dinner for you & my unborn baby.

Linda:(sitting down) I have something to tell you.

Mr Williams:(getting curious) ohk.

Linda: I’m not pregnant Mr Williams.

Mr Williams:( shocked) what? You addressed me as Mr Williams? & You aren’t pregnant?

Linda:(explaining her secret to Mr Williams) my twin sister is the one carrying your baby.

Mr Williams:(tears escaped his eyes) how could you be so heartless?

Linda: I had no choice Mr Williams & besides I didn’t want my parents to disown me but the truth is I never loved you,I just didn’t want to let you go.

Mr Williams: why Linda?

Linda: bcoz I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to any woman but in this case I’m letting you go (crying) I’m a lesbian Mr Williams.

Mr Williams:(speechless).

Linda: I want a divorce & I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me.

Mr Williams couldn’t believe it & Linda packed all her bags & left Mr Williams’s house & went to her parents.

Linda’s parents: what are you doing here?

Linda: I’m getting a divorce & that’s final.

Linda’s mom: what? Why are you divorcing a good man?

Linda:(explaining her secret & how she forced Jessica to her plans) & Jessica is pregnant for Mr Williams.

Linda’s mom: you did what?(slapping her) how could you associates yourself with Jessica?

Linda’s dad: you have disappointed me.

Linda: Jessica is my twin mother…I know what I did was wrong but you can’t continue to hate Jessica bcoz of her past mistakes.

Linda’s mom: faking her own kidnapping just to do an abortion at the age of 21 was a disgrace to this are just like your twin.

Jessica went to Mr Williams’s house & found him drinking.

Mr Williams : here comes a devil…what do you want?

Jessica: my husband what did I do?

Mr Williams: I don’t want to see you again Jessica.

Jessica: you know?

Jessica was helpless & confused but she managed to stand firm & face her mistakes.

Jessica: I can explain Mr Williams (crying).

Mr Williams: I don’t want your explanations just leave my house (pushing her).

Jessica: what about the baby?

Mr Williams: what baby?(acting shocked).

Jessica left & went to her hotel room only to see Linda waiting for her.

Jessica:(crying & hugging her) thanks for telling your husband the truth.

Linda: I’m deeply sorry for everything my twin.

Jessica: what will happen now?

Linda: I’m getting a divorce & besides you have to come back home & join our parents company.

Jessica: Mr Williams doesn’t want anything to do with me & I’m deeply in love with him (blushing) as for the business I can’t bcoz our parents disowned me.

Linda: pack your bags let us go.

Jessica & Linda went back home & Jessica’s dad hugged Jessica.

Jessica: I’m sorry dad.

Their dad: you & Linda are the only children I have & I have forgiven you both.

Linda: aren’t you hugging me?

Jessica: Nah daddy doesn’t want to hug you (laughing).

Their mom came to the dinning & saw her husband bonding with their twins she pretended not see them & sat down.

Linda & Jessica stood up & went upstairs & talked about their personal lives.

Linda: I’m dating a girl honestly I’m a lesbian.

Jessica: mmmh that’s ohk but I guess it’s Bianca (laughing).

Mr Williams told his mom everything & she told Mr Williams to forgive Jessica bcoz she was a good “fake wife” but Mr Williams refused.

Mrs Elizabeth: you are definitely going to part of your child’s life & that unborn baby will have to use our surname (walking away).

2 weeks later Mr Williams & Linda got divorced & a month later it was Mr Williams & Jessica’s wedding & Linda was crying.

Jessica: I know it’s not easy twin but with time you’ll forget him completely.

Few days later their mom forgave them & Jessica joined the business but Mr Williams turned out to be a monster in Jessica’s life.

Mr Williams sees nothing good in Jessica & he insults her everyday but Jessica tried to be strong bcoz he was deeply in love with him.

Jessica: Mr Williams my husband I thought you had forgiven me.

Mr Williams: I don’t love you…I only married you for the sake of my unborn baby.

Jessica cried bitterly & went upstairs & she thought of getting a divorce but her love for Mr Williams will not allow her to let him go…. Linda & Bianca were madly in love & they were busy arranging their wedding.

Bianca: I can’t wait to officially make you my wife.

Linda: I love you.

Few days later Linda & Bianca’s family left the country to pay Linda’s bride price.

Jessica: my beautiful twin sister is getting married.

Linda: to the love of my life just like you(smiling).

Linda noticed that Jessica is emotionally down & she asked her what’s wrong but Jessica lied & told her maybe it’s bcoz of pregnancy.

It was Bianca & Linda’s wedding & everything seemed fairy & beautiful… people were dancing & drinking but Linda saw Mr Williams raising his voice at Jessica & Jessica was crying.

Linda: how dare you mistreat my twin sister that way? I thought you forgave us anyways if you want to unleash your anger issues to someone let that person be me & not my sister.

Mr Williams was getting worse in mistreating Jessica & oneday Mr Williams came home with another girl & introduced the girl to Jessica.

Mr Williams: honey this is Jessica my maid.

Jessica almost fainted but she became strong & walked away…. tomorrow after Mr Williams left with the girl, Jessica packed her bags & left an envelope on the table…Mr Williams returned home & noticed that Jessica isn’t around then he saw the envelope.

Mr Williams:(reading the letter) I’ll be waiting for divorce papers from you.

Mr Williams saw Jessica’s wedding ring inside the envelope & he was heartbroken.

Mr Williams: what did I do? Gosh I love you Jessica…I was only punishing you (talking from within).

Mr Williams searched for Jessica for few months but she was no where to be found… Jessica’s parents were shocked when Mr Williams told them Jessica is missing.

Jessica’s mom: missing you said? Let’s hope for your sake you find her(walking away).

Mr Williams became a shadow of himself & his mom told him to search for his wife or else he will disown him.

Jessica was safe & happy with her twin Linda.

Linda: here is breakfast my twin.

Jessica: you’ve been feeding me too much in this house.

Linda: I’m just feeding that little angel in there.


Bianca & Linda enjoyed Jessica’s time & they treated her well…one faithful day Jessica was in labour & they took her to the hospital…Linda called Mr Williams & with no hesitation Mr Williams left the country…. it’s been a day & Jessica is still in labour ward… Linda gave mr Williams her location & Mr Williams arrived.

Mr Williams:(hugging Linda) thanks for keeping my wife save.

Linda: sit down anyways I only called you here bcoz I want to discuss something with you.

Mr Williams: I’m listening.

Linda: we both know your a good man but what you did to my twin is wrong…did you have to punish her that way?

Mr Williams: I was hurt but now I have realised my mistakes & thank you for the game you played (laughing) bcoz it got me a good wife.

Linda: please forgive me & her.

Mr Williams: apology accepted Linda…you are the one who always had my heart you know?

Linda: sometimes love is not good enough & I know that now.

Mr Williams & Linda went to the hospital.

Doctor: congratulations sir your wife gave birth to a healthy cute baby boy.

Mr Williams couldn’t believe, he jumped up in excitement, they entered the ward and Mr Williams went down on his knees & apologized.

Jessica:(crying) where are the divorce papers?

Linda laughed so hard & Jessica joined her…Mr Williams & Jessica forgave each other & made peace with the past, they lived happily ever after.

The end

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