The sound of bottle flipping could be heard from the ss3 b block with other students chit-chatting and girls having their usual gossip. I was just having my seat when I heard the bell jingled indicating the break was over. Students ran to their classes not wanting to be caught by the most dreaded teacher in our school [Blossom college] Mr sosanwo aka [The devil ].

My mates took their respective seats in my class and it was time for physics class and I was an art student, so I decided to go to the library, when an announcement came to us that we should stay in our class that the principal wants to address us. Before I go deep into the story let me introduce myself. My name is Paul Kenneth, I am 17 years of age but I have a very huge stature which gave me the nick name [Big daddy] as everyone called me in our class. I am not really that handsome but I still look good, because we have more handsome guys in our class that girls would fall for. Now let me continue with my story.

The whole class suddenly became quiet, as everyone would say [Angel don pass]. The principal came in whose name was Mr prosper, a loving and kind man but don’t piss him off. Our class teacher also followed suit her name is Miss Rachael. “Good afternoon students” the principal greeted. “Good afternoon sir” we all responded. ” How are you” he greeted again. “We are fine sir” we responded again. “The reason why I called for this announcement is because we are having a new student from tomorrow, she is a transfer student.”

” You all should behave yourself as she comes in tomorrow. And also your noise is getting more obvious all other ss3 blocks [a,c and d] are doing well in that area of maintaining silence. Thank you all. Take care”. He said and walked out of the class. Suddenly the students started talking about what the principal just said.

I got home around 5pm in the evening feeling very tired. My mum and Dad were not around as they leave in the morning for work and comes back later in the night. I went into the kitchen prepare noodles and ate. I went to turn on the generator I came back into the house as I sat down to watch TV, but still I was bored so I decided to call my friend Tayo.

“Hello Tayo” I said over the phone. “How far boss watin dey sup” he replied me.” You fit come my house make we play ps5 na, I dey very bored”.I said making my voice look sad.” Boss okay now I dey come” he said and I ended the call. Few minutes later he arrived. We greeted each other and talked for a long time before we began our game. Mind you Tayo is not my school mate, we are just friends. In the middle of us playing our game i heard a knock on the door, I paused the game while Tayo waited behind.

I opened the door and saw my neighbor [a lady] she asked if I could help her start her gen. I went with her and helped her after helping her she thanked me and make I no lie my head swell small.

Later in the night around 8pm Tayo decided to leave so I escorted him to the gate of my house and bade him goodbye. I was about into the house when a car honked I knew it was my parents. I went to open the gate for them as they drove their car and parked it in the garage.

” Good evening sir and ma” I greeted as they came down from the car. “Good evening dear, how was school ” They responded.” Fine sir & ma”i answered as we all went into the house. After dinner that night and our family prayer I told my parents good night as I went into my room. It didn’t take long , l fell asleep.

I woke up early as I got ready for school. After our morning prayer I ate my breakfast and waited for the school bus to arrive. In a few minutes the school bus arrived and I had to go,as I entered I heard someone called me “Big Daddy,How far”. I turned and saw I was james my best friend.

I was suprised because he had never used the bus before so I asked

“When did you start using bus” I asked.

“Ha just this morning oo I paid for bus Last week So now I Can use the bus I am really stressed out from treking”. He said with a dull expression on his face. “That one Good oo… now we fit jist wella before we reach school” I said smiling.

When we got to school it was time almost time for assembly. After the assembly was over we all went to our respective classes. The maths teacher came in “Bring out your notes” he said with his really thick and scary voice. He wrote on the board [GEOMETRY]. “Our today’s topic Is geometry, what did I say”. “Geometry” We repeated after him. The maths teacher suddenly paused and looked at the door all of us too followed his gaze and behold was the new girl. “O my God this girl Is So pretty” I Thought within myself. “You are welcome ma, pls enter into the class and introduce yourself” the maths teacher commanded. “Hello everyone my name is Thomas Olivia”she said smiling at everyone. “What a beautiful voice,a beautiful smile this Is an Angel for sure” I thought again. “You guys should pls make her feel amoung, you are welcome to our school Once again. You Can now have Your seat” He said to her. She went and took her seat not far from where I was seated. I thought again “How am I going cope When She Is In this class”.

After the maths period was over, the maths teacher left our class. The remaining two periods before a short break were free.

Everyone went to welcome olivia the new girl, introducing themselves. I didn’t go because I was shy and I didn’t want to do anything foolish.

“Big Daddy, you won’t welcome olivia right”. Janet asked me. That’s our class monitor. “No worries I will go soon” I answered her trying So hard to compose myself.

What is this Feeling, is it Love or stupidity. I couldn’t figure it out all I knew Is that I have taken a likeness for her already, even if she just came today.

🌹Olivia’s pov🌹

The moment I got into the class, my heart felt joy with the way they welcomed me. Not like my former school, where everyone seems to hate me for no reason.

Sometimes I was almost raped, even teachers would want me to sleep with them. So I had to transfer to this school.

Everyone introduced themselves to me, except this guy “What’s up with him” I thought. Well I should not misunderstand it. Maybe he has his reasons.

Shortly after the bell jingled, indicating the short break. I wanted to go out to explore my new environment, when this guy appeared before me.

“Hey… My name is paul kenneth” He introduced himself smiling. “Am olivia, I guess you already know that” I said putting my hand out for a handshake.

I guess he hesitated, But he shook my hand. The handshake was taking too long.

⭐Kenneth’s pov ⭐

“Am Sorry, I should have Let go of Your hand earlier” I apologize. The Look on her faced showed She was not pleased with the way I held her hand.

I couldn’t control myself When I held her hand. “It’s nothing…it’s okay”. She said now smiling. Her smile almost threw me off balance.

The bell jingled loudly, indicating short break over. It was time for government class and the commercial students also per-take in this subject.

Yeah, I forgot olivia is a commercial student which means she is staying in class. While other students went outside We remained. Our class teacher [miss Racheal] was the person taking us on the subject.

“Good morning Ma”. Everyone greeted as we all stood up. “How are you all” She asked as She moved to drop her things on the Table.” Fine, thank you ma” we all responded.

“You may have your seat” She instruted as She began writing on the board. I took my book planning to go sit with olivia. When the boy I hate with great passion always in government class went and sat beside her. We call him fish because he smells like fish everyday, I don’t know if he baths or try to take care of himself.

His real name Is Andrew.I was so mad. I could see olivia was not comfortable with him,But she couldn’t do anything.

I could no longer hold my anger anymore. I went and forcefully pushed him away out of the seat.

“Why would you do such a thing” Mr prosper queried. I was now in the principal office. “Is it a crime for someone to sit down where he wants” he queried again. I didn’t respond.

“Miss Racheal”he called. “Yes sir” she answered. “Take him to clear the grass in the field”.

I couldn’t believe my ears.

Druing long break olivia came to where i was in the field.

“Am sorry” she said. “For what” i asked.

“You helped me and you are beign punished”.

“It’s my fault okay dont be sorry for me”.

“Well can we be friends you seem like a nice guy.

Was i dreaming this charming beauty asking me to be friends with her and i would decline no oo i cant.

“For sure , from the moment entered into our class i was your friend” she laughed as i said it. Seeing her laugh made my heart skip a bit.This girl really amazes me.

“Won’t you be going to class as you can see am on punishment” I said to olivia as the bell jingled indicating a long break over. “Okay, i will but am sorry i mean it” she said before leaving. I was touched by her concern.


School was over. Olivia was working with some of her new friends. When she got to the gate she stopped as her friends said goodbye and left.

I ran to meet up with her. “Hey, why are you waiting here” I asked breathing heavily. “My dad is coming to pick me up” she replied with her loving voice. Okay, that’s reasonable, can i ask you something”? I asked. “What is it”

“Can i have your number” I asked my heart beating fast. “Sure, let me write it on a piece of paper for you”. She wrote it and gave it to me. I was amazed because i thought it was going to be hard getting this angel’s number.

“Thanks I’ll call you” I said grinning from ear to ear.

“Goodbye see you tomorrow” she said as a car came to a halt in front of us. She waved at me and went inside and the car zoomed off.


‼️Please make sure you’re following me ‼️

“Kenneth dinners is ready” my mum announced. I bounced down the stairs happily. I have been this happy since i collected Olivia’s number, but i haven’t called her yet. We all sat at the dining table, prayed and began to eat. My mum noticed my over happiness.

“What’s making you so happy ken” she asked looking at me suspiciously.

“Nothing mum, I just feel great” I replied smiling at her.

“Hmm… okay ooh”.

My dad didn’t even care about our discussions he just faced his food. After I was done eating i went to my room, turned off the lights as i sat on the bed. I took my phone from where i plugged it to call olivia. It was just 8:01 pm so it was not too late. Dumm dumm…, dumm dumm… my cell phone vibrated as i called her, on the fifth ring she answered.

“Hello, who is this” a beautiful voice said over the phone.

“You are not a witch you are an angel and very beautiful too.”


“Really.” She said now looking up. “Thank you so much.” She said again. Now we were facing each other, our face was getting closer and our lips locked.

It was getting more intense as our tounges touched. I moved my hands slowly on her body as l grabbed one of her br**st, she stopped me. She pushed away gently as she stood up. She went and stood in front of the mirror.

🌹Olivia’s POV🌹

What was I doing I just kissed this guy.I haven’t even known much about him. How could I allow myself get carried away. I know I don’t have a lot of friends and just knowing him makes me happy, but am I not going too far.

“Am so sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Ken apologized. I just stood staring at the mirror, I didn’t respond. I somehow enjoyed the kiss, but it was getting too intense. Am I starting to fall for this guy. I mean I was the one who told him to come over in the first place. And I even brought him to my room.

It’s my fault. I went too far. I turned and looked at him. “I think it’s getting late, you should leave.” I knew there was still much time but I needed to think.

“Pls I didn’t mean it, don’t be mad at me pls.” He begged again getting up and coming close to me. I made a gesture indicating that he should stop right where he was. I could sense the sincerity in his voice. I knew he was sorry but I didn’t want to accept it. He continued begging but I eventually made him leave.

🌟Kenneth’s POV,🌟

I wasn’t happy at all. I didn’t plan for what happened it seems Olivia is really mad with me. I could I just take advantage of her like that. I couldn’t get what happened out of my head.

I got home and was surprised to find the door unlocked. “Who would be home by now.” I thought. I entered and I saw my mum in the with our class monitress Janet. What was Janet doing here.

N/B ‼️make sure you’re following me so you won’t miss the next episode ‼️

“Where have you been.” My mum asked.

“I…” I couldn’t finish what I wanted to say.

“Why are you home so early today.” I changed the topic instead. “My son, I not feeling too well so I took permission. They allowed me and said I should resume back when I feel okay.” She narrated.

“Okay.” I said. “Good evening ken.” Janet greeted. I almost forgot she was here.

“Eehh. This is Janet I think you already know her she said she came looking for you. She came the first time no one was at home, before she came the second time and luckily I was at home.” My mum explained.

“Sorry for that.” I pretented to be sorry as I said to Janet. My mum excused herself saying she needed to take some rest.

Immediately she left. I asked Janet what she was doing here. And she told me she just came to see me that she got my address from James my best friend.

“You just came to see me.” I scoffed. “Relax now, I have something to tell you which has been bothering me a long time now.” She said.

“Okay, Go on.” I gave her a go ahead sign with my hand as I sat down opposite her.

“Haven’t you noticed.” She began after a moment of silence. “Notice what.” I asked confused. “That I love you.” She replied her expression changing suddenly.

I couldn’t believe what I heard. Wait oo. So Janet has liked me for a long time now and I didn’t notice. There where times she helped me with notes I owed in school and also got me gifts too. But I just took it as her been a good friend nothing else. And here she was telling me she loves me. She must be hurt for me not to notice all these while.

“I am really sorry. I didn’t realise you had feelings for me. If I had known I wouldn’t have hurt your feelings.” I apologized.

How many times was I going to apologize today. It is really a bad day for me. Olivia and now Janet. Am really lost. I don’t have feelings for her but I feel for Olivia that’s who had stolen my heart.

Am really lost. I don’t have feelings for her but I feel for Olivia that’s who had stolen my heart.


But from the look of her face if I declined she would surely do something sťùpìd.

“Okay.” I said still lost in my thoughts. “Is that all you are going to say.” She said with a not satisfied with my answer look.

“I will need to think about it okay.” I assured her. Some minutes later Janet left.

I went into my room. I brought my phone out of my pocket and realised I had an unread message from Olivia. My heart skipped a beat. I opened the message and it read *Ken, pls meet me tomorrow at my house. And am really sorry for what happened today.*

Wow, she just apologised to me. I immediately felt relaxed. I felt more better now. But I wasn’t sure how I was going to face her tomorrow. I layed on my bed.


I heard a løud noise from the streets. People were scré@ming. What is happening again now. I thought. I looked through the window and it was an @ccidént scene. All this b@d drivers sha, they won’t drive with caution.

I checked the time and it was still 6:45 pm. I decided to while away time by taking a stroll. I told my mum and she gave me the permission telling me to be back early.

I walked on the streets gently. I was enjoying the evening breeze as I walked. After I had walked a few miles away I felt I was hungry. I haven’t even eaten. I was so hungry so I went to a nearby restaurant to have my dinner.

I entered into the restaurant. It was a nice place the settings of the tables and chair was of high class. I took my seat and a waiter came to ask what I wanted. I gave him my order and few minutes later he was back with them. I was about to eat when I spotted someone sitting in one end of the restaurant.

It was Olivia. A guy was sitting with her and they held hands. “D@mń it.” I cúrséd under my breath. I stood up. What I was about to do was something really føølìsh.

‼️Make sure you’re following me so you won’t miss the next episode

I stood up slowly. I took my plate of food as I walked gently towards the table where they sat. As I got closer I threw the plate of food at the guy. He was so shocked. The people in the restaurant were amazed at what I did. Olivia was in shock and she looked at me and she even got more shocked.

Surprised I was the one who did it to her guy. ” Is this why you bailed on me.” I asked even more furious. “Ken, are you okay. Just look at what you did to my brother.” She screamed loudly with tears now in her eyes. The people were now around us some even took out their phones and were recording.

What have I done. Olivia will never forgive me. I really did something so føølìsh. I didn’t think before I acted. “O…Ooh…li..via I am sorry.” I found myself stammering I was out of words. No matter how hard I try now she won’t forgive me.

I just stood there staring into a blank space and Olivia left with her so-called brother. I just ruined my chance of seeing her tomorrow. I was later brought back to reality by the gentle tap of the waiter on my shoulder asking for the bills of the food.

Is this guy serious. He didn’t even pity the state I was in. Well I paid him his money.

I walked out of the restaurant when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was an unknown number. I ignored it. I don’t have time for this right now.

I was now on the street going back to my house still lost in thought. I stood at the side of the road as I made the cross. I didn’t even look left or right I just crossed absentmindedly. The next moment something heavy hit me.

I was woken up by a beeping sound. I wondered where I was until I opened my eyes. I was surprised to find myself on the hospital bed. I was been giving drip. I immediately sat up and looked around. I saw a nurse and when she looked on my direction her expression changed and she ran out side coming back inside with my parents, Olivia’s parents and Olivia herself with her brother.

They were all happy to see me awake. I still had a slight pain in my head that’s when I noticed I had bandage on my head. My mum came towards me smiling as tears dropped from her eyes. “Thank God you are fine.” She cried. Every other person came closer sympathising with me. “Can you remember what happened.” My dad asked as he sat beside me.

“I…I can’t remember. All I remember Is me trying to cross the road.” I answered. “For how long have I been asleep.” I asked. “A week. Me and your father just couldn’t believe what happened. We just prayed to God keep you alive.” My mum said sobbing gently.

They all left me to rest except Olivia she stayed. She came closer to me saying “Am sorry.” “Thanks, at least am fine that’s what matters.” I smiled. “I shouldn’t have done that to your brother. I was just jealous.” My voice now getting weaker as tears began to build in my eyes.

“It’s okay. I understand. I shouldn’t have ignored you the way I did. I couldn’t stop worrying about you for the past few days. Am glad you are back.” She smiled and tears dropped from her eyes too. We were both crying. She sat beside me and we hugged. We disengaged the hug. “There is something I have always been troubling me that I want to tell you.” I said. “Am all ears.” She said. “I love you Olivia.” I confessed.

Please make sure you’re following me so you won’t miss the next episode

“I love you Olivia.” I confessed. She looked at me fumbling with her fingers. “Well, I love you too. I have felt the same way but couldn’t find ways to tell you.” She also confessed. I was really happy and surprised. Before I knew it we were kíssing. It was so inténse that it lasted for about two minutes. We were distracted by my parents.

We immediately stopped and did as if nothing happened. But they just smiled at us. The doctor also came in. “Can he be discharged now.” My dad asked. “Yes. He is doing great but he really needs to rest.” He emphasised. “That won’t be a problem doctor.” My mother said shaking hands with the doctor. “Ken, meet my brother Oliver. Oliver met ken.” Olivia introduced. “Wow so you guys are twins.” I asked. “Yeah.” Oliver answered. I could see the resemblance now.


We got home it was already 4 pm. I have really missed school. But I will cope, I know I will. I said to myself. I was served food. I ate to my satisfaction. It’s been one week since I ate. So I really needed it.

Later around 6 pm James my best friend and Tayo came to my house. I was really touched. I have missed my buddies. James and Tayo know themselves. It was James who introduced me to him. They told me they always came to the hospital to check on me. “We just heard you’ve been discharged today. So we came to say hello.” James

Explained. “Thanks buddies I appreciate it.” I was really grateful.


It is now Monday. I was happy I would be going back to school. I got ready and when I was done I left for school.

As I entered our class. There was a loud noise as everyone ran towards me to welcome me back. They were all shouting “Big daddy is back too.” I never knew I was this popular until now. When they all left me to their seats. There was Janet looking at me. She ran towards me and hugged me. I almost forgot about her. How am I going to tell her I don’t like her.

The bell for assembly rang. We all ran to get to the assembly ground. It started with singing of the school hymns and a shot prayer, then the national anthem and national pledge. It was time for announcement. The principal came forward. We greeted him and he went further by telling us the reason for the announcement. “You all know that once in a year in this great school. We have a special day for the students. Who can tell us what that day is.” He questioned. A student from the junior section raised his hand and answered “FEELINGS DAY”. “A round of applause for him.” The principal said. Later on we matched to our classes.


It was now break time and Janet came to my sit. “I heard what happened. Hope you are better now.” She asked with concern. “Yeah am really better.” I answered. “Have you thought about it.” She asked. My heart raced a thousand miles and I began by telling her “Look Janet. This may sound heartbroken to you but its the truth. I don’t love you. Am sorry.”

Her expression was now really sad. She was crying now. She couldn’t talk back. “Am sorry it has to be this way. There are other guys who will love you for who you are. You are a nice person and you deserve the best.” I cheered her up. She later stopped crying and she hugged me. “You are really a nice guy.” She said.


The Saturday morning sun shined on the earth, warm and refreshing. I was at Olivia’s house. It was 10:20am. I was in her room, she just finished taking her bath and came into the room. She saw me and smiled taking of her towel around her body. “I want you ken.” She said. “Do u really want to do this.” I asked. She nodded. And that’s how we did it.


The FEELINGS DAY is now here that (that Saturday night.) I waited at the hall entrance waiting for My love💟. Few minutes she arrived. She was looking so gorgeous tonight. I walked towards her and we kissed. I held her hand and we walked into the hall.

The end

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