This is how Sheyenne inpregnated two teenage girls on the same
day who were his school mates.

Sheyenne’s father was working out of town, doing menial jobs to
pay his school fees and pay family bills. His mom and dad had decided to stop
giving birth because it was not easy taking care of Sheyenne, his junior sister
and youngest brother.

Timka the youngest one liked football and his father offered him
a ball on his third birthday. But Sheyenne forcefully took the kids ball to
play with his friends and abandon it there.

When Sheyenne’s Mom asked,

“Where is your brother’s ball?”

“I left it on the playground with my friends,”

“Go immediately and bring the ball. Stop undermining

“I am going no where.”

He denied categorically because he had grown taller and muscular
than his father.

His mom was mad because Timka was crying for his ball and his
mother trek to the field and was embarass by her son’s friends who refused to
hand her the ball till they finished playing at 7p.m.

She abandoned the ball with them and returned home. When she
decided to punish Sheyenne, he pushed her on the ground.

“You are my son and you are going to see what you are
looking for. If i am not the one who opened my two looks and gave birth to you,
these are my flat breast. After carrying you for 9 months, the pain i felt as
my first birth and the flat breast you suckled. I am now small to put you to
order. You will find it soon.”

He was a big boy who lied to girls that his father was abroad
and he was rich. Then with his fine face Beri thought she was the only one and
he slept with her in his friend’s hostle. A few hours later Foni also responded
present to their rendezvous at the same friends place and took her own dose of
love. Three months later the two girls surprisingly jammed at Sheyenne’s
compound to tell him they were pregnant for him.

Beri and Foni had coincidentally jammed at Sheyenne’s compound
three months pregnant for him.

“Shey you said i was the only one,” Beri complained
and Foni was furious, “Shey i am pregnant for you, you told me how much
you loved me, if my parents find out i am finished,”

“Both of you are mad, i am not responsible for anything. I
am just 18 years old. Both of you should go look for who is responsible for it
before my mother comes back.”

As if he still listened to his mom. The angry girls returned
back home and a few days later Foni’s father carried her daughter to Sheyenne’s
compound, shouted furiously and dashed him a wife,

“You are already grown up right. When you are sent to
school to study; you go looking for young girls to destroy. I don’t even need
your bride price; she is already your wife,”

“Your shoulders have grown more than your head my
son,” the mother shockingly said clapping her hands and Sheyenne tried to
call her,


“Stop calling me mom, am i now your mother?”

As if that was not enough shock to bear, Beri’s father, the most
feared native doctor dragged his own daughter to Sheyenne’s house,

“I don’t have so much to say, just continue from where you
ended. When time will be due i will come for her bride price,”

“I am not responsible for her pregnancy,” he tried
denying it but was shut up,

“If you don’t shut those you lying lips, i am going to shut
them permenantly.”

Of course everyone knew Beri’s father was a wizard and what he
could do.

“I am finish,” Sheyenne’s mom was confuse but the
native doctor told her,

“Don’t bother yourself my friend’s wife. I know how you
struggle to grow this boy and train him in a good way; but since the boy has
decided to eat what his father eats let him carry his responsibility. A child
who think he is already a man should be responsible for the mistakes of his

Sheyenne had to take care of two pregnant girls and hid friends
nicknamed him the sharp shooter. The two pregnant teenagers became his
responsibility and he thought at that moment he could be mommy’s son but he had
ate his cake and couldn’t have it. When his father return from the city he was
disappointed at his son,

“Your mother was placed under family planning in order not
to conceive another child because we had no means to foster another and you
decided to be not a only a father at your tender age but inpregnated two girls.
A child cannot inpregnate two girls. I don’t want any stress, take the two
girls and live with them in the one room hehind the main house. You are already
a grown up take care of your responsibility,”

He was given a room and his father instructed his wife not to
bother about him,

“Since he is a man let him carry his burden.”

When the two girls started having cravings, he went searching
for jobs to feed them. He was forced to drop out of school to fent for the
pregnant teenagers. His mother never stopped providing him with his normal two
meals a day,

“I have the obligation to feed you but not your pregnant
girls. So you have two meals as usual.”

Most of the times he carried the food and shared with the hungry
pregnant girls. Sooner they needed medical attention and when both of them told
him how much it was going to cost Sheyenne felt like jumping in deep waters.

He decided to play a smart one on them by escaping his
responsibility, ran away, abandoning the two girls in the compound and maybe
his mother was going to suffer with them.

He lied Foni and Beri that he got a few days job where he was
going to get money for their clinic at the outskirt of town. They accepted and
asked him,

“What are we going to eat?”

He searched his pockets and handed 3000 frs to Foni but he
couldn’t leave because Beri grabbed his trousers.

Our children must read this.

“Where do you think you are going to? Where is my own money?”

“I just gave you people 3000Frs,”

“Do i look like her twins, as far as i am concern you must
give my own money. You slept with me alone not with her.”

He searched his pocket and took out 2000Frs. When he handed it
to Beri she insisted,

“Am i not pregnant for you too? Add 1000 Frs.”

He had no choice to succumb before leaving. On his way because
he had given them much than planned he had to trek for a long distance to
shortened the distance. While trekking he could understand what his father went
through to carter for them,

“If i had known i should had listened to my mom. Look at me
today running away from my fate, i am not even man enough.”

Non of the girls knew he was escaping and after three days he
had not shown up. They waited for four days and his mother was worried if
something had happened to his son. She decided to ask the girls who were hungry
and angry and was told he had surely ran away if she didn’t know where he was.

His mother couldn’t carry his responsibility and asked the girls
to leave her house,

“I was not there when both of you were opening your legs
for him.”

Beri left angrily without collecting her belongings while Foni
refused to move an inch.

When Beri returned home her father laughed and told her,

“Carry your shameful self back to that idiots house if you
don’t want me to transform you to a caricature now,”

“He has escape, Shey has escaped,”

“I said go back to his house.”

She had no choice but to go back. She would have been in school
but here was her wondering with a bleak future because she couldn’t hold
herself when Shey spoke sweet words to her. She did know there was nothing a
school boy like him could offer even if truly he loved her. They should had
been just friends and grew up first before knowing if they could really be couples
but boys nowadays reason inside their trousers and girls easily become victims?

If the girls
could have listened to their parents or Sheyenne had obeyed his mom one of them
should have escape the unwanted pregnancy.

Beri’s father
had asked her to return to Sheyenne’s compound and before she could set her
feet on the yard her father disappeared from the shrine and appeared right
before the escaped teenager,

“Do you
think you can run,”

He dropped the
bowl of gari he had soaked and it poured on the ground,

“If you
know what is good for you, go back and take care of my daughter,”

“Right away

“If i come
looking for you next time, you will be carried back home in a coffin.”

He disappeared
and Sheyenne was terrified, picked his things and returned home. He was
shivering like a wet chick. Even if his mom or dad wanted to help him there was
no means. He went about begging for people to hire him work in their farms and
even as a handyman in construction projects.

Sheyenne was in
Lowersixth Arts class which he left at the middle of the term. Beri was in
Lowersixth after her ordinary level and Foni was in form four. Beri was
eighteen when she became pregnant and Foni was sixteen. Shey was just a boy
bearing the burden of a man and their future was destroyed. It was a real
setback for them as their mates were preparing to pass their exams and go to
the next level.

The two girls
carried on for nine months with the pregnancies and while they were already
waiting to give birth, their mates were waiting for the results of the GCE and
preparing for the new accademic year.

By God’s grace
all them were delivered of their babies safely. Beri gave birth to a boy child
and Foni had a girl. Their babies shared the same baby crib and used the same
bucket and bowl for their dresses. Their mothers had to spent another two years
breast feeding and nursing the babies because they couldn’t hire babysitters
and Sheyenne could not go back to school either because he had to fent for

Recommend my

slept in the main house because the girls have stopped him from sleeping with
them on the same bed,

“Don’t even
touch me, do you think i want to become pregnant again with all that i went
through because of you and a few moments i spent with you in your friends

Foni reminded
him and he proclaimed,

father abandoned you to me as my wife,”

“Over my
dead body, i spent not up to five minutes with you in your friend’s room and it
ruined three years of my life. All my friends and peers are in the university
while i am still here hoping to return to school in form five. You want to get
me pregnant again,”

“I will use
a condom,”

“Sorry to
disappoint you i have given my life to christ. My father will soon be retired
and will also be tired to fund me back to school. Look at us here we hardly eat
two square meals a day. I have become an old maid when i am not yet twenty, my
breast are fallen like old worn out slippers. I even doubt who will come to
marry me, i am a second hand cargo,”

“So you are
expecting to marry another man Foni?”

“Stay there
and wait for me to be your house slave,” she was furious because the
memories were still fresh on her head. Sheyenne had grown to love her because
she was younger,

“You know i
love you?”

“Love my
foot, do we eat love. With what i have gone through you still sing love to me.
I am no longer that stupid naive girl of form four. My friends are in
university but i am here graduating from motherhood.”

That was what
have become of Foni and how she considered herself. She was not ready to become
pregnant again even when Sheyenne told her he was going to protect himself
before touching her she was mad at him. She took no chances and her mind was
worried about her wasted three years and if she joked she was going to spent
four years basking on the sun and grinding her teeth.

Beri resulted in selling parched corn to have small cash.
She could be seen hawking a tray of parched corn and fried groundnuts around
the neighborhood. As for her there was no hope of her going back to school. Her
father never went to school and her mum too. It took a whole night in the
bedroom for her mom to convince her father to accept sending her to secondary
school and her mom had to bribe him with so much tenderness and giving it to
him as a bribe. Yes, she was his wife but the father who was still for the
opinion that girls should not further their education but got married insulted
her mom,

“When i told you school is not mean for girls you argued.
You insisted and begged on her behalf. Look at our daughter, finally instead of
graduating with a certificate in medicine or teaching; graduated with pregnancy
and wasted years. Who will marry her again. If she never went to school, she
was not going to become pregnant, i blame you for this.”

It reduced the possibility of Beri’s junior sisters to ever go
to secondary school because of her fate. So when Sheyenne wanted to touch her
one night too, she gave him a dirty slap,

“Are you mad, why did you slap me?”

“You are the one that is insane,” Beri yelled at him
and added, “You want to put me back in that condition again,”

“Don’t let me descend on you Beri,”

“Try and see. Look at my life. Just the pain of giving
birth, i cannot do that again. To come back here. A one room house, broken bed,
no T.V, not even a radio. What am i even talking about when i starve on daily

She had also realized how many years she had wasted and was
never going to go back to school again. Her future was bleak and no hope. That
was it for the girls and they never allowed him to touch them again. It was
just the fact that Beri’s father was a native doctor that made him not excape.

When Foni’s child was two her parents took her home and sent her
back to school that was why she never smiled at any boy again. As for Beri she
was grounded with Sheyenne but never allowed him to touch her. Instead of going
back to school, Sheyenne had to hustle to take care of Beri’s child too who had
started attending pre-nursery school. He didn’t want to send him to school but
Beri insisted because she wanted where to keep her child in order to look for a
job as a housemaid. Her master was a very rich medical doctor who employed her
because his wife had given birth abroad and was returning home to continue work
and education while Beri took care of the ten months child and house chores.

The day her master’s wife was returning she was asked to arrange
the bedroom and put everything in order in the living room. Doctor Jaff’s wife
was returning home and as an educated lady she was not going to take nonsense
from Beri.

The husband drove to the airport in the nearby city which was
just an hours drive from their house in the outskirt. Two hours later he drove
inside the gate and yelled her name,


“Yes sir,” she reported to him beside the car,

“Help remove my wife’s things from the trunk of the

She got to the trunk took our her bag and on going to the main
house her eyes jammed with the Doctor’s wife and she recognized her,

“Sofia!” Then Mrs Jaff turned to her and surprisingly
called her name too,

“Beri, What are you doing here?”

“A long story that you already know the beginning.”

The husband wondered,

“Do you know each other?”

“She was my classmate,”

“How is that possible that you classmate… don’t

Dr Jaff didn’t want to embarrass Beri and reserved the queries
for the bedroom. That was life; poor Sofia that Beri used to mock in those days
in school because she wore the same shoe for the whole term and was not smart
was her boss’ wife.

Foni left Sheyenne and her parents adopted her girl child for
her to resume school but she had lost three years at home. Her mates were in
their first year in the university and she was still in form five. She took her
studies seriously but everything in her life was late and a setback. Sheyenne’s
future was squandered and he had became a father at nineteen and had no hope of
ever going back to school. Even when he wanted to write a public examination he
ended up using the money to resolve family issues. He had the Ordinary Levels
certificate but there was nothing a man in Cameroon could actually do with an
Advance level certificate except being a sweeper of publuc roads or dressing
hospital beds; then having an ordinary level like Sheyenne was only qualify to
dig public toilets or scrub corpses at the mortuary.

He lived from hand to mouth with a wife that hated him for
ruining her life as if he was the one who forced her to opened her legs.

But at least she kept the baby, others would have flushed it in
the toilet and walked the streets with damage wombs searching for the unlucky
man to settle with.

Beri’s madam and husbands while in the bedroom had a discussion
concerning the housemaid,


“E hmm,”

“I don’t seem to understand this, How come your classmate
is your housekeeper? Was she that dull in school?”

“She was a very intelligent girl,”

“Then why has she ended up like this? okay, Her parents
were unable to fund her education,”

“No darling,”

“Then what happened?”

“While we were in Lowersixth class, her and her friends
used to laugh at me as a ‘One shoe girl’ there was this particular shoe i used
to put on. I was not as sharp as her but i was focus and knew where i was
coming from. To maintain the class of girls, she wanted to be, she had to go
out with boys for money and became pregnant. The parents took her to the boy
responsible and abandoned her there.”


“Did they have to do that?”

“They had no choice because they were struggling too. So
she ended up dropping out of school and the worse thing was that the boy was
also responsible for another girl in form five’s pregnancy and he had to
completely forget about school till today. He goes about doing menial

“This is a lesson to our children. A good one to teach

They got into each others arms and the night was short for love
and sleep. The next day while Beri was doing her house chores one of her
Classmates who used to be classic stormed Sofia’s house sobbing.

“Shehla, what is it. I have never seen you like this,”

“My friend, my marriage is falling apart,”


“I cannot bear a child and i am afraid to tell my husband.
I never knew i was the problem till i personally visited the doctor and the
report stated that my womb was damaged some years ago through an abortion i

“What! how did it happened?”

“Let me just cut the long story short. You remember, i used
to go out with boys and men because i wanted to be classy and respected; For
the money,”

“I never knew,”

“I envy you my friend, i was pregnant not only once but
twice and terminated the pregnancy because i was avoiding the shame. Look at me
today. I don’t know how to tell my husband.”

Then Beri walked in without recognizing her,

“Who is that, why is her face so familiar?”

“Don’t you remember Beri,”

“You mean the almighty Beri,”


“She is now my house girl,”

“Are you serious,”

“Is that not her you saw,”

“I envy her for her courage. She still have her womb

“But her life is not the best,”

“At least she drink water and it calm her thirst. I don’t
even drink water and feel better because i am worried,”

“Adopt a child,”

“That is impossible,”

“Why is adopting a child impossible?”

Sofia inquired why Shehla couldn’t adopt a child with her
husband and she told her,

“My husband’s parents are expecting their son to give them
grand children and it should be from his wife. Imagine his parents find out my
marriage will be a mess,”

“Don’t he love you?”

“He really loves me but i never told him i committed
abortion, we should have gone for fertility test,”

“So what do you want to do?”

“The truth will surely destroy my marriage. but i have a
plan. I think Beri suits into this plan,”

“I don’t understand,”

“If i talk to Beri and she agrees to bear a child for my
husband i will tell my husband that i am pregnant for him. I will fake hospital
report stating that i am pregnant. But the person that will be pregnant for him
will be Beri not me and when her pregnancy for my husband is three months i
will look for a ploy to fly abroad and secretly take Beri along. We will board
the same plane. When she will give birth to the child we will stay abroad for
six months with the pretence that the child had complications and when the
child is no longer suckling i will make the child acquainted with me. In fact i
will babysit the child and Beri’s duty will just be to suckle the baby,”

“You carefully planned but you have not yet convinced

“The girl is poor and have the chance of staying abroad and
never coming back,”

“How will she become pregnant for your husband without him
taking note,”

“He is my husband and i know how to proceed. Step by step
let Beri accept first.”

Then Beri walked out and Shehla drew her attention,

“Hello Beri, don’t you recognize me?”

“Sorry madam, yourself face looks familiar,”

“I am Shehla,”

“You mean Shehla the sophisticated girl,”

“Wow madam, you looking good. it is well with you,”

“Stop this madam you are calling me. I am so glad to see
you. You are the solution to my problem.”

Then she took out a 10000frs bank note from the purse fished out
of her handbag and gave to Beri,

“Just have this Beri,”

“What should i buy, what are you drinking madam,” Beri
was still left in the dark even when Shehla uttered,

“It is for you, buy something with when you are goiong

“Thank you madam,”

“Stop calling me madam. I am still your friend Beri. Do you
have a phone,”

“No Shehla,”

“Okay, i will handle that very soon. I will get back to you

Beri happily got back home that day singing praises to God but
she didn’t know that when you useless your future some people will be good to
you because they want to use you wipe their mess. Beri was just a tool Shehla
wanted to use because she was not a kind nor generous lady.

shevgot home and prepared a good meal for her child and Sheyenne
also had a share though she spoke rudely to him. She still hated him for
destroying her life as if he forced himself on her.

The next day when Beri came to work she was handed an Android
phone by Sofia,

“Sophisticated asked me to give you this. Everything is
inside including the sim card,”

“Are you real madam?”

“Of course,” Beri wondered when she assured her it was
not a prank, it instigated her curiosity,

“Why is Sophisticated kind to me, i never knew her to be a
generous girl back then?”

“She is going to call you.”

It was Shehla that was called Miss Sophisticated when they were
in college. The life style she lived and in order to maintain her pride and not
to be shamed, she had to destroy her womb. All due to pride, like the fallen
angel. That is why to have abundant grace we must become disgraced but if we
try to run away from shame we will never have grace.

Beri wondered and kept pondering,

“But people change,” she thought and went on carrying
her chores. When she was done for the day, she greeted her madam and went back

When she got back home she started using her phone and even
wrote a message to Foni who had a small android given to her by her father.
Foni’s parents had decided to save her from another pregnancy while in
Sheyenne’s house and it was the best thing to do. She had learned her lesson
and was struggling back in school. When Foni learned she had a phone she was
mad Sheyenne bought her a phone but, when she explained how it happened she

“Is it really the Miss Sophisticated i used to know,”


“I wonder me oo.”

When Sheyenne discovered a few days later that Beri had a phone
he was curious and jealous,

“Can you tell me where you got money to buy that

“What is your problem?”

“Who gave you that phone. So you are seeing another

“If not of your uselessness i will not have to scrub pots
and undergarments in my mates house just to survive and you are here asking me
which man gave me a phone,”

“Are you shouting at me?”

He spank her angrily and she cursed him,

“I regret the day i opened my two legs for you to get
inside, you are an ingrate. After destroying my life you still have the guts to
beat me. What right do you have to do that. This phone was given to me by my
madam’s friend,”

“The friend is a man right?”

“Go to hell Shey.”

She walks out on him while their child watch them fighting and

The next day, Beri got to work with a swollen face and her madam
was mad,

“Shey is a beast, he cannot even afford to take good care
of you but have the guts to beat you up.”

While they were discussing, Shehla called her on the phone to
meet her after work and Sofia even allowed her to leave an hour earlier. She
usually left an her late but that day she left earlier to meet Shehla. The
encountered inside Shehla’s car and she opened up to Beri.

When Beri got into her car, she went straight to the point,

“You must have been wondering why i am so kind to you. It
is not by chance. I am finding it hard to become pregnant for my husband. I
want you to bear a child for my husband,”

“Don’t you have a child for him?”

“Medically it is impossible at the moment but with you it
is possible,”


“Let me cut the long story short,”

“I will fly you abroad to USA or Canada where i have
access. All you need to do is secretly become pregnant for my husband,”

“Is he part of this plan,”


“Hmm, how will i become pregnant for a man without his
conscent, is he blind?”

“No, i am his wife. If you say yes i will give you 5Million
immediately you conceive for him and before we go abroad. You will stay back
abroad if you wish and i will come back home with my child,”

“I cannot,”

“Think well, so you prefer living with a man who have
turned you to his punching bag and care less about you?”

“Have you been prying into my private life?”

“No, you don’t even have a ‘Choronko’ phone and you don’t
look good. Look at your face.”

Beri flashed back how miserable she have been from the day she
became pregnant for Sheyenne and thought it was the best chance for her. But
her worry was still on how Shehla’s husband was going to sleep with her

She thought of how she have been suffering and accepted to take
the risk. She could also use the opportunity to go abroad and disappoint Shehla
but there was no reason for Beri to let go such opportunity,

“I will be the one carrying the child and you must make
sure to keep to your own sids of the deal; 5 million when i am pregnant for him
and give me a resident permit to live abroad,”

“I will do all that because i know the risk of not
fulfilling my own promise,”

But Beri wondered how she was going to become pregnant for her

“How will i become pregnant for your husband? He is not

Even Sofia had wondered how was it going to be possible for Beri
to become pregnant for Dr Jaff. The funniest thing was that he was a medical
doctor of a different speciality. Then Shehla explained everything to her,

“We have to make calculations to find out when is the peak
of your fertility, when the eggs in your ovum are highly ovolated and
immediately he touches you, you will conceive,”

“My problem is not my fertility period, my worry is how
will he sleep with me. He knows his wife’s body, skin odor and how you react to

Beri had the reason to be bothered but Shehla had first of all
thought about all that,

“I usually have a particular perfume i use. I will give it
to you. I lied to my husband that i had to finish my professional education
before conceiving a child for him. My husband have to be drunk that night, he
don’t actually drink but i will do everything to get him drunk. When he is
drunk, i will take him to our bedroom and cuddle him to the extent that he will
be longing for it. At that moment i will switch off the lights and you will
sneak in to the room and take over from there,”


“Don’t have any fear, the most difficult one is to make him
drunk and the next difficult one is for you to become pregnant that

“So what do i do?”

Beri inquired and was told,

“All you need to do is tell me when exactly your fertility
is at its peak. You are a woman and knows right. I know all that due to my
condition. Before i could find out why i was not conceiving i had visited more
than five specialists. If you need my advice let me know.”

That was their plan and Shehla reminded her,

“Remember you will have to spent the night in my house that
night. Don’t worry your madam is aware. She is the only one who knows about

Beri was not worried about his madam but about Sheyenne if she
spent a night outside but Shehla gave her so many reasons,

“He is not your husband, he is just a guy who put you in a
regrettable condition. What unites you is the child. He will have to sleep
alone that night, just one night.”

When Beri finally gave her the exact period she was sure of
becoming pregnant, after her inquiries and calculations she confirmed,

“You are right, i just want to make sure my calculations
are exact, no mistakes are permitted.”

It was left upon her to convince her hubby. She really wanted
something that was not going to make him hesitate to drink to stupor. So that
evenfall while Beri visited them that night because she told her husband

“I need Sofia’s babysitter to come help me with some house

Later in the evening she had something to tell him,

“Honey i have something i want to tell you,”

“I am listening,”

“I am now ready to get pregnant,”

“Are you serious?”

“I am serious but i want to drink for the very last time
because i know when i will be pregnant alcohol will be forbidden from me. I
want us to drink to stupor,”

“But you know i am not a heavy drinker,” the husband
complaint and she claimed,

“Just once and i will be so happy. You have to drink with
me honey. That is why i asked Beri to come over so that she can lock the doors
if we misbehave. Do this to encourage me conceive our precious child. You know
your parents have been mounting us pressure and we told them to wait for me to
complete school,”

“If that will make you happy,”

“I will be very happy.”

The husband agreed and it time for no mistakes. She did want to
drug him because he needed him to on his top mood. He knew alcohol was going to
put him in the mood. She insisted for him to drink Boster and that time Boster
beer was called ‘Whisky black.’

After drinking three bottles of Whisky black the husband was
speaking tosh and misbehaving a little. Then as planned the wife who was
actually pretending she was on his fourth bottle of 33 export had only finished
one. She had poured the rest outside while checking on Beri. Then she walked
into the room with him and started cuddling him. The man was easily aroused
because he was drunk and when the lights went off, Beri sneaked in and went
straight to the point. She didn’t make any noise and was the one more on action

It was hard for Shehla that another woman was on him but that
was the only way to save her marriage.

At the end, when Beri walked out she followed her and was

“Did he release in you?”


“Hope you are okay?”

“I am fine,”

“Just go sleep in the guest room. It is too late now.”

While Beri slept she remembered that a priest once told her
sleeping with a married man was breaking the spiritual bond with his wife and
could open doors for marital issues. But she had suffered so much and even the
worries about Sheyenne’s reactions were despised because he maltreated her and
was mad at what had become of him due to the mistake he made when he was a
teenage lover boy.

When it was time to reap the fruits of labor those who misused
their years during school days ended up sweeping the mess of those who
graduated from school.

Two months later Shehla presented a hospital report that she was
pregnant for her rich and caring husband. It was very easy for her to fraud the
pregnancy test, Beri went to the hospital after two months, without her I.D
card and presented herself,

“I am Mrs. Ngaibe Shehla, the wife of Mr. Ngaibe,”

“Where is your identity card madam?” The doctor
inquired and she lied, “I forgot it at home and only discovered when i was
here. I just want to carry on a pregnancy test.”

When she was asked to write her name and age on the medical
report she wrote the details of Shehla.

Shehla just had to present Beri’s report bearing her name to her
husband and the man was so happy and glad. A month later Shehla traveled for a
trip abroad to Canada because she had told her husband she wanted to be
delivered abroad where the chances were so high for the child’s safety. So she
took a pretext and traveled abroad to visit her sister and arrange do some
medical check ups.

One month later when she was about to return the pregnancy was
already getting to six months, she called the husband and told him,

“Honey, i am so sorry something happened, i hope you will
not be angry at me?”

“Is everything okay?”

“I fell from the staircase, slipped and fell. I had a shock
and our baby is not okay,”

“Don’t tell me something happened to my baby?”

“Please hubby the baby is fine. The shock stress up the
baby and the doctor said i need a serious bed rest for two months for my our
baby to be stabilized and normal.”

The husband had no choice but let her have the two months
additional rest. By then Beri was already with Shehla in Canada. Shehla got up
one day went to her parents gave them so much money to take care of her child
with Sheyenne and disappeared from his life. When Sheyenne went to see her
father he was threatened with black magic. From the money Shehla deposited in
her account she gave her parents half a million to foster their grand child.

Sheyenne ended up wasting his future and gaining nothing at the
end. Foni had gone back to her parents with her own child and Beri disappeared
from his life and he never saw her again.

He had to start life from Zero and was already old to go back to
school. He had even lost the reflex of learning and decided to focus on his
future but no stable income. He couldn’t have capital to start a business and
ended up toiling from hand to mouth regetting every passing day the errors of
his youth.

Two months later Beri’s pregnancy was eight months and Shehla
told her husband that she was already too tired to return home and go back
again to Canada after. The husband had to endure because he really wanted her
to have a safe delivery. And it gave Shehla enough time to wait for Beri to
give birth and at that juncture she lied again to her husband,

“Honey i cannot travel with the baby if he is not three
months old,”

the man didn’t want anything to happen to his daughter and was
glad she waited and later was convinced by Shehla to let her complete the
baby’s 6th month clinic in Canada before coming home. Mr. Ngaibe accepted.

During Shehla’s stay in Canada she babysitted the child while
Beri only breastfeeded. The child grew up having two moms but more attarched to
her babysitter though blood was thicker than water. At that moment Beri watched
her child in another woman’s arms and could only hide her motherly affection
because money had bought her over. Her child was in safe hands and saved
Shehla’s marriage.

When Shehla finally got back home to her hubby, she completed
her lie,

“Honey i am so sorry, due to the shock i had during the
pregnancy and the complications during delivery in order for me and the baby to
survive, they had to pluck off my womb and i can never bear a child

“O my God, come here. you know how much i love you.”

But she was only scared Sofia or Beri could leak the secret was
indebted to them.

But as if that was not enough someone murmured to Mr. Ngaibe’s
mom’s ears; though the child looked exactly like the father they were still
doubts if the girl was his son’s blood.

Who so ever did that must had been aware that Shehla’s womb was
damaged when she was in school . Probably someone who was there when the
incident happened so his mom insisted that he had to conducting a test to find
out if the baby was really from his loins.

At first Shehla’s husband was reluctant to carry on the test to
find out the paternity of the child but the continuous insistence of his mom
pushed him to the wall and in order to make her stop singing like a mosquito to
his ears he decided to do it before her eyes,

“So you have decided to trust your mom more than your
wife,” Shehla was angry when he told her he needed to carry on with the
test. Though he tried to make her see the reason he was doings that,

“Imagine my mother on my neck everyday, she is choking me.
This is the only way i can get her off my back,”

She never took it lightly at all,

“Do you still love me?”

“I even love you more because you made me proud bearing a
child for me. You are my gold and silver,”

“Then make sure your mother stop behaving like i am the
elder sister to the devil.”

He had a serious argument with his wife and they finally settled
everything at the hospital whereby the test was conducted right before the
mother and proven that the baby was her son’s. Of course the child was his
daughter but with another woman. Sheyenne only got up one morning and got a message
from Sofia that she was in Canada fending for herself. She was sending money to
her parents to take care of their child.

Sheyenne ended up as a gateman in a company because the company
wanted someone who could read and write. He hated women and ended up using them
and dumping. He even hired prostitutes to spent the night with and all his
earnings were spent on drinking. He was still loving in his parents house when
he was in his mid forties and there was no hope for him. As for Beri she
returned from Canada already during her forties and had constructed a mansion
for herself but she was a single mother who lived with her grown up son. She
had given him everything and he was called Kuminyuy literally meaning to
remember God but he was almost referred to in short as Kumi.

Kumi lived with his single mother and sometimes paid a visit to
his drunk of a dad who was married to young village girl who lived under his
mercy. Kumi had become a graduate from school of public works and was a civil

Then he encountered this young girl who was stucked on the other
side of the bridge blocked due to the construction of a damage section. The
beautiful young lady caught his attention when he was supervising it due to her
agitation he got close,

“Sorry miss, there is no way you can come across with your
car, you see we are trying to maintain a delicate damage here. It is for our

“I am heading somewhere and i am late,”

“Why don’t you park your car and go across on foot,”

“I go about jumping on cabs right,”

“Calm down, why not let me walk you across and accompany
you in my car at the other side of the road.”

He had melted to her beauty and offered to help as a ploy to get
her contact. While he drove her to her destination they chatted amicably and
ended up laughing together on the manner she reacted and she said,

“I am sorry i insulted your workers,”

“I understand you are a lady,”

“Why did you decide to help me?”

“I was enchanted by your beauty. Despite your angry face i
couldn’t stop admiring your beautiful face and imagined how it will be when you
smiled. Just confirmed it now,”


“You just melted my heart with your smile,”

“Stop it, we just met.”

Then asked when she was going to leave the site and she told him
3p.m and at that very moment he surprised her when she was stepping out and
pick her up, drove her to her car and was rewarded with her number and another
amazing smile.

He later asked her for a date and after three monthz their love
was unbreakable. Kumi started singing in her mothers ear he had found the woman
he wanted to spent the rest of his life with.

His mom was glad and asked him to bring her home. While the
amazing girl called Fomo also told his parents she had found a man she loved to
bring home. He was very serious and caring. It was the best thing her parents
ever wanted becausee she was their only hope to see their grand children. Love
had expanded and her father was a high blood patient.

Her parents were so anxious to encounter the young man who
wanted to marry their only daughter and only child, so they insisted that Fomo
should bring the boy home. She was in love and so excited to present his heart
beat to them soon. When she told Kumi that her parents wanted to meet him, he
was excited too becausee he so loved her. There was a bond they felt for each
other’s when they first met and it yoked them together.

Her parents happily welcomed him home and were glad he was an
engineer. There were no issues with him until Mr. Ngaibe her father asked,

“Who are your parents?”

“My mother and father never finally got married though they
stayed together for some time because my mom relocated abroad,”

“Where is your father,”

“He is old and tired after living from hand to mouth. I am
the one taking care of his needs now. My mother still blame him,”

“Where is your Mom?”

“She is in Canada and will be coming home soon,”

In that very moment Shehla was uncomfortable, the boy was saying
something that was sounding like a coincidence. She decided to dig deeper,

“Who is your father exactly, what is his name?”

“My father is Mr. Sheyenne,”

“And your mother,”

“Her name is Beri,”

“Is Beri’s father who is your grandpa a native

“Yes, do you know her?”

“Wow! the world is a small place. She was my

“Darling i am glad you even know one of his parents,”

“It is okay.”

The shape of her face made it clear that there was something
wrong as her daughter was curious,

“Mom, i hope there is no problem?”

“No problem my daughter.”

Her mother pretended but during the inquiry she had just found
out Kumi who was engaged to her daughter Fomo was the son of Fomo’s biological
mother. Ngaibe her husband was the biological father but didn’t know he was
drunk the day he slept with Beri who was hired by his wife to become pregnant
for him. She pretended she was pregnant and took Beri abroad to be delivered of
Fomo who was named Fomo because it literally meant gift by her father. She had
to do something to stop their wedding but she couldn’t make her husband aware.

She asked Fomo when Beri was coming back to Cameroon and got the
exact time. Beri was no longer living with Sheyenne who had wasted his entire
life doing tedious task and had issues with his spine when he was in his mid
forties. He was hospitalized regularly and his son Kumi remembered him as
father but the man who was not that old spent most of his time on the couch
under a special diet because alcohol and fresh meat was forbidden from him. As
for Beri she ended up without a husband due to fact that the guy she met abroad
discovered she was delivered of two children and had another son in Cameroon
but lied to him that she had only Fomo.

The man discovered her old clinic bills and reports. Where was
she going to meet the man abroad if she never accepted to carry a baby for
another woman’s husband, the only reason she found herself abroad.

She was a rich woman but the fact that she used the fruit of her
womb to become rich hunted her for the rest of her days, till another
terrifying memory was refreshed.

She returned from Canada a week later and got an unprecedented
visit from an old friend. She was no other person but Shehla.

Thought she was there for old time sake but forgotten wounds
were going to be rekindled.

“There is a serious problem, if it is not handle carefully
and tactically it is going to destroy all we have built for years…”

Beri was worried what the problem could be and shocked when she
asked her,

“Did your son told you that she found a woman he likes to

“Yes, the reason i am back, to start preparing their

“You have to do something fast before she get pregnant or
they become unbreakable,”

Shehla warned and Beri wondered,

“My son is very happy and i have never seen him that way
before. He loves her so much,”

“He cannot,”


“The lady he is in love with is my daughter,”

“You mean my blood,”

“Your blood but my daughter. Remember the oath we

“Serious problem. Kumi is in love with his half sister. No

They didn’t know where to start from and how they were going to
separate them. They must have been bonded by blood where the thickness of it
together bounded their union. It was a bond of brotherhood and sisterhood that
gave them that deep sensation and affection.

They wondered how they met but it was a question for another
day. The both of the parents decided to dissuade them on both sides. Beri was
to try talking to Kumi her son not to marry Fomo and Shehla was to convinced
Fomo to break up with him. But one thing for sure they were not ready to tell
them that they were half sisters or brothers. It was a secret that was for
Shehla’s detriment if it was spoken out and so she was ready to keep it and
take it to her grave. As for Beri she couldn’t break her son’s heart with the

While she was riding in her car worried about the outcome of
their plans meant to save Shehla’s marriage, Beri who was rich and unmarried
was in a relationship with a very caring man too and didn’t want to freak him
out with such an ugly side of her past. The reason she finally went abroad and
became rich was because she bore a child for another woman’s husband. Which had
hunted her forever, anytime she was in a serious relationship some thing bad
happened and spoiled it.

When Beri got home she invited Kumi and asked him pretenciously,

“Who is the girl you want to marry,”

“She is called Fomo,”

“I know her already so tell me more about her family.”

When he told her about her family she persuaded him,

“I am sorry my son you cannot marry from that family. You cannot
marry her,”


“Look for any girl whether black, white, rich or poor but
not her,”

“You just returned from Canada a few days mum and is
telling me not to marry the woman i love with all my life. What is the reason
for this?”

“My son, you don’t want to dig a buried and rotten

“If i will have to dig it right to the depths of the earth
i need to know because nothing can stop me from marrying her,”

“Let’s just say i and her mother can never move along. We
are enemies,”

“And i and Fomo are true lovers. I don’t care if you are
Russia and she is Ukraine i will marry her.”

On her part it didn’t work and since Shehla didn’t want her
husband to hearken to her convincing her daughter not to marry him, she took
her to a private place.

“My daughter you know i love you more than everything on

“Yes mom,”

“You cannot marry Kumi,”

“What do you mean by that mom. Is this a new joke?”

“I am serious. Go for anyman of your choice but not

“Mom is dad aware of this your funny joke?”

“Don’t even dare telling him. His mother is my enemy, both
families cannot get along,”

“I don’t care if you are the devil and she is Jesus mom,
even the bible ask us to love and forgive our enemies. I love this guy mom. I
think i will tell dad,”

“Don’t even dare,”

“If you keep on insisting i will have no other choice but
to spill it out to him. You are such a joy killer mom,”

“Don’t say that to your mother,”

“Then stop it.”

Then he drove
her and Mom home and when he was dropping the mother begged,

young man just come in and greet my husband her father. You seem to be a lovely
and caring man.”

And from there
the mother took the opportunity to invite him for dinner during the weekend and
he accepted. When the man went away Fomo was angry,

“Mom what
is the meaning of you throwing me to a man like i was already wasting like
that. You know i am engaged,”

about Kumi, he is not good for you.”

Then her mother
tried convincing her to give Ngalla a chance and she will love him but she was

Beri discovered
that a beautiful lady in Kumi’s office was madly in love with him and decided
to bringforth her own plans to hook them together.

intentionally visited her son in his office and told him she liked her. As if
it was a joke she secretly told her she was good for her son. Then invited her
over to the house on Saturday in the late afternoon to come help her with some
chores. After that she asked her to stay over for dinner. During dinner Kumi’s
Mom intentionally left the two of them on the table to make them get aquainted.

It was a little
late when they ate dinner and his mom insisted that she spent the night though
he was not comfortable. At about 11p.m when the young lady was sleepy the
mother asked Kumi to go check the guest room and when he got there the room was
locked up. They both searched for the key in vain which resulted to an
unpleasant idea by his mum,

“Just let
her sleep in your room Kumi, she is a woman,”

“Mom, she
will unsteadily sleep with you mom,”

“No, not my
room. There is nothing like that.”

His mother
dragged her to his room and pushed her inside. Then he stood there stranded and

“Be a
gentleman and give her good company,”

“What do
you expect me to do with her in my room mum,”

“Don’t be

His mother scolded him as he claimed,

“Even Fomo my fiancée has never slept in my room with me
not to talk of a total stranger,”

“This girl is not a stranger, i like her and she likes

Then his mom dragged him to the door and pushed him inside. No
one knew what happened between them in that room but early in the morning
Kumi’s Mom called Fomo that Sunday that there was an emergency. His son had
locked him inside the room the whole day and night and she was scared. Fomo
told her they spoke before sleeping but she sounded like he was in trouble.

Fomo rushed to the house while she pinned her fingers for them
to be in a compromising position.

Then she rushed in while his mom was in the parlor waiting,

“Just go up to his room and knocked quietly, when he
responds tell him you are the one.”

She had really sculpted her smart plan and when Fomo knocked she
was shocked another woman opened the door with exposed lingerie.


She was shocked and before he could realized it was her she was
already crying and going downstairs. Encountered his mom,

“Why are you crying?”

“Did you know he was in there with another woman?”

“I don’t have any idea. Is that the reason he locked
himself inside the whole night? Don’t cry, it is okay i will fix it.”

Then he rushed to her downstairs and begged,

“Please honey it is not really what you think,”

“Another woman spent the night in your bedroom with

“Nothing happened, you can asked my mom,”

“Was i inside your room Kumi, my daughter its okay.”

She rushed out of the house sobbing and heart broken. Entered
her car and drove home recklessly.

Kumi turned to his mom furiously,

“Mom, what is the meaning of all the drama,”

“Read the writing on the wall my son. Your mother wants
something good for you. You cannot marry her. Both of you are meant to be but
not like husbands and wife.”

Kumi wondered what his mother meant by the statement he was
meant to be with Fomo but not as her husband because she didn’t give him a
tangible reason. He picked his cloths and rushed out to go after her. But when
he got to the gate Fomo had gotten home crying and the mother locked him
outside with the ploy he break her heart but actually she was just trying to
stop their relationship.

The next day he followed her to her work place and explained
everything. If that was true then why was their parents bent on hurting them so
they decided to quit their parents and live indipendently under the same roof.

Beri and Shehla discovered they had cause more chaos than good
and decided to do the right thing. In that moment they called the children and
tried lying to them,

“The reason both of you cannot get married is because you
are brother and sister,”


The grown up kids exclaimed, and Kumi asked,

“How is it possible?”

And Beri respinded, “I am Shehla’s sister lets say half
sister and so both of you cannot be married,”

“What do you mean by you are her half sister? Can you be

“We share the same father but different mothers,”

“I don’t think so because i know who is my grandpa and
grandma. You don’t like us right?” He couldn’t believe it as believe
thought so too, “Big lie, i know my maternal grandma and grandpa. I will
find out from them even from dad the truth,”

It became complicated because the children were so much in love
that they couldn’t listen to such a lie. It was at that moment when the mothers
tried to let them conceal the idea of finding out and go for other suitors but
the blood they shared was binding them and love they thought was erotic was
surely the bond between the only sister and brother.

The fact that Fomo wad grown a lone and Kumi was the only child
of his parents saw Fomo as not only a companion but the sister he never had and
she felt the same too.

Their love was getting stronger and they couldn’t believe the
lie that their parents were related by blood. When Beri and Shehla discovered
that their lie couldn’t save the truth from coming to the light they had to
spill it out on the condition that they were not going to tell anyone even
Fomo’s father.

The grown ups were living in their own house, preparing to be
husband and wife; when Beri couldn’t bear further, she called Shehla and told
her straight up,

“If we don’t stop them now they will start sleeping as future
husband and wife, whereas they are brother and sister.”

That same day they both hurried to unveil the long kept secret.
Beri knocked at the door and when she got in her son greeted,

“Welcome mama, this one you are here this morning,”
but that was not the end of the shock when his mom didn’t bolt the door, then
Fomo walked in,

“Is there any problem, why is my mother in law and my
mother here at this hour,”

“Where is my daughter or your sister?” Beri asked and
Kumi responded,

“Your daughter is not here mom, i don’t have any

“She meant my daughter,” Shehla interjected and he
responded, “she is upstairs,”

“Call her immediately, we all have to talk.”

Their parents sat down stairs and Fomo rushed down so happy,

“Mom, have you both finally decided for us to get

“I am very sorry Fomo, how we wished it could be possible
but nature is against us,”

“I don’t understand you mom,”

“I am just your foster mother, Fomo’s mother here is your
biological mom,”

“Please can someone explain what’s going on here,”
Kumi yelled and Beri shocked them,

“You cannot get married because both of you are my
children. I gave birth to two of you. You are brother and sister.” They
were on each other’s arms and got lose.

Tears dropped from Fomo’s eyes and Kumi tried to uttter a word
but got choked with words in his mouth.

“Do you mean Fomo is my sister,”

“Yes my son, she is my daughter.”

Fomo was confused and asked, “Then who is my father

“Your father is your father,”

“I don’t understand, who is he?”

“My husband Mr Ngaibe is your biological father, i am your
foster mom and She is your biological mom.”

“We deserve some explanations here,”

Then Beri recounted the story to them.

“I had wasted my future when i became pregnant while still
in college and my parents took me to the boy who inpregnated me, your father
Kumi was useless, he was still a boy. He was unable to take care of me because
he also inpregnated Foni. So he was a polygamous teenager with no job to take
care of us. When Foni left i found a job as a housemaid in a certain house that
ended up to be my classmate’s matrimonial home. That was where Shehla met me
and needed my help. We were mates in school too. So she told me she was unable
to conceive and to save her marriage we conspired for me to become pregnant of
her husband. She traveled abroad and secretly took me abroad giving her husband
the impression that she was pregnant. Everything went on as planned and she finally
returned with Fomo and you became the only child,”

“Was my father aware of this plot?” Fomo inquired and
was shocked, “No, but the good thing is that you are his biological
daughter. You know his health conditions if we tell him now that i am not your real
mother he might have a heart attack.”

They succeeded to make them keep the secret. That was when they
discovered that what they felt from each other was the feeling of brother and

They blamed their parents for keeping the secret from them and
Kumi told them,

“Imagine that both of you were no longer there to stop us
from getting married we should have gotten Married. I have always wish i had a

“And i have always wanted a brother,” Fomo claimed as
they hugged each other with so much affection.

They become too close to each other so much that Fomo had issues
keeping another relationship because she never found a man as loving and caring
like when she dated her brother. She always compared them with him untill one
of the men who wanted to marry her angrily said,

“Why not go ahead and narry your brother?”

Kumi on his part had problems with his new girlfriend because he
gave more attention to his sister more than her. She was jealous and left. It
was discovered they were afraid to let go the sister they never had or brother
she never had. They could never replace a sister or brother but could have
another girlfriend or wife.

As for Sheyenne he ended up living from hand to mouth, suffered
till he left the earth. Foni never got married because most men never wanted to
marry a single mother. As for Beri she ended almost being duped by a young man
who was after her wealth because she was desperate to have a man by her side.
Men compalined she was already forty and couldn’t bear a child for them.

As for Shehla after her husband’s death his daughter inherited
most of his assets because he thought his wife was her biological mother and at
the end the daughter spent much of her time with her biological mother because
she wanted to be close to her brother.

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