Rejected Little Secret By Lisa Novel – Chapter 11-15

Rejected Little Secret Chapter 11 

When it comes to strength, the Thornholde pack far surpasses the Blackacre pack. 

The pack consisted mostly of young adults, and interestingly, the Alpha was also a young adult. The population of elders in Blackacre is minimal, and even if there are any, their indifference towards politics is apparent. The other packs tend to look down on Blackacre, despite the fact that their Alpha is incredibly strong. It’s no secret that Blackacre and Axton Hunt are not taken seriously by most of the old Alpha’s with new predecessors. 

Standing on the sidelines, I could smell the faint remnants of incense from yesterday’s ceremony, as I diligently picked up litter with a trash bag in hand. As I collected the stray bits, I silently observed from the sidelines as Axton’s pack embarked on their training. 

Their movements were calculated and focused as they confidently tackled the obstacles, their determination evident. in every precise step. It was clear that they were seasoned warriors, their muscles rippling with strength as they moved with effortless grace. While they made it appear effortless, the exertion was becoming increasingly noticeable on certain faces. Some members of the pack were already exhausted, their breaths labored and desperate as they pushed themselves beyond their capabilities. 

Slapping their backs with a smirk, Axton seamlessly moved among them. 

“Take a break if you need to,” With a loud shout, his voice traveled far and wide across the training grounds. “Forcing yourself won’t do anyone any good. Rest, and then come back when you’re ready.” 

His words were met with nods of gratitude from his pack, their exhaustion evident as they gratefully sank to the ground to catch their breath. Zeke’s insistence on pushing Axton’s pack train to its limits felt unjust, especially considering he had never required the same level of intensity from his own men. I had never witnessed Zeke’s pack endure such intense training, and it felt unjust for Axton’s pack to face such close examination. 

While I continued to pick up trash, my mind was a flurry of thoughts and emotions, and amidst it all, I couldn’t help. but catch snippets of excited whispers from some women in my pack nearby. Their hushed voices carried an unmistakable sense of awe and admiration, leaving me curious to know more. 

My task momentarily forgotten, I focused on their conversation, my ears perking up as I strained to hear every word. At first, I couldn’t make out what they were saying, their words muffled by the distance and the bustling activity around us. With each step I took, their voices grew louder, and I gradually started piecing together their conversation. “He’s so strong.” One of the women couldn’t contain her excitement, and it was evident in her gushing voice. She let out a dreamy sigh, lost in her thoughts. “Did you see the way he lifted those weights? It was like he didn’t even break 


“I know, right?” Another woman chimed in, she happily fanned herself, basking in a state of pure bliss. “And did happen to spot the chiseled six–pack pecking out from under his shirt?” 

As their words registered in my mind, my heart raced and skipped a beat. 


They were talking about Axton. 


With a sense of wonder, I observed from a distancecaptivated by what unfolded before me. It was impossible to ignore Axton’s impressive physique, his muscles rippling with a combination of grace and raw power as he moved. Watching him in action, with his perfectly sculpted and defined physique, was truly awe–inspiring. 

It was too dark when we had sex, I wish I had seen his muscles better. 

To my surprise, Axton took off his shirt, revealing glistening bare chest that caught the sunlight as he began his sit- 

Chapter 11 

ups. Unable to tear my eyes away, I felt my breath catch in my throat, completely entranced by the sight in front of 

  1. me. 

As they watched Axton’s display of strength and athleticism, the women from my pack couldn’t help but burst into excited whispers, their voices brimming with admiration and desire. A surge of jealousy engulfed me, and I couldn’t help but glare at them, my heart racing with a combination of longing and frustration 

I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me. When I looked up, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I met Axton’s mischievous gaze, his eyes twinkling with mischiet 

Before I had a chance to react, he winked at me, a teasing smile playing on his lips. In a split second, I averted my gaze, my heart thumping loudly, my face flushed with embarrassment. 

Did he seriously just wink at me

Before I had a chance to fully absorb the unexpected encounter, Axton approached me with boundless energy, his wide smile radiating happiness as he greeted the women who had been admiring him moments ago 

“Hey there, ladies,” With a charming smile, he spoke, his voice like velvet, putting them at ease. “Apologies for interrupting your moment of admiration, but I need to take a break for a bit.” 

Their giggles filled the air as the women’s eyes sparkled with excitement, relishing in the attention bestowed upon them by Axton. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of nervous energy coursing through me as his attention returned to 

  1. me. 

“Why are you picking up trash, Chesnut?” With a playful tone, he asked, raising an eyebrow in a teasing manner. “Shouldn’t you be watching me instead? I mean, I know I’m irresistible and all, you don’t have to hide it.” 

His teasing made me roll my eyesas I desperately tried to downplay my embarrassment with a casual shrug. 

“Someone’s got to do the dirty work around here,” I replied, my voice laced with a heavy dose of sarcasm, making my true feelings clear. “And clearly, it’s not going to be you” 

As 1 fired back a retort, Axton’s laughter bubbled up, filling the air with a delightful warmth and a radiant glow. 

“Touché,” His words were accompanied by a widening grin, and he reached out to playfully ruifle my hair. “But seriously, Chestnut, why are you picking up the trash? Shouldn’t someone else be doing this? You don’t exactly look like you can carry live full garbage bags.” 

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his teasing, my annoyance growing stronger with each word

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Axton,” I replied, my words dripping with sarcasm and a hint of annoyance. I forcefully crammed an empty beer bottle into the garbage bag, causing a loud clank. “But last time I checked, werewolves like me are perfectly capable of doing the dirty work. It’s what I’m made for.” 

What you’re made for?” he echoed, his voice tinged with curiosity. “What do you mean by that, Chestnut?” 

Feeling increasingly self–conscious, I bit my lip nervously under his unwavering, penetrating gaze. I hadn’t intended to reveal that, but the words escaped from my lips before I could contain them. Now, I was left scrambling for an explanation, my thoughts racing like a runaway train as I struggled to come up with believable excuses. 

“Uh, nothing.” My words came out in a stammer, and I could feel my cheeks turning red with embarrassment. “I just meant that, you know, I’m used to doing the heavy lifting. It’s no big deal.” 

noticed a subtle change in Axton’s expression as his features softened, revealing a moment of comprehension as he pieced together the meaning behind my words. 

“Ah, I see,” His words were spoken softly, and his hand reached out to provide a comforting touch on my shoulder“Well, just know that you don’t have to do it alone. If you need help, just ask-” 

Chapter 11 

Axton’s sentence was abruptly cut off, leaving his words hanging in the air. 

In an instant, someone roughly shoved Axton, catching him off guard and making him stumble backwards while letting out a grunt of surprise. With a gasp of shock, I reached out to steady him, my hand finding his arm for support. I shifted my gaze and locked eyes with Colt, Zeke’s best friend and Beta, who wore a smirk that hinted at his 


I’ve always hated this bastard. 

“Hey, what’s your problem?” With anger and disbelief, I exclaimed, my voice quivering. With a shake of my head, I immediately move towards Colt, forcefully pushing him back with a determined expression. I pushed him with all my might, but his stance remained unwavering, unshaken by the difference in our sizes. “You can’t just shove people like that!” 

Paying no attention to my protests, Colt kept his eyes locked on Axton, a look of disdain etched on his face. With his arms crossed, he raised an eyebrow, silently questioning. 

“What are you doing, Blackacre?” He growled, his voice dripping with a low and menacing tone. “You should be back at your training. You don’t have time for this shit.” 

Axton’s face grew stern, his jaw tightening with unwavering resolve as he squared his shoulders and locked eyes with Colt. 

“I’ll decide when I’m done,” His response came, his voice resolute and unyielding, despite the forced smile on his face. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, Chestnut and I were in the middle of something.” 

A dangerous glint flickered in Colt’s narrowed eyes, reflecting his intense response. There was an unmistakable intensity in his eyes, as if his anger was on the verge of erupting. The frustration on his face was palpable, his eyes filled with fiery anger as he stared down Axton. 

“Look, man, I get it,” As Axton spoke, his voice remained calm and measured, while his hand moved absentmindedly through the air. Completely absorbed in our interaction, he doesn’t spare a glance at Colt. “I’ll head back to training after a quick rest. Calm down.” 

It was clear that Colt was not interested in any of it. He looked down at Axton, his lip curling in contempt. And with a spiteful glare, he spat out his words, each one laced with venom. 

“Rest? And you call yourself a werewolf? You’re probably a weakling, Blackacre. Turns out I was wrong about the rumors about you.” 

In response to Colt’s insult, Axton clenched his jaw tightly, determined not to be provoked. Rather than reacting, he chose to keep smiling, his composure unwavering in the midst of Colt’s hostile behavior. 

“You’re entitled to your opinion, Beta,” His voice remained unwavering, betraying no hint of the anger that brewed just beneath the surface. “But that doesn’t give you the right to disrespect me.” 

“All I’m saying is I always knew you were weak, but I never realized just how pathetic you truly are. How does it feel to know that you’ll never be as strong or as respected as our Alpha?” 

As Colt spokeAxton’s jaw tightened and his hands balled into fists, a visible effort to restrain his temper. Anger flickered in his eyes, but he resolutely kept his silence, refusing to give Colt the satisfaction of a response. 

Colt wasn’t finished. Chuckling, he turned to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

“And Maya. Look at you, thinking you’re entitled to everything as a worthless orphan. Seriously, haven’t you learned not to mess with our pack’s business?” 

As Colt’s words reached my ears, a mix of anger and sadness washed over me, making it difficult to keep my emotions in check. Rolling my eyes, I was on the verge of telling him to be quiet when Axton abruptly spun around and 

forcefully grabbed Colt by the collar. 

“Shut the f*ck up. Axton’s growl grew louder, his composure slipping away as his whispered words sent a chill through the training grounds. His pack members immediately halted their training, their attention focused solely on him, awaiting his command. You don’t f*cking get to talk to her like that “She’s a member of this pack, and she deserves your respect. I’m not sure how shit goes down around here, but in Blackacre, we show respect to our women. I would think Thornholde would do the same damn thing” 

With a scoff, Colt dismissed Axton’s words, his expression dripping with disdain. His gaze locked onto mine, and then he erupted into laughter, his booming voice reverberating in the air. 

“Respect?” he sneered. “She doesn’t get squat from us. She’s nothing but a whore who sleeps around with anyone who gives her a second glance! Orphans like her should be grateful to even be allowed to even stay in the pack.” 

Unable to contain his anger any longer. Axton’s temper snapped like a rubber band. Filled with fury, he charged forward, unleashing a powerful roar as he forcefully slammed Colt onto the ground 

Filled with rage, Axton snarled at Colt, his voice dripping with venom. 

“If you want to piss me off, congratulations, you did it.” 

The atmosphere grew heavy with tension as Axton and Colt’s argument escalated, causing my heart to race with fear and uncertainty. The intensity of their anger was unlike anything I had ever witnessed before; it radiated off them in waves, filling the air with palpable aggression. In the midst of the training grounds, they confronted each other, the silence broken only by the pounding of my heart, a sure sign that trouble was brewing. 

“Stop, Axton!” 

Fear gripped me, causing my voice to quiver as I cried out and hurriedly rushed forward, determined to intervene before things spiraled out of control. My desperate pleas went unheard as several of Axton’s pack mates positioned themselves in front of me, effectively cutting off my path. 

“Stay out of it,” One of them spoke, his voice resonating with power and control. “This is between them. There’s nothing you can do to stop them now.” 

As I watched helplessly from the sidelines, I could feel a surge of frustration building within me. There was a sense of inevitability as I realized that once Axton had made up his mind, there was no stopping him. But that didn’t stop me from trying, from wishing that things could be different. 

Meanwhile, Axton and Colt stood in a tense standoff, their fists clenched and their muscles tense with anger. I could feel the intensity of the anger building up, a ticking time bomb about to detonate. 

Finally, Axton let out a roar of defiance as he forcefully shoved Colt, sending him stumbling backwards and eliciting a surprised grunt. With a fierce glare, Colt regained his footing, his clenched fists trembling with rage at the sight of 


“You want fight, motherf*cker? You got it 

With a voice dripping with malice, Colt growled and lunged forward, his fists swinging in wild frenzy. Axton met his attack head–on, his own fists flying as they grappled with each other in a frenzied flurry of blows. Their movements were swift and brutal as they fought, sweat glistening on their brows and the smell of exertion filling the air. It was a terrifying scene, the sound of their fists colliding echoing loudly across the training grounds, filling the air with a sense of intensity. 

But then, to my horror, Colt’s expression contorted into a sinister smirk, his hand moving towards his neck to reveal a hidden item concealed beneath his shirt. With a sudden jerk, he brandished a small knife, its blade shimmering ominously in the bright sunlight. 

As I watched in horror, my heart raced and I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to scream, to make my voice heard, to desperately intervene before it was too late. Paralyzed by fear, I stood there silently, unable to move or speak as the words got stuck in my throat. 


As soon as Axton laid eyes on the knife, his shock was evident through his widened eyes, and his anger instantly transformed into serious expression. 

“You think knife can stop me, Colt?” he mocked, his voice laced with confidence. “I could defeat you without even something like that.” 

In a split second, Colt lunged towards Axton, the blade in his hand slashing through the air with blinding speed. 

Blood blossomed from the gash on Axton’s chest as he stumbled backwards, his cry of pain echoing through the air before he fell to the ground. In a state of shock, I gasped in horror, my heart pounding in my chest as I was unable to tear my eyes away from the unfolding scene. 

Even in his weakened state, Axton’s eyes burned with an unyielding determination, a clear indication of the fire of revenge that raged within him. With a defiant roar, he rose from his chair, his muscles tense and ready for the next round with Coll 

Chapter 12 

“You pathetic coward,” With a look of pure disdain, Axton spat out his words, his voice dripping with contempt as he locked eyes with Colt. “You resort to using a knife when you could have just fought like a real werewolf 

“You want me to fight like a werewolf?” With a boisterous chuckle, Colt flung his knife away, the sound reverberating in the surroundings. “Fine. You got it.” 

“No, Colt, you f*cking idiot, don’t do it!” 

My voice erupted in a scream, quivering with anger, as I desperately implored him to halt. Ignoring me completely. Colt’s attention was solely focused on Axton, his piercing gaze filled with an intense determination that made my skin crawl. 

As Colt began to shift, a guttural roar escaped his lips, and his body twisted and writhed in a grotesque display of transformation. I saw his bones snap and change position beneath his skin, while his muscles grew and expanded with an uncanny strength. 

As Axton watched Colt’s transformation, his eyes widened in alarm and his muscles tightened in preparation for the clash that was about to unfold. His eyes betrayed a flicker of fear, yet his unwavering resolve was evident in the way he squared his shoulders and braced himself for what was to come. 

Right when it seemed like Colt’s transformation couldn’t get any more intense, something completely unforeseen occurred. Axton’s body filled with a sudden burst of energy as he lunged forward, his hand gripping Colt’s wolf form tightly by the neck and forcefully pushing him down onto the ground. Helpless in his wolf form, Colt whined and snarled, his attempts to move only resulting in more frustration. 

The sound of grunts and growls filled the air as Axton struggled to overpower Colt’s wolf form, his muscles flexing with every move. My eyes widened in horror as 1 witnessed the intense clash between them, their snarls and growls. creating an echoing symphony that filled the training grounds like thunder. 

“Calm down,” As Axton spoke, his voice resonated with confidence and power, as he tried to reason with the untamed Colt. “You need to transform back into your human form. I’ll let you go, but only if you calm down.” 

It didn’t matter what was being said or done, Colt remained unwavering in his refusal. With a fierce snarl, he continued to struggle against Axton’s grip, his claws digging into the ground as he fought to break free. I could see the untamed wilderness reflected in his eyes, a feral fury that seemed ready to devour everything in its path. 

The air was thick with the sound of snarls and growls as the standoff continued for a few tense minutes. Cradually, Colt’s resistance started to fade away. Reluctantly, he let out a defeated whimper, surrendering to the inevitable as he felt his body relax and shrink back into its human state. 

Axton loosened his gripallowing Colt to wearily rise to his feet with a sigh that echoed his exhaustion. I watched as he stood there, his chest heaving with exertion as he struggled to catch his breath. The aftermath of their brutal confrontation was a sobering sight, leaving behind a trail of destruction. 

For a few moments, there was silence, the only sound the sound of our ragged breathing as we tried to process what had just happened. But then, with a heavy sigh, Axton wearily but resolutely stepped forward, his determination evident as he addressed Colt. 

“Listen to me,” Axton’s voice was low and commanding as he snapped his finger, instantly demanding attention. “During a challenge that’s not to the death, you can’t just bring a knife and stab people. It’s not how things are done.” In a display of defiance, Colt grumbled under his breath while meeting Axton’s gaze, his eyes blazing with determination. There was no way Axton was going to give up, his jaw firmly set as he carried on addressing Colt. 

“I could have been seriously injured,” Continuing with a sharp anger in his voice, Axton pressed on. With a casual gesture, he pointed towards the healed wound on his chestevidence of his swift recovery. “If I didn’t heal as fast as I do, things could have ended very differently. Your failure to remain calm could have triggered the start of a war. Do you grasp the magnitude of that situation?” 

Chapter 12 

Uncomfortable, Colt shifted his weight, unable to meet Axton’s eyes as he muttered indistinct words under his breath. Axton’s determination hardened his expression, and he swiftly delivered a sharp slap to the back of Colt’s head, refusing to let him off the hook so easily. 

“Listen to me.” Axton snapped, his grip tightening as he forcefully grabbed Colt by the head, making him meet his gaze. “In my pack, I have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. Is this the standard operating procedure in Thornholde? Do all of you intentionally ignore every single rule? It’s truly embarrassing that the largest and most influential pack in our nation lacks basic manners and conduct when it comes to hosting guests. 

Colt bit his lip, a chastened expression crossing his face as he locked eyes with Axton. It was clear from his expression that he had finally understood the message, his defiant demeanor giving way to a begrudging acceptance of his 


“Alpha Hunt, it seems my pack’s performance falls short of your expectations.” 

With every step Zeke took, his looming presence seemed to grow, surrounding us like a suffocating dark cloud. As he drew nearer, my heart leaped in my chest, and I couldn’t decipher the emotions behind his inscrutable gaze as he observed the scene. As I struggled to find the words to respond, my mouth went dry, and I had to force myself to 


“But first, what’s going on here?” 

With narrowed eyes, Zeke studied Axton intently, his piercing gaze searching for any trace of deceit. As Zeke’s scrutiny intensified, the tension in the air became palpable, weighing down on us like a suffocating blanket. 

“As we were practicing, a small argument broke out between us,” Axton’s casual shrug betrayed his obvious lie, his words dripping with insincerity. “Alpha LeBlanc, let’s not blow this out of proportion. It’s not as significant as you’re making it seem.” 

Zeke raised a questioning brow, his arms crossed tightly. 

“Your chest is covered in blood, Alpha Hunt, the result of a deep wound.” 

“It appears that you have exceptional vision, Alpha LeBlanc.” 

Zeke shifted his gaze to Colt, his face contorted in a stern expression, silently demanding an explanation for his behavior. Feeling uneasy beneath Zeke’s penetrating stare, Colt’s eyes shifted restlessly, his mind racing to find the appropriate response. 

“Well?” Zeke prompted, his voice filled with a sharp impatience. “What’s the meaning of this? Why were you engaged in a fight with a guest who is currently participating in our training program?” 

His gaze pleading for guidance, Colt nervously glanced at Axton, his struggle to find the courage to speak evident in his hesitant demeanor. Stepping forward, Axton’s somber expression hinted at the seriousness with which he approached Zeke’s inquiries. 

“Colt was making unnecessary comments to Chestnut,” Axton explained, his voice remaining calm and composed, even as the tension in the air thickened. “I tried to defend her, but things escalated quickly.” 

Zeke paused, his eyes scanning the area until they landed on me, as if he had just become aware of my presence. 


“Oh!” smile played on Axton’s lips, completely disregarding the fact that he had just engaged in a life–or–death battle moments earlier. Pointing with excitement, he directed his finger towards me, “You know, the pretty girl with the Chestnut hair.” 

F*ck. Under my breath, I let out a frustrated grumble. “F*cking f*ck.” 

OLGANUN Sumened 

by as me summer ms gaze towards me. “Maya, can I have a word with you?” Without hesitation, I shake my head in disbelief. 

“I’d rather not.” 

“Well,” Zeke shrugged, his expression growing grave. “What was once a question has now become a firm directive from your Alpha. Drop everything and let’s have a conversation. We have an extensive list of subjects to go over. Don’t you think?” 

Chapter 13 

As Zeke led me away from the others, his serious expression melted away, replaced by a fierce anger that consumed him. We walked in silence, the only sounds being the crunch of leaves beneath our feet, until we were far enough from prying eyes. It was then that Zeke’s simmering anger exploded like a volcano. His eyes, which were once filled with just anger, now shimmered with a tinge of jealousy. 

“What the hell, Maya?” Zeke’s voice dripped with bitterness, a sharp departure from the soothing tones he typically employed when speaking to me. Even before his words reached me, I could already feel their weight pressing down on me. “What the actual f*ck is wrong with you?!” 

“Excuse me?” 

Stammering, my face twisted into an expression of anger. Without hesitation, he got straight to the point.. 

“Why do you smell like that f*cking Blackacre Mutt?” 

I was taken aback, left speechless and scrambling to find the right words to express myself. The intense anger inside me made me hesitate between verbally tearing him apart or just straight up punching him, 


My mouth opened to respond, but a sudden lump formed in my throat, rendering me speechless. Considering what he did to me. I don’t think he deserves any insight into what’s happening in my life. 

“And what’s with not texting me this morning?” As Zeke’s anger intensified, a wave of jealousy washed over him. distorting his face with a bitter expression. “You’ve never done that before. What were you doing?” 

Sending him a text every morning is not something I do regularly, or even at all. He understands my disdain for using cellphones because they are products of human innovation. Jealousy has completely consumed him, distorting his thoughts and inventing imaginary situations. 


you with him now?” Zeke’s eyes flickered with a dangerous intensity, and I felt a chill run down my spine. “Tell me the truth, Maya.” 

My laughter felt forced as I tried to ease the tension, but it only seemed to make things worse. 

“You’re such an asshole, Zeke,” I said, my voice tinged with bitterness. “You’re acting like I’m the one at fault, but we both know you’re the one who cheated first.” 

Zeke’s face paled at my words, his eyes widening in shock. 

“Maya, I- he began, but I cut him off before he could finish. 

“Don’t even bother trying to explain,” said, my voice trembling with anger. “I saw everything that night. I saw you with Nadia.” 

The memories came flooding back, each one a painful reminder of the betrayal I had endured. I remembered the way Zeke’s hands had roamed over Nadia’s body, the way they had whispered secrets that weren’t meant for my ears. It was a betrayal that cut deeper than any knife, leaving me wounded and broken in its wake. 

“You promised me, Zeke,” said, my voice barely above a whisper. “You promised me that you would never hurt me like this. 

Zeke’s expression softened, his eyes filled with remorse. 

“Maya, I’m sorry,” he said, his voice heavy with regret. “I never meant to hurt you. It’s not what you think-” 

But his words rang hollowempty promises that offered no solace for the pain he had caused. I turned away from 


Chapter la 

him, unable to bear the sight of his face any longer. 

“You’re already arranged to be mated with her!!” 

“I trusted yo 

you, Zeke,” I said, my voice choked with emotion. “I trusted you with my heart, and you threw it away like it meant nothing. 

The tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I struggled to keep my composure. I had given him everything. laid bare my soul for him to see, and he had repaid me with betrayal. 

“I can’t do this anymore,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. “I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay when it’s 


Zeke reached out to me, his hand hovering in the air as if unsure whether to touch me or not. But I pulled away, unable to bear the thought of his touch. 

“It’s not like I wanted to cheat, Maya,” he said, his voice strained with frustration. “You have faults too in our relationship. 

My heart clenched at his words, a bitter taste rising in my throat. How could he try to justify his betrayal by pointing fingers at me? Anger bubbled up inside me, threatening to consume me whole. 

“F–faults?” I stammered, disbelief coloring my words. “You’re the one who kept me a secret, Zeke. You’re the one who lied to me, who broke my trust.” 

Zeke’s face twisted with anger, his eyes blazing with fury. 

“Because you’re an embarrassment, Maya!” he screamed, his words like daggers aimed straight at my heart. 

The silence that followed was deafening, a heavy weight pressing down on us both. I felt as though the ground had been ripped out from beneath me, leaving me adrift in a sea of pain and betrayal. 

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I struggled to make sense of what had just happened. How could the man I loved, the man I had given my heart to, turn on me like this? 

“I trusted you, Zeke,” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the sound of my own heart breaking. “I loved you with everything I had, and you threw it all away.” 

But Zeke’s expression remained cold and indifferent, his eyes devoid of any remorse. It was as though he had shut 

himself off from me completely, leaving me to drown in a sea of my own pain

“If you’re going to act like a complete whore,” Zeke spat, his eyes flickering to black in mere seconds, “You should be treated like one.” 


“I think…I’m rejecting you as my True Mate, Maya Dalto 

Chapter 14 

My knees buckled beneath me, and I crumpled to the ground, the pain in my chest threatening to suffocate me. Gasping for breath, I clutched at my heart, as if trying to hold the shattered pieces together. 

It felt like someone had torn me apart from the inside out, leaving me broken and empty. The intensity of the pain was overwhelming, like a thousand knives twisting in my chest, each one cutting deeper than the last. 

Tears streamed down my face, mingling with the sobs that racked my body. It was as though the world had come crashing down around me, leaving me stranded in a sea of despair. 

“Please, Zeke, I begged, my voice choked with emotion. “Don’t do this to me. Please…” 

But he just stood there, unmoved by my pleas, his expression cold and distant. 

“Stop embarrassing me, Maya,” he said, his voice tinged with annoyance. “Just stop.” 

His words were like a slap in the face, a cruel reminder of the rejection that burned like a fire in my chest. I watched helplessly as he turned and walked away, leaving me alone in my pain. 

The world seemed to spin around me as I struggled to make sense of what had just happened. How could he reject me like this, after everything we had been through? How could he walk away from me so easily, as though I meant nothing to him? 

The pain was unbearable, a crushing weight that threatened to consume me whole. I felt as though I were drowning in a sea of my own tears, lost in a darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. 

I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing, each one a painful reminder of the shattered pieces of my heart. My sobs echoed in the empty room, the sound of my anguish filling the air like a heavy fog. 

“I’m sorry, Zeke,” I stammered between sobs, my voice choked with emotion. “I’m so sorry…” 

But my apologies fell on deaf ears, lost in the void of my own despair. I felt like a ship lost at sea, adrift in a storm of my own making, with no land in sight to guide me home. 

The pain was overwhelming, a crushing weight that threatened to suffocate me. It felt like my heart had been torn from my chest, leaving behind nothing but emptiness and despair. 

And then, through the haze of my tears, I heard footsteps approaching. Someone was cooing softly, their arms wrapping around me in gentle embrace. 

“Shh, Chestnut, it’s okay,” familiar voice whispered in my ear. “Come on, you’re too pretty to cry.” 

I blinked through my tears, trying to focus on the figure before me. It was Axton, his eyes filled with concern as he held me close. 

“Axton?” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the sound of my own sobs. 

He nodded, his grip tightening around me. 

I’m here, Chestnut,” he said softly. “I’m here for you.” 

I buried my face in his chest, clinging to him like a lifeline in the storm. His presence brought me a sense of comfort and solace, like a beacon of light in the darkness. As–Axton’s comforting arms enveloped me, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. For the first time since Zeke’s rejection, I felt like I wasn’t alone in my pain. But as Axton gently asked why I was crying, the floodgates of my emotions burst open once again, and I found myself pouring out the painful truth that I had been hiding inside. 

“It’s Zeke, I choked out between sobs, my voice trembling with emotion. “He… he rejected me.” 

Axton’s grip tightened around me, his brows furrowing in concern. 

“Rejected you?” 

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my shaking voice as I recounted the painful events of that fateful day

“Zeke and I are True Mates,” I began, my voice barely above a whisper. “But he kept me a secret from the pack, even. cheated on me with my best friend.” 

The words hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the betrayal I had endured at the hands of the man I had loved. Tears streamed down my face as I relived the heartache and anguish of that moment, the pain still fresh in 



“I don’t understand, I sobbed, my voice breaking with each word. “What’s wrong with me, Axton? Am I not good enough?” 

Axton’s expression softened, his eyes filled with compassion as he gently wiped away my tears. 

“Chestnut, come on,” he whispered, his voice filled with sadness. “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect just the way you are.” 

I know he’s probably just saying this to make me feel better, but damn, does it make me feel like I deserve better things. And as he gently wiped away my tears and whispered words of comfort, his demeanor suddenly shifted, his expression darkening with anger. 

“That stupid asshole,” he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with bitterness. “Letting go of something other people would kill to have as a True Mate.” 

I blinked in surprise at his sudden change in tone, his words echoing in my ears like a harsh slap in the face. But before I could respond, Axton’s lips curled into a smirk, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. 

“You know, Maya,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “I think I might have an idea for how to make him pay for what he did to you.” 

My heart pounded in my chest as I stared up at him, uncertainty flickering in the depths of my eyes. 

“What do you mean?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. 

Axton’s smirk widened into a grin as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin. 

“I mean this.” 

Axton murmured, before closing the distance between us and pressing his lips against mine in a searing kiss. 

Chapter 15 

As Axton tugged me towards the nearest private area, my heart raced with anticipation and uncertainty. 

The cabin we entered was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of rice sacks. My pulse quickened as Axton drew me closer, his touch sending shivers down my spine. 

We stood in the dim light, our bodies pressed together in the confined space. Axton’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in. his lips hovering just inches from mine. 

“You’re so pretty, Chestnut.” he whispered, his breath warm against my skin. “So, so, pretty.” 

I rolled my eyes, irritated by his flirty remarks, I hate that I blush anyway. 

“Yeah, yeah, I muttered, trying to brush off his compliments. I teased, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at my lips. “You’re such a flirt!” 

But Axton wasn’t deterred. He leaned in closer, his lips hovering dangerously close to mine. 

“No, seriously,” he insisted, his voice low and husky. “You’re so f*cking pretty.” 

My heart fluttered at his words, rush of excitement coursing through me. I leaned in closer, my lips brushing against his in a gentle kiss. The world around us faded away as we lost ourselves in the heat of the moment, our bodies. pressed together in a passionate embrace. 

But as his kisses grew more insistent, I found myself losing control. I kissed him back with equal fervor, allowing myself to get lost in the rush of sensation. 

For a brief moment, the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us in our own private bubble of desire. But as the kiss deepened, a sense of unease crept over me, a nagging voice in the back of my mind warning me of the consequences of our actions.. 

I pushed the voice aside, choosing instead to focus on the intoxicating rush of pleasure that coursed through me. I let myself be swept away by the heat of the moment, ignoring the doubts and fears that lurked in the shadows. 

Then, suddenly, Axton pulled away from our kiss with a playful smirk, I couldn’t help but let out a soft whine of 


“Hey, where are you going?” I clicked my tongue in annoyancepouting slightly as he leaned back, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I thought we were just getting started? Are you done with me already, you bastard?” 

I added, flashing him an irritated snarl as I reached out to tug him back towards me. But instead of indulging my request, Axton surprised me by effortlessly lifting me up and placing me on top of a nearby rice sack. 

I squealed in surprise, feeling weightless in his strong arms as he effortlessly maneuvered me into position. “What are you doing?” 

I asked, my voice mixture of confusion and annoyance as he settled me onto the makeshift seat. 

Axton just grinned down at me, his gaze filled with mischief. 

“Just making ourselves more comfortable,” he replied casually, his tone laced with playful intent. “Now, where were we?” 

His words sent shiver of anticipation down my spine, and I couldn’t help but chuckle in response. 

“I believe we were right about here,” I replied, leaning in closer as our lips met once more in a passionate kiss. I pull away a bit to tease him back, “Remember now?” 

Chapter 15 

Axton chuckled some more, then gripped me by the neck to dive his tongue deeper into my mouth. The warmth of his touch enveloped me, sending waves of electricity coursing through my veins as I lost myself in the heat of the moment. The scent of rice sacks faded into the background as Axton’s lips moved against mine, igniting firestorm of desire within me. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as I deepened the kiss, savoring the taste of his lips against mine. Then, I kissed Axton’s neck, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my lips, he gripped my hair gently, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. 

“You’re a wild one, Chestnut,” he murmured, his voice low and husky with desire. “Never really expected this from a little thing like you.” 

I smiled against his skin, the sensation of his fingers tangling in my hair sending a rush of excitement coursing through me. “Is that a bad thing?” I teased, looking up at him through hooded eyes. 

Axton’s gaze darkened with desire as he met my gaze, his lips curling into a wicked grin. 

“Not at all, he repliedhis voice filled with promise. “In fact, I want more.” 

With that, he leaned in to kiss me again, his lips capturing mine in a passionate embrace. I melted into his touch, my body responding instinctively to his as our lips moved together in perfect harmony. Axton’s hands roamed over my body, his touch setting my skin ablaze with desire, I moaned softly against his lips, lost in the intoxicating rush of sensation as he explored every inch of me. Our kisses grew more urgent, more desperate, as we lost ourselves in the heat of the moment 

Then a voice speaks behind us. 

“Holy shit.” 

Startled, I pulled away slightly, my senses on high alert as I scanned the dimly lit cabin. 

“What was that?” 

I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest as I searched for the source of the sound. Axton’s lips trailed down my throat to my chest, his touch sending shivers down my spine even as I remained on edge. 

I glanced over to the corner of the cabin and noticed a sack of rice lying on the floor, as if someone had dropped it. My stomach churned with unease as I realized that someone must have entered the cabin while we were lost in our own world. 

“Did someone come in?” 

I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I turned back to Axton, searching his eyes for answers. He met my gaze with a playful grin, his lips brushing against my throat teasingly. 

“Let them see,” he murmured, his voice low and seductive as he pressed his lips to my skin. “Let’s give them a show. How else will the news reach your bastard of an ex, Chestnut?” 

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