Reborn as a Hero: The Epic Journey of Kim Suun – Most Powerful Awakened Reborn to Save the World 1-12

Reborn as a Hero: The Epic Journey of Kim Suun – Most Powerful Awakened Reborn to Save the World

A ghostly hand appears before our eyes, reaching for freedom. There’s a boy clearly burdened with something. The hand, or rather hands, continue to touch him, urging him to save their world, to save everyone. For some reason, they call him a hero, the one who must save their world. However, why does he need to become a hero? He asked his mother why he needed to be a hero for all of them. How can he stop all of this as it is really too difficult for him? But at the same time, his mother told him that he is the hope of this whole world. She tried to calm him with her touch and told him that this was the only reason he needed to become what they wanted him to be.

He thought his mother would comfort him now, but she pushed him away as if he were in a trance and said that her son wasn’t so weak that he needed to die like a hero. At the same time, his body immediately began to be carried away by all the hands. Someone is lying on the ground. A drop fell on his face. Many drops began to fall on his face and then he woke up. He clearly wasn’t in the best condition. He gets up and says he thought he would rest a little longer. He goes to the edge of the building where he is and sees a crowd of monsters below the building, clearly not giving him a second of rest.

There were definitely many monsters running around the building. Currently, he has 90 magic power and his power rank has reached the ninth. Many monsters noticed him, so our hero had no choice but to simply defeat them. He ran towards them and began to cut all the bodies. Because he had the rank of a hero, he performed stunts in the air, dodging punches and fangs, and continued to deliver blows that destroyed the ground beneath him, damaging all the monsters. He became exhausted, even spitting blood, until a voice was heard saying that finally, a true human hero. A huge purple monster emerged from behind one of the buildings and felt Kim’s incredible life force, so the monster confessed that his name was Fafnir.

He acknowledged that Kim deserved to be a part of a creature like him. Fafnir said he would defeat him quickly and immediately steal his strength. Fafnir kicked Kim’s body, which was immediately thrown to the side. Kim starts laughing. The system says that the fatigue level has already reached 98%, which could certainly affect his well-being. Kim only thought that this was probably the end, that there was nothing he could do about what fate had in store for him. A countless legion of monsters was already approaching the place where Kim was lying, his whole body trembling, many broken bones tormenting him. But even at that moment, remembering his mother’s words, he realized that he couldn’t protect anyone.

Fafnir immediately prepared to finish off his opponent, and all that was left for our hero to do was watch and understand that he was a simple entity that also couldn’t protect anyone. It was completely dark, but at some point, for some reason, his eyes immediately opened. Many people were standing over his body and didn’t understand why he had fainted. Many thought he had died, but what exactly happened? Kim immediately got up, which really scared everyone because he acted like a ghost. But Kim still didn’t understand anything because he breathed, saw his hands, and observed a clear sky above him. Many people thought he had gone mad, but Kim just thought that a second ago he saw Fafnir kill him.

Of course, at the same time, we realized that the guys are not his friends; they are people who gathered to attack him. The man immediately tried to attack Kim, but his instincts kicked in, so the hand was immediately deflected to the side. The guys didn’t understand what was happening, but it was too late as Kim knocked one of them down and threw him to the side with just one punch. Everyone was shocked, but Kim, unaware, immediately began to apologize. People began to call him crazy and said he was strange for doing this, and then claimed he was dead. But one of them shouted that the police were arriving. They asked him not to return to school, but Kim didn’t understand because he thought his name was Kim Suun and not Kim.

Kim immediately stood up and took the phone from his pocket. He found it very strange because it wasn’t his phone. It seemed like 20 years had passed. However, as soon as he looked at the phone screen, he noticed his new face. At the same time, we realized that in the year 2042, the world came to an end after dungeons began to appear in different parts of the Earth. Monsters emerged from the dungeons that hadn’t been completed and started invading the real world. This event was called the outbreak and ruthlessly destroyed everything in this world. On the other hand, there were people born with the power to fight against this catastrophe. People worldwide started calling these individuals awakened, and Kim was one of them.

Even after all humans died, he was the last one standing, continuing to fight against the monsters. He became the last representative of humanity and the strongest awakened. Returning to the present, he was at the police station talking to an officer. The officer asked for his name. Kim said his name was Kim Suun. At the same time, the officer asked for his date of birth and how old he was, but of course, Kim couldn’t answer any questions. Observing the calendar, he realized the year was 2022, so if his memory was correct, time had likely rolled back 20 years. The officer kept questioning Kim, so he had no choice but to say he was 19 years old because he actually looked that age and definitely was still in school.

The officer asked him if he knew his residential address, again with no response. While the officer became very angry, Kim could only think that he was absolutely certain he had died because of Fafnir. Was he dreaming, or was it just Fafnir’s magic? But it was clear that the sensation of the monster’s fist touching his body was real. He was truly in the past, only in someone else’s body. What would it take to return to his old body? There were many things he couldn’t and would be unable to figure out yet. Of course, when none of the questions were answered, the officer said there was no reason to talk to his mother, so he simply stated that his mother would come to pick him up soon.

The officer said that after he left, Kim shouldn’t wander but just sit quietly at home. At that moment, he was being warned about some places, and then a certain woman’s voice was heard shouting the name Kim Suun. She immediately ran to her son. It was clear that the mother was worried. Her face was full of fear and panic, but Kim couldn’t understand what was happening because now, in reality, in front of him was the mother of the former owner of the body he was in now. It was night and the sun was setting below the horizon, and the mother was asking if he had forgotten the home address. They had recently moved, but she definitely couldn’t imagine it would be impossible to remember. Maybe it was all due to stress. She laughed because she would have never thought her son would address her so formally.

Kim immediately broke into a cold sweat, realizing that in this new life, he would play the role of the former owner of the body, Kim Suun. But what should he say now, seeing his mother so distressed? Should he apologize? But the mother immediately handed him a handkerchief and said he only needed to wipe his face a bit. She said she heard that the kids who constantly bullied him did it again today. She asked when they would stop doing all this. She continued to wipe Kim’s face and asked him to tell her about it next time. She held Kim’s hand, which left Kim very confused. Of course, at that moment, Kim’s mother couldn’t understand what was happening. Why was it so quiet outside?

Kim also noticed this, and it was at that moment that a wolf appeared bearing its teeth. The mother didn’t notice anything, so she continued to walk carelessly. She said they should keep walking until Kim noticed something and started looking back, noticing the wolf. The wolf immediately lunged at him and tore a piece of his clothes, and many things fell from his backpack. It was evident that it was a war wolf, the threat the police had warned him about. He remembered that in 2022, outbreaks began to occur more frequently than before. The problem wasn’t how to deal with the warwolf but how to find the right weapons. Kim noticed an umbrella and grabbed it as a weapon.

Of course, his mother was very scared at that moment, but Kim asked her to stay quiet and armed himself with the umbrella. The wolf immediately attacked, but the wolf was injured as there were two wolves. The second attacked from behind. It became clear that the body Kim was in was incredibly weak to deal with such a monster if only he were awakened. Another wolf approached, and Kim thought it would be the end for him. However, he realized how his mother threw herself against one of the wolves with her body. The wolf fell to the ground, but the mother was also injured. Why did she do that? It was so dangerous and reckless that such an outcome couldn’t be imagined.

However, the only thing his mother said was that only her son should leave there alive. These words brought no peace to Kim. The wolves were after him. A strange and ominous aura began to emanate from Kim. He turned around, looking directly into the wolves’ eyes, asking if they wanted to die. The wolves sensed something and started to flee. Kim began to chase them with his umbrella in hand but immediately fell. Kim looked at the sky and wondered if this

was what Fafnir had planned for him. Would he really die here now? Maybe there was a way to survive.

A hero must rise again.