Pretty maid

Tina was employed as a new maid in the ken’s family,it was her first day,she came in wearing a black big shoe, with her long stockings and a long skirt with top everyone in the family was looking at her wondering what kind of thing she’s wearing, but besides her crazy attire she’s very beautiful.

Tina: good morning sir

Mr Ken:(Coughs)so you re the new maid

Tina:yes sir

Mr Ken:I see (looked at her from up to down and shakes his head)go to your room.your maid outfit is there just change into it and Sandra our cook will show you around the house

Tina: okay sir

Mr Ken:Sandra!

Sandra:(came out)yes sir!

Mr Ken:teach the new maid the things she needs to know in this house

Sandra: okay sir(left with Tina)

Ryan:(laughing hard) this girl must be crazy, did you see the kind of thing she wore(talking to his sister)

Zara:of course, she’s so local.i wonder where mom employed her from

Mrs Mira: you guys should watch your tongue

Ryan: okay mom (looked at his wrist watch)oops I should be in the office now, gotta go.. bye everyone (left hurriedly)


Ryan was back from work,he sat in his room working with his laptop when he heard a knock

Ryan: who’s there

Tina: it’s me Tina .I got you your coffee

Ryan: come in and drop it

Tina:(came in and dropped the coffee and left)

Ryan:(talking to his self)no matter how local this girl dresses she’s still beautiful,her beauty is natural and she even get curves.oops what i’m I even saying,abeg let me continue with my work

In Ryan’s office:

Ryan was working in his office when Helena came in, Helena was his childhood friend.she visits him at his office and sometimes at home

Ryan:what brought you here

Helena:is it now a crime to visit you.anyways,I got you some snacks (handed a fancy nylon to him) it’s your favorite snack

Ryan: thanks (took it and dropped it at his table)

Helena: hope work is going well


Helena: I’m so proud of you, you are so hard working and I know one day you will be handed over this big company

Ryan:only if Davison my brother will allow that, you know how much he is fighting to be the one this company will be handed over to.

Helena:I don’t know the problem with him, you are the first you are the heir and deserves to be handed over the company

Ryan:I don’t even need it,he can have it

Helena: don’t say that,I heard he travelled when is he coming back?

Ryan:he will come back by weekend

Helena: okay,I should leave now.i gat things to do

Ryan: okay bye

Helena: bye take care (left)

Ryan’s brother davin is back from his travel

Davin: what’s up dad and mom

Mr Ken:is that how to greet your father

Davin:yoo men

Mr Ken:I don’t have your time

Mrs Mira:davin go and keep your one have your strength now

Davin: it’s okay mom (left to his room)

Davin is a nasty guy,he is very dangerous and he is able to do anything to get what he needs.davin is in his room smoking when his phone rang

Lisa: hello davin

Davin:hello,why are you calling me

Lisa:and what does that mean?I shouldn’t call you,is that what you are trying to say

Davin:can you just say the reason you called and cut this fucking call

Lisa:I don’t blame you.anyways,I just want to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow

Davin: I’m not coming

Lisa:why? you should be there or are we not friends

Davin: I’m nobody’s friend.stay away from me (existed the call)

A knock on the door:

Davin:who is there

Sandra:sir,I brought you your food

Davin: come and keep it

Sandra:(Came in with his food and kept it for him)

Davin: what kind of food is this


Davin:(cut in) take it away

Sandra:sir what happened to the food

Davin:(slapped her)I don’t want to repeat myself again

Sandra:(took the food away in tears)

Tina:Sandra what’s wrong why is your face like this

Sandra: it’s sir davin

Tina: what did he do

Sandra:he slapped me just because I asked him why he want me to take the food away

Tina:is he okay at all? give me that food,I will take it to him

Sandra:his very rude and dangerous, you better not go there

Tina: don’t worry (took the food and headed to davin’s room)

Davin:who is there

Tina: it’s your new maid.i brought your food

Davin:I thought I told your colleague to take the food away

Tina:sir you need to eat, I’m coming in (opened the door and kept the food for him)

Davin: how dare you come in without me telling you to come in

Tina:(laughs) pardon me, but u need to eat your food

Davin: are you stupid? will you take this food away before I pour my anger on you

Tina: sorry but I can’t (left)

Davin:damn it! this girl get guts.she dares to disobey me but isn’t she cute?omg I must get this girl and make her pay for disobeying me

Davin treats everyone in the company so bad, his presence terrifies everyone and he talks to everyone anyhow he likes

Ryan:davin this is getting out of hand,I don’t like the way you treat everyone in this company, it’s not fair

Davin: will you shut up! what do you even know

Ryan:I don’t blame you, don’t forget I’m your senior brother

Davin: senior brother my foot

Ryan: you are acting this way and expect this company to be handed over to you

Davin: this company will be mine soon believe it or leave it

Ryan:we shall see about that

Davin: it’s either I kill you or you kill me (left and banged his office door)

Tina was washing the plates in the kitchen and Ryan came in

Ryan:hey beauty,how are you doing

Tina: I’m fine sir

Ryan: after washing the plates get some coffee in my room

Tina: okay sir

Ryan: I’m waiting (left the kitchen)

Minutes later Tina came in with the coffee

Tina:sir here’s the coffee

Ryan: thanks, please sit we need to talk

Tina: I’m just an ordinary maid.i shouldn’t sit in your room

Ryan: just sit

Tina:(sat down) what do you want to talk to me about

Ryan:I think I like you

Tina:(laughs) you are not serious,a whole rich guy like you that have seen many pretty rich girls will never like an ordinary maid like me

Ryan: I’m serious

Tina: I’m off (left)

Mr Ken’s company is hosting a night party

Zara:bro who are you going to the party with

Ryan:I don’t know, don’t you think I should go with Tina

Zara: have you lost it? how can you go to the company’s party with a maid

Ryan:it doesn’t matter, at least she’s pretty

Zara: you are not serious (hisses and left)

Davin:(came out)I overheard you saying you want to go the party with Tina but sorry to burst your bubbles, I’m going with her

Ryan:you wouldn’t dare

Davin:of course I will

Ryan: don’t make me lose my temper

Davin: let’s call Tina and see who she will choose to go to the party with

Ryan:no problem,Tina!

Tina:(came out) you called me

Ryan: yeah,I needed you to go with me to the company’s party tonight but my brother davin also want to go with you, what do you have to say about this

Tina:I don’t want to go

Ryan: you have to choose between going to the party with me or with my brother

Tina: I’m not going,who I’m i to go with you

Ryan: please

Davin: don’t waste our time, choose

Tina:do your parents know about this

Mrs Mira:(came in) what’s happening

Davin:mom,I want to go to the party with Tina

Ryan: same here

Mrs Mira:(sighs) you guys are something else, since is what you guys want. who I’m i to object.its now left for Tina to choose who she want to go with

Tina:(thinking)I will go with Ryan

Ryan:(smiles) thanks Tina

Mrs Mira:Tina I will take care of your clothing,follow me

Tina: okay ma(left with Mrs Mira)

In the evening Tina was all dressed up, looking so cute.ryan opened the car door for her and she went in and he drove off

Ryan:are you okay

Tina: yeah, I’m just not used to crowd

Ryan: okay just cheer up

Tina: okay

Ryan:I need you to think about what I told you about me liking you.i was very serious.i want to make you mine, just think about it,stay here and wait for me I’m coming.let me talk with my business partners (left)

Davin:(approached Tina) hey

Tina:(looked down)hi sir

Davin:so you choose my brother over me right?

Tina: it’s not like that

Davin:ooh really.anyways,we need to talk

Tina: what do you want to talk about

Davin:(took a deep breath)I want you to be mine

Tina:(dumbfounded) can you want a common maid to be yours

Davin: don’t ask me silly question, think about it (left)

Tina was confused,how could two brothers ask her out at the same time.who will she even choose?

Mr Ken is discussing with his son’s.

Mr Ken:I called you two here to settle the disagreement you guys are having about the company.and I want to make it clear to you guys who the real heir of the company is.

Davin: and who is that

Mr Ken:it is crystal clear that Ryan is the first son,not just that.he is always dedicated to the company and people in the company wants him to be their boss.for that reason when I retire Ryan will take over the company

Davin: and I won’t allow that,that company must be mine (hiss and left)

Ryan:dad don’t you think I should leave it for davin, since his desperate to have it.

Mr Ken: don’t say that, it’s your right and he won’t take it away from you

Ryan: thanks dad

Davin was trying to figure out how to take the company away from his brother

Davin:I must be handed over that company,no matter what it will cost me.even if it will cost me killing Ryan,I will do it (laughs evilly)

Davin called one of his boys and instructed him in how to kill Ryan

Davin:(in a cold evil voice) hello

Albert: hello boss

Davin:I want you to do something for me

Albert: anything for you boss, mention it

Davin:I want you to help me kill Ryan

Albert: but sir his your brother

Davin: just do as I say (existed the call)

Albert:how I’m I going to kill Ryan,I need to think of something fast

Rex:(puffing out smoke from his cigarette)who was that

Albert: it’s boss davin,he wants me to kill his brother

Rex:then do it, you know he will make you pay if you don’t do it

Albert:I will,I know the road Ryan follows when coming back from work.i will wait for him there and shoot him

Ryan is talking with Tina, and davin interfered

Ryan: what do you have to say about my request

Ryan: what request

Ryan: about being my lady


Ryan:(cut in) speak up,I really want you to be my wife

Tina: okay,I thought about it

Ryan:so what’s your reply

Tina: your brother davin also asked me out.don’t you think it will bring disagreement between you guys

Ryan:I don’t understand.why would davin ask you out

Tina:go ask him

Ryan: forget about davin.his a play boy just accept me please

Tina: I’m confu…

Davin:(cut in) did you just call me a play boy (coming out from his room)

Ryan:of course, that’s what you are

Davin:(laughs)why do you always have to be in my way in everything

Ryan:I don’t understand what you mean by that

Davin: you don’t need to understand

Ryan: I’m warning you,stay away from Tina

Davin:and if I don’t, what will you do

Ryan:I will skin you alive

Davin:(threw a punch on Ryan’s face) you can’t do more than a dead rat

Ryan: you dare to punch me

Tina: can you guys just stop this madness

Davin:I won’t stop until I beat the hell out of Ryan

Ryan: you wouldn’t dare

Mr Ken:(came in) what the hell is happening here

Ryan:dad,warn davin to stay away from Tina, she’s mine

Mr Ken:so all this madness is because of a girl (shakes his head)

I’m disappointed in you Tina, what are you doing here.shouldn’t you be doing some chores

Tina: sorry sir (left)

Ryan: sorry dad,I shall leave now (left)

Davin:no come and fight (smirks and left)

Mr Ken: this guys are something else (sighs and left to his room)

Albert was in his car patiently waiting for Ryan to pass with his car but to no avail.

Albert:gosh why isn’t he passing I need to complete this task

Rex: don’t worry let’s wait a little longer

Hours are gone and Ryan didn’t pass,so they decided to leave.

Ryan didn’t follow that road that day

Davin is answering call with Albert

Davin:why is Ryan still alive

Albert:sir we didn’t see him where he usually pass