Once upon a time, there is a rich family. They have three sons: Dave, Sam, and Kenny. Dave is the oldest, Sam is in the middle, and Kenny is the youngest. Their parents are very rich. They give their boys everything they want.

The family lives in a big house. It has pretty gardens around it. They have people who help them in the house. The boys have lots of toys and nice clothes. They also go on trips to fun places.

Even though they have lots of money, their parents tell their sons to work hard. They say it is important to be kind to others. Dave is the oldest. His brothers look up to him. Sam likes to have fun and make jokes. Kenny is always curious and wants to explore new things.

Dave is studying in a private university, while Sam gained admission to study in a state university. Alongside Sam, Nina also gained admission to study in the state university. Nina comes from a very poor family.

She has a younger sister named Nancy, and her parents struggle to make ends meet. Despite their hardships, Nina was fortunate to receive a scholarship starting from elementary school. However, the scholarship only covers her tuition fees and accommodations.

Nina has to take care of her own expenses for food and buying books. Even though Nina’s parents can only provide her with basic food supplies and a small amount of money for meals, they do their best to support her.

Nina is a beautiful 20-years-old girl, and her beauty shines wherever she goes. As a freshman (100 level student), Nina catches the attention of almost every guy in her class with her stunning looks and figure. Many of them ask her out, including Sam, but Nina refuses their advances and chooses to focus on her studies. She is determined not to let anything distract her from her academic goals.

When Sam first laid eyes on Nina during their clearance time, he immediately fell in love with her. Sam was known as the kind of guy who didn’t take no for an answer, and when Nina rejected his advances, he became determined to win her over. Despite Nina’s refusals, Sam continued to pursue her relentlessly, even when others gave up. His persistence knew no bounds, and he kept on bothering Nina about being in a relationship with him.

As time passed, Kenny, Sam and Dave’s younger brother, joined Sam at the university when he gained admission. Kenny enrolled in 100 level, while Sam progressed to 200 level and Dave was in his final year, studying at a private university. Despite being in different stages of their academic journey, the brothers stayed connected and supported each other.

Sam and Kenny decided to move from their small room to a two-bedroom flat, feeling cramped after being used to the spaciousness of their family’s mansion. In their new living space, Sam confided in Kenny about his feelings for a girl in his class, Nina, who was giving him a hard time and seemed uninterested.

Taking Kenny’s advice, Sam decided to flaunt his wealth in Nina’s presence, hoping it would impress her and make her accept him. He showered her with gifts and gave her large sums of money in front of their classmates, hoping to show how genuinely he cared for her. However, Nina rejected his gifts and money in front of everyone, humiliating Sam and making him the subject of ridicule.

Feeling embarrassed and hurt, Sam tried to stop Nina from leaving, asserting his dominance. However, Nina was not intimidated and slapped him in front of their classmates, warning him never to bother her again. The slap stung both physically and emotionally for Sam, as he became the target of mockery and laughter from those around him.

Feeling ashamed and unable to face anyone after the public humiliation, Sam confided in Kenny about his desire to hurt Nina for the embarrassment she caused him. Kenny, standing by his brother, supported Sam’s decision and agreed to help him confront Nina.

Together, fueled by anger and wounded pride, Sam and Kenny devised a plan to retaliate against Nina for her actions. They plotted to confront her and make her pay for humiliating Sam in front of their classmates. With determination in their hearts, they vowed to confront Nina and teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget.

Nina’s friends in her class, Bella and Sophia confronted her in their dormitory(hostel). They scolded her for slapping Sam and said she had gone too far. They explained that people don’t handle rejection and humiliation well. After being scolded by her friends, Nina promised to apologize to Sam.

The next day, after classes, Nina tried to talk to Sam, but he didn’t want to listen. Despite this, Nina kept trying for about three days until she finally got his attention. She apologized to Sam for slapping him and humiliating him in front of everyone. She asked for his forgiveness.

Sam responded by saying he would only forgive her if she apologized to him in front of everyone she humiliated him in front of. He also said she had to agree to be his girlfriend, or else he wouldn’t forgive her.

Nina replied that she was sorry for the slap,and also ready to apologize in front of the class but she couldn’t date him or anyone else because she wanted to focus on her studies. Sam got angry and said if she couldn’t date him, he wouldn’t forgive her. He told her to leave, and they both started arguing and insulting each other. Sam’s revenge was further provoked by Nina’s refusal to date him.

Sam, still fuming with anger, stormed to his brother’s department to vent about how Nina was continually provoking him. Kenny, his brother, urged him to calm down, assuring him they would find a way to deal with Nina.

During the weekend, a classmate invited everyone to her birthday party. Nina wasn’t keen on attending, but her friends Bella and Sophia persuaded her to join them. To Nina’s surprise,Sam also showed up at the party.

When Sam saw Nina at the party, he pointed her out to Kenny who came alongside with Sam to the party, expressing his frustration. Kenny, amused, commented on Nina’s attractiveness and beauty suggesting that the best revenge would be to get on her p@nt,that will make her too embarrassed to face anyone. The brothers laughed at the idea while sipping their drinks.

Sam and Kenny devised a plan with some friends to distract Bella and Sophia, who were acting like bodyguards for Nina, so they could isolate her. While Nina sat alone, enjoying some birthday cake, Kenny approached her, pretending to be friendly. Nina didn’t realize Kenny is Sam’s brother.

Kenny complimented Nina’s beauty, making her blush, but his intentions were deceitful. He pretended to be interested in her, urging her to drink juice. Nina agreed, and Kenny signaled the waiter to bring the juice, which had a sleeping pill added to it. Kenny eagerly waited for Nina to drink it, hoping she would fall asleep.

Just as Nina was about to take the drink, her phone rang, interrupting the moment. Kenny anxiously waited for her to finish the call so she could drink the juice. After the call,before she could take the juice, Bella pulled her onto the dance floor, causing the drink to spill. Nina apologized to Kenny, who smiled outwardly but felt furious inside.

Nina and Bella danced with everyone else at the party. Sam asked Kenny if their plan worked, but Kenny said no. He said Nina was lucky, but wondered how long she could stay lucky and avoid them.

Towards the end of the party, Kenny made a deal with some guys, offering them a lot of money to try to win over Sophia and Bella, so they would spend the night with them leaving Nina behind. Luckily for Nina, her friends weren’t easily swayed by money. They turned down the guys’ advances and decided to leave the party early with Nina because it is getting late.

Sam and Kenny returned home angry that their plans failed. They couldn’t understand why Nina seemed so lucky. Kenny assured Sam that they wouldn’t give up. They vowed to find a way to deal with Nina and her friends Sophia and Bella, who always had her back.

Back at Nina’s hostel, Bella and Sophia teased her about her dancing skills, saying she could dance really well despite pretending to be a “church girl.” Nina laughed and admitted that while she could dance, she preferred watching others dance instead.

Bella praised Nina, saying she was the best dancer among them,everyone at the party was impressed by her. Nina explained that she didn’t like dancing because guys often took advantage of the opportunity to touch girls inappropriately.

Sophia agreed, acknowledging the unwanted attention girls often received while dancing. Despite this, they all complimented Nina, saying she was amazing. They shared a laugh together before freshening up and getting ready for bed.

Nina was busy studying, and she didn’t know that Sam had a mean plan against her. She was really good in school and often helped her friends Sonia and Bella with their hard homework.

One day, Nina got a call from her mom and dad. They were happy about how well she was doing in school. They told her to keep focusing on her studies. They explained that if she got good grades, she could get a good job and help them have a better life.

Nina’s parents told her how proud they were of her and said she should promise to do her best. They asked her not to let them down. Nina promised to work hard and do well in school, just like they wanted.

With her parents’ encouragement, Nina felt really determined to do well in her studies. She knew it was important to make them proud and help them have a better life. So, she studied hard every day.

Kenny and Sam found themselves in a difficult situation during this semester of school. They were more focused on figuring out how to deal with Nina than on their studies, which resulted in poor performance in their results. After the semester ended, Sam moved up to 300 level, while Kenny in 200 level, both with low grades and even having to repeat some courses(carried over).

Their older brother, Dave, brought joy to their parents by graduating with a first-class degree. Their parents, disappointed by Kenny and Sam’s performance, scolded them and warned that they wouldn’t receive much money if they didn’t improve.

Feeling embarrassed and frustrated, Kenny and Sam blamed Nina for their academic troubles. They vowed to confront her when school resumed, determined to make her pay for what they perceived as her role in their failure. Meanwhile, Nina continued to excel in her studies, bringing pride to her parents.

During the holiday break, Nina selflessly helped her father with farm work, even selling some of the produce to earn money for her expenses at school. Her dedication to her family’s well-being was evident, and she remained committed to making them proud through her academic achievements.

Nina’s love for her parents and sister, Nancy, was unconditional, and she was willing to go to great lengths to ensure their happiness. Her focus on her studies was not just for herself but also to fulfill her promise to her family and bring them joy and pride.

When school started again after the holidays, everyone was happy to see each other. But Sam and Kenny weren’t as happy as the others. Their dad had reduced their allowance for food, and they had been scolded a lot for not doing well in school. This made them feel sad and upset, unlike their classmates who were enjoying being back at school.

While Nina was in class receiving lectures, her sister Nancy kept calling her phone, even though it was on silent. Nina had never received so many missed calls from Nancy before, over 20 in this case. Nina decided to wait until class was over before calling Nancy back.

Nina called Nancy back and learned that their parents were in a terrible accident, needing 300,000 for hospital bills. Nina didn’t have that kind of money, but she comforted Nancy and promised to come. She then went to Bella and Sophia, explaining the situation and asking for help. Sadly, Sonia and Bella couldn’t assist either. They suggested asking classmates, but no one had the amount needed for Nina’s urgent situation.

Nina decided to approach some lecturers she was close to for help, but they explained they didn’t have the money she needed for her urgent situation. However, some of them gave her whatever little they could to support her. Left with no other options, Nina turned to Sam, hoping he could assist since her parents’ lives were at stake. Sam agreed to help, but he laid out five conditions.

Nina refused Sam’s offer after hearing his conditions, which included her becoming his girlfriend, doing all his school work, moving in with him to be his flatmate, never rejecting his advances(s@x)when ever he want, and making their relationship public on campus. Nina refused,she left and traveled to her village to see her parents.

When she arrived, she found their condition critical. She offered the little money she had gathered from people to start treatment, but the doctor said they needed 300,000 within the next 3 hours, or they wouldn’t survive. Fearing for her parents’ lives, Nina returned to school and reluctantly accepted Sam’s offer. Sam had her sign some papers with the police and two others as witnesses. He then gave her the money, but tragically, before Nina could reach the hospital, both of her parents passed away.

Upon returning to school a month later, Nina attempted to return the money to Sam, untouched. However, Sam refused to accept it, insisting that Nina must fulfill the conditions she had agreed to by signing the papers.

Nina took her friends Sophia and Bella to see Sam during break. They gave him back the money Nina borrowed because she didn’t end up using it for its intended purpose. They pleaded with Sam, explaining that Nina is struggling emotionally after losing her parents and need peace of mind.

Despite their heartfelt pleas, Sam remained firm and refused to change his mind. He even hinted at seeking legal action against Nina if she didn’t comply with his demands, showing them papers she supposedly signed in front of witnesses.

Feeling defeated, Nina, Bella, and Sophia decided to leave and return to their classes. Nina found it hard to concentrate during lectures because she was worried about how she would take care of herself and her sister, Nancy, especially since she is broke.

After class, Sam and his brother Kenny went to the police and the witnesses to report Nina’s refusal to fulfill her part of the deal. Sam explained to them that Nina wanted to return the money because she hadn’t used it, and also because her parents had passed away. He emphasized that he didn’t want the money back but wanted Nina instead.

However, upon hearing Nina’s circumstances of Losing her parents and being ready to return the money she borrowed, the police and witnesses sympathized with her and advised Sam to let her go.

They explained to him that he can’t force someone to love him. Instead, he should find someone who will love him back, and he will love the person too. They warned him that forced relationships often don’t end well.

Despite the advice, Sam remained fixated on Nina and vowed to continue pressuring her until she complied with his demands. Kenny supported Sam’s decision and promised to help him in his efforts to threaten Nina.

Sam’s obsession with Nina grew, and he couldn’t remove the thoughts of her from his mind. He was determined to make her his, even if it meant resorting to forceful tactics.

Despite the setbacks and warnings from police man and the two witnesses, Sam was unwilling to give up his pursuit of Nina, convinced that she belonged with him.

Kenny suggested to Sam that the most effective way to retaliate against Nina would be to deceive her. He proposed that Sam should pretend to forgive her and ask her to bring the money to their house. Once she arrived, Sam could confront her and manipulate the situation to his advantage.

Sam hesitated, expressing that he didn’t just want a one-time encounter with Nina but desired to maintain control over her continuously. Kenny assured him, advising him to focus on getting her to come over first, and then they could plan further actions accordingly.

That evening, sam called Nina to offer sympathy for the loss of her parents and claimed he was ready to destroy the signed papers. However, he insisted that Nina should bring the money in person to witness him tearing up the papers.

Feeling relieved, Nina agreed to come immediately. However, Bella and Sophia weren’t around in the hostel at that time. Nina managed to reach Sophia on the phone and explained the situation, mentioning that Sam had forgiven her. However, Sophia expressed her distrust towards Sam, advising Nina not to go. But Nina dismissed her concerns, fearing that if she didn’t return the money, Sam might change his mind.

As Nina and Sophia were discussing, Nina’s phone battery d!ed, cutting off the conversation. However, she didn’t hear Sophia’s last words, where she insisted on accompanying Nina to Sam’s house because it wasn’t safe for her to go alone, especially in the evening.

Nina went to Sam’s house, feeling a bit nervous but hoping to settle things and return the money she owed. Sam greeted her warmly but had something b@d in mind. He asked Nina if she is hungry, but she declined, wanting to get things done quickly. She handed over the money and asked for the papers they had signed to be destroyed.

But instead of agreeing, Sam tried to change the topic. He moved closer to Nina and told her he love her so much and want to take care of her. Nina didn’t want any of that. She just wanted to leave. She placed the money on the table and headed for the door, but Sam blocked her way and locked the door.

Just then, Kenny, Sam’s brother, appeared from his room.”Look who’s here, pretty Nina,” he said. “Wow, you’re beautiful, girl.” Nina responded with a hiss of irritation.

kenny said to Sam, “I’m leaving. I’m going to stay at a friend’s house tonight,you have the house to yourself! Enjoy” Sam agreed and opened the door for Kenny to go. When Kenny was leaving, Nina tried to leave too, but Sam stopped her, pulled her back inside, and locked the door again, keeping the keys in his pocket.

Nina pleaded with Sam to let her go, but he didn’t listen. He seemed determined to keep her there. Despite her protests, Sam forcibly took her to his room, ignoring her cries for help. Locked in the house, Nina felt trapped and afraid of what might happen next.

Nina was stuck in Sam’s house, feeling frightened and without a way out. She begged Sam to release her, but he ignored her pleas. He gripped her tightly and began speaking, expressing his feelings in a desperate tone.

He said that none of this would have happened if Nina had listened to him earlier. He claimed to love her deeply, but he blamed her for changing him into someone he didn’t want to be. He confessed to feeling angry and obsessed with her, unable to focus on anything else, even his studies. He declared that he wanted Nina all to himself, consumed by his desire to possess her completely.

Nina was in tears, pleading with Sam to stop, but he seemed unaffected by her distress. He assured her that they had the house to themselves and there was no need to rush as the night was still young. With that, he left Nina alone in the room, locking the door behind him as he went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

When Sam returned with dinner, Nina’s fear only intensified. She refused to eat, feeling more trapped than ever. Despite her protests, Sam insisted that they should enjoy the meal together. He tried to force her into eating, but Nina remained steadfast in her refusal.

Seeing that Nina wouldn’t comply, Sam ate the food by himself and then returned the plate to the kitchen. Alone in the room, Nina felt helpless and vulnerable, unsure of what Sam might do next.

Sophia and Bella went to the hostel to meet Nina but she wasn’t there. Sophia realized Nina had already gone to Sam’s place. She tried calling Nina, but her phone was off. Sophia started to worry that Nina might be in trouble.

Sophia and Bella decided to take some guys they knew and headed to Sam’s place to find Nina.

Sam returned to the room, and as soon as he opened the door, Nina dashed out, trying to escape. She made a beeline for the main door in the sitting room, but Sam laughed, taunting her that she couldn’t leave as he had the keys in his pocket.

As Sam tried to catch Nina, she ran around the house, desperately trying to evade him. Eventually, Sam caught her and dragged her to his room, forcing her onto his bed. Frustrated, he lamented that he had wanted things to go smoothly but was now forced to act differently.

In a bid to escape further advances, Nina pushed past Sam and locked herself in the bathroom. There, she prayed for divine intervention, hoping for someone to rescue her. Sam threatened to break down the bathroom door if Nina didn’t come out, but she remained strong, refusing to give in to his threats.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, and Sam went to check. It was Sophia and Bella, who insisted on seeing Nina. Despite Sam’s denial, Bella went into the house and saw that the living room was messy and disorganized. She thought that something must have happened there.

Sam attempted to remove Bella from his house, but Sophia and the guys accompanying them intervened, preventing him from doing so. Inside, they called out for Nina,Nina heard Bella and Sophia’s voices, so she opened the bathroom door and hurried out of the room, seeking refuge with Sophia.

Angered by their presence, Sam tried to stop them, but the guys warned him to behave,They told him they will watch him closely from now on. He must never bother Nina again, or they will take action against him.

Before leaving Sam’s house, Bella slapped him hard, telling him it was for hurting Nina. Sophia also slapped him twice for trying to take advantage of Nina.

They warned him never to go near Nina again. If he sees Nina on one side of the road, he should go the other way. They said if he tries anything like this again, they’ll tell the school authorities and the police.

Bella and Sophia comforted Nina and took her back to the hostel. In the hostel, Nina thanked Bella and Sophia for their love and support. They promised to always stand by her no matter what. They told her not to cry but to be happy that the m0n$ter didn’t touch her.

Sam got really mad after the slap. He was also angry because he was so close to achieving his goal, but these girls ruined his plans. He felt furious and frustrated.He couldn’t believe how everything went wrong. Sam was very close to getting what he wanted, but Bella and Sophia’s actions messed it all up.

The following day, Nina returned to school, determined not to let the previous day’s events derail her focus on her education. Meanwhile, Sam, still seething with anger and frustration, remained absent from school, unable to accept his failure to manipulate Nina.

Kenny came home and found out from Sam that he couldn’t do what he wanted with Nina. Nina and her friends ruined his plans, which made him really mad.

Kenny suggested they wait for a while and then try again later. Sam agreed, and they both smiled.

Sam didn’t go to school for a while, but after a week, he returned.

Nina kept going to school, days turning into a week, weeks into months, and finally a year passed.

Nina, along with her friends Bella, Sophia, and Sam, graduated from school.

At their graduation party, Sam still tried to get revenge on Nina, but his plans failed again. As he left the school, he swore that he would get revenge on Nina whenever their path cross again.

After finishing school, Nina went back home but stayed in touch with her friends Bella and Sophia, who went back to their respective states. Meanwhile, Sam returned home to his family with poor grades.

Back in her village, Nina worked hard and managed to send Nancy to school. She also sent her CV to various companies, hoping to find a better job, but had no luck.

Feeling tired and frustrated in the village, Nina reached out to Sophia and Bella for help finding a job in town. They asked her to email her CV to them, promising to submit it to different companies,Which they eventually did.

One peaceful night, Nina was sleeping when her phone rang. She woke up and answered it,

It’s Dave, Sam’s older brother. He asked her to come for an interview the next day for a personal assistant (PA) position.

Nina asked for the company’s address, which Dave provided, and also confirmed if she is interested because that is the only position available. Nina expressed her interest and requested to come in two days as her place is far. Dave agreed, and they ended the call.

Excited about the interview, Nina called Sophia to share the news. Sophia encouraged her to do well in the interview and secure the job because she really needed it. Nina then asked if she could stay with her (Sophia)during the interview period, to which Sophia warmly agreed, saying she is always welcome.

The following day, Nina traveled to Sophia’s city, arriving quite late. Sophia warmly welcomed her, and they caught up on old times. It had been two years since they last saw each other after leaving school.

The next day, Nina went to Dave’s office for the interview. She had to wait for hours before finally meeting Dave. His secretary instructed her to enter his office.

When Dave saw Nina, he couldn’t help but admire her beauty and was lost in thought until Nina spoke up, reminding him of her presence. Dave apologized for the delay, and Nina assured him, understanding that it’s a busy place,Dave then asked her to sit down and started asking her questions, wasting no time. He informed her that she would start working the next day.

Surprised, Nina asked if it was that simple, and Dave confirmed, explaining that he had already reviewed her CV and documents and believed she deserved a higher position. However, the only available position at the moment is for a personal assistant.

Nina returned to Sophia’s place to share the good news. Sophia congratulated her, saying she deserved all the good things coming her way. They both smiled and decided to call Bella on a video call to share the news with her. Bella also congratulated Nina, happy for her friend’s success.

Meanwhile, Kenny and Sam received a large sum of money from their dad to start their own businesses, similar to Dave’s situation. However, unlike Dave, Kenny and Sam were not serious about their ventures. They squandered their money on clubs, parties, and entertaining different women instead of investing it wisely in their businesses.

Nina started her new job as a personal assistant for Dave. Her days were busy, filled with tasks and responsibilities. She worked hard to impress Dave and prove herself capable.

After receiving her first salary, Nina decided it is time to find a place of her own. She wanted a comfortable home for both herself and Nancy, who was attending school.

With her hard-earned money, Nina rented a new place that suited their needs.

Moving out of Sophia’s house was bittersweet for Nina, but she was grateful for the support and hospitality her friend had shown her. She knew it was time for her to establish her independence and create a stable environment for herself and Nancy.

Sophia and Bella kept in touch with Nina, offering support and encouragement. They were happy for her success and cheered her on from afar.

Meanwhile, Kenny and Sam continued to waste their money on frivolous things. Their businesses suffered as a result of their reckless behavior.

Nina remained focused on her job, determined to make the most of this opportunity. She learned quickly and efficiently handled her duties as Dave’s assistant.

One day, Dave called Nina into his office. He commended her for her exceptional work and offered her a promotion. Nina was thrilled and accepted the new role with gratitude.

With her promotion, Nina’s responsibilities increased, but so did her satisfaction with her job. She felt proud of her accomplishments and grateful for the support of her friends.

As Nina thrived in her career, Kenny and Sam faced challenges with their failing businesses. Their irresponsible behavior caught up with them, and they struggled to keep their ventures afloat.

Despite their setbacks, Kenny and Sam refused to change their ways. They continued to prioritize partying and spending money on luxuries instead of focusing on their businesses.

Meanwhile, Nina’s hard work and dedication paid off as she earned recognition and respect in her field. She became an integral part of Dave’s team and was valued for her contributions.

With each passing day, Nina’s confidence grew, and she found fulfillment in her professional success. She remained grateful for the opportunities that had come her way and continued to strive for excellence.

One evening after work, Dave extended an invitation to Nina for a dinner date, which she accepted out of respect for her boss. They enjoyed their time together, chatting and getting to know each other better.

During the dinner, Dave took Nina’s hand and confessed his feelings, expressing his desire for her to be his partner in life. Nina felt uncomfortable and withdrew her hand, explaining that she couldn’t enter into a romantic relationship with him and preferred to maintain their professional dynamic.

Despite Nina’s refusal, Dave urged her to reconsider, asking her not to rush into a decision. Nina respectfully acknowledged his request and agreed to think about it.

As the evening came to an end, Nina politely asked if she could go home, and Dave agreed to drive her home.

Back at Nina’s home, she found herself tossing and turning in bed, unable to find peace as she pondered the idea of being in a relationship with her boss, Dave. Despite knowing Dave to be a kind-hearted person, Nina couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease about the prospect of getting romantically involved with someone in a position of authority.

Faced with this dilemma, Nina turned to her trusted friends, Bella and Sophia, for advice. She decided to call them both on a conference call to share her thoughts and seek their guidance on the matter.

As the call connected, Nina poured out her concerns to Bella and Sophia, explaining how Dave had expressed his feelings for her and his desire to pursue a romantic relationship. Bella, curious to know if Nina harbored any feelings for Dave, asked her friend directly.

However, Nina hesitated to give a clear answer, feeling unsure about her own emotions towards her boss. Before she could respond, Sophia interjected with her perspective on the situation. Sophia suggested that Nina take some time to carefully observe and evaluate Dave’s behavior and character before making any decisions.

Sophia emphasized the importance of assessing whether Dave was genuinely compatible with Nina and if he possessed the qualities she valued in a partner. She advised Nina to pay attention to how Dave treated her both professionally and personally, as well as how he interacted with others in various situations.

Grateful for her friends’ advice, Nina expressed her appreciation to Bella and Sophia for their support and promised to keep them updated on any further developments. With their guidance in mind, Nina decided to take a cautious approach, allowing herself time to reflect and assess the situation before making any commitments. She understood the significance of her decision and wanted to sure that she made the right choice for herself and her future.

Nina kept working without giving Dave an answer about his proposal. Dave waited patiently for a month before deciding to talk to Nina about it. One evening after work, a lady went to Dave’s office to see him. She stayed there for over three hours.

Nina was waiting for Dave to give him an answer, but after waiting for a long time, she decided to go to his office. When she got there, she saw Dave hugging the lady. Feeling hurt, Nina ran away from Dave’s office.

Dave noticed Nina leaving and went after her. When he caught up to her, Nina asked him what he wanted. Dave explained that the lady was his cousin who had returned to the country after many years. Nina felt sorry for misunderstanding the situation.

Dave joked with Nina, asking if she felt jealous. Nina said she didn’t feel jealous at all. Dave then asked Nina to wait so he could drop her and his cousin off at their respective homes.

During the car ride, Dave introduced Nina to his cousin Susan and told her that Nina was his future wife. Nina and Susan hugged each other, and they all laughed together. Dave dropped Susan off first, then Nina, and they bid farewell to each other.

Once at home, Nina called her friends Bella and Susan on a conference call. She told them that she felt jealous for the first time seeing Dave hug another lady, but she found out she was his cousin. Bella teased Nina, saying she was in love. Susan asked Nina if she had already said yes to Dave, but Nina said she hadn’t. Susan encouraged Nina to express her feelings to Dave the next day.

Before Nina went to bed, Dave called her. He affectionately called her his wife and asked if she was ready to accept him yet. Nina said they would talk about it after work the next day. Dave told her goodnight and said he loved her, and Nina smiled and thanked him.

The next day after work, Nina proposed a dinner date for that evening so they could have a serious conversation. Dave gladly agreed, and they met up later that night.

During the date, Nina gathered her courage and told Dave that she was ready to be his girlfriend. She confessed that she liked him too and wanted to take their relationship to the next level.

Dave’s face lit up with happiness upon hearing Nina’s words. Fill with joy, he stood up and pulled Nina into a tight hug, expressing his love for her. Nina reciprocated the embrace, feeling a sense of happiness and comfort in Dave’s arms.

Nina and Dave’s relationship blossomed as they spent more time together. They went on dates, shared laughter, and supported each other through thick and thin. Nina felt grateful to have Dave in her life, and she cherished the love and affection he showed her.

As their love deepened, Nina introduced Dave to Nancy, who quickly warmed up to him. Dave treated Nancy with kindness and respect, earning her trust and admiration. Nina was delighted to see her sister bonding with Dave, and she felt assured about their future together.

Despite their busy schedules, Nina and Dave made time for each other. They enjoyed quiet evenings at Dave’s house, cooking meals together and cuddling on the couch. Their relationship brought them both happiness and fulfillment, and they cherished every moment they spent together.

One day, Dave surprised Nina with a romantic getaway to a secluded beach resort. They spent blissful days lounging by the ocean, taking long walks on the shore, and savoring intimate moments under the starlit sky. It was a magical experience that deepened their connection and strengthened their love for each other.

Back home, Nina received exciting news from her friends Bella and Sophia. They announced that they would be visiting her soon to celebrate her newfound happiness with Dave. Nina was overjoyed at the prospect of reuniting with her dear friends and sharing her joy with them.

When Nina brought her friends Sophia and Bella to meet Dave, he thanked them warmly for always being there for Nina. Then, Dave was curious about what Sophia and Bella do for a living. They explained to him that they were still having a tough time financially, but they were hopeful things would get better soon.

To their surprise, Dave decided to help them out. He gave each of them a cheque,a big sum of money, 5 million each, to help them start their own businesses. Nina was incredibly happy about this gesture from Dave. She was so thrilled that she kissed him right there in front of Sophia and Bella.

Sophia and Bella couldn’t help but tease Nina a bit, jokingly saying that Nina is making them jealous. But then, they thanked Dave sincerely for his generosity and for bringing so much joy to Nina’s face. They were truly grateful for his kindness.

One evening, Dave surprised Nina with a heartfelt proposal. He got down on one knee and declared his love for her, presenting her with a beautiful engagement ring. Filled with emotion, Nina tearfully accepted Dave’s proposal, Nancy, Bella, and Sophia suddenly appeared from where they were hiding and started clapping their hands. Nina was completely surprised! It turned out to be a surprise engagement celebration with all of Nina’s loved ones. Everyone was there to celebrate Nina and Dave’s love.

Nina feeling grateful and excited to start a new chapter of their lives together.

Later that evening, Nina and Dave went to Dave’s house together. Nina ended up spending the night there. The next morning, Dave’s phone rang, and when Nina handed it to him, she saw that the number was saved as “Sam.” Her heart started to race because it reminded her of bad memories.

Sam called Dave to say that his business was struggling and that he needed money urgently. Without hesitation, Dave asked Sam how much he needed. Sam said he needed 30 million for him and Kenny. Dave was shocked by the large sum of money,and ask why so much money?Sam simply said they needed it because he was their big brother. Dave promptly sent the money to Sam’s account.

After dealing with the call, Dave turned to Nina and cuddled her. Nina asked who was calling, and Dave explained that it was his immediate younger brother, Sam. Nina then asked Dave when he planned to introduce her to his brother and the rest of his family.

Dave promised Nina that they would visit his parents during the week. Nina smiled, looking forward to meeting her future in-laws.

That morning, Dave and Nina shared a special moment in bed. Nina reached out to Dave lovingly, and he responded by pulling her closer. With a gentle kiss, they expressed their affection for each other. Nina’s gesture showed how much she cared, and they hugged each other warmly. They enjoyed being close, feeling a strong connection between them, They felt a strong connection and expressed their love by making love( s@x) right there. It was a beautiful and intimate moment that made them feel even closer to each other.

During the week, Dave took Nina to his parents’ home. He introduced her to them as his woman and expressed his desire to marry her. Dave’s parents welcomed Nina warmly and asked about her background. Nina opened up and told them everything. Dave’s parents promised Nina they would both be her mom and dad from now on. She knelt down and thanked them.

After a while, Nina asked Dave about his siblings. Dave told her they don’t live here but they were on their way. Nina felt nervous.

Sam and Kenny entered the house, intending to greet their parents. They turned to Dave only to be shocked by seeing Nina. Nina was also surprised,and stood up. Sam and Kenny called out her name, asking what she is doing here. Dave asked if they knew her before. Sam replied yes, she was my ex-girlfriend in school.

Dave’s parents exclaimed, “What?” Kenny joined the conversation, saying, “Yes, dad. She was Sam’s school girlfriend.” Dave turned to Nina and asked if it was true. Nina replied, “It’s not true. I haven’t dated anyone before you, but I will tell you everything at home.” Sam and Kenny asked Nina to leave their home.

Dave stood up and said, “Do you realize she is my fiancee? Control your words.” Kenny replied, “She isn’t welcome here, and Dave, you won’t marry this girl. She is a loose girl. She has slept with a lot of men in school.” But Dave confronted them, saying he doesn’t believe that. In Dave’s mind, he only slept with Nina recently, and she is a v!rgin, so he doesn’t believe the story of her sleep!ng with different men.

After much hurtful words from Kenny and Sam, their parents asked them to keep quiet.Their father expressed to Sam and Kenny that he doesn’t trust their words because they l!e allot.

He told Dave to take Nina back home and return with her by the weekend so they could discuss the marriage plans.

Nina and Dave said goodbye to her prospective in-laws, then they went home. Back at Dave’s place, Nina stayed in Dave’s room and started crying. She questioned why her fate would bring her face to face with Sam and Kenny. Dave consoled her, letting her know he loves her, and that’s what matters.

Nina told Dave everything that happened between herself, Sam, and Kenny. She tearfully recounted the unpleasant incident at school. Dave hugged her and assured her that he would handle Sam and Kenny. He promised her that their relationship wouldn’t be stopped because he truly loved her.

After Dave left, Sam and Kenny were extremely angry. They couldn’t believe Dave chose Nina out of all the girls in the world. They were determined to stop the marriage by any means necessary.If it mean el!m!n@!ing Nina from the surf@ce of the earth.

When Nina returned home from Dave’s house, she looked upset. Bella and Sophia, who were still in her house, noticed her gloomy expression. They asked her what is wrong. Nina shared that she had seen Sam and Kenny, and they are Dave’s younger brothers. Bella and Sophia were surprised to hear this news.

Sophia asked Nina how Dave reacted when he found out about Sam and Kenny. Nina explained that Dave stood by her, but she still felt scared. She worried about what Sam and Kenny might do. Bella and Sophia assured her that she shouldn’t be afraid because Dave is on her side. They promised to support her and ensure that Sam and Kenny didn’t harm her in any way.

Nina felt relieved by her friends’ words of comfort. She knew she could count on them for support. With Bella and Sophia by her side, Nina felt a little less scared.

Two days after returning from his parents’ house, Kenny called Dave, asking for money. Kenny and Sam had successfully wasted 30 million on clubs and partying. Dave asked Kenny how much they needed now, and Kenny said both him and Sam needed 50 million.

Dave asked Kenny if he had a money tree growing in his backyard., and questioned what they did with the 30 million in less than a week. Kenny replied that they needed it and what they did with the money was not Dave’s concern. Dave replied that they wouldn’t get any money from him because they were all given the same amount to start their own businesses, and he didn’t understand why they kept asking him for more.

Kenny respond that Nina, Dave’s girlfriend, had asked him not to give them money, calling her “$tûp!d.” Dave warned him not to insult Nina and then ended the call.

Kenny turned to Sam,”Nina isn’t even married to Dave yet, but she has the audacity to tell him not to give us money when we ask,” Kenny exclaimed to Sam.

He expressed their need for money to enjoy their youth. Sam suggested selling one of their cars to get some money. Kenny agreed, and they also decided to confront Dave when he and Nina returned to their parents’ house on the weekend.

During the weekend, Dave and Nina returned to Dave’s family house. When they arrived, they found that Dave’s parents were not home. Dave called them, and they said they were on their way back from church, asking Nina to cook because they were very hungry.

Dave instructed Nina to start cooking,Nina began cooking, but she noticed that some of the spices she needed were missing from the kitchen.

Dave told Nina he would go get the missing spices and left the house, leaving Nina alone in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Kenny and Sam arrived at the house, drawn by the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. They assumed their mom was cooking and went to check, only to find Nina there.

Curious, they asked Nina where Dave is, and she explained that he had gone to the market to get some spices. Kenny decided to check upstairs for their parents but found no one at home.

Kenny signaled Sam to come closer, and they discussed their plan in the sitting room. Kenny suggested that since no one was home, it was the perfect opportunity to deal with Nina. They believed that if they could r@pë Nina, Dave would not be able to marry or date her anymore. With ev!! smiles, they returned to the kitchen to carry out their plan.

Kenny and Sam forcibly dragged Nina out of the kitchen, their faces twisted with malicious intent. Sam sneered at Nina, telling her that once they were finished with her, no man, especially not Dave, would ever want to marry her.

Nina pleaded with Sam and Kenny to let her go, her voice trembling with fear and desperation. She screamed for help, hoping someone would hear her cries and come to her rescue. But in the empty house, her pleas echoed unanswered, intensifying her sense of dread.

They said they want to have a thréé$0me with her. They pushed her around and tried to take off their clothes to r@pé her. They pushed her to the floor, with Kenny holding her hands tightly while Sam attempted to be intimate with her.

But suddenly, their father came in and shouted at them to “STOP”. Nina ran to Dave’s mom for safety.

Their father got really angry and slapped Kenny and Sam for trying to do something terrible in his house. When Dave showed up and saw Nina crying and upset, he asked what happened. His dad told Dave that Kenny and Sam were trying to r@pé Nina.

Dave got furious and hit Kenny and Sam hard. Their father was so disgusted by their behavior that he said they were no longer his sons(he disowned them). He told security to kick them out of the house and never let them come back.

Nina cried a lot and then went back to the kitchen to turn off the cooking gas. Dave’s parents, comforted her. They promised her that nothing like that would ever happen to her again.

Nina was too scared to continue cooking the food. She told her mother-in-law that she needed to go back home. She apologized, and they allowed her to leave. Dave drove her home, but she cried the whole way. She couldn’t understand why Kenny and Sam h@ted her so much and what she had done to deserve their anger.

Meanwhile, Kenny and Sam arrived home, seething with anger. They blamed Nina for their parents disowning them. They vowed that Nina would pay for what had happened.

Nina asked Dave for some time to heal before they resumed planning their marriage, and Dave agreed. When they went to Dave’s parents’ house again after a month to discuss the marriage plans, Nina suddenly felt sick and started vomiting. Concerned, Dave’s parents’ smiled.

Dave went to check on Nina who is vomiting. They returned to the sitting room together. Dave’s mom gently asked Nina when she last had her period. Nina replied that it was last month and she hadn’t had it yet this month.

Dave’s mom smiled and hugged Nina, congratulating her on soon becoming a mother and herself becoming a grandmother. Dave was surprised and asked his mom if she was sure. She assured him, saying she was certain that Nina is pregnant.

Filled with happiness, Dave hugged Nina tightly and expressed his joy. Nina is also full with joy and happiness.

The marriage is scheduled for two weeks from now, and they plan to have a court marriage.

Two days before Dave and Nina’s wedding, Sam ran into his cousin Susan at the mall. Sam asked Susan when she returned to the country and what she was doing at the mall.

Susan replied that she had returned a few months ago and had come to buy her dress for Dave’s wedding, which was happening in two days.

Not knowing about Sam’s behavior, Susan asked if he had also come to get his outfit for the wedding. Sam l!ed and said yes but claimed he had lost the address of the wedding venue.

Susan kindly gave Sam the details of the wedding and the reception address.

Later, Sam returned home and shared the information about the wedding with Kenny. Kenny suggested hiring an @ss@ssin to

el!m!nate Nina, but Sam refused, saying they didn’t have enough money for that. Instead, he proposed getting a güñ and carrying out the deed themselves.

On the day of the wedding, everyone dressed beautifully for the occasion. The wedding venue was at the court, where Dave and Nina exchanged vows in the presence of their loved ones.

After the court wedding, they proceeded to the reception venue to celebrate their union.

At Nina’s request, Dave stationed security agents everywhere because he didn’t want anyone to harm Nina again. She had already been through a lot in life, and he wanted to ensure her safety.

At the venue, everyone celebrated Dave and Nina with gifts, prayers, and well-wishes. The occasion was filled with high-class people, adding to the colour of the event. When it was time to cut their wedding cake, Bella, Nancy, and Sophia stood by Nina like bodyguards.

Dave and Nina cut the cake together, feeding each other a piece before distributing slices to everyone at the party. After cutting the cake, the couple started dancing while guests showered them with money as a sign of blessing and celebration.

As the music filled the air, Kenny and Sam suddenly appeared and fired their güñs into the air, causing chaos. They demanded the DJ to stop the music, which he did immediately. Kenny then called out to Nina, but Bella stood in front of her, refusing to let her go.

Sam recognized Bella and Sophia, accusing them of slapping him back in school. He threatened to take revenge on not only Nina but also on them.

Dave intervened, urging Kenny and Sam to cease their reckless behavior and lower their güñs. He reminded them that security personnel were present everywhere, and he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Their mom also pleaded with them to drop their weapons, but Kenny shouted back at her, claiming he didn’t recognize her anymore since she sided with their father in disowning them.

Their father also stepped forward, urging them to stop, but Sam warned him to back off or he would sh00t him first. Dave was outraged and shouted at Sam, asking him how dare he. However, Kenny silenced Dave, threatening to change his mind and sh00t him if he didn’t keep quiet.

The guests were all terrified by the sudden turn of events. Kenny ordered everyone to drop their phones on the ground, warning that he would sh00t anyone who tried anything funny. The atmosphere grew tense as everyone complied with his demand, fearing for their safety.

Kenny turned to Nina, demanding that she come to him immediately. Sophia defiantly shouted, asking him what he would do if she didn’t comply. Suddenly, Sam pulled the tr!gger and sh0t Sophia, hitting her in the shoulder. Sophia collapsed to the ground, and Nina rushed to hold her, horrified by what had just happened.

Ignoring Sophia’s injury, Kenny laughed and ordered Nina to stand up and come to him. However, Bella bravely refused, and Kenny sh0t at her, but the bullet only grazed her arm before hitting the wall. Dave rushed out to confront them, but they sh0t him in the hands, incapacitating him.

Panic spread among the guests as they witnessed the vi0lence unfolding. Sam began counting from one to three, threatening Nina to comply peacefully, but Nancy, Nina’s younger sister, stood in front of her, refusing to let her go. Kenny pushed Nancy to the ground, attempting to drag Nina away, but Dave stood up and fought back.

Nina also tried to resist Kenny’s grasp, but Sam fired another sh0t into the air, causing everyone to freeze in fear. Meanwhile, security personnel outside who were dr!nk!ng, alerted by the gunfire, rushed to the scene. They aimed their gūñs at Kenny and Sam, ordering them to drop their weapons or face consequences.

Ignoring the warnings, Sam told the security agents to lower their guns, but one of them sh0t Sam in the leg before he could react. Kenny attempted to retaliate but was sh0t in the stomach, resulting in his demise.

One of the guests quickly called for an ambulance to take the victims to the hospital. They all received medical care, including Sam, who was h@ndcuffed by the police.

After a few weeks, everyone recovered and returned home. Nina expressed her gratitude to Sophia and Bella for standing by her, not just standing by her, but also putting their lives on the line for her sake. She told them that they were not just her friends but also her sisters and guardian angels in human form.

Dave also expressed his gratitude to everyone for standing by them during this difficult time.

Dave and Nina returned to her in-laws’ place to offer their condolences for Kenny’s de@th. However, Dave’s parents didn’t show much emotion over the loss of their son. They remarked that it was better to have no sons than to have ones like Sam and Kenny who brought disgrace upon them.

Despite the tragic circumstances, Dave and Nina’s parents encouraged them to go and enjoy their honeymoon together without worrying about Sam or Kenny, who had chosen to lived a wayward lives.

Dave went to the police station to visit Sam. Upon seeing Dave, Sam made a promise that the battle wasn’t over and that he would ensure he ki!!ed both Dave and Nina.

Dave urged Sam to change his ways, warning him that if he didn’t, he would remain in jail for a long time.

After their conversation, Dave left the police station and returned home to spend time with his wife, Nina.

In the cell, Sam acted as if he is having a panic attack and was rushed for the hospital. However, on the way there, Sam made a desperate attempt to escape. He jumped out of the police van with the intention of hurting Dave and Nina. Despite the police’s orders to stop running, Sam refused to comply. In response, the police were forced to sh00t him. Tragically, the bullet struck him in the head, and he d!ed on the spot.

Nina and Dave mourned the loss of Sam for a while before deciding to move ahead with their lives. Despite the challenges they faced, they soon welcomed a beautiful baby girl who resembled Nina. With their new addition to the family, Dave, Nina, and their loved ones lived happily ever after in a surrounding filled with peace and love.

The End

thanks for reading…..


1. Hard work and dedication lead to success: Nina’s commitment to her job as Dave’s personal assistant helped her thrive in her career and earn recognition for her contributions.

2. Friendship and support are invaluable: Throughout the challenges she faced, Nina’s friends, Bella and Sophia, remained by her side, offering encouragement and advice.

3. Responsible financial management is crucial: Kenny and Sam’s reckless spending led to the downfall of their businesses, highlighting the importance of managing finances wisely.

4. Sam and Kenny’s de@ths is that our actions have results:They made bad choices, and it ended tragically. This shows why it’s important to think before acting and seek help instead of using vi0lence and force.

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