Baron is a young handsome man that lives in a mansion all by himself. He is very rich and hardworking.
Baron is in his room working with his laptop when his phone rang,it was his mom who lives in the village
Baron: hello mom
Mrs ola: hello my son,how are you doing
Baron: I’m fine mom
Mrs ola: hope you’ve eaten
Baron:yes how are you coping in the village?
Mrs ola: I’m coping well, it’s all thanks to a girl that is always helping me with my chores.she have been taking good care of me, and she’s actually the reason why I called you
Baron:oh I see,so what do you want to tell me
Mrs ola:I know you are planning to get married this year.cause you will be turning thirty, for that reason I have a girl in the village that I want you to marry.the girl i just told you about
Baron: actually,I will visit the village soon.i will see if I will like the girl when I see her,then I will conclude if I will marry her or not
Mrs ola: okay,I can’t wait to see you son, I’ve missed you a lot
Baron: I’ve missed you too mom
Mrs ola: take good care of yourself, bye
Baron: bye mom (call ended)
The next day after work,Baron went out with his friend to a bar.
Leonard:guy, you are turning thirty this year and you don’t even have a single girl in mind that you will like to marry
Baron:God will provide a wife for me, you don’t need to worry
Leonard: will God throw a girl from heaven to you?your problem is that you don’t like associating with girls so how do you intend to find a wife?tell me
Baron: there’s a girl my mom told me about,that lives in the village.i will see her when I travel to the village and see if I will like her
Leonard:hmmm okay ooh
Baron: you that is talking, have you found a girl to marry
Leonard:of course, I’ve been dating her since
Baron: okay ooh, congrats
Leonard: but are you sure you can marry a village girl?
Baron: I’ve not met her nah.if I meet her I will now decide if I can marry her or not
Leonard: okay ooh

Baron travelled to the village to see his mom, and his mom introduced him to the girl she told him about.
Her name is oluchi,oluchi is very beautiful, but she’s local and can’t even speak correct English
Mrs ola:Baron,meet oluchi.the girl I told you about.oluchi meet my son Baron
Oluchi:it is a nice to meeting you sir
Baron: it’s nice to meet you too
Oluchi: thanks you sir
Baron: okay
Oluchi:ma, this your son is a very beautiful man
Mrs ola:of course,he is
Oluchi:ma,I have to be getting home now.i need to go and helped my mother with something
Mrs ola: okay bye and take care of yourself
Oluchi: okay ma (left)
Mrs ola: what do you think about her? isn’t she beautiful
Baron:mom,do you expect me to marry that girl?
Mrs ola:is there anything wrong with her?
Baron:of course, there’s many things wrong with her
Mrs ola: and what is that?
Baron:mom, didn’t you see her dressing? she’s just so local.she can’t even speak correct English. Didn’t you see how she was murdering the innocent English.
Mrs ola: it’s not her fault that she can’t speak correct English,her parents didn’t have money to take her to school
Baron: whatever,mom that girl is a No for me,I can’t marry her
Mrs ola: Baron my son,I am your mother and I know what is best for you.oluchi is a good girl, she is so kind, respectful and hardworking.she can also cook very well.i promise you if you marry her, you won’t regret it.that girl is a wife material 1000 yards
Baron:mom, there’s no need to preach to me about her.i don’t want to marry such girl
Mrs ola: and what type of girl do you want to marry?is it those disrespectful and indecent city girls?
Baron:mom,I can’t marry that girl, you just need to get it
Mrs ola: you must marry her ooh.what is even your problem, you don’t even have a girl in mind to marry.and the one I found for you, you are rejecting her.
Baron:spare me that mom,I will never!ever! marry that girl (stood up and left)
The next day Baron was packing his bags to leave when oluchi came.
Oluchi: good afternoon sir
Baron: good afternoon, how are you
Oluchi:I fine, where mama
Baron: she’s in the kitchen
Oluchi: okay
Mrs ola:(came in) oluchi nwanyi oma, how are you today
Oluchi:I fine ma,I came to helped you to fetching water
Mrs ola: okay, you can go take the gallon and fetch the water
Oluchi: okay ma(took one of the gallons and left to fetch water)
Baron:mom I’m done packing,I think it’s time for me to is some money for you (gave her some money)
Mrs ola:chai,my son.all this money for me?
Baron:yes mom, manage it
Mrs ola: did you just say manage? this is more than enough.God bless you my son
Baron:Amen,mom I’m leaving bye
Mrs ola: bye my son and think about what I told you
Baron: what is that
Mrs ola: about getting married to oluchi
Baron:mom I thought we’ve talked about this?I can’t marry that girl
Mrs ola: just go and think about it,I can’t sit back and watch you marry someone from the city
Baron: whatever (entered his car and drove off)
A while after Baron left, oluchi came back with the gallon of water
Oluchi:mama I’m back
Mrs ola:thank you so much
Oluchi: you welcome ma, where is your son
Mrs ola:he just left a while ago, he is going back to the city today
Oluchi: okay,mama do you haved food in the house or I should helped you cook some food
Mrs ola: don’t worry,I have cooked already
Oluchi: okay ma, hope you doesn’t need my helped
Mrs ola:not at all,if I need anything I will let you know
Oluchi: okay,then I should start dey go now
Mrs ola: okay, take care
Oluchi: bye bye (left)
Baron arrived home, and after a while his friend Leonard visited him.
Leonard: how was your trip?
Baron:it was good
Leonard: did you see the girl your mom told you about
Baron:yes,I saw her.but the girl is too local for my liking.common English she can’t speak
Leonard:(laughs) I’m sorry for you
Baron: it’s well

Baron was about to go to bed when his phone rang
Baron:why is mom calling me by this time of the night(answered the call)
Mrs ola: hello my son
Baron:hello mom, this one you are calling me by this time, hope all is well
Mrs ola:all is well,I just called you to know if you have thought about what I told you
Baron:hah!mom,why are you forcing me to marry that village girl.allow me to rest nah
Mrs ola: you think I’m playing with you abi,I won’t allow you to rest until you marry oluchi.baron! marry and give me grand children there’s no time to waste.your late father wasn’t as stubborn as you are.i don’t know where you got your stubbornness from.
Baron:mom if you don’t have anything important to say, I’m hanging up(existed the call)
Baron sat on his bed thinking about what his mom told him.
Baron:(talking to himself) what kind of wahala is this nah,I don’t have any problem with that girl just that she’s too local and my mom won’t let me be until I marry her.i don’t want anything to cause problem between I and my mother,I should obey her and marry oluchi.this is just getting me insane
Baron later agreed to marry oluchi, his mom was very happy about it
Mrs ola:so you mean you’ve made up your mind to marry oluchi
Baron:yes mom, I’m just doing it because I don’t want anything to cause problem between us
Mrs ola: thank you my son
Baron:I will come to the village next week to see her parents
Mrs ola: that’s my son
Baron began planning his marriage with oluchi.he paid her bride price and they started planning for their wedding.
Leonard:Baron I’m so happy for you, you are finally getting married
Baron: yeah
Leonard:I wonder how you will cope with that village girl
Baron:I will try to cope, but if she try any nonsense I will just divorce her.afterall,I marrying her because of my know I can do anything to make my mom happy
Leonard:(laughs) it’s well,I can’t wait for your wedding day to come.its gonna be awesome.
After the wedding, oluchi travelled to the city with Baron. When the reached Baron’s mansion, oluchi couldn’t believe her eyes.the mansion was so beautiful
Oluchi:hey! chineke m!so na here I go live from today,chai God is good oh
Baron:walk fast let’s get inside
Oluchi: okay (both went inside)
Baron: welcome to my home
Oluchi: Jesus ee!is this heaven on earth? just look!chai looked this house ooh.e too fine
Baron: what’s all this shouting nah? haven’t you seen this kind of house before
Oluchi:to telling you truth, since I was born I never see this kind house
Baron:(laughs) you are so funny
Oluchi:my husband, wetin be this golden thing wey dey for this table
Baron: it’s just decoration
Oluchi: you say decorition?
Baron:I said decoration,not decorition
Oluchi: okay,de..cora..tion
Baron: yeah
Oluchi:e be like say I go dey learn English small small now wey I dey live with you
Baron:yes, you need to do that, cause English is important
Oluchi: okay, you looked hungry.make I go prepared food,I dey come (went into the kitchen to cook)
After Cooking, she opened the freezer to take some juice and she saw some plates in the freezer.she opened one of the plate and saw some spaghetti in it and started shouting
Baron:(rushed in) what is it,why are you shouting?
Oluchi:I see earthworms in this plate
Baron: this is not earthworm, this is spaghetti
Oluchi:spha.. what?
Baron: you need to get used to this foods,not all those your village foods
Oluchi:my husband, you no suppose dey eat this kind thing.i don prepared egusi soup with akpu, follow me make we go to the dinning and chop
Baron: okay (they went to the dinning to eat)
Oluchi: how you see my food? you like am?
Baron: it’s delicious,but you need to learn how to cook foreign foods like spaghetti, noodles and fried eggs,fried rice with salad and all that
Oluchi:you say fry rice? which one be fry rice again?dem dey fry rice for here cause me I no understand………