Natasha was seen in her room checking out herself on the mirror,

she was ready to go to the market so should was checking if her outfit was OK

Natasha who is shortly called Natt is from a family of five

“her father Mr Dominic who is a pastor and also the founder of ‘Arise And Shine International’ (AASI)

her mother mummy yemisi the wife to daddy G.O and also a trader,she(natt)and her two younger siblings Brit boy(the only son)and gift

She is the first child of her parent, they hail from the eastern part of Nigeria

18years natt just finish writing her Senior WAEC, being happy she would be getting her jamb form next and heading to the next level

Natasha POV

Am gaining a lot of weight these days oo,I don’t even know what is wrong with me these days

Well what matters now is that am good to go, I think this is good on me (she said turning around in front of the mirror before going out of the room to the parlor)

There she met her siblings watching a movie

Ooo.,.m so sister Natasha you haven’t even gone to the market come to talk of cooking,

and am very Fermished,gift said immediately she notice her in the parlour

Even me too oo,am more than hungry. Little Brit boy said

You guys are crazy, why didn’t you two go to the market since you think its that fast and easy (she said pointing to the both of them)

so I will not bath and dress again abi..because the two of you are hungry,

I should walk naked to the market with a dirty body nonsense, she said and went out moving toward the gate

(as the G.O their father is,they live large and can afford anything they want)

In the market, natt was moving around buying all she listed down as she notice people looking at her,

murmuring some inaudible words to themselves

She was confused on how some of the market women were looking at her so she has to check herself few times,to know why but nothing.

She never bordered, she just bought the food items and left

(The next day). It was 10o clock already and Natasha was still sleeping in her room

sister Natasha gift called hitting the door to her room… Are you okay

you haven’t come out of the room since morning hope there is no problem

am okay natt said climbing down her bed,then she headed to her bathroom to wash her face and mouth

Its just that you have been behaving so wired this few days


Yemisi Oyesola – as – mrs yemisi dominic

Brit boy- as- little brit boy

Natasha sbahle – as- Natasha dominic (Natt)

More cast will be revealed as the story unfolds…


Episode two

Its just that you have been behaving so weird these few days and i was scared when i didnt see you come out to help us clean the house.

So i decided to check and know if you are okay, Gift said.

Am fine, its just that I always feel very weak these days, i don’t know why (Natt replied After washing her face) She came out and move towards the door, to open it for Gift.

Have you prayed Gift said walking into the room. You know when mom and dad leaves, they advice we pray morning and night, and have You called mom? Gift asked.

Natasha : well no!! But I will do all that later. When mom called yesterday, she said Aunt blessing will be coming today to check on us. Maybe when she comes… Okay gift answered walking out of the room.

They were all seated in the dinning, ready to consume the noodles

they prepared for breakfast, When Natt felt like vomiting. Immediately she stood up and ran to her room.

What’s the problem? Sister Natt, Gift asked as soon as came she back to the dinning, dont you like the way we prepared the noodles little brit boy added.

I dont feel like eating the noodles any more, the smell of it alone make me want to throw up, Natt said sitting down on her position and shifting the plate of noodles away from her. But i thought you always like it this way, gift said looking at her.

I dont feel like eating it, dont just know why, Natt said…

You guys should go ahead and eat it, i will make something else for myself she added, standing up and going to the kitchen.

It was afternoon, and they are all in the sitting room watching a movie when a knock came from the outside… Who is that, Natt shouted? Maybe its Aunt blessing, little Brit boy said. Gift please go and check natt said, and Gift stood up to go check.

Good afternoon Aunt, gift said as she open the door wide for her…

Good afternoon dear, blessing reponded while entering. Fine thank you.

Good afternoon Aunt Natt and little brit boy greeted as they stood up to hug her.

Good afternoon lovelies, how are you guys doing?, fine thank You they all reponded.

Blessing : have you guys eaten? How have you been?

Natt: We are fine and yes we have eaten.

Blessing: okay, hope there is no problem at all… No!! Gift replied.

Brit boy: Aunty blessing, when will mom and Dad be back?

Blessing : oh dear, they will be coming back tomorrow, are you missing them that much?… Yes!! He replied.

Dont worry, they will be coming back tomorrow. so are you guys ready for Bible studies today?.. Yes, gift shouted as they all went to there room to prepare.

Blessing: Hey Natt, are you okay? ( she asked while entering Natts room)

Natt: yes Aunt, am good.

Blessing : you look dull and pale, i have been observing since i came and you act different, can I ask you a question.

Natt: go ahead ma..

Blessing : do you have a boyfriend?

Natt: No ma!

Blessing : okay then, just be careful and dont

get sick ok!!…

Natt: okay ma, thanks.

Natasha pov

I was pondering on Aunt blessings question while dressing up. Why will she ask if i have a boyfriend, did she see me with him? Hmmm but did I do the right thing by lying to her? Well i think I did.

Few cast:…Mhiz Ruth-as-miss Ruth(church member)

LA DE-as-Damilade,more cast will be unveiled as we

continue thanks


Episode threes

In the church,

As soon as Natasha and her siblings entered and were getting ready for the Bible studies

one of the members sitting at the back sit taped her fellow member sitting beside her, ‘are you seeing what am seeing’

second member: what are you seeing kwanu,you have come again, I don’t want to be involved in your gossip today please

1st member:Are you not seeing, that our precious G.O’s daughter looks like she’s carrying a child

2nd women: ah which child is she carrying?, there is no child in her arms nah

1st woman: I mean she looks like she’s pregnant

2nd women: ah!..Ruth your gossip is getting too much and is risky,please I don’t want to get involved

How did you know?, a lady sitting beside Ruth asked

Ruth: have you forgotten am a mother of four,why won’t I know?

Hmmm na wah for you oo,you better don’t say what you don’t know, the lady said

The next day, Natasha and her siblings were all seated in the sitting room when they heard a car horning outside the gate

Natt: did you hear that?, it seems mom and dad are back (natt said as they all ran outside to open the gate)

Welcome mom little Brit boy said as he ran to hug them as soon as they came out of the car

miss yemisi: yes dear how are you doing?(she said while hugging him tight to herself )I have missed you so much

Brit boy: am fine mom have missed you too,welcome dad

Dominic:hey big boy,how are you doing

Welcome mom,welcome dad..natt and gift chorused as they both went to hug them

Dominic: how are you kids doing?

Natt:we are fine dad

dad:wow I can see that (he said as they all went inside)

mom how was the crusade,gift asked as they settled down in the sitting room

Yemisi: it went well

Yemisi: it went well dear,you needed to see how God used all his servants including your father to perform so many miracles

everywhere was on fire all through out the one week crusade

You needed to see how people were coming back to Christ, it was really so mighty

Natt: wow,we really missed a lot

Dominic: the choir there were all asking of you, they said they missed your melodious voice

Natt: Nothing will stop me from going with you guys next time, me too gift and Brit boy said as they all laughed

Dominic: well that’s for next time but for now am very hungry, hope there is something to eat

Natt:yes dad,let me prepare Ebba for you (she said as she stood up and went to the kitchen, then gift joined her).

Three days latter,…… Natasha was in the kitchen eating when her mom came in

Natt: good day mom she said with food in her mouth

Yemisi: why are you eating here, why aren’t you at the dinning?


Yemisi:well that isn’t my problem, be fast and come to my room I want to talk to you, OK mom natt said as she rushed the food

After eating, she went to her mom’s room

Yemisi: sit down she said pointing to the couch in her room. Now I want to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me rightly

OK ma natt said

Yemisi: who is your boyfriend?

Natt: hearing the question I was shock and wondering why she would ask me such question,

and it’s exactly the same question my aunt asked me few days ago .no one I said

Yemisi:ah..ah,what is no one?, then what is wrong with you?

Natt:notting mom am OK

Yemisi: you are pregnant and you are telling me nothing

anyway I will confirm it myself before today ends but for now,you can go.

Natasha POV:

I was really struck hearing that I was pregnant, OMG,I pray it isn’t true if not am really death.

What will I tell my dad,how will I face my mom,what will the Church say about me,oh!no

I entered my room and locked the door, I went straight to my phone..picked it up and dialed LADE’s line.

Hello i said as soon as he picked the call

LADE:hello angel how are you?, for few days now i havn’t seen you and you refuse picking my calls,

Why? or are your parent back?

Natt:yes, and there is fire on the mountain

LADE: hey.., which fire? And on which mountain?

Natt: am pregnant lade… LADE: how?

Natt: mom just said it look’s like am pregnant and she will confirm it before today end’s, and I think she is right cos of my weird attitude

LADE:well let her confirm it first

Natt: are you crazy?, if its true nko, what will I do?

LADE:You are not sure for now nah, let her confirm it first

Natt: OK I said and disconnected the call. As long as lade will accept the pregnancy, then there is No course for alarm… After all I love him.

I know it won’t go well but with lade by my side I will overcome, I said as I laid on my bed.

Its evening already and mom has bought a test tube, took my urine and deep the test tube inside, we are waiting for the result…. 5minutes latter, mom brought it out, And the look on her face is so dangerous.

Who is responsible? She said with anger in her voice, and then walked out without listening to my reply

I am scared cos I dont know what will happen next,..oh! No my dad will kill me today I muttered to myself.

One hour later I was still in my room, waiting to face my fate.. Natasha! .. Natasha! I heard dad shouting my name and immediately my heart leaped

I quickly ran to their room, kneel down there You stupid girl dad said, while I was shaking like a jelly fish, and immediately I knelt down

Why have you decided to bring shame to us?, why have you decided to rub mud on my face dad shouted, while mom was just crying

As small as You are, You are pregnant who is that animal that impregnated you?

Natt:is lade sir, i said as I started crying

Dominic: who is lade?, is he among the choir?

Natt: no sir he doesn’t come to church

Dominic :so he is not even our church member, which church does he attend?

Natt:he doesn’t attend any church sir,.. Am sorry (she said crying).. Oh! .. am finished Dominic and his wife said at the same time

Dominic: so after all The upbringing, advice and training we gave to you, you went ahead to destroy our reputation by following a tout, a gangster to the point of getting pregnant for him,.. Oh! Am so ashamed of you

Natt:am sorry dad.. Shut that pit you call mouth (dominic shouted, giving her a hot slap)

Dominic :what will the church say?, what will people say about me?, how will i face the church? (He said feeling disappointed and weak, as he went and sat on the bed)

The church I have work and suffered so hard to build to this level, you want to scatter and bring it down for me, it will not work

Yemisi: so you have been under my roof refiling yourself, and then you will come behaving like a scent

Natt: am sorry mom (she said still crying)

Yemisi: sorry for yourself, you never thought of The shame you would bring to this family when you were messing around

Dominic: for what you just did, this night i disown you… You are no longer my child and I don’t want to see you anywhere close to my house after this night

Yemisi:ah ah no dear it hasn’t gotten to that nah

Dominic :my dear it has gotten even beyond that (he said with anger, and then turn to Natasha who was kneeling down, crying and begging)

Did i make myself clear (he shouted)

Natt:am sorry dad, please don’t do that to me, am sorry forgive me please

Dominic :get out of my side and by tomorrow you should be out of this house, you should be grateful I didn’t throw you out this night because of the good heart in me

What do you think about Dominic decision

Get out before I do something nasty,Dominic shouted angrily and Natt hurried out

yemisi: I know you are angry at the moment, and so am I ..but please think about your decision again

Dominic: there is nothing to think about dear,I can’t face the shame…do you know what it is?

do you know how far I have gotten?, what do you think will happen when I will be preaching and rebuking such deeds ,when am harbouring someone like that

Yemisi: I understand your point dear but we need to think of another way out, instead of pushing her out.

Dominic: which way again do you want me to think of?, there is no other way I know if you know any,you say it

Yemisi: what if we try abort the child, no one will know

Dominic: are you crazy?, don’t you know it’s risky? What if it doesn’t end well

and the secret get busted,do you know it will be worse than this?,but

yemisi tries to defend her point, but was cut short by Desmond

“oh please I don’t want to stain my hands with blood”,it seems you are Supporting her

Yemisi: God forbid why will I support such deed?

Desmond: well if you aren’t, you will rebuke it

yemisi: it’s just that am her mother and she’s too young to be thrown out

I can’t endure loosing her

Dominic: she would have known that she is too young, before disgracing herself around fornicating

this will be a lesson to her, end of discussion, and that’s my final decision (he said walking out of the room)

yemisi: oh am finish were did I go wrong in training this girl ?my pains of labour is now in vain, God why me?(she said crying)

Natasha POV

I ran out of my dad’s room before he Doe’s something bad cos he wasn’t joking at all, his very dangerous when angry.

Oh am finished I said as I entered my room, I just pray he was joking when he said that

I know it won’t go well but I never thought of him disowning me,how will I leave without my parents

(she said as she kept on crying), I think I should call LADE (she said as she picked her phone and dialed his line)

Ah..pick up nah LADE please pick up the call..she said dialing the line again, she dialed it six more times but no response

Maybe his sleeping, I will call him first thing tomorrow morning before anyone wakes up(she said to herself then sat on her bed)

I don’t know what to do now, how will I face mom?

I really need to beg and talk to mum, Natt said lost in thought… And immediately her mom came in.

Yemisi: you see your life, you see how you have destroyed yourself… After everything i did for you, what didn’t i provide for you?. I buy you anything you want… What exactly didn’t I do that made you go outside at this your age? Not even with a christian but a wayward person.

Natt: am sorry mum, please forgive me (she said as she went and knelt down before her crying)

Yemisi: where does he live?

Natt: at faulks road…

Yemisi: pray your father changes his mind before tomorrow if not… And in the morning you will take me to his house.

Natt: ok ma! But please am sorry.

Yemisi: your sorry wont take things to normal so go tell God you are sorry not me. He is the only one that can help you in this situation (she said walking out of the room.

Natasha pov:

Its morning already, I murmbled to myself as I was woken up by the sound of my alarm.

I stood up and check the time, it was 5am on the dot.

Ohh i never knew i would even sleep i said as i recall everything that happened last night.

After mom left, i didn’t know what to do any more so i laid on my bed and cried out my pains, i didnt even know when i fell asleep but thank God i was fast enough to set an alarm.

I waited a little for the time to get to six, I took my phone and dailed lade ‘s line, “the number you are trying to call is currently switched off, please try again later”

Oh no!, not now… I tried his other number, the same thing.

Am finished, i just pray dad changes his mind.

Natasha!!! i heard dad shouting my name and my heart started racing.

Yemisi: honey please dont do this, think about what i told you last night.

Dominic: there is nothing to think about, i can’t commit murder and she can’t also stay in this house, I have another teenage girl coming up. I dont want her to be a bad example for her.

I want to teach her a lesson so her younger ones will learn from it, i cant let my reputatiom be destroyed. (He said rushing to natt’s room with yemisi behind him)

Dominic: where is she, I said i don’t want to see you in this house before the day brightens… So what are still doing in there (he said barging into her room as he held her, pushing her out of the house).

Natt: daddy please am sorry, i dont have anywhere to go to, please forgive me(natasha begged crying but dominic didn’t listen… He pushed her out of the gate)

Dominic: go and meet that boy that impregnated you, thats where you should go (he said locking the gate)

Go and park her clothes, bring it to her… He said to gift, who went and get some of Natasha’s cloth

Gift: am really sorry sister, gift said crying as she gave her the clothes.

Dominic: what are you doing there?, he said as he came to the gate dragging gift inside and lock the gate.

This will serve as a lesson to the both of you, so be warned, he said pointing to Gift and Brit boy. Then he walked inside ignoring his wife.

Natasha pov:

Oh GOD why me?, where will I go to now?.. I thought lade will be there for me but it seems him too has turned against me. If I knew I wouldn’t have done it

He never forced me anyway, I was the one that want to do what adults are doing… I just wanted to know how it looks like, now see where it has landed me… The devil has really succeeded in my life (she said crying as she held her bag to herself, sitting on the ground close to the gate).

Its just two times i did it and I decided to stop but look how the devil has trapped me in it. Dad am sorry please!! I said hitting the gate… If i come out and meet you there you will not like my action, i heard him say.

I didn’t know where to go to, so i held my bag properly… Going to anywhere my fate takes me to…

Natasha pov continue

The sky has brighten up as i walk through the street.

As i was walking i heard a car coming behind me, i turned and it was moms car… I stopped, then she drove close to me.

Get in you fool and take me to the tout place, she said and i entered then she drove off… Following my directions.

We got to the place and i came down entering the gate with mom behind me… There i saw him and his friends outside.

Where is the imbecile mom shouted. And i pointed to him.

Yemisi: So you are imbecile that has the guts to impregnant my daughter.

LADE: i think your daughter is the imbecile that doesn’t know who got her pregnant, maybe she is just like her mother that sleeps around, covering it up with christianity (he said as him and his friend all laughed)

YEMISI: how dare you!!, how dare you fool? I promise i will deal with you… After you got my daughter pregnant you stil have the right to insult me.

I will… Abeg madam, take your daughter out here and go look for the person that got her pregnant, i dont do things with children that doesnt know how to wash their pants, lade said interrupting yemisi and she felt very embarrassed.

Ahh!! Lade, why are you lyind nah. Natt asked crying.

LADE: are you stupid?, first of all am not lade. My name is IKENNA… Secondly, I don’t remember knowing you not to talk of getting you pregnant.

Natt: ah am finished..

Yemisi: you have not started, you see the disgrace you have brought to yourself… You see the insult you just made me recieve,

I thought i could help you, but you are too stupid to be helped ( she said going out of the compound)..

Hey, you better follow her, see as she dey… One of lade friend said.

Natasha pov

Hearing all this made me weak, where do i start from? Where will i go from here since lade has denied me

Ah lade God will punish you i said crying… Tarrhhhh!! See person, you sabi God? He mocked me

But i i gnored him going outside to beg mom… Before i could come out of the gate, she was gone.

I ran inside, wetin happen? lade asked… Lade please, dont do this to me. Am sorry if i have offended you in anyway, forgive me please. I said as i knelt down before him.

You are not serious, do i look like am ready to be a father?, please go back to your parent, you cant stay here and we dont have anything in common.

Lade please i tried begging, get out abeg. He said pushing me out of the gate and then locked it.

I stood there crying as passerbyes where looking at me, wondering what was wrong with me.

After crying m eyes out, i decided to go back and beg my parent. Maybe they might forgive me.

I started trekking back, even though it was a little far from here. I got there and knocked on the gate but no respond, i kept knocking till i got tired.

Natasha! I heard someone called, and i turned to see princess my friend standing in front of their house which is opposit ours.

What happen? Why are you like that? Is there no one at home, she asked but i couldnt answer cos i dont know what to tell her.

Then i walked away,

Is there any problem Natt?, am fine, i said back while going.

It was Noon already and i was very hungry, i dont even have 5naira with me and i dont know what to do.

I was just moving to anywhere my legs take me to.

At a point i was very weak and tasty, so i decided to go to the market and beg, so i can atleast eat.

I got to the market, i saw a woman passing and i approached her… “Aunty please am hungry… Help me with anything to eat, thank you ma” mtcheeew!! She hissed passing me.

How do you see LADE’s reaction??

Who else pity Natt?

I looked around and then walked to a man opposite me “sir please am hungry, help me sir anything I will appreciate…God bless you”

what is your name he asked,

Natasha sir I replied feeling happy I will eat at last

Where are you from he asked again…IMO state, mbaise sir..I replied

Were are your parent,

oh no all this questions for just a little food that am not even sure of,what will I answer him now? I thought to myself

Don’t you have parent?,..I have sir

were are they? And what are you doing here begging?

Its a long story sir I said

My friend go back to your parent, you are too young for all this or you look for something and do

than begging when you have two hands and legs he said angrily

If I see something I will do sir,

you better go and look for something to do before you get trapped he said stretching out a hundred naira note to me before walking away

Thank you sir I said felling grateful as he walked away. I was very happy

I bought a sachet water since I was very testy,then the remaining money I used it to buy a small bread

I took it to a lockup shop sat there and eat. After eating I brought out my phone to check the time and it was 4:30 pm

OMG were do I go to, very soon it will be night, were will I spend the night?.. I thought to myself as I started crying again

I stood up and continued my journey to no destination.all I just want is to go far,far away were no one will see me or recognise

It was night already so I decided to look for somewhere to sleep. I looked around and found a shop comfortable for me

so I went into the veranda which was covered a little, and laid under a table,using my bag as a pillow.

Lying down there,I thought of how my life just changed in a day

Yesterday, I was with my parent,in a comfortable house, eating well.. Now am on the street with nothing and no hope

Everything lade said played in my head and tears drop down my chick. I need to think of a way forward, today has ended… How will tomorrow be?

Why lying down, I felt so hungry cos that bread wasn’t enough for me but is better than nothing.

how will I feed tomorrow?, how will my life be now?I kept thinking as my mind flash to my phone

Yes,it’s of no use to me and it’s the only valuable thing with me..even though its low

I will find were to sell it tomorrow,so I can eat and then know what remains so I will know what to do next

I said some words of prayer before falling asleep.

It was morning Natasha was still sleeping while the shop owner came

ahh who is this person under my table? The woman said to herself as she bent low to see the person

Hey wake up and stand up from there now..she said getting angry as she taped Natt

who are you? And what are you doing here?

Good morning ma Natt said and hurried up immediately

Keep your greetings to yourself, does this place look like your bedroom?

all this beggars/agberos that will not look for something useful to do and help their life.the woman said eyeing Natt

no ma it’s not what you think She said pleadingly.

So what should I think nah?,as small as you are are on the street, get out please

All this bastard children she shouted.. And I don’t want to ever see you here again if not..she added and natt left immediately

hearing all this rude words,touched me but I quickly consoled myself

I don’t blame her,if I was in my parent house.. will she have the chance to insult me.. mtcheeew

I sighed as drop of tears fell down from my eyes but I cleaned it with my palms and continued walking,

even though I was very weak cos of hunger

how will today be,I thought to myself as I remembered my plans of selling the phone.

I have never sold a phone before, where will I sell it now? I asked myself as I kept moving.

I got to a busy junction and sited where they repair phones. I decided to go there if I would find someone that will buy it.

Good morning sir,I greeted one of the young guy there coupling a phone.

Good morning, he answered still busy with the phone.

please Sir ,I want to sell my phone but I don’t know how to go about it. can you show me or tell me where to sell it.

which phone is that? he asked dropping the one he was holding and facing me.

I brought out my phone and gave him.

infinix hot note,its sound and okay with no problem. its five months old,I bought it brown new. I said as I gave him the phone.

OK how much do you want to sell it?

how much do you want to buy it? I asked back since I don’t have any knowledge about phones and I wasn’t the one that bought it but mom… I don’t even know how much she bought it.

I will give you 5k he said, hearing the price I was happy but I know its worth more than that so I argued.

its too small sir,I said… OK let me give you 7k.

make it 10k sir I pushed…

no the last I can give you is 9k,he said, okay I said feeling happy inside at least; it will be enough for me to start up something.

I collected the money with my sim then decided to travel to nearest state to start up my life.

Getting to the park, port! port!! port!!! I heard a conductor shouting….owerri! owerri!! owerri!!! I heard another shouting, Lagos ,Ibadan,Ogun state more of them shouting .

I thought of the one to enter,then concluded on entering owerri.

from umuahia here to owerri will be cheaper,I went to board owerri.

we got to owerri, and I was very very hungry,so I rushed to a roadside canteen to fill my stomach.

After eating food worth of #300 naira,I was alive again…ah! hunger na bad thing,I said to myself as I walked to a corner and sat.

I brought out the 8k remaining with me,what can I do with this money that will help me? I thought to

what can I do with this money that will help me I thought to myself as I counted it again.

the worst part is that I don’t have any idea,since I have never experience this type of life before.

oh God please help me!, I have already confessed my sins to you and I have repented,

please God help me. I said as I continued thinking of where and how to start.

I don’t even have where to stay…oh no where will I sleep this night?

hmmm I guess I will start living on the street till I get a house. and I need to start something fast so I can get a house.

Later that night…

I decided and concluded on selling snacks on the roadside which I have bought a big transparent bucket for it,and I will be starting tomorrow.

And I found out where I will be getting the snacks at a cheaper rate but the problem now is where I would rest my head for the night.

I have been walking around looking for a suitable place to sleep ,but everywhere is too open and bright.

so I decided to enter one of the street that isnt that bright.

while walking i saw a shop with a table,I think here is better I mumbled as I walked to the veranda of the shop.

Bent the table so it will cover me then I lay down behind it using my bag as pillow with the bucket beside me.

I was about closing my eyes when a hand tapped me,I raised my head up only to find three guys staring down at me.

OMG!! what did I do?, when I walked into the street I didn’t see anybody or maybe I didn’t look well.

oh no ! I pray they don’t harm me…

stand up there, we dey here dey wait for you ,you still lie down there…one of them said giving me a wonderful slap.

and I jumped up immediately holding my chick.

please sir have mercy on me,I don’t have anywhere to go to…I pleaded as tears dropped down my chick.

wetin con concern us? bring that bag wey dey your head,Another said…and I grab the bag giving it to him even though my money is inside.

I don’t just want anymore issue

bring that bucket,shebi na new one…he said again.

wetin you wan use the bucket do?? his colleague ask…I go sell am na!!! see question oo?? he replied him,dragging the bucket from me.

I couldn’t help but cry as they all left…oh God why me?? where will I start from?

where did I even go wrong I wailed bitterly as I coiled myself on the ground behind the table.

just a single mistake and my life has been ruined.

how will I survive on the street ? I thought as I cried more.

it was morning and I was woken by the loud horns sound coming from the main road.

I stood up as everywhere was bright, though much people haven’t come out yet,including road sellers and shop owners.

I was happy to wake up early before the shop owner comes,I sat on a pavement…

then everything that happened last night played in my head.

I slept off while crying last night,how will I do now? where will go from here that I don’t know anywhere…

This Life eh…

Everywhere was becoming busy,and people were opening their shops…

so I stood up,coming out of the street and moving around helplessly. not knowing what to do?.

It was afternoon and I was tired of walking around,I was also very hungry.

so I looked for somewhere to sit and rest,I really need to eat,I said as I sat down feeling very weak.

I guess I will start begging to survive, I said to myself.

Not only will leave on the street,I will also become a begger…

.oh God!! have mercy upon me,I muttered feeling weak to even cry.

I stood up and went to a shop at the road side, Aunty please!! am very hungry…

Get out !! the lady shouted before I could even finish my words… I said out!! she shouted again and I left.

trying to comport myself from breaking down.

I took courage and went a young guy passing by..

.Brother please help me anything am very hungry and weak. I said robbing my palms together.

will you follow me to the house? I don’t have anything on me now,he said.

hearing this, I didn’t know what to do…I was very hungry but I don’t know him and also don’t know anywhere here…I was confused.

I won’t harm you,I know you are scared…

its just that am not with any money,he said and I decided to follow him.

we got to his house,he lives in a room apartment.

come in ,he said and I reluctantly went inside. sit down!! he said giving me a plastic chair and I sat down.

what’s your name?? he asked

Natasha… I replied

why will a pretty girl like you be begging,where do you stay?

I don’t have anywhere to stay

why? where are your parent?

they pushed me out

what?? why?? he asked…and I didn’t know what to say,since I know I was wrong.

its okay,if you don’t wants to tell me,

let me get you something to eat.he said as went to the pot,dished out Rice.

inside me,I was very excited that at last I will eat.

he brought the rice and I grab it immediately, munching it into my mouth…

thank you sir,I said with my mouth full of rice.

its okay there,if that isn’t enough …I will add more and you can stay here for now.

its too dangerous out there on the street.

especially for a pretty girl like you,he said and i was just thanking God in my heart for bringing help to me.

God bless you sir,I said as I rushed the food.

I know you would want take your bath cos you look rough and dirty.

there is water outside and if you are ready to bath,I will show you the bath room; he said and I was so glad.

I rushed the food and he gave me another. after eating he showed me the bathroom,and I took my bath.

After taking my bath,going into the room I saw a big shirt on the bed.

that will do you for now,later you can wash your clothes and spread outside.

he said walking Inside…okay thanks I replied as I wore the shirt with my dirty pant. the shirt wasn’t up to my knee and it was baggy on me.

the way he looked at me when I put on the cloth,wasn’t good .I thought to !myself…

but anyway, thank God for giving me hope again.

At least,I will re strategize myself and think of the next step.

my name is Robinhood,but you can call me Robin…

he said bringing me out of my thought… okay I said and he left

it was night and Robin dressed up,am going out would you mind going with me?…

Emm no thanks! okay he said and went out.

where will i start from now?? ,I think I will beg Robin to help me look for a job

so I can take care of myself and also plan for the baby,I thought within me as I laid on the bed.

I prayed before sleeping but was waken by a knock on the door.

who is there? its me dear,hearing the voice I recognized its Robin.

so i rushed to open the door,welcome I said as he came in occupying the room with alcoholic smells.

yes dear,he replied and I went back to lie on the bed

I was about sleeping, I felt a hand moving on my body.

And I turned to find Robin touching me,I shifted but he followed me holding me this time.

please stop!! don’t do this I said ,

just let me please and let’s help each other he said taking his hands to my butt.

I don’t want,I said as I rushed up standing.

but i just helped you and even let you stay here as long as you want.

I thought you were just trying to help?,please I don’t want to…

thank you for helping me. I will do anything to pay you back but not this,I said.

then why did I help you?? if you dont want,you dont have to stay cos I won’t be able to sleep,with you here.

And outside there is very dangerous, so if I were you. I will just do the right thing.

if I were you ,I will just do the right thing after all you are not a virgin.

but if I notice you are virgin I will leave you…I promise,Robin said standing up.

please, I can’t do it, I have vowed not to do such thing again

…and In my situation I can’t do it.

just be a good girl let’s do this,or I will be force to throw you out. he said trying to touch me but I shifted.

I can’t!! I said still standing on my ground.

then leave my house he said dragging me out,

even though I pleaded with him but he didn’t listen.

He pushed me outside…Everywhere is very dark and quiet,I guess its mid night.

I stood there as tears drop down my eyes,I was crying silently.

I just couldn’t do it while am still pregnant even though my belly isn’t really out.

And I have rededicated my life to Christ ,I vowed not to defile myself again.

I don’t know what to do or where to go,I moved out into the street with my heart broken.

everywhere is so cold that I clinched to myself looking for were to rest my head for the night.

I was so hurt inside and my heart is paining me badly.

why me!!! o God! I thought you have forgiven me?

why punishing me like this? I said why walking in the dark street.

As I was walking I sighted a place though not well covered but I decided to rest there.

i sat down there, and there was light opposite the place that shines bright around.

I laid on the ground and closed my eyes as different thought ran through my mind.

I was getting tired of life…

still thinking of my miserable life when I felt a hand tap me..

I opened my eyes and saw three rough guys standing close to me,oh my God not again!!

I rushed up with fear all over me cos this ones were so rough with a hard face.

what do you want from me?? please let me go!! I struggle to say.

as you set soooo??…see as you fresh, na im you say make we leave you??

no na!! …one of them said with a wicked smiled plastered on his face.

then I realized I was still putting on the baggy shirt that Robin gave me,which reveals part of my laps.

please!!! leave me alone,I said shifting as I tried looking for a way to escape.

No worry…. no fear,we go take am easy…ah swear!! you ma go enjoy am…another one said coming close to me.

And immediately i tried running,I was caught…

the one close to me catched me, pushed me backward that I hit my Butt so hard on the ground.

Arrssssh!! I screamed…

you better behave well make we do sharp sharp commit.

No even try disobey or shout ,if not you no go like how e go end. the one that has not spoken among them said

then the one with me grabbed me…

leave me alone!! I shouted as I fight back with all my strength…

the other two came and held me down and I tried shouting,

but the one on top of me slapped me so hard on the face.

And tears flowed down my cheeks…

please let me go! I said crying, and one of them pulled his cloth and tied my mouth…

the one on top lifted the shirt on me,tearing my pant and then he pulled his jean down…

brought out his big Di*k ,entrusted in me roughly which injured and hurts me.

All I did was just crying as he paced so hard into me…

After he was done,another came on top and continued without giving me a break.

the third person made me pass out….and I didn’t know how they ended or when they stopped.

(The next Morning)

I woke up to see the day getting bright but not really bright.

I looked around no one was at sight.

I tried standing up but fell back due to the sharp pain I got from my Virginia and all over my body…

I tried again and the third time I stood up only to see sperms all over my laps…

I was very weak even to cry,at that moment all I wanted was to die,I can’t take it anymore…

there is no reason for me to live, “I want to die” I said as I started crying…please God take my life.

after crying I took the torn pant beside me ,cleaned the sperms…

I couldn’t wear the pants anymore,so I dropped it and stood up ignoring the pain from my Virginia that was badly Injured.

I didn’t really know what to do or where to go. I looked around,

walking without pants with this short shirt am wearing will be so uncomfortable but what will I do?

I watched as people started passing cos the day was already bright…

I came out fully into the road,where do I go?

I don’t even know this road cos its a different place from the park I was stopped when I came into this state.

where do I go from here now? I thought to myself as I started moving going to anywhere my legs take me to.

am not scared of anything anymore, I have gotten enough from this miserable life

what pains am I to face again, nothing am only waiting for death to take me.


I started begging again and sometimes I throw dirty for people, just to get paid, so I can put something in my stomach

I don’t follow anybody home except it’s to throw away your dirty .

I went back leaving on the street but I always look for a secured place to lay my head e.g church, school e.t.c.

and when it’s morning, I go around begging or packing dirty from peoples house.

begging isn’t easy and am not even getting much from it, it’s only few people that will pity you and give,

while some will insult you…and some will want to take advantage of you, then some will ignore you.

it’s three months now and am three months gone in my pregnancy, it isn’t really easy,

my tummy has grown out a little and my mouth bitters so much that I spit all the time,….

some people get irritated by my sight that anytime I go close to them,they chase me away

I don’t blame them anyway cos am really dirty, I don’t bath and I know I sting,couple with the mouth i don’t brush,

and also spitting anyhow… I only changed my cloth ones, which is this gown am wearing

I picked it on the floor two months ago when I was wondering around

life has not really been easy for me this past months, it has only been too harsh for me that I regret being born

I always want food more, tho I don’t get enough… but am still satisfy with the little I always have.


it’s morning, I walked into one of the compound I usually throw dirt for, good morning ma I greeted the owner of the house

good morning,you can go to the backyard, you would see the dirty… after throwing them away, you come take your money she said

OK ma I replied going to the backyard.

as I got there I saw three big bag of dirty

oh no today’s own is very plenty, I think I will go two times I mumbled as I carried one on my head, not minding how dirty it is

and then carry another with my hand, tho it’s really heavy as I carried it with my hand but I don’t want to go 3times cos I have other houses to go

after throwing the dirty, I came meeting the women for my money, and she stretched out #50 naira to me.

ma’am the dirty was plenty this time and went twice to dispose it.. please add something. I said and she stretched out #20 to me.

I sluggishly collected it since I have no other choice as I went to other compound.

After everything, I was having #300naira on me…I was very happy,though Naira doesn’t have value any more.

Even #500 naira can’t get you enough stuff but its better than begging,where people will insult and treat you like a plague.

I thought of what to eat since I was very hungry…since morning I haven’t put any thing in my stomach,and its mid day already.

At last I decided to buy bread and groundnut which is sometimes my major food.

After buying it ,I couldn’t wait as I devoured it …sitting at a corner.

(The Next day)

Since morning, I have walking on this road begging but it seems today is really a bad day for me.

cos no one even paid attention to me and I have nothing else to do since I threw all the dirt yesterday.

Am very hungry …I said wandering around.

while walking someone called me. I turned to see one of the women I throw dirt for Mrs Angela.

I was happy seeing her then I rushed to meet her.

Mrs Angela POV:I was in my compound one faithful day when she came begging to throw away my dirty

and at that instant I set my eyes on her,I really pitied and loved to help her,especially because of her pregnant state

I can’t help but wonder why she is always dirty and does dirty things

since I know her,I notice she’s a very beautiful and kind hearted girl… she has always been obedient and loyal to me

and I always pity the way she goes around parking dirt,in her condition

the worse is that I see her begging sometimes or wondering around and I wonder if she doesn’t have a family.

I was going to the market to buy some food stuffs when I saw her as usual wandering around and begging.

But no one seem to answer her…after some minutes I decided to call her.

Natasha POV:

Mrs Angela is a very kind and good woman,she is the only person that has never treated me bad,she pays me well and sometimes…

even more than she is suppose to pay me but it seems like she doesn’t have a child.

Hearing her call me,I was very happy as I rushed to meet her.

Good day ma,I greeted…

how are you Natt

Am fine ma,thank you..

Are you sure you are really fine? she asked looking at me.

Am sorry to bother you ma’am but am really hungry.

its just that I haven’t eaten since morning.

whaaaat!!! in this condition?? oh no come lets go home she said.

I was happy,perhaps… there is another dirty for me to throw away. Am very certain she will pay me well,I thought as I followed her.


come in dear miss Angela said as we got to her house…and I just looked at her

does she really mean what she just said, didn’t she see how dirty and irritating I am

don’t border about how you look dear.. come in, she said figuring out why I was looking at her and I went in with her

as I entered into the sitting room, I looked around admiring the beautiful furniture’s and how beautiful the sitting room is

looking at it reminds me of my parent and siblings,

tho our house is more bigger and beautiful than miss Angela’s own

as I looked around, I remembered my life before with my parent and tears tried falling from my eyes but I withheld it

are you okay dear miss Angela said bringing me out of my thought

am fine ma I said as my eyes went to the plate of rice in her hand

and before she could stretch out the food to me, I had already grabbed it

as I dipped into the food mercilessly not even minding if she was looking at me

miss Angela POV

the way she dragged the food from my hand, made me want to shed tears for her

I know there is something really wrong somewhere… I know she is not okay at all

and I see the distress in her face, maybe when she finish eating I will ask her why she is not with her family, If she even has

I Wash her Munch all the food and I also brought juice for her to support it

after eating two plate of rice, I know she is okay by her look

hope you are okay… I ask to confirm

yes ma am so grateful,I don’t know what to say but thank you

God bless you… she said knelling down

o don’t do that please, it’s God you should thank…

don’t try doing that again please I said raising her up

for some months now, this is the only time I have eaten to my satisfaction she said and I pitied her

so ma is the dirty at the backyard she ask and I wondered what dirty she was talking about

which dirty???

I thought you called me, and I came here so I can throw away your dirty

oh no don’t say that again, it’s not the reason why you came and there is no dirty anywhere

I saw you begging on the road so I decided to help

natt: thank you so much ma am so grateful for the food,

miss Angela: it’s nothing dear, so were do you stay

natt: I don’t stay anywhere ma but am okay, I don’t want to stress you more… you have tried already

miss Angela: don’t say that please I didn’t complain of your stress and you aren’t even stressing me,

so what do you mean by you don’t stay anywhere, please tell me

natt: I leave on the street ma I don’t have any house

Angela: don’t you have families??

natt: I have (she reluctantly say)

Angela: then were are they and why aren’t you with them I ask

its a long story ma she said and my mind flash to her pregnancy

who knows it might be the reason cos parent nowadays are very cruel

especially when it comes to their reputation I thought to myself

is it because of the pregnancy I ask but she didn’t answer

hey sweetie you shouldn’t be scared cos am not like that,

am a woman like you so go ahead and tell me everything, I will understand okay

I said petting her back,okay she replied me fondling her fingers as she narrated everything to me

what!! I shouted after she ended her story,that was very cruel

though its very painful but throwing you out, was out of it

and they don’t even border looking for you, that’s not good

you have really passed through hell on the street,I can’t even imaging the suffer you have gone through.

I said with tears in my eyes.

Natt: Life wasn’t really easy on the street,at first I was having money from selling my phone.

And I planned starting something with it,but I was robbed of it.

I was hopeless then a guy appeared to help but later threw me out at mid night,cos I didn’t agree giving him sex.

That same night,I was brutally raped by three hafty ugly looking men.

oh no!!! (Mrs Angela exclaimed, crying already). what a wicked world!!!

Natt: Since then I have been living on the street, if there is no dirty for me to throw away…

I will switch to begging just to put something in my stomach.(Natt concluded)

Author POV:

Am so sorry honey!! Mrs Angela held her crying,as they both cried for some minutes holding each other.

with so much pain in Natt heart ,which she let out by crying…

miss Angela POV

we were done crying and I really felt for her. this life is not really balanced

some people like me that are looking for children don’t have,

but people that aren’t looking for it and don’t even want it will have many

hmmm what a coincidence I thought to myself as I held her

you will stay here for now till I find something for you to do, my husband is not around, he went for outside work

and will be returning in two weeks time, so I will find something for you to do and were you will stay before he comes back. I said

And she looked at me surprised.

Natasha POV:

Hearing all she said sounded like a joke to me,

I think you should take your bath and remove that cloth so you will look nice.

come let me show you your room for now,I heard her say.

then I realize that it was really not a joke.. but I was scared,scared of her changing her mind.. who knows?

But ma’am,I don’t really want to bother you, you have really tried for me already.

I said but she stared at me…and that moment I knew she was hurt by my words.

who told you,you are bothering me ??, or you think am a bad person?? she asked.

No ma!! am very sorry, its just that am so scared.

its okay dear, I understand you but ,just give me a chance…please I really want to help. she said holding my hands.

I was really speechless, okay ma…thank you so much I said deciding to give her a chance and watch how it ends.

thank you too dear.. now let’s Go so you can freshen up. she said and I stood up and followed her

We entered the room and it look so beautiful, it also remind me of my room

exactly the size but different design and it was beautiful.

this is your room for now,till I get you something to do,

then you will be given another place to stay she said bringing me out of my thought.

Wow!! thank you so much ,I said feeling excited.

its nothing dear,all thanks to God… you should go into the bath room and rake your bath ,I will get you something to wear.

okay.. thanks,I said as I pulled off my cloth . entering into the bathroom.

Mehn!! am really happy as I washed my self thoroughly…you know ,I haven’t done that for long.

After bathing ,I came out and saw a towel on the bed. I grabbed it and cleaned my body before tying it to my chest.

Hey sweetie! are you done?? Mrs Angela said coming into the room.

Yes ma,I replied her…

Here are few of my old clothes, just manage it for now till I get you new ones.

she said as she handed me two gowns,a top and skirt.

thank you ma,am grateful!

stop thanking please,when you are done dressing… meet me in the sitting room.

Let me watch some zee world series…

we can watch it together, she said and turned leaving.

okay ma,I replied her.

After applying the cream she brought with the cloth, I decided to check the clothes out.

I wore the gown ,it was beautiful but not fitted. it was manageable though just as she said.

I tried all of them ,then settled on the first one.

After dressing, I joined her to watch the zee world series.

I sat opposite her and I guess she sited me ,come sit beside me. she said.

And I went and sat beside her.. you should be free with me,just take me as your mother or Aunt.

okay ma,as we both continued watching.

(the next day)

I was done helping to do the house chores,although she didn’t allow me at first

saying she don’t want to stress me in my condition.

but I begged her to,and she reluctantly agreed.

immediately I was done,I went to brush my teeth and took my bath just as she asked me too

when I came out,the smell of noodles filled everywhere and I nearly poked at the sitting room.

then I ran back to my room.

Hey!! are you okay?! I heard miss Angela said from outside.

can I come in?? she added…

yes ma,come in.

what’s the problem? I saw the way you run into your room,so I followed to know if you are okay.

am okay ma,its just that I don’t like the smel! of the noodles.

it made me want to poke..

oh am really sorry for that.she said

don’t you like noodles?? or is it the pregnancy?

she ask

I think it because of the pregnancy cos I do eat it before but since I became pregnant, I detest it.

only the smell alone,makes me want to poke.

oh dear its okay,let me make tea for you. hope you will like that?

yes ma…

okay ,let me get it for you with some loaf of bread,will be back soon. she said then left.

Wow! she is nice,I muttered under my breath. its been long I experience such care.

I just pray it last!!!

Natasha POV:

After she brought the breakfast to my room and I finish eating it,I went to the kitchen to see her washing the dishes…

I joined in helping her,hope you are ready dear??,

I told you last night that we will be going to the hospital today, she said.

yes ma,but why are we going to the hospital, I asked?

well its for your own good,its to register you for Anti natal…and to check your baby.

to know how he or she is doing…oh okay,thank you so much ma…

its nothing dear,go get ready…after now ,we will be going.

okay,I said as I rushed to get dressed.

We got to the hospital and they conducted some test on me,

we also did scan…they checked some other things like my B P.

And at last ,I registered for Anti Natal.

I was given some drugs to take and then we headed home.

On our way home,Mrs Angela bought me lot of different fruit…

and I was very happy.

(two days later)

I was in the parlor watching a movie ,when Mrs Angela came in…

Good day ma,I greeted as I went to hug her..

Good day honey,hope you have taken your dinner?? she asked.

yes ma,

oh alright… well guess what,she said with a smile on her face as we both sat down.

what?? I asked smiling too,

you are so boring,guess she said ( hitting me playfully, and we both laughed).

okay…I remembered you told me when you are going out,that you will use the opportunity to also look for a job to me.

so I guess you have found one or ….

wow!! you are really good at guessing, there is no or!!!

you just got it dear,she said interrupting me.

seriously!!! I asked

yes??? …but wait ,will you really like to work there??

its a restaurant /bar,you would just be serving food and drinks,attending to customers. she said.

why not,I will…am really so grateful ma,I can’t stop thanking you.

I don’t know people like you still exist! I said hugging her.

you are welcome dear,tomorrow we will go get you clothes and some necessary things…

so you will get ready and I forget to tell you ,that she has somewhere you can stay after work.

so,don’t worry…everything will be fine.

your salary is 8k,I know its small but just manage and start there for now.

As time goes on,you will get a better place…you can save the money for future use…

cos you will be eating there as a worker.

wow!! this is really very big,not small as you said and is more than okay for me. am so happy

I can’t believe this is happening, I said hugging her again.

its okay dear,and don’t ever forget to pray…remember I have told you that God is the ultimate .

Don’t ever let any one shake your faith.

yes ma,I said and noded

Natasha POV continue:

Well Mrs Angela is a devoted Christian, she doesnt joke with prayers ;

since I came here we have been praying morning and night.

And we also read the Bible together.

she always take me to her church… and I have really learnt more about God.

wow!! God is really faithful, from living on the street begging to living well again. thank you lord.

my dear God has not really started in your life,I believe there is more for you in future Mrs Angela said as she walked into her room.

(the next week)

Come on sweetie, aren’t you done yet. be fast so we won’t be late,Mrs Angela said.

Give me some minutes ma,I said as I wore my clothes. that was after parking my belongings.

Today,I will be starting my work at the restaurant, so we are preparing to go meet Madam Bimbo.

the owner of the restaurant/bar.

After am done with putting on my clothes, I took my bag and went the sitting room

there Mrs Angela was sitting and waiting for me.

Am done ma,I said as I entered…

Alright! let’s start going ,she said standing up and we left the house.

we got to the place I presume to be the restaurant,people were all sited both inside and outside.

some with drinks scattered on there table while others with food ,pepper soup etc.

At a corner was a middle aged huge dark woman sitting…there she is ,Mrs Angela said and we went to meet her.

Good morning ma,we both greeted at the same time.

Ahh! An_An!! Good morning, please sit she said and we both sat down opposite her.

how are you my dear?? madam bimbo asked Mrs Angela.

am fine ma and you??

we thank God my dear,so is she the girl you told me about?? madam B asked as she took her gaze to me.

yes ma! she is a good and hard working girl, Mrs Angela replied.

oh okay,you are beautiful dear, she said looking at me.

thank you ma,I replied

you are welcome my child, so how many month’s is your pregnancy?? she asked.

going to four months ma,I replied

I have heard your story but don’t worry…everything will be fine my child.

princess! princess!! madam B shouted,and a girl who may be three years older than me rushed out..

yes ma,she said as she came.

take her to tour room,she will be staying with you guys,madam B instructed.

And you can rest and settle down for now,you will be starting your job as a waitress in the Afternoon.

she said to me as I stood up to follow the girl.

okay ma,I said then follow the girl.

princess: what’s your name?

Natt: Natasha I replied her!

princess: well Natasha, you know mine princess oluwaseyi and you are welcome.

Natasha: thanks I said as we got to the room that is at the back of the bar.

princess: we are two staying here but you will be making it three,the other girl is at the shop. we are both sales girls.

Natasha: oh! what’s the girls name?

princess: Vera,and she is also friendly but she is an amebo so mind what you tell her ( princess said and the both laughed)

Natt: am so happy to meet you,I like you already. I said and she smiled.

Princess: I like you too,hope you are not trouble some. she teased me.

Natt: No oo,am not, I said and she laughed.

Princess: well I know cos your face is very gentle and you also look gentle.

Natt: hmm stop whinnying me ,I said.

Princess: okay,that’s your business, let me start going before the Lioness start shouting my name.

she said as she went out.

i kept my bag at the corner were there was clothes and bags as I knelt down and pray.

after praying and thanking God, I sat down on the small flat bed there.

feeling happy that things are changing for my good.


it was noon and I was ready to start my job as I went to the restaurant.

oh! you are here,I was about sending someone to call you. madam B said.

then she called out Princess, with a young woman that will be around 26.

And finally called out a young girl I think will be Vera.

they all sat down,she then introduced me to them.

this is your fellow sales girl,she said pointing to Princess and Vera ( that was after introducing me to them).

and this is our cook,miss Lola she said pointing to the lady. then I greeted them all, and they all welcomed me.

you can all go back to work, Mrs Bimbo said and they all stood up including me.


Natasha POV cont:

oh! thank God we have closed ,I muttered to myself with princess and Vera behind me.

today was really hectic and am so tired.

I entered the room and laid on the bed,am very hungry I said…me too,princess said as she entered.

you that have even eaten something,what about us that did not eat,Vera said to me.

mtcheeew!! that small food ,that did not even fill my stomach.

ah!! if they give me that food ,I will be happy oo. princess said

I know why its small for you,its because you are pregnant Vera said.

princess: Oh Vera amebo!! who told you?

Vera: Ask her nah,can’t you see its already showing a little??

Natt: yes its true!

Princess: ooh! how come,you are too small nah or are you married.

Vera: maybe its her boyfriend.

Princess: Amebo! how did you know? and I didn’t ask you.

Vera: mtcheeew! stupid girl ( she said eyeing Princess).

Princess: its okay dear,don’t mind those yeye boys.

Vera: but you could have aborted it nah

Natt: I didn’t have the money too and my parent pushed me away.

Vera: shai ya,nawa oo

Princess: shai …am really sorry for you.

Natt: its okay,it was really painful but by the grace of God. I have overcome.

Princess: alright its okay dear.

Natt: but why didn’t you guys eat??

Vera: ah!! that wicked woman…its because we just broke a bottle… just bottle. so she said no food for us for two days.

but thank God it ends today,tomorrow we might eat.

Natt: ah ah ,is she that wicked??

Vera: Hmm you don’t really know her, anyway you just came new. you will see her other side as time goes on.

Princess: Well its better than taking it out of our salary, though it was just a mistake and she is very strict anyway; so be careful not to !make her angry.

Natt: okay thanks so much.

Princess: you are welcome!

Natt: Miss Lola doesn’t stay here?

Vera: Hmm another witch, she stays with her husband.

Princess: but I though she is your friend Vera??

Vera: mtcheeew! which friend? friend that will put small food for someone but if wants to eat ,she will take all the food in the pot so she can eat to her satisfaction.

Princess: hmm

Vera: she always poke nose in matter that doesn’t concern her….

it has been a week now,working in the restaurant… its not really easy working as a sales girl

it has been very stressful especially when there is no day for rest,

you will be standing or walking around attending to customer’s from morning till night everyday

and they only give me food two times a day, food that is not even

enough due to my condition

but I thank God sha! its better than

begging, which will not still satisfy me

And I have started seeing the bad side of madam bimbo.

yesterday I was too stress out that I sat at a corner to rest,before I know it; a heavy knock landed on my head.

What are you doing here? madam B said.

am so sorry ma,I was really tired so i decided to rest a little. I said as I rushed up.

you are very stupid, look at customers everywhere and everybody is busy ,

then you are here sitting and telling me you are tired.

but you will not be tired to eat,idiot…come on get to work immediately fool!!.

as if I will pay you for sitting down,madam B barked at me and I rushed to continue feeling bad.

I have been waiting for Mrs Angela to come today since its what she promised me when she brought me here

According to her ,she said she will be coming in one week time and today made it a week.

while hoping to see her,I was attending to some customers when Vera came calling me.

hey! your Aunt is here she said and I was very happy as I rushed outside to see her sitting.

Good morning Aunt,I said as I hugged her

Good morning sweetie, how are you doing?…

am fine I said sitting opposite her.

how is everything? she asked

fine I said..

Are you sure?? cos you look stress out.

mtcheeew! I only eat two times and the food is not always enough for me,plus the everyday stress…no rest.

Yesterday I just tried sitting down a little when madam B gave me a heavy knock on my head.

shouting at me for just sitting down, I narrated feeling sad.

oh no!! that’s not good,…is not what we agreed on nah. she said

she is suppose to be feeding you three times a day ,why two??

and why will she even hit you in this condition?? when she promised to take good care of you.

Anyways,am so sorry honey…don’t worry ,I will talk to her.

if she doesn’t want you to work for her,she should tell me.

and you are also going to rest today ,cos I came to take you to the hospital for Anti Natal.

As from today on,you will be going for Anti natal and on that day .you will always have rest,she said assuring me.

I was happy and relieved…

here she is,you can go…I will talk to her,Mrs Angela said.

okay thank you ,I said as I left her

Madam B: ah Ann this one of you are here,hope there is no problem??

Angela: Not really,I just came to take her for Anti natal..

remembered I pleaded with you and you agreed for her to be going for Anti natal.

Madam b: oh okay..

Angela: there is something I still want to ask.

Madam B: what is it??

Angela: I thought you said you will be feeding her three times a day? and you won’t treat her bad,

she is pregnant for Christ sake; please have pity and sympathy for her.

Madam B: who told you she is not eating three times and that am treating her bad?? or is that what she gossiped to you??

well if not because you are my friend, I wouldn’t have taken it lightly with you.

so I cannot scold her for doing bad again? no tell me nah??

who knows,maybe that’s why she is spoilt and got pregnant; because no one talks or correct her.

Angela: am sorry ma,but at least give her food.

Madam B: Call her and ask her if she doesn’t eat three times a day,that girl is never satisfied and will never be satisfied.

even if you give her the whole pot to eat…. ( Natasha! Natasha!! she shouted)

Natasha POV:

Hearing madam B shout my name,made my heart skip,why is she calling you…

hope you did not complained to your Aunt about her??princess ask.

hmmm!! you don finish be that, Vera added..

which made me more scared.

did Mrs Angela tell her everything I said,did she tell her I was the one that told her??

oh no,different thought keep flying through my mind as I rushed out to meet them.

Natasha don’t I feed you three times a day?? madam B asked with a dangerous look on her face as I got there.

you…yooou…youu…you do ma,I stammered with so much fear in me and then Angela gave me a wired look,immediately I took my face down.

you see,she is never satisfied. madam B said to Angela as she stood up and walked out.

why did you lie to me Natt? ( Angela asked Natt staring at her)…is..isssss…no…t a lie,I said as drop of tears fell from my eyes.

then,what did you just say before now? Angela ask

aaàaam….mmmm…sorry ma.

mtcheeew! go get ready for the Anti natal let’s go please, I have other things to do at home.

get ready for the Anti Natal,let’s go please I have other things to do at home.

yes ma,natt said going inside.

Natasha POV:

I was heartbroken for the fact that madam B made me a lier in Mrs Angela presence.

And she seems to buy it…I didn’t know what to do again.

you don finish Vera said as I entered into the restaurant. but I ignored her going through the restaurant to the room.

I dressed and came out to meet Mrs Angela, and we went to the hospital.

it was evening when I came back to the restaurant, after the anti natal . I went to Mrs Angela’s house to rest.

And thank God she didn’t raise the matter up or treat me bad.

she was just normal as I stayed there,and I also assisted in some things.

I ate to my satisfaction and rested before this evening. and when I was coming back…

my mind was racing and different thought crossed my heart.

I was about going to change into my working clothes,when I heard madam B shouting my name…

I rushed out to meet her.

you this stupid girl,you have the right to report me to Angela abi?

she shouted landing a very hot slap on my face…

immediately, tears ran down my cheeks.

am sorry ma,please forgive me as I knelt down to beg her.

sorry for your stupid self idiot, as if its me that got you pregnant…

or am your parent that threw you away. you are not even grateful that you eat two times…

when you where on the street, did you even see food to eat?? fool!!

look at you trying to make me look like a bad person, I will deal with you…

you better behave yourself…as if I employed you to come and eat nonsense!!!

get out of my sight,she shouted and I stood up rushing to the room.

when I got there I released the tears I was holding ,

its okay dear,you shouldn’t have told Angela and she shouldn’t have told madam B,she heard it from you.

but anyway its okay, princess said as she came inside to comfort me.

you should know you came here to work and that its how Employers are.

they will want you to work your life out before you get paid.

its hard to find a good and caring boss…but it okay,

dress up before she notice our absence. unless you want another wahala. she said

And I cleaned my tears,change then we went back to work.

Vera: hmm but nawa for that girl oo,she even see food eat and she is complaining.

we are here working and not getting tired but she always get tired and want to rest…

is it not the same amount they will pay us all,

she even have the mind to complain to Mrs Angela, what was she expecting??

( She said to princess, who was beside her).

princess: don’t you have heart?? can’t you see she is pregnant that’s why she demand for food more and always tired?

you that is not even pregnant, don’t you get tired of everyday work??

princess said eyeing her.

but if she wasn’t ready she would have not come nah or may be she should have endured it,

just as we are enduring… as long as they will pay at the end of the month.

I pity her shaa!! now she has become madam B’s enemy,Vera said and hissed.

she never knew it would results to this,princess defended. leaving Vera to clean other tables.

( A week later)

Natasha POV:

its a week now, madam B has been making things worst for me

even though I have been trying to avoid her…but its not working.

she shout at me in any slightest mistake I make…

she embarrasses me in public even calling me names…

she tell people that am a gossip and talk too much…but whom am i to say back or defend myself.

I only try to endure,at least its better than staying on the street with no food and no payment.

she even complains about me to Mrs Angela,

accusing and saying bad things about me to her. which Angela sometimes doubt but confront me on some.

who am I to say bad about madam B.

i just thank God for the anti natal,cos its the only day I get to rest and be free from madam B anger/trouble…

and the anti natal is two days in a week.


its Sunday already, and believe me Saturday and Sunday are very stressful,cos its mainly weekend people do flex and troop in this restaurant the more…

the worst is Sundays.

we had open the restaurant and we are about cleaning and arranging it,

we shared ourselves the job…princess and Vera will be sweeping and moping everywhere

while I will arrange the chairs ,bottles,drinks etc.

we started cleaning / arranging.

as I was trying to arrange the drinks and put some in the fridge,two bottles of Heineken fell from my hands,breaking into pieces, giving me a cut on my leg…

aarrrrrshed!!! I held my leg with blood flowing out.

what !! oh no! how did it happen?? princess said as she rushed to me.

you are even injured,she said as she saw the blood.

let me get a spirit and cotton wool with a piece of cloth to clean and tie there so you wont bleed much…she said and ran off.

Natasha POV cont

ewooo! Vera exclaimed as she came in, how did it happen nah. she asked

finally you are going to die,hmm I pity you oo! she said coming close to me…

then I remembered madam B…

oh my God,what did I get myself into. I started crying not minding the cut and blood any more.

how will I explain this to madam B, I mumbled.

vera: chai! you even injured yourself…sorry oo.

where is Princess, so she can help you with her spirit and cotton wool

cos you are bleeding badly.

princess ran in with the items just as Vera concluded.

raise your leg up she said! and I did…

sit down Vera said,bringing a sit to me as princess cleaned my wound.

what is she going to do now? Vera asked.

we just need to think but first help me clean here,

pack the broken bottle inside the sack bag…and clean up the drinks on the ground.

After that we will think of how to replace the drinks or what to say. princess suggested cleaning my leg.

After she was done cleaning my injury,she joined Vera in packing the broken bottles.

but as they were cleaning ,Mrs Lola came in…

what’s going on there? and why is everywhere smelling beer? she said.

and immediately princess hide the broken bottles under the counter.

nothing Vera said,hmm okay Mrs lola said going into the kitchen.

They helped me cleaned everywhere and we decided throwing the broken bottles far away.

Agreeing that if madam B notice the drinks missing,we will tell her…

we sold it but the person varnished without paying.

I was very happy they decided to help me and I thank them for that.

we finished cleaning and arranging before madam B came…people were trooping in little by little.

and I sited madam B, calculating and balancing the sales and drinks.

immediately I got frightened…

she will notice the missing drink,I mumbled with fear as I continued doing my work.

Some minutes after,madam B called the three of us and we were standing before her…

more than one Heineken is missing and you didn’t sell it,but if you did the money isn’t complete…

so how come,she asked looking at the three of us.

we sold it ma,but we couldn’t get the money cos the person disappeared…

due to crowd of people last night. princess said while I was shaking inside.

who sold it??

me ma…sorry it wasn’t my fault princess said pleading.

if you see the person, will you recognize and can you described the person?

madam B asked as Lola came to meet her with a list.

Good morning ma,this is the items we need for today’s cooking. Lola said stretching the list to her.

wait,I will attend to you… for now ,two drinks are missing and the money is not complete. she said

And Lola stared at us.

Lola: when I was coming in the morning, I saw them gathered at the bar and everywhere was fiilled with the smell of beer.

I asked and they said its nothing,though I suspected them but I walked out.

Lola explained and my heart skipped.

is that true?? madam B asked looking at princess.

no ma,its a lie princess said and Lola gave her a dagger stare.

Are you stupid? so you are saying am lying?,

my instinct was right and I know you broke those drinks and decided to lie to get away from paying. Lola said

so,the three of you broke not just an empty bottle but the one with drink and you are lying about it. madam B shouted angrily.

Am not among ma,Vera said defending herself.

so who broke the bottle?? she shouted at Vera…

its Natasha ma,Vera said afraid and I almost fainted.

you!!! madam B shouted pointing at me.

now you have done something bad,you won’t go gossiping about it abi?!

and you are even trying to cover it up with lies…with you helping her,she said pointing to princess.

its either I remove the money from your salary or you won’t eat here for two days.

the two of you are starving for two days since you want to help her so help her partake in the punishment, she said to princess.

So which do you choose,she shouted and I was too afraid to speak immediately.

we will starve ma,princess said and I looked at her.

for two good days,how will I cope?? I thought to myself.

Good now get out!! she said and we all hurried away to continue our work.

it was noon and I was very hungry and exhausted cos of all the work.

I sat at a corner remembering every thing I have gone through and also when I was with my parent.

I remembered how I used to enjoy and how my suffering started.

I remembered how Lade denied and insulted my mom and I.

mtcheeew!! I hissed and sighed as tears drop from my eyes.

if I was with my parents now,we would have gone to Church.

and after church, we are always the last to leave Cos dad will counsel some people and we will help arrange the church.

( in Church at UMUAHIA, pastor Dominic church…)

member one: I haven’t seen Natt the G.O first daughter for four months now

and the father isn’t saying anything g about her.

are you not noticing what am noticing ??

member one: I haven’t seen nat the G.O’s first daughter for four months now

and the father isn’t saying anything about her,are you not noticing what am noticing??

member two: well the mother said she traveled and maybe she is not yet back

member one: hmmmm when will she now be back

member three: I don’t just know why you like poking into people’s business,

is it your business if she decide not to come back

member two: I wonder oo…look at the way she’s asking me as if I know when she will be back

member one: mchteew who even call you in this discussion (she said eyeing the third member)

anyway I don’t blame you cos you don’t know anything and you don’t even have eyes to see nonsense

don’t you know that she was pregnant and before we knew it, she stopped coming to church

and the mother decided to say she traveled, can’t you sense something fishy there?

member four: you are right my dear, I thought I was the only one that noticed she was pregnant

who knows, maybe they might be hiding her, then on Sundays dey will come here to preach for us

and our children when them themselves aren’t good hmmm!

member two: ha! please I didn’t hear all this gossip the two of you are gossiping oo am not even here

member three: don’t mind them my dear maybe it’s their husband abi their son that impregnated her??

the two of you better mind what you say,before the Holly spirit get angry with you

and God will release his anger on you two, anyways am going

member one: abeg go jare see who is talking of Holly spirit mtcheeew

(back at madam B restaurant)

Natasha POV cont

I was still resting there,trying to regain my strength when a hot slap landed on my back

arrsh I screamed and jump up turning to see madam bimbo starring angrily at me

you fool what are you doing here when everybody is busy she ask angrily

a..m sor..ry ma I stammered, sorry for your useless and foolish self,you better get back to work

before I get angrier than this she said and I rushed to continue working

it was evening and I was very hungry and weak,I couldn’t even walk,my head was spinning me

but I still tried moving, to get orders of some customers… as I pushed myself to continue walking

I slump to the ground throwing the tray and glasses in it…Natasha I heard a voice call before passing out

I woke up to see myself soaked with water, I looked around and I saw princess sitting by my side

you are awake she said, you made everyone scared she added… come so you will eat

I was very weak but she helped me up and I sat on a chair,as she started feeding me

I was surprise to see the food but I didn’t have strength to ask questions

since I was very hungry I opened my mouth as she feed me till I was full,then she gave me water to drink

are you OK she ask, yes I said recovering my strength… how did you get the food I ask looking at her

well when you fainted you got everyone scared including madam B

she was so scared that she ordered Lola to prepare food for you

and then we all started pouring you water before bringing you here

as we speak now,madam b has gone to call the doctor and she said I should watch over you

but thank God you are awake she ended the story with a smile on her face

am sorry for making you guys scared I said

its OK dear it wasn’t your fault so change your cloth and rest she said

natt: no it OK I didn’t come here to rest just as madam B always say and I think she is right

I came to work so am fine let me change and follow you, please don’t oppose me

princess: OK if you say so

two weeks after..

well after that day madam B have never tried starving me again… she always feed me as usual(2 times a day)

and am okay, am satisfied since am use to it

but she never give me the chance to rest and also never changed in taunting me

she never miss any chance in insulting and shouting at me, but am use to it

I am five months and two weeks gone,,I have opened an account and started saving my salary

today is anti natal and am dressing to follow miss Angela.

after anti natal I followed her to her house as usual

we will be relocating nat she said and I was sad….but we can still be together and see each other nah I said

we are relocating to Lagos she said felling sad too…its very far I muttered lost in thought

Mrs Angela: its not really my mind but am under pressure here from my in laws…

and my husband suggest we relocate.

Natt: But what pressure?? I asked confused.

Mrs Angela: I have been married for three years now,no child…

and they have been disturbing, saying they need a grand child.

Natasha POV:

Mrs Angela said crying and i felt pity for her, oh no! how will I cope with madam B now.I kept thinking.

since I came back to the restaurant, I have been thinking,

its only Mrs Angela that console me apart from princess…

and she is the reason I do rest,now that she will be relocating…

who knows if I will even be going for anti natal again?

who knows if madam B will even care of my health,and life again?

cos Mrs Angela is the reason madam B is trying not to harm me…

but I just pity Mrs Angela, isn’t it God that give children?

why will her in laws put the blame on her mtcheeew!!…

what’s the problem? you look worried. princess asked.

Mrs Angela is relocating to another state, and you know she is the reason I always leave this restaurant and rest.

if she goes,I will be caged here till who knows when? I said feeling very sad

hmmm well its okay,from now on…I promise to take the place of Angela, she said and I looked at her.

How?? we both work here…how do you intend to deliver me from your boss hand.

I said still looking at her

Well let’s see how it goes she said as we continue doing what we were doing.

(two weeks later,)

its been a week now Mrs Angela left the state,and since she left I have never gone out of this restaurant…

just like I predicted… and even when princess tried talking with madam B…

about how important the anti natal is,she won’t listen.

Am six months gone already,and today is the end of the month which madam B usually pays.

we have been waiting patiently and we waited till the next morning.

she called us one by one,and it was my turn so I went to meet her…

well from now onward,I will be saving your salary for you . she said and I was confuse…

I don’t get you ma,I have an account where I save it.

you are very stupid, which account?

you are not even happy that am helping you?

don’t you know you owe Me a lot?

I feed you and shelter you,if you are to pay;

do you think your salary will be enough? you fool. she said glaring at me wickedly.

But ma’ am grateful for that and you agreed to it before accepting me to work for you. I said

yes,and now I said I will be saving for you… cos I don’t want you to go out,waisting time outside.

when there is much things to do here,she said.

but I won’t waste time ma’ ,please let me save it in my bank.

its like you are deaf abi,now get out of my sight,she shouted.

how dare you argue with me? she added as I left her crying..

what is it? princess asked

didn’t she pay you,Vera added..??

yes!! she said she wants to be saving for me as if I don’t have an account. I said crying the more.

princess pov,:

I really pity the poor girl and hearing this made me more angry. as I went to meet madam B.

Please ma’ give me natt’s salary,I said angrily.

Are you out of your mind? you fool…how dare you?

I feed you and shelter you,and you are here doing rubbish.

Do you want me to throw you out? she foolishly shouted.

Hahahaha,did I tell you that I don’t have family like Natt or I don’t have where to stay??

if not that you wanted me to be always early and I decided staying here,so I will be meeting up.

will I be staying here at the first place?

please don’t let me ask of her salary again, if not you will see my black color.

which you haven’t seen since I started working here.

oh so now you have grown wings,she said angrily bringing out the money and stretching it out to me.

now before I open my eyes and close it,I don’t want to see the both of you here again, she shouted.

Natasha POV:

oh no! what have princess done? where will I go from here?

how will I cope and how will I feed myself now? I kept thinking while cursing princess for what she just did.

what did you just do princess, I said angrily as she came in.

I just stood up for you ,aren’t you happy?

and this is your salary, she said stretching the money to me.

mtcheeew!! so now that she is throwing us out and you will be going to meet your family.

what do you think will happen to me? I said bitterly.

you would have let her be nah,where will I go to now?

princess: Hey its okay,you will be coming with me. don’t worry I got a job somewhere else.

or let me say !y brother helped me get a job in a hotel.

I have been praying for her to pay cos I will be starting tomorrow.

but you can take my place, and the pay is very huge.

20k but I don’t know if you will be able to do it.

I don’t know if you will be able to do it?

Natasha POV:

Hearing all this made me forget my problems… why not? I can do anything. I said happily.

its actually a cleaning job,can you clean in this your condition?

will you be able to cope? she asked.

Don’t say that ,I will…and wow the amount is really huge,it will go a long way for me.

princess: okay then,they have somewhere you can stay and be working;

its for workers, and they also give food but its only once a day.

don’t worry ,I will be bringing something for you to eat.

Natt: oh my God!! I don’t know what to say now,God bless you princess.

Vera: so,you guys are leaving me here??

Princess: well you should look for somewhere else to work.

Natt: But you said its your place,where are you going to work if I work at the hotel?

princess: don’t worry I will be fine,you need it !more than me.

I have somewhere to stay and I will find something else to do.

Natt: thanks for giving up the job for me.

princess: its nothing and don’t worry,I heard the manager which is the director’s wife is very kind.

so I think you will like it there.

what are the two of you still doing here? madam B shouted angrily… or do you want me to call the police on you?

we are leaving already,so stop shouting. princess replied her as we walked out.

I wouldn’t have you talking to me any how…

if not you will show me that black side of yours. madam B shouted as we left.

mtcheeew!! princess sighed as we entered the room ignoring her.

we parked all our belonging and left the restaurant.

Natt: so where are we going to??

princess: to my place.

Natt: will they accept me??

princess: Come on ,its just for the night.

Natt: Do you think your brother will be happy with you if he gets to know you will be giving me the job??

princess: Don’t worry, its not by force to work…

so I will tell him am not interested. and that I gave it to someone interested.

Natt: alright! thanks once more.

princess: you are welcome.

Authoress POV:

They got to princess house,it wasn’t that big though…

it was just a house their father’ tried to build for just his family.

Good morning sister, princess greeted her Senior sister as they entered into the parlor.

Good morning ma,Natt greeted bowing a little.

Good morning to you too,you are back?? Blessing her elder sister replied.

yes! princess said

Blessing: hope you collected your salary before coming?

yes princess replied…

Blessing: who is she?? she asked directing her gaze to Natt.

princess: Am really very tired and hungry, at least welcome us first…let’s eat and regain strength…

before you load me with all this your question.

Blessing: oh am very sorry,forgive my manners…

this is not really how I treat visitors, its just that am curious. she said to Natt.

its nothing ma,Natt responded.

please make yourself comfortable let me get you something to drink.

which drink would you like me to go get you? she asked.

its okay ma,its not necessary… I will just prefer eating.

Alright ,if you say so… let me go put water on the fire for EBA.

cos we have a delicious vegetable soup,you wouldn’t want to miss.

she said going to the kitchen.

calm down okay,just be free…everything will be fine,princess said to natt.

I just hope so,Natt said.

sit here let me go keep our bags in the room princess said carrying their belongings.

the water is on the fire,I really need to go somewhere now…

when princess comes,tell her to make the EBA and dish out the soup for the both of you.

Blessing said as she came out of the kitchen.

okay ma,thanks so much!

you are welcome dear,she said going out.

where are your parents, Natt asked princess as she came back to the parlor.

my Dad is at his workshop while my mom is in her small provision shop at the road side.

princess replied.

okay,but don’t you think after eating …

we should go beg her so she would let me spend a night with you guys,Natt suggested.

hmmm I think so,princess said.

oh ! I forgot,your sister said you should! make the EBA and dish the soup for us to eat.

Natt said and princess ran to the kitchen.

Natasha POV:

we were done eating and indeed the soup was delicious.

we started walking to mama princess shop( princess mother) .

which princess said is not far from the house.

thirty minutes later we got there and I was really scared.

what if she doesn’t accept me??…Good day ma,we greeted since it was already noon.

yes my dear daughter, you are back already?

yes mom,princess replied.

who is she?? the mother asked looking at me.

and princess explained everything to her…

how madam B treat me,how i have no where to go and how I will be working in the hotel.

hmmm well,I don’t really know what to say…its your father that has the decision to make.

the mom said…but mom that’s why I came to you, so you will help me talk to dad please!!

its just this night. princess said

she doesn’t have anywhere to go to ,you see she is pregnant…

and it will not be Right if we don’t help her.

please she begged.

okay don’t worry I will talk to him,have you guys eaten. the mother asked.

yes princess replied.

thank you ma’ I said bowing a little.

No!!! dont do that ,it’s nothing… we are supposed to help one another.

so sit here with princess, let me go and meet my husband, am coming. she said going out.

Natasha POV:

Well mr okafor ,princess father agreed for me to spend a night with them…

and I was very grateful.

it was night already and we just finish taking our dinner, as we went into our room…

since I will be sleeping with princess and her sister.

I will take you to the hotel tomorrow morning,princess said as we entered into their room.

okay,I really appreciate… I wish I could pay back!

I didn’t know people like you and Angela still exists.

am so grateful, I said to her…

come on !! don’t say that ,am not helping you for a pay back…

I promised to replace Angela in your life ,so thats what am doing.

talking of Angela, she called in the afternoon to check on you…

but i was with my dad while you were with mom…

sorry I forgot to tell you, but let me call her now.

its okay I sad as she dialed Angela’s line.

Good evening ma,she said immediately Angela picked the call…

Yes ma,she is with me…she said again.

okay ma,she said giving me the phone.

Good evening ma’ I greeted,

good evening honey,how are you doing??

Natt: Am fine and you??

Angela: Am okay dear,princess told me what happened… and am so sorry

I never knew madam bimbo was like that,I wish I was there!

am sorry for not believing you and not noticing it…I just hope you are okay.

Natt: its not your fault ma,and am fine… all thanks to princess, she has tried for me.

Angela: oh sweetie,I can’t imagine all you have gone through.

I just pray things work out for you.

Natt: Amen

Angela: hope you have eaten?

Natt: yes ,princess parent were so kind to accept and feed me.

Angela: oh am so grateful to princess, give her the phone;let me thank her

okay I said giving the phone to princess.

its nothing ma,I will always be here for her,princess said

after so much talk,we disconnected the call.

well before Mrs Angela left,she wrote down her number for me since I don’t have a phone.

And for few days now,princess have been helping me call her with her phone.

she is a good woman,princess said

yes my dear,and I pray God grant her all her heart desires.

Ameeen!!! we both chorus before going to bed.

(The next day🌙)

we woke up ,prepare and eat before going to the hotel…

we got there and they directed us to the manager, who is the wife to the director…

princess told her I will be the one working,and she asked about my life…

which I explained to her,at last she gave me the job.

don’t worry ,there is a room for workers ; so you will stay there she said.

thank you ma,I said feeling very happy.

I promise you will be eating two times,cos in this your condition… you shouldn’t eat once. she said

am so grateful ma,thanks princess and I said at the same time.

its okay dear, you can start immediately if you want. she called one of the waitress…

that will take me to the workers room,and then we left her office.

wow! she is really nice,princess said.

Am even surprise, I pray she never change. I said

she won’t princess said laughing as she hit me playfully.

but incase she change, don’t ever hide it from me…remember I will always be there for you.

And I will always come visiting, of course with food ; for a food monger like you…

she said and we both laughed as we got to the room at the back of the hotel.

this is the room,the waitress said.

thank you!! we both chorused.

is anyone living in the room with her?? princess asked.

well yes,but just one…which is the Bar lady.

And my name is grace,what about yours? she asked

Am princess and she is Natasha, princess replied her.

oh nice meeting you guys,I think I should go back to work now. grace said going

I guess you have found a new friend and I hope your room mate will be nice like grace, princess said.

I hope so,but you are the best and good friend ever!!

you’re just more than a friend to me,I said back

wow!! am honoured ,she said putting her hand on her chest.

you are just something else, I said hitting her playfully as we both entered into the room.

wow! the room is beautiful… the inner painting is nice.

and look who will be enjoying this bed,princess said hiting her ass on the bed.

not that flat thing your madam B gave you guys to lie on…

that thing is just equal to the ground,I said and we both laughed.

now you have mouth abi?? don’t worry I will go call her and she will come meet you here

for insulting her mattress…princess said making me laugh the more.

then I put my bag in the wardrobe and change to the hotel T shirt the manager gave me before I left her office.

And we came out…

Goodluck in your new job,princess said hugging me before leaving.

thanks I said as I went in to start my new job.

I have been working in the hotel for a month now with no issues…

and of course, princess has always been with me.

she has been coming almost everyday bringing food for me…and anytime she comes

she always help me in cleaning,

all the workers here has been so nice to me…

and of course,I always avoid trouble to the last.

the manager is not excluded, she has been the nicest one among every one here…

she ordered the cook to be giving me food two times a day just as she promised…

and even the middle age woman(cook) has been nice,she gives me three square meal rather…

I eat more than enough,

and the manager has been so close to me that I know everything about her family.

I told her mine too,

she let’s me go for anti natal when its time… and I also come back to do my job…

even though its not that easy…but am use to it and am strong for it too. cos am always loaded.

I do rest attimes if I finish cleaning all the rooms in the morning.

the manager will always dash me some money which she calls change…

same with some kind hearted customers, which sometimes buy food or drinks for us.

though I don’t take the drink or food,but I do take the money and save.

I have been saving so hard for my baby things… and they will be paying us today

which we are all waiting for.

I was done cleaning everywhere when the manager sent Grace to call me.

Go and collect your salary, grace said with smiles all over her face…

hmm! I can see you have collected yours, that’s why you are smiling like someone that just won a bet. I said

you have spiritual eyes to see well,she said laughing.

well I know you will buy me a drink,I whined

hahaha sharp mouth keep, nah full lorry I go buy you. see your head…

better go collect your salary come buy me food ,she said and we both laughed.

let me go and partake in the blessing too,

so I will be smiling like you. I said going to the managers office.

I got there and greeted her,she replied stretching an envelope to me.

hope you have eaten this morning?? she asked

no ma i just finished cleaning as you sent for me. I said bowing my head.

please go and eat before you continue anything…

you are almost gone and its dangerous working with an empty stomach.

you are really in a critical state now, few months to come…you will be due.

so please be careful, she said

yes ma I replied…

just go and eat okay and that’s your salary anyway.

you have really tried, she said…thank you ma, I said before going out.

I went to our room and opened the envelope, bringing out the money.

I counted it but I was surprise… I count it again to be sure if I counted well earlier.

ah ah!! but I thought they said is #20,000naira…then how come the 5,000 on top

or maybe she made a mistake, should I go and tell her,

I think I should I said standing up as I went to her office.

what’s the problem Natt? she asked as I entered.

you made a mistake ma’am I said

what mistake??….

sorry to say,you mis counted the money…

and instead of 20k you gave me 25k.I said and she laughed.

ah ah!! but what’s funny there, i thought to !myself.

I know its 25k…meaning I intentionally added the 5k.

you have really tried, working everyday with passion and happiness.

so I was impressed, and I increased your salary…

OMG!! its a lie!!! oh no…thank you ma’am.

I don’t know what to Say,i just pray God bless you …you have tried for me,I said as I knelt down thanking her.

you don’t have to do that,please stand up…am just trying to help,she said .

just go and eat first,she added…and I left full with happiness.

wow!! I will save enough for me and my baby,I said as I went to the kitchen.

I have been waiting for you,what took you so Long.

you shouldn’t stay hungry in this level of pregnancy, the cook said.

and I smiled the more,am sorry ma. I said as she gave me a plate of Rice and stew with a very big meat.

I can see you have been paid,that’s why you are happy she said.

yes ma…

okay am coming let me go and join you people in smiling, she said going out.

Later that day,princess came and I told her about the salary, she was very happy…

she also told me she has gotten a job as a pump attendant in a fuel station.

and I was very happy for her,she stayed for some minutes and then left.

the next day,I went to put the money in the bank…time rushed and so was week and month.

and that’s how I was been paid.

Am in my nine months now, and two weeks coming its when I will be going back to the hospital…

I was busy cleaning, then a sharp pain occurred under my stomach…

but I ignored…!maybe its stress.

I continued cleaning then I felt like urinating,

I rushed to the toilet and urinated,but this one was more than a urine…

I sighed and went back to continue… but the pains increased this time around.

what could be the issue? and my time for delivery is not today or even this week…

but next two weeks,I that thought to myself as the pain increased.

the doctor said my labour will come next two weeks,I mumbled.

may be its hunger ,I said as I dropped the brush I was holding…

and went to the kitchen enduring the pains.

please ma’ am very hungry and my stomach is painning me. I said to the cook.

ah!! she shouted, I told you to be eating before you start work but

you won’t listen, she said !making !e food in a haste.

sit down first,let me serve you …she said.

giving me a chair as she served me the food.

I started eating but while eating ,the pains wasn’t sub siding…

instead it was increasing, it got to the extent I couldn’t bear it anymore.

I looked around and the cook was not with me…

ah! ah!! ah!!! I started shouting and crying .

I left the chair and laid on the ground.

Natasha!! are you okay,one of the waitress said rushing to me…

and I couldn’t say any thing but shout loudly.

OMG!! what’s wrong with you??, …wait let me go get someone…she said rushing out.

Natt are you okay?? the cook,Grace and other workers said and rushing to me.

all I did was shout the more,making them look worried.

the pain is too much please!! I manage to say…

oh no!! she is in labour,the cook said.

but I thought she said the doctor told her is next two weeks?? grace said to the cook.

my dear Its not for man to say when God has not said…

its not a must that what man say will go in line with what God does.

God does his own thing in his own way…so don’t take what doctors or anybody say serious. the cook said

just rush and go get a taxi,let’s take her to the hospital, she added.

whats going on here?? the manager asked as she came in.

I think she is in labour ma, the cook replied.

oh no!! but I thought…. okay let me go get my car keys. she said running out as I continued yelling still on the ground.

the pains is more than too much for me,its just as if I should die and end it.

I was still there with the cook consoling me which I didn’t even listen.

the manager rushed in,its okay dear…don’t worry everything will be fine coming to me. as she held my left hand and the cook held my right hand trying to get to my feet.

but I couldn’t even stand,we need someone to carry her…

the cook said rushing out,and then came back with one of the security.

who carried me on a bridal style to the managers car.

we got to the hospital and the nurses rushed out as the took me inside.

I was taken to the labor room and the doctor checked me,

don’t worry,calm down its just 2cm

you can exercise a little till your uterus open more.

the doctor said and I felt like grabbing her neck…

wicked woman!! I should exercise when I can’t even endure the pains…I thought inside me as I kept yelling.

they brought me out and took me to the hospital bed,

laying me on it

,in no time the manager came in,its okay dear…just take it easy.

they are bringing the delivery items,she said.

please just endure,this is how it will pain you till the baby comes out…

just try to hold it,one of the nurses in the room said.

please, come and bring the baby out…I can’t endure anymore I shouted and they all laughed at me.

its not funny ooo!! I don’t want to give birth again,I shouted

and they still laughed,which made me more angry.

you will give birth my dear,don’t worry..all you just have to do is pray for safe delivery. the manager said consoling her.

please ma, I can’t I said crying…

don’t said that my dear,you can.

I have contacted princess since she is the only family you have for now,she said.

but I didn’t listen,all I want is the baby to go out and let me rest.

I want to dedicate,I shouted

what ??? she asked

I want to dedicate I keep screaming, and the doctor/ nurses came in.

No don’t do that ,its normal to feel that way.

?just don’t try to push it…the baby is just paving way to come out. the doctor said.

but it seems she is deaf and don’t understand that I really want to dedicate.

don’t do that!! they all shouted at me,as I am uncontrollably trying to push the feaces out.

get the delivery mat and call the other nurses.. let’s take her to the labor room, the doctor said going out as I continued pushing.

the baby’s head is out the manager shouted!

calling the nurses,

they brought the delivery items,placing the mat under my butt.

as they ordered me to push,I pushed with all my strength and then passed out….

I woke up and I couldn’t see clearly, I blinked and blinked…

then saw princess sitting beside me with the manager sitting at the window side.

I looked around and there was a baby lying in a small bed beside me…

immediately I remembered all that happened before I passed out.

my baby!! I tried saying as tears drop down my chick..

.but there was something covering my nose and mouth…

which I think is an oxygen.

she is awake! oh thank God the manager said coming to me.

and then princess raised her head up cos she was resting her head on the bed beside me.

thank you Jesus!! she said as tears drop down her eyes.

Go call the doctor !, the manager said to princess as she held my hands.

how are you feeling dear,she asked looking at me.

its okay,you don’t have to stress yourself… she said again.

And then princess came in with a nurse and a doctor…

they removed the oxygen connected to my nose…it was then I noticed I was on drip.

how are you feeling now?? the doctor asked.

a little better, I said faintly.

don’t worry ,you will eat but first.

you will be given malt and milk,she said going out. and. I was given the malt and milk.

then princess started feeding me with yam pepper soup which she said her mom prepared for me.

I informed Mrs Angela as soon as I heard the news…and she is on her way coming,princess said.

okay, thank you I replied while eating.

you scared the life out of me but thank God you are alive and okay,she said.

has the manager gone,I asked?

well she said she will be coming in the evening with food and she will stay over till morning, princess replied.

oh okay,I said…

after eating ,I was given some drugs to take,and after then I requested for the baby.

which they gave me,I made it!! I said with joy…collecting the child.

yes dear,you really made it ,princess said.

its a boy and not a girl,the nurse announced.

huhh!! but scan said its a girl,I said surprise.

well maybe God knows what he wants for you,the nurse said and left.

don’t you want a boy,princess asked?

why not, that was what I even prayed for…

and am so happy to have it.

he is so handsome like the mother ,princess said.

and he also has my skin color, I added.

but inside me,I know he halfly looks like lade and halfly looks like me.

wow! all the pains I have gone through,

am really happy to have you with me. I said as I kept him beside me.

it was evening, and the manager came as said with food.

I ate ,took my drugs and she helped me feed my baby with Glucose water, which the nurses advice.

( the next day🌙)

I took my bath with the manager massaging my baby and i

I was sitted ready to take tea and bread when !Mrs Angela came in.

OMG! so this is true,she said happily as she hugged me.

Good morning ma I greeted!

good morning sweetie, how are you she asked?

am fine ma and you ?

how is my little baby doing? she asked as she held the sleeping baby’s hand.

hmmm!! Good morning Mrs,I have heard a lot about you, the manager said.

Good morning, and I guess you are Mrs Cordelia? Mrs Angela said

She told me about you, thank you so much God will bless you for helping the innocent girl,Mrs Angela said.

No! it’s nothing,Mrs Cordelia said smiling

wow! am so happy for you Natt,she said.

thank you ma..

alright,I think you are in good hands now,I should go freshen up for the day,Mrs Cordelia said.

okay,am so grateful… and thank you for staying through out the night. Angela said

its nothing ,Cordelia said going.

I brought food for you but let me quickly prepare the tea for you first.

maybe you will eat this one later,she said…preparing the tea.

After eating and taking my drugs,I thanked her.

so what’s next? she asked

and I was confused, next how ma’am I asked.

well I was thinking since you are still too young with a bright future ahead of you …

you should give me the child as mine and get back to your life.

with focus…

achieve your dreams then you can also have more kids,she said and I was taken aback .

emm I..don’t understand ma…but there is no future without him,I mean I have gone through a lot…

and you know that,I have really gone far to let go of him… I can’t even imagine him leaving my sight…

come to talk of living without him,I said feeling uncomfortable with the discussion.

Angela: am just trying to help,I mean we should help each other here…

I will surport you in your education and even more…

while you let !me have the child please! am also begging you.

I have been waiting for this opportunity please!! ( she pleaded)

Natt: but I can’t give you my child please,just have patient… you will have yours…

especially for the good you have done for me. I said and I saw her face change.

So after everything I have done for you,you can’t pay me back!

its okay anyway… there Is no problem, she said with anger in her voice.

I think I will take my leave now,she said walking out.

but…I tried to say, and she left.

this is not the Angela I know,how will she even ask me to let go of the only light that has just shined my way.

I just can’t!! I said as tears dropped down my cheek…I just hope she understand.

it was afternoon and I was restless…I was really lost in thought,

I felt her pain but I can’t do what she just ask me to do,

after all I have gone through,I just can’t.

I know she has really tried for me but I just hope I pay her back some day.

oh God!! please give her not just a child but triplets, cos she really stood by me.

please God have mercy and do this to glorify your name,I pray bitterly.

it really hurt knowing that I couldn’t help her and she is hurt and angry with me…

I was still lost in thought and didn’t know that Princess was already in the room with me.

Natasha!! she called touching me…

yes ,ah!! princess its you

what is the problem? what’s bothering you she asked?

mtcheeew, nothing I said sitting well on the bed.

nothing!…you mean nothing! and I have been talking to you since but you weren’t responding

neither did you even hear me…

please remember the condition you are right now,before you give yourself High B P.

look at your child,you know this wicked world we are in…

so you better not only be strong for your child but alive so you can take care of him. princess warned

I believe by the grace of God,I will be alive to take care of him,I said forcing a smile on my face.

I thought Mrs Angela came,where is she? she asked looking around.

she left I said facing down.

ah ah so soon, why nah? she asked

and I sighed

anyway, I brought you food,hope you ate in the morning, she asked.

yes I replied her.

okay ,have you taken your medication? she asked again.


alright, she said opening the food for me.

my mom said she will be coming to visit before you go.

oh okay I said eating.

the manager told me she will be coming in the evening with food for you. she said

okay I said.

Mrs Angela POV:

So after all I have done for her,this is how she will pay me,

I even thought I was trying to help ,not knowing it was just rubbish.

I thought I will have the child that’s why I relocated so there will be no suspicion.

All I planned was coming back three !months after taking the child.

so my in laws will let me be but she has spoilt everything…

I had the opportunity to help her and I did now she has the opportunity to help …

but she doesn’t want to, knowing fully well she will have more babies in future.

No problem sha!…now what will I tell my husband.

Natasha POV:

it was evening and the manager came then princess left,

hey dear,how are you feeling now she asked.

Am fine ma.

okay ,the doctor said you will be discharged tomorrow and I have paid all the bills

so don’t worry yourself,I will come take you home tomorrow…

you will be staying at my place for the main time.

don’t worry everything will be fine ,I promise. the manager said

hearing all this lightened my mood,I couldn’t believe my ears…

cos I have been thinking of where to go to after here.

I couldn’t possibly take the baby to the hotel to continue working …

its impossible, no!! not in this condition.

so I was really happy to have where to stay.

thank you ma,I said bowing my head a little.

its nothing,don’t worry just rest. she said

I don’t know how to thank you ma,I pray God bless you. I said

its okay dear,just stop it she said.

I was happy inside me, not that I didn’t have the money for the hospital bills…

but it was just were to stay… she stayed,feed me and my baby that night…

with the nurses giving me my drugs as usual.

(the next day🌙)

I woke up much stronger than before.

and the manager helped in massaging me and my baby before she left.

let me go freshen up,I will come at noon to take you home.

so get ready, she said before leaving.

that morning, princess and her mom came to visit me.

which princess said she took excuse from her work place…

they helped me in arranging all my things before the manager came.

princess was happy and grateful to her for deciding to help me.

she and her mother thanked Mrs Cordelia on my behalf.

she took me home to her house and entering into the gate was a big and beautiful mansion.

the house was Wow!

we got in and she showed me to my room…

as she helped me park my things in the room…

she order the maid to prepare me food and I was so happy inside me.

(three days later)

we are in the dinning taking our breakfast when the manager said…

she will like to talk to me after now .

after the breakfast with she and her family, I went to meet her.

leaving my baby to sleep.

oh Natt,you are here? well let me go straight to the point. she said as she continued.

you know I felt pity on you the first time I saw you…

and I decided to help,you are still very young and you have so much life ahead of you…

so I decided to contact someone that will buy the baby…

the Amount is very huge,at least you can start up life in a brown new way…

the buyer is giving out 5million, think about it…

all your troubles and sorrow will be gone,

well, I will be getting 2million while you get 3million…

hope you are okay with that,she concluded and I couldn’t believe my ears.

what’s really wrong with all this people??

( in pastor Dominic residents)

” I told you but you didn’t listen… I told you we could have resolved it another way,

“you didn’t hear me out…now my daughter is no where to be found.

” you better give me my daughter,I suffered to brought ng three children into this world.

” now am just left with two…give me my child Dominic, give me my child. yemisi said crying while holding Dominic shirt.

” Woman what’s your problem? do you think am just relaxed on this…

“for three !months now, I have tried my best in looking for her…

” I have even involved the police and am still trying everything in my power to look for her.

” I know I did wrong but you don’t just have to put all the blame on me…

“because you failed as a mother to train her,Dominic said trying to get away from her.

” what did you say?…no no what did you just say?.

“oh ! I know after everything you will look for who to push the blame on…

” look at you,I failed as a mother you too you failed as a father…

“if you don’t know you failed woefully, yemisi said angrily.

” who knows where my daughter will be now? …who even knows if she is still alive.

” oh no!! (she said bursting into another cry).

“oh lord! is this how I will lose a child?… only if she is still alive, I will be happy.

” even if I don’t find her,I just pray she stay alive…I can’t hide it any more and everyone is putting the blame on us.

“I warned you,you see what you have caused? our daughter is nowhere to be found.

” you better find her ,if not I will never forgive you. yemisi said bitterly going out of the room.

“God please have mercy on me and help me,even if I don’t find her which o don’t pray for…

” please keep her alive and help her for me. do this for me o lord! . Dominic prayed.

Natasha POV:

” Hearing all the things Mrs Cordelia said made me speechless….but what on earth is wrong with this people?

“first,it was Mrs Angela and now Mrs Cordelia…

” oh God what type of people are this,I kept thinking.

“its okay dear you can go think about it…you still have more time. she said bringing me out my thought as she walked out.

“God forbid,I can never sell the light that I suffered and sweat for. I said going to my room.

” I was lost I’m through cos I never believe all this will be happening…even 500million is not worth giving out my child for.

“I would even prefer giving him to Angela whom I know will take care of him than selling him to who knows…

” maybe a ritualist that will kill him, “God forbid”.

” I said as I carried him in my arms…I will never leave my side and you will never leave my sight.

“I said kissing him all over his face.

later in the after noon princess came, offcorse she has been coming to check on me always.

” hey ,what’s the problem? you have not been happy since I came here…please don’t hide anything from me…

” we are more than just a friend she said.

Natt: mtcheeew!! my dear,I don’t know what is happening these days…

“remember when I gave birth and Mrs Angela came…before you could come. she was gone.

” yes princess said.

“she can!e requesting for me to give her my child as hers and move on…

“what!! princess exclaimed

Natt: I couldn’t just give out my joy like that then she got angry and left.

” ah ah but what came over her? princess asked.

“my dear I know ooo, natt said

” no wonder she hasn’t been calling or even picking my calls…

“ah! nawa ooo princess said.

” my dear leave her and let her be, I believe one day she a ll recognized her fault…

” I pray God bless her with children… Amen!! they both chorused.

Natt: we’ll! thats not all! o, do you know that Mrs Cordelia called me just to tell me that she want to help me become rich by selling my child for 5million.

“and I will have three million while she will have two million.

” she even said we can still negotiate.

” jeeeesuus princess shouted,tel! me its a joke she added.

Natt: my dear I couldn’t believe my ears, I was shock.

princess; so this people are just helping you for there own benefit?

” I don’t know what to do now, natt said.

“hey its okay,don’t mind any of them…I believe God will help you one day…

” this is just a test and I know you have passed,in all I will always be by your side…

“please don’t let go of your child for any reason, princess said.

Natt: thank you so much,God bless you.

princess: please don’t thank me,thank God…if she calls you again for it,tell her you can sell your child.

” she will only throw you out of her house,after all the money for the hospital and other things which you didn’t buy or …

“pay is still with you,you can use it to rent an apartment… tour baby its worth more than that.

” when I go,I will looking for an affordable and nice apartment for you.

Natt: thank you, am so happy…you have really enlightened me.

“let’s watch and see what happen next.

Natt POV:

After everything princess left and I thank God for having her as a friend…

one week later,I went to check out the one room apartment princess found for me …unknown to Mrs Cordelia.

” which I didn’t want her to know,I Left my child with the maid as I went.

” after am done ,I came back and I went to meet the maid for !my child…

“ah!! madam Natt …you don com back? she said shaking.

yes and where is my child, i asked.

” e e e e been dey for parlor but before I go come back, I no see am again. she said and I didn’t get her.

“what do you mean,I asked

” I keep the baby for parlor say make I go make food for him…

“as I come back I no see am again..

” she said crying… and I didn’t still believe it.

“I went through the house,searching for my baby but couldn’t find.

” I ran back to the maid and held her neck ,which u didn’t know what i was doing.

” give me my baby ,I shouted angrily as I press her neck the !more.

the gate man ran in and tried dragging me off her but I didn’t let go and wasn’t really myself.

Natasha POV:

I see when big madam carry your baby commot …

“so you fit go the hotel go check am,e go dey with big madam, the gate man said.

” and I didn’t believe my ears,I rush out leaving them…and headed to the hotel…

” I got there and headed to the managers office, ignoring every greeting and every one…

“I pushed the door entering her office… where is my child? I said with anger in me.

” I have been trying to call you to tell you but your phone wasn’t reachable…

” and I had no time left,so I decided to give the baby out…

“thinking maybe when you come,you will be happy..

.since I didn’t get an answer from you…I thought you agree to it..

” And they even increased the money…this is an opportunity for you Natt…

“she ended and my head became too heavy for me to carry..

” give me my child,I shouted as I landed a punch on her,holding her neck…

“what’s happening here?

one of the security said coming in…

” tell her to give me my child,I said as he tried taking me off her…

“your child but I saw someone… oh no!! come he said…dashing out.

” and I followed immediately.


“we ran out of the hotel compound,and as we were going…

” we sighted a lady at the junction, carrying a child and waving to stop a vehicle…

“stop her!! thats my child I shouted as I doubled my speed…

” stop her I keep shouting, and I guess people noticed and heard me…

“so they stopped the lady who was almost entering a car..

” I got there and dragged my baby from her…landing a hot slap on her face…

” as tears kept falling down my cheek…

“how dare you and who are you?? she shouted.

” so you even have mouth to talk,the security said to her as he held her…

” is the child your own?? people around started asking her but she couldn’t say anything.

” we were all there,when the security received a call.

“don’t worry…I will deal with her I will take it from here..the security said after he ended the call

” and that was when the crowd was about beating the woman,but he took her away.

Cordelia POV:

How dare she!!,all I did was for her own good…

“after everything I have done for her,she want to pay me this way…

” I will deal with her, I said pacing around my office…

“I need to do something or else,

“my secret will be revealed and I will get involved which will not be nice.

” I said as I called Bola the security that went with her..

” Get the Lady to me without harm,and don’t let her say anything.

“I will pay you three hundred thousand naira to let the matter die off.

” and not go out of this hotel I said to him and thank God he agreed.

“at least the money is huge to let him shot his mouth up and agree…I thought as I ended the call.

” Shit!! I thought I was trying to help the idiot, not knowing I was hurting myself…

I wish I knew I would have just let her go her own way after putting to birth.

“I wouldn’t have done all I did for her,

thinking I will be helping her and at the same time helping myself too..

” mtcheeew! look at how she held me,if not for the security…

“who knows she could have strangled me to death.

” I kept thinking as the door flanged open.

“she is here ma’am,the security said as he came in with bisi.

alright let me have your account number,I said and he gave me.

” I did a transfer to him which he left immediately.

How dare you!! you would have gotten me into big trouble, bisi shouted angrily..

“look…calm down am sorry its just complicated.

” I never knew it will end this way,I said trying to calm her down.

“But I thought you said you got her approval?…

“I have been doing this business for years and I have never gotten any trouble.

” but now you want to mess everything for me,bisi said…

“look I talked to this girl and I thought she agreed…that why I said its complicated.

” But don’t worry,everything is under control… I promise you.

“just forget about what happen today,let’s continue…

you know I have also done this business for years now.

” but I don’t know why this one just happened like this… am sorry.

“Am telling you,I will deal with that girl…I explained assuring her.

” its okay anyway but please don’t mess things up like this again, she said.

“okay let me take you out of this area with my car,to avoid people suspicion…

I said as we went out.

” After dropping Bisi, I headed to the house…

“where is she?? I shouted as I came down from my car…

” and I stormed into the house… where is that ingrate, I shouted as I headed to her room.

“what are you still doing here?? I said in anger as i entered to see her breastfeeding her stupid child…

” I don’t want to close my eyes and open it to see you in this house…

” park your things and get out,I shouted calling my gateman.

don’t even lay your hands on all the things I bought…

“you can take only the ones you bought with your money,

I said as i take her bag out with the help of my gateman.

Get out!!! I keep shouting… throwing her things out.

Natasha POV:

“After collecting the baby,I couldn’t go back to the hotel…cos I know I did things out of control…

” And I know I nearly hurt her,so I headed home…

” when I got home I cried out my heart,I couldn’t believe all these things is happening to me.

“oh God why me??

” the shock was still in me that I couldn’t move but sat still staring at my baby that is now asleep.

“the baby cried all the time the Lady carried him…but when I took him from her,he became quite.

” I just sat there on the bed as everything replayed in my head..

” I couldn’t just believe all that happened…

“Oh God! I thank you for helping me see my baby,I said.

” and the baby started crying but I brought my breast and put in his mouth which he stopped…

“some minutes later ,Mrs Cordelia bashed into the room…saying I should leave her house…

” I wasnt that shock though,

“but I wasn’t planning on leaving cos I haven’t arranged the apartment I just got.

” before I know it,she started throwing my things outside…

“she even said I shouldn’t touch all the things she bought.. so I took the remaining of my belongings…

” with my child in my arms as I went out of the house.

“outside the gate was all my clothes thrown to the ground,

” I started parking everything and arranging it as tears kept falling from my eyes…

” thank God my baby is alive and with me I said as I arranged everything.

” I took a taxi to princess house,I never knew things will turn out Like this…

” if I knew,I would have paid for the house instantly.

” but I just went to check it out,which I decided paying tomorrow…

” but it seems things are really too fast,I keep thinking while in the taxi…

“we got to princess house and there is no one at home,

“I kept all my belongings outside the house as I headed to her moms shop.

” since she is not at home I guess she is at work, oh…!!

“.I remembered she told me she is on afternoon shift,I keep thinking as I walked to the shop.

” Good afternoon ma,I greeted

“afternoon my daughter,how are you doing? she asked offering me a sit.

” am fine ma,I said knowing fully well that am not fine.

“Are you sure you are fine,you are sad …and your face looks like you have been crying..

” what’s the matter,she asked carrying the baby from me as she played with him.

” what’s the problem dear,she asked after talking and playing with the baby.

“And I explained everything that happened to her.

” Ewoooo! she shouted surprise,… you mean all this happened today after you left.

“she asked…

” yes ma’am.

“Heeeyy! nothing person no go see for this life…nobody will even believe that woman can do such things.

” thank God you went on time to catch the Lady with your baby…

“if not. the story would have been another one entirely.

” what did they do to that stupid woman,she asked

“I don’t know,the security took her to the hotel saying he will handle it.

” ah!!! lies…when the madam is the culprit…

“do you think she will allow her secret to leak??

” that woman need to be arrested, she said…

‘please ma,just let it go,cos she might win the case since there is money…

” the main thing is that my son is alive and sound,I said.

“Hmmm is okay,have you eaten …she asked.

” That’s the list of my problem now,I said sadly.

” you don’t have to stay hungry please, the baby feeds from you.

“thank God you have seen how life is…

“how wicked the world is…only with God one can survive.

” such is life and you have to keep moving,nothing should weigh you down.

“you have really come a long way to be distracted, now my advice for you is to be careful in life…

” Don’t listen or take anybody’s words serious… be focus!

” you are still young,and believe me…men will still come to play in your life.

” some will come being serious while some will come to deceive you.

“listen and listen very careful… if you had never listen,listen now…

” don’t let them distract you, whether they are serious or unserious…

“you don’t need a man in your life,not now…may be in future you may decide.

” that’s when you have achieved something,

“not when you are still struggling with your child.

” Did you hear me,she said holding her ears…

“yes ma,I responded listening.

” these words are only heard from !mother’s and love ones…

“this is how I advice my children and you are like a child to me now.

” so if you need anymore advice or confused in life,you can come to me.

“don’t forget adding God in all you do…don’t worry about Angela and Cordelia.

” God just use them to help you…since they are done helping you…

” you have to move on, she said.

“thank you ma,I replied

” I will talk to my husband so you will just manage with us this night.

” maybe tomorrow, you make sure you get an apartment.

“And I thought princess got you one,she asked??

” yes ma,we have even finalize on the payment and the particular room.

“it was just to pay,which I said I will be coming with the money tomorrow.

” only to go back and this incident happened.

“its okay anyway, tomorrow you go pay for it…so let me go make food for you

” don’t say no,just help me stay in the shop,she said going.

“okay ma,thank you so !much… I said as she went out.

” in the evening, princess came back and we went home leaving her !mother in the shop.

“when she heard of what happened, she was shock too.

who could believe that woman would do such a thing.

” Anyways,don’t worry…everything will be fine,she consoled as we walked to the house.

“that night they all made me feel at home.

“the next day we all prepared as princess mother help in…

” massaging me and my baby,we all ate then princess and I headed to pay for the one room apartment…

“I left my baby with Mrs okafor ( princess mother)

who decided to help me look after him till I come back…

” we got there and I paid for the room,

princess help me in parking !y belongings to the house…

“she also helped in arranging the clothes and little baby things I bought when I was pregnant…

” I moved into the room with my baby ,after buying a small student bed…so we can lye on…

” there was no much money ,so I spent the only one I saved wisely…

“since I can’t do anything now that my baby is not mature…

” I started leaving alone with my child ,managing anything we see and anything we have…

” princess never stopped visiting, and anytime she visit… she always bring food for us.

” though before the money finish, I manage to buy some food stuff..

“.intending to manage it till I start doing something…

“my baby have just few clothes which were the ones I bought before giving birth…

” All he had was taken back by Mrs Cordelia, since she was the one that bought them.

” But that doesn’t bother me,we are satisfied with the little we have…

“princess mother bought some Napkin for him,since there is no money for pampars…

” And I was so grateful, we leaved within our circle…

without mingling with any one around us.

“Life alone has taught so much lesson,and I don’t want peoples gossip with problem…

” princess and her family are enough for me…

” my baby is two months and a week now,I have already concluded on a name to give him…

” so I decided telling princess when she comes…

“As I was petting my baby to sleep,a knock came on the door…

” and princess came in,I know its you…I said, giggling.

” don’t worry,one day I will knock and hide…

then when you open the door ,you wont see anybody.

“that day you will know its not me…she said and we both laughed

so what’s up? she asked

” Nothing ,you can see we are fine by the grace of God,I said.

“and she sat on the bed with me,my prince charming has slept, she said…reducing her voice.

” And I brought him some clothes, she added…seriously!! let me see them…

“I said happily as she handed me the sack bag that contain the clothes and plates of food…

” Wow!! thank you I sad as I brought out the cloth,admiring them cos they were all nice…

“what did you cook today?,I asked opening the first plate …

” Hmm!! soup…I opened the other plate and it was rice and stew…

“oh mine!! thank you so much sis,I said…

” if I had enough, I would do more …she said and I hugged her.

” you have tried already,well I have settled on a particular name to give the baby,I told her.

” so what’s the name?? Dominic, David…Gabriel… common, all this names are nice…

“so which of them?? she said happily…

” well is none of those,I want to call him LIGHT my light or GIFT,the gift of God to me…

“I said and she chuckled…

” common, those names are odd…okay if that’s what you want,

“you have the reasons for giving him the names anyway..

” so I go with anyone you call him she said and I was happy…

“so which of them do you choose??

i ask

” okay,I choose LIGHT and I believe he is going to be the light in your life…she said smiling.

“Amen I said to her.

” I think you should start giving the baby food like pap.

“and other baby food before he sucks you dry…

” and so he will be used to eating food she said.

Natt:”I don’t really know but if you say so…

princess:” yes!! that’s what mom said,she said when you come she will tell you.

Natt: oh okay but how will I give him?

princess: Don’t worry,when you come,mom will show you how you will keep him and feed him.

Natt: Am so grateful to you guys

princess: stop it,you are our family already.

Natasha POV:

she stayed as we talk and gist together before she left…

( the next day🌙)

“I went to princess house,I ate… the mom bought pap and fed my child, putting some soya bean in it.

” though he didn’t eat !much, since its his first time,and that was how I started giving him food.

“sometimes,princess will buy custard and soya bean,

but when it finish and there is no money to buy another…

” I will only buy pap and make it,feeding him like that…with happiness my baby will eat…

“but sometimes I do force him to.

” the light of my life started growing healthy and strong…

“and I always thank God for keeping him healthy and alive cos I don’t have money for medication.

” And am not ready for sickness.

“I start working when he became four months…

“princess helped in finding a job for me in her work place as a fuel attendant

” I also worked at night in a bakery just to take care of myself and my child.

“princess mom has also been there for me,occupying the space of a mother in my life.

” she has also been there for my child in times of unserious fever that do happen in some children.

“she will feed and take care of light,assuring me that nothing will happen.

” As she takes care of him till he becomes strong.

“as I started working,I started saving for my child’s future.

” the first two months of my job, I was paid 18k (10k from fuel station, 8k from Bakery).

“though it was poor,but I had no choice…its better than nothing.

” I kept 8k for feeding and saved 10k…sometimes I go hungry just to make sure my baby is okay.

“after 3_4months my salary increased to 25k…I was very happy

( 15k from fuel station, 10k from bakery).

” I would save 15k and keep 10k for feeding.

“I do manage the clothes I have…and sometimes, princess would give me some of hers.

” I was happy there was help coming from somewhere, and I was so grateful to them.

“some people don’t have the opportunity I have,and since there is no help for them…

” things get more difficult for them…I just thank God for princess and her family…

“Weeks ,months and years went so fast,and all I did was struggle and hustle the more…

” with princess by my side,LIGHT grew up and started school…

“Always being a music freak,at first I thought it was normal…

” But when he started preferring music to food,that was when I knew it was something serious.

“he wasn’t that good in book( education) but he was trying though.

” we continue leaving and I made sure to carter for all his needs.

“I told him things about life and I never stopped praying for him.

” He grew up to be a handsome boy

seeing princess as his Aunt and her family as his family

“since they are the only family he knows,

he normally goes to visit them…and sometimes stay over.

” Princess family and I have become so close to each other,

“that some people think am one of them,And they take Light as there grandson.

” Even their father doesn’t joke with him,he always says…Light is his good luck charm.

“that anytime he comes to his shop ,things always go well.

” I started a little business of my own,few months ago…

“And I was able to,with the help of Mrs okafor…

” who helped in finding a place for me to stay and sell at the junction.

“She even taught me how to make bons and other snacks…

“. which is what am into now adding it with frying of yam.

” when I was saving,I had always saved to start up something…

which am happy doing now.

“Six year old Light will always come to help me,that is if his not with the okafor’s family.

” and also if his not listening to music.

” sometimes I do try to stop him from listening to these music…

“I do try to explain to him that they are worldly music… and its not good for him as a Christian.

” But it always seems like am trying to twist his life for him…

“I even do get pissed off with him singing along but the more I try to stop him…

” and disconnect him from all these music,the !more difficult it is to me.

“Princess and her family with some other people had advice I let him be.

” As long as his not a bad child..they say I should only put him in prayers.

“well my boy has never shown any bad attitude as a bad child…

” he has always been good and obedient, lovely and kind…

“its just that when you tell him to stop listening to the music or stop singing along…

” he become sad and moody,but he will obey you just as you said…

“only that he won’t be okay and comfortable which I don’t like.

” I want him to be happy and comfortable, I love him so much …

“so I have never tried stopping him again,

“instead I dance when he sings and rap along with the song.

(Mrs Angela’s Residents)

Authoress POV

” honey are you sure you are okay??…I think you should see the doctor…

“before this small sickness gets big, don’t say anything… stand up ,go dress up

“let me take you to the hospital, Mrs Angela’s husband (Mr David ) said to her.

” As he checks her temperature.

” She stood up,went to dress and came out as they went to the hospital.

“they got to the hospital, and the doctor did several test on her as they wait for the result.

” some hours later,the doctor called them to his office.

“Mr David… there is good news,the doctor said smiling.

” Ah! what good news,she hasn’t been feeling well and am troubled to hear what’s wrong with her…

“And you are talking of good news,just say it please. Mr David said

” well Mr David, your wife is one month pregnant, the doctor said smiling the more.

“its a lie!! Angela shouted.

” what do you mean doctor? I don’t understand, her husband asked.

“Hmm…that’s the truth,your wife is pregnant, and it’s the pregnancy that caused the fever she has.

” you can go check in another hospital,

the doctor said giving them the result as they both stare at him.

” you mean am carrying a child doc?? she asked again.


” oh my God!! she shouted standing up as if she just got mad.

“and then she started dancing as tears kept dropping from her eyes.

” Oh doc!! you don’t know what this means to me…Mr David said as he knelt down to thank God.

“my dear God hears,he has ears and his time is the best…so rejoice,the doc said.

” Mr David stood up and went to his wife.

“its okay honey,let’s go home first he said.

” No! I will continue dancing, I will dance to the car and in the car I will keep dancing till we get home.

“Angela said ignoring her husband as she danced.

” the husband seeing this, decided to let her be as she danced out like someone,who has gone nut.

“while the nurses and some patients looked at her.

” so God you have decided to hear me and have pity on me.

“oh thank you lord,she said immediately she got home.

” so it is true as they say,that God answers…even at the dying minute.

“look at me that my husband has loose hope on and has decided marrying another woman.

” just as they advice him to…am now carrying a child, oh lord thank you…she said kneeling down.

“me that is abandoned, now I will become useful… she said crying.

Authoress POV cont:

” in the police station,a woman was holding a child as the police held her captive…

” for the last time, who owns this child and how did you get her??

“She is my child, the woman said boldly.

” okay,no problem you don’t want to say the truth.

“the doctor will soon be here and then we will all find out after the DNA test. the policeman said

“please sir,this child is my child so let me go,the lady said.

Don’t worry,nobody is dragging it with you but if we find out that the child is not yours.

” you will smell your Anus,the policeman said.

“some minutes later the doctor came and collected their blood ( the lady and the child’s blood).

” the lady has been looking for a way to escape ,knowing fully well is not her child.

“but she can’t,cos the police are everywhere…

” After some hours,the doctor came back with the result.

“oh you are back!! the DPO said… so what’s the result, he asked.

” well the result shows that the child is not her own…

“the child has a different DNA from! hers,the doctor said

” and they all looked at the lady who was already shaking.

“lock her up now,before anything… and take the child from her.

” we will try find the mother of the child. the DPO said.

Authoress POV

“They took the baby from her and locked her up,after they locked her up…

” her phone ringed ,which they collected all her belongings…

“the phone was with the policemen, when it ringed…they picked it up.

” to know what the person called for…

Hello bisi…what’s up nah??

you didn’t even call to notify me how it all went.

“How did it go?? the person over the phone asked.

” Hello say something nah…did he pay?? the person asked again.

“Pay for what??,one of the police man asked and immediately the call was disconnected.

“I think she is working with the lady to kidnapp children… another of the police man said.

” I think the DPO should hear this,cos I recorded everything.

“another said going to call the DPO…that evening, they carried the lady to interrogate her.

” where did you get the child from?? and what did you intend doing with the child…

a police man asked her.

“I just saw the child dumped at the road side,so I decided to help.

” so you don’t want to peacefully say the truth

“,the police man asked as he started torturing her.

” then he asked again and this time,she started talking.

its Mrs Cordelia, she took the child from the mother unknown to her…

“And we intend selling the baby to an Alhaji, who is willing to pay us some millions of naira,she said.

” where does this Cordelia stays,the police man ask.

“and she gave the address,as the police men quickly went there…

” We are looking for Mrs Cordelia, the police men said to the receptionist as they got there.

“She left almost an hour ago,the receptionist said.

” give me her house address ,they requested.

“And she gave them.

” immediately they headed there, from afar they sited a car coming out from the building.

“but the car diverted ,seeing them…

” and immediately they speed up pursing the car.

“they catch up with the car and stop the woman by blocking her.

” they went and dragged her from her car ignoring her words.

(the next day🌙)

they brought her out to interrogate her…do you know this woman?…

“they asked as they brought bisi in.

” No!! I haven’t even seen her before, she replied.

“ah God purnish you this woman, you are now denying me.

“Bisi said as she tried to attack, but the police men were holding her strong.

” okay,who owns this line? they ask as they dailed the line and her phone ring but she was quite.

“you called this lady yesterday evening and you said you don’t know her.

” the police man said playing the recording…

“am sorry sir,I don’t think am the one she replied.

” so you still don’t want to talk,

the police said giving her a hot slap…as he started torturing her.

“so. how did you get the baby?? he asked again.

” From the hospital, my husband is a doctor,

“so he helped me in getting the child unknown to the mother.

” he took the child the day I went to see him,she said confessing…

“the mother was asleep when he took the child, she added.

” tell me more about this your business, the police man said torturing her the more.

“I and my husband including Bisi have been doing this business for long…

” we have plenty Alhaji we sell the children to…

“sometimes we kidnap the children from the street and sometimes we do bargain…

” with the mother of the children and pay them.

“sometimes we take them from school, unknown to their parents…

” we take them from different places she confessed.

“kai !!! you get heart ooh!!! but you have children… why didn’t you sell yours.

” the police man ask, beating her.

“so,where is your husband?

” he is in the hospital she replied.

the police, arrested the husband and charged all of them to Court…

“the news was everywhere with their confession…

” cos it was recorded ,and the baby was given to the mother.

Natasha POV:

I was frying my yam when a news paper caught my eyes…

“customer please can I read a little, I said.

” no problem he said as he munch the yam in his mouth…

“Jesus!!! wonders shall never end,so Mrs Cordelia was really …

” into business of kidnapping children and selling to ritualist.

“ah God thank you for not letting me be a victim, I said in shock.

” did you experience it too,my customer asked??

“Sir God just save me oo!! thank God she has been exposed.

” when someone says evil is good,evil will always find that person…

I said as I continue my work.

(later in the evening)

“Did you hear the news,princess asked??

” which of the news,I asked back cos there are different news.

“the news that Cordelia has been caught,she said.

Natt: my dear, I saw it in a news paper…you see how wicked people are?

princess: she even kidnap people’s children and sell.

Natt: if she was getting the children from their parents willingly, it would have been better.

but kidnapping them is wickedness.

princess: Nawa ooo!!

Natt: that’s her own cup of tea,so how was work??

princess: thank God,how is business going??

Natt: I thank God is going well,please before you go…

“remind me to take some bons and yam for light since he is staying over.

princess: okay,no problem.

(four months later)

Authoress’s POV

” Angela was seen getting ready to go do her scan.

“she got out as her husband took her to the hospital.

” After the scan,the doctor called them to his office.

“Mr David, your wife need to be taken care of.

“she need to rest now ,more than before.

” she need to be watched closely, because she is carrying three children.

“the scan shows that,although God has the final say…

” so I pray you claim it,because its what you pray for …you will get. the doctor said.

“you mean I will be a mother of triplet?? Angela asked surprise.

” by the grace of God… yes the doctor replied

“wow!! indeed God is wonderful and miraculous.

” I used to hear of his wonders but now am experiencing his wonderous work.

“to God be the glory Mr David said.

” and Immediately Angela felt bad, remembering how she treated Natt by cutting…

“,ties and abandoning her,ignoring her words and advice.

” she recalled how she wanted the child that natt had suffered for…

“ignoring her feelings, she regretted that immediately.

” she remembered a text that Natt sent her after she stopped communicating to her.

” you have really tried for me and I believe… one day,you will have children,

not just one but I pray for three at a time…you will have triplet by the grace of God.

thanks for everything and I know God will reward you”

remembering the text,she wept for her impatient and decided calling her when she get home.

Are you okay dear??? the doctor and her husband asked at the same time.

Am fine she said…


princess and I were in my road side shop as I was frying the yam

and princess was helping me serve some customers.

light is in school and I believe very soon he will be back cos it’s midday already

“I continue frying as my phone ringed,princess rushed it to me and I picked the call…

“. hello, I said…

hello dear,its me Angela… am really sorry for everything.

” I know I behaved bad but please, remember the good side of me…

“I have realize my mistake and please forgive me, Mrs Angela said.

” and I couldn’t believe my ears,is this really Mrs Angela I thought to !myself.

“yes the voice shows its she…OMG, am so happy… am so happy to hear your voice I said happily.

” am really sorry natt, she said.

“you don’t have to be,I understand you ,its not really easy and I know the pains…

” you are going through, its okay…am really happy you called, I said with pity for her.

Angela: you told me to be patient but I was too fast, am sorry for not understanding you .

“am happy you understand me ,thanks so much natt, am sorry natt.

” it’s okay ma, don’t worry God will bless you with children.

Angela: God is really faithful natt…

am pregnant with three babies( she said crying over the phone).

“,Natt: wow!! you are blessed Already ma and may your blessings remain permanent.

” Amen!!! they both chorused.

“Angela: I will be coming back next week,

natt: wow! I really missed you.

Natasha POV cont:

After everything, we ended the call,who was that ?? princess asked.

” its Angela I told her

“how did she get your number?? she asked surprised

” well it has been long,it was when I bought my phone newly.

“I sent a text after calling her and she didn’t pick.

so I think she searched for the number, I explained…

” oh!! she has now realized her mistake, what did she even say…princess asked.

” well I will tell you that later ,let’s finish first…

I said bringing out the yam from the oil.

” after everything, I explained all our discussion to her and she was really happy for Mrs Angela.

” some weeks later,Angela came back and we went to visit her ( princess, I & light).

” we got there and she was really happy to see us,she couldn’t believe it was Light.

Angela: so you mean he is the small baby I saw few years ago?

Natt: yes ma,he is…

Angela: OMG!! look at him,he is now a big boy…come here she said??

“as Light went to hug her,confused.

” well he doesn’t really know her,I just told him we were coming to visit one of his Aunt that just came back.

“and he was happy to follow.

” children really grow fast nowadays, Mrs Angela said carrying Light on her laps.

“we stayed there as we explained everything to her

“.and I told her how life has been for me and Light after she left

“she was really happy and grateful for princess and her family.

” she was happy I started something and we also talked about Mrs Cordelia.

“who was sentence to some years imprisonment with hard larbour alongside her colleague.

” for child trafficking and kidnap.

“she asked about Light’s education and I told her the school he attends.

” but she insist on taking his educational responsibility from here

“.saying she wants him to go to a better school.

” well,what should I say…

Angela: I insists, I just want to !make up for all the time I left,

apart from that …his just like a child to me.

“since I have no one to spend on,why don’t I spend on him.

” its my money after all,not my husbands own

“and no problem or child to spend on for now,so let me spend on him till who knows when.

” you can restrategize yourself to a better level so you can take over when the times comes.

Natt: Am so happy,thank you so much ma… I and princess said including little Light.

Angela : eeewww!!! sweet boy you don’t need to thank me.

Natt POV cont:

we left later that day as Mrs Angela said, she took over Lights education.

by sending him to one of the big school in town.

” but I was disturbed cos education wasn’t really Lights problem but music.

“in all we thank God the school was into music too..

.things continued! moving well and Light developed rap skills.

“Angela promise to train him throughout his primary school…

I was happy cos I will be able to plan bigger.

” to take over from there.

“Light passed going to the next class as he started writing his own !music.

” Mrs Angela gave birth to her triplet. two boys and a girl.

on that day, there was great happiness as everyone was happy.

“though it wasn’t easy for her, cos her labor lasted for a whole day…

she stayed in pains for a whole day.

” and as soon as she gave birth safe and sound… we were all relieved.

” I and princess often go over to check up on her.

“Lights started going to competition, representing his school.

” At first he didn’t win and he came back crying.

“well I encouraged him even though I know nothing about music. I supported him.

” Light started with other people’s rap before he started his…

“he often raps for me and I will just nod my head encouraging him the more.

” He came back yesterday that the school choose him to go for a state competition.

“I was happy and sure my baby will win…I prayed for him.

” and today,he is ready to go as I parked his food into his lunch bag.

“and see him off to his school bus…

Goodluck,I said as I pecked him before entering the bus.


“I was happy to be chosen and this competition is a state competition not just anyhow competition.

” I am so happy cos its my first time going for a competition as big as this.

“we got to the school and our music master called us addressing us

“as we practised our songs and rap one last time before we leave.

” some few students came with us…we got there, the environment was so big and beautiful.

“everyone admired the decoration as we got inside.

” entering inside, we were ushered to the chair made for our school.

“few minutes later all the participating schools were all sited also with Judges as the show began.

” the Governor spokesman was also there since it was all organized by the governor.

“I was so nervous since its my first song.


the competition started ,and each school was called upon to perform.

“it was a total of 16 schools… first school was called upon…

” and there representative just did rubbish…except from one who just sang.

“there were 3 students representing each school.

” And among the three of them representing their school, one just did well.

“the second school was called upon and the representative all tried…

” the third,the representative tried too…the fourth, the fifth…the sixth

” omo come and see talents.

“it started from the sixth school, the representative did wonders to our ears.

” they were all Christian singers,the seventh school…Christian singers too.

“infact ,the six,seventh and eight schools…

made all the teachers including the judges to nearly repent.

” they were really good,

“the 9th school was back to hip hop,and they killed the beat.

” the 10th school was really awesome that I Imagined if I will really win.

“the 11th school was superb even with there rap…same with the 12th…

” and our school was the 13th,I was just shaking before they called us on stage.

“our music master has already address us again,before we went.

” the first person among us sang,and it was someone song not his…he sang Running by Chike

“He really did well that I forgot he wasn’t the real singer.

” my next colleague sang his but it was a reggae…

his own written down reggae,and he just finished work.

” my turn,I brought my face down…putting myself together as I collected the mic.

“I introduced myself from my real name to my stage name “D’ LITE” With the type of music I do.

” then I began

rap 1_ okay , some call me victor

my name everywhere pass the hand of editor

getting on point,never enter eviction

my rap so sweet ,na Im be swiss roll

ah!! my !music sweet song

I get more mouth ,na me dey feature

I don be weavon,na me dey fix on

I talk to the girls,….I gat the sweet tongue…

okay, its me D’lite

their life so dark,na me dey bring light

the boy so strong, dey no go fit fight

untill I get there,up in the sky.


the boy is singing…

anywhere we go na so so boiling

money yakata,na so e plenty

from warri to Benin

ABUJA to Yankee

hope you ready, cos its D’lite….

I ended and everyone was clapping for me as my school cheer me the more…

“oh no,I can’t believe I did this…I wasn’t really myself…

” I just hope I did well ,I thought as I handed the mic to the host.

“I went back to my seat and my friends were all cheering me up

” the rest of the 3 schools did theirs,and finally the competition came to an end.

“as the host,appreciated our talent,encouraged us before calling the winners.

the best school that came out the first winner isssss….. BLESSED INTERNATIONAL

he said and my heart was broken… any way they did well, no doubt I said as I rest my head down

” not interested in the result again cos I known I won’t come out winning.

“at least I did pray that even if its the third position, I will be happy.

” even though you won’t get anything as the 3rd position,

but you will be given an opportunity to go represent

the state in Lagos, which is really a big opportunity and a stepping stone for me

I was still lost in thought when my class mate’s started shaking and hitting me

what!.. I shouted in anger frustrated that I didn’t win as I raise my head up

immediately I raise my head up I saw my school student shouting and rejoicing

but I was confused… the next thing I saw was my 2 clique walking to the stage

my friend pushed me saying I should go nah…

and I just walk like a zombie to the stage since I didn’t know what was going on

reaching there I saw other 2 schools standing,

maybe we won but which position I thought as smile’s creep into my face

does it matter the position, the inner me said

well congratulations to all of you standing here the host said giving us a handshake

you all have passed the first stage, and will be heading to the next stage

well of course the first and second winning schools will be paid 500k(the first winner)

and 300k(for the second winner), while the third winning school will only be given an opportunity

of the next level, to the representative the host said and everyone clapped

congregation to you kids again he said giving us a beautiful medal (to each school)

and our headmasters including our song Masters came to take it

as each of the winning school took pictures and photos with it

before everything ended the governor spokesman congratulated and encouraged us,

including other kids

3 of you will be representing the state which the best will be chosen from each of the winning school

he said… And those 3 best will be chosen here next month

so your school will train you more till next month he concluded before dropping the mic

after everything we left going back to school, when we got to school our proprietor,

and our headmaster congratulated us.

our music master was proud of us as he encouraged us…

“the whole school was filled with joy that day.

” And it was when I got to school I asked of our position.

“cos through out the congratulations and talks,I didn’t know where we stood.

” only that we were among the winners,so when I asked…

“they said we took the third position, wow!! I was really happy

” this is my last chance and I will try to meet it up…

through out school that day as everyone was rejoicing…

“I was thinking of something nice to put together…

Natasha POV:

“my eyes was locked to the road,expecting my prince charming…

” princess and Mrs Angela was with me too,expecting to hear the progress of the competition.

“As we were all waiting for him, few minutes later…the bus stopped by…

” and he came down jumping into my arms.

“oh sweetheart welcome, I said pecking him…Good day mom! good day aunties!!

” he said as he went to hug them each,Gooday honey they both said.

“how did it go?? princess popped the question… with smile all over her face…

“expecting a good news,it went well …

” at least we came out the third position my baby said jumping… and we were all happy.

“I am so happy for you ,so what’s you or your school reward…I asked.

” its only the first and second winners that went home with a reward…

“while the third will try hard to represent the state…

” only then they will be given a great reward, and will be signed into a record label…

“that is ,if only they win or be among the winners.

” my LIGHT explained sad.

“don’t worry,its okay I believe you will win…I said petting him.

” we all believe by the grace of God you will win. Mrs Angela said.


” the day to choose the three best among the 3 schools came…

“our !music mater has already prepared us,but he took more delight in me mostly…

” as he encouraged and advice me ,he also helped in harnessing my song…

“we were ready to go as our headmaster and preparatory

gave some word of encouragement and advice… before we left.

” we got there and other representative from other schools were already there…

“in no time,the semi competition started and the jugdes to choose the best were all seated.

” the first person from the first school was called on…and he started singing.

“he really did well

” the 2nd was called on,and he also did well…intact ,the 3 of them were all good.

“the 2nd school too presented their representative…and they were all superb.

” the 2nd school representative were gospel singers while the 1st were hip hop singers.

“After the second school ,our school…my first colleague was called on.

” and he went,singing his own song this time… then my next colleague and lastly me.

“after we all showed our self, the jugdes took the mic and address us.

” you all did well,one of them said but in all ..

one person must be choosed in each school.

“he continued as he choose one person each from the two schools… after some little negotiations.

” when it can!e to our school, it was really hard yo choose the best…

“cos the reggae guy did well as I also did well.

” but finally I thank God they settled on choosing me

and am very happy to be among the 3 students representing the states.

“you will be trained till next three weeks for the competition, they said before ending.

” as we were taken back to school,some of the students were happy for me while some were not.

“my head master and preparator were happy for me too,after school…

” I went ho!e and told my mom the good news, she was very happy …

“and she encouraged,prayed for me…

” but one thing always make me incomplete

and that is for the fact that I don’t even know about my father.

“I have asked mom several times about my dad,but she won’t say anything rather than snub me.

” some times she pretend as if she didn’t hear me

and I do get jealous when I see other students in my school with their father.

“some do laugh and mock me that I don’t have a Father…

“while some to ask me were my father is…and since I don’t even have any idea…

“I will just snub them shamefully… but I don’t usually tell my mom all I have been going through..

” and I intend telling her today.

Natasha POV

“LIGHT have been asking me about his father but I don’t know how to put it to him.

” I don’t know how to tell him that he denied me

“and also I don’t want to remember all that happened

” but when he told me all he had been going through, I was pained and angry at same time.

“how I wish I will see those kids and smash their mouth,I felt pity for him…

” and I have decided to let him know everything, I can’t keep it anymore…I can’t snub him anymore.

“At least let him know so he will be able to stand for himself.

” I called him as he sat opposite me and I narrated everything to him from the beginning till this moment to him

“I told him how I love him and I will always continue to stand by him…with love.

” Am I not trying for you?? I thought I will be able to make it up for you and you will be okay with me.

“I asked feeling disappointed.

” after everything he was crying as he came hugging me so tight.

“am sorry mom ,I love you too…you are okay for me.

” I can’t even leave without you ,he said crying… am sorry for making you go through all that.

“I was just curious to know…he added

” its okay baby…don’t worry I said hugging him back.

the day for the big competition was here, as I woke my boy…

“arranged everything for him… dressed him and then see him off to the bus.

” Well the competition is tomorrow but they are to go to Lagos today against tomorrow.

“and I have arranged everything for him,mummy will you come??? he asked as he stood facing me.

” yes dear,Mrs Angela will be bringing me and your Aunt princess.

“we are also following you today,I said and he happily entered the bus after pecking me.

” I went back to get ready so I will go !meet Angela

“on my way I saw princess and we both went home together.


” I got to the school,..I was taken to the place we are to meet

” so we can be picked up by one government official

“my music master and headmaster are with me…and they will be also going with me…

” we got there and other 2 choosen kids were already there with their music masters and headmasters.

“we joined them,exchanging pleasantries, one of them is a girl …a gospel singer .

” while the other is a boy,the genre of my music you know.

“our music masters get to know each other same with the head masters.

“I am not that good in talking to people,

so I just keep quite and respond only when I am asked a question.

” few minutes later,the vehicle we were expecting came with some security…

“and we entered heading to Lagos that I always hear but have never gone to.

” wow!! am really going out of this state today, I thought smiling.


we got to Lagos after about 8hours later,we were taken to a hotel…

“as each school occupied one room,after some minutes rest..

“my music and headmaster took me as we went out to get food…

“we looked for a restaurant and filled our stomach before coming back.

(the next day🌙)

I was waken up by my music master,as I went to the toilet…

” brush my teeth and took my bath,coming out …

“my clothes were arranged already on the bed,then I wore it.

” After my music and headmaster was done with their preparation…

“I was taken out for breakfast before coming back to meet other two students

“with their guidians waiting for us.

” Good morning guys,my music master said giving them a hand shake…

same with my headmaster, are you all ready…they both asked them and they responded yes.

“we all headed outside to see the vehicle waiting for us,and we got in.

” one or two hours later we got to the venue,

“believe me it was very big and beautiful.

” Everywhere was filled with cars,we got in and everywhere was already filled up.

“there was no space at all,thank God we came early cos they were about starting.

” we squeezed ourselves in as we find a little place to sit…

“Everyone is welcomed to this great occasion, the host said…

“as he started by welcoming everybody and also calling the reputable people… welcoming them.

” I wasn’t really listening that much,and I was thinking if mom really came.

“please sir,can you give my mom a call,I just want to know if she is here…

“I said to my music master…

oh no!! we can’t call her now, not here.

” very soon,they will be calling you guys out …

“just focus, don’t worry,everything will be fine…he said rubbing my back.

” few minutes later they called all the states representative to the podium.

“then I and my colleague went out representing our state.

” as we went and sat with other representative from other state.

“After much talk by the host,it was time to call us out each…to show what we got.

” we were up to 30,representing 20 States…

“the first state representative was called,they were two as they went out.

“one performed before the other,and wooow!!! I forgot to tell you that there are big artist here.

” Bigger artist were invited like OLAMIDE, M.I, YEMI ALADE, WIZKID, DAVIDO,PHYNO & TIWA.

“wow!! it was a pleasure seeing them, olamide and yemi alade were among the judge.

” well the competition went on and students kept doing wonders…

“I was the smallest among them all even among my colleague.

” they are students from primary 5 and others from secondary school level

“while am just a primary 3 pupil,

with the talents students showed…

I was wondering if I will even be close to winning…

“they are doing really great,and they Gospel singers are really talented.

” I was listening to a point,I lost courage…

“cos its not going to be easy competing with talented people like this.

” though not all did great,but the ones that did well are much.

“it is the 18th state now and our state is the eighteenth.

” we were called upon,as the mic was given to my first colleague.

“(the girl) to perform

” I know she was nervous and scared,who wouldn’t be??

“even I,am very scared…especially with all the display I have seen.

” but thank God she did well…

while she was on it…

my eyes was scanning the big crowd, piercing their eyes on us.

” then my mind went to my mom,I remembered when she told me she will come.

“did she really come?? if she did ,how will I even know??

” I kept thinking as the crowd sheering brought me back.

“then I realized my two colleague were done and it was my turn.

” my mind skipped and my heart beat increased as I took the mic

“then I don’t know what took my eyes out to the crowd again.

” but I saw my mom and she waved at me.. blowing me a kiss…

“there and then,I knew i needed to do something for her.

” my fear disappeared, even if I don’t win…I will just use this opportunity to tell her I love her.

“that everything will be fine by the grace of God.

“and we will always stick together… I thought as I held the mic strong…

” introduced my name D’lite

“you all know I represent IMO state I said…

“then I started singing,closing my eyes as I remember all my mom told me she went through.

my baby God go bless you eh

make im give you long life

oh na na na

so many obstacles

you stood by me

you never let go, you never turn me down…. (×2)

Rap 1)

see girl you are dignify

look on your face,deep in your eyes

seeing the way ,you are beautify

I can just say I got love in my mind

love in mind, love that I find

my love ignorant, you edifying

see me &you…up going high

that is the truth baby,see no be lie

you are all that I feel, all that I know

all of my zeal, all that I boasts

all I can see, all of my hope

all of my trip, all of my home

see girl, you are so effective

looking pretty good and bio_sexy

my love for you its sole electric

taking you girl, I think am so selective

yea!! all the good time we had

as a memorable day,will be right in my mind

talk about they words that we heard make me mad

the jokes we shared we talk we laugh

when they say its over ,

my days will be bad and fill with sober

I listen to the words they do alter

they say oh yea.. they have put assunder

No! we never let that work

they will beef both of us,never let them talk

never let them win,better cost them lost

let’s cast them out and call them thugs

we will last forever,old bad days

we will never remember

say I will be your prince, you be Queen

I will be there whenever you need me.

“, I ended as tears fell from my eyes… and I blew her back a kiss.

I ended as I blew her a kiss,I never believed I will steer the crowd this much.

“as they shout and hailed me, everyone including my colleagues clapped…

” for me as I handed the mic to the host.

“what’s your name ?? the host who is also a superstar “U.C” asked.

“light.. I answered.

” how old are you light?? he asked.

“am 8 sir!!! I replied.

” wow!! he exclaimed

” so Light!! are your parents here?? he asked again.

“yes my mom is here I said.

so light,what inspired you to do or should I call it song?

“they were really touching and too powerful for little boy like you..

” who did you do it for?? he asked

“that wasn’t the song I wanted to sing initially, but i dont know…it just got into my mind.

” immediately I collected the mic to sing.

“and I did it for my one and only love,I explained.

” wow!! so you are in love???

“who is this lucky girl?? does she know you love and crush on her?? he asked

“well the lucky girl is Natasha there…! I said pointing to my mom.

” as I winked at her…

“and everyone stretched their eyes to see the girl but was disappointed…

” only to see a 25year old lady,rushing towards me…as she hugged and kissed me all over my face.

“the crowd were all confused…

” is she the girl you said you love?? superstar U.C asked

“!maybe confused too!

” yes!! and she is my mom,I said clearing the air.

“wow!! this is so touching,he said chuckling.

” you are just something else,you really touched me.

“this is the best Drama I have seen so far…

” and I want to make it known to the world now …

that you are officially signed into “” UNIQUE KINGS RECORDS “”. he said.

” and the crowd sheered…

“I couldn’t believe my ears …I couldn’t believe it was real.

” my mom was really happy as she hugged me countless times.

“the rest of the state representative were given the opportunity to show case their talent.

” and after everything, the winners were announced.

“we came out the third position,and I was very happy.

” I was indeed signed into ” unique kings records ” label

“and was given a big house with a winning prize of 2.5million naira.

” my mom was speechless and I was happy at last,I made her proud.

Authoress POV

“the news was everywhere with the videos clips.

” Mr and Mrs Dominic were sitted in their sitting room.

“watching an NTA news,when the news popped in.

” with some pictures and video…

“is that not our daughter Natasha?? yemisi said to Dominic.

” who was also confuse,I think she is…and is that her child. he asked no one in particular.

“wow!! thank you Jesus my child is still alive.

” so,am a grandmother.. yemisi said happily…

“so my child is now a celebrity, God is really great. she added.

” you see, when you threw her out,you thought she will die abi.

“now,see what she has become, yemisi said to Dominic.

” are you referring to me?? you that could have killed the innocent child

“have you seen what the child has made her mother become…

“nonesence!!!! Dominic lashed back,as he stood up and left the living room.

“we need to go and beg her ooooh!!! yemisi shouted at him as he left.

” o boy come see oo…one of lade’s friend said to lade that was inside his room.

“wetin lade said as he came out…

” see Natt your girlfriend nah…he said pointing to the TV

“which Natt??? lade asked as he took his eyes to the TV.

” How many Natt you know?? the friend asked back.

“you sure say no be that pikin wey she carry for you be that??? the friend asked.

“how you take know, you no whether she don marry???


” things turned around as our life changed for good.

“I released a song featuring olamide and people loved it.

” my mom discovered her hidden talent as an actress.

“and she went into the movie industry.

” she was really a good actress and she became well known in the movie industry.

“I kept releasing tracks back to back…

“my real grand parents came begging,who are we not to forgive them.

” we forgave them but I know the stigma will always be there.

“and I couldn’t abandoned the grandparents that have always been there…

” since I was a child(princess parents) because of the people I barely know.

“we did the right thing by forgiving them but the relationship

“wasn’t that much close like it’s suppose to be.

” today we are to be interviewed, and we are getting ready for it.

“we just lunched our new house and we are to be interviewed there.

” with the help of my mom,aunty princess got into the movie industry.

“and she will be with us soon ,aunty Angela will also

“be coming today with her three troublesome kids

Natasha POV

I can’t believe this is me,if someone told me all my pains would end this way

” I wouldn’t believe it.

“so this is how this life is,I thought to my self as. looked at the mirror once more.

” looking at the mirror made me remember how it all started.

“how I thought I was adding weight,

“how I went to the market and they were all looking at me,whispering some inaudible words.

” and I didn’t know what was going on,as I remembered all this I smiled.

“as a drop of tears fell down my cheek.

” oh no !!! my !makeup… I said putting some finishing touches on my face.

“I think am good to go I said as I grabbed my purse

” ma’am its time,my P A said immediately I came out.

“am ready ,where is my driver??? tell him to get the cars ready.

” is my son not done?? I asked going to his room.

“I knocked on his door…

” who is there ??? I Hear his tiny voice asked from inside.

“my husband, your wife is here to check on you ,I said.

” oh my wife!! come in my queen…he said

“and I smiled…entering to see him battling with his shoes.

” I went close to him and helped him.

“thank you my diva queen ,he said smiling.

” you look gorgeous, he said

“well I want to be the talk of the town today

” I said as I held him and we went out together… going into the car,and we zoomed off.

“since the day I saw Natt on TV with that child,my mind hasn’t been at rest.

” I have been thinking if the boy is my child,I know I really did bad to her…

“and am paying for it with regret.

” three years ago…

“I got married to a lady I love,thinking she loved me too.

” only to find out she has been playing me.

“after we got married, she stole all my money unknown to me…

” and ran away before I could even find out,she was already gone.

“I was heart broken and it really affected my life and business cos it was all my savings.

” my business went down,people adviced me to move on…

“and I did after some months.

” two years ago,I got married again,and having a child was another problem.

“I and my ex wife…yeah,cos she is my ex wife now,since she is no longer with me.

” we went to several hospital and they all said we were fine and okay …health wise.

“and that we were fit to have kids,they adviced we should keep trying .

” well early this year,the Woman I got married to got pregnant.

“and I was really happy,happy that finally I would be a father soon.

” but to my greatest shock,it was another mans child she was carrying

“she even got married to the man few weeks after taking in for him…unknown to me.

” she told me she was going to visit her parents,not knowing she was going to marry the man.

“which her parents supported, after everything she didn’t come back.

” and I was worried,so I went looking for her..

“.that was when I found out what was going on.

” at that moment, I remembered my loving, caring and kind Natt.

“I remembered the child she was carrying for me that I denied.

” I remembered the insults and humiliation I throwed on her.

“and then I wish I could change the hands of clock.

” well the bride prize was refonded back to me,and till now…I haven’t gotten my self back.

“I just decided to come stay with my friends before i do something dangerous to my self.

” and since the day I saw Natt on TV with the boy that is now a superstar.

“I have been praying that she is still single and hoping the boy be my child.

” hmmm…I got to the parlor and my friends were there listening to the news.

“well I was told that they will be interviewing Natt and her child today…

” so I sat down,patiently waiting to hear from her.

“few minutes later she was showing on the TV with the boy.

“I was filled with confidence that he is my son ,cos he looks like me just as much as he looks like Natt.

Natasha POV

” we got to our new house and the reporters were everywhere.

“the security guided us to get in,

“princess, Mrs Angela and my collegeas in the industry were already there.

” few minutes later we came out and all the journalist rushed to interview us.

” so D’lite, how did it all started??they ask, directing there question first to light.

“well it all started from my mom and I and it has always been my mom and i

” I think my mom will throw more light on that,she has always been my starting point.

“my little light said and they all rushed to me.

” well,what should I say…but believe me,the starting wasnt really nice.

“I never believe I will get this far,I said as everything I have gone through played in my head.

” all I just have to say is thankGod for always standing by me even when no one stood by me.

“and I thank Mrs Angela here alongside princess and her family for always being there for me.

” taking me as a family member, they really tried.

“if am to explain all I have gone through, you all won’t go home today.

” I just thank God anyways, it wasn’t really easy.

“but after all the pain I went through I still gained.

” And my light here shined on me,

“wow!! they said as everyone clapped for me.

” so did he abandon you ?? or he died or maybe he didn’t know you were pregnant for him??

“another correspondent asked…

” well he didn’t just abandon me but denied even knowing me,and I don’t know why.

“but that’s my pasts anyway and this is my present,

“so I wouldn’t want to be dragged back to the past…so I don’t want to talk about it.

” okay, what will your advice be for the fans or those who are looking up to you??

“well, just keep pushing…and never give up, in all put God first…you never can tell.

” I said as they keep bombarding me with question which I answered all before going in.


“I sat in the parlor as I watched the interview with my friends…

” hearing all she said broke my heart and I felt guilty

“I was just so foolish then,I never knew it will affect me.

” I thought as my friend all stared at me

“is your child dude!! at least you finally have a child. bobo said cheering me up

” which child?? e be like say you done dey craze oo

“child wey him accept abi na de one wey him abandon??

” I think I bin tell you make you no leave that girl,say she dey innocent…

“but you bin dey follow bobo and kola,now see where e end you…

“nonesence!!! bola said going out.

” don’t mind him,enemy of progress,you just need to go beg de girl

“first love no dey ever die…you be her first love.

” and you even get luck say she still dey single.

“so go try your best,after all the boy na your pikin.

” blood is thicker than water ,so with the boy you fit get her back.

“kola said encouraging me.

“and I think he made sense,

” see in case you succeed,no forget us oo…you know say we be your padi padi.


“Well after the interview that went viral,we parked into our new house

” I and my mom went for shopping, we were done…and I was the first to rush out.

“as I came out I saw a man staring at me,as he held me with emotional expression.

” let go off me,who are you ?? i said as mom came out

“then she saw the man and her face changed into an angry one

” what the hell are you doing with my child,she barked

“and she was ready to unleash her anger

” Natasha, I know I have wronged you but please listen.

“forgive me,the man said kneeling down..

” what’s going on?? who is he mom??? I asked confused.

“he is nobody baby,just lets go. mom said

” you don’t have to say that to him,he is my child…the man said

“and I looked at him cos I think I didn’t hear him right.

” am your father child,he said again… and I knew he was mad.

“so you even have the right to come and say you are my father.

” after everything you did, I asked and he keep saying he is sorry…which got me mad more.

“now listen and listen well,I don’t have a father but will soon have one

” so you are not my father ,never will you be

“and if I see you anywhere close to me,you won’t like my actions

” I said going into the car.

Natt: well I forgive you,we forgive you…

“but you can’t come claiming a child you know nothing about.

” just know we never had a child cos you never wanted a child from me

“but I don’t have any grudge for you and he is not your child,Natt said sincerely as she walked out.

the End