Mine’s Journey: From Divine Blessings to Forest Trials | Manga Recap – read manga

A war broke out between the human race and the demon boss, claiming thousands of innocent lives until one hero, Alexander, appeared with a holy sword named Twirling and defeated the demon boss, restoring peace and freedom to the world they had lived in. The boy read a storybook with his father during story time and asked his father if that sword really existed. The father laughed and told his son who might know if that sword even existed or not. The mother of the child told him to go to sleep. The child, whose name was Mine, determined to himself that he might one day wield it and go on adventures.

Five years later, the boy, now 15 years old and grown up, went to the capital’s temple to see the place where skills were granted by the Divine. As Mine stood there looking at the temple, he saw another boy being beaten by his mother because he hadn’t acquired good skills while arguing with her. When someone reached the age of 15, they were granted the opportunity to receive skills or powers from the Divine, with a maximum limit of three. These skills were assigned at random. In this society, it was considered taboo to pry into others’ skills, though certain professions like Smiths and Compounders often shared their abilities publicly. Mine had his sight set on acquiring a one-handed combat skill and physical enhancement as his second skill. He believed that combining these two abilities would result in even greater power, as he had heard from people. Mine eagerly awaited the acquisition of his skills, anticipating that they would bring about a significant change in his life.

Mine then went up to the temple. The guard stopped him to confirm his name and age. Mine said he had just turned 15 that day, marking his adulthood. Then the guard opened the temple door for him. The boy then proceeded to the hallowed sphere, accompanied by the crossbearer, who instructed him to place his hand on the sphere and begin praying to the Heavenly Lord joyfully and gratefully. Mine was ecstatic to be able to grow up even though his parents had passed away from an epidemic 5 years prior. He gave thanks to the local people who had looked after him and to the Lord’s will. He then reached out to touch the sphere, but as he did so, he felt and saw the mystical force surrounding him being absorbed by his body. The Divine Sphere Guardian seemed surprised by the effect and congratulated the boy on effortlessly receiving his abilities. The boy received the Cut and Paste ability as well as the Judgment skill as his second. Mine remembered seeing the village hunters frequently use cut talents to assist them in cutting deceased animals’ flesh and jewels for minerals.

Next, the temple priest demonstrated to Mine how to employ his skills. After that, the priest taught Mine how to use his paste skills. Mine recalled that the village repairers frequently used that paste skill to fix broken tools. The temple monk told him that although cut and paste skills were frequently acquired separately, each person’s ability to combine them was unique. People who had mastered both as a single skill were few in number. However, the greatest ranking ability in judgment skills, referred to as Judgment Full, gave the user complete knowledge, including names, genders, and a variety of other analysis-worthy attributes. That ability, also known as the Divine Eye, was given to him by a higher force and could be multiplied and erased. Although it was hoped that people with these kinds of abilities would have prosperous lives, it was up to Mine how he made combinations with his skills, as skills were likened to life itself.

After expressing his gratitude to the temple monk, Mine left the temple and boarded a horse-drawn wagon with other passengers heading towards his home in Lucas City. As he figured out his arrival time in Lucas City, he noticed Edgar-san, who was also on the wagon. Mine was thrilled to see Edgar-san, his friend and the city’s gatekeeper. He discovered that Mine was also in the capital by chance. They sat together and began their journey. Edgar learned that Mine had grown up, remarking on how swiftly time had passed. Mine then asked him if it was his turn to guard Lucas City that day. Edgar-san informed him that he had come to inform the guild about the difficulties faced by Lucas City due to reports of orc sightings around Lucas Forest. Mine became worried as he hunted every morning there, describing orcs as savage beings capable of killing humans and animals alike. He doubted his ability to survive an encounter with them. Seeing Mine worried, Edgar reassured him that orcs in Lucas City were quite distant from each other but advised caution if venturing into the forest.

After some time, seeing everyone sleeping, Mine suggested testing his newfound abilities to himself, prompting him to question the extent of his powers. He first decided to use his judgment skill power, focusing on assessing Edgar’s abilities. He noted Edgar’s age, occupation as a guardian, and his weapons, a holy skill, both-handed spear, and an iron wall. Despite acknowledging the taboo of examining others’ skills, Mine briefly inspected Edgar’s statistics, impressed by his abilities. Mine expressed amazement at being able to view others’ information. Then he saw his own information and recognized that he could assess himself too. While examining strangers’ abilities, he saw one sleeping man’s information, which turned out to be a thief. Mine was surprised and worried to see a thief in the wagon with Edgar completely asleep. As the wagon prepared to enter the Rocky Mountains, Mine remarked on the suitability of the location for thieves’ activities. He recognized that the judgment skill wasn’t an offensive skill and had to utilize another ability for practical tasks. Realizing the necessity of his actions, Mine accepted the situation and decided to deal with it himself.

He remembered his cut and paste skill and focused on the task at hand by pasting the thief’s feet to the wagon’s floor and his sword to its scabbard. Despite preparing just in case, he told himself that he and others would be safe as he didn’t want to risk alerting the others about the situation. But then he remembered the advice of the temple monk about the skills considered as life itself and up to him how he would use his skills, so he decided to cut skills from the thief. Then with his paste ability, he pasted the thief’s abilities into his own collection of skills. Even though the maximum number of skills a person could receive was three, Mine now had five skills within him.

After some time, the incident happened with Mine that he knew was going to happen. A bunch of thieves riding on their horses came to rob the wagon. Edgar woke up and alarmed the others too. While that was happening outside, Mine saw the thief who was sitting beside them smile and wake up to scare others. He threatened them all to stop resisting if they didn’t want to die. However, as he drew his sword and stood up, his sword got stuck and his feet jammed on the wagon floor. He couldn’t stand up and fell down, unable to control his body. The thief initially got confused while the others realized afterward that the man was also with the thieves outside. They then grabbed the thief and beat him pretty badly.

Mine poked his head out to see the thieves and started to assess their skills and abilities with his judgmental powers. While he was counting the thieves, an arrow came straight towards him, but Edgar pulled Mine back, causing the arrow to miss Mine’s head but cut some flesh from his face in the process. Mine still managed to assess all their powers through his judgment skill, but he wanted to cut the skills of the dangerous ones. He noticed one lady thief among them who seemed particularly dangerous due to her enhanced eyesight ability, which allowed her to see everyone in the wagon. As she challenged everyone in the wagon to face her, she suddenly lost her ability and couldn’t see them anymore. This was due to Mine’s cut ability power, through which he cut every thief’s ability and stored them within himself. Every thief was surprised as they couldn’t figure out what was happening to their powers.

Meanwhile, Edgar and the others in the wagon prepared themselves for an encounter, and when they saw their chance, they jumped upon the thieves and defeated them all. While Edgar and his forces were busy fighting with the thieves, one of the soldiers told Mine to keep an eye on the thief in the wagon, who was saddened, saying his life was done. At noon, Mine and the others safely reached Lucas City. The wagon owner and driver offered Edgar some recompense for saving his wagon from thieves, but Edgar refused, stating that he was just doing his job to protect them. However, Mine was watching the captured thieves, feeling saddened by their cries. He asked Edgar what was going to happen to them. Edgar explained that they would be sold at the black market as crim slaves and the recompense would be paid with that money. Mine felt sorry for the thief who kept repeating that his life was worthless, worrying if he had led them to their fate.

The boy then went home, where he welcomed his absent parents and talked to their picture. He wanted to show them the abilities he had acquired earlier and then took a nap. Upon waking, he felt restless and decided to go outside into the jungle for a hunt. As he searched for prey, he aimed to test his cutting and other skills acquired during the hunt. He spotted a forest rabbit wandering around and used his dagger’s extreme ability obtained from the thieves to throw a knife at it. Despite their extraordinary reflexes, the forest rabbit couldn’t dodge the knife and got hit. Mine was impressed by the speed of that skill, realizing how easily he could hunt with it. He then efficiently skinned the rabbit using his cutting power and felt satisfied, knowing that he had used all his given and obtained skills for a good reason.

After that, all of a sudden, an orc appeared behind Mine quickly. Mine hid behind a forest tree. He realized the orcs were indeed in the forest. Mine knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against an orc as