HI guys welcome. My name is Ayomide, I am 24 years old, I am in my final year. I am a student of lagos state university. I can be very stubborn at times, I am the last born. I have two older brothers. My mom is a very big business woman, while my dad is a retired military man. I have a very good best friend Liyah. Liyah and I have been friends since 100L. So guys this is my story. Enjoy.

Ayomide and Liyah were seen reading and discussing in the campus area.

Ayomide…….. Liyah, I am tired of my boyfriend. I don’t have feelings for him again.

Liyah…….. You must be kidding right, segun loves you so much, why do you not have feelings for him again?

Ayomide……….. I don’t know why. I just don’t feel like dating him anymore.

Liyah……. Is it because he doesn’t have enough money.

Ayomide……. Maybe something like that, my mom has a lot of money, my dad also has a lot of money. So why will I just be dating a guy that doesn’t have anything.

Liyah………. Haba, common. Why would you say something like that. He is your boyfriend. I don’t like what you are just saying to be honest. No condition is permanent.

Ayomide………. I don’t believe in that.

Liyah…….. So what do you want to do now?

Ayomide……… I will just have to end my relationship with him. I can’t continue anymore.

Liyah…….. Why did you date him in the first place then?

Ayomide…………I only dated him because he was good in bed but not anymore. I can’t just move on with him, I am tired.

Liyah………. I don’t support this at all. This is not right.

Ayomide……. What do you know, is like you don’t care about my happiness.

Liyah…….. Of course I do care about your happiness, but I don’t support what you are trying to do.

Ayomide…….. Don’t worry, there is no point in telling you anything.

Liyah…….. Fine! Just do what you wish to do, just remember that no condition is permanent, and what goes around, always comes around.

Ayomide…….. Sorry ooo motivational speaker, as if you have not broken a guy’s heart before.

Liyah……. I have not, I am a virgin and also I am not interested in relationships for now.

Ayomide…….. Suit yourself.

Just then a handsome guy passed in front of them, ayomide was just staring at the Guy, the guy smiled at her, and Deborah returned the smile also.

Ayomide……… Ohhhh my gosh, that guy is so cute and handsome. Just look at the way he smiled at me.

Liyah……… Hmmm, this girl, hope you are not falling for him.

Ayomide……….. I am ooo, I am really falling for him. Don’t you see how handsome he is.

Liyah……. You called that one handsome, abeg I am going back to the hostel.

Ayomide………. Why are you just against everything I do!!! Are you jealous of me or what!!!

Liyah…….. My darling I am not oo!!! I am just saying the truth. (Walked away)

Ayomide……. Mtcheewww, jealous cow. Let her go self. I need to call segun. (Calling segun) hello segun, please meet me at the campus area, I need to discuss something with you. (Hangs up)

A few hours later, the segun showed up. Segun wanted to kiss ayomide but she stopped him from doing that.

Segun……… Babe what is going on, you don’t look happy

Ayomide…….. Segun, let us end our relationship.

Segun…….. What do you mean?

Ayomide………. See, I don’t have feelings for you again, I am tired of this relationship. I just want us to stop.

Segun……..(knee down) no now, Ayo mi, why do you want to end it with me. What have I done wrong?

Ayomide…….. You have not done anything wrong. I am not just not interested anymore.

Segun……….. Is it because I don’t have money?

Ayomide…….. Maybe, but it is one of the main reasons, and besides I have someone else I am interested in. I can’t continue with you any longer.

Segun…….. You can’t leave me just like that now please, our relationship is already going to three years, you can just end it like that.

Ayomide……. (Shout at segun) I said I am not interested any longer, is it by force, I am not doing again. Wait let me ask you this question, do you think I even wants to marry you?

Segun…….. I can’t believe all what you are saying.

Ayomide……. Me I will not lie to you, I only dated you because you were good in bed. I am not in love with you.

Segun……..(sat down on the floor) just like that, Ayomide after everything I have been doing to you. After spending loans on you.

Ayomide…….. Did I send you, how much is even the money, I have your account number, I will send everything to you, just make sure we don’t meet again. It is over between us, excuse me. (She walked away)

Segun sat down on the floor looking sad, he was not happy. He kept on thinking, tears dropped from his eyes. He stood up cleaned his trousers and went back his hostel smiling like nothing had happened.

Ayomide got to the hostel.

Ayomide ……… I have broken up with him.

Liyah…… So soon. Haba!!

Liyah…….. That boy has done nothing wrong to you, why treat him that way.

Ayomide……. Hey please don’t just spoil my mood!

Liyah….. I am not spoiling your mood, I am just telling you the truth.

Ayomide……… You are not a good friend, you are a bad friend, so you want me to date a poor church rat.

Liyah………. Can you just listen to yourself. Ayomide you will regret what you are trying to do.

Ayomide……… Abeg, go and sit down one place joor.

Liyah…… okay fine, sorry for putting my mouth in your matter.

The next day after lecture, Ayomide went back to her hostel while Liyah went to the library to read. Segun saw her and decided to talk to her.

Segun……. hi Liyah

Liyah……. Hello segun, how are you doing?

Segun……… I am fine thanks and you

Liyah…….. I am good.

Segun……… Okay, please can you spare me some of your time to talk to you.

Liyah…….. No problem.

Segun…….. Thank you, please I know that you are the one that is close to Ayomide, please can you help me beg her. She means everything to me. I couldn’t sleep last night because I was heartbroken.

Liyah……… I will try my best to talk to her but please can you give her some time first. Maybe she will come around.

Segun……. Please help me beg her, I don’t like the way I am feeling, I really love her, is it because I am not from a rich background?

Liyah….,…. No segun don’t talk like that, you are rich. No condition is permanent and please don’t let anything or anyone makes you question yourself. Please, okay?

Segun……… Okay I will thank you very much.

Liyah…….. You are welcome,, don’t worry I will talk to her for you.

Segun…….. I will really appreciate. Okay I will see you later. (He left)

Liyah…….. Ayomide is just so blind. Look at the way this guy loves him.

Later that day, Ayomide was still down on the grass, when she saw that same guy, that she Saw yesterday, she quickly stood up adjust her dress and went to meet the guy.

Ayomide……… Hello

Stranger…….. Hi, do we know each other?

Ayomide…….. Not at all, this is my second time seeing you. Please can I know you name?

Stranger……….. Why do you want to know my name?

Ayomide…….. Ehem, I just want to be friends with you.

Stranger……. Really, what if I am a dem*n or ghost will you still be my friend?

Ayomide………(laughing) you are funny oo, I don’t believe that those things even exist.

Stranger……… Ohhh wow really?

Ayomide………. Yes. So can I know your name now?

Stranger…………. My name is Dagon.

Ayomide……. What a nice name, but I have not heard about that name before.

Dagon……… Now you have heard it.

Ayomide…….. So where are you from?

Dagon…….. I am from the underground world.

Ayomide………(laughing) you this guy you are very funny, so what about your family.

Dagon…….. I don’t have a family.

Ayomide………. I am confused, how come an handsome man like you don’t have any family.

Dagon…….. I lost all my family.

Ayomide……… I am so sorry about that.

Dagon……… Thank you.

Ayomide………… So where do you live?

Dagon……… I live everywhere,.

Ayomide……… What do you mean by you live everywhere.

Dagon……… I have to go now, I don’t like staying in the sun for much because of my skin, I don’t want to be black.

Ayomide…….. Okay it is fine, but can I have your number?

Dagon……. I don’t have a number but we can still meet at this spot everyday. I have to go now. (He left)

Ayomide…… okay sure, see you later. This guy is weird, but I prefer him that way, his eyes are so blue, he is just different from other guys, I think I like him. I pray he shows up tomorrow again.

In the hostel, ayomide and Liyah were arguing about something.

Ayomide…… That guy that smile at me yesterday, I saw him and we spoke for a while, his name is Dagon. I think I like him.

Liyah….. Just like that, someone you even barely know. And his name is weird.

Ayomide…….. You have come again oo, why can’t you just support me.

Liyah…… How will I support you, you are already falling for a guy you don’t know, do you know his house at all?

Ayomide….. He said he used to live at everywhere.

Liyah……. Is he a ghost that he is living everywhere?

Ayomide…….. Maybe that is his house address.

Liyah…….. I can’t just believe this, you better be careful

Ayomide…….. Are you jealous?

Liyah…….. Me jealous of you, why would I be jealous at someone that end his Long time relationship for one Dagon guy that is living everywhere.

Ayomide…….. I don’t blame you at all mtcheewww.

Liyah…….. Segun is hurt, that boy needs you back.

Ayomide……… Abeg abeg abeg no carry that one come again oo. What is it self, I am not interested in dating him anymore, why don’t you just date him if you like him.

Liyah…….. I would be more than happy to date him if I have the opportunity to!!!

Ayomide……… Go and date him then.

Liyah……. I hope you will not regret what you are doing?

Ayomide…… Please we cannot be staying in the same room if you keep arguing with me.

Liyah……. Wow really, because of a guy you don’t know?

Ayomide…….. Mtcheewww just get lost jare.

Ayomide was at the library when Dagon tapped her from behind. Ayomide turns her back to see Dagon.

Ayomide……..hi handsome.

Dagon…….. How are you doing?

Ayomide………. I am fine thanks, and you?

Dagon……… I am always good, so why don’t you follow me let’s go and talk outside.

Ayomide………. Sure.

They both went outside to talk.

Dagon…….. So why did you stare at me that day that I smiled at you.

Ayomide……. I find you attractive that’s why.

Dagon…….. If I tell you that we should get married fast, will you accept?

Ayomide…….. That’s so soon, you have not even asked me to be your girlfriend?

Dagon……… I don’t date, why don’t we just get married after one month.

Ayomide…….. You are so handsome but….

Dagon………. You will not be able to see me again if you say no. We won’t see each other again.

Ayomide…… Why?

Dagon……… So will you want to become my wife, I am very wealthy I will pay for everything myself.

Ayomide……… What!!! Really. So I will think about it.

Dagon…….. You want to think about it, ok it is fine. But make sure it does not pass one week.

Ayomide……. Why don’t you show me your house?

Dagon……. You will only see it when I get married to you.

Just then segun Walked past them and he stopped and went to see what was going on, he immediately called Ayomide name.

Segun…….. Ayomide, what are you doing here and who is this dude with you?

Dagon…….. And who are you to be asking my soon to be wife that question?

Segun……. Sorry I did not hear you well, did you just say wife?

Ayomide…… heard him right, he is going to be my husband soon, he is wealthy, he has a lot of money, he will take care of me. Just go to h*ll.

Segun…….. Wow, I don’t believe that because you are not wearing a ring.

Ayomide…….. Must you see a ring in my hand before you believe.

Just then Dagon brought out a ring from his pocket, a shining diamond ring, he kneeled down and asked Ayomide if she would marry him. Ayomide was so surprised to see such a ring.

Ayomide………(in her mind) damn, this ring would be very expensive, wow he must be rich, what is there to think about self (she said yes ) Yes I will marry you.

Dagon put the ring on Ayomide’s hand. Segun couldn’t believe that.

Segun…….. I can’t believe this!!! So it is because of him right!! Is it just because of money!!

Dagon……. And how is that your business?

Ayomide……… Don’t mind him darling, he is just surprised because he is just a beggar.

Segun……. Me, beggar? (Smile) I hope you would not regret it and congratulations, there is no point anymore. Congratulations ayomide. (He walked away)

Ayomide…….. Dagon, how come you have this ring in your pocket?

Dagon………. I have many ways darling (devilish smile). That ring has been following me everywhere looking for the right person that will wear it.

Ayomide…….. Awwwwww, that is so cool, so you know what since I have this ring there is nothing to think about again.

Dagon…….. I have to go now, see you soon my wife (he left without waiting for Ayomide’s reply).

Ayomide……… (Looking at the ring) wow, just look at this ring, this ring will cost a fortune, wow this guy is weird and rich. How will I think about it, oboy, I know that, that usl*ss girl would be jealous of me.

Ayomide went to the place, Liyah was gisting with one of their friends Joyce. Ayomide showed them the ring, Liyah was confused, Joyce opened her mouth.

Joyce…….. Wow babe, did segun gave you this ring?

Ayomide…….. Are you blind, do you think segun can afford this diamond ring. You be mumu.

Joyce…….. Wow, so who is the lucky guy then.

Ayomide…….. Na me lucky pass, if you see this guy, he is damn rich.

Joyce…….. Wait, when long have you guys been dating?

Ayomide…….. We just met.

Liyah……. I am off to the hostel, Joyce see you later (she left)

Joyce…….. What is wrong with Liyah.

Ayomide……. Leave that one Alone jare, she is just jealous.

Joyce……… How did you and this guy met?

Ayomide……… God’s doing.

Joyce…….. So you and segun are no more, or you have not tell him yet but how will he react if he finds out.

Ayomide……. Just calm down please, segun was there when the guy proposed to me.

Joyce…….. Wow!!!! It’s a lie.

Ayomide……… I swear, he was just confused, he wanted to cry self.

Joyce……… Well I am happy for you ooo, this ring is shining.

Ayomide……. Thank you jare, you are only the one happy for me. That is why I love you.

Joyce…….. Girl, I need to be happy for you ooo, damn!!!!

Ayomide went to the hostel and saw Liyah packing her things.

Ayomide…….. And where are you going to?

Liyah…….. Not your business.

Ayomide…….. really, so this is how you want to do it. You can’t even say congratulations to me.

Liyah……… Congrats to you.

Ayomide…….. I don’t need it again, and I hope you won’t come back to this hostel again.

Liyah…….. Don’t worry, I will be staying outside of the school, my sister just moved in to this area so I will be staying with her.

Ayomide……… I hope you will not come to my wedding?

Liyah………. Come to your wedding to do what.

Ayomide……… I just knew that you are jealous of me, you can never me!! I hope you get married to a poor church rat.

Liyah…….. Poor church rat are still better than a total strange guy. I pity you (she left)

Ayomide………. Usel*ss girl, let her go self. She thinks I will beg her not to go.


The next day after the lecture, Liyah was avoiding Ayomide and Ayomide was avoiding her too. Segun saw what was going on and decided to talk to Liyah.

Liyah….. Hi segun.

Segun…….. How are you doing?

Liyah…….. I am good. I am so sorry that I couldn’t help you get Ayomide back.

Segun………. Don’t worry about her. I am not worried about her anymore. I still have a long way to go. God will bless you with a better person one day.

Liyah………. I guess you have seen the ring on her hand.

Segun…….. Yeah sure I did. Do you know anything about that guy.

Liyah……… I don’t know anything about him, all Ayomide told me was his name Dagon.

Segun……… What kind of a name is that one?

Liyah……… I don’t know for her.

Segun……… Well don’t worry about her so how far about you, I see that you have been ignoring your friend.

Liyah……… I just want to give her space, let her be on her own. If anything happens to her people will blame me. They will she is keeping a bad friend.

Segun…….. That is true.

Just then Ayomide and Joyce were passing by, and Ayomide saw segun and Liyah together and started laughing at them.

Ayomide…….. (Laughing) Joyce, look at them, they both really fit each other.

Joyce……… So Liyah, you really are a bad friend, you don’t want to see your own friend happy, you just want her to continue dating this poor thing.

Liyah wanted to say something but segun gave her a sign not to say anything. And she kept mute.

Ayomide……. Liyah I hope you won’t come begging me one day.

Ayomide and Joyce left laughing at them.

Liyah…….you should have allowed me to reply to them.

Segun……… you don’t need that, don’t just pay attention to them.

The next day Ayomide went to her parents house to visit them and tell them the good news. The mother was very happy to see her and her father too and was happy to see her daughter. Ayomide showed his father and mother the ring.

Mrs Grace……… Wow, my daughter congratulations to you.

Mr Tope…….. Congratulations my darling daughter.

Ayomide………. Thank you Daddy and mummy.

Mr Tope……… Wow so segun has finally proposed to you. Congratulations.

Ayomide…….. Haba dad, can segun afford this diamond ring, he is not the one.

Mrs Grace…….. My darling daughter, as for me I am so happy for you.

Mr Tope……..(looking confused) Ayomide, when did you and segun break up that you are already engaged to a new man?

Ayomide……… Daddy I broke up with segun because he is not rich and he is having an affair with my best friend Liyah.

Mr Tope……… It is a lie, I don’t believe you. Liyah is a very good friend to you, I can bet it with my full chest that Liyah and segun is not cheating on you.

Mrs Grace…….. My husband why can’t you just be happy for her, she our daughter and we have to support her. And besides I don’t like that segun of a guy, he is too poor. Look at this ring that your daughter is wearing. This man must be a president son.

Mr Tope…….. Grace I can’t believe you, remember we started from somewhere too.

Mrs Grace…… And so, does that mean my daughter should now marry a poor man who will not be able to take care of her.

Mr Tope…….. So when are you bringing the man to see us.

Ayomide…….. Next tomorrow dad, we don’t want to waste time.

Mr Tope……..why the rush???? Won’t you finish your school and nysc.

Ayomide……. Dad I can do that after I am married, I can still be going to school and besides I am in my final year.

Mrs Grace……. My daughter I support any decisions you want to take, wow my daughter will soon be the wife of a richest man. I love you darling and I am proud to be your mother.

Ayomide……… Thank you mummy.

Mr Tope……… I am going to my room.

Mrs Grace…….. Won’t you say anything??

Mr Tope…….. I will know what to say when I see the stranger.

Ayomide……. Dad he is not a stranger, he is my husband to be son and your son in law.

Mr Tope……ok

Mr Tope went upstairs and called segun on the phone and segun explained everything to him. Mr Tope called liyah also after speaking with segun.

Liyah……… Hello sir, good afternoon sir.

Mr Tope….. Good afternoon my daughter, how are you doing?

Liyah…….. I am fine sir, how are you and mumcy doing?

Mr Tope……. We are all fine. So I called to ask about my daughter’s new man. Have you seen him before and do you know anything about this guy?

Liyah…….. Sir, I have only seen the guy once. And I don’t even know anything about him, Ayomide has changed, she is into that guy and daddy can you believe that she said the guy’s name is Dagon.

Mr Tope…… What kind of a name is that one. You need to talk to your friend.

Liyah……. Daddy I have tried, but she doesn’t want to listen, sry thinks i am jealous of her, and we are not staying in the same hostel again.

Mr Tope……… Has it gotten to that?

Liyah……. It has gotten to that sir.

Back downstairs Mrs Grace and Ayomide were talking.

Mrs Grace……… So you mean that Liyah is against you marrying that guy?

Ayomide…….. Yes mummy, in fact she has moved out of the room where we are both staying together.

Mrs Grace…….. It is obvious she is jealous of you, what kind of a best friend that is not happy that her own friend is getting married, who does that.

Ayomide………. Mom don’t worry, just leave her alone, she is going to regret it, I know that one day she will come running to me begging for help.

Mrs Grace……. My darling daughter, I can’t wait ooo on your wedding day I will do shakara ehen.

Ayomide……. So mummy you need to talk to Daddy, he needs to behave himself please. Just talk to him.

Mrs Grace…….. Don’t mind your father he is just being childish.

Mr Tope………(from upstairs) Really, I am being childish, it is you and your daughter that is being childish. See Ayomide you can never marry that guy.

Ayomide……. And why can’t I marry him?

Mr Tope……..(Came downstairs) I just spoke with Liyah and I found some things weird about this guy you are interested in.

Mrs Grace…… My husband, why would you believe any words that comes out from that girls mouth?

Mr Tope……… Ayomide, I have said my own, you will not marry that man. What kind of a man is bearing Dagon. Which kind name be that one.

Ayomide…….. So Liyah is trying to make me and that innocent guy look bad in front of you daddy.

Mrs Grace…….my husband me I support my daughter, she is doing what is good for her.

Mr Tope……. And she is my daughter also, I know what is best for her.

Ayomide……. Daddy if you know what is best for me, you will allow me marry that guy!!! And I am going to marry him I don’t even need your permission!!! Be ready because I am bringing him to see you and mom. I am off to school!! (she walked away)

Mrs Grace……. My husband, look now she is upset!!

Mr Tope…… And that is not my business, she is not going to marry that man.

Mrs Grace…….. My daughter will marry him and that is final!! I won’t allow you ruin my own daughter’s happiness.

Mr Tope……..(laugh) what do you even know!! All you know how to do in this house is gossip and bad mouth people.

Mrs Grace……. I don’t blame you, I blame my family for making me marrying you.

Mr Tope…… Stop deceiving yourself, you Marry me because of money. You are just selfish, no wonder your daughter is taking your footsteps.

Back at the school, Dagon showed up but did not see Ayomide so he decided to go back, as he was walking, Liyah had already seen him, Liyah Started following him from behind unknown to him. Dagon got to a quiet place and stop, Liyah quickly hide herself in one bush like this, Dagon looked back, look front and look left and right, he saw that nobody was there, he bend down on the floor and disappeared. Liyah couldn’t hold her breath, she jumped from the bush and ran back to the school without looking back. Segun saw her running and called her to stop running.

Segun…….. Liyah, why are you running? Who is chasing you?

Liyah…….. I am so scared right now!

Segun…….. Calm down and talk to me, you are shivering. What is going on.

Liyah…….. Segun (breathing fast) segun….. That…… Ayomide…… new…… Guy is not a human being.

Segun…….. What do you mean by that?

Liyah…….. The guy is a ghost!!!! He disappeared. I saw him disappear (shivering)

Segun……. Are you sure about this?

Liyah…….. I am very sure!!! He disappeared right in front of me!!! I am so scared.

Segun hug liyah and was petting her. Just then Ayomide walked up to them. Liyah immediately jumped to her feet and held Ayomide’s hands.

Liyah…….. (Shivering) Ayomide, please you cannot marry that guy. Please!

Ayomide………(slap Liyah) how dare you call my father and told him lies.

Liyah…….. You can slap me again (crying) I am so scared for you, you can’t marry that guy!!

Ayomide…….. And who are you to tell me what to do?

Liyah…….. Dagon is a gh*st

Ayomide……..(slapped Liyah again) you must be m*d.

Segun…….. Why don’t you listen to your friend!!!

Ayomide……. Hey you, just shut up, you stink!!!!! Two of you are out of your minds.

Ayomide…….. Stay away from me!!!! You people are just being jealous of me.

Liyah…… Ayomide you need to believe me please.

Ayomide…… I have told you my own, from now on, we are no longer friends, I don’t want to ever see you in my house or anywhere around me.

Liyah…….. (Crying and shivering) please Ayomide.

Segun…….. I hope you won’t regret it Ayomide.

Ayomide……. the only thing I Will regret is getting married to you. (Hissed and walked away)

Segun………. Liyah it is okay, she doesn’t deserve a friend like you. You just have to let her be.

Liyah…….. But she is my friend, she is like a sister to me.

Segun…….. And she doesn’t want me to see it that way. Just let her be.

Liyah……. I can’t do that.

Segun…….. You will just be hurting yourself.

A few later, Liyah was sitting on a bench in the school, just then Dagon Sat down beside her. Liyah immediately stood up.

Dagon………. It is so good that you are scared of me. I saw you following me and I didn’t want to hurt you because you have a pure heart.

Liyah……. What do you want from me (shivering)

Dagon……. Now that you know the kind of person I am I want you to stay away from my wife or else I will so deal with you.

Liyah…….. I am not afraid of you.

Dagon……… Don’t dare me (he left)

A few days later, ayomide took Dagon to go and see Ayomide’s parents, he drove an expensive car bmw to the house. Mrs Grace was so happy, he asked Dagon to come inside. Mr Tope was inside reading his news paper when Dagon and Ayomide walked in. Mrs Grace asked Dagon to sit down while she went to whisper in her husband’s ear.

Mrs Grace…….. You need to see the car this man brought, he is Rich so please don’t take any rash decisions or I will leave this house and you will not set your eyes on me.

Mrs Grace asked Dagon what he cared for but Dagon refused to take anything.

Mr Tope…….. Young man what is your name?

Dagon…….. My name is Dagon sir.

Mr Tope…….. What do you do for a living?

Dagon…….. I was once a car dealer and now I am doing everything.

Mr Tope……… What do you mean by that……

Mrs Grace……. My husband is that necessary at all?

Mr Tope……. So where do you come from.

Dagon…….. I don’t know where I come from.

Mr Tope……..(laughing) this guy needs help! What of your family?

Dagon……… I don’t have a family and your daughter is my family now.

Mr Tope……. You don’t have mother and father, and you don’t have aunties and uncles?

Dagon…….. Yes I don’t.

Mr Tope……… Where do you live?

Mrs Grace…….. My husband this is getting too much, allow the guy to breath. What happened self.

Mr Tope……… Young man I am sorry to tell you that you cannot marry my daughter. You are in the wrong house.

Ayomide…….. Daddy!!!

Dagon……(devilish smile) I don’t need your permission again sir, because ayomide is already my wife since I put this ring on her finger.

Mrs Grace……. You are very right, my son don’t mind him. He is not in a good mood today.

Mr Tope…….. On top of my own daughter, Young man leave my house this minute!!!

Mrs Grace…….. He is not going anywhere, why don’t you just go upstairs since you are not in support. Your attention in no longer needed here.

Mr Tope……. Are you talking to me that way?

Mrs Grace…….. Yes I am.

Dagon……… You both don’t need to fight about this, I will come back to come and pay my wife dowry.

Mrs Grace……. You are more than welcome my darling.

Dagon left, Ayomide and Mrs Grace started challenging Mr Tope.

Ayomide…….. Dad are you sure you are my father, why do you want to make my life more miserable for me.

Mr Tope…… How can a father who cares about her own daughter, allow her to marry a man that does not have a family and we don’t even know where he stays and again is name is Dagon.

Mrs Grace…… Can you hear yourself, what if he lost his families?

Ayomide……. Dad I don’t need you to support me self, he will come back to come and pay my bride price and if you are not comfortable attending my wedding, then don’t. Who even cares. I am going to get married to him and that is final.

Mrs Grace……. Yes my darling daughter I support you with my full chest.

Mr Tope……..I pity you, just know that An old man sitting down sees more than a young man standing up.

Back at the school segun and Liyah were seen talking.

Segun…….. How are you feeling now?

Liyah…….. I am fine thanks, I have chosen to ignore her completely.

Segun……… Yes that is very good of you.

Liyah…….I need to send her a message to let her know that I am no longer interested in our friendship again.

Liyah……..(brought out her phone and sent a message to Ayomide) This is one of the hardest messages I’ve ever had to write, but I believe honesty is essential in any relationship, especially one as cherished as ours. After a lot of reflection, I’ve come to the difficult decision to end our friendship. This isn’t because I don’t value or appreciate you, but rather because I’ve realized that our paths have diverged, and we’re no longer growing together in the ways we once did. Our friendship has brought me so much joy and countless wonderful memories, but I believe it’s time for both of us to explore new avenues and relationships that align more closely with who we are becoming as individuals. I will always hold our time together dear and will forever treasure the bond we shared.

Please know that this decision hasn’t been made lightly, and it’s not a reflection of any shortcomings on your part. I truly believe it’s what’s best for both of us as we continue on our respective journeys. I’ll always be grateful for the laughter, support, and love you’ve brought into my life, and I’ll carry those memories with me wherever I go. While our paths may no longer intersect as they once did, I wish you nothing but happiness and fulfillment in all your future endeavors. Thank you for being such an incredible friend. (She blocked Ayomide’s number and delete it) this is it.

Segun……… Everything is going to be fine, I am here for you if you need anything.

Liyah……. Thank you, let’s just forget about her and move on with our lives. There is no point in trying to make her see things.

Segun……. Yeah sure I agree with you, she is in the past now.

Liyah…….. So what is you plan after school?

Segun……. Well I am trying to build a tech stuff. I pray it all goes well.

Liyah……. Don’t worry, you are an hardworking and amazing guy. I know you can do it.

Segun…….. Thank you. So what about you?

Liyah…….. I am planning opening a big boutique after school, I don’t want to get a Job I want to focus on my business.

Segun…….. Okay thats nice also. I wish you all the best.

Liyah…….. And I wish you all the best too. We need to be preparing for our graduation.

Segun…….. Yes sure, I am going to miss you after school o

Liyah…… We will still be talking to each other on phone.

They both laughed


Some months later, Liyah, Ayomide, segun and Joyce did their graduation and they went their separate ways. Ayomide was seen in a room putting on her wedding gown.

Joyce……. Ayomide I am so happy for you, you are getting married to that guy finally. So this is how Liyah ended you guys friendship.

Ayomide…….. I don’t care my dear. Let her be on her own. Today is just all about me.

Joyce…….. Gosh I am so happy for you darling.

Just then Mrs Grace walked inside.

Mrs Grace……. I am so happy gosh, you look beautiful my darling.

Ayomide……… Thank you mummy.

Mrs Grace……. Your brothers and their wives are here. They even asked why we want to do the introduction and the rest altogether today.

Ayomide………. Don’t mind them mummy, they are just like Dad. So where is Dad?

Mrs Grace……..he is downstairs, his friends are talking to him.

Ayomide…….. So he still doesn’t want to go?

Mrs Grace……… Yes he doesn’t want to attend, he said nothing will make him attend that wedding.

Ayomide……. Is it a must, if he doesn’t want to go let him be!! He should just consider himself that I am not his daughter.

Joyce…….. Don’t talk like that.

Ayomide…….. Are you here to support me or my father?

Joyce……. Sorry.

Ayomide…….. Better, mum let father be if he is not interested in attending her daughter big day.

After some few hours, they all drove to the wedding location, Dagon and his friends were all putting on white. Mr Tope did not follow them he was at home. Mrs Grace friends were so surprised because the wedding venue looks so beautiful, Dagon and his friends looks very wealthy. They were just spreading money all around. Ayomide was so excited. A few hours later they both exchanged their vows, it was Dagon friend that acted like a pastor and joined them together. This was their vows.

Ayomide……..(saying her vow)”My beloved husband, as we stand here today surrounded by love and promise, I vow to cherish and honor you for all the days of my life. I promise to be your partner in all things, to support you through joy and sorrow, and to celebrate the beauty of our journey together. With you, I have found my home, my heart, and my soul’s true companion. I pledge to love you unconditionally, to laugh with you in times of joy, and to stand by you in times of challenge. You are my rock, my love, and my deepest happiness, and I am forever grateful to walk hand in hand with you through this extraordinary adventure of marriage.”

Dagon……….(saying his vow too) My beloved, though unseen, my love for you transcends the bounds of mortality. In this ethereal union, I vow to haunt your heart with affection, to linger in the shadows of your memory, and to eternally cherish our spectral bond. Through the veil that separates us, I pledge to be your guardian spirit, to whisper words of comfort in the night, and to dance with you in the moonlight of eternity. Together, we shall defy the passage of time, for even in death, our love remains undying. Until the stars themselves fade, I am forever yours.”

they asked them to kiss, after the kiss, Dagon and his friends started laughing out loudly. They begin to disappear one by one

Dagon and his friends, started laughing and disappearing, Dagon smiled at Ayomide.

Dagon…… It is time to go home with my wife.

Ayomide became very scared, all the people that attended the wedding from Ayomide’s family started running away. Dagon hugged Ayomide and disappeared with him. Mrs Grace fainted immediately, his son quickly rushed her to the car, they poured her water and she woke up and started screaming.

Mrs Grace……. Where is my daughter!! They have taken my daughter away oooo.

Michael……. Mom please you need to calm down.

Godwin……. Yes mummy please you need to calm down, you know that father warned you and my sister but you people refuse to listen.

Joyce came out from behind the car, she was shivering and already urinating on her body. She was so scared.

Joyce……. Ahhhhhh, I attended a ghost wedding party!!! Ahhhhhh.

Mrs Grace…….. Will you shut up, why did you not stop her!!! And you call her your friend!!!

Joyce……. You are to be blamed, you supported her because the man sorry the ghost is wealthy. I am off ( she walked away still shivering)

There was nobody left in the hall again, everyone had scattered, Mrs Grace and his children went home. Godwin was the first person to break the news to the father when they got home.

Godwin……… Father there is trouble.

Mr Tope……. What kind of trouble is that?

Godwin…….. The person Ayomide was getting married to today is not an ordinary person, he is a spirit.

Mr Tope…….. (Started laughing)

Mrs Grace…….. Why are you laughing?!! We are talking about our daughter here!! And all you could do is laugh!!

Mr Tope……..Like the oak that refuses to bend in the wind, the stubborn child may find strength in standing firm, but risks breaking under the weight of their own inflexibility.

Michael……. Dad what are you saying?

Mr Tope…… My son The child who says his mother will not sleep, will also not sleep. I warned your mother and your sister but what did they do.

Mrs Grace……. Is it now you are supposed to be bringing this up.

Godwin…… Dad what are we going to do now because I am scared for my sister.

Mr Tope……… My son there is nothing I want to do. Your mother should be the one to be thinking about what to do.

Mrs Grace……. Really!!! You are a wicked man. Your only daughter and…..

Mr Tope……… I don’t have a daughter as long as I remembered. (Walked away laughing).

Godwin……. Mummy this is all your fault, why did you not listen to Daddy. Please nothing should happen to my sister oo or else I will not forgive you for the rest of my life.

Godwin stood up, went to meet his wife in the car and they drove home.


In a very big castle full of spirits, dem*na with horns. Ayomide was so scared and started begging Dagon.

Ayomide……. Please I want to go home please, take me back home.

Dagon……. This is your new home now. This is the place you will stay and give birth to our children.

Ayomide……. I am not marrying you again (crying) please let me go back home please I am begging you.

Dagon……..(laughing) hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, this is your new home!!!

Ayomide……… I want to go home please I am not doing again.

Dagon……. Don’t get me angry!!!! Now move.

Dagon use his hands to touch Ayomide and Ayomide’s wedding gown disappeared and a white long clothes was on her body. Ayomide saw a lot of young girls working hard. She decided to asked Dagon.

Ayomide…….. Who are those girls?

Dagon…… They are just like you. They are after wealth. I brought them here myself.

Ayomide….. Please I am begging you I don’t need your money again please I want to go home, my family will be worried please Dagon please I am begging you.

Dagon…… You can’t leave this place anymore, this is your new home. Get used to it.


Mrs Grace was seen crying and walking all over the house, Micheal was the only one left with her. Mr Tope was in his room sleeping.

Mrs Grace…….. I was only looking out for my daughter, I was just trying to make her happy.

Michael……. Mum please all we just need to focus on now is to know how we are going to get help.

Mrs Grace……. When are we going to get help, is it when they have roast my daughter alive. What if they have started doing bad things to her.

Michael…….. Mom just calmed down!!!! You caused all this and now you are not allowing me to focus. Please just calm down!!

Mrs Grace……. How do you want me to calm down!!! My daughter is married to a ghost and on their wedding day they disappeared with her. I just need my daughter back.

Michael…….. Mum it is like you don’t need help, I am upstairs. (He left)

Mrs Grace……. Just go, you are just like your father!!!! (Sat down on the floor and put her two hands on her head) I am finished what am I going to do now, ahhhhhh Ayomide I hope you are safe for me. What am I going to do!!

Mrs Grace was just crying, she doesn’t know what else to do. Mr Tope was busy inside thinking about what to do.

Mr Tope……. (thinking) what am I going to do, I have warned my wife and daughter but they won’t listen, now see what has happened.

Just then Michael walked inside.

Michael……. Dad what are we going to do now. Ayomide is still your daughter, she needs our help.

Mr Tope…… My son what do you think wants me to do, I warned your sister she did not listen to me.

Michael……. Dad we have to forget about the past and focus on the present.

Mr Tope……. Focus on which present. To be honest I don’t know what to do. She should have listened to me and her Best Friend. And your mother was still supporting her.

Michael……. Hmmmm

Mr Tope……. What of your wife and kids?

Michael…….. They have gone home.


Segun was sitting down in a hotel reception watching news, all of a sudden, ayomide picture popped in front of the TV.

News…… Breaking News: A girl reportedly married a ghost! In a bizarre turn of events, a young woman named Ayomide, the daughter of a retired military man has reportedly tied the knot with a ghost in a ceremony that has left many bewildered. The unusual wedding took place in an Event center here in Lagos, where the bride claimed to have fallen in love with the spirit because of money, Friends and family looked on in disbelief as the bride exchanged vows with her spectral groom, whom they thought was an human being, everyone took to their heels when the spirit and his family started disappearing. This is funny. Stay tuned for more news as we go to the family of the woman’s house to ask her family some questions.

Segun was just laughing, he was laughing to the extent that water started dropping from his eyes. He immediately brought out his phone and called liyah.

Segun……. Hello Liyah, how are you doing. Have you heard the news yet.

Liyah……. I am just browsing on my phone when you called now. The news of ayomide wedding to a ghost is everywhere.

Segun….. That is good for her.

Liyah…… Don’t say like that, I feel for her oo.

Segun……. That one no concern me. Let her go and enjoy with me her spirit husband.

Liyah……. You are very funny, please I will call you back. Someone is knocking at my door.

Segun……. Okay bye then.

Liyah open the door and was surprised to see Joyce standing in front of her door shaking. Liyah open the door and asked her to come inside. She was smelling with urine all over her body. And she was crying.

Joyce……. Liyah you were right, Ayomide got married to a ghost!!!

Liyah……. And why are you telling me?

Joyce……. I am sorry I was supporting her. I am just scared now because I kissed one of them. I even had s*x with one of the ghost in the bathroom without knowing!!!!!

Liyah…… You did what!!!!!

Joyce…….. I was so into him because he was spreading money on Ayomide and Dagon. So I decided to have a one stand with him and I did not use protection!!!! I am on my ovulating period!!! I am doomed!!!

Liyah……. I told you guys, look at what you and Ayomide have gotten yourself into. All because of greediness. Remember, material things aren’t worth risking your well-being for.

Joyce……. I am finished.

Someone started knocking at the door again.

Liyah……. Who could that be again!

Liyah went to open the door and saw mrs Grace standing at the front of her door, immediately she opened the door Mrs Grace entered the house covering her face. She kneeled down and started begging Liyah.

Mrs Grace…….. Please my daughter please help me. Your friend has gotten married to a ghost.

Liyah…….. Ahhhhhh ma I am sorry I can’t help you. Me and Ayomide are no longer friends. Please just leave my house before my Aunty gets back.

Mrs Grace……. Please, I am sorry please on behalf of Ayomide please help. Remember she use to help you

Liyah……. There is nothing I can do. I can’t risk myself for anyone.

Mrs Grace…… Why are you being proud!!! I came here just to ask for help!!! Or do you think I will just come to a lowly person’s place just like you!!!

Liyah…… Get out of my house!!!! Now!!!

Mrs Grace…….. You are a wicked friend to my daughter!! (She left)

Liyah……. Such an arrogant lady!!! Joyce please you need to leave my house now. You have to live by your fate now. I am not longer your friend or Ayomide friend. Please just leave my house.

Joyce….. Please I can’t go to my house, I am so scared. I can’t stay in my house alone.

Liyah……. Sorry please leave my house there is nothing I can do for you.

Joyce stood up and left the house, Liyah Lock the door and spray some air freshener in the sitting room.

Liyah……. Now they are running to me for help!! Gosh I can’t believe this people. Ayomide I hope you enjoyed your marriage life.

Mrs Grace got to her compound in her car crying

Two days later, no words from ayomide, the news of her marriage was everywhere. Mrs Grace couldn’t go out because she was embarrassed.

Back at the spirit world. Ayomide was seen sitting down and crying thinking about her life.

Ayomide……. Oh God please forgive me, I should have listened to my friend, I broke up with segun because of wealth, what am I going to do. There is no where I can pass to escape. I should have listened to my dad. I was blinded by riches. I need to beg forgiveness from people that warned me.

Just then a lady walked up to her, her name was oyindamola. Oyindamola too got married to one of the ghosts sitting because of greediness. Oyindamola and Ayomide were only the two people that were close to each other.

Oyindamola…….. can’t you hear that they are blowing the horn?

Ayomide…….(wiped her tears) oh really, horn for what?

Oyindamola…….. This is the time they usually offer their sacrifice to their gods.

Ayomide…….. What type of sacrifice is that.

Oyindamola……… Whenever any one of us gives birth here, they will use our babies for sacrifice so they can be able to have more powers.

Ayomide…….. what!! How many years have you been here?

Oyindamola……. I have been here for five years now.

Ayomide……. You don’t mean it, right?

Oyindamola…….. Mean what, see I am telling you the truth. I have been here for five years now.

Ayomide…….. Why can’t you escape.

Oyindamola…….. There is no way you can escape from here, anyone that tries to escape, they will feed them to that fish in the river (pointing towards a river) these people are not just spirits, they are dem*ns.

Ayomide……… Ahhhh!!! I should have listened to my friends and father. Had I know.

Oyindamola……. Please get up let’s assemble for the meeting before they punish us here.


Segun was seen in an office presenting a small robot car to a big company. The company loves the presentation. One of the White men sitting there was so impressed.

White man……….. Wow young man, you are so brilliant with this.

Segun……. Thank you sir.

White man……… You are very intelligent, I am so proud of what I am seeing here.

Segun…….. Thank you sir, I really appreciate it.

White man……… With this thing you build here, I would like to offer you an admission to one of the robots tech schools abroad. So you can be able to build bigger robots for our company.

Segun……..(very excited) thank you sir!

White man……. With that, I am going to give you a reward for this ( the white man brought out a check from his bag, he wrote something on the check paper) so this is for you. And about the admission stuff, my company will sponsor you to the end)

Segun collected the check reward and opened his mouth wide when he saw the amount written on the paper. He was so excited, he thanked the white man and the remaining people in the meeting started clapping for him. They shook hands with him and took pictures with him.

Segun ordered an ulbar taxi, to go home, he was so excited that he couldn’t keep calm. He begins to think.

Segun………. A whole me, I have never seen one million in my account before, now I am holding a check of ten million naira, oh my God, thank you Jesus for this, I would have not done this without you. Ahhhh a whole me. A whole poor church rat like me, is now going to be rich. I need to call Liyah and tell her. (Dialled Liyahs number)

Liyah…….. Hello segun, how are you doing?

Segun…….. I am fine and guess what, I am so excited right now. Please can we meet.

Liyah…….. No problem, I want to hear the good news, so where should I meet you.

Segun……. I will send the address to you immediately I end this call

Liyah…….. okay I can’t wait, let me prepare.

Segun sent the address to Liyah. A few hours later, Liyah got to the location segun had sent to her, and the segun immediately ran to hug her immediately she saw her.

Segun……… I am so excited now.

Liyah…….. Tell me now, what is the good news?

Segun showed Liyah the check and Liyah opened her mouth wide open. And he told her about the admission stuff. Liyah was so excited for him.

Liyah…….. Segun I am so happy for you. Wow you did it.

Segun……. It is God ooo. It is the work of God.

Liyah…….. Congratulations to you, more blessings are coming your way.

Segun………. Amen ooooo

Liyah…….. Wow, this really calls for celebration.

Segun……… Yes oooo. And what about you, how have you been.

Liyah……. Good news too, I am going on a date with one guy like that.

Segun……..(acting jealous) wow I am happy for you, I hope he is handsome like me?

Liyah……..(laughing) you are funny, are you jealous?

Segun……. Well i am not jealous now, I am really really excited for you. At least finally you are not going to be single.

Liyah……. Yes oooo. So when will you be leaving?


Mrs Grace did not know what else to do, she stood up immediately and went dressed up, she decided to go and see her pastor. Mrs Grace got to the church later in the afternoon. She met the pastor as he was about to leave the church premises. She immediately horn her car for the pastor to wait. She came down from her car.

Mrs Grace……. Pastor, pastor please wait.

Pastor………(surprised) Mrs Grace, I am actually surprised to see you here.

Mrs Grace…….. Good afternoon pastor.

Pastor……. Good afternoon, God bless you.

Mrs Grace…….. Pastor, please there is something I need to discuss with you sir.

Pastor…….. I know you want to discuss something about your daughter to be, I saw the news. But Mrs Grace why is it that it is now you need help that you are running to the church.

Mrs Grace……. Pastor (crying) please I know I have offended God please I need your prayers.

Pastor………. My daughter, remember I warned you when you gave birth to your daughter, that she should not marry because of wealth.

Mrs Grace……. Pastor, I know that you said that to me please, pastor please help me, I can’t lose my only female child I have. Please sir.

Pastor…….. You will have to be praying to God for forgiveness of sin. It is only God that can save you. Meet me at the church tomorrow.

Mrs Grace…….. Okay sir, okay sir. Thank you sir!!


Back at the spirit world, Dagon was talking to Ayomide.

Dagon…….. It is time for you to carry my child, so I can offer the child to renew my strength.

Ayomide……. I am not going to allow you sleep or get me pregnant. I won’t allow that!!!!

Dagon……..(laughing) hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, I don’t need your permission. I don’t need permission from you to get you pregnant.

Ayomide…….. You are evil!!!! You will not get away with this!!

Dagon……. It is not my fault, you left the person you were supposed to marry because he was poor, he is not a poor person anymore by the way. You are paying for going after wealth and material things. Hahahahahaha.

Ayomide…….. You are evil, wait and see I will escape from this place one day!!!

Dagon…… We will see about that. Be ready for me this night!!!! (He left)

Ayomide…….. Oh my God, what have I done to myself, segun I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me, I am so sorry. Liyah I hope you forgive me too, I was so selfish and greedy and ungrateful. (Started crying) this is the fate I have chosen for myself.

At Joyce House, Joyce was not feeling too well since three days now, she was sick, she couldn’t even go out, she kept on dreaming about the spirit guy she had slept with on the day of Ayomide’s wedding. Her mother was worried for her, she did not say anything to her mother. She went to buy PT test kit. She went to the bathroom and urinate on it. A few seconds later, the PT test kit was showing two lines, she ran out of the bathroom shouting.

Joyce…… no no no, This cannot be happening to me. I can’t be pregnant.

Mrs Sharon……. My daughter, what is going on my daughter, are you okay?

Joyce……..(crying) mom I am finished, what am I going to do. I am pregnant!!!

Mrs Sharon……..(happy) this is good news, why are you screaming then.

Joyce……. Mom this can’t be happening to me!!

Mrs Sharon……. Joyce, please you are confusing me, you are supposed to be happy not crying.

Just then the spirit that got her pregnant appeared to her, it was only her that saw the spirit guy, her mother did not notice anything that was going on.

Joyce……… No!!!! Please please don’t take me away.

Mrs Sharon……..(shocked) is my daughter okay at all, Joyce who are you talking to!! Nobody is here and I am not taking you anywhere.

Joyce……. Mum please, don’t let him take me away, he is here!! He is here!!!

Mrs Sharon……. Will just stop this m*dness. Who is here!!!

Joyce…….. Mum he is standing over there, he Is looking at me!!!

Spirit guy……… Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, I will come back for you and my child, I will come back to take you away (he disappeared)

Joyce…….. (Started hitting her head) mom!!! Please he is coming back for me and his child. Please don’t let him take me away I don’t want to Go.

Mrs Sharon…… ohhhhhh!!! My God!!!!! Joyce, what is wrong with you!!! I am going cr*zy here.

Joyce……… Mum please help me (started shivering)

Mrs Sharon……. Joyce please calm down!! Talk to your mom, talk to me please. Talk to me.

Joyce……. Mom I don’t want to d*e please help me please. He is going to come back for me.

Mrs Sharon…….. Nobody will come back for you, I am here with you.

Mrs Sharon hugged her daughter, petting her on the back until she went to sleep, she was already running temperature. Mrs Sharon was so confused, she was just wondering what was going on with her daughter.

Mrs Sharon……. What is going on with my daughter?

The next day mrs Grace went back to the church, she and the pastor were seen talking.

Pastor…….. Mrs Grace, someone is really really angry with your daughter and you will need to beg for forgiveness. Before you will beg for forgiveness, you will have to climb seven mountains, until you get to a river, and it is only seven days you will use it. After that you will wait for another seven days before you beg for forgiveness. If the person forgives your daughter, everything will be back to normal. But if the person doesn’t forgive her, there is nothing to be done.

Mrs Grace……… Ahhhhhh pastor, please who is the person, please who is the person I should ask for forgiveness.

Pastor……. Your daughter’s ex, you must beg him.

Mrs Grace…… Pastor, why are you talking like this, why will I beg that little boy. For what now.

Pastor……. He is the only solution, you must beg him, don’t be fo*lish

Mrs Grace…….. Ahhhhhh, a whole me.


Liyah was seen talking to a guy in a restaurant, while her phone beeped, it was a message from segun, he was asking Liyah to send the address of where she is, Liyah sent the address of the restaurants to him. Liyah continued talking to the guy. His name was Kingsley.

Kingsley…… You look beautiful, wow.

Liyah……. Thank you, so what type of work do you do.

Kingsley…….. Okay, that is a good question, well the answer is I work in a tech company. And what about you?

Liyah……. I am not working yet, I just want to go for my nysc.

Kingsley……. Wow, that is nice. So do you have any lovers?

Liyah……. I won’t be here if I have one.

Kingsley…….. Hmmm okay, so I really really like you.

Liyah……. Thank you (smiling)

Kingsley……… You welcome.

Kingsley…… Can you come with me to the car, I would love to tell you something.

Liyah…… Can’t you tell me here?

Kingsley……. It’s something private.

Liyah……. Okay fine.

Kingsley…….. Let me pay the food Bills first.

Liyah became very dizzy, Kingsley paid the money and took Liyah to the car, Liyah had already fallen asleep, everywhere was dark already. Kingsley put Liyah inside the car and closed the door, he started undressing himself and undressing Liyah, as he was about to remove Liyah underwear, segun used a very big stick and hit the Glass of the car, the car glass broke, segun put his hand inside the car and opened the door, he brought Kingsley out of the car and started punching him on the face, he started using his hands to hit him hard on his face, the security guards immediately rushed towards them separating segun away from Kingsley.

Segun was already injured in his hands and he was so angry, he ordered a bolt and dressed Liyah back. Immediately the Uber guy arrived, segun carried Liyah inside the car and they went home.

The next morning, Liyah woke up and was surprised to see herself in the segun house. She woke up feeling a headache. Segun entered the room.

Segun……. You are awake already.

Liyah…….. Yes I am, I am Really feeling a headache, what am I doing in your bed.

Segun…… You could have been rap*d yesterday by that guy yesterday.

Liyah……. What!!!!

Segun……. Yes (angry) you don’t just go out with anyhow guy I don’t like it.

Liyah……. Thank you for saving me I really appreciate.

Segun…… Let me make breakfast for you.

Liyah…….. You don’t need to, I want to be going home

Segun……. No you have to wait first, I am going to make breakfast for you and nothing is stoping that.

Liyah………. Okay sure no problem.

Segun went back to the kitchen to make breakfast for Liyah. Liyah couldn’t believe what segun just told her.

Liyah…….. So he really saved me, does he really really love me. Why can’t he ask me to be his girlfriend. If I should get hold on that Kingsley guy I am so going to deal with him.

A few minutes later segun walked in with a tray of tea, bread and fried eggs. Liyah thanked him and started eating her breakfast.

Liyah went back to the house, she decided to text segun and thank him for saving her.

Liyah………. Dear segun I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for being my guardian angel during a terrifying ordeal. Your swift and selfless actions saved me from a potential tragedy that I cannot even begin to comprehend. The courage and bravery you displayed in confronting and thwarting the rapist were nothing short of heroic, and I am eternally indebted to you for your unwavering support and protection in that moment of darkness. Your intervention not only prevented harm from befalling me but also restored my faith in humanity. In the face of danger, you acted with unwavering resolve, showing immense strength and compassion. Your willingness to risk your own safety to ensure mine fills me with profound gratitude and admiration. I will forever carry the memory of your kindness and courage in my heart, and I will never forget the profound impact you have had on my life. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being my guardian angel and for reminding me that there are still good and noble souls in this world. Your bravery has given me hope and strength to move forward, and I will always be grateful for your presence in my life.With heartfelt appreciation,

Back at Mrs Grace house, Mrs Grace was seen arguing with her husband Mr Tope.

Mrs Grace…….. Why would the pastor asked me to beg that nothing but a poor church rat.

Mr Tope…….. Just look at what is coming out from your mouth, have you not learned your lesson Yet.

Mrs Grace……… I have learned my lesson but why should I beg that thing.

Mr Tope…… You are always stubborn.

Mrs Grace…….. And why don’t you go and beg him yourself?

Mr Tope……. Can you just listen to yourself.

Mrs Grace……. Please just stay out of my business because you don’t care about our daughter, you don’t even think of how she might be passing through hell there.

Mr Tope…….. Did I send her to marry a ghost because of wealth. Please just do whatever you want to do.

Back at the segun scene. Segun was discussing with his friend Joshua.

Joshua……. So you mean that they nearly slept with Liyah.

Segun…… Yes of course, if you see the way I beat that guy ehen.

Joshua……. But come oo, you really like that girl a lot, why can’t you just ask her out Already.

Segun……. I can’t ask her out, she doesn’t like me and besides Ayomide was her best friend so she won’t even want to date her best friend ex.

Joshua……. Guy, just look at what you are saying, what if she likes you.

Segun……. You funny abeg, Liyah like me. Abeg let’s just forget about that. I don already get one babe wey I like.

Joshua……. Na you sabi, why don’t you try and ask her out first.

Segun…….. Guy let us just forget about her.

Back at the house, Joyce was running hot temperature and she decided to open up to her mother, she thought she was going to d*e.

Joyce…… Mummy I want to make a confession to you.

Mrs Sharon…….. What type of confession is that, did you k*ll anyone.

Joyce…….. (Crying) no mummy.

Mrs Sharon…….. Talk to me what is going on, tell me.

Joyce…….. Mummy on the day of Ayomide’s wedding, I slept with a stranger…

Mrs Sharon…….. Is that why you are crying and running temperature?

Joyce…….. Mummy, the person I slept with was a spirit too.

Mrs Sharon……..(laughing) we need to take you to a physcatric hospital, I guess you are not feeling too well.

Joyce……..(crying) mummy I am serious, I slept with a ghost and he is after me because of the pregnancy.

Mrs Sharon…….. (Hands on her head and she shouted) oluwaaaaa!!!! Ooooooo! Temi ba mi. Ahhhhh joy, what did you just say.

Joyce……. Mummy I am serious, I thought he was a normal person like us, I never knew that he was a spirit.

Mrs Sharon…….. Ahhhhhh Ayomide has finished you, I warned you not to go Joyce, I warned you ahhhhhhh you have finished me (started crying)

Joyce started shouting after seeing the spirit again, her mummy immediately brought out her Bible and started praying for her. Few minutes later the spirit disappeared and mrs Sharon immediately asked Joyce to stand up, she quickly brought out their white garment and put it on for her and Joyce, she packed some of Joyce clothes and they drove to the church.

Liyah was at home thinking about her friend Ayomide.

Liyah……. Ayomide, you should have just listened to me, now where are you, I can’t sleep, everytime I sleep I will always see you in my dreams. Ayomide why did you not listen, I can’t just stop thinking about you, why did you go ahead with everything even after warning you.

Liyah was so sad, Mrs Grace went back to the church and told the pastor that she is ready to climb the mountain, she needs to get her daughter back immediately. Back at the spirit world, Dagon was seen trying to tie Ayomide’s leg while Ayomide kept on begging him

To be continued in the night

Dagon took a knife that was on the table, he put it in a hot fire. When the knife was very hot, Dagon brought it out.

Ayomide…….. What are you trying to do with that hot knife?

Dagon…… I want to give you a mark, on your lap.

Ayomide…….. Why do you want to give me a mark on my leg.

Dagon…….. It’s compulsory for all spirit, each of their wife must have a mark on their leg.

Ayomide…….. You can’t give me that mark, I am not your wife!!!

Dagon…….. I married you on the altar, and I paid your bride price, so you are married to me. As long as that ring is your hand you are my wife.

Ayomide…….. Then get this ring off my hands, I am not interested again.

Dagon…….. You are just kidding, that ring can’t leave your hands again. If it leaves your hand how will you be my wife.

Ayomide………(in her mind) I will think of a way to get this damn ring on my hand, I need to escape. Oh God please forgive me.

Dagon……… Hahahahahaha, I know everything you are thinking about, don’t even think of escaping from here, because I will come after you.

Dagon brought out the hot knife and use it to give Ayomide a mark on her lap. Ayomide screamed so hard because it was painful. Dagon undress Ayomide, Ayomide was pleading with him not to sleep with her. But Dagon got angry and warned her that if she say anything again, she would be feed to the fishes in the water. Dagon forced himself and slept with Ayomide.

Back at Mrs Sharon scene, Mrs Sharon was already at the church, they put Joyce on the altar of their church. The pastor sprinkle honey on her body. Then the pastor and Mrs Sharon begin to talk to each other.

Pastor………. So you mean, your daughter slept with a spirit and now she is pregnant for the spirit.

Mrs Sharon………. Yes pastor.

Pastor……… So the spirit is now tormenting her.

Mrs Sharon…….. Yes pastor, I am scared I don’t want anything to happen to my daughter, please pastor help me sir, she is the only child I have. Pastor please.

Pastor……. The only thing we can do is pray and after prayer, she will abort that child in her womb, because if that child still remains there the spirit will still be coming after her.

Mrs Sharon……. Ahhhhhh pastor, won’t anything bad happen to my daughter.

Pastor……… No, nothing will happen to her because that baby she is carrying is not like normal babies, this child is carrying is a spirit child.

Just then the spirit appeared on the wall of the church, the pastor saw it and begin to spray honey on the wall.

Spirit…….. She must not remove that child.

Pastor……… She will remove the child because she has nothing to do with darkness, she has nothing to do with spirits.

Spirit…….. She will d*e if she removes that child.

Pastor……… You lie nothing will happen to her.

The pastor sprayed some honey on the wall again and the spirit disappeared.

Mrs Sharon……. Pastor what did you see on the wall?

Pastor……. It is the spirit, we don’t have to wait again, we need to get rid of that thing.

Mrs Sharon…….. Okay pastor.

Back at segun place, segun was arranging his things because he will be leaving for Abroad very soon, just then he heard a knock on his door and went to open it, it was Liyah. Liyah was standing in front of the door holding some chocolate box and food tray containing a lot of food, segun asked her to come inside.

Segun…….. I am surprised seeing you here, I was not expecting a anyone at all.

Liyah……. I just wanted to surprise you by bringing these stuff here.

Segun……. Thank you very much, please have your sit.

Liyah…….. Thank you.(sit down)

Segun………. What do you care for, juice or alcohol or water.

Liyah……… Just get me a glass of juice and water, I will really appreciate it.

Segun…… Okay sure, by the way you look beautiful today (went inside the kitchen to get the juice and water for Liyah)

Liyah…….. Did he just say that to me (smiling)

Segun brought the juice and water outside for Liyah, Liyah thank him.

Liyah…….. segun thank you for saving me the other day, I brought this stuff for you just to thank you very well.

Segun…….. You welcome, but you don’t need to stress yourself again now, you have already been sent me a text message before.

Liyah…….. I just have to come (smiling)

Segun………. Okay thank you by the way, I really really appreciate it.

Liyah…….. Okay sure you are welcome. So what are you up to?

Segun……… I was arranging my things for next tomorrow.

Liyah…….. Wow I totally forgot that you would be leaving on Thursday.

Segun…….. Everyone use to forget things so don’t make it look like a big deal. So are you going out on a date with any guy again.

Liyah……. Yes but not now, maybe when I go for my nysc I will see a cool person. And what about you?

Segun…….. Right now I am focused on my studies, I don’t want to miss that chance abroad.

Liyah……… So how many years will you be spending there?

Segun……. I will be spending up to three years there.

Liyah……… That is too long.

Segun…… Yeah very long.

Liyah……. So do you have anything else you would love to talk to me about?

Segun…….. No, not at all.

Liyah…….. Okay sure (in her mind) why can’t he just ask me out, should I……

Segun…….. Liyah.

Liyah………. (Immediately) yes segun what is that.

Segun……… Ehem the thing is that, the thing is that, don’t worry let us just eat. (Thinking) I can’t do that, I can’t ask her out, what if she says no because Ayomide is her ex best friend, I will not ask her out. Not at the moment.

Liyah……… Don’t worry about the food, I brought it for you to say thank you, I want to be on my way now.

Segun……… Okay then, let me see you off.

Back at mrs Sharon scene, mrs Sharon and the pastor took Joyce to the hospital, they nearly had an accident but God was at their side. On getting to the hospital before they could take Joyce inside the hospital, the spirit appeared again. The pastor prayed and poured some honey oil on the spirit body, the spirit got angry and disappeared back. They quickly talked to the doctor and the doctor was surprised to see a pastor telling him to abort the baby in Joyce’s stomach.

Doctor…….. Excuse me, sorry can I speak with the pastor alone?

Mrs Sharon……. Okay I will be in the other room with Joyce.

Doctor…… Okay sure no problem about that.

Pastor…….. Doctor I know what you already want to ask me.

Doctor……… So why did you still want to do it.

Pastor……….The child she is carrying is not an ordinary child.

Doctor……… Pastor how did you know if the child is not an ordinary child, this is how you people confuse the young girls telling them all sorts of lies.

Pastor………(laughing) will you go ahead and do the abortion because or we should leave your hospital?

Doctor……… I will go ahead with it, and if anything happens to her, it lefts for you people.

Just then the spirit appeared in the doctor’s office, the doctor too saw the spirit, he couldn’t move, he was just shivering.

Spirit…….. Do not k*ll my child, do not k*ll my child (disappeared back)

Doctor…. what…. just….. happened…. here.

Pastor……God just answered the questions you were asking me so kindly please do your Job.

Doctor……. Ahhhhhh!!

Back at Mrs Grace scene, Mrs Grace and her pastor was seen standing on a big rock, the pastor gave her an egg and an anioting oil.

Pastor……. You are going to climb the seven mountain for seven days, it should not pass the seven days, you will not drink water or eat anything else, you must not say anyword to anyone.

Mrs Grace…….. Ahhhhhh pastor, I will not eat or drink water as how what if I faint.

Pastor…….. There is an two eggs in your hand, eat the cook one after the seven days and break the white egg on the floor, you will pour the anioting oil on it and prayed.

Mrs Grace…….. Ahhhh I should not have allowed my daughter married that man.

Pastor…….. You might meet some spirit on the road, they would want to confront you, do not say a word to them. Just pour the anioting oil on their body.

Mrs Grace…….. Okay pastor.

The pastor prayed for her, and she continued her journey.

Back at Liyah scene, Liyah was about to get home when segun called her back, she quickly dropped and took another a bike back to segun place, she got to segun house and knock the door, segun immediately opened the door and hugged Liyah so tight.

Segun…… Liyah I am in love with you!

Liyah…….. Wow, why didn’t you tell me anything?

Segun…….. I was so scared because you will say since I am your best friend ex boyfriend, you would not like to date me.

Liyah……… Ayomide is My ex best friend doesn’t mean I will not give you a chance because you are her ex boyfriend.

Segun……. As you left I couldn’t keep calm, I don’t want to lose you to another man. Please can we court.

Liyah……… Of course we can, I really like you too.

Segun kissed Liyah on the lips, Liyah was so happy, segun too was happy.

Segun…….. I want to take you out on a date tomorrow, can we?

Liyah……. Awwwwww so sweet of you, yes we can.

Segun……… Thank you so much my love.

Liyah………. You welcome my heartthrob.

Back at Ayomide’s scene, Ayomide was just crying and talking to herself.

Ayomide……(crying) segun please I am sorry, I should have just been with you, I should not have chose money over you. When I get out of here, I will come back to you and beg you, then i will accept you back. We can still get back to each other, this time around we will not only date but we will get married to each other, please hold on for me. I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry I insulted you. Please segun I am sorry please forgive me. Find a place to forgive me and accept me back to your life.

The next day segun and Liyah went on a date, segun just kept on staring at Liyah. They Sat on the table and and waited for the foods that they ordered for.

Segun……. You are looking beautiful, wow.

Liyah……. Thank you, and you are looking handsome too.

Segun…….. All thanks to you.

Liyah…… Lol, you are funny. How did am I making you to be glowing.

Segun…… It is you now, since the yesterday that you accept me, i have been glowing oo.

Liyah……… No whine me ooo.

Segun……… So let us get to know each other first.

Liyah…….. Yeah I totally agree with you.

Segun……. Okay, where did you grow up?

Liyah…….. I grew up at Alimosho. And you?

Segun……… I grew up at ondo.

Liyah……. where is your happy place?

Segun……… Church, I am always happy whenever I am happy at church.

Liyah……. Wow, that is really nice to you.

Segun…….. what are the three things that make you smile?

Liyah……. compliment from guys, watching love movies and doing something that keep my face bright.

Segun……….. What do you like to do on weekends?

Liyah…… Just going to watch movies or attend a concert.

Segun……… That’s nice.

They brought the foods and drinks they ordered for, they started eating and still getting to know more about each other.

Liyah…….. Segun, do you still think about Ayomide?

Segun……. Who is Ayomide?

Liyah……… Wow what type of a question is that, I am talking about your girlfriend here.

Segun………ooooooh sorry, she is my past now so why should I be thinking about her.

Liyah…….why, at least you will still be thinking about her.

Segun……. I am not thinking about her at all, infact are you not the one that reminded me about my ex now. So let us just forget about her.

Liyah…….. I am just worried about her since she got married to a ghost, I just kept on thinking how she will be coping.

Segun…….. She is no longer your friend, she chose the life she wanted to live, so let her be and enjoy her wealthy spirit husband.

Liyah……. But what if she comes back, like wanting to date you or something.

Segun……… God forbid bad thing, I will never. When I am not m*d please oo. Let us eat and stop talking about her please.

Liyah……. Okay sure no problem.

Mrs Grace was seen coming down from the first mountain, she was already getting tired, as she started climbing the second one, Dagon appeared to her.

Dagon…….. My mother in law, you can’t save your daughter from me, you can’t because she is married to me.

Mrs Grace wanted to stop but she just brought out the oil the pastor had given her, she poured it on Dagon and he disappeared immediately. Mrs Grace continued her journey.

Later in the evening, segun and Liyah went to his house. Segun was leaving tomorrow so Liyah wanted to spend the whole night with him. On getting to the house, segun held Liyah’s waist and kissed her. They just were so into each other. Segun undresses her.

Liyah…… Segun, I have not done this before.

Segun……. Wow, wait so you are a v*gin?

Liyah……. Yes and I am scared.

Segun……. you don’t need to be scared, or don’t worry maybe some other time.

Liyah…… you can continue.

Segun……. Are you sure?

Liyah……… Yes I am very sure.

Segun……… Okay sure I will go gentle on you.

Segun undresses Liyah and they continue their romance until Liyah gives in. Segun and Liyah made love to each other. Two hours later.

Segun…… How are you feeling?

Liyah…… I am feeling great, it was painful at first (shy)

Segun………babe can you promise me something?

Liyah……. What is that?

Segun……. Promise me that you will wait for me until I come back.

Liyah……. I really promise you that. Don’t go and be looking at other girls outside oo.

Segun…….. Trust me, it’s you and me forever Your love, your care, your support and faith, have made me a better person. I promise you all the happiness, fun and love in life. I love absolutely everything about you. But the thing I love the most is, the way you make me smile even while you are not around. I’m so madly in love with you.

Liyah…….No amount of distance, pain, fights or differences in opinion can break our bond. We’re like the best of friends and the deepest of lovers. And I don’t want roses, diamonds, jewellery or other girly knick knacks. All I want is a great life with you ahead. Stick with me dear. I love you.

Segun…….. Chai, I just love you, I want you to know that As I sit down to express the depth of my feelings for you, words seem insufficient to capture the boundless affection I hold in my heart. From the moment our paths intertwined, I knew that you were a rare gem, a beacon of light illuminating the darkest corners of my soul. With every smile you grace me with, every touch that ignites my senses, I am reminded of the sheer privilege it is to have you in my life. You are not just my partner, but my confidante, my cheerleader, and the very essence of my happiness. With you, I have discovered a love so profound, so pure, that it transcends the confines of time and space. I promise to cherish and adore you with every fiber of my being, to stand by your side through life’s triumphs and tribulations. You are my forever, my one and only, and I vow to love you endlessly, for as long as the stars continue to grace the night sky.

Back at mrs Sharon scene, A few hours later, as the doctor was about to the abortion for Joyce, she gave up the ghost, after having a heart attack when the spirit appeared to her. The doctor went to inform the pastor and Mrs Sharon what had happened. Mrs Sharon fell down to the floor and screamed. The pastor was trying to calm Mrs Sharon but mrs Sharon did not listen.

Mrs Sharon….. Ahhhhhh!!!! Temi ba mi ooooooo!!!

Pastor……. Mrs Sharon please calm down please, stop crying.

Mrs Sharon……. Ahhhhhh, Joyce is my only daughter, ahhhhhh!!!

Mrs Sharon continued screaming at the hospital, people gathered around her to pet her. The pastor and the doctor with Mrs Sharon and some people that were petting her went inside the room where Joyce was laying flat, and they prayed for her.

Pastor………Dear heavenly Father, we gather here today with heavy hearts as we lift up our beloved Joyce who has departed from this world. Grant her eternal rest and peace in your loving embrace. May her journey to the afterlife be guided by your light, and may she find solace in your presence. We pray for strength and comfort for her family and loved ones during this difficult time, that they may find the courage to endure their grief and cherish the memories of their dearly departed. Let us find hope in knowing that Joyce is now free from suffering and pain, and may her soul find eternal joy in your kingdom. Lord, grant us the serenity to accept the loss of our dear Joyce, the strength to support one another in our grief, and the faith to trust in your divine plan. In this time of sorrow, may we find comfort in the knowledge that Joyce is at peace in your eternal kingdom, and may her spirit live on in our hearts forever. Amen.”

Mrs Sharon couldn’t believe that her daughter would give up the ghost just like that. They carried her body to the church.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace was already tired, she could continue anymore, she tried to sit down but she couldn’t because of the warning the pastor had given to her.


The next day, Liyah followed segun to the airport, segun was just too emotional, he didn’t want to go. Liyah too was sad.

Segun……. I promise to be back for you.

Liyah…….. We just started our relationship, I am scared and I don’t know why. My heart is beating fast

Segun…….. Liyah, I will come back for you and as you stand amidst the hustle and bustle of the airport, I know it’s hard to shake off the sadness of our impending separation. But remember, distance is just a test of how far love can travel. Our bond transcends borders and oceans; it’s anchored in the depths of our hearts, keeping us connected no matter where we are. Every moment apart only serves to strengthen our love, filling us with anticipation for the beautiful moments we’ll share when we’re reunited. So, hold onto the memories we’ve made, cherish the love we share, and know that with every mile that separates us, my heart remains right there with you, beating in sync with yours. Stay strong, my dear, for our love knows no bounds, and soon we’ll be together again, creating even more beautiful memories to treasure. I love you more than words can express, and I’ll be counting down the moments until I’m back by your side.

Liyah……..(crying) please make sure you come back to me, please.

Segun…….(hug her) I love you Liyah, I love you with all my soul.

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide was talking with her Dagon crying.

Ayomide……. Please let me out of this place I am begging you.

Dagon……. Why do you want to leave this place, I thought you married me because you loved me.

Ayomide…….. I married you because of your wealth, I fell to your trap, I don’t love you please just let me go back.

Dagon……. Go back to do what?

Ayomide…… Please let me go back please, the person I was supposed to get married to will be worried about me, my best friend too will be worried about me.

Dagon……… Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, so you think your ex boyfriend and best friend is worried about you. Hahahahahaha. None of them is even thinking about you.

Ayomide……. You are a liar, my best friend loves me so much and so as my boyfriend.

Dagon…….. Remember that you are the one that chased them out of your life so how do you expect them to remember you.

Ayomide…….. I have learned my lesson, they will accept me back.

Dagon…….. (Used his hand to point on the wall, Liyah and segun showed in front of the wall kissing at the airport) can you see it for yourself. (Close the wall back) can you see that kissing.

Ayomide……… How dare Liyah steal my boyfriend from me ( wiped her tears) that is my man.

Dagon………(angry) I Am your man, I married you, you are my wife!! (Dagon disappeared)

Ayomide……… Liyah, you have betrayed me by kissing segun, you know that he belongs to me!!! You are not a good friend, but it is my fault, I cause everything, but that doesn’t give Liyah the right to date segun. Ahhhhhh!!!

The next day Mrs Grace had already gotten to the third stone, she just sat down on the stone and rest, all she could do was think.

Mrs Grace……..(thinking) what have I done, Ayomide ahh, both of us are paying for what we have caused, I am already getting tired, how am I sure I will be able to make this, my legs are in pain, i am thirsty and Hungry. Ayomide this time around I don’t care if you will get married to a poor man, or even a beggar self. You are not going to marry a wealthy man. I am so tired, I should have just listened to my husband.

Back at Mrs Sharon scene, the pastor with some other of Mrs Sharon community neighbors were seen at Mrs Sharon backyard. They had already buried Joyce. The mother bent down beside her daughter’s grave crying.

Mrs Sharon……….(crying) Joyce ahhhhhh!!! Finally is this how I will not see you again!!!!. As I stand here beside your resting place, my heart aches with a profound sadness that words can scarcely express. Though you are no longer with us in body, your spirit lives on in the memories we hold dear and the love that will forever bind us together. Every day without you feels like an eternity, yet every moment I carry you in my heart, I feel your presence as if you were still here by my side. Your laughter echoes in the corners of my mind, your smile brightens even the darkest of days, and your love sustains me through the toughest of trials. The pain of losing you is a weight that I bear with a heavy heart, but it is also a testament to the depth of our bond and the beauty of the time we shared. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled, but it also serves as a reminder of the immense joy you brought into our lives and the legacy of love you left behind. As I kneel beside your final resting place, I find solace in the knowledge that you are at peace, free from the burdens of this world and surrounded by eternal light. Though I may never understand why you were called home so soon, I take comfort in the belief that you are watching over us, guiding us with your gentle spirit and showering us with your endless love. My precious daughter, though you may be gone from this earthly realm, you will never be forgotten. Your memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved you, and your legacy will endure for generations to come. Until we meet again, know that you are cherished beyond measure and missed more than words can say.

Mrs Sharon couldn’t hold her tears, people were just petting her. News of Joyce’s death spread across their neighborhood. People gathered around their house. Joyce was a lovely girl when she was little, she likes helping people a lot and she always makes people happy. She died because of the way she followed Ayomide footsteps. Everyone was so sad, mrs Sharon was just crying. Sandra a close friend of Joyce and Liyah with Ayomide, too heard about the death of Joyce, she was living in the same area with Joyce.

Liyah was at home sleeping when her phone started ringing, then, it was Sandra that was calling her.

Liyah……. Why is Sandra calling me by this time? ( pick the call) hello Sandra, I am surprised that you called me.

Sandra…….. How are you doing now, how have you been?

Liyah……. I have been good. What about you?

Sandra…… I am not happy at all.

Liyah…….. What is going on, and I can hear a lot of noise there, where are you?

Sandra…….. I called you because I am at Joyce’s house, and I want to inform you that Joyce is no more.

Liyah……… What did you just say?

Sandra……… Joyce is de*d, she di*d yesterday.

Liyah……….What!!! Ahhhhhh!! Jesus Christ!!!! Where is her mom right now?

Sandra……. She is here, she is crying, people are trying to calm her.

Liyah……. I am coming right there now, please wait for me there (she hangs up) ahhhhhh Joyce why now!!!

Liyah quickly dressed up, and went outside and took a bike straight to Joyce house. The bike man charged her 3500 and she accepted. One hour later, Liyah got to Joyce’s house, she paid the bike man 4000 and did not bother to collect any change. Liyah quickly opened the gate and ran towards the backyard, she saw Mrs Sharon crying, she dropped her bag on the floor and hugged her. Liyah couldn’t hold her tears. Mrs Sharon and Liyah were close because of the way Liyah took Joyce as her sister and used to talk to her. Mrs Sharon hugged Liyah back crying. Liyah started crying.

Liyah……. mummy please it is okay stop crying please. (Crying)

Mrs Sharon……. Liyah, my daughter is no longer with me…. My….. Daughter…… Joyce….. Ahhhhhh!!!

Liyah……. Mummy please stop this now, shhhh please don’t cry please.

Mrs Sharon……. What have I done to Ayomide and her mother that they pushed my daughter to her Early grave, I warned my daughter not to attend that wedding, see now, see now my daughter is ahhhhhh, oluwaaaaa oo!!!!

Liyah…… Mummy please stop crying, I am very sure that Joyce will not like to see you crying.

At the spirit world, Ayomide was seen begging Dagon to give her a chance to go back.

Ayomide……. Dagon please, I have a request to make please.

Dagon…….. What type of requests do you want to make?

Ayomide……. Please I want to Go back to my house, please just to see my family, you can bring me here back please.

Dagon……… That is not possible, I can’t allow you to go back, you don’t have any business with them again.

Ayomide……. Why are you doing like this to me please I am begging you let me go.

Dagon……. And I said no that you can’t go.

Back at Mr Tope house, Mr Tope was seen holding Ayomide pictures. Tears were dropping from his eyes.

Mr Tope……. Ayomide my daughter, why? You should have listened to me. Not seeing you now is breaking my heart. What kind of a parents that will know that evil had befallen their child and they won’t be sad. My heart breaks into pieces not knowing what you are passing through over there, you should have listened to me. You should have listened to me Ayomide.

Back at Mrs Sharon house, Liyah was still petting Mrs Sharon, Mrs Sharon eyes were red, she couldn’t hold her tears, her hair was scattered. Liyah was really heartbroken and devastated.

Mrs Sharon……. Ahhhhhh! My daughter had finally joined her father!! Ahhhh Joyce why did you leave me here all alone, why? Who did I offend oooooo, who have I offended that would allow this thing happened to me. Who am I to question God? (Crying)

Liyah……. Mummy please stop crying, you are really breaking my heart, please now don’t cry again please.

Mrs Sharon……. Liyah, how can I stop crying, Joyce was my only child, the only child I have. Now I am motherless, no husband, no child. Ahhhhhh!!

Liyah……. Mummy no, please stop saying that, I am your child also, please stop crying now (crying)

Mrs Sharon couldn’t control her tears, she cried to the extent she became weak and rested on Liyah’s shoulder, after some minutes later, mrs Sharon was taken inside the room. Liyah went beside Joyce grave and knelt down there talking.

Liyah…….. Ahhh Joyce, this is so painful, I can’t believe you are gone just like that, why did you not listen to me, why did you follow Ayomide’s footsteps, now it is your innocent mother that is hurting the most now. Ahhh my dear friend as I stand here by your resting place, my heart aches with the weight of the loss we’ve all endured because of greed’s cruel grip on your life. Your departure has left a void that cannot be filled, and it pains me to know that it was the pursuit of material wealth that led to your untimely demise. In the pursuit of worldly gains, we often overlook the precious moments and connections that truly matter, and your departure serves as a poignant reminder of this harsh reality. Your absence serves as a solemn testament to the destructive power of greed, a reminder that its allure can lead us down paths of darkness and despair. Your departure has left a scar on our hearts, a constant reminder of the consequences of prioritizing material possessions over the intangible treasures of love, friendship, and human connection. Yet, amidst the sorrow and regret, I find solace in the memories we shared, in the laughter and joy that once filled our days. Though you may no longer walk beside us, your spirit lives on in the memories we hold dear. Let your legacy be a warning to us all, a beacon of light guiding us away from the pitfalls of greed and towards a life filled with compassion, kindness, and generosity. May you find peace in the embrace of eternity, and may your journey beyond the veil be one of redemption and forgiveness. Rest in peace, my dear friend, knowing that you are loved and remembered always.

Later that day, after everyone had gone home, Sandra, Liyah and the pastor were the only one left at Mrs Sharon house. Mrs Sharon lie down on the chair and put her head on Liyah’s lap. She was shivering.

Liyah……. Sandra thank you very much for calling me today.

Sandra…… Don’t mention, Joyce was my friend also now. All I just want, is that mummy to recover from this.

Liyah……. She will.

Sandra…….. We can’t leave only her here. She should not go and do something cr*zy.

Pastor……. Yes I know about that, I will make preparation on where she will be staying for the main time until she calms down.

Liyah……. Pastor don’t worry about it, I am taking her to my place so I can keep my eyes on her, she is like a mother, infact she is now my mother. I won’t have peace of mind if I am not beside her at this moment.

Sandra……. I agree with you Liyah.

Pastor……. Okay that is okay too. God will bless you.

Liyah……… Amen sir.

Liyah helped mrs Sharon to pack some of her things, the pastor prayed over the house and they locked all the whole house. The pastor used his car to drive Mrs Sharon and Liyah, to Liyah’s house. They got to the house late in the night.

The pastor went back home after dropping Liyah and mrs Sharon at Liyah’s house. Liyah went to the kitchen and prepared food for mrs Sharon, Mrs Sharon was still sad, she refused to eat.

Liyah…….. Mummy please you have to eat.

Mrs Sharon……. I don’t have an appetite for food, how will I eat.

Liyah…….. Mummy please, you have not eaten anything since morning, can you please eat.

Mrs Sharon……..I will eat later, just drop the food over there.

Liyah…….. Mummy please you have to be stronger than ever, consider me as your daughter and please don’t let Joyce death weak you down.

Mrs Sharon……… Okay thanks very much.

Liyah……… Let me go and prepare your room for you.

The next day, segun got to London, he was so excited, he texted Liyah on WhatsApp. Then he started going to the school. He was so amazed.

Segun……. A whole me in London, wow God you really are a nice God. I am so happy like finally segun is in London.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, mrs Grace was already on the fourth stone. She was so tired. She kneels down and looks up.

Mrs Grace……..(from her mind) God please forgive me and my daughter, please God have mercy on us. We have really learned our lesson. Please God, don’t let this be in vain. God please protect my daughter, I am sure she would have learned her lesson. Give me the strength to continue this journey without looking back. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for answering my prayers.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah Saw the message segun sent to her and she replied immediately, she called segun on voice call on WhatsApp.

Segun……. Hello my beautiful damsel, the love of my life, the mother of my upcoming kids. My soul mate, how are you doing?

Liyah……. I am fine, I am happy to see that you have gotten there.

Segun……. Yes I am very happy. By the way what happened to your voice, your voice doesn’t sound really good.What is going on?

Liyah……. Nothing is going on, just been feeling down.

Segun……. What is going on? Are you missing me already, talk to me now, you are making me worried.

Liyah……. It’s nothing much, it’s just that Joyce is no more.

Segun…… Which Joyce? Wait ohhh, is it the one at our school days. That your friend.

Liyah…….. Yes, my friend. She died a day before yesterday.

Segun……. It is well but as for me I don’t feel pity for her.

Liyah……… Haba segun.

Segun……. I am just being honest with you, she died because of greediness so why should I feel pity for her.

Liyah……. At least she was a nice person, she only followed Ayomide footsteps. By the way her mom is staying with me for some time.

Segun……. What! Why?!

Liyah……… She just lost her only child, she is like a mother to me. I can’t leave her All alone in that house.

Segun…….. I feel pity for her mom. Joyce just allowed the poor woman to suffer like that.

Liyah…….. She will be fine.

Segun……… I will speak to you later, I need to read what I am about to sign. I love you

Liyah……… I love you too, take care.

Back at the spirit world. Joyce was seen in a white cloth, she was just looking confused. She Saw many other people on white, they were all entering a big castle.

Joyce……. Where am I? Where is my mother? I don’t understand what is going on here, what am I doing on white, where the hell I am. Somebody help me please!!!! Where the hell am I?!!!

Dagon…….. Welcome to the spirit world.

Joyce………(turned around and screamed)

Dagon…… Welcome to the spirit world my wife chief bridesmaids. Hahahahahaha.

Joyce………(moving backward) stay away from me!!!! Where is my mother, mom!! Mom!!! Where are you mom!!!

Dagon……….. Chill, you are in the spirit world, your mother can’t hear you, you are already dead.

Joyce…….. It is a lie, I am not dead!!!!! Stay away from me.

Dagon held Joyce hand and disappeared to Liyah’s house, mrs Sharon was crying while Liyah was consoling her. Joyce started calling her mother’s name.

Joyce……… Mummy I am here, please look at me. Can you stop crying I am here.

Dagon……. She can’t hear you, she can’t even see you self.

Joyce……. Stop saying that!!!!! I can’t be dead!!! ( crying)

Mrs Sharon…….. Liyah (crying) I can feel my daughter presence, what if she is looking for me (looking around)

Joyce……. Yes mummy I am here please look at me.

Liyah…….. Mummy, Joyce is gone already, maybe you are just imagining things.

Joyce…….. Shut up!!! What do you know. Mummy please I am here.

Dagon……….(laughing) hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, she can’t hear you.

Mrs Sharon…….. Ahhhhhh Joyce!!!!! Ahhhhhh abiyamo!!!! Just like that!!!

Joyce….. Mummy I am sorry, mummy I am sorry!!!

Dagon held her hand and they disappeared back. Back at the spirit world.

Joyce…….. Where is my friend? where did you keep Ayomide!!

Dagon……… Your friend is inside that big castle. Let me take you to her.

On sighting Joyce, ayomide screamed, Joyce went towards her crying.

Ayomide…….. Who am I seeing? Joyce!!

Joyce……… It’s me Ayomide, it is me Joyce.

Ayomide……. Oh my world!!! What the hell are you doing in this place?!! And why are you on white!!!

Joyce…….. I am a spirit, I am dead already.

Ayomide……. You must be joking (laughing) you, dead, you don’t know what is wrong with your brain.

Dagon……. Will you stop laughing, she is a ghost now. (He Left the room)

Joyce sat down on the floor crying, Ayomide couldn’t believe her eyes and ears. She just thinking in her mind.

Ayomide……..(thinking) how can she be a ghost? Wait, did she also marry a spirit just like that me, I am definitely confused here right now.

Joyce…….. I know all what you are thinking about. I slept with a spirit on your wedding day and got pregnant and died and now I am here. I have caused my mother so much pains.

Ayomide……… Wow Joyce I can’t believe this, how can you be dead?

Joyce…… I am really dead (crying) my mom is hurt and I can’t bear to see her crying. I caused everything that is happening to me right now. Ahhhhhh mom!!!

Ayomide……… Joyce, please I am sorry, if not for me you would not have been here, please forgive me. Please I am sorry.

Joyce…….. Ayomide, don’t blame yourself, we are paying for our own sins because of our greediness. Please don’t just blame yourself.

Ayomide……. I am sorry, I should have just listened to my father, i should have listened to my love and friend.

Joyce……… We are really really paying for our greediness.

Back at Mr Tope’s house, Mr Tope was inside when someone knocked at the door. Mr Tope went to open the door and was surprised to see Liyah.

Mr Tope……. Liyah, come inside, I am surprised to see you here.

Liyah……… I have missed this place and everyone. Why is everywhere so quiet?

Mr Tope……. That is because I am the only one at home..

Liyah……. What of mummcy?

Mr Tope…….. She has not been around for the past four days now.

Liyah……… Wow, where did she go to?

Mr Tope…….. She has gone to the church to pray for the return of her daughter.

Liyah…….. God will answer her prayers, so daddy don’t you miss Ayomide?

Mr Tope…….. I miss her, she is my daughter, she was just too stubborn, I am praying for a miracle to happen.

Liyah…….. Don’t worry sir, God will answer our prayers.

Mr Tope……. Amen ooo, so to what pleasure do I own this visit?

Liyah……… I was just passing by so I decided to check up on you guys.

Mr Tope……. Thank you so much, you are really a nice person, are you hearing from segun and Joyce, it had been a long time since I Saw them.

Liyah……. Segun is fine sir and he is out of the country, he went for studies.

Mr Tope…….. That is really really nice, I am happy for him.

Liyah…… Thank you sir. And as for Joyce, she is no more.

Mr Tope…….. oluwaaaaa oooo!!!! Eledumare!!!!! What happened to her, was she sick or what?!

Liyah…….. No sir she was not sick, she slept with one of Dagon’s friends that was also a spirit, and got pregnant along the line, she died of a heart attack because the guy keeps appearing to her.

Mr Tope……… Wow, why would Joyce sleep with a total stranger, this is really really bad. I feel pity for her mother.

Liyah……. Her mother is at my house at the moment, I really really pity her because she has not been feeling too good, she has just been crying. She doesn’t eat like before.

Mr Tope…….. Nawaoooooooo, Joyce really shouldn’t have done that, now it is her innocent mother that is suffering from her mistakes.

Liyah…… I need to be on my way now Sir, I need to get to the house.

Mr Tope……… Thank you so much for passing by, I really appreciate it and please do visit again.

Liyah…….. I will sir.

Mr Tope…….. Please my regards to Joyce’s mother.

Liyah……… Okay sir, see you some other time sir.

Liyah took a taxi outside and started going on, she was busy staring outside of the window when her phone beeped. It was a text message from segun.

Text message from segun……..I think that I am, I think with you my smile has gone , My days are not the same without you There is a feeling so low and blue, Don’t wish to do anything my girl, I also do not socialize a lot, You are always on my mind my girl, You are in my every which way and thought, Baby I can’t wait to come back to you , When will I get to see, The smile which I am so missing you, Baby life is not the same I am just lost all day in your name, I am missing you so much!

Liyah replied to him back, smiling.

Liyah……..When I fell in love with you, When I fell in love with you, I promised I will never leave you, But now that you are so far, I often talk to the stars, That wherever you are, our love shall win, Without any flaw or grin, I will keep loving you and missing you, I love you a lot!

After sending the message Liyah closed her eyes and prayed for Mrs Sharon.

Liyah…….. For Mrs Sharon, I am here today to pray for Mrs Sharon , She is going through the most difficult time

In her life, Almighty she is seeing the pain and strive, I pray to you to end her plight, I pray that you make things alright, My honest prayer to you this day, Is make her happy all the way

So that she has that smile on her face, And she never leaves her grace. A special prayer for Mrs Sharon, Grant my wish oh Mighty Lord, Bless her please is my plea!

The next day Liyah woke up feeling a headache, she quickly went to the bathroom, poured water on her head and brushed her teeth, she went to the room to check up on mrs Sharon, but she was still sleeping. She quickly made breakfast for herself, she ate it and took some paracetamol. Then she texted segun.

Liyah…… Hi segun, I guess you will still be sleeping, it’s already day break here.

Segun……. My love, I am happy seeing your message, it’s still night here anyway. I really miss you so much. I am preparing for an exam tomorrow that is why I am still awake.

Liyah……… Awesome, I wish you all the best, you will come out in flying colours.

Segun……. Thank you my love, how are you doing over there?

Liyah……. I am fine, I am eating breakfast, I am having a headache.

Segun……. Awwwwww, sorry my love, it would have been great if I was there with you. The headache will just disappear.

Liyah……… You are funny, please be fast and go to bed, you know you are preparing for exams tomorrow.

Segun……… Okay my wife, I love you very much and I can’t wait to be back. We will talk on video call later.

Liyah…….. Okay sure daddy, I love you too.

A few hours later, mrs Sharon walked to the sitting room, Liyah was putting her head on the dining table.

Mrs Sharon…….. Hey Liyah.

Liyah……..(raised her head up) ahhh mummy, you are awake already.

Mrs Sharon………(sitting beside Liyah) yes I am. Are you alright, you don’t look well at all.

Liyah…….. I am fine, I just want to have a little malaria.

Mrs Sharon……… Have you taken any drugs?

Liyah……. Yes ma, I have. Are you alright now?

Mrs Sharon…….. Yes my darling, thank you so much for everything, I really appreciate.

Liyah……. Mummy, haba you don’t need to thank me at all, you are like a mother to me. I just don’t want to see you cry, because its breaks my heart.

Mrs Sharon…… I won’t cry again, it is God that gives and take, so I am fine.

Liyah…….. Awwwwww mummy, I am happy that you becoming stronger. I love you very much.

Mrs Sharon…….. All thanks to you my love.

Liyah……. So what should I prepare for you ma, what would you you like to eat?

Mrs Sharon…….. Anything my dear, I am okay with anything you give me.

Liyah…… Hmmm, okay I know what I will cook for you, just go and freshen up and come back.

Mrs Sharon…… okay sure My daughter (she went back inside the room)

Liyah………. Lord Jesus I thank you for making her smile again, I am so happy for her. I will make sure that she doesn’t feel that void of losing her only daughter.

Liyah was about to enter the kitchen when Mr Tope called her, Mr Tope asked her to send her Mrs Sharon number, Liyah ended the call and sent Mrs Sharon number to Mr Tope.

Back at Mr Tope’s house, after collecting Mrs Sharon number, he decided to text her.

Mr Tope……. Hi, good morning mummy Joyce, how are you doing and I hope you are doing well, I collected your number from Liyah, it’s me Ayomide father, I am sorry to hear the loss your child. My heart and my prayers go out to you,

This loss is immense and the frame of mind cannot be ever repaired in life, I feel so blessed that I had met someone like your daughter, She was a gem of a person, May God bless her soul as she rests in peace above, In the shelter of the Almighty!

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace was already at the fifth mountain, she was so tired, she sat down on top of the mountain and rested.

Mrs Grace……. (From her mind) God I have two more mountains to climb, go with me and give me the strength never to stop, I can do it through Christ that strengthens me. Ayomide I will see you soon daughter, I should not have supported you, I was blinded by the love of money. I am at fault here also. Don’t worry, God has already forgiven us, he has already forgiven our sins. I love you so much. Stay strong for me as I stay strong for you also.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah made breakfast for Mrs Sharon and informed her. Liyah then went back to her room feeling dizzy and weak.

Liyah…… What is wrong with me, why am I feeling dizzy? I need to go to the hospital and run some tests or probably do some checkups. (Brought out her phone and texted segun) I will be going to the hospital to run some tests, I don’t know why I am running temperature and feeling dizzy. You must be sleeping, I love you

The next day, Mrs Grace got to the sixth mountain, she breathed a sign of relief. And begin to think.

Mrs Grace……. I have to swallow my pride and beg Segun after this, I have learned my lesson, I pray segun forgives me and my daughter, my daughter should not have looked down on him. Segun I am sorry, when I get back I have to beg my husband for forgiveness. I am so sorry.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah was about to go to the hospital when someone knocked at the door, she went to open the door and was surprised to see her mother “Mrs Juliet” standing in front of her door.

Liyah……. Mom, how come you are here. Why did you not tell me that you are coming?

Mrs Juliet…….. Am I not allowed to come and see my own daughter, you can’t even invite me in.

Liyah…….. Sorry mom, I was just surprised to see you here, please come inside.

Mrs Juliet walked inside the house and she saw Mrs Sharon sitting down on the chair in the living room, they both exchanged greetings.

Liyah……..Ehem, mummy please meet my biological mother Mrs Juliet. And Mom please meet my second mother mrs Sharon.

Mrs Juliet……. Nice to meet you.

Mrs Sharon…….. Same here. Welcome home.

Mrs Juliet…….. Thank you, so what are you doing in my daughter’s house?

Liyah……… Mom, haba stop it, I brought Mrs Sharon to my house because she lost her only daughter. And I am close to her daughter because we both attended the same school.

Mrs Juliet………(knelt down) I am so so sorry about that, please don’t be offended by what I said earlier. I am so sorry, I never knew that you lost your only daughter.

Mrs Sharon…….. It is okay, please stand up, you don’t need to apologize, you are a mother and I understand the reason why you reacted that way.

Mrs Juliet……..(stood up) thank you very much and I am really sorry again.

Mrs Sharon…… It is okay, I will be inside the room.

Mrs Juliet……. Haba, no now, you can stay with us.

Mrs Sharon……. At least let me allow you rub minds with your daughter.

Mrs Juliet……. Like she has introduced you to me earlier, you are also her mother so I insist you stay.

All of a sudden Liyah run off to the toilet and started vomiting, surprised Mrs Juliet and Sharon immediately ran after her too. Mrs Sharon was rubbing Liyah’s back while Mrs Juliet was fanning and pouring water on her head. They assist her to the palour. Liyah sat down on the chair and rested her head. Joyce appeared to them and observing what was going on.

Mrs Sharon……. Liyah how are you feeling now, what is wrong with you?

Liyah……. I had been feeling dizzy since yesterday and headache.

Mrs Sharon……. And you did not bother to tell me anything.

Mrs Juliet……. Let’s take you to the hospital.

Liyah……. No mummy, I will go later.

Mrs Sharon…….. Liyah, with the look of things, you are pregnant.

Mrs Juliet……… pregnant!! Liyah how come, who is the father?

Liyah……. How can I pregnant? I only slept with segun just twice.

Mrs Juliet…… Who is segun? Where is he living?

Mrs Sharon……. Let’s get a pregnancy test kits first.

Mrs Juliet quickly went to the nearest pharmacy and brought a test kit, they gave it to Liyah. A few minutes Liyah came out holding the pregnancy test kits. It was two red lines. Mrs Sharon collected it from her hand.

Mrs Sharon…….. You are pregnant Liyah, congratulations.

Mrs Juliet……… What!! Wow!! So you have started doing the do Liyah.

Mrs Sharon……. Hahahahahaha you are really funny Mrs Juliet.

Mrs Juliet……. But to be honest, I am so happy I am going to be a grandma. Please call the segun guy let me thank him, na man him be. Just two shots and he scored the goal

Liyah……. Mom stop joor. You are making me shy. Segun is not in Nigeria now, he traveled out for a business trip, he will come back in three years time.

Mrs Juliet…….. What!!!!! What if he leaves you for another white oyinbo woman.

Liyah…… Mom segun is not that kind of a person, we talk every day. He loves me so much.

Mrs Juliet…… Okay oooo, but me I want to thank him personally for scoring the goal.

Mrs Sharon…….. Hahahahahaha.

Joyce……..(still looking at them and smiled) it is good to see my mom happy again, Liyah thank you so much. (She disappeared back)

Back at the spirit world Joyce appeared to Ayomide in her room.

Ayomide……. I guess you have seen your mom now, how I wish I can see my family too.

Joyce……. Don’t worry, you will see them one day, I have good news for you anyway.

Ayomide……. What news is that?

Joyce…… Liyah is pregnant!

Ayomide…….. Wow really, that’s good for her. How I wish I can see her.

Joyce…….. She is pregnant and happy, the pregnancy belongs to segun.

Ayomide……. What!!! (Furious) I don’t get what you just say.

Joyce…….. Wait, why are you reacting this way? You and segun are no longer together. And the last time I checked you are the one that ended your relationship with him.

Ayomide………No!!!!!!! This can’t be happening. Liyah cannot be pregnant for my man. Segun and I are still going to be together, why would Liyah get pregnant for my man!!! Take me to her now!!!

Joyce……. Sorry i can’t help you. Tell your husband Dagon to take you to her. (Disappeared)

Ayomide….. Nnoooooo Liyah you have betrayed me!!! Wait till i. get out of this damn place!!!!!

Ayomide was angry when Dagon walked inside. And then she started shouting at Dagon.

Ayomide…… You are a w!cked person. How will you just marry me like that and destroy my peaceful relationship.

Dagon……. So now you love him because he has gotten another person pregnant, your friend for that matter.

Ayomide…… Don’t you dare talk to me like that, assuming you have not shown up, I would have gotten married to him.

Dagon…… And did I force you to marry me, you never loved me, you were only after my wealth, that you are so blinded to see the kind of person I am.

Ayomide……. Now I am telling you that I am no longer interested, take me back to my parents I am begging you.

Dagon……. You can’t go anywhere because in the next eight days, you will be k*lled and you will turn to one of us, because you being an human here is a threat to us. The other human have been turned to spirit. So get ready in the next eight days because it is your turn.

Ayomide…….k*lled me!!! For what! Let me go I want to go back to my parents.

Dragon did not listen to her and left the room.

Ayomide…… I need to find a way out of this place, I don’t want to d*e and turned into one of them yet. God please forgive me my sins.

Later that evening, Mrs Juliet and Liyah went to the hospital while Mrs Sharon stayed back because she was still paying her last respect towards her late daughter. The nurse did some tests on Liyah. A few hours later, the results was out. Liyah went inside the doctor’s office accompanied by her mother.

Doctor……. Congratulations young lady, the test we carried out on you shows that you are pregnant.

Liyah……. Really doctor?

Doctor…… Yes, I will prescribe some Drugs to you and tell you the kind of food you should avoid and not avoid.

The doctor explained everything to Liyah and her mother, Liyah went to the pharmacy in the hospital and brought some of the drugs that the doctor prescribed for her. Mrs Juliet was so happy, she couldn’t stop talking as she was driving and asking some Liyah questions.

Mrs Juliet……. Liyah, this man is strong oo, just two shots!

Liyah…… Mom please can you stop saying that please, I am feeling embarrassed.

Mrs Juliet…… Be whining yourself, me I will keep saying it, so where do you meet this guy from

Liyah ……… Mom we went to the same university.

Mrs Juliet……. That’s nice, I hope he is loaded?

Liyah……. Mom what is it now, he is not loaded, he is just building his future, and what he did for a company was what took him abroad to complete his training and start working for a company.

Mrs Juliet……. That is nice tho, but I would have preferred you get pregnant for some that is very rich.

Liyah…….. Mom I understand that you have concerns about my choices, but I want to assure you that I am doing what feels right for me. While I know you may have envisioned a different path for me, it’s important to remember that happiness and fulfillment come in many forms, not just financial stability. My relationship with Segun is built on love, respect, and shared values, which are invaluable qualities that transcend material wealth. I appreciate your desire for me to have a comfortable life, but please trust that I am capable of making decisions that are best for my own well-being. Being with segun, regardless of his financial status, brings me immense joy and fulfillment. I hope you can support me in my choices and understand that ultimately, what matters most is our happiness and the strength of our relationship.

Mrs Juliet……. Wow I am really proud of you my daughter. I was just testing you to see what you will say.

Liyah……… And mom about this, don’t say it again, did you know that one of my friend that was dating segun before broke up with him and went after a wealthy guy, who she bearly knows, she was my tight friend in school, I use to tell you about her now.

Mrs Juliet…… Yes of course, I remember. You said her na was ayomide.

Liyah…….. Yes exactly, mum please try and be watching the news, do you know that the person she got married to was a spirit.

Mrs Juliet……. Jesus Christ!!

Liyah………. Mummy that was not the only thing oo, Mrs Sharon daughter that died went to the wedding party and slept with one of the spirit too because she wants to date him because of his riches.

Mrs Juliet……. You mean Mrs Sharon that is in your house?

Liyah…….. Yes mummy. That was how she got pregnant for the spirit and when she finds out about it she was scared and begin to think, that was how she died and that my friend Ayomide, I mean ex friend, we have not seen her yet up till now.

Mrs Juliet……. What!!!! I am so happy I trained you well. Thank you for telling me this.

Liyah……. I am just telling you, so that you should also learn from it and discuss it with my younger sister Faith.

Mrs Juliet…….. Of course I will.

Later in the night, Liyah called segun, segun was on the street of London walking.

Segun…… Watsup my darling, I have missed you so much.

Liyah…….. I have missed you also.

Segun……. So how is your health, have you gone to the hospital?

Liyah……. My health is fine now. I am pregnant.

Segun……. Wait what!! You are……

Liyah…….. Pregnant! Hello are you there, hello I can’t hear you!! (The call ended) is segun trying to avoid or (tried calling segun back)

Back at segun scene, segun was running after some guys shouting “hey give me back my phone”

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah was confused, she tried calling segun back, but the line kept on saying the number was busy. She called him like several times but it kept on saying number was busy.

Liyah……. Is Segun busying my calls? Hope it is not what I am thinking.

Back at Segun scene, segun sat down on one of the benches and put his hands on his head catching his breath.

Segun…… Oh my God, what am I going to do now, segun you are in a deep mess. I don’t even know my girlfriend number off head. And she just told me a good news. Ahhhhhh!! What am I going to do?

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide was discussing with Joyce.

Ayomide……. Please Joyce please get me out of here please.

Joyce…….. I don’t have the power to do that, I am just an helpless spirit. And it is because of you I am in this kind of place today.

Ayomide……. what are you talking about?

Joyce……. Don’t pretend like you don’t know, you are the one that pushed me to sleep with one of Dagon’s friends so he can marry me too.

Ayomide……. And did I force you do it? Please just get me out of this place.

Joyce……. You can’t leave this place, me and you is stocked here forever.

Ayomide……. You are a spirit and I am not. Get me out of this place I want to go and see segun. It’s an order.

Joyce…… Hey just hold it there! Do you think you are in your house that you will be commanding me. See if you want to escape from here, I will be the one to stop you because Liyah is the one taking care of my mother, and she is happy. So I don’t want you to ruin their happiness. Liyah is even better than you.

Ayomide……. How dare you talk to me that way, do you know that I can…..

Joyce……you are just a confused human being, let me make something clear to you. Even if you leave this place, you and segun can’t be together, he has moved on, you are the one that called him a p0or church r*t. So you still expect him to date you.

Ayomide…… That does not matter, I ayomide will leave this damn place.

Joyce……. With this pride that you still have, you won’t be able to leave this place.

Ayomide……. You know what, I will still leave no matter what, and what about you, you will still be staying here for the rest of your life because you are a spirit. Hahahahahaha.

Joyce……… Wait until they turn you into a spirit just like me, I will do anything in my power to stop you from living this place.

Ayomide……… How will you do that when you are powerless.

At Liyah’s scene, Liyah was busy crying alone in the room that night when mrs Sharon entered her room. Mrs Juliet was already fast asleep.

Mrs Sharon…… Liyah, what is going on and why are you crying?

Liyah……. It is nothing much.

Mrs Sharon…….(sat down beside her on the bed) no don’t tell me that, what is making you to shade tears. Talk to me.

Liyah……. I don’t think segun loves me.

Mrs Sharon……. Why would you say something like that?

Liyah……. I called him and informed him about my pregnancy and all of a sudden the call ended, I tried calling him Many times but is number was not going through.

Mrs Sharon…… Hmmmm, so what are you going to do now.

Liyah………. I don’t know yet, but I will keep calling him.

Mrs Sharon……. Liyah, don’t take any rash decisions that you will later regret. What if someone snatched his phone from him or what if is phone is having faults. There might be a reason.

Liyah…….. Is it when I am breaking the news of my pregnancy to him. He is clearly avoiding me now that I am pregnant.

Mrs Sharon……. Can you give me his number so I can call him on WhatsApp in your presence.

Liyah…… Okay.

Liyah gave segun number to Mrs Sharon, Mrs Sharon called the number on WhatsApp, it rang and immediately the call declined. Mrs Sharon tried again and it said declined again.

Liyah…… You see now, he will think I am using another number to call him. Segun is clearly avoiding me. (Crying) did I do something wrong by loving him back.

Mrs Sharon……. Liyah wait for some days, I am sure there might be a reason. At the end of the day no matter what happens, it is the hope that we have within our hearts that keeps us going. So have hope that segun loves you. And please wipe away your tears.

Mrs Sharon went back to her room, Liyah called the number again but it was not going through.

Back at segun scene, segun was talking to people on the street asking if they saw a black guy running towards the other direction. People he were asking was just looking at him like he is not mentally okay.

Segun…… How can a black man steal from his own fellow man in a white man land. This is not good at all. I need to look for a tracking agent here. I need to recover my phone back from that the!f. Liyah I am so sorry.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah decided to send a message to Segun, because she was tired of thinking.

Liyah………The saddest part is you going far away from me, I don’t know what I will be able to see, because without you there is no life,

Without you it is so difficult to survive, It’s a final goodbye from me because you don’t want to talk to me since I broke the news about my pregnancy. But, I will really miss you forever, The times spent together and the loving memories, Goodbye! Segun. (Started crying and thought in her mind) I hope you will see this message and call me.

Back at Mrs Grace scene.

Mrs Grace…….(thinking) one more way to go. I won’t give up. Ayomide don’t worry, you will be out wherever Dagon took you to in no time.

The next day, Mrs Grace Finally completed her last assignment, she went to the river and used the soap on her hand to take her bath.

Mrs Grace……. Oh my God, I thank you, finally I am done with the seven days of climbing a mountain. Oh my good Lord. I am so hungry. I need to call my pastor.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah refused to eat, nor talk to anyone. Her mother was so worried about her daughter’s new behavior. Then she decided to go and talk to her.

Mrs Juliet…… Liyah, what is the problem with you, since last night and this morning, you have not stepped foot outside

Liyah…… Mom I am fine.

Mrs Juliet……… Don’t tell me that, what is going on, are you sad because of the pregnancy?

Liyah……. Mom I think I am going to be a single mother!!

Mrs Juliet……. what do you mean by that?

Liyah……. I don’t know I am just so scared, I called segun the guy that is responsible for the pregnancy. And all of a sudden I couldn’t hear from him again.

Mrs Juliet…… Don’t tell me that!! Do you mean he ghosted you!!

Liyah…… I think so mom but I am having this feeling that something is wrong.

Mrs Juliet……. This is the reason why I told you to wait till marriage before you have s&x. Now see.

Liyah……. Mom, don’t make me feel bad. Segun made me believe that he loves me.

Mrs Juliet……. Just because a guy started professing love to you does not mean that you should open your legs for him. Why are you so d*mb?

Liyah…….. Mom you are just making everything worse again. Can you stop!!

Mrs Juliet……. How do you expect me to stop, you are about to do your nysc, you are about to become a single mother, see the next thing you have to do is get rid of that baby!!

Liyah…….. God forbid bad things!!! I reject that! Mom you were happy before and now you want me to get rid of your own grandchild, what if I end up d*ing or I end up losing my womb??

Mrs Juliet…… Nothing will happen to you, either you get rid of that thing or you start looking for another man that will marry you with that bast@rd child.

Liyah……. I can’t believe my own mother!!

Mrs Juliet……. You better believe, what do you want people to be saying about us if they learn about this. What if the guy that impregnates you is already sleeping with another woman over there.

Liyah……… Mom stop!!!

Mrs Juliet……. Mtcheewww (walk out of the room)

Liyah……. (Crying) segun I believe you, why does it have to be now that I am pregnant for you that you will be ghosting me!!. Did I do wrong by loving you.

Back in the spirit world, Dagon and Ayomide were arguing seriously.

Ayomide……. I want to go back home!!!

Dagon……. You can’t go because I am married to you as long as that ring is in your hand.

Ayomide…… Then take it off, make it leave my hand. I can’t remove it myself!!! You are a spirit and I am a human being!!! Take me to my parents!!

Dagon…… You can’t, I can’t take you back to your parents, because you will soon become one of us.

Ayomide…… gosh!!! Take me home!!! I am so tired of staying here!!!

Dagon……. I did not force you to marry me, you were the one that forced yourself on me!! You wanted to marry me because of wealth, I want you to enjoy it now (disappeared)

Ayomide…… Mom dad are you people not worried about me, I need to come back to you guys. Please you people should do something fast before Liyah and segun gets married. I need to go back to the love of my life!!!

Mrs Grace got to the church looking tired, the pastor asked her to kneel down and he prayed for her, after the prayer, the pastor sent one of the members to get food for her

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah tried calling the segun line, but it was not going. So she sent another message to him.

Liyah…….. hey segun I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been doing some thinking lately, and I realize that our relationship has reached a point where we need to have a serious conversation. When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and uncertain, but I believed that together we could navigate through it and make the best decisions for both of us. However, when I reached out to you for support and understanding, you chose to ignore me. That hurt me deeply. A relationship is built on communication, trust, and support, and your lack of response made me realize that perhaps we don’t share these values to the same extent. Ignoring such an important moment in our lives showed me that we might not be on the same page when it comes to facing challenges together. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s best for both of us to part ways. I need to prioritize my well-being and the well-being of our child, and that means surrounding myself with people who are there for me when I need them the most. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you find the happiness and fulfillment you deserve. Take care. (Block his number) I hope he finds peace. You have really broken my trust.

Mrs Grace rested for a few hours before the pastor began to talk.

Pastor…….. Congratulations on getting this far.

Mrs Grace…….. Thank you. I just want my daughter to be safe. I am worried about her.

Pastor…….. Everything will be fine, now you will have to wait for seven days to beg her ex, and make sure he forgives you and your daughter.

Mrs Grace ……… Thank you so much pastor, I will do exactly what you ask me to do.

Pastor……. God will continue to guide you.

Mrs Grace……. Amen!

Mrs Grace went back home, on getting home she met her husband sitting outside. Mr Tope and Mrs Grace immediately hugged each other, tears dropped from Mrs Grace’s eyes, she knelt down beside her husband.

Mrs Grace……. My husband, I am so sorry. I should have listened to you, I should have been a good wife to you and a good mother to our children, but I failed. I am sorry.

Mr Tope……. Iyawo mi, I know that you have learned your lessons. Everyone makes mistakes. But one thing is for sure is that, because of your efforts. Our daughter will come back to us.

Mrs Grace……. Amen!! I am sorry again.

Mr Tope……. It is okay. I love you (hug her)

Later that night, Mrs Grace knelt down beside her bed and prayed to God Almighty.

Mrs Grace……… God I have come to you on behalf of my daughter and I. Dear God, we come before you with heavy hearts, acknowledging our transgressions and the pain we’ve caused through our love for money and greed. We recognize that our actions have strayed from Your teachings and have led us astray from Your path of righteousness. Lord, we confess that we allowed the allure of wealth to cloud our judgment and compromise our values. We pursued material gain at the expense of our spiritual well-being and neglected the needs of others. We are truly sorry for our selfishness and the harm it has caused. Heavenly Father, we humbly ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. Please cleanse our hearts of greed and fill them with Your love and compassion. Grant us the strength to resist temptation and to live according to Your will, putting aside worldly desires for the greater good. God, help us to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger in faith. Guide us on the path of repentance and transformation, so that we may become better stewards of Your blessings. May we use our resources wisely and generously, serving others with humility and kindness. Thank You, Lord, for Your boundless grace and unconditional love. We surrender ourselves to Your divine wisdom and mercy, trusting in Your forgiveness and guidance. May our journey of redemption inspire others to turn away from greed and embrace the abundance of Your grace. Amen. (She went to sleep)

Back at Liyah’s scene, it was already late in the night when mrs Juliet and her daughter were arguing.

Mrs Juliet…… Has he called you yet?

Liyah……. No, I have blocked him already

Mrs Juliet…… So fast. Now you should start looking for husband because of that child.

Liyah…… Mom not again please.

Mrs Juliet…… Let me start again, I don’t care. I am the one that gave birth to you. I did not disgrace my parents when I was at your age. And I won’t allow you to disgrace me too!! Is either you look for another man that will take care of you and the child or you get rid of it.

Liyah…… I am old enough to make decisions for myself. I won’t allow you tell me what to do

Mrs Juliet…… You are really daring me. (Went inside her room)

Liyah……. My Mom is just so dramatic. Segun look at what you have caused now. What am I going to do. I only know the school you are attending in London. You know what I need to send a message to mr Tope. I really need his help more than ever.

Liyah brought out her phone and texted Mr Tope.

Liyah…….I hope this message finds you and your family well. I’m reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a desperate plea for assistance. I find myself in a dire emergency situation that requires immediate attention, and I humbly ask for your support. As you may recall of how me and Ayomide’s relationship was. we once shared a bond that meant a great deal to me. Despite the circumstances that led to the dissolution of our friendship, I still hold a deep respect for you and your family. Regrettably, I am facing a critical situation that necessitates urgent attention in London. I need to look for segun at his school because of what is going on between me and my mother. Given the gravity of the situation and the urgency of the matter, I am left with no choice but to seek assistance from those who may be able to provide it. I understand that this request may come as a surprise, and I fully appreciate any reservations or concerns you may have. However, I assure you that every effort will be made to repay any support extended to me in this time of need.

Continuation of the text message……..If it is within your means and inclination to assist me in this matter, I would be eternally grateful. Your generosity would not only provide me with the necessary means to address this emergency but also reaffirm the kindness and compassion that I have always admired in you.Please know that this request is made with the utmost sincerity and humility. I understand the gravity of what I am asking, and I assure you that it is not done lightly. Thank you for considering my request during this challenging time. Regardless of your decision, I am grateful for the consideration and respect your judgment in this matter.

Just then Mrs Sharon walked up to her.

Mrs Sharon…… Hmmm Liyah, I can feel your pain. You just have to make your mom understand.

Liyah….. There is no point in trying to make her understand, I have made up my mind to go to London myself to look for a segun.

Mrs Sharon…… How will you afford that, you will spend a lot of money and remember you are still hustling.

Liyah…… I have got everything covered, I have texted Mr Tope, Ayomide’s dad. He will sponsor me.

Mrs Sharon…… Okay, I wish you all the best, but do you know exactly where you will find him.

Liyah……. Yes I know the school he is.

Mrs Sharon…… Just be calm and everything will be alright. I will be going back to my house next week.

Liyah…… So soon, why?

Mrs Sharon……. That place is my home too, I have already been here for too long. And don’t worry about me, I will be fine okay.

Liyah……. Hmmm, are you sure about this?

Mrs Sharon…….. Yes I am sure about this.

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide and Joyce were discussing.

Ayomide…….. Joyce please can’t you do something?

Joyce…….. What do you want me to do exactly for you?

Ayomide……. Please help me get out of here please.

Joyce……..why are now becoming so desperate to leave this place?

Ayomide…… Please Joyce remember that we are friends. Please the two of us became a victim of circumstances. Please Joyce help me. I want to leave this place.

Joyce……… You have not yet answered the my question. Why are you so desperate to leave this place?

Ayomide…….. Okay, it is because of segun. I need to get back to him please. I want him back. I don’t want him and Liyah to get married. Please help me now.

Joyce….. You are so selfi$h. How do you want to get back together with segun when you are married to a spirit. Everyone knows about your story. And you expect segun to take you back.

Ayomide…… I don’t care if he doesn’t want me back. I am going to do love charm, he will accept me back.

Joyce…… what!! Infact I am not interested in helping you. You can never change.

The next day after Mr Tope saw the message Liyah had sent to him, he invited her to the house. Liyah got to the house and Mrs Grace welcomed her warmly.

Mrs Grace…… Welcome to my house, Liyah. How are you doing?

Liyah……. I am fine thank you.

Mrs Grace……. That is good to you It’s nice to see you again.

Liyah……. Thank you ma.

Mrs Grace…… Liyah I am so sorry for the way I treated you I was only looking out for my daughter but I regret my actions towards you please find a place in your hearts to forgive me and my daughter. You warn us but we didn’t listen to you but now I have learned my lessons.

Liyah…….. Mrs Grace You don’t need to thank me and it is good that you have learned your lesson because in this life everything is not about wealth. Just because you are a beggar today does not mean you will be a beggar tomorrow, because you are a shoemaker today does not mean you will be a shoemaker tomorrow So never look down on any body because you don’t know what the future will bring.

Mr Tope……. Thank you so much Liyah for saying that, I hope she learns something from this.

Liyah…… I am not upset with you anymore. And I hope my friend comes back.

Mrs Grace…… Yes I believe, she will come back to me very soon.

Mr Tope……. Liyah I saw your message last night, I am ready to help you sponsor your trip to London to look for segun.

Mrs Grace…….what! Do you mean segun is not in Nigeria at the moment?

Liyah…….yes, and why are you scared?

Mrs Grace…… When will he be back?

Liyah…… He will be back in the next three years.

Mrs Grace……. Ahhhhh!! Please can I follow you, my husband please I need to follow Liyah too.

Liyah…… I am confused, why?

Mr Tope……. Grace, why do you want to follow her to London all of a sudden.

Mrs Grace…….. I only need to ask him for forgiveness, my pastor said it until segun forgives I and my daughter, before Ayomide will be back from the land of the spirit.

Mr Tope and Liyah……. ahhhhhh!!

Mr Tope……. Oh my goodness, why did you not tell me about this?

Mrs Grace……. I was planning on telling you today, I never knew segun was not in Nigeria.

Mrs Grace…… Please Liyah, I need to follow you please!! For the sake of my daughter.

Liyah……. It is fine, you can come with me. I can’t be cruel towards you and Ayomide.

Mrs Grace……. Thank you so much Liyah (started crying) I just want to see Ayomide. I want my daughter back.

Liyah….. Don’t worry, your daughter will be back. Everything will be fine.

Mrs Grace……. I pray so oo, I am just so scared.

Mr Tope…… So why do you want to go and see segun, is he in trouble or what? Because the message you sent to me was scary.

Liyah…… Actually, me and segun are in a relationship, we just started dating this month. So he traveled to London because of the very good robot he did for a tech company. So they sponsored him to one of the tech schools in London to complete is training and start working for them.

Mrs Grace…… Wow, that is huge, so segun will soon become a wealth man now.

Liyah……. Yes, it’s God grace that is following him around.

Mr Tope……. I know that he is an hardworking guy, I am so happy for him. And I pray the two of your relationships take you to a higher place.

Liyah…….. Amen thank you sir. So along the line before he traveled, we both had something and I am pregnant right now.

Mr Tope and Mrs Grace……. Wow, congrats.

Liyah……. Thanks. So after breaking the news of my pregnancy to him a day before yesterday, I couldn’t hear from him all of a sudden. If I call him, is number will not go.

Mr Tope……. Hmm, but what if is phone was stolen or fell down.

Mrs Grace……. I will not believe that one, how can his phone just get lost or stolen, when Liyah is breaking the news of her pregnancy to him. I feel like he is running away from taking responsibility.

Mr Tope……. Hey, don’t be negative!

Liyah……. I feel like mrs Grace is right, this is why I wanted to go.

Mr Tope……. Okay, I have heard you, you will go. I will sponsor everything.

Liyah…… I promise to pay you back.

Mr Tope……. You don’t need to dear.

Back at London, segun was seen talking to one of his oyinbo classmates Jessica. Jessica has feelings for segun but she doesn’t know what to tell him.

Segun…… Hi Jessica, how have you been.

Jessica…… I have been good.

Segun…… Please Jessica, I really need your help.

Jessica…….. Okay sure, I will be glad to help you.

Segun…… So please do you know any tracking agent here. My phone was stolen and I need to track it.

Jessica……. I know how to track a stolen phone.

Segun…….. wow really!!!

Jessica…… Yes, I can. Come to my house tomorrow. I will assist you in doing it.

Segun……. I thought you stay in campus.

Jessica…… No not at all. My parents house is not far from our school.

Segun…… Cool, thank you so much.

Jessica……. Welcome bro. Meet me at the library tomorrow so we could both go to my house.

Segun…… Okay thank you very much.

Back at Mrs Sharon scene, Mrs Sharon got to her house after spending some days at Liyah’s house. She went straight to Joyce gr@ve and kneel down.

Mrs Sharon……..My Dearest Daughter, Today, as I stood by your grave, the weight of longing and love filled the air around me. Memories of your laughter and warmth flooded my heart, reminding me of the precious moments we shared together. Though you are no longer here in the physical sense, your spirit remains etched in the deepest corners of my soul, guiding me through each day. As I traced the letters of your name etched in stone, I found solace in the cherished moments we shared and the love that binds us eternally. Your laughter echoes in the corridors of my mind, filling the emptiness with warmth and comfort. Each flower placed upon your resting place symbolizes the beauty you brought into my life and the enduring love I hold for you .Visiting your tomb is both heart-wrenching and comforting. It’s a reminder of the undeniable bond we share, transcending the boundaries of life and death. As I knelt before your resting place, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that you are in a place free from pain and suffering. Your absence is felt profoundly, yet your presence is ever-present in the beauty that surrounds me. My dear daughter, as I whispered words of love and longing into the gentle breeze, I felt your presence embracing me with a warmth that transcends time and space. Although our earthly journey together has come to an end, our connection remains unbreakable. Until we meet again, know that you are deeply loved and cherished, and your memory will forever be a beacon of light in my life. I love you. (Wipe her tears)

She took her bags and went inside. She then decided to send Liyah a text message.

Mrs Sharon…… Liyah, I am home now. I am okay and I will be fine. Please make sure you take care of yourself for me. Thank you for all your care towards me. You are really a kind hearted person I have ever met. And as for segun. I know he loves you and he is also thinking about you.

At Mrs Grace’s scene, mrs Grace went to see the pastor.

Mrs Grace……. Pastor, please I really need your prayers.

Pastor…… What happened this time around?

Mrs Grace….. The boy I am supposed to ask for forgiveness is not in the country, he traveled to London and will be back in three years.

Pastor…… Hmmm, then you will have to go to him.

Mrs Grace……. Yes exactly pastor, I am going to him. I will do anything in my power to look for him.

Pastor……. Don’t worry about anything, my prayers are with you.

Mrs Grace……. Thank you pastor.

Pastor……… You welcome, you just have to be prayerful.

Mrs Grace went back home thinking.

Mrs Grace……… A whole segun in London, Ayomide look at what you have missed, I am to be blame also. Now it is Liyah that is going to enjoy the most. But wait, what if I beg Segun to reunite with my daughter. I will try and see how it will go. Ayomide my darling daughter, I will bring you back home soon. Please forgive me and just know that your mother is doing everything possible to bring you back.

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide was busy talking to herself.

Ayomide……. I need to act fast, what if segun and Liyah are already planning on getting married. Segun please I really love you please. Please forgive me , My love for you is stronger than time, I know you will always remain mine, So I know that this will end soon and I will come back to you, Without you there is nothing left to see, Please I hope you will forgive me for what I did, The fault is mine I admit, i should not have broken up with you. Segun please do not get married to Liyah. I know you still love me and I will come back to you you. I know you are thinking about me. I will have to cut my ring finger to get this ring off my hands.

Just then Dagon walked in laughing

Dagon…… Even if you cut your whole hands just to get rid of that ring, you are still mine forever. Do you know why, because you are already carrying my child that will be sacrificed just to give me more powers and joined us together!

Ayomide……. Wait, what!! Pregnant for you, you are just lying because if I am pregnant I suppose to be having symptoms.

Dagon……. If you are married to a spirit and you are carrying one of their child you will not feel it, because the child is also spirit. And you can’t get rid of it that easily.

Ayomide…… Nnoooooo!!!!!! This can’t be, get it out of my body right now.

Dagon…….(laughing) hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, this is just the beginning for you. Segun and Liyah are already soulmate, there is nothing that can separate them. Your mother too wants you and segun to reunite but it won’t work out. (Disappeared)

Ayomide…… no no no no, this can’t be happening to me, this can’t be happening to me at this moment. Mom please get me out of here please (crying)

Joyce appeared to her.

Joyce……. I will help you if only you promise me one thing.

Ayomide……. Really (wipe her tears) what is that?

Joyce……. Promise me you won’t come in-between segun and Liyah.

Ayomide…… That is not possible, segun is mine, how do you want me to promise you such a thing.

Joyce……. Let me know when you are ready to change your mind (disappeared back)

Ayomide…….. Mtcheewww, look at what she is saying, usel*SS spirit. I will look for a way out myself.

The next day, segun went to the library where Jessica was waiting for him. After some time, segun followed Jessica to her house. Jessica welcome segun warmly. So Jessica and segun went to the study room.

Jessica…… Before I will help you, I need a favor from you.

Segun…… What kind of a favor do you want from me.

Jessica…… After helping you out with this tracking stuff, promise me that you will get intim@te with me.

Segun……. I don’t get what you are saying?

Jessica…… I want you to have s*x with me.

Segun……. Jessica, I can’t believe this is coming out of your mouth, is it because I ask you for help.

Jessica……. Yes of course, I really like you a lot.

Segun…… See Jessica, I have a girlfriend, not even a girlfriend, my fiancee to be. And she is pregnant waiting for me. I lost my phone while talking to her. I came to you for help and now you want me to sleep with you.

Jessica……. Common, what is there? It’s not a big deal! Your fiancee will understand, if you tell her.

Segun……. You know what?, I don’t need your help anymore, It will be better if you don’t help me at all. Have a great day ( left Jessica premises)

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah was seen in her room arranging some clothes when her mother walked up to her.

Mrs Juliet…… So you still want to go ahead and visit that guy.

Liyah…… Mother, he is the father of my unborn child, I need to go and see the reason why he has not been picking my calls.

Back at the segun scene, segun collected one of his friends on the school phone and began to search for Liyah’s name on Facebook. He came across Liyah’s Facebook account, he saw a number there in Liyah Facebook profile, unknown to him that it was Liyah’s mother’s phone number. He quickly copied the number and used is friend WhatsApp number to call the number on WhatsApp. The phone rang and someone picked it up.

Segun….. Hello Liyah please I am so sorry, it’s me, segun.

Mrs Juliet…… So you are the one that impregnated my daughter and chose to ignore her. (she went outside and entered the car to avoid Liyah from knowing)

Segun……… please who am I speaking with? I really need to talk to Liyah please.

Mrs Juliet…… This is Liyah’s mother. And my daughter is preparing for her introduction. She is getting married soon!! (Hangs up)

Segun…… I don’t believe this woman, she sounds rude, Liyah loves me and will not hurt me.

Segun……. But wait, what if she is saying the truth, Liyah getting married! This is insane, I can’t believe her mother. How do I reach her. Oh my goodness.

Back at the house Liyah decided to go and get her hair done, and get her nails fixed. She was just so excited.

Liyah…… Segun, I will be coming very soon. It should not be what I am thinking, you know I love you, you just decided to cut me off for good, who does that.

Back at Mrs Grace’s house. Mrs Grace decided to visit Liyah. On getting to her apartment, Liyah was not at home, the person she met at the house was Liyah’s mother. She was sitting in front of the compound.

Mrs Grace……. Hello.

Mrs Juliet…… And who are you?

Mrs Grace…… I am Liyah’s friend.

Mrs Juliet…… How can my daughter be a friend of a middle age woman.

Mrs Grace……. Oh so you are Liyah’s mother, it nice meeting you.

Mrs Juliet…… Go straight to the point, what do you want here?

Mrs Grace……. I came to inform your daughter that, I hope she is preparing. She needs to follow me to the passport office tomorrow.

Mrs Juliet……. So it is you that want to go and take my daughter to another country.

Mrs Grace……. Yes, because she needs to see the father of her child.

Mrs Juliet……. Who send you self?

Mrs Grace…… Excuse me! Is this how you talk to visitors. Are you not ashamed. Are you trying to ruin your daughter’s happiness. You have just be scanning me from head to toe for what! You better allow that girl to visit her husband, the father of her unborn child or people will be calling your grandchild a b@st@rd. And I know you don’t want that. We parents needs to care for our children happiness. I am out of here (she left without looking back) that woman is so annoying.

Mrs Juliet…… Just imagine, I don’t blame you now, it is Liyah I blame. And who is even this woman.

Later that night, Liyah came back from the salon, she went straight to the bathroom and took her bath without looking at the her room, because her body was intching her due to the attachments on her body. She came out of the bathroom after taking her bath. And was surprised to see the clothes she arranged inside her travel bag. Scattered everywhere on the bed. She immediately went to her meet her mother.

Liyah……. Mom, what the hell happened to my clothes?

Mrs Juliet……. Are you asking me?

Liyah….. You are the only one at home, and I know that you are the one that will scatter my things. Why are you behaving this way?!

Mrs Juliet……. Don’t you d@re shout at me. You allowed one woman to insult me today because of your carelessness of getting pregnant for a guy that dumped you.

Liyah……. Mom if you have not insulted the person, she won’t have abused you. Mom this is becoming too much, please you need to go back to your place, because I am mentally drained because of all this. You are supposed to be pampering me not making everything worse.

Mrs Juliet…… So you are really chasing me out of your house?

Liyah……. Mom if you want to think about it that way, then think. I am tired of all this your drama. Please just go back. (Walked back to her room)

Mrs Juliet……. Wow I can’t believe this.

Mrs Juliet had already packed her things that night after thinking. Very early that morning, she wrote a message and put it beside Liyah’s bed with some breakfast. Liyah woke up the next day and Saw the letter beside her she picked it up and read it.

The letter……….. Dear Liyah, I hope this message finds you well. I want to express my sincerest apologies for the argument we had recently. Our disagreement escalated far beyond what either of us intended, and I deeply regret the hurtful words and actions exchanged during that time. I want you to know that I value our relationship immensely, and seeing it strained breaks my heart. The last thing I ever want is for you to feel disrespected or unloved by me. My actions were out of line, and I take full responsibility for the pain they caused you. In the aftermath of our fight, I realize that I overstepped boundaries by not respecting your space when you needed it. By leaving your house abruptly, I failed to acknowledge your need for time and distance to process our conflict. I am truly sorry for disregarding your feelings and exacerbating the situation. Please know that I am committed to learning from this experience and improving as a parent and as a person. I understand that actions speak louder than words, and I am determined to demonstrate through my future behavior the respect and consideration you deserve. As we navigate through this challenging time, I want to assure you that my love for you remains unwavering. I am here whenever you are ready to talk, and I am willing to listen with an open heart. Your happiness and well-being are my top priorities, and I will do everything in my power to mend our relationship. Take all the time you need, Liyah. I am patiently awaiting the opportunity to rebuild our bond and create happier memories together. Until then, please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. With all my love and deepest apologies

Liyah…… Now I am feeling bad for telling her to leave my house.

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide couldn’t keep calm, she stood up and came out of the house. She then decided to escape. She walked slowly towards the bush, unknown to her that the place she was about to pass is very dangerous.

Ayomide…… This is it, finally I am going to leave this place for good. Segun just waits for me. I am coming to you soon.

At Liyah’s scene, Liyah arranges the clothes her mother had scattered. Later in the afternoon she dressed up and headed towards Mr Tope’s house. She got to the house and greeted them. Mr Tope and Mrs Grace were watching a Christian movie.

Mrs Grace…… Liyah it is good to have you here.

Liyah……. Thank you ma. How are you doing ma.

Mrs Grace…… I am fine thanks.

Mr Tope……. Liyah sits down, I have told you times without number that you are not a stranger in this house.

Liyah……..(smile) okay sir.

Mr Tope…… So about the traveling stuff, I have brought you guys tickets and you will be leaving next tomorrow.

Liyah…… Thank you very much sir, God will bless you for me.

Mrs Grace…… Thank you my husband!

Mr Tope…… You guys should stop thanking me joor.

Mrs Grace…… Okay, that reminds me, Liyah I was at your place yesterday.

Liyah…… Really, you must have met my mother.

Mrs Grace……. Yes of course I met her, she was rude towards me tho.

Liyah……. I am so sorry about that, she was just being over protective. Please don’t take whatever she says to heart.

Mrs Grace…….. It is okay, it is in the past tho.

Back in London, segun was seen sitting down in the classroom thinking.

Segun……. Is it true that Liyah is about to get married, but why do I feel like that woman was lying to me, what if she is saying the truth, but I don’t believe it. Liyah is carrying my child, I don’t believe that woman. Gosh I am just so confused now. What am I going to do now.

Later that night, Liyah decided to visit her mom the next day so she could talk to her before leaving for London. Liyah brought out her phone and dialed the segun number but it was not going.

Back at Ayomide’s scene, Ayomide was seen still passing through the bush, she was already tired and getting weak. She decided to sit down and rest. But she was so scared because everywhere was dark and quiet. She climbed one of the trees and rested there. Throughout that night that she slept in the bush, she was just hearing strange noises, people were talking but she couldn’t see them. And she dares not to interrupt them.

The next day, Liyah went to her mom’s house. Her mother was happy to see her, she hugged her daughter. And they both went inside.

Liyah……. Mom I Saw your letter and…..

Mrs Juliet…….. Liyah I am so sorry, I was just confused.

Liyah……. Mom I am not angry with you. I don’t just like the way you are controlling me.

Mrs Juliet……. I was just scared, what if the guy doesn’t love you, I am just looking out for you. What if he hurt you, what if something happened to you, I don’t want you to pass through what I have passed through in the hands of your father. I was only worried about you. Please I am sorry.

Liyah………. Mom it is fine, now I understand you but you just have to trust me, I am a grown up woman now.

Mrs Juliet…… Yes I believe in you. And when are you leaving Nigeria?

Liyah……… Tomorrow.

Mrs Juliet…… So soon, anyway I wish you all the best.

Liyah……… Thank you mother, but mom I just want you to be rest assured that everything will be fine, I just want to go and find out what is going on.

Mrs Juliet……(in her mind) I am so sorry, Liyah I can’t tell you that he called and I lied to him. I can’t tell you.

Liyah…… Mom, why are you staring at me and you are quiet.

Mrs Juliet….. It is nothing I am fine. So what will you do if you find out that he has been ignoring your calls or already following another girl.

Liyah……. Mom, don’t say that, let me just find out why his phone has not been going through. But if I find out that is phone is okay or he is with another woman, I will just move on with my life and look for someone else to get married to.


Ayomide was seen walking in the bush when she met a young boy sitting on the floor with his head down crying, Ayomide was surprised to see a child inside this dangerous Bush, the child was crying.

Ayomide……. What is this boy doing here by this time of the day, (approached the child) hello, Hi. What are you doing here boy?

Ayomide sharply, moving closer to the boy so that she could recognize the boy. But as she approached the boy, she sensed that that something was wrong, the boy was crying, his head hung down, he held his face in his hand and his body shook convulsing. It was a strange soundless weeping and Ayomide felt quite uneasy.

Ayomide……. Well, what is the matter? What are you crying for?

The boy was not answering ayomide or could not look up, his body continued to be rocked with silent sobbing.

Ayomide……. Come on boy, you shouldn’t be out here at this hour. Tell me the trouble, look up.

The boy looked up, he took his hands from his face and looked up at ayomide. Ayomide shouted upon seeing the boy’s face. He had no eyes, ears, nose or mouth. It was just a rounded smooth head with a school cap on top of it.

Ayomide was so scared, she started running away after seeing such. She was now regretting why she escaped.

The next day Mrs Grace and Liyah left Nigeria. Liyah was so excited, she was just thinking.

Liyah……. I am so excited, I am going to finally see segun, I need to ask him why he has been ignoring my call.

Mrs Grace…….. I am sure you are very excited.

Liyah…… Of course, I am excited. All thanks to you and Mr Tope.

Mrs Grace……. It is okay my dear. I just pray that segun forgives me.

Liyah……. As long as I am there with you.


In the heart of the evil forest, Ayomide found herself surrounded by towering trees shrouded in darkness. The eerie silence was broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant howls of unseen creatures. She had narrowly escaped the clutches of the spirit world, but now faced a new challenge. surviving in this forbidding realm. With every step, Ayomide felt the weight of despair pressing down on her. She knew she couldn’t stay in one place for long, for danger lurked in every shadow. Drawing upon her inner strength, she pressed forward, determined to find a way out of the sinister forest. As she journeyed deeper into the dense foliage, Ayomide’s senses sharpened, attuned to the slightest sign of danger. Yet, despite her vigilance, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Shadows danced at the corners of her vision, and whispers echoed through the trees, taunting her with promises of doom. But Ayomide refused to succumb to fear. With each passing hour, her resolve grew stronger, fueled by the memory of her parents and segun and the burning desire to see them again. She forged ahead, relying on her instincts to guide her through the labyrinth of twisted paths and hidden dangers. She stopped walking after she came across a very big pyton.

Ayomide……. Oh my goodness, someone should please save me.

Ayomide could not move as she was screaming for help, the snake went closer to her, immediately the Snake wanted to attack her, she disappeared. Ayomide with her eyes closed open her eyes to see if the python was still around her, she was surprised to see that she was back to the spirit world and she was inside the room. Dagon was busy staring at her.

Dagon……. Welcome back.

Ayomide……. What the hell!!! How come I am back to this place after going far.

Dagon…….. That ring in your hand brought you back, or unless you would have been eaten by an hungry phyton.

Ayomide……. It is better than staying here!!

Dagon…….. You are the one that screamed for help, so the ring brought you back, and even if you get to your house, the ring will still bring you back.

Ayomide……..I want to go home, why can’t you just allow me to go home.

Dagon……… You are my wife, and let me explain something to you now, everything that was happening to you in that forest, I know about it. Infact I was with you all throughout. And the boy with no face, mouth eyes and ear is the child that is in your womb.

Ayomide……whattt!!! Why are you punishing me, please take this thing away from me.

Dagon…….. I can’t take anything away until it is born and would be sacrificed.

Ayomide……. Please let me go I don’t want to stay here again (crying)

Dagon……. You can’t go, your greediness brought you here. And this is where you are going to be staying forever.

6 hours 35m later Liyah and Mrs Grace finally got to London, United Kingdom. Liyah was so tired, they both look for a nice hotel to stay. Mrs Grace paid for the VIP section, she paid for two weeks. The hotel was so nice. Liyah dropped her bag on the bed and knelt down and thank God for journey mercy. She immediately went to the bathroom and took her bath. Then she went to the bed to sleep, she refused to eat because she doesn’t have an appetite for food. Mrs Grace ordered for food in the hotel while she went to take her bath. Some few minutes later they brought the food for her.

Back at Mrs Juliet house, Mrs Juliet tried calling the number segun used to call her, but it was not going through, she tried calling it like five times but it was not going through.

Segun was seen in his hostel room, with book in his hand. He couldn’t focus on reading the book because he was thinking about Liyah..

Segun……. I really love you Liyah, please don’t get married to any man. You are the source of my happiness, please I can’t focus on anything, my mind is not here. Please just don’t leave me alone, my phone was stolen. Liyah I really really love you. Please don’t leave me for another guy, I am going to get through to you no matter what, please my love hang in there for me.

Back at Liyah’s scene, as Liyah was sleeping she had a dream that as she went to visit segun in the school, segun was already with another one, they both went to the hostel to have s*x. Liyah shouted and woke up from the dream, mrs Grace too woke up because of Liyah’s screaming.

Mrs Grace…….. Liyah what is it, what is going on?

Liyah……. Sorry, it’s nothing I just had a bad dream that’s all.

Mrs Grace…… Tell me.

Liyah………(narrating the dream to Mrs Grace)

Mrs Grace……. It’s your mind that is just playing you. Go to bed.

Liyah……. Thank you ma.

Back at the spirit world Ayomide was seen crying. Joyce appeared to her in the room and sat down beside her.

Ayomide……. Why are you here again?

Joyce…….. Ayomide, you are the one that is suffering yourself, accept the fact that you and segun can’t be together. That is the only way you can leave this place.

Ayomide……. Don’t (wipe her tears) don’t you dare tell me to let segun get married to Liyah, I still love segun. I was only blinded by wealth, which I am regretting now.

Joyce…… Now that you want to go back to segun, what do you want him to do to Liyah and his unborn child.

Ayomide……. I don’t care about them, I will pay Liyah a huge amount of money and let her leave segun alone.

Joyce…… Do you think Liyah will accept, do you think she is like you also?

Ayomide…… I don’t care if she will collect it or not. If she refuses to let him be, I will have to set her up.

Joyce…….. I can’t believe this, see Ayomide you are still here because of your bad attitude, instead of you to be begging God for forgiveness of sin so you can go back home, don’t you care about your parents, don’t you care about your loved ones. Do you want to stay here until they turned you into one of them.

Ayomide…….. Let me ask you a question. When did you turn into a motivational speaker, is it because you are in the spirit world?

Joyce…… I don’t blame you, all I will just tell you is change your ways. (Disappeared)

Ayomide…….. Confused spirit. I have tried to leave this place before and I will try leaving here again, I don’t even need their help. How am I even sure if my mom and father is even searching for me. As for Liyah, you can’t get married to segun under my own watch. Never will I allow that.

Joyce was sitting at the other end of the goddess river when Dagon sat down beside her.

Dagon…… Enjoying yourself

Joyce…… Yeah I am and what are you doing here?

Dagon……. Just passing by.

Joyce……. Why don’t you release my friend, she has been here for a very long time. Why are you being mean towards her.

Dagon……. I am not being mean towards her. I just want her to learn her lesson.

Joyce…….I don’t think she wants to learn her lesson, just let her go.

Dagon……… Let me tell you a secret. But I will tell you the secret, first go and ask Ayomide who is Samuel back in her secondary school days.

Joyce……. How does it concern all what I am asking.

Dagon……..Ask her first and I will let you know the reason why I want you to ask her. I want to know her first statement. I will be here waiting for you

Joyce…… Okay.

Joyce disappeared back to Ayomide’s room.

Ayomide……. Are you here to motivate me again.

Joyce…….. I need to ask you a very important question and please make sure you tell me the truth.

Ayomide…… What do you want me to tell you, and will the question you want to ask me, take me out of this place.

Joyce……. Maybe. So who is Samuel back at your secondary school days.

Ayomide……..(confused) Samuel, back at my secondary school days.

Joyce……. Yes, do you know him and do you remember him.

Ayomide……. Ohhhhhh now I remember, Samuel the poor rag back at my secondary school days that wanted to date me. Oh my God the guy is so poor I wonder how he gained admission into our school back then.

Joyce……. So did you date him.

Ayomide…….. Yes I did but I left him since he couldn’t afford to be taking care of my needs. And not until the first time we visited his house, his parents were so poor. I was ashamed because my class mates made mockry of me. I regret dating him.

Joyce……. Hmmmm (disappeared back?

Ayomide…….. Is this girl okay at all, she just disappeared without saying anything.

Back at London, Liyah and Mrs Grace got to the school that segun was attending, it took them a whole two hours before they could locate the school. They went to the school authority to ask for segun. The school authority gave them the number of segun hostel. Liyah was so happy, they got to the hostel, Liyah so over excited and opened the door without knocking, immediately she opened the door, she Saw a white lady trying to climb segun body. Segun was trying to stop the lady. Liyah shouted and segun pushed the white lady on hearing Liyah’s voice, Liyah ran away, mrs Grace went after her and segun was dumbfounded, he stood up and ran after them. Mrs Grace couldn’t run after Liyah anymore because she was stressed, segun just asked her to go and wait for him in his hostel while he ran after Liyah. Liyah was running so fast.

Segun……. Liyah please stop, it is not what you think!!!! Please stop!

Segun…….. (Chasing after Liyah) please wait, it is not what you think please wait!! Liyah I love you!!

Liyah stopped running and turned around, segun catching up with her. Segun was about to say something when Liyah slapped him across the face, tears were dropping from her eyes.

Liyah……. I don’t want to ever hear that statement from your mouth again!!

Segun…….. Liyah I love you.

Liyah…….(slap him again) Don’t you….

Segun…… I love you.

She was about to slap segun again, segun stopped her from doing that by hugging her so tight, she was trying to free herself from segun but she couldn’t.

Segun……. Please Liyah, please calm down, please let me talk first, please allow me to talk. I am begging you. Please I love you please I love you.

Segun released himself from Liyah and held her hands, tears were dropping from her eyes.

Segun……… Liyah what you Saw there was fake, I promise you that it is fake, she was into me because I asked her for help. I did not know when she entered my room and pushed herself on my body, just as she entered that was when you opened the door please believe me.

Liyah…….(remove her hands from segun own) i don’t believe you!!!

Segun……. Liyah I promise you, I am not che@ting on you, please believe me, it is you that I love you and nobody else.

Liyah……. Segun, I don’t believe anything you are saying here, since the day I broke the news about my pregnancy to you, that was the day you started ignoring.

Segun……. Liyah I swe@r on my father’s gr@ve that my phone was stolen that day. That girl you met in my room is Jessica, she has been into me since I got into this school. I don’t have anything to do with her please believe me. My phone was stolen, I can’t just ignore you like that.

Liyah……… But why couldn’t you contact me with other people’s numbers.

Segun……… I know your number off head, I went to your old Facebook account and copied the number that was there, I called the number on WhatsApp and a woman picked it up claiming she is your mother and that you are doing introduction.

Liyah…….. What!!!! What do you mean by that. (Brought out her phone and gave it to segun to search for an account he got the number from)

Segun searched for the Facebook account and showed segun the number. Liyah was surprised.

Liyah……. This is my mother’s number, how come she never told me that you called.

Segun……. Do you believe me now, my phone was stolen. Liyah you know I love you very much and I……

A phone started ringing inside the oversized trouser that the segun was putting on. It was a segun phone Ring tune. Segun was shocked, he put hands in his pocket and brought out his phone. Liyah was dumbfounded as segun brought out his phone from his pocket, the number that was calling him was saved as “my love”

Segun……. How come!!

Liyah……. Segun I can’t believe you are a big liar and a gold

d!gger. You are a liar!!!!

Segun…….. Liyah please believe me when I say I am shocked seeing my phone in my pocket!

Liyah……… You disgust me, you are a very big liar, you even saved the so called girl name as my love, you even lied that you called my Mom line and she said I am doing an introduction. Segun you are a liar. (moving backward).

Segun…….. Liyah, I can never lie on your own mother, Liyah please believe me i am shocked too, seeing the phone inside my pocket. My phone was snatched away from me while I was on a call with you. Please believe me Liyah.

Liyah……… Sorry I don’t trust you anymore, with all I have seen today, you are a cheater and a very big liar.

Segun…….. Enough of this, why don’t you just believe me!!! I am saying the truth!! I am surprised seeing this inside my pocket!!! Liyah why don’t you just believe me please!!!

Liyah…… I can’t believe you!!!! All your care towards me was only to get under my skirt. You don’t fu*king love me (crying) you were only using me to satisfy your s*xual urge.

Segun…… Wow really Liyah!

Liyah……….The way you used to pretend, The way you used to care for me, The way in which you were there for me, I Never thought it was all fake, You made my life a mess, How could you make a mockery out of our love!!!!

Segun……. Really!! Is that what you believe!!! You know what, fine. Tell me you don’t love me anymore and I promise not to disturb you for the rest of my life.

Liyah…… You are a cheater!!! And I don’t love you anymore!!!! I don’t love you!!!

Segun……..Love is a pure emotion, But you never understand the meaning of it. I was just a fling for you. Just for playing games and true. But let me tell you that you broke my heart

And now you are not a part of my life anymore, As I am breaking up with you today,Goodbye is all I want to say! And for the unborn child I will take full responsibility. (Walking back to the school with a sad face)

Liyah……..(crying and watching how segun was walking away from her) I think I was a fool to believe you, I could not see your hidden mask, I used to believe in love that you bask, You played and cheated on me. A love lost which I couldn’t see,You broke my heart really bad, Left me all in a state of sadness. This was not my choice and you know, But you never really loved me in life, It was all a fling from your side. I gave my heart to you my boy. Then why take away my joy, Gave me silent tears for life

A love lost that I am deprived of.

Segun went back to the hostel looking sad, he forgot that Mrs Grace was inside. Immediately he saw mrs Grace, he started smiling back. Mrs Grace noticed his mood swings.

Mrs Grace……. Is everything fine between you two now?

Segun……. No, we broke up.

Mrs Grace…… Why?? I thought she was happy when we were coming here.

Segun…… Not anymore, even if she begs me back, we can’t be in a relationship anymore, but I will take care of my responsibility.

Mrs Grace……. I know that both of you will work things out.

Segun…… That is not possible anymore because there is no trust. Trust is like a mirror, once it’s broken, you can never look at it the same way again. Liyah doesn’t trust me and I can’t marry someone who doesn’t trust me. It’s just painful. Well anyway I am surprised you are here also.

Mrs Grace……. (Knee down) segun please……

Segun……. Haba ma, please stand up you don’t have to kneel down for me now, it’s not good at all.

Mrs Grace…….. Segun please I am begging you please forgive me and my daughter for what we have done towards you in the past, please we are sorry. I am sure she must have learned her lesson. Please segun please forgive me.

Segun…….. Mummy, please you don’t need to apologize, everything is in the past now, I have forgiven you people. All thanks to you people I was motivated to continue working. To God who bare me witness, I am not upset with you again. I have already forgiven Ayomide since.

Mrs Grace……… Are you sure that you are not upset?

Segun…….. I am not upset anymore

Mrs Grace…… Thank you so much, let me keep going now I will talk to Liyah when I get to the hotel where we are staying.

Segun…… You don’t need to talk to her ma, everything will be alright.

Mrs Grace…… Don’t worry I will sort things out.

Just as Mrs Grace about to leave, Jessica opened the door wide without knocking.

Jessica…….. Is this your mother?

Segun…….. Mummy, please you can go now I have heard all what you said.

Mrs Grace….. Thank you so much segun.

Mrs Grace opened the door and do as if she had already left, segun Lock the door and started shouting at Jessica, Mrs Grace Saw that segun had locked the door. She quickly went back and put her ears on the door to hear their conversation.

Jessica……. Was that your mom?

Segun…….. What do you want from me now.

Jessica…….. Segun, it is you I want. Why are you just so being over pathetic. So that was your girlfriend that opened the door on us. I am happy she came at the right time.

Segun………(brought out his phone and showed it to Jessica) how did this get to my pocket!

Jessica……. Are you not happy to see your phone? Well I was the one that sent a guy to snatch your phone, and luckily there was no password on it, so I saved my number as “my love” on your phone.

Segun……… Why did you do that (with a sad voice)

Jessica…… I did that because you were not giving me attention, and I really needed you badly that was why I asked you to come over to my place to track your phone. I did all that because I love you.

Segun……. That is not love, that is what they called wickedness. See I am going to report you to the police.

Jessica…….( Laughing) and who do you think they would believe, white or a black stranger.

Segun…….. I can’t believe you could do this. Do you think I will sleep with you or even date you with everything you have caused.

Jessica…… That’s your business, not mine. We would meet in class my love.

Mrs Grace immediately hide her face and Jessica came out of the room laughing, she went back to her class. Mrs Grace was surprised and went back to the hotel. It was already late at night. On getting to the hotel, Mrs Grace was surprised to see Liyah arranging all her things back. Mrs Grace tried to stop her.

Mrs Grace……. Liyah what do you think you are doing?

Liyah…….. Preparing to go back home.

Mrs Grace……… We have only used only one day and we have not spent our two weeks here.

Liyah……. Ma, there is nothing here left for me to do, I just want to go back home.

Mrs Grace……. You are actually stressing your pregnancy

Liyah…… He or she will understand.

Mrs Grace……… Liyah Trust is the foundation of any relationship; without it, the whole structure collapses. It is very bad of you not to know the kind of man you are dating, and what he is capable of doing and not doing.

Liyah…….. I can’t believe him anymore, he lied to me. His phone that he claims he lost, is busy lying down in his pocket. Segun can’t deceive me.

Mrs Grace………. (Sit down, and Liyah too sit down) now let me tell you everything I used my own ear to hear. (She explained everything to Liyah)

Liyah………(crying) why did he not tell me any of that stuff.

Mrs Grace……… I guess he would have wanted to explain everything but because of your anger and trust issue, you have ruined Everything. You need to fix your relationship with him back or just kiss your relationship good bye.

Liyah……. Let me go to him now.

Mrs Grace……. No you can’t, it is already late, you can go very early tomorrow morning.

Liyah……. Thank you so much, I really regretted my actions towards him, I even told him I don’t love him anymore.

The next morning, Liyah woke up very early and went to segun school, she went to the hostel but he was not there, it was a new face that was there, she asked about segun from the stranger and he said he did not meet anyone there. Liyah went to the school director’s office to ask about segun. She was shocked when the director told her that segun has been transferred to another school in another country.

Liyah…… what!!! When how?

Director…….he was the one that requested to be transferred, so he was transferred last night, he is supposed to be there by now.

Liyah…… Ohhhhhh no!! Did he tell you anything before going, or did he drop a message.

Director……….. not at all, but he gave me this cash to give you. It’s twenty one thousand dollars.

Liyah……. How are you sure he said you should give it to me.

Director…… He showed me your picture before dropping the money, he said you should use it in taking care of his child, until he is done with training.

Liyah……. Sir please can I get information about the school he is in now.

Director……. Sorry I can’t, he warned me not to give his information to you so sorry I can’t.

Liyah…… Thank you.

Jessica walked inside the director’s office without even knocking.

Jessica…… Sir is it true that you have transferred segun to another school?

Director…… And how does it affect you. I only know about his woman

Jessica……. so it’s because of this lady sitting down here!!

Director….. Hey Jessica!!! You don’t talk to our visitors in this training school.

Jessica…… And what if I?!!!!!

Director…… You are expelled for two months, get out of my office!!

Jessica hissed and left the director’s office, Liyah thanked the director and left the school premises. She was so sad. She tried calling the Segun line. But the call was going to voicemail.

Liyah……. I am so sorry segun, I should have trusted you (started crying, stop a taxi and went back to the hotel)

Is that the end of their relationship 🤷, we would find out soon.

Liyah……. What have I caused?, Femi really really love me. I have used my own hands to ruin everything.

Back at the spirit world, Joyce and Dagon were talking.

Joyce……. So you are Samuel?

Dagon…… Yes I am, I am Samuel, ayomide hurted me back in secondary school. She made me questions the life I was living. She ruined my life back in secondary school.

Joyce….. Ayomide why now? You need to tell her who you really her.

Dagon…… Not now.

Joyce…… So how did you end up in this spirit world.

Dagon…… After the day Ayomide insulted me in front of my classmates, I became ashamed of myself. People used to make fun of me at school, I was living a miserable life. I was coming back from school one day thinking and got hit by a car. I never knew that I was already on a highway due to thinking. That was how I found myself here.

Joyce……. Wow, please you need to forgive her.

Dagon…… I am not angry at her at all, I just want her to learn her lesson. Her ex would have also fallen victim of her abusive words. I just want her to learn her lesson that’s all.

Joyce……. hmmmm.

Liyah went back to the hotel room crying, Mrs Grace was asking her what the problem was.

Mrs Grace……. Liyah, what is the problem, why are you crying? Is everything alright.

Liyah……. Everything is not alright, segun has left me for good.

Mrs Grace……. What do you mean by that, did he chase you away?

Liyah…… No, he did not chase me away, he has gone to another school.

Mrs Grace…….. What!

Liyah…… Yes! Segun has left me for good, I really pushed him away. I should have trusted him. I have used my own hands to scatter my relationship.

Mrs Grace…… Liyah, it is enough, stop crying. Maybe he is just upset that you did not trust him. But don’t worry I will talk to him.

Liyah…… I don’t think he loves me anymore!!

Back in the spirit world, Joyce and Ayomide were seen discussing.

Ayomide……. Joyce remembers we are friends, I have helped you in many ways. Why don’t you help me. Why are you being cruel towards me your friend.

Joyce…….. I am not being cruel towards you. You just have to learn your lesson and learn to accept whatever life throws at you.

Ayomide…… Is this because of segun and Liyah?

Joyce……. Ayomide, you need to understand, that you and segun can never ever ever be together. Why is it that it is now you are so into segun.

Ayomide…….. Joyce, you don’t know anything about love, if you do, you won’t be blaming me that i want to go back to segun.

Joyce…….it is you that doesn’t understand anything about love, all you care about is money, material things. If you really love segun, you wouldn’t have left him when he was struggling. Remember he begged you, he shaded tears for you not to leave him. But you still left him, is that what they call love. Now let me ask you something. Can you go back to Samuel if you see him.

Ayomide……. God forbid, never will I. Why would you ask me that stup!d question.

Joyce……. And why don’t you want to go back to him?

Ayomide……. I don’t know. I am only asking you to help me. But I guess you don’t want to help me. You are just a b@d friend. Just suit yourself. I won’t beg you anymore.

Two days later, Back at the hotel room, Liyah was seen vomiting, Mrs Grace was pouring water on her head. She assists Liyah back to the bed.

Mrs Grace……. Liyah, we will be leaving here tomorrow.

Liyah……. Okay sure no worries about that.

Mrs Grace…… I hope you are okay?

Liyah…….. Yes I am.

Mrs Grace……. Let me quickly use the bathroom. The hotel reception called me, and someone is bringing something to the room for us.

Liyah…….. Okay sure.

Mrs Grace went into the bathroom, someone was knocking on the hotel room, and Mrs Grace told Liyah to open the door. Liyah opened the door and was surprised to see a segun holding a flower standing at the door, Liyah jumped on his body and hugged him so tight. And she started crying.

Liyah…….. I love you so much!! I am sorry I pushed you away. Segun I love you so much. I am sorry.

Segun………(rubbing her back) I love you too, I was so restless not talking to you, Liyah you mean the world to me. You Have No Clue, How Much I Love You, To the rest of the world you must be just another woman, But to me you’re the one who makes me smile, because only you can. You give me friendship, you give me support, you give me confidence, Meeting you in life, was definitely no coincidence. You are the one who is made for me on earth, And I was made for you, right from birth.

I can imagine myself with no other but you, I love you so much and you actually have no clue.

Liyah……..(crying) segun Sorry for everything that I did , The pain that you went through, The agony and feeling of blue Was all because of me , I am sorry from my heart, For a new start! I don’t want to ever leave you, I feel usel*ss without you.

Mrs Grace……. Awwwwww, thank God you listen to me segun, I can’t just let you guys ruin your relationship because of a misunderstanding.

Sorry for the late post, I am really busy at work.

Mrs Grace……. Awe, thank God you listen to me segun. I am happy for both of you.

Liyah……. wait, what!! Did you call him?

Mrs Grace……(smiling) yes I did, I was not happy seeing you sad.

Liyah…… (Hugged Mrs Grace) thank you so much, for saving my relationship. Thank you very much ma.

Mrs Grace…… You don’t need to thank me, I am just making amends.

Segun….. You are such a nice woman. So please can you spare Liyah for me, for now till tomorrow, I would love to take her out on a date.

Mrs Grace……. okay that’s cool, she is yours. You don’t need permission. Liyah go get dressed.

Liyah went to dress while Mrs Grace and segun were whispering to each other and laughing.

Back at Ayomide’s scene, Ayomide was seen discussing with Dagon.

Ayomide…… Dagon please why are you still keeping me here, I want to go back to my parents house. Please.

Dagon…… Really, why do you want to go back?

Ayomide……..I want to go back because I miss my parents, please I am begging you.

Dagon……. Sorry, you can’t go back, it is your ex boyfriend that you are thinking about. You are not thinking about your parents.

Ayomide…… Fine, I am not going to see my parents, I need to get back to my ex, please let me go. We are two different people from different worlds. Please let me go.

Dagon……. You can’t.

Back at the Segun scene, segun and Liyah were seen entering a restaurant, the tables were already set for both of them.

Liyah……. Segun, did you plan all this?

Segun…… Yes of course my darling.

Liyah…… Wow, it is so beautiful!!

Segun……. And you are the most beautiful woman I have ever set my eyes on.

Liyah…….. Awwwwww, Thank you. I love you.

Segun…….. I love you too.

Just then Jessica interrupted them.

Jessica……. Oh wow, segun you are really back?

Segun……. (Surprised) are you stalking me now?!

Jessica……. So this is where you were transferred to, to a restaurant with this thing! Segun I love you. She is not good for you.

Segun……. Hey!!! Don’t talk to my woman like that and…..

Liyah……. Babe, don’t worry (stood up) allow me to handle her.

Segun…… Are you sure about this?

Liyah…… Yes I am, trust me.

Segun…….. Okay.

Liyah……… Hello oyinbo pepper, so you are the one that is chasing my man because you want to sleep with him. You even tried to ruin our relationship.

Jessica……. Point of correction, he is not your man, he is my man.

Liyah…….(laughing) Do you want me to cast a spell and put a curse on you?

Jessica…… How will you be able to do that when you are not a witch!!

Liyah……. Do you know how many people I have turned to dog, cow and pig. I will turn you into one of them I will make you bark like a dog if you don’t leave my man alone.

Jessica……. You just want me to be scared of you.

Liyah…….. Okay, I will show you now (use her hand and start acting like a witch towards segun, and she speaks in Yoruba to segun to bark like a dog)

Segun started barking like a dog and Jessica was getting scared.

Jessica…… Oh my God, you are a wit*h!! I am out of here, I don’t need your man!! (She ran away)

Liyah and segun started laughing.

Segun…… Oh my God, Liyah you are really a funny person, you need to look at her face, she was so scared. Hahahahahaha. Please let us enjoy our date now in peace.

The waiter brought drinks for them. And after they brought a plate that was covered, segun asked her to open it so they can start eating. she opened it and immediately saw a box of ring on the plate, Liyah opened her mouth wide open as segun kneel down in front of her, with the box of ring in his hand.

Segun……..liyah, my love, my soulmate As I sit here reflecting on our journey together, I’m overwhelmed by the depth of love and happiness you’ve brought into my life. You’ve been my rock, my inspiration, and my greatest source of joy. Today, as I take a moment to envision our future, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming certainty that I want to spend every moment of it with you. You are my soulmate, my partner-in-crime, and my best friend. With you, I’ve found a love so pure and true that it fills every corner of my being. I cherish every laugh we share, every tear we wipe away, and every dream we chase together. So, my love, I want to ask you the most important question of my life: Will you marry me? Will you continue to stand by my side, through thick and thin, as we navigate the beautiful journey of life together? I promise to cherish you, support you, and love you with all my heart, for eternity. Will you marry me?!

Liyah…….. Yes!!!! A big yes I will marry you babe!!! (Started crying)

Segun slipped the ring on her finger as everyone in the restaurant Started clapping for them. They both shared a kiss.

Segun……. I love you so much.

Liyah……. I love you too.

Liyah was so happy.

Back in the spirit world, Ayomide was thinking, she was not happy, she wanted to see segun by any means.

Ayomide…….. Why can’t I leave this place, who have I offended, I am so tired. God please forgive me my sins, please God help me to leave this place, I don’t want to stay here forever, I am so tired. God please help me. Please.

Just then Joyce disappeared in front of Ayomide. Ayomide got angry.

Ayomide……. What do you want here? Why are you just disturbing, you don’t want to stay with me and you are disturbing me, you don’t want to help me and you keep on distracting me. What the h*ll do you want?!

Joyce……..I am just excited.

Ayomide…… Excited about what?!

Joyce…….. There is no point in telling you, you should not have heartbreak.

Ayomide……. What do you mean by that?

Joyce……. You heard me right, if I tell you, I am not sure you will be able to handle it.

Ayomide……. Then what are you doing here?, What do you want from me?

Joyce……. Let me just tell you, Liyah is engaged to segun.

Ayomide…….(laughing) liar, you are just playing. When did they start dating that segun will propose to her?

Joyce……….(use her hands to point at the wall, segun and Liyah appeared on the wall, Ayomide saw everything) did you see it now?

Ayomide……. No!!! This can’t be!! They cannot be engaged to each other, segun is mine!! Liyah stole my man from me!!

Joyce……. The last time I checked, the two of you are not dating.

Ayomide…….. Joyce, you are not a good friend, now I can see you are happy, assuming you have helped me. All this won’t be happening now.

Joyce……. Don’t you dare blame me!! It is because of you I am here. You pushed me into sleeping with that man.

Ayomide…….. And that is good for you!!

Joyce……… Now I see why Samuel is still keeping you here, you don’t want to learn your lesson!!!

Ayomide……. Wait!! I did not hear you well, what did you just say!!

Joyce………. (Laughing) let this get into your head now. Dagon is Samuel!!! The guy you abused in school!!


Joyce disappeared back because she was so angry, ayomide was confused.

Ayomide…… Did she just say Dagon is Samuel, I am sure I heard what she said clearly!! How can this be!!

Back at Liyah’s and segun scene.

Segun…… Liyah, I love you and I don’t want us to be separate from each other.

Liyah…… I was so depressed when you Left me. I thought my relationship with you was over.

Segun….. Well we have learned our lesson.

Liyah…… Yes ohhh, and we have a wedding to plan (looked at the ring) it’s so beautiful. Thank you so much

Segun…… You’re welcome, I feel like a complete man now

Liyah……. You are funny. So you were not a complete man before.

Segun…… Yes now, you were my missing rib.

Liyah…… I am blushing, so about Mrs Grace, have you forgiven her.

Segun…… Since when, I have forgiven her. She is a changed person now. I was surprised when she called me and told me how you were behaving when I left you and she really talked to me. She is really a changed person now.

Liyah……. That’s nice, I noticed it too. Do you think ayomide would have changed too?

Segun……. That one, I don’t think so. She is too proud of herself. Even if she comes back I don’t want to see her around you or me.

Liyah…… It is well.

Segun…… Let us enjoy our meal, because I still have a little surprise for you.

Liyah……. Hmmmm, I can’t wait to see the surprise, but can’t you tell me.

Segun…… It’s a surprise.

Liyah…… Okay sir.

Segun…… How is my little baby doing?

Liyah…… Stop joor, it’s not yet Time to be feeling the baby movement.

Segun…… It is boy I want ooo

Liyah……. And it is girl me I want

Segun……. Lol there is no need for us to argue, anyone that God bless us with, we would take it like that.

Liyah…… Yes of course. I can’t wait to see our little one.

Segun……. Same here.

Back at the spirit world, Dagon disappeared to where Ayomide was busy walking up and down, immediately Ayomide saw Dagon, she shifted back.

Dagon…… Why are you now scared of me, I guess you have known the person that is standing in front of you.

Ayomide……. I can’t believe this, so it is you Samuel, it is you this poor thing!!

Dagon…… You have never changed!!

Ayomide…… Why the h*ll did you bring me here?!! Are you getting back at me because I broke up with you!!.

Dagon…… (Laughing) ayomide, you are always like this! I don’t think you can ever change. Now that you know that I am Samuel, what do you want to do to me? Do you still want to abuse me like the way you use to do before?

Ayomide……. I can’t just believe this, why did you bring me here?!! What do you want from me?!!!

Dagon…… I want you to taste what I have tasted!!!

Ayomide…….. What have you tasted!!!

Dagon…… I want you to feel the pains I am feeling right now!! It is because of you I am here!!!

Ayomide…… How did I make you to be here?!

Dagon….. It was because of you that I had an accident, I thought you would have changed, not until you started doing it with another guy?! Why are you so proud and not satisfied with whatever you have?

Ayomide…… It was because I was born with a silver spoon!! And what about you, you were poor, do you want me to be saying you are rich?!

Dagon…… The only thing that will make you leave this place is if you change your ways.

Ayomide…… Get me out of here!!

Dagon……. In the next four days, you will be turned into a spirit!! Change your ways so you can go back to your parents!! It is either you change your ways or continue to live here for the rest of your life as my life, and you will become one of us.

Ayomide…… I am not going to change!!! This is the real me!! I am not going to pretend!!

Dagon……. Okay, just know that the child inside of you has been taken away from you when you were sleeping. The child has been sacrificed.

Ayomide…… What!! How come?!!

Dagon……. I don’t want anything to do with you, I just brought you here to learn your lesson, since you don’t want to. Just know that this is your home forever!! (Disappeared back)

Liyah and segun were seen in a hotel room, segun brought out a necklace, he wore it around Liyah’s neck, the necklace was shining.

Liyah…… Wow, this is so beautiful.

Segun……. (Holding her waist) Liyah, as I stand here penning down these words, my heart overflows with love and gratitude for having you in my life. With each passing day, my love for you deepens, transcending all boundaries and obstacles. You are the light that brightens my darkest days and the warmth that fills my coldest nights, From the moment our eyes first met, I knew there was something special about you. Your smile, your laughter, your kindness – they captured my heart in an instant, and I knew that I had found my soulmate. With you by my side, I feel complete, whole, and utterly blessed. Every moment spent with you is a treasure, etched forever in the fabric of my being. Whether we’re sharing a quiet evening at home or embarking on grand adventures together, every experience is made infinitely more beautiful because you are a part of it. Your love fills my life with joy and purpose, and I am forever grateful for the gift of your presence. In you, I have found not only a lover but also a best friend, a confidante, and a partner in every sense of the word. Your unwavering support, your understanding, and your unwavering belief in me inspire me to be the best version of myself each and every day. With you, I am free to be truly and unapologetically myself, and for that, I am endlessly thankful. My love for you knows no bounds, and I vow to spend the rest of my days cherishing, honoring, and loving you with every fiber of my being. You are my everything, my rock, my guiding star, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me. I love you more than words can express, now and for all eternity.

Liyah……. Wow, this is so emotional (crying) segun, what have I done to you that made you love me like this?

Segun……. You have done nothing to me, you did not even look at the fact that I was poor, you stood by me when Ayomide Left me, you were always checking up on me. I have never seen a girl so caring like you.

Liyah……. Awwwwww, gosh I am (crying) speechless, I don’t know what to say.

Segun…… You don’t need to say anything my wife, I just want you to know that in anything I do, you are my number one, nobody in this life will separate the both of us.

Liyah……. I love you very much.

Segun……. I love you too, I love you with all my spirit, soul and body.

Segun kiss Liyah and the night was history.

The next day, segun took Liyah for shopping, because Liyah is going back to Nigeria the next day, segun brought a lot of things for Liyah, and he also brought some things for Mrs Grace and Liyah’s mother. Segun changed Liyah’s phone from iPhone 6 to iPhone 15 promax. Liyah was so excited. Later he drove Liyah back to the place Liyah and Mrs Grace was staying. Mrs Grace was happy to see them. Liyah showed the ring to Mrs Grace, and Mrs Grace smiled.

Mrs Grace…… I am happy the Ring sized you.

Liyah…… Wait, did you take my hands measurements?!!

Mrs Grace……. Yes darling I did.

Segun……. And she was the one that followed me to get the perfect ring for you.

Liyah……. Awwwwww, Mrs Grace, I don’t know how I am going to thank you. You have been kind towards me. God will bless you for me, God will answer to all your secrets prayers.

Mrs Grace…… AMEN, Thank you so much dear. So where are you guys going to take me to like this.

Segun…… You know what, the two of you should dress up. Let me go and spoil the two of you.

Mrs Grace…… Wow I can’t wait!! (She went to dress)

Segun tape Liyah on her buttocks and smiled.

Segun…… My s*xy wife!! (Smile)

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide was crying. She was already tired.

Ayomide…….. Please God, I am begging you for forgiveness, please have mercy on me. I want to go back to my parents. Please God I am Sorry for my past mistakes.

Joyce……..(appeared) if you are sorry, you need to let go of what is no longer yours, you need to change your ways.

Ayomide……. Joyce, how do you expect me to change, I feel this hatred towards Liyah now, for snatching my man.

Joyce……. It is your fault, you don’t just blame anyone. You caused everything, I guess now you know why you are here. You are here because of your past mistakes. You need to learn your lesson and let go.

Ayomide……. Please how do I turn my bad ways.

Joyce……..You need to let go of what is no longer yours, you need to treat people Nicely, you need to care for the poor.

Ayomide……. Hmmmm, how do I do that?

Joyce……. First of all, if you want to leave this place, go and ask Dagon for forgiveness.

Ayomide……. God forbid!! How do you expect me to kneel down before that poor thing!!

Joyce…….(laughing) I pity you, you don’t want to really change, here is not about if you are rich or not. Swallow your pride and ask for forgiveness, or just kiss your family goodbye.

Ayomide……. I know I am going to leave here and my mom will reunite me and segun together.

Joyce……. Ayomide, you are funny, this is what you should understand, your mom is a changed person now and she is the one that reunite Liyah and segun together again.

Ayomide……. You lie!! My mom can’t do that, she loves her daughter and she will not do anything to hurt me.

Joyce…….. okay, when you leave this place, you will understand .

Ayomide…….. Understand what!!

Joyce……. You will understand soon.

At London, Liyah Mrs Grace and segun were all seen in a fancy restaurant eating and discussing. Then Mrs Grace started crying.

Mrs Grace……. I did not raise my daughter up very well. That’s why I am paying for my mistakes now.

Liyah…….. No mummy, don’t talk like that, you did your best by raising Ayomide very well, she just has pride which is bad.

Segun…….. Yes I support what Liyah is saying. Ma, just keep praying, put your trust in God and everything will be fine.

Mrs Grace……. Segun, you are really a nice person, please make sure you take good care of Liyah, do not allow tears to drop from her eyes. When the two of you separated I was thinking of joining my daughter and segun together back, then I realized that, I am fighting for my daughter to leave the spirit world. What if I spoil everything. I just know that you and segun were soulmates, I don’t want to do anything that i will regret.

Segun…… I am proud of you ma. You are really a good mother.

Liyah……. Yes you are, anybody will be lucky to have you as their mother.

Mrs Grace……. Thank you, segun thank you for forgiving me, it really means a lot to me.

Segun……… Don’t mention.

They talked for a while before going back to the hotel, segun kissed Liyah goodbye and went back.

The next day, Mrs Grace and Liyah left for Nigeria, six hours later they got to Nigeria, Liyah went back to her mother House, while mrs Grace went back to her house. Liyah was upset with her Mom.

Mrs Juliet…… Wow I can see a ring on your finger, congratulations! But I want you to gist me.

Liyah…… Mom, why?

Mrs Juliet…….. What is why? What’s wrong.

Liyah…… Don’t pretend and act as if you don’t know what you did.

Mrs Juliet…….. Hmmmm what is my offense.

Liyah …….. I can’t believe you, mom why did you denied segun from talking to me when he called you, why did you not tell me anything about it.

Mrs Juliet……. Hmmm Liyah I was only protecting you.

Liyah…….. Protecting me?!! You called that a protect?! Mom what you did was very bad. I never imagined that you will do that, you nearly caused me and segun to break up. Why did you not tell me.

Mrs Juliet…… I am sorry, I never meant to. Please forgive me. I was wrong and I accepted the fact that I was wrong and what I did was totally wrong.

Liyah……. You need to also apologize to segun mum. I talked bad at him because of you.

Mrs Juliet…… I will apologize to him, but please forgive me, it won’t repeat itself again. I know whatever happened, Should not have happened the way it did, But, I am really sorry on my part, My intention was not this from the start, So please forgive me!

Liyah……. It is fine but please don’t do that again please.

Mrs Juliet…… I won’t I promise. Thank you so much for forgiving me.

Liyah hugged her mom and wiped the tears in her eyes, Liyah called segun and Mrs Juliet also apologized to him. Segun accepted her apology. After the call ended, Liyah started gisting her mom how everything went, and Mrs Juliet asked Liyah to take her to Mrs Grace house so she can apologize for being rude towards her the last time she came.

The next morning, Liyah took her mother to see Mrs Grace.

Mrs Grace……. Welcome to my humble house.

Liyah…… Thank you ma.

Mrs Grace……. So what can I offer you guys?

Mrs Juliet…….. No, no need. I am here just to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I am so sorry for the way I behaved towards you. Please forgive me.

Mrs Grace……. Everything is in the past now, let bygones be bygones.

Mrs Juliet…… Thank you so much.

Mrs Grace……. You welcome, I was on my way going out so I don’t know if you guys can wait for me.

Liyah…… No, no we are just here to check up on you, we are also leaving now.

Mrs Grace…… Okay sure no problem.

Back at the spirit world.

Ayomide…….. Dagon, please I want to go home.

Dagon…… You can’t go because you are still feeling proud of yourself.

Ayomide…….. Is that what you are going to tell me?!! I said I want to go home.

Dagon…… And I said no.

Ayomide…….. So wait, are you expecting me to do now, wait, don’t tell me that you are expecting me to kneel before you and beg you for forgiveness.

Dagon……. I don’t need your forgiveness, you will have to change to a better person.

Ayomide……. Don’t worry I am going to leave here without any of your help.

Dagon……. You have only four days to go, before you become one of us. Change your ways and be free.

Ayomide…….. If you are expecting me to kneel and beg you, that is a big lie, I can’t dirty my knees for you. You this po*r thing.

Mrs Grace went to see her pastor.

Pastor……. Mrs Grace, welcome

Mrs Grace…….. Thank you pastor, pastor the young boy has forgiven me.

Pastor……. Yeah sure I know, what you have to be doing now is pray. God has forgiven you and your daughter, but your daughter is still hindering herself, that’s the reason why you need to pray.

Mrs Grace…….. But pastor, I don’t understand.

Pastor…….. Your daughter needs to change her ways to be able to get out from there, she is hindering God not to help her.

Mrs Grace…….. Ahhhhhh pastor, why is Ayomide doing this?

Pastor………. She is blinded by the power of wealth and pride and material things. You need to pray. Prayer is the only way out now.

Mrs Grace……..(bent her head) ahhhhhh Ayomide why.

At Liyah’s scene, Liyah was on a call with Segun.

Segun…… I miss you so much my baby.

Liyah……. And I miss you too.

Segun…….. How is mummcy doing?

Liyah…….. She is fine.

Segun…….. So when are you going for your nysc?

Liyah……. Next month.

Segun………. Okay, that is cool. So how is our little one doing?

Liyah…….. The baby is doing fine, and the baby Miss you too.

Segun…….. Please and please, we are one now, it is me and you together and it is me and you against the world. Anything that is happening or anything you need just let me know. Don’t hesitate to tell or ask me.

Liyah……. Okay sir, I love you very much.

Segun………Love is like a beautiful garden. It brings zest and enthusiasm into our lives. It fills our lives with bliss. Life without love feels incomplete. I am so lucky to be in love. I love you my sweetheart. To me, you are no less than a dream come true. I love you so much.

Liyah……… Awwwwww, Joy comes in all forms – family, career, ambitions, achievements but my source of all the joy in this world is one. You, my dear. You’re the best man ever that God has blessed me with. The man that God created for me. Thank you to your parents for bringing such a caring and loving man into my life.

Segun…….. I love you!!

Back at Mrs Grace’s apartment, mrs Grace and her husband were discussing, Mrs Grace was sad.

Mr Tope…….. My wife, do not lose hope, I know how you are feeling, all we need to do now is pray for Ayomide. And trust God, there is nothing hard for him to do.

Mrs Grace……. It has been how many months now, I miss my daughter so much. I want to see her again, I want to hug her so tight.

Mr Tope…… I feel your pain, my wife, I will stand by you and I will pray with you, I believe that a miracle will happen one day.

Mrs Grace…… When will it happen? Is it when I am gone to my gr@ve?

Mr Tope……… Just pray and put everything in God’s hands, he will definitely take control.

Ayomide was seen in the spirit world thinking.

Ayomide……. Is my behavior that bad?, I am just being me. I cannot pretend to be someone else now. But wait oo, I hope what Joyce said about my mom joining segun and Liyah together. I hope not, because I am so going to h@te her? She can’t be supporting my own enemy. But I trust my mom, she wouldn’t do that to hurt me. But wait, why are my parents not looking for me. They should have gone to the police station to report. I don’t even know what they are up to there. I just want to go home, I am so sick and tired of this place, as for Liyah, I will soon come for you, don’t just, you think I will allow you to enjoy what is mine? Just keep enjoying

Liyah and Mrs Juliet were talking in the palour when Liyah started feeling dizzy.

Mrs Juliet…….. Liyah, is everything okay?

Liyah…… Yes, I am just feeling a headache that’s all, and I am also feeling dizzy.

Mrs Juliet…… It’s must be because of the pregnancy.

Liyah…… Yeah sure maybe.

Mrs Juliet…….. you really need to rest. So how are you preparing for your upcoming wedding.

Liyah…… Yeah sure I know, me and segun will Go and visit his family.

Mrs Juliet…….. What about his parents?

Liyah……. His parents are late, so he has an uncle that use to take care of him, when he was little.

Mrs Juliet……. Hmmmm, okay sure. So what would you like to eat?

Liyah……. Just rice and stew, please don’t let it be much.

Mrs Juliet……. okay sure no worries. Let me help you prepare it, and when are you planning on registering for antenatal.

Liyah……. Not now, maybe next week. But I will be starting my nysc month.

Mrs Juliet…….. Okay that’s cool, I wish you all the best.

At Mrs Grace scene, Mrs Grace was talking with her husband.

Mrs Grace……. My husband, don’t you think we should involve the police too.

Mr Tope……. Involved the police for spirit, common, where do they want to start from, what do you want us to tell them. They will just make fun of us. Remember the last time this stuff happened, we were all over social media. So it is only prayer that is the way out.

Mrs Grace…….. Prayer, I just want my daughter back.

Mr Tope……. Pray, we need to keep praying, nothing is hard for God to do.

Mrs Grace……. I know, hmmmm. Everything will be fine.

Two days later, Ayomide was sleeping when she had a terrible dream, in the dream. Her mother was calling her to come but she refused, her mother was crying and calling her name, but she refused to go. Her dad too was calling her but she refused to go. She immediately woke up from the dream.

Ayomide……. What type of dream is this one? What does it mean?

Dagon……… It’s a revelation.

Ayomide……. When did you get in here?!

Dagon……… I was here all throughout and I know the dream of dream, you dreamt.

Ayomide…….. What!!

Dagon……… Yes, your parents are fighting for you and you are using your own hands to destroy it. You really have a caring family. You are just messing everything up for them.

Ayomide…….. I am not messing anything up for them, they want me to come back and it is you that is stopping me from seeing them. That’s the meaning of the dream.

Dagon………. it’s a pity that you are not wise. Swallow your pride!!

Ayomide……… swallow my pride and knelt down and beg you, I will not that, not in a lifetime.

Dagon……… Well, suit yourself and you need to know that I don’t need your forgiveness, your time is ticking starting today.

Ayomide……. You are just funny, Samuel the Dagon. Poor church thing, I am not going to beg you for anything.

Dagon…… I don’t need your begging, change your ways.

Ayomide…….. It is because I am richer than you, that’s why you still kept me here.

Dagon…….. Really, you think everything is about wealth in this life.

Ayomide……… Yes, if you don’t have money how do you want to look beautiful, how will people respect you, how will you be able to enjoy life. I can never ever ever marry a poor man.

Dagon……..I understand that everyone has their own priorities and values when it comes to relationships, but I also want to remind you that true love goes beyond material possessions. While it’s natural to desire financial stability, it’s crucial to consider the deeper qualities and connection you share with someone. Being with someone solely for their wealth or possessions may not lead to genuine happiness in the long run. Take some time to think about what truly makes you happy and fulfilled in a relationship. It’s okay to have standards, but try not to let material things overshadow the potential for a meaningful connection. Keep an open heart and mind, and you might find that true love can come in unexpected packages, regardless of financial status. Ultimately, prioritize finding someone who respects, supports, and cherishes you for who you are, rather than what you possess.

Ayomide…….. A person that does not have money always use to turn to motivational speaker. You can not advise me Dagon.

Dagon…….. It’s just a pity. I pity you.

Liyah was in her room when she received a message from segun, she read it and smiled.

Text……..Honey, I can’t really live without you now, Don’t know the answer or how, But, I really need you near me, For me, it’s only you that I see, I miss you a lot!

Liyah………You are so far away from me, It’s nothing more I can see, Distance can’t really affect our heart, I miss you even if we are apart, Love you and miss you!

She smiled back and dropped the phone.

Back at Ayomide’s scene.

Ayomide…….. I will just have to pretend and leave this place.

Sorry I couldn’t complete the five chapters yesterday, I was very busy due to the visitors we have. The guy I ask to drop account details please I am still waiting for you.

Ayomide and Dagon were seen discussing, Ayomide kneel down and was shading fake tears.

Ayomide……. Please Dagon, please forgive me, I am sorry for the way I behave towards you. Please I am sorry.

Dagon……..(laughing) you think you can fool me.

Ayomide…….. I am not fooling you, please forgive me. I am so sorry please, I mean It from my heart.

Dagon…… Ayomide, you can’t fool a spirit, you think you are wise. You are not leaving here because all this you are busy displaying is fake.

Ayomide……. But wait oo, what do you even want from me, can’t you just take the apology like that and let me go. Why are you still keeping me here.

Dagon…… You have three days just three days. I don’t need your forgiveness, I need you to change your ways. Change your ways!!

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah was seen dressing up for her nysc service, when segun called her.

Liyah……. Hello my love.

Segun…… Hello babe, how are you doing?

Liyah………. I am fine thanks, I am actually preparing for service now.

Segun…… Okay that’s cool. Congratulations baby.

Liyah……. Thank you.

Segun…….. So babe, I have brought a house here in London, it was the money I got from my tech competition, I use in buying the house.

Liyah……. Wow congratulations. This is good news!

Segun……… Yes ooo, and I have become a citizen of London now!!.

Liyah…… everything is working fast, God is really really good towards you.

Segun…….. So babe, after our wedding, you will be joining me here. I am trying to apply for a permanent visa for you as my wife to be.

Liyah….. Wow babe I can’t wait.

Segun…… Me too, let me allow you to prepare for your service. I love you.

Liyah……. Love you too.

Segun…… Have you registered for antenatal.

Liyah……. Will register tomorrow.

Segun……… Okay.

At the spirit world, Ayomide was seen talking with Joyce.

Joyce….. Ayomide, the spirit knows what you are thinking. Why did you think that you could outsmart him.

Ayomide……. I will do anything to make sure I leave this place place.

Joyce……. Come to think of this, how many times did you try escaping that everything failed.

Ayomide……..I don’t care, when he is tired of me, he will take me out of this place.

Joyce….. Don’t you care about your parents, is it when they want to slaughter your neck you will start begging. You only have three days left. Ayomide swallow your pride.

Ayomide……. Please just let me be.

Joyce held Ayomide’s hand and disappeared to Ayomide’s parents house. Ayomide was so happy thinking that she had escaped. She started shouting her mother’s name, but her mother was not listening to her.

Joyce……. She can’t see you, nor hear you also.

Ayomide……. Why can’t I see them?! Allow me to see my mother.

Joyce…….. Your real body is in the spirit world. It’s your spirit that’s here. I brought you here to just notice how your parents are feeling.

Mrs Grace……. My husband, I need to go and see the pastor again, why is everything taking so long.

Mr Tope…….. My wife, remember you told me that, The pastor said Ayomide needs to change her ways before she can leave there, what you need to be doing is pray. Remember this is spiritual battle we are fighting. We cannot involve the police.

Ayomide…… Why can’t you involve the police!!!

Joyce…… They can’t hear you!

Mrs Grace…….. I know that we can’t involve the police, but everything is taking time now. I want to see my baby. I miss Ayomide so much. (Crying) I want my child home

Mr Tope…… Just believe in God and everything will be fine.

Mrs Grace……… This is what you keep on telling me everyday.

Joyce held Ayomide’s hand and disappeared back to the spirit world, Ayomide was crying, she couldn’t say anything. She was just quiet all throughout. Joyce left her and went outside.

Back at Liyah’s scene, after service, Liyah decided to go and pay a visit to Mrs Sharon, Joyce’s mother. On getting to the house, she knocked but nobody answered, so she pushed the door open and went inside, she met Mrs Sharon lying down on the couch shivering, Liyah went towards her and touched her body, Mrs Sharon was running temperature.

Liyah……. Ma, what happened you?!! You look weak.

Mrs Sharon…… It’s just malaria that’s disturbing me.

Liyah……… You could have called me now, have you taken any drugs?

Mrs Sharon……. There is nobody that I will send.

Liyah…… Oh my God, the temperature is too hot.

Mrs Sharon…… I will be fine.

Liyah quickly went inside the bathroom, took a bucket and poured water inside, she took a thick towel and soaked it in the water, she squeezed it and put it on Mrs Sharon body, she quickly went to the pharmacy to get drugs for her. A few minutes later, she came back with the drugs gave it to mrs Sharon. She went to the kitchen and prepared some food for her.

Back at the spirit world Ayomide was seen all alone by herself in the room crying.

Ayomide…… So mother is looking for a way to get me out of here and I am here misbehaving. So I am the one hindering myself from leaving this place. Ahhhhhh!!

Throughout that night, Ayomide couldn’t sleep, she was restless, she was just tossing on the bed. She stood up and sat down on the chair and started thinking.

Ayomide…….. I need to ask Dagon for forgiveness, it’s very bad of me looking down on people. Why did I not think about their mental health. Why did I not think about my parents, my loved ones. Why am I being selfish, why am I so stup*d. Why am I blind to see that what I am doing is wrong. Everything is not about wealth. I need to get over the segun because I am the one that pushed him away. I need to beg Dagon. Oh God please I am sorry. Please forgive me all my sins. I was only thinking about myself and not thinking about other people’s mental health. God please forgive me. I am sorry for all my sins.

The next morning, Mrs Grace went back to the church to see her pastor.

Mrs Grace…….. pastor, you ask me to continue praying, which i am doing. But why has anything not happened yet?

Pastor…….. Why don’t you want to have faith in God?

Mrs Grace……. It is not like that pastor, I am just worried about my daughter. Anytime I am praying, I always feel like she is not going to come back.

Pastor…….. Then you don’t believe in God. That’s it. You don’t believe in God.

Mrs Grace….. I do believe in God.

Pastor…… I don’t think so, because if you believe in God, you will not be doubting him, in the book of Philippians 4:6-7 says Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And also in the book of Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Mrs Grace…….. Hmmm, that is true.

Pastor…….. Mrs Grace, do not doubt the Lord Almighty, keep on praying and everything will be alright.

Mrs Grace……. Thank you so much pastor.

Pastor……….give me your hands let’s pray (hold Mrs Grace’s hands and start praying) Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Though we don’t always understand the plan you’ve laid out for us, we have true faith in your devotion and love. It’s clear there’s a greater purpose at play here, but it’s not always easy or comfortable. Please give us the strength to move forward mightily and to walk your path without stumbling, especially during difficult times. Please help us grow deeper in our relationship with you, be a better neighbor, and shine your light. AMEN!

Mrs Grace……… Amen!

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah was on a call with Segun talking.

Liyah……. Hello babe.

Segun…….. My love, my sugar, cockroach in my cupboard, sugar in my tea, butter in my bread, wisdom in my brain, grandnut in my garri, the woman that has blessed me with, omalicha, the love of my life, my heartthrob, the woman that stole my heart. How are you doing today?

Liyah……. Nawaoo for you ooo, chai, you just want to burst my brain with your lovely words. I am truly loved, indeed God has blessed me with a soul mate, my perfect man.

Segun………. Mmmmmmm, so how is my little one doing?

Liyah…….. Your little one is doing well, I just wanted to hear your voice.

Segun……. That’s cool, guess you are missing me badly.

Liyah…….. Why won’t I miss you badly, I can’t just wait to see you.

Segun……. So how was service yesterday?

Liyah……. It was okay, you know it’s my first day, so it’s good. I met a lot of people.

Segun…… I am happy for you.

Liyah……. Thank you, and I also went to see Mrs Sharon, she’s sick.

Segun……. Wow really, what happened to her.

Liyah…….. Just malaria and thyphoid, but I got some drugs for her at the pharmacy.

Just as Liyah was talking to segun on the phone, Joyce appeared to her, she screamed so hard and dropped the phone on the floor. Segun was busy saying hello, he was scared.

Joyce……. Liyah calm down, please don’t be scared, I am not here to hurt you. Just breath in and out, calm down please. I just want to talk to you.

Liyah………(shivering )No…. I…. can’t… seeing…..a… spirit.

Joyce…….. Liyah, I am not here to hurt you. I no you can hear me please, I really really need your help. Please go to my house, something is happening to my mom please.

Liyah…….. (Still shivering) what’s….. happening……to…. your…

Joyce…… Please I don’t know please, go and see her please (she disappeared)

Liyah quickly ran out of the house without picking her phone and went to Mrs Sharon house. Segun kept on calling Liyah’s phone.

Back at the spirit world, Ayomide was seen in front of Dagon, she knelt down before him crying.

Ayomide……..(crying) Dagon, I come to you with a heavy heart, filled with remorse and regret for the role I played in your untimely departure from this world. As I reflect on our encounter in the spirit realm, the weight of my actions weighs heavily upon me, knowing that it was my actions that ultimately led to your demise. I am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that my actions caused you, and I wish I could turn back time and make things right. I understand that mere words cannot undo the harm that has been done, but please know that my remorse is sincere and genuine. I never intended for things to unfold as they did, and I am haunted by the knowledge that I played a part in your death. If only I had been more mindful, more aware of the consequences of my actions, perhaps things would have turned out differently. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, though I know that forgiveness may not come easily, if at all. I accept full responsibility for my actions and am committed to doing whatever it takes to make amends, both in this realm and in the realm beyond. I will carry the burden of my actions with me for the rest of my days, seeking redemption and striving to honor your memory in any way that I can. Once again, I apologize from the depths of my soul for the pain and suffering I have caused you. May you find peace and solace in the afterlife, and may my sincerest apologies offer some measure of comfort in your eternal journey.

Mrs Grace was on her way home when segun called her, she stopped her car and picked the call.

Segun……. Hello ma. Please can you help me to go and check Liyah at her house. Something is wrong. I was talking to her and then she screamed all of a sudden. Please can you help!! I am worried.

Mrs Grace……… Okay, I will rush down to her place now!!!!

Mrs Grace rushed down to Liyah’s house, on getting to the house she knocked on the door but nobody was opening it, she entered the house and Saw Liyah’s phone on the floor but Liyah was not inside.

Mrs Grace…….. Where could this girl be? I hope everything is alright?

Just then segun called her.

Segun……. Please, are you at her house already?

Mrs Grace…….. I am at her house now, I am even inside the house, but she is not inside. Her phone is with me.

Segun……. Oh my God, do you think she is safe? Please can you report to the police station?

Mrs Grace……. No I don’t think so, let’s wait for some time first.

Segun………. I can’t rest now, I am really scared, what if she has been kidnapped?!!

Mrs Grace…… Segun don’t panic please, just calm down please. I will sort everything out please. Let us just wait for some time.

Mrs Grace hung up, just as she hung up the call, her phone rang, it was her husband that was calling her. She picked the call.

Mr Tope….. Hello, where are you now?!! You need to come back home now!!

Mrs Grace……. What is going on?!

Mr Tope…… Just come home, leave whatever you are doing and get back here this minute!!

Mrs Grace…….. Can you calm down, please calm down. Just tell me what is going on.

Mr Tope…….. You need to get to this place. Ayomide is back!!

Mrs Grace……. what?!!!

Mr Tope……. Ayomide is back!! She is back!! Our daughter is back?!!

Mrs Grace hanged up, she came out of the compound, she took a bike, and left her car in Liyah’s compound.

At Liyah’s scene, Liyah was seen with an hospital ambulance, they were taking Mrs Sharon to the hospital, Joyce was sitting beside where they kept her mother, she was crying. It was only Liyah that was seeing her. They got to the hospital and they rush her to the emergency center. They started giving Mrs Sharon some drips.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace got to the house, gave the bike man money and forgot to collect her change. She opened the palour door and entered the house, immediately she saw Ayomide, she ran towards her and hugged her with tears, Ayomide too hugged her mother back.

Ayomide……..(crying) mother I sorry! I am sorry.

Mrs Grace….. My baby shhh don’t cry again.

Ayomide……. Mom I caused everything. I caused everything. I was paying for my sins!! Mom I caused everything.

Mrs Grace……… Stop it Ayomide. Everything is in the past now.

Ayomide……. I should have listened to father. I should have listened to Liyah!!

Ayomide moved closer to her father and knelt down.

Ayomide……… (With tears in her eyes)Dad, I want to express my deepest apologies for not heeding your advice and failing to obey your guidance. I realize now the importance of your wisdom and experience, and I deeply regret my actions. I understand that your intentions were always to help and protect me, yet I foolishly chose to disregard your words. I acknowledge the impact my disobedience may have had on you, and I am truly sorry for any disappointment or frustration I have caused. From this moment on, I am committed to listening to your advice attentively and following your guidance with respect and humility. Your guidance is invaluable to me, and I promise to make a conscious effort to honor it in the future. Once again, I am sincerely sorry for my actions, and I hope to regain your trust and respect.

Mr Tope……. Ayomide, my darling daughter. It’s fine. I am happy that you have learned your lesson. And the most important thing is that you are here already and that is what matters the most.

Ayomide got up and hugged her father.

Back at the hospital, a few hours later, the doctor asked Liyah to come to his office. At the office.

Doctor…… How are you related to the woman that was brought here?

Liyah……. She is my friend mother. And she is also like a mother to me.

Doctor……. Then why is he/she not here.

Liyah…….. Sorry doctor, she’s late.

Doctor…….. Oh sorry about that. So no any other family members.

Liyah….. Not at all. Please doctor what is wrong with her.

Doctor…… Okay, the thing is that she needs blood, her PVC is very low. And again she has typhoid and malaria parasite.

Liyah……. Wow really.

Doctor……. Yes sure, and that’s the reason why she is weak. Her tongue is white. We need to give her blood. But right now she is on drip.

Liyah……. Okay doctor, please I want you to give her the best treatment, I don’t care about the money I will pay.

Doctor……. But you will have to buy blood.

Liyah…….. Okay doctor (check her pocket for her phone) oh my goodness, please doctor i left my phone at home, i will go and pick it.

Doctor…… Okay sure no problem.

Liyah left the hospital and quickly went home, she got to her house and found Mrs Grace car outside, she was surprised.

Liyah…… What is going on here? Why is Mrs Grace car here.

Liyah went inside the house, she did not see Mrs Grace. She searched for her phone and she did not see it. She took a bike and got to Mrs Grace house, she knocked on the door and they asked her to come inside. As Liyah enter the house, she saw Ayomide sitting on the sofa.

Liyah…… Ayomide!!!!

Liyah quickly asked Mrs Grace for her phone and left the house without listening to what Ayomide was about to say.

Liyah took a bike going to the hospital, she was thinking as she was on the bike.

Liyah……. How come, Ayomide is back, how. She’s changed. But I hope she stays on her own. I don’t want to involve myself with her.

Liyah got to the hospital, she quickly went back to the doctor’s office, and the doctor asked her to go and make payments at the reception. She quickly paid the money at the reception and the doctor started attending to, Mrs Sharon. Liyah sat down on one of the hospital chairs. Then segun calls enter. She picked up.

Segun…… Hello Mrs Grace, have you…..

Liyah……. Babe it’s me.

Segun……. Oh my God. Gosh I have never been scared in my life like this. Where have you been and what happened and why did you scream, what happened?

Liyah…… I am fine actually, it’s nothing serious.

Segun……. No don’t tell me that!! What happened?

Liyah…… Joyce appeared to me…..

Segun……What?!! Did she hurt you?!!

Liyah…….. No!! She did not. She only appeared to me because of her mother Mrs Sharon.

Segun…….. What happened to her?

Liyah…….. She is sick, I am at the hospital right now, they are attending to her.

Segun……. Wow, is it really serious?

Liyah……. Yeah, and her PVC is very low, but the doctor said that she will be fine.

Segun…….. It is well. Please my regards to her. And what about Mrs Grace, is she there with you because I called her earlier to check up on you.

Liyah……. No she is not here with me, actually Ayomide is back and…..

Segun……. Come again….who is back?!!

Liyah……. Ayomide, Ayomide is back.

Segun……. Wait, how come, who brought her back. How did she leave the spirit world.

Liyah……. Actually I don’t know, right now a lot of questions are just popping on my head. But I just have to focus on Mrs Sharon now, she needs me the most.

Segun…… Okay babe, please don’t stress yourself and please stay away from Ayomide, I don’t trust her.

Liyah…… I don’t think she knows about us.

Segun…….. Don’t you think her mother would have tell her.

Liyah…… I don’t think so jare. Well everything will be okay.

Segun……. Okay I will talk to you later, let me focus on my book now, my exams are coming up.

Liyah…… Okay babe, I wish you good luck and all the best. You Will come out in flying colours.

Segun……. Amen!! I love you my heart.

Liyah……. I love you more.

Back at Ayomide’s scene, Ayomide was in her room, she was looking at her room, her mom walked up to her.

Mrs Grace…… Ayomide, are you all right?, Why are you crying?.

Ayomide……. Mom, I have missed this place. I went through h€ll when I was at the spirit world.

Mrs Grace…….. You are here now, nothing will happen to you. You are home baby girl, so you don’t need to cry.

Ayomide…….. Mom, I don’t know how I am going to live with this guilt (Burst into tears) I use my own mouth to… to…to.

Mrs Grace…….. Ayomide, please you are going to make me cry, common tell me what is it?

Ayomide……. Mom!! Dagon is Samuel, the boy I insulted back at my secondary school was Dagon.

Mrs Grace……. Is that why you are crying?, But you are not the one that k*lled him now.

Ayomide…….. Mom, he d*Ed because of me, I abused him so much that he started questioning his life, he was hit by a car on his way home that day, because he was thinking about his life after i insulted him. (Crying and shivering) I use my own mouth to k*ll someone!!!

Mrs Grace……..(hug Ayomide) it is okay my daughter, please you need to stop crying, I am sure Dagon has forgiven you. All you need to do now is be kind towards the poor not only the poor but people around you. He took you to the spirit world to open your eyes and learn from your past mistakes. Please stop crying, okay.

Ayomide…….. But mother, can we please visit his home town please, I need to look for his parents. I need to know where they buried Dagon. I need to pay a visit and last respect to him.

Mrs Grace…… Okay we will do that, I just want you to rest and we will go there tomorrow okay. Just Stop crying I don’t want you to think, please.

Back at the hospital, Liyah asked the doctor to move Mrs Sharon to a private room at the hospital and make sure they give her the best treatment. Liyah paid for five hundred thousand for the private room and they moved Mrs Sharon to the room. And Liyah stayed with her in the private room. Joyce appeared to Liyah again in the room.

Joyce…….. Thank you Liyah, Thank you Liyah (she disappeared back)

Immediately she disappeared back Mrs Sharon opened her eyes and started talking.

Mrs Sharon…… I heard my daughter’s voice, I heard my daughter’s voice.

Liyah……. No it’s my voice okay, it’s my voice. Mom, your daughter is in heaven watching you and she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. You will have to be strong and fight this sickness. I know you are a strong woman and I am proud of you.

At Mrs Grace’s scene, mrs Grace and her husband were discussing.

Mrs Grace…… My husband, I don’t actually know what to do, Ayomide has been crying since she came back.

Mr Tope……. Just give her some time, she will come around.

Mrs Grace……. She insists on visiting Dagon’s grave tomorrow.

Mr Tope………Then take her there.

Mrs Grace…… We will go tomorrow.

Mr Tope……… Okay then, no worries. We will figure it out. Just let me know if you need anything.

Mrs Grace……. I will have to buy a lot of food stuff for Dagon’s parents.

Mr Tope……. Okay, I will send some money into your bank account.

In the spirit world, Joyce and Dagon were discussing.

Joyce…….. I am really happy for Ayomide. I hope she has learned her lessons.

Dagon……. She has.

Joyce……… I am worried about my mom.

Dagon…….. She will be fine, nothing will happen to her. She already has a caring lady helping her out.

Joyce……. Ayomide and I, really wrong Liyah. She is just a lovely girl that wants the best for her friends.

Dagon……… Yes she is, she is really a good person.

The next day Mrs Grace and Ayomide went to the market and brought a lot of food stuffs and provisions, and they started their journey towards the area they were living in before they packed away from there.

Ayomide…… It has been a long time, I have come to this area.

Mrs Grace…… I hope you remember the way to Dagon’s house.

Ayomide…… Yes I have been there before, that was the first time Dagon took me and my friends to his house, we insulted him after seeing the place he was living with his parents. And we left, that was the last time we heard from him.

Mrs Grace……. It’s well. Ayomide, you need to know something today.

Ayomide…….. What is that?

Mrs Grace…… Your father was a shoe maker before he became who he is now. It was a good Samaritan that helped him. So in this life let us not look down on others.

Ayomide……. You mean my father was a shoe maker!!!

Mrs Grace…… Yes he was. He doesn’t want you and your brothers to live a poor life.

Ayomide……. Mom my brothers, I haven’t heard from them.

Mrs Grace……. Since that incident happened, they all left back to the state, they were ashamed because the news was everywhere. They are angry with me, they are only speaking to your father.

Ayomide…….. I caused everything, and I also need to talk to Liyah.

Mrs Grace…….. Yes of course, and she will be getting married soon.

Ayomide….. I know mum, I know that she and segun are together now. I wish them all the best.

Mrs Grace…….. I hope you are not angry and how did you know.

Ayomide……… Remember I was in a spirit world, I Saw everything, I was upset at first, but now there’s no point in getting angry, I pushed segun away and I also pushed Liyah my best friend away, I never knew that Liyah wanted the best for me. She is a good friend that God blesses me with but I used my own hands to spoil everything. I know that she is angry with me.

Mrs Grace……. No I don’t think so, she and segun too were always thinking about you. So they are not upset with you. All they will just do is distance themselves from you. So you don’t get upset when they do that.

Ayomide…….. Hmmmm.

They got to an old building, they asked people around there for Samuel’s parents. An old lady told them that they are not living here again. But the young lady took them to a beautiful house and showed them that, that was Samuel’s parents house. Ayomide was shocked, Mrs Grace thanked the old woman and gave her some money. Mrs knocked at the gate, a young lady opened the gate for them. And ask them who they were looking for. Ayomide introduced herself and the lady called her parents out. Samuel (Dagon) ‘s mother came outside and immediately recognized ayomide.

Dagon mother……… Is this not Ayomide I am seeing?!!

Ayomide……. Yes ma, it’s me. Samuel ex Lover back in secondary school days.

Dagon’s mother…….. Oh my goodness (Burst into tears) oh my poor boy. It was you and your friends that took my son from me!!

Mrs Grace……. Please ma, calm down, that is the reason why we are here.

Dagon’s father…….. Please come inside the house.

Dagon’s mother wiped her tears away and they both went inside to talk. Ayomide explained everything to them and how she was at the spirit world with Samuel (Dagon). She knelt down and beg for forgiveness from Samuel’s parents (Dagon).

Back at Liyah’s scene, segun sent some money to Liyah, and Liyah went to the supermarket to buy some provisions for Mrs Sharon. She brought pepper soup for her and went back to the hospital. Mrs Sharon body was becoming stronger.

Mrs Sharon…… Thank you so much Liyah, you are really a God sent.

Liyah…… You don’t need to thank me. Remember that I am your daughter and you are my mother.

Mrs Sharon……. God will bless you for me.

Liyah……. Amen. Please eat the food before it gets cold.

Mrs Sharon….. Go for your nysc, I will be fine I will take care of myself.

Liyah……. Don’t worry about my nysc, I am not leaving you here all alone. Your health comes first before anything.

Back at Ayomide’s and her mother’s scene, Ayomide held some flowers and moved closer to Dagon’s tombstone. She dropped the flower beside the tombstone.

Ayomide……I hope this message finds you in peace. Today, as I stood by your tombstone, memories flooded my mind, reminding me of the times I hurt you in the past. I want you to know that I am truly sorry for any pain or suffering I caused you. Looking back, I realize the gravity of my actions and words, and I deeply regret them. I understand that mere words cannot undo the hurt I’ve caused, but please know that I am sincerely remorseful and committed to becoming a better person. I have reflected on my past behavior and have made a conscious effort to change and grow from those experiences. Although I cannot change the past, I am determined to honor your memory by treating others with kindness, respect, and compassion. Your friendship in the past meant the world to me, and I am sorry for failing to cherish and value it as I should have. Please know that you will always hold a special place in my thoughts and memories. With deepest regrets and heartfelt. (Stood up and wiped her tears).

Dagon’s mother……. Son, I hope you forget everything and forgive her. I know you can hear me. I love you my darling son. Rest in perfect peace.

Grace’s mother……… Thank you Dagon for sending my daughter back to me, I am sorry for the way she’s treated you in the past. We are truly truly sorry. Rest in the blossom of the Lord.

Ayomide and her mom thanked Dagon’s parents, they gave them the food stuff they brought and they left.

Back at the hospital, Mrs Juliet was seen in the hospital sitting down beside Mrs Sharon.

Mrs Juliet……. Haba, what happened to you?

Mrs Sharon…… It’s just malaria and thyphoid.

Liyah……. And her PVC is low, but she’s getting better.

Mrs Sharon…….. Yes I am getting better, thanks to God for using you to save me.

Liyah…….. You welcome ma.

Mrs Juliet……. Mrs Sharon, you have my number with you, you should have called me.

Mrs Sharon……. I did not want to disturb you guys that’s why.

Mrs Juliet…… Please be calling us, infact no need to be calling us. I am the only one staying at my place and I would love you to move in with me.

Mrs Sharon…….. No!! I will be fine, I don’t want to be a burden to you and……

Liyah……. We insist, you don’t have anybody but us. We are your family now. There’s no point in going back to that quiet place.

Mrs Sharon…….(crying) oh my goodness, I don’t know how I am going to thank you people enough.

Mrs Juliet…… You don’t need to thank us. We love you.

Liyah……. Mrs Sharon, Joyce was a close friend of mine, she would not be happy with me if I leave you all alone, I just want you to know that you are my responsibility from now on. You are my second mother.

Mrs Juliet……. Yes I support what Liyah is saying, you are our responsibility now and you are my sister, not just sister but blood sister.

Mrs Sharon…….. Thank you so much my sister and daughter, God will continue to bless you people for me, your pockets will never run dry.

Liyah and Mrs Juliet…… AMEN!!

Liyah…….. So my mom will be staying with you here till you get better, I will be coming to check up on you everyday.

Mrs Sharon…… Okay no problem about that, thanks very much I appreciate.

Liyah…… You welcome, okay I need to get home first and clean the house. I will come back in the evening.

Mrs Juliet….. Okay Liyah, buy something for us when coming.

Liyah….. Yeah sure no problem.

Back at ayomide and her mother’s scene, Mrs Grace was driving.

Ayomide…….. Mom, can you give me Liyah’s address, I need to speak to her.

Mrs Grace…… I can drive you there.

Ayomide…….. No mother, just go home, you have tried for me today. And besides I just want to speak to her privately.

Mrs Grace……. Are you sure about that, you can order for bolt.

Ayomide……. Okay mother.

Ayomide order for a bolt, her mother waited till the bolt driver arrived, Ayomide bid her mom goodbye and drove away. A few hours later, Ayomide got to Liyah’s apartment, she entered the compound, she knocked at the third door her mom asked her to. Nobody was opening the door. She turned her back and sat down on the door waiting for Liyah.

A few hours later, Liyah got to her house and was surprised to see Ayomide at her house sitting down.

Ayomide……… Hi, thank goodness you are back. I was about to start leaving.

Liyah……. Actually I am surprised seeing you here. How long have you been here?

Ayomide……. For the past one hour now.

Liyah……. Oh sorry about that, I was busy doing something.

Ayomide……. No problem about that. Emmm Liyah I came here because I wanted to talk to you.

Liyah……. No problem, let me open the door so we can go in and talk.

Liyah open the door and they both enter inside, Liyah ask Ayomide to sit down and she gave her a glass of water.

Liyah……. So it’s good to see that you are back.

Ayomide……… Thank you.

Liyah…… what do you want to talk to me about.

Ayomide……. I want segun back in my life.

Liyah……. What did you just say?

Ayomide…….. I said, I want segun back in my life. And I want you to give us space.

Liyah……..(laughing) I can see what you are really up to.

Ayomide…….. I’m just saying the truth, I want my man back.

Liyah……. You must be cr@zy. In fact leave my house this minute.

Ayomide…….. Wow calm down, Liyah. I’m just kidding. I was only getting on your nerves.

Liyah……… You must be kidding.

Ayomide……… Yeah of course I am, honestly Liyah, I am here just to ask for your forgiveness…….

Liyah…… Let’s leave everything in the past.

Ayomide……. No let me apologize. Liyah Life is a long journey

A journey full of ups and downs, You sometimes do such things, That don’t let you be so strong, I paid the price of my fault, I am reeling under that pain, Won’t do that ever again

I am sorry my best friend. I should have listened to you when you asked me not to marry a stranger because of wealth, I use my own hands to spoil our friendship. Liyah I am sorry for hurting you, I am sorry for abusing you, I am sorry for not trusting your words, I am….

Liyah…….. Ayomide it’s fine, honestly everything is in the past now. I have forgiven you since. I have forgiven you for everything. I hold no grudge against you. You are my friend and nothing will change that.

Ayomide……. Thank you very much Liyah, honestly I don’t know what to say, you are a good person.

Liyah…….. Honestly, it’s okay. Let’s forget about everything and let bygones be bygones.

Ayomide……. Thank you honestly. Thank you.

Liyah…….. You welcome. So how was everything, where did Dagon take you to after the wedding?

Ayomide…….. To the spirit world, I know it’s weird to you.

Liyah……. Spirit world?!

Ayomide……. Yeah, I saw Joyce too, I was surprised to see her there.

Liyah…….. Really, so did you escape or what, did Joyce help you to escape from there?

Ayomide……. Honestly no, actually Dagon is Samuel, my lover boy in the past.

Liyah……. wait what!!! Now I am confused.

Ayomide explained everything to Liyah.

Liyah……. Wow, wow, I don’t know what to say honestly. I really feel for him.

Ayomide……. Yeah, so how’s segun?

Liyah………. Segun is fine.

Ayomide……. The ring looks nice on you. And congratulations

Liyah…….. Thank you.

Ayomide……. I need to leave now, thanks you again for forgiving me.

Liyah…… Thank you for visiting and coming back.

Ayomide……. Yeah sure.

Ayomide order for a bolt and wave Liyah goodbye.

Ayomide…….(rest her head on the back chair and started thinking) I shouldn’t be feeling sad about Liyah and segun, I shouldn’t be jealous. They are perfect together. God please protect and bless their Union. Do not let the wicked ones including me, be a threat to their union. Congratulations to you Liyah and segun, I wish you all the best in this life.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah was on a video call with Segun on her laptop while cleaning the house.

Liyah……. Your ex said she wants you back.

Segun…….. Lol, I don’t have any ex, you are my first oo.

Liyah……. You are funny, what about Ayomide, who’s she then?

Segun…… Seriously I don’t know, maybe it’s the segun that she met in the spirit world she was talking about.

Liyah……… Hahahahahaha, you are just funny, so how are you preparing for your exams.

Segun……. It’s going well babe, and I just want you to know that I love you, nothing in this world can separate us except from God.

Liyah……. Awwww I am blushing. I love you too.

Segun……. So how’s Mrs Sharon?

Liyah…….. She’s getting better, mom is with her at the hospital.

Segun……. Okay that’s cool, if you need anything over there, please don’t hesitate to tell me okay.

Liyah…… okay sir.

Segun……… So how’s my little baby doing too?

Liyah……. Baby is fine.

Segun…….. Gosh your voice is so sweet, just like the morning birds, I can’t wait to see you my love and happy birthday in advance to you.

Liyah…….. Awwwwww, you remember my birthday.

Segun…….. Common, how can I forget my most precious woman in this world birthday party.

Liyah……… Awwwwww, how I wish you are going to be here to celebrate with me!

Segun…….. Don’t worry babe, I am here for you. I love you.

Liyah…….. But do you know that, you are the one that reminded me of my birthday again, I totally forgot that my birthday was coming up.

Segun……. Wow, are you kidding me?

Liyah……. No I am not kidding, I have just been thinking about Mrs Sharon lately and I’m only focusing on her to get better, so that’s why I did not remember my birthday.

Segun……. Wow, God bless me with a lovely woman, look at the way you are just worried about your friend mother like she’s your own.

Liyah……. Of course, she is my mother now, I don’t want her to feel like she has nobody and she will be living with my mom when she leave the hospital.

Segun……. Wow, that’s so thoughtful of you, now I have two mother in_laws.

Liyah……….. Hahaha, yes of course!!!

Two days later, Back at the hospital, Mrs Sharon was discharged from the hospital and Mrs Juliet drove her to Liyah’s place. After spending some time at Liyah’s place, Mrs Juliet then drove her to her own place.

Mrs Juliet…… Welcome to my humble home.

Mrs Sharon……. Thank you so much, you and your daughter are so kind towards me.

Mrs Juliet……. You are our family member now.

Mrs Sharon……. Thank you once again.

Mrs Juliet……. Since you are my sister now, Liyah is your niece. So I want you to be eating very well because your niece wedding party is coming up.

Mrs Sharon…… Okay sister.

Mrs Juliet…… We have a wedding to plan!!! I’m just so excited that I have forgotten that they have not picked the wedding date yet

Mrs Juliet and Mrs Sharon started laughing.

Mrs Sharon…… It is good to plan.

Mrs Juliet……. Yes!!!! Our little girl will soon be in her husband house!!! Wawu!!!!

Mrs Sharon……. Yes!!!

Mrs Juliet……. I am happy to see you laughing and smiling again.

Mrs Sharon……. All thanks to you my sister and niece.

Mrs Juliet……. Awwwwww you welcome (phone started ringing) it’s our son in_law. Wait why is he calling me on normal call, is he…..(pick the call) hello my agba footballer.

Segun…… Hello mummy, I am back in lagos please don’t tell Liyah, I’m coming to your house right away, I need your address.

Mrs Juliet…… Wow what are we celebrating?

Segun……. Ahhhhhh mummy, you have forgotten Liyah’s birthday!!

Mrs Juliet…….. Ahhhhh!! I have forgotten totally since I was taking care of my sister at the hospital, I am sending you my address immediately. (Hangs up and send the address to segun)

Mrs Sharon……. Why did you call segun agba footballer.

Mrs Juliet……..(laughing) he scored the goal one time after meeting with my daughter.

Mrs Sharon……. 😂😂😂😂

At Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace and her daughter were discussing.

Ayomide……. Mom, I don’t know how I am feeling, I kept on thinking about segun a lot, I can’t get him out of my head.

Mrs Grace….. You need to get him out of your head, he is no longer yours, you need to accept the fact that the two of you are impossible.

Ayomide……. But mom, I am just feeling jealous.

Mrs Grace…….. Ayomide let those feelings die down, just know that segun is off the market.

Ayomide…… But mom, why did you join them back together when they had issues.

Mrs Grace…… How did you know?

Ayomide…….. Lol, remember I was in the spirit world.

Mrs Grace……. Well I did that because that was the right thing to do. But do you think I was wrong by doing that?

Ayomide……… Maybe, you should have thought about your daughter’s happiness first.

Mrs Grace……. Yes I was thinking about your happiness before doing that, we both chased him away. So we have to give him space and be happy for him.

Ayomide…… Hmmm, I guess I have to just accept my fate. But since everyone knows my story, do you think I will see someone that will accept me.

Mrs Grace…… Of course my darling daughter, you will see a man that will love you. Just be yourself and the right person will come for you. Ayomide I want you to know that I love you, your dad loves you, your brothers love you and everyone around you loves you. Just be kind to other people and see how they will be behaving towards you. Don’t use your mouth to Chase people away.

Mr Tope……. Yes you are right (open the door and walk inside) Ayomide, you should Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become characters. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What I just said to you emphasizes the power of words and the impact they can have on our lives and the lives of others.

Mrs Grace…….. Very true!

Mr Tope……..As you journey through life, my precious daughter, never forget the power of kindness. Like gentle rain nourishing the earth, your words and actions have the ability to uplift and inspire those around you. Cultivate a heart filled with compassion and empathy, for in spreading love, you sow the seeds of happiness and fulfillment. Remember, a kind gesture can illuminate even the darkest of days, leaving a legacy of warmth and joy in its wake.

Ayomide…….. Wow father.

Mr Tope…….. And lastly my beloved daughter, remember the wisdom of ages past: ‘Blessed is the hand that gives, for it is never empty.’ Let your kindness flow like a gentle stream, quenching the thirst of those in need. For in the tapestry of existence, every thread counts, and your acts of kindness weave a legacy of love and empathy. Embrace the joy that comes from selflessly serving others, for in their smiles, you’ll find the truest reflections of your own.

Mrs Grace……. I totally agree with you.

Mr Tope……. Remember this every time that Blessed is the hand that gives, for it is never empty.

Ayomide…….. Wow, thank you so much daddy. I really needed these words

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah tried calling the segun number but it was not going.

Liyah……. I hope he did not forget that Tomorrow is my birthday.

Back at Mrs Juliet scene, Mrs Juliet opened the door for segun and hugged him.

Mrs Juliet…….. Ahhhh!! See fine boy now, Nigeria no fits you at all. Gosh you have changed.

Segun……. Lol mummy, this is the first time we are seeing each other, we only talk on the phone, so how do you know that Nigeria did not fit me at all?

Mrs Juliet…….. Are you whining me, I used to see all your pictures on Liyah’s phone. You look fresh now.

Segun…… All. Thanks to God and my darling fiancee.

Mrs Juliet……. So I guess you want to surprise Liyah.

Segun…….. Yes mummy.

Mrs Sharon……. It’s good to see you again segun.

Segun…….. Thank you ma, how’s your health now?

Mrs Sharon……. We bless God And thank you for your support towards my hospital bills.

Segun…… Don’t mention, we are all family now.

Mrs Juliet…… yes ooo, so how are we preparing for Liyah’s birthday party tomorrow.

Segun…… I have been in lagos since yesterday, so I have booked a lounge for us, and i have paid them money to decorate the entire place.

Mrs Juliet….. wow, you dey vex ooo.

Segun……. Yes now, anything for my baby, so right now I am going back to the lounge, I Came here because of this (gave Mrs Juliet a big shopping bag) so it’s a cloth, shoe, hand bag and wrist watch. So please let Liyah Wear it tomorrow, don’t let her know that I am the one that brought it and don’t let her know that I am around.

Just then someone started knocking on the door. Mrs Juliet went to open the door and immediately locked the door back. She quickly went to meet segun.

Mrs Juliet…….. Your wife is here!!!

Segun……. what!!!!

Mrs Juliet…… Go, pass the backyard, wait for her to enter and you can go back.

Liyah…… Mom come and open the door door!!!

Mrs Juliet…….. I am coming, hold on!!

Segun……..(brought out a money from his pocket) mummy look, for a stylist to make nice hair for her, I will forward the address of the lounge to you. (he went to the backyard)

Mrs Juliet put the money in her pocket and went to open the door for Liyah, Liyah enter the house and segun waved and smile at Mrs Juliet.

Liyah……. Why did you lock the door after opening it?

Mrs Juliet…… I was just doing something that’s why, and besides why are you here, we just left your place this afternoon.

Liyah……. I was bored, what of Mrs Sharon?

Mrs Juliet…… She’s inside, she just went to sleep before you came in.

Liyah…….. Okay sure, and beside what is this (Carry the shopping bag)

Mrs Juliet……. It’s your birthday tomorrow darling, so I brought this things for you, they just delivered it now. I wanted to use it as a surprise for you but now you have ruined it.

Liyah……. Lol mummy, you shouldn’t have now. Thank you anyway.

Mrs Juliet…… Why don’t you try it since you are here.

Liyah……. Okay sure mom.

Liyah brought out the stuff, she saw all the price tag and shouted.

Liyah…….. What!!! Mom! I just saw the price tags now, you spent 1.5millions for this.

Mrs Juliet……. Wait, what did you just say?!! One point what?!!

Liyah……. Mom!! I am confused, you just said you brought it for me and now you are acting surprise.

Mrs Juliet…… My darling, you know I brought them in dollars, so I did not know that I spent that much money on them.

Liyah……. Hmmmm okay.

Mrs Juliet……. Yeah sure (in her mind) one point five million for all this, ahhhhhh!!! Agba footballer dey vex oo. (Laugh out loud)

Liyah……. Mom, are you okay, you are acting weird.

Mrs Juliet…… Ahh I am okay, don’t mind me. Wow the dress looks so good on you.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace was on a call with Segun.

Mrs Grace……. It is good that you are back in Nigeria.

Segun……. Yes, I will be spending one week, I’m here because of Liyah’s birthday and our introduction.

Mrs Grace…… Wow really, when is her birthday?

Segun…… Tomorrow, so I called just to invite you, Mr Tope and Ayomide can come too.

Mrs Grace….. Okay cool, did Liyah knows that you are around.

Segun……. No not at all.

Mrs Grace…… So guess it a surprise party.

Segun…….. Yes.

Mrs Grace……. Okay we will be there.

Sharon……. I will send you the address. Thank you.

Mrs Grace……. Okay sure. (Hangs up)

Ayomide……. Was that segun?

Mrs Grace……. Yes, so you did not remember that your friend birthday is tomorrow.

Ayomide…… I remember, I just wanted to buy a gift and send it to her.

Mrs Grace…… No need, segun is throwing a surprise birthday for her tomorrow.

Ayomide……. Wow really, so he is back to lagos now.

Mrs Grace…… Yeah, just for Liyah’s birthday party and their introduction.

Ayomide…… Cool I am happy for them.

Mrs Grace….. Why don’t we go out and shop for clothes and make our hair.

Ayomide……. Okay sure, let me go and tell Daddy.

Mrs Grace……. Yeah sure.

The next day, Mrs Juliet wakes Liyah up from bed, and dragged her to the palour to make her hair. A stylist and a makeup artist were already at their house.

Liyah……. Mom, when did you call all this people.

Mrs Juliet…….. Happy birthday to you darling, just chill, I am taking you for an outing, so I want you to look gorgeous.

Liyah…….. Okay, let me go and take my bath first.

Mrs Juliet…….. No, do you hair first and then you can take your bath and do your makeup.

Liyah……. Okay sure let me go and brush my teeth, I will be back.

Mrs Juliet……. Okay (quickly brought out her phone and texted segun) I am getting her prepare.

Back at the bathroom, Liyah check her phone but no message from segun.

Liyah……. Hmmmm, he has not called or text me to wish me a happy birthday. Maybe he’s writing his exams already.

At Mrs Juliet house, the hairstylist was already making Liyah’s hair, while Mrs Juliet and Mrs Sharon too were preparing.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mr Tope was seen driving, Mrs Grace was sitting at the front while Ayomide was sitting at the back.

Mr Tope…….. I am just really happy for segun and Liyah. They are perfect just for……

Mrs Grace…….. Let’s talk about something else, I don’t want Ayomide to be uncomfortable around….

Ayomide……. Mom it’s fine, well they are perfect for each other and that’s good. So I am okay.

Mr Tope……. Yes that’s my baby girl. Let the past be in the past.

Ayomide…….. Yeah sure.

A few hours later they got to the lounge, everywhere was already decorated with balloons and beautiful lights. Ayomide Open her mouth.

Ayomide…… Mom, do you mean that it’s segun that’s surprising Liyah in this kind of place?

Mrs Grace…….. Yes of course, segun is a big man now. He is not the segun we used to know before.

Ayomide……. Wow really.

Mrs Grace…… Yes really.

Ayomide…… That’s good I am happy for him.

Mrs Grace……. Look who is here (smiling)

Segun lay flat on the floor and greeted Mr Tope and Mrs Grace.

Mr Tope……. Wow segun, is this really you?

Segun…… Yes sir.

Mr Tope…….. Wow, Nigeria no fit you at all. Just look at you, you are chubby and fresh now.

Segun……… All thanks to God and my wife.

Mr Tope…….. Wow, I am so happy for you segun, segun segun. Na man you be. You too much.

Segun…….. Thank you sir.

Mrs Grace…….. (Hug segun) I am happy for you dear. You really deserve everything that’s coming your way.

Segun…….. Thank you.

Mrs Grace…….. So I guess the birthday celebrant is not here.

Segun……. Yes sure, she is still at home dressing up.

Mrs Grace…….. Segun I am so happy for you. And congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

Segun……. Thank you so much ma.

Mrs Grace and Mr Tope went to sit down, while Ayomide and segun started talking.

Segun……. Hi.

Ayomide…… Hello segun, you look good.

Segun……. Thank you, and thanks for coming.

Ayomide……. Yeah sure you are welcome, and segun I am sorry for the way I……

Segun……… It’s okay, everything is in the past now. I hold no grudges against you.

Ayomide……… I just need to apologize……….

Segun……..(phone started ringing) sorry, I need to pick my mother in-law call. Feel free at the party. (He left) Thank you my alarm for saving me I don’t wanna talk too much.

Ayomide…….. Hmmmm, well everything is okay, he’s looking more good than the last time. I wish him all the best. I can see he has fallen in love with Liyah.

Ayomide went to sit with her parents, Segun friends and other people started arriving.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Mrs Sharon and Mrs Juliet were already done dressing up, Liyah too is done with her makeup and hair. Liyah was looking so beautiful. Mrs Juliet text segun and tell him that they are already on their way.

Mrs Juliet……. Chaaai!!!! See my darling daughter, my sweet sixteen, sixteen forever. There father!!!! Who dey!!!. Chaaai agba footballer dey enjoy ooo.

Mrs Sharon…….agba footballer indeed 😂😂😂.

Liyah…… Mom, that’s embarrassing. Stop joor.

Mrs Juliet….. Abeg the bolt driver is here.

Liyah……. I just wonder were you guys are taking me to. Why bolt tho, why are we not going with your car.

Mrs Juliet……. It’s faulty.

Liyah…….. Okay sure no problem.

They all left for the location. A few hours later on getting to the location, mrs Juliet paid the bolt driver and use a small handkerchief to blindfold Liyah’s eyes.

Liyah……. Is this all necessary.

Mrs Sharon……. Yes of course, it’s necessary.

Mrs Sharon and Mrs Juliet hold Liyah as they took her to the lounge where everyone is waiting for her. Immediately they entered, Mrs Juliet removed the handkerchief from her face and everyone shouted happy birthday and they started singing for her. Liyah was so shocked to see a lot of her old friends from her university days, she was also surprised to see Ayomide and her parents. She turned and started talking to her mother.

Liyah……. Mom, you plan all this for me, I can’t just believe this. I am so emotional right now, mom you plan all this for me??

Mrs Juliet…….. No I did not. Your husband did.


Segun Came out from nowhere with mic in his hand and he started talking and walking towards Liyah. Liyah scream so hard on seeing him.

Segun………(with the mic in his hand and walking towards Liyah) Happy birthday, my love! As I stand here surrounded by our closest friends and family, my heart overflows with gratitude for the incredible person you are. From the moment you entered my life, you’ve brought an abundance of joy, laughter, and love. Today, on your special day, I want to shower you with all the affection and adoration you deserve. Every year, your birthday serves as a beautiful reminder of the blessing it is to have you as my partner. Your unwavering support, your unwavering kindness, and your unwavering love have been my guiding lights through life’s ups and downs. As we celebrate another year of your amazing existence, I am reminded of how lucky I am to share this journey with you. As we dance under the shimmering lights tonight, know that my heart beats only for you. Your smile illuminates even the darkest of days, and your touch fills me with a warmth that I can’t put into words. In you, I’ve found not just a partner, but my soulmate, my confidante, and my forever love. So here’s to you, my darling, on your special day. May this year be filled with countless moments of happiness, laughter, and unforgettable memories. I promise to cherish you today, tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Happy birthday, my beloved fiancee. I love you more than words can express.

Liyah…….. (Started crying)

Segun……. Awwwwww please don’t spoil your makeup now. (Hug liyah)

Liyah…….. Thank you….. and….. I…. love….. you.

Tears dropped from Ayomide’s eyes as she ran outside. Mrs Grace went after her. While the party continues.

Mrs Juliet……….(shouted )Chaaai na man you be!!!!! My own very agba footballer!!!!!!

At Ayomide’s scene, she was in the bathroom crying, she couldn’t hold her tears, her mother quickly hugged her.

Ayomide……. Mom, I am sorry, I don’t know why I am crying. I don’t know how I am feeling.

Mrs Grace…….. shhhh is okay, is okay I understand you. Don’t say anything. Let the tears come out. I love you

Ayomide could not hold her tears as she was crying. A few minutes later, she stopped crying.

Mrs Grace……. Do you want to go home?

Ayomide……… Noo mom I will wait, you don’t have to worry about anything. I will wait.

Mrs Grace………. Are you sure.

Ayomide…….. Yes I am very sure.

Back at the party, Liyah and segun were seen dancing to a slow music as they were discussing.

Liyah…….. How, like I am surprised seeing you here actually.

Segun…… You don’t need to be surprised baby, you know I can do anything for you.

Liyah……… You are just the perfect man for me.

Segun…….. Awwwwww you can say that again and by Way, the dress looks good on you.

Liyah……. Thank you, my mother…. wait don’t tell me that you are the one that brought these clothes for me.

Segun……… (smiling) i am the one that brought it for you.

Liyah…….. You shouldn’t have now, you have spent so much on this birthday party.

Segun……. If I don’t spend my money on you, then who will I spend it on.

Liyah……. I love you.

Segun…….. I love you too (whisper in Liyah’s ear) your permanent stay in London with me has been approved.

Liyah………wow what!!!!

Segun……….(whisper again in her ear) shhhh don’t shout please, I don’t want anybody to know about this except from your parents. I don’t trust some people here.

Liyah……. Wow I am so happy right now. And what about your exam, when are you starting it.

Segun……. Next week so I am spending the whole week with you before going back. We will still talk.

Liyah…… I can’t wait to spend some time with you.

Segun….. Ohhhh me too baby. And we should do our introduction before I go back.

Liyah…… Okay hubby, we will discuss it after the birthday party is over.

Segun…… Okay but did you see the way Ayomide ran outside when I was giving my speech.

Liyah…… Yeah I saw it, I feel for her tho.

Segun…… Hmmm feel what? Please don’t feel anything for her yet oo. And don’t be too comfortable around her just like that.

Liyah…… Lol you don’t need to tell me that.

Segun……. Chaaai, just look at the way you are looking beautiful. I can’t wait Sha ooo

Liyah…….. I can’t wait either.

Just after the party, segun and Liyah went to see some of their friends off. So as they want to go back inside, Ayomide stops them.

Ayomide…… Hi, both of you.

Liyah…… Oh hello Ayomide thank you for coming to my birthday party.

Ayomide…….. You don’t need to thank me. Please can I speak to segun for just five minutes.

Segun……. Whatever you want to talk to me about you can say it in front of Liyah too because she’s my wife to be.

Liyah…… Babe don’t worry, she just wants to talk to you, let me attend to the remaining guests inside.

Segun……… Are you sure about that?

Liyah…….. Yes if course I am sure, I love you (kiss segun and went inside)

Segun was just staring at Liyah as she walked inside.

Ayomide……..(clear her throat) Hi.

Segun……. So can you just go straight to the point, what do you want to talk about.

Ayomide…… Segun I just wanted to apologize to you for all the hurtful words I said to you in the past.

Segun…… And I said I have forgiven you what else do you want from me?

Ayomide…….. I just want you back, I don’t know how I am feeling for you. Just that I have accepted that you and Liyah are together now but I don’t know how I am feeling for you.

Segun…….. You must be kidding right now, oh you see that I am spending much money and you are having feelings for me again.

Ayomide…….. No it’s not like that, is just……

Segun……. It’s just what, Ayomide I love you before, I begged you not to leave me, I even sent your friends to beg you. What did you say to them and me!! You told them that I am a poor church rat and I don’t even have nothing to take care of you. Do you know how to I felt!!!! I love you but you betrayed me. And now all of a sudden you want me back because I am spending money on Liyah.

Ayomide……. segun you will not understand why……

Segun……… Yeah sure I will be not understand and I don’t want to understand, me and you can’t work out not in a lifetime. I love my woman and she is all that matters to me right now nobody else.

Ayomide…… Those hurts.

Segun…… I don’t care!! You know what, Liyah is better than you in everything she does even in bed. She is my missing rib, my soulmate, my companion, my boss, my teacher, my mother, my father, my brother and my sister and my mentor. She’s everything to me. Nothing will make me leave her for you even if you have changed.

Ayomide…….. Segun……

Segun……. Do not Segun me!!! Your five minutes is up, don’t ever stop me to talk to me again. I have forgiven you but we cannot, I mean we cannot be together. Don’t stop me again.

Segun walked away as Ayomide look surprised, just then Mrs Juliet walked outside.

Mrs Juliet…… Hey woman.

Ayomide…… Good evening ma.

Mrs Juliet…….. Good evening to your self, I guess you know already that I am Liyah’s mother. I heard all the conversations you and segun were discussing about. Are you not tired or ashamed of yourself.

Ayomide…… I don’t understand you ma.

Mrs Juliet……. How will you understand, see let me tell you. If you know what is good for you. I don’t want to see your legs around my son in law to be or even my daughter or else I will call the spirit man you Marry to take you back. (Hissed and walked away)

Ayomide…… Well I am happy I talked to segun, now I know where I stand. I wish you all the best.

After the birthday party, everyone went back to their place. Liyah and segun still hang out at the lounge while discussing.

Liyah……. You don’t look happy, what did Ayomide say to you?

Segun…… Can you just imagine that silly thing, she is Asking me to come back to her life.

Liyah……. (Laughing)

Segun……. It’s not funny now.

Liyah…….. Yes it is funny. You don’t just allow that girl to ruin your mood. We are still celebrating.

Segun…….. This is one I just love you. Yes we are still celebrating.

Back at Mrs Grace’s house, Mrs Grace and her husband were discussing, Mrs Grace was cleaning the makeup on her face.

Mrs Grace……. My husband, did you see what Ayomide did at the birthday party.

Mr Tope…… Yeah I saw it.

Mrs Grace……… Right now I am just scared.

Mr Tope……. Scared about what?

Mrs Grace……. I am just scared now, because I don’t know what is going on in her mind right now. What if she is planning something bad.

Mr Tope……… You are right, so what do you suggest we do because I am just tired of her new attitude.

Mrs Grace……. Why don’t we plan a family vacation to another country.

Mr Tope……. That sounds good tho, but the question now is will she accept it.

Mrs Grace……. We should talk to her about it tomorrow or what do you think?

Mr Tope……. I think it’s a good idea.

Ayomide was in her room when Joyce appeared to her.

Ayomide…….. Ohhh my goodness, you scared me!!

Joyce……. Sorry about that.

Ayomide…….. I am not in the spirit world again, so why are you here?

Joyce……. Ayomide, why are you still thinking about segun. Can’t you just move on with your life, there are many other guys there.

Ayomide……. Did I tell you that I am thinking about him.

Joyce……. Then why are you disturbing him to come back to you, why were you crying when he was wishing Liyah a happy birthday?

Ayomide…….. Well I just want to know where I stand. And by the way, I am no longer in the spirit world so why are you just questioning me?!

Joyce…….. Ayomide, you need to accept your fate now. You and segun cannot be together.

Ayomide……. I know that we cannot be together, I just want my friends back. I don’t think Liyah will ever accept me as her friend back since she is about to get married to my ex.

Joyce……. Then move on, if they don’t want you move on, you just need to accept the way things are going now.

Ayomide……. I have heard you. Please can you just stop appearing to me.

Joyce……. I will only stop if you leave those two alone (disappeared back)

Ayomide…….. Hun!! Just really!

The next day, Liyah and segun went back to Liyah’s house, Liyah went to the kitchen and started preparing food for segun while segun was busy reading.

Liyah……. You are really really preparing for this exam.

Segun……..yes ooo, I need to come out in flying colours because if I should pass this exam, I am going to be working with the robots company and earning a lot of money. So I can use it to spoil you and my unborn child.

Liyah……. Awe, don’t worry. God is in charge of everything. I know you will come out in flying colours.

Segun…… Yes ooo, I’m looking forward to our introduction.

Liyah……. Me too ooo

Segun……. One step at a time, we will soon be husband and wife. Then I will have you all to my self.

Liyah……… Mr lover be calming down oo.

Segun…….. Abi should I come and meet you in the kitchen!!

Liyah……. No!! Please stay there before I get distracted and my food will get burnt.

Segun…….. Okay iyawo mi.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace and Mr Tope were seen discussing with Ayomide.

Mrs Grace…… Ayomide how are you doing?

Ayomide…….. I am fine mummy, I need to tell you guys something.

Mrs Grace……. Can you allow us to talk to you first, we have something important to tell you.

Ayomide…….. Let me talk first.

Mr Tope……. Let just hear what Ayomide wants to say.

Mrs Grace……. Okay sure then.

Ayomide…….. Thank you, please mom and dad. Can you sponsor my vacation to London.

Mrs Grace…….. Wow that’s a good idea, but why London. Why don’t you choose another country.

Ayomide…… You guys can pick anywhere for me. As long as it will be okay. I really need like a one year vacation to get my mind off things. So what did you guys want to tell me.

Mrs Grace…….. No, don’t worry about it anymore.

Mr Tope……. We will look for a nice place for you.

Ayomide……. Thank you, I need to go back to my room.

Mrs Grace……. Okay sure darling. Just let us know if you need anything.

Ayomide…….. Okay sure I will (she left)

Mrs Grace……. Wow, I can’t believe this.

Mr Tope……. You better believe it. It’s good that we have not spoken to her about the family vacation.

Mrs Grace…… But we can still go with her.

Mr Tope……. No, let’s give her some space so she will be able to meet new people.

Two days later, mrs Grace and Ayomide were seen shopping. After shopping they entered the car and were driving to another location.

Mrs Grace……. So Ayomide, do you like the location we pick for you.

Ayomide………Yes of course, Dubai is a nice place too. At least I will meet new people, I will be able to see my missing rib too.

Mrs Grace…….. At least I am happy for you.

Ayomide……. But mom, why didn’t you want me to go on vacation in London?

Mrs Grace……… There are no nice places in London for vacation.

Ayomide…….. Really?

Mrs Grace…….. Yes ooo

Ayomide……. But one of my friends is there, she said there are nice places there.

Mrs Grace…….. But I think you will love this location very well in Dubai. And you will meet a lot of nice people there also.

Ayomide……. Okay I trust your judgement anyway.

Back at Mrs Juliet scene, mrs Juliet, Mrs Sharon and Liyah were seen discussing.

Mrs Juliet…….. So what do you think we should prepare for the introduction?

Liyah…….. Mom, segun is from a Yoruba family. So I have asked him what we should prepare for his family. So he said Amala, soup and ewedu.

Mrs Sharon……. Since the family are coming on Saturday, that means we need to go to the market tomorrow.

Mrs Juliet…….. Yes of course, no problem about that. So Liyah how many people are we expecting from there side?

Liyah…… He said ten, but his parents are late.

Mrs Juliet…… Wow I am surprised, I am so sorry about that.

Liyah……. Yeah, they died of a car accident.

Mrs Sharon…….. May their soul rest in perfect peace.

Mrs Juliet……. So Liyah, I have already informed my sisters and brother about your introduction, so by tomorrow some of the people I invited will come in helping for the preparation.

Liyah…… That’s cool tho. No worries about that anyway.

Mrs Juliet……. Okay sure.

Liyah…… Let me leave you guys to it, I want to go and see my man.

Mrs Sharon……. Actually, in our tribe you are not allowed to see the man till the day of your introduction, so that you will be looking fresh, and you are not allowed to stress yourself either.

Liyah…… Okay sure, no worries about that anyway.

Mrs Juliet……. Wow I actually love this Yoruba tribe. Don’t worry Mrs Sharon will tell me everything about them.

Back at segun scene, segun and his Best friend were discussing.

Joshua……. Oboy guy just look at the way you are getting fresh.

Segun……. I dey vex for you ooo, chai why you no come foru fiancee birthday now.

Joshua….. Guy, I was not around now. But like play like play you and Liyah are getting married.

Segun…….. Yes of course and I hope you are coming for my introduction this Saturday.

Joshua…….. Na me be the best man now, so chill I dey your back.

Segun…….. Better, but guy can you imagine that Ayomide wants me back in her life.

Joshua…….. It’s a lie!!!

Segun……. Like the thing shock me.

Joshua……. Wetin you come tell her.

Segun……. What are you expecting me to tell her. I told her I have a woman in my life already.

Joshua……. Better oo, so she is expecting you to marry her after breaking your heart and getting married to a spirit.

Segun…… Don’t mind her joor. So guy how far now, enough about me. Let’s talk about you, how’s everything with you now.

Joshua……. Everything is fine oo, I’m just pushing hard.

Segun…… If you need any support just let me know oo.

Joshua…… Segun you are just a good man.

Segun……. You be my guy now, you be my brother. What if your babe now.

Joshua……… Abeg leave that one.

Segun…….. Don’t tell me that you guys are no longer together!!!

Joshua…… We are no longer together oo, let me now shock you, I saw my own woman with another man in my own bedroom naked.

Segun……..what?!! I can’t believe that Fatima could do that. She looks so innocent.

Joshua…….. Innocent ke, she is married to the man now, the thing that really broke my heart was that after caughting her with another man on my own bed, she was now introducing me to the man as his brother.

Segun……. What?!!! What did you now do?

Joshua……. Guy, I won’t lie to you oo, I just walk out of the house, I was so hurt like. I tried calling you that time but your number was not going through.

Segun……. Ohhh, my phone was stolen by one jezebel like that, it nearly caused fight with me and Liyah.

Joshua……oboy I fear who no fear woman oo

Segun…… Don’t talk like that, there are still lots of girls out there, they will love and cherish you for who you really her. But why don’t you allow me to introduce you to Ayomide so that the two of you could……

Joshua……. Which kind talk be that one now, you wan add salt join for my wound ni?

Segun……. Emabinu sir. But let me know if you change your mind oo.

Joshua…….Not me.

At Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace and Ayomide were seen entering the palour. Ayomide was surprised to see her two brothers, Michael and Godwin in the parlor with their father watching football.

Ayomide……. When did you guys get to This place.

Mrs Grace…….. And you people did not inform me that you guys are coming, where are your wives.

Michael…….. My wife went to her mother’s house.

Godwin……. Mine is at home, we just came to check up on Ayomide.

Ayomide……. So it’s now you guys can come and check up on me, where were you guys when I was in the spirit world (with an angry voice)

Michael……. Did we send you message.

Godwin……. Or are we the one that introduced you to the spirit guy.

Ayomide…….. I’m not sure you guys are even my brother!!

Mr Tope……. Ayomide!! Stop that, respect your senior brothers. Apologize now.

Ayomide……. Really, apologize to this two things.

Michael…… Hey mind the way you talk to us.

Ayomide……… And who are you guys that I cannot talk to, you did not care about me when I was in the spirit world. All of a sudden you guys are here to check up on me.

Godwin…….. This girl is an ingrate, I’m out of here.

Mr Tope…….. Godwin do not leave this house, sit here and let’s talk about all this.

Ayomide…….. Daddy why don’t you just allow him to go, what value his he even adding to my life.

Mr Tope…….. Ayomide!!! If you say one more word again, I will slap you. Now everyone should sit and keep quiet!! If anyone of you know that I am not the one that gave birth to you, leave this house and never come back.

Everyone kept quiet and sit down.

Mr Tope…….. Now Ayomide, what you did now is totally wrong, you don’t talking to your brothers like that, first of all they are not the one that pushed you or forced you to get married to a spirit. And do you even know how many times they have called me to ask if we should report to the police. They are your elder brothers and deserves respect from you. Now kneel down and apologize this minute.

Ayomide did not say anything as she kneeled down and apologize to Micheal and segun.

Michael…….. It’s fine Ayomide, I’m not angry at all.

Godwin……… It’s okay, everything is fine.

Mr Tope…… I don’t want you to fight because of this, do you all understand me? And everything is in the past now. Do you all understand me?!

All……… Yes sir.

Mrs Grace…… .. let me go and prepare food for all of you.

Back at Liyah’s scene, Liyah and segun were seen discussing on the phone.

Segun…… Babe I miss you now, won’t you come to my place.

Liyah……. I can’t leave this place until the day of our introduction.

Segun…….. I know but can’t you sneak out.

Liyah……. I can’t ooo, they will be mad at me if they found out.

Segun……. Why will they be mad at you, well don’t worry very soon I Will not be begging before I see you.

Liyah……. Really?

Segun……. Yes now, you will not be able to leave my place for a second. I will just be staring at your beautiful face when I see you.

Liyah……. Awe, that’s so sweet of you

Segun……. Yes now, what will are about to is a lifetime thing. Forever is the deal

Liyah…….. Yes of course baby, it’s a lifetime thing.

The next day Mrs Sharon and Mrs Grace went to the market to buy something. Liyah was busy washing the plates in the kitchen when her phone started ringing, she was surprised to see that Ayomide was calling her.

Liyah……. Why is this girl calling me again, what does she want this time around (pick the call) Hello Ayomide.

Ayomide…….. Hi Liyah, how are you doing?

Liyah…… I am fine thanks, this one you called me I hope no problem.

Ayomide…… No not at All, I just want to wish you congratulations.

Liyah……. Thanks and by the way you have congratulate me already.

Ayomide……. Yeah I know, I just want to inform you that I will not be around for a while and I will not be able to attend your wedding.

Liyah……. Okay sure no problem. And by the way where are you going to?

Ayomide…….. Dubai, to have some time for myself.

Liyah……. okay safe journey, I have to go now i am busy at the moment.

Ayomide…….. Is segun there with you?

Liyah…….. Yeah, he’s in the bedroom waiting for me. (Hangs up) nonsense she wants to know everything about us.

Later that evening, Mrs Sharon and Mrs Juliet came back from the market with lots of food stuffs for the introduction, and they brought two goats also.

Back at Mrs Grace’s scene, Mrs Grace was busy assisting Ayomide to arrange her things.

Mrs Grace…….. Ayomide I hope you will be fine.

Ayomide……. Yes mom, I will be fine. I have been in the spirit world all alone so I’m old enough to make decisions for myself.

Mrs Grace……. Well I wish you very well.

Ayomide…….. yeah sure Thank you mummy.

Mrs Grace……. I hope you are not upset with your brothers again.

Ayomide……. It’s in the past now, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Mrs Grace…….. I was just trying to…….

Ayomide……. Mum I said it’s in the past now.

Back at segun scene, segun was pressing his phone when his best friend Joshua started calling him. He pick up.

Segun…… Hello guy how far now.

Joshua……. Please send me Ayomide’s number, I’m interested in her too


Joshua…….. What is what?, Are you not the one that said you would join the both of us if I’m interested.

Segun…….. I was just kidding anyway ohhh

Joshua……. Lol kidding bawoo. Please just help me with her number.

Segun……. Well I don’t have her number anymore, but I will try and ask my fiancee if she has the number.

Joshua…… Okay sure.

Segun…….. Give me like five minutes, I will get back to you.

Segun hung up and immediately called liyah, to ask for Ayomide’s number.

Liyah……. Why do you need her number?

Segun……. I just want to send it to my best friend Joshua.

Liyah……. Ohhh okay, I will forward it to you on WhatsApp now.

Segun……. Okay sure please be fast about it.

Liyah hung up and sent the number to segun, segun saw the number and forwarded it to Joshua.

Segun……. I have send the number to you, have you seen it?

Joshua……. Yeah sure, thanks anyway.

Segun…… Sha be careful oo.

Later that night , Mrs Juliet brothers and sisters arrived, they woke up very early around 4am the next day and started preparing the food, Liyah was still on her bed sleeping, they did not allow her to assist them in cooking.

Back at Segun scene, segun woke up too very early around five, his uncle and other families members are already with him, they all gather and asked segun to kneel down, so that they could pray for him.

Around 7, 30am Ayomide phone started ringing, it was an unknown number calling her, she picked up.

Ayomide……. Hello, please who am I speaking with?

Unknown number……. Hello this is segun best friend, I am so sorry for calling you very early this morning.

Ayomide……. Oohk, I hope no problem, is it Joshua.

Joshua…… Yes it me. How did you know my name, I’m sure we have not met before.

Ayomide……. Lol, segun and I use to talk about you when we were still together.

Joshua……. Hmmm cool tho, I hope it’s good things you guys use to talk about me.

Ayomide……. No it had things, he said you used to drink and smoke a lot.

Joshua…… Ahhhhhh!! That’s a big fat lie, I can’t believe that segun is saying all this about me.

Ayomide…… Lol I’m kidding oo, he used to say good things about you. That sometimes I use to be jealous.

Joshua….. Why will you be jealous?

Ayomide……. Don’t worry about that, so why did you call me anyway?

Joshua……. I want to attend segun’s introduction first, but can we see this evening if you don’t mind.

Ayomide……. Wow, I did not know that today is their introduction.

Joshua…… Yeah today is their introduction, I guess they don’t want many people.

Ayomide……. It’s fine I’m not bother, I don’t think I will come self if they invite me.

Joshua……. Hmmm, your decision anyway.

Ayomide……… yeah sure.

Joshua……. So can we still meet later in the evening like around 6pm?

Ayomide…… Okay sure no problem about that.

Joshua……. Cool, thanks, I will send you the location.

Ayomide……. Okay sure I will be waiting.

Joshua……. I have to go now.

Ayomide……. Later (hangs up) hmmm segun best friend, what does he want from me anyway. I will find out later anyway.

Back at Liyah’s mother’s house, everyone has already cooked finished and started dressing up for the event. Liyah’s cousin where with Liyah in her room while a makeup artist was doing makeup for Liyah.

Back at Mrs Grace’s house, mrs Grace was in the kitchen when Ayomide walked up to her.

Ayomide……. Good morning mom.

Mrs Grace…… Good morning darling, how are you doing anyway and how was your night?

Ayomide……. It was fine thanks. So what are you doing?

Mrs Grace…… Preparing breakfast.

Ayomide…… Okay cool, so I’m going out this evening.

Mrs Grace……. With your friends?

Ayomide……. No actually, with segun’s best friend.

Mrs Grace……. Are you kidding me?

Ayomide…… No am not, he asked us to see anyway, I’m just curious to know what he wants to discuss with me.

Mrs Grace…… Hmmm, what if he asked you out.

Ayomide……. Hmmmm, do you think so?

Mrs Grace……. Yes of course, why would he be asking you out to see him this Eve anyway.

Ayomide……. Who knows, it might be anything tho. But if he ask me out I will accept it anyway.

Mrs Grace……… hmmm, are you sure?

Ayomide……. Mom, stop that joor, I’m not a kid anyway. So are you not going for Liyah and segun introduction?

Mrs Grace……. No I am only going for their wedding party.

Ayomide…… Okay cool, I will be upstairs, I need to do somethings on my phone.

Mrs Grace…….. Okay sure no problem.

Back at Mrs Juliet house, it’s already to ten, segun and his family were Already at the scene, everyone is sitting at the palour talking, as the mc they called asked mrs Sharon to lead everyone in prayer. After the praying they started their introduction, they brought four girls out and ask segun if this is wife to be and he said no.

It’s already after 5pm, and some people are seen leaving. Joshua bid segun goodbye as he sent the location of where Ayomide will meet him. Mrs Juliet thanked people that came for the introduction as they were leaving. Segun and Liyah decided to go to the lounge where segun is staying.

Liyah……. Mom I hope I am free to go with my man?

Mrs Juliet…… Yes of course you can go. There’s nothing you want to do here again. Are you still coming back tonight?

Liyah……… No I don’t think so, segun is leaving here on Monday so I have to spend today and tomorrow with him before he leaves.

Mrs Juliet……. Okay, agba footballer (calling segun).

Segun……..yes mother.

Mrs Juliet…….. Please take everything gentle oo. You know na.

Liyah……… Mom!!!

Segun…….. Yes mother (smiling)

Liyah and segun took a cab and left for the lounge. While Mrs Juliet, Mrs Sharon and the others were arranging the parlor.

At segun and Liyah’s scene inside the cab, they were both discussing and laughing.

Liyah……. Segun why was Joshua in a hurry to leave.

Segun………. He’s going on a date.

Liyah…….. Okay that’s cool.

Segun…….. Guess who he is going on a date with?

Liyah………who is he going on a date with?

Segun……… Ayomide.

Liyah………. what?!!!

Segun………… Why did you shout like that?

Liyah………. You mean your best friend is going on a date with Ayomide?!

Segun……… It’s not a bad thing now.

Liyah……… What do you mean that it’s not a bad thing, I’m totally against this, why would you allow your own best friend to go out with Ayomide, what if she comes between the two of you.

Segun…….. Don’t worry my darling wife, I don’t think that will happen, Me and Joshua have been friends since childhood, so I don’t think a girl can destroy that.

Liyah………I don’t just trust that girl, I know she was my friend before, but I don’t just trust her.

Segun……. Let’s not be worried about them, let’s just be worried about what we will do to each other when we get to the hotel room.

Liyah…….. (Whisper in segun’s ear) don’t be silly, what if the driver hears you.

Segun…….. Lol I don’t care, we are two adults.

At the Joshua scene, Joshua and Ayomide were sitting down in a fancy lounge. Ayomide was putting on a Pink short gown.

Joshua……. Wow, gosh I never knew that you were this so beautiful, gosh!!

Ayomide…….stop whining me joor.

Joshua……… I am not whining you, you look so beautiful.

Ayomide……. Thank you anyway.

Joshua…….. You’re welcome, let’s order drinks and food because I am so hungry here.

Ayomide……. Yes of course.

Joshua Wave towards a waiter, and they both ordered their food. They continue talking before the food arrives.

Joshua……. So, actually let me go straight to the point, me and segun talked about you for some time, and I learned that you were single.

Ayomide………Yeah of course I am single, but i know you have Heard about my news anyway.

Joshua…….. yeah of course, I saw the news, and i don’t care about that, we have made mistakes in the past. Well I actually like you and I will love for you to give me a chance to treat you like a queen.

Ayomide…….. hmmm, how am I sure you really want me to be your girlfriend, because i don’t think anyone would want to date someone like me.

Joshua…… Haba don’t talk like that Ayomide, I really like you and I want us to work things out together. Can you just give me a chance.

Ayomide……. Hmmm, well how can I say no to a handsome guy like you.

Joshua…….. So does that mean it is a yes?!

Ayomide……… Yes it’s a Yes, let’s do this.

Joshua………(excited) thanks so much for giving me a chance, I promise you will not regret it.

Ayomide……… Better not or my brothers will come after you (laughing) i am just kidding.

Joshua…… I know that you are kidding.

The food they both ordered arrived while they started eating. Joshua was just busy staring at Ayomide.

Joshua……..(in his mind) this girl is so beautiful, just look at her shape. Well this is my own Missing rib.

Ayomide…….. I was actually traveling tomorrow to Dubai to spend like a whole year there.

Joshua……. What?! Thank God I came quickly.

Ayomide……. I will just have to cancel it, and get to spend time to know you better.

Joshua……. That’s so sweet of you, because I wanted to start crying.

Ayomide……. You are just funny.

A few hours later they both left the lounge, Joshua drove Ayomide to her house, it was already after ten in the night, as they reached the front of the gate, Joshua quickly got down from the car and opened the door of the car for Ayomide to get down. Ayomide got down from the car.

Ayomide……. Thank you for the date.

Joshua…… You don’t need to thank me, you are my missing rib now and this is just the beginning of our outing.

Joshua walked toward Ayomide and started kissing her on the lips.

Joshua walked toward Ayomide and started kissing her on the lips. He stopped and looked at Ayomide straight in the eyes.

Joshua……… This is to tell you that I am serious about you.

Ayomide……… Hun, let me go inside, you should go too it’s getting late already.

Joshua….. Yeah sure, but go inside first.

Joshua watched as Ayomide went inside, he left immediately Ayomide closed the gate. Ayomide opened the door to the sitting room and saw her mother still sitting on the sofa.

Ayomide…… Mom you are not sleeping yet?

Mrs Grace……. Not at all, I am not, I was waiting for you to come back.

Ayomide……. Mom, you know that you don’t have to.

Mrs Grace……. It’s just that I was worried about you.

Ayomide………. Mom, it’s high time you stop treating me as a kid. Please I am no longer a kid, please just stop it.

Mrs Grace……. I was just worried about you that’s all, I am sorry.

Ayomide……. It’s fine, by the way, please tell Dad to cancel my trip to Dubai, I’m not interested in going anymore.

Mrs Grace………. what!!!! Why??

Ayomide……. There is nothing to do there again, I have found someone that likes me already.

Mrs Grace……. Wait don’t tell me that he has asked you out already.

Ayomide…… Yeah sure he did and well he is a cool guy, I like him already.

Mrs Grace…….. I feel like you two are rushing, why don’t you just…..

Ayomide…… Mom there’s nothing to be worried about, he is segun’s best friend, segun knows he very well, he is not from the spirit world. I am just happy.

Mrs Grace……. Come here let me hug you.

Mrs Grace hugged Ayomide so tight and Ayomide also return the hug.

On Monday morning, segun was seen in the airport, with Liyah beside him. Liyah was crying while segun was trying to pet her. Liyah hugged segun so bad.

Liyah…….. Babe I am going to miss you so much, please can’t you just stay back.

Segun……. Liyah, my exams are coming up, you know that I love you. I am doing this for both of us and our unborn child. Don’t worry, all you need to do is pray for me, because it’s the exam that will consider if I become a worker of the robot company and be earning a lot of money.

Liyah……. I know you will pass the exam, but I am going to miss you so much.

Segun…….. Babe, I love you so much, everything will soon be in order. We won’t be far from each other again.

A few minutes of talking, segun waved Liyah goodbye as he boarded his flight, Liyah was so emotional.


Seven months later, Liyah’s tummy was already big, she was still going for her nysc, segun was already working in the robots company, he was earning a large amount of money. He kept on sending money to Liyah every month for her upkeep. Segun already moved the house he brought over there as he was working and studying at once. A few months later, Liyah finished her nysc and was preparing for her traditional wedding, white wedding and court wedding.

At Ayomide’s scene, Joshua and Ayomide went for a holiday at a resort, Joshua and Ayomide were already in love with each other. In the evening when they were at the resorts restaurant, eating, after they finished eating. Joshua kneels down beside ayomide and brings out a ring in his pocket.

Joshua……… Ayomide In your eyes, I see galaxies of dreams and endless possibilities. With each heartbeat, I find myself falling deeper and deeper into the infinite beauty of your soul. From the moment our paths intertwined, my world has been brighter, my days fuller, and my heart more complete. You are the melody to my song, the sunshine to my day, and the love that fills every corner of my being. Today, with trembling hands and a heart overflowing with love, I ask: will you marry me? Let’s embark on a journey of a lifetime together, hand in hand, creating memories as timeless as our love. With you, my darling, every moment is a treasure, and every tomorrow holds the promise of forever. Will you be my wife and be the mother of my unborn children.

Ayomide……… (Crying) I thought nobody would ever marry me, yes!!! I will marry you.

Joshua slipped the ring in Liyah’s hands as everyone started clapping and congratulating them. Ayomide. Ayomide called her mom on video call and showed her the ring on her hand. Her mother was so happy as was her dad.

One week later, the segun Came back to lagos, they wanted to do everything fast because Segun wanted Liyah to give birth in London. After a few days, segun and Liyah with some of their family members Went to the marriage registration center, they both did their court wedding. After the court wedding they started preparing for their wedding, they both wanted to do the traditional and white wedding on the same day. Liyah was so excited, it was her cousin’s sister that was going to be her chief bridesmaid while Joshua was segun best man. Segun and Joshua were seen discussing at a bar.

Segun……. Guy, like play like play, you are getting married to Ayomide.

Joshua……. Yes ooo, she is a nice girl, she already built a foundation for the needy and you need to see the way she’s taking care of me.

Segun…….. Ohhhh that’s why you are getting fatter. No forget ooo, invite your friends too ooo..on Friday na my bachelor party. Last day to become a bachelor.

Joshua……. Yes oooo congratulations to the both of us.

Segun……… Yeah congratulations to the both of us. So have you meet her parents yet?

Joshua…… Not yet, I haven’t, but we will see them soon.

Segun…… Okay sure.

Joshua……… But man, finally you wan leave me for naija japa with your wife.

Segun…….. My wife needs to enjoy life, Nigeria do not fit her at her.

Joshua…… So how much is the robot company paying you?

Segun……. They are paying eight thousand dollars.

Joshua…….. Wow, that’s a lot of money in Nigeria money like almost ten millions. Oboy help me secure Job for there now.

Segun……. You will have to write an exam first.

Joshua……. No problem with that.

On Friday night, segun and his friends did the bachelorette party, while Liyah and her friends were doing their bridal shower that night, Ayomide too attended as she was part of the bridesmaid. Liyah congratulate her on seeing the ring in her hand.

Very early the next morning, The church wedding started, after the pastor asked them their questions finished and asked them to take their vows.

Segun…….my darling wife Liyah, As I stand here before you, surrounded by our loved ones and the beauty of this moment, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. From the moment I met you, I knew my life would never be the same. You entered it like a gentle breeze, filling it with warmth, laughter, and boundless joy. Today, as we take this sacred vow, I pledge to love you fiercely, deeply, and unconditionally. I promise to be your partner in every sense of the word, to stand by your side through every triumph and challenge that life may bring. With you, I have found my home, my refuge, and my greatest source of strength. I promise to cherish you, to honor you, and to respect you for all the days of my life. I will celebrate your successes as if they were my own and lift you up in times of sorrow or doubt. Together, we will navigate the highs and lows of life’s journey, hand in hand, heart in heart. You are my confidante, my best friend, and my soulmate. With you, I have discovered a love that transcends time and space, a love that knows no bounds. Today, I give you not only my heart but also my unwavering commitment to building a future filled with happiness, laughter, and endless adventures. I promise to always listen to you with an open heart, to communicate openly and honestly, and to never take our love for granted. I vow to be patient, kind, and understanding, and to always strive to be the best partner I can be. In your eyes, I see my reflection, and in your love, I find my truest self. You have brought light into my darkest days and have shown me the beauty of unconditional love. Today, I give myself to you completely, trusting in our bond and the power of our love to carry us through whatever lies ahead.With you, I am whole. With you, I am home. I love you now and forevermore.

Yours always and forever.

Liyah……..(shading tears) My dearest husband segun, As I stand here before you, surrounded by our loved ones and bathed in the light of our shared love, my heart overflows with gratitude and joy. From the moment I met you, I knew that my life was forever changed for the better. Today, as we pledge our lives to each other, I vow to cherish and honor you for all the days of our journey together. In your arms, I have found my safe haven, my confidant, and my greatest supporter. You have shown me the depths of love and the power of unwavering commitment. Through every triumph and every challenge, your unwavering presence has been my guiding light, illuminating the path forward with warmth and reassurance. I promise to stand by your side through every twist and turn that life may bring, to celebrate your successes as my own, and to lift you up in times of doubt or despair. I vow to be your partner in laughter and in tears, your solace in moments of sorrow, and your beacon of hope when the world seems dark. (Burst into uncontrollable tears)

With you, I have found a love that transcends words—a love that speaks to the very core of my being. I promise to nurture this love with tenderness and care, to cherish the unique bond that we share, and to never take for granted the miracle of finding my soulmate in you. Today, I give you not only my heart but also my unwavering commitment to building a life filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. Together, we will create a home that is filled with warmth and understanding, where we can grow and evolve as individuals while always remaining deeply connected as partners. In your arms, I have found my home, my refuge, and my greatest source of happiness. As we embark on this journey as husband and wife, I pledge to love you fiercely, to honor you deeply, and to treasure every moment that we share together. With all that I am and all that I have, I take you as my husband, my partner, and my best friend, now and for all eternity.Forever Yours.

The pastor asked segun to kiss the bride, Sgun lifted up the veil and kissed Liyah.

Everyone clapped their hands, as the pastor announced segun and Liyah’s husband and wife.

After that, everyone went back to the location as the church wedding was over.

At the reception, they did the traditional wedding and then the rest was party after party, Mrs Grace and Mr Tope gift Liyah and segun the sum of forty millions, while Mrs Sharon too gifted her the sum of thirty million. While Mrs Juliet handed over a little box to both of them.

Mrs Sharon……… Liyah and segun, the two of you have been nice towards me and since I am part of your family, I sold my house because if I leave this world, there is nobody to take over, this is my gift to you for your kindness towards me. May God continue to bless you on your marriage.

Mrs Juliet and Mrs Sharon prayed for Liyah and segun.

Later in the night everyone went to their respective homes, Liyah and segun went to the hotel they were staying at, because they were leaving for London on Tuesday. They got to the hotel and were tired as they both slept off, the next morning, Liyah and segun prayed together, they went to church to do thanksgiving and after church, they went to greet people that came for their wedding.

The next morning, they both arranged their things, they went to thank mrs Juliet and Mrs Sharon. Mrs Juliet and Mrs Sharon had already packed some food stuffs for them. Tears dropped from Mrs Juliet’s eyes as she was talking to segun.

Mrs Juliet…… Segun please take good care of my daughter, she is the only daughter I have, so not raise hands on her, you married her complete, and please do not return her complete, the two of you are one now. And Liyah respects your husband, takes care of him very well, and do not argue with him. Respect and honor him. God will bless your marriage.

Both of them……. Amen.

The next morning, Liyah and segun left for the airport, it was mrs Juliet and Mrs Sharon that drove them to the airport. Liyah hugged her mom and Mrs Sharon as tears dropped from her eyes, segun hugged both of them and reassured them that he would take good care of Liyah. A few hours later, they left for London. Seven hours later, they got to London, immediately they came down from the plane, Liyah water broke, because she was already feeling pains when they were on the plane, the security around there called for a hospital ambulance. A few hours later, they both took them to the hospital, segun quickly went to drop the loads at their apartment as he took some things and went back to the hospital.

Later the next morning, Liyah gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, segun was with Liyah all throughout trying to make her happy. The baby was so cute, segun called Liyah’s mother and informed her, she was so excited and they promised to come the next month.

A few days later, Liyah was discharged from the hospital. Segun hired a house nurse for Liyah, so she will be checking up on her and the baby. Segun asked Ayomide to close her eyes, they got down from the car and segun asked Liyah to open her eyes, Liyah was so shocked to see a white venza in front of her with balloons on it.

Segun……. Your gift baby.

Tears dropped from Liyah’s eyes as she kissed segun.

Back in Nigeria, a few months later, Ayomide and Joshua were seen tying the knot in the church. Liyah did not attend but it was the only segun that attended. Liyah was watching them on a video call.