My husband and I got married five years ago. We weren’t the richest couple in the world, but we were happy together. My husband worked in a company while I just started a catering business.

His salary wasn’t enough to cater for our family of four: me, my husband, and our two children, a boy and a girl. So, as a good wife, I prayed, fasted, and even held vigils for my husband’s success, hoping for a promotion because my business wasn’t thriving, and we solely depended on my husband’s salary for our daily needs.

Seven months later, God answered my prayers. My husband wasn’t just promoted; he was sent outside the country to manage the new branch their company had opened in South Africa. Our joy knew no bounds.

Meanwhile, my husband promised to return in two years to open his own company. He suggested that I manage the family with the money I earned from my business, as he wanted to save his salary for two years to use it for his company. I was happy with the idea and decided to endure.

My husband traveled to South Africa, and for one year and seven months, everything was fine between us. He didn’t send us upkeep, but I was okay because we had a plan. After all, my husband’s achievements were mine too. During those years, my husband’s younger brother lived with us. He was in his final year and usually came home (to my house) during the holidays.

Then, one day, my husband’s younger brother came home complaining of a headache. At first, I thought it was a joke, but when I realized it was serious, I took him to the hospital. They ran some tests on him but couldn’t find any tangible cause for the headache. Sadly, I lost my husband’s brother the following day. It was painful because he died in my arms, and he had been a very nice guy to me and my children, just like a younger brother.

I called my husband and delivered the sad news, and together, we mourned. Meanwhile, there were only five months left until my husband’s return to Nigeria, and I couldn’t wait. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ I began noticing a cold attitude from my husband towards me, and I didn’t know the cause. Initially, I thought he might still be mourning his late brother or perhaps he was occupied with work.

Things escalated when two years had passed, and my husband still hadn’t returned. He started ignoring my calls and messages. “This can’t be my husband,” I thought. πŸ€”

So, I persistently called him until he answered. I inquired about the problem, and he claimed there was none. “Nothing?” I retorted. “And yet, you’ve been treating me like this? No calls, no messages, no inquiries about the children?”

He remained silent for a moment and then accused, “Diana, tell me the truth: What happened to my brother? What did you do to him?” I was shocked! My husband never addressed me by my name, so I knew something was wrong. πŸ€”

I asked for clarification, unaware that my husband had encountered a self-proclaimed “woman of God” (prophetess) who filled his mind with false prophecies about me.

Madam Theresa resided in Abuja, running a church. How my husband fell into her trap was beyond me because, as far as I knew, he wasn’t fond of such prayer houses.

My husband continued, “Do you think I’m unaware of your intentions and your agenda in my family? It won’t succeed; my God has revealed your true self.”

I was stunned. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from my husband. I wondered if he was the same person I knew, but then he called my name.

My husband claimed that Madam Theresa had a vision in which she saw me using my marine kingdom power to kill his brother and planning to do the same to him upon his return from abroad.

I asked in disbelief, “Me?” He affirmed, “Yes, you.” It was a devastating blow, leaving me unsure of where to even begin.

He abruptly ended the call.

I tried calling him back but he wasn’t answering any more.

I was disorganized, I wanted to call my mom but decided to give it time, maybe my husband was drunk or something.

No hubby wasn’t drunk, he meant every word he said, I called him another day to actually find out whether he meant what he said and he issued out a serious warning to me that if I don’t stay away from him I will regret my life

Somebody tell me this is a lie!!

“I cried my eyes out”.

Meanwhile I got the news from my husband’s colleague here in Lagos that my husband had returned to Nigeria and was staying in Abuja.

I Heard he was living big because he came back with a lot of money, while me and my children are struggling to survive.

I involved his family in the matter and they tried to settle us, they asked my husband to return to his family so that I didn’t kill his brother.

And so my husband reluctantly came back to Lagos, but was still keeping in touch with madam Theresa through the phone. My husband suddenly decided to be sleeping in the quest room and ignored me all day.

The most painful part was that madam Theresa still calls my husband every now and then, she asked my husband not to eat my food and not to touch me else I will kill him .

Sometimes I will hear that my husband has sent thousands of naira to her for some sort of spiritual work through their conversation on the phone.

Since my husband came back from abroad he never gave me one naira before, he only came back to the house because his family asked him to.

I can’t believe a woman like me is doing this to me. I cried and prayed but it was as if nothing was working. The worst part was that madam Theresa was a married woman like me, I mean she understood my feelings…

Madam Theresa went further to tell my husband that my children were all initiated into the marine kingdom and so hubby hated his own children and beat them over little things………

I continued living in pains with my husband, and things got worst and worst by the day.

It pained me to watch my children suffer hatred from their father.

I won’t forget the day my first son asked me why their daddy doesn’t love them again?

I was gripped with shock not knowing what to answer him.

I kept on praying for God’s intervention but it was as if God didn’t hear me

Life was though with me. It got to the point that my husband’s family gave up on the matter, anytime I call them to report what my husband was doing to me and the children, they told me to face my family problem and stop disturbing them.

Things got out of hand when one strange number called my husband and claim to be pastor Solomon, he said the holy spirit revealed my husband’s number to him.

He asked my husband to sit close to me and put the phone on loud speaker and he did. The man started calling my name and saying ” confess now or the fire of the holy ghost will consume you.

He said, tell your husband how you’ve been bewitching him, don’t lie, confess now, set your husband free.

I sat down there on the chair not knowing what to say.

I stood up and started crying 😭

Not knowing who to call. How can a woman do this to me

This is the home I built with my husband, even when he was just managing.

How can a woman do this to me?

My husband left the house the second time after receiving that call and told me that I will soon hear from his lawyer that the marriage is over.

This was a real nightmare for me.

I was tired of crying and so I made up my mind to end the marriage. I said to myself, if my husband serve me a divorce paper I will sign.

Enough of this disgrace

Meanwhile I went and saw my pastor for counseling and confirmation. I wanted to know if I was a witch without knowing or if I was possessed without my knowledge. But my pastor told me there was no such thing in me.

He prayed for me and comforted me with the word of God

He encouraged me.

He encouraged me and gave me three days fasting, coupled with midnight prayers.

He advised me to tell my mom about the prayer so she could join me. He also assured me that every thing will return back to normal soon that all I needed to do was to believe God.

He ended with “I will be praying for you “

I walked out of the pastor’s office a confused woman, not knowing what to believe.

Should I believe the pastor and hope for everything to be okay or should I start packing up my stuff incase my husband serve me a divorce paper?

I was confused!

But later, I decided to go with the pastor’s advice.

So I called mom and narrated everything the pastor said to her and she promised to join me in prayer.

Two days after meeting with the pastor we started the prayer.

My mom took it as a point of duty to be calling every 12 midnight to pray for me. She is such a loving mother.

After the prayers, Mom advised me not to leave my husband’s house, she assured me that hubby will return home soon in good condition

I listened to mom and followed her instruction.

After three months, nothing happened, I was already given up hope, my husband never returned and the load of the family became too heavy for me to carry.

Even my business wasn’t moving well as it used to.

I went back to Mom to cry and complain but she encouraged me to hold on for a little while.

And gave me the little support she could financially.

Hmmmm πŸ€”

Nobody told me marriage was like this 😭

My children had started asking me about their dad, I was so afraid to tell them what was happening between us so I kept on telling them their dad went for outside Job.

But my last born didn’t take it from me as he kept on crying to see his daddy.

I was traumatized, I had alot to deal with physically, financially, psychologically and emotionally

Sometimes I would lock myself in the room and cry my eyes out but nothing changed…

one day i said to myself enough is enough, my husband must return to this house, he must return to me and his children.

i can’t suffer to build a home and another person out there turns out to be the one enjoying. it’s not possible.

so i made up my mind to start a midnight prayer marathon. every midnight i would sit on the floor and cry to God, i began to call my husband home with speed.

i began to use scriptures to fight the devil and his agent in my home.

i would use my husband’s picture to pray every midnight and call him forth in the name of jesus.

it wasn’t up to one month, my husband called me. for the first time in four months, he called to check up on me and his children. he said he was in abuja and was going to come home soon.

i knew God had started his work in my family so i increased my prayer hours.

two weeks later, i returned from work to meet my husband in the house, he was already carrying the children on his laps and playing with them.

i couldn’t believe my eyes

“honey, you’re home, you never told me you were coming” (i said to him)

he smiled and said (i wanted to surprise you)

wow! what a pleasant surpriseπŸ˜‹

and so i quickly went down on my knees to apologize to him to forgive me of any wrong i must have done to him, before i could finish what i was saying, my husband handed over a car key into my hand and pleaded with me to forgive him that he was been fed with lies about me.

that night was a beautiful reunion for my family.

my children didn’t even allow me to go close to my husband because they were all over him.

anyways, i don’t blame them, they had all missed their dad.

i couldn’t wait to break the news to my mom the following morning, she screamed at the top of her voice thanking God for me.

Meanwhile my husband told me what transpired between him and his so called mother in the Lord.

He said three weeks to the time he returned, Pastor Solomon (madam Theresa’s agent) called him to confess..

Called him to confess what had been happening.

Pastor Solomon attest to the fact that he wasn’t a pastor. He said he was hired by madam Theresa to give my husband a wrong prophecy with an agreement of sharing what ever money they got from my husband equally.

But after madam Theresa got the money, he refused to give him his own share.

He further confess to my husband that I wasn’t a witch, that madam Theresa’s aim in my husband’s life was to squander all his money and leave him empty, then he backed up his confession with prove of their chat with madam Theresa and my husband’s eyes were Open.

I don’t know how to thank this God for fighting my battle. Now my home has return to a happy home as it used to be.

My husband told me he had open a company in Abuja the first time he returned to Nigeria and the company is doing so well.

I’m now a car owner and my husband credited my account with 10 Million naira as a compensation for all the family load I carried while he was away.

I want to specially thank God for restoring my home and thank my mom for being a mother and a friend.

I want to specially thank you too for reading and encourage a woman never to relent in praying for your home.

By Stainless Tata

Thank you for reading

I love you all.

I am working on a new love story. Please make sure you’re following me Stainless Tata so that you won’t miss it.