Clara POV :

As I said earlier, my name is Clara and am seventeen. Actually am the first child of my parent Mr and mrs chimzi. We aren’t rich though but at least mom can afford three times meal for us. Well my dad died when I was fifteen and since then mom has been the one struggling and taking care of us. We are five in my family now (my mom, me, my younger sister Evelyn and my two younger brother Clinton and Emmanuel). When I was growing I never really believe in love not until it happened to me and believe me it really hurt when you love someone and the person doesn’t love you the way you love him, or you love someone only to find out the person never really loved you but only played with your feelings.

Okay, I think I should start from where it all happened. During Christmas last year was when we parked in here alongside another family who has three children (David, tobi & aisha) David and tobi are far older than me while aisha is my age mate and also my friend now. Dav, tobi and aisha parent Mr and Mrs tope has been so good & kind to my mom which made the two family close friends and free with each other. We also attend same church.

Meanwhile, I never knew Dav the first child of the tope’s family had another motive in mind towards me, One day, just as we normally visit each other joke and play together, I went into their apartment since I was bored and no one was at home.

Dav POV :

I was at home playing a game on my phone when clara came in. Well I know you all know me as Dav (David)the first child of my parent, am twenty three years old and also a 300 level student in the university of porthacourt. I Iove girls like pretty ones, not just anything under the skirt. So when I first set my eyes on clara, I said to myself wow what an epitome of beauty I must make her my girlfriend and have her first before anyone else. You know at that minute i imagine how soft and portable those boobs and butts will be like, those fresh skin of her which is untouched I must taste it first before anyone, so since then have been making move on getting her and also putting up my best behavior just to win her heart and trust me I will because I know am handsome, young girls always fall for handsome guys.

Well presently, I was in the sitting room as I said earlier, playing a game on my phone when she came in, looking beautiful as always.

“Good day brother dav she greeted “

“Yeah how are you pretty,? Am fine thank you she replied with her tiny and sweet voice. Please is aisha at home she asked

Clara POV :

It was Saturday so i was at home and yeah I was feeling bored because my mom went to farm and my siblings went to church for practice towards the children day coming up in church next two weeks. Don’t be surprise about the farm, after my dad died my mom rented a piece of land to plant some crops (food crops) that might help us save money for other important things.

I decided to go and meet aisha, at least to kill my boredom

Clara POV cont :

When I entered, the first person I saw was brother Dav. Well I never told you how handsome he is.

He is extremely handsome, tall and brilliant with his muscular body which you will see even outside his clothes and I like his looks including everything about him.

Who wouldn’t like a guy like that who is even caring. Stop it girl my inner mind scolded me, you know you are not his type and level my inner mind scolded again…

You are right, I told myself. Good day I greeted before he took his eyes off his phone to me.

Yeah.. Good day pretty, how are you? He replied

Am fine thank you, please is aisha at home. I asked.

Em… No she went to deliver something for my mom, but you can stay and wait for her. He replied me.

Okay I said, then sat on a chair opposite him, feeling very shy and uncomfortable.

So pretty, what about your mom and siblings. He asked

They are not around that’s why I came because I was bored staying alone. Oh!! he replied

Maybe I should keep you company before aisha returns.

Okay, I replied feeling very nervous, well maybe you should know now that I have been having this little thing in mind for him, though not that serious… Oh no! What am I even saying… I’m just confused. Maybe its not really a feeling, or am just confused.

Hmm… I think I should stop admiring him since he is much older than me.

Dav POV:

Maybe I should keep you company before aisha returns, okay she replied…

Mm.. Clara, what class are you?

Ss3 she replied me.

Hmm, you are a big girl ooo. So you are a senior student?

Yes, she replied me

Oh!, I said.. What do you want to study, I asked…

Law, she replied

Wow!! That’s good and it fits you though

Thank you she said smiling showing her cute dimples

Well, hope you are up for the task. No be law for mouth oo. I added

I know and yeah am up to the task. She said chuckling…

Okay oo.. I replied

So do you have a boyfriend, I released the bombshell.

Clara pov :

Do you have a boyfriend? Dav asked me

And i was like is he for reall, why will he ask me such question

No i replied him feeling a little bit shy

Wo.. oh! I heard him say nd i was like hmmmm

So do you have a phone and are you on fb he asked

Yes i replied him noding my head at thesame time

Oh!.. Please hope you won’t mind giving me your number he ask

Ok i said collecting his phone and typing my digit in it, after that i dailed it and it went through then i return the phone back to him and left without looking back


Writer pov :

Later that day, in the evening clara was in the kitchen preparing dinner for the familly when her phone ranged.

She checked to know who was calling

But it was an unknown number

Hello she said after picking up the call…

Who is this? … Hi dear its me said the unknown person

Who? She ask again feeling confused and wondering who it was

Its me david said the caller at the other end. Oh! She mouthed, a little bit releived

Well this is my number, i called to check on you said dav

Oh thanks she replied him

So is your mom/siblings back he asked

Yes said clara…….

Ok hope you have eaten? Dav ask

No just preparing dinner she replied

Oh well make sure you eat before going to bed.

Okay, she replied him, I will call you later to wish you a good night before going to bed, bye for now… He said before ending the call.

Clara POV:

Wtf!! So he really called, I never knew he was serious when he collected my number… I never knew he was going to call, o said to myself.

Well thank God he didn’t call when I was with my mom, because she will want to know who called and why he called.

You know my mom is always over protective atimes, she forbid having friends both male and females.

Clara POV cont:

She forbid me having friends both male and female.

Well she said female friends are bad influence a times, but I have few female though which are Favor, Esther (my besties) including Aisha.

Mom also said boys are wicked, they never have good thing to offer neither do they fill their heart with good thought. Which makes them dangerous to female.

I agree with her after my first experience but not all boys are bad, just that the bad ones are much more than the good ones.

Haaa…! I almost forgot the pot of yam on the fire, thank God it didn’t burn.

Clara you never finish, I heard my mom asked from the parlour.

I don finish, I replied her.

Bring the food nah, or you never dey hungry… Dish am come for us abeg, I dey hungry.

Okay ma, I replied dishing out the food for everyone even mine before taking them to the parlor.

Well, after the dinner I was in the parlor while my mom and siblings were in the room.

I was reading a story in the parlor when dav called.

Hello pretty he said,

Hi, I replied

Have you eaten? He asked


Dav POV:

Yes she replied me, oh okay I was about sleeping so I called to say goodnight just as promised.

What about you, I asked her

Am in the parlor reading while my mom and siblings are in the room she replied

Oh! Maybe that’s why you are able to pick up the call I said.

Well yes, she replied back.

Okay then, goodnight, sleep tight and sweet dreams I said to her.

You too, I heard her reply before I ended the call…

Well thank God she was wise not to let her mom know, because am not in for all those talk and wahala… Just wanted it to be a secret.

Clara POV

Clara you better stand up there and come out here let’s prepare for church, I heard my mom yeid from out side.

And I jerked up immediately,

Well I slept in the parlor while reading stories last night, so its Sunday already I asked my self while going out to join them in preparing for service.

I was the last person to dress while the rest has finish and just left me behind,

I took my small hand bag and went for my Bible and phone.

When I checked my phone

I saw three missed call and a message from dav,

Hmm, I hum smiling to myself.. He is so caring, but why will he call me this morning and also text me.

Well let me check what he sent

Clara POV cont..

Let me see what he sent

“A morning text does not only mean good morning, it also mean I think about you when I wake up.

A special smile, special eyes, special look and special some1.

All these mean you are a special friend 4me, Good morning “.

Wow! This is interesting hmm but this guy is unbelievable, what s all this message for?

First he took my number called me as if am his girlfriend, now look at what he just sent.

Oooo! This is more than caring,

I reached for my Bible, put it in my bag before heading to church

Maybe I will call him when I come back and mom will be out then I said to myself.

After church, I started heading home with my siblings, why mom remained in the church for workers meeting since she is part of the workers.

Well, while going home I dailed Dav’s number. It went through but became busy.

Immediately, he called back and I picked it.

Dav : hello pretty how are you, am so sorry i busied your call. Just don’t want You to waste your airtime. I am to call you… Okay

Clara : wow I said to myself, its OK… Its nothing after all and am fine and you?

Dav : am ok, just bored… How is service going.

Clara : it went well, we are done with service today so am on my way coming back.

Dav: oh! Okay.. hope you ate before going to church.?

Clara: No, couldn’t meet up and why where not in church today?

Dav: Emmm… Am sorry, Just couldn’t meet up.

Clara: its okay, you dont have to be sorry, just make sure you try to meet up next Sunday … okay?

Dav: its okay my dear, but make sure you always take your breakfast before going out, so you wont get sick for me… I can’t bear it when You get sick. Please

Clara: okay thanks for your care

Dav: nah, its nothing, see you at home bye…

Clara: okay bye

Clara pov:

After the call ended I pinch my self to know if i was dreaming, oh no I wasn’t.

But wait, why did he suddenly become so caring as if am his girlfriend. I asked myself…

Hmm…… And OMG this guy is so caring I thought to myself, as the conversation replayed in my head.

His girlfriend must be really lucky to have him,oh I wish I would find someone as caring, handsome and good like him. Who will love me for who i am and stand by me in every situation till the end.

Well that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend, but how did i got involved and became heartbroken.

Well you will find out as i continue my story.

Clara POV :

I was in the parlor, eating with my younger ones

Well, we arrived some minutes ago and we decide to have lunch since mom wasn’t coming back now.

We we’re eating when a knock came on the door

Come in, I said as I continue eating my rice and stew but was shock when I looked at the door to know who came in, only to find Dav standing at the door post.

Oh my God, wtf!? What is he doing here nah? I thought to myself,

Good afternoon brother Dav, my siblings greeted.

Afternoon, how are you guys doing, he asked?

Fine thank you Clinton replied… Come and eat oo, Evelyn added.

Oh thank you my dear, don’t mind your senior sister that is just staring at me or am I not welcome, he said

And that was when I relised I wasn’t saying anything but staring like a zombie.

Ahh! You are welcome oo, good afternoon, come inside and join us.. I rushed my words.

Thanks pretty, he said smiling

Well I just missed your pretty face so I said I should come and see those pretty face, so my day will be complete. He said to me while smiling

Hmm… I humed feeling very uneasy with everything.

I was so shy that I couldn’t even look at him.

But wait oo, whats up with him…why the change of attitude.

Hmm, I heaved a sigh of relieve when i found out he was gone.

Well maybe he left when i was lost in thought.

I stood up and took the food I remain to the kitchen to cover it, since I had lost appitite.

It was evening already and mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen while i was in the parlor with my siblings helping them in their assignment when Dav called

I went into the room to pick the call making sure mom wasn’t coming neither was she hearing

Hello, I said as soon as I picked up the call,

Hi, dear… How are you, he replied

Clara: am fine and you?

Dav: cool but this one you are sounding like this, is your mom around

Clara: yes but in the kitchen

Dav: okay will call you back later, or rather flash me when you are chanced.

Clara: okay I said before disconneting the call

But what is wrong with me self, why do I pannick anytime he calls, why do I feel vulnerable around him,

Why is he affecting me this much?.

Oh God, please help me this cant happen to me. I said before going out to do what I was doing.

After dinner, my mom and siblings we’re in the room sleeping and I was in the parlor reading when I had the feeling to flash Dav, but part of me objected…

Clara POV cont :

I was in the parlor reading when I had the feeling to flash dav, but part of me objected…. The feelings was too strong that I took my phone and dailed his line, … I disconnected it before he could even think of picking

But before I could drop my phone his call came in, and I wasted no time in picking up. Hello I said

Dav : hey angel have you taken your dinner?

Clara : eww so sweet I thought to myself, yes I replied him.. And you I added

Dav : yes dear… Am about to sleep now, was waiting for your call since

Clara : so sorry was busy

Dav : oh! Its OK dear hope you are ready for school tomorrow?

Clara :yes….. Dav : ok hope you won’t mind me escorting You to school tomorrow

Clara : em sorry maybe next time, I will be going with my friends tomorrow

Dav : its ok I understand, alright good night and sweet dreams dont forget to wake up early 2moro for school oo

Clara POV

Ok I said chuckling… Thank you and good night to you too, ok then he said before disconnecting the call.

Wow, hmmm maybe I will tell all that happened within the weekend to easter nd favor (my besties)


Wake up sleepy head mom yelled hitting me, immediately I stood up stretching my body nd yawning at the same time

Go and prepare for school jor You are already getting late mom said

And I immediately rush out to do my morning duties

Clinton, Evelyn, Emma and I were ready to go to school as we collected our T. fair from mom.

We all attended the same school which was not close to our area

We sometimes take t.f to school, and also trek at time’s when we aren’t late to schl. Emma nd Evelyn are in junior secondary while Clinton is still in primary.

We all walked to the bus stop to bored a bus, I couldn’t go with my friends again because I couldn’t meet up with them.

While in the bus, I thought of dav and all that happened during the weekend …. Is he really for real? Doesn’t he has a gf?, what is he up to?, or is he really inlove with me

I kept thinking as my mind flash back to last night discussion hmmm am just confused, I just need someone to talk to.

I was still in my thought when the bus stopped at the junction of my school, I had Evelyn call me, then I realize we have reached our destination

I stood up and came down from the bus as we all headed for school.


As soon as we got to school I heaved a sigh of relief, thanking God I wasn’t really late.

Clara POV cont:

Thank God I wasnt really late,they are just starting the devotion.

I went and drop my school bag in the class before joining the devotion.there I saw Esther and favor waving at me,from the front line and I wave back.

It was break period when Esther and favour came to my desk (well after devotion,that morning we took like four lesson period before break.though I wasn’t really concentrating in the class lessons,not that I didn’t want to but the though of him filled my head all through the class lessons which made me confuse and angry at myself at the same time).

Hey, I heard Esther said then I realise they were absolutely waiting for me so we could go out for break together

Am coming just let me park my books in the locker,I said back

But you haven’t answered our question, the spoke at the same time with a confuse expression maybe wondering why I was acting so cold and absent minded.

And I was like huuh…what question, you know we were just asking why you didn’t meet up with us,and why you came late but you didn’t were just lost in thought,what’s the problem Clara? Esther said

I have been watching you since morning, you have not been yourself.. What’s eating you up,come on tell us said favor

Let’s go out first,get some snacks to eat ,have fun and then leave it till school period is over maybe while going home I will open up all my worries to you guys.

We are trekking today right,?favor asked…yes I replied her.

O yes!! Its gonna be fun Esther shouted swinging her hips side ways as she walked out of the class room with us behind her.


So,you mean all this happened within the weekend said Esther with a surprise look.

Yes oo,me am even speechless, don’t know what to think again replied Clara.(well school period was over and they were all trekking home.

While Esther, favour and Clara were moving slow discussing.Clinton,Evelyn And Emma were at the front moving fast ahead of them like usual .I was happy to tell my best friends all that happened within the weekend from when I went Aisha’s house and met Dav to when he collected my number, The calls and text.

Seriously I was so releave and really needed some advice and someone to pour out to).

But why this sudden change of attitude said Esther.

Clara POV cont:

Hmm my dear I don’t know oo,this is not the first time I have gone to there apartment before.

We have even played,joke and gist together said Clara…

Hmm so you two have been playing and gisting together and you haven’t told us favour said.

Hehehe!..ah! I don’t mean only the both of us oo,I mean me,him and his siblings,sometimes with his parents;Clara defended herself.

Don’t mind this spoilt brat my dear she Is always thinking negative,Esther said to clara.

Favor: ah me,spoilt brat ke,look at kettle calling pot black ni,

Esther:I don’t blame you mtcheeeew,!

Clara:the both of you are crazy,I just told you I need some advice, the worst of it is that I can’t control myself again and you two are here quarrelling.

Favor: she started it first(she said pointing her finger toward Esther,) but anyway, I think our mister handsome is in love with you.

Clara:OMG! Favour you are crazy,how do you know that? Moreover am not even his type of girl.

Favor: but its obvious nah,the calls and text

Esther: for me my dear I will say be careful,cos you are right when you said you are not his type.don’t be driven away by his looks,you would first of all ask yourself if his for need to know if he mean business before jumping to conclusion that he loves you.

Favor: then what will you call this one,hate or what?,hmm or maybe you want to call this one fake love because of the fake love you had before.

Esther: favor you must be stupid for reminding me of my past,nonsense girl!…all I was just trying to say is that she should be careful.

Favor: well am sorry bestie(she said going close to Esther as she hugged her) is just that you never deserve him,you know you deserve the best and everyone is not the same.After all I warned not to fall too deep in love with him and not be too emotional.

He figured out you were already in love with him and you are too emotional that’s why he had the right to break your heart.but not to worry i i will deal with him…

Oh no Esther exclaimed with a shocking expression which also scared the other two as they both stopped walking…what’s that? Favor asked looking worried

Esther:we are talking about being deep in love and being emotional,you are already in it ,she said facing Clara

Favor: wait a minute, did I even hear you say you can’t control yourself again?

Favor: wait a minute, did I even hear you say you can’t control yourself again she said as she also turn to face Clara ,who only burst into laughter

Clara:you two are funny,is that the reason for all this drama ehn?,…wait oo Esther, is that why you scared me?…crazy girl,well am not in love with him is just that mtcheeew(mtcheeew she said as she sighed)

Favor: okay oo,my own is that you should not go to deep,you should give him a chance doesn’t mean you should fall too deep for him be careful just as Esther said.

Clara:hmm OK,(she said as they all started moving home gisting about other things)


Clara POV

I was in the parlor eating when a knock came on the door,come in I said as I munch the food in my mouth like a hungry lion.

Hi pretty,I heard that familiar voice as i raised my head up only to see him,when I mean him,I mean the person I have been longing to see “DAV” (well I got home not long ago while my younger ones were the first to get home,

When I came home I saw them eating but mom wasn’t around,evenly said mom went to work on the farm…I freshed up fast as I went for my food cos I was beyond I was eating I was thinking about all our discussion(me and my friends discussion)

And I that moment I couldn’t fathom if I was really in love but I was hoping to see him or talk to him.though I tried to kill that feelings but couldn’t… Just like a dream come true ,a knock came at the door.. And it was him.

Wow!I was happy and at the same time relieved inside me.

Hi,I said back smiling speechlessly.

Dav POV:

I was waiting for a good time to meet her since I couldn’t reach her on phone since morning… Well,just to ask her out…you know how it goes,want to try my luck…king Dav,oya let’s go.

I was sitting outside with my guys when she walked pass greeting us as she entered into their apartment. I stood up

Dav POV cont

I stood up and entered our apartment just to listen and know if their mom is around, well after hearing from Evelyn that she went out, I took my chances as I entered their apartment not without making sure nobody see’s me.

Come in I heard that sweet and small voice say as I knocked on the door.

Hi I said as I entered, hi she replied me with a smile plastered all over her face….. How are you? I asked..,.. Am fine thank you and you. She replied me…, cool I said.

DAV; so how was school today

Clara: well it was somehow stressful, but I thank God.

DAV: oh! OK ,…..Clara: come and sit down nah!….come and join me and eat o(she said immediately DAV sat down)

Dav: wow thank you my dear wife ( he said making Clara smile the more)

Hope you learnt and study well today

Clara: yes I tried…..DAV: hmmmm well I don’t want you to just try,i want you to make everyone around you proud and happy O.K

Clara: OK. ….DAV:in case you need any help with your study, you can call on ……Clara: o.k

DAV: emmm there is something I want to tell you,iiI pray you won’t feel bad, you should know I mean no harm

Clara POV:

My heart was so happy talking with him and I just couldn’t control myself,

I was just smiling like a fool all through the conversation. There is something I want to tell you, I was like what does he want to tell me

Clara he called taking me off my thought…. Yes I replied him

It’s OK if you don’t want to hear me out, you know I just wanted to tell you how I felt he said to me and I was like woooh, it’s not like that, I want to hear it’s just that I was wondering what you want to say (I said while covering the remaining food, as I cleared the plate)

Oh! OK I heard him say as I took the plate to the kitchen


Oh! OK I said as I cleared my throat, trying to make sure I sound romantic and nice. I just want to tell you that there is something about you,

The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you smile and the way you

Look at me makes me crazy every time

It takes two to tangle, two to kiss,two to talk and many good things come in pair and one of those things is me and you. I love you Clara please be my girl…,.just say yes please….. I said looking straight into her eyes, feeling satisfied with My words and waiting to hear her reply.

….Clara POV

To say I was speechless Is an understatement, I was just lost.I couldn’t believe my ears,I was dombfounded that I couldn’t even alter a word…

Before I could even realise myself I felt his lips land on my,he kissed me,damn he fucking kissed me OMG,!

I don’t believe this is real maybe is one of those fantansy of mine or am I dreaming?… Okay,I think this is really crazy I looked around to know if my siblings were still around,I was scared…just wanted to know if they heard or saw anything cos they will expose it to mom.

Thank goodness they are not around, who knows maybe they have gone to church.

Before I could come back to myself, Dav was gone…I was so confuse, I didn’t know what to think again and at the same time I was scared ,scared of being heartbroken.

Why did he leave,I didn’t even notice him leave.I was still in my thought when my phone vibrated,it was a !message.I checked to know who sent it only to find out it’s Dav…hmmm what has he sent again,

“I saw you I liked you,our small or stupid conversation mean more than you know.

I still get excited even when you just glanced at me but you leave me hanging…tell me something I want to hear.its okay if you don’t want,you can also think about it if you will.just that I couldn’t keep it any longer but to let it out that I love you.

Oh mine, does he really love me this much,am so confuse right now should I accept him…maybe I have tell Esther and favor first.


It was morning and we were all preparing to go to school.I slept off last night while pondering on what happened yesterday,I was just weak after all that, come to think of it,he didn’t call me as he usually do.what will be the problem? Or is it because of what happened??

I just feel too connected to him that I can’t let him off my mind,its not really good for me.

Clara POV cont

I feel too connected to him that o can’t let him off my mind,and its not really good for me.

I was in the room dressing up when a text came into my phone,I checked to know who it was and found out it was Dav…immediately my heart leap for joy and then I realise how long I have longed to hear from him.I checked the message to see what he sent.

“A good message for a good person, from a good friend for a good reason,at a good time on a good day in a good mood to say Good Morning! And am sorry I didn’t call as usual, just wanted to give you some space cos I didn’t know how you felt that yesterday…don’t want to bother you”…

Hmm! What should I do now? Maybe I will call him and that will be on my way going to school(she said dropping the phone as continued dressing up).

They were all trekking to school as Clinton&Evelyn were walking ahead of Clara,she brought out her phone and dailed Dave’s line.

Hello she said immediately he picked the call

Dav:hello princess how are you?

Clara:am fine and you?

Dav: am good ,and how was your night?

Clara: stress she said without knowing when it came out of her mouth.

DAV:why?..what happened?

Clara: nothing, it was okay don’t mind me.

Dav: okay oo,have you taken your breakfast?

Clara: yes,how was your own night? (She asked wanting to hear from him to know if he also miss her too)

Dav: my night was bad and boring,I couldn’t sleep.

Clara: why,what’s the problem?

Dav:because I was thinking about you all night and was scared that our little friendship might crumple.

Clara: (with joy in her heart feeling happy) oh okay!

Dav:okay ,why just OK

Clara:what should I say nah,have you eaten?

Dav:say something or don’t you feel the same way?, go ahead and tell me. And for eating,its too early but I will eat later.

Clara:well I don’t know what to say, I will think about your request.

Clara:well I don’t know I will think about your request

Dav:oh! Okay will be expecting a yes from you

Clara:hmm! Bye

Dav:alright bye…


Wow,am really getting her and I found out that yesterday while asking her out and also for the fact she called me this morning shows that she is having a feeling for me.hmm! I think my plans are working,what a good player I am;I said dancing around the parlor.

Don’t ask me while am happy and dancing, if she was easy to get I wouldn’t be the first person…other guys would have gotten her since. Even one of my friend UCHE told me how he loves her so !much but she ‘s not giving in.

That’s one stupid thing about young girls when they are coming of age the don’t calm down and go for who loves them instead they will be going after those set of handsome, well built and intelligent guys with swag that will tell them all the romantic words on earth. And they classify them as caring and romantic guys.

Every body wey wan follow guy wey belong so dey go also belong ,nobody wan go after born again cos dat one no get swag. And if you check well na dem dey ugly pass,dem dey very focus even if dem like you to tell you go be war!.

If dem manage summon courage,their words go dey irritate for ear. but after dem go dey find person wey go love dem till de end.

Well who no like better thing,

Ah! Damilola,kilo sele ? Abi se o ti win lotto ni?? I heard my mom say, it was then I realise I was still misbehaving.

Ah! Kosi koko to sele maami…I replied.

Clara POV

School period was over as we all started trekking home,as usual my younger ones were moving ahead of us.I decided to tell my friends about DAV asking me out,then favor interrupted me

Favor: Clara,what’s up with your Prince charming?

Clara: hmm my dear, this time around you won’t believe it

Favor: what’s that,una do de do do?? ,(favor said whispering)

Favor: what’s that? Una do d do do? (Favor said whispering)

Clara:oh no! Favor, you have always been crazy. Must you show your crazy attitude all the time.

Esther: Thank God you are saying it with your mouth and her craziness increases everyday.

Favor: you two are not okay she said laughing.

Clara: when I went back home yesterday and was eating,Dav came in; as we were discussing could you believe he asked out?

Favor: woo!!! I said it ,but wait oo you said he came into you guys parlor..wasn’t your mom around?

Clara: yes o she wasn’t around.

Esther: hmmm so what was your reply ( she asked facing clara )

Clara: which reply, even if he look sincere I wont just say yes immediately… I told him I will think about it.

Esther: hmm no be small,so do you love him???

Favor: what type of jamb question is that nah??who wouldn’t love a handsome guy like that?, a university student for that matter…abi na secondary school boy she go like,Nawaooo.

Esther: ah no be quarrel na,well my own is that Clara you need to be careful, cos I don’t like that guy. Even if you should date, cos I won’t say you should n’t date…accept that young guy leaving in the street next to yours,he looks responsible, he has a paying handwork even if he Is not a graduate neither is he handsome. As long as he’s responsible, responsibility matters oo!

Clara: God forbid!! Abeg don’t say that ,I don’t like that guy…can’t you see he even starmmers .

Favor: don’t mind her my dear,the only thing you have to do is to be careful with Dav if his the one you want,go for him but don’t get too emotional because life itself is not what you think it is. For me,I think he likes you.

Esther: hmmm me I have said my own oo before it will turn to had I know.

Favor: look at the type of person you are suggesting for her,as beautiful as she is. Why not go and date him yourself

Esther: Am just telling her cos for me I like him even if he starmmers,as long as he has a good heart I will accept him if he comes for me…infact I will make him like me cos he is the type I want,the type I won’t have to share with someone else.

Clara POV:

after the argument we departed, and I was happy to walk alone because I couldn’t keep on listening to their crazy arguments it will only add to my problem.

The worst among them is Esther ,I couldn’t believe Esther would ever wish or suggest that type of guy for me. Nawaoo mtcheew.

Even if I want a good guy not that type abeg,I said walking along the street as I get closer to my house ….i got to the house,as usual my siblings were already back before me but this time mom was around.

Good afternoon mom,I greeted as I entered into the parlor.

Welcome!e my dear ,how was school she said.

Fine, I replied her.

Hope say you dey prepare for your exams? She asked again

Yes I replied her as I dropped my bag on the couch.

No be yes o,you better pass…you see your background, you better make yourself proud cos if you pass no be only me you go !make proud…you know say I no too hold,de small one wey I hold na im I dey use take care of una,!make you know !make my effort go in in vain make de money wey I use pay for waec and jamb waste .

You better concentrate, no follow friends or classmate, dey your own.and no forget God in everything you do,you dey hear me so??

Yes (Clara replied, squeezing her face)

See as you keep face like person wey dem rub shit,go carry your food for kitchen jare!.(her mom said)Thank you ma,I said walking sluggishly into the room to change my uniform.

What a bad day,I thought I would come back and cool my head off after the stupid argument but no!! I just came back to meet mom,gush!! Why didn’t she go to the farm today? Now the rest of the day will be bad.

Cos either she find one thing to say abt u or she bombard u with errands mtcheew (she hissed why murmuring) and u won’t have the chance to talk to DAV,(her inner heart added) mtcheew she hissed again as she went for her food

It was night and they were done having their dinner as they all retired to bed except Clara, who was trying to solve her assignment in the parlor. She wasn’t focus, bcos she was at thesame time expecting DAVs call,which lead to some mistakes she made

Writer POV: Clara later decided to concentrate and finish her assignment. After her assignment, she was contemplating whether to flash him or go to bed but immediately Dav called,she picked the call feeling happy…

Hello,she said ….hey pretty, how are you?,Dav asked

Clara: Am fine and you?

Dav: I wasn’t fine,but am okay now talking to you

Clara: hmm okay,I thought you won’t call

Dav: oh am sorry for calling late,was busy today. You know I cant go to bed without talking to you my princess.

Clara: oh is okay,I never knew you were busy

Dav: no problem, so how was school today?

Clara: fine and yours?

Dav: school is fine oo,just that…you know lecturers with their wahala

Clara: hmmm just be careful okay and always pray

Dav: okay sweetheart, hope you are preparing for your weac?

Clara: yes!

Dav: so how was your day?

Clara: boring she mumbled under her breath

Dav: didn’t get you dear?

Clara: yes it did went well…

Dav: okay and lastly,hope you have taken your dinner?

Clara: yes and you?

Dav: yes dear,just decided to check on you to know how you are doing…….Clara: thanks

Dav: nah its nothing, am satisfied hearing your voice… I can now sleep well,good night sleep tight

Clara: okay you too,she said as the call disconnected.

Wow!! He’s so sweet,I think I like him already she mumbled to herself as she can!e out of the kitchen,where she received the call. Mm humm!! I think I should go sleep now she said walking into the room


Dav pov:

I called to check on her to know if she has accepted me,I almost wanted to ask her again but thank God I didn’t. I think I should give her sometime before asking her of her reply so it won’t be as if am in a rush or up to something…. Yes! I think thats the right thing to do,he thought to himself as he rolled on the bed.

“King David the Bad Guy, Baba for the girls!! Which girl you dey plan to get this time around??

Which girl you don dey plan to get this time around, tobi his younger brother hailed and asked at the same time as he came out of the bath room…you dey craze there you hear me, nah every girl you go know

mtcheew!! , Dav replied. Hmm you better dey careful before go carry STD come share for us wey dey for house here, tobi said.

Make thunder scatter that your mouth there for me… No abeg thunder help me scatter that boy mouth for me idiot….

me and you don dey become mate na Dav said as he threw him a pillow..

Ehn !! Thank you, na so you carry one today go that guest house wey dey for junction, you think say I no see you abi?? But you talk say de girl na just you course mate mtcheew!! Abeg shift make I lie down jawe ,tobi said.

Come you be witch,abi na monitoring spirit you be? Dav asked while giving him a surprise stare… You better mind your business oo pastor.he said again as he adjusted well on the bed..

.na so me and you go dey batter words like say we be mate. He said while hiting tobi on his head as he lay down on the bed. And then they both slept off.

Clara POV: i

It was another morning, and we were all prepared to go to school as usual…. I was in the room dressing then a message poped into my phone.

immediately I knew it was Dav and I have been expecting to hear from him before going to school. Happily I click on the message reading it,

while reading it I was just smiling like a fool un known to me that my mom was at the door watching.

Come wetin dey make you smile like mumu?…abi e don start,na so e dey take start oo and wetin you dey read there? Mom asked which brought shivers into my spine…immediately I started thinking of what to tell her at that instant before she will figure out anything.

Then an idea poped into my head and I started talking nothing dey do me oo,I just read one funny post wey person post for Facebook, na wetin dey make me smile….I said making sure I won’t make any mistake

Instead of you to dress make ona come comot here go school, you dey bussy dey do Facebook, dey smile like person wey dem nack madness

U betta come dey go cos I no get transport money to give ona mom said

And immediately I rushed to put my phone inside my bag first before she will be tempted to touch it,as I continued what I was doing..before we all went to school.

Three weeks latter

Clara POV cont

It’s been three weeks now Dav asked me out, and he has proven to be a good guy. I intentionally used this week to study him and know more on the kind of guy he is,and in all I haven’t find any thing bad in him

I even checked his phone the other day I went to their house if I could find any message or contact of any girl but found nothing except the contact of his family and other friends.

That was when I believed him more that he doesn’t have a girl in his life,and i found out he saved my number with my” love” . so I have decided to accepts him as my boyfriend. And I intend telling him today that I love him too…

I can’t wait to tell him how I feel about him,I have discussed it with my friends yesterday even though Esther disagreed but who cares!! I love him just as much as he loves me.

I just pray he doesn’t break my heart when we start dating,cos I won’t be able to bear it.

The next day

, it was Sunday as we all prepared to go to church. My mom was the first to leave the house and then my younger ones… As usual am always the last to go to church.

While dressing a knock came on the door and I went to check who it was,as I opened the door I found out it was Aisha…

Good morning Aisha,I greeted…Good morning clara ,she replied. Are you not yet through?? I thought I should come and check on you so we can go to church together she saidi just finished putting on this cloth now

,I have not cleaned my shoe and my bag yet and also my hair is not arranged but you can wait for me,I won’t take long I said as I open the door wide for her to come in.

And she came in,sat down while I rushed inside to get my bag ready and tie my head tie. I went inside ,I decide i will ask her about Dav if I come out of the room since I didn’t get any call or message from him and I tried calling his line but it’s switched off,which is making me

worried.maybe I forget to tell you we are now dating, am now his gf and am so happy to be his.well as you know yesterday I decided telling him when he calls that I feel thesame way he feels about me.

And he did called last night as he usually do. We discussed, and at last he poped the question again…(hey pretty you are just keeping me hanging for weeks now. If you don’t like me please tell me so I can try getting

(Hey pretty you are just keeping me hanging for weeks now,if you don’t like me please tell me so I can try getting my mind off you,but I will really like you to be my girlfriend).

And I replied him (well I have given it a thought and I sincerely like you too but its just that I don’t want to be heart broken …I accept your request to be your girlfriend).

And he was really happy to hear that I accepted to be his girlfriend. Through out last night he was just sending me different king of message with me replying him. So that’s how our relationship started and I really feel like talking to him this morning.

I was done tying my head tie as I took my bag,I head for my shoes to clean them. I came from the room to the parlor, I decided to asked Aisha,

Aisha what about your brother I asked cunningly… Which of them? she answered…hmmm Dav,I said as I dropped my bag for her to hold for me

.his inside she replied me. Is he not going to church ? I asked again? Mtcheew! That one,im dey go church? When you see him you asked him yourself abeg,she said nonchalantly. And I left her going to the backyard to clean my shoe.

Wow! Someone just asked of me seems she’s missing me already,I heard Dav say from the window of their toilet that burst out our back yard…

Arsshhhh!! How did you hear me? I asked

Dav: Good morning my princess

Clara: Good morning

Dav: well I just wanted to know if your mom is still around so I decided to come and listen from here.

Clara: ooh! I exclaimed as I clean my shoe.

Dav: so my princess is ready to go church

Clara: yes and why aren’t you ready.

Dav: I have a lot to do at home,so I won’t be able to meet up with service.

Clara: can’t you do it all after church?

Dav: I won’t have the time dear and don’t mind my sister that said that I don’t go to church… Okay, Clara replied.

Dav: my phone went off last night while texting u and I just wanted to hear from you this morning. I’ve been praying for your mom to leave so I will at least talk to you and thank God I finally got the chance to.

Clara POV

Hearing this I felt so happy and special, he really do loves me. Well you have seen and heard my voice now and its time for me to go ,am running late so bye for now,later! I said as headed to the door and then he blew me a kiss but I couldn’t wait any longer as I entered through the back door.

Clara POV cont

Na only shoe make you go there go sleep?, no you for tell me !make I bring una bed for you make you sleep well. you get luck say you come because I be won come see wetin hold you there, Aisha ranted with an angry look on her face…

No vex abeg,oya make we go I don finish sorry I said,to calm her down as we move out of the house.

After church we all came back home,all of us including mom, Dav parent & siblings….We ate lunch and I helped my siblings with their assignment not excluding mine,and we did other things that afternoon.

It was night already, as usual we were done with dinner as they all retired to bed excluding me. I intentionally stayed in the parlour, pretending to be reading while waiting to hear from DAV.

I can’t sleep anymore without hearing from him. I waited for some minutes before my phone vibrated, I wasted no time in picking up as I rushed to the kitchen…

Hahaha I know it’s funny, me running to the kitchen, I don’t want anyone to hear me especially my Mom unless I want to enter into big trouble. Hello I said as I picked the call.

Dav: hello pretty how are you and how was service?

Clara: am fine and it went well and you?

Dav: am good ,hope you have eaten?

Clara: (he never forget to ask me if I have eaten) yes and you?

Dav: yes I have,were you about to sleep( I asked to know if I have stolen her heart)?

Clara: No ,hmm. Just can’t sleep without hearing from you

Dav: wow!! I love you honey ( I lied feeling satisfied,what a great thief I am)…… Clara: I love you too…

Dav:okay let me leave you to sleep,so you be able to wake up early for school…. Clara: okay good night… Dav: good night and dream about me Clara: I will bye.

Clara POV:

Bye I said as the call disconnected, I was happy and satisfied talking to him.I really love him,if not because of school I would want to talk to him till tomorrow, I thought to myself as I went to sleep even though I know I won’t be able to sleep cos his thought always fill my head until sleep takes over.

It was Monday,and we’re all coming back from school, so I decided to tell my friends that I & DAV are now a team which is really making me happy and I know they might have notice my happiness. Well this morning he offered to escort me to school.

He offered to escort me to school this morning which I accepted, it was really fun walking with him. Hey Clara any gist for us? I know definitely their must be,favor said

Clara: I &Dav are already a team ,and he excorted me to school this morning….. favour: wow that’s romantic…

Esther: so you really accepted dating him?

favor: whats your problem,abi do you like him…abeg Clara don’t mind her gist me more…. Eather: like who?? Am not that stupid to buy his pretence.

Clara: I don’t know what you are thinking Esther,but whatever it is ; his not who you think he is. I know him more than you,moreover, I have studied him before accepting him.

Esther: okay oo…Favor: abeg continue… Clara: well I accepted him and he was happy I did,he calls now to check on me like never before. And this morning he saw me off to school, he even gave me money for lunch.

Though I rejected it at first but he insisted I collect it,that is just part of showing he loves me. We discussed a lot of things and it was really fun walking with him…. Favor: wow he is so nice.

Clara: you can say that again.

Esther: what should I say,since his good…no p ( she said as she hugged them and bid them a goodbye).

The both of them continued discussing while walking till the got to their destination and both part ways.

Clara POV:

Its one month and a week now we started dating and its be good all the way,he never ceased showing me love and care till now

He had even become my tutor and each day we meet or speak to each other I fall more in love with him. I always imagine a future with him any time I think about him and anytime he missed calling I feel worried.

We had returned from school, I & my siblings and we ate lunch as I help them with their assignment.

I was done doing the assignment and every other I wanted to do,so I decided to take my assignment to Dav so he will me out on it, not just because of my assignment but cos I want to be with him at least talk and discuss with him.

It makes me feel good any time am with him,so I took my books as I left our apartment leaving my younger ones behind since they wanted to sleep.

I headed towards Dav’s apartment but unfortunately no one was around,and I never knew it was a bad idea

Clara POV cont

I knocked but no response, so I decided to go back while turning back I bumped into Dav…am sorry I said.

Dav; its okay,Its my fault I didn’t know you wanted to turn back.I saw you heading towards our apartment so i followed.

Clara: oh!! I thought nobody was home.

Dav: well am the only one at home,I was bored so I decided to go talk to some friends.

Clara: okay,I came so you can help me with my assignment, hope you will be willing to??

Dav: its nothing honey,if I don’t who will?,you know I will be any time he said kissing her on the cheek before unlocking the door (come on let’s go in he said as the both entered inside).

Clara POV:

Well this is not the first time he has kissed me, apart from the day he asked me out,he has kissed me in several occasions.

Its either on my cheek or on my neck and it really sends shivers down my body, tingling me at the same time. Now I know what it feels like to fall in love .

am just helplessly in love with him. We entered into the parlor and I sat down,I brought out the book and showed him my assignment ( Economics… Demand/supply) we started working on it and solving the Equation in the Elasticity of demand and supply

which he even explained more clearer to me. I was happy after everything. Sitting on the couch with him close to me he turned to say I love y….ou

then before I could know it ,his hand was already dragging my face and he kissed me. Not as usual, this time around he deepened it pushing his tongue into my mouth and didn’t know when I gave in even though I don’t know how to kiss.

My dear before I could control that one his hands were already moving on my breast squezzing it softly which made me gasp for more .it was really a different feeling,feelings I have never experience before which was uncontrollable

but my subconsciousness hits me when he took his hands down under my skirt heading towards my pant and I disconnected from the kiss holding his hand at the same time. Am sorry if I really went far,it just that I couldn’t control myself, I love you Clara I just can’t comport myself when am with you, he said looking so innocent and I pittied him. Its okay,just that I haven’t done it before, I said feeling shy as I fondle my fingers. It won’t Hurt you know

Clara: I haven’t done it before, I said feeling shy as I fondle my finger.

Dav: its okay it won’t you know,its just that I love and if you really do love me like you claimed you will just let me.

Clara: I love you and you know it…its just that am scared ( she said as she continued fondling her finger)

Dav: scared of what my love ( he asked,holding her hands)

Clara: scared of you leaving me after that

Dav: tarrrh!! Me leave you… Arrrsh!! So you don’t even trust me or even believe I love you (he said feeling disappointed as he took his head downward supporting it with his hand)

Clara: its not like that ,I trust you and I also know you love me.

Dav: then what’s the problem, what will I do to make you believe me ( he said as he looked into her eyes).

Clara: nothing…I know you do love me and I love you too but let’s just wait for now.

Dav: its okay,I just feel too connected to you ( he said kissing the both side of her cheek)

Clara: thanks,I think I should go before my Mom comes back( she said picking up her books as she headed towards the door) bye she said before leaving… Bye ,Dav said back at her.

Dav POV:

O boy see fuck up oo chai!!…I don already wan enter, if no be devil come put sand sand for this thing…chai na so I just let am go, anyway na small small shaa ,na me go still chop am

Something wey I don plan finish since nobody dey for house mchteew!!.

Big bro wetin happen na?? This one you dey talk to yourself, hope say no be wetin I dey think, tobi his younger brother asked.

Make your papa village gods strike that your mouth there, wetin you dey do hear self like say your sence still dey work wey you dey think. Wetin you come dey think self,…Dav bark leeching his anger on him.

Ahhh! Abeg neighbours make una come ooo ,e don happen. My brother don dey spark small small for brain .come with chain at ones oo. I talk am, e been dey talk to himself b4, now im don dey shout tobi said demonstrating. And immediately Dav started pursing him as he ( tobi ) ran laughing. They both started running round the parlor.

Stupid boy,you sure say no be you come spoil this show for,DAV said while pursing Tobi.

The next day

School period was over,as we were all going home. So I decided to tell my friends what happened though not the both of them cos I just couldn’t face Esther.

But i just couldnt face Esther and her wahala, i need someone to talk to but not her… She will just start saying another thing entirely so i decided to wait till we get to her street so she will leave.

We got to her street, she hugged and bid us good bye before entering the street. And then we continued our journey.

Favour could you believe what happened yesterday! What?? Favour asked…

Clara: i took my assignment to dav yesterday after school so he can help me with it, he did help bit after then he kissed me,

i dont know how it all happened but o reciprocated back then he touch my breast but i realise myself when he was taking his hands down to my pants, so i stopped him.

I was scared and i told him but he said he loves me and wont leave me, he also apologized… I dont know what to do…

Favour : wo oh!! Now i get why you always get everything right… Hmm! Did he try forcing you?

Clara: no! and he also called at night to apologize again.

Favour : well that means he do loves you, so do you want to give him?

Clara: i dont know am confused.

Favour : its just up to you if you want to give him or not, but since he loves you maybe you should give him so he wont leave you for someone else.

Clara : Are you sure??

Favour : yes but give him some time before you do so (she said as she entered her street which is opposite to clara ‘s own and they said good bye to each other)


Dav pov:

Its been a week and some days now since clara escaped from me, though i still play cool making sure i dont mess up every thing…

Today is another lucky day since nobody is around she wont escape this tme around

i went to check from our toilet window if she was done with her house chores.

My love i called as i saw her rinsing some clothes… Good afternoon she replied me, how is your body now?…

Well i pretended to be sick since yesterday.

Clara pov

Since yesterday dav has not been feeling fine and it bothered me alot, so o decided after am done with my works i will go check on him.

My love i hear him say from their window, how is your body now i asked him after greeting him…

I thank God is not really like yesterday but is still disturbing me he said.

Clara: its okay dear, you will be fine. Hope you have taken your drugs?.

Dav: yes but i just wanted to see my princess maybe it will calm down a little.

Dav:yes but I just wanted to see my princess, maybe it will calm down a little.

Clara: don’t worry I will come check on you, am almost done. DAV: oh! Thank you, will be waiting.

An hour latter I was done with my works and then I took my bath and dressed to go check on DAV.

I left our apartment, leaving my younger ones since they were all playing,and then headed towards DAV own.

I Knocked on the door, come in I heard him say and then I pushed the door open, going inside the parlor, I saw him coming out of the room…. Have you eaten I ask feeling consign,

Couldn’t eat he said as he came to hug me and I pet him on the back

After some minutes we disengaged from the hug and Sat down close to each other

U need to eat I said checking his body temperature with my hands

His body wasn’t that hot,neither was it normal. I didn’t just know what to think at that moment.

I stood up going to the kitchen, is there food in the kitchen I ask… Yes he replied me

OK let me bring it so you will eat I said entering inside the kitchen.

As I went inside, I saw a pot on the gas ,I decided to check if it’s the pot of food, and it really was so I dished out the rice on a plate and went back to the parlor

Here take and eat so the medicine you took can work I said stretching the plate of rice to him. Please feed me nah! I would eat well if you feed me..

Hearing this I was shy,how would I feed him nah!, this is really a bad idea I thought to myself.

It’s OK if you won’t feed me, I don’t feel like eating, you can keep it on the table I will take it back to the kitchen later, thanks for your consign he said

Clara: it’s not like that OK let me feed you (she said sitting down beside him, as she scoop the rice and feed dav ) Clara cont:

as I was feeding him, I felt my body reacting but I didn’t understand why, I kept feeding him.

Looking at His face I imagined feeding him as my husband

I was so lost in thought that I couldn’t figure out why he collected the plate from me but before I could figure it out, his Lip’s had already land on mine pushing his tongue inside my mouth and my body was really reacting to it I couldn’t really control myself and I didn’t know when I gave in to the kiss.

As he was kissing me I felt his hands on my breast, then it went down to my butt and he carried me on his laps

He carried me on his laps and I felt different sensation in my body,my body was really wanting more.

I really wanted to stop it but my body was opposing me.

He took his hands to my thighs touching it and it felt more good this time than the first time

He took his hands to my private part and I was really shy and scared at the same time

I tried to disengage but couldn’t his hold on me this time was stronger.

He took me up on a bridal style to his room,and that made me more scared,

I can’t do it I said as he dropped me….why he ask knelling down in between my legs,holding my waist,while I sat on the bed…am scared I said… Scared of what again he asked

Clara: isn’t it gonna hurt….DAV: I promise you it won’t, I love you Clara please give me the chance to show you

Clara: but… But what DAV said cutting her up with a kiss


I know it’s not going to be easy but am ready for this.

I tried turning her on without giving her any chance, making sure her body feels the hit,as long as her body will be willing to,she won’t be able to oppose her desire

I kissed her deeply touching every path that can make her wet and I pulled her skirt up while kissing her

then I removed the lubricant cream I put in my back gean with one hand,as I unzip my gean rubbing the cream on my d…k ,and then I shifted her pant and… (U no the rest).

Clara POV :

It was evening and am trying so hard to comport myself, making sure Mom doesn’t notice anything because am not really OK inside

all over my body is paining me slightly and my Virgina is really paining and hurting me even though am trying to feel OK.

Thank God we aren’t cooking tonight, I just pray we finish anything we are about to do fast so I will go and rest.

If I knew,I wouldn’t have gone to DAVs apartment with him alone, now see how have lost my virginity,and it’s really painful, but he said it won’t hurt

I don’t know how he even did it,I don’t know how it all happened

everything happened so fast that before I could realise myself he was already pushing inside me ,it was the pain I felt that made know he was already inside me even though I tried pushing him but couldn’t because his weight was too strong for me

I couldn’t shout ,all I did was to cry out my pain..even though he tried taking it gently, it hurt. (He begged after everything,

(Though he begged me after everything, promising he won’t leave me and will always love me

But I wasn’t myself ,so I didn’t listen I rush out of the apartment; making sure no one sees me and then I entered our parlor

thank God my siblings weren’t awake ,so I rushed into the bath room. Took my bath and washed my skirt and pants that was stained with blood.

As I came to the parlor, I met DAV with a cup of hot tea…hey am sorry ,please don’t push me out,am sorry he said. But I ignored him,okay take this ;its going to relief your pain he said again but I rejected it,

And he never gave up following me around still begging me. In that process, he mistakenly hit on the wall and the hot tea poured on his hand and clothe, I felt pity for him cos the tea was hot.

So I rush and brought water for him as I help him wash his hands….am sorry he said again,

its okay the deed has been done and we can’t change anything so why will I prolong the quarrel. Afterall I still love you and this shows it that I couldn’t let you get burnt by the tea I said as I cleaned his hands with a soft towel.

Thanks he said as we stayed together for a little while before he left)

thank God we are done with everything cos I don’t feel like eating just want to lye down and sleep. (The next day)

Clara! Clara!! I heard clinton ‘s tiny voice, mmm! I said as I tried stretching on the bed. Mommy said I should come wake you so we will prepare for church he said.

So its Sunday already I mumbled while standing up from the bed,and immediately I felt a slit pain in my Virginia.

That was when yesterday memory played in my head and then my stomach rumbled and I felt very hungry, recalling that I slept off without food last night

I went to check on my phone, I then saw missed calls from Dav and message;maybe he might have called to check on me I thought to myself,

I think I will call him after preparing for Church I said as I kept my phone back.

I was ready for church then I took my phone and dailed davs line but his call came instead and I answered it..hello pretty he said over the phone, good morning I replied greeting him

DAV: why didn’t you pick up my calls last night?

Clara: I wasn’t awake when you called I didn’t know when I feel asleep

DAV: oh! OK so how are you feeling

Clara: a little bit OK…DAV: am sorry,

Dav: am sorry…its okay Clara replied him….I called last night to check on you and I was worried when you didn’t pick up but its okay anyway. Are you done preparing for church?

Clara: yes and was about calling you before you called

DAV: okay

Clara: where are you cause I know you Aren’t home?

Dav: emm I went out for something important, but I will be back soon

Clara: okay be careful outside there…DAV: alright dear bye…bye Clara replied back.

Clara POV:

We all came back from church but my mom went to check on someone

I was in the parlor reading a story when a knock came on the door and immediately I stood to check who it was,

there I saw DAV standing looking so charming. I then opened the door wide so that he can come in

what’s up honey he said as he dragged me to himself with his right hand and kissed me.

Stop it my siblings are around I whispered as I close the door after he came in.

Good afternoon bro DAV,evenly said as she came out of the room, good afternoon bro DAV Clinton and Emma said as they also can!e out of the room

Afternoon Dearie’s ,how are you guys doing?, fine they all said.

Bro DAV,its bro tobi not yet back? Clinton asked,Since its his best friend, they both get along well even though tobi is much older than him

his not yet back but will be back in the evening DAV said. Okay Clinton replied as they all went back into the room.

How is it ? Dav whispered holding my hands. How is what? I asked looking at him. Dav: didn’t you enjoy it,forget the pain? He whispered.

Clara: hearing this i felt very shy that I couldn’t reply but put my face down. Dav: hey don’t be shy,you aren’t a baby anymore you know. I know you still want more

clara: OMG is he crazy I thought to myself as i started hitting him with !y hands

you are spoilt to the core, Mr & Mrs tope aren’t suppose to be your parent; I said hitting him as he laughed,

then he held my waist and I fell on him but stood up immediately.. I love you I said in a whisper as I sat back on the couch

I love you too he said kissing the both side of my cheek ,and he stood up.

am coming dear he said going out. Okay I replied him,though I waited for him till my mom came back but he never returned as he said.

He did call at night to check on me. The next day

We were all returning from school gisting and laughing as we got to Esther street,

She hugged and bid us goodbye as she entered her street while the two of us continued.

Hey you haven’t told me about you and your boyfriend for days now,hope you guys are good favour asked,yes we are I replied.

So he never asked you of sex since that day? She asked again

Clara: well I don’t know what to say,I was too shy to tell you…anyway he did and I gave him. Not that I intentionally gave him it just happened so quick, I couldn’t control myself before I know it he was already inside me.

Favor: so if I never asked you wouldn’t have told me,anyway i forgive you so gist me more how did it happen? Is he romantic on bed?

Clara: you are just too corrupt, I don’t know ( I said covering my face)

Favor: shy shy girl you better grow up,cos you have joined our league she said as the both laughed

Clara: I just pray he doesn’t leave me cos he has taken something precious from me and to top it up,I can’t stop loving him.

Favor: well I will make sure I break his bone if he does that.

Clara: hmmm bone breaker,see you tomorrow at school ( she said as they hugged each other before patting ways.)

It was weekend And I have been waiting to talk to DAV,

the thing is that I don’t know what is wrong with me,anytime I see him with any girl I just get upset.

( flash back) two days ago,I saw him with a girl when we were coming back from school

the way they were holding hands ,laughing and talking to each other made me want to go meet the girl ,slap her and tell her she is holding my boyfriend and she should back off!

But I just tried to stay calm. And immediately DAV saw me ,he pulled off his hands staying a little bit far from her but that didn’t calm the anger in me.

Why will he be holding her at first? The way the girl was even laughing even made me more angry,and I guest my friends noticed my anger.

Calm down Clara maybe they are just coursemate ,favor said as she held my hand.

I understand your feelings dear,that’s why I warned you before getting into it at first,cos I have experienced it before, Esther said. Making me more angry,

what does that got to do with the situation now,I thought to myself as I hissed and tried to calm myself down.

That day when I got home I waited for him to come back.

Flash back continue::

On a second thought,I couldn’t wait. I picked my phone and called him,

hello pretty, what’s up he said as he picked up the call.

I want to talk to you come quick I said ,hope there’s no problem?

Anyway am already back,you can come over, there is no one at home except me,he said

Okay I replied since mom wasn’t around,I rushed to their apartment making sure no one saw me

Hey honey,how far he said as he opened the door for me and I entered without replying him

Why is your face like that he asked…Clara: nothing,who is that girl I saw you with?

Dav: are you kidding me ,what are you thinking?….Clara: just answer the question…!

Dav: okay chill girl,she is just my coursemate.

Clara: and you were holding her like that,when did you start staying that close to girls and keeping them company?

Dav: WO ..oh!! My girl is really jealous, okay am sorry I won’t do that again ,(he said as he went close to her and held her waist)

Clara: am not jealous okay. ….Dav: hmm are you sure??…Clara: don’t joke with me.

Dav: okay sorry he said as he grab her lips kissing her deeply.

Clara continue::

I tried stopping the urge but it seems it was more than me,so I gave in and we ended up having sex in their parlor.

I didn’t know what made me do it,but I think it was all for love .( flash back over).

And today I saw him hugged another girl as I went to buy something . I don’t know what to do am scared of loosing him.

I was siting in our parlor and he called, I picked it without saying a word

hello dear,are you there he said?? …good day I replied him.whats that for? Why is your voice like that

Clara: who is that girl…I saw you today when you hugged another girl.

Dav pov:

OMG!! How did she even see me! I thought to my self, I have been trying to hide my true self from her,but I think I can’t hide it any longer

Just because am dating her doesn’t mean I should be chained to her or be in bondage

even though I like her,it doesn’t still mean I should not leave my life to the fullest. You aren’t saying anything I heard her say from the other side

DAV: you are unbelievable,you saw me hug someone, just a hug and you are picking offense,what’s your problem??

Clara: you were hugging a girl and not a boy(she shouted)

Clara: you hugged a girl and not just anyone (she shouted)

DAV: there is nothing there in hugging a girl, it’s just a hug and nothing else so please stop all this

(I raised my voice )she was silent.. Hey it’s okay am sorry.

(Clara) do you really love me

DAV: why this question, you know I love you, what’s really your problem??……

(Clara) DAV I love you and don’t want to lose you please

(DAV)stop it you aren’t losing me it’s just a hug..I said trying to calm her down….. Clara: okay

DAV: I love you too Clara, when I come back I will call you to come over

Clara:; OK bye… Bye I said back. Mtcheew that’s why I don’t like teenagers like her,they nag a lot.

Clara POV: maybe am just out of control, but I don’t know what to do.

(Two weeks latter

For two weeks now DAV have been acting wired,his not the DAV I know,

he has really changed and when I confront him, he will say I take things too serious that there’s nothing wrong in anything he Doe’s

Who knows maybe his right I just take things too serious,

as long as he Love’s me he will never cheat on me or leave me I thought to myself as I dress to go to the market

I know he will never Hurt me after every thing I have done, even because of the love I have for him I let him have sex with me sometimes just to make him happy

he won’t hurt me I said in a low tone as I came out of the room

Mummy am ready to go to the market I announce

Come backyard I heard her say and I went to meet her to take the list and money for soup

on my way to the market, I got to the junction and then stop and blink my eyes to know if am really seeing well. Is that not DAV coming out from that hotel,

oh! no and his with someone. What did he went to a hotel to do?

tell me it’s not true no it’s not true, that is the girl that came to meet DAV yesterday, yes I still remember that face, I can’t possibly forget so quick

But I thought he told me she is just his course mate,

OMG when she came yesterday there was no one at home except DAV

although I suspected something but I waved the thought away

and after she left, I went to meet DAV and he told me she’s just his course mate,

so what were they doing in a hotel I kept on thinking and it really Hurt’s that I wanted to go and meet them but…maybe it’s not what am thinking I said as I cont my journey

Clara POV cont

May be it’s not what am thinking…I said as I continued my journey without letting him see me.

After I came back from the market and the cooking,my mom left us to the farm to harvest some corn and DAV was back then

.So I decided to go meet him since he was alone.I knocked on the door,who’s that ? He asked, its me I said.

Hey what’s he said immediately he opened the door

Am good I replied him as I entered the parlor

Dav: how are you doing…Clara: am fine and you?…Dav: am okay.

Clara: you haven’t called since morning, so I said I should come check on you

Dav: well my phone have been off since ,that’s why.

Clara: so where were you since morning? Cos I have checked on you in the morning but you weren’t around.

Dav: we had lectures today… Clara: ah ah! Today being Saturday?

Dav: yes and that’s where am coming from.

Clara: hmmm!! Are you really telling the truth right now?

Dav: what’s that suppose to mean?

Clara: I thought you said you love me,and I still remembered when you vowed to never lie to me,what happened?

Dav; do you really think am lying to you?

Clara: but I saw you with your course mate which you said she is coming out from that guest house or will I call it a hotel at the junction

Dav: I never went to any guest house,as I said early I went for lectures.

Clara: oh my God! Are you being serious? ,so you mean am lying? Even after seeing you with my two eyes,if I was been told I won’t believe it.

Dav: maybe you are hallucinating ,its just an imagination of all the things you hear about me that is not true

Clara: I hear people hallucinate,but I know what I saw

Dav: hey I think you should stop thinking negative about me. I love you and won’t leave you for anyone

so free your mind from all this cheating of a thing and you will see how free you will be. ( he said holding her hands)

Clara: but I saw you nah ( she whispered to herself)

do you really mean that wasn’t you?? ( she asked again whispering)

DAV : you need to control yourself okay and anytime you think you are seeing me with any woman you come meet so you will know if it’s true ( he said assuring her)

Clara: alright she said as DAV kissed her.

Dav POV:

Ooo gaaa oooh!! This girl na something else o,how I wan take do her nah, thank God say I be professional for lie sha.

Dav POV continue:

Thank God say I be professional for lie shaa,I no go dey Go any guest house or hotel for this side again.

( Dav thought to himself while hugging her). If no be say I just like her and I know wan hurt her that much

because na me deflowered her,I for avoid her to the last I for no even answer her self..mtcheew.he hissed

what’s it ? Clara asked? Nothing dear…Alright,I should start going before my mom comes back,Clara said as they both disengage from the hug…


(They were all returning from school as usual,but this time favor wasn’t with them ,it was just Esther,Clara and Clara siblings which were ahead of them)

Clara do you know that DAV isn’t good for you? He is a bad guy and also a cheat

I would advice you get out of that relationship before it get late, Esther said to Clara.

Clara POV:

Hearing this my mood changed and I was a bit annoyed, I don’t know what is wrong with Esther

I don’t know what is her problem with DAV .if she want DAV for herself, she should tell me nah

She is the major person spoiling my mind about DAV,dav was right after all

the gossip about him is too much and its affecting me but I won’t listen any more

Did you hear me bestie? Esther asked, I really mean no harm she added

Why did you say that? Or have you dated DAV before? Clara asked looking at her suspiciously

Esther: you aren’t okay,and I can’t even try that not after my first experience

Clara: then why all this bad things about him?

Esther: I don’t blame you anyway,you are just blindfolded by love. So am not surprise about you not believing me

its just that am trying to save you from his trap. I just pray you haven’t given him your body yet?

Clara: hearing the last part of her words ” haven’t given him your body yet” really hit my head and I started regretting

but he loves me na my mind said which comforted m, he will never me I said to myserlf

Esther: hey Clara you aren’t saying anything

Clara: what do you want me to say nah,okay what is it again?

Esther: DAV has been cheating, he is dating a girl named Ella living close to us. He always come there to check on her

and not just Ella,he is also dating his school mate, a 100 level students in his school and she leaves close to my Aunt.

I always see the both of them together. Last weekend I saw them going into that hotel

Easter cont: last weekend I saw them going into that hotel at the junction, so I said I should tell you, if you like you listen.

Clara: hearing all this made me remember that same last weekend when I saw DAV coming out from that same hotel

and he told me he never went to any hotel

Esther: hey are you OK,you are just behaving somehow hope there is no problem

Clara: am OK,it’s just that am confused… Esther you don’t have to be,I know you love him but his just a play boy Clara

I pray you get to know the real him and it shouldn’t be too late.

Don’t follow favor, she is more wild than you think chose the right path Clara

(she said before entering her street,leaving Clara confused and weak)

Clara POV:

me and my siblings got to the house at the same time, we freshened up and took our food to eat,but I couldn’t eat,I was really hurt inside

I really love DAV, why will he be doing all this, while I was still lost in thought a call came in my phone

and I checked it was DAV, what Doe’s he want again I said as tears drop down my Chick

I ignored the call but he called again and I picked it this time.

Hello I said trying to pull myself together

hey what’s it why is your voice like that he said, nothing I replied

can you come over I prepared something for us to eat

hearing this I decided to go over. Wen I got there the door was already open so I entered

Entering the parlor I saw him coming out from their kitchen with a big plate of rice

Good day I greeted as I sat down…DAV: hey wats the problem you don’t look OK

Clara: am fine I said trying to make sure I don’t sound teary but my voice failed me

DAV: what’s it Honey (he said looking consigned as he went close to her,sitting beside her and holding her hands).

Clara: nothing just let it be am OK…DAV: no I won’t until you tell me wat is making you sad

Clara: it’s you..DAV: ah! What did I do again.

Clara: am I not OK for you, have I not tried in showing you my love, I thought you said u love me and only me

DAV: wy all this question’s.. Clara: who is Ella and grace..

DAV: Ella and grace, who are they?

Clara: don’t try to deny it

DAV: deny wat I don’t know them and who is feeding you with all this nonsense (he said getting annoyed)

Clara: no one.. DAV: are you trying to get me more annoyed, who is feeding you rubbish about me he said shouting

DAV: are you trying to get me more annoyed, who is feeding you rubbish about me he said shouting this time around as he held her on her arm

Clara: my friend she said being afraid….

DAV:so after all I said to you,you still disobeyed. do you know it’s not good to listen to rumors

Clara:am sorry… DAV: like seriously?,so if I was ready to marry now and we get married this is how you would disobey me and be listening to gossip’s ehn(he said looking at )

Clara: am sorry please I will never listen to any gossip again ,forgive me

( she said as she stood up ,hugging him from behind) am sorry!

DAV: its okay,( he said facing her as the both hugged each other) I told you I love you,dont listen to anybody

Clara: okay! She replied as the both sat down enjoying their meal,and after their meal they also enjoyed themselves).

Clara POV:

Its been a month now,and I choose not to listen to any rumor about DAV and also haven’t seen him any girl

Our WEAC exams has commenced and I tried all possible best to ignore Esther’s gossip cos I love DAV and I know he loves me too

I came back from school and I decided to go check on DAV so he would tutor me on maths,

since its our next paper tomorrow. I got to their apartment and knocked

Who’s that ?? I heard a female voice which is not Aisha’s voice

who will that be I thought as the door open revealing a pretty younger girl that will be maybe three years older than me

Good day I greeted,good day she replied. Please is DAV at home ,I asked? No! Any problem she replied?.

Clara: not at all. Girl: then why looked for him? Clara: he ‘s my tutor. Girl: oh! He is not around

Okay I said and left still thinking who she might be

May be she’s one of their relations who has come for holidays, I thought to myself

Later in the evening when mom was back she called me

yes ma’am .you called Me I said

yes ,I called because I heard DAV have been helping you in your studies. Is that true?

Clara: yes ma’am. Mother: hope you don’t have anything doing with him accept that?

Clara: yes ma’am. Mother: tell me the trurth now, hope you are not hiding any thing from me?

Clara: no ma’am. Mother: have you ever gone there when he is alone?

Clara: no ma’am! Mother: I don’t want him to tutor you again,don’t even go close to him again do you hear me

Mother: did you hear me?….Clara: yes ma….mother: he is not good for you before you become his victim

he just impregnated a girl who is a little older than you, and her parent brought her to his parent

that is what we were trying to settle in the morning before I went to farm.

Dav denied not knowing her at first, but later opened up that she’s his girlfriend after being threatened. So the girl now is in their house

we are still trying to beg her parent, that’s why I said you should stay away from him. His parent told me that this is not the first time it has happened,

they said he already has a daughter from a young girl in the village, so that is why I called you.

Clara POV:

Hearing this I couldn’t move I was just dump, oh! that explain the girl I saw in their house that afternoon

Before I could even get over the shock at that moment, mom throws me another bomb question

Mom:that reminds me you haven’t seen your period this month, why?

Hope you are not going against my advice, hope you haven’t defile yourself

Clara:no ma am not, maybe it will come late this month as it normally do some months, I quickly said to divert her thinking, if not it won’t really go well

and I don’t know how I will face her,if the truth comes out. OK oo just be careful I heard her say even though I wasn’t myself

My head was spinning to a point i couldn’t stand up,I was so shock to the Bone marrow.

Ah ah wetin you still sidown there for after we don finish discussion, stand up go bring food for me make I eat jor I heard mom shouted and I immediately stood up

Trying very much to comport myself as I went to dish the food. That night I pondered on what my mom told me, it’s a lie

I just couldn’t believe it as I cried my heart out silently. Esther warned me but I didn’t listen

and the worse of it is that I haven’t seen my menstrual flow yet,OMG what will I do now

the next day

The first paper is starting in 30min time and am not even myself,have not even read anything

The worst part is that I don’t even know maths,and I have been using my eyes to search for my friends

Hey bestie I heard favour say behind me and I immediately turned to her…thank God you came

Favour:what’s the problem,have you been crying?,you look restless what’s it (she said sitting beside her with a consigned look).

Clara: favor am finished! ( she said with a teary voice,as drop of tears fell down her cheek).

Favor: calm down dear ,it’s okay…just tell me what the problem is

Clara: ah favor ( before she could complete her sentence, a call came on her phone

she bright out the phone to know who was calling but dropped it immediately after finding out the caller).

Favor: hey its DAV calling nah, ( mtcheeew!! Clara sighed as more tears fell from her eyes)Dav continued calling and finally Clara picked up the call.

Clara: what is it You devil ?( she bark immediately she picked the call)

Dav:hey just let me explain please,cos I know you might have heard

Clara: what’s there to explain, that you are a deciever or a man whore OMG why! Dav why??

( DAV hearing this he disconnected the call and Clara cried out more

Favor: its okay please,atleast tell me what happened?

Clara: DAV is a play boy, a cheat but that’s not the main problem

The main problem is that he just got someone pregnant;and the parent of the girl brought her to their house

To top it all,am yet to see my period this month

mom even said he already has a child and that this is not his first, favor am heart broken and shattered right now ,she said crying.

( In the process of ending her story, Esther was already at their back)

Esther: what’s it? Why are you crying and why are you heartbroken? ( Esther asked as she came down and sat beside Clara)

Clara: you warned but I didn’t listen,she said resting her head on Esther’s shoulder as she cried

Its okay,calm down first. Favor said consoling her

what’s the problem favor? ( Esther asked as turned facing favor

and favor narrated everything to her ommitting the part that she hasn’t seen her period)

Esther: I know he wasn’t good cos I always see him with different girls but it’d okay anyway

and you shouldn’t be crying but happy that you found out and your body is intact.

Clara: hearing this made me cry more. what will I say now,how will I tell her I lost my virginity to him. Oh am finished!

Esther: but wait,why are you crying this much.You have nothing to loose nah.

Favor: she has lost her virginity to him and

they have been having sex since then. The worst is that she hasn’t seen her period

Esther: what!! Its a lie and you never told me Clara.

Clara: am really sorry,its favor oo!

Clara: am really sorry,its favor oo

Esther: so favor you know all this?, I know you are the one that encouraged her

you are a bad friend ( she said turning to favour as she eyed her).

Favor: stop pushing the blame on me please !,this is not the time to put blame on me

Let’s solve the problem at hand…moreover I never knew it will end this way.

Esther: its five minute’s to the exam now,maybe after the Exam we will find out if you are pregnant or not!

Then we know what to do but for now ,calm down the deed has been done.

Favor: And don’t worry I will pay for your Maths paper, I have enough cash to pay for the both of us.

Clara: Thanks.

After the first paper,Esther suggested a test tube to check Clara which they bought using her urine to check and it came out positive

Hey! Am finished Clara cried out in the toilet…calm down don’t let anybody hear us favor said. What should we do now? Clara asked crying

I think you should call DAV and tell him to meet you after the last paper,favor said….yes Esther supported

We will be waiting for you after your discussion then we will know what to do ,Esther added

Okay Clara replied as she called DAV and told him as she was advice to. After then they all went to prepare for their exams

Dav POV:

She called And said we needed to talk,I was wandering what she wanted to say cos I know she is very angry right now

Maybe I should go hear her out. I picked up my phone and called my friend that live not to far from their school

I pleaded with him for his house key,that I will be coming with my girlfriend

And he agreed saying,I should come take the key from his shop when coming

So I decided to go back home and get ready,since yesterday I left home I haven’t gone back because of that stupid girl.

She is just a loser cos I will never marry her,she think she can just put her pregnancy on me ,mtcheeew! As if am the only one that f..ks her

I would even prefer Clara to her that I don’t know how many guys she had played with before me

I dressed and left the hotel room heading towards the gate,as I came out luckily I saw an okada and waved at him

he came to me and I told him the address which he agreed to take me there

When we got to my house,I paid him and headed inside.Entering the parlor i saw the stupid witch.

Dav POV continue

Entering the parlor I saw the stupid witch with my sister gisting. Good day bro DAV Aisha greeted…good day

Good day DAV,I heard the stupid girl say and immediately I threw her a dagger stare before walking into the room

Hey big bro! Where you dey since yesterday nah? Tobi said sitting on the bed,I sighed ignoring him.

Tobi: wetin I do you nah wey you dey snub me,you know say we be padi padi.

Dav: wetin you wan make I tell you?…Tobi: how e take happen nah? Nah you really do am?

Dav: my dear I no know oo but I no dey sure ….Tobi: but you for use C.D nah

DAV: I dey use C.D but nah just few times I know use am make me confuse.

Tobi: your father be dey wait for you yesterday,thank God you know come back

Dav: mtcheeew! I no even want im own trouble,I said going into the bathroom

After bathing and dressing I was hungry,so I decided to eat before going. I came out of the room and went to the kitchen

there I saw her again. What are you doing here?

Is here your mothers kitchen? Please go out cos this kitchen can’t contain you and I

I said in a very mean way… But DAV I thought you said you love me and will do anything for me

remember you use to tell me you would never leave me

What happened??, where did I go wrong? She said with her eyes full of tears

You are very stupid for that! Did I tell you to get pregnant?

And even if you did, why didn’t you tell me privately before disgracing yourself

Stupid girl! You think you would disgrace me,I said angrily… But I didn’t know I was pregnant

it was 2 months and 2 weeks before my mom found out because of my wired behavior,am sorry she said crying

You see your life,you see how stupid you are that you don’t know you were pregnant,

infact I don’t even wants to hear anything( he said going out of the kitchen as Anna fell down crying,feeling heartbroken and disappointed)

Clara POV:

We were done with our last paper as I rushed out of the Hall with my bag

I brought out my phone and called DAV. Where are you ,I asked?…Am waiting for you not too far from your school

just before your school he said. Okay am coming now I said before disconnecting the call

Hey are you ready to go ? Esther asked as she walked close to me…Yes I replied.

Clara pov continue

Yes i replied her, okay we will be waiting here for you… Just be fast, she said. Okay i said rushing out of the school gate.

As i was going, i sighted dav standing in front of a house with a black gate and i hasten my movement.

Good day i said as i got there… Good day dear, how are you doing? Replied.

Clara : Am not fine but thats not the problem… I came here for something else.

Dav: lets go in than standing at the road side(he said opening the gate as the both went inside the compound and into his friends apartment). I know you wouldn’t listen to any thing i say but am sorry ( he said as they both sat down on the couch).

Clara: well thats not a problem because we have a bigger problem now.

Dav: what is the problem??

Clara : Am pregnant!!

Dav: Hope you aren’t joking with me?

Clara : do i look like am joking, Am pregnant.

Dav: OMG!! My village people don succed for my head… How many months?

Clara : i think its one month cos i saw my period last month but haven’t seen it this month, so i checked with a test tube and it turned out positive.

Dav: well i think you should flush out that thing!!

Clara : Are you being serious, calling your own blood a thing?

Dav : which blood?, hope you are not thinking of keeping it, because you are on your own.

Maybe you too wants to bring disgrace to yourself( he said being mean this time around)

Clara : so after all the things you said, after all the love you promised me.

Dav: My friend you are not okay! … I think you need some sence. Are you keeping it or not?, and if you are stupid to keep it, dont even mention me. If not! ( he said with a fierce voice and anger)

Clara: i never planned on keeping it anyway, ( she said as hot tears gushed down her cheek)

Dav pov:

Well thank God you arent that stupid. You can look for where to flush it out, and i will also look for a place too.

Dont worry i will take care of the bills and please dont waste anytime, am just giving you 2days to do the search (he said feeling irritated by her presence, as he walked out on her).

Come out! I want to lock the house, he shouted.

Clara pov:

Hearing all this made me wanna faint, OMG! My heart is really hurting me so bad. I cant believe this is the dav i met, the one that promised me love.

Am more than disappointed amd heartbroken rigth now, why does it really hurt to love.

I stood up putting myself together, making sure i dont fall, cos i wasnt myself… I was really weak even to my bones.

I came out of the house and he didnt even spare me a glance… He wasnt even smiling as usual and that hurts me more, getting to know i was been used.

Only the thought alone made tears fall down my cheeks uncontrolablely as i quietly walked out of the gate still crying silently.

I headed towards the school to meet my friends, i got there and told them everything.

You see, i told you but you didnt listen… Esther said ( eyeing favor) am really sorry clara, favor said hugging her.

Its okay, i know you never knew it will end this way, he really played his prank well but one thing am sure is that… Vengence never cease to happen, clara said.

For the pregnancy, i know a girl that will show were you will abort it, favor said. Try and contact her fast before the two days the idiot gave, Esther said… Okay, replied favor as they all went home.

Its more than a week now after the abortion and it went well, i thank God nothing funny happened.

I was really scared before the abortion based on all the things i have heard about it, but thank God i came out alive… Though it was painful and the pains were unbeareable the worse thing is dav never showed up nor even called.

He just paid the Nurse before that day, and even when the nurse called, he never picked up but swited off his phone… I just thank God shaa, am okay even though the heartbreak is still fresh and hurts so much, i have decided to move on… Never to love again but concentrate till i get to the peak of my success, then, only then i might give it a try cos LOVE really HURTS.