Meet Ruby, a young woman who lives with her dad, Jack, in a village. Jack used to be a teacher but is now retired.Martins, who lives in the city, needed workers for his shop. So, Martins asked his mom to find some for him.

Martins’ mom talked to Jack and his wife about a job opportunity for Ruby. She said Ruby could work for Martins for five years, and then Martins would help her start her own business. Jack liked the idea because they needed money, and he hadn’t received his pension yet.

Jack said he needed some time to think, and Martins’ mom, Ruth, left. When Ruby heard about the job offer, she didn’t object because she needed work.

Ruby is 23 years old and just finished school. She’s waiting for her results. Jack called Ruth,that they were ready to proceed strictly on business terms.

Martins then returned to the village to meet Ruby, accompanied by his mom.upon seeing Ruby, martins is struck by her beauty and envision her present in his shop attracting more customers. Delighted, martins and Ruth discussed the matter, and both agreeing that ruby is an excellent choice

Two days later, Ruby went to the city with Martins. Martins sells electrical appliances.

When they got to town, Martins showed Ruby around the shop and introduced her to the other workers. Ruby stayed in Martins’ house with two other male workers. Since Ruby started working in Martins’ shop, they’ve been making a lot of sales. But Martins gets jealous when he sees other men talking to Ruby because he thinks it’s better to marry her than let her work in his shop.

After three months, Martins rented another house for his two male workers

because he wanted to be alone with Ruby in his house.

One morning, Ruby waited for Martins outside his car, but he didn’t come out. She went inside to check on him and found him shivering in bed. She made him some tea and took care of him all day. Martins liked her cooking and thought to himself that she would make a good wife.

Two days later, Martins is feeling better and ready to go to work. He told Ruby to stay home and rest because she looked tired, but she insisted she is fine. Martins got mad and raised his voice at her, which surprised Ruby because she had never seen him shout before. Weeks went by, and Ruby still wasn’t allowed to go to work.

Ruby decided to talk to Martins about it. She reminded him of their agreement that she would work for five years. Martins said she didn’t need to work because he would take care of her, but Ruby disagreed. She went to work by public transportation instead.

At the shop, a customer gave Ruby a lot of money, and she hugged him out of excitement. Martins saw this and got angry. He sl@pped the customer and took Ruby home forcefully, saying she isn’t allowed to go to the shop anymore.

Feeling confused and upset, Ruby retreated to her room, unsure of what to do next. She couldn’t understand why Martins was suddenly acting so possessive and controlling. As she lay in bed, thoughts raced through her mind, trying to make sense of the situation.

The next morning, Ruby woke up early, determined to confront Martins about his behavior the previous day. She found him in the kitchen, making breakfast. Taking a deep breath, she approached him and asked to talk. Martins listened quietly as Ruby expressed her feelings, explaining that she valued her independence and wanted to fulfill her part of the agreement they had made.

Confused by Martins’ actions, Ruby asked him why he sl@pped the customer who gave her money as a gift. Martins responded by saying that he brought her from the village and wanted to protect her from being deceived by other men. He insisted that she stay at home and serve him, promising to take care of her, and give her money after five years.

Ruby disagreed, reminding Martins of their agreement to work at the shop and learn about the business. She explained that staying home wouldn’t allow her to understand the business. Martins insisted that she listen to him, saying she had no choice in the matter.

Feeling angry and frustrated, Ruby stormed out of the kitchen and went to her room to calm down and think. She called her father to talk about Martins’ behavior, but instead, she received shocking news that her mother was sick and in the hospital. This news shifted her focus, and she decided to put aside her own issues to discuss her mother’s health.

After the call, Martins called Ruby to come eat, but she refused, saying she wasn’t hungry. Martins ended up eating alone. Throughout the day, Ruby remained in her room, feeling alone and praying for her exam results to come out so she could find work and regain control over her life and future.

Martins couldn’t sit still in his room. He felt restless, knowing he had upset Ruby. Feeling guilty, he decided to go apologize to her. He found her in her room and tried to explain that he sl@pped the customer because he was trying to protect her. But Ruby wasn’t interested in talking.

Despite Ruby’s disinterest, Martins kept talking, begging her to forgive him. He promised to make it up to her by taking her out. Reluctantly, Ruby agreed. She dressed in a beautiful white gown, catching Martins’ eye as she stepped out of her room.

Martins couldn’t help but admire Ruby’s beauty. He was completely mesmerized by her. Ruby’s gentle sigh brought him back to reality.

They went out to an entry and Martins bought food for both of them. While Ruby ate, Martins found himself lost in thoughts, unable to take his eyes off her. Ruby noticed his distraction and encouraged him to eat. But when Martins tried, he accidentally put the spoon to his neck instead of his mouth, staining his clothes.

Ruby laughed at his mistake and told him to go clean up in the restroom. Martins stood up, unaware that his handkerchief had fallen from his pocket. Ruby tried to call out to him, but he didn’t hear her, so she got up to pick it up for him.

Some people at the entry began to laugh at Ruby, drawing attention to her stained clothing. Ruben, a medical doctor who happened to be dining there, noticed the bloodstain on Ruby’s clothes. Without hesitation, he approached her, took off his coat, and discreetly draped it over Ruby’s shoulders from behind to conceal the stain.

Confused, Ruby couldn’t see who is wearing her coat and why! Ruben introduced himself and reassured her not to worry, explaining that he suspected she might be experiencing her monthly period, hence the bloodstain on her clothes.

Grateful for Ruben’s assistance, Ruby thanked him sincerely. However, Martins, upon seeing Ruben’s close proximity to Ruby, reacted impulsively. Instead of asking for an explanation, Martins started a fight with Ruben, causing a scene in the venue. Despite Ruby’s pleas for him to stop, Martins continued to brawl with Ruben, insisting that Ruby is his woman.

The altercation escalated, with Ruben retaliating by calling Martins uncultured. Feeling deeply embarrassed by the situation, Ruby apologized to Ruben. Ruben, in response, expressed disbelief that a beautiful girl like Ruby would be involved with someone like Martins who he referred to as “m@d dog”.

As the argument continued, Martins removed the coat from Ruby’s shoulders, exposing the bloodstain to everyone present. The incident left Ruby feeling humiliated and ashamed.

Martins forcefully grabbed Ruby and pulled her out of the entry, dragging her towards his car. Ignoring any protests or resistance from Ruby, he hastily drove away with her, leaving the scene behind in a cloud of dust.

Ruby sat in the car next to Martins, feeling a mix of anger, fear, and embarrassment. She couldn’t believe how quickly things had gone wrong, and she couldn’t shake off the humiliation from the public fight.

As they drove, Ruby’s mind raced with questions about Martins’ behavior. She wondered if she really knew him or if there was a side to him she hadn’t seen. When they got home, Martins tried to say sorry again, but Ruby Isn’t ready to listen.

She needed to change her clothes because they had blood stains from her period. After freshening up, Ruby paced back and forth in her room, still upset about what happened at the entry.

Finally, Ruby decided to talk to Martins, who is in the living room thinking about the guy from the entry who got too close to Ruby. Ruby asked Martins why he always create a scene and why he is so controlling and possessive?

Martins explained that he is trying to protect her from guys who might not be sincere. He said he brought her from the village, so he felt responsible for her. Ruby told him that the guy from the entry was just helping her because her clothes were stained with blood. She didn’t know her period would start that tonight.

Martins felt sorry and promised not to do it again. Ruby warned him that if he did, she would leave and go back to the village. Martins said he wouldn’t do it again. Then Ruby went to her room to sleep.

The next morning, Ruby got ready to go to the shop. She waited for Martins outside, and when he came out, he asked why she is all set and where she is going. Ruby replied that she is going to the shop. Martins responded by saying he already told her she wouldn’t be going to the shop anymore.

Ruby felt frustrated and replied that she thought they had moved past this. If Martins didn’t want her to go, then there is no point in staying here. She said she needed to call her parents to let them know she is coming back to the village. Martins insisted she shouldn’t call them and suggested they go to the shop instead.

As they were on their way to the shop, Martins instructed Ruby not to hug or talk to any males, emphasizing that he is only trying to protect her. Ruby nodded silently, not wanting to start any more drama with Martins.

Dr. Ruben noticed that the TV in his office wasn’t working, so he decided to go get a new one. He got into his car and drove to the electronics store to find a replacement.

Dr. Ruben decided to visit a shop at the plaza to look for a new TV. As he entered the shop,Martin is busy checking the accounts while Ruby and other workers attended to customers. When their eyes met, Ruby felt a rush of excitement seeing the person who had helped her before. Without asking what he needed, she immediately started a conversation, apologizing for the previous night and thanking him for his help.

Ruben accepted her apology but suggested that her husband or boyfriend martins should be spoken to about his behavior in public. Ruby clarified that Martin is her boss, not her husband or boyfriend, and this is his shop where she work. Ruben acknowledged this and decided it is best to leave, giving Ruby his card in case she needed it. Ruby beg him to patronize her, Despite his reluctance, he agreed to buy something from the shop.

While Ruben looking around for the tv product to buy, Martin noticed Ruben and approached him, demanding to know why he is in his shop. Ruby explained that Ruben is here to buy a TV. Martin disregarded Ruby’s input and confronted Ruben, accusing him of coming to see Ruby in disguise. Ruben, wanting to avoid any drama, decided to leave.

Before leaving, Ruben criticized Martin’s behavior, suggesting he needed medical help and commenting on his poor customer relations. With that, Ruben left without buying anything, leaving Ruby feeling upset about the situation.

After work, while Ruby waited in the car for Martins, she took out her phone and retrieved Ruben’s number from the card,he had given her. After noting it down, she put the card away and dialed the number. As the phone rang, Martins entered the car and Ruben answered from the other end. Ruby attempted to explain who she is by mentioning that he had helped her when she was on her period and that she had seen him in the shop today. Ruben recognized her voice and asked her name, to which she replied “Ruby”.

Meanwhile, Martins listened to Ruby’s conversation with Ruben inside the car. He stopped driving and questioned why she is talking to the same guy and how she had obtained his number. Ruby retorted, stating that it is none of his business. Martins insisted it is his concern because he is her caretaker and the one who had brought her from the village. Despite Ruby’s protests, Martins took the phone from her and spoke to Ruben, instructing him never to call this number again before ending the call.

Ruby, furious with Martins’ actions, snatched the phone back from him and warned him never to do such a thing again. She then dialed Ruben’s number to apologize to him. However, while they were talking again, Martins became furious and grabbed the phone from Ruby. He then got out of the car and threw it into the bushes.

Ruby, determined to retrieve her phone, also got out of the car and rushed to the bushes to search for her phone. Unfortunately, while searching for her phone, she was bitten by a snake.

Terrified, Ruby glanced around for Martins, but he was nowhere to be seen. With trembling hands, she attempted to recall any first aid measures she had learned in the past. However, her mind was clouded with panic, and she struggled to focus.

Ruby is taking a long time to come out of the bush,Martins is He went to look for her.

Just as panic threatened to overwhelm Ruby,she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Martins emerged from the shadows, his expression a mixture of concern and alarm as he rushed to her side.

What happened? Are you okay?” he asked, his voice thick with worry.

Ruby nodded weakly, her vision beginning to blur. “I-I-I’ve been bitten by a snake,” she managed to speak out.

Martins immediately sprang into action, tearing off a piece of his shirt to use as a makeshift bandage. With steady hands, he applied pressure to the wound, trying to slow the spread of venom through her body.

“We need to get you to a hospital,” he said firmly, his voice betraying his fear. “Can you walk?”Ruby shook her head, her strength rapidly waning. “I don’t think so,” she whispered


Gathering her into his arms, Martins lifted her gently and began to carry her towards the car. With each step, Ruby felt her consciousness slipping away, the pain in her leg intensifying with each passing moment.

As they reached the car, Martins carefully placed Ruby in the passenger seat before rushing around to the driver’s side. With trembling hands, he fumbled for the keys before finally starting the engine and speeding off towards the nearest hospital.

The journey felt like an eternity, the minutes dragging on as Ruby’s condition worsened with each passing moment. Martins drove with reckless abandon, his sole focus on getting Ruby the help she so desperately needed.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital, where a team of doctors and nurses were waiting to whisk Ruby away to the emergency room. Martins watched helplessly as she was wheeled inside, his heart heavy with fear for her safety.

As he paced the waiting room, Martins couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt that trouble him. He realized now more than ever how much he truly cared for Ruby and how his actions had put her in danger.

Hours passed in agonizing silence before a doctor finally emerged from the operating room, his expression grave. Martins held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited the news.To his immense relief, the doctor’s words were ones of reassurance. “She’s going to be okay,” he said with a small smile. “We were able to administer the antivenom(antivenin)in time.”

Martins felt a wave of gratitude wash over him as he thanked the doctor profusely. Rushing to Ruby’s side, he vowed to never let her out of his sight again, realizing now more than ever just how much she meant to him.

As Ruby began to stir from her drug-induced slumber, Martins took her hand in his, his eyes shining with tears of relief. “I’m so sorry, Ruby,” he whispered hoarsely. “I promise to protect you with everything I have, for as long as I live.”

Ruby replied, “What’s the point of promising me now when you caused this problem?” She asked to be left alone. Martins respected Ruby’s request and retreated, giving her the space she needed to process her feelings. He understood that his actions had hurt her deeply, and he wanted to give her the time and space she needed to heal. With a heavy heart, he walked away, hoping that she would eventually forgive him and that they could move forward together.

The next day, a new doctor took over, Dr. Ruben, he went on a routine check of all the admitted patients with the nurses. He was surprised to see Ruby among them and inquired about her condition. However, before she could respond, Martins stormed into the room.

Upon seeing Ruben, Martins immediately confronted him, demanding to know why he was following them around. Despite Ruben’s attempts to calm the situation, Martins refused to back down, raising his voice in anger. Despite Ruby’s pleas for him to stop, Martins persisted in his aggressive behavior.

In response to Martins’ escalating behavior, Ruben called for hospital security to escort him out. Reluctantly, Martins was removed from the premises, leaving Ruby feeling unsettled and distressed.

Alone with Ruby, Ruben gently asked her why she is tolerating someone like Martins. Ruby explained her circumstances, recounting how she had come to the city through Martins’ assistance. She expressed her intention to leave the hospital and return home once she is discharge.

Ruben wished her luck and instructed the nurses to continue monitoring her condition closely, ensuring she received the care she needed. As Ruby lay in her hospital bed, she couldn’t help but reflect on the events of the past few days and wonder what the future held for her.

After being discharged from the hospital, Martins took Ruby home. However, once they arrived, Ruby made it clear that she is not going to stay with him anymore. Despite Martins kneeling and begging her to reconsider, Ruby remained resolute and left without looking back, forgetting her handbag which contained a significant amount of money on Martins’ table.

As Ruby reached the park late, she realized her purse is missing. Panic surged through her as she remembered leaving it behind during her confrontation with Martins. Frustrated and desperate for assistance, she retrieved Ruben’s card from her pocket and begged a kindhearted stranger to use his phone for call.

With the borrowed phone, Ruby dialed Dr. Ruben’s number, explaining her dire situation and lack of money. Sympathetic to her plight, Ruben assured her that he would come to her aid. However, due to his hospital duties, Ruben arrived three hours later, only to find that all the buses to Ruby’s state had already departed.

Apologizing profusely, Ruben offered Ruby temporary shelter at his house for the night. He promised to arrange for her to receive money the next day so she could return to her village safely. Grateful for his kindness, Ruby accepted his offer, relieved to have found someone willing to help her in her time of need.

Ruby settled into Dr. Ruben’s home for the night, a sense of gratitude washed over her. Despite the unexpected turn of events, she found solace in the kindness of this stranger who had come to her aid in her time of need.

Throughout the evening, Ruby and Ruben engaged in heartfelt conversation. Ruben then told Ruby, “Do you know your boss is in love with you?” Ruby replied, “I don’t know, he never told me that. Besides, Martins is a good person, but I don’t know why he decided to act strange lately.”

Ruben continued, “It’s because he is in love with you that why he is being possessive towards you.”

“Well, he never told me so, and I don’t intend to have a relationship with him or anyone! I’m waiting for my result so I can get a better job,” Ruby replied.

Ruben continued, “Can I ask you an honest question and you will be sincere with me?” Ruby said, “Yes, go on.”

“Since you have been staying with your boss, has he ever tried to force himself on you?” Ruben asked.

“No, he has not. He is not that type of person,” Ruby responded.

“Can I ask another question?” Ruben asked again.

Ruby replied, “Yes, go ahead.”

“Can you return back to his place instead of going to the village? Why not talk to him and bring him to me for counseling?” Ruben suggested.

“But I almost lost my life because of him,” Ruby replied.

Ruben continued, “But he also brought you to the hospital. His approach might be wrong, but his heart is sincere.”

Back at Martin’s home, he sat in his living room, tears streaming down his face. He couldn’t control his sadness. Martin decided to call Ruby’s parents to check on them and see if Ruby is with them. But after talking to them, he realized Ruby isn’t at her parents’ house.

Feeling anxious and scared for Ruby’s safety, Martin went to different parks, hoping to find her. He searched everywhere, but she is not there.

Frustrated and worried, he called his mom to tell her what happened. He explained how Ruby had left because of his mistakes. Martin told his mom everything, hoping for some advice or comfort. His mom asked him why he had been acting possessive towards Ruby, especially since she isnt his girlfriend. She thought he should have asked her out instead of keeping his feelings a secret.

But Martin explained to his mom,that it’s not the right time to blame him, that he is really worried about Ruby’s safety. He couldn’t reach her on the phone after he threw her phone away, so he didn’t know if she is okay.

He called his workers to know if Ruby was with them, but she wasn’t there either. Feeling helpless, Martin went back home. He couldn’t sleep because he is so scared for Ruby and felt terrible for hurting her with his possessive behavior. He wished he could take back what he had done and make things right.

The next day, Ruben gave Ruby some money and dropped her off at the park, telling her to reconsider or do what she thought Is best. Ruby thanked Ruben for his help, and they parted ways. As Ruby sat in the park, she reflected on her conversation with Ruben the previous night and decided to go back to Martin and talk to him.

She took a cab to Martin’s place and found the door wide open. Martin is sleeping on the floor in the living room. Ruby tapped him gently, and Martin woke up, surprised to see her. He quickly hugged her and began apologizing, expressing remorse for everything he had done. But Ruby stopped him and said they needed to talk.

Martin sat down, and Ruby went straight to the point. She explained that she had come back because she forgot her purse, but before she leave, she want to hear if there is anything Martin wanted to say. Martin replied, pleading with her not to leave, confessing that his life felt meaningless without her. He admitted that his behavior wasn’t good but expressed his readiness to change. Then he revealed his feelings for Ruby, admitting that he got possessive and controlling because he is in love with her. He apologized for hurting her and begged for a chance to change.

Hearing Martin’s heartfelt words, Ruby realized that what Ruben had said was true. She suggested that Martin consider going for therapy sessions. Martin replied, saying he is willing to do anything for her, including seeking therapy.

Ruby went to her room in Martins’s house and thought about what Martins had told her. She never thought of having a relationship with Martins or anyone and didn’t see Martins in that way.

She called Dr. Ruben and told him what Martins had said about his feelings for her. Dr. Ruben asked her what her reply was. She said she was confused and hadn’t given him an answer yet.

Dr. Ruben then asked her why she had returned to Martins’s place since she couldn’t use the excuse of needing money anymore, as she had enough with her. Ruby replied that she came back just to clarify some things. Dr. Ruben said he would see them tomorrow.

The next morning, Ruby and Martins went to the hospital to see the doctor unknown to martins they were going to see Dr. Ruben.

immediately they entered the office, Martins saw Dr. Ruben, he said he isn’t interested in getting counseling from him and suggested they see someone else. Ruby then told Martins that if he refuse to be counsel by Dr. Ruben, she would return to the village and he shouldn’t ever call her again.

Hearing Ruby’s words, Martins agreed reluctantly for Dr. Ruben to counsel him because he want to please Ruby.

Ruby stepped out, waiting in the hallway as Dr. Ruben talked to Martins. Dr. Ruben told Martins they should let bygones be bygones and focus on moving forward positively. Martins agreed,”then reply Dr.Ruben! I thought you like Ruby too, so why are you helping me?” Martins asked, puzzled by Dr. Ruben’s support.

Dr. Ruben smiled warmly and replied, “I’m a married man, my family isn’t here. Ruby is a nice girl, nothing more than that.”

“Wow, I never knew,” Martins exclaimed, surprised by Dr. Ruben’s revelation. “Can we start the counseling session now?””Yes,” Dr. Ruben replied, smiling warmly.

Dr. Ruben stressed that communication is key in relationships, telling Martins to speak openly with Ruby without trying to control her. He explained that understanding Ruby’s feelings could help Martins become more caring and understanding.

Dr. Ruben continue, martins should respect Ruby’s space and let her have her own friends without feeling threatened. He warned Martins not to get aggressive if he see Ruby talking to other guys, but to trust her instead.

Martins confides in Dr. Ruben, sharing that he expressed his desire for a relationship with Ruby,but she hasn’t given him a direct response. Dr. Ruben responded, noting that while Ruby hasn’t explicitly said “no,” she also hasn’t rejected the idea entirely.

Dr. Ruben assured him that if he kept being respectful, Ruby would come around eventually. Martins asked if Dr. Ruben is sure, and he said yes, encouraging Martins to keep trying.

After their chat, Martins apologized to Dr. Ruben for his past behavior and thanked him for the advice. Over the next month, Martins continue receiving counseling from Dr. Ruben and started treating Ruby better. Even when Ruby chatted with other guys in the shop, Martins didn’t get jealous like before.

Six months later, seeing that martins has changed for the better,Ruby visited Dr. Ruben to confide in him that she is starting to develop feelings for Martins and want to be with him. Dr. Ruben encouraged her to accept Martins because he is changing for the better.

Filled with happiness and overwhelmed by emotions, Ruby decides to accept Martins’s proposal, bringing an abundance of joy into both of their lives. With a radiant smile on her face, she tells Martins how she feels, and he can’t contain his excitement and gratitude. In a romantic gesture, Martins takes Ruby’s hand and gently kisses it, his eyes shining with affection and love.

Martins called Dr. Ruben to share the new, Dr. Ruben congratulated Martins, and also advice him to take the next step legally.

So, Martins, Ruby, and Martins’s mom visited Ruby’s parents to ask for her hand in marriage. Ruby’s parents were surprised but happy, Ruby’s dad asked her if she would like to marry Martins, to which she shyly responded,


Both Ruby and Martins shared their marriage news with Dr. Ruben, expressing their gratitude for bringing them together. They thanked him for his guidance and support throughout their journey.

Martins and Ruby tied the knot and lived happily ever after, all thanks to Dr. Ruben’s wise words and guidance.


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