LOST IN LOVE|amazing love story

Yeah am Jackson Richard eighteen years old, 6ft.3inches tall,..

I live with my single mom and little sister Audrey, my dad died when I was four,… I just won an admission into the best and richest kids in town, I don’t really like idea of going to that school rich kids are spoilt and bad like i’ve heard but never witnessed..

But since am the first and last male in the family I have no choice than to go to school and thank God it’s just my final year..

That early morning I woke up happily but somehow nervous, I brushed my teeth and took my bath..

I quickly took my uniform stared at it two times before putting it on, my uniform cost a lot of money, and it’s worth it because it’s neat, and classy..

I hurried downstairs, i heard my annoying little sister’S voice ringing around the dinning room she was complaining about, a movie because the actor died and all.. Shes just so funny sometimes..

I thanked my mom for the breakfast I just had and I ran to school, feeling excited and scared…

Getting to my new school “REACH WAY HIGH SCHOOL” the name sounds funny also

The school compound was enormous and was occupied with six gigantic buildings.. “wow the owner of this school must be stinking rich” I thought as I walked in the gate, I just stood still in the middle of the compound not knowing where to go, I was supposed to the principal’s office and submit my form but where the hell is the principal’s office,

As I was thinking, a guy running bumped into me and we both fell

“watch it man” I said as I stood up and cleaned my school uniform

“sorry” he said and stretched his hand forward for me to help him up

I gradually took his hand and dragged him up

“thanks” he said and smiled I didn’t return the smile instead I asked

“can you show me the principal’s office”

“oh you’re one of the new students right? ” he said while I nod my head

“welcome I’ll take you there” he said and I followed him smiling..

We finally came to the principal S office.. I walked in alone and I submitted my form.. He gave me a paper, that says “class diamond ” I held the paper confusingly as I walked out, I saw a girl wanting to come in, she held the same form I just submitted.. We made eye contact, then I looked away and walk up to the guy who brought me here

“thanks I just submitted it” I said to him while he smiled and replied

“you’re welcome am chris by name and you”

“am Jackson but you can call me jack” I said..

“OK cul Jack so which class are you? Didn’t he tell you ” Chris asked

“he didn’t but he gave me a paper that says class diamond”

“Wow awesome that means we’re both in the same class.. ” Chris Said and he took me to class..

<strong>…FAST FORWARD…</strong>

After class , we went for break Chris introduced me to some of his friends ,two actually, Edward and Dexter.. And all hanged out real fine I could see I just made my self some friends.. I thought it would be hard making friends with rich kids but it wasn’t..

They took me to the cafeteria and I almost she’d tears it was wide, beautiful and the aroma of different types of foods made my tummy danced..

We all ordered food and sat down beside the window

“so Jack what do you think about our school ” Dexter asked

“it’s awesome, it’s lit ” I said nodding my head

“so glad you like it, you have to be nice to be everyone here..but” Chris said but didn’t finish his words

“but… I said looking at him weirdly so he could continue his sentence

“but you have to avoid one person at all cost” Edward said..

“who” I asked eagerly..

“Jenny” dexter and Chris said at the same time

“who’s she” I asked

Edward smiled at said “she.. She’s beautiful, hot sexy, cute..

“stop that if you’re falling for her please dont show us.. ” Chris said to Edward

“Jenny is the most popular, and beautiful girl in this school, her dad owns this school and trust me you don’t want to get on her shoes” Dexter said sounding scary

“oh.. Geez” I said referring to my spaghetti because i finished it..

“um Chris can you lend me some money I need more of this spa ” I said scratching my head..

“hmm sure ” Chris S AI d and lend me 50 bucks, I gradually collected it, so nice to have rich friends..

I excused my self, carried my tray and went to the cafeteria counter to order more from Mrs ginger, the food seller..

“a plate of spaghetti please” I said and she collected my plate and filled it with hot spaghetti.. I felt my phone vibrating so I brought it out to see.. What was wrong, as I brought the phone out Mrs ginger handed me my plate of spaghetti and I fixed it in my tray, I was trying to unlock my phone but my phone was going crazy,i wasn’t looking where i was going until I tripped ,and bumped into someone and my spaghetti all over the person’S uniform.. And suddenly the cafeteria went dead silent

I lokked up slowly to see the person I offended

And was surprised to see a beautiful girl with curl blonde hair, then with two other girls behind her..

I could her eyes burning with fire and my spaghettis laying comfortable on her white shinny uniform..

“o my god am so sor…

I couldn’t finish my words before she landed me a hot slap..

One of her friend came forward and said “Jenny are you okay “

I was like did I hear her what or not, is this not Jenny the owner of this school daughter

I thought…

Look am sorry, I tried to say but she gave me a devilish glare..

“Am sorry please” I immediately said

“Sorry for your self!! ” she scre-med on top of my voice

“Stop that!! It won’t help” she yelled to her friends who were trying to remove the spaghetti lying on her cloth,

“Please am sorry ” I said again.. Not knowing what to do, the entire cafeteria was looking at us..

“O my goodness, I can’t believe, beautiful and popular girl like me is forced to share the air with people like you” she said sniffing..

I can’t believe she just said that to me..

“What” I said immediately she said that…

”Oh look you’ll regret this.. Girls let’s go I’ll deal with this disease flu later.. ”

She said and the cafeteria went “uhhhww” and the three of them cat~walked out of my sight..

Did she just call me a disease flu, wow this rich kids are really something else..

Feeling embarrassed, I dipped my hands in my pocket and walked over to Edward, Dexter and Chris.. And gently sat down staring at the table

“Whow bro that was harsh” Edward said

“I didn’t know you were going to get in her shoes today” Chris said

“please mahn let’s not talk about it okay.. I mean doesn’t she have manners or respect” I said feeling irritated

“Sorry” Dexter scoffed..

I stood up angrily and walked out of the cafeteria..

“I can’t believe I wasted all my spaghetti on that good for nothing gumbo ” I said murmuring to my self as I walked through the hall, I saw a girl coming with carrying two books.. She looks so familiar but I didn’t know where I saw her.. I continued staring at her, and it kind of crept her out..

Just then I remembered, I saw her coming to submit her form this morning while I was coming out.. I dropped my jaw and nodded in agreement to my mental screen

“Do I have something on my face” she said blinking and her l-ips curving

“um… No sorry I..

“You were staring at me strangely that’s why I asked, is there anything on my face?”

“No just that I saw you this morning going to the principal S office while I was coming out” I said shyly and smiled

“Okay am Fiona ” she said stretching her hand for a shake

“Fiona Greene and you?

“Am Jackson Richærd ” I replied taking her hand

“well Jackson nice to meet you ”

“nice to meet you too” I said not knowing what else to say she’s kind of nice, I thought

“what class are you? ” she asked

“me.. Grade 12 diamond ” I said with a smirk

“seriously.. Wow looks like you’re one of those smart kids.. Am in grade 12 silver” she said

“I am smart tho but what do you mean, I am one of those smart kids how did you know ” I asked

“you wrote the scholarsh¡p exam right? .. She asked

“yeah” I replied

“well the board of this school will check your scores and how you performed in the exam.., the ones with high marks, are going to class diamond while the one with average marks are going to class silver, then the ones with low marks, are either declined or put In class gold .” she explained..

“wow..thats cool” I said smiling

“well Jack see you around” she said, smiled and walked away..

Hmm what a nice girl she just made my angry encounter with Jenny disappear..

Finally that day school was finally over, as me, Chris,Edward and Dexter sprung out of the class.. We headed straight to the gate..

As we walked briskly to the gate I heard a feminine voice calling my name from behind..

We all turned and saw Fiona, I waved and she walked briskly to catch up with us..

“oh hey there” she said waving to Edward, Dexter and Chris..

They all responded by smiling

“so.. Jack won’t you introduce us to your girl friend ” Dexter said jokingly

“am not his girlfriend okay ” Fiona said before I could say it..

“oh really” Chris said

I introduced them to each other….

As we were all gisting ,we came out of the school still gisting, from the corner of my eyes I saw Jenny getting into a shinny Range Rover…

We made eye contact and she gave me a bad look that almost made me passed out..

“oh geez” I said as I looked away

“what’s wrong” Edward asked..

“just.. Nothing ” I said

“is Jenny dad the principal ” I continued

“no.. He’s the director..why” Dexter asked

“Nothing I said.

Gotta go guys my driver ‘s here” Chris said and walked away, I waved, them all good bye including Fiona.. She couldn’t stop smiling..

<strong>…At Home </strong>

I ate a plate of tossed salad and broccoli with cheese.. For dinner after that I went to the washing machine to deal with my school uniform,…

<strong>🧡 Jenny’s POV: 🧡</strong>

My driver dropped me infront of my house, I came down and walked in majestically..

I walked to my room removed my school uniform, took a shower and changed into a yellow sweater and a pink bum short..

I told one of the maid to throw away my uniform because of the spaghetti that disease flu spilled on me, oh he should just wait and see..

I ate three apples for dinner, because am on diet am keeping my body fit and nice..i don’t want to end up looking like an elephant..

Around that 7:34pm I heard a car honk, I smiled because I knew it was daddy.

“Dad! ” I exclaimed happily as he walked in the sitting room

“oh hey honey how was school ” he said, dropped his suitcase and k-ssed my fore head..

“Um yeah dad about school today.. I want you to expel a nuisance…….

I was about to give, the so called disease flu the words he would never ever like to hear, when our biology teacher Mrs Payton walked in with papers in her hands, I didn’t read tho but am smart on my own..

I gave disease flu a glare and walked to my seat with Ashley and Sarah behind me..

Few minutes later the test started.. And I couldn’t believe it, it was extremely difficult, I couldn’t believe I didn’t read, and If I mistakenly fail one dad’s going to get me a private tutor..

“dang it! ” I muttered softly under my breath.

The question was 1-100 and I did like 65″..am in trouble, I thought..

<strong>Jackson’s POV Continues:</strong>

The test was amazing, I couldn’t believe it, I did like everything except three questions.. Which seem confusing

After the test, Mrs Payton collected our papers and walked out she said we’d all hear our scores today and I couldn’t wait to find out mine because I know I did great..

After Mrs Payton walked out.. We gathered together again.

“how did you see the test guys” I asked Edward, Dexter and Chris

“it was bullshit!” Dexter said

“what do u mean the good bullshit or the bad one” I asked curiously..

“dude.. The bad one that test was f*cked up am not going to get up to twenty” Dexter yanked

“what.. Are you serious am not getting up to five” Chris blurted out..

“sick guys” I said, while me and Edward laughed..

Just as we were laughing and talking we all heard loud girly footstep behind us..

We turned and behold, our miss world was walking up to us with her two minions [Ashley and Sarah ]…

“well well well if it isn’t Jenny our beloved queen” Dexter said ,approached Jenny and bow down playfully ..

“get lost dexter” Jenny said angrily and walked up to me..

“you” she said and point at me

“ok…ay..what happened to me” I asked nervously

“you son of a… ” she halted on her sentence, her phone was ringing..

She sighed and looked at the screen, she sighed again and placed the phone on her ear “yes dad what is it?” she said and she walked away..

Ashley and Sarah wanted to follow her but Dexter blocked them, by spreading his hands for them to stop..

“what do you want duster” Sarah said..

“it’s Dexter.. You know why am I even telling you ” Dexter snarled

“well whatever you have to say duster it’s too late just get out” Ashley added and they all Cat~walked out of our sight..

“whaoo those girls are super mean” I yanked

“oh you haven’t seen the real them, especially Jenny she’s hærdcore she doesn’t let go like that, if she doesn’t take revenge by her father’s name, then she’s clearly not Jenny ” Edward said

“what!” I said

“oh yeah dude” Chris added

“you guys are wrong Jenny’s not like that” Dexter blurt out

“what do you know” Edward yammed almost yelling

“sorry.. Bro.. For getting u to shout out me, but if you get to know the real Jenny she’s not like this”..dexter clearly said, while I believed him, but unfortunately Chris,and Edward looked at each other and burst into laughter

<strong>*** Fast Forward ***</strong>

After eating lunch with Fiona, our sweet girlfriend, dexter ,Chris and Edward we all head back to class..

While going back to class Fiona stopped, we all stopped after her..

“why are we stopping” Dexter asked..

Fiona gulped down her saliva and say “um you guys can go without me,I want to talk to Jack privately ”

“really me, what do u have to say about me ..” I asked smiling

“hmm be strong dude ” Dexter said and winked at me..

When they all left Fiona turned to me and said

“well finally they’re gone.. What I wanted to tell you wasn’t that sensitive okay but just hear me out”

“okay go on..” I said

“Lets assume you’re a girl and you being a girl loves a cute handsome boy who’s so close to you, are you going to confess to him or keep it to your self ” she asked vividly.

“Well if am the girl i’d let the guy know but at the right time ” I said calmly and she smiled immediately and it made her beautiful..

Everyone was seated in class waiting for Mrs Payton to share our the result…i could see Mrs world biting her l-ips..

What she scared of.. I thought..

“Okay now everyone am not going to say your scores out loud but hand your papers to you but guys am disappointed in you, you guys aren’t the diamond class I know, even you Jenny” Mrs Payton said, while Jenny rolled her eyes..

Mrs Payton shared the test script to each and everyone of us,… I looked at mine and was madly excited I wasn’t surprised because I know I did great I got (98) over hundred..

“but two students impressed Me with their scores” Mrs Payton said smiling

“and they ar..

“um Mrs Payton I need to use the bathroom ” Jenny interrupted and walked out …

Mrs Payton sighed and continued “well puts your hands together class for, Jackson Richard and Harlie Barnes.. ”

The class started clapping ,I smiled ear to ear, I walked out and stood in front of the class smiling with another girl Harlie, who has short bulb hair in black …

“this two proudly made me happy jack here got 98 and harlie got 93, I fink they deserve another round of applause ” Mrs Payton said and the class went clapping , I felt so happy

“am so proud of you guys you can have your seats now” Mrs Payton said and harlie and I went back to our seat..

After a boring information Mrs Payton finally left..

“wow bro you did great..on your second day.. ” Chris said

“well thumbs up dude, I got 23” Dexter said and burst into laughter

“great dude” Edward said and I smiled

“thanks guys” I said and started to smile..

Jenny walked in and walked up to her seat, she grabbed her test script, it seemed like she wanted to rip it off, but she took one look at it and immediately dropped it in her pink and first class bag..

She sat down and laid her head on the desk ..


<strong>School_closed ..</strong>

I hung my bag at my back as me and Edward head to the gate with Fiona with us, Chris and Dexter had to go somewhere which I didn’t know…

“I heard you were the highest jack” Fiona said sweetly

“I was” I replied firmly

“well congratulations to you ” Fiona said and smiled…

I got home early and delt with my dinner..

I went upstairs to my room to think because school was actually fun today, I have great friends around me.. But am scared of one thing “jenny” is she really going to have her revenge on me? I thought…

<strong>🧡 Jenny’s POV; 🧡</strong>

I Came back dat afternoon feeling exhausted “what a day” I thought, I ate dinner and started watching TV..

Few hours later the door flung open and daddy walked in smiling

Immediately my heart started to beat

“good evening dad” I said and hugged him

“evening dear” he replied dropping his suitcase and disengaging from the hug

“so tell me about it” my dad asked

“how’s what” I asked pretending not to know

“the test! What did my baby girl got ” my dad said excitedly

“um look dad why don’t you drop your bag first ” I whined

“just tell me what you got okay” he uttered

“I.. I got a three and a nine ” I said lowly and slowly waiting for dad’s reaction

“you what! You scored 39, honey what happened to your brain ” he half yelled

“dad am sorry the test was complicated” I lied

“complicated!! If that’s so, then you’ll be taking prep class” my dad uttered

“prep class! What no way dad I don’t want to go to school at night” I yelled

“if that’s the case you’re getting a tutor, a private lesson teacher understood” my dad yelled

“c’mon dad please, pretty please with a cherry on top “, I pleaded.

“Thanks alot honey but no way you’re getting a private tutor, am going upstairs to call Mrs Payton now good night ” my dad said kissed me on the forehead and head upstairs..

I collapsed on the couch and sighed heavily..

The next morning I got ready for school, after I ate breakfast, i got in my car and my driver took me to school….

<strong>🧡 Jackson’s POV Continues 🧡</strong>

“Hey good morning” Fiona said to me as I walked In c LAss “oh hey Fiona what are you doing here” I asked.. “nothing just walking around ” she said smiling “really” I said teasingly

“yeah” she replied

I shrugged and dropped my bag on the table, we both talked for a while , it was boring through me and Fiona’S conversation. She seemed to laugh in every unreasonable joke I made and it was weird..

Chris and edward walked in, Edward was combing his hair while Chris was busy with his phone..

“hey dude” I said as they got closer to me and Fiona

“hey.. ” Chris said waving to Fiona , Fiona returned the smile and replied “goodmorning to u too and u also Edward”

“gud morning” Edward said and sat down..

Just then Sarah walked up to us.. I was surprised she wasn’t with Jenny or Ashley

“um sorry to disturb you loosers or nerds anyone you accept, but who’s jacking.. ” Sarah blunted out “it’s Jackson okay get it right.. What do you need me for” I asked..

“Well Mrs Payton’S looking for you she’s in the teachers lounge ” she said and walked away

“well guys I’ll be back ” I said

“can I like come with you like an escort” Fiona uttered

“sure” I replied thinking it was a weird idea..

As I walked alone to the Mrs Payton desk in the teachers lounge.. I could hear her voice she was making a call but hangs up immediately I came closer to her..

“Jackson, dear Jackson how are you” Mrs Payton exclaimed

“am great Ma’am but why the sudden need to see me” i asked nervously

“well I just found you a job.. How would you like to be a private tutor ” she said smiling

“what.. A private tutor.. Me..but why me ma’am ” I asked

“because you’re the highest in my test and Mr nath wanted the person who got highest call on my test” she explained

“really” I said vividly and she nodded her head..

“well who am I tutoring” I said agreeing a little


Her phone ringed interrupting her words.. She quickly took a sheet of paper and wrote something on it

“here’s the address jack..please don’t disappoint me ” she said and answered her call ..

I looked the address one more time b4 leaving…the teachers lounge, Fiona asked me what happened after I came out and I told her everything..


School was funny over that day and i could say Fiona’s great, a great friend indeed, but I just felt lively and comfortable around her but it seems weird because she was just hanging with me all day, she and Dexter..

After eating and having a good look on the address one more time I decided to go..

I put on my best cloth and set out..

I searched for the street and it was located in an estate and I almost screaned all the houses there were big except for one which was sort than big and I found out its the place am looking for as I made my way inside my heart started to beat..

I pressed the door bell and few minutes later the door was getting opened and when it opened it was Jenny..

“what are you doing here ” she screamed

“what.. ” I said..

“what are u doing here” I continued.

“What do you mean by, what am I doing here, I live here” Jenny uttered looking at me with her blue bright eyes..

“what”i said thinking.. If am actually at the right house..

“what are you doing here disease flu ” she asked sounding harsh..

“first of all the name is Jackson, and I was supposed to come to house 34.in Kenzo street to tutor a girl I guess I wasn’t mistaken ” I scoffed and was about to leave when Jenny said

“wait..this is Kenzo street and this is house number 34.. Wait a minute are you supposed to be my private tutor?”..

“are you supposed to be My private tutor? She yelled..

“are you supposed to be my student ” I backfired..

“I can’t believe this, how can dad do this am calling dad right now.. ” Jenny said and brought out her expensive cellphone from her bum short pocket..

I just stared at her as she called her dad and fixed it in loud speaker and I could hear everything perfectly clear..

Dad: hey sweetie how was school

Jenny: it was fine but why did you have to that dad..

Dad: did I have to what?

Jenny: i told you I didn’t want a private tutor but you didn’t listen instead you got me a nerd a complete looser.. Dad I can’t cope or listen to looser am not one of them..

Dad: well starting from this moment you’re one of them, just let the young man In and listen to him, teach..

Jenny:eww dad, gross I can never be one of them.. Dad please I don’t want this..

Dad: it’s for the best sweetie, bye for now am busy…

**Hunged Up**

“uh Geez I can never understand this old man.. I heard Jenny muttering to herself..

“c’mon in..” she told Me angrily and I walked in with her.. The house was amazing.. I felt like owning it..

“so where are your books” I asked nicely..

“Oh please shut your crap, I don’t need anyone telling me anything you’re not the boss of me OK ” she yelled and hurried upstairs..

She came back downstairs with her biology note book and text book…

Take ” she said and threw them at my body..

“where are we staying” I asked

“In the library” she snapped

“W.. whoa.. you guys have a library.. In this house ” I asked feeling surprised

“you weren’t deaf when I said that right? .. She replied while I shook my head negatively looking at this beautiful, but yet arrogant girl..

We both sat opposite in round table and two chairs.. I opened to a page and started reading but Jenny acted as if she wasn’t paying attention, by bringing up a fake phone call..

But little did she know that I know she was actually paying attention to me..

“I have to get something ” Jenny said immediately and stood up.. The place she was about to pass was blocked with a hard cover, big and large novels.. And may she tripped on it she may fall down and come crashing at the library shelves..

I wanted to avoid that , as she was about tripping and falling, I caught her by the waist, and she quickly pulled back and stood erect, tears circled in her eyes and wondered what’s wrong

“what happened why the tears ” i asked with concern

“how dare you touch me” she said and gave me a slap..

“i was just trying to help” I yelled trying to control my anger, but couldn’t..

“you dare raise your voice at me” she screamed, crying out loud..

“I can’t believe a loser like you touched me, I need to see a doctor ” she said crying and bringing out her phone..

“am calling dad now and I’ll tell him how u tried to abuse and rape me…

I was so surprised by Jenny’s act, how can she just make a lie about me that I wanted to abuse and rape her, this girl is something else..

As she was sliding through her phone,and was about to put it on her ear, I quickly grab the phone from her and I put it in my pocket , and immediately she screamed.. “give me back my phone!!” ..”why..Are you always like this,” i asked ignoring her demand “you don’t know what you’re doing to your self, so Just handover my phone ” she yelled, I got angry, brought out her phone and place it on her hand “you can go on and call your dad and then lie about me, I don’t care!. ” I said and walked out…I went home feeling angry, I met my mom and my little sister in the living room, I greeted them, then walked up to my room, I saw my phone blinking on my bed and I realised i didn’t take my phone with me, I snatched my phone from my bed, unlocked it and saw 5missed calls..I checked it was an unknown number, I decided to call it again, but before I could the number called again and I picked up..Me :: hello who’s this..*****:: hi Jackson it’s me fionaMe: Fiona.. How did you mange to get my digitsFiona :: are you angry about itMe:: no I just wanted to know, but if you don’t want to tell me it’s OKFiona:: I got it from DexterMe::..ow.. Kay.. So why were u calling me I saw 5 missed calls..Fiona :: I just called to hear your voice.. That’s allMe:: ..(laughed) okay you’ve heard my voice is it okay now..Fiona:: yeah thanks bye for now..Me:: bye till tomorrow..I said lastly and hung up.. Wow this girl is really something else is she crushing on me or what?..I collapsed on my bed, thinking about that good for nothing rich girl..<strong>🧡 Jenny’s POV; 🧡</strong>After disease flu left I quickly rushed to the bathroom and took a bath..After that, I called my dad but he didn’t pick up, maybe he was busy..Few minutes later, the door flung open and my dad walked in, I got up and greeted him sadly, “baby what’s wrong.. And where is your tutor, I came home early thinking I’d meet him” my dad uttered looking around..“well he’s not here, he came but dad I told you already i don’t want a tutor” I yelled, my dad gave me one of his look that says you-did-something-bad“don’t give me that look dad, I didn’t like him so did he, he doesn’t like me so he had to leave” I lied“i don’t believe you honey, or… You did something wrong that made him angry and he left” my dad said, as if he was there when disease flu came …“Dad believe it or not he left because he doesn’t like me” i muttered out loud“am going to my school tomorrow to have a word with Mrs Payton, and maybe she can help me talk to the kid, who will eventually tutor u again and you’re not going to escape this time” my dad said, while going upstairs and yelled “dad please ”“look Jenny it for your own good ” my dad said and walked to his room, I fell on my couch feeling disappointed..<strong>🧡 Jackson’s POV; 🧡</strong>The next morning, I went to school as usual,…I was alone reading a comic book when I felt a touch on my shoulder , I turned and saw Fiona, her lips curved up in a smile and her eyes, shinny and green …“hey” she said and sat beside me“helo” I said and adverted my eyes from her and back to my book, she started a silly conversation which was so boring, I had to act as if it wasn’t boring so she wouldn’t get mad..***FAST FORWARD***After break, we all got back to class, while our physics teacher came to teach, Mrs Payton came in“um..am so sorry Mr Dylan but I need to talk to Jackson Richard ” she said and Mr Dylan yelled“who’s Jackson richard” I stood up and followed Mrs Payton ,I turned and everyone’s eyes were on me except for Edward who was already dozing ..but Dexter was laughing..I followed Mrs Payton and she took me to the principal’s office, I was like did i do anything wrong..Getting there, I met a talk masculine man who look somewhat like Jenny, I saw Jenny sorted in the principal’s chair, and the principal standing beside the masculine man..As we entered fully the principal and Mrs Payton walked out leaving me, Jane and the man..“good morning sir” I greeted feeling confused“goodmorning boy” he said smilingI looked at Jenny who rolled her eyes immediately she saw mine, I swallowed hard and said “sir is there any problem “..The man smiled and said “am Mr nath,the owner of this school and Jenette’s dad … You are Jackson Richard right? ”“yes sir” I said“you were supposed to tutor my daughter yesterday right..“yes.. I came but..“but she did some crazy things right..“yes sir.. I said and glanced at Jenny who was looking at me also..“well am so sorry for her nefarious act, so please would you come back today.. ” Mr nath pleaded…I mean I wud be dumb enough to disagree since he’s the owner of this school, God knows what he’ll do to me if I say no“okay sir, I’ll be there ” I said while he smiled“I’ll take my leave now ” he said and walked out…“gosh I can’t believe this, how can you say yes.. You’re going to regret it ” Jenny said and stood up angrily making a cup of pencil and pens fall and got scattered on the floor..She sighed and looked at me in a way that says would-you-help-me.. I looked away.. Then looked at her, she slowly bent down and started picking it up one by one, I approached her and also bend down helping her picking it..She glanced at me, then continued picking it up, after that she stood up forcefully and lost balance,and immediately she fell ,landing on my body, and we both fell on the floor with Jenny lying on me…

“Um.. Miss.. you’re lying on me” I said to Jenny who was still lying on my body.. “eww get off me” she yelled, “what! you should get off me , because you’re the one lying on my body” i said and she sighed.

Our face was so close i could feel her refreshing breath on my nose, and at the top of my lips, she pressed my chest, hard gaining her balance, she stood up and dusted her body, I groaned and got on my feet, “thanks a lot Jenette, for using my body to stand up” I yelp

“hey.. Look you’re not my father okay, call me Jenny okay, ” she said and gave me one of her deadly glare, I swallowed hard, while she took the pencil jar and placed it on the principal’s table without picking the pencils and pens.. Left on the floor, she walked out and I followed her,

As we both came out we saw Mr nath talking to Mrs Payton, he immediately he saw us he smiled at us, Jenny rolled her eyes at him, while I smiled back, he walked towards us and said..

“okay.. thank you once again Jackson, and you Mrs Jennette, get to class okay ” he said and tapped both me and Jenny on the shoulder.

Together me and Jenny made a turn and head to class, our journey to class was silent, if I tried to glance at Jenny from the corner of my eyes, she’d give me her deadly glare, that it made me wonder how she gives someone a glare from those shimmering glimmering blue eyes of hers..

We got to the entrance of the class, Mr Dylan period was over and we waited for him to come out before we both entered the class together, our shoulder brushed, while entering the tight door,

Jenny sprung In front of me looking angry, “what” I asked looking at her weirdly ..

“how dare you, use that looserly shoulder to touch mine ” she said becoming emotional and sounding angry, “am sorry it was a mistake” I said feeling irritated by the way she called me “looser”..

“You don’t get it” she said as tears circled in her blue bright eyes, and then walked away..

“did I hurt her” I thought as I walked up to my seat,immediately I sat down, Edward, Chris and Dexter surrounded me

“dude what happened why did Mrs Payton called you ” Edward asked..

“long story ” I said and sighed, I glanced at Jenny who was still in tears,..

“Is Jenny always like that” I asked

“like what” Edward protested..

“like, cries in every little things that doesn’t make sense, like just now I brushed my shoulder with hers and all of a sudden she became teary” I explained.

Dexter smiled and said “that’s Jenny for you”..

“well I hate that ” I said loudly while Chris laughed..

“hey don’t judge my girl, people born in the month of July are always emotional ” Edward yanked..

“emotional my butt, am born in the month of July, and am not emotional at all” I said looking at Edward..

“Dude..youre a guy and she’s a girl, there’s difference okay” Chris said and tapped my shoulder, I jerked his hand away and laid my head on my desk. “am tired guys let’s continue our conversation after the next class” I said..

“our next class is math, but trust me Mrs Karma’s pregnant she’s probably sleeping or eating, we won’t have math today” Dexter said and smirked..

<strong>***FAST FORWARD***</strong>

The guys went to the cafeteria together without me, during break, because I told them I was not in the mood to eat, or listen to chattering noise..

I was reading my comic book alone in the class when I heard a recognizable, sweet, sensational feminine voice behind me calling “Jackson”

I turned swiftly and was surprised to see Fiona looking great in pony tails, her black thick ebony hair, moved to and Fro as she walked up to me.. “hey” I waved..

“Hi I see you’re alone” she said and placed her, warm and soft silky hands on my shoulder, my gaze immediately went to her hands on my shoulder, she followed my game and quickly removed her hands from my shoulder thinking I was mad about it but I wasn’t..

“am not just in the mood for the cafeteria today” I said and she smiled and said


“Come with me I want to show you something great” she said as she slowly put her palms under mine and clutched our fingers together, “come with me ” she said one more time as she dragged my hands.. I stood up and followed her, to anywhere she was taking me to……

she took me at the back of the school,… where flowers surrounded, she pointed a particular flower, which was orange in colour but pink inside, “see that flower ” she said..

I nod my head and she continued “I planted it, ” …”what! How when.. did you plant it that it had to grow so fast ” i said

“well I planted it on my first day of school, but let me tell you a funny secret about this flowery plant” she said as she stared at me with those big and sparkly green eyes..

“Okay go on” I persuaded

And then almost in a whisper, she said “it doesn’t matter when you plant it, you can plant it today, but IF you find your true love, it will grow and the more the love grows, the more the flower grows”

I almost choked on laughter, she frowned and said “what’s wrong there’s nothing funny about it”

I got a hold of my self and looked at her “you’re serious ” I said while she nod her head..

“O.. Okay okay if you want me to believe you, do you have any of the flower seed so I could plant it and see for myself “I said sternly.

She kept quiet staring at me, i searched her eyes but couldn’t get any emotion, she was feeling she bit her blood red lips and said “remember if you plant this seed, you must have someone you love so it can grow ”

I carefully nod my head and stretched out my hands for her to pass on the seeds.. She dipped her hand in her uniform, jacket pocket and brought out four blue strange seeds, I collected it and said..

“where should I plant it”

She smiled and ‘said ,”beside mine ” we both bent down and she helped me..

I felt someone staring at us from behind and when I turned I saw no one…

“Okay and now it’s done ” Fiona said, smiled and we both stood up, I heard footsteps like someone walking away.., i looked back but didn’t see anybody, Fiona turned back too, to see who I saw, but why turning her hair flipped and whipped my face, entering my eyes..

“Ouchhh” I said rubbing my eyes

“oh my god am so sorry ” Fiona said and moved closer to me,

“did I hurt you?” she said sweetly, looking at me as I placed my palm on my left eye.. That got whipped..

“you didn’t hurt me, your hair did” I said and smiled, I removed my hand from my eyes and said “am perfectly fine ” ..

“oh thank goodness, I thought I hurt you” she said and smiled,..

“Let’s head to class our work is done here” I said and started to walk away, while she caught up to me and said “thanks”.. “for what” I asked

“nothing” she said and bit her lips..

“Why are you always shy around me, I notice that a lot ” I said while she stopped on her track and looked at me in the eye..

“do you hate shy girls,if you do then I’ll stop being shy ” she said..not smiling

“not that I hate shy girls, but aren’t we friends enough for you to be more transparency, like on the first day of school the way you acted towards me you were so opened up, friendly and funny I liked you then” ..i said while she frowned.. And said “so you don’t like me now ”

“not that I don’t like you now.. I do like you.. but ..i… mean… I… I.. ” she interrupted me with a smile and say”i understand you I’ll stop being shy around you okay” she said..

Few minutes later, we both walked in class and found Dexter, Edward and Chris talking immediately they sighted us, they stopped talking..

“well well well.. If it isn’t Jackson and our sweet girl=friend Fiona , where did you two love birds went to ” Dexter said jokingly while Chris and Edward laughed..

“We’re not love birds and where we went is none of ya’all business” I said proudly while they all went “uhhhhhh”

“come on guys what are you all thinking ” I said..

Dexter smiled and turn to Fiona “our dear Fiona our truthful apple, where did you and Mr Michael Jackson here went to” Dexter said..

“look Dex, where we went is none of your business” Fiona said sharply,and I was surprised because she kind of yelled on top her voice, she didn’t seem shy and I was kind of jealous she isn’t like that around me…

“Am sorry ma’am ” Dexter said raising his hands up..

Fiona smiled, then slowly her gaze went to me, who just sat down,

“see you later Jacky ” she said sweetly and walked out of the class..

“whoa Jacky, she even gave you a couple Nickname,” Dexter said with his eyes wide open

“wow bro I can feel you..” Chris said and we all laughed…

<strong>***School Closed***</strong>

I hung my bag at my back, as Me Edward, Chris and Dexter walked out of the class … I thought Fiona would caught up to us, but she didn’t and I didn’t care..

I got home, took my bath and ate dinner with my little sister, my mom just got a new job and wasn’t at home, as me and Audrey (my little 10years old sister) ate quietly my phone began to ring.. I looked at the screen and I saw an unknown number, I picked it and was surprised to hear mr nath ‘s voice.

Me:: good evening sir,..

Mr nath:: good evening Jackson, I hope you know why I called you,

Me:: not really sir,

Mr Nath:: well I don’t want you to disappoint me today by not coming to teach Jennette , so I thought maybe I should call you by reminding you .

Me:: oh thank you sir, for reminding me

Mr nath:: you’re welcome son..

He said and hung up, I didn’t dare to ask him where he got my number from,,

I quickly finished my food, changed into something casual and nice and hurried to the door

“where are you going!!” Audrey yelled..

“am going out” I replied watching her eye me with her big,brown eyes and how her eyelashes dangled on them,

“going out, but I don’t want to be home alone, you know mom started a new job today ” she said almost yelling.

“Look.. Look Audrey, I don’t have time for this you can go to your friend’s house, what’s her name again um.. Yeah… Pepper, you can go to her house till mom or I get back” I said

She frowned and said “pepper’s mom hates me because I forced pepper’s little brother to eat a dead lizard,we caught at the playground”..

“What!..well can’t you go to Jared’s house ” I yanked getting impatient..

“wait.. Do you mean Jared, the cute boy across the street who’s twelve, who’s mom friend is mom?..” Audrey said

“yeah.. ” I replied looking at her weirdly,did she just call him cute, what the hell.. Is happening to this world..audrey sighed and said “i dont gave enough time to go to Jared’s house, because I have to put on moms makeup to look attractive to him”

“what.. Look Look just figure this out yourself ” I said and walked out with my sister still screaming for me to come back

she can be stupid sometimes..

Few hours later, I arrived at Jenny’s place, I placed a knock on the door, and she opened it, her hair was packed in pony tail and she was putting on glasses , “come in” she said quietly while I walked In..

“so good evening I guess ” I said trying to be polite..

But she said “just shut up and pack my books on the couch we’re going to my room, dad’s bringing visitors”

Jenny’s room was wide, amazing and girly, it was painted, white and sky baby blue, she had a blue desk by the side of her bed and she told me to drop it there.

I obediently did, We started with the lesson and she payed attention, and for once it was as if I wasnt with Jenny at all, she listened and asked questions and I was like, is this the real Jenny or what.. She asked a particular question which i answered correctly and she smiled and I was like did she just smiled at me, then later she said “I know the answer but I just wanted to confirm if you were intelligent like me ”

“oh please quit with the whining if you were intelligent then why did your dad, make me your tutor. ” I asked.

“my dad’s just being dramatic that’s all” she said and smiled.

This is a good start, by me and Jenny becoming friends cause she’s smiling at me, ‘ I thought…

After the lesson, I closed the book and said “well that’s that for today Jennette ” I said stretching and standing up,

Jenny got flared up and yanked at me “I told you already don’t call me that”

“but isn’t that your full name ” I asked..

“It is.. But I know the reason I shorted it ” Jenny said and gave me a glare, I looked at her wall clock , and it says 7:45pm,

“whow I have to be on my way” I said and walked to the door,

“like hell, you have to am getting real sick of your face ” Jenny said while I rolled my eyes and ignored her words..

Suddenly we heard, screeching sound “dads home ” Jenny said and walked passed me, to the sitting room while I trailed behind her,

Getting to the sitting room, Mr Nathan (nath) opened the door with a woman, a little boy about twelve or eleven a baby and a boy my age, they all got in and immediately Jenny flew around the boy, my age and hugged him..

“good evening sir, good evening ma’am ” I said mr Nathan and the woman..

“Good evening Jack you won’t believe how happy I am to see you here ” Mr nath said and I smiled, “wow Jenny you’ve grown so big ” the boy who Jenny hugged said..

“and so do you, wow am just speechless Max I mean last time I saw you, you weren’t Like this I can’t believe this ” Jenny exclaime smiling and then turned to the little boy beside Max.. Drew his plummy cheeks and said..

“wow Scott, you’ve also grown so big.”

“Let go of my cheeks it hurts” Scott said and pulled her hands away from her cheek, jenny moved to the woman and said eagerly smiling and I couldn’t believe it was Jenny she was so friendly, she held the baby’s hand and said “aunt Maggie is this the Frannie you gave birth to last three month”

Her aunt nodded her head and smiled and said “oh honey you’ve grown so much and look alot like your mother,” ..

“Thanks” Jenny said and glanced at me., as she glanced at me Max traced get eyes and it went to me, and he asked Jenny “who’s he”

“he’s my-

“he’s Jennette’S tutor ” Mr Nathan interrupted before Jenny could speak and Jenny rolled her eyes..

“tutor! But Jenny’s a smart girl” her aunt Maggie said

“oh aunt ,you know dad right!, I just made one silly mistake and he intended to hire a tutor for me” Jenny said and glanced at me again making me uncomfortable..

“what of Dexter, haven’t herd from him and Julianne for a while, ” Max said,

“oh you know Dexter he’s still the Dexter you know, funny and lively” Jenny replied..

“Well.. I.. Will be taking my leave now ” I managed to say and Mr Nathan said “well good night son and thank you ” I smiled and walked out.. I looked back one more time before leaving and I caught Jenny staring at me and also, Max too was staring at me, i smiled at Max in a polite way and he smiled tenderly..

<strong>🧡 Jenny’s POV; 🧡</strong>

Jackson finally left, and I sighed, I watched him leaving and he looked sad and grieved.

I removed that from my mind and focused on family. I just love it when our family comes together,it makes me not to feel lonely..

Aunt Maggie is my mom’s sister, and Max, Scott and Frannie are her children, their house got burnt the day before yesterday by a neighbor who is a drunkard, aunt Maggie and her children have been staying in a hotel until my dad decided to take them in, and make Max, start my school tomorrow, Max is the only cousin I like best out of all, and Dexter doesn’t act like my cousin at all,.. It made me dislike him..

“so sir,should we take our luggage to the guest room, ” max asked my dad..

“Guest room! I have billions of rooms in this mansion, why the guest room, you guys are family okay so stick with that ” my dad said and we all laughed..

“aunt Maggie can Frannie sleep with me tonight” I said smiling

“she can but I’ll take her back if she cries” aunt Maggie said and smiled, we helped them with their lauggage that night and prepared dinner that we all ate to our satisfaction..

Jackson’s POV;🧡

I got home that night, I met my mom watching movie, I greeted her and ask her how was work, and she said it was awesome, and when my mom means “awesome ” that means she saw a cute guy she liked, ever since my dad passed away, my mom haven’t have any time for other men she just focused on us but now I fink it’s time for her to go for it now..

I went to my room., removed my shoe and collapsed on my bed, but I immediately stood up rubbing my forehead because I hited something hard, my blanket flew open and Audrey came out rubbing her forehead also “did you have to jump on the bed” she yelled

“what are you doing here ” I asked her,

“look Jackson am here to warn you ” Audrey threatened giving me a glare

“would you get out of here ” I said and pushed her with force from my bed while she fell and hited her head on the floor “Jackson!! ” she cried out..

“get out” i replied..

“You caused it all now look cute jared hates me cause I was too scared to stay home alone and I forgot to put on make up and when I got to his house he just said hi and after that he didn’t talk to me until mom came to pick me and he said bye..And it’s all your fault and am going to get revenge ” Audrey said and walked out angrily…

“maniac!!” I yelled..

“lunatic!! ” she yelled back from the stairs..

Later I fell asleep wanting the urge to move time so I could go to school tomorrow, but little did I know am about to feel the real taste of life,love and war……

I woke up the next morning, feeling awesome strong and amazingly built, I did my morning routine and went to school happily..

The route I was taking to school seemed lonely and quiet until I heard a moving car behind me, I turned back and recognize the car immediately it was Jenny’s car, I moved to the side of the road for it to pass, and it passed, and later moved back to where I was standing, the glass whined down and the first thing I saw was, those sparkly blue eyes owned by Jenny..

“Hey” I said wanting to wave politely when she said “get in” ..

“me” I asked for confirmation

“no my dog, would you just shut up and get in” she yelled while I opened the back seat door and got in, I was surprised to see Max sitting with earpiece in his ears and his eyes closed …

When I sat down he felt my presence and opened his eyes “hi” I said

“hello dear Jackson ” he said and smiled and he kind of Looked some how like dexter the way he smiled, but it’s not normal even though they aren’t family..

“move tom” Jenny yelled referring to her driver…

About thirty seconds later we were in front of the school gate and we all came down, immediately someone hugged me, and by the smell of her perfume it was Fiona..

“hey good morning ” she said releasing me from the hug..

“good morning ” I replied, feeling uncomfortable because of the way she hugged me,.. She was in pony tail again, her green eyes glowed in the morning sun and her blooded red lips curved into a smile, “hey dear good morning ” Max said to Fiona stretching his hand for a shake and Fiona took it..

“am Max, half brother to jenny”

“Fiona, Fiona greene” Fiona replied, and disengage her hand from his and threw her gaze back to me, but Max kept staring at Fiona lustfully like he’d seen an angel..

We all got to class that morning and Max got assigned in silver class, Fiona’s class and he was madly happy,

That day during biology class, Mrs Payton, asked a lot of hard questions and the only people who answered them were me, and Jenny, because we studied ahead last time, each time she answered the question, she’d glance at me and I’ll smile at her..

During break, me, Edward, Dexter and Chris were talking when Fiona came in smiling but with Max behind her, immediately Dexter saw him, he jumped up from his seat, and ran to meet him throwing him a guyly hug,

“wow I can’t believe this Max.. Its so good to see you ” Dexter said

“well it’s great seeing you too” Max said and smiled,..

He came to meet us and we all got along really well with Fiona with us, I noticed Jenny was looking at us from the front but ignored her, I wish she’d be more like Fiona,

We all went to the cafeteria, ate together and came back to the class, talked before our break was over, before going Fiona strangely Hugh’s me one more time and I held her shoulder and moved back.. Dexter Edward Max, Chris and Jenny who was at the front was watching me and Fiona..

“okay seriously Fiona why are u being like this towards me, ” I asked.

“I can’t tell you” she said nervously as her big green eyes searched mine,..

“well go to class first I’ll see you later, during senior recess” I said while she nodded and left with Max..

.”I have a feeling Fiona is crushing on jack” Chris stated

“you’re right” Edward exclaimed combing his black hair,

“no way” Dexter back fired..

“come on guys don’t think foolishly, I said and they all have each other a look,

<strong>***FAST FORWARD***</strong>

We were all writing english , when our class teacher came and and told our English teacher to hold,..and he began

“attention students a new transferred students was transferred to this school and was assigned to this class and her name is, Mabel Hepburn, please welcome her and make her feel comfortable being in diamond class, ” when I heard the name Mabel Hepburn, I thought of only one person,..

Just then the person I suspected walked in, a girl with long brown hair with fringe and chewing black chewing gum and black lipstick on her lips, black mascara circled her eyes and around her neck were cowries made In fom of a neckless..

Her height, slimness and tenderness, I could recognise it from anyway..

“mabel” I muttered under my breath, my ex girlfriend from my old school,

“what’s she doing here ” I thought, she glanced at me and smiled…

“What do you mean by, what just happened here” Fiona said to Mabel angrily..

“we kissed and you saw that right.. So excuse me miss” Fiona snapped and walked away and I couldn’t believe she could talk like this, wow this girl is an actress, she acts shy only around me. “why” I thought…

“what was the meaning of that Mabel ” I yanked standing up and staring at her to give me an answer

“what do you mean” she asked in a nice tone

“why did you just glared and spoke that way to Fiona” I yanked..

Almost yelling.

“look Jack am trying to protect you ” she said coming closer to me and putting on a sympathetic look..

“trying to protect me from what” I snarled

“from all this crazy girls.. You know you’re too handsome ” she replied

“so you’re saying Fiona’s crazy? ” i asked wanting to give her a glare but she smiled and said friendly “no.. Jack am not saying Fiona’s crazy but if you put it that way I think so ” ..

“you’re the crazy one ” I said and sat down on the bench, while Mabel carefully sat beside me and placed her hands on my shoulder, I shrugged which showed her the sign that I wanted her to remove it and she did..

“Okay.. Jack am sorry if I acted mean to Fiona ,am sorry okay” she said and I replied..”you shouldn’t be apologizing to me, you should be apologizing to fiona” ..

“what’s it with you and Fiona anyway ” she asked angrily..

“non of your business ” I replied,..

“you know Jack I still love you a lot” she finally poured out..

“whoa whoa whoa.. Look mabel don’t even go there” I said standing up..

“It’s true, jack” she said with her eyes getting misty..

“look Miss you were the one who broke up with me remember, after you ditched on our 3rd date just for you to see the new guy everyone’s talking about, and when I called you, you told me to get lost and after that day, what happened you went to the new guy’s party.. Whats his name again.. Oh yeah.. Maurice.. Yeah Maurice Sendak.. After the party,you told me you wanted to end our relationship because of Maurice, you said you’ve found your missing piece.. I couldn’t get my self a week Mabel.. A week!!.. So please don’t just go there ” I yelled while Mabel immediately got on her knees and started “Jackson I was wrong please I was just a fool, when you were gone, that’s when I realized I’ve just lost everything I have am so sorry.. Jack for everything..

You’re even the reason I came to this school ” she raised up her head which she was bending before and I saw tears in them, as her tears dropped, her mascara followed making her look like Mrs Dracula untold..

I smiled slowly seeing her black tears, she got confused and stood up..

“Why are you smiling, I thought you’re mad at me” she said and cleaned her tears making the dropped mascara scatterd all over her face ..i laughed a little bit louder, but got control of my self and said.. “look Mabel, I forgive you and will always forgive you, but we can never get back to the way we were before . but don’t worry am still the nice, caring and loving Jackson you know ”

She smiled slowly and sniffed the air, “y.. your.. m.. masc.. ara…

Is all over your face” I stammered and she brought out a little mirror from her uniform jacket and looked at herself, she giggled a little seeing her horrific face.. She brought out a wiper,from her jacket pocket, parted her fringe side ways and cleaned her teary mascarad eyes and face.. She looked way prettier without the dark mascara..

“any way.. I’ll be going back to class” she said swiftly and walked away..

I sat down again..the memory of how Mabel broke up with me flashed in my head, and I shook my head negatively letting the anger, pain and broken heart away.. I still have feelings for Mabel, I do but I’ve got to do everything possible to make that useless feelings out of my body. . .

<strong>🧡 Fiona’s POV; 🧡</strong>

That good for nothing Mabel is testing my patience, I couldn’t believe she spoiled a wonderful kiss with my dream guy, she is so stupid and ugly.. I thought as I walked in, diamond’S class to meet the other guys, I bumped into Mrs world.. As I called her (Jenny) I’ve heard about her, to be, rude, arrogant, bringing others down and claiming her beauty surpass everyone’s.. And I fink it’s kind of true.

I prepared to head the worst from her but instead she said “am so sorry, am so clumsy sometimes ”

I acted nice since she acted cool “it’s okay.. ” I said softly and she smiled weakly and walked out of the class…

I moved over to the boys and I found, max, Chris, Dexter and Edward talking..

“hi guys” I said smiling..

“Hi our angel” Dexter complimented while Max smiled but Edward and Chris continued talking..

“where’s jack” Chris finally asked..

“he is with mabel” I said angrily grating my teeth together in the pronouncation of [mabel&jack]

Just then Mabel walked In, catwalking up to us..

“but I thought u said she’s wit Jack ” Edward said..

“maybe they’re done talking, ” max said..

“Look Fiona am really sorry for, everything.. ” she said as she came closer to us (Mabel)

“you’re sorry? ” I asked sarcastically

“yes I was wrong.. Breaking whatever you guys were doing and how ever I may have looked at you ” she continued.

I sighed and said “it’s okay ” she smiled brightly and said “thanks”

Just then jack walked In and sat on his seat..

“Where ve you been mehn” Dexter scold tapping Jackson at his back..

“stop that” Jackson warned..

“um guys do you know my birthday’s coming up” Mabel said smiling

“it’s next week right” Jackson said..

“oh you still remember my birthday thanks for that” Mabel said shyly which made me a little jealous..

“when” Chris asked again..

“next week Tuesday ” Mabel replied and smiled

“and am inviting you all you’ll all know my address before then” she replied still smiling..

“speaking of birthdays who remembered the last interesting one we went to last year Dexter said…

“jenny!” Edward, and Chris said immediately ..

“Was it that fun” Max asked..

“it was lit.. She was turning sixteen then, you didn’t expect it not to be fun, girls and sixteen years.. ” Dexter said and laughed..

“I could have come but, I had somewhere to attend that day so I just wished her a happy Birthday through the phone, ” Max said while Dexter tapped his left shoulder and said calmly “well bro you sure missed a lot ”

“so Jackson when is your birthday coming up ” I asked not wanting anyone to talk about Jenny anymore.

“10th of July ” Mabel and Jack said at the same time..

I eyed Mabel without her knowledge she’s such a show off, I know we get that she dated Jackson but let her just shut the fuck up..

“no wayyyy” Dexter, Edward, Chris and Max said at the same time all smiling at each other..

“what ” Jackson asked looking at them..

“Jenny’s birthday is on the 10th of July too” Max yanked and Jackson mouth dropped open and I became completely jealous and angry, I could see it in Mabel’s eyes too.. Jealousy and hatred….

“wow bro it’s like you guys are meant to be” Dexter said while Edward hit him and said “no way”..

“wow it’s kind of strange though ” Jackson said and smiled..

And immediately they rang the bell for closing time, I walked up angrily and went to my class, I grabbed my bag and walk out of the school gate.. “why is their birthday have to be on the same day”i thought ,I heard my name bug didn’t bother to turn back because I was burning in rage..

“oh this Jenny of a girl is seriously trying me.. I’ll just have to go home and put her name in my black book..

And anyone’S name who managed to appear in my black book, he or she is going to see their worst nightmare, made by me

Fiona Greene….

Just after school hours, heading to Jenny house for tutorials…

On reaching there, I saw in a different mood waking from a sleep…

What’s wrong, asked..

I just saw my mum in a dream, she said…

“you mean you saw your mom’s ghost ” I uttered out loud to Jenny,

“yes.. I mean I don’t know but could you keep it down, Frannie’s sleeping ” she said as she cleaned her tears, “it’s okay, jenny everything’s alright. It might just be a figment of your imagination, because you miss her” I told her and she gave me a satisfied look, that sent butterflies , dancing in my body.

As Jenny wanted to walk to the door, her hand mistakenly hits the glass cup lying on her drawer and it fell and broke into pieces.. And suddenly Frannie woke up.. And Gosh this baby could cry..

“oh no” Jenny uttered miserably

“what ” I said looking at the crying baby..

“I just woke her up, and her cry never ends, could you watch her while I go get her bottle of milk ” Jenny said while I nod my head in agreement and she quickly ran out..

I looked at frannie, her face was kind of red and she looked so much like Scott…

I sighed and gently carried her in my arms I rubbed her back gently but still she cried ..”what can I do to keep this baby shut” I thought..

I moved from rubbing her back to patting her back.. And then I started singing a song even though my voice was bad..

“row row row your boat gently down the stream, meri…i stopped singing because she stopped crying, I was thrilled to find out she fell asleep already, jenny walked in and was surprised, she held the baby milk and said “what happened?”

“oh just made the baby fall asleep again ” I proudly said and dropped Frannie gently on the bed…

“oh.. Thank goodness Jackson you’re such a life saver” Jenny said and I smiled which she reciprocated..

“So.. I’ll be taking my leave now ” I uttered out loud while she gave me a look, that says “frannie”..i understood and smiled shyly..

“I’ll escort you out” she said and dropped the bottle of milk..

We both walked out of her room, and into the sitting room, there we met Max watching a movie..

“where is Audrey ” I asked

“with scott” Max replied..

“and where are they ” i asked..

“Scott!!!, Audrey!!! ” Max yelled and they both came running down the stairs..

“What did you have to scream” Scott scorned..

“oh I had too” Max said giving him a gLare

“please let’s stay a Little longer ” Audrey pleaded..

“nope” I said and shook my head negatively “you guys have to go” Max said while Audrey quickly yelled “oh quiet old man” “you’re welcome Miss” Max replied making audrey angry..

Jenny escorted us to the end of her street which wasn’t far from her house “OK goodnight ” she said and smiled

“good night” I replied we both remind quiet staring into each other’s eyes just then Audrey pulled my hands which made me realise my self..

“oh..ok then see you 2moro” I said stammering..

“hmm…i can’t believe you said that If I haven’t bring you back you’d have been lost in your girlfriend’S eyes ” Audrey blurted out

“hey..Audrey watch it she’s not my girlf—

Before I could finish my sentence Jenny laughed and said

“Oh Audrey you’re so funny, well jack see you tomorrow ” ..

“bye” I said calmly as she walked home with her blond hair swaying in the cool evening breeze..

As we got home the first thing Audrey yelled was “mom!! Jackson has an ugly girlfriend ” My mom laughed and gave me a look which I reciprocated, that night I slept peacefully like a baby, it was just like a burden has been removed from my heart, but it’s all because Jenny’s nice to me..

THE NEXT DAY In school the first person I saw was Dexter as we were both heading to class we met Fiona at the corridor her hair wasn’t in pony tail but was loosed and stretched, that it fell beautifully on her shoulder, “hi fiona” me and Dexter said at the same time and we both looked at our self and smiled..

The first word Fiona said was “hi Jackson am not gonna keep it to my self anymore I love you.. So much.

“Whaaaaaat” Dexter yelled hearing Fiona said she loved me “what, are you serious ” I said calmly rubbing my neck and not knowing what to say “do i look like am joking ” she said sadly..

“um guys I gotta go” Dexter said and walked away.. “let’s head inside first.. I mean I don’t know what to say” I said looking at Fiona for a reply yet she didn’t give me a reply she just stared at me with her big green eyes..

“hey jack” I heard Mabel’s voice from behind and immediately I turned, I wanted to wave hi to her but Fiona pulled my hands down and dragged me “let’s head inside first” she said dragging me inside as I uncontrollably followed her, I glanced at Mabel and her face was read and she looked damn angry..

Ok look stop okay ” I said and jerked my hands away from Fiona’s grip.. As we got to the school hallway

“jack why are you doing this to me don’t you like me?” Fiona said pitifully staring at me..

“look Fiona.. I do like you a lot..

But.. You know it’s kind of..

“kind of what ” she interrupted I was about talking when Jenny came “hi jenny” I quickly said, giving her all my attention

“jack good morning , and also thank you so much for yesterday I’ll never forget what you did” she said broadly, smiled brightly and walked away “see you in class” I yelled while she turned swiftly and smile making her glossy hair bounce to and fro … I turned back to Fiona and her eyes where glued to where Jenny was.. “Fiona” I snapped bringing her back from her thinking state “what is she thanking you for” Fiona asked angrily “it’s a secret” I replied “secret! Seriously Jack aren’t we that close friends for you to tell me” she yanked.

“Look Fiona, you Jenny has the bad side of her, am not sure she’s going to take it lightly with me ” I said and immediately Chris called me and I was so glad another way of escaping Fiona..

“hey Chris good morning ” I said as we both head to class…

<strong>🧡 Fiona’s POV; 🧡</strong>

I was madly angry at Jack.. And also that good for nothing rich girl.. I just hate it when I see anybody around Jackson, I love it when only the two of us are together.. I held my backpack firmly and was walking to my class when I bumped into Mabel who was going to class too and I kind of wished I was in their class

“Can’t you watch where you’re going ” I yelled

“Oh you watch it psycho freak” Mabel rained back

“Oh please I can’t believe mrs Dracula’s calling me freak” I said glaring at her..

“look Fiona, I want to warn you and listen carefully, you better stay away from Jackson or else I’ll..

“you’ll what.. “I interupted her, “or you’ll see my dark side ” she said cruely..

“you don’t scare me and you never will, you don’t know me and you never will I Might be the sweet and loving Fiona everybody knows but once I don’t get what I want..

You’ll hate ever knowing me ” I threatened while she gave me a glare and walked away.. And so did I.. And it’s true once I don’t get what I want I’ll go crazy and Jackson is what I want.. But if Jackson fails to love me like I love him, he and the person he loves will face my wrath.. And everyone else supporting him..

<strong>🧡 Jackson’s POV; 🧡</strong>

that morning during first class I wasn’t my self, and I kept thinking about what Fiona had said earlier and also I was surprised Dexter wasn’t in class, where did he run off to, I thought..

Jenny kept glancing At me and I wondered why ..

During break, we all went to the cafeteria together, except for Fiona, jenny, , Dexter and Mabel.

“have you guys seen Dexter today ” Max asked..with his mouth stuffed with food..

“I haven’t ” Chris said “ditto” Edward replied

“I have ” I said while they all stared at me

“when” Max said

“this morning we came to school together ” I said

“then where did he run off to ” Max asked..

“I don’t know, he left after Fiona said she loved me or something ” I said drinking my water..

“what.. Fiona confessed ” Chris said dropping his tacos..

“yeah… And she was all angry and Bossy” i said, while Max dropped his spoon and immediately his gaze went from me to his food

“dude what’s wrong why is your face suddenly blue” Edward said, while Max sighed and looked at me “when she said she loved you what was your reply “max asked

“I just told her I really like her but..”

“but what” the guys said at the same time edward and Chris smiled except Max who waited patiently for my ansa..

” I do like Fiona with all her sweet ness and all but I don’t luv her ” i truthfully poured out..”okay good ” Max said happily and smiled, just then Jenny, Sarah and Ashley walked up to us.. jenny smiled and said “hi Max, hi jack and you ..

“it’s Edward ” Edward said and smiled.. “hi edward ” Sarah said and smiled.. “anyway guys I have news” Jenny said and sat down, “I will be having a sleepover party at my house tomorrow 9:pm prompt, and I hope you’ll be there especially you jack.” she said staring and smiling at me.. Edward coughed which made her realised her self and I know the cough was fake.. Cause Edward kind of have a crush on Jenny..

“So see you tomorrow at my house and Max, Jack see you after school ” she said and stood up..

“and also you can invite your girlfriend the one with black hair and green eyes ” Jenny said before I could utter the word “Fiona’s not my girlfriend ” Jenny left and I sighed heavily…

<strong>*** FAST FORWARD ****</strong>

…School over…

School was finally over that day and it wasn’t as interesting as I expected it to be.. While going out of the gate I did all I can to avoid Fiona… And I did.. I met Dexter outside the gate and I was surprised “dude what are you doing here where went you ” I said “look dude don’t call me like am your friend and just leave my sight I don’t feel like talking to you ” he said and I wondered what got into him lately.. I walked home alone, calculating everyone’s strange behavior around me.

Jenny’s nice to me

Edward coughed when Jenny stared at me..

Fiona’s going crazy over me

Max.. I just can’t tell

I got home took my bath and came downstairs to join Audrey eating.. After dinner I dressed up,and got ready to leave for Jenny’s house which Audrey pleaded to follow me just to see Scott..

I agreed and she got dressed and we both went there..

Getting there we knocked and the door was opened by Scott who immediately hugged Audrey making both to fall on the floor, Audrey gave him a knock and said “get off me” scott stood up and smiled making his dimple show ” where’s jenny” I asked “inside her room ” he replied and I walked up to girl Jenny’s room..

We did the lesson and ended it well and i could say am liking Jenny already..

“OK thanks for paying attention another day for another successful lesson” I said while she smiled

“thanks.. You’re coming to my sleepover tomorrow right” she said coming closer to me

“of course..but why do u want to have a sleepover party anyway ” I asked.. While she replied “my dad said I should have a sleepover party because he said it will help me out of this trauma am facing with my moms anniversary by inviting friends over.. You’re not going to miss it right cause I really want you there and your girlfriend ” she said smiling

“Fiona’s not my girlfriend ” I said

“really I thought she was because the way she hang around you made me think so” jenny said and smiled.. “no we’re not.. She just like being around me and also I like her so it doesn’t matter if she’s with me or not ” I said while Jenny said “can we be friends , like really close one and I promise I won’t be rude to you ever again”

“we’re friends already right” I said..

“we are? ” she yelled happily

“yes” I replied..

“can we hug it out” she said while I nod slowly wondering what has gotten into jenny,slowly we hugged and Gosh she smelled nice…..

That night me and Audrey went home, Audrey told mom about her new friends Scott and how they tortured a rat to death and how she liked Scott, my mom just pretend she was listening where else she wasn’t cus she knows Audrey loves doing weird stuff which she doesn’t like to hear..

Well as for me I went to sleep that night thinking about Jenny and school tomorrow including her big sleepover..

After school that day, I get dressed and head straight to Jenny’s house…

I knocked on the door and she opened… I can see I’m just the only person there, immediately she pushed me over on the sofar and planted a kiss on my lips…

After Jenny planted that kiss strangely on my lips, I looked at her strangely , she smiled and said “what” ..”W.. why did you do that” I asked feeling totally awkward my heart was beating so fast, “please get off me” I said slowly while she got off my body and stood erect, I stood up also and shyly looked at her rubbing my neck … “so what now ” I asked feeling totally uncomfortable

“Come on jack it was just a peck on the lips why are you acting weird” Jenny said bluntly and rolled her eyes “am I? ” i said and laughed nervously.. “come on let’s get ready and we’re not doing the sleepover in the sitting room were doing it in our privacy room” she said and smiled.. “Is there anything as privacy room I haven’t heard about it b4” I said while she replied “now you have”..

“Um could you wait downstairs I need to change into my PJ ” Jenny said.. “oh” I said then walked out, getting to the sitting room, I met Max sitted on the couch watching TV “hey man” I said tapping his shoulder “hey dude didn’t know you got here already ” he Said while I smiled.. Just then Scott came out.. “where’s Audrey” he asked..

“Am sorry your girlfriend couldn’t make it” Max said mockingly while we both laughed. “quiet old man I didn’t talk to you I was talking to Jackson ” he angrily said while Max gasped and said “oh did Audrey teach you that? To call me old man? ” “whatever, turned to me y didn’t you bring audrey” ..

“Am sorry Scott I couldn’t okay” I said while he glared at me and walked away angrily…

I carefully sat down beside Max and sighed heavily.. “what’s bothering you man” max asked

“nothing just feeling tired” I said why Max smiled.. ” Fiona likes you a lot you know” Max blurted out.

“ex~cuse me” I said.. Feeling irritated by that word..

“I really really love Fiona but she doesn’t seem to like me one bit, all she just wants is you,and I hated it.. Not the fact that she doesn’t like me, but the fact that you like Jenny” Max said while my mouth dropped open..

“Uh.. I.. Oh.. Uh.. ” I stammered not know what to say

“you know you’re not saying actual word right? ” Max said smiling

“I don’t like Jenny, who told you that rumor” I said trying to hide d real fact dat I love Jenny soooo much..

“Don’t lie to me mahn, am not dumb you know ” he said while I said “I guess you’re right. I kind of like Jenny a little ”

“not a little a lot ” he said while I replied “okay okay.. I like Jenny a lot”..

“you do? ” I heard Jenny’S voice from behind, I quickly stood up and nervously rubbed my palms on my thigh which became sweaty real quick..

“I.. Oh… Uh.. I.. I.. Uh..” I stammerd not knowing what to do or say cause , jenny just caught me pouring out my feelings about that… “well guys let’s just get ready for the sleep over ” Jenny said and I breathed a sigh of relief..

“Okay what should I do? ” Max asked.. “have you baked the cookies” Jenny asked “yes” Max replied, “and also the bottles of milk are in the refrigerator ” Max added while Jenny smiled and whispered “thank you”..

“so Jack come with me let’s get everything set in the P. Room and Max direct anybody who comes to the p.Room..” Jenny said while Max nodded his head in agreement..

I followerd jenny to the privacy room or what ever she called it.. The room was wide and shinny though it was empty, with only a closet standing beside the wall..

“okay so what should we do” I asked

“we, need to put up the decorations, bring in the cookies and milk and that’s all, the rest is 4 the guests and their sleeping bags..

We got everything done in no time and Jenny was madly happy she gave me a hug after everything which left me surprised..

<strong>🧡 Max’s POV; 🧡</strong>

I waited patiently on the couch, waiting for guests.. Until I heard the door bell, I sprung up from d couch and opened the door, only to see my queen looking stunning as ever.. (Fiona)

“wow good evening Fiona ” I said trying to be nice..

“good evening yourself, is Jacky here” she asked..

“um..yes..” I said while she quickly said, “show me where he is” ..

“okay your Royal highness” I said playfully, it made her smile a little but she had to put up an act..

I took her to the p.room and immediately we got there her face turned red, she was pretty Angry, because Jenny and Jackson were busy talking and laughing..

She barged in and said “am here”

“Oh hey Fiona,thank goodness you’re here” Jenny said sounding happy and friendly.. Fiona gave Jenny a glare and turned to Jackson.. “hi jack it’s so good to see you, I keep on thinking about you” she said and ran to give Jack a hug, which made Jenny and me kind of angry.. And Jack also,..

<strong>**** FAST FORWARD ****</strong>

<strong>🧡 Jackson’s POV; 🧡</strong>

Later in the day the sleepover started and everyone was there and I say everyone I mean, me, jenny, Fiona, Edward, Dexter, Chris, Sarah, Ashley, and a girl Ashley invited Monica and also Mabel who was invited by Chris,..

Everyone helped their selves with some cookies and the song “breathless” by “Shayne ward” slowly played at a corner of the room. I could see Chris talking to Mabel, but her eyes were on me but I just ignored her, anywhere or any move I make Fiona’s always right behind me, it made me sick so I said “can’t you atleast give me privacy”

“I can’t ” she uttered out loud

“and why ” I said angrily.. “because I like you and Also fond of you and also am afraid if i even blink you’ll disappear ” she said smiling..

“But I don’t like the idea of you sticking next to me like we’re dating or something ” I said while she winked at me, i noticed Jenny in a corner staring at us and I became restless.. If only she was the one sticking with me I’d have loved it..

The music later stopped playing and every one was told to place their sleeping bags on the floor in form of circle in a way we could see each other and announcement made by Jennette Nathan.

I watched Jenny as she placed her pink sleeping bag on the floor and I quickly place mine beside her and b4 I know Fiona placed hers beside mine and Max’s placed his beside Fiona.. Then Edward placed his beside Jenny.. And so on that’s how we all made a circle.. and I felt a little awkward cuss I’ll be sleeping next to Fiona and Jenny isn’t that awkward?….

“Finally guys so as sleepovers tradition we should all play truth or dare” Monica said..

“no way” Mabel backfired..

“ditto with Mabel I seriously hate that game” Sarah said..

“we aren’t playing that game I oppose it’s so common ” Chris said while everyone agreed..

“so guys which game should we play” Jenny asked smiling..

“what about SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN” Max said happily..

“seven minutes in what now?” Dexter said confusingly..

“seven minutes in heaven.. Look thank goodness there’s a closet in here the game is played like this, either we spin a bottle or compass or anything spinable, and when it stopped at two opposite sex (Male & Female) they both walk in two that closet and kiss for seven minutes. ” as Max explained everyone screamed in excitement approving the game..

“So jen got a bottle ” Dexter asked.. “no ” Jenny sadly said..

“why don’t we use this ” Max said and brot out a thing that looked like a click but it didn’t have numbers it just had the two hand and a winding thing under..

“great let’s use that” Fiona said and jacked it from Max she wynd the thing and placed at the middle, it spinned so fast, every one waited patiently for it to stop and luckily it did and it pointed at Edward and Monica..

“what!!! ” Monica and Edward said at d same tym..

“Yeah dude thats life , just go in there and kiss d hell outta her life ” dexter said while edward gave him a playful look.. They both got in there and after seven minutes they came out and there was lipstick on the left side of Edward’s mouth which means they kissed..

<strong>🧡 Jenny’s POV; 🧡</strong>

They spinned the clocky tin again and it spin and spinned dat I got tired and removed my face and suddenly everyone screamed and when I looked at it ,it stopped at me and Jack..

“what.. No no lets spin it again” Fiona said wanting to cry but didn’t..

“no way this two are going to heaven to kiss weda dae like it or not ” Dexter said and everybody chorused yes except Edward and Mabel..

We shut the door behind us, I can’t believe this am in A closet with the boy my heart beats for lately about to kiss him

“so should we do this ” Jack said nervously

while i said “i don’t know what do you think…….


After seven minutes, Fiona and Dexter walked out of the closet and Fiona doesn’t look happy, but Dexter was all happy and witty.. We made eye contact and he smiled..

Fiona walked back to her sleeping bag and laid her head down thinking.. And I wondered what she was thinking ..

After some fun, and eating it was time to sleep, last person to fall asleep would be the one to switch off the lights. I sighed and lied down on my sleeping bag including everyone else, I was now confuse because I always sleep on my sides i don’t sleep facing up or down i face sides and now there’s Jenny on my right and Fiona at my left.. Which side am I going to face..

Jenny packed her hair in ponytail and damn she looked amazing, and then slowly she laid her head on her Sleeping bag and she was sleeping on her side facing me.. I looked at Fiona also and she was facing me.. So I had only one choice, I laid down and faced up… That’s the perfect way not to cus trouble, suddenly Jenny tapped my shoulder and said “can we talk? ”

“Oh.. okay” I said and faced her side while she smiled and said “okay.. Jack look there’s something I’ve been keeping from you, I want to tell you that..

Fiona interrupted “jack please can I tell you something, ” I sighed and angrily and turned to her side and said angrily “what” ..

“please just bring out ur pinky finger I wanna show you sometin” she said while I sighed and turned to Jenny and said “okay what did you want to tell me” I asked while she said calmly “don’t worry maybe another time” i sighed and turned back to Fiona who’s face has already become red.. I brought out my pinky finger and said “okay show me whatever you wanted to show me” she smiled and held my hand “I just wanted to let you know am never letting you go Jack and I mean it.. Till dawn” she sighed while I sighed..

It was 11:59 everyone was asleep the light has been switched off, I was the only one awake with my hand still in Fiona’s grip and Fiona was sound asleep, the bright moon shone from the window and I could see Fiona’s pretty face, glowing, Fiona’s a pretty girl a really pretty girl and I like her so much.. But my heart doesn’t beat for her and also I love Jenny more than I could ever imagine… Things I like about Fiona laid there inches away from me, her long eyelashes, her blood red lips, her bit cute eyes and her silky dark hair which fell elegantly on her neck and down to her back…

I suddenly heard sound behind me, and a door slamming, I turned and I couldn’t find Jenny anymore..

I removed my hand from Fiona’s grip and went outside the room,

I saw Jenny walking towards the stairs and I followed her until she entered the kitchen, I watched her from the door and she took a soda from the fridge, sat on the kitchen counter and started to drink it..

I smiled and walked in and immediately we had eye contact. “jack what are you doing here you’re supposed to be sleeping ” she said coming down from the counter..

“I… couldn’t sleep I heard sound and decided to follow it what are you doing here also” I asked..

Couldn’t sleep either” Jenny said smiling..

“oh” I said not knowing what to say or do..

We were both quiet for a while, until some minutes later at the same time me and Jenny said..

Me: so what do you wanted to tell me

Jenny: Yeah, about the thing I wanted to tell you,

We both, laughed figuring out we said that at the same time.. “you go first ” I said while she looked at me then at her soda.. “I.. I.. Want to tell you that, lately.. Anytime I see you I feel something that makes me feel better and my heart beat and… And..

“I love you jenny” I said interrupting her.

She raised her head and met my gaze “yes I know you do, I love you too Jack so much”.. She said and my heart beat increased, and my heart sweetened with joy..

“Should we kiss? ” I asked while she smiled and said “sounds good ” and for the second time we kissed..

We were both kissing until I felt something crash on my head, I immediately stopped the kiss and moved back “what’s wrong ” Jenny asked and immediately she screamed “there’s blood on your neck” ..

I touched my head and felt blood gushing out and suddenly Fiona walked in and say

“that what will you get for cheating on me “…

“Fiona what’s wrong with you” Jenny said looking confused .. “oh shut your trap.. Mrs goody two shoes, I threw the part of a broken glass on Jack’s head instead of you cuzz,” I yelled while Jenny gasped and said “but why” ..

“Because I hate you and I love Jack so much, and he didn’t realise that because of you, you blinded him with your appealing appearance but I know deep down you’re a rotten monster” I said angrily while she gasped.. “Fiona stop this madness right now” Jackson yelled with his hand still on his head, jenny gave me a glare and walked out angrily…

“look Jack am mad over you, am crazy over you, I am lost..i never meant to hurt you” I said with a serious face.. “oh you never meant to hurt me but you meant to hurt Jenny right?” he said still with an angry tone..

“No.. I mean yes.. I mean I dunno but I love you so much and I want you to realise that please jacky” I said sympathetically..

“don’t you dare call me jacky” jacksin said and immediately Jenny walked in with a first aid kit..

“Jack turn I need you to show me where you got hit.. ” Jenny said and Jack nodded, jenny placed the first aid kit on the kitchen counter and sat beside it [on the counter] while Jack stood in front of her his back was facing her, it hurt my bones and spine seeing jack in between Jenny’s leg and touching his soft dark and silky smooth hair, and adding iodine, mentilated spirit, and after that placing plaster,, “all done” she [jenny] said and got down from the counter.

“Thanks so much” Jackson said using his hair to cover the plaster.. “you’re welcome anytime Jack.. Always” jenny said and they both stared at each other lustfully which made me soooo angry..”I’m here hellooo ” I said angrily stomping my feet.. I felt like crying, this world is so cruel, how can the guy I luv just ignore me like this.. I remember my old school were guys die for me, but here am i giving Jack green light, not even green purple lights but still he just sees me as nobody..

Jack and Jenny Fiona stopped looking at each other and Jenny said “I think we should get back to bed and Fiona what you did wasn’t right at all ”

“shut your mouth lady, who are you to tutor me and bet me, I’ll make sure I do everything possible to get you out of Jack’s life” I said while Jack became angry, he wanted to talk but jenny stopped him and walked up to me with her hands folded.. She was staring at me deadly, but I wasn’t scared of this doll,if she’s deadly then am deadler..

“Look Fiona or whatever your name is, Jack and I are in love and I think you saw it your self, just stay away from us both or else you will regret the day you were born ” she said,while I smiled.. Devilishly..

“Oh please your threats are like music to my ears, you can’t do anything Jenny, nothing you’re just a weakling who’s under daddy’s shoes, you’re just daddy’s little girl so Just watch your back.. ” I threatened feeling proud, she leaned a little closer to me and said “remember I use to be bad..bad girl.. A very bad and naughty girl, I can be pricky sometimes, don’t let my bad attitude pop out again or you’ll just regret it.. I’ve changed Fiona and you don’t want to make me tun 2 my old self.. So I’ll be the one telling you, watch your back.. ” Jenny said softly and walked out with her pony tail dangling behind her… She doesn’t scare me.. No one do…

<strong>🧡 Jackson’s POV; 🧡</strong>


I mean two girls fighting over me, this is outrageously crazy am not just in my right senses Now, Fiona’s gone totally nuts for me.. My head really hurts from what Fiona did, as Jenny Walked out, I moved closer to her wanting to tell her that it will never work out for the both of us i wanted to make it clear to her, but before I could say “Fiona..

She shut my mouth with a kiss, I wanted to reciprocate because she’s just too tempting while kissing, but immediately I pulled my self away from her and yelled, “are you crazy”

“Am not, Jack.. Don’t tell me that you’re making me feel like am not human, you’re making me feel like I don’t worth anything and most of all you’re making me feel like a slut, ” she yelled crying.. “no look Fiona, I didn’t say all that but just please stay away from Jenny ” I said while she eyed me and said “never!! Either me or no one else ”.

I gave her a look and walked out of the kitchen only to see Jenny on the couch crying, with Max comforting her and Dexter beside the kitchen door, and also Chris sitting on the stairs..

“what happened ” I asked Dexter hoping so hard that he’ll give me answers, and thankfully he did and I had a kind of feeling we are cool,.. “am supposed to be asking you that bro we were all sleeping happily upstairs when we heard voices and sound”dexter comptemed running his fingers through his brownish blond hair,…

“It’s Fiona.. Dude dat girl’s going crazy, ” I said while Dexter stood erect and said “common don’t talk about Fiona like that she’s just crushing on you give her time and she’ll end this ”

“her crush on me is too much, someone would think I cast a voodoo spell on her, ” I said and stomped my feet.. I turned to Jenny’s direction and saw her crying on Max’s shoulder, “what’s wrong with her” I asked.. “I dunno, we met her crying on the couch, but she didn’t tell us the reason so max had no choice than to comfort her.. “well since you guys are done am going to sleep, ” Dexter continued..

“okay ” I said and dipped my hands in my pockets..

As Dexter wanted to go he turned back and said “look men I really gotta tell you am crazily in love with Fiona ” he said and walked away happily, “oh no dis is a disaster how can Max and Dexter like Fiona the same time” I said softly as I walked up to Max and Jenny, while Fiona walked upstairs angrily cleaning her tears..”Oh thank goodness you’re here man am going to bed, take over her” Max said immediately as I got to them and immediately he dashed upstairs..

“Jen are you ok” I said slowly raising her head so she could meet my gaze.. And she did

“am fine ” she said still crying

“are you su__re

I haven’t completed my words when she hugged me, I gasped but calm down and patted her back gently and later she fell asleep and I took her to her room, while laying her on her bed, she opened her eyes, which made me almost peed in my pants.. And slowly she muttered the word just five amazing words “thank, you, I, love, you” and she shut her eyes and drifted to sleep, I smiled and went back to join the others in the private room, getting there Fiona was half asleep, I laid down quietly staring at the dark until Fiona whispered in my ear, “you want me to leave you and Jenny right ” immediately I turned facing her, that our lips almost touched her breath smelled like orange..

“Yes I do.. I really want you to leave us alone” I said..

“okay I will only on one condition ” she whispered

And which is” I backfired..

“have sex with me”.

“Have sex with me” Fiona said bluntly.. “What! ” I almost yelled waking everybody up .. “are you out of your mind ” I whispered angrily, ” I know what am saying Jacky am not crazy, are you gonna do it or what? ” Fiona asked making me feel irritated is this girl in her right senses or what..?

“Eww no way I am never going to do it, and I will never do it” I said making my tone thick and harsh.. Fiona sighed heavily, with her breath all in my face. “well you brought this to yourself, don’t say I didn’t tell you” she said and from the moon light I saw her smiled.. What I’d this beauty freak” up to “I thought, “well goodnight ” Fiona said and gave me a peck on my lips, I gave her a look and turn to the other side…

<strong>…The NEXT DAY…</strong>

Which was Saturday, we all woke up and headed home..

As I got home it was 7:30 I quickly took my bath, I brushed and ate breakfast with mom and Audrey .. after eating mom pecked Audrey and I before leaving and Audrey cleaned her cheek and said “yuck, I would have preferred if it’s was from Jared or Scott “…that made me felt a little big angry I said “shut your trap witch ” she eyed me and bounced on the couch turning on the TV.

I went to my room thinking, of what to do I brought out my biology and started to read it, and suddenly I remembered Jennette, I smiled and started to think if I should go to her house to teach or just as a normal visitor but it will be kind of awkward.. Just as I was thinking my phone started to ring, I picked it up and looked at the caller “fiona” .. I dropped my phone and sighed, my phone stopped ringing and started again, it was still Fiona, I got angry and picked up..

Me: what, what do you want

Fioma: come on jack don’t yell at me

Me: okay what do you want

Fiona: where do u plan on going today

Me: why asking?

Fiona: I just wan__

Immediately I hunged up, I didn’t need to hear trash..just then My phone ring again I wanted to smash it on the wall but when I checked the caller it was mr Nathan,jennys father..

Me: hello good morning sir,

Mr Nath: good morning boy how was the sleepover..

Me: (surprised he asked) it was f..ine..

Mr nath:just fine?

Me: yes

Mr nath: okay look I want you to tutor Jenny today would it be possible.. For you..

I wanted to tell out a big “yess” but I maintained..

Me: I’ll try my best sir,

Mr nath: oh thanks so much..

…Hung UP…

I closed my biology book and brushed my hair back a little, put on my snickers and head out with my biology book in my hand, I was about going out the door when Audrey yelled “where are you going” I sighed and said “am going out” I said and immediately she appeared in front of me “are you going to your girlfriend’s house ?” she said giving me a full look..

“Jenny’s not my girlfriend.. Yet… But yes am going to her house” I replied and I knew what her next words were “please would you take me with you I really really want to see__

“scott your boyfriend ” I said teasingly laughing.

“Scott’s not my boyfriend ” she said giving me a glare.. “oh really, then why do you want to see him, aren’t you the one who said he was cute ” I said still laughing..

“Scott’s cute and all but still he’s a dweeb ” she said sounding harsh

“hmm okay whatever you say” I said while she smiled..

Minutes later we were at the front door of jennys mansion . I pressed the doorbell and me and Audrey waited patiently,

The knob twisted and suddenly the door went open, “jack”

Jenny said immediately and hugged me, o smiled and hug her back.

“really!! do I have to see that and here you are telling me she’s not your girlfriend ” Audry said coldly and walked inside, and so did Jenny and I, we met Mr Nathan and Jenny’s aunt carrying Frannie Also ..”it’s a pleasure to see you here ja-

Mr Nathan hasn’t complete his words when Jenny took my hands and dragged me upstairs, to her room,…

Jenny was wearing a blue jean trouser and a white sweater and on her neck was a silver chain, ..she wasn’t in ponytail but was loosed and it spread on her shoulders..

“Whoa why did you suddenly drag me up here” I ‘said while she said “my dads a talkative, he’s going out anyway and I didn’t want him to go late” ..jenny said smiling Brightly.. “really ” I yanked with an arched eyebrow..

“well whatever..duh ” she said while i smiled and said “let’s get started anyway” I said,sat on her bed and opened my biology book,i expected her to sit beside me and payed attention but she just stood in front of me staring at me sadly..

“Well” I said looking at her also.. She took the biology book from Me closed it and placed it on her drawer.. “aren’t you ready for the lesson” I asked surprisingly

“look Jackson about that” she said bending her head and playing with her fingers..

“Go on.” I said while she sighed and started ‘

“well I told my dad to make that call, I wanted you here, but not to tutor me but just to be here, I missed you, that’s why I just told my dad to call you so he could think you came here for lesson” …

I couldn’t believe Jenny missed me, but I missed her so much funny right, we missed each other just for 12 hours or so..

“I wasn’t In the mood to teach either, ” I said while she smiled and said “good”..

We talked, played, laughed and I could say she’s amazing.. She’s fun and cute.. while playing, rock paper scissors my elbow mistakenly hits her mother’s picture And it fell on the floor and the glass broke into pieces, “oh no” Jenny quickly said and ran to the shattered picture, the picture was still there though but the frame was destroyed .. “oh my Jenny I’m so sorry ” i said as I got close to her.. “it’s Kay ” she said and sighed.. She wanted to pack d glasses but I told her I would do it and she agreed, I packed d bottles and placed it in her pink bin..

As I joined her sitting on the bed I noticed my index finger was bleeding..”oh shit” I said while she said “what” and noticed my bleeding finger “oh my goodness you’re bleeding..” she said quickly, opened her drawer and brout out a little first aid kit.. She opened it, pulled my hands forward and treated my wounded hand.. While placing the plaster on my finger she looked serious as her attention went completely to my finger,her hair fell beside her shoulders and her eyelashes jingled on her bottom eye lids, “she’s just too beautiful ” I decided and smiled… “all done” she said and smiled ..

“be my girlfriend” I said not knowing when the Word came out from my mouth.. She raised her head up catching my gaze, I searched her eyes and saw happiness..

“Thats the sweetest thing you’ve said to me all day so am saying.. Noo” she said still smiling,

“why no.. ” I asked feeling totally surprised

“yeah you’re damn right, why no? I was just pulling your legs it’s a Yes a very big YES” she said and I sighed and slowly hug her while she pushed me away..”seriously a hug, is that all you Can offer ” she said sarcastically

“what do you mean! ” I said looking at her , before she could utter another word, i realised what she meant and kissed her, she must really like kissing” I thought..

After the kiss we pulled away and smiled at each other ..”got it” I heard Audrey’s voice from outside and immediately she and Scott entered inside..

“what are you doing here” I asked looking at them..

“look at this” Audrey said waving her black phone in the air..

“so..” Jenny said

“we video you two kissing, “..Scott said and he and Audrey laughed..

“audrey!!” I yelled..

“Sorry dude, I got it and am not letting it go” Audrey said and she and Scott looked at each other, laughed and ran out, I wanted to chase them but Jenny pulled me back and I sat down again “just let them be they’re just having fun” Jenny said and I gave her a look, stood up and bolted the door, “Jack.. They’re just kids” Jenny said and I arched an eyebrow and said “really? ” she shook her head negatively and patted the bed with her hand for me to come and sit down, I sighed and sat beside her.. “so what now” I asked..

“Can we continue? ” she said flickering her charming eyes at me..

“continue watt” I asked.. “the kiss she replied and the word “Oh” escaped my lips , this girl must really like kisses ” I thought..well since she’s now my girlfriend .. Why no, immediately our lips met and we went for it..

We did the tonging, lips sucking and all that, but strangely.. Jenny hands were on my waist and then ‘she started removing my jacket, still kissing me and I allowed her to remove it thinking, she wasn’t comfortable with Me still wearing it.. But after removing my jacket we continued kissing until she started removing my shirt slowly.. And immediately I stopped my movement and pulled away and said “oops”.

I gave her a look and she smiled and turned her face away

“I.. Am not feeling well all of a sudden, I think it’s time to go home” I said while she said “really”..and I nod my head and grabbed my jacket “what just happened ” I thought as head to the door, she trailed behind me and grabbed my arm.. “please jack don’t go yet” she said with pleading eyes.. “I want to, but i can’t ” I said as I turned the door knob and walked out of the room, with her still behind me holding my arm,as I got down the stairs, I saw Max sleeping on the couch and Scott and Audrey placing dead cockroach in his opened mouth..

“Audrey!” I called while she gasped and turned to me, “I wasn’t doing anything ” she said immediately.. “and did I ask you? ” I said sarcastically “yes your eyes did” Scott said and they both laughed.. “Come on we’re going home ” I said to her while she yelled.. “What”..

“yes Łady you heard me ” I said while Jenny whispered closely in my ear “please stay, and I promise I won’t do anything stupid.. ”

“please Jack.. Let’s stay a little more.. ” audrey pleaded and also did scott until I finally said.. “okay ” and Scott and Audry screamed yay In excitement, waking Max up, who found a coackroach in his mouth… “oh ohw run!! ” Scott said and he and Audrey ran away laughing with Max chasing them which made me smile too..

<strong> 🧡 Jenny’s POV 🧡</strong>

I was madly happy, when Jack said he’s staying I know the reason why he wanted to leave, because I almost removed his shirt, and i just didn’t know what came over me that moment, he’s kisses were tempestuous and I lost control, the love I have for Jack is just unexplainable I didn’t know I could ever fall for him.. Like this.. I am “lost IN, (his) love..

We both went back to my room and I apologized for my disgusting attitude earlier.. We both talked laughed played, kissed and so on, and damnn, I am just so in love right now I could kill anyone..

“we should form a couple name” I said while Jack looked at me and said “should we?”

“of course” I said and moved close to him.. “hmm okay what about Jackjen” ..jack said making me laff.. “hey I least I tried” he said i said what about.. “Jaxnett” I said while he laughed also and replied “that’s like the wrong pronunciation of Janet, but why jaxnett, why not Jaxnny” he said while i smiled and said “Jaxnny!! That’s perfect.. ” ..

“I know right ” he said proudly.. “but why dont you like someone calling you Jennette apart from your dad ” he continued and immediately

I sadly bent my head and said “well.. It’s just that Jenny’s short and preferable ” i said and brought my gaze to him slowly..

“really? ” he said sounding like

Me “well you can also call Me Jennette, only you ” i said smiling..

“Tell me the truth” jack said while i sighed and started “look I just don’t like it, bcoz my dad said that’s what my mom used to call Me when i was little, and I don’t like it when someone calls me Jennette it makes me tink of her and I’ll becum moody..”

“okay am sorry 4 asking jaxnny” he said while i smiled and hugged him, we both continued our playing, laughing, talking and a little kisses.. Until it was time to go..

<strong> 🧡 Jackson’s POV 🧡</strong>

We kissed again before I left and Audrey took a picture of us, I didn’t bother to yell or chase her cuz I Know once she fall asleep in the night, I can sneak in to her room and delete the picture from her,i wonder why mom bought her a phone!?

We both got home early, I prepared spaghetti tacos for dinner and me and Audrey ate to our satisfaction until mom came home and ate hers.. Audrey and I watched a little movie b4 she fell asleep o. The couch with her phone beside her “Bingo! ” I exclaimed happily and smiled, I took the phone and dang it she had a password, I tried Many things but the only thing that unlocked it were three letter words which nearly made my heart shattered.. “DAD”..my instincts Just told me to use it and i did which opened, I saw the picture in her gallery and as my hand was about to press the delete button, I stopped and smiled at the picture,I quickly send it to my phone and dropped Audrey phone.. Leaving the picture there.. For the sake of.. Nothing..

Sunday passed and Monday came, I went to school happily, the first person I saw was Mabel, she greeted me politely and I answered her nicely which made her smile ,we both got to class and I met Dexter and Chris..

“sup guys” I said happily sitting down.

“What’s up jaxnny” Dexter said taking me back, how did he know “I taught..

“come on you think you could keep that away from me ” he said while he and Dexter smiled and winked at me.. “whatever dude” I said..

“don’t you dare break my sister heart or I’ll break you ” Dexter said smiling..

“your sister? ” I asked while he laughed and said “dont tell me you’re just finding out that Jenny’s my cousin ” Dexter said which really surprised me but I acted cool.. “just kidding.. ” I said..

While Mabel laughed cuz she kinda figured I was lying..

Just then edward came in and we all greeted him happily until we heard “the queen” says by Dexter and we all turned and saw Fiona looking stunning as ever..

“hello guys ” she said while we reciprocated except Mabel..

“guys guess what Chris said.. “what everybody replied waiting for the news “Jack and Jenny are dating ” Chris exclaimed and immediately Fiona and Edward yelled “what

“Yeah isn’t it great” Dexter said smiling at Fiona.. “can.. You repeat what you just said” Edward said..

“I said Jenny and Jack are dating ” Chris replied.. “and their couple name is jaxnny” Dexter added.

“Oh..” Mabel said softly and sighed

“could you guys give us some privacy, I need to talk to Jack Alone” Fiona said and sighed giving me a heavy look,.. “come on can’t you say it in front of us” Chris said while fiona gave him one of her deadly look and he quickly said “And am on my way” and walked away and so did everybody.

“Jack” Fion called muderely..

“what” I replied sarcastically..

” how can you do this to me” she said with shaky voice ..

“do what” i asked arching an eyebrow.. ” you know I loved you but you just ditched my love and went for that good for nothing rich gumbo girl..” Fiona said and I looked at her and sighed she just don’t get it maybe it’s time to make it clear and understandable.. I placed my hands on her shoulder and leaned closer to her.. “look Fiona.. I love Jenny so much, much that you could ever imagine and you..i don’t love you one bit.. So Just back off, If you like try everything in your power I won’t love you and i just don’t know why, am sorry … ” after telling her that, I removed my hand from her shoulder and placed it in my pocket..

“Jack.. I.. I.. Can’t believe.. You.. how can you say you don’t love me.. Okay I get it you don’t love me but don’t you like me even a little ” she said sadly..

“I don’t ” I lied.. I like Fiona but I have to make it clear to her..

“really, you don’t like me at all” she said while i nod my head in agreement.. “okay fine” ..she said sighed.. “good ” I said while she muttered something under her breath and I asked..

“what did you say” and she replied.. “nothing” ..

Just then, Jenny walked in, looking fabulous.. She was smiling but when she saw Fiona she frowned but begin to smile again as she got close to us..

“good morning my queen” I said it clearly making Fiona more angry, “good morning Jack… Oh and hi fiona” Jenny said and fiona gave her a look and said “dont morning me, I hate your fucking guts jenny,you annoy me so much ”

“what did I do” Jenny asked innocently.

“don’t u dare ask me what you did cause.. Look just don’t talk to me anymore” Fiona said and walked away…

“What’s wrong with her jack” Jenny said coming closer to Me

“I can’t explain now Jenny but I promise I will soon” I said while she smiled and said “okay”…

she just get me a lot…i smiled staring at her “you look beautiful ” I said while she replied “thanks and also you’re not so bad yourself, ” she moved closer to me, placed her hands around my neck and leaned her head closer for a kiss, I used my index finger and stopped her mouth… “whoa whoa whoa ,are you going to kiss me here in the class with everyone watching” I said looking around..

“And so what” she said sarcastically while i said “okay whatever You say jaxnny”.

And slowly we kissed..

During break time, me and Jenny went to the cafeteria it was strange i didn’t see the guys ,maybe they planned it for me and Jenny to be together.. After eating lunch we went back to class, during biology class me and Jenny once again blasted the class with our intelligence, Mabel tried to caught up with us but.. She’s in our private lesson.. That afternoon while passing through the corridor during free period i saw Fiona looking sad, she was walking tiredly she didn’t notice me.. “hey fiona” I said while she pretended as if no one was there and that’s what she did till school was finally over..

That evening I went to tutor Jenny and we played also, Audrey came along also with she and Scott playing around.. And trust me Jenny loves it when Audrey’s around she said she like seeing me get angry and Audrey makes me angry and she said I look so cute when I get angry.. After the lesson. We kiss and departed.. Under my blanket around 10:23pm I laid on my bed thinking about Jenny and waiting for my eyelids to get heavy so I could fall asleep…

Just then I received a text message on my phone, I picked my phone and saw a message from Jenny which I saved as “my heart” two days ago..

When I unlocked my phone Jenny sent this “how are you jaxnny ar you asleep, am not because am thinking about you ”

I smiled and replied.. “am thinking about you also.. My heart can’t sleep wish you were here” ..

“good night ” she sent it immediately and I smiled and sent her a good night also..

As I dropped my phone, ready to close my eyes another message came I took my phone happily thinking it was from Jenny but it was from Fiona as I unlocked the message I couldn’t believe what I saw..

Fiona sent a picture of her naked and she wrote i need you now…

I can’t believe Fiona would send me her nude picture, is this girl crazy or what.. I quickly switched off my phone with my heart beating like crazy…as I laid on my bed, I stared at the roof, thinking.. Gosh what is wrong with Fiona. . .jenny must know about this” I thought before falling asleep…

The next day I woke up and got ready for school, after eating breakfast I happily took my backpack and head to school, I was happily going to school but the thought of Fiona made me loose my mind.. I stopped on my track and sighed disgustingly.. She’s just making me hate her the more.. As I got to school that morning the first person I saw was Fiona, and we made eye contact.. She gave me a glare and walked away, I got to class feeling really sick of Fiona.. I sat down and dropped my bag.. I quickly brought out my new comic book to keep my self busy so I’d not think about Fiona.. Just then a soft hand covered my eyes and her scent filled the whole place..

But it was strange her perfume didn’t scent like Jenny’s.. “Mabel” I softly said while she removed her hands and said “ta-da..you guessed right” Mabel said and sat on a chair in front of me smiling..” ..i didn’t reply the smile so she asked “is anything bothering you? ”

“no am okay thanks” I said while she gave me a look that says really-are-you-sure. While I nod my head she immediately dipped her hand inside her opened bag and brought out a paper.. And placed it in front of me “what is this? ” I asked looking at her..

“Oh it’s my approved form of being an actress you know I’ve always dream to be an actress” she said while i smiled and nod remembering how she’d always tell me she wants to go for acting, when we were still dating..

“well congratulations you got in ” I said smiling “oh thanks assuming we were dating you would have held me In your hands and kiss me” she said making me stare at her “oops I think I said that out loud” she said and laughed nervously while I replied “very loud”

Just then Jenny walked in, looking happy she glanced at me and at Mabel then dropped her bag on her seat and walked up to us.. “hi good morning ” Mabel said and I could feel she was uncomfortable around Jenny..

“hi.. um..m.. Mabel.. Right” Jenny said while Mabel nod and grabbed her form. “um Jack.. I have to go see you later” she said and walked away and Jenny took over the seat In front of me, I sighed heavily, seeing Jenny got me thinking about Fiona.. I have to tell her I thought.. Jenny held my hand and said “you look puzzled what’s troubling you”

“something” I said with my eyes searching hers.. “something like what” she asked while I sighed and decided to tell her after all she’s my girlfriend .

” it’s about fiona” I said bluntly while she blinked uncontrollably and said “what about her”..

“she..um..last night she..

I haven’t completed my words when Dexter and Edward walked in, talking and laughing I had to stop.. “hey bro”dexter said shouting.. He walked up to me and Jenny and Jenny gave him a glare “like seriously did you have to shout” ..

“Come on jaxnny dont be all motherly to me cuz I do whatever I want period ” ….”uh u annoy, I hate you so much ” Jenny said looking at him.. “and I love you too” Dexter said and we all bust in to laughter, after surviving from the laugh.. Jenny looked at me and ‘say” okay Jack now go on and tell me what you wanted to tell me about fiona” .. Hearing Fiona Dexter attention flew once to Jenny and I felt uneasy, he can’t know about dis since he has a crush on Fiona. I thought so slowly I drew forward and whispered in Jenny’s ear.. “let’s talk about it it later”..

She giggled and nod her head smiling “your breath tickled my ear” she said and walked away giving me different glances..

“What was it with Fiona you wanted to talk about ” dexter said sitting down

“nothing” I replied immediately while he gave me a look that says (liar)

“like seriously am not lying ” I said while he smiled and said “well did I call you a liar, no, that means you were lying ”

“well your looks are calling me a liar” I said while he Laughed ..

“well Fiona did nothing.. ” i said while he finally gave up and shrugged..

During break time, as me and Jenny planned to go to the cafeteria together, she was called , a grade 10 student came telling her the principal want to see her and Jenny left after giving me a kiss on my cheek..

I sat alone in class, I switched on my phone and went through the message again Fiona sent and I saw it.. My hear skipped as i stared at her nude body.. “what am I doing ” I thought wanting to switch off my phone when i heard Mabel’s voice.. “aren’t you going for break” ..immediately I switched off my phone and placed it in my pocket sweating like real mad and feeling nervous..

“Jack are you sure you’re okay you’ve been acting strange since morning ” Mabel said giving me a look as her thick eyeliner darkened her eye lid.. And her black lips moving to and fro asking me questions “am fine ” I replied while she said “okay I’ll give you Sum privacy” and she left, i sighed heavily and went to search for Fiona and luckily I found her searching for her book in her locker.. In the hall way.. this girl needs a therapist i thought…

I approached Fiona who immediately removed her eyes after seeing me.. “fiona” I called getting to her locker ,she ignored me and later saw d book she was looking for and she walked passed me as if I was a ghost..

“hey Fiona am talking to you come back here” I said following her and getting to her, I pulled her toward me, she was startled but she acted calm.. “what.. What is it.. Wht do you want” she said aggressively..

“What is wrong with you Fiona ” I said feeling irritated by her actions.. “what did I do this time mom” she said sarcastically.. “don’t play innocent with me, I know you know that I know that I came here for that disgusting picture you sent for me” I said with my voice getting thicker and angrier.. “oh shut your crap, I know you liked what you saw, am sure you masturbated over It” she said and smirked “oh god.. Fiona are you crazy, I Don’t know what’s in that mind of yours and I Don’t need to know but I want to tell you something very important to me..

Stay away from me, and Jenny, stay away from my life . Got it ” I said while she sighed and replied “look Jacky, ” she placed her hand on my cheek and continued “the more you keep telling me to stay away the more I keep coming back.. It’s like am addicted to you. it’s like you’re my missing part”..

“Over my dead body you can Neva be my missing part.. ” I said clearly removing her hand from my cheek and fuming in anger.. “just stay away from me, or else I will do what you will never like ”

I said threateningly, “oh funny you Jacky, I know you like me and you can’t do anything ..so Just

keep your threat to your self.. ” Fiona said I was about to talk when the speakers in the hall went squeaking, it’s like the principal or vice principal is about to make an announcement that everyone in the entire school is going to hear no matter where you are.. I was waiting ,everyone was, waiting to hear the principal or the vp’s voice but instead we herd a sweet voice that sounded like music to my ears. It was Jenny and she started “good afternoon students of reach way high school, Good afternoon our loyal teachers, it’s me nathan Jenny, according to principal dags he said i should fully announce to us, seniors, our final year is almost here and our senior prom is also close which is next month July we haven’t know the date yet..

But just know that our prom is next month so boys and girls get ready, and boys don’t forget to ask your girlfriend to the prom and i mean it don’t forget..and am out” and then the speaker went off, everyone in the hall way started screaming in excitement.. When Jenny repeated that statement don’t forget, I know she was referring to me…” look Fiona just stay away from us” I said while she said “really” smiled devilishly and started walking away, as I decided to walk away she stopped on her track and turned and looked at me..

“Jack” she called and came closer to me.. “am sorry if I’d been acting weird, you can block me If you want to, but i promise you I won’t do anything stupid and I’ll apologize to Jenny as soon as possible. ” as Fiona said all these I didn’t believe her, what just entered her.. Wasn’t she the one who just said she would never leave us.. “look.. fiona and how do you want me to believe you.. ” I said while she fixed on a depressed look and said “if you don’t believe me then don’t an not forcing you but anyway am sorry ” she said and walked away and so did I wondering what got into her..

Later in the day I saw Jenny looking happy, “nice speech you gave there” I said while she smiled and replied “thanks principal dags made me say it, he said I had the most sweetest voice ”

“he did, wow..and he’s right” I said while she smiled and we both head to class, I didnt tell Jenny about Fiona again and she didnt remember..

School finally closed and I head home feeling hungry, after taking my bath and eating to satisfaction I head to Jenny’s house, and yes I took Audrey with me…

After the lesson I decided to tell Jenny about Fiona and I did and I haven’t seen Jenny this angry before in her life.. Her innocent face become red all of a sudden “how dare she ” Jenny said while i told her to calm down and she yelled “never tell a woman to calm down!!” ..”okay am sorry but Fiona apologize ” I said while she stood up and said..

“fionas got to go”

“Jenny… What do you mean.. You don’t mean it**gasped**

“yes.. Your thinking is correct am telling my Dad to expel her ..” she said while i said “but Fiona dont go that far, she apologized ” I said but all my words were useless to Jenny.

“my dad is going to expel her and if he refuses, I wont mind loosing my blood for this fight………

“Jenny please calm down okay ” I said wanting Jenny to calm down but instead she walked up to the door and opened it.. “I need to think now so just leave please ” she said looking angry and confused.. I sighed heavily and walked out taking Audrey with me.

At home, I laid on my bed thinking about my relationship this relationship of mine is supposed to be perfect but Fiona’s just the obstacle on the way, how am I going to drive her away, i can’t Allow Jenny to expel her because Fiona wrote the scholarship exam and it was hardcore, so driving her away from the school can just make everything miserable for her.. I sighed and groaned “my life sucks ” I thought and later fall asleep…

The next day I went to school with an unhappy face, the first person I saw was Dexter and I was glad I met him he asked why I was down and I told him everything and he just couldn’t believe the part that Fiona sent her nude picture to me.. “you what bro I think I know what to do ” he said and ran off happily, I went to class and sat down frowning seriously and so did Edward as he walked in.. Jenny walked in class looking extremely angry we made eye contact but she stylishly removed hers while I kept staring at her.. “is she mad at me? ” I thought, stood up and walked over to her seat.. “look Jenny am sorry ” I said and immediately gulped.. “sorry for what jack.. Look am not mad at you, am mad at the name which can’t be spoken OK at first, don’t feel down” she said and smiled forcefully…. I smiled slowly and asked “then why are you down “..

“My dad refused to expel fiona” Jenny said and I breathed a sigh of relief.. But I didn’t show the Essene.. “but let that good for nothing bad bitch don’t worry cause am gonna show her who d real Jenny is this time she won’t be seeing Jenny but jennette” Jenny said threateningly.. “but we’re still dating ” I said with my heart beating because I really love Jenny “of course we’re still dating jack. You’ll always be my Jaxnny ” she said and smiled and I reciprocated the smile, she stood up and placed her hand around my neck and kissed me lightly on my lips not minding who was around.

Our first class was math and I don’t think my brain took it all cause I wasn’t paying any attention, I was busy thinking.. After maths, physics and biology they rang the bell for break, I told Jenny we should go out for break together but she said she had a business to attend to so I went alone….

<strong>🧡 JENNY’S POV 🧡</strong>

Immediately Jack left I took my heels and I was off to Fiona’s class I need to show that girl a lesson she’ll never forget she needs to know her place.. As I walked in her class, she wasn’t there, I saw Max and asked him where Fiona was and she said he saw her going to the rest room.. I smiled devishly and head there, getting there I met Fiona coming out of the rest room buttoning her school uniform properly.. Immediately she sighted ME and smiled

“you” I said angrily getting close to her

“me ” she replied sarcastically..

“You think I didn’t know what you did right ” I said fuming in anger “I don’t know but you tell me ” she said and snapped her fingers, “you’re not ashamed y0u sent your rotten body to Jack right, aren’t you ashamed of yourself ” I said while she laughed and said am as proud as a peacock ” ..”you’re so senseless Fiona he’s my boyfriend and He is ones else’s boyfriend so Just stay away from him okay ” I said while she laughed hysterically “look Jenny when I sent that picture to Jack he masturbated over it.. ” when Fiona said that the word “masturbated” hurt me so much that I gave her ‘s sounding slap that sent her to hit her head on a nearby wall, after getting conscious she looked at me and said “Jenny Wat you just did huts me physically but trust me am going to hurt you too but not physical because I know you’re daddy’s little girl but trust me I won’t let it slide am going to hurt you emotionally Jenny and Mark my words Nathan Jenny I am going to make sure you cry your eye out.. Mark this words coming out from Fiona green.

Fiona’s threat didn’t scare me one bit.. I smirked and said “you ain’t doing nothing and you can’t ” I snapped “oh really we’ll just have to wait till the time comes ” Fiona said while I gave her a glare and walked away.

I walked in the class and immediately I made eye contact with Jack who was busy talking wit Dexter and Edward he pause looking at me and the next thing he stood up and ran to meet me “so.. You’ve eaten right” I said trying to start a normal conversation “yeah.. Too bad you didn’t join me it was boring ” jack said and smiled while I also smile weakly and forcefully and Jackson kind of noticed.. “what’s wrong angel” he said and placed his hands on my cheek.. “nothing just tired that’s all” I replied while he smiled and nod his head in agreement ..he walked me to my seat and I sat down and laid my head on the desk he, patted my hair softly and kissed it “see you soon” he whispered in my ear softly and walked away and in no time I didn’t know when I drifted to sleep..

<strong>🧡 JACKSON’S POV 🧡</strong>

I was worried, really worried about Jenny’s down atitude ,I walked back to my seat and Edward suddenly left.. Leaving me and Dexter alone…


During free period, jenny complained she wasn’t feeling well and I escorted her to the school’s sick bay, where she laid on the bed and drifted to sleep. On my way back to class in the hall way I met Fiona, she glanced at me and smiled “hi jack” she said friendly as she got close to me “hey” I replied sarcastically while she frowned and said “but I already apologized why ar you still being mean to me jack is that how much you hate me, c’mon jack people change. And I have promise not do to do anything stupid or notorious again ” she pleaded, I searched her eyes but couldn’t find anything.. I didn’t say anything I just kept my gaze at her “l am sorry jack” she said slowly and softly and immediately tears formed in her eyes and started gushing out of her eyes.. I couldnt bare it anymore so i said “okay look Fiona it’s okay don’t cry anymore okay I believe you, you’ve Change it’s Okay ”

She stopped crying, sniffed and cleaned her tears “that means you forgive me ” she said while i smiled forcefully and nod my head in agreement..

She smiled happily and said “great, well anyway you’re invited to my house party , I’ve invited everyone except you, but make sure you come ” she said and left me surprised

“wait y0u said you invited ecerybody” I asked trying to be sure.

“Yes and Also I invited Jenny you don’t need to worry ” Fiona said and smiled and I couldn’t believe I foolishly believed her..

“so when’s the party ” I asked

“today” she replied immediately “isn’t dat too early” I but she shook her head negatively and said “no jackyy the earlier the better “..she hugged me happily and walked away. ..

.. My phone’s fucking up big time..

<strong>🧡 JENNY’S POV 🧡</strong>

After school hours and its time for Fiona’s party…I dressed up and headed to her house with the address she gave me, on reaching there,

I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw immediately tears poured out of my eyes, jack lying on the bed with only his boxers and Fiona on top him, with only her bikini jack what is the meaning of this ” I asked not knowing he’s fully drunked ..”is.. Is that jenny” he said sluggishly cleaning his eyes “Jacky there’s no one here , ” Fiona said while jack said okay “I can’t believe you’ll do this to me, it’s over” I said angrily with tears in my ears as I walked away.. I heard Fiona saying “mission accomplished ” but damn I didn’t mind, as I was going downstairs I stopped and began to think of the word “mission accomplished ” that Fiona was up to something, I thought.. I vividly cleaned my tears as I ran up the stairs I felt someone followed me but who cares.. As I got back to Fiona’s room, I met her begging jack to pull his shorts down but jack was busy moving and staggering all over the bed saying “I have to see jenny” he was holding his head tight..

As Fiona saw me, she stood up and covered her body with her blanket.. “why are you back here” she said bluntly while I ignored her words and walked up to Jack. “Jack are you okay” I asked touching his body which was on fire.. “who’s that ” he said trying to open his eyes but maybe due to his head ache he couldn’t and that’s where I realised he’s been drunk and Fiona’s trying to make him have sex with her..

Thinking about this I stood angry and said “you whore how dare you try to rape my boyfriend ” I said with anger in my voice.. “rape” I heard Mabel’s voice from outside the door she was staring at us all.. “yes rape this bitch here tried to make jack have sex with her bcoz he’s drunk” I said while Mabel gasped and Fiona bent her head, and immediately rose it up again “and who told you I was going to rape him” she said while i gave her a glare and she moved back.. Good thing I brought my car, I told Mabel to help me carry Jack up while I wore him his trousers and shirt, I held his sneakers in my hands and me and mabel took him outside to my car..

I opened the door and gently sat him there jack wasn’t his self at all he was sweating and I knew he isn’t the drinking type guys.. “thank you so much Mabel, I appreciate your effort” ..as I said that tears formed in Mabel’s eyes I could see it even though every where was dark with the help of the street lights..

“Whats wrong did I say anything wrong ” I asked her while she shook her head and said “No..i can see you love jack so much, you always put him first before yourself and maybe that’s why he luvs you too and I think if you both continue like this no body will be able to separate you both and you’re also welcome, thanks for being a good partner to jack ” she said and walked in side, I smiled to myself and I realised i really do love Jack and I’ll never stop loving him.. I got into my car and drove him to my house since I didn’t know his house address..

<strong>🧡 MABEL’S POV 🧡</strong>

I went inside and sat in a corner crying, I’ve never seen anyone as brave and caring as Jenny, I thought she was going to break up with Jack in this little misunderstanding but instead she figured it out and fought for her love she didn’t give up on jack ..she got there when he needed her, and I cant believe I wanted jack back when am not capable of having him, I remembered I was the one who left him.. He and Jenny are the perfect couple they’re just perfect together and I think it’s time I finally get rid of my selfishness and foolishness and let Jackson go..

I took my purse and got ready to leave this damn party when Chris came over.. “hi” he said while I replied “heyy” not looking at me but at my purse if I could find a dollar so I could take a cab home..

“Going home already? ” he asked while I nod my head and immediately gasped after realising am not with any money.. And Chris kind of noticed.. “I can take you home you know ” he said making me raise my head up and looking at him dearly. “oh you can” I said softly while he nod his head and smiled..

“but what about your friends” I asked again..

“Hmm forge dem they’ll be fine ” he said while I smiled vividly and followed him outside where his car was..

We both entered and I sat down beside him, he fastening his seat belt when he saw mine he said “let me help you with that” he removed his seat belt and decided to help me fix mine while trying his hand mistakenly touched my breast and I gasped and said “Chris be careful ”

He gulped nervously and stammered “I’m soorry” he said….

When I woke up, but still couldn’t open my eyes, I heard jenny talking…

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when Jenny said I should disvirgin her right now, different thought ran in my head, different emotions filled in me, jenny quickly sat up and said “oh my goodness did I just say that”..i nod my head positively answering her question..i took some courage and said “jen… Jenny.. I Don’t..think now is the right time”

“Yes you’re right am so sorry if I startled you, ” she said with sadness in her eyes.. “it’s okay. It was nothing” I said while she turned away and cried silently, I sat up and put my hands across her shoulder.. “look Jenny don’t feel bad”. I said but instead she turned and hugged me burying her head on my chest.. Shedding tears “I’m so sorry jack it’s just that am so obsessed with you, I love you so much, I mean you’re just my world” she said while i patt her head and said “i luv you too ” I put a stress on the “you” so she’d know I really mean it.. She moved back and gaze at me while I smiled and cleaned her tears “there’s time for everything ” i softly said while she repeated it and smiled.. Jenny made another cup of tea and we drank it happily talking about our love life until I asked..

“Have you dated anyone before”

“why are you asking ” she said bluntly.. “because am your boyfriend and I’m curious ” I replied bravely making her smile.. “well” she began.. “well..what” I persuaded.. “I haven’t really dated anyone before you’re my first boyfriend” she said while my jaw dropped open…. “what!! ” I said looking at her with straight attention while she smiled ..”yes it’s true you’re my first boyfriend ” she said again while I shook my head in wonders.. “but why. I mean you’re too beautiful to resist” I said while she laughed, “well I didnt seem ready to date then, I didn’t see anything special in guys until I met you, did you cast a spell on me ” she said while we both laughed “so who’s your last girlfriend” she said sarcastically making me feel awkward..

“Mabel”..i said. “Mabel,!! ” she repeated while I nod my head.. “well. Why did you break up with her” Jenny asked.. “well… ” I said.. “well what.. ” she replied ..”Mabel was kind of a cheater she left me for some other guy, and Gosh I Don’t wanna talk abt it ” I said while she came closer to me and placed her soft silky hands on my cheek and said “am sorry if I made you mad, “..”it’s okay jennette” I replied softly and covered her hands with mine and kissed her lightly on her lips, she smiled slowly and slowly we went for a deep kiss….

*** The NEXT Morning ***


“Dang it, I have to get going ” I said and wore my shirt and shoe, “see you in school” Jenny said and I smiled and ran home..

Going home it was already getting late,.. As I got inside I quickly took my bath and got ready for school.. And thank goodness I wasn’t late, as I entered the class I met Jenny reading I walked over to her and greeted her,she smiled and stood up and we both hugged.. I immediately got a glimpse of Fiona staring at us, but when I looked at her clearly she was gone, was it me or my imagination I thought but later removed my mind from that and focused on my Jenny..

We did morning class peacefully and during break I maked sure I thanked Mabel properly and she was so happy, and she looked so beautiful it has been long since I’ve seen her with blond hair, and it was kind strange she and Chris were hanging out together, me, Jenny and Max ate lunch together,I asked Max where Dexter was and he said he had no idea, and Edward didn’t come to school. Hmm i don’t know why..

After break we all went back to class, just then all grade 12 were called into the school’s catering lab, it was said we were going to learn how to make a French sandwich, every single grade twelve souls stood in the lab and I stood beside Jenny, we were told to choose a partner but guess what, I choosed Jenny of course, while immediately Dexter choosed Fiona, she had no choice Mabel and Chris also we were to stand in front of a table that could contain 4 people each.. Me, jenny Fiona and Dexter stood in the same place, i was in between Dexter and Jenny and I was glad I didn’t need to near that witch..

We all got started, and we all put on aprons and gloves including a chef’s hat.. We started with the flour and me and Jenny played with it, I used my dusty and floury index finger to poke her nose and it stained white. I laughed and she had her revenge we continued this until our teacher said we should stop by yelling at us and immediately we stopped and looked at each other and giggled and mistakenly my eyes caught with Fiona and she was giving us a look I can’t explain..

After the sandwich was placed in the micro or whatever Mrs hanigan called it, jenny took excuse to use the restroom and after she did Fiona also took excuse and I smelled something fishy..

<strong>🧡 JENNY’S POV 🧡</strong>

I walked briskly to the rest room and finally got there, after urinating I came out and met Fiona in front of the restroom looking at me deadly with her hands behind her back.. I removed my gaze from hers and to the other school block, I walked passed her and immediately I felt a sharp slicing pain at the back of my neck I immediately touched it and blood started pumping out.. My eyes grew wider as i turned to meet her gaze, “that was just a warning” she said wanting to walk away but instead I grabbed her with my second hand.and she stopped tears freely popped out of my eyes.. “fiona” I called with hatred and anger in my voice.. It’s time everyone sees the real me, the real Jennette Nathan, I’ve been in the shadows enough…….

I gave Fiona a sounding slap that sent her back. My neck was hurting real bad I , I looked at her hand and saw the little knife she used on me, I quickly snatched it from her and said “you’d think I’ll let you go free huh”..she didn’t respond instead she just stared at me angry… I moved closer to her with the goddamned knife in my hand.. “what are you doing ” she asked moving back.. “it’s payback time Fiona I hate your fucking guts and and you’ll be tasting what you just offered me I ain’t scared of your shits” I said and smiled devilishly….

<strong>🧡 JACKSON’S POV 🧡</strong>

As we waited for our whatever to get ready I got a feeling something was wrong, because Jenny is outside and so is Fiona anything could happen, I moved closer to Dexter and whispered in his ear “dex.. Dude I have a bad feeling about this” ..”about what” he replied.. “Jenny’s out and Fiona too don’t you think something smells fishy” I said while Dexter gasped and said “u may be right, come-on let’s go before anything happens ” and immediately we both took our excuses and ran out I remembered them saying, the rest room, so we both ran there and behold we saw Jenny with a knife sweating under the hot sun and so as Fiona who was seriously bleeding on her wrist..

“Jesus Christ, what’s going on here ” Dexter said feeling confused and so was i.. Immediately the two girls adverted their eyes to us.. “look jack.. Your so called girlfriend did this to me” fiona said and tears dropped from her eyes and I had a feeling it was crocodiles tears.. Jenny moved her blond hair to the other side of her shoulder and behold, blood was gushing out from a bruise that looks like a cut, “jack don’t believe Fiona cause she actually did this to me”..”I did not” Fiona said to me.. I was so confused I didn’t know who to believe or what to do, but then Mabel came and screamed seeing the blood ,” you both have to get to the school’s clinic” Mabel said and Fiona gave her a glare and said “stay away from freak”..mabel returned the glare and held Jenny’s hand and said something to her and they both walked away to the direction of the schools clinic..

Fiona quickly came to me and hugged making my uniform stained with her blood.. I quickly disengage and yelled “what is wrong with you Fiona why are you so juvenile and delinquent.. You just think about your self don’t think about others why would you ever hurt Jenny, why, you disgust me a lot.. ” I said and she slowly cried and went on her knees “Jack please am so sorry for everything forgive me “..”please Fiona just stop all this” I said angrily and me and Dexter walked away

Jenny’s dad would surely be mad if he find out that Fiona did that to jenny” Dexter said and I sighed…

School that day was not normal Jenny didn’t come to class at all but Mabel, I asked her about Jenny and she said she’s with her dad.. And I know it was trouble..

I didn’t concentrate so much on the day’s work.. I just kept thinking about all these stuffs.. School was over and I head home. I saw my mom on the couch, eating and smiling.. Happily.. “good day mom” I greeted .

“oh hi son, “..she replied.. “wow you sure came back from work early ” I said sarcastically dropping my bag, immediately audrey came down from the stairs and said “jack..

Mom’s getting married” . “Audrey!! I wanted to be the one to break the news to him, spoiler alert” ..”what..youre getting re-married ” I yanked while my mom frowned.. “you’re not happy about it” …”no it’s not that I’m not happy about it.. Am totally cool with it happy married life mom” I said while she smiled and said “thanks children”..”but mom you didn’t even tell us about the dude you’re getting married to.. ” Audrey said

My mom smiled and said “well technically I’m getting married to my boss” my mom said and smiled.. “wow we’re going to be rich.. Yay mom I am so on to your marriage.. Even though I didn’t get to know dad I’m 100 hundred percent sure dat he’s happy wherever he is”audrey said happily while my mom gave her a look..

My mum turned to me swiftly and I smiled at her.. And head upstairs, my mom should get married to anyone what do I care I just want her to be happy, that all.. I took my bath and ate dinner ..after that I did my math assignment and started reading cuz our final exam is at the corner, but I couldn’t concentrate because of what happened earlier in school,…

During night time I kept tossing and turning on my bed I couldn’t sleep but later… I fell asleep.

The next morning I went to school and I saw Jenny going into the class I caught up to her and she was smiling beautiful and dammit she looked beautiful.. “what’s with the smile” I asked..

“is that a good morning ” she asked while I smiled and she replied “im just kidding the reason for my smiles is that I got to see you and Fiona has been finally expelled “….

“What.. Fiona’s expelled “..i asked “yes and I’m happy she was expelled yesterday when dad found out about what she did ” Jenny explained happily and smiled.. Somehow i felt happy and somehow i felt sad..and happy.. But mostly happy that our relationship will no longer have an obstacle.. We both walked in class and I found Edward feeling happy, but Dexter wasn’t, Edward greeted me politely and I asked him why didnt he come to school yesterday he didn’t reply me but instead he smiled.. “hi dude why the long face.

”I asked.. “life sucks man” dexter said “what do you mean” I asked sitting down.. “I mean Fiona is the first girl I’ve ever loved but she’d been expelled even though she acted like a little freak I still luv her” Dexter said while Edward gasped and said “what Fiona’s expelled?” ..”yeah dude she stabbed Jenny” Dexter said sarcastically

“what!!! ” Edward cried.

“Not stabbed.. Pierced, like she used a knife to cut a line at her neck” I corrected while Edward breath a sigh of relief “I thought you meant stabbed i wouldnt have let Fiona go Scott free”..edward said while me and Dexter strangely gave him a look “what’s with you and Jenny ” Dexter asked..”okay okay moment of truth.. ” Edward said… “I’ve always liked Jenny but ever since jack and Jenny were dating I’ve been acting totally strange towards jack.. You’d have noticed that.. But yesterday I got over it and don’t ask me how” Edward said while we all smiled..chris came and suddenly he went over to Mabel..nervously, few minutes later he walked up to us happily “guys Mabel and I are now dating ” he said while we all smiled in amazement.. “wow looks like am the only one Alone”..just as Dexter said that my phone ring and I picked up it was Audrey..

Me: you took your phone to school

Audrey: is that an hello, and you took yours to school so don’t blame me..

Me: well am a senior and we’re allowed to bring phones..

Audrey: just be quiet, I’m in the janitors office calling you now, I ve got big news

Me: what’s the news I already know mom’s getting married cuz I know you forget telling people things you’ve tell them before..

Audrey: shut it.. I know that.

Before going to school today our soon to be stepfather came today to pick me up in his amazing car and he has a daughter who’s seventeen , she’s so nice and cool

Me: looks like we have a step sister so glad she’s nice do you know her name by the way..

Audrey: nope.. The only thing I know about her is that she was living with her aunt before she came to live with her dad four-month ago she has short black hair and pretty eyes but too bad she has a scar on her wrist gotta go i think my friend Molly’s coming..

*** Hunged Up ***

I slowly put my phone inside my pocket calculating things in my head.. “who was that” Chris asked.. “my little sister ” I replied

“doesn’t she go to school? ” Dexter asked..

“she does and she’s in school and I know what you’re thinking and yes she did carried her phone to school she’s a pretty annoying girl” ..i said..

“Oh Audrey right? ” Max said from behind and immediately we all greeted him happily.. “yeah we were just talking about Jack’s little sister who just called him now ” Chris said.. “jacks little sister that kid’s a devil, oh and jack I forgot to tell you she and Scott kissed a few weeks ago you came to my house with her but they didn’t know I saw them” Max said laughing. “ah geez ” I said and laughed also which also made all the others laughed..

“So why did she call you now” Max asked

“oh my moms getting remarried” I said “wow ” Edward and Max said at the same time

“And Audrey called to tell me my soon to be step dad has a daughter who is seventeen.. And how nice she is ” I said while they all stared at me with amazement..

“having a step sister is kind of hard.. ” Edward said “why and how ” I asked.. “cause she can be tempting sometimes” Dexter said and they all laughed.. Which made me laugh too but I stopped and started to think about it..


School was okay and splendid that day no Fiona no trouble me and Jenny hanged out together happily and gosh I loved today she didn’t even want to let me go when school was over it was Max that forced her in the car, I started my journey home just as I was about to enter my street a car pulled over in front of me and it was Jared’s mom and Audrey came down smiling, she waved at Jared and his little brother goodbye before she walked up to me “soon enough I’ll have my own car ” she said and i gave her a look and she laughed we finally got in front of our house and a big range over jeep was parked there “OMG dads here i mean, Mr mom’s boyfriend’s here ” Audrey says and rushed to the door she opened it and quickly closed it and said ” he’s daughter’s here too so act nice ” ..we both got in and i saw Mr my soon to be dad taking to my mom i greeted them and adverted my eyes to his daughter who was facing back taking to Audrey.. “wow you look just like your mother I hope you take care of your soon to be sister for me ” my soon to be dad said while I nodded weirdly.. Audrey walked up to me and said “she said she’ll like to see you” ..i adverted my eyes to the short haired girl who swiftly turned and I almost passed out..

“Fiona” I called.

No this shouldn’t be happening right now many thoughts ran in my head, how can Fiona be my step sister no wonder her dad looks so familiar dammit..

“Hey jack” she said smiling devilishly.. “oh you guys know each other.. That’s a good start” Fiona’s dad said and I closed my eyes tightly wishing all this was a dream.. “well honey Won’t you tell us how you got to know her” my mom said.. “well she was my classmate ” i said while my mom repeated the word “was” and I nodded “she got expelled yesterday” her dad said and my mom gasped.. “why” my mom asked and immediately I went upstairs, going up the stairs i turned and glanced at Fiona one more time, she was staring at me and dammit she looked perfect in short hair..

“Why did she cut it” I thought I trooped rapidly to my room and sluggishly laid on my bed.. I took my shower and stayed in my room, cause I was kind of nervous to go downstairs to eat dinner cause it’s looks like Fiona and her dad are eating dinna with us too..

Few minutes later I heard a knock on my door and I sighed and came down from the bed I crept the door open and I saw Audrey “mom said you should get your butt downstairs dinner’s ready.. And Mr Greene’s eating with us and Fiona isn’t it great” she said excitedly

“no it’s not ” I replied sarcastically while she said “why.. Don’t u like them? ” ..

“I do like them but look Audrey Fiona’s not who she seems She Is” I said while she gasped folded her hands and said “and how do u know that” she said “like I said earlier she was my school mate ” ..i said.. “were u guys that close” she said.. “more than close but not that close” I said while Audrey smiled and said “whatever, what a coincedence but anyway I’m glad she’s here she’s just like a sister I never had” and then she ran downstairs , I watched her go Audrey seriously needs a sister cause her other twin died at birth sometimes she can be pretty annoying but she’s the perfect sister for me..

I hurried down and to the dinning table where everyone was seated, I made eye contact with Fiona and she smiled but immediately I threw my face away.. As I sat down there was an empty chair beside me, my mom told Audrey to get the jug from the fridge and as she stood up Fiona volunteered to help her while they drop the Jug on the table Fiona wanted to seat beside me but immediately Audrey did.. And I breath out a sigh of relief.. “don’t worry bro I got u” Audrey whispered in my ear and made me smile fiona calm sat opposite me and we all started eating, I could notice my mom and mr Greene communicating through their eyes.

“So when are you guys getting married” Fiona asked breaking the silence.. “the day after tomorrow” her dad said and she said wow..

Audrey stood up in excitement and said “yay.. I’m gonna be rich.. I mean I’m gonna be happyyyyy” she quickly sat down and faced her food cause my mom gave her a glare…”it wouldn’t be that big it I’ll just be a court marriage ” my mom said while I nod my head.. And faced my food.. “and Fiona I’m going to your school tomorrow to beg on your behalf and exam ” Mr Greene said while Fiona rolled her eyes.. After dinner Mr Greene got ready to leave but Fiona wasn’t..

“Well dad can’t I stay. I mean you can go but can’t i”, she pleaded “no honny you’re coming home with me” Mr Greene said while Fiona groaned and said “bye Mrs Richard, bye Audrey bye..ja” she paused when she wanted to wave to me, I dipped my hands in my pocket and stared at her, she came closer to me and said slowly ” I can’t tell you a goodbye cause I’ll be here to tomorrow but atleast can I get a hug like a sister hug ” she said..

“No” I straightly and forwardly said.. She eyed me through her big eyes and smiled “well I’ll see you in school tomorrow ” .. She said and hurried outside.. Audrey who stared at us since quickly said “I think that girl has a thing for you” ..i sighed and went upstairs but my mom called me back and told me to clear the table.

At nighttime I laid on my bed thinking about Fiona.. Thinking about this family and relationship stuffs and all, Jenny called me and we talked but I didn’t tell her about the outstanding news, after the call I sighed heavily and laid on my bed back..

The next morning which I wished it didn’t come, came and I had to force myself to get ready for school, Audrey didn’t go to school, cause she insisted she wanted to help my with somethings which my mom wanted me to do, as I got to school I remembered Fiona’s word “see you in school tomorrow ” I sighed and hurried to class, I greeted everyone politely Max was in school but jenny wasn’t but Max told me she’ll come..

Friends.. It’s so good to have friends they all made me forget about my stepsister and my “love life” ..

Until Dexter said “ugh I miss fiona” ..mabel rolled her eyes and said “that devil” ..”hey don’t talk about her that way” Dexter backfired and they all laughed but I remained quiet and was lost in thought.. “hey you what’s wrong why are you like this all of a sudden ” Max said while everyone waited For my answer I forcefully smiled and said “nothing” .”says the guy who always care about others mood” Edward said while I sighed . . Dexter sighed also “oh that’s remind me did you get to see your stepsister yesterday is she beautiful? ” chris said smiling while Mabel gave him a look..

“Well guys I can’t lie to u she is beautiful ” I said while they all smiled.. “ohh describe her lemme imagine” Max said.. “you Don’t wanna know” I said sarcastically while they all persuaded me to describe her which I found awkward.. And I began..

“well she’s tall, she has a big bright green eyes, red blooded lips and a thick short black hair”..

“Hmm strange she sounds like Fiona but only the hair that differentiated them”..i gave him a weird look while Edward said “Fiona has been in your head lately she doesn’t sound anything like Fiona ” ..”no dude she does” Max defended they kept arguing making it to form a chaos and a quarrel.. I got tired and said

“guys guys.. She is fiona”..

“what!!” they all said at d same time..

“So Fiona’s your stepsister ” Max said while I slowly nodded my head.. “you’re kidding right” Dexter said while I shook my head negatively without smiling.. “whoa” Chris uttered while I sighed.. And said “I mean I didn’t know her dad was the lucky man”..”so Fiona’s your step sister ” Dexter repeated with his mouth open..

“Yes Dexter how many times do I have to say it Fiona’s my stepsister.. And she’s coming to school today.. ”

“what”..”hey guys”

We heard Fiona’s and Jenny’s voice behind us at the same time.. And we all turned…

We all turned and saw Jenny and behind Jenny there’s Fiona.. “jack what did I just hear you say” ..”look Jenny calm down” Max said while Jenny gave him a look.. “hey guys” Fiona said once again and moved forward smiling brightly, Jenny turned angrily at her and said “what are you doing here” ..”am here in school to learn” Fiona said sarcastically while Jenny turned to me she grabbed my hands and took me outside and I know she wanted to repeat her question so I immediately said “look Jenny you heard right Fiona’s my new soon step to be sister.. ” ..”she is? ” Jenny said sadly.. “yeah I didn’t know the man my mom wanted to get married to was Fiona’s dad and please don’t be mad that she’s here she just came back to write her exam”..i explained why she sighed..

“Well she better make sure she behaves or if she dares misbehaves then it will be the end I promise”..she said“don’t worry she won’t ” I said while Fiona sighed, “so is your mom married yet” she asked.. “well technically tomorrow Fiona will lawfully and finally be my step-sister ” I replied while she forcefully smiled and kissed me lightly on my lips, “well i wish them happy married life.. But make sure you stay away from Fiona” she said while i smiled and replied “trust me baby I will”..”Good ” she said and we both walked back togeda to class.. Fiona and Jenny didn’t talk to each other.. Fiona went to her class and we started the day’s work with a morning chemistry.. And men it was tough.After English class we went for break Dexter was moody and I asked him wats wrong and he said he wondered why Fiona cut her hair,well I went out to the cafeteria with my Jenny but unfortunately I caught Dexter kissing Sarah. [Jenny’s friend] behind the cafeteria door, I smiled seeing them but pretended I didn’t see them and gladly walked in the cafeteria with Jenny..*** FAST FORWARD ***School finally closed and after bidding Jenny and kissing her we departed and from nowhere Dexter and Fiona came to meet me …. “going home already” Dexter said while I replied “yeah where else would i go to the hospital? ” ..he smiled while Fiona tucked her arms around mine and immediately I freed my self, “can’t i hold you anymore like a sister” she said sadly.. “look you’ve got to stop using that sister thing as a cover” I said while she laughed hysterically and said “oh jack you’re always funny” ..”what! What the hell did I say that was funny ” I cried out while she Just smiled.. “well if you’re looking for sum1 to hold i guess am available” Dexter said while Fiona rolled her eyes..“Dexter I get you like me, I don’t like you so just get lost okay” Dexter stopped on his track hearing Fiona say that “well I think it’s tym to take my leave bye, see u tomorrow ” Dexter said sadly and walked away“why do u like being a jerk ” I yanked at Fiona while she eyed me and walked away.. I got home and I could hear my mom Audrey’s voice from outside, when I got in our house was almost empty.. “mom what’s going on are we moving” I asked while my mom smiled and said “well Greene said after our marriage we’re all moving to his mansion to live as one big happy family ” ..”oh okay no problem I’m kinda hungry you know” I said lowly while my mom laughed and said “go shower first, there’s tuna noodle casserole in the kitchen waiting for you ” ..“Yes” I said joyfully And ran upstairs after after showering I ate dinner and went to my room to study, I’ve actually stopped tutoring Jenny.. I caller her and we talked and all, I can’t believe we talked for three hours.. After the call I couldn’t concentrate because she was in my head..At nighttime I slept peacefully like an angel so glad Fiona didn’t come today, the next day in school I met with Mabel and we greeted each other politely and head to class together Jenny saw me and we exchanged hugs.. “guess what jack” . “what” I said while she said “just guess. ”“well am not a good guesser ” I said while she rolled her eyes then smiled at Mabel then at me..“well our senior prom, a date has been set for it”..jenny exclaimed happily “no way. .really” Mabel said while Jenny nodded and they both screamed in excitement. “gurrls” I said sarcastically while Jenny smiled.. “so when is it” Mabel asked.. “July, next month which is a week away” ..”wow so which date “I said enthusiastically while Jenny stared.. “well the date fixed on the prom is a very special day for me.. I’m madly excited it’s July 10th ” “What” Mabel said“no way” I added.. “that means it’s on my birthday” I continued.. “so you were born the same month and day with me” Jenny said while I nodded and she smiled and said “this is amazing ” she hugged me and gosh her hair smelled like flowers ..We later started the day’s work and they made announcement about the prom date, which I already know ..*** FAST FORWARD ***During closing time I head home after romantically asking Jenny to go to the dance with me which she gracefully agreed..Fiona followed me home I didn’t know why and I didn’t care but she couldn’t stop talking about how annoying Dexter is.. And I got real sick of it, we finally got home and the first thing I saw was a ring on my momma’s finger, and after that I noticed a truck and our properties outside and Audrey holding Mr Greene’s Hand ..and my mom beside him.. Seeing me and Fiona walking back home together they all smiled “so were already moving” I said while mr Greene nodded his head our load got loaded and that was bye bye for our old house..The mansion was amazingly beautiful and big I wondered if Fiona lived there she doesn’t act like someone who lives here.. We arranged everything and I was told to pick a room, i picked a room beside the building window and Audrey picked a room opposite Fiona’s but still in the same floor, I arranged my room and laid on the bed thinking when Audrey came in “Wat do u want” I asked while she said “nothing” that she just wanted to see how I arranged my room, I told her to get lost that am in my thinking state and she said whatever to me and walked outside..Few minutes later Fiona walked in and sat on the bed with me, “what now” I said sarcastically dropping my phone while she smiled and said “so what do u think about the house brother” ..“it’s cool” I said calmly not looking at her.. “look are u mad at me” Fiona said“no am not” I said while she said “good” and kissed me..

“Fiona what do u do dat for” I asked feeling totally irritated.. “look jack. I hate the fact that u have to be my step brother I really really love you” Fiona said I sighed angrily and said “for god’s sake Fiona, would you please stop that I don’t like you at all, there’s someone out there who loves you “..”who? ” she asked sarcastically.. “Dexter!! ” I exclaimed while she rolled her eyes and said “I don’t care Dexter is just like a tiny pest disturbing my entire life” ..

“What..!! ” I said angrily.. “okay look Fiona lemme tell you what u don’t know , the way you feel towards Dexter that’s the way I feel towards you, you’re just like a tiny pest disturbing my entire life.. You should be happy I became your step brother but look you’re not.. You’re just so selfish that you don’t care about how others feel.. you just want everything to your self… You don’t think you act so childish you’re so juvenile and and… Gosh..

Please Fiona for god’s sake I’m begging you realise your mistakes you should be happy that someone like Dexter loves you, what do you want from me that he doesn’t have..you absolutely know that am dating Jenny but yet you still being selfish.. now am your half brother and you still want to date me isn’t that crazy?..becuse of your evilness and selfishness everyone is afraid of u but still Dexter still accepted you for who u are.. He loves you and trust me you’ll never find anyone like him and I’m not even up to his standard ..” when I said all these I didn’t realise I was making sense I didn’t even know Fiona was crying.. “I.. I.. Don’t know what to say.. ” she said slowly. “I have to go” she immediately said and dashed out of my room and to hers..

<strong>🧡 FIONA’S POV 🧡</strong>

I cried softly on my pillow jack is a million percent right.. I am being selfish, maybe I think it’s time to give Dexter a chance.. I hope he still forgives me for the way I talked to him earlier, I sat down quietly realising my mistakes, I looked at my wrist and saw the bandage lying there I couldn’t believe I fought all in the name of love, all the name that I fought for a handsome dude who later turned out to be my brother.. Suddenly I heard a soft knock on the door I quickly cleaned my tears and turned on the lights “come in” I yelled.. And the door crept open while Audrey walked in smiling she paused and looked at me weirdly and asked “have you been crying”.. “crying no way why would I be” I said trying to cover everything up..

“Cause I saw you crying while coming out from Jack’s room, well anyway I came to tell you mom prepared a feast ,let’s just say nighttime dinner so hurry up and come down before the foods gets cold, and fiona please stop being selfish and end up with Dexter even though i don’t know who he is. And I’ve been eavesdropping on every conversation you and my brother made see ya” Audrey and happily Walked out.. “wow that is one smart child” I said and hurriedly cleaned my face properly and opened the door but accidentally bumping into jack.. “oh am so sorry ” I said while he replied “it’s okay” without even looking at me as he wanted to go I said “wait.. Jack”

He stopped on his track and said “what” .. and then Turned..

“I’ve realised that all you said was true, I was being real selfish I was just a jerk.. I promise I’ll quit all this if you’ll forgive me ” I said tenderly and for the first time I felt guilty for what I did.. I waited for Jackson reply and he finally said “are you sure, cause you’ve played me before” ..”trust me brother it wont happen again I promise and I finally think it’s time to give dex a chance” a smiled curved on Jackson lips and he said “thanks and I forgive..”… I happily jumped up and hugged him ..”whoa whoa watch it lady” he said while I left his body and said “sorry”..”it’s okay” jack said calmly and smiled and I felt like a load a really heavy load came off my chest .” you’re the best brother anyone could ever have and I’m so happy to be your sister” ..i said while he replied “ditto.. Let’s go our foods can’t eat their self” Jackson said and we both laughed and went to join others..

<strong>🧡 FIONA’S POV Continues 🧡</strong>

The next day I got ready for school and so did jack . We both got to school and the first person, well actually people we saw was Chris and Mabel, and Jack greeted them and so did I Mabel didn’t respond to my greeting so I took my time and apologized to her and she gracefully forgave me and that moment she looked beautiful.. Getting to Jenny it wasn’t an easy task I had to go on my knees for her to finally believe and accept me as a friend and maybe sister in-law I guess.. Even though Jenny forgaved me, she still didn’t like me she forgave me just for the sake of Jackson.. And then to Dexter It wasn’t that tough I told him even though I don’t like him yet I’d try and he accepted..

<strong>🧡 JACKSON’S POV 🧡</strong>

Everytin was perfectly fine as Fiona turned a new life..i mean girl or whatever they call it.. As our exam drew closer my love for jenny grew stronger my mom became pregnant for Mr Greene and she was madly excited .. Fiona and Audrey always argues with me that it’s going to be a girl while I said its going to be a boy.. And then we made a bet that if it’s a girl I’m going to be Fiona and Audrey’s slave for three months and if it’s a boy fiona and Audrey would be my slave for six months… And my momma just couldn’t stop laughing..

Finally our exam came and passed every one couldn’t wait for prom night, Friday night which happened to be my birthday and also the love of my life birthday.. Slowly Fiona and Dexter got to like each other real mad, while Max asked Ashley out Jenny’s friend, as you all know Edward dated Sarah and Chris dated mabel ..

The big day finally arrived and dad got me my very own car cause it was my birthday and Audrey insisted for hers which my mom laughed but Audry took it serious..

I used my new car to pick my date to the prom “Happy Birthday dearest My Lovely girl and my mïssing part” i said and kissed her gently on the lips she smiled and i hand over my present to her she dropped it on her tigh and said “well if you’re waiting for your present birthday boy it’s after the prom ” “okay no problem ” i said and smiled..

I drove her to the prom…

Getting there the party was lit and rich everyone was looking good and Fiona was just sticking around with Dexter.. Let’s just say the party was amazing and i couldn’t believe me and Jenny won prom king and queen.. As the prom ended the song “thousand years ” by “Christiana perri” played everyone danced slowly with their dates.. I placed my hands on her waist and she placed hers on my shoulder and we danced to the music and slowly kiss….

I drove Jenny home and she said i should escort her to her room and then i said “yeah b4 i forget, where’s my present.. Jenny smiled seductively and said “my present is me giving my body to you tonight and please don’t say no “..

I swallowed hard and said “okay

..and yeah we did it… 😊

…..THE END……

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