1.An Angel in Disguise{kindness}

Once upon a time, in the busy street of FairyKingdom, there lived a diligent commuter named Ghie. By day, she toiled away at the company she worked with, tirelessly navigating the realms of paperwork.


As the clock struck the end of the working day, Ghie eagerly headed to the terminal, yearning for the comforts of home.

“In the chaos of life, kindness emerges as the guiding light.”

Bull Arti

Uh-oh! To her dismay, the terminal resembled a dragon’s lair, with long lines weaving like winding serpents. Exhausted and hungry, Ghie sighed, wondering how she would conquer this waiting ordeal. But just as the clock struck despair, a fellow commuter named Eyah, standing in front of her, turned around with a warm smile.

“Unexpected acts of kindness pave the path for magical friendships.”


“Hey there! The lines here are always crazy. Want to try another terminal nearby? There are usually more vans waiting there,” Eyah suggested, like a fairy godmother unveiling a secret path.

Grateful for this unexpected offer, Ghie agreed, and together they ventured to the neighboring terminal. Lo and behold, it was a haven of swift transportation – no serpentine lines, just a fleet of waiting vans ready to whisk them away. Ghie’s tired eyes sparkled with relief as she realized she would be heading home early.

“The true magic lies in the kindness we show to others.”


As they sat side by side in the comfortable van, Ghie could not help but express her gratitude. What an unexpected kindness and a timely rescue!

“Thank you so much, Eyah! You’re like a secret helper. I would have been stuck in the long line without you.”

“Friendship blooms in the unlikeliest of places, like flowers in a bustling street.”

Bull Arti

Eyah smiled and said, “No problem, Ghie! We’re all going through this together. We commuters need to look out for each other. Sometimes, a little help makes everything better.”

And so with a touch of magic in the air, Ghie and Eyah continued their homeward journey, the van carrying them through the winding roads of FairyKingdom. In this enchanted tale of unexpected friendships, Ghie learned that even in the midst of chaos, there are angels in disguise, ready to guide weary travelers to a smoother path.

"Kindness knows no boundaries, transforming chaos into serenity."

For Better Understanding of This Story:

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ghie who worked hard during the day. She did lots of paperwork at her job. When it was time to go home, Ghie went to the terminal. But oh no! The terminal was very crowded, like a scary dragon’s cave. Ghie felt tired and hungry, and she didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly, a friendly person named Eyah turned to her and smiled. Eyah said, “Hi! The lines here are always long. Want to try another terminal? There are usually more vans there.”

Ghie was happy for the help and agreed. Together, they went to the other terminal. It was much better! There were no long lines, just vans waiting to go. Ghie felt so relieved. She realized she could go home early now.

Ghie thanked Eyah a lot. She said, “Thank you, Eyah! You’re like a secret helper. I would have been stuck in the long line without you.”

Eyah smiled back and said, “No problem, Ghie! We’re all in this together. Commuters should help each other. Sometimes, a little help can make things much better.”

With a bit of magic in the air, Ghie and Eyah continued their journey home in the van. They learned that even when things are busy and chaotic, there are kind people around to help.