

Once upon a time, in a place filled with flames and shadows, there was a woman named Fortune. She found herself in a scary place, with fire all around her, and she couldn’t understand why. Tears streamed down her face as she looked around, feeling lost and scared.

“Why am I here?” Fortune cried out, her voice trembling with fear.

A dark figure emerged from the flames, its eyes glowing with an eerie light. “You are here because of the pain you caused others when you were alive,” the figure said in a voice that sent shivers down Fortune’s spine.

Fortune’s heart sank as memories flooded her mind, memories of moments when she had hurt those she loved and other people with her words and actions. She realized that she had been selfish and cruel, and now she was facing the consequences of her actions.

“I’m sorry,” Fortune whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Please, can’t I make things right?”

The figure shook its head solemnly. “The time for redemption has passed. Now you must face the flames of your own making.”

Fortune sank to her knees, her tears mixing with the flames that surrounded her. She knew that she had to accept her fate, but she also knew that she would never stop regretting the pain she had caused.

And so, in the fiery depths of hell, Fortune wept for her sins, surrounded by the flames of her own making.