I walked hastily into the school compound and went directly to the staff room to signed in.

As i was coming out of the staff room, i sighted Daniella, one of the lady i met at the local government few days ago when i went to register with the local government inspector.

I waved at her and she waved back. The way she was chatting and laughing with the staffs surprised me greatly because she is just a new comer like myself.

Not having any one to engage myself with, i rested my back on the wall waiting for the bell to jingle so that morning assembly could commence.

My name is Jane Williams, the daughter of Chief Dr Benson Williams, the owner of Be-Will’s companies.

I’m the fourth out of five children, and the first out of two females. I was recently posted to Divine Secondary School as a place of primary assignment (PPA) for my one year compulsory service to my country.

Of a truth, this is not what i wanted for myself but i have a father who doesn’t bend things to suit another.

While at the orientation camp, i called my father to help influence my posting to a place of my choice before the last day of the nysc orientation camp, when each corp members will be given a posting letter. As i have calculated and come to the understanding that the three weeks to stay at the camp was remaining just few days. But he gave me the same answer he has been given since i raised the matter.

Months after i was done with my schooling, i had wanted to work in one of my father’s company, because i don’t want to be posted to any other place. But the day i raised the matter, was the same day my plan was shattered by my father.

Apart from being a highly educated rich man, my father was also a principled man who doesn’t believe in short cuts. He will always tell you that those who loves short cuts every time usually ends up cutting their own life shorts because the things they were supposed to know in the cause of doing a particular task will not be achieved.

I just wanted to try, but i guess i forgot that my father decisions are final and irreversible.

“If you are posted to any state, go there…”

“… Those people living over there are not animals, they are human beings like you”

“Stop trying to change what the government has instituted” He said immediately i raised the matter

“But not in all case because some parents have been influencing and are still influencing their children posting to where will favour them” My mum said from behind

“Well, i am not some parents, i’m still the same Benson Williams and nothing has changed about that” He replied

“Let nothing happened to my daughter, because if anything happens to her i won’t forgive you” My mum protested further

“Woman! stop disturbing me…”

“…She will be fine” He replied

Then stood up from his seat and started climbing upstairs leaving mum and i in the sitting room that very day.

Since it was obvious i can’t fîght and win, i decided to obey in order to save my already aching head, and that was how i quickly collected my posting letter and reported to my primary place of assignment which is now the second stage of my service.

After i have been assigned to my local government, i registered with the local government inspector and thereafter i proceeded to the school as contained in my posting letter.

At a point, i was tempted to beg my employer to give me a letter of rejection so that i can have the opportunity to choose a ppa of my choice even though it has to be in the same local government as i didn’t like being in a school, but i change my mind and held my peace.

After due procedure, my employer gave me some cash to rent an apartment since they couldn’t provide accommodation for me.

Luckily, i got an apartment not quite far from the school. I made sure i got a trekkable place so that transport fare wouldn’t have to add to my existence prøblems someday.

The bell jingled, bringing me back to reality. The high pitch with high frequency the sound of the school bell produced sent the lizards on the wall running as if the persistency in the sound may cause something dísástrøûs to happen to their lives if they don’t take to their heels.

I started moving towards the assembly ground, soon a senior prefect was seeing standing in front of the students leading the assembly.

The national anthem and school anthem was sang, followed by the pledge, thereafter the students were thoroughly checked to know who wasn’t wearing the complete school uniform. Dèfâûlters were fetched out and the púnishmént equivalent to each person offénce was given.

The principal came to make the necessarily announcement before the students were instructed to march to their various classes.

All the teachers were immediately asked to meet at the principal’s office, and introduction were made. Myself Danielle and one other guy were the only corp members among the staffs.

Having received instructions on what to do, every body was dismissed except myself. The principal asked me to stay back and that he would like to have a discuss with me.

From the look of things,he seems to have observed how quite and withdrawn i have becomes since i entered the school compound, what to expect from him is something i can’t imagine…

He exchanged the position of the books that has been arranged on the table and placed them somewhere else.

As i watched him closely, i do not need anyone to tell me why he was doing what is he doing. Because if those who arranged it in the first place has kept them in other, he couldn’t have been redoing it.

I know it was time to hear what he has to say as soon as he looks up to me.

“Anything the matter?”

“Why are you looking so moody?” He asked while i looked at him curiously

“Don’t be surprised at my question, i’m also aware that you’re yet to know me because those who know me very well will tell that i’m good at observing people. And i have being watching you and have seen how withdrawn you are from the assembly ground” He said to my amazement

“Nothing is wrong with me sir, i’m fine” I replied

“I don’t think you’re saying the truth”

“You know…”

“… This school has received a lot of corp members and we all know how they have function”

“I can’t say much about you because i’m yet to know and see your method of operation. All i can say is that you should be at your best always”

“There’s a special reason why you are here, make good use of the opportunity you have now because it doesn’t always come”. He said

I felt goosebumps all over my body instantly, and those words i used to hear within me echoed again

“If the Lord permits it, go through it”

This are the kind of words i have been hearing since the very day i opposed my posting.

“All is well sir, i will do my best” I replied

“If you say so…”

“…Have you gotten the necessarily materials?

“Yes i have, they were given to me about a week ago. I wrote my lesson plans and note using them” I replied

“Ok, that’s good, you may now leave” He said

I stood up and left, going straight to the staff room. It’s not yet time for biology which is the subject i’m going to be teaching the students as that is the subject that is in line with the course i studied in school.

Some of the staff where already in the classroom while some are still in the staff room like myself waiting for their time according to the school timetable.

While waiting, i became tensed up so much that i was visibly shaking. Other teachers came to my table to know what was wrong, i don’t know exactly how it was doing me and how to explain the situation because this is unlike me.

I’m an extrovert, though yet to be known as one in my new environment. I’m not afraid to pick up a task, infact i like daring things.

Speaking in the public or among group of people has never been a problem to me, all thanks to my father who always makes it compulsory for me to speak to him in a well coordinated manner with an audible voice whenever we are out to meet his employees.

He was able to inculcate boldness and smartness in me, that no matter the number of people looking at me, i will still hold my head high and deliver a speech when necessary.

So for me to shaking visibly in this manner is something i can’t fathom.

Should i say that i’m tensed up because i will be standing in front of the students to teach in not less than one hour from now?

Are those students more numerous than my father’s employees?

They are definitely not more than them, because they are just thirty five in number.

I rested my head on the table as one of the teacher’s has told me to do, and was feeling better gradually.

“Have you taken breakfast” One of the teachers was moved to ask

“Yes, i took tea with some sliced bread and fried egg before coming to school this morning” I replied with my head still resting on the table

“If that is the case, let me get you some energy drink. I believe it will be of great help” She said

“Thanks for the care, but i don’t think i need it, water will be ok by me”

“Can you help me with that, if you don’t mind?”

“Sure, it’s no big deal” she replied and went and buy me two bottles of water.

I unsealed the bottle water and started drinking it as soon as she handed them to me, i kept drinking until i almost finished it. I took a deep breath and then relax my back on my chair.

I thanked the lady who bought me the bottle water, and not quite long, she left the staff room because it’s her time to teach.

Thirty minutes later, i was up on my feet heading to SS 2 class. It’s going to be my first time of teaching and the first students i’m going to be teaching.

Immediately i stepped inside the classroom, all the students stood up and greeted me. They were happy to see me, the smiles on their face made me smile too.

I introduced myself and asked them to introduce themselves one after the other. As the introduction was going on, i was observing each of them quietly. Soon, the introduction was over, i got to know some of their names but was yet to master them.

I wrote the date, subject and topic on the whiteboard with a little headline before i started my explanations. I made the class an interactive one thereby carrying everyone along. The way they were responding to my questions after the teaching was over, showed that they were very attentive throughout my teaching. I gave them note to copy while supervising them as they write. Most of them have beautiful handwriting, some writes fast, while others write very slow, i just have to be patience with all of them. Infact, i might need to add patience to my name if i really want to be their teacher.

By the end of the class, i have known the different characters of almost all the students in my class that day.

However, there is this girl who looked so different from the rest. She didn’t want to introduce herself in the first place. I have to compel her to do it.

As i was about leaving the class, i called her and asked her to follow me, hoping to get a clue of what the prøblem might be..

She followed me outside but refused to say a word to me. All effort to make her talk proved abbørtive. After a while, i released her to go back to her class, because i have already sighted a teacher whom i was sure was going to her class, in other for the teacher not to enter the class room before her, i told her to run inside immediately.

I returned to the staff room, but i couldn’t get my mind off her. There’s something about her and i made up my mind to keep trying until i get hold of it.

I went to two other classes before the closing period, but SS 2 students will be rated high if i was to rate them, they are just full of vibes.

When i got home, i was so tired and exhausted that i feel on the bed while still dressed up. I didn’t remove anything including my foot wear which is the first thing i normal remove whenever i got back home. It was my first time in school maybe that is the reason why i am this tired.

My stomach started growling loudly, I didn’t need anyone to tell me what it means. I haven’t taken lunch, i only took some snacks with a bottle of coke during break time in school.

I dragged myself up from the bed and find my way to the kitchen. I need to prepare something to eat before my hunger will turn to sickness.

Soon, i came out with yam porridge from the kitchen, i sat down comfortably on the ground and started eating.

When i was done eating, i took the plates back to the kitchen, and decided to rest a little before studying my textbook in preparation for the next day’s teaching.

Resting my head on the bed, i wander away, trying to know if i could get any tangible reason why my father has watched me leave home to this place. I have tried to be completely happy and accept my fate. But the more i tried, the harder it becomes.

The students i met in school today, placed a smile on face. Since i left home to this place, i have not been happy if not for today.

Maybe if i continue interacting well with them, i might be able to fetch from their over flowing rivers of joy and fill my sad heart, and gradually it will also flow to other parts of my body.

The voice of my neighbor intercepted my thinking, one of them was just calling and shouting my name as if he was the one that christin me. I went to the door and opened it, and there he was shining his teeth at me.

“Hello, good evening…

“… Please how may i help you” I asked immediately the door was opened

“Ha! no be you go help me oo, na me go help you”

( I’m the one to help you and not the other way round).

“You no say you be fin woman, wey go need pesin like me because of these bád guys wey no dey use eyes see woman like your type”.

( You are a pretty woman who needs me to look after you especially from some bád guys)

“As a babysitter that you are, so you want to start baby sitting a full grown woman right?”

Another guy whom i believe have been eavesdropping on us showed up and they both started exchanging words to each other, i was left with no other option but to watch them as they argue.

At some point the other guy who showed up púlled the one that has been standing with me and drâgged him away. I could still her theirs voices even from afar and was forced to laugh so loudly on hearing their last argument

“Dat woman na di rib wey comot for my bodi, wey i don dey fin tey tey. I no fit leave am oo” (That woman is my missing rib, the very on i have been looking for, i can’t let her be oo)

“God førbid bád thing, she can never be your missing rib”

“Me, bád thing?”

“Who else if not you, and what makes you think you are the best thing that will ever happen to her, with the way you are always disorganized…”

“… What you need right now is a missing nut, not a rib”

“Be fast and find this missing nut before you run crâzy” They kept arguing until their voices faded out

I went back inside with my hand on my stomach because it’s already hurting from too much laugh. If there’s anything this my environment has brought me is happiness, it always find a way to put smiles on my face no matter what.

I was still smiling broadly to myself when my phone starting ringing. I picked up the phone to know who my caller is, and guess who was calling, Chief Dr Benson Williams, my own dear father…

Ever since i came to this place he has not called me even once. My mum and brothers have been the one calling, and each time i asked of him, i will be told he sent his regards. I have also tried calling only several occasions but he won’t pick his calls.

I have to send him a text message knowing how busy he used to be, hoping to see his call one day. And now he called. l picked up and greeted him politely.

“How have you been?”

“I’m doing great”

“I hope my princess is not ãñgry with me, i know i was supposed to have called but i have been so busy these days because of the project we are working on currently”

“Yet, it’s not enough reason why i haven’t checked up on my beautiful princess, my number one priority” He said melting my heart

If there’s anything i love about my father, it’s his ability to make me smile and let go of my ãnger, no matter how ãñgry i am.

My mother is good at using my weakness on me by always asking my dad to talk to me when she have tried to no avail.

“I’m fine daddy; it’s ok, i have always known that i have a very busy father, and amidst that you always try to spend time with us no matter how little” I said to him

“Thanks for your understanding, i’m relieved. How is the school and the students, I hope you are coping. Both in school and where you’re staying?” He asked

“No prõblems dad, every thing is fine. And i’m equally fine” I replied

“This is what i want to hear, remember to always focus on what you are doing. Where you are right now is another stage of life for you, once it’s goon it will not come back again”

“Meanwhile, i will transfer some cash into your account as soon as i drop this call. Take good care of yourself and stay out of trõūble”

“Wow, thanks dad, best dad in the world” I said to him and he kept laughing until he ended the call

My father may be very strict and all that yet a lovely father. He gives me all i wants provided its something worth giving. From the time i was a young girl, he usually tell me that the reason why he don’t allow me to lack anything is because he doesn’t want me to start considering keeping a boyfriend whom i believe will be the one to meet my needs.

I have to ask him if i’m not permitted to love.

And then he replied by saying that so many people get themselves entangled for various reasons.

“Young people especially girls like you try to get a boyfriend because they want to prove a point, that is, they want to tell other girls that they are now matured. Some wants a person they can run to when the need to get material things arise, others gets involved mainly for sêxûal relationship and some for love”

“Now, if you are to go for a boyfriend what will be your reason for doing so” He had asked

It took me some time before i could reply, i was just trying to know if i get a tangible reason for my choice.

I don’t believe in doing what people are doing just to prove a point, i don’t also need anyone to provide for me. I can control myself and wait to enjoy sêx when i’m married. And i’m not even in love, i hope to fall in love one day.

“I don’t need a boyfriend now, i just have to focused on my study until its time” I had replied

“What if you are lacking anything, will you not have keep a boyfriend?”

“Keep him to provide for my need and later i will have to pay with my body?” what’s the need of keeping him if he can’t help without me paying back…

” I have always known that nothing is free, even in Freetown, so i won’t consider that”

“So what will you do, because you girls are very expensive, i’m sure you know that”

“Expensive, how?

“Money are most spent on your gender, that what i mean, how then will you have managed to provide all that you need”

“Dad, you always tells me that life is stage by stage. I will look for something good to do, which will earn me money…”


“…And most important, i will learn to be contented with whatever that i have because i know that tomorrow will be better. Once i’m contented, i won’t desire everything that my eyes see”

“For this wonderful response, get into the car we’re going shopping” My father said and i happily jumped into the car. He bought me so many things that very day . And that why he always makes sure, that he send me money for upkeep.

Weeks later, the young girl whom i got to know that her name is Kasie walked up to me after teaching them for the day to say that she could like to discuss something with me. I was taken aback because i have been trying to know what was the matter with her but she has adamantly refused to open up.

Apart from the first day in class that i have called her out to know what her prøblem was, i have done that on two other occasions and got the same attitude from her, so demanded for my attention surprised me greatly.

Since they were going to be having two subject before break time. i asked her to go back to the class and wait until then so that she won’t be in a haste to talk. She obeyed and went back

Hours later the bell rang, and i came out of the staff room, she met me and i found a quiet place within the school to avoid distractions.

“I decided to tell you what the problem is maybe you could help me out” she began as soon as we settle down

“I slept one night in my bedroom and open my eyes to see myself in another place with different kind of people whom i don’t even while other faces looked familiar. Then suddenly realization hits me, they were my class mate”

“Before i know what was happening, a woman whose face i couldn’t see asked me to come forward for the final initiation. i just found myself moving forward and then knelt down and she began to murmurs some words on my head”

“You are now a full member, and for a start, you will be required to bring Jessy, and failure to do so will cause you so many things…”

“…You may now go back” She said to me

“I went back and join the rest where they were standing and many others things followed. I woke up that morning to still found myself in my bedroom. But what i encountered was still fresh and clear in my mind”.

“Just like i was threatened, so many things began to happen to me months later because i refused to obey, i promised never to take Jessy to her.”

“I’m always quick to forget things and i usually sleep off no matter how busy my environment might be. My mates both in school and outside school usually laugh at me, and this always make me feel bãd”

“I sometimes deal with some of these students in my own way including the teacher that caused it when i could no longer bear the pains. When such teacher make jëst of me, and also mõcks me in the presence of the students causing them to laugh at me, i don’t hesitate to strike back”

At this point, i was already scared of my life, i really don’t know what to expect later…

Kasie was still talking but i was already sçãred. I use to hear people talk about spiritúal encounter but i have never received a first hand information about it.

However, i managed to subdue the fêãr raising inside of me. More over is not time to be afrãid, i need to get to the root of the matter.

“How long has this been going on with you?”

“Since i was in SS 1, that was where it started”

“If i may asked, what do you normally experience whenever you sleep off?”

“I usually use to see myself back in the presence of the woman, tiêd hand and leg with my head upside down, and two men will always be instructed to wîpe me with a chãin. Inflîcting brúisẹ̄s all over by body…”

“…Those brüìses can’t be seen by any one except myself or those class mate which are also members. The pãins from the wîpes is so unbêãrable that i hardly remembered what happens around me in reality. That is even the major cause of my forgetfulness”

“Ma, you have to help me please, you are the only hope that i have. You pøssess what is capable of breaking those chãins off me” she said

“How do you mean?” i was fõrced to ask

“To be sincere,a part of me don’t like what i usually do to those teachers but that woman with always cõmpel me to do it…”

“…She had asked me to dêal with you but i failed because of the flaming fire all round you. I was ask to ãfflîct you with a tẹ́r̃rible disēãses which will be incúrãble so that you could dîe of it”

“I was asked to do so after your last attempt of getting information from me about myself, because it has been observed that you are capable of helping me. That is why i came to you because i have come to the understanding that you can be of help to me…”

“…I know that i’m not supposed to cõnfess all these to you because of the consêqúences. As it stands now, my pûnishmênt is going to be doubled. I hope i won’t dîe before i’m saved” She said feeling ünhappy

“Nothing will happen to you in Jesus name, God who placed it in your heart to say them out will surely protect you” I managed to encourage her concealing my own fêãr

This is really becoming tõúgh, it’s more than expected. I was only trying to know why my student is acting differently in class. I had taught she needed help academically, but this is beyond that, its now more of a spiritúal prøblem mixed with physical one. I didn’t know that it is going to be this deep; if i had known, believe me i couldn’t have venture into it. I could have quietly mind my business.

A part of me wants to dismiss her and asked her to go back to the class because i’m already afrãid. What if the woman succeed in her plan, what then will be my fate. But on a second thought, i decided not to walk away just like that without making any effort. I gathered some strength and continued

“What about your parents, are they aware of this?” I asked

“They knew i usually forget things because i always bring another thing instead of what i was asked to get whenever i’m sent on an errand. And they usually cømplain that i sleep alot. But the source of all the prøblem is what they are yet to know” She replied

“And this Jessy of a girl, is she your younger sister or elder sister, because i can see you love her so much that you choose to sûffer instead of obeying the woman”

“Yes, she means a lot to me. But she is a cousin from my paternal side. I love her so because of all the sãcrifices she made for me when i was younger…

… She is older than me, and always watching over me. From her left thigh down to her foot got burn because she was trying to save me from a burning fîre, while daddy and mummy was away one day. She got stūck in the kitchen because of excess smoke, she later managed to run out. But the flãme from the fire has done the dãmages to her”

“I always feel bãd anytime i see her injūred leg, she always tell me not to feel bãd because she is not yet dêãd and her leg doesn’t prevent her from walking.”

“Is she the kind of person they’re expecting me to give up on just like that…”

“…Never!! I won’t, instead let me keep suffering” She said

My tears almost dropped seeing how Kasie has chosen to sûffer in place of her cousin. I was also challenge, because i don’t think i have reach that stage in life where i can give up myself just to save another.

“But what exactly did she want to do with her?”

“I don’t know, but it’s certainly not for good, whatever thing that will take her there won’t spare her life”

“I remembered you mentioned earlier that the woman asked you to come forward for final inîtiatiøn which means that you have been înitiated prior to that very day”

“Why didn’t you refused in the first place?” Or should i say that you never knew it will turn out this way?”

“It was not presented to me like that, i was decêíved into believing that what i did is just for fashion sake, i was never aware that it’s more than fashion”

“One day; Favour came to school and we noticed a dark line from her lower lip down to her chin. When we asked her what it’s all about, she replied that it’s the reigning thing. Before i knew what was happening many of the girls who has gathered round to admire her began to ask her how they can draw the same mark on their chin because they love it”

“She told them not to wørry that she will help them do it. The next day, she came to school with a råzor and a black substance tied in a nylon. During break time, she began to help them do it”

“How does she do it” I asked anxiõûsly

“She will cùt the person slightly with the råzor from the lower lip down to the chin just as it is on her chin, then she will quickly apply the black substance. By the time the bløød from the cût dries up, the line is made already.

“Majority of the girls did it, but some refûsed to partake. I was among those that refûsed at first, but when i saw my close friend who has previous l refused having the line too, I was têmpted to demand for it. and that was how i got mine too”

“Unknown to us that we have already been înitiated, and that was actually the first inîtiatiøn. Those class mate i saw and recognized were my class mate”

“But some of them have been dêlivered, they no longer belong, the rest are still there holding ranks. Favour is holding a very high rank over there, i later got to know that what she did was part of her assignments. I’m the least among them because of my inability to comply as demanded”

“Are you saying that those line are right there in your chin?” i asked pointing and looking at her chin to confirm it.

“Yes it is”

Looking closely, i saw the line she is talking about, a tiny black line, which was drawn horizontally on her chin. I found myself standing up, indeed my ears have heard and my eyes have equally seen.

My mouth is wide open to talk but no sound was produce. I was so shõcked that i lost my speaking ability.

I dismissed her and asked her to return to her class with the promise of getting back to her. I went back to the staff room sweating profusely not minding that the weather is very favourable.

Thanks heaven, i don’t have any class to teach for the rest of the day. I don’t think i could have been able to concentrate and teach as supposed. I stayed quietly, resting my head on the table until the school bell was rang for closing.

I picked up my hand bag and started going home as fast as my legs could carry me. My neighbors were trying to engage me in a chit chat as usual, but i was not in the mood for that, i just waved at them and went inside, shutting the door behind me.

I began to think of what kasie said afresh, imagine being priced by déàth without me knowing. So if not for the flaming fire she said was seen around me, i would have been on my way to the land of the dëãd.

I know it wasn’t my doing because praying is always a very big task for me. I will just pray a little and i’m okay with it.

The people who had fan the fire to flame and send them around me is no other persons but my parents, most especially my mother. That woman is so addicted to prayer. She can pray from morning till night. She likes praying inter-medial prayers.

Every night, she must mention her children’s name one by one praying and making declarations over their heads. She can’t stay for a whole one hour without saying a word of prayer. She doesn’t forget neither does she gets tired.

I remember asking her in the kitchen one day why she always pray in tongues with full concentration especially while cooking. And she told me that she was a very bãd cook when she newly married my father, and almost lõst her young marriage because of that.

Every time she cooks, it’s either there’s too much salt or too much pepper, infact something must go wrõng no matter how careful she is. She measures everything she needs for cooking just to make sure she doesn’t add excess, yet something must always go wrõng at the end.

She got carried away one day and prayed throughout the period she was cooking in the kitchen. That food was exceptional that very day, and so she adapted the method. And it has been working for her.

I will attributes the victory over déãth to them because i know they built the wall of fire with their prayer.

My mother has never been comfortable with the way i treat prayer with levity, she will always use every opportunity that present itself to her to remind me of how i’m not taking my prayer life seriously.

I usually gets ãñgry most times because i feel she is already frûstrãting me with the constant cømplains. After all, I’m fine and sound, why should i wõrry myself over nothing.

But i guess it’s time i make my own bricks and build my own wall of fire, because one day i will also become a mother.

If i don’t make plans to possess the fire needed to cover my children, it means i’m planning to birth them and leave them to be taken by the hawks of dêstrûction.

A very crîticãl situation has presented itself to me, how to handle it is now the major prøblem.

If i call my mother and narrate the present situation to her, she will feel as if i’m already dêãd and I’m also aware that she and my dad had an argument over my coming here of which she warned my dad that nothing should happen to me.

Calling her now will be like setting fire on the mountain, she won’t let dad be as far as i’m concerned and i don’t want that to happen to my dad. I decided not to tell them at least for the main time.

I took my bath and find something to eat, thereafter, i rested for that day to continue where i stopped the following day.

The next day was community development service (CDS), so Danielle and I, together with the other guy was not present in school.

After we might have finished with what we went to do together with other corp members within the local government. Every body began to go back home.

I started going home too, throughout my journey, the thought of Kasie kept coming to my mind. I don’t really know how to handle the situation or what to do.

Moreover, i don’t think that i’m in the best position to help her because i also needs help too. But i heard something as i was about entering the compound. It was the voice of a mãd man who usually talks and laugh while passing through the compound. I’m already aware that such is his way of life but why his words kept ringing in my ears is what i don’t know.

“If it’s worth doing, do it well…”

“…I said if it’s worth doing, do it well, hahaha” Were the things he said that kept echoing in my ears

If i should matches what i’m hearing with the current situation, no doubt, it’s pointing directly to Kasie’s prøblem. I got home and quickly took a cup of water to calm my nerves. There was no food in the house, so i took cornflakes in other to have the energy to cook something after resting.

Later in the night, after giving my life a serious thought, i decided to take the bull by the horn. It’s time to take a step forward, i need to leave my comfort zone.

Who knows, it must be for a time like this that my father adamantly refused to consider my plea, so that, that which is supposed to be made manifest will not be be hindered.

I have always had this believe that one is evaluated and been scored according to the efforts he/ she has made towards certain things. If i’m to be scored, what will be my mark, apart from working daily as a corp members, what others value will i add specially to the students.

It dawn on me that all those things i want to do are very good, but this special one that was brought to me has to be considered too. And in other to do it perfectly well, i need to move away from where am currently staying and take a step further..

Three days later i decided to start praying for Kasie, i choose midnight, and so exactly 12am i’m on my feet, bînding and cãsting every spirit in charge of tørmênting her.

I took the prayers seriously, i make sure i don’t miss any day, as i didn’t want to be lazy towards achieving the anticipated results.

As much as i don’t like fasting, i decided to add it so that it can help fuel my spiritual energy. Moreover, it helps to cut out some excesses, thereby keeping the spirit active and connected. One won’t have to struggle trying to connect when its time to pray.

I pray with every thing in me, applying some of the Bible quotation that i have learnt from my mum each time she is prayer for someone’s dêliverance.

“From the days of John the Baptist to this day, the kingdom of God sûffers vîõlent and only the vîõlent take it by fõrce”

I made sure i quotes the scripture loudly each time i starts praying because i want the ɗêvil and his agēnts to know that i’m not joking neither i’m i playing.

I’m taking Kasie away from them by fõrce, they don’t own her , she belongs to the King of kings .

On the sixth day of my prayer program, something remarkable happened. On this faithful day, prior to midnight, i lay down waiting for the prayer times. Then suddenly i started gasping for breathe, a man wearing a long black clothes with his face covered with hood from the same clothes was trying to strãngle me to déãth. At each passing minutes, i saw myself dîêing.

I try removing his hands put it was effortless, even to call the name of Jesus, i couldn’t as I discovered that my mouth was sealed. I kept trying until i my mouth was unsealed. Immediately i mentioned the name of Jesus, he left and i was relieved and that was when i woke up and started the main prayer because i was yet to start.

I prayed, and kept praying but what i have experienced has puts fêãr inside me. I was just trying hard to subdue it even as i pray.

I became tired standing and decide to sit on the chair in my room and continued praying, just then i went into a trance and i saw i woman dark in complexion wearing black, she was looking at me with her piercing eyes.

She just stood besides me with an expressionless face, looking intensely into my eyes

“Jesus!!! i screamed

I jumped up from the seat and stood up on my feet, i rubbed my face with my hands to be sure of what i’m seeing. But as looked closely, she was no longer there.

I felt goosebumps all over my body followed was a great fêãr which was stronger than what i have experienced before. I shifted from that place to another side and close my eyes to pray, but i couldn’t utter a word as i was still imagining the looks on the woman’s face.

I stopped praying and went to bed, but i didn’t close my eyes neither did I allow myself to fall asleep for the fêãr of experiencing another thing.

Ever since i was born to this very time, i have never experienced anything like these. This is the first time my sleep is been disturbed. i have always slept peacefully, i can’t remember the last time i couldn’t sleep well because i was afraid.

What then change, what is happening, who are these people and what do they really want? some many questions on my head, but no one to answer me.

I kept myself awake and at exactly 4:30 am, i began to prepare for school. Before 6am i was already in the school compound. i went to sign in before entering the staff room.

Morning assembly was over and the students has all marched into their various classrooms.

I became pressed and decide to use the restroom

Immediately i stepped out of the staff room and was going towards the restroom, i heard someone calling me, turning to know who was calling me, i realized it was Favour, Kasie’s class mate.

“Miss Jane” She said

“Stay away from anything that has to do with her”

“Who are you talking about” I asked


“Stay away from her, she belongs to the queen mother”

“She belongs to God, and not any queen mother” I argued

“Whose mark does she has on her face, her chin to be precise?”

“Was it God that gave her the mark, i’m sure you know better, that’s the mark of the queen mother, so you can’t lay claim on her”

“How can you take what God has created and lay claim on them, why can’t you make yours?” I asked obviously ãñgry

“We lay claim because she voluntarily gave herself, she was only deceive but was never fõrced…”

“…Moreover, every human has the right to choose what they wants for themselves, she made her choice. I advice you to respect that decision and keep off”

” I won’t warn you again” She said authoritatively before walking away.

I stood for a while before regaining consciousness. The urine that wanted to leave the bladder urgently has stop worrying, i carried my heavy legs back to the staff room. Everything inside and outside of me heard those words, and they have hidden in fêãr too.

“Why is everything happening in just one day?”

I reasoned as i sat down on the chair in the staffroom

Imagine, Favour that can’t even look into my eyes in the classroom while teaching is now throwing words on my face. I just confirmed what Kasie said about her. She is really holding a high ranking position because the Favour that just manifested few minutes ago is not the usual Favour that i know.

My mother’s words is now clearer to me;

“Jane, the very day you take a shift and decide to take your prayers life more seriously, you will then understand what i have been telling you about spiritúal wãrfare…”

“… There’s more to this life, some many things are unseen by the physical eyes”

She has said one day, after she got tired of talking about my prayer life.

With what i have experienced, i can testify that there’s more to what the physical eyes can actually see.

I didn’t stop praying for her, i kept doing what i knew how to do best. I won’t quit just like that, I need to keep going.

Kasie is getting wørst by the day, the rate at which she forgets things is alarming. If you ask her a simple question, what you will get is a different answer entirely.

She failed almost all the subject in the test that was recently conducted, all the teachers where all complaining. Those who knew her from JSS were testifying of how she was among the most brilliant students.

She is known for excellency, the lowest grade one can see on her results sheets in grade C which stands for a good results. Some grades are B, which is very good while majority is grade A which stands for excellent.

I overheard two teacher talking about her, what they were saying might be the truth in some cases but not with Kasie.

At some point i joined in their discussion because i was no longer comfortable with what they were saying.

“I don’t think that is true…”

“… Besides, have any of you try finding out what is going on with her?” I said

” Jane, the only thing that will be going on with her is no other thing than being busy with a boyfriend”

“You don’t know what these girls are capable of, including the boys among them”

“Once they are in senior secondary, they will start behaving as if they are now in the university. Disrespecting their elders and showcasing all manner of behavior”

“Where you not there last week when one of the seniors threw a stone at Mr Smith simply because he disciplined him for coming late to school?”

“What about Sandy, the girl in SS 3 who sneaked into the staff room and poured a full sachet water inside Danielle’ bag, thereby soaking all the books inside and other things just because she collected the handkerchief in her hands and cleaned the lipstick she apply on her lips”

“These are the few i can mention because they are so many of them”

“So, let Kasie take her study serious and forget about all those fantasy. She is still a very young girl…”

“…Time to live such life in still are head” She said before leaving with the other lady.

She was just too quick to conclude without thinking of other factors that might cause a child’s performance to drop in school.

She even suggested that her parents should get her a home teacher, which is a good idea but not the right solution.

I think a child should be access all round before drawing conclusions. They were supposed to be checked medically, emotionally and otherwise before blaming them academically.

Medically, the child should be checked so as to know the state of his or her health condition because some illness are capable of causing a child not to do well.

The child’s emotion should be considered as well, you never can tell what’s going on with them at home even in school.

If they have been thoroughly checked all round and everything is alright in those aspect then there’s more to the situation.

l made sure i asked Kasie all those essential questions the day i asked about herself and family and she didn’t complained in those areas except that she mention how her mother sometimes scolds her when she kept forgetting and bringing irrelevant things to her each time she was sent on an errand.

I knew she is already frûstrãted by her attitude because any one in her shoes may likely do the same no matter how strong the person claims to be. The parents of such child will usually need words of encouragement in other to keep going.

And that is why i plan on visiting Kasie’s family, at least i need to inform them about their child’s situation as she was afrãid of opening up to them for the fêãr of what their reaction might be.

She knew without any one telling her that her mother won’t take it lightly with her as she has warned her times without number to avoid the company of bãd friends.

Like she said, Favour is well known for her prømiscúõus act. She looks innocent in the face yet different in act. She hardly reads her book and this has always gavin her a poor performance at the end of each term.

But even with the poor academic performance, she has more friends more than even the most brilliant person.

“I told my mother everything about Favour one day and she warned me to avoid her totally and face my study…”

“… That’s why i can’t tell her what i’m facing now” She had said to me

When it was time for biology in SS 2 class, i picked my materials and left. Throughout the period of teaching, i kept waking Kasie up from sleep. I asked her to stand up to know if she could concentrate while standing, but it now looks as if the sleep is more enjoyable while standing as she continued her sleep even while standing.

Seeing how the students were beginning to laugh at her, i asked her to sit down in other to prevent the students from laughing at her further.

The ēmbarrassmënt she faced in the classroom that moment didn’t sit well with me as my tears nearly drop, i have to control it because i was in front of the students.

Immediately i got home, i prayed like never before my heart was heavy and my tears flow freely. Satisfied in the place of prayer i took my lunch and decided to take nap.

I had wanted to lift myself up after resting for a while when i saw a very big stone resting on my back because i was laying down with my stomach. The stone was very heavy that i felt as if all my intestines will soon be pressed out through my ãnus.

At this point i was already gasping for breathe as usual. I was just struggling to lift myself up before the stone pressed me to déàth but i couldn’t.

I have given up and was already waiting to take my last breath when miraculously the stone was rolled away and i jumped on my feet, looking round the room, there was no stone in sight.

At this very point, i know without doubt that its time to back off from anything that has to do with Kasie, because i might not be this lucky next time.

I don’t want to dïe yet..


Episode 9

©️Juliet Ifunanya Elete

Just like i said after the last attâck, i remove my mind from everything that has to do with Kasie and focused on what brought me to where i am.

I only came to serve my father’s land, and that i will face. After all she has been having the prøblem before i came, it didn’t start when i came, i only met the situation like that.

“I have always heard people say that when one door closes another one will open…”

“…Lord God, i’m not the right person for the job, please choose a prayerful person who is a carrier of fire to do this work for You, because weak people like me cannot win these battle and help Kasie to be free” I have prayed when i woke up in the morning of the next day

That was how i detached myself from Kasie’s prøblem, even in the place of prayer, i stop interceding for her because i know that if i do, i will definitely experience another horrible thing.

Not quite long, examination began. After about two weeks, the school was through with their exams and results was distributed. Some how, my subject was the last to be recorded in SS 2 students report sheet.

My God!

I didn’t believe what i saw, i have to recheck the name of the student to be very sure and behold it’s still the same person.

Kasie failed eight subject, had passed in four subject and good in just three subject. So in the total number of fifteen subject which the school offers, that was all she got for the term.

I quickly filled in my subject which was among the ones that is good, signed and kept it aside. The more i looked at the, the more i’m drawn to reconsider her. I shook my head in disapproval to whatever thing that is giving me a soft heart towards her. I’m done with her and i’m not going back.

The school has gone on vacation, it’s time to go home. I’m so excited, i have missed home and this holiday came at the right time. At least, i will be far away from the worries and all the things that trõûbles my heart for the main time.

Two days later, i packed the few things i will be needing at home, i wave at my funny neighbor as i was about exiting the gate. They waved back at me wishing me a journey mercy.

I arrived home towards evening and was so happy to be at home again. I missed everyone.

My food was served and i ate to my satisfaction. I spent some time with my parents and everyone before retiring to bed. Because i slept so early, i had to be awake in the early hours of the morning.

I decided to use the opportunity to thank my God for all He has being doing for me and for all His protection because if not for him, maybe it could have been my corpse that could have been brought home to my parents instead of me. I went on my kneel and began to appreciate him.

“Ever living father, thank you for all you have done for me”

“Thank you for guidance and protections all”

“Help me to serve you more…”

“…Help me to be useful in your vine yard”

“And may your will be done in my life in Jesus name i prayed, Amen”

I finished praying and wanted to stand up, but i couldn’t. I began to feel this heaviness that i couldn’t also explain in details.

I heard something in my spirit, I placed my index finger in my ears and rub it, hoping to stop.

It stopped but not for long; because after some time, while still on the kneeling position, i heard it again, this time around more audible than the first, i decided to pay attention and i began to hear the words clearly.

“How do you intend to work in my vine yard when you have refused to make use of your working tools?”

“How can my will be done in your life when you asked of it through your mouth but always desire your own will in your heart?”

“How can i trust my work in your hands when the very one i gave you to do is now an abandoned project?”

“Until you are done with your current assignment, i don’t have new ones for you”

I heard it loud and clear

I am familiar with the voice, it has spoken to me on few occasions. Mainly on the days where i tarry long in the place of prayer and with a very open heart just like today.

“Does it mean that God himself was the one who made our paths to cross so that i can help her?

“I thought it was just a coincidence, i never knew it was orchestrated, and i was supposed to help her”

“But how do i go about this?”

The few occasions i tried helping i know what my eyes saw. And now God is asking me to go back to it”

I stood up and went to knock on my parents door. I know that i’m disrupting their early morning sleep. But something greater had also disrupted my own sleep, and i needed someone to speak with.

Dad came to answer the door, but i politely asked him to call my mum that she is the one i want to speak with. He went back inside and soon mum came out. She looked at me with a question look. I told her that i was sorry for waking her up so early but i needed to speak with her urgently.

She followed me to my room and i began to tell her everything, beginning from how i met Kasie from the first day i entered the classroom. The things i experienced those period i had prayed for her, how i stopped and my encounter this morning.

My mother doesn’t looked surprised, infact she looked very happy because it is a dream come through for her. She has been waiting for this day to come.

“Then do what you are asked to do, what’s difficult about it?”


“Are you saying you didn’t hear the part where i said that i almost passed out that afternoon?” i asked with my eyes wide open

“You almost passed out but you didn’t, was that not a sign that a being greater than your oppressor came to your rescue?”

“I’m hundred percent sure that it was the angel of God that came to rescue you that very day, because you are on the Lord’s side”

“And the woman you saw in black is just a territorial spirit that came to check up on you” she added

“What do you mean by that?”

“What i mean is that every territory has spirits that governs them. So, for a spirit to come check up on you means you are doing something unusual which serves as a disturbance to them”

“It is because your prayers are very effective that’s why you were experiencing all those things…

“… And the purpose is to scare you you away so that their victims won’t be set free in some cases”

“You also have to go the parents of the girl in question and find out something about her, in that way you will be able to gather more information about her that will be of great help to you” She carefully explained

Her explanation made me realize that the way one makes adequate preparation in physical wãrfare is the way one should prepare even in spiritual wãrfare. Their only differences are the wêãponṣ involved, the venue and the opponents.

When i went back to my place of service after the holiday was over, i paid Kasie’s parents a visit. I went on a Saturday evening. It was the first week of resumption in which the school is still doing revelations on last term work and also introducing new topics to the students.

I didn’t find it hard locating their house as Kasie has given me the direction to their house prior to that day.

Standing at the entrance of the building, i knocked at the gate and a dark skinned guy, who was average in height came out. He asked me who i was looking for, i introduced myself as Kasie’s biology teacher and went further to explain that i came to see her parents.

I wasn’t offended as i answered all his numerous questions one after the other, because i know he was only doing his job. He asked me to wait that he needs to inform the madam about my presence of which i nodded.

Few minutes later, he came back and asked me to follow him. I followed him and he led me to the sitting room where Kasie’s mother was seated with Kasie and her siblings.

Sighting her on the seat, i greeted her respectfully, she welcomed me and offered me a seat. I sat down and she asked Kasie to get me a glass of water. I used that medium to glance around the house which is a duplex. The house is really beautiful and the interior decorations is top notch. Soon, she returned with the water and drop it on the side stool before returning to her seat.

I re-introduce myself to Kasie’s mother and also related my reasons for visiting. I carefully explained things to her, starting from the first day i met her in class and how i kept asking her questions until she opened up to me. But i made sure i kept all the things i experienced while praying for her to myself as it will do her no good. I’m of the opinion that it will only brings more fêãr to her and nothing much.

I saw alot in her face; raging from ãñger to sãdnêss, pãin to disåppointmënt, fãilûre to hêãrtbreãk and what followed was the list expected. Her tears flowed freely as she stared at her daughter.

“Kasie, what i have really done to deserve all these…?”

“… have i not always been a good mother to you?” She said tearfully

“I’m sorry mum” Kasie replied with head lowered to the ground

“You’re sorry…?”

“… How do your being sorry fixed all these mëss?” She asked ãñgrily

“Please take it easy ma, i know you’re disãppõínted at her, but you really need to calm down” I said when i saw the fierce ãñger in her eyes

“Why won’t i feel disãppõínted, after warning my child to stay away from what i perceived could be dãñgerous to her, only for her to take herself to the dãnger zone itself”

“Now it became clear to me why i have being feeling as if a part of me has been removed from my body and placed in a hidden place”

“Miss Jane, thank you for making the move, thank you for visiting. You are an answered prayer” She said while i turned to look at her sharpy

“Yes, you are…”

“And i know that you are just doing this from a pure heart because it’s not part of the agreement. I know other teachers may have noticed it but choose to mind their business as it will never increase their salary in their working place”

“You may be wondering why i’m yet to know what is happening to her. The truth is that my husband and i have been trying how best to know what is actually wrôñg with her without getting any possible results. If he was to be around, he could have confirmed what i just said”

“We are not the type of parents who becomes so busy that we don’t notice when our children’s behaviour changed from what is use to be to another different thing entirely”

“After all, how many do i have that i will not take care of the ones God has given to me after so many years of looking a child”

“From the very first day she started forgetting things and sleeping off, was the day i noticed her and drew my husband’s attention to it. We took her to the hospital to know what was wrong with her but after several test , the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her that she was medically ok…”

“…Since then i have not stopped praying for her. I always made sure i took her and her siblings to church programs anytime the church organizes one”

“I have also asked her time without numbers to tell me what she know about the situation so that i will know how to help, but she will always shake her head and answer that she knew nothing”

“Here she is sitting before me, you can ask her to tell you if it’s true or false” She said pointing at Kasie

“I guess it was because she don’t know how to go about the whole thing” I replied

“She could have at least try before concluding” she said

“The very first day i discovered that i was carrying her in my womb was the same day i made up my mind to take adequate care of her”

“I know you love her so much” I said smiling making her to smile a little

“You’re right, but apart from that, Kasiemobi which means comfort my heart was the name i gave her because of the circumstances surrounding her birth and the great love i have for her”

“I got married to a her father and for good seven years, a baby’s cry was not heard in our house. I conceived twice within those seven years and lost them through miscarriages…”

“…Friends and family members began to ask questions. My mother in-law was patience at first but after three years she began to disturb my husband to get another wife that would bear him children since i couldn’t give him any. Thank God for the love my husband had for me, that was my saving grace”

“He made his mother to understand that its God that gives children and that he will bless us at his own time and season but my mother in-law refused to listen. All she kept saying was that she needs grand children. Because of her disturbance, my husband stopped me from traveling home and doesn’t also allow his mother to come visiting because the last time she came, she almost made me run mãd through her constant nãgging”

“I kept praying and believing God to bless my womb at least with one child so that my crying will be over. It was while i was going home from church one day that i met a young man who gave me a word of prophecy about her”

“He said i will conceived and have my own child before the end of the next year and i should make sure i guide her on the right path because she is going to be great. And that was exactly how it happened…”

“…I gave birth to her and named her Kasiemobi, because i look up to her to comfort my heart from all the pãin i felt while waiting for her”

“She actually comforted my heart because one year and six months after her birth, i conceived again and gave birth to set of twins, a boy and a girl and my joy knew no bounds”

“I have not for one day forgotten what was said about Kasie as i always pray for her every day, asking God to lead her safely to where he has destined her to be in life”

At this point my hand was already on my check, of a truth she actually went through a lot. As if she was reading my mind she started by directing the next words to me

“Now you understand why i am feeling this way…”

“…If it was to be through material things that she got înitiated, one might easily say that she was tempted to beg because she lacks. But we made sure we provided all the necessary things she needed as a students”

“What else what she looking for that made her puts herself in such condition?”

“…What kind of stûpid fashion was she desiring to get, which led her to the lioness den?”

“Are you in school for fashion or you’re in school for study…?”

“…Answer me before i reset your face with a høt slap” She screamed at her standing on her feet

“Please ma for the sake of what you have been through before birthing this girl forgive her so that we can sincerely seek for the solution of the already existing problem” I said blocking her from reaching Kasie when i saw how she was rushing towards her.

She sat back on her seat sobbing and my heart went out for her. I kept talking to her and trying my best to console her. As i was still doing all my possible best to make sure she stopped crying, the door opened and a tall man with a fair skin colour came inside.

I didn’t need anyone to tell me who he is because the resemblance is already there, he is Kasie’s father. She took virtually every thing about her father. From the shape of his nose, the eyes, the skin colour even his height was all she posseses. She looks just her father.

Seeing his wife crying with a total stranger in his house made everything more confusing to him. Since Kasie’s Mother was yet to say something as she was trying hard to put herself under control, i spoke up in other to save him from curiosity. I explained myself to him and also told him the reason why i came but left the main story for Kasie’s Mother. I know she will tell him that later.

Having achieved a part of the reason why i visited, i asked Kasie to get me a pen and a sheet of paper. I wrote down my phone number and gave it to her.

“This is my number, i know we can’t continue this discussion again as i have to let you be…”

“…Please call me when you feel better so that i will know what to do next” I said

“Thank you so much Jane, may God reward you abundantly…”

“…I will definitely give you a call by tomorrow” she replied

“Alright then, i will be on my way” I stood up waved at Kasie before leaving the house.

When i reached home, the first person i called was my mother and i could hear the sound of joy in her laughter. She thanked me for visiting the family as we have discussed and was also glad that Kasie has the kind of parents who takes their children seriously.

The next day; Kasie’s mother called. After exchanging pleasantries, she told me that her husband send his greetings and had asked her to thank me for everything.

“You don’t have to mention it ma, because it’s nothing” I replied

“It’s something please, thank you for all your efforts,may God bless you” She prayed

“Amen, thanks for your efforts too i know God will surely pull her out of that den and deliver her safely to you”

“Yes, i believe same too because there is nothing that he cannot do. He has been doing it and i believe he will still do it again…”

“…I want to know how you intend going about the whole thing” she said

“What do you have in mind ma”

“I want her to be taken to church”

“Ok, i was about saying that too. I will see to it that she is taken to church…

“… But you have to give me from now till Wednesday, so that i can talk to the leader of our prayer group” I said

“That won’t be a prøblem, i will wait” she replied

“Today is prayer and deliverance session, i will be attending. Then from there i will get to talk to my leader and relate the situation to him”

“Alright dear, thank you so much. My God will surely reward you” She said another round of prayer before ending the call

I have known before hand that Kasie and her parents together with her siblings are worshipping in the same church with me, i knew that the day i got talking with Kasie before the holiday.

Talking about a prayer group, i have already identified myself with some group and have been attending all the weekly programs as that was even the first thing my mother advised me to do as soon as i returned.

I have attended weekly activities three times the same week before visiting Kasie’s parents by weekend.

I communicated with my prayer group leader and he asked me to come with Kasie together with her parents. I called Kasie’s Mother on Wednesday as agreed and gave her the message.

According to our group leader, they were to prepare ahead of the day by engaging themselves in fasting from 6am to any time of their choice which must not be below 12pm. He equally asked them to pick a time of that choice and pray together as a family.

On my own, i decided to pick 6am to 3pm as my duration of fasting and also picked 12 midnight as my time of prayer. And this time around, i’m in for real as i didn’t give room for doubt or fear. I have learnt to chase fear away and never to allow it overshadow my confidence in God. Because once it does, it will cause every other things was was never real to look real and scâring.

One week later, the D day came and we are all prepared and ready to go to church. I was personally glad because i know that God will come through for her and that by the time she will be returning home, she will be coming back and as new person.

Trekking to church will take me about thirty to forty minutes before reaching. In order to be in church on time i decided to take tricycle (Keke) so that i won’t be late to church.

I have entered the tricycle which has stopped for a passenger to alight when i noticed a man with Lexus 350 horning for the tricycle driver to stop. When i looked closely i discovered that it was Kasie’s father. Just then, i began to hear my name and it was the voice of Kasie’s Mother.

“Jane, come and join us in the car let’s go together” She said

“Alright ma, i’m coming” I replied knowing that she won’t take no for an answer

“I paid the keke man his complete money before alighting even though he was yet to take me to my destination because i know it wasn’t his fault. I crossed the road and went to join them in the car.

I sat directly at the back of Kasie’s Mother and held the hand of the twins sister who has not stopped smiling at me since i entered.

Suddenly a saw a bus rushing speeding from the other side of the road which was the side i was seated. Kasie’s father who was the one driving the car saw the rushing car and made to control his car away from it but it was too late. The bus hits ours with force causing it to tumble three times as that is all i could remember before i passed out…

I opened my eyes and made to sit up because i was laying down, but a sharp pâín forced me to lay back on the bed.

My left hand hurts and my head aches. Looking closely i saw that a drip was fixed on the left hand and when i touched my head, i felt that something was used to tie it round.

Then i saw my mother sitting on a plastic chair by my right. I had thought i was in my room at home but i didn’t look like it.

“This is my apartment, i’m in my room” I reasoned but no, it’s a different place entirely

“Where am i ?” I asked

“Shhhh” My mum said putting her index finger on my lips indicating that i should keep quiet

“You are safe my princess…”

“… Thank the good Lord you’re now awake”

“Mum, where am i” I asked again

“You’re in the hospital” she answered

“Hospital !! doing what?” I exclaimed, holding my head because of the sharp pâín that i felt when i lifted my head up

“I have told you earlier to take it easy, don’t cause yourself more pâín by doing what you’re not supposed to do. Relax yourself, you will be fine” She said rubbing my shoulder

I kept quiet trying to remember what happened to me, and then like a movie that was taken backwards, i saw a bus speeding towards our car. The bus hits the car and it started to tumble.

“Accidént!!! I said trying hard not to scream again

“Yes, the car you are involved in had an accident” She said helping my puzzled head

“Where is Kasie?”

“What happened to the twins?”

“Are their parents ok?” I asked curiously

“They’re all fine and save, they were discharged yesterday. But the girl’s father was here this morning to know how you are doing”

“You sustained more injuries than all of them, coupled with the fact that the car hits from the side where you were sitting and when it started tumbling, you were thrown out in the process”

“You’re destined to live, that is why you are still alive. A friend of mine lost her life through car áccident five years ago, her car developed break failure and hits another coming in front of her. The car began to tumble and she was through out and another car ran over her and she díed instantly. She said but another question was already begging for an answer

“Who told you that i had âccident, and how did you locate me?” I asked looking into her eyes

“I saw your call around 5:30am on Friday and had wondered why you are calling that early, I picked up the call to know what’s wrông only to hear the voice of a total stranger”

“He went further to explain that the owner of the phone had an âccident and she is in comma. He explained that all the three phones were locked including yours but they were able to get my number under emergency information in your own phone”

“I placed a call and booked the next available flight. In the space of an hour, i arrived this state. I called your number and the good Samaritan picked up and helped me directed the taxi man to this very hospital. When i saw you and others and knew without doubt that they must be Kasie’s parents and the young girl is the Kasie that you have been talking about”

“They actually regain consciousness yesterday around 7am and that was when the girl’s father told me in person that he was driving his family and you to the church when they the âccident occurred”

“I thanked the good Samaritan together with his friends for helping you and the rest by rushing all of you down to this hospital for proper treatment”

” I also gave them some money because i know that their type is rare. Some people have come across âccident victims but won’t help instead they will steal from them and run away”

“Others will prefer to video them because they probably want to be the first to share the information on social media in other to generate likes and comment and probably get more followers forgetting to save that one life in front of them”

“Hmmm” I signed

I have saved about ten different contact on the emergency information on my phone just in case of necessity. I know i’m glad that i did so, who knows what could have happened to us.

“How long have i been unconscious” I asked

“It just a day and some hours. We are still in the afternoon, so you are yet to reach the 24hours that will make it 2days before you woke up”

“I’m now conscious and fine, inform the doctor so that he can also discharged me, i want to go home” I said

“I will inform him, but he will be the one to determine wether you will be discharged or not because of the injury you sustained on your head that caused your hair to be shaved”

“My hair was shaved?” That caught my attention as i touched my head on confirm it.

I found myself crying, my beautiful hair has been shaved off, they are gone.

“Stop crying dear, the doctor said you need to shave it. its for your own good…

“… Besides, your hair will grow back. I know your hair usually grow very fast, before you know what is happening, hair has covered your head again”

“And you need to thank God for protecting you, did you know that seven passengers including the driver of the bus lost their lives instantly that very day. If you are crying over a lost hair what will the person who lost his or life to the cold hand of déàth do?”

“You are not better than them in any way yet you are alive” she said to me stopping me from crying and making me to have a rethink

“Mum, don’t you think that this accident has something to do with that girl’s threat..?”

“…I mean favour, Kasie’s classmates?”

“What about that?”

“Let me assume it has, but you also have to agree that God came through for you again and this time around, He give seven people up just to save you.”

“Mum!! I called not believing could respond that way

“Are you not seeing the hand writing on the wall, why are you not giving up on this girl. I have already gone through a lot because of her yet, you won’t let go” I said to her

“I’m glad you are still aware that you have gone through alot , why then did you want to give up?”

“Do you know that you couldn’t have been happy hearing that after all the male children from the age of two downwards whom Herod, the king of Judea ordered to be killed in order to terminate the life of baby Jesus were killed and yet he later didn’t fulfill his purpose on earth”

“Will you back off just because you are wounded…?”

“… What about those that got killed in the process of saving you just like baby Jesus”

“The dêvil does not easily back out on a fîght, he is never to quick to let go of those under his custody”

“You have to keep advancing until victory is sure”

“But if you choose to turn back at this stage,it left for you…”

“Have it in mind that you are only a vessel, if you refused to make yourself available, another vessel that is available will be used.

The next day, after proper check up, the doctor discharged me from the hospital with the instruction that i should come back in three days time to remove the bandage on my head. I was also given some medicine that i will be taking when i got home.

My mother called a taxi who drove us to my apartment. Reaching home, i realized i do longer has the keys to the room as i have lost it during the âccident.

I was still thinking of what to do when my neighbors arrived. They said they have been so worried since the evening i left home and didn’t not returned. They don’t know who to ask about my whereabouts since it only occurred to them on Friday evening that i’m yet to be back and by then, the school where they could have gotten information from has closed.

My mother was the one who answered them and explained what happened to them and the where all surprised and began to thank God for saving me.

I asked them to help me look for a carpenter that will help me unlock the door’s key so that i can go inside. They were able to get a carpenter, and after everything, i gave him money to buy another key and fixed at the door because the previous one was destroyed in the process.

Thirty minutes later, my father called to know how i’m feeling. My mother has earlier told me that he traveled out of the country and that explained why he hasn’t called since the inccident. We talked for long before he ended the call with the promise to pay me a visit.

My mother decided to stay for another two days in other to be sure that i’m strong enough before leaving. I was also given one week off from by the school management when i related my condition to the school.

I sat on the chair in my room few days after my mum traveled back home thinking about everything she said to me at the hospital.

Her words encouraged me greatly. My spirit was renewed.

“I will make sure i pull her out of that den…”

“… I’m unstoppable, i’m strong”

“God will give us victory and take all the glory” I affirmed

During the week, some of the students came to pay me a visit after school. I was surprised to see them but happy that they have thought it wise to come check up on me.

However, there’s one person i was never expecting among them and that person is Favour. Throughout the period they were with me, she was just busy giving me an unfriendly look.

When they stood up and started leaving after spending some time with me, she hesitated before standing up from her seat. When she saw that no one was in sight, she said to me

“I warned you but you choose to be stubborn”

“Believe me, you won’t escape on your next attempt.

“I know you’re determined to help her, i’m also determine to crûsh you the next time our path will cross” She said fearlessly

“May the Lord rebúke you!!!…”

“…Greater is He that’s is in me than he that is in you”

“I’m not afraid of whatever you represent”

“My God has never loss any battle and this will never be an exception” I replied boldly

“We shall see” She replied, staring at me in the eyes before walking away

My prayer group leader called to inform me to make sure i come with Kasie on Thursday, after i have explained what happened that made us absent on the supposed day. It just two days ahead, and i’m not going to quit because of any thrèat.

On Thursday, i was thrown between going alone and going along with Kasie and her family so that what happened previously won’t repeat itself. But on second thought, i decided to go with them, who knows what might happen when i leave them behind.

“Moreover, if the Lord does not guide a city, the watch men are doing in vain. If i avoid their company what is the guarantee that i myself is save if the Lord does not protect me” I said to myself

So that was how i left home and went to join them in the car. Kasie’s father drove out in another car and we got in. The car that we have âccident with is still at the mechanic so we used another one.

Throughout the period the car was moving on the road, i was praying silently until we entered the church compound. That was when i was relieved because i’m confident that whatever that has guided us throughout the period of driving will not giving up on us now that we have arrived safely.

We walked inside the church when praise and worship was ongoing, i found myself pouring out my heart to God in worship asking that He perfect everything before we go that night.

Soon after the preaching of the word of God, prayer began and everyone caught fire as we all began to pray seriously. Just then, Kasie stood up and was walking out of the church. We tried stopping her but we couldn’t, her father rushed towards her and made to hold her but she removed his hand away forcefully. He was making another attempt when the man of God who has observed what is happening asked him to step aside and leave her alone. From where he was still standing he commanded her to come back.

“Young girl, come back here in Jesus name”

And Kasie stopped moving but didn’t go forward nor backward, she was just standing where she is.

“I didn’t asked you to stand, i said you should come back and come and stand in front of this alter” He repeated when he saw her standing still

Instantly, she started moving towards the alter very fast, the frown on her face and how she was focusing on the man of God shows that she is ready for a fîght but on getting to the alter she feel face down and began to manifest strangely. At this point, we all knew it’s time to also intensify our prayers.

She started crawling on the ground and soon began to twist her body like a snake, moving her head here and there.

“Every foul spirit inside this body come out in the name of Jesus”

“I claim this body for Christ”

“I untie you from wherever you have been held hostage and set you free”

“For the Bible says that whoever the son of man has set free is free indeed…”

“…You’re free in Jesus name”

“You are made in the image and likeness of God, therefore let every seed that is not planted by my father in heaven be uprooted right now” He declared

Kasie who was behaving strangely became calm, laying quietly on the floor. We kept praying and didn’t stop even when she no longer react. About thirty minutes later, seven people were asked to hold their hands together with Kasie in the center as they started praying intensely for her.

“These hands held together have generated fire, and you’re in their midst.”

“In other words, you’re already in a circle of fire”

“Therefore, let everything that is not representing Christ in and out of you be burn to ashes”

“I put upon your forehead, the mark of the Holy Ghost and erase every other mark that has linked you to the kingdom of darkness”

“You are created for a special purpose by God, and that is what you shall fulfill in life…”

“…May every agenda of the dèvil to use you as his instrument against the original purpose of your creator be frustrated in Jesus name”

Instantly; Kasie raised her body up as if she wanted to stand up, she turned her head to the right side and started vømiting, she kept throwing up until she was totally exhausted.

She laid back on the floor and this around, didn’t move an itch until the prayer is over. Her father has to guide her to the car because she was to weak to walk all by herself.

Kasie’s father insisted on driving me to my apartment before driving home. They drove to the gate and didn’t move until i got inside and the gate was locked. I couldn’t help but smile on how much they also care about my safety.

The next day being Friday, i called to know how she was feeling and her mother sounded excited, she told me that she was feeling much better and went further to narrate the positive changes she is already observing in her and i could not help but thank God for his faithfulness.

I was so happy that finally it is over and the bâttle has been won. I knelt down in my room and thank the good Lord who didn’t give up on me even when i was busy giving Him so many excuses.

As i was thinking about everything, my mind went to where Favour is and just then her last thréat echoed in my ears.

“How come everything went smoothly without any interruption…”

“What happened exactly?” I had asked no other person but myself

I quickly push the thought aside, whatever happens that i didn’t know should not be my concern. What matters most is that the Lord has given us victory and may His name alone be praised.




It’s no longer a new thing that Favour no longer stay in my class each time i enter to teach. I have resume school the following Monday as i have regained energy and can now teach but have to take cautious not to over stretch myself to avoid headaches.

She did it the first and second time and on the third time i stopped her from going out. She has developed the attitude getting up from her seat and walking out of the class as soon as she sees me enter. She stopped but didn’t go back to her seat inside she stood at the door, resting herself on the wall until the class was over. This made the students to be distracted and majority of them could not provide answers to simple question at the end of the day.

I wasn’t happy about it, so i went straight to the principal’s office and reported her. The principal sent for her and when she came, she was asked why she usually walked out on me whenever i entered the class. She kept quiet and refused to say a word, the principal kept asking but she ignored him and refused to respond. This made the principal áñgry that he dealt with her mércilessly.

Within me, i knew why she was behaving like that, she is my rival and i guess she is fûrious because i won. Normally i could have púnished her because its so disrespectful to walk out on a teacher, but after several consideration, i decided to hand her over to the principal and she got what she deserves.

After being púnished, she never walked out on me again. She will only sit and refused to participate in the teaching. Some times she will just sit and be staring at me or Kasie who has also resume school and was doing very fine. She no longer sleep off in class and is also among the students who answers questions correctly.

This new side of hers is really putting so much smile on my face and didn’t want it to end. She too has also develop the attitude of minding her business and focusing on what she is doing, not minding the piercing eyes of Favour.


A good friend of mine whose house was not far from my place of service has invited me to her traditional marriage which was scheduled to hold on Saturday. I decided to go on Friday after school because it just about one hour thirty minutes drive from where i’m staying. But the journey took me four good hours before i could reach my destination. I can’t remember the last time i was delayed on the road like that.

I wasn’t happy about what happened, because it was almost dark when i arrived my friends house. Although i was sad because of the stress i went through couple with the fact that i am still managing myself, i put all of them aside and decided to make merry with others.

On Sunday morning i prepared on time to go back in other not to experience the same thing. but fortunately, i spent exactly one hour thirty minutes which was the normal hours one was supposed to spend both going and coming back.

On Monday morning, we received the news that the principal will not be in school because he had a dislocation in the joint of his hand on Sunday evening when he was trying to get hold of his cousin’s two years old boy who slipped on the staircase.

I was still trying to digest that one when a student from SS 2 class who was living adjacent to Favour announced that she woke up in the morning and couldn’t walk out of the bed and that she was just laying down there shading tears.

I know that our principal will be fine, but i don’t know what to say about Favour

And i don’t even know if i should be happy or sad over her predicament…

Somehow, i found myself happy over her predicament. Although i’m yet to know the cause of the situation but i don’t care. The only person that matters to me now is our principal.

You won’t believe that the right hand where he sustained injulûry has swollen so much that his family members are now looking for a solution to the supposed dislocation he had.

The last time some of the staff and myself payed his a visit, i watched how he groans in pãin. He didn’t even recognize our presence as he kept screaming and shouting and asking his wife to blow more breeze on his hand because according to him, it hurts as if fresh pepper was poured on it and then was placed beside a bûrning fîre.

I saw the faces of the teachers, each one of them has been crying silently as either their eyes have all turned red and they were also having a running nose. I had tears too, seeing a full grown man wailing like a little child because of he is going through.

I couldn’t take my mind off him even when i got home, i was thinking far and wide. Could it be that Favor was responsible for what is happening to the principal. I can still remember what Kasie said about how she usually deals with teachers after been punished by them, and she usually does so by transferring the pãin she supposed to feel from her punishment to the teacher in particular no matter how little it may be. In some cases, she could double the pãin on such person.

If Kasie was capable of doing all those things, what can Favor, a girl with a high ranking position over there not be able to do. No doubt, she has a hand in It. And the thought of it makes me feel bãd, because if i have not reported Favor to the principal, maybe what happened to him could have been avoided.

But on the other hand, the principal didn’t do anything bãd, he was only trying to correct a child that has developed the habit of mîsbêhaving. Let me just say that he was supposed to be fortified in Christ because that is who he represent.

His situation has made me realize that aspiring to become a leader is not just enough, one has to carry what it also takes to become a leader because everybody must not agree to be lead by the person, they must be opposers. And those who opposes ones leadership at

his back may be more than those opposing it right before his very eyes.

One cannot also talk about leadership without mentioning power. A leader possess the power to direct the people, a positive one that helps such a leader to achieve his or her goal. In the same way, people also possess other kinds of power that enables them to carry out their actions. In some cases, they choose to try other people’s power to know what they are also capable of doing.

Such group of people usually does that through diabolical means and the person being tried can only over come when he or she has added supernatural power to his or her leadership power.

I’m certainly sure that this is what Favor did to the principal, he punished her using his leadership power, but she retaliated using a diabolical power. I believe that if the principal has been under the cover of a supernatural beings which possess a supernatural power her efforts towards him could have all been in vain.

I kept asking God to give me a clear understanding about the situation and after some time he answered me. Having gotten the knowledge of what was really happening to the principal through discernment of the spirit, i changed my prayer pattern and began to pray right.

After some days, Danielle and Samson who was also a corp member has suggested that we should go and check up on him to know how he is doing. I hesitated at first but later considered their suggestions and followed them to the principal’s house.

He was still groaning and wailing in pãins like the first time we visited, there was no improvement despite being taken to the hospital. His family members has to bring him back home since there was no improvement since he left home to the hospital so that they can know the next action to take. He was brought back home a day before the very day we went and will be leaving his house to where his family members is taking him to the next day.

We were lucky to have not visited before his arrival or after his departure. After spending about thirty minutes, we prepared to leave. But within me, i was struggling between doing what i was asked to do properly or doing it in a coded way. I saw anointing oil on the side table where he was sitting and i have heard my inner voice telling me continuously to pick the anointing oil and pray for the principal.

“How am i supposed to do that in the presence of everyone, what if there was no changes or the situation becomes worst after wards. What will people say about me, won’t it be better i just go home and continue my silent prayers for him” I argued within me

But my whole being was not buying my ideas, i became restless and i know that there’s no escape route for me.

I informed our principal that we could love to play for him before leaving. I saw the surprise look on my co corp member’s face. I just gave a smile and that calmed everything as i found them closing their eyes for prayer.

I started to pray, but at some point the words began to flow out freely from mouth, i knew instantly that the prayer has taken another dimension as i prayed holding the same hand, applying the anointing oil on it and making declarations as i was longer the same fearfully lady but a fearless and Holy Ghost pøssessed Jane.

We were still having our morning assembly when i saw the principal’s car moving into the school compound. This was one week after Danielle, Samson and i visited him.

I had stretched my neck to see who was driving his car because we all know that he was not in good health. Surprisingly, the principal himself came out of the car. There was an uproar, the students including all the teachers have really forgotten that they are still on the assembly ground as they were all shouting for joy.

I watched how the principal stood transfixed watching everyone, i guess he never knew how much he was loved if not that moment. From where i was standing, i waved my hands to God in appreciation. I know He did it, He healed him and made him well again. I didn’t know He was already waiting to heal him that very day.

The principal has invited the three of us after the assembly and thanked us for the prayers. I used that medium and respectfully told him the important of allaying ourselves with God and being under his cover, ensuring that i didn’t mention the name of the one behind what happened to him as i have decided not to say it until the right time after which we left his office to the staff room.

Reaching home, i dialled my mother’s number, i have so many gist to give her. I’m so excited and can’t wait to share the testimony of how God had healed the principal and also the good news about Kasie. Its been a while we communicate and the last time we spoke she was still asking after her.

When she picked up the call, we got talking and the moment i told her that she was finally delivered she screamed for joy. I could hear her singing and dancing and this left me wondering the kind of human being i have as a mother. She is always rejoicing with people and won’t abandon them when they’re in sørrow.

After talking about so many other things i ended the call but didn’t stop thinking about the act my mother’s just displayed, indeed this is true definition of pure love, loving wholeheartedly and ready to make sãcrifices when the need arise.


Kasie had walked up to me after school one day and said she has a message for me from someone, i listened attentively to her to know what the message entails.

“I will deliver the message but first i want to use this medium to say thank you for not giving up on me…”

“…Miss Jane, God will never give up on you in this life in Jesus name” I watched her pray while i answered a resounding amen to her prayer

“What i experienced that day, gave me the confidence that i’m free from that woman” She said

“Do you care to share?” I asked

“Yes of course, why won’t i tell you” She said smiling at me.

As she smiled, i came help but admire her lovely dimples and how beautiful she was. She as epitome of beauty, a young vibrant girl full of knowledge and wisdom, no wonder the ênêmies never wanted her dêliverance. She is really an access

“Are you with me ma” She said bringing me back from my wonder land. I nodded my head indicating that i’m all ears

“When everyone was praying for me, i closed my eyes and found myself in the presence of that woman, she has asked those tõrmenting me to double the chãins on me and take me to the most darkest room where no eyes could see me”

“I have not been there before but i know the consêqúences of being taken there, the individual may never be able to be delivered throughout his life if care is not taken…”

“… It is a place where a person whose soul is being battled for is been taken to”

“Shortly after i was taken to the room, a bright light appeared inside the room causing the men tormenting me to go blind and the chãins on me broke and feel of immediately”

“When i looked, i saw a mighty man with two magnificent wings, he beckon on me to come to him. I stood on my feet because i was kneeling down prior that time”

“Follow me” He said and i followed him immediately without wasting time.

“He brought me out of the darkest room and showed me where to follow. Just then i woke up to found myself in the circle of people. My stomach began to turn and that was when i started vømiting” She said

“God is great” Was the first words that fõrced itself out of my mouth

“He sent His angel to deliver one of His own”

“Why we were praying in the church, another bãttle is actually going on somewhere else, far from the sight of human…”

“… Now i know why it’s always necessary to take a dêliverance session seriously”

“We thank God for his love. He has set you free, you’re no longer under any dêmonic control. God has taken over” I said patting her back

“Thanks once more”

“We thank God” I replied then reminded her of the message she said she has for me

“It about Favor”

“Favor!!! I exclaimed not expecting it

“What about her and how did you both meet because i know she has not been in school due to her present condition” I asked anxiõûsly

“Her parents came to our house and said that Favor wants to see me. My mother didn’t even allow her finish what she has to say before asking them to leave our house. Seeing my mother’s mood they left but her mom came back another day and started pleading”

“My mother turn her request down again and asked her to leave, never to return”

“She left and luckily for her she met my father on her way out and i saw them talking. Thereafter my father had a discussion with my mother. He went with me to Favor’s house and that was how we met”

“She said she was sorry for all her actions and also asked me to tell you that she could love to see you personally…”

“… And that if you don’t mind”

“She said that to you” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes, she did”

“Ok, i will know what to do about it, start going home and send my regards to everyone” I replied and watch her exit the school gate

As i walked home, i kept thinking about her last words.

‘And that if you don’t mind’, why won’t i mind.

“Light and darkness has nothing in common, so i don’t have anything to do with her” I was saying those words with my mouth but my spirit was opposing it greatly. I was still on it till i got home, as i held the handle of the door to open it, a Bible passage dropped in my heart”

‘And he left the ninety nine sheep to go look for the one that is missing’

“What are you saying Lord, please help my heart” I said resting my head on the door still standing outside…

I managed to carry myself inside. I brought out my phone and search for the Bible passage using google go app. And i found it in the gospel of Luke chapter 15 vs 4 under the parable of the lost sheep.

“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and losses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?”

I read the verse like three times trying to get the message from it.

By now i was already sitting down with by Bible in my hands. For more than thirty minutes, i wasn’t getting any thing reasonable from the passage. I kept meditated over it until i got an understanding of it.

“Every sheep is very important and must not be allow to get lost…”

“…The ninety-nine sheep are those in a saver side who may likely not needed to be searched for. But than single one that is missing is already exposed to great dãnger , that’s why a search must be done in other to get back the missing sheep before it is devoured by wide animals”

As i kept meditating over the it again and again i heard in my spirit.

“You are my eyes on earth, therefore i need you go and search for my missing sheep in the wilderness”

I got the full message, God is still very much interested in her regardless of what she may have done.

Now i understand why the scripture said that the ways of men is not the way of God. See how i was quick to cast the first stone of cøndemnation on her even before hearing what she has to say.

“My good God, i’m sorry for being too forward about situations without seeking your opinions first…”

“I promise to be a better christian from today, i will use my whole being to work for you”

“My eyes are yours and everything that i am, do with me whatever you wish”

I stood from my kneeling position and laid on my bed, i need to rest by body in preparation for tomorrow.

I have already made up my mind to visit Favor and i didn’t want to involve Kasie because of her parents intake about her. I understand why they are feeling that way and i don’t intend to fõrce them into doing what they don’t want to do.

I looked for the girl who brought the news about Favor’s condition because according to her, she leaves adjacent to her. I found her and told her that she will be taking me to Favor’s house after school. As soon as the closing bell was ranged, i came out to catch up with her in case she may have forgotten. But surprisingly, she was already standing outside the door of the staff room waiting for me and together we started going.

She took me straight to where Favor lives before turning back to her own house. I knocked at the door and a young boy came to answer the door, i guess he is Favor’s elderly brother because the resemblance is there. He greeted me and asked me to come inside. U sat down in the sitting room while i watched him go inside calling on his mother. She came out and we exchange pleasantries, after which i explained my reasons for coming. She became happy instantly for reasons i don’t know.

“Thank you my daughter…”

“…Favor has been disturbing me about you. She asked me to look for you and that she would like to relate something to you”

“But the truth is that i have been embarrassed so much these past days and i’m yet to get over all of them…”

“…I don’t know what your reaction might be if i come to you and that was why i have not yet come to see you” She said

“It ok ma, i’m already here”

“Where is she and how is she doing?” I said

“She is inside, and there’s no improvement…”

“… She can’t lift herself up from the bed without a help” she replied

I was lead to the bedroom where she was laying, i couldn’t believe my eyes when i saw her. She is a shadow of herself, she has emaciated greatly. She now looks very skinny.

It’s not easy to take care of a person who has become helpless due to a sudden incident. Both the person being taken care of and the people taken care of such person are now learning those things afresh because they were never use to it from the beginning.

I know that Favor’s family are trying all their best in taking care of her, but one could still perceive an offensive odour from the room where she lays. She lifted up her head when she saw me and try to say something but instead she rested her head back on the pillow and began to cry.

“Stop doing this to yourself…”

“…You’re doing yourself more harm than good” I said sitting beside her on the bed

“I’m sorry for everything, it’s wasn’t intentional” She said still crying

“Stop crying, wipe your tears ok” I said in consolation

“Thank you” She replied wiping the tears away from her eyes

“I requested to see you because i need you help”

“After our last encounter, i was mandated to terminate your life and that of Kasie” She said to my amazement

“We knew the day for the dêliverance and in order to stop it, we followed the car with the impression of launching an attâck. But each time we made an attempt to strike, a thick clouds will appear from nowhere and cover the car. These kept on happening untill you all reached the church. We decided to pulled Kasie out, but the moment the man of God mentioned the name of Jesus while calling her back, we all left the venue as we couldn’t withstand the power that came with the name”

“But it didn’t end there, having known that she has been snatched away from us, we decided to go after the person who înitiated her dêliverance. And that was how we went ahead of you, that very day you went for your friends marriage ceremony”

Did i just hear her say they went ahead of me?

To do what exactly?

I managed to carry myself inside. I brought out my phone and search for the Bible passage using google go app. And i found it in the gospel of Luke chapter 15 vs 4 under the parable of the lost sheep.

“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and losses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?”

I read the verse like three times trying to get the message from it.

By now i was already sitting down with by Bible in my hands. For more than thirty minutes, i wasn’t getting any thing reasonable from the passage. I kept meditated over it until i got an understanding of it.

“Every sheep is very important and must not be allow to get lost…”

“…The ninety-nine sheep are those in a saver side who may likely not needed to be searched for. But than single one that is missing is already exposed to great dãnger , that’s why a search must be done in other to get back the missing sheep before it is devoured by wide animals”

As i kept meditating over the it again and again i heard in my spirit.

“You are my eyes on earth, therefore i need you go and search for my missing sheep in the wilderness”

I got the full message, God is still very much interested in her regardless of what she may have done.

Now i understand why the scripture said that the ways of men is not the way of God. See how i was quick to cast the first stone of cøndemnation on her even before hearing what she has to say.

“My good God, i’m sorry for being too forward about situations without seeking your opinions first…”

“I promise to be a better christian from today, i will use my whole being to work for you”

“My eyes are yours and everything that i am, do with me whatever you wish”

I stood from my kneeling position and laid on my bed, i need to rest by body in preparation for tomorrow.

I have already made up my mind to visit Favor and i didn’t want to involve Kasie because of her parents intake about her. I understand why they are feeling that way and i don’t intend to fõrce them into doing what they don’t want to do.

I looked for the girl who brought the news about Favor’s condition because according to her, she leaves adjacent to her. I found her and told her that she will be taking me to Favor’s house after school. As soon as the closing bell was ranged, i came out to catch up with her in case she may have forgotten. But surprisingly, she was already standing outside the door of the staff room waiting for me and together we started going.

She took me straight to where Favor lives before turning back to her own house. I knocked at the door and a young boy came to answer the door, i guess he is Favor’s elderly brother because the resemblance is there. He greeted me and asked me to come inside. U sat down in the sitting room while i watched him go inside calling on his mother. She came out and we exchange pleasantries, after which i explained my reasons for coming. She became happy instantly for reasons i don’t know.

“Thank you my daughter…”

“…Favor has been disturbing me about you. She asked me to look for you and that she would like to relate something to you”

“But the truth is that i have been embarrassed so much these past days and i’m yet to get over all of them…”

“…I don’t know what your reaction might be if i come to you and that was why i have not yet come to see you” She said

“It ok ma, i’m already here”

“Where is she and how is she doing?” I said

“She is inside, and there’s no improvement…”

“… She can’t lift herself up from the bed without a help” she replied

I was lead to the bedroom where she was laying, i couldn’t believe my eyes when i saw her. She is a shadow of herself, she has emaciated greatly. She now looks very skinny.

It’s not easy to take care of a person who has become helpless due to a sudden incident. Both the person being taken care of and the people taken care of such person are now learning those things afresh because they were never use to it from the beginning.

I know that Favor’s family are trying all their best in taking care of her, but one could still perceive an offensive odour from the room where she lays. She lifted up her head when she saw me and try to say something but instead she rested her head back on the pillow and began to cry.

“Stop doing this to yourself…”

“…You’re doing yourself more harm than good” I said sitting beside her on the bed

“I’m sorry for everything, it’s wasn’t intentional” She said still crying

“Stop crying, wipe your tears ok” I said in consolation

“Thank you” She replied wiping the tears away from her eyes

“I requested to see you because i need you help”

“After our last encounter, i was mandated to terminate your life and that of Kasie” She said to my amazement

“We knew the day for the dêliverance and in order to stop it, we followed the car with the impression of launching an attâck. But each time we made an attempt to strike, a thick clouds will appear from nowhere and cover the car. These kept on happening untill you all reached the church. We decided to pulled Kasie out, but the moment the man of God mentioned the name of Jesus while calling her back, we all left the venue as we couldn’t withstand the power that came with the name”

“But it didn’t end there, having known that she has been snatched away from us, we decided to go after the person who înitiated her dêliverance. And that was how we went ahead of you, that very day you went for your friends marriage ceremony”

Did i just hear her say they went ahead of me?

To do what exactly?


Episode 18

©️Juliet Ifunanya Elete

“We decided to wait for you at the tantalic bridge. Because we knew that the vehicle carrying you must cross the bridge before reaching its destination”

“The car was supposed to reach the bridge one hour after you left home but it didn’t. We couldn’t tell exactly why it was delayed”

“Arrøws meant for your dêstrûction have already been projected in the air waiting for your arrival. It was was orchestrated to strikë the moment the car carrying you approaches the tantalic bridge. The car will just have to develop a sudden fault that may lead to an ãccidênt. The most important thing is to get our target who is no other person but you”

“Somehow, the car failed to appear and my cohorts left exactly when the time elapsed. I went back to meet the queen mother’s ãñgry face. She was fúriøus and disappointed. She only gave me that one chance to bring you down but i failed again, and this time around, she refused to take fãilûre as an excus”.

“Out of ãñger, she sent those arrøws back to me. And that was the cause of my predicament. I don’t know if i can actually survive it but i still have hope…”

“… Please pray to your God for me, maybe He might hear your voice and heal me”

The time stopped, i was too shock to talk. No wonder i was delayed by traffic. I remember i spent over four hours on the road that very day. I was very annoyed and sad because i knew i wasn’t supposed to spend more than one hour thirty minutes on the road.

Little did i know that God was protecting me from the evìl plans of the enemies. I was actually supposed to dïe that day if not for the saving power of God.

Throughout the time i was sitting inside the car, i was just lamenting and complaining not knowing that my delay was blessings in disguise.

Now i understand why the scripture says that ALL THINGS ( wether good or bãd) works together for those who loves God. Indeed the traffic which was a bãd thing for me paved way for my testimony.

I looked at Favor, she has turned her head away and face elsewhere. I know she did that to avoid eyes contact with me.


“Please look at me…”

“… For you to be feeling like this shows how sorry you are”

“And i’m not even ãñgry with you because the same God whom you have been fighting is still the one that have sent me to yu” I said while she turns at me sharply

“Oh yes! its the truth. You have not been fighting me but the almighty God and that was why He has been taken care of me and protecting me even without my knowledge”

“He deserved to be the Lord and master of everything that has life in them. He is so loving”

“Imagine if He was always to quick to dêstroy those who disobey or fail to carry out His instructions, i could have been long gone”

“Because fêãr and doubt have made me disobey His instructions so many times. Though He wasn’t pleased, yet He corrected me in love. And didn’t dêstroy me straight away because i know that i’m very precious to Him”

“But the ênêmies of man’s soul will always come in to steal whatever he possesses.”

“He has nothing good to offer to his employees. He only uses a person and throw such an individual into the dustbin whenever he his done with the person, which is also the only place he belongs…”

“Someone who has already been condemned, what else does he has to offer if not cøndemnation. One can never give what he don’t have”

“Its only God that can use a person and also preserve such person”

“Working for Him is the best thing that can happen to anyone” I spoke to Favor at length

“I know He has nothing to do with me anymore because i have contributed nothing to His kingdom. All i specialized on is fighting those who works for Him and initiating young people to work against Him too…”

“… And now, i have been thrown away just like that”

“Will He ever accept me after all i have done?” She asked with a sad face

“He is even more interested in people like you more than any other thing” I replied with a beautiful smile…

I watched from afar and couldn’t help but leap for joy as i behold the beautiful and healthy relationship between Favor and her classmates with Kasie inclusive.

Both of them has become best of friends and they have developed the habit of teaching the other students the right thing to do and the

things to run away from especially from peer groups.

Favor is always quick to draw her mate’s attention towards herself and that was what she does each time she went out for break. Engaging them with the things that matters.

I know you look surprised, and may have lots of questions to ask. Don’t worry too much, let me take you back to memory line.

After i visited Favor that very day, i went back home thinking of the best way to help her. I know it’s another difficult task and her case is even more difficult than that of Kasie because of her strong commitment in the dãrk world, but i have the strong believe that as far as God is involve everything is possible.

I went to meet the same man that conducted dêliverance for Kasie and explained everything to him. He asked to meet with her parents, i took him there and he discussed with them.

He also spend some time with Favor alone, i believe he was asking her about herself and other vital informations she may have kept away from me and her parents.

After the meeting, he told them what to and how to do it. They were to engage themselves in a serious program which lasted for nine days.

I joined them as well. All the members of the prayer group were also involved. After the nine days, we all went to her house for the prayer.

Although Favor could have been taken to the church but the man of chose to go to their house instead.

It was a tough battle, unimaginable things happened that night but the Lord gave us victory.

By the time we were leaving, she was already sleeping comfortably on her bed, something that has not happened since the day she woke up and couldn’t lift herself up from the bed.

In the morning of the following day she woke up and got out of the bed without any support from anybody. All she did was to walk slowly and gently till she reached the sitting home.

She kept on doing so until she was totally fine and fit before resuming back to school.

That was how we arrived at where we are. And the good thing about her is that she puts everything in her while drawing people to the things of God, making sure she didn’t waste any opportunity that comes her way.

She is always in the midst of the students telling them beautiful story of God is the most simplest form and in such a way that she won’t frustrate her listeners with her stories.

She once said to me

“If i was able to use everything in me to work for the dãrk world, who rejected me after working for them devotedly and then went further to clothe me in a garment of dêstrûction…”

“…What then will stop me from working for the almighty God, the One who uses and preserves”

And she is devotedly working like before, but this time around she is doing that for her creator.

My service as a corp member is gradually coming to an end. I’m happy and can’t wait to round up. But i usually feel as if they are things am supposed to do that i have not yet do.

But this type around it’s pointing towards the staff in the school and not the students.


Episode 20

©️Juliet Ifunanya Elete

I have noticed that some of the staff are just good at eyes service. If you see the way they are super active whenever the principal is in sight you will think that it’s their normal ways of doing things but that is very far from the truth.

I know i usually feel like drawing the person’s attention to such act but i have never had the courage to do so.

Maybe it’s because i don’t want to create room for ãñger, malice or being an enemy to the person.

Danielle has once warned me to stay away from anything that has to do with her because of how i couldn’t bear to overlook most of the things she do when we were newly posted to the school, i had summoned the courage to correct her because she was my fellow corp member but it didn’t end well that day, because she got ãñgry and walked away.

Because of how she usually distance herself away from me while keeping mãlice at the same time. I stopped talking about those things just for peace to reign and also to maintain our friendship.

Nevertheless, i make sure i don’t get myself involved in the same thing i’m trying to make her stop.

But i will try to start again but on a more friendly way, and not only to the Danielle but to all the staff.

I know that some of them took up the teaching work because they just want to be getting money at the end of the month. But the truth is that it takes a passionate heart to become a school teacher, with endurance as an added ingredients.

Those who are passionate about what they do, don’t easily give up on their students. Most times it hard, but one have to decide to be the person before the strength to carry on will be bestowed on him or her.

I have seen Danielle and some other staff sighing in the wrong time whenever they comes to school late to avoid been pûnished or their salary been deducted.

Some topics which they teach are not proper taught yet the students are blamed for failing.

Always chatting to do point of getting ãñgry when it’s time to go to class because it already like a disturbance to them.

Checking of the students notebooks and home work is another hard work for them.

Danielle had marked a student’s home work one day and was showing off the high mark the student got. The name of the student caught my attention.

I know him very well, he is one of the student that hardly gets high mark in class no matter the duration of time spent in teaching. Other teachers who has also noticed him were considering telling her parents to get him a home teacher who could help him at home.

And the same person is the one scoring such mark in the home work she gave them. I stood up from my table and went to see it properly on Danielle’s table. I access it very well and discovered that the handwriting is not his. Someone else wrote it for him, i draw Danielle’s attention to it but instead of seeing things the way it is she ignored me totally.

I wasn’t happy with her actions, why will she ignore me just like that. Did i say anything bãd.

Marking his notes without asking him questions is not proper because homework is the act of re- doing what you have been taught in the classroom at home. If the student doesn’t do it by himself how will he master the topic. I was still trying to to talk again when she spoke.

“Jane please i have heard enough from you, i won’t kîll myself for any student…”

“… Once my service year is over, i will gently arrange my things and go back to my father’s land. That’s the only thing that matters to me” She said

” Danielle; i have come to the understanding that every work given to an individual or group of individuals is evaluated at the end of the session and record is taken”

“You may have been employed by a man who pays you every month even without checking your work very well, but your main employer is the invisible One who does not fail to check your work before rewarding you…”

“…And because He see secret things, He will search out the ones the principal and every other person didn’t see before…

“Please !!! She said, interrupting me from speaking further

“Keep your preaching to yourself, i’m not interested…”

“Or better still, take them to those who may be willing to listen. And don’t ever bring up this matter again”

And that was how i began to mind my business from that day on.

If i have to re- visit the same matter again, then i need to look for another way to do it.

I have playfully told Danielle and some of the teachers the important of doing ones work diligently and honestly without raising any dust.

In response, they asked me to forget about being honest because it doesn’t add to ones salary. Moreover, it’s another man’s establishment and business, and they cannot afford to carry his prøblem as if it theirs.

Even as they were saying it, most of them were seeing things differently as they refused to argue with me like before.

I didn’t say much about the matter again, i allowed the seed that has been planted in their heart to grow.

I prayed about it during my quite time before talking about the matter again that very day. I have done my part by courageously telling them about it . I don’t have the ability to change their hearts, i’m not the holy ghost.

I have come to realize that the heart of every man is in the hands of God. I have prayerfully committed them in His hands, i know He will surely perfect His word and one day they will see things in their real form.

Meanwhile, Favour and Kasie are waxing strong in the Lord. They have also joined my prayer group and are always in attendance.

Their performance in the test and the just concluded examination was very great. They did excellently.

They were among the students that got a prize each from the principal. Its a prize for academic excellence and being outstanding. They were so happy especially Kasie, she felt special once again, and i was happy to be part of her life story.

Talking about prize, the staff were also given special packages each by the principal. Something that has not happened for a long time according to the staff who have been teaching in the school for some years now.

But all of them were not the same as some were entirely different from each other

After the graduation party of the outgoing students, a gets together was organized by the principal for all the staff a day before vacation and that was where the packages was given.

It came as a surprise to everyone, none of us expected it.

He gave prizes based on different things. Two teachers were given the prize for best dressing with modest fashion sense.

About four teaching received a prize for their punctuality

Others received gift, and were complimented for being a good teacher and for all their sacrifices.

Surprisingly, the principal called my name and brought out a big package which he dropped on the table in front of him before addressing me

“This is for all your dedications, sacrifices and for always being honest…”

“…We have been working with corp members, but you broke a record”

“I know you are surprised but i know everything that happened. I also know how you almost lost your life because of one of my students…”

“… Both of their parents came to my office to see me, it was while we were discussing that i was able to trace back what really happened to me”

“I know God did it, but if you didn’t make yourself available, it couldn’t have been possible, or perhaps i could have to wait till another person is sent my way”

“You stepped into this school compound and change everything positively…”

“Thank you very much and may God reward all your good works” He said

I covered my face with the handkerchief in my hand in other to hide the tears that has fõrced its way out. I wish he never said that, even if he has to say all of that, it couldn’t have been in presence and hearing of everyone, a little thank you in the most quite way would have been enough.

I was to embarrassed that i stood transfixed, unable to lift even a leg.

All eyes was on me, i straighten up my face and realized why the were all looking at me. The principal was still holding the package which was well rapped waiting for me to come and collect it. I walked hastily towards him and collected it from him.

I thanked him with my head still lowered to the ground before returning to my seat. To make things wørst, some of the teachers started clapping for me. That was the peak of them all as i buried my face on the same package that was given to me and refused to raise it up.

Towards evening, i sighted Danielle sitting alone quietly. I went to sit beside her seeing how withdrawn she has suddenly become after the principal has finish giving out gift to all the staff.

He actually give everyone a package, its just that we all didn’t get the same thing. Each staff has a different package.

“Why are you so quite…”

“Is anything the matter?” I asked

“Everything is fine, i only feel like being alone” She replied

“That’s means something is not right, because the Danielle that i know is an extrovert who hardly stays in a quiet place let alone detaching herself from people to be alone…”

“Is it not enough reason to know that something is not right?” I asked looking at her in the eyes

“I have being trying to suppress this feeling of imperfection inside of me but i have not being able to do so”

“I feel as if there were things i didn’t do or things i didn’t do well…”

“…It’s as if i ..i .. i …. i can’t even explain everything in words”

“But i can feel the heaviness…. and its really weighting me down” She said from where she was standing, gazing at nothing in particular…

“What do you mean by that?”

“Did you do anything wrøng?” I asked Danielle who was still staring in the space.

She refused to say a word to me, neither did she turn her face towards my direction.

“I wish i had done things differently, i could have been more fulfilled than i am now”

“You’re talking in parable, can you please speak to me in the way that i will understand?”

“Jane, you won’t understand…”

“… Moreover, it’s personally. Let me bear the weight alone” She replied

“I’m sorry for intruding into your personal life, i was only trying to be a good friend and also to know what is the matter with my fellow corp member, nothing more”

“It’s ok, i will let you be…”

“But if you need a shoulder to lean on, mine is always available” I replied before standing up to go leave

I began to move away from her, i need to respect her privacy. I choose not to be mãd at her for asking me to leave. I don’t know what she is going through and i can’t afford to draw a conclusion without hearing what she has to say. She will speak when she wants and if she doesn’t i will still find a way to talk to her.

I felt some one coming close me, turning to see who the person might be, i came face to face with Danielle. Before i could utter a word, she rushed to me and embraced me tightly, crying at the same time.

“Please don’t go, don’t leave me…”

“…I’m sorry for being rùde, i allowed my emotion to take a better part of me” She said still crying on my shoulder

“It’s ok, stop crying” I replied

We walked back together and sat back on the seat. By now she has stopped crying and was sitting down quietly.

“If you don’t feel like saying anything right now i don’t mind leaving…”

“…We could still talk about it whenever you are ready for it” I said

“No, don’t go”

“Please stay with me”

“I always feel at peace each time you’re around me, you’re a good person. A woman with a heart of gold. Some time i èñvy you, it’s usually baffles me how you always manage to carry everyone along. Winning the hearts of people every time and everywhere”

“I know i haven’t been friendly to you. You always see me smile at you, but i do harbour jêãlousy in my heart towards you. I’m not proud of it but i don’t really know how to free myself from its grip”

“I have watched the way you do things and that has made me wonder how you do them because people like me hardly gets things right”

“My parents of blessed memory, did all they could when they were alive to make sure i become better than i am now but nothing changed”

“Your parents are late?…”

“…What happened to them” I asked not believing my ears

“They were shøt by arm robbers. They came into our house one night and started telling my father to go inside and bring out the money”

“They sounded so sure, i believe someone gave them information about my father. He was a successfully business man. And i’m sure he might have brought that money home that day for an important business transaction the next day”

“We were all instructed to lay down on the floor and never to raise our head up. Their leader shouted at my father who rushed to his room and brought out the money, a total cash of three million naira and dropped it on the floor for them”

“They took the money and also shøt him. My mother screamed and stood up and Instantly, two bullets was released into her chest and she fell down. I guess she saw their faces, that was why they didn’t spare her”

“We rushed them to the hospital when the arm robbers left but they didn’t make it. They were declared dêad on arrival”

“Oh my God!!!

“Its so heart brëaking, I’m sorry for the loss”

“Thank you. I have accepted my fate, just that i haven’t gotten over it. Each time i remember the incident it saddens me”

“I know what my parents did to make sure i become whom they wants me to be, a true child of God. At the long run, i give in only for déãth to come snatch them away from me”

” Why then did that same God whom they were serving all their lives and have been telling me about did not save them from being killed that very day?”

“Anyways, that is not my concern right now”

“I’m still feeling this heaviness in my heart and it’s really tearing me apart. I don’t know what do” She said changing the topic

“If i may ask, what is the reason for your actions, why are you still áñgry with God?” I asked

“No, i think the question should be, why didn’t Him show up when we needed Him most” She interrupted

“Was that the reason why you chose to walk alone in the journey of life?”

“Was that the reason why you detached yourself from Him and everything that has to do with Him?”

“Is it not better that way, after all my parents served Him very well. And i did too. But how did it end?” She replied with a question

“Where you actually following Him because of who He is to you or because of who He is to your late parents then?” I asked Danielle

I waited to get an answer from her but none was forth coming..

I kept waiting for her to say something but she didn’t, instead she looked away and avoided eye contact from me. I reached out to her hand and got hold of it, as i began to speak to her.

“I actually asked you that question for a reason; and from all indication, you decided to serve God not out of your own will but out of the respect you have for your parents. It’s a very good thing to honor our parents and equally follow their godly footsteps but its never enough. We must have a very strong reason why you chose to serve God because that will be the only thing that will keep standing tall and high when every other things are gone”

“Infact, there have been a situation where parents who have always stand for uprightness will suddenly denied the faith they profess to the amazement of the same people they have been teaching for so many years. In such situation it is left for you as an individual to choose the path to follow because those leading you no longer know which way to go”

“I am one of those who have been hiding under the canopy of my parents. The fire they generate daily is always chasing away unwanted and unvited circumstances in my life…”

“…I am not saying that i’m no longer under their cover, of course i am, but what i mean is that the situation i found myself in this school has made me realize that being under the canopy of my parents and depending solemnly on the provisions of their fire in not enough, and that was when i began to learn how to generate fire for myself, i have learnt and i’m still learning”

“Now, concerning your question on why God allowed your parents to dîe…”

“…So many things happed for a reason, and the last time i check He is still the unquestionable God”

“But that doesn’t mean He derives joy in seeing the people he has created to always be in sorrow. It might be that your parents where not meant to depart this earth that day and that their lives were forcefully taken away from them”

“You said that the arm robbers mentioned certain amount of money and that was the exact amount he went to bring out for them”

“Was that not an indication that someone knew about the money and actually sent those guys to go get the money from your father. He or she knew your father’s movement and almost everything about him”

“This is why it’s very important to always commit each day to God’s hands and also seek His protections because the enêmies you don’t know are more than the ones you know”

“And you deciding not to serve Him because of one unpleasant situation that happened to you doesn’t make any difference to Him. If you choose not to serve Him there are many other people out there who still serve Him diligently”

“It’s actually a privilege for you to serve Him because He has never lack servants, He only wants you to be part of what He does that’s all…”

“… Angels and the saints in heaven are always at His service. All the living creatures serve Him with everything in them”

“Even if human and every other living things refused to serve Him, he can raise stones and other nonliving things to serve Him but with that not be a big sháme to every other things that has life in them?”

“Believe it when i say that if you actually had good and strong reason why you chose His path those years, you will never leave Him no matter what happened. But it’s never too late you can still choose to start loving Him again today” I spoke at length to her


“You know so much Jane”

“Truth be told, i was doing all those things i did just to impress my parents. I was not purpose driven. I wanted to be seen by all, there was no hunger in me because if i was hungry for Him, He could have satisfied me. And when i get hungry for another dimension of Him again, He will still satisfy me, while i keep growing in Him”

“I only realized it now, i wish i have known these a long time ago”

“How do i love Him again” she asked

“You only have to make the decision. There’s no special procedure for it. You only need to accept Him back into your life. Afterward, you will began to build yourself in Him and by studying His words daily in other to know Him better” I replied

“Is that all?”

“Yes dear”

“I will start today and this time around i will not stop loving Him again.

“His love is intoxicating, it’s make one looks like a drunkard always” I said with a smile

“I can’t wait to experience it”

“You can’t wait to experience what?” Samson interrupted from behind

“Don’t tell me that you are already seeing someone, you that i have been crunching on all this while. I’m just waiting to collect my remaining allawi money so that i will come and propose to you and marry you immediately” He said with all seriousness

“You have been crushing on me, in other to crûsh me to déath abi?”

“Mr lover boy with no money, so if government did not make provisions for your monthly allowance, you won’t marry right?” Danielle throw hot at him while a watch in silence

“Don’t change the topic, who is this person that you have fallen in love with. I’m i not handsome enough. check me out na. Fine boy no rashes” He said turning himself around for Danielle

“But your pocket is empty” Danielle replied him and his mood changed instantly

“Danie baby, i’m just broke oh. it doesn’t mean that i’m a poor man” He said

“Point of corrections, i’m not your baby and i will not be. And stop crushing on me, so that a trailer with a failed break will not come and crush you to déath” She said grinning

“Danielle, if you don’t marry me i will kîll myself”

“Ok, how do you want to dîe, is it through rat pôison, or by hanging yourself on a tree or…

“Or what” He interrupted

“Allow me to finish na…”

“… Let me help you with the options”

“You’re really a jealous lover if a may say but you are not romantic at all” I chipped in

“Tell him” Danielle said pointing at him

“This is not the kind of environment to profess your love to her. You could have done better than what you just don’t. That’s if you mean business” I said laughing

“What do you mean by that chief adviser?”

“I am aware that i’m still very single, but i’m not searching. Even if i’m to search, it won’t be this government property standing before me…”

“…Please let’s leave here” She said pulling me up along

“It’s true ooh” He said out of the blue, rubbing his hand on his head

“Can i take you out for a date?” was the next thing that came out of his mouth. We bursted into laughter and hasten our foot steps before he will throw another bombshell.

I looked back and saw him laughing so hard.

Favor opted to help me carry my package home. I told her to go home that i can carry it myself but she refused.

I gave up because i already know that she won’t agree to go home not when she has made up her mind to go home with me.

She dropped her school bag to go and bring the package only for us to see Kasie carrying the same package and cat walking towards us.

“Who asked you to bring it?” she asked

“Nobody, i know it belongs to miss Jane, so i carried it in order to take it home for her” Kasie replied

“What’s that thing at the corner of your mouth?” Favor asked again while she immediately clean her mouth with her hand in order to remove the stuff

“That’s very good, you have successfully cleaned those words you just said…”

“…Now drop that thing on the floor because i’m the one that is going to carry it” She said laughing at Kasie who was also smiling having realized that she has been tricked.

“I’m not dropping anything, the earlier you realize that, the better for you…”

“…Ma, please let start going, you need to rest your body. You know that today was so stressful for all the teachers. You should be at home by now” Kasie said to me ignoring her

Favor rushed towards her to collect it but she took to her heels before she could even reach where she was standing.

I was just smiling broadly to myself unable to say a word. I love seeing them playing happily together.

“Come back, stop chasing her…”

“…Carry your school bag let’s go together, i think that will make you feel better” I said to her after seeing how frústrated she has become as Kasie has refused to give her the package.

She listened and walked sluggishly to get her bag and we began to go home together. But they kept throwing funny words at themselves till we got home. I gave them biscuits and groundnut with soft drink and they ate still making so much noise as if they were more than ten of them in my house.

They didn’t want to go but i had to force them to go before their parents will start worrying about them. I saw them off to the gate before going back.

I have hardly reach the door handle when i heard the voice of one of my neighbours calling my name.

“Aunty Jane!

“Aunty Jane!!! He called

“Peter, good evening” I replied

“Good evening fine woman, how you dey na( good evening beautiful woman, how are you doing)”He said shinning his teeth

“I’m fine and you?”

“Peter the petruzm full ground oh, nothing do me” He replied with pride

Just then his very own friend and neighbour showed up with his trouble. Whenever two of them are together, you can hold your laughter because of the funny words they’re used to saying.

“That’s is why your life is always going zig zag. Why will it even be well with you”

“Your parents gave you Peter which means rock, which was the name of one of the apostles of Jesus Christ who did great exploit”

“But based on the guy man that you are, you changed it to petruzm, a name that has no meaning. How will your life be meaningful?” He fired hot at him

“No insult me oo, make i no go change am for you. Which level na”( don’t insult me, so that i won’t get áñgry with you. What’s all these na)

“Very soon baba God go bless me, with these your two big eyes wey be like frog own, naim you go take see am( Very soon God will bless me, and you with see it with these your two big eyes that look like that of a frog)

“Stop deceiving yourself, your name was registered in the palm of God by your parents with Peter”

“The day His messenger will be sent to deliver some goodies to a man called Peter Boniface and he now met Petruzm Boniface, he will obediently return to His master with the goodies with the report that the person with the name was not found. And you will grow old in this life without achieving anything”

“I know i talk too much, but you also know that i’m saying the truth. Think about it and borrow yourself some sense.

Jebez cried for a change of name according to scripture, but people like you no longer care about the name they bear nowadays. What an irony of life”

The silent that feel amidst us that moment was so thick that it can be cut with a knife. He actually gave us food for thought..

Peter was calm and didn’t say anything after his friend had finished speaking. He leaned on the wall of the building lost in thought.

His friend who thought that he had probably upset him with his words began to apologies to him but Peter asked him not to worry that he is not âñgry with him.

The young man was still thinking that Peter was only pretending not to be upset because he knew that Peter love his nickname so much more than his real name. Whenever you call his name and you didn’t add petruzm to it, he might likely not listen to whatever you have to say.

I was thinking the same thing too until i saw him facial expressions, it doesn’t look upset instead it looks like the face of someone looking for an answer to a prøblem. I decided to speak to him at that point.

“Peter, what your friend is saying is nothing but the truth…”

“…The name one bears has the ability to affect the person either positively or negatively”

“In your case, you have a wonderful name, just that you added a bád nickname to your name. If at all you like having a nickname, why not look for a good one that will bring good luck to you…”

“…I think this is what your friend is trying to make you understand” I said to him

“I don hear, i no go answer the name again. And make una no call me petruzm again ( I have heard what you said, i won’t bear the name again. And you guys should stop calling me petruzm) He said to our amazement

From all indication, he meant what he has said. I stayed a bit longer with them chatting and laughing before going back to my room. During the course of our discussion i got to know about Peter’s plight.

He once had a workshop where he makes and sells furnitures. There was a fire outbreak one night from a neighbouring shop, and the fire escalated to other shops including Peter’s own. Because it happened at night, a quick action was not taken and that was how everything burnt down.

He rented another shop and began his furniture work there, but the money he used in starting his business in the new shop was very small and so the shop was not booming like that of before.

His story was a pathetic one, i know that Peter is very hardworking and he’s always taking whatever he is doing very serious. Within me, i made up my mind to help him whenever the opportunity present itself.


Something that started as a joke is now becoming a reality. Danielle called me few days after our get to together to inform me that she is currently in a relationship with Samson.




“Did you later go on a date with him?” I asked so many questions at a time

“Your blood is hot, calm down dear…”

“Why the numerous questions”?

“Ehhh, i actually went out with him and we talked. I think i like him” She said

“Oh, you’re still thinking. You’re not even sure” I replied almost immediately

“I’m sure, Samson is a nice guy. Going out and spending some time with him has helped me know him better” She replied giggling

“This my gender, so everything about Samson has been causing beautiful in your belly and you kept calm and was even behavior is if you actually hãte him” I said

“It’s normal thing now, i’m meant to be chased. And that was what he did” She replied

“Now i understand” I said smiling

” I’m happy for you dear. Your man has located you right in your place of service. This is awesome…”

“…And one more thing, please you both should protect your love. You are well educated but the veins that transmits bløød and every other things all through your body is not educated, which is the major reason why it’s fond of mîsbêhaving. Learn to control it and not the other way round”

“Tell Samson that i said he has to settle me, because i was the one that gave him the idea that yielded something good to him”

“What do you want from us”

“Since you asked i will tell you…”

“…I need a cup of ice cream and…

“And nothing” She cùt in

“Cool yourself first before asking for another thing, i will deliver your ice cream to you later…”

“…Anticipate” She replied ending the call before i could say something else…

Danielle has traveled, she is no longer in school. Paschal left two days after she traveled, i’m the only one left in school.

We’ve all gotten our nysc certificate, it was a great achievement and i personal dedicated mine to God first and to my parents especially my father, his decision has helped in shaping me alot. I must confess, it wasn’t easy for me considering all the things that i have been through.

But one thing is certain, i am no longer the same as i came. Alot has changed about me. I’m like a gold; I went through fire but wasn’t burnt to ashes. I went through water but wasn’t drown.

My skin has been thicken and my sense of reasoning expanded. I came half baked but i’m going back fully baked.

I can be compared to a military man who is returning home from a war zone, though wounded in the battle field but was never defeated. I came face to face with déãth and afflîctiøns but i was never conquered instead i became the conqueror.


Peter is now a full time business man. I fulfilled my promise of helping him by transferring some money into his bank account.

Although i didn’t tell him about my plans, i only demanded for his account number with the explanation that someone whom i know wants to give him a helping hand.

It was when he received the alert and saw my name on the description that he realized i was the one that send it. I know he was very surprised because throughout my stay with them, i never acted like someone whose parents is rich.

I have money but i chose not to appear as one, i like it when people freely relating with me. I don’t want them to have this mindset that they’re inferior to me simply because i’m a rich man’s daughter.

My parents; especially my father have not failed to send money into my account since i was posted to my place of service, i think he was doing that as a way of keeping me happy. I have already planned how to utilize my money after my service. But after listening to Peter’s story, i was moved to give him part of the money, and i’m glad i did.

I had went to inform Kasie’s parents that i will be traveling back to my place since i was already through with my one year compulsory service. Kasie’s mood changed as soon as she heard what i said, she ran into my hands crying. She has become so used to me that most times she calls me big sister. I have also come to accept her as my kid sister too.

“You don’t have to feel bãd Kasie, i have to go…”

“…I promise to always check up on you, i can always speak to you through your mother’s phone” I said to her seeing the tears that has already clouded her eyes

“But i won’t see you again, i’m already missing you” She replied crying

“I will miss you too dear, it’s all for good. I need to go. There’s so many other things i need to do and i’m already running out of time. I need to make use of it while i still can…”

“…I will always pay you and Favor a visit whenever i can…”

“What about that?” I asked searching her eyes for an answer

“I think i like that” she replied smiling

“So cheers up” I said and she was happy again

Favour did the same thing when i went to their house, she has also become very fond of me. I can’t afford to make her sãd. I took my time and explain things to her too and she understood just like Kasie did.

My parents sent me money for my flight ticket and days later i got my things ready to travel. I gave out my belongings to the people i know are in need of them. I woke up on time and got myself ready, took a taxi and headed straight to the airport in other not to miss my flight.

We landed safely and i had gotten my luggages and was about taking a taxi when my mother called to inform me that she has sent her driver to come pick me up. I waited for him and not quite long he showed up and i got into the car.

I alighted from the car to meet everyone waiting for my arrival, my heart was filled with joy.

“My one and only daddy” I have missed you so much” i said giving him a very big hug

“I have missed you too” he replied

“My sweet mother; your daughter is back, safe and sound” I said to my mother

“You’re welcome my daughter” she replied pulling me for a hug too

“Jane my daughter…”

“… Last year, you stood at this same spot that you’re standing right now ünhappy and pleading with me not to let you go to your place of primary assignment. But today the story has changed”

“…Now that you are back and have experienced a different kind of like out there, i’m going to tell you why i insisted that you must go to where you have been posted. And also why i refused to manipulate your posting” He said to me.

“When i was still in school” My father began

“My friend Gabriel and i made a plan to start up a business as soon as we finish from school. One year later we graduated from school and we both went for our youth service in different states”

“When we finish and travel back home, Gabriel suggested that we start the business immediately in other get rich and become famous early in life”

” I like his idea and was ready to go for it. The money to finance the business became the big problem. We then decided to meet our individual fathers for help and explain our desire to them”

“Few days later, Gabriel called to inform me that his father didn’t only gave him money but also gave him one of his companies as his share, he sounded very happy and excited”

“What about you, how much did grandpa gave you?” I asked

“Grandpa didn’t give me any money…”

“…Infact, he didn’t agree with me”

“He bluntly told me that he is not giving me any money neither will he allow me to run a business” He replied

“But you were old enough to make decisions for yourself at that time. Why then was he against you”

“He said i have not undergone any training, and that i lack the basic experience of a business man”

“What other experience does he want from you aside from the knowledge you have acquired in school. Moreover you were also returning from a one year service from another state, which other experience is more than that”

“The answer you just gave now was the same thing I replied him but he refused to accept. My father looked me in the eyes and told me that it’s not yet my manifestation time but formation time. And in order to help and guide me until the ripe time, he will have to employ me in his own company so that i will be working for him”


“Did you accept?”

“I refused. I left our family house and didn’t return until after one week. Staying away from home gave me the room to have a deep think”

“I know my father loves me so much but the reason behind his actions is what i don’t know. I became so worried and restless, i was tore

between obeying my father and doing what i wish to do.

I felt i’m being delayed and Gabriel may likely get rich and famous before me. I don’t want to be left behind.

I went back to my father and tried explaining things to him but he still stood his ground and refused to take my own idea.

“I see things you don’t see, and i also know what you don’t know”

“Do you think i will ever lead you astray…?”

“…Why don’t you trust your father and also trust the process?”

“It all for your good son, i mean well for you” Grandpa has said to me

“I gave it a deep thought that day, the next day i went to inform my father that i have accepted to do what he said”

“Like seriously, you became one of your father’s workers. Well, i guess he treated you differently from the rest” I said

“Your guess is wrong because he treated me equally with the rest, there was no special treatment for me as far as i was in the working place. He only treats me like his son outside my working place. I understood the reasons for his actions and so i didn’t get mãd at him.

“And why was he doing that?” I asked eager to know

“He was only trying to separate his business from his family’s affairs. I think that’s the best way to achieve a good result as a business person.

“He pays me salary like the others and i do my work diligently like the rest workers too”

“After about two years, he released me and gave me a huge amount of money to start up my own business. By then; Gabriel was already making waves in his business but not quite long, something great happened”

“Did you lõst your money” I asked terrified

“No, i didn’t. What happened didn’t affect me but Gabriel, his business began to crumble and not quite long he sold out the company in other to invest the money in something else but that was his greatest mistake as ninety percent of what he kept recording was loose of money, it went on until everything was completely lost”

“When his father got to know about what happened, he fell ill and never recovered from it till he gave up the ghøst”

“Oh no, what went wrong?”

“According to the doctor’s report, he died of high blood pressure. His family members decided to investigate what made him to develop high blood pressure and so it was discovered that Gabriel sold his company and also one of his father’s company without even informing him.

When he find out what his son has done, he fell ill instantly and died after some months”

“But that was not enough reason for him to accept déãth…”

“…I believe that when there is life, there is hope. Moreover, Gabriel is not his only son as you have once said” I said

“Yes, but Gabriel was the one he invested so much on, hoping to reap from him in the long run”

“And who told you that loss of ones life investment is not capable of taking the person’s life especially when not properly managed?”

“Are you listening to yourself at all?…”

“…Do you know how many years it took him to build what his son sold off just in one day?”

“I’m beginning to understand, but i’m yet to know the relationship between this story and myself”

“You will understand by the time i finish what i’m saying.

“Years later, Gabriel started another business with the help of his family. He is so passionate about doing business that he didn’t give up after what happened”

“And i like the fact that he didn’t gave up on his dreams of becoming a famous and successful business man. He is still building and i believe with time he will attain the hight he has always desired”

“When i reasoned the situation, the only explanation to his predicament is that he began to manifest at the wrong time and so couldn’t handle the heat which usually accompanies fame and riches.

“He got carried away by the money he counts and record everyday that he forget to utilize them very well”

“His father prevented him from experiencing the stress and difficulty that came with acquiring money.

“That’s was why he spend the money the way he likes because he didn’t labour for it. If he had work so hart to earn those money, he could have valued it and use them wisely”

“How did you know all that?” I was prompted to ask

“He didn’t hide anything from me, he told me everything”

“How he was buying the latest cars, how he has many girlfriends who he spends on, he even bought cars and houses for a lot of them.

“And funny enough, they all left him when they realized he no longer has money to spend.

“The money that takes a lots of time and energy to acquire can’t be spent within one hour, that is why it very important to learn how to make good use of money when one start acquiring it”

“I think grandpa was only trying to teach you how to value the fruit of your labour and also money management but i don’t think you would have ended up like your friend Gabriel…”

“… Because you’re smart” I said

“Being smart is not the only thing required my dear, one also need wisdom and some experience, it will go along way in helping the person”

“In other words, the reason why you refused to let me work in your company during the period of my youth service was because you wants me to learn certain things on my own” I asked


“But you didn’t go that far before you learned, you were just under your father, why then did you insisted that i must go when i didn’t want to go?”

“Because that was the right place to be at that point in time. Moreover, i worked in my father’s company after my service…”

“…You were meant to be there, i believed it with everything in me. And now that you are back you are free to work in my company for the main time. You are free to quite any time you choose to”

“Wow, best daddy in the world” I said hugging him

Even if i didn’t say them out, i know that i was really meant to be there. What could have happened to Kasie if i wasn’t there.

What about Favor, she could have still be working for the queen mother and many other students could have been her victim and i will be held accountable for what happened to them.

I know i didn’t want to get myself involved with them but so many evidence was there to prove that i’m the right person for the job.

“What if i had adamantly refused?”

“Some one else could have taken my place and do what i ought to have done”

Ah! may i not be at the right place at the wrong time. May my legs not also carry me to the wrong place at the right time.

” I won’t miss out in life, neither will i be replaced with another person because i’m unavailable in the place where i’m most needed ..

I was taking a nap in my room when the door open, i raised my head to see who had entered my room.

My mother was the one, she walked slowly towards where i laying and sat down beside me on the bed.

“I thought you were fast asleep…”

“…But i can see that you are only laying down trying to catch some sleep”

“I was actually sleeping”

“…It’s the sound of the door that woke me up from sleep”

“Oh, i’m so sorry about that”

“I only came to spend some time with you. Your father has been the one taking all your time since you came back. I didn’t want to interrupt the sweet moment you two were having together…”

“…That was why i allowed him spend all the time with you because i know that i will have you all to myself by the time he is done with you”

“I’m all yours now” i said pulling myself up from the bed

“And i’m glad to have you” She replied with a warm smile. Her smiles are irresistible, so charming and lovely, with good dimples. I love to watch her smile.

“Jane” she called

“Yes mum”

“I haven’t seen you engage yourself in any spiritual activities since you came back to this house…”

“…Or where you actually lying when you said that you always fast and pray especially the night when you were still at your place of primary assignment”


“Why will you say such a thing. You know fully well that i don’t tell lies. It’s either i say it the way it is or i don’t say it at all. I can’t open my mouth and be telling lies.

Moreover, you have always preached against it with the illustration of a spring water extracted from the Holy book”

“James 3: 11 is one of your favorite Bible passage…”

“…No spring of water pour out bitter water and sweet water from the same opening”

“That’s what the passage says and that’s what i equally practice day and night. I choose to use my tongue right, so that the words of my mouth can be acceptable to God anytime any where”

“You really have to apologize to me” I said with a little frown

“It has not gotten to that ok, it’s just that i had a disturbing dream about you last night, that was what prompted me to ask you such question”

“What’s the dream all about” I asked because my mother is greatly blessed with spiritual gifts

“I saw you standing on the road and refusing to take the usually path which you normally take home. Another lady stood beside you drawing your attention to the dry leaves that have covered the same road due to lack of maintenance.

From the look of things, you haven’t swept the road for some time and that was why dry leaves where littered every. And you were not willing to follow the road neither where you willing to sweep it as supposed”

“What then is the meaning of your dream?”

“That was the reason i asked you if you were laying about the spiritual activities you said you used to engage yourself with because i have not seen or heard talk about it, neither have you done anything related to it. From my own interpretation of the dream, you have forsaken the road which you have been following. In other words your prayer life has dropped and your alter has gone cold”

I didn’t say anything, there was no point of arguing with her. I pray less these days, i just felt i needed some rest after all the things i went through in the course of helping the two girls out”

“I’m i communicating” She asked when she didn’t get any response from me

“The truth is that i have stopped praying and fasting for a while now because i felt i needed some time to rest”

“I know that the spirit of God doesn’t lie, he has searched your heart and found the things hidden underneath.

You decided to rest at the expenses of the seeds planted in your field. Forgetting that the dark world whom by the help of God those two girls where snatched from do not take a break, or rest neither do they sleep”

“As you sleep your fire goes down, and when it’s down, the flames of fire surrounding your field quenches, giving room for all kinds of creatures to creep into the field. Stealing all that is in it and planting unwanted seeds in your well prepared field”

“What then do you stand to gain if the precious seed that was deliberately planted in your field is uprooted out just because you choose to sleep instead of watching over them”

“It could be better they weren’t planted in your field in the first place, instead of loosing them because you weren’t watchful enough to notice when the thieves were advancing”

I instantly felt goosebumps all over my body when she said those words to me…

“Take this money and add it to the one i have previously given to the two of you…”

“…Buy the rest of the things you need from the money. And If any other things which requires urgent attention comes up, you girls should not hesitate to let me know” I said as we walk out of the house


“Yes ma”

“I want you to look after Kasie, always see her as your younger sister. And don’t also forget to correct her wrong doings…”

“…I’m telling you all these because i know that you are older than her and have the responsibility of looking after your younger ones”

“Alright ma” She said smiling at looking at Kasie’s direction

“Hope you heard what Mrs Jane said…?”

“I have been given the license to discipline you should in case you misbehave. I advice you to always behave yourself starting from now”

“You’re not serious” Kasie replied eyeing her

“I didn’t asked you to maltreat her for me oo…”

“…I only asked you to take good care of her and also take good care of yourself” I said dragging them towards the car before they will begin their unending drama and end up reaching the school at night.

I made them get into the car as the driver was already waiting for them. They waved at me as the car engine was started and i waved back, and didn’t stop until the car was out of sight. Right where i was standing, i lifted my hands to God in appreciation, for committing such precious and priceless souls into my hands. I promised never to make Him regret planting those seeds in my field, and i mean it.

You seem confused right!!!

Let me break it down a little for better understanding.

After the discussions i had with my mother the very day she came into my room, i took what she told me seriously and didn’t treat it with levity.

Not satisfied with the feedback i frequently get from them through phone calls. I went to pay them a surprise visit one day and the condition i met them broke my heart greatly. There’s this new girl in their school who has gradually turned their heart against the truth and has began to teach them false doctrine and so many other disgústing things.

I took my time to question them and they didn’t hide anything from me. That was when it actually dawn on me that reptiles has already crawled into my field and has started removing sand from the root of my plants.

I sprang into action immediately and began to water my seeds with prayers and also feeding them with healthy food from the scripture. The fire of God was rekindle back in them, and they were fire filled once again.

Few days later they came back home to report that the girl has stop coming to school. The school authority searched for the details of the girl documented in a file as presented by the woman that brought the girl to the school in order to reach out to her through those information but her file was no where to be found. And everything that has to do with her could no longer be traced.

I didn’t asked too much questions, as i already knew without doubt that she wasn’t a student in the first place. She was an agent from the dark world particularly sent to the school in other to lure Kasie and Favor back to where they were pulled out from and if possible capture other fresh students along side.

From that very day, i took everything that has to do with them seriously because i can’t afford to lose them the second time.

Its five years already, they’re now in higher institution doing very well and i’m proud of them.

“Do you also remember hearing Favor addressing me as Mrs Jane?”

That’s because i’m already married. I met my husband six months after i started working in my father’s company. We got married one year later and we’re living happily. My husband is so supportive and understanding. He understands the need of still keeping those seeds in my field, that’s is why he still allowed me to keep them in order to nurture them to growth.

Just like my father has said before i started working in his company that i can leave anytime i wants.

I submitted my resignation letter when i felt i need to start up something on my own and he didn’t hesitate to grant my request. He gave me some money to support the business i had in mind. And my business has been booming ever since then.

My father compelled me to go to where i didn’t want to go.

My mother convinced me to carry out the task i didn’t want to be a partaker of.

But each step that i took opens up another phase, some were pleasant while others were life threatening but i stood my ground and kept advancing. And today the narrative has changed, as i have become a better version myself.