Life has been challenging for me since completing my youth service.

I live with my roommate, Obinna, and we’ve taken on various day jobs just to make ends meet.

One afternoon, Obinna and I were returning from an interview when we both received messages on our phones.

I checked mine first and was thrilled to see that I had been offered the job I applied for three weeks ago. Obinna checked his phone and saw the same news because we both interviewed at the same company on the same day.

We hugged each other in joy, knowing our days of struggling were over. We were instructed to start work the following week. That Saturday, Obinna and I went shopping with our limited savings to buy some decent corporate wear because first impressions are crucial.

When we got home, I called my mom to share the good news. As usual, she prayed for me and advised me to behave well.

The day we were to start work arrived.

I woke up at 4 AM to avoid being late due to traffic on my first day.

Obinna was still asleep, so I woke him up.

“Hey, get up! You’re still sleeping when you know how bad traffic can be.”

“Ikenga, let me sleep a bit more. Since when did we start hustling this early?”

“Seriously? Obinna, have you forgotten we start our new jobs today?”

“True, Ikenga. Why am I still in bed? Give me 5 minutes to get ready.”

Obinna and I arrived at the company at exactly 7:30 AM. We were told to wait for our boss, who would brief us on our roles.

Thirty minutes later, our boss arrived. I couldn’t stop staring at her extraordinary beauty. She was very tall, fair-skinned, with an hourglass figure and a beautiful, smiling face.

Her outfit and hair were impeccably styled and expensive, and her scent was the first thing that caught my attention. I stared at her so intently that I didn’t notice when she approached us and started speaking.

Obinna had to tap me to bring me back to reality. I felt embarrassed and shy, but she just smiled and motioned for us to follow her to her office.

As we followed her to her office, I couldn’t help but notice her perfectly shaped figure, not too big, not too small, just how I like it.

As if my friend Obinna knew what I was thinking, he tapped me again and whispered in my ear.

“Guy, focus now, don’t let us lose this job on the first day. I beg you, if I lose this job, I will never forgive you.”

“Obinna, relax. Is it a crime to admire someone? I am just appreciating one of God’s creations.”

When we reached her office, my jaw dropped. I felt like I was in heaven. Her office was stunning, and I wondered how her house must look.

But I composed myself immediately when I heard her speak.

“I welcome you to our company. I’m sure your interviewers already told you about it. Here, take these files. They contain everything you need to know about your various roles. Study them and get to work immediately. Have a great time at work.”

We took the files from her and headed straight out of her office, led to our own offices by her PA.

When I got to my office, I was very impressed. It was classy and comfortable, and I immediately said a little prayer before anything else.

While I was going through the file given earlier by my boss, I couldn’t concentrate properly. Her face kept coming to my mind, making me smile sheepishly.

I was still smiling when I got a slap on my face.

“Ah ah, Obinna, what was that for? Why did you slap me?”

“Ikenga, I won’t allow you to make us lose this job we’ve worked hard for just because of your f**lish fantasy. I’ve been calling you because the boss sent us a text to come to her office. I even thought you had gone there, only to find you smiling like a g*at here.”

“Check your phone and see if she sent you a text too, so we can go see her.”

I rushed to check my phone and saw the text message from my boss. It had been there for 30 minutes. I muttered a silent prayer within me. I just prayed that my admiration for her wouldn’t cost me my job.

So, Obinna and I left for her office to see her and find out why she sent for us.

Upon arriving at her office, we discovered she wasn’t there, so we decided to sit and wait for her.

While waiting, I took the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of her office again. I noticed that most of the decorations and furniture had her name, Adamma, on them.

Her sense of fashion and interior design was impeccable. I could only imagine how beautiful her house must be.

“Ikenga, did you come here just to admire her office, or what’s going on with you?” Obinna asked.

“Obinna, are you seriously telling me you don’t see how beautiful this place is? You need to learn to appreciate beautiful things,” I replied.

“Ikenga, that’s your concern. I’m here to work, not to admire irrelevant things,” Obinna said.

Just then, the door opened, and our boss walked in. We both stood up to greet her.

“Good afternoon, ma,” we chorused.

“Good afternoon, you two. Please have your seats,” she said.

“Thank you, ma,” we responded and sat down.

“First of all, have you both gone through the files I gave you earlier today?” she asked.

“Yes, ma,” Obinna quickly replied.

I couldn’t say anything because I was afraid to lie. I knew I hadn’t studied any files; instead, I had been thinking about the woman sitting in front of me.

“What about you, Ikenga? Did you study yours?” she asked.

I decided to tell the truth. “No, ma,” I said.

“And why is that? Did you find it difficult to understand? Should I assign someone to help you with it?”

“No, ma. I was just having a little f*ver, but I’m fine now,” I replied.

Immediately, Obinna gave me a shocked side-eye, and I looked away.

“It’s okay. It’s good that you’re fine now. Well, I called you both here to give you something.”

Then she brought out two car keys and handed them to Obinna and me. I was both confused and surprised.

“It’s our custom in this company to give our new employees a car and a million naira to start with. Additional benefits will be provided after six months of working with us.”

She then handed each of us a cheque for a million naira.

It all seemed like a dream. I didn’t even know how best to express my joy.

Obinna and I hugged each other with tears in our eyes because our lives had just changed within a few hours.

“It seems like you two are friends,” she said.

“Yes, ma. We are best friends and we live together,” I replied.

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I admire your friendship. You both can return to your offices now.”

We thanked her profusely and left her office for our respective offices.

Back in my office, I stared at the cheque and car key in my hand, wondering if it was all real.

Carefully, I placed them in my wallet and took out the file our boss had given me earlier to study it properly.


After my new employees left my office, I smiled to myself. I really admire their friendship. I wish I had a friend too, but I haven’t had much luck with friendships.

Then I remembered how Ikenga was staring at me when he first saw me. I couldn’t help but let out a silent chuckle and ask myself several questions.

Does this mean he is in love with me, or am I just overthinking things? I like his boldness, but what if he is after me because of my wealth? Could it be that I’ve fallen for him so soon?

Oh Adamma, you have to take things slowly so you don’t get betrayed again. Well, let’s see how it goes. What will be, will be.


When it was 4:30 PM, I started getting ready to leave the office. During the process, Obinna barged in like he owned the office.

“Nawa oh, what were you doing since? We are supposed to close from work by exactly 4 PM. Was it not written on your file or did you just choose to waste time?” he said.

“Where are you rushing to, Obinna? Do you have a wife and kids at home?” I jokingly asked.

“Abeg, let’s go home jaaare, I am tired and hungry.”

While Obinna and I were about to step out of my office, we saw our boss’s P.A. about to leave her office too.

“Hello,” she greeted us.

“Good evening,” we chorused.

She stretched out her hand towards me for a handshake. “I’m Ogechi, nice to meet you today.”

“I’m Ikenga, it’s my pleasure.”

“I know your name and I would like to be friends with you since our offices are close to each other. Here’s my card. Contact me if you need anything or want me to guide you.”

After slipping her card into my palm, she left.

“Ikenga, did you see that? You’ve got a crush already,” Obinna teased.

“Leave me alone, Obinna, I don’t find her attractive.”

We exited the building and saw our Lexus car waiting for us. I muttered a silent “thank you, Lord.” I was glad I learned to drive beforehand, so I drove myself and Obinna home since he didn’t know how to drive.

When we got home, all eyes were on us. Our neighbors in the compound all came out to stare at us. I quickly rushed inside to avoid unnecessary questions and answers from them.


While I was driving home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ikenga. The moment I set my eyes on him today, I fell in love with him instantly. And since that moment, I couldn’t get him off my mind. I noticed how he stared at boss Adamma. What does she have that I don’t have? She isn’t prettier than me.

Ikenga is mine and mine alone, and I will get him at all costs. Not even boss Adamma can take him away from me—it’s a promise.


After showering and having dinner, I couldn’t stop thinking about my boss again. The picture of how beautiful she is kept coming to my memory.

“Obinna,” I called.

“How far, Ikenga?” he replied.

“I think I am in love.”

“Wow, that’s good news. So who is the lucky girl?”

“It’s our boss,” I said.

Immediately I said that, Obinna let out a very loud laugh, making me feel stupid.

“You are such a clown, Ikenga, and I don’t regret laughing at you because you are funny. Next joke, please?”

“Obinna, stop it. I’m not joking. I’m really serious, believe me. The moment I set my eyes on her today was the moment I fell in love with her.”

“Not me thinking you were just admiring her beauty today, Ikenga. Nawa oh.”

“Yes, she is beautiful, but there is this feeling I had when I was staring at her. I have never felt it before, so I knew it’s love.”

“When last did you treat malaria, Ikenga?”

“What does malaria have to do with this discussion?”

“I need to ask because I think you are suffering from malaria.”

“Enough of the jokes, Obinna. Please, let’s be serious here. I really need your advice.”

“Ikenga, I would advise you to do away with any feelings you have for our boss because you sound like you want to take advantage of her because she is rich and beautiful. Let me tell you, the rich don’t value mere words; they value actions. If you want to win her heart, put in more effort to make her company grow. Show her what you’ve got upstairs and she will naturally fall in love with you. If you just rush to tell her your feelings now, she will see you as someone who wants to take advantage of her and she won’t take you seriously.”

“Wow, Obinna, I’m impressed. Thank you so much for your advice. I think I need to slow down for now and do the right thing.”

“That’s what I’m talking about, Ikenga. Instead of you thinking about how we are going to move away from here to a better place, you are thinking about another thing. Aren’t you tired of this place? I’m tired, oh.”

“By tomorrow, let’s get an agent to secure a flat for us so we can both have our separate rooms.”

“You are right, Obinna. It’s high time we upgraded.”

While we were still discussing, we heard a knock at our door.

When we heard the knock at the door, we both looked at each other, wondering who it could be because we weren’t expecting anyone.

“Were you expecting someone?” I asked Obinna.

“I am supposed to ask you that because you are not single, unlike me,” he replied.

“That one concerns you,” I said, and went to check who was knocking.

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see who was standing before me.

Standing before me was Ifeoma my landlord’s daughter, I fondly call her Ify. She was holding plates of food on a tray, and I ushered her in.

Obinna collected the tray of food from her and placed it on the table while Ifeoma sat on one of our plastic chairs.

“Good evening, bro Ikenga and bro Obinna. How was work today? I made you both dinner. I just hope you would love it. Let me take my leave now.”

We thanked her for her kind gesture, and she left.

Immediately after she left, Obinna burst out laughing at me.

“Look at this im.bec.ile. Now, what’s funny? Why are you laughing at me?” I asked Obinna.

“Isn’t it funny and a wonder to you how the almighty Ify, who rejected you in the past, is coming to bring food for us? It’s very funny to me.”

“Me too, I’m surprised oh. I don’t even know what to do with her food because I’m already full.”

“You can as well keep it for tomorrow morning as breakfast.”

“Eh, Ikenga, that reminds me, I think Ogechi has an interest in you oh, or what do you think?”

“I told you before that I don’t find her attractive. Our boss is the only woman occupying my heart right now.”

“But you can as well date Ogechi pending when our boss accepts to date you.”

“I am not greedy, Obinna. I don’t want to have anything to do with Oge because she looks wild and loud. I love my peace of mind, please.”

“If that’s your decision, then no wahala. Let me check out the food this girl brought for us.”

Obinna opened the food and discovered it was fried noodles and chicken garnished with carrot and other vegetables.

“Omoooorr! See food!” Obinna exclaimed.

The aroma of the food filled the room, and I couldn’t help but eat.

While I was eating, I kept wondering why Ifeoma brought this sumptuous meal. Does she want to take a space in my heart because she feels I have arrived?

I then remembered how I constantly begged her to be my girlfriend in the past.

But she turned me down, telling me I can’t take care of her, that she doesn’t date broke guys.

Now here she is, trying to win my heart. She is just wasting her time. I no longer have feelings for her.

After we finished eating, we went to sleep so we could wake up on time for work.


We woke up by 4 a.m. and started getting prepared for work without even making breakfast.

By 5:30 a.m., we were ready to leave for work when Ifeoma ran towards us holding a bag containing food flasks for me.

I couldn’t even ask her questions or reject her offer. I just collected it from her, and we drove off to work.

We arrived at the company a few minutes past 7, all thanks to our new ride.

I went straight to my office to get started with the business of the day, but I was shocked and surprised at what I saw.

I saw flowers, a money bouquet, watches, perfumes, suits, and many other gifts all on my office desk.

At first, I thought I was in the wrong office, but I went closer to check and saw my name boldly crested on my doorpost.

So who could have bought these gifts, I wondered.

Or was it meant for the former employee here, or was the gift meant for another employee, and my office was mistaken for his office?

Several questions flooded my mind, but I couldn’t find answers to them, so I thought of calling Obinna to come help me out.

While I was trying to call Obinna, the door to my office opened.

The door to my office creaked open, and Ogechi walked in, giving me a quick side hug. She leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I turned away swiftly.

“These little gifts are for you. I hope you like them,” she said.

“Ogechi,” I began, trying to keep my tone professional, “today isn’t my birthday, and I’m not celebrating anything. Why all these gifts?”

“Look, Ikenga, these gifts are my way of asking for your friendship. It means a lot to me to be close to you,” she explained.

“Ogechi, I think you’re being too forward. I appreciate the thought, but I can’t accept these gifts,” I responded firmly.

She looked shocked. “You said what?”

“You heard me right, Ogechi. I can’t accept these gifts right now. If you don’t mind, please have them removed from my desk immediately.”

“It’s okay, Ikenga. I’ll have someone come get them,” she said before leaving, shutting the door behind her with a loud thud.

After she left, I felt proud of myself for standing my ground. I didn’t want to feel indebted to her because of some gifts. I quickly snapped a photo of the gifts and sent it to Obinna on WhatsApp.


As soon as I got to my office, I slammed my desk in frustration, scattering everything on it.

“How dare you, Ikenga? How dare you reject my gifts?” I muttered, recalling the effort, money, and time I spent getting those gifts. Tears welled up in my eyes.

“Ikenga, you can run from me, but you can’t hide. I will have you, no matter what. I always get what I want, and you are mine.”


Ever since I saw Ikenga drive in with a new car yesterday, I knew things were getting better for him. I prepared dinner, hoping to remind him that I’m still here for him.

I had turned him down in the past to encourage him to strive for more. Now that he’s doing well, I should be the woman by his side, enjoying his success with him. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and I plan to win Ikenga over with my cooking.


An hour passed, and Ogechi hadn’t sent anyone to retrieve the gifts. I called two janitors to help take them to her office so I could use my desk.

After lunch, I stepped out of my office to grab something to eat. I ran into Obinna just as he was coming to see me.

“Hey, Ikenga, you look down. Was work tough today?”

“Obinna, it’s been a lot. Did you see the photos I sent you?”

“Yeah, did you buy those gifts?”

“No, Ogechi bought them. She said she wants us to be friends, but I turned her down.”

“Ikenga, you shouldn’t have rejected them. At least appreciate her effort by accepting the gifts. They’re expensive, you know.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want anyone, except our boss, to have any expectations of me.”

“Anyway, were you heading for lunch?”

“Yeah, let’s go together.”

“What about the food Ifeoma gave you this morning? Have you eaten it?”

“No, I’m not interested. You can have it if you want.”

As we talked, Ogechi passed by, glaring at me with hatred.

“Good afternoon,” we greeted, but she ignored us and went into her office.

“You see, Ikenga? Now you’ve made an enemy.”

“I don’t care. Let’s go. By the way, did you contact any house agents?”

“Yes, I did. We’ll check out the place this weekend and move in.”

“How much does it cost?”

“A million for one year. I’ve paid already, so we’ll use your money for furniture and other necessities.”

“You’re amazing, Obinna. You’re a good friend and the brother I never had.”

“What are friends for, Ikenga? We’re in this together.”

After our chat, we headed to a nearby eatery for lunch before returning to work.

Saturday of that same week, Tunde and I went to check out our new apartment as planned.

It was a two-bedroom flat, so we arranged for someone to paint and decorate the place.

Later that day, we went shopping to buy some furniture and home appliances for our apartment.

By the time we finished beautifying the apartment, it was already getting late, so we decided to move in the next day, which was Sunday.

When we got home, we immediately started organizing our important valuables and documents to ensure an early move the next day.

While we were arranging our things, there was a knock on the door. I immediately knew who it was.

I opened the door, and my guess was correct; it was Ifeoma.

“Hello, good evening, Ikenga and Obinna. How are you both doing? How was work today?”

“Why are you packing up your things? Are you both traveling?” she asked.

“We are moving to a new apartment tomorrow,” I replied without looking at her face.

“So, Ikenga, you mean you’re leaving me behind without any proper notice at all? Do you hate me that much?”

“Look, Ifeoma, enough with the emotional talk. Gone are the days when I loved you and wanted you to be my girlfriend. Now I am in love with someone else. I no longer have feelings for you.”

“Ikenga, this isn’t fair. You saw and liked me first, but I wasn’t ready to date you. Now you’re in love with someone you just met? Is she more beautiful than me?”

“Look, Ifeoma, I’m not ready for this kind of discussion. I won’t allow you to talk down on the woman I love because you’re not even half her level. So if you don’t mind, please excuse us. You can see we were busy when you came.”

Ifeoma left our room, hissing loudly.

“Ikenga, you were too harsh on the young girl. You don’t have to belittle her just because you want to praise the woman you love,” Obinna remarked.

“Weren’t you aware of how she rejected and humiliated me in the past? If I hadn’t gotten this job, would she be here trying to compare herself with our boss, the woman I love?”

“It’s okay, Ikenga. Just calm down. Everything will be okay soon. Let’s get our things ready so we can move away from here tomorrow. I don’t want to see her again.”


I stormed into my room, muttering angrily to myself.

“Ifeoma, what’s the matter? Why are you looking sad?” my mom asked.

“It’s Ikenga. He said he doesn’t want me anymore and is in love with someone else,” I said, crying.

“Don’t worry, my child. Wipe your tears. I have a plan,” my mom consoled.


We woke up early, as usual, at 4 a.m., and began to load a few of our things into the car.

Within 20 minutes, we were done packing and drove off.

While I was driving, I felt relieved and happy to move into a new, better environment.

We arrived at our new apartment and settled into our respective rooms to arrange our things.

It was a very hectic day for us.

Obinna made dinner of rice and fish stew, and we both ate and went to bed in our respective rooms to rest and prepare for work the next day.

While in my room, I couldn’t stop admiring its beauty. I felt on top of the world, resting on a nice, soft bed in a cool atmosphere.

Then I did the unthinkable—I held one of the pillows close to my chest, caressing it.

“I can’t wait to hold you like this every night, Adamma,” I whispered, caressing her soft, silky hair and constantly kissing her well-shaped lips in my mind.

“I wish you loved me the same way I love you, Adamma, but I promise to wait for your love. I won’t rush you.”

Then I fell asleep, constantly dreaming of myself and Adamma.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. With each passing day, my feelings for my boss, Adamma, grew stronger.

I thought of a way to win her heart and began going the extra mile in my work. If she gave me an assignment due the next day, I would complete it in a few hours just to impress her.

It seemed my plan worked because she started including me in her personal projects and introduced me to many of our clients. Sometimes, I felt like she might love me too. I often caught her staring at me while I worked in her office. During company board meetings, her eyes would always be on me when I spoke about the company’s business and my field of work.

Ogechi, however, wasn’t left out. Ever since I rejected her gifts, I noticed she started dressing like Adamma, from head to toe, every single day. No matter what she did, she could never replace Adamma in my heart.


My employee, Ikenga, has been working with me for five months now, and I must say he is a genius. I’m glad I hired him. Since he joined, he has brought significant changes to the company, and I admire him for that.

But he doesn’t look at me the same way he did when he first started. Could he have lost interest in me and found someone else? Wait a minute… why am I even bothered? Have I fallen in love with him? I exclaimed aloud.

Oh no, Adamma, you can’t fall in love with your employee. He would see you as a cheap boss who dates her staff, I told myself. But then again, maybe it’s not such a bad idea. And I think I have fallen for Ikenga, I thought, smiling to myself.

“Let me ask him out for lunch,” I said, leaving my office.


I was about to go for my lunch break when Ogechi walked into my office.

“Hi, Ikenga,” she said, extending her hand for a handshake.

“Hello, Miss Ogechi,” I replied, briefly shaking her hand.

“You seem to be going out for lunch. Let’s go together, and please don’t turn me down. No strings attached, I promise.”

“It’s okay, Miss Ogechi,” I said.

Then the door to my office opened, and Ogechi quickly grabbed me and kissed me. Before I could react, Adamma spoke.

“Oh, sorry, I came at the wrong time. Seems you two were busy. Have a nice time,” she said, quickly walking away and closing the door behind her.

After she left, I gave Ogechi a stern look. I wanted to sl@p her but controlled myself.

“Ogechi, what was the meaning of that?” I asked angrily.

“Calm down, Ikenga. I was only marking my territory.”

“What territory? Since when did I ever belong to you?”

“Since the day you started working here, Ikenga. From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Please, I want us to be close. Love me back the same way I love you, please.”

“Ogechi, that’s not possible. I’m in love with someone else, and that’s our boss.”

“I knew it!” she exclaimed. “I won’t accept that from you, Ikenga. It’s me or no one.”

After saying that, she left angrily.

After she left, I lost my appetite for lunch. What kind of situation is this? I asked myself.

I rushed to Adamma’s office to explain things and make her understand that I had nothing to do with Ogechi. When I got to her office door, I stood there for close to two minutes because my heart was beating fast. I didn’t know how to face her because I felt like I had cheated on her.

I walked into the office and saw her casually tapping her phone. I wondered why she hadn’t gone for her lunch break as usual.

“Good afternoon, Ma,” I greeted.

“Good afternoon, Ikenga. Is anything the matter?” she asked.

“I’m here to apologize for what you saw earlier. Please, it’s not what you think. I have nothing to do with Ogechi. She has been the one stalking me. Please, it won’t happen again.”

“I don’t get you, Ikenga. Why the explanations? Or is there something I need to know?”

At that moment, I wanted to express my feelings for her but changed my mind.

“It’s nothing, Ma. I just felt you shouldn’t have seen me that way,” I said.

“It’s okay. You can leave now,” she replied.

I left her office feeling relieved and went back to my desk.


After Ikenga left my office, I sank into deep thought. I was expecting him to tell me he loves me, but it didn’t happen.

Seems like he doesn’t love me anyway… maybe he is in love with Ogechi.

I was still lost in my thoughts when Ogechi walked in.

“Hi BOSS, what’s the matter with you? Why didn’t you go for lunch?”

“Ogechi, I would appreciate it if you buttoned up your shirt properly… you can’t go about with your cleavage all out.”

“Oh, sorry, I forgot to button up properly after my romance with Ikenga… hmmm, so sweet.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I wish you both good luck, Ogechi.”

“So, I want to properly inform you that Ikenga is mine now, and you can’t take him away from me.”

“Wait a minute, Ogechi, I don’t get you… is this a thre@t or what? Am I in any way dragging Ikenga with you?”

“Stop the pretense, boss. I’m not a kid… you and I both know perfectly well that you are in love with Ikenga the same way he loves you… and you are the reason he doesn’t love me.”

“Ogechi, I’m confused here, so you mean Ikenga is in love with me?”

“Just forget about it, boss. The most important thing now is that I love Ikenga, and he loves me too.”

I wanted to reply to Ogechi when we started hearing noise outside. Ogechi rushed to check what was happening through the window blinds. After she checked, she just rushed out of my office.

I was confused by her actions, so I went to see for myself through the window blinds. What I saw baffled me, and then I left my office too.


When I got to my office, I saw Obinna already waiting for me, and I wasn’t surprised.

“Where were you? I’ve been here for 30 minutes now waiting for you.”

“Sorry about that, my guy, I went to settle some issues with our boss.”

“Ah ah!!! Settle what issues? Did you make an error in your work?”

“Far from that, Obinna… it was Ogechi again.”

“What has she done this time?” Obinna asked.

Then I narrated what happened earlier with Ogechi and my boss.

“That Ogechi is such a pest. Why is she bent on having you, or should I tell her to stay away from you?”

“No, Obinna, never mind… I’m man enough to handle this issue, and I know this phase shall pass.”

“Anyway, seems like you didn’t even get to have lunch after what you went through this afternoon… I bought us some food, let’s eat.”

“Wow, Obinna, that’s so thoughtful of you… I’m indeed very hungry.”

I was about to eat when we heard the doorbell ring, and our receptionist spoke through it.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Ikenga, sorry to disturb you, but there is a girl named Ifeoma and her mother, Mrs. Grace, wanting to see you. Should I bring them to your office, or would you come out to see them?”

My countenance immediately changed, and I shouted at the receptionist to tell them I’m not around.

Five minutes later, she came back telling me that they have refused to go and want to cause a scene in the company.

I could even hear their voices from my office.

“Haaa, God, what kind of problem is this? What kind of a bad day did I wake up to? How on earth did Ifeoma and her mother know my place of work? What are their motives?”

Obinna encouraged me to just go and see the reason why they came.

I left my office to where they were seated. Immediately, Ifeoma saw me, she ran towards me and held my trouser, shouting at the top of her voice.

“Ikenga, I’ve caught you today! You think you can get me pregnant and run away, right? I will never leave here until you do the needful.”

And then her mother brought out a fake pregnancy result and scan results, showing every worker in the building and telling them that I got her daughter pregnant and ran away.

I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t even say anything because I was still surprised by the sudden accusation.

I mean… I have never had any sexual activity with Ifeoma since I’ve known her, so why did they come up with this accusation suddenly?

To make matters worse, Ifeoma even had a baby bump which made everyone believe her immediately.

Obinna tried his best to defend me, but Ifeoma’s mother fought him seriously and even t@re his shirt.

All the workers in the company came out in numbers, staring at me. I bent my head in shame because I couldn’t face the crowd.

And then Ogechi rushed to Ifeoma, trying to free me from her grip.

But Ifeoma held me tightly, refusing to let go.

“Young lady, please leave my fiancé alone, and let’s sort things out privately,” Ogechi said.

As if Ogechi’s voice @ngered Ifeoma more, she laughed at Ogechi scornfully.

“Oh, I see, so you are the useless girl who made Ikenga run away from me after getting me pregnant, right? Your plans have failed. I am taking my husband back home right now.”

“Young lady, watch your tongue. Don’t talk to me anyhow,” Ogechi replied.

“And what if I don’t? What will you do… you man snatcher?”

Paaa!!! Ogechi slapped Ifeoma, and they went into a fierce fight with Ifeoma sitting on top of Ogechi.

I was about to sneak away from the crowd so I could escape to my office and lock myself in there.

And then I heard the calm and soothing voice of my boss.

“Stop!!!” she said. “I want everyone to go back to their various work positions except Ikenga, Obinna, Ogechi, and these two women.”

As instructed by my boss, everyone departed, leaving us behind.

“You all should please follow me to my office,” she said.

And we all followed, with Ifeoma still holding my trouser.

When we arrived at my employer’s office, we all took our seats, awaiting her to address us. She directed her first question to me.

“Ikenga, do you know this woman? I need you to be completely honest.”

“Yes, ma’am, I do,” I responded.

“How do you know her?” she asked.

“She was the daughter of my former landlord,” I replied.

“Are you responsible for her pregnancy as she claims?”

“No, ma’am, I never even dated her,” I answered. Then Ifeoma interjected.

“Ikenga, are you going to deny me again?”

“Young lady, that’s enough. This is my office, and I won’t tolerate you shouting,” my boss said firmly.

Turning back to me, she asked, “So, Ikenga, how does she know your workplace if you didn’t date her?”

“I don’t know how she found this place, but I am certain I never dated her and I am not responsible for her pregnancy, ma’am.”

“If that’s the case, we’ll conduct a DNA test while the child is still in her womb to determine if you are the father.”

Upon hearing this, Ifeoma’s eyes widened in shock, and she stuttered, “D-DNA?”

“Yes, young lady. We’ll go for the DNA test right now to confirm who the father is.”

“That won’t be necessary, ma’am,” Ifeoma said hesitantly. “Let me be honest. I’m not pregnant.”

Everyone in the office gasped in shock.

“Are you saying there is no pregnancy?” my boss, Adamma, asked Ifeoma.

“Yes, ma’am. I did it to get Ikenga’s attention. He refused to love me and said he loved someone else. Please, I’m sorry.”

I looked at Ifeoma with anger and hurt, thinking of the embarrassment she and her mother had caused me just moments ago.

While Ifeoma was still apologizing, Ogechi quickly called the police.

A few minutes later, the police arrived and took Ifeoma and her mother away.

Ogechi tried to comfort me, but I pulled away from her.

I turned to my boss and, without thinking, ran to give her a hug.

At first, she was surprised, but then she gently rubbed my back.

I admired her even more for the way she handled the situation so smoothly.

She had saved me from embarrassment, and I was grateful to her.

After I let go of her, I muttered a “thank you” and kissed her cheek. She blushed and was too shy to meet my gaze.

Seeing this, Ogechi stormed out of the office angrily, but I didn’t care.

Obinna also left, leaving me alone with my boss.

As I was about to leave her office, she held my hand.

“Do you truly love me, Ikenga?”

To be continued…

But wait a moment! Why do you find it difficult to share, like and comment on this story? Please that’s a very important way of encouraging us to do better. Best regards!

“Yes, Adamma, I love you with all my heart,” I replied.

“I fell in love with you the first day I met you. Please be my woman, Adamma, and I promise you won’t regret it.”

“I love you too, Ikenga, and I accept to be your woman.”

In seconds, we locked lips as if our lives depended on it.

She started unbuttoning my shirt, her hands shaking.

I held her hands, looking into her eyes, searching for any uneasiness, but she kissed me and whispered in my ear.

“Make me feel like a woman, Ikenga.”

I gently unzipped her gown, and it fell off her, leaving only her underwear.

I couldn’t help but admire her beautiful body. “You are very beautiful, inside and out, Adamma,” I said.

“Thank you,” she replied, blushing.

Swiftly, I took off everything I wore, my excitement evident.

She quickly covered her face with her palms, and I wondered what went wrong.

“What is it, Adamma? Are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?” I asked calmly.

“No, Ikenga, it’s just… I have never seen this before,” she said, pointing.

“Wait a minute, Adamma… You mean you’re still a v@rgin?” I asked in surprise.

“Yes, Ikenga. I have been saving myself for the man I will marry.”

“Then let’s wait for our wedding night, my love. I’m not in a hurry,” I said, trying to pick up her clothes.

“No, Ikenga. I am ready to give it to you now. You are the man worthy of it. I can’t wait until our wedding night.”

She kissed me, and we hungrily kissed each other like a couple who hadn’t seen each other for ages.

I gently pressed her chest, and she let out a soft mo@n, her sounds like sweet music to my ears.

I placed my mouth on her, sucking gently as if my life depended on it.

She rubbed my head gently, calling my name.

I took turns kissing her sweet spots and then kissed her lips again, nibbling her ears. I wanted her to feel relaxed and comfortable.

The sound of her soft mo@ns filled the room, and I loved how she called my name. Thank goodness her door was soundproof, so no one could hear any sound outside her office.

After a few minutes, I stopped abruptly. I gently spread her legs and stared at her beautiful honey pot.

She felt awkward and covered her face with her palms again.

“What’s wrong? Are you shy?” I asked.

“Of course I am. Why do you keep staring at me like that?” she asked.

“I’m sorry. I am admiring how beautiful you are, my love,” I said, kissing her lips.

She giggled.

I carried her in a bridal style and placed her on a bed-like sofa in the office. I gently parted her legs, moving my mouth toward her honey pot.

“What are you trying to do?” she asked, trying to stop me.

“Don’t worry, Adamma. You will love what I’m about to do. Trust me.”

I buried my head between her legs, licking and sucking her.

Within a minute, she screamed out loud and released into my mouth, then passed out.

Two minutes later, she woke up. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes, I am. I didn’t understand what just happened to me,” she said.

“Oh, that’s what happens when a woman reaches her climax,” I replied.

“Oh, really? Have you reached yours?” she asked.

“No, I haven’t. You would have to help me reach mine,” I said, smiling m@schievously.

“Come and do what pleases you with me. I’m all yours,” she said.

I gently placed myself against her, rubbing gently to soothe her.

I started pushing in little by little, then quickly went all the way in.

She let out a silent yelp, and I kissed her lips to comfort her.

At first, I moved gently, but as the sweet feelings overwhelmed me, I moved faster.

After some time, I reached my climax, releasing everything inside her.

Exhausted, I dozed off immediately.

After my intimate encounter with Ikenga, we both drifted off to sleep. I woke up an hour later feeling utterly drained.

Initially, I was shocked to find myself and Ikenga n@ked, with our clothes scattered everywhere. As my mind replayed the events of the past hour, I started to cry. I felt deeply ash@med, especially since I was the one who had encouraged Ikenga.

“Adamma, how could you?” I chastised myself. “How could you offer your dignity so cheaply to your employee? A man you’re not even sure loves you. In your office, no less. Are you that desperate and cheap, Adamma?”

A flood of questions overwhelmed me. How would I explain to my parents that I couldn’t keep my body until marriage? How would I face Ikenga? I was certain he would lose respect and love for me. Still shedding tears, I told myself I needed to leave before Ikenga woke up. I couldn’t face him now.

With the little strength I had left, I quickly dressed. I couldn’t even clean up properly because I was still feeling pain. As I stepped out of my office, I saw Obinna. He greeted me, but I couldn’t bring myself to respond. I hurried away, too ashamed to look back.


I had left Ikenga and our boss in her office around 3 PM. By 4 PM, our closing time, I went to check on Ikenga but couldn’t find him in his office.

“Could he have left without me?” I wondered.

I searched outside and saw both his car and our boss’s car still parked. This meant Ikenga was still in the building, likely with our boss. But why was she still in her office at this hour? She usually left before everyone else. Could Ikenga have confessed his feelings to her?

Worried and confused, I went to our boss’s office. I knocked but got no response. The “OPEN” sign was still on the door, indicating she was still inside. Deciding to wait, I sat on the chair facing her door. Ikenga had left his phone in his office, so I couldn’t contact him, and I didn’t want to call our boss.

By almost 7 PM, I was exhausted and hungry but determined to wait for Ikenga. I was the only one left in the building, aside from the security outside. Suddenly, the door to our boss’s office opened. I stood up to greet her, but she ignored me and hurried out, walking unsteadily. I knew something was wrong.

I rushed into her office and found Ikenga sleeping like a de@d m@n, stark n@ked. I woke him up so we could go home since it was already dark.


I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Obinna standing over me, looking angry.

“What are you doing here? How did you get in? Where is my love, Adamma?” I blurted out.

“Your love, Adamma?” Obinna asked. “Sorry, I mean, where is our boss?”

“She left a few minutes ago,” Obinna replied. “Ikenga, get dressed. Let’s go. We’re the only ones left in the building.”

“What?!” I exclaimed, noticing it was past 7 PM. I quickly dressed, and we left the building. I was too exhausted to drive, so I rode with Obinna in his car, and we went home.

As Obinna drove us home, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind since he hadn’t said a word to me. The silence between us was unusual and unsettling, leaving me unable to think clearly.

I thought about Adamma and wondered why she had left so abruptly without informing me. Was something wrong? I tried texting her, but there was no response. I called her, but she didn’t answer.

“What’s going on?” I said aloud. Obinna glanced at me but remained silent.

“Hey, what’s up with you? You’ve been so quiet,” I asked him, but he didn’t respond, so I let it go.

When we got home, I headed straight to the bathroom for a bath. I filled the tub with warm water and sank into it. As I soaked, memories of the good times I’d had with Adamma filled my mind, making me smile.

“Adamma, I promise to cherish and love you forever,” I murmured to myself, smiling.

I was lost in my thoughts when Obinna’s voice pulled me back to reality. “Ikenga, if you know what’s good for you, come out of that bathroom now before I come in there and drag you out. You’ve stressed me enough for today. Come on, let’s eat dinner.”

I heard him walk away, realizing I had spent quite a while thinking about Adamma. I hoped she was okay.

I finished my bath, put on my pajamas, and joined Obinna at the dining table.

“You almost slept in the bathroom. I thought you’d never come out,” he said, m@cking me.

“Obinna, don’t be m@d. I was just thinking about what Ifeoma and her mother did today.”

“You’re lyịng. You think I’m a kid? Tell me what really happened between you and the boss, or do you think I didn’t notice something going on between you two?”

I smiled and told him everything that had happened between Adamma and me at her office.

“Sharp guy!” Obinna hailed. “The great conqueror of women’s hearts.”

“Stop it, Obinna. Which conqueror are you talking about? I didn’t ask for that title,” I protested.

“Look at you…”

“Obinna, stop teasing. The thing is, I tried texting her, but she isn’t responding, and when I called, she didn’t pick up. I’m worried.”

“Leave her alone for now. Maybe she’s too tired to talk. Try calling her in the morning. But I hope she agreed to whatever happened, because the way she left, it seemed like she wasn’t happy about something.”

“But she did agree,” I said, puzzled by what might have gone wrong.

I hurriedly ate my dinner and went to bed, leaving Obinna behind. In my room, I called Adamma again, but she still didn’t answer. I sent several messages, but there was no reply. I muttered a silent prayer for her safety.

I couldn’t sleep, my mind consumed with thoughts of Adamma and what we had done at her office. It wasn’t until 3 AM that I finally drifted off.


When I got home, I went straight to the shower. As the water cascaded over me, memories of what Ikenga and I had done kept replaying in my mind. I started sọbbịng, filled with regret and unhappiness.

I couldn’t even eat dinner. After bathing, I put on my pajamas and lay on my bed, staring into space. Then my phone started ringing. It was Ikenga. He had sent several messages as well.

I angrily put my phone aside and tried to sleep.

Weeks turned into months, and it had been a month since I last saw Adamma. After that evening when something intimate happened between us, she hadn’t returned to work. She didn’t respond to my messages or calls, and I felt lost without her. Life seemed dull, and I couldn’t find joy in anything. Obinna tried his best to cheer me up, but I remained downcast. Ogechi kept trying to get my attention, but I ignored her until she finally gave up.

Life became monotonous and tasteless because the woman I loved was punishing me for reasons unknown to me. Determined to see her again, I decided to find her house even though I didn’t have her address. I vowed to get my woman back.


Since the incident with Ikenga, I had secluded myself at home, too ash@med to face him. I was afraid he’d see me as cheap, so I kept my distance. He even offered to leave the company for my sake if I returned, but I couldn’t bring myself to fire him. I saw his calls and messages but couldn’t respond. My family tried reaching out, but I was too emb@rr@ssed to talk to them.

For the past three days, I had been feeling unwell, vọmịtịng after every meal. I initially thought it was stress, but my elderly housekeeper advised me to see a doctor. So, I went to a nearby hospital.

“Good day, ma’am. How can I help you?” the doctor asked.

“I’m feeling sick. I haven’t been eating well for three days, and I vomit after every meal. What’s wrong with me?” I inquired.

“Can you recall when you last had your period?” the doctor asked.

I realized I hadn’t seen my period this month, and the month was almost over. Panic set in.

“Are you with me, ma’am?” the doctor asked, bringing me back to the present.

“Oh, yes. It came on the 13th of last month, but not this month,” I replied.

The doctor smiled and sent me to a nurse for tests. A few minutes later, the nurse handed me my results with a smile. “Congratulations, ma’am. You’re pregnant.”

I quickly took the result paper and saw “POSITIVE” boldly written. I couldn’t believe it. Tears filled my eyes, and I cried out, “Why is this happening to me?”

The nurses looked puzzled as I left the hospital in sh@me. I managed to drive home and sat cryịng in my car. My housekeeper came out and knocked on the window. “Ma’am, your mother is here. She arrived shortly after you left for the hospital.”

“What?” I exclaimed. “Why is she here without informing me? How will I face her?”

Wiping my tears, I got out of the car. As I approached the house, my mom opened the door and hugged me. “Oh, my dear, what’s wrong? We’ve been worried, so I came to see you. Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yes, Mom. I’m fine,” I lied.

“Adamma, I know you too well. You don’t look fine. Come inside,” she insisted.

Inside, she handed me a glass of milk. “Here, have this and relax. You look tense.”

“Thank you, Mom,” I said, drinking it quickly. After a while, she asked, “What’s wrong, Adamma? You’ve been avoiding our calls for over a month. What happened?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve disappointed you and Dad. Please forgive me,” I said, sọbbịng.

“It’s alright, my child. Just tell me what happened. Talk to me,” she encouraged.

I told her everything about Ikenga and my pregnancy, showing her the test results. “It’s okay, Adamma. Mistakes happen. No one is perfect. Be happy for the little one growing inside you. I don’t want anything to happen to my grandchild,” she said, comforting me.

I felt relieved and hugged my mom. “Should I tell your dad about our grandchild?” she asked.

“No, Mom. Let’s keep this between us,” I pleaded.

“Alright. I’d like to meet the father of my grandchild,” she said, making me blush as I thought of Ikenga.


As the workday drew to a close, I quietly entered Adamma’s office, hoping to find her home address in one of her files.

After searching for a few minutes, I was in luck; I found the address jotted down in a notebook.

I quickly wrote it down on a piece of paper, intending to save it on my GPS once I got to my car.

After ensuring everything was back in place, I left her office.

I found Obinna at the reception and shared my plan to visit Adamma at her house.

“Do you already know where she lives?” Obinna asked.

“No, but I found her address in her office,” I replied.

“How sure are you that the address is correct?”

“I just have a feeling it’s right. If it turns out not to be, I’ll track her through her number.”

“Are you that desperate to see her?”

“More than desperate, Obinna. I feel a strong connection with her right now.”

“Well, good luck, Ikenga. Stay safe.”

Obinna patted my shoulder before leaving.

The sky was darkening, signaling an impending storm, but I was determined to see Adamma today.

I entered my car, entered the address into my GPS, and followed the directions.

After nearly an hour of driving, I arrived at a gated community.

I asked the security guards for directions to Adamma’s apartment.

“Good evening, gentlemen. I’m looking for the apartment of a tall, fair-skinned lady named Adamma.”

“Who is she to you?” they asked.

“She’s my boss,” I replied, stumbling over my words.

They looked at me suspiciously and tried calling Adamma, but she wasn’t answering.

“Young man, she’s not picking up. We can’t let you in without her permission.”

I got out of my car and started pleading with them to let me see Adamma, explaining that I had something important to tell her.

Eventually, they relented and directed me to her apartment.

As I reached Adamma’s apartment, the rain started pouring, but I stepped out of my car, calling her name.

I began shouting at the top of my voice, pleading for her to forgive me and give our relationship a chance.

“Adamma, I know you’re in there! Please forgive me for whatever I’ve done. I feel empty without you. Adamma, I love you deeply. Let’s give love and fate a chance. Please, Adamma!”

I stood in the heavy rain for a long time, professing my love, but there was no response.

My knees weakened, and I knelt down in the rain, crying with all my heart.

Then, I felt a warm hug. Looking up, I saw Adamma crying but unable to look me in the eye. We embraced each other, both crying in the rain.


I was napping in my living room when I heard a car horn outside.

Wondering who it could be, I peeked through my window blinds and instantly recognized the car.

“Is that Ikenga’s car? What is he doing here? How did he find my address?” I wondered in shock.

My fears were confirmed when Ikenga stepped out of his car, looking as handsome as ever. Memories of our time together flooded my mind, filling me with gụịlt and sh@me.

Ikenga kept professing his love and saying sweet words.

Te@rs filled my eyes, but I couldn’t bring myself to face him. Then, I heard my mom’s voice behind me.

“Go and bring your lover in, Adamma. He doesn’t deserve this tọrtụre from you. I can see he truly loves you.”

“Okay, Mom,” I replied.

I ran into the rain and hugged Ikenga. He was surprised to see me, and I hugged him tightly.

I invited him inside to meet my mom.


Adamma’s warm embrace in the rain felt like the weight of the world had lifted off my shoulders. As we stood there, drenched and holding each other, I realized how much I truly needed her. She finally pulled back, te@rs mingling with raindrops on her cheeks.

“Come inside,” she whispered, her voice soft but firm.

We walked together into her apartment, the warmth and light a stark contrast to the storm outside. Her mother stood by the door, watching us with a mixture of relief and concern.

“Mom, this is Ikenga,” Adamma introduced me.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ikenga,” her mother said with a kind smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” I replied, feeling a bit nervous under her scrutinizing gaze.

“Come in and dry off,” she said, leading us to the living room. “You both look like drowned rats.”

Adamma laughed softly, the sound bringing a smile to my face. “I’ll get you some dry clothes,” she said, disappearing into another room.

I stood there, feeling slightly awkward but grateful. Adamma’s mother handed me a towel, and I began drying myself off. Adamma returned with a set of dry clothes—an old but clean T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

“These should fit you,” she said, handing them to me.

“Thank you,” I said, taking the clothes and heading to the bathroom to change. When I returned, I found Adamma and her mother sitting in the living room, waiting for me.

“Ikenga, you can stay here tonight,” Adamma’s mother said. “It’s too dangerous to drive back in this weather.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” I replied, feeling a wave of gratitude. “I appreciate it.”

Adamma showed me to a guest room, the room was cozy, with a small bed and simple decor. “This is where you’ll sleep,” she said, looking a bit shy. “If you need anything, just let me know.”

“I will. Thank you, Adamma,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile.

As the night went on, I lay in bed, listening to the rain and thinking about everything that had happened. I was under the same roof as the woman I loved, and for the first time in a long while, I felt at peace.


After showing Ikenga to the guest room, I retreated to my own room, my mind racing with thoughts. The events of the evening had left me emotionally drained yet strangely elated. I had finally let Ikenga in, and it felt right.

I changed into my nightgown and lay on my bed, but sleep didn’t come easily. My mind kept drifting to Ikenga, just a few rooms away. I wanted to talk to him, to share everything I had kept bottled up inside.

After a while, I couldn’t resist the urge anymore. I quietly slipped out of my room and made my way to the guest room. The door was slightly ajar, and I could see Ikenga lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Ikenga?” I whispered, stepping inside.

He sat up, surprise and concern etched on his face. “Adamma? Is everything okay?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” I admitted, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I needed to talk to you.”

He moved over, making space for me. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Us. Everything. I’ve been so scared, Ikenga. Scared of getting hurt, of losing control. But I can’t keep pushing you away.”

He took my hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. “I’m here, Adamma. I’m not going anywhere.”

We talked for hours, sharing our fears, hopes, and dreams. It was a cathartic experience, and by the end of it, I felt closer to Ikenga than ever before.

The night wore on, and I found myself growing drowsy. Ikenga gently guided me to lie down beside him, and we held each other, finding comfort in each other’s presence. There was a quiet intimacy in the moment, a sense of belonging that neither of us wanted to break.


As the night deepened, I felt Adamma relax in my arms. We didn’t make love that night; it wasn’t about physical intimacy. It was about connecting on a deeper level, building a foundation of trust and understanding.

As the night came to an end, I knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together. Adamma and I were destined to create a lifetime of memories, and I couldn’t wait to start our new chapter as partners, lovers, and soon, husband and wife.

What a great morning? I woke up to find Adamma still asleep beside me, her face peaceful and content. I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake her, and went to freshen up.

I found Adamma’s mother already up and preparing breakfast. “Good morning, ma’am,” I greeted, feeling a bit self-conscious.

Before I could make my way out of the bathroom, Adamma has already disappeared from the room. I know it was for good, so I wasn’t worried. I held on seating back in the room full of appetite to catch a bright morning glimpse of the woman after my heart.

While I sat back in the room with anticipation filling my veins. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow through the window. I was eager to catch a glimpse of the woman who had captivated my heart. Adamma’s presence was like a beacon of light in my life, and I couldn’t wait to see her again.

A gentle knock on my door pulled me from my reverie. Adamma’s soft voice called out, “Breakfast is ready.” I quickly dressed up, feeling a surge of excitement. I dressed in the suit and trousers Adamma had thoughtfully sourced out for me, appreciating her impeccable taste.

When I was ready, I rushed downstairs, my heart racing with anticipation. There, at the dining table, sat Adamma and her mother, already engrossed in a lighthearted conversation.

“Good morning, Mom,” I greeted Adamma’s mother with a respectful bow.

“Good morning, son. Did you sleep well?” she asked with a warm smile.

“Yes, Mom. Thank you,” I replied, my eyes drifting to Adamma, who looked radiant as ever.

I leaned in and gave Adamma a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look beautiful,” I said, unable to hide my admiration.

“And you look handsome, Ikenga,” she responded, her eyes twinkling with affection.

We sat down to breakfast, enjoying the meal like one happy family. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and warmth. After breakfast, I couldn’t bear the thought of being away from Adamma for too long. “Why don’t you come with me to the office today?” I suggested. “That way, I can keep my eyes on you.”

Adamma chuckled, agreeing to my plan. We headed out, and she joined me in my car. As I drove, I shared my plans to introduce her to my mother. Adamma smiled and agreed, making my heart swell with happiness.

When we arrived at the company, I quickly got out and rushed to open the car door for Adamma. She stepped out gracefully, and I offered her my arm. She slid her hand into mine, and we walked into the office together. All eyes were on us, but we paid no attention. The sight of us together must have been quite a spectacle for my colleagues, but I was too proud and happy to care.

The day at the office went by quickly. Adamma stayed by my side, making every moment more enjoyable. By the end of the day, I drove her home and then headed back to my place to meet Obinna.

Three days later, with Adamma’s mother’s blessing, we made the journey to my mom’s house. My mother greeted us with open arms, showering Adamma with praises and prayers. Adamma, in turn, demonstrated her wifely skills, cooking several delicious meals that left us all in awe.

I had never realized just how talented Adamma was in the kitchen. Her culinary creations were nothing short of extraordinary, and I found myself feeling proud to be with such an incredible woman. My mother adored Adamma, pampering her to the point where I felt a pang of jealousy. As an only child, I was used to being the center of my mother’s world. Now, I had to share that love with Adamma, and it was a strange but heartwarming experience.

Adamma and my mother got along so well that it seemed like they had known each other for years. Interestingly, my mother didn’t know that Adamma was the CEO of the company where I worked. I hadn’t mentioned it, hoping Adamma would, but she remained humble and didn’t bring it up. Her humility only made me love her more.

After three wonderful days with my mom, we returned to our usual routines. I dropped Adamma at her house and went home to rest, exhausted from the journey.

At home, I found Obinna waiting for me. We chatted for a while, and I told him about my plan to propose to Adamma on her birthday, which was in two weeks. He wholeheartedly supported my idea, and we brainstormed ways to make the proposal special.

As we were talking, my phone rang. It was Adamma. “Hello, my lovely Adamma. What’s up?” I answered.

“Hi Ikenga. I wanted to let you know that my dad and two brothers just arrived from the U.S., and I’d like you to meet my dad tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll be at your doorstep first thing in the morning.”

“Alright, I need to go now. Bye, I love you,” she said.

“I love you too, my queen,” I replied before she hung up.

“I do love, oh!” Obinna exclaimed, grinning.

“Adamu, go and find your own love instead of admiring mine,” I teased.

“Who says I haven’t found love?” Obinna shot back.

“So, who’s the lucky girl?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“It’s Ogechi,” Obinna said with a sheepish smile.

“Ogechi?” I asked, my eyes widening in surprise. Ogechi was a colleague of ours, and I had always thought she was interested in me.

“Yes, Ikenga, I’ve been in love with Ogechi since we started working together, but I couldn’t tell her because she was interested in you.”

“So, are you two d@ting now?” I asked, intrigued.

“Yeah, we started d@ting a week ago, and we’re deeply in love.”

“That’s great. I wish you both the best. I need to go to bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day. Goodnight, Obinna,” I said, heading to my room and yawning.

As I lay in bed, I thought about how much my life had changed since Adamma entered it. She had brought so much joy and excitement, and I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for us. With a smile on my face, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the beautiful days ahead.

The early morning sun was just beginning to peek through the curtains as I sprang out of bed. Today was the day I had to visit Adamma’s family, and I couldn’t afford any delays. Hastily, I got ready, eager to make a good impression. Obinna was still deep in sleep when I left, so I didn’t bother waking him up.

As I walked to Adamma’s house, my mind was a whirl of thoughts and prayers. “Please, God,” I muttered under my breath, “let Adamma’s father accept me as his son-in-law. I hope he doesn’t think I’m too poor for his daughter.”

When I arrived, I rang the doorbell, and a maid promptly opened the door. She greeted me warmly and led me inside. The house was filled with the aroma of a hearty breakfast, and there, at the dining table, sat Adamma and her family, immersed in their meal.

The moment her father, Mr. Okeke, saw me, he stood up, a broad smile spreading across his face. “Here comes my son-in-law,” he declared, extending his hand for a handshake.

“Good morning, sir,” I greeted, bowing slightly out of respect.

“Stand up, my boy. You’re very respectful,” he said, pulling me up from my bow and giving me a warm hug. He then invited me to join them for breakfast, pointing to a seat next to him.

I felt a wave of relief and importance wash over me. As we ate, the conversation flowed easily. Mr. Okeke was a natural storyteller, regaling us with humorous tales from his youth, including the lengths he went to win over Adamma’s mother, who had been quite the challenge.

His stories were punctuated with laughter, and I found myself completely at ease. The way he wove his tales made everyone at the table feel connected, as if we were all part of one big family.

After breakfast, Mr. Okeke suggested we move to the garden for a more private conversation. A maid soon appeared with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. As he poured the wine, he began to speak.

“You know, Ikenga, Adamma is my only daughter, and she means the world to me. I’ve done my best to raise her well, and now it’s time for her to start a new chapter in her life. I need to make sure she’s with someone who will love and care for her as much as I do.”

I nodded, listening intently. “I understand, sir. I promise to take care of her and make her happy.”

“I already trust you,” he said, handing me a glass of wine. “I’ve heard from Adamma that you’ve made her very happy already. Sharp guy!” He chuckled, giving me a playful nudge.

I couldn’t help but smile. “It wasn’t intentional, sir,” I replied, looking down b@shfully.

“No worries. Now, tell me, when do you plan to get married? I want to see you both happily settled soon.”

“I’m planning to propose to her in two weeks, on her birthday,” I said.

“That’s wonderful! But how can I help?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

“I’d like you all to pretend you forgot her birthday that day. I’ll make sure her coworkers do the same. It’ll be a surprise proposal.”

Mr. Okeke laughed heartily. “You’ve got it, son. Whatever you need for that day, I’m in.”

“Thank you so much, Dad. You’re the best,” I said, feeling a deep sense of gratitude.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about various plans for the future, our conversation flowing effortlessly. By the time I left Adamma’s house, the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over everything. I felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what was to come.

As I walked back home, my mind replayed the day’s events. The warm reception from Adamma’s family, the laughter we shared, and the support from Mr. Okeke filled me with confidence. I was more determined than ever to make Adamma happy and to prove myself worthy of their trust.

Two weeks passed swiftly, and the much-anticipated day of Adamma’s birthday arrived. I, Ikenga, called her parents and siblings early that morning to ensure they remembered our plan to feign ignorance about her birthday. They all eagerly agreed, excited to be part of the surprise.

At the office, I had already conspired with our colleagues to avoid sending any birthday wishes or calls to Adamma. Instead, we had meticulously planned an elaborate surprise engagement party.

At dawn, I called Adamma. After our usual affectionate greetings, I nonchalantly said, “Dress in your best today. I want you to look stunning for me.”

“So, Ikenga, you want to tell me you forgot today is my birthday?” Adamma asked, her voice tinged with disappointment.

“Oh, sorry about that. I’ll wish you a happy birthday when you get to the office, Miss Adamma. Bye for now,” I replied, ending the call abruptly.

As I hung up, a smile crept across my face. I glanced at the engagement ring I had chosen for her. It had cost a small fortune, but for Adamma, it was worth every penny. She was more precious than any gem.

Obinna and I had a quick breakfast and hurriedly left for work to finalize the preparations.


I woke up feeling like a princess—it was my birthday, after all. Ikenga was the first to call, and I blushed, expecting him to sing me a birthday song or at least wish me a happy birthday.

But he didn’t. Instead, he brushed it off, which made me @ngry and hụrt. Did he not love me anymore? I wondered, my heart sinking.

No matter, I thought. If Ikenga doesn’t want to wish me a happy birthday, my family will surely do so.

I took a long bath, dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit, and applied some light makeup. As I descended the stairs, I felt a twinge of excitement mixed with anxiety.

Downstairs, my family was already seated at the dining table, seemingly waiting for me. There were no visible birthday presents or cakes—everything looked normal and mundane.

“Sister Adamma, can you please sit down so we can have breakfast? You’ve kept us waiting too long already,” my kid brother said impatiently.

“Shụt your mouth, br@t! Is that how you wish me a happy birthday?” I snapped.

“That’s enough, Adamma. Sit down and let’s eat,” Mom said, not even glancing at me.

I sat down with them, but no one wished me a happy birthday. I felt a lump in my throat and lost my appetite.

“Dad, did you all forget my birthday, or are you just ignoring it on purpose?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Adamma, eat your food and stop talking at the table. Maintain table manners, please,” Dad replied curtly.

“What table manners, Dad? Since when do you care about table manners?” I retorted, feeling a wave of frụstr@tion.

“Adamma, dear, please eat your food. We’ll go with you to the company afterward. Your dad wants to see how you’re handling things there,” Mom said.

“Mom, you too?” I asked, but they all continued eating without acknowledging my question.

Reluctantly, I ate my breakfast, and soon after, Dad drove us to the company.

When we arrived, I was taken aback. The company was lavishly decorated with my pictures prominently displayed everywhere. It looked like a dream.

My colleagues emerged, holding various gifts—flowers, money bouquets, portraits, cakes—and they all shouted, “Happy birthday, boss!”

I was overwhelmed with emotion, but the biggest surprise was yet to come.


When Adamma arrived with her family, I signaled my colleagues. They stepped forward with the gifts I had arranged for her.

From Adamma’s expression as she stepped out of the car, I could tell she was genuinely impressed and moved. I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Kneeling down, I presented the engagement ring. Adamma’s eyes widened in shock and joy.

“Adamma, my love, the woman who holds my heart. The day I met you was the day my life changed for the better. You brought beauty and joy into my life. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I bless the day I met you. You are a godsend to me.”

Adamma’s eyes filled with te@rs as I continued. “Adamma, I’m not just asking you to marry me; I want you to be my partner for life. Let’s grow old together. Be my wife, and I promise to make you happy forever.”

Adamma extended her hand, and I slipped the ring onto her finger. She knelt beside me, and we embraced and kissed as everyone applauded.


As I stood there, surrounded by the people I loved, my heart swelled with joy. The disappointment of the morning melted away, replaced by pure happiness.

Ikenga’s words echoed in my mind. I looked at the ring on my finger, a symbol of our love and future together. I felt a deep sense of gratitude and love for him.

My family and colleagues gathered around us, showering us with congratulations and warm wishes. The office was filled with laughter, music, and joy.

We spent the rest of the day celebrating. There were games, music, and dancing. My colleagues had even prepared a slideshow of memorable moments from my life, which brought both te@rs and l@ughter.

As the evening drew to a close, Ikenga and I found a quiet moment together. He held my hand and looked into my eyes.

“Adamma, today was just the beginning. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” he said softly.

“I love you, Ikenga,” I replied, my heart full.

We kissed again, sealing our promise to each other.

The party continued, filled with stories, laughter, and love. It was a day I would never forget—a day that marked the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

After proposing to Adamma, we plunged headfirst into wedding preparations and began attending marriage classes. Every moment felt like a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. I informed my family and friends, handing out invitation cards with a sense of pride and joy.

One serene morning, as I was immersed in my work at the office, a gentle knock echoed through the room.

“Come in,” I said, my eyes still glued to the documents on my desk.

The door opened, and to my surprise, Ogechi walked in. “Good morning, Ikenga,” she greeted softly.

I was momentarily taken aback. Ogechi had never addressed me so formally before; it was always a casual “hi” or “hello.” Her change in demeanor was startling.

“Good morning, Ogechi. How are you?” I asked, trying to mask my surprise.

“I’m fine. How is work?” she inquired, her voice steady but with a hint of something unspoken.

“Work is fine. How can I help you?” I responded, my curiosity piqued.

“Ikenga, I’m here to apologize for everything I did to you. Please forgive me. It wasn’t my fault. I was in love with you, but I’ve moved on now,” Ogechi said, her eyes pleading for understanding.

“It’s okay, Ogechi. I understand. We’re all part of one family now. I heard from Obinna that you two are in love. Is that true?” I asked, hoping to put her at ease.

“Yes, I am in love with Obinna. We’ve been dating for a while now,” she said, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

“No problem. I’m happy for you both. I can’t wait to celebrate your wedding,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“You’ll be drinking garri at the wedding,” she joked, her laughter filling the room as she left my office.

After Ogechi left, I couldn’t help but marvel at her transformation. She seemed genuinely happy, a stark contrast to the person I once knew. I realized that Obinna must have played a significant role in her change, and I felt a sense of relief and happiness for both of them.

Meanwhile, I was planning to buy an apartment and pay for it in installments. I wanted to prove to Adamma that I could provide for her and our future children. I shared my plans with Obinna, who generously lent me his savings. Combining his contribution with mine, I purchased a simple yet beautiful bungalow. It wasn’t as grand as Adamma’s house, but it was a cozy and welcoming place to start our family.

A month after proposing to Adamma, we had our traditional marriage, civil wedding, and white wedding. The ceremonies were filled with love, laughter, and the warm presence of our families and friends. After the wedding reception, we moved directly to our new home. Obinna drove us there, his excitement almost as palpable as ours.

“Who owns this house, Ikenga?” Adamma asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

“I bought it for us, my queen. Do you like it?” I asked, eager for her approval.

“I love it. It’s beautiful,” she said, her smile lighting up the room.

I lifted her in a bridal style, carrying her over the threshold. Inside, we followed a path of rose petals leading to our bedroom. When we reached the bedroom door, I turned on the light, revealing a scene straight out of a fairytale.

“Wow! This is lovely,” Adamma exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

“I made it all for you, my queen,” I said, my heart swelling with happiness.

“I love it. Thank you so much, Ikenga,” she whispered, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.

The bedroom was decorated with scented candles, roses, and balloons. On the bed, spelled out in rose petals, were the words, “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ADAMMA, WELCOME HOME.”

Adamma ran to the bed, rolling on it with pure delight. Seeing her so happy made all the effort worth it.

Feeling a bit warm, I quickly took off my wedding suit and rushed to take a shower. The cool water was refreshing, and I took a moment to reflect on the journey that had brought us to this moment. When I finished, I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out of the bathroom. I saw Adamma struggling to unzip her dress, and I hurried over to help her.

“Let me help you with that,” I said, gently unzipping her dress. Our eyes met, and in that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

While I was unzipping her gown, immediately …..

I saw Adamma struggling to unzip her gown, so I quickly rushed to help her.

As I unzipped her gown, the sight of her bare back immediately made my heart race. I couldn’t help myself and pulled Adamma closer, hugging her from behind.

“What’s wrong, Ikenga?” Adamma asked, turning to face me. Her eyes then fell on my evident @rousal, barely concealed by the towel wrapped around me.

“Adamma, please, I…” I stammered, but she placed a hand on my lips and kịssed me.

“I want what you want too, Ikenga. Let me lead the way, my king,” she whispered, gently pushing me onto the bed.

“Wow, it seems my queen has something up her sleeves and is no longer shy. Show me what you’ve got, my queen. I’m all yours,” I said with a grin.

Adamma started to undress slowly, her movements tantalizing. Once she was completely bare, she climbed onto the bed, untied my towel, and tossed it away.

I closed my eyes, anticipating her next move. Suddenly, I felt a warm sensation on my rod. Opening my eyes, I saw Adamma giving me a blọw jọb. A mo@n escaped my lips. She wasn’t perfect yet, but I savored every moment.

After a few minutes, she positioned herself on top of me, ready to ride. I carefully supported her waist with my hands, and we ascended to clọụd nine together.

Adamma twisted and bounced her hips over me with a fervor that made me lose myself in the moment. She rode me for over 30 minutes, eventually reaching her clịm@x and cọll@psịng on top of me.

She woke up soon after, and I gently moved her to the side, laying her on the bed. This time, I was on top of her.

“Ready to go again?” I asked.

“Yes, my king,” she replied.

I brought my head down to her c*nt, licking up her juices first. Then, I started exploring her honey pọt with my tọngụe, which made her mọ@n loudly and call my name.

Within minutes, she came again. It was beautiful to watch her reach her clịm@x.

I then positioned my rod at her entrance, rubbing it gently before sliding in. I rode her like a horse, her c*nt wrapping around my rọd firmly, making me moan in pleasure.

We continued for almost an hour before I finally came inside her. Our bedroom was filled with the mild scents of our mingled fluids.

I carried Adamma to the bathroom so we could shower together. In the shower, I held her close and entered her again from behind. The bathroom was filled with the sounds of our mọ@ns, and I loved every moment.

Afterward, we bathed and went to sleep, holding each other tightly.

The night after our passionate encounter, Adamma and I woke up entwined in each other’s arms, the first rays of dawn streaming through the curtains. I gazed at her sleeping form, admiring the soft rise and fall of her chest, and felt an overwhelming surge of love. Carefully, I disentangled myself, not wanting to wake her, and tiptoed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I decided to make her favorite: fluffy pancakes with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. As the aroma of cooking filled the apartment, I heard Adamma stirring and saw her standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but my shirt from the previous night. Her hair was tousled, and she looked utterly irresistible.

“Good morning, my queen,” I said, setting the table.

“Good morning, Ikenga,” she replied, her voice still husky with sleep. “You didn’t have to do all this.”

“I wanted to,” I said, guiding her to the table. “You deserve to be treated like royalty every day.”

We ate together, sharing bites and stealing kisses between mouthfuls. The moment was perfect, and I wished it could last forever. After breakfast, we decided to spend the day together, away from work and all its stresses. We showered together, our touches tender and loving, then got dressed and headed out.

Our first stop was a quaint little park nearby. We walked hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. We found a secluded spot under a large oak tree and sat down, Adamma leaning against my chest.

“Ikenga,” she began softly, “I want you to know that last night wasn’t just about physical attraction. I’ve fallen for you, deeply.”

Her confession made my heart swell. “Adamma, I feel the same. You’ve become the center of my world, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

She turned to face me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Promise me we’ll always be honest with each other, no matter what.”

“I promise,” I said, sealing it with a kiss.

The rest of the day was a blur of happiness. We visited a small art gallery, where we admired beautiful paintings and sculptures, and had lunch at a cozy café, sharing a decadent chocolate dessert. In the afternoon, we went to the beach, where we walked barefoot on the sand, letting the waves lap at our feet.

As the sun began to set, we sat on a blanket, watching the sky turn shades of pink and orange. Adamma rested her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.

“This is perfect,” she murmured.

“It is,” I agreed, kissing the top of her head.

That evening, we returned home, tired but content. I lit some candles and put on soft music, creating a romantic atmosphere. We danced slowly in the living room, our bodies moving in sync. Adamma looked up at me, her eyes shining with love.

“I love you, Ikenga,” she whispered.

“I love you too, Adamma,” I replied, feeling a sense of completeness.

We made love again that night, our movements slow and deliberate, savoring every touch, every kiss. It was a night filled with love and passion, and it felt like we had crossed a new threshold in our relationship.

As we lay in bed afterward, wrapped in each other’s arms, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Adamma was everything I had ever wanted, and more. I vowed to cherish and protect her, to be the man she deserved.

The next morning, we woke up early, ready to face the world together. We knew challenges lay ahead, but with our love as our foundation, we felt invincible.

As I drove to work, Adamma by my side, I couldn’t help but smile. Life had taken an unexpected turn, but it was the best turn it could have taken. I looked over at her and squeezed her hand, silently promising that our love story was just beginning.

Days, weeks, and months passed, and as time went on, my wife Adamma changed entirely due to her pregn@ncy.

Adamma started having unusual cravings, n@gging all the time, sleeping excessively, and engaging in other unexpected behaviors. I couldn’t wait for her to give birth so that I could have the loving woman I once married back.

I had to stop her from coming to the company for the time being until after she gave birth. Each time she came to the office, she would step on everyone’s toes, and I kept apologizing on her behalf. Most of her employees, who were women, understood her and just laughed off her behavior.

Sometimes, I felt like running away from Adamma, but when I remembered that I made her pregn@nt, I stayed, telling myself that she would change back to the woman I used to know after she gave birth.

One night, I woke up to see Adamma sọbbịng. She was already seven months pregnant at that time. I checked the time; it was 12:30 a.m., and I wondered what was making her c.ry at this hour.

“What’s wrong, my love? Why are you c.rying at this time of the night? Did you have a bad dream?” I asked worriedly, trying to hug her.

“Go away, Ikenga, you pretender! You think I don’t know you asked me to stay at home so you can look at other women at the company because I’m now ugly?” she asked sc*rnfully.

“Oh my God, not again!” I exclaimed.

“I no longer look beautiful to you, Ikenga. Remember, you are the one who made me this way. It won’t be fair if you are chea@tịng on me,” she said, still s*bbing.

For five minutes, I couldn’t say anything to Adamma. I just watched her as she continued to speak. Then, I pulled her close and hugged her. She tried to move away, but I held her tightly, and she stopped resisting.

“My queen, you are the most beautiful woman in my eyes right now. You are so dear to me. The fact that you are still carrying my child shows how strong and beautiful you are. I can never look at another woman the same way I look at you. You are my first priority,” I said, rubbing her hair until she fell asleep. I slept off too.

A month later, I was at the office, busy as usual, when I got a call from Adamma.

“Hello, Ikenga. I don’t understand what is happening to me. I just had a rush of water come out of me, and I feel like pooing. Is this normal?” she asked worriedly over the phone.

It dawned on me that she was about to give birth, but she was only eight months pregnant. How come?

I quickly dropped everything I was doing and called Obinna aside to tell him the latest news. Obinna prayed for a safe delivery for Adamma, and I also called Maami, who told me she was on her way immediately. I called Adamma’s parents, and they were all happy and told me they would be praying for her and would be in Nigeria the next day.

I got home and saw Adamma writhing in p@in. I gently carried her into the car, and we drove to the hospital. When we arrived, the nurses and doctors immediately took Adamma in and attended to her.

After three hours, a doctor came to me, smiling bro@dly and sh@king my hand.

“Congratulations, sir. Your wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.”

I jumped for joy and was extremely happy. We were expecting only a boy; maybe God just decided to reward us with another one.

I rushed to the room where Adamma was, and upon getting there, I saw my babies sleeping soundly. Adamma smiled weakly at me. I hugged her lightly and gave her a kiss on her lips.

“Thank you so much, my love. You didn’t just bear a child for me; you bore children. I am so grateful, my queen,” I said, looking at her face, and she just smiled.

I stared at my babies in their cot, feeling proud to be their father. They were so beautiful to watch. I didn’t want to wake them, so I let them be and kept my focus on Adamma, admiring her strength.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Maami calling. I directed her to the hospital, and some minutes later, she arrived. When Maami came in, she was dancing and singing for joy. She took turns holding her grandchildren and admiring them.

Then, I called Adamma’s parents via video call. They were jubilant, seeing the babies and Adamma in good health.

After a day in the hospital, we were discharged and went home. Adamma’s parents and siblings all came from the U.S., and our house was filled with moments of celebration, joy, and laughter. Our babies kept receiving gifts from people around us, and we were proud of them.

On the day of the naming ceremony of our twins, people came from far and near to share in our joy. It was a memorable day for us. Obinna never stopped reminding me of how he once called me “Papa Ejima,” and I laughed over it, asking him to be a prophet.

Three months later, Obinna and Ogechi gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, and we all lived as one family, birthing more kids to our satisfaction.


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