“I don’t know why you my friends call the woman i love and want to marry Miss Cougar,” He asked and one of his friends jeered,

“The day you will understand that you are about to marry a woman who is older than you you will understand. She is an old cargo who is tired of life and her sins and you have become her last resort.”

“I don’t care, but stop calling my woman an old cargo i love her.”

Fonjo’s friends couldn’t understand why a young handsome man ended up getting married to an old maid older than him as if he was not a handsome dude with so many potentials.

That was when Fonjo recounted his story how he made Lady Kemjei. The woman of his dreams. According to him;

As a primary school teacher he loved Shulika so much and since she was always busy selling at a certain woman’s cosmetic and fashion shop she was always occupied. But most of the times she turned down his dates but he love her still. Everyday he will call her countless times,

“Helo Shuli,”

“What is it again,” i just wanted to hear your voice,” he will say with excitement but Shuli will stain his heart with her low esteem for him,

“How many times will you call me just to hear my voice,”

“It is because i love you Shu,”

He called her pet names but she couldn’t stand ending up with an ordinary primary school teacher. Forgetting that he was a university graduate but just the condition of the country he stoop low to fent for himself instead of being useless and irresponsible but Shuli never had his time.

Until one day Fonjo decided to pay her a surprising visit in the shop she was a sales-girl because he had been asking for a dinner date after work to her in vain.

It was a few minutes to her closing time and even bought her some shawaman.

When he got there Shulika was like,

“Have i not warn you never come here without my permission, please leave,” and Fonjo dropped one of his knees pleading for Shulika to hear him out but she snubbed, sighed and left him on the ground right in front of her boss.

Fonjo was 33 years old, Shulika was a 25 year old firsts degree holder who just graduated. Her boss who treated her like a friend pleaded inside the shop while Fonjo was still kneeling outside,

“I have been there, listen to that caring young man, there is nothing there,”

“Where have you been madam?”

“I played the same life and when i thought i was ripe for marriage and getting to 31 i started running after men but never got the right man again. I dumped my boyfriend who cared so much for me, six years ago for flashy rides. Look at me today the rest of them only used me and dumped, be careful,” but she never listened and thought she was untop of the world.

“I am not you madam, sorry,” she said politely and a few seconds a big black jeep honked outside and Shulika walked passed Fonjo still on his knee, entered the car standing outside and it drove away, obviously with a very older man.

Her boss popular called Lady Kemjei happened to be the softer and more experience woman. She had no child, no husband and her only baby was her shop. She was tired dating men who could not be her own. She had pity for Fonjo, walked out and help him up. Sat him down beside her and they chatted,

“Don’t mind my dear she will come to her senses one day,”

“For how long,”

“Just be patient,”

“Do you know how many years i have dated her.”

Unfortunately the kind older woman was 35 years old and Fonjo was 33.

But it is was not her fault or his, that one thing let to another and they fell in love with each other in the future.

I am preparing a wonderful story soon for you my readers but it will take many days so i wrote this. Should i continue with this one or not?

Your response will bring next chapter today. Make sure you you spread this story by sending to others if truly you want more.

Should i continue. If yes don’t only say yes; send to someone now to learn from.

“I don’t know why you my friends call the woman i love and want to marry Miss Cougar,” He asked and one of his friends jeered,

“The day you will understand that you are about to marry a woman who is older than you you will understand. She is an old cargo who is tired of life and her sins and you have become her last resort.”

“I don’t care, but stop calling my woman an old cargo i love her.”

Fonjo’s friends couldn’t understand why a young handsome man ended up getting married to an old maid older than him as if he was not a handsome dude with so many potentials.

That was when Fonjo recounted his story how he made Lady Kemjei. The woman of his dreams. According to him;

As a primary school teacher he loved Shulika so much and since she was always busy selling at a certain woman’s cosmetic and fashion shop she was always occupied. But most of the times she turned down his dates but he love her still. Everyday he will call her countless times,

“Helo Shuli,”

“What is it again,” i just wanted to hear your voice,” he will say with excitement but Shuli will stain his heart with her low esteem for him,

“How many times will you call me just to hear my voice,”

“It is because i love you Shu,”

He called her pet names but she couldn’t stand ending up with an ordinary primary school teacher. Forgetting that he was a university graduate but just the condition of the country he stoop low to fent for himself instead of being useless and irresponsible but Shuli never had his time.

Until one day Fonjo decided to pay her a surprising visit in the shop she was a sales-girl because he had been asking for a dinner date after work to her in vain.

It was a few minutes to her closing time and even bought her some shawaman.

When he got there Shulika was like,

“Have i not warn you never come here without my permission, please leave,” and Fonjo dropped one of his knees pleading for Shulika to hear him out but she snubbed, sighed and left him on the ground right in front of her boss.

Fonjo was 33 years old, Shulika was a 25 year old firsts degree holder who just graduated. Her boss who treated her like a friend pleaded inside the shop while Fonjo was still kneeling outside,

“I have been there, listen to that caring young man, there is nothing there,”

“Where have you been madam?”

“I played the same life and when i thought i was ripe for marriage and getting to 31 i started running after men but never got the right man again. I dumped my boyfriend who cared so much for me, six years ago for flashy rides. Look at me today the rest of them only used me and dumped, be careful,” but she never listened and thought she was untop of the world.

“I am not you madam, sorry,” she said politely and a few seconds a big black jeep honked outside and Shulika walked passed Fonjo still on his knee, entered the car standing outside and it drove away, obviously with a very older man.

Her boss popular called Lady Kemjei happened to be the softer and more experience woman. She had no child, no husband and her only baby was her shop. She was tired dating men who could not be her own. She had pity for Fonjo, walked out and help him up. Sat him down beside her and they chatted,

“Don’t mind my dear she will come to her senses one day,”

“For how long,”

“Just be patient,”

“Do you know how many years i have dated her.”

Unfortunately the kind older woman was 35 years old and Fonjo was 33.

But it is was not her fault or his, that one thing let to another and they fell in love with each other in the future.

I am preparing a wonderful story soon for you my readers but it will take many days so i wrote this. Should i continue with this one or not?

Your response will bring next chapter today. Make sure you you spread this story by sending to others if truly you want more.

Should i continue. If yes don’t only say yes; send to someone now to learn from.

While they sat there chatting she pat her soft hands on his laps,

“Please don’t mind, you can always talk to me,”

“What will i do with this?” He referred to the Sharwaman but she said, “Why not savor it and forget about her for now,”

“I lost my appetite,” and she teased him, “I don’t know last, a guy remembered me or came begging on his knees for me. I envy her,”

And he felt tremble on his heart ans pity for her. Who desired a guy like her, as she added,

“But you are younger,”

“You lie, you look young,” he insisted and she asked,

“How many years do you think i am,”

“30 years,”

“Ha ha,” she laughed and notified, “I am 35 years. I be na mammy,”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, unmarried women always say their exact age if they are genuine though i wish i was younger.” Then they shared the Sharwaman and he sat there till she closed the shop. But before he left he asked her,

“Do you have a business social media platform like on phase-book,”

“Why ask,”

“A beautiful lady with a wonderful face like you should have one. Just that smile on your face is a business asset and start creating awareness about your commodities. You can digitalized it,”

“I don’t know how to create one,”

“Next time i will teach you.”

That was how Shulika’s boss became his friend and unintentionally they started texting each other just for courtesy until she recalled he had promised to help and teach her how to expand her clients online.

They ended up talking for a long time as she tried creating her own pge. She didn’t know the right picture to use for the background and the profile untill he asked her to send. He chose some amazing two and decided to keep one on her phone as the wall-paper.

Lady Kemjei was the one he called when Shulika hurt him. And what was friendship was nortured to something deeper accidentally.

I am preparing a wonderful story for you soon.

He invited Shulika and ask who was the man who picked her the other day in front of him and she said,

“He was my uncle,”

“And you never introduced him to me that day, you are my girlfriend and i have asked you to marry me but you keep on telling me to wait,”

“That is the reason i cannot introduce you to my uncle because he hate nobodies,”

“Are you calling me a nobody,”

“Don’t you see it, a Millionaire and a primary school teacher. How does it sound, like Newyok city and your backward village.”

“You are really an ingrate where was your uncle when i was assisting you in school,”

“Do you know what. Count all your chicken change you spent on me let me pay you.”

He was mad at her and when she went away leaving him there stranded on their date day, he spoke to Lady Kemjei who comforted him. Even called Shulika and talk to her but she will give deaf ears.

She kept on maltreating him though he kept begging her and she was growing wings ready to fly. When was warned she threatened,

“If you don’t let me be, ready for this relationship to end.”

And he begged again making her feel untop of the world.

Lady Kemjei was his comforter and friend. Her voice was soft, calmed his wrath, her smile was appeasing and abased his rage.

He started liking the smile on her face untill he decided to keep her picture on his phone’s paper-wall.

Even Kemjei didn’t know that each time Shulika made him angry he just looked at her smiling face on his phone’s screen and smile. She was older but made him feel better. He didn’t know what was happening to him till one day he was fade up with Shulika’s behavior and decided to go asked her if she wanted to end the relationship.

He got there and begged her but she said,

“I don’t care, i am still with you because of pity. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Send to arleast 50 people for next episode to come..

TO  BE COUNTINUE…..(part #02)