I’m a small town there live a family of 4, Mr and Mrs Samuel with their adorable kids.

Mary and Martha, Mary and Martha are both twins,Mary is few minutes older than Martha.

They both did everything together,went to same school,same church,wear same colour of clothes.

Everyone who see them wish to give birth to twins.

It’s finally time to study in the university, Mary wish to study in the faculty of Art,but Martha preferred faculty of BMS(basic medical science)

Both didn’t go with one choice of course after all they are two different distinctive personalities.

Martha struggled while studying while Mary flourish in her field.

During the holidays,both kids went home, Martha always complain about her department, how difficult and frustrating it is for her,she told her parents if she does not see changes,she will drop out and start all over again.mary in the other hand does not complain because she is making good grades.

Mary is already in her final year,but Martha had to start all over again, but this time she went for science courses.

Mary graduated with a good grade,she is a 2:1(second class upper) student.

When her parents saw the results,they were so happy and had a sense of fulfillment.

Martha celebrated her sister’s happiness.

Few years later, Mary got a job as a producer in a movie production company,while Martha couldn’t graduate.

Martha came back home without any result,this got her parents angry,after spending so much on her, her mum made her understand she is good for nothing she should learn from her sister. Martha cried all through the day,before Mary returned back from work.

When Mary entered their room,she noticed her sister is back home, she tried talking to her but she isn’t responding.

Mary went to her parents room to find out why Martha refuse talking to her,but she only got bad news that her sister came back home without a result. It hurt Mary so much and went to console her sister.

The next day,Mary suggested to her sister, since both of them have same face,she can work with her result,she will just brush her up on topics that involves theatre Arts. This made Martha relief,she read so many books about theatre Arts, and she was able to catch up pretty fast.

The next month,Martha set out to get a job, luckily for her, she got a nice job which just required her to write scripts for a production house, she became happy, she quickly called Mary to inform her,both sister were happy.

Martha had no idea on how to write scripts, Mary enlighten her but she wasn’t grabbing anything,so Mary decided to always write the script for her during the night,in the morning when she goes to work, everyone always appreciate her work.

Note Martha is working with Mary document,her name at work is Mary not Martha.

Mary helped Martha allot in writing different scripts, this made Martha to win so many hearts in the office, including the heart of one of their sponsor.

A cute, charming young rich guy named Henry.

Henry feel in love with how unique Martha(Mary) write her scripts and end up making so much money for them, anyone who follow the story line of the scripts always enjoy it, unknown to Henry Martha does not write anything neither is her name Mary.

She is just using her elder sister’s credentials because both have same face.

Mary also was making way in her office,she was given different awards and this brought her allot of wealth.

She quickly build a bungalow house for her parents and herself.

They all moved to a new house.

One day Mr Sam(Mary’s father)called Mary to come sit down, he told Mary she had achieve allot,it’s time for her to start planning how to settle down before money get to her head too much,Mary smiled and told her father that she will think about it.

Both father and daughter smiled.

At Martha working place,there is urgent need to write a script,this time Martha needed to write the scripts in the office,Martha started shaking, she quickly went out and informed her sister of what is happening currently.

Mary tried calming her down, and she suggested they should swap place, which both sister did successful.

Mary went to Martha office and wrote the scripts,after writing Henry came to her office,asked her for a dinner date that evening.

Mary smiled and said she can’t make it,that she would be going to church that evening, Henry said how about the next day, she replied I will get back to you

(Henry had no idea this is the real Mary).

Mary left,she inform her sister to come swap clothes with her so she can return back to work.

They both swap,when Mary got to work,she received a shock of her life, Martha was asked by Mary’s boss to direct a movie she ignored and this got her boss angry then fired her immediately

Note,Martha had no idea of this things,she just had little knowledge of science. Mary tried explaining herself to her boss, but her boss said success has entered her head that’s why she does not have respect. Her boss told her to take her stuff from her office,then she should get lost,Mary became shattered, her parents no longer work,she does everything herself,Martha only bring little money home.

When she got home,her parents were surprise that Mary barely return this early,they asked her why she came home this early,she explained it’s cause her office gave her leave.

She will be on leave for 2 months,this made her parents happy, At least she will rest and have time for herself,but deep down Mary is hurt,she does not wish to see sadness on her parents faces that’s why she l!ed.

Later in the evening,Martha came back from work,she is all Happy. She got a bonus from work because of the scripts her sister wrote that day, but with all this happiness in the air,Mary wasn’t happy.

Martha noticed,she asked mary what happened,Mary told her she lost her job and she does not know how to cater for the home if the money in her savings account finish. Martha sympathize with her, and also strike a deal with her.

That if it’s time to write script during the day,she would come to her office and help her,both will share her salary,note,Martha salary is very little compare to what Mary earn in her former office.

As Mary and Martha continued to swap places, Mary began to understand the dynamics of the office and who was who. Meanwhile, Martha lost interest in going to the office as often as before. Mary found herself taking on all the workload, while Martha seemed to avoid it altogether.

Henry started to constantly pester Mary for dates, and despite her initial refusal, Mary eventually gave in.

Despite Mary’s initial reluctance, she went on numerous dates with Henry, and over time, they developed deep feelings for each other. Unknown to Henry, he was actually interacting with twins.

As their love blossomed, Mary couldn’t contain her emotions. She forgot that she was supposed to be impersonating Martha in the office, and she began to act as herself, blurring the lines between her identity and her sister’s professional life.

When Mary got home from work,she couldn’t sleep,she woke up Martha and told her she can’t do this anymore.

She can’t go to her office,

She can only help her from home,Martha asked why? Mary said because she wants to look for her own work,but deep down Mary want to avoid Henry.

Martha, feeling l@zy, resorted to emotional blackmail to convince Mary to stay, promising that after a month, she would return fully. Mary, feeling pressured, gave in again. She continued her work in Martha’s office, but Henry’s frequent visits made her restless. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Martha deserved to deal with all of this, not her.

Henry wanted Mary to see where he lived because he cared about her a lot. Mary agreed to visit Henry’s home because she had strong feelings for him too. After they finished work, Henry and Mary went to Henry’s mansion. It was a beautiful place with a big garden and a fancy front door. When they arrived, Henry’s parents were waiting for them in the living room. Henry introduced Mary to his parents, saying, “This is Mary, the lady I want to spend my life with.”I would wish to marry her as son as possible. His parents smiled warmly and hugged Mary, showing that they were happy for Henry and Mary’s relationship.

Henry invited Mary to his room, and they both went upstairs. However, once they were upstairs, Mary and Henry started arguing. Mary expressed her frustration, saying, “You didn’t tell me we were coming here to meet your parents! And you didn’t mention anything about marriage. Why did you tell your parents that I’m the one you want to marry?” Henry tried to calm Mary down, but she was too angry to listen.

Henry knelt down and said to Mary, “Please, calm down. I love you, and you love me. So, why can’t we think about getting married?” Mary replied, “Everything is happening too quickly.” After a few minutes, Mary felt better and calmed down.

Mary realized it was getting late and said she needed to go home. Suddenly, Henry pulled out a ring from his pocket and asked Mary to marry him. Mary was shocked and speechless. She couldn’t believe it. But when she tried to refuse, Henry kept kneeling and begging her to accept the ring. Mary felt torn between two difficult choices. Finally, she told Henry to stand up, but she refused to give in to his request.

After much begging, Mary finally accepted the ring, and Henry hugged her tightly. Henry began kissing her, and even though Mary said no, her words didn’t stop him. Before they knew it, they were both n@k*d and made love that night. They fell asleep and woke up the next day together.

Meanwhile, at Mary’s house, Martha and her parents were worried because Mary never slept out before. They called and sent text messages, but there was no reply because Henry had put both of their phones on silent.

The next morning, Mary woke up in Henry’s arms, both of them n@k*d. She quickly rushed to put on her clothes.

Confused, Mary asked Henry why she was n@ked. Henry explained that they had made love the night before. Mary was shocked and upset, accusing Henry of tricking her.

Henry tried to explain, but Mary wasn’t ready to listen. She felt betrayed and deceived by Henry’s actions.

Mary took the ring from her hand and handed it back to Henry. Frustrated by Mary’s reaction, Henry grew tired of the drama and asked her why she was treating him like this. He questioned whether she truly loved him.Mary tearfully confessed that she did love him, but everything was moving too fast for her to handle. She apologized to Henry, saying she couldn’t continue.

Henry told Mary that if she leave the room without taking the ring he gave her, he would ki!! himself. Mary shouted at Henry, begging him not to say such scary things. She told him that if he d!ed, she would be lost without him. Mary hugged Henry tightly, and he put the ring back on her finger.

This time, Mary kissed Henry willingly, and they shared another round of passionate lovemaking because they were deeply in love.

When Mary woke up, it was already past 6 pm. She checked her phone and saw many missed calls from her parents, her office, and her sister. Realizing she had been away for a long time, she quickly got dressed and went home.

When Mary got home, her parents were very angry. She explained that she went for an outside work assignment, but her dad reminded her that she had told them she was on leave, so how could she be working?

Mary quickly explained that she had received an urgent call, so she went to work. Her parents accepted her explanation and welcomed her home. They asked her to freshen up and join them at the dining table.

Martha asked Mary why she stayed at work for so long. Mary replied that the workload was too much, which is why she ended up staying late.

Mary went to the bathroom to bathe, and while there, she started remembering how Henry had been romancing and kissing her. A smile spread across her face at the memory.

When she came out of the bathroom, Mary called Martha to tell her something important. They both sat down, and Mary confessed to Martha that she is in love. Martha smiled and teased her sister affectionately. In turn, Martha revealed to Mary that she is also in love but hadn’t yet told the person she cared about. The sisters shared a moment of joy as they smiled at each other, happy to have each other’s support.

Martha told Mary to bring the guy she is in love with to the house so their parents could meet him, and so she could get to know him too. Mary hesitated, saying that Martha already knew him. Martha asked who it was, and Mary replied, “Henry, the one from your office.”

Martha was shocked and raised her voice, asking how it could be possible. Mary became terrified at Martha’s reaction. Martha insisted that it couldn’t be true, as she herself is in love with Henry and couldn’t imagine leaving him for anyone else. She accused Mary of betraying her trust, saying that she had sent her to the office to help, not to fall in love with her man.

Martha started raising her voice, and Mary begged her to calm down. Mary explained that she didn’t know Martha liked Henry. If she had known, she wouldn’t have pursued him. Martha, still upset, told Mary that she would never be allowed to go to her office again. She emphasized that she couldn’t give up Henry, as she was deeply in love with him.

Mary pleaded with Martha to let her be with Henry, explaining that she loved him dearly and that Henry had already proposed to her. However, Martha refused to listen.

The next day, Martha went to the office, unaware that Henry was also there to discuss the next project he would be sponsoring.

As Henry entered Mary’s (Martha’s) office, he hugged f@ke Mary (Martha) from behind, feeling a strange sensation but quickly brushed it off when his phone rang. It was his dad, asking him to pick up his grandma from the airport. Henry hurriedly rushed out, promising f@ke Mary (Martha) that he would return soon.

Meanwhile, Mary (real Mary)walked along the road lost in thought, pondering over what her sister had said. Unknown to her, Henry was driving towards her at full speed, eager to pick up his grandma and then return to spend time with who he thought was Mary in the office.

With the high speed, Henry accidentally knocked Mary with his car as she crossed the road without checking. Henry immediately got out of the car and realized it was Mary he had injured. He quickly rushed her to the hospital.

The hospital staff acted swiftly, and Henry couldn’t help but wonder how Mary had left the office and changed her clothes so quickly. After a few minutes, when Mary woke up, Henry urged her to rest and assured her that he would be back. He hurried to the airport to pick up his grandma and then rushed to the office to drop off a document.

Henry was surprised to see Mary(fake Mary!Martha) at the office, and he couldn’t help but wonder if his mind was playing tricks on him. Doubtful, he called a nurse at the hospital to inquire about the lady he had brought in. The nurse informed him that she was currently sleeping in her bed.

Henry quickly rushed back to the hospital, eager to ensure Mary’s well-being and to make sense of the confusing situation.

Henry sat in the hospital room, keeping an eye on Mary as she slept. After a few hours, she stirred awake. “Mary, are you okay?” Henry asked, concern lacing his voice.

“Yes, baby, I’m fine,” Mary replied softly.

“But if you’re here, then who’s in the office?” he inquired, feeling puzzled.

Mary assured him she would explain later, prompting Henry to urge her to start explaining now.

Just then, the doctor entered the room and informed them that Mary could be discharged from the hospital. Henry’s confusion deepened as he awaited Mary’s explanation.

Mary had a minor head injury, so Henry took her to his house. In Henry’s room, he asked her to explain. Mary asked for forgiveness and revealed she is an identical twin. Henry was surprised but urged her to continue.

Mary explained how she and Martha would often swap places, with Mary taking on Martha’s responsibilities. She confessed to writing scripts for Martha and revealed that she had lost her job because of it. Mary also disclosed that she had been working at Martha’s office for some time.

Henry got really mad when he heard Mary’s confession. He told her she had deceived him and should have been honest from the start. Henry was upset because Mary’s actions had led him to hug her sister without knowing. Mary begged Henry to forgive her, saying she truly loved him, but he wasn’t ready to forgive her yet.

Mary cried a lot, but Henry didn’t change his mind. Eventually, Mary started getting a headache and decided to go home. Henry offered to take her home, but she said no. So, Mary went home without Henry forgiving her.

When Mary returned home, her mom noticed the bandage on her head and asked what happened. Mary simply said she had a minor injury. She went to her room, took a bath, and fell asleep.

Later, when Martha returned from work, she saw her sister sleeping and decided to move her belongings to another room. Their parents saw Martha moving and asked why. Martha explained that since there were plenty of rooms in the house, she didn’t see the need to share a room with Mary anymore. Their parents agreed and allowed Martha to have her own space.

The following day, Mary called Henry, expressing her desire to see him. However, Henry refused, stating he didn’t want to see her. This rejection caused Mary to cry. Despite Henry’s refusal, Mary decided to visit his house without informing him. Upon arriving, she was welcomed by Henry’s family, who inquired about her health and her family’s well-being. Mary assured them that everyone is fine, including herself.

Mary then went upstairs to Henry’s room without hesitation. When Henry saw her, he demanded that she leave. However, Mary calmly explained that she hadn’t come to stay. She took off Henry’s ring from her finger and placed it on the bed before silently leaving the room.

Henry called out to Mary, pleading for her to come back, but she refused. Determined, Henry followed her downstairs and confessed, “I’m angry with you, but I haven’t stopped loving you.” He questioned why Mary always took off his ring from her finger, urging her to keep it.

Mary, however, stood her ground. She insisted that she wouldn’t keep the ring until Henry stopped being angry with her. With those words, she left the house, leaving Henry feeling frustrated and angry with himself.

In an attempt to calm his emotions, Henry took a bath and then headed to work, still grappling with the unresolved feelings between him and Mary.

When Henry arrived at work, the manager approached him to discuss the budget for the new production. After being informed of the cost, Henry quickly wrote a check and left the building.

As Henry was leaving, Martha rushed up to him. She said, “You didn’t come to see me in my office, and you hardly spend time with me anymore.” Henry just hissed and walked away without saying anything.

Inside his car, Henry called Mary, but she refused to pick up. Determined to speak with her, he drove to Mary’s house. Upon arrival, Mary’s parents warmly welcomed him. Henry introduced himself as Mary’s friend and expressed his intention to come with his family to ask for Mary’s hand in marriage. This news brought a great smile to Mary’s father’s face.

Mary then emerged from her room, and her father informed her of Henry’s proposal. When asked if she knew him, Mary replied affirmatively. Mary’s parents left the sitting room, giving Henry and Mary the opportunity to talk alone.

Mary questioned Henry about his presence in her house, to which Henry apologized, admitting he had gotten unnecessarily angry. He expressed his remorse to Mary and placed the ring back on her finger before leaving.

Later, when Martha returned from work, Mary approached her in her room and pleaded for forgiveness. She explained that Henry had visited their parents’ house earlier and asked for her hand in marriage. Martha, still remembering Henry’s dismissal earlier, asked if he knew about their twin situation. Mary assured her that she had told Henry everything.

In light of Mary’s honesty and Henry’s gesture of reconciliation, Martha accepted Mary’s request and agreed to let her have Henry.

Mary hugged her sister tightly, filled with happiness. However, Martha’s reaction was different. She wasn’t pleased and vowed to deal with her sister.

Henry, along with his parents and other relatives, traveled a long distance to visit Mary’s parents. They brought many gifts and jewelry with them as presents. When Martha, saw the lavish gifts, she felt very jealous and resentful. Henry’s parents noticed Mary and Martha’s striking resemblance to each other, which surprised them. After meeting and discussing, they decided on a date for Henry and Mary’s wedding. Then, everyone went back to their own homes.

Mary generously shared many of her gifts and pieces of jewelry with Martha, who accepted them outwardly but harbored envy deep inside. Martha desired all the attention and affection that Mary received from Henry and their soon-to-be in-laws. Secretly, Martha conspired with a group of cr!m!n@ls to k*dn@p her sister on the day of the wedding. Her plan was to impersonate Mary, wear her wedding gown, and marry Henry in her place.

As the day of the wedding arrived, the excitement in the air was palpable. Mary looked stunning after the makeup artist worked their magic, enhancing her beauty even more. The anticipation of the ceremony filled the venue with an electrifying energy.

Henry,his family and his friends waited at the courthouse for Mary and her family. Mary rode in the car Henry sent for her, along with her father. They were on their way to the wedding venue.

In another car, Martha, her mother, and some relatives were also heading to the venue. Martha tried to call the g@ng to carry out her plan, but they were sleeping and didn’t answer.

Mary arrived at the venue and exchanged vows with Henry. Their wedding went smoothly without any issues. Everyone, including Martha despite her anger, applauded them happily.

After the wedding, everyone headed to the reception venue. When Martha arrived, she attempted to call the g@ng again. Finally, someone answered, but Martha’s frustration boiled over, and she lashed out at them, calling them u$ele** before abruptly ending the call.

Consumed by anger, Martha struggled to come up with a plan to hurt Mary, but nothing came to mind. Despite her bitterness, the reception proceeded smoothly, with Mary and Henry being bid farewell by her parents at the end of the celebration. Eventually, everyone dispersed, returning to their respective homes.

The marriage festivities left Henry and Mary feeling exhausted from all the dancing. Meanwhile, Martha lay in her bed, restless and consumed by thoughts of betrayal. Tears streamed down her face as she vowed to make Mary’s life miserable, determined to ensure her sister’s happiness remained out of reach.

The next morning, Henry awoke early, gazing at his beloved wife, Mary, with admiration. As Mary stirred awake and caught sight of Henry’s loving gaze, a smile graced her lips. “Good morning, baby,” she greeted him warmly. Henry returned the sentiment, saying, “Good morning, my love,” sealing the morning with affectionate words.

Mary attempted to get up to freshen up and prepare food for everyone at home, but Henry insisted otherwise. He declared that since nothing happened between them on their wedding night, the entire day would serve as their wedding night. Mary smiled at his playful declaration but attempted to leave, only for Henry to pull her back onto the bed, initiating a tender moment of kissing and intimacy.

In the warmth of their embrace, Mary reciprocated, holding her husband close as they shared passionate love. Exhausted from their encounter, they eventually drifted off to sleep once more.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Henry’s grandmother instructed a maid to fetch Mary. However, Henry’s father intervened, suggesting that the newlyweds should be allowed to spend time together. Henry’s mother and grandmother exchanged knowing smiles, agreeing with his sentiment.

Later in the day, Henry and Mary descended the stairs together. Henry’s father presented them with hotel reservations for a month-long honeymoon. Grateful, Henry and Mary expressed their thanks to him. Henry’s grandmother playfully remarked that upon their return, she expected a great-grandchild. Mary smiled at the suggestion, while Henry assured his grandmother that her wish would be fulfilled.

Excited for their upcoming journey, Henry and Mary retreated upstairs to pack their bags in anticipation of their honeymoon trip the following day.

Mary reached out to her sister Martha, informing her about their upcoming honeymoon and asking her to look after their parents while they were away. She promised to visit them upon their return. Martha inquired about the details of their hotel and city of stay, which Mary willingly shared. After exchanging farewells, they bid each other goodbye on the phone.

Henry and Mary packed their bags in the car and drove to their honeymoon spot. Martha told her parents she’s going away for work and will be back in a week. She also went to the same resort where Henry and Mary were honeymooning. Martha arrived on time, checked into her room, and Henry and Mary arrived later, with their parents having booked their room for them.

They were exhausted, so they both decided to rest. While Martha wandered around the resort, she tried to plan the perfect spot to harm someone without leaving any evidence. She looked around but couldn’t come up with any ideas.

The next day, Henry and Mary went for a walk to enjoy the fresh air. Henry suggested they go for a swim in the pool, but Mary declined because she doesn’t know how to swim.

Henry offered to teach her, but she still refused. While they were arguing, Henry received a call about a project he recently invested in. He moved aside by the pool to take the call, but while they were talking, someone with their face covered hit Mary, causing her to fall into the pool. Henry heard Mary calling for help and quickly jumped in to save her. She had swallowed a lot of water and was in distress.

Henry took her to the room, and after some time, he asked why she had entered the pool without waiting for him. Mary explained that someone passing by accidentally hit her. However, unknown to Henry, Martha had actually pushed Mary into the pool intentionally.

In the evening, Henry asked Mary to join him for dinner at the restaurant, but Mary refused. Instead, she requested that Henry buy food and bring it to their room so they could eat together there.

Henry left, and immediately Martha knocked on the door. Mary asked who was there, and Martha replied, “Room service.” Mary opened the door and turned to go back to bed. Suddenly, Martha, with her face covered, tried to strangle her sister. Mary fought back, and Martha quickly ran away when she couldn’t overpower Mary.

Mary was certain her life was in danger when Henry returned with the food and found the hotel management and Mary in the room. He asked Mary why everything was scattered, and she explained that someone had tried to ki!! her. Henry requested the CCTV footage of the walkway, and upon checking, they saw that the person was completely dressed in black with their face covered.

Mary informed Henry that she needed to leave the next day and couldn’t spend another day at the hotel. In the morning, they both packed their things and left. Martha, becoming even angrier, realized she couldn’t execute her plans. She also gathered her belongings and left the hotel.

Henry and Mary arrived home late, surprising their parents who were expecting them to return in a month. Henry explained everything that had happened during their trip, which led them to decide to come back early. Henry’s parents welcomed them, and they all went to their respective rooms.

In the room, Henry is restless, wondering which of his business associates might be after his wife’s life. Mary notices his agitation and quickly asks him to calm down and rest his head, reminding him that they just came from a long journey.

Henry approached Mary and told her that from now on, she wouldn’t leave the house because he didn’t know who was after them, and he couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to her. Mary stopped him and assured him that nothing would happen to them. They hugged each other, feeling relieved and comforted.

The next morning, Mary called her house to ask about her parents. They were okay. She said she’d visit soon.

She went downstairs to cook for her husband and in-laws. But her mother-in-law had already cooked. Mary apologized for not waking up on time. Her mother-in-law said she was still on her honeymoon, so she should enjoy it. They smiled and hugged.

Mary told her she needed to sit at the table and at least let her dish food for everyone. Her mother-in-law agreed, and Mary dished food for everyone.

As they were eating, Mary started vomiting and ran to the restroom. Granny smiled and told Henry she was expecting it in a month’s time, but he was as sharp as his grandfather. Henry didn’t understand and rushed to the bathroom to meet Mary, who had just finished vomiting. They both returned to the dining table, where Mary’s mother-in-law declared that Mary wouldn’t be doing any work in the house from now on, and her father-in-law supported her decision.

Henry and Mary were confused by the sudden change. Granny stood up, held Mary’s hand, and told her to sit down. Mary was surprised by the new treatment. Henry expressed his confusion and asked for an explanation, but before he could finish, Mary ran to the bathroom to vomit again. Everyone at the table started smiling once more.

Granny asked Henry to call the doctor to come over. After a few hours, the doctor arrived and ran some tests on Mary. Later, she called Henry to congratulate him, saying, “Congratulations, you will be a dad very soon.”

Upon hearing the news, Henry became very happy and rushed downstairs to inform his family. Everyone was overjoyed. Granny then told him they already knew, which is why they said Mary wouldn’t do any work in the house again.

Henry also ran to their room to inform Mary they were expecting a child. This made Mary extremely happy, and they hugged each other.

A few days later, Martha called Mary, expressing concern that Mary hadn’t been checking on her sister lately. Mary apologized, explaining that she had been sick but was better now. Martha accepted the apology and said she was glad Mary is okay.

Mary then shared her good news with Martha: her husband had bought her a car because she is expecting a child. Martha was shocked by the news, and the phone almost slipped from her ear. After regaining her composure, she congratulated Mary. Mary also mentioned she had sent some money to Martha and asked her to check her account balance later.

After the call ended, Martha checked her account and found a large sum of money from Mary. However, instead of feeling happy, Martha felt a sense of regret. She started to resent sending Mary to her office, realizing that if she hadn’t, Henry would have been hers. She convinced herself that it wasn’t too late and vowed to ensure she ended up with Henry, with all his wealth belonging to her.

Few weeks later, Martha’s parents called her, urging her to bring a man home to start her own family since she was of age. Martha assured them that someone would come soon, and her parents smiled and prayed for her.

Many months later, Martha visited Mary at her house, where Mary was almost due. The sisters chatted a lot, and Martha mentioned she was hungry. She asked Mary to prepare something for her to eat. However, Mary explained that her in-laws forbade her from doing anything in the kitchen, as they wouldn’t be happy to see her there.

Martha pondered how she could hurt her sister. Her first plan was to sabotage the gas cooker, but that didn’t work out.

She told Mary she wanted to cook for herself, and Mary allowed her to do so. Martha quickly went downstairs and poured oil on the steps.

After cooking, Martha called Mary to join her at the dining table. As Mary was about to step on the oily staircase, Granny asked her to stop and called the maids to clean the staircase, as it was slippery with oil.

Martha became angry again when she saw how the old woman saved Mary from harm.

All of Martha’s plans were failing, which only fueled her frustration. While they were eating, Granny tapped her and confronted her about putting oil on the steps, shocking Martha. Martha feigned innocence, claiming it was a mistake. Granny knew what she had seen, but Martha persisted in her l!es.

After the confrontation, Granny left for her room. Martha didn’t finish her food before leaving the table. She muttered to herself that she needed to be more alert so that no one would suspect her.

A few days later, Mary began to feel strong pains in her stomach, signaling that her baby was coming soon. Her husband hurriedly took her to the hospital. Mary gave birth to a lovely baby boy, bringing immense joy to Henry. He shared the news with his parents and in-laws, and everyone was thrilled.

Two days later, Mary was discharged from the hospital. Martha called Mary to say she would visit soon to meet the baby. Mary warmly replied that her door is always open to welcome her.

Downstairs,Henry’s parents were hosting a gathering to celebrate becoming grandparents. Everyone was joyful, sharing in the happiness. Martha also arrived with her parents to visit Mary and the newborn baby.

They all went upstairs to Mary’s room and saw the adorable baby,Mary’s parents congratulated their daughter and celebrated their own joy of becoming the newest grandparents in town.

As evening approached, Mary’s parents mentioned it was time to head home. Henry offered to drive them, but Martha declined, expressing her desire to spend a bit more time with her sister and the baby.Yes, Henry took Mary’s parents home, leaving Martha behind.

Martha went back upstairs to chat with Mary, but she found Mary sleeping. Quickly, she pretended to play with the newborn baby. Martha then carried the baby downstairs while singing a lullaby to him.

One of the maids spotted Martha and advised her to return the baby to the room since he wasn’t crying. Martha replied rudely, telling the maid to mind her own business. Seeing that no one else was watching, Martha took the baby outside and ran away with him.

When Henry returned from dropping off Mary’s parents, he went straight to his room to check on his wife and child. However, he couldn’t find the baby in the cradle. Trying to stay calm, he woke Mary up and informed her that the baby is missing.

Henry decided to check with Granny to see if the baby is with her, but he didn’t find the baby there. He then searched his parents’ room, but the baby wasn’t there either. Growing increasingly worried, Henry called for all the workers, and one of them mentioned seeing Martha carrying the baby when she was told to put him back to the cradle she exchange words with her. Martha had brushed off the worker’s concern, telling her to mind her own business.

Henry tried calling Martha, but her phone was switched off. He then contacted Mary’s parents to see if Martha was with them, but they hadn’t seen her. They suggested searching the house because Martha was supposed to be there. Everyone gathered outside and combed the entire compound, but Martha was nowhere to be found.

Mary then asked the security guard if anyone had taken the baby outside the compound. The guard confirmed that Martha had taken the baby, explaining that she said she needed to get something, so he opened the gate for her.

As darkness fell and there was still no sign of Martha or the baby, tension mounted among everyone. Granny began to cry, expressing her lack of trust in Martha, recalling an incident where she saw Martha deliberately oiling the steps to make her sister slip and fall.

Henry was taken aback and asked when this had happened. Granny replied that it was just last week. Henry wondered why Granny hadn’t informed him earlier, but Granny explained that Martha had convinced her it was a mistake.

Despite their efforts, Martha’s phone remained switched off, adding to the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the situation.

As a stranger’s number appeared on Mary’s phone, Henry urged her to put it on speaker. Mary complied, and Martha’s voice came through. Mary anxiously inquired about her baby, but Martha’s response was unexpected and hostile. Martha accused Mary of stealing their parents’ love and Henry’s affection, claiming that Mary had taken everything away from her.

Confused and shocked, Mary reminded Martha that she had given her permission to marry Henry. Mary couldn’t understand why Martha was suddenly making these accusations.

Martha’s chilling words sent shockwaves through the room as she confessed to her attempts to harm Mary in the past and threatened to harm the baby this time. Henry rushed in, pleading desperately for a peaceful resolution and begging Martha not to harm their child. He offered himself in exchange, but Martha rejected his plea, stating that she no longer wanted him and was determined to see both of them suffer.

With a heavy heart, Martha abruptly ended the call, leaving Henry and Mary in a state of fear and anguish over the safety of their child.

As Henry’s father contacted the authorities for help, everyone else was occupied with phone calls, trying to gather any information that could lead to the whereabouts of Martha and the baby. Meanwhile, Mary remained on the ground, overcome with tears and distress.

Upon receiving the call, the police sprang into action, swiftly tracing the location from which Martha had made the threatening call. However, upon arrival, they found no sign of Martha or the baby. It became evident that Martha had emptied her bank account and disappeared. The police also tracked the location of the ATM machine she had used, but Martha was nowhere to be found.

In a desperate bid to locate Martha and the missing baby, their photos were rapidly printed and distributed throughout the city. A substantial reward was offered to anyone who could provide information leading to the safe return of the child and the apprehension of Martha.

Martha, traveling on a bus to another state, found herself sitting next to a crying baby. When another passenger suggested she breastfeed the baby, Martha responded that she wasn’t lactating.

As the bus journeyed on, a radio broadcast announced the news of a missing child, providing a description of the woman who had taken the child. Martha’s anxiety heightened as she hoped not to be recognized or caught.

At a police checkpoint, officers boarded the bus to inspect the passengers. Martha, feeling tense and fearful, covered her face. However, one of the officers noticed the crying baby and advised Martha to attend to the child. Relieved, Martha complied, and the police allowed the bus to continue its journey.

At another police checkpoint, Martha’s fear intensified as the officers requested all passengers to disembark from the bus. The police began inspecting each person’s face closely. When it was Martha’s turn, she attempted to hide her face, but the crying baby in her arms drew attention.

The police instructed Martha to uncover her face, but she refused and attempted to flee. However, she was swiftly apprehended by the officers. Martha and the baby were taken to the police station, where Henry and his family were informed of the situation and asked to come to the station.

Henry and his entire family arrived at the police station, where they were reunited with Martha and the baby. Granny hurriedly took the baby from Martha’s arms, while Henry’s father confronted Martha, demanding an explanation for her actions. Martha tearfully admitted that her actions were driven by hatred because Mary had “taken” Henry from her.

Mary’s parents also arrived at the police station, expressing their shock and disappointment at Martha’s betrayal of her own sister. Martha apologized for her actions, but Henry remained unconvinced. He requested that the police detain Martha, and everyone eventually left the station.

The family left the station with heavy hearts, grappling with the betrayal and the consequences of Martha’s actions.

Martha has been in police custody for a while. Mary always hides to visit her. Martha feels sorry for everything she did to Mary. She begs Mary to forgive her. Mary says, “I forgave you a long time ago. That’s why I always visited you.”

Martha endured a lengthy stay in the police station. Mary, determined to help her sister, pleaded with her husband and in-laws to secure Martha’s release. After relentless efforts from Mary, Henry’s father finally agreed to free Martha. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Martha thanked him profusely. When asked about her plans after her release, Martha expressed her desire to return to school.

Mary’s father-in-law promised to assist Martha with whatever she needed. Several months later, Martha embarked on a journey abroad to pursue her dream of studying medicine. It was a new beginning for Martha, filled with hope and determination to build a better future for herself.

Mary’s in-laws generously sponsored her education, and she devoted herself wholeheartedly to her studies. Within a few years, Mary successfully completed her education and returned home with a sense of accomplishment.

Upon her return, Martha excitedly went straight to her sister’s house. To her surprise, she discovered that Mary didn’t just have one or two children, but four! Overwhelmed with joy, Martha couldn’t contain her happiness at seeing her sister’s growing family. Mary, in turn, was ecstatic to see her sister thriving as a certified doctor. Their reunion was filled with laughter, love, and shared happiness for each other’s successes.

Martha decided to introduce Harry, her partner whom she met during her medical studies abroad, to her parents. Both Martha and Harry had pursued medicine overseas and had become successful doctors. Excited to meet him, Martha’s parents warmly welcomed Harry into their home. They were delighted to see Martha taking on a more mature role in her life.

In addition to introducing Harry to her parents, Martha also brought him to meet her second father, Mary’s father-in-law. He welcomed Harry with open arms, offering prayers and blessings for the couple’s future together.

After a few weeks, the date for Martha and Harry’s wedding was set. The entire family rejoiced as Martha and Harry exchanged vows, marking the beginning of their life together. The wedding was a joyous occasion, filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments shared among family and friends.

A year passed, and Martha gave birth to a set of adorable twin boys. The entire family was overcome with joy at the arrival of the new additions. The bond between Martha and Mary grew stronger as they reveled in the happiness of their growing families.

Despite any past conflicts, Mary’s unwavering love for her sister triumphed over any remnants of resentment Martha may have once harbored. The sisters found true peace and reconciliation, embracing the love and support they shared for each other.

With their families by their side, Martha and Mary lived happily ever after, cherishing every moment spent together. Their journey was a testament to the power of forgiveness, love, and the unbreakable bond between sisters.

Written by Rukevwe merry

The End.

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