Lo and behold who is standing here.

It’s Esther.

I didn’t say anything, I only stare at her.

She has shrink…lost so much weight…less beautiful.

” Yes, how may I help you?

” Oyin…I…I…

” Is there anything you want? What are you d fdoing beside my car and how did you know I’m here?

” I….I…saw your sister entering the car….so I thought I should talk to her…maybe I could get your contact but…I…never knew….you are the owner of this car”

” So….what do you want?

” Can we talk?

” Talk about what? I asked

” I…

” Hi Aunty Esther….how are you doing? I am sure you okay, just looked at her, you have become so beautiful these past few years that I didn’t see you” pelumi said being sarcastic.

“Pelumi…hi…” She said feeling ash@med.

” Look, I have somewhere to go to….we will see some other time” I said starting the car.

” Oyin, I… please….

” Bye Esther, my regards to your husband…I love you ” I blew her kissed before winding up the glass and drove off.

Pelumi burst into laughter.

” Aunty mi… Aunty mi”

I h!ssed.

” What was she even expecting? That you will act like nothing happened? What a betr@yal”

” I guess she trailed you to the car, just look at her, expecting to get my number from you so she could talk to me…what nons*nse!” I said, feeling pissed

” People are funny sha…she should feel ash@med of herself” pelumi said.

” Too bad …. some people have no sh@me” I said.

” But come to think of it, Aunty mi…she must be going through a lot”

” Everyone goes through a lot…. just like I came out from a lot 2 years ago”

” She must be going through so much from Uncle Tunde”

” She asked for it, besides she caused I and Tunde separation….I wish her all the best with Tunde”

” Hmmmmm”

” She was already waiting for the separation… Not up to a month when I left Tunde, she moved in into the house” I said.

” Really?

” Yeah… barely a month… so you should know she has always wanted it…so it’s good she got what she wants”

” Nawa ohhh… people dey for this world Sha”

” That’s her choice” I said.










I and Samuel did our wedding.

It was well and fine, all thanks to God.

It was another memorable day for me, those that graced the occasion can tell.

No hindrance… nothing bad happened before or during the wedding.

For you to know, God is with this union.





It’s been three months since we got married.


” Good morning babe” Samuel greeted me from behind.

I smiled ” good morning sleepy head”

” You can say that again…I was really tired from yesterday’s work” he said taking water from the fridge.

” I’m preparing your breakfast already”

” Like you know I really need that food”

” Are you going out today? I asked.

” Yeah, I would have wish to stay at home with you but I have a client to pick… remember”

I smiled” I know you are stopping this job soon” I said.

” Yeah, once they offer me the job I applied for ….I would gladly go….”

” Your clients will miss you ohhh”

” Sure they will….but not like I’m dropping this job entirely, at least ..I get to do this during weekends” he said.

“Yeah, if not that you are going out…I would have love you to come over to mum’s place”

” Go on behalf of both of us” he said

” Sure, I will….I would love you there though….I mean, you know why she wants to see me” I said

” Just let me know whenever you are there” he said.

” Okay then”

He peck my cheek then left the kitchen.







Mum has been calling me to visit her.

Tunde, has been visiting her place.. countless times…and he demand to see me.

The first time… Tunde came.

She has sent him away, out of @nger

But he won’t stop coming and pleading.

In as much as I don’t want to see Tunde or have anything to do with him.

I still has to listen to my mum….she has pleaded with me to at least see him.

That I need to see how he looks.

He isn’t looking the same.

Even Esther, mum said…she bumped into her in the market.

She had cried herself out just to ask for my mum’s forg!veness…and pleaded with my mom to give her my phone number.

I know she must have been trying hard to reach me.

Immediately I left Tunde house, moving out of his life.

I changed my sim immediately.

Mum eventually gave her my mum….she didn’t tell me on Time… not knowing how I will react because of the betray@l.

I remember that day she called….I was in the kitchen.. cooking while Samuel was at the sitting room…I dropped my phone on the table.

” Babe…babe” he called.

” Yes’

” Your phone is ringing” he informed.

” Who?

” Unknown number…I guess… maybe one of your customers”

I left the kitchen to pick the call.

Immediately I pick the call… the person wasn’t saying anything.

” Hello”

There was no response.

I hung up.

” Who is it? Samuel asked.

” I don’t know, the person isn’t talking”

” Maybe it’s a wrong number” he said.

” I guess so” I dropped the phone and went to the kitchen and it started ringing again.

” Babe…. your phone” Samuel said.

” Pick it up ” I said.

” Are you sure? He asked.

” Yeah… pick it up and hear whatever the person has to say” I said.




” The person requested to speak with you” he said.

I went to him and collected the phone from him.

” It’s a lady voice, maybe your customer” Samuel said.

” Hello” I said.

” Hello oyin” the person said and I quickly recognize that voice to be Esther’s voice but I pretended not to know.

” Yes, who am I speaking with? I asked.

” It’s me… Esther””

” You? Who are you? I asked.

” Esther”

” Which Esther?

” The Esther you know…. Oyin…. your ex.. best friend… please hear me out, I’m sorry…I

” I’m sorry but I don’t know anyone with the name Esther” I said.

She tried saying something but I hung up.

I h!ssed.

” Who is that? He asked.

” It’s Esther” I said.

” Who is Esther?

” That my close friend that got married to Tunde” I said.

” Ohh…what does she wants?

” I don’t know….I told you about that day we met at the market…that Pelumi was with me”

” Oyin..

” We will talk about her later, I need to be in the kitchen'”



That day she kept calling until I had to block her number.

I told mum about it and she made it known to me that she gave my number to Esther and explained everything to me.

I was upset but mum pleaded with me.

” Oyin…I think you should forgive them”

” Mum, they never offended me… and I didn’t do anything to the both of them”

” I know you didn’t…but to clear your name…. because they made it look like you are behind their problems…”

” Mum…you know me too well…”

” Sure my dear….just see them once to clear the misunderstanding…Tunde won’t let me rest… always coming and pleading…he requested for your number…but I refuse to give it out, to avoid his excess calling….I don’t want anything to bring issue between you and Samuel”

” Mum”

” I know you don’t have anything against them…but meet up with them and also let them know you have forgiven them…maybe gu!lty conscience didn’t let them rest… please”

” I can’t meet up with Tunde, even if I’m willing to see Esther”

” You know what, I will invite Tunde to this place…. your brother too will be present and you can come with Samuel as well”

I thought hard about it before giving my consent.




And today is the day I’m meeting with Tunde as my mum’s place.

Samuel already left for work…I got into my car and drove off to my mum’s place.

Samuel already giving approval of me seeing Tunde and Esther because I told him everything.

Immediately I got there, I met my mum at the sitting room going through some magazines.

” Thank you for coming” she said in smiles.

” I hope you have been fine” I said.

” Yes oh… I’m fine and even you look finer” she said

I smiled and sat down.

” Just forgive them, if possible pray for them…you might not have anything against them…but maybe God is fight!ng for you…”

I nodded my head.





We heard the knock on the door, mum went to Open the door… my brother is already seated.

Esther and Tunde entered.

Esther knelt down immediately she saw me.

I stare at her.