“School na sc@m, in fact being nice na the biggest sc@m,” Gozie said to his friend as they walked down the road leading to their houses.

“Don’t say that, you are sounding as if your mother wa.sted her hard-earned money by training you in the university.”

They then stopped beside the road as their discussion got more interesting.

“That’s not what I mean bro. Like you didn’t see what happened in the church today. Someone that we all know as a lo.afer made a promise to build the new church single-handedly. He even transferred the sum of ten million naira into the church’s account just to show he’s capable,” Gozie continued.

“Omo! I was shock oo.”

“Someone that left this village two years ago because he co.mmitted a c.rime. Now he’s back with big money only to be worshipped by all.”

“That one even surprised me. No one remembers the c.rime anymore. He had gained respect from both young and old.”

As they were still conversing, they saw Gozie’s mother coming back with a small bag of rice on her head and a small rubber bottle of groundnut oil.

When she got close to them, they exchanged greetings with her.

“Mama, did you go to the market from Church?” Gozie asked.

“No, is it because of what I’m carrying?” Gozie’s mother asked.

“Yes, mama.”

“They are my share of what our son brought for us.”

“Do you mean Dike?”

“Yes, our Dike. Remember the women were asked to wait after service.”

“Okay, you are welcome.”

“Thank you,” his mother said and left for their house.

Gozie then continued conversing with his friend.

“You see what I was saying, see my mother calling that i.diot our son just because he made money. I pray I get a good paying job soon, by then all this oppression that I’m feeling will stop.”

“You are even lucky, you can easily get a job with your certificate and leave this village. For people like us who are carpenters, it’s a no-leave, no-transfer thing. But don’t forget me when you make it oo. You know you just graduated and you will start getting job offers soon.”

“I pray so. I need a job that pays well so I can live my dreams.”

“It’s necessary.”

“Let me go home and help my mother prepare Sunday rice abeg.”

“With Dike’s rice, I guess.”

“Do I have any choice?”

His friend laughed hysterically.

Afterwards, they shook hands and parted ways.

Gozie walked into their compound.

Later on, he changed and joined his mother in the kitchen.

Later that day, Gozie had finished eating and was preparing to go out.

He had called his girlfriend severally but she was not picking up.

So he decided to go to her house to check whether everything was fine with her.

He then dressed up and left.

A few minutes later, he got to his girlfriend’s place and saw an elegant tinted glass SUV parked in front of her house.

“Who could have parked this fine car in front of this house? Could it be any of her brothers? No, if it were any of them, Chioma would have let me know,” Gozie thought as he watched the car closely.

As he was still contemplating, a young man came out of the house followed by Chioma and her mother.

“What is Dike doing in this house,” Gozie soliloquized, looking inquisitive and troubled.

Gozie then went and exchanged greetings with them.

He stepped aside watching them as they saw Dike off to the parked vehicle.

When they got to the car, Dike brought out a small purse from the car.

He opened the purse and brought out two bundles of money. He gave one to Chioma and the other to her mother.

They were delighted.

They thanked him and he drove off.

Chioma and her mother turned and went back to the house.

When they got to where Gozie stood, Chioma ignored him and went into the house.

Her mother then went closer to where Gozie was.

“I hope you saw what happened, you saw the bundles of money he gave us. You’ve been with my daughter for years but nothing to show for it. You promised to marry her when you make money, who knows whether that time will ever come.”

Gozie was dumbfounded.

“For your information, Chioma is getting married soon and that man you saw is her husband.”

“What?! Chioma! Chioma!” Gozie shouted and was trying to enter the house.

“Young man, this is not your father’s house. Don’t cross that door. Chioma is now someone’s wife.”

“Mama, why are you doing this? It’s not fair oo.”

“Life itself isn’t fair.”

“Mama please I want to speak to her. She hasn’t been picking up my calls.”

“Like you have a th.ick sk.ull, I said she’s getting married soon and won’t be needing time wasters and distractors like you. Leave my compound now.”

Gozie was disappointed in her.

“If it pains you too much you should go and make money like your mates.”

Gozie turned and quietly left the compound.

Gozie was still looking disheartened when he got home. His mother was relaxing in the living room. He greeted her nonchalantly and left for his room.

His mother noticed that everything wasn’t right with him. She waited for a little while and then walked to his room.

She saw him still in his clothes, lying on his back and looking up to the ceiling. He was lost in thoughts.

“Gozie nwam,” She called gently.

“Ma,” he answered, looking towards her direction.

“What is the problem?”

“Mama, Chioma is getting married.”

“Chioma? Getting married? How? She was here last two weeks but never mentioned it.”

“I believe the proposed husband hadn’t met her then. All these are happening because I haven’t made money.”

“Why would you say that, Gozie.”

“It’s Dike that wants to marry her.”

His mother was quiet for a moment.

“Oh, now I see, Let her go. Maybe you both are not destined to end up together because if you both were meant to marry, she would have waited. What is she expecting from a fresh graduate with no jobs.”

“Mama, I need a job immediately.”

“Take it easy. You’ve been applying for jobs since you came back from service. One day, luck will smile on you.”

“Mama, I need to do more, I will leave for the city tomorrow. I can’t stand what’s happening here anymore.”

“Okay, just take your time and think about your decision.”

“Thanks, mama but I’ve made up my mind.”

His mother heaved a huge sigh and left afterwards.

The following day, Gozie had already finished preparing for the city and was about to leave when his mother walked up to him.

“Remember, you are an only child of a widow. Don’t involve yourself in anything you will regret later. I will keep you in my prayers.”

“Thanks, Mama, I’ll hustle and make money, and you shall be proud of me. You made me who I am today. It’s time to pay you back.”

“I didn’t ask you to pay me back oo.”

They both laughed

Afterwards, Gozie carried his luggage and left the house for the park.

About two hours later, their bus got to the city park, and everyone alighted.

It was the same place Gozie stayed during his university days, so he was used to the environment. He had earlier contacted an agent who got an available room for him.

He then entered a bike that carried him to the new house.

He carried his luggage into the new room and afterwards got the essential things he would be needing for his stay.

A few days later, he dressed up and left the house in search of jobs because he got several rejection letters from the applications he had sent out earlier.

Some hours later, he came back, looking disappointed.

“How can there be no good jobs in the city? Which one is the sales attendant, receptionist, or clerk, at the end of the month now, they will give me peanuts, I reject it.”

As he was still soliloquizing, his phone beeped, indicating a text message. He checked it, and it was an invitation for an interview.

“Wow! Job interview from Divine Integrated Services, tomorrow by 9 am at 17 Umekwe Street. Thank God, first job interview ever! I’ll try my best and secure the job shaperly.”

Immediately, Gozie started preparing himself for the interview. He studied some possible interview questions and answers from his field of study.

The following day, he dressed up in cooperate attire and set out.

When he got to the stated venue and looked around to confirm it was the place. It was a residential building turned into an office complex. He then saw a banner hung at the entrance of the building, it had same name as the one mentioned in the text message.

He then entered the place and saw about fifteen persons seated at the living room turned mini hall.

He was almost discouraged at the number.

“Anyways, all these people needed this job as much as I do,” he thought as he went to sit with others.

The interview was scheduled to be held by 9 am, but the organisers said they would wait for more people to come before they could start.

The interviewers who were all dressed in cooperate attires were seated at one corner of the room.

It was almost 11 o’clock and the interview hadn’t started. When people started complaining about the delay, all the interviewers came out and started giving the audience speeches one after the other.

They all talked about how the divine integrated service changed their lives and also promised to change the applicants’ lives.

It was serious at first but later looked like church testimonies.

Some of the applicants became bored and were getting up to leave the venue, but one of the interviewers who was then an usher prevented them.

Gozie was still seated, trying to make sense out of what they were saying.

After two hours of speech, they finally shared sheets of papers to the applicants for the interview exams. One of the interviewers mentioned the questions.

Gozie confidently provided all the answers to the questions. The interviewers later collected the answers sheets.

Then, one lady who posed as their CEO came and informed them to be ready for the second stage of the interview.

“This second stage is for those who are ready. You need to provide two passport photographs, your valid ID card and then pay a registration fee of 45,000. Immediately after the interview, you will be recruited into our organisation. You need to introduce only two persons and immediately you will start making millions.”

When the lady was done talking, some people started showing interest in registering while some angrily left the venue.

Gozie stood up and left, too.

“Had it been, I knew it was this people, I wouldn’t have wasted my time coming. N.onsense.”

He left the venue and was headed home.

On getting close to his house, he saw a placard with the inscription ‘machine operator needed here’ with an arrow sign indicating the location.

“Let me try this one. After all, my house isn’t far from here. If it’s not what I want, I’ll leave at once.”

He followed the sign and entered the place. It was a sachet water production factory.

A lady walked up to him and he told her why he came.

“Okay, have a seat. Let me inform my manager that someone is here to see him,” the lady said showing him a free seat.

“Thank you,” Gozie said and sat down.

Some minutes later, Gozie was called into the manager’s office. He went in and exchanged greetings with him.

“Just a minute,” the manager said as he got engrossed in his phone.

Gozie sat before him and was secretly looking around. The place wasn’t close to where he had been visualising himself to work, but he needed a job.

The manager then looked up.

“You are interested in the position we advertised.”

“Yes, sir, I’m interested. Sorry, I’m just seeing the opening. I should have come with an application letter.”

“I understand but It’s not a problem.”

“I have my CV and credentials here sir,” Gozie said as he brought out the documents from his pocket file and handed them to the manager.

The man skimmed through the documents and returned them to him.

“I just need a fast learner, someone who would be taught ways to handle my machines and would learn faster and can start working immediately.”

“I’m a fast learner sir, and I’m ready for any necessary training.”

“Good, you have to come back tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, thank you, sir, I can’t wait to be part of your organisation.”

“Alright, have a nice day.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Gozie stood up and left afterwards.

He was so excited.

“Truly there’s no harm in trial, let me wait till tomorrow,” he thought as he walked into his house.

The following morning, Gozie prepared and left for the factory.

When he got there, he sat at one corner and waited as he was directed by the lady he met the previous day.

It was a busy morning in the factory, different distributors were coming with trucks to carry the bags of sachet water in their numbers.

About an hour later, when the number of distributor trucks had reduced, a middle-aged man came in and walked into the engine room.

Some minutes later, Gozie was called into the engine room.

“Good morning sir,” Gozie greeted the middle-aged man who was seated on the chair before the machine.

“Good morning, you are welcome to our facility. I was asked to train you on how to operate these machines.”

“Okay, sir. I’m ready to learn.”

“It’s not so hard, you need to be attentive and also follow my directives.”

“Okay, sir.”

The man showed him around the engine room and also took him outside where three tanks were connected to the tap water which was their major source of water. He also showed him the packaging machine.

Afterwards, he taught him how the machines were operated.

After that day’s training, Gozie was able to operate the machines to the taste of his trainer. He was also happy about his newly acquired skill.

The trainer continued coming till he was satisfied that Gozie could handle the machines.

The manager then called Gozie into his office.

“I’m happy that we finally got someone who can operate our machines the way our former trainer was handling them.”

“Thank you, sir,” Gozie said smiling.

“Most people that applied couldn’t pass the training stage, the reason why I didn’t tell you the salary. But as you’ve passed the stage, I’ll be paying you 50,000 naira monthly for a start. Your salary can be increased with time if your performance is impressive.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“You see that trainer, he is currently working at my other bigger factory and I know how much I’m paying him. That’s because of his performance. Hope you are okay with our offer?”

“Yes sir.”

“You can resume immediately.”

“Wow. Thank you so much sir,” Gozie shouted excitedly as he left the manager’s office.

Gozie started working with the factory. The work was an easy one for him. He wasn’t spending any money on transportation, and they have a particular number for daily production, when the number is reached, he could continue production or take a break. In most cases, Gozie would continue production.

As time went on, his manager was impressed by his performance. He would tip him for lunch and had also promised to increase his salary.

About three months later, one afternoon, Gozie had completed his daily production and had decided to take a break for a little while.

He came out and was strolling down the road.

Suddenly someone started calling him.

“Dozie! Dozie!!”

He turned and looked towards the direction of the caller and it was Kosi, his childhood friend. Kosi left the village some years earlier for an apprenticeship.

He quickly went and embraced him.

“Kosi! Is this you? I haven’t seen you for some years now,” Gozie shouted.

“It was even hard for me to recognise you, what are you doing here?”

“I’m working at that factory, Gozie said pointing at his workplace.

“What are you doing here?” Gozie continued.

“The vulcanizer is working on my tyre,” Kosi said pointing at an elegant car behind them.

“This is my friend,” Kosi continued, introducing the person he was standing with.

“Kosi, you said, your car or your oga’s car,” Gozie asked in a low tone.

“It’s my car bro!” Kosi said raising his voice and smiling.

“Has your oga settled you? Because it’s not up to four years since you left the village.”

“Which oga, I’m no longer with him. I’m my own boss now. I work from home, no stress and I’m paid in millions.”

“What!! How do you mean, please? What type of job is that, I’m interested.”

“We are doing online jobs. I’m into Forex while my friend is into BTC.”

“I still don’t understand you,” Gozie said looking confused.

“We are into tech,” Kosi’s friend cut in.

“You are my brother and I won’t lie to you. I no go hide update for you. I’ll put you through if you are willing. I don’t struggle to make money. You are suffering here, how much do they pay you?”


Kosi and his friend laughed hysterically.

Kosi then went into his car brought out a bundle of money and handed it to Dozie.

Dozie collected it and was looking dumbfounded.

“I will show you the way bro, when you are free give me a call and I’ll direct you to my house. The vulcaniser is done and we have clients to catch up with.”

He then exchanged phone numbers with Gozie.

Kosi and his friend entered the car.

Gozie was agape and watched as they drove off.

Gozie couldn’t continue strolling down the street. Still having mixed feelings, he put the bundle of money in his pocket and started going back to the factory.

On getting into the factory, he met Helen, the lady who works as a sales assistant in the factory. She is one staff member that Gozie related well with. She was standing as if she was waiting for someone.

Gozie walked past her and went into the engine room. Helen followed him immediately.

Gozie wasn’t surprised about her movement. It was their usual way of having private communication in the factory.

“I’ve been waiting for you to come back,” Helen said excitedly as she entered the engine room.

“You’ve been waiting for me? Any problem?”

“No, I saw you speaking with those boys with big car. Is like they are your friends.”

“Yes, the one driving is from my village.”

“You people have this type of relationship, and you are still here.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t need a prophet to tell you he’s in money. Your mates in this town are making it big time. Honestly speaking, I’m surprised that you still work here.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, if I were you, I’d run to that your brother and beg him to connect me in whatever he’s doing.”

“I don’t care about what they are doing. Let me mind my work, we will surely get there.”

“Get where? If you are hoping on this job, forget it. You will not make it. I’m here because I’m not married yet. If any rich man looks my way eeh, I will disappear from here. Our manager promised to increase your salary, right?”


“That’s how he is promising everyone working here but will never fulfil the promises.”

“No problem, I’ll look out for better jobs as I continue working here.”

“Okay, I’m just advising you because you are a man.”

“I’ve heard you,” Gozie said as he walked to his workspace, trying to avoid her.

“Think about what I said oo, I’ll talk to you later,” Helen said and left the engine room.

Gozie heaved a sigh.

He didn’t want to think about what his colleague said but was still wondering what type of business Kosi was doing to even give him a bundle of money.

He then brought out the money and saw 200k written on the wrapping note. He counted it to confirm whether it was the actual amount written on the wrapping note, and it was true.

“200,000 naira just like that! They said they were into Forex and BTC business. I think I’ve heard about those businesses. Why am I feeling like they are into something Let me mind my work abeg. Kosi, may God bless you for this money,” he said and started working.

At the close of work, he went to his regular food vendor down the street and bought a plate of food that would served for dinner. He ate it there and left for his house afterwards.

Later in the evening, his phone started ringing. He checked it and discovered it was his mother. He busied the call and called her back.

“Good evening, Mama.”

“Good evening Gozie, how are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“How is work?”

“Fine Mama, I hope everything is alright. You sound different.”

“My son, the village development union is the one making me sound this way.”

“What did they do?”

“They allocated a project on your father’s land.”

“Which project and on which of the lands?”

“Dike wants to build a pipe-born water facility and he chose that your father’s land close to the main road.”

“What?! It’s not possible.”

“My son, I’m surprised that nobody is against it. To them, it is a welcome development. I’m calling to tell you about it. Dike said he would compensate us with money.”

“No Mama, I won’t accept that. That’s the only land we have that’s on-site.”

“Let them be. You know your father is no more.”

“But he has a son.”

“Let’s collect the money and use it and acquire another land elsewhere before they change their minds,” Gozie’s mother pleaded.

“What is all this, Mama? Why is Dike always looking for a way to int.imidate me? Why our land?”

“Please don’t take it personally. You know I’m just a po.or widow. This wouldn’t have happened if your father was alive. Don’t make trouble, let them be.”

“They didn’t care to inform me before making such a drastic decision. I feel ins.ulted.”

“My son, don’t worry about that. I’ll collect the money, when next you come to the village, we will look out for another land at a good site and buy. Inugo nwam.”

“Okay, Mama,” Gozie said grudgingly.

“Good night, my son.”

“Good night mama,” Gozie said and ended the call.

“Nobody is talking now because it’s not their land. Even those fo.olish elders wouldn’t say anything. When they see money, they forget their age. The same people who condemned Dike a few years ago are now clapping for him because of money. This is pa.inful, how do I accept this,” Gozie soliloquized bi.tterly.

The following morning, Gozie had still not recovered from the pain he felt over what his mother told him. He managed to prepare for work and left afterwards.

When he got to the factory, the lobby was busy as usual, with trucks moving in and out of the factory. So he went and sat down at one corner waiting for the obstruction to reduce.

He was lost in thoughts.

All of a sudden, someone tapped him from behind. He looked back and saw Helen.

“Good morning Gozie,” Helen greeted.

“Good morning Helen.”

“Is everything alright?”


“Gozie, something is bothering you. Do you know how long I’ve been standing here and you didn’t even notice me? What is wrong? Tell me.”

“It’s just a family problem.”

“Remember, a problem shared is half solved.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you.”

Gozie told her all about his discussion with his mother over the phone the previous night.

“The solution to this problem is in your hands,” Helen said confidently.

“How do you mean?” Gozie asked.

“Make money, excess money stops intimidation. What do you think is giving the so-called Dike morale to behave the way he’s doing? Excess money! Make money and shut your enemies up.

You can recover everything you’ve lost when you have money. Your village elders and the development union didn’t care to tell you because you don’t have anything to offer, no money!”

“Why are you now adding salt to my injury?”

“No dear, I’m just telling you the truth. That your brother can unlock your wealth. Contact him. The penny you are getting here won’t go anywhere in resolving your issues. Money stops nonsense.”

“Is this the best way to go about this issue?”

“Yes, call him now and tell him you will come to his house. Do it now.”

Gozie then brought out his and dialled Kosi’s number. In no time, he picked up the call.

“Hello, Kosi.”

“Gozie, how far,” Kosi asked over the phone.

“I’m fine,” Gozie replied.

“How is work?”

“Fine, I’d like to see you. I want to join your business.”

“Alright, when do you wish to come?”


“Okay, I’ll send you my house address now. See you tomorrow then.”

“Thank you very much,” Gozie said and ended the call.

“Goo Goo, don’t forget me when the money starts coming oo,” Helen said stylishly.

Both laughed.

“At least you are smiling now. But I was thinking you would go today.”

“No, I need to at least produce a reasonable number of bags that would cover up for the time of my absence tomorrow.”

“Okay, I never thought of that.”

Later on, both of them left for their workspaces.

Gozie concentrated on his work nonstop and was able to produce a good number of the sachet water before leaving for the day.

The following day, he left his house very early for Kosi’s place.

He stopped a bike man and informed him where he was going.

The bike man told him the price. He then entered the bike, and the man rode off.

Gozie had begged Helen to cover up for him in case he didn’t come back on time, and their manager started asking about his whereabouts.

When he got to the place where Kosi told him to stop, he informed the bike man and afterwards alighted from the motorcycle.

He called Kosi, who came out and led him to his apartment.

“You are welcome to my abode,” Kosi said as Gozie stepped into the living room.

Gozie saw some boys seated at different positions engrossed in different gadgets.

“These are my friends and business partners. Guys, meet my homeboy Gozie,” Kosi said as he introduced Gozie to his friends.

They all exchanged greetings.

Kosi then took Gozie to one corner of the room and asked him to sit.

“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right back,” Kosi said and left.

He then came back with a bottle of chilled beer drink and kept it on a table before him.

He opened it for him.

Gozie thanked him and started drinking.

In no time, he finished the drink, and they started discussing.

“My brother, I’ll be open to you because I want you to succeed. All of us here are into Internet sc@ms. Most of our mates do it. This is a se.cret that nobody will tell you. I’m telling you the truth because you are my brother.”

Gozie was quiet.

“This is what most young boys are doing now. Even in the village, I know people who have hit the jackpot and are currently living large. The truth is that when you make this money, nobody cares about the source, people will respect you, you will have all you need, and babes will rush you. Your people will be proud of you. You spend money whichever way you like.”

“Hmmm, what about those you sc@m? Won’t they come after you?”

“Do they even know us? That’s why we use f@ke identities. Besides, most of our targets are the Europeans. Do you know why?”

“No, please tell me.”

“We are doing restitution. It is our way of recovering all they took from our forefathers during colon.isation.”


“Yes, ask questions, and you will hear what they did to us. You can also browse and watch videos.”

“I know about it. Truly, they dealt with our forefathers,” Gozie agreed.

“It is time to pay them back, no mercy,” Kosi said in assurance.

“But how do you achieve that?”

“I’ll put you through, don’t worry. Again, when the money comes and you are feeling guil.ty, ..”

“Yes, that one, I wanted to ask,” Gozie cut in.

“To wash away your sins and guilt, go to the church and give a reasonable sum from that money you got, or you can do a giveaway online. When you do this, people will pray for you, and all the curses laid on you by your victims will be washed away. You will then enjoy your money.”

“Hmm, I wish I knew this on time.”

“No time is too late. Let me teach you the basics.”

Kosi then asked for his mobile phone. He downloaded some dating apps and as well a strong VPN into his phone.

“You are on Facebook and Instagram, right?”


“I’ll give you an old Facebook account that I h@cked a few days ago, I’ve already changed the name to ‘Diego Gomez’ which will be your new online name and again, you are now working at the US Navy.

Play around the dating apps with this identity, and follow those who are vul.nerable and gul.lible. Lure them into falling in love with you or even believing that there’s something you will offer them. You are a graduate, there are things I won’t tell you. This is where your smartness comes into play. If I can do it, then you can do better.”

“I believe I can.”


He continued showing him things that he needed for his new skill.

After some hours, Gozie begged to take his leave for that day.

Kosi permitted him and he left immediately for his workplace.

Gozie got back to the factory as quickly as possible. He walked towards Helen’s desk looking anxious.

Helen on sighting him, quickly stood up to go and meet him.

“How did it go?” Helen asked in anticipation.

“Helen please what did you tell Oga, so that I’ll know what to say when he calls me,” Gozie whispered to Helen.

Helen laughed.

“So you can panic like this.”

“Please be serious, where did you tell him that I went to?”

“Oga is not even around.”

“You mean he’s not in his office.”

“Yes. He came earlier and dropped his bag, and then left for their union’s meeting.”

“Oh my God, I almost passed out,” he said taking a deep breath.

“So, back to my question. How did it go?”

“Fine but I’m kinda doubtful when I left the place.”

“What do you mean?”

“What they do is Internet fr@ud.”

“And so? Is it not Y@hoo, I knew all along. That’s why I encouraged you because there is cool and easy money in it. There’s nothing to be doubtful about it.”

Gozie was quiet.

“Almost all the young boys I know are into it. Don’t let your mate intimidate you with what you know you can do,” Helen continued.

“I’m just scared, what if the p¤lice come and arrest me?”

“Arrest who, for doing what? How many times have you seen the p¤lice arrest people doing Y@hoo? Forget that. Let me tell you, some officers do y@hoo too.”

“Helen! easy oo!”

They both laughed hysterically.

They were still laughing when they heard the sound of their manager’s car.

They both rushed to their duty post and got busy with their work.

After that day’s work, Gozie went home and started practising all he had learnt from Kosi.

As time went on, he started getting along with the new apps and other tools required for the Internet job.

He would use his free period at the office to search for and follow up with clients. When at home, he would devote his time to interacting with prospective clients.

He was getting used to his new online identity and was beginning to enjoy it.

He would call Kosi whenever he was stuck and sometimes Kosi would call to know whether he was experiencing any issues.

On one occasion, Gozie came back from work and was checking his phone when Kosi’s call came in.

He picked it up and they both greeted.

“Hope you are getting along with your clients,” Kosi asked.

“I’m still following them up but most times I’m not online when they are free to chat. Sometimes I see their voice calls and video calls and won’t know how to pick up the calls. Sometimes those that I missed their calls won’t reply when I chat them,” Gozie complained.

“It’s time for you to quit your job and focus fully on this business because if not, you will keep losing clients. I know it won’t be easy for you but you won’t regret it,” Kosi encouraged him.

“What if I quit my job and I don’t make it?”

“I ha.te it when someone I’m training is pessimistic, stop sounding like that. Life is all about taking risks. When you quit that job, you will see yourself putting more energy into this business. You will have no other option than to succeed. Quit that job please.”

“Okay,” Gozie said and took a deep breath.

Later on, Kosi ended the call.

Gozie was confused about what to do.

“I haven’t made any money from this and he’s advising me to quit my job. I don’t have any other job and I’m not ready to go back to the village. Should I risk my job? This is difficult for me to decide. What if… But truly there’s no way I’ll not convince a client into sending money if I am fully focused. Those boys at Kosi’s house don’t have any other job except this online fr@ud business,” Gozie soliloquized.

He stood up and was slowly pacing around his room.

“Should I start skipping work at the factory?

I’m the only one operating the machine, if I should skip work, the factory will be at a lost. I wish I had an assistant, who would stand for me when I’m not available. How much is it sef that I can’t let go of? I’ll quit. At least mine won’t be different, I have Kosi and his friends by my side to guide me on the Internet job.”

Gozie later made up his mind to resign from work.

He slept off afterwards.

The following day, Gozie prepared and left for the factory. He had earlier drafted a resignation letter which he took as he was leaving.

He waited for the early morning rush in the factory to reduce before walking into the manager’s office.

He greeted him and handed him the letter in a brown envelope.

The manager opened the envelope and roughly read the letter.

“You are resigning, why? Why so sudden?” the manager asked looking worried.

“I.. I.. got a job elsewhere, my.. my uncle asked me to come and join his establishment outside the town,” Gozie stuttered.

“We need you here please, I’ll increase your salary.”

“N… No sir.”

“Can I speak to your uncle?”

“No sir.”

“You are one of the best persons that can handle our machines. It won’t be easy for us to get another person. Can you wait for me to get another person?”

“I can’t wait, sir, my uncle said I should resume immediately. I’m sorry for the inconvenience my decision is causing but I have to leave.”

His manager was silent.

He turned and left the office.

As he left the factory, Helen quickly followed him.

Immediately he walked past the factory gate, Helen called him quietly and he turned.

“Yes, Helen,” Gozie answered.

“You look sad, I heard you telling oga that you have resigned.”

“Yes, my brother said it would make me focus more on the Internet business.”

“And you are sad, it is a very nice decision. I support him. Don’t forget me when you make it oo. Cheer up biko.”

Gozie smiled and left the premises.

Helen quickly went back to her duty post.

Gozie was still in low spirits concerning his decision. He laid on his bed feeling demoralised.

“Why am I even feeling this way? Life is all about taking risks. I will step up my game from now.”

From that day, he devoted all his energy to Internet fr@ud. He was always online, searching for prospective clients and following them up.

Later on, after much striving and lies, he was able to persuade one lady to gift him 50$.

He was so happy.

“This is good for a start, at least I didn’t quit my job in vain,” he encouraged himself.

Gozie continued following up with clients using different techniques but it seemed they had all suddenly become wise and careful. One insulted him and afterwards blocked him. Most of them later stopped replying to his chats.

Gozie became worried.

He decided to call Kosi and complain to him.

He called and in no time, he picked it up.

They both greeted.

“Gozie, how far?”

“I’m fine, I have some issues. Client no dey respond to me again.”

“Are you still in that factory?”

“No, I’m in my house, I resigned a few days ago.”

“Good, it’s just one of the things you let go of for your success. Back to your issue, clients feeling wise na normal thing.”

“So, I should continue looking for more clients.”

“Not yet, come over to the house let’s discuss. You need to learn new things.”

“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

Kosi then ended the call.

Later, Gozie prepared and left for Kosi’s place.

Some minutes later, he got to the house.

He found the apartment buzzing with loud music. When he entered, he saw the boys dancing and making merry. One of them opened a bottle of wine and was pouring into the disposable plastic cups for each of them.

Immediately Gozie entered the apartment, Kosi went to meet him.

“My G, you are welcome,” he said to Gozie.

“Thank you.”

“The house is a little bit noisy. Let’s stay in my car and discuss.”


Kosi then collected two cups of wine and handed one to Gozie.

They started sipping as they walked towards the car. Kosi opened it and they sat inside.

“What are you people celebrating?” Gozie asked.

“One of us hammer, a client credited him 3,000 dollars.”

“What! Omo! It calls for celebration oo. How was he able to achieve that? Which site is he using?”

“The same site you have,” Kosi said smiling.

“See luck oo.”

“It’s not luck, it’s plus-up.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s just a means of getting unmerited favour. That’s what we all do. You know some people carry natural grace and intelligence, that’s why I didn’t introduce it earlier to you. I want you to test your intelligence. If I had left you to continue the way you were doing, you would keep stressing yourself, wasting your efforts and precious time on clients who feel they are wise.”

“Honestly, it’s not easy. I got 50 dollars and was happy.”

“If you don’t plus up, you keep getting little change like that. It’s not worth your losing your job. I want you to make it big like me.”

“Please I’m ready.”

“There are different ways to plus up but I’ll tell you the one that I consider safe and better. I use soap.”


“Yes, not an ordinary soap, It’s good luck soap. I’ll take you to the Baba who prepared it for me. He usually has already prepared ones in his house. After using it, you will give testimony. There’s no how you will talk to clients that they won’t respond in your favour.”

“Hmmm, we learn every day. Thank you very much for this information. When are we going to see the baba?”

“Anytime you are ready but you need to have up to 20k with you.”

“I’m ready now. I’ll withdraw the money from my account on our way.”

“I love the spirit. Let me tell my friends that I will be back soon,” he said and he left for his apartment.


Later on, he came back and both of them left for the baba’s place.

Some minutes later, they got to the place.

The compound looked abandoned. The Baba stayed alone in the unkempt building.

Baba and Kosi exchanged greetings like pals as soon as they entered the building.

He offered them seats.

Later on, Kosi informed him that his friend needed soap.

The Baba requested money and Gozie provided it.

The man left with the money into another room and closed the door behind him.

A few minutes later, he came out with a white rubber container with black sticky substance inside it.

He then handed it over to Gozie who put it in a black nylon bag that Kosi provided.

Baba then gave him instructions on how to use the soap.

Afterwards, both of them stood up and left the Baba’s place.

When they got to Kosi’s house, some of the boys that were celebrating had left. Two boys were seated on the couch engrossed in their laptop computers.

Gozie and Kosi went and sat down on another couch, conversing.

“I trust what you can do with this. Do you know that when I was learning this business without the soap, I never made a dime,” Kosi said.

“Seriously,” Gozie said looking surprised.

“Yes, I was astonished to hear you say you got 50dols from that. You can imagine when you now have unmerited favour beside you. You must cash out, ajeh.”

“I pray so.”

“Lest I forget, now that you no longer work with the factory, you are free to stay here as long as you want. It will also help you remain consistent in this business.”

“Wow, thank you. I will go back to my house and pick a few things and come back.”

“I also have a laptop that I’m not using. You are free to use it when you are here.”

“God bless you, bro. You are my Godsent.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Let me leave now,” Gozie said as he stood up to leave.

“Okay, see you later.”

Gozie left for his house feeling excited.

When he got home, he picked the necessary items he would need for his stay at Kosi’s place.

He carried his bucket and gallons that were outside into his room and locked the door.

He then left for Kosi’s place afterwards.

After that day, Gozie joined the rest of the boys at Kosi’s place and continued his online work.

He put in all his effort fully into it ensuring that he was following every instruction that Baba gave him.

As time went on, he began to see changes. Most of his prospective clients flow with his chats. They started opening up to him about their earnings and also promising to send him money whenever it came.

About a week later, one of his clients sent him 500 dollars.

He was delighted.

He kept on pushing and following up with a particular rich single lady whom he had promised to marry. He had told the lady that they needed to relocate into a new house after their wedding.

The lady was well convinced that she had gotten a husband. She was willing to give her all just to be called someone’s wife.

After talking with her on a video call, the lady promised to send some money to Gozie for the new apartment.

Gozie appreciated her and waited for her to fulfil her promise.

About an hour later, Gozie checked his cash app and shouted.

“My maga don pay!!! I don hammer!!!” Gozie shouted as he jumped off the couch.

“How much bro!” one of the boys seated next to him asked inquisitively.

“20,000 dollars!!!”

The whole house roared in shouts of joy.

Kosi immediately ran out of the bedroom. Gozie on seeing him went and hugged him.

“My bro!!! I talk am say you go make am. Your intelligence no be here coupled with grace.”

“Thank you my bro for this. I’m indebted to you for this.”

“This calls for celebration, I’ll be right back.”

Kosi went and increased the volume of the music that was playing. He quickly went to his bar and brought a bottle of wine and some cups.

He opened the wine poured it into those cups, and shared it among the boys that were in the living room.

They celebrated Gozie’s success and continued their work afterwards.

Later in the evening, Kosi and Gozie were outside discussing.

“I’m just thinking of what to do with this money. I think I’ll go and see my mother,” Gozie said.

“You too like your mama.”

“Bro, I don’t joke with her.”

“Yes, the hustle is for mama but you need to reward yourself first. Buy a luxury car like Benz or Lexus, wear designers, live large, and carry babe. I do send money home but I put myself first.”

“Okay, I’ll consider those but I will never forget my mother. I’ll go and visit her. “

“Mummy’s boy.”


They both laughed.

“Remember Baba’s settlement oo,” Kosi said.

“Do you know I almost forgot? We will go and meet him tomorrow.”


Later on, they went back to the room.

The following day, they both prepared and left for Baba’s place.

When they got there, Gozie thanked him for his success and gave him his share of the money as agreed.

He prayed for him for more success and they left afterwards.

Kosi then drove Gozie to a car dealer’s place.

They met the sales manager who took them around the showroom.

With Kosi’s aid, Gozie picked a Mercedes Benz car and paid for it.

The vendor got someone that drove the car to their house because Kosi was driving his and Gozie didn’t know how to drive.

When they got home, they threw another party for Gozie’s latest achievement.

The boys continued their Internet business afterwards.

Later on, Gozie enrolled in a short-term driving course. He was attending driving school alongside running his business with ease.

He continued interacting with the client who paid the huge amount.

Some days later, he stopped going to the driving lessons because he assured his instructor that he had learnt how to drive and devoting more time to it was a waste of time for him.

As soon as Gozie stopped going to the driving lessons, he started driving his new car around.

He had changed his wardrobe and as well his look. He had short dreads with undercut hair, he wore designer clothes with matching accessories.

A few days later, before noon, Gozie was preparing to leave the house.

Kosi walked up to him.

“My G, where to?” Kosi asked.

“I wan go see my colleague at my former workplace,” Gozie answered.

“Okay, it’s necessary. They need to see that you weren’t playing when you decided to leave them.”

Gozie smiled.

“See you later then.”

“Alright,” Gozie said and left the house.

He then entered his car and drove off.

Some minutes later, he arrived at the factory.

He brought out his phone and called Helen to come outside the gate.

In no time, Helen came outside the gate and looked around but didn’t see him.

She then called his number but he didn’t pick up. As she was about to go back to the factory Gozie opened his car door and alighted.

Helen turned immediately and shouted.

“Chineke meeeh!! Gozie!!”

She rushed and hugged him.

“You look good, whose car is this?” she said looking inquisitive.

“Mine,” Gozie said and smiled.

“Jisos! Gozie is now a car owner oo. I’m happy for you. The car is beautiful,” she said as she walked around the car admiring it.

“Thank you, Helen.”

“Let’s go inside the factory.”

“No please.”


“I don’t want oga to see me. He’s around, right?”

“Yes, he’s in his office. I want him to see you.”

“I would have entered if he wasn’t around. It will look like I came to show off, I don’t want him to start asking questions, remember what I told him when I resigned. I only came to see you.”

“I would have loved everyone in the factory to see how rich you have become.”

“No, I don’t that. I just came to appreciate you, you are part of my success story.”

“Awwwwn, I had to do it because your mates are making money and you were here suffering.”

“Thank you so much.”

“You are welcome, it’s almost lunchtime. You will take me out oo.”

“Pick any outlet of your choice, let’s go. “

“Yes, oo. Odogwu m. Let me get my bag and also tell oga that I’ve gone for a lunch break,” she said and rushed inside the factory.

Gozie went into his car and waited for her.

She later came out with her handbag. She then got into the car and they drove off.

A few minutes later, they drove into the most expensive restaurant in that area.

Gozie parked the car and they both alighted.

They entered the restaurant and sat.

The waiter came and took their orders, and brought them later.

They ate and drank to their satisfaction. Helen ordered extras that she would take home. They were brought for her.

Gozie paid all the bills and they left the restaurant.

They discussed as they drove back to the factory.

“Lest I forget Gozie, my birthday is around the corner.”


“In two weeks, 23rd to be precise.”

“That’s on Sunday.”

“Yes, workfree day for me.”

“Where would you like to celebrate it?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Whichever way you want it, all bills are on me.”

“Odogwu goo goo!!!! thank you so much. I’ll tell you my plans later. I need to take my time.”


“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Not yet.”

When they got to the factory, Gozie gave Helen a bundle of money.

She was so excited that she quickly pecked him on the cheek.

Gozie felt special but pretended like nothing happened.

Helen then alighted and bade him goodbye as he drove off.

Some days later, Gozie prepared and left for the village.

He had earlier bought some foodstuff and ingredients, some wrappers of different grades, cartons of wine and some snacks.

As he drove into his village, he saw a young, pregnant woman looking unkempt and carrying a gallon of water on her head.

He pitied her and drove close to her to help her.

He stopped and alighted.

“Good day madam,” Gozie said.

The woman turned and greeted him.

Suddenly, it seemed they both recognised themselves.


“Gozie, is this really you?”

“Yes, Chioma, what.. what are you doing in the village?”

“We live here,” she said looking embarrassed.

“Let me help you,” he said trying to carry the gallon of water from her head.

“No, I don’t want my mother-in-law to shout at me.”

“What about your husband?”

“He had gone back to the city. Let me be on my way,” she said and left immediately.

Gozie got back into his car.

He wasn’t happy seeing her in such a condition.

“But Dike is rich, why is Chioma looking unkempt? What happened?” he thought as he left for his father’s compound.

Gozie drove into his father’s compound.

His mother was in the outdoor kitchen, picking some palm fruits.

Immediately Gozie’s mother saw the car, she stood up gazing to see who would come out of it.

The car stopped, and Gozie alighted.

His mother still watched him as he closed the car door and walked towards her.

“Good afternoon, Mama.”

“Afternoon Gozie nwam, I thought you came with your oga.”

“No, Mama, I came alone.”

“And he allowed you to carry his car.”

Gozie smiled

“Mama, it’s mine,” Gozie said.

“Yours? How? Did you win a lottery?”

“No, ma.”

“How then? Is it the money they pay you at that pure water factory that you used to buy this car?”

“I no longer work there, Mama. I got a new job. Mama, you are asking too many questions.”

“Why won’t I ask? I hope you have not joined those wuru wuru people that are all over the place.”

“Ah ah, Mama, welcome me well now. I told you I no longer work with the Satchet water factory. I got a better job. You should be happy for me.”

“Why shouldn’t I be happy for my son’s progress, I’m just saying that I’m not in support of fr@udulent wealth.”

“And I just told you I got a better job.”

“Even if you have the money, is a car the most important thing you need now?”

“All the workers in my new workplace drive cars. Do you want me to be different from the rest?”

“Hmmm, okay, you are welcome.”

“Thank you, Mama.”

“Let me get you something to eat,” his mother said and left for the kitchen.

“Okay,” Gozie said and walked into the room.

His mother got the plate of food and carried it to the room where Gozie was.

They both discussed as he ate the food.

“Mama, I checked that our land is close to the road but didn’t see the pipe-born water facility that was proposed for it.”

“My son, I don’t know what happened. We all expected the project to commence immediately. They have not communicated with me since Dike paid us the compensation fee.”

“How much was the compensation fee again?”

“1.2 million naira.”

“Mtcheew, I’ll go and see our development union president tomorrow. “

“What for?”

“I just want to know the state of the contract. Mama, I saw Chioma on my way coming, so she’s in this village.”

“Yes, she’s staying with her mother-in-law.”

“Why didn’t her husband take her along while going back?”

“I don’t know. Why are you bothering yourself over someone who abandoned you and is already pregnant for another man.”

Gozie became mute.

When he was done eating, he carried the plate to the kitchen.

He later presented to his mother, all the items he bought for her, and she was delighted.

The following day, Gozie prepared and left for the union president’s house.

When he got there, the man and his family welcomed him especially. They offered Gozie food and drinks, but he didn’t accept any.

Gozie went ahead to tell him his purpose of coming.

“Gozie, I don’t know why Dike is delaying the project. He promised to send the money for some materials as soon as he got to the city. But a few weeks after he left, he stopped picking up our calls,” Nnamdi said.

“Do you think he has abandoned the project?”

“I think so, but I needed to hear from him first. Do you want to continue with the project?”

“No, I want my father’s land back.”

“Nsogbu, okay. I need another way to reach him. Let me change so we can go and meet his mother.”


In no time, the man dressed up, and they both left for Dike’s mother’s place.

A few minutes later, they got there.

Chioma was outside washing clothes when they arrived.

She welcomed them and then went into the room to call her mother-in-law.

Her mother-in-law then came out, and they exchanged greetings.

“My husbands come inside,” Chioma’s mother-in-law said.

“We won’t stay long. No need to enter inside the house,” Nnamdi said.

“Chioma, go and bring seats for our visitors,” Dike’s mother said.

“Okay, Mama,” Chioma said as she quickly stood to get the seats.

Chioma brought two plastic chairs, and their visitors sat down.

Chioma’s mother-in-law brought a small kitchen chair and sat beside them.

“We will not take much of your time. We only came to know whether Dike is still interested in the Pipe Born water project.”

“I don’t think his mind is still there, but I’ll confirm from him. Give me some seconds.”

She then went into the room and brought her phone.

She called Dike and switched it to a loudspeaker.

“Dike nwam.”

“Mama, good morning.”

“Nnamdi is here. He is asking whether you still want to build the pipe-born water facility for our community.”

“Mama, I don’t have any money on me at the moment. The money I was expecting didn’t come.”

“The owners of the land want it back.”

“They should refund my money fully. I’ll send my account details.”


After the call, Mama provided the account details that Dike sent. Gozie transferred the money into the account.

He later collected all the land documents from Dike’s mother, and they drove off.

Chioma felt embarrassed as their visitors left.

Gozie got home and informed his mother what happened. She was so happy.

She prayed that God should bless his son more.

Later in the evening, Gozie was alone in the room immersed in thoughts.

“How I wish Chioma had waited for me. She’s suffering. Come to think of it, what happened to Dike? I don’t know how his money came about, who knows what he’s doing for a living? What happened to his money? I wouldn’t like this type of thing to happen to me oo. Was he careless with his spending or what? He isn’t even taking good care of Chioma.”

A couple of days later, Gozie got up early and started preparing to go back to the city. He had informed his mother the previous day about his departure.

When he was done dressing up, his mother brought food for him. He ate as they conversed.

“Mama, I’ll always come and see you whenever I’m free.”

“No, you need to focus on your work. This work that has highly favoured you isn’t what you should joke with. You need not bother yourself. We will keep in touch over the phone.”

“Ok, don’t hesitate to tell me if you need anything.”

“Ok, my son.”

When he was done eating, he thanked his mother and carried the plate to the kitchen.

Afterwards, his mother followed him as he carried his bag into his car.

“May God grant you a safe journey. Be careful out there, remember you are my only child.”

“Ok, Mama.”

Gozie then entered the car and drove off.

He had earlier told Kosi that he was coming back that day.

About an hour later, Gozie got to Kosi’s house.

Everyone welcomed him and he shared the fruits he brought from the village amongst them.

He then went inside the room and kept his bag.

Later on, he went outside to join Kosi who was then seated alone checking his phone.

“How is everyone in the village?” Kosi asked.

“Good, bro, money is good. I know the things I was able to achieve within this short period. You need to see how I was been respected in the village.”

“I’m not surprised, you can never underestimate the power of money.”

“The only thing that pains me is that another man collected my babe because of money.”

“Collect am back now.”

“She’s already pregnant.”

“Then forget about her, there are many fishes in the river.”

“Yes, bro, I regret not having her but I’ve moved on.”

As they were talking, someone drove a Mercedes Benz G class into the compound.

Kosi already knew who the person was, so he stood up to welcome him. Gozie stood up too.

“Chuba the senior man!!” Kosi hailed as the person drove towards them.

Chuba was the richest and the most popular among them. He was called different names depending on whichever thing one knew him for.

When Chuba got to where Kosi and Gozie stood, he switched his gear control to pack and throttled severally to announce his presence.

Kosi hailed him more.

In no time, other boys in the room came outside to welcome him.

They all hailed him.

“Orimiri atata!!!!”

“Isi kara aka nebu ogidi!!!”

“Aku elisi elisi!!!”

“Onye mme mme!!!”

As they were hailing him, he was proud, feeling a sense of honour and validation.

Later on, Chuba went back to his car and brought out an expensive bottle of wine. One of the boys went into the room and brought some disposable plastic cups.

Chuba opened the wine bottle and poured the content into those cups.

Each of them carried a cup. They toasted to good life and wealth and then drank.

About thirty minutes later, those boys went back to the room, leaving only Chuba, Kosi and Gozie outside.

Chuba faced Gozie.

“You are Gozie, I guess?”


“I was here two days ago and I’ve heard so much about you.”


“Yes, you are a go-getter. You will make so much money in this business.”

“I pray so.”

“We don’t relent, we go for higher deals that bring too much money. I work for my money and I don’t give up. I am called Aku elisi elisi because my money doesn’t finish and can never finish.”

“Orimiri atata!” Kosi hailed him.

“O mu,” he answered feeling proud.

“I’d like to work with you Gozie, I like your spirit.”

“Ok, thank you. I’ll be glad to learn from you.”

Chuba then brought out his phone and exchanged contacts with Gozie.

“I have an appointment with someone by 3 pm and it’s 2:50 pm,” he said checking his wristwatch.

“Let me run, I’ll see you guys later,” Chuba said as he walked to his car.

“Okay,” Kosi said.

Chuba entered his car and drove out.

Kosi then took Gozie aside and started talking to him in a low tone.

“Bro, don’t listen to him.”


“I just don’t want your close association with him. I know him more than you do. Remember what I told you when you newly joined us, there are several ways to go about this business but I showed you the one that I’m okay with and the one that works for me. He’s my friend but you are my brother. I’ll always tell you the truth.”

“You mean all the things he said here are lies.”

“No not at all, they are true but I don’t want you to go astray.”

“Alright. Thanks, bro.”

“Why is Kosi telling me to avoid Chuba? Is there something they are trying to hide from me? I’d like to know what he’s into. Why does his money not finish? I don’t want to end up like Dike, he went to the village to show off wealth that didn’t last. I don’t want mine to finish oi. But why is Kosi projecting him as a bad person when they are friends? I think that there’s something he knew that he doesn’t want me to know. We shall see,” Gozie thought as he lay on the couch in the evening.

When he was still contemplating, his phone started ringing. He checked to see the caller and it was Helen.

He smiled.

“Helen dear,” he said in a soft voice.

“Odogwu nwoke,” Helen hailed over the phone.

“Yes, how are you?”

“I’m fine, just want to remind you about my birthday.”

“It’s this Sunday, I didn’t forget it dear. I’ve been busy lately. Have you gotten a venue?”

“Yes, I chose Ring Hotel.”

“Classy babe! I love that. I’ll send you some money to start up the preparation.”

“Yesooooo, thanks Goo Goo.”

“You are welcome.”

“Bye,” Helen said and ended the call.

So the following day which was on Saturday, Gozie informed Kosi that he would leave the house in preparation for Helen’s birthday and that he would come back on Monday.

“I just want to know how far she has gone with the preparations,” Gozie said.

“Hmmm, Who is this babe that you are devoting all these time for?”

“My friend.”

“Which one is ‘your friend’? She’s your babe, you don’t want us to see her bah.”

“No, she was my colleague at the factory then but I want to take our relationship to another level.”

“Okay, that means it kinda a private party.”

“Not really,” Gozie said smiling.

“No wahala, enjoy yourself. If I’m free, I’ll show face.”


Later on, Gozie prepared and left.

Some minutes later, he got to his house. The whole place looked dusty and scattered.

So, he changed his clothes, cleaned and arranged the whole place.

He then lay down on the bed and slept off.

Some minutes later, he found his phone ringing. The number was unsaved, he then picked it up.

He exchanged greetings with the caller.

“Gozie it’s me, Chuba.”

“Oh, Chuba, it’s good to hear from you.”

“You don’t want to call me now so I said that I should call you.”

“You did well, sorry that I have not called.”

“No problem. I would like us to hang out tomorrow.”

“My friend is celebrating her birthday tomorrow and I don’t want to miss out.”

“Ok, let’s make it on Monday. Meanwhile, I want to join you at the birthday party.”

“Okay, the venue is at Ring hotel.”

“I’ll be there. See you tomorrow then.”

Later in the evening, Gozie went to meet Helen to learn about the preparation for her birthday.

The mini Hall had already been embellished with colourful decorative materials. The cake and drinks had been booked. Helen had also contacted the caterer for the type of food she wanted.

She thanked Gozie for all his support towards the success of her birthday.

Afterwards, Gozie drove Helen to her house and left

The following day, around noon, the caterer and some other organisers were already in the venue waiting for the celebration to start.

Helen’s friends started arriving at the venue.

Around 3 pm, Gozie and Helen arrived at the venue.

In no time, the party started. The cake was cut by the celebrant amidst joyful cheers. The cake was divided into some pieces and shared among the attendees likewise the suitable wine for it.

The food and drinks were shared as well.

The celebrant was called up for a dance.

As soon as she started dancing, Gozie brought out some money from his pocket and started spraying them on her.

A few minutes later, Gozie’s money got exhausted. He danced a little he went back to his seat.

As they were still dancing, chuba entered.

Gozie went and welcomed him. He then introduced him to Helen.

Chuba was offered a seat. He was then served food and drink.

Immediately after he finished eating, he brought out three bundles of money from a small bag he carried and walked up to Helen.

As soon as Helen saw the money, she started dancing harder. Chuba started spraying her money nonstop until the three bundles he had were all finished.

One of the girls packed the naira notes as soon as they came.

Gozie was amazed likewise every other person there in the hall.

Gozie later appreciated Chuba for the support. Helen also went to thank Chuba specially for the surplus money he sprayed on her.

Later on, Chuba stood up to leave. Gozie followed him to see him off to his car.

“Thanks for coming, you are truly aku elisi elisi.”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg on what I do?”

“Omo! I tap from your grace senior man.”

“I work for it, bro. Remember we will meet tomorrow.”


“See you tomorrow then,” Chuba said as he entered his car.

He bade Gozie goodbye and zoomed off.

Gozie went back to the hall.

Some of the attendees were getting ready to leave.

Gozie then called Helen to a private corner and they sat down.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself?” Gozie asked.

“Yes, very well.”

“Helen dear, there’s something I want to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend.”

Helen became mute.

“Please say something, I know you love me. Please Helen be my girl.”

“Gozie, I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t do this to me Helen, I’ve grown to love you so much.”

“I said I’ll think about it,” Helen said and walked out of the venue.

Gozie felt so dis@ppointed, he never knew that Helen would grudge over his advances. He kept hope alive.

“Maybe she would accept me after thinking about it as she said. I knew she didn’t have a serious boyfriend and I knew she loved me. I didn’t expect this from her at all. Let me wait,” Gozie thought while still sitting in that private corner.

He was still there not knowing that all the attendees had left.

Later on, he looked around and discovered that everyone had left.

He then stood up and walked out of the hall. He went to where he parked his car, entered, and drove out.

Some minutes later, he got to his house. He was still in low spirits. He felt like going back to Kosi’s place but it was already too late in the night. He never knew he was going to sleep alone that night after tidying up and arranging the whole place.

He removed his shoe and lay on the bed feeling devastated.

He slept off afterwards.

The following morning, he woke up early but was too tired to get up from the bed.

He was still in bed when his phone started ringing. He checked and it was Chuba that was calling. He then picked it up.

“Senior man, good morning,”Gozie said sounding tired.

“Good morning Gozie. It’s like you’re still in bed,” Chuba said over the phone.

“I’m just waking up.”

“Okay, I’m leaving my house now. Where do I meet you we will go out in my car.”

“Okay, let me prepare. When you get to Odi Avenue, ask for Ukwa Street and stop at no 7. I’ll wait for you in front of my gate when I’m done preparing.”

“Okay,” he said and ended the call.

Gozie got up immediately, took his bucket, and left the room.

Some minutes later, he had finished preparing. He got outside and locked his room.

He then went down the street to a roadside food vendor’s place and had his breakfast there.

Afterwards, he went back and waited for Chuba in front of his compound gate.

Some minutes later, Gozie saw Chuba’s car approaching. He stood up and walked towards it.

When Chuba saw him, he stopped the car and Gozie entered.

Chuba zoomed off from there.

They drove to an expensive joint around. They entered the place and sat down. Chuba ordered two plates of assorted spicy meat and wine.

The edibles were brought and they ate and drank to their satisfaction.

Chuba paid up and they left the place.

They discussed as they were in transit.

“I want to help you upgrade. I’ll show you ways to make mega money. Hope you’re interested,” Chuba asked.

“Yes, very much.”

“Okay, I’ll take you to my science man who will show you different ways to make money without stress.”

“With soap, right?”

“No, you don’t even need to sc@m anybody. No stress, just do your assignment and relax. Money will start flowing like a river into your account.”

“What’s the assignment?”

“That’s why we are going there, you will choose any assignment you like.”

“As simple as that?”

“Yes,” Chuba assured him.

About an hour later, Chuba was still stirring.

Gozie was getting worried but Chuba told him that they weren’t far from the place.

“We are almost there, you don’t need to worry. I’m taking you on a journey that will change your life. You are even lucky to know someone like me. Do you know where I went to, in search of a breakthrough?”


“I went Ghana.”



“How? Do you know anyone there?”

“I went with my friends. I don’t know that what I sought there was in my locality. I got this connection from another friend and you should be lucky that I chose to link you up here. You won’t need to waste your income to travel to Ghana just like me.”

“Thank you for this. What do they do differently from the place that Kosi took me to?”

“A lot, you will get to know them when we meet the science man.”


Some minutes later, Chuba drove into a compound and stopped at a shade.

Both of them then alighted.

“This is the place,” Chuba said while walking towards the entrance.

Gozie followed him.

Chuba knocked and a middle-aged man came and opened the door.

They exchanged greetings with the man and they all went into the living room.

“Billionaire maker, I brought my friend to come and see you,” Chuba said humbly.

“Good, I know they are seeing the impact of your hard work. Who no like better thing? Just relax, I’ll be right back,” the man said.

Chuba and Gozie then sat on the couch.

The man turned and left for the inner room.

He had several rooms in the building but stayed alone.

When he left the living room, Gozie and Chuba continued with their discussion.

All of a sudden, they heard a loud shout from one of the inner rooms.

A young man ran out shouting at the top of his voice. He rushed out of the door without looking back.

Gozie was frightened.

Chuba seemed to be used to such a thing. He looked nonchalant.

“Senior man, what just happened? Did you see that boy?” Gozie asked looking terrified.

“He’s not a man,” Chuba replied.

“I don’t understand.”

“He had been in a room for seven days in obedience to a ritual he chose to embark on. A being appeared to give him money but he couldn’t face it to take his reward. Such a waste of time.”

“Hmmm, does he need to repeat the ritual now that he failed it?”

“For where! Once you leave the room without collecting the money, it’s over for you.”


“He may not come back to his senses again.”

“What! Hope that’s not what we are waiting for?”

“No, unless you want to embark on it.”

“God forbid. It means the being must be very scary to make such a person strange.

“Shhh, don’t say that again.”

Soon after, the man they were waiting for walked into the living room and sat on a couch opposite them.

The science man then went ahead to list out the different ways to make quick money for Gozie and afterwards left him to make decisions on which one he was ready to embark on.

“I’ll be back soon,” the science man said as he stood up and left.

Gozie became scared.

“Chuba, please I want to go,” Gozie said with a shaky voice.

“Go? Why?”

“I can’t do any of those things he listed.”

“There’s nothing strange in what he listed. These are what your mates do daily. The truth is that nobody will tell you the ones they did. Don’t forget I brought you here. Common sense should tell you I have done more than one of those things he listed.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I will advise you to choose the pot of wealth.”

“He said that pot of wealth eats bl○○d.”

“Animal bl○○d now,” Chuba said sounding persuasive.

“Oh, really, animal.”

“Yes, you are just talking as if you haven’t involved yourself in anything bl○○d before.

“Please I have not.”

Chuba laughed.

“That soap you are using nko, do you know the ingredients used in preparing it?”

“It’s just an ordinary good luck soap.”

“Gozie, for your information, human p.arts were part of the ingredients used in preparing that soap.”

Gozie was struck dumb.

“You see? Which one is better, human or animal? You have been into human ritu@l unknowingly,” Chuba continued.

Gozie was still terrified.

“I’ll suggest you start with a pot of wealth. It accepts animal s@crifice. Just do it and your money will start coming.”

“So, that soap is not just a good luck soap?”

“I can see you are still in shock. You can ask another person about what I said. Meanwhile, which method are you choosing now that you know the truth.”

“Let me try the pot of wealth,” said after a little silence.

Gozie wasn’t so comfortable with his decision but he assured himself that he would do it as long as it accepts only animals besides he would want to go broke like Dike.

“Good, let me call him,” Chuba said.


Chuba then left for the inner room where the man entered.

In no time, he came back with the science man and they both sat.

Gozie then told the man that he chose the method of the pot of wealth. The man told him the amount that it would cost.

Gozie provided the money and the man left for the inner room.

Some minutes later, the man came back with a clay pot tied with a white cloth.

Chuba and Gozie stood as he came with the pot.

“This is the pot of wealth, you just signed up for unlimited wealth without stress,” the man assured.

Gozie smiled.

“Your money will keep coming as long as you feed this pot with what it wants which is blood, don’t forget to come back and show your appreciation,” he said and handed him the pot.

Gozie collected it and thanked him.

Soon after, Gozie and Chuba went outside with the pot.

They walked towards Chuba’s car, entered and left.

Gozie was quiet as they drove back.

“I’m having this strange feeling that I’m not doing the right thing. But what’s the big deal here, is it not just animals that I would be s@crificing? Besides, I’ve been using soap that’s made with human par.ts. Though I wouldn’t have tried it if I knew,” he pondered as they were moving.

About an hour later, Chuba drove to Gozie’s street.

When he got in front of his gate, Chuba provided him with a black nylon bag for the conveyance of the pot of wealth.

In no time, Gozie alighted with the black nylon bag and walked into the compound.

He waved at Chuba as he drove off.

Gozie went into his house and hid the pot.

He later left for the market to buy a ram and some other items that he would be needing.

Later in the night, Gozie did as he was directed by offering the ram to the pot of wealth.

After the procedures, he kept the pot back where he had hidden it and then started waiting for its manifestation.

The following day he went back to Kosi’s house and didn’t care to inform him about his movements with Chuba.

He continued his online business at Kosi’s place and continued reaching out to Chuba.

A few weeks later, Gozie went back to his house to check on the pot. On getting to where he hid the pot, he saw bundles of money around the pot.

He shouted for joy.

He quickly called Chuba to break the good news to him.

“Senior man! E don happen! I just saw bundles of money here.”

“Welcome to the club bro. It’s your hard work, enjoy it. More will come if you stick to the rules.”

“Thank you so much for this.”

“I’m happy for you. Don’t forget the science man’s share oo.”

“Alright, talk to you later bro.”


Gozie then ended the call.

A few days later, both of them went back to the jùjù man’s place and Gozie paid his dues.

As time went on, Gozie gradually started withdrawing from Kosi. Since he discovered another source of mega income, he rarely sought new clients as usual. But the old lady he sc@mmed of the huge money still reached out to him.

Gozie started spending money in whichever way he pleased. Female admirers started coming close but he was not ready to be in a serious relationship with any of them.

One evening, Gozie was on his bed looking worried. He had been trying Helen’s number for some days. It would ring but she wouldn’t pick it up. Recently, he had been trying to call but the line was busy.

“I haven’t heard from Helen for a while now. She hasn’t even gotten back to me as she promised. Hope everything is alright with her,” Gozie said looking anxious.

The following day, Gozie prepared and left for the factory. Since the factory was close to his house, he walked to the place.

On getting there, he saw the manager outside discussing with someone.

Gozie walked up to him and they exchanged greetings.

The manager excused the person he was with and faced Gozie.

“How is work?” the manager asked.

“Fine sir.”

“You came to see us.”

Gozie smiled

“I came to see Helen.”

“Helen is no longer in us.”

Gozie was astonished.

“Since when? Where is she now?” Gozie asked.

“She suddenly stopped coming to work, we became worried and started asking questions. It was later that one of her close friends said she was married.”

“Married? She didn’t care to tell me.”

“She didn’t tell any of us.”

“No problem, I’ll be on my way sir.”

“Alright, have a nice day.”

“You too sir,” Gozie said left looking downcasted.

Afterwards, he forgot everything about Helen and focused on his new hustle.

Since Kosi noticed Gozie’s withdrawal attitude, he reached out to him through a phone call, to find out what the problem was. Gozie lied to him that he got a high-paying job that he’s combining with his hustle.

So Kosi let him be.

Later on, Gozie realised that the pot of wealth accepts bl○○d s@crifice every month.

The money stopped coming after one month of the first sacrifice. He renewed it by k!llin.g another ram and the money continued flowing. He also did it for the third time and saw the result.

A month later, after the third s@crifice, the money stopped coming. He quickly got a ram from the market and performed the ritu@l as usual but didn’t see the results afterwards.

He tried with bigger rams but still didn’t see the results.

Some days later, Gozie called Chuba and complained about his problem to him.

“This isn’t something that we can talk about over the phone. Come to the house let’s discuss,” Chuba said over the phone.

“Send your address, please.”

“Ok, I’ll do that now.”

“Thank you,” Gozie said and ended the call.

In no time Gozie’s phone beeped indicating a text message.

He checked and it was Chuba’s house address.

He then started preparing to go to Chuba’s house.

Some minutes later, he locked his door and left in his car.

Some minutes later, he got to the place in the address. He called Chuba and he came out and directed him into the compound.

Gozie then parked his car and alighted.

Both of them walked into the living room and sat down.

Chuba was living in an exotic apartment. Everywhere looked beautiful.

A sweet aroma was emanating from his kitchen. It seemed someone was there preparing food. Gozie didn’t care to talk about who was in the kitchen, he was more concerned about his reasons for coming.

He tabled his problems to Chuba.

“It’s a normal thing. It happened because it’s time to make a change. It’s time to unlock unlimited riches that would last for a longer time,” Chuba said.

“Make a change, how?”

“Change to human bl○○d.”


“Yes, it wants a very close family member of yours. Your mother’s spirit is very strong sef, she suppose don go by now. Is she aware of your hustle?”


“Try to convince her to accept what you are doing. If she’s happy with it, her spirit will be accepted.”

“You are confusing me, her spirit will be accepted, how?”

“She’s the next sacrifice.”

“God f○rbid, not my mother!”

“Reduce your voice oga. Remember you are already in covenant with the god of money. If you don’t do what you ought to do, you will face the consequences, no two ways about it.” Chuba said in a low tone.

“You didn’t tell me all this now,” Gozie said looking worried.

“No easy way to quick money. Stop behaving like a kid and do what you are supposed to do. You have less than a month already to renew your s@crifice, I’m just telling you because you are my friend.”

“You are not a good friend, why didn’t you tell me on time about the consequences? You are wick£d!” Gozie said trying to raise his voice but Chuba hushed him.

As they were talking in a low tone, a female voice called Chuba from the kitchen.

“Baby, should I bring the food now?”

“Yes, please.”

In no time, the girl walked out carrying a plate of food in a fancy tray.

Gozie looked up and was startled.

“What? Helen! What are you doing here?”

Helen stood still and looked awkward.

“Chuba, what is happening here?”

“The last time I checked, she wasn’t your girlfriend or your sister. She’s an adult and can choose who to be with at any time.”

“Helen so this is the reason you stopped taking my calls.”

Helen suddenly became confident.

“But I didn’t accept to be your girl, why are you trying to make me feel b@d?”

“Helen, is this all you have to say?”

Helen then went and kept the tray on the side stool beside Chuba and left for the bedroom.

“Babe get me an extra spoon,” Chuba shouted to Helen.

Helen brought the spoon and went back to the bedroom.

Gozie was still looking furious.

Chuba brought the food before them.

“Gozie let’s eat. You take the things of this life too seriously. Girls are everywhere, they will always come around when they see the money. Use them as you want. Man up and do the needful and I’ll open your eyes to more ways to make money.”

“You people are making me cr@zy, stop please,” Gozie shouted angrily.

He then stood up and left the house ignoring Chuba’s call for him to come back.

He quickly went to where he parked, opened his car, entered and drove off.

On his way back, his phone started ringing.

He checked it and it was an unsaved contact. He then picked it up.

“Hello,” Gozie said .

“Gozie! Gozie!!”

“Yes! It’s me! What is it?”

“It’s Chika, your neighbour in the village. Your mother slumped on her way from the market.”

“What! My mother! Please!! Take her to the hospital please!!!”

“We are on our way to the health center now.”

“Thank you, I’m coming to see her please.”

The caller ended the call.

Gozie left for the village immediately.

He reached his home town about an hour later and was headed to the health centre.

When he got there, he was directed to the ward where his mother was. He quickly got to the ward and met Chika their neighbour, still with his mother.

His mother was lying on the bed looking feeble.

A fluid bag was hung on a drip stand beside her. The fluid dropped slowly into the drip chamber and to the tube connected to the cannula on her hand.

“Chika, how is she now?”

“Gozie you are here, she has been like this since we came.”

“What did the doctor say was wrong with her?”

“The doctor hasn’t even come yet, it’s one of the nurses who came and administered this drip on her,” she said pointing at the fluid bag.

“Thanks for bringing her here. As it stands now, I think I’ll take her to a hospital in the city.”

“Better, I don’t understand what they are doing here.”

Gozie went and informed the management about his decision. He was directed to pay for the medicines and services administered to the mother so far.

He went ahead and made all the payments. He also appreciated Chika with some money.

Afterwards, Gozie’s mother was carried into his car and they both left for the city.

As soon as they got to the city, Gozie headed to a notable hospital around his place. The hospital had the best health practitioners in that town.

When they got to the hospital, the orderlies were called and she was carried into the emergency ward.

She was given prompt and adequate attention.

Later on, Gozie left for his house to get a few things and later went back to the hospital to look after his mother.

A few days later, in the evening, Gozie’s mother was still unconscious but breathing.

The doctors couldn’t ascertain the underlying cause of the sickness and she wasn’t responding to treatment either.

The doctors later confirmed her to be in a coma.

Gozie was devastated.

“What type of unknown sickness is this now.”

Suddenly something struck his mind as he was soliloquising.

“How come she’s not getting any better? Hope it’s not what I’m thinking. Chuba said something about that pot taking a close relative of mine, God forbid! Let nothing happen to my mother oo. I need to talk to someone about this.”

He brought out his phone and dialled Kosi’s number.

He picked it up and they both greeted.

“Bro, please I need your help,” Gozie said in an agonising tone.

“Hope no problem.”

“I’m sorry for not listening to you.”

“What do you mean? What happened?”

“I followed Chuba to a place where I was given a pot of wealth.”

“What!? I warned you! Why didn’t you tell me before going? Chuba is a notorious ritu@list.”

“I discovered that.”

I learn from others’ mistakes. I don’t let the same thing happen to me before I learn. That pot is for bl○○d money, in fact, it is b@d news.”

Gozie started crying.

“Gozie what is the problem? Why are you crying?”

“My mother is dy!ng, I suspect it wants my mother’s bl○○d.”

“Guy, you disappointed me. When your mama goes for this, who would you enjoy the money with?”

“I don’t want the money again, I want my mother back. I’m scared. Should I go back to the science man?”

“Don’t try it or they will fast forward her de@th. Pot of wealth has de@dly consequences, I wish you told me before embarking on that journey.”

“I’m sorry,” continued wailing.

“It’s okay. I pray it doesn’t take her.”

“Please help me, what do I do?”

“I know someone who survived this type of situation, I heard it was a powerful man of God around South Road that rescued him.”

“Where is the South Road located?”

“It’s not far from my place, come tomorrow morning and I’ll take you to the place.”

“Ok, thank you, bro. God bless you. I’ll come tomorrow.”


Gozie then ended the call and continued shedding tears.

“I pray nothing happens to my mother too.”

Gozie then held his mother’s hand and started praying for her. He continued praying nonstop until he slept off.

The following day, Gozie called one of the nurses and begged her to take care of his mother that he was going out.

The nurse nodded.

Gozie then left for Kosi’s place.

He sped as if he had been chased. Kosi seemed to be his last hope at that moment.

Some minutes later, he got to Kosi’s place.

He parked his car and walked to the entrance of the apartment.

The door was opened and nobody was inside.

He walked into the apartment but saw no one. All the doors were opened and the whole place scattered.

He was confused.

He started calling Kosi and his friends but nobody answered him.

He became anxious.

Gozie then brought out his phone and called Kosi. It rang and nobody picked up the call. He called again and it was switched off.

“What’s happening? Where is everybody?” he said as he walked out of the apartment.

Suddenly a young man came out from the next compound. On seeing Gozie he walked up to him.

“Guy, it’s like you don’t know what happened here.”

“Please what happened, I can’t find anybody in the house.”

“Efcc men came here very early in the morning and arrested everyone. If you know what is good for you, leave now because they may still check back.”

Gozie was frightened.

He thanked the man.

He quickly entered his car and zoomed off.

Gozie quickly drove back to the hospital and parked his car at their parking lot.

He went back to the ward where his mother was. He sat beside her and watched her closely. She still lay unconscious as he left him.

Tears rolled down his cheek.

“My mother will not die, who else am I making the money for, if not her.”

He heaved a huge sigh.

He stood up from the bed and started pacing around the private ward gently.

“I need to go and look for that church myself. What if EFCC is also looking for me and the church isn’t far from Kosi’s place? I know what to do,” Gozie thought.

Later on, he left the hospital and trekked back to his house.

He removed all the expensive pieces of jewellery he wore and changed into a casual and simpler outfit.

He then covered his dread hair with a face cap.

He closed his door and left the compound afterwards.

He walked down the street and stood in wait for a commercial motorcyclist.

Soon after, a motorcyclist stopped before him.

“You dey go!?” the bike man asked.

“Yes, do you know South Road?”

“Yes, very well!”

“I’m going to a church around there but I don’t know the exact place it’s situated. It’s my first time.”

“I don’t know where the church is but you can ask people around when we get there.”


Gozie then climbed the motorcycle and the man rode off.

Some minutes later, they got to the south road and the rider stopped the motorcycle.

“Oga this whole area is called South Road. You can ask anybody to direct you to the church.”

“Ok thank you,” Gozie said and got down from the motorcycle.

He paid the bike man for his services and he rode off immediately.

Gozie started asking passers-by where the church was, they claimed not to know the place.

He then walked down to a shop where he saw a middle-aged woman.

He greeted her and then told her that he was looking for a deliverance church that was said to be around there.

“See it down there,” she said pointing at a black gate towards the end of the street.

“Okay, thank you so much ma.”

“You are welcome.”

Gozie walked down the place and entered into the gate. It was a large compound, housing different buildings and a large open space.

He started looking around to know if he would find someone he would ask questions.

Suddenly a young man in security uniform walked up to him.

“Hey, how did you enter here?” the security man said arrogantly.

“Hear,” Gozie said, showing him an opened gate.

“Are you looking for someone?”

“Yes- yes sir, I want to see the pastor.”

“Is it on appointment?”

“No, I just want to see him. It’s urgent.”

“That’s not how we work here, come back next Wednesday.”

“No sir, I can’t. It’s a matter of life and death.”

“Which one is life and death? Abeg leave this place before I go change am for you.”

“No! I’m not leaving until I see the pastor.”

“Mr man, leave this place or I’ll force you.”

Gozie refused to leave.

The security man started pushing him out.

“Okon! What is the problem!” a man shouted from the window upstairs.

“Oga, he said he wanted to see you and I told him to come next week and he refused to go.”

“Let him in.”


The security man then turned to Gozie.

“You get luck, I for show you say I dey stubborn more than you.”

Gozie was mute.

“Follow that way to the second floor, first room by your right,” Okon said pointing at a stairway.

“Thank you,” Gozie said and left for the stairway.

He later got to the pastor’s office.

He knocked and the pastor opened the door.

They exchanged greetings and the pastor told him to sit as he got back to his own seat.

“What can I do for you?”

Gozie went ahead to explain his problems to the man.

“You see, there’s no shortcut to success. Satan doesn’t give free gifts, all these things that you people do have repercussions. I always tell our youth to work diligently for their money so that they can enjoy the fruits of their labour in peace. You are young and healthy but you chose not to work hard in a legitimate way to make money.”

Gozie buried his head in shame.

“Where is the money you got through that evil pot?”

“I usually keep some bundles at home and deposit the rest into my bank account.”

“You know it’s bl○○d money, right?”


“Your mother is on the verge of being used but her bl○○d isn’t accepted yet. When the duration for the use of the bl○○d elapses, it would look for another close relative of yours and your mother will remain like that until she d!es. After all your loved ones are taken, it will come for you. It is capable of wasting the whole family.”

Gozie knelt and started crying.

“Didn’t you consider all these before you went for it?”

“Nobody told me that it would demand human bl○○d,” Gozie said amidst tears.

“Anything form of sacrifice performed with animal bl○○d will later on demand human bl○○d. Don’t let anyone deceive you.”

“Man of God, please help me. I don’t want my mother to die.”

“By God’s grace, you will be delivered but keep in mind that you will lose everything you acquired with the money gotten from the evil pot. You will lose the money too because you must dispose of the pot. Everything that came from it will go with it. You will also return the money of those you sc@mmed if you can.”

“I’m ready to do anything, sir. I don’t need the money again.”

“Okay, I believe God is giving you a second chance. Your deliverance will commence immediately. You won’t go back now, you will remain here.”

“Okay, sir.”

“I’ll need to inform my prayer team to come over. This is a serious deliverance prayer.”

The pastor took his phone and started making some calls.

In the evening, all the members of the prayer team assembled inside the church auditorium. Gozie and the man of God later joined them.

Around midnight, the deliverance section commenced. The prayer team started to sing praise and worship songs for some minutes and later on entered into prayer warfare.

As time went on, the fire-branded warfare prayer began its work as expected. Gozie started manifesting. The spirits behind all the ch@rms he had involved himself in, started speaking through him.

As these happened, the team intensified their prayers.

After some hours of intense spiritual battles, the demons left him.

The pastor then raised another prayer point on the total restoration of Gozie’s mother’s health.

They devoted an hour to this alone. They prayed for her total release from ev!l bondage.

After all the prayers, Gozie denounced his connections with every ch@rm that he had encountered in the past.

Finally, he was made free. Deep down, he had a subtle feeling of breakthrough and peace.

It was already dawn and noises of people talking were heard.

The prayer team were already preparing to leave.

Gozie was seated in one of the plastic chairs. His clothes were grimed from the unswept church floor space, where the prayer was had. He was getting eager to leave too.

The pastor walked up to him and he quickly stood up.

“My son, remember, the first thing to do when you get home is to dispose of that ev!l pot. It had been rendered powerless and now you are a different being. So don’t be afraid, you are now a free man.

Be mindful of the people you call your friends.

Always come and worship with us during our worship days. You will also make new friends with some of our brethren so that you won’t deviate again from God.”

“Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. I’ve heard all you said. I’m now part of this ministry, I promise never to go back to my evil ways.”

“Also remember to remit all those you have sc@mmed if possible.”

“I’ll try sir. I would like to go now.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Thank you, sir.”

The pastor left to go and speak to someone else.

Gozie left the auditorium.

He then left for the front of the church gate where he stood and waited for a commercial motorcyclist that would take him home.

He got one later. He entered and they rode off.

Some minutes later, the motorcyclist dropped him in front of his gate. He got down, paid the fare, and walked into their compound.

When he got into his house, he brought a black nylon bag, put the pot of wealth inside it and set it aside.

He then left the room with his bucket and soap dish.

A few moments later, he came back to the room and had freshened up. He then dressed up and left with the black nylon bag.

Later on, Gozie was on a footpath leading to a bush area. He walked down the bush area and flung the black nylon bag far away into the bush. After that, he quickly turned and walked out of the bush.

He came out to the road and left for the hospital.

He got to the hospital and was about to enter the ward when the nurse who was looking after his mother walked up to him grinning.

“I’ve been calling your number since yesterday. Where have you been?”

“I forgot to take my phone while leaving yesterday to see someone. How is my mother? Hope she’s okay,” Gozie said looking tensed.

“Calm down,” the nurse said wearing a huge smile.

“Come and see her,” the nurse continued.

Gozie rushed into the ward and saw his mother sitting on the bed.

“Mama!!” Gozie shouted as he rushed to hug her.

“Take it easy on her, she’s just recovering.”

“You don’t know how happy I am,” he said and gently hugged his mother.

“She regained consciousness in the early hours of today.”

Gozie prostrated on the floor and was shedding tears of joy.

“God I thank you for this, I’ll worship you all the days of my life,” he declared.

The nurse was watching him and was smiling.

Later on, he got up and thanked the nurse for taking care of his mother.

“You are welcome. Take your time to explain to her what happened. She’s been asking questions since she regained consciousness,” the nurse said and left afterwards.

Gozie sat close to his mother and explained to her all that happened to her, starting from when she left for the market in the village to the point when she was brought to the hospital.

He didn’t bother telling her what brought about the unconsciousness.

His mother also told him that she saw herself tied down in a dark place, amid strange beings who were angrily watching over her. She said they behaved as if she had something that belonged to them.

“You have been liberated, Mama. You are back to the land of the living and I thank God for that. Let me go and beg the doctor to discharge you.”


Gozie left for the doctor’s office.

Later on, he came back and informed his mother that the doctor said she wouldn’t leave that day.

“Why? I am very strong now. I don’t want to sleep in this hospital.”

Gozie laughed hysterically

“Mama, you’ve been here for days. You are just recovering and suddenly don’t want to sleep here. The doctor said they still need to watch you, maybe by tomorrow we will go.”

“Hmm, okay. As long as you are here with me, I’ll stay.”

“I’m here Mama. Let me get you something to eat.”


Gozie left.

He later came back with some food, fruits and drinks.

They ate together and continued discussing afterwards.

The following day, the doctor discharged her, seeing that she didn’t go back to being unconscious or develop further illnesses.

Gozie then left for the revenue office to make payments.

Later on, he used his debit card to pay.

After making the payments, his phone beeped indicating a debit alert. He checked his phone to see his balance.

He was shocked to see that the huge sums of money he deposited not too long ago were no longer in his account.

He felt bad but was grateful.

“They’ve taken their money. Thank goodness my mother is feeling better. I’m free indeed.”

After Gozie had finished paying the hospital bills, he went back to the ward to pick up his mother.

Mama had finished preparing and was seated on the bed waiting for Gozie to come.

Gozie presented the receipt of the payment to the nurses in charge of the ward. He then went and carried Mama’s things as she followed him.

They both said goodbye to the nurses and left the ward.

They walked to the parking lot where Gozie parked his car, entered and left for Gozie’s house.

Some days later, Mama started disturbing that she wanted to go back to the village but Gozie convinced her to stay with him for a little while.

Later on, Gozie shaved his dreadhair and looked more responsible.

He uninstalled all the dating apps he had on his phone. He had not used them since he fully left Kosi’s place. He had also not been communicating with most of his clients for a while. It was only Victoria, the lady that he sc@mmed the huge amount that always reached out to him.

Gozie was seated in front of his room receiving a cool evening breeze and was lost in thought.

“I need to pay back the money I sc@mmed Victoria as I promised my pastor. I wish she would let me pay installmentally and I think the only way she may allow me to pay bit by bit is just to reveal my identity. I wonder how she would react when she realised she had been falling for a f@ke identity.”

He paused and heaved a huge sigh.

“I also need another source of income as I’ll be remitting almost all I had to Victoria.”

So the following day, around noon, Gozie prepared and left for the factory.

When he got there, he requested to see the manager.

He was later called into the manager’s office. The man smiled on seeing Gozie.

“Gozie, how are you?”

“I’m fine sir. Good day.”

“Good day, have a seat.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“How is work?”

Gozie was mute for a little while.

“Sir, I came to beg you to take me back.”

“What happened with your uncle’s establishment?”

“Sir, it’s a long story.”

“Tell me, I have all the time.”

“I… I .. I never got another job with any uncle. I joined my friends in the Internet fr@ud business.”

“You mean Y@hoo.”

“Yes sir, I realised it’s not all juicy as everyone sees it, there is more to it than meets the eye. I’ve turned a new leave. I don’t want to go back to it again.”

“Hmm, thank God that you have changed. You were replaced immediately.”

Gozie’s face became gloomy.

“But I can help you because you are truthful and I also want you to get busy so you won’t go back to the bad ways.”

Gozie quickly went to his knees.

“Thank you, sir, God bless you, sir.”

“You are welcome. When do you want to resume?”

“Anytime you want me to resume sir.”

“Ok, I’ll communicate with the man who replaced you so that the two of you will be working on shifts. I’ll let you know the outcome of our discussion.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Gozie left afterwards.

He was later communicated and he resumed work the following day.

As time went on, Gozie still didn’t want his mother to go back to the village but Mama kept on complaining that she left so many things undone in the village.

Two weeks later, on a Saturday, Gozie went to the market and bought some food and clothing items for his mother. When he came back, he presented the items to her and she was so happy.

The following day, Gozie drove her back to the village and went back to the city later that day.

One evening, he was seated alone and was contemplating.

“I think it’s time for me to start paying Victoria back her money. I’ll open up to her about my identity.”

He took his phone and chatted with her. She replied immediately. Lately, she had been the one who usually communicated with Gozie first. She was so happy for the change. They continued chatting.

“There’s something that I want to bring to your notice. It has been weighing me down.”

“What is it, my love?” Victoria asked.

“I’m not who you think I am.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m a Nigerian. I was a c○n man but I have changed. I want to pay you back all the money you sent me.”

“I’m confused. Are you for real?”


“I’ll send you my details for the transfer but wait… can I see your face?”

“Okay, let me call you.”

Gozie then called her on video call directly without using the f@ke video app. She picked up immediately.

“Is this who you are?” Victoria said looking surprised.

“Yes, my real name is Gozie Amadi.”

“You are pretty young and handsome. Whose face have I been seeing?”

“I was using a fake video app. I also don’t know the person I was using his identity.”

“I never noticed the switch. Why did you choose to pay me back the money?”

“I have changed, I don’t want to be a scammer any more. I want to beg you to let me pay you installmentally because I’ve spent part of the money.”

“You are unique. I feel so bad that I’ve been chatting with a sc@mmer but I’m still surprised at your actions. You have such a unique character, I wish I could see you.”

“I’m in my state in Nigeria, I don’t have the means to come over to where you are.”

“I’d like to know you more. I don’t need to introduce myself to you again. My leave is coming up in three weeks. I want to come to Nigeria and see you, hope you will welcome me.”

“Sure, I will.”

They continued discussing for a while and later on Gozie ended the call.

Gozie was surprised at the outcome of the video call.

“These white people behave strangely. How can someone that I sc@mmed such a huge amount be saying something else when I confessed to her? What if she’s coming to arrest me? No, I think she likes me. Let me wait and see what happens,” Gozie thought as he went back to his room.

He slept off afterwards.

After that day, Gozie continued speaking and chatting with Victoria. She was getting used to Gozie’s real identity. Gozie on the other hand, was beginning to develop affection for her even though she was older than him.

Some days later, in the morning, Gozie left his house for the factory.

Before he got to the office, he noticed a number of persons looking at a spot around a refuse dump.

He ignored it and went into the factory.

The distributor trucks had reduced then. So walked into the engine room.

Some moments later, the voice of a man was heard shouting and coming closer to the factory.

“Oga!! Oga!!!”

The manager rushed out of the office and it was one of the distributor truck drivers.

“What is it? Why are you shouting?” the manager said.

Gozie also came out on hearing the man’s loud voice.

“Oga! That girl that was here!”

“Which girl?”


“What happened to Helen?”

“Oga come and see,” the man said and ran out.

The manager and Gozie quickly followed the man immediately.

The man led them to the refuse dump.

Some people were gathered around the dump watching a particular tied black nylon bag that was torn at one end. Some were looking gloomy while some were totally nonchalant about what they saw.

Gozie and his manager got closer and were shocked at what they saw.

Helen’s fresh mutil@ted body was packed into a nylon bag and kept on the refuse dump site. Her priv@te parts were missing.

“Jesus!!! What is this I’m seeing? Helen!!” the manager exclaimed.

“You know am?” a man believed to be a sc@venger asked. He was carrying a transparent bag that was filled with dirty empty rubber containers and some tins.

“Yes, she was my staff.”

“Na so we see am this morning. I believe the person keep am here for night because this thing no dey here yesterday. I dey find containers wey I go sell, I come see this nylon here. I come tear am to check if I go see containers inside, only for me to see human being. I raise alarm and people gather like this.”

“Who could have perpetrated this act?”

“I no know oo.”

“We need to involve the police immediately.”

As everyone was exclaiming and watching, Gozie was standing at one end speechless. He didn’t want to see Helen’s body the second time. He was shocked and deeply angered.

Later on, the manager walked up to Gozie.

“Gozie, did you see that?”

“Yes, I just didn’t want to view it the second time.”

“Let me call the police now.”

He brought out his phone and made a call to the police command in that area, describing the incident and its location.

Gozie and his manager walked back to the factory afterwards.

Gozie was still speechless and gloomy till they got to the factory. His manager understood he must be in shock concerning what happened to his then-closest colleague.

“Gozie, do you know any member of her family?”

“No, the little I know about her family was that her parents stay in the village though I haven’t been to her village.”

“I think we should reach out to her friends. They would know the best way to communicate with her people or her husband.”

“She was never married.”

“Are you sure about what you just said now?” the manager asked looking surprised.

“Yes sir!”

“How did you know?”

She moved in with one Yahoo boy that’s notorious for rituals. I met her at the boy’s place the last time I went there.”

“What!! A yahoo boy! And she said she was married. This is a serious matter. We need to do something about it. Do you know where the boy stays?”


The manager called the police again and informed them of the latest developments concerning the incident mentioned earlier. He requested that the police should come immediately so that the suspect could be arrested and further investigation done.

Some minutes later, the police came in two groups. One group went and carried the body away while the other went to the factory to meet Gozie and his manager.

They had a brief discussion with Gozie and afterwards left for Chuba’s place.

Some minutes later, the officers got to the described location but Chuba was nowhere to be found. His apartment was locked.

The police were disappointed. They took some details of the building and turned to leave.

They then saw a middle-aged man sitting outside in the next compound.

One of the officers walked up to him.

“Good day sir,” the officer greeted.

“Good day officer.”

“Have you seen the occupant of that building,” the officer said pointing at Chuba’s apartment.

“The one that drives G wagon?”


“I haven’t seen him for some days now. Any problem?”

“We just want to confirm we are at the right place. Thank you, sir,” the officer said and went back to their vehicle.

They left afterwards.

Helen’s parents were later reached through her friends.

They were informed about the circumstances surrounding their child’s death. Her poor mother cried her heart out.

The police promised them that they would get justice for their daughter’s demise. They hoped on the police knowing fully well that they could do nothing to the killer of their daughter.

Helen was later buried in her home town.

Since the death and burial of Helen, Gozie hadn’t been himself.

He was seated in front of his workplace during his free time and was lost in thoughts.

“Helen that I had big plans for. See how she ended up, just because of money. All these wouldn’t have happened if she had accepted me. I’m sure it was Chuba that did that to her and now he’s nowhere to be found. Thank God for saving me from him. How I wish the police had arrested him.

One day he would pay for all the evil acts he’s been involved in in the name of Y@hoo.”

Some days later, in the evening, Gozie had come back from work. He removed his shoe and was about to eat the food he bought from his favourite food vendor down the street when someone knocked at his door.

“Who’s it?” Gozie asked.

“Gozie, it’s me.”

Gozie was inquisitive to know who it was. So he gently went to his door and opened it.

“Who am I seeing? Kosi nwannem!” Gozie exclaimed.

“Yes, bro.”

Gozie quickly hugged him.

“Come inside bro,”

Both of them entered and sat on the plastic chairs in the room.

Gozie brought an extra spoon and both of them started eating the food on the table.

“Gozie how are you doing?”

“I should be the one asking. I heard what happened, I’m sorry about it. I came over to see you but was told that EFCC men came.”

“My brother, they bundled all of us in their vehicle. Later on, we stayed in the cell for some days to await trial. We later went to court and hearing, we were given the option of serving a ja!l term or paying a fine. I chose to pay a fine and I was later released.”

“To God be the glory.”

“I’ve been worried about you, how is your mother?”

“She’s fine, she’s in the village.”


“Yes, I later went to that church you told me about. I was made free after serious deliverance and my mother received her healing.”

“You are so lucky and I’m happy for you. If your mother had gone for it, who would you enjoy the money with? Even with all the guilt you will feel.”

“Bro, I wonder. I have disposed of that pot of wealth. I have also denounced everything that concerns Y@hoo and Plus Up.”

“I’m thinking of doing the same. I will rent another apartment elsewhere and start up a new life.”

“That’s a good idea, I’m currently working at that sachet water production factory. The little legitimate money I’m been paid gives me peace. Do you have any plans on what next to do?”

“Yes, even though, I didn’t complete my apprenticeship system, I have a little knowledge about the importation of electronic devices. I plan to find somewhere where I can attach myself and learn the trade well for a short period. I have enough money that start up the business.”

“Good. You can stay here with me as you work towards your plans.”

“Thanks, bro.”

When they were done eating, Kosi thanked him for the food.

“I need to go now so that I can get a few things from my house.”

“It’s already late and it’s not safe. You can use my things, by tomorrow you can go and get your things.”

“Okay thank you.”

Later on, Kosi freshened up and changed into Gozie’s shorts and singlet.

They continued discussing and later slept off.

The following day, Gozie and Kosi prepared and left the house.

They stood on the road and waited for a motorcycle that would take Kosi home.

Some minutes later, one came. Kosi climbed and they rode off. Gozie then left for his workplace.

Later on, as Kosi was approaching his house, he heard someone shouting on top of his voice.

“Money!! More money!!!”

He turned towards the direction of the sound.

He saw a young man at a roundabout who was barefooted, shirtless and in shorts.

The face looked familiar.

He told the motorcyclist to stop. The man stopped.

Gozie alighted and paid him.

He then walked down to the roundabout.

As he was approaching, he discovered the person was Chuba.

“Jesus!! Chuba!! What happened oo?” he soliloquized.

He got closer.

Chuba was shouting at the top of his voice and talking to anyone who cared to listen.

“More money!!! Too much money!!! I will never be poor in my life. Not even in my next life. That virgin girl is m@d. Nonsense! I must get what I want!!”

One man who was inquisitive to know more went closer and asked him what happened.

“Very good, I’ll tell you. You are the only sensible person here. All these people are m@d! Ndi ala!”

“Don’t mind them, go ahead.”

“I wanted more money. So Baba said I should bring a virgin girl for the ritu@l. I searched all through this town and managed to get one from the church. I carried her to Baba and he rejected her.”

“Why now?”

“He said there’s something inside that girl but na lie! The baba no get power. How I wan take get another virgin? So, I carried her to another baba that promised to do the s@crifice for me.”

“What happened?”

“Immediately the baba wanted to k!ll the girl, something struck me. Later, Baba chased me away. Is it good?”

“No, Where is the baba?”

“Which baba? You are m@d!!” Chuba said and continued shouting.

Kosi watched as Chuba displayed his insanity.

He turned and left the place.

“This is how Chuba is ending after all his riches. His mother and sister who were his only family members d!ed in space of two years. Now this.” Kosi thought as he walked to his place.

When Kosi got to his house, he picked up the necessary items he would need for his stay at Gozie’s place and arranged them in a portable travelling bag. He then carried the bag into his car and drove off.

Some minutes later, he arrived at Gozie’s place. He parked outside the gate, knowing fully well that there was no parking space at the public compound. He then carried his bag into the compound. He opened Gozie’s room with a spare key and entered.

Later in the evening, Gozie came back from work with two different portions of food.

Kosi welcomed him.

“How was work?” Kosi asked.

“It was fine,” Gozie replied as he went to drop the food on the table.

He looked and saw two other plates of food already on the table.

“Kosi, you bought food?”


“Why worry yourself? You are in my house, it is my responsibility to feed you.”

Kosi smiled.

“Says who, I can’t stay here and be a liability to you. Is having me under your roof not enough? It’s nothing, bro. Which one are we eating?”

“Okay, thank you. Let’s keep mine for tomorrow.”


Later on, Gozie freshened up and they both had their dinner. Afterwards, they started discussing.

“Bro, you can’t believe what I saw today,” Kosi said.

“What is it please?” Gozie said looking inquisitive.

“Chuba is currently raving mad at Hill Roundabout.”

“Chuba? Which Chuba?”

“The one we both know.”

“Chuba! Mad! How come?”

Kosi went ahead to tell Gozie all that Chuba had proclaimed at the roundabout.

“Hmm, and the p○lice were even looking for him.”

“Ok, they got info about his operations or what?”

“He’s a suspect of murd£r. That my friend and colleague that celebrated her birthday that time, suddenly started avoiding my calls unknown to me that she had moved in with Chuba. Some days back her mutil@ted body was found at one refuse dump down our factory Street.”

“My God! The Chuba that I know have used the girl for ritual. But really, does she know him before?”

“For where? I believe it’s the way he lavished money on her on her birthday that attracted her.”


“That’s by the way, something is bothering me.”

“What is it?”

“I still talk with that American lady who paid a huge sum into my account. I have revealed my real identity to her and she will be coming to see me next week.”

“See my guy oo! You mean she’s coming to Nigeria just to see you?”


“This is the real deal, why are you bothered?”

“What if she’s coming to a.rrest me?”

“Let me just tell you something you don’t know. You see those Oyibo people, their life is as simple as you see them. Their Yes is yes and their no means no! They are very sincere, unlike our people. I promise you, she’s not coming to hurt you. She is in love with you. If I were you I’d propose to her shaperly.”

“I don’t want to mention that now.”

Kosi laughed.

“Something that you did with a fāke identity and she accepted. Do it, there’s no way she won’t accept it.”

“That fakeness is what I don’t want. I know she might accept but let me wait until we meet physically.”

“Okay, I think you make sense.”

“She said she had booked her ticket to Nigeria already.”

“This is serious oo. If I had known about this kind update, I would have opened up to one of my fine clients.”

“You are not serious.”

They both laughed hysterically.

The following day, Gozie left for his workplace while Kosi left for the electronics market. He had earlier spoken with someone who promised to link him to a man who would give him proper training on the importation of the devices.

Kosi later met the man and he agreed to take him in.

He signed an agreement with the man and started his training immediately.

Some days later, Gozie and Kosi were preparing to leave the house. Victoria was coming to Nigeria that day.

“My second will be operating the machine today, so I have some hours off. Guy, I’m feeling tensed,” Gozie said.

“It’s normal, when is she landing?” Kosi asked.

“In 3 hours.”

“Package yourself small. You will go in your car, I know you abandoned it for some time. Book a hotel room where you will stay with her, she won’t stay in this one room with us.”

“Do you know that I didn’t consider all these? I was just being real.”

“Not in this situation, do the needful to make her stay worthwhile.”

“Okay, I’ll do all that. Thanks for your suggestion.”

“You are welcome. You are lucky, don’t misuse this opportunity oo.”

“Okay, let me go and book the hotel room. I’ll go from there and wait for her at the airport.”


Later on, both of them left the room.

Three hours later, the close sound of a landing airplane was heard. Suddenly the airplane started slowing down and descending to the runway followed by a screeching sound from the brakes.

Afterwards, the airplane stopped and the passengers started alighting.

Some minutes later, different persons were seen leaving with their luggage.

Gozie was at the arrival terminal waiting and looking out for Victoria. He had earlier communicated to her that he was waiting for her there.

Gozie was still busy looking out for her when someone tapped his shoulder. He looked and it was Victoria.

Gozie was surprised.

They hugged passionately.

“I can’t believe I’m seeing you physically. You look so handsome.”

“Thank you, you look beautiful as well. You are welcome to my country.”

“Thanks, dear.”

Gozie then helped her and carried the luggage to his car. Soon after they left for the hotel room.

Some minutes later, they arrived at the luxury hotel. It was situated in a beautiful environment.

Gozie parked the car and they both alighted

“I love this environment. Later on, I would like you to take me around. I want to see those beautiful places that I usually see on my television.”

“Alright. I’m at your service.”

Victoria smiled.

“This lady looks beautiful and nice. She isn’t as old as I thought,” Gozie pondered as he brought down her luggage.

He carried her bag and they left for the hotel room.

“You are so respectful and hardworking. You could have asked a steward to help you carry it.”

“It’s not that heavy.”

Later on, Gozie informed his manager that he would be away from work for some days. His second would work throughout those days and he would cover up for the absent days when he comes back.

After a couple of days’ stay with Victoria, Gozie was beginning to reciprocate the love she had for him.

He took her to different beautiful places within the town.

About a week later, Gozie proposed to her and she accepted.

They were happy with each other and their love waxed stronger by the day.

Gozie took her to his village to see his mother. His mother accepted her.

He also introduced her to Kosi.

Later on, they sealed their love at the Nigerian magistrate court and they were declared husband and wife with his mother and Kosi serving as witnesses.

After spending three weeks in Nigeria, Victoria and Gozie left for America where they lived happily ever after.

“The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches will get into trouble” (Prov. 28:20).


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