” Selena I can’t talk right now, she’s around” My husband spoke in a hushed tone.

I wanted to scoff but I was pretending to be asleep. Then again he does not deserve my consideration, I turned around slowly to face him and I opened my eyes.

The shock was evident on his face, he was clearly caught off guard. ” Umm I’ll be there in a few hours” he said as he visibly swallowed. I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the sink and sobbed. After three years i thought It would stop hurting but it didn’t.

“Good Morning Selena ” My husband greeted with a wide smile as I reappeared from the bathroom. Yes, my husband’s mistress and I have the same name. Well he doesn’t have to worry about saying her name during coitus. Why even bother, he stopped touching me years ago. I didn’t understand why till I figured out he was cheating. At least he’s faithful to her.

“Morning” I greeted with a tight lipped smile. No matter how I beg myself to hate him, I still love him and I hate myself for that. He does not deserve me, but my heart doesn’t seem convinced.

I walked out of the room with one destination in mind; my daughter’s room. She’s five years old. And she was the only person keeping me sane in this farce of a marriage. She was still asleep but she had to go to school so I shook her gently to wake her.

“Mummy ” she mumbled before rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She’s so cute. I picked her up and she clung to my neck, burying her face where my neck met my shoulder. Her breath tickled which caused me to laugh.

“You have to wake up baby” I crouched down, trying to get Mariana to stand. I named her Mariana because I loved the name and also because I could get alot of nicknames from the name. When she finally decided to stand on her own two feet, I got her ready for the day.

“Mummy I don’t want to go to school” she whined as I carried her downstairs. I had to feed her and drop her off. Barry barely even acknowledges her existence sometimes, obviously he wanted a boy.

“Daddy” she screamed excitedly. Barry did not return the enthusiasm, he was already dressed for “work”.

“Hey Ana ” he said weakly before focusing his attention on me. ” I will be working late today”.

When are you not? I wanted to say but I held my tongue and gave a nod.

“Love you” he said and exited the house. He says it every day before leaving for “work” and ever since I caught him with Selena I have never said it back. But he doesn’t notice, if he does he has never bothered to ask me about it.

He doesn’t love me yet I loved him so fiercely.


‘I hope this works out’ I thought as I drove to my mother’s house to drop off Mariana. I wanted to surprise Barry for our anniversary. A night without Mariana to interrupt us. I had it all planned, I even bought a lingerie.

I just had to prepare his favourite meal, clean the house and set the table for our romantic dinner. I also had a playlist of songs ready. I was so excited. Finally doing something like this after a long while.

I made a show this morning telling him how I wanted to spend the night with my mom because I missed her and I acted as if I had forgotten our anniversary. How can I possibly forget the second best day of my life. My wedding day. Although now that I think about it, he also seemed to have forgotten. Well I can’t possibly judge him, the man doesn’t even remember his own birthday.

My phone rang. It was my Barry. I was smiling like a mad woman. “Hey” I said softly.

“Hey baby, are you there yet?” He asked sweetly. I wanted to squeal, how did I get so lucky?

“Not yet, I’ll be there soon. I miss you already”

“Oh my love, I miss you more. Work is killing me and I need to hold you” he confessed.

“I’ll be home tomorrow as soon as I can” I promised. I can’t wait to see his reaction when he comes home to find me in Victoria secret. I bit my lip in anticipation.

“Okay love I’ll be waiting” he sighed dejectedly. “Love you” he added.

“I love you more”

“Impossible” he said which caused me to laugh. We hung up and I kept grinning to myself.

I dropped off Mariana. My mom somehow decided to live two hours away with bad traffic on the way everytime, and now I was already running late and cooking was only going to take more time so I decided to buy food from our favourite restaurant. I rushed home and suprisingly Barry’s car was outside.

My heart fell to my stomach. My surprise was ruined. I quietly went in and placed the item in the kitchen. My playlist for tonight was booming. Well that will no longer be a suprise. I knew I should have hidden the mp3 player.

I went upstairs towards our bedroom, perhaps Barry was sleeping.

“Come to me Selena, I need to feel you”

I heard Barry’s voice declare.

A blush immediately overtook my features. He missed me that much?? Well it’ll be best I grant him his wish. I rushed downstairs to the laundry room where I hid my lingerie and put it on. I raced back upstairs.

“I’m all yours” I heard another voice say. It was a woman. A soft voice obviously trying to sound sexy. The voice made my head ache. It didn’t take long before I started hearing sounds I shouldn’t be hearing from my bedroom while I’m outside and my husband inside.

I felt like the greatest fool alive.

Doing this in my house, in my bed and my own d*mn playlist. I choked on my tears and rushed downstairs. I hastily wore my clothes, took the food I brought and left.

As I parked in front of my mother’s house I received a text from him.

“Happy anniversary. I love you”

He didn’t forget.


The dinner table was awkwardly silent. Nobody spoke, only the sound of silverware could be heard.

“Remember the project I was telling you about?” Barry asked as he shoved a spoon full of rice rice into his mouth. He was trying to fill in the silence and I think he succeeded.

He doesn’t talk to me about work anymore. He was mistaking me for the other Selena.

“You don’t talk to me about work”

He choked.

“Daddy here” Mariana said hurriedly trying to hand him her glass of water. She sought his attention more than anything in this life, more than toys and it broke my heart that she never got it.

As expected, Barry ignored her and poured himself water. I took the water from Mariana and thanked her before taking a sip. She looked so sad but she managed to offer a small smile. Her little heart was breaking and this is where I draw the line.

“Mari baby can you go to your room? I’ll be up in a minute” I said calmly. She nodded and looked at her father “Good night Daddy” she mumbled and raced to her room. I knew she was going to cry.

“You have to stop treating Mariana like she doesn’t exist” I snapped immediately I heard Mariana’s door close.

“Don’t even start. I am not in the mood for your hassle” he said annoyed.

There he goes again mistaking me for someone else. I have never nagged or fought with the fool, I was so stupidly in love and I let him have his way in everything. I didn’t want to give him a reason to leave me, yet somehow being a good woman to him wasn’t enough.

“Are you mistaking me for someone else Barry? Because in our twelve years of marriage I have never snapped at you” I reminded him.

He eyes bulged and he swallowed seeming to realize I was saying the truth. Then his expression changed to one of anger.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t know how you do it but even in your silence you do a lot of nagging” he snapped.

I laughed. I actually laughed. I was married to a fool. A big giant fool.

“Are you hearing yourself Barry?”

“Yes I am. And you know what I’m saying. Always manipulating me with your stupid good woman act. We never fight Selena, you’re just too d*mn good for that” he said hotly.

It was like he was waiting for an opportunity to fight with me. Really? Me being good to him made me the villain in his book. All the compromises I made for him crossed my mind and I felt like a simpleton.

“Just please stop ignoring your daughter” I begged weakly. I had already lost the fight before it begun. I wanted to cry and I didn’t want him to see me cry.

“Ha!! Isn’t this rich. I should stop ignoring my daughter? That child isn’t my daughter!” he yelled at me.

My hand moved on it’s own and I slapped him.


It has been a week since I found out my husband had a mistress. The revelation opened my eyes to a lot of things I ignored before. He checked off all the signs of a cheating spouse. He returned one day with a lipstick stain on his collar. It was as if he was trying to be caught or his mistress wanted him to be caught. I washed his shirt without confronting him about it. I couldn’t, I wasn’t ready to leave or forgive him.

I was eating away my feelings while watching Korean drama. It was the perfect therapy for me. I was in sweatpants and tank top just enjoying an evening alone. Mariana was asleep.

My husband came back home with a guest. A very beautiful, tall and slender woman. Her obviously fake hair was packed in a bun and she was dressed in a suit. Her skirt was way above her knee to be appropriate for a secretary.

My husband brought home his “secretary”Selena. He wanted me to me meet her. I still don’t know why.

“Hello” I nearly choked on my word. I wanted to crumble.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Barry has told me so much about you” she said. Even her voice was perfect. Better than that stupid sexy voice she was trying to do last week.

Had I not overheard her activities with my husband, I would have been fooled by her fake sincerity. I nodded and looked at Barry questioning him with my eyes. What was she doing here?

“Well um I wanted you to meet her you know, so we could all get acquainted seeing as she works for me and you have the same name” he explained horribly and Selena number two giggled at his horrible

same name absolutely dry joke.

The other Selena started eyeing me when I didn’t laugh as they were expecting. She almost looked disgusted and when I caught her eye she gave me a smile. A very fake one.

“How about we have dinner??” Barry announced with a nervous laugh. Selena clearly forced him to bring her here when I would be around. If she was expecting a jealous wife display then she’ll be greatly disappointed.

I knew for sure I wasn’t going to feed the mistress. “I’m not hungry” I said as softly as I could and pointed to my tub of ice cream.

Barry looked trapped. He didn’t know what to do. He scratched the back of his neck and sat down before gesturing Selena to sit as well.

She sat in total silence for five minutes looking at the TV before Selena abruptly stood up. “I should get going ” she announced giving me a fake smile.

“Sure. Drive safe” I said and started manipulating my phone looking desperately for a meme to cheer me up. Korean movie wasn’t enough anymore.

“I don’t have a car so Barry is dropping me off ” she announced happily looking at me intently. I know she was waiting for a reaction.

“K” I said looking her straight in the eye. My expression was blank but I was dying inside.

She was stunned but she didn’t say anything. She walked away, Barry following closely behind her.

“I’ll be back soon” he announced awkwardly and left.

The next month he bought Selena a car.


After our first fight, Barry moved out. I knew he was looking for a reason to leave me. A reason to fight so he could move out. It was easier to tell people he moved out because we fought than saying he moved out because we never do.

I thought I’d cry when he left. I waited for the tears but nothing came. Instead I sighed in relief but my heart was still heavy.

I went to Mariana’s room and she was still awake sobbing quietly. “You fought because of me” she blamed herself.

“No baby, don’t say that. Mariana this isn’t your fault at all” I explained but she wasn’t convinced at all. She kept crying and I comforted till her cry turned to hiccups. Soon she fell asleep and I held her and we went to sleep together. Not once did I cry that night.

The next morning Barry was back packing up some of his stuff in a duffle bag. I completely ignored him as I made breakfast for my daughter. It was Saturday and I let her sleep in. She deserved it after crying herself to sleep.

“You’ll he hearing from my lawyers about a divorce” he informed me as he came downstairs.

I turned off the stove and turned to actually look at the swine I married.

” So you get to cheat on me and threaten me with a divorce?” I asked flatly.

He looked shocked. “You knew ” he wasn’t asking so I didn’t bother giving a response.

“Why didn’t you say anything? Most women would burn the house down if they found out their husband was cheating on them but what does miss goody two shoes do? She acts like nothing happened ” he mocked and laughed maniacally.

I was stunned. I didn’t have anything to say, I couldn’t say a word. But a tear did run down my eye.

“Stop it with the crocodile tears Selena. You knew all this while. I’ve been cheating for six years yet you didn’t even confront me. Aren’t you a mad woman??” He boomed.

How is he turning this on me? He had no right to be angry. He cheated. And for six years??? I thought he had been cheating for only three years and somehow I was hoping he would change. Six years!! Half of our marriage.

I clutched my heart and seemed to be beating painfully. I gasped for air and held the kitchen island for support.

” Six years?” I choked out. The tears were uncontrollable now.

He seemed taken aback. “For how long have you known?” He asked like it was completely normal for him to ask. I picked up my phone to call my lawyer but I decided to get evidence first so I just put on sound recording. Our divorce is going to be a war.

“How long have I known? Should you be cheating on me on the first place??” I yelled at him.

He flinched but that didn’t stop the painful response that left his mouth.

” How could I not cheat? What do you offer Selena? He called my name with so much hate.

“You’re fat and ugly, I mean look at yourself. To make it worse you’re so boring. Selena we’re not in the 17th century, you’re still shy to see me naked. You think it’s cute? It’s like being involved with a child. Don’t get me started on your miss perfect act. Always cooking, cleaning and doing whatever I ask. Are you even human? It’s like I married a d*mn robot”

This time I punched him.


“I love you so much Selena ” Barry confessed as I signed the cheque. It was a cheque of five hundred thousand dollars. Almost half of my trust fund.

Barry didn’t want to get married till his business has taken off because he wanted to take care of me unfortunately he didn’t have the money required to fund the business.

I had to beg him to allow me to help. I knew he was hard working and he would make good use of the money so the minute he asked, I willingly gave him some money.

For a twenty two year old, Barry was already more than prepared to start a big business. He worked for my dad but he wanted to start his own business and I completely understood. He said working for my dad felt like taking money from his father in law.

We weren’t married. But according to him, I was already his wife.

“You’re so perfect Selena. Your good heart, your innocence, babe your curves,” he said and kissed me which made me laugh.

“You’re the only woman for me” he confessed and pocketed the cheque.

“I promise to love you forever. And

when I have enough money to take care of you, I will marry you babe” he promised.

My heart fluttered. Before Barry came into my life, I hated my body. I wasn’t confident because I was plus size but Barry loved it and I learnt to love it. He made me feel like a princess and I couldn’t ask for a better man.

My father somehow did not like Barry for me. He said Barry was good for business but he wasn’t good for me. My mother supported me so I didn’t heed my father’s words. Somehow in my father’s eyes no one is good enough for me.

Barry made me happy. He didn’t even love me for my money. I had to beg him to help out with money.

Barry was born into a poor family and he struggled a lot with money. He was my father’s second assistant so his salary was obviously not enough for him to take care of his large family. Although he was struggling with money he was always cheerful, always making me happy and helping me get over insecurities I had over my body.

When he asked for help, I knew how hard it was for him to do it. He only asked for a hundred but I gave him five. I wanted him to be happy and he was super excited.

He couldn’t stop kissing me and holding me. He kept mumbling “i love you”

I loved him and couldn’t wait to marry him.


I stared at the bundle of joy in my arms. My mom was beside me holding my hand.

My daughter Mariana was a sight for sore eyes. She looked so much like me, like a mini me. My mother offered endless thanks to God for a successful surgery.

I wanted to give birth the natural way but Mariana came with some complications. She had a gestation period of 368 days.

My husband Barry wasn’t home most of the time. His business was really keeping him busy, when I told him I was pregnant he wasn’t as excited I thought he’d be. But he was happy nonetheless.

He travelled three weeks ago and he wasn’t home yet. He didn’t know I went into labour, it was unexpected.

Barry didn’t even seem bothered I was pregnant longer than usual. Maybe he didn’t want to bring it up seeing as I was distressed by it. He was so considerate, I thought smiling.

“We should call Barry dear” my mother said. I nodded and handed her my phone. She dailed a few times but there was no answer.

“He’s not picking up. Shouldn’t he be readily available to pick your call since he left a pregnant woman at home?” My mom said angrily.

“Ma don’t start okay, just call him again. It must be work holding him” I said. Barry is a very busy man and I understood that.

“Stop giving him excuses. Better don’t tolerate this behaviour from him, or you’ll have to deal with it for the rest of your life” mom advised and continued calling Barry. After five more tries she gave up.

I soon grew tired and fell asleep. When I awoke, Barry was beside me holding my hand. How did he get here so fast? He was two states away.

“I got on the first available flight and came. You did great honey” he said gently rubbing his thumb over my hand soothingly.

I nodded and smiled. ” I named her Mariana” I informed him.

“Her? I thought it was a boy” he said and scrunched up his nose.

“Hey don’t say that, all that matters is that she’s ours. You didn’t see her yet? I asked sitting up.

“You’re right darling. I did, she looked like a boy though” he informed.

I was confused. She looked like me. Like an exact copy of me as a baby and Barry was the one always saying I was a cute girly baby. Maybe he wanted a boy so much that he imagined male features.

He kissed my forehead. His perfume was funny.

“You got a new perfume?” I asked. It seemed feminine.

“Umm yea, I got you one as a push present. It was a suprise now you’ve caught me” he laughed.

“Next time don’t spray it on your self to perceive the scent, your wrist will do” I said and laughed. We held each other just talking about random things before I fell asleep again.

He got me a new perfume as a gift. Even when he was rushing to be here. What a good man.


I threw the perfume bottles into the trash. No use keeping them now. He was with her while I was being cut open to deliver our baby. Not two states away on business, but down town, in the apartment he bought for her. What else did he lie about? Did he ever love me? Do they have a child together? Did she give him the son he wanted? Are they even married? I mean a whole six years.

This whole time, I was using the same perfume as her. Barry must have been having a field three years. Same name, same perfume. No wonder he never smelled different.

What did I ever do the man? I loved him with my whole being. I cut off all my friends for him. I did everything he asked, not once did I nag him. I wore what he wanted me to wear and now that I think of it, he always asked me to wear big clothes, he claimed he didn’t want any man to see my figure. Because it was only meant for his eyes. I think he wanted to drown me in clothes to hide how fat I was. I am just a size 14. Is it that bad?

I pulled up my shirt and scrutinized my stomach. Granted I had stretch marks and a bulge but it wasn’t that bad. I hastily covered my body and took a deep breath.

“Mummy” I heard from behind me

I quickly turned to see my crying daughter. She heard us.

“Hey shh shh, don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” I begged and held her.

“Daddy is bad” she confessed and bawled her eyes out harder.

“No Daddy loves you baby. He doesn’t know how to show it” I said. I didn’t know if I just lied or I spoke the truth.

“Really?” She asked hopefully.

I nodded. Her cries reduced.

“Mommy I’m hungry” she announced after her cries completely died down. I laughed and kissed all over her face causing her to giggle.

“It tickles Mommy” she announced through a fit of giggles.

Without a child to live for, I would have completely lost my mind.

After feeding Mariana we watched a few cartoons, played a few games before we decided to go out for ice cream. Mariana was so happy, and her happiness was contagious. That was until I saw the other Selena at the same Ice cream spot with a Child of about three or four resting on her hips.

I didn’t need a DNA test to know the baby was Barry’s. He was just like his father. Selena noticed my gaze and she smirked.

“How old is he?” I asked.

She wasn’t expecting that question. However she took delight in supplying the answer.

“He’s three. Conceived with your playlist” she taunted. On my anniversary. Had I interrupted, this boy wouldn’t be here. I should have, I thought bitterly.

“Mommy” Mariana called pointing at the ice cream display. I smiled at her then I looked back at Selena. I have never hated a woman so deeply.

I walked around her to get ice cream for my daughter. I heard Selena scoff, she was expecting to get a reaction out of me but I won’t give her the satisfaction.

If she was with Barry for his money, well he is about to be left without a Kobo for her son to inherit.

After crying for about two minutes I was a mess. I dabbed my eyes and went to the front seat. I was about to start the car when my eye caught something on my hood. A card. It must belong to that guy who didn’t know how to mind his business. I wanted to drive away and let the breeze get rid of it for me but my curiosity won.

“Is the car not starting?” Marina asked.

“No everything is fine” I assured her. I looked at the business card, he was a therapist. Dr. David Smith. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Was this how he got his clients? Scout public places for potential clients. I shoved the card into my pocket, got into my car and drove away.

I didn’t need to make a stop at my house, I drove straight to my mom’s. I didn’t even call ahead, I wanted to see her but I also wished she’d be out. The traffic kept us on the way longer than planned so we had to stop at restaurants to get something to eat and use the convenience.

“Grandma will be so suprised” Mari said happily, her mood picked up after a while. My perfect happy baby. She was happily munching on her sandwich. She was even doing a small dance with her hand and head. She was genuinely happy.

“I know, and you know grandma likes surprises” I responded and she nodded vigorously. I had to hold her head in place to stop which caused both of us to burst out laughing.

“I’m done now mommy” she said shoving the last bit of sandwich into her mouth as we recovered from our laugh. I wiped her mouth and her drink to go.

When we got to my mom’s house, Mariana raced out of the car and ran inside. My mom must have seen us on the security camera because she came outside with arms wide open. Mariana raced into the awaiting hug.

“My grandbaby” my mom said spinning Mari around causing the child to giggle.

“Are you suprised grandma?” Mari asked happily as my mom brought her back down. “I am. What’s the occasion? Did you miss grandma?” My mom said playfully. the look she gave me when she asked for the occasion I knew she knew something was wrong.

“Let’s go inside” I interrupted. Mariana held onto my mom’s hand leading her inside.

Once we got inside I sat silently on the couch watching my mom and daughter talking about anything and everything. Mariana was on my mom’s leg listening intently to the recent story Ma had to tell. It was always a story about Nigeria. If I didn’t know they were lies I would have been blown away. My mom definitely didn’t lead a vigilante.

After a long conversation about life as a vigilante leader, my mom gave Mariana her special jollof. After eating, she fell asleep. I wanted to take her to a room but Ma opted to do it.

I dished my second plate of special jollof. I was eating happily till someone cleared her throat.

“Start talking”

I had to turn off my phone. Barry and his Selena were sending me death threats. They were so pained and I can’t banter words with a pair of morons.

I didn’t need that negativity in my life. Neither did I need this house. The house I called my matrimonial home. It was never a home though, it was just shelter.

“Are we moving back here?” Mariana asked from the couch. Her school was in the area and commuting everyday had me stressed. So I decided we’d spend the night here so she could get to school early without both of us looking like we were forced out of bed. My mom is a very effective human alarm.

“Do you want to?” I asked instead. I hope she says no because I can’t stand this house. The minute I stepped through the door, I felt sad.

“Not really” she said with a pout.

“I’m selling the house then” I informed her.

“Where are we going to live? She asked happily “with Grandma?” She was expecting me to say that, unfortunately I have to burst her bubble this time.

“No, we’ll get a new house. Just the two of us”

I shouldn’t have pointed that out. now she’s going to ask the dreaded questions. She’s used to not seeing her father for months in the name of business trips. She had no idea we were a getting a divorce. I had to sit down for this one. I moved to her and sat quietly waiting for the onslaught of questions.

“Just us?? What about Daddy?” She asked confused.

“Well honey you see, your father and I. Well we are going to be living in a separate house far away from each other forever” I told her. How else do I explain a divorce to a five year old girl?

“You’re getting a divorce?” She asked quietly.

Hold up! What?!

“How do you know what a divorce is?” I was completely shocked.

She honestly brushed off my shock. “Everybody knows what a divorce is” she said in a duh tone.

“When I was five I didn’t” I countered. What do kids discuss nowadays?

“You know that was like a million years ago” she said playfully. My jaw dropped. I quickly pounced on her tickling her mercilessly.

“I’m sorry mommy” she shrieked through her laughter. I finally stopped tickling her. How a serious conversation turned out to be tickling affair I will never know. But I love my daughter. I was expecting the worse.

“So am I going to live in two houses?” She asked as if realising something. Her face looked like she was already heartbroken. I know she’s imagining how her time with her father without me would be like.

“No my love, you won’t. It’s just you and I from now” I stretched out my hand and she came into my embrace.

“So Daddy left us?” She asked almost sadly. If I let her believe that, she might possibly grow up not feeling good enough. That is if she doesn’t think so already. I mean her father ignored her like she was a plague. I wished my response was the truth but it wasn’t. I had to lie.

“No baby, We left him”

Mariana did not say anything. She just sniffed, and gave a nod.

“Will Daddy come back?” She asked softly. Her voice was calm but you could hear she wanted to cry. She definitely didn’t buy my lie.

“We will be fine Mari, I promise” I promised.

“I know. I don’t want Daddy” she mumbled.

“I want a new daddy, can I get a new daddy?” She added sweetly. She raised her head and looked at me, she looked so hopeful.

Well that depends because I don’t plan on getting married again. I didn’t tell her that.

“Of course baby, and he’s going to love you so much and be the best daddy in the world” I told her.

“Really?” A small smile appeared on her face.

“Yes, and he’s going buy you things” I continued giving her false hope.

“I don’t want anything, I just want him to love me ” she said “and play with me” she added as an afterthought.

“He will. Now let’s get dressed and go out. I’m bored aren’t you?” I changed the topic. I am grateful she took it well and didn’t throw a tantrum. She just accepted it.

“I don’t want to” she shrugged and detached herself from me. Before I could even question her, Mariana was already racing to her room.

That means she did not take it well. She closed the door and locked it because I couldn’t get in.

“Mariana” I called softly.

She ignored me, she didn’t say anything back to me. I knocked and called out to her until I couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the cabinet in my room and took the keys of the room. I rushed back to the door and opened it.

Mariana was just on her bed, she wasn’t even crying. She just held her teddy bear and was looking at the ceiling.

“Mariana are you okay? Why didn’t you open the door? Why did you even lock it?” I asked sitting at the foot of her bed.

“I don’t want to be here” was her only response.

“Talk to mommy, what do you mean?” I reached for her and pulled her up to a sitting position.

“I don’t like it here, I don’t want to go out, I don’t want to see daddy, I want to go back to grandma’s” she said quietly.

“You think your father is going to be wherever we go to just like the ice cream shop?” I questioned, I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

She gave a nod. I took a deep breath. Well Barry just bought himself a ticket out of town. If anyone should be scared of going out, it should be him not Mariana but that shameless man has no heart.

“No need to be scared, we can go wherever you want and I will make sure he won’t be there” I promised her.

“I don’t want to mommy, I just want grandma” she wasn’t convinced.

“How about we go house hunting? We’ll buy a new house” going back to my mom to fix her mood will really make me feel like a failure.

“Do you want Jollof rice? I can cook it for you.” I didn’t even wait for her response, I kept naming activity after activity.

“I want a new house” her voice ended my blabbing.

The tightening in my chest loosened up. I was grinning now. “Really? I’ll call an agency and see if we can see some houses today.”

“Okay” she wasn’t even excited. She just wanted me to stop disturbing her.

Mariana was now very distant. The house hunting was an awkward affair, she wasn’t excited at all and I tried my best to make it fun for her. She wasn’t the least bit interested. The agent felt so bad for me, she kept looking at me with those ‘I feel bad for you’ eyes.

I ended up buying a small three bedroom house. Why? Because it was the only house Mariana cared to comment on. Compared to our six bedroom mansion, this house was small. We don’t need a big house anyway.

We moved in after a week, not because we wanted to but the documents on the house had to be finalised and the house had to be refurbished.

Packing was very easy for me, nothing had sentimental value so I put everything up for sale, including my wedding pictures. I only packed personal belongings like clothes, toys, and other stuff. Barry still had some of his things in the house but I didn’t touch them, i did not tell him not to pack his own stuff. Maybe the next owner might keep it or throw it away, I don’t even care. My only care was to get Mariana to open up to me.

My mom offered to talk to her but not over the phone or facetime. She wanted to do it in person and she agreed to come over after we’ve settled in. I always run to my mom, but my own daughter can’t even run to me. It really hurts.

“Are you mad at mommy?” I asked as we ate at our new kitchen table. I prepared coconut rice with fried chicken. I couldn’t replicate my mom’s special jollof so I made her second favourite food.

“No?” Her response sounded like a question. Her attention was on her food.

“You don’t know if you’re mad at me?” I needed a clear answer. This tense relationship was eating me alive.

She paused her movements. “I’m not mad at you mommy” she still didn’t look at me. I couldn’t question her any further. I hope my mom gets here fast because I am about to just start crying shamelessly. Although I know it will work effectively, I think it’s emotional blackmail. I want her to be able to talk to me not pretend to be okay for my sake.

After eating, we went into her room and I proceeded to tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight. I still couldn’t get used to the tension. I feel like she blames me for everything or this is her way of processing things. I don’t know whether to let her be or to be in her face till she cracks and goes back to her happy self.

I went to to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine from the kitchen cabinet and poured myself a drink. After a few cups, my head started spinning. My alcohol tolerance is zero, I get drunk way too quickly. Out of nowhere I started sobbing.

I can handle Barry leaving me but not my daughter too. The thought of Barry made me so angry. That bast*rd, that trashy scum. What did I even see in him??

I should have left him three years ago, I mean what did I gain from staying? It would have been best if Mari did not even know her father instead of being rejected by him. What right did he even have to reject her? He’s the one that deserves rejection. I wanted to scream and pull my hair but I resorted to something else.

I threw the glass in my hand at the wall. Why didn’t I leave? Why didn’t i make his life hell? I picked up the wine bottle and drank. When I emptied the bottle I also wanted to smash it but then my drunk brain remembered Mariana was asleep.

I stumbled outside after grabbing my phone. I wanted so badly to vent my anger but I had no one to talk to.

Soon I found myself making a phone call I would never make in a sober state.

“You bast*rd son of a thousand fathers, the thunder that will fire you is coming from Nigeria. You’re a bast*rd you hear me, a bast*rd. God punish you gold digging goat. Ewu that is what you are, all the money in this life won’t still be enough to buy you sense. Shut up you rat. You think you’re a man? You are a dog let me tell you. Calling you a man is an insult to men, calling you a dog is also an insult to dogs, Barry you are just a big fool, I regret the day I met you and I promise you I will make you rue the day you crossed my path!” I screamed.

In that moment my greatest wish was to be able to put my hand in my phone and give him a dirty slap.

“You think you can do this to me and go scot-free? My God will deal with you. Barry in this life you will see pepper, your eyes will see your ears. You will cry thrice as much as I have, and for hurting my daughter Barry you will be miserable. For as long as you live Barry, you will never know peace” I was so hurt.

After saying my piece I hung up. Of course Barry didn’t just keep quiet and allow me hurl insults at him, he was also insulting me and mocking me. I probably shouldn’t have called him but I really needed to give him a piece of my mind. I ended the call and took a deep breath. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or the call but I felt lighter.

“I knew I recognised you from somewhere” a voice disturbed my momentary peace.Honestly some people have the worse timing.

“Don’t talk to me, I don’t know you, you don’t know me so stop lying.” I called him out on his bullsh*t. I wasn’t in the mood to be nice to anybody, not even my next door neighbour.

“I’m sure I do. Ice cream shop? I gave you my card?” He tried to remind me.

I just ignored him and went inside my house. I wasn’t in the mood to have a conversation with anybody especially not a stranger claiming to know me.

I stumbled into my room and passed out on my bed. I hope tomorrow is better than today.


It wasn’t better at all. I had a bad headache and I couldn’t open my eyes properly. I waited a bit for my eyes to adjust to the light and the ache in my head before I opened them fully.

My gaze landed on the clock, it was already nine am. I bolted from my bed and ran to Mariana’s room. She had to go to school today and I overslept.

To my greatest surprise her room was empty.

“Mariana” I called as I went downstairs. She wasn’t anywhere in sight, neither was she answering my call. The mess I made in the kitchen was still there and still no Mariana.

“Mariana” I kept calling as I searched the house. My heart was now in my stomach, I was about to start crying. I rushed outside to continue my search then I saw her.

She was dressed for school but her hair was not combed, neither was her uniform properly tucked in. It was obvious she dressed herself.

What I couldn’t understand was why my daughter was talking to a stranger. I rushed to her pulled her to me. I was both relieved and angry at the same time.

She looked shocked but recovered quickly when she saw it was me. She was even smiling at me.

“Good morning neighbour” the man greeted.

“Why are you talking to my daughter?” Then I realized I was asking the wrong person. “Haven’t I told you not to talk to strangers?” I asked Mariana sharply.

“It’s totally my fault” the stranger interrupted.

“Please mind your business” I told him and dragged my daughter inside.

“I’m sorry mommy, I didn’t mean to talk to him, It won’t happen again” she begged.

She was smiling earlier, now she looked frightful. She didn’t want me to punish her. After a week of seeing her closed off I didn’t want her to go back to that, I wanted her to smile.

“Promise me you won’t do it again” I asked her.

“I promise”

My mom finally came over. She was impressed by the house, and now she was pressurising me to change my wardrobe. In as much as Barry subjected me to big shapeless clothes, I like my style because it is very comfortable.

“You always look like you’re wearing a dress made out of your bedcovers” my mom complained.

“I do not. This is a minimalist style.” I defended myself. My mom rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.

“Minimalist style indeed. You are a young and beautiful woman, you should be dressing like one. I am your mother yet you dress like my great grand mother”

My mom was seriously dragging me without mercy.

Our bickering was interrupted by my phone. An unknown number was calling and the same number has been calling for nearly a week now.

“Why is this person disturbing me?” I snapped and rejected the call. I was about to block the number but my mom spoke and distracted me.

“Who is the person? Is it your estranged husband? ” my mom asked, it was obvious the word husband left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“It might be, I don’t know” I shrugged. The number called again and my mom encouraged me to pick up. If it’s Barry or Selena number two, I can just hang up.

“Hello?” The voice on the phone was that of woman. Was she waiting for a reply?

“Mmhmmm?” Was my only reply. Just that sound from me prompted her to start talking. She was a nurse and Barry was in an accident, she wanted to inform me and the doctor wants to speak to a family member.

“How does it concern me? What is my business? Don’t you have his Mistress’s number? Why are you calling me? I snapped at the nurse.

“I don’t have another contact info, you’re the only one listed here” the nurse pleaded.

“Check his phone. I don’t bloody care, stop disturbing me. He has insurance to pay the bills, why are you disturbing me?? I hung up immediately without waiting for an answer.

“Who was that?” My mother asked sipping her coffee without breaking eye contact with me.

“Some nurse, Barry got into an accident” I informed her nonchalantly.

“Is he alive?”

I couldn’t tell if she cared or not. Her voice held no emotion at all.

“I didn’t ask. She wants me to come to the hospital, but I’m not going anywhere” I replied. I honestly didn’t care one bit if he dies or lives. It’s his business.

“You know you are still his wife legally right? I told you to get a divorce lawyer and get this over with, you did not listen now you want to become his widow. Any legal issues or debts he has, you can inherit it. Is that what you want for yourself?? Better pray he does not die yet and fix this. You’re not a child and I don’t need to keep reminding you to get a d*mn divorce” my mother snapped. She looked so annoyed and she took it out on the cup. She slammed it down on the table and went to the guest room.

I did not want to imagine the enormous amount of troubles Barry may have that could be passed to me. I quickly called my dad’s lawyer to link me to a good divorce lawyer. He quickly sent me an address and a phone number. I had to go the lawyer’s office to discuss the issue extensively.

Mariana was asleep so I made her dinner and put it in the fridge, I also made food for my mom. I used a sticky note to indicate that there was food in the fridge. Making dinner made me late for my appointment with the lawyer. I had to rush out immediately to meet up.

The meeting was successful, the lawyer agreed to help me, but he advised me to wait a bit for Barry to recover so we could discuss the division of assets. He also encouraged me to do a DNA test to prove Mariana’s legitimacy so she can be entitled to child support and other benefits. Now I had to get Barry’s DNA.

I might go to that hospital after all.

I had to go to the hospital. I called the nurse again and asked for the address of the hospital. She recited the address to me and from the tone of her voice she was obviously beefing me. I don’t blame her, I was really rude. I gave myself some pep talk before finally heading off to the hospital.

At the reception, I just told the nurse I was Barry’s wife which caused me to cringe so hard I almost slapped myself but I controlled myself. she quickly called the doctor in charge of Barry. He accepted to see me because he was not busy. The nurse led me to the office and knocked thrice before we received a response to come in.

He looked up from his computer and I was stunned. He was younger than who I was imagining. He gave me a smile and gestured for me to sit, the nurse left and I was left alone with the handsome doctor.

“You’re Barry’s wife?” The doctor asked. I gave a very slow nod, it physically hurt to admit I was married to an abomination. But I had to play the role of a supportive wife, so I could get into his room and cut some hair.

“It’s a miracle your husband is alive Ma’am. He fought for his life unlike any other patient I have ever seen, obviously he has something to live for” the doctor said with a smile. I smiled back not trying to correct his false impression on who Barry was fighting for. He fought to survive for his mistress and son definitely not me.

“I however have some bad news” the doctor said calmly. My heart dropped to my stomach. Did he die? No he can’t die.

“Is he still alive?” I asked genuinely concerned.

“Yes he is, he is recovering very well” the doctor calmed my nerves. I took a deep breath and relaxed.

“So what is the bad news?” Now I was just curious, as long as he’s alive, I don’t care about his general welfare.

“Your husband, well your husband has amnesia” he finally revealed.

Is that even possible?? Amnesia?? Why of all people to have amnesia it had to be Barry.

“He has what now?? When will he recover? What does he remember? Are you sure it’s amnesia? What are his chances of…”

“Please calm down. He will definitely recover but I can’t tell when exactly. You just need to help him remember somethings. He only knows his name and nothing else” the doctor answered my questions.

Now I’m stuck with him. How do I get him to sign the divorce papers if he doesn’t remember anything?? Why must everything that happens to me be extra. I just wanted to scream out in frustration.

“Can I see him?” I asked the doctor. He gave a sad smile and nodded. A nurse was called in and I was led to the room. The whole time before getting to the room,I held my breath. I had to control my anger and not throttle him on sight. I had to stay calm enough to get his hair and run.

The nurse opened the door quietly and stepped aside for me to step in first. I breathed out and step inside. I thought he was going to be hooked up to countless wires, his legs broken beyond repair and everything on his body destroyed but that was not the case. His head was bandaged up though but nothing looked out of the ordinary except his swollen face. I almost pitied the bast*rd.

“I’ll be down the hall if you need anything” the nurse said and left closing the door behind her.

I had no time to dilly-dally, I quickly brought out the scissors from my purse and got closer to cut what I needed. The bandage on his head really obstructed my work and I had to push the bandage up to snip some strands poking out.

“What are you doing?”

I looked down connecting my eyes with that of a confused amnesiac. I slowly cut of some hair not breaking eye contact before I moved away from him.

“Why did you cut my hair? What are you going to do with it?” He asked worriedly.

I could not say anything. I just stared at him, he looked so pitiable. The genuine confusion in his eyes and his swollen face, he almost looked like a frightened child.

If I didn’t know the evil he was capable of I would have pitied him. The man had no heart now here he was completely at my mercy.

“Do you know me?” He asked again. Now he looked hopeful. I still didn’t say anything, I just kept looking him. All I wanted to do was cause him more pain, hit him with my purse, stab him with my scissors, even suffocate him with a pillow. As long as he felt like dying.

“Who are you and what were you doing to me? He snapped. Even with amnesia he still had a stinking attitude.

I snapped out of my momentary homicidal thoughts and walked out. Barry kept calling after me but I didn’t turn back, my mama didn’t name me “Hey”.

I went straight to the reception to make enquiries about doing a DNA test from there I was directed to the lab.

I explained to the lab attendant that I wanted a paternity test and I gave her the hairs I cut from Barry. The woman looked at me as if I was crazy.

“We can’t do a DNA test from this, the hair needs to have follicles on it” she informed me before she carefully placed what I gave her in a ziploc bag and returned it to me.

My mission was an absolute failure. How was I supposed to go back into that cursed man’s room?

“Can’t you do it without hair follicles?” I asked in frustration.

“We definitely can’t however we can use a buccal swab or spit, fingernail or blood” she replied.

Well I have access to neither one of those either. How was I supposed to get his blood?I should have listened to my instincts, by now I would have had a generous amount of it on my scissors.

I thanked the lab attendant and left. I had to come up with a plan to get samples. My mom will definitely help, that woman is a genius and her plans always work.

I drove home to meet my mom and my daughter playing Ludo. My mother gave me a stink eye when she noticed me. It’s safe to say she’s still angry.

“Mommy I’m winning” My baby exclaimed giggling as she made moves on the ludo board. My mom smiled a bit but a scowl appeared as we made eye contact again.

“Have you eaten?” I asked no one in particular, I just threw the question out there.

“Grandma made spaghetti”

My petty mom obviously refused to eat my food. I rolled my eyes at her and went into the kitchen to eat. I warmed the food I cooked for her so I could eat. Mariana was oblivious to the tension between my mom and I and i wanted it to stay that way. Whether my mom likes it or not, when Mariana goes to bed, she must talk to me.

I looked down connecting my eyes with that of a confused amnesiac. I slowly cut of some hair not breaking eye contact before I moved away from him.

“Why did you cut my hair? What are you going to do with it?” He asked worriedly.

I could not say anything. I just stared at him, he looked so pitiable. The genuine confusion in his eyes and his swollen face, he almost looked like a frightened child.

If I didn’t know the evil he was capable of I would have pitied him. The man had no heart now here he was completely at my mercy.

“Do you know me?” He asked again. Now he looked hopeful. I still didn’t say anything, I just kept looking him. All I wanted to do was cause him more pain, hit him with my purse, stab him with my scissors, even suffocate him with a pillow. As long as he felt like dying.

“Who are you and what were you doing to me? He snapped. Even with amnesia he still had a stinking attitude.

I snapped out of my momentary homicidal thoughts and walked out. Barry kept calling after me but I didn’t turn back, my mama didn’t name me “Hey”.

I went straight to the reception to make enquiries about doing a DNA test from there I was directed to the lab.

I explained to the lab attendant that I wanted a paternity test and I gave her the hairs I cut from Barry. The woman looked at me as if I was crazy.

“We can’t do a DNA test from this, the hair needs to have follicles on it” she informed me before she carefully placed what I gave her in a ziploc bag and returned it to me.

My mission was an absolute failure. How was I supposed to go back into that cursed man’s room?

“Can’t you do it without hair follicles?” I asked in frustration.

“We definitely can’t however we can use a buccal swab or spit, fingernail or blood” she replied.

Well I have access to neither one of those either. How was I supposed to get his blood?I should have listened to my instincts, by now I would have had a generous amount of it on my scissors.

I thanked the lab attendant and left. I had to come up with a plan to get samples. My mom will definitely help, that woman is a genius and her plans always work.

I drove home to meet my mom and my daughter playing Ludo. My mother gave me a stink eye when she noticed me. It’s safe to say she’s still angry.

“Mommy I’m winning” My baby exclaimed giggling as she made moves on the ludo board. My mom smiled a bit but a scowl appeared as we made eye contact again.

“Have you eaten?” I asked no one in particular, I just threw the question out there.

“Grandma made spaghetti”

My petty mom obviously refused to eat my food. I rolled my eyes at her and went into the kitchen to eat. I warmed the food I cooked for her so I could eat. Mariana was oblivious to the tension between my mom and I and i wanted it to stay that way. Whether my mom likes it or not, when Mariana goes to bed, she must talk to me.

“As much as I also want him to pay, do you want this kind of revenge when you’ll end up hurting the most? Didn’t you hear what Beyonce said? That the “best revenge is your paper”? Get rid of that extra luggage and start winning. If you take his properties and money and subject yourself to being connected to him through Mariana can you handle it? All the birthdays, graduation and whatever he’ll attend with his mistresses?You think it’s going to be easy? You think that cockroach Barry will allow you take his assets just like that? You want a long bloody divorce? You want Mariana to experience that?” My mother was on a roll.

“First of all, how do you know Beyonce and secondly how is he going to pay for ruining my life?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I saw the quote somewhere, learn to read honey and he did not ruin your life. Your life is far from ruined. You are young, beautiful, intelligent and you will recover from this. He was just a stumbling block and you have to jump over him. Don’t you think he’s already paying? The man has amnesia. And I believe this is just a tip of the ice berg for him. He is being punished already, move on with your life please” she reached over and held my hands.

She was right. I cried a bit before jumping into her arms. When I was all cried out I just kept leaning on her. It was like I was drawing strength from her.

“I want him to know he was wrong though, about Mariana” I said softly.

“Well you get a DNA test then” my mom shrugged.

“How mama? I don’t have anything to run a test with” I complained.

“Barry is in the hospital where blood samples have been taken countless times. Get in touch with the doctors and get some blood” she said as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

“You think they’ll give me some blood?” I was not so sure doctors will hand me his blood just because I asked for it.

“What can you not do with money nowadays? If that doesn’t work, practice your negotiating skills my dear. You are a business woman after all”

“How did I end up with fish brains?? I could have taken after you” I cuddled more into my mom’s warmth. We started talking about random things.

The next morning I was in a better mood but my mom was not.

“You are paying for my next appointment with a chiropractor” she told me as she went into her room. Her back in her words was killing her.

I got Mariana ready for school and dropped her off before heading to the hospital. I requested to see the doctor in charge of Barry but I wasn’t so lucky this time. He was on call and I had to wait. About an hour passed before I could finally see the doctor. If I had stayed longer I would have become an auxiliary nurse.

“How can I help you Madam?” The doctor asked flipping through some documents.

“I need your help doctor” I announced sitting up and leaning towards the table. He finally looked up to meet my eyes.

“Mrs Selena. What a surprise. With the way you left Barry I would have sworn you would never return” he was amused.

“How did you know?” I asked carefully. Did they have a camera in the room?

“Well Barry told me. What can I do for you?” There was a smile on his face. He was too happy for someone that has been working for hours.

“I need Barry’s blood, or spit or fingernail. Please doctor help me” I begged. He was taken aback.

“You want to do a DNA test am I correct?” He asked slowly. I gave an enthusiastic nod.

“We need to ask the patient then” he shrugged.

“No, Please I don’t want him to know. Please. I’ll pay anything to keep this between us” I was so desperate. This was definitely not how I envisioned this negotiation.

“I don’t think I can help you Madam. We need the patients consent.” He shook his head.

“You absolutely do not. Tell him it’s to run tests to see to his early recovery.”

“I am sorry I can’t help you. Have a good day Madam” he dismissed me.

“Two thousand. I’ll give thousand dollars to do this.” I knew two thousand was too much but I had to convince him.

“Two thousand?” He placed his hand on his jaw. “Fifty or nothing” he negotiated.

My eyes nearly popped out of the socket. “Are you joking? I’m not going to give you fifty thousand for spit. I won’t give you fifty thousand for anything. Two thousand that’s it”

He shrugged “you said you’ll pay anything. I guess not”.

“Fifty thousand is preposterous. I offered you a sweet deal and you want to ruin it with your greed.”

“Me? Greed? Who knows what you want to use that DNA for. Maybe you want to frame the man, but whatever you are planning I want no hand in it, I will not loose my license not even for a million dollars. Now leave my office”

I realise now that I sounded like a crazy person. I had only one option left, I told the doctor everything. Every single thing to the last detail, I didn’t even stop when he asked me to stop. I got it off my chest.

“Now will you help me?” I asked hopefully.

“I will have a nurse get a blood sample immediately”

I walked straight to his bed side not pausing for anything.

“You!” He said accusingly. He eyed me warily and moved his head to the other side of the bed away from me.

“Yes me. Now take this” I handed him a pen. He took it hesitantly from me and looked at it like it was a strange object.

After the paternity test, it was proven that Barry was indeed Mariana’s father. I had to pull out my daughter’s hair and lie about it.

“Your comb got stuck again” I apologized as I rubbed her hair. Pulling hair from the the root hurts.

Now I had the evidence I needed. I also got divorce papers, I didn’t request for a single penny from him. He should have no trouble signing it.

“Here’s the thing Barry, in my hands here are divorce papers. I don’t want anything to do with you or anything that concerns you. I also have documents for you to sign away the parental rights of our daughter. DNA test is also attached” I said in one breath before I opened the documents for him to sign on the dotted line.

“You are my wife?” The pen fell out of his hands.

“Not for long” I stated firmly and picked up the pen but he refused to take it from me.

“This must be some kind of joke. What type of wife are you? You serve me divorce papers when I’m in the hospital still recovering from an accident that almost killed me and I don’t even know who I am? How can you do this to me? What about my daughter? You want to take her from me too? What did I ever do to you? He shouted.

I was going to shout back but the machines he was hooked up to started going haywire and some nurses rushed in to do whatever they did. One of them actually led me out of the room.

“Please be careful not to put him under stress, he is still very fragile” the nurse warned before going back in.

I let out a loud huff before sitting on one of the chairs in the hallway. I must get divorced today, no two ways about it. I was soon lulled into dream land by boredom.

The sound of a person clearing his throat woke me. I looked at the time immediately and it was noon already. I must have been sleeping for a while. I made eye contact with the doctor and sat up.

“Is he stable now?” I asked curiously my eyes darting to the door.

The doctor let out sigh and nodded. ” Selena” he stopped his speech and looked at me. “Can I call you Selena?” He asked respectfully.

“Of course” I shrugged.

“Selena, you must exercise a little patience, he is not out of danger completely. We don’t want his progress to deteriorate and I know you want a divorce badly but it has got to wait till he’s a bit stable” he concluded what he had to say with a pat on my shoulder.

“What’s so hard about signing a document? It’s all he has ever wanted since he married me. ” I said angrily. Having the doctor know my business was awkward at first but now I enjoy it, having someone to talk to about my messy life that isn’t my mom or myself.

“He will die and you won’t achieve what you desperately want. Let the man heal first for a couple of weeks.” There was no room for argument from his tone. If he had to lock me out of the room, he will.

“Asi” I said and looked at the door to Barry’s room with a determined expression.

“A what?, what language is that?” He asked curiously.

“Asi, it means lie. You lie you hear me.” I didn’t answer his other question.

“I have no choice but to ban you from going anywhere near his room. Not until he’s stable enough” he stood up and gave me a sad look.

“I wanted to tell you earlier but I was on call. The other woman, your husband’s mistress was finally contacted. She put out a missing person

report.” He informed me.

“You see why I have to get a divorce? I need a signature, just a signature. Can’t I come back tomorrow?” I begged. I was so close to tearing up.

“I’m sorry Selena. He needs to be strong first” he gave me a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

I looked at the doctor as he walked away. His threat to ban me didn’t scare me at all. If I don’t get that signature today, I must return tomorrow. I closed my eyes and waited.

“Why are you here?”

I turned around to see the person who asked me the irrelevant question.

She was dressed to the nines, six inch heels, hair perfectly laid, waist snatched in her skimpy bandage dress and her face was a perfect blend of makeup.

“I should be asking you that question” I said firmly. My grip on the documents in my hand tightened.

She laughed humourlessly before responding.

“I came here for my Barry. I’m sure he doesn’t want you here, so run along now” she mocked.

I was going to slap her but then I saw the doctor walking towards us as if there was a mob chasing him. I got up and rushed towards the room Barry was in.

I got into the room and locked it.

“Sign this document you disgusting piece of sh*t” I yelled and tossed a pen at him.

Barry looked startled, the pen fell on his leg and he didn’t make any attempt to pick it up. I opened the document in front of him and held out another pen for him.

“I won’t sign anything. I will not sign away my daughter to you.” he actually had the audacity to shove my hand away.

“A daughter you’ve rejected for almost six years? Cut the crap, you have amnesia doesn’t mean you’re no longer a bast*rd. Stop pretending and sign” I yelled at him.

“Open the door Selena” the doctor said as he knocked continuously. Selena number two was also talking, but i didn’t hear her, I filtered her annoying high pitch voice out of my hand.

“You think I’m playing with you? Sign this document now or I swear you won’t like what I will do to you” I threatened.

“How did I end up marrying you? You are really a wicked woman. Is it money that you want?” He was angry. Well so was I.

I ignored him and walked towards the door. I opened it to the complete shock of everyone knocking. I didn’t wait for them to recover, I pulled Selena by the hair and dragged her in before tossing her to the floor. Her scream would have been music to my ears if it wasn’t so annoying.

she shrieked massaging her scalp. She struggled to get up but I kicked her back down.

There was a round of gasps.

“Selena I’ll have to ask you to leave ” the doctor said sternly.

“Which one?” I mocked but I didn’t wait for any response. ” as you can see, this is is a family affair, let me handle my issues and leave quietly. Stop creating a scene.” I told him before returning my gaze to the stunned patient.

“This woman wailing at my feet is your mistress. She has a son for you, a result of your six year affair. I don’t want a single penny from you, just give me my freedom. Barry sign that d*mn paper let me be on my way” I said calmly actually suprising myself.

Barry was tongue tied and stunned. He looked ashamed. Selena number two crawled to him and tried to hold his hand but he flinched.

“Selena you should have listened to me. This isn’t the time or place” The doctor whispered furiously into my ear. The nurses were whispering amongst themselves, what a fun day at work this must be for them.

“I honestly don’t care. Why do you even think you have a right to comment on this Matthew? Let me divorce this pig in peace and be on my way” I didn’t whisper. I looked straight into Barry’s eyes as I said it.

“Shut up you needy b*tch. Doctor, my Barry isn’t looking at me. Is he alright? Selena asked.

Barry looked at her at the question, everyone in the room did. No one said anything or did anything. Well except me.

I stepped forward. “What did you just call me?” My voice was low and calm.

“A bi…” I didn’t let her finish, I gave her a resounding slap. The slap sent her flying towards Barry.

“If you ever in your miserable life insult me again, I will teach you a lesson you will not forget in a hurry. Am I clear?”

She was whimpering and holding her cheeks totally ignoring me.

“Am I clear?” I snapped.

I glared at the sobbing woman till she gave a nod and kept holding her cheeks.

“I have to ask you to leave Mrs Selena” the doctor pointed at the door with a stern look on his face.

I scoffed loudly and looked at Barry. I raised one eyebrow at him and kept my hand on my waist.

“Doctor please can you leave us, I want to talk to my wife please” Barry spoke. To my utter surprise.

“Are you sure?” The Doctor asked warily eyeing me as if he didn’t trust me. Barry gave a nod and the Doctor left, the nurses of course followed him and then we were three.

“Didn’t you hear him? Leave us!” Selena number 2 yelled. She didn’t move an inch from Barry’s side.

“You’re not my wife” Barry snapped at her but she wasn’t looking at him so yea she thought he was talking to me.

“Yes you’re not his wife. Go away” She was making a complete fool of herself.

I didn’t say anything, I just watched them unimpressed. I didn’t have time for this.

“I was talking to you woman. Please leave us” Barry snapped at her. Her jaw dropped and her eyes welled up with more tears.

“Barry Baby” she muttered with a pout.

“Get out of here and stop making things worse for me. Whatever happened with you must have been a mistake. Just go” Barry was angry and his mistress was bawling. If only I could film this.

“It’s all your fault. What did you feed him you diabolical b*tch?” She charged towards me angrily.

Whatever her motive was I didn’t get to know because I grabbed her by the neck when she got close enough and punched her square in the face before allowing her to stumble and fall. It’s safe to say I broke her nose.

“I warned you didn’t I?” I wanted to punch her till she became unconscious, but she quickly started crawling out of the room.

“You’ll pay for this” she shouted outside the room. The sound of her heels clicking the ground so fast was a clear indication that she was running. What a wimp.

“Oya you sign” I looked down at the document that was now squeezed up.

“From what I just heard today, I know I wasn’t a good husband to you. I don’t know why I would ever do that you, but I did and I’m sorry” he said sincerely.

“Now that you’ve apologised what has it changed? Sign this thing let me be on my way. What’s your deal? Have you forgotten how to sign too? Just write your name on the dotted line with that pen”

All this while, he hurt me non stop, hurt my daughter mercilessly now he was finally saying sorry. I thought I needed to hear an apology but now that I’ve gotten it didn’t wipe away years of emotional torment.

“At least let me see my daughter before I sign her away forever please” he begged. For the first time in my life I saw Barry close to tears.

“You will never see her again in your life. Except she wills it. Your mistress has a son for you and he was always enough for you. You’re wasting my time here” I looked at the watch I was not wearing. If only I knew getting a signature was this much work, I would have brought lunch.

“Can you please put yourself in my shoes? I don’t know who I am then I find out I’m married, only to have my wife request for a divorce. I even have children. Please Selena let me recover and gain my memory before you strip me bare again” with teary eyes he begged.

“You must be a mad man. I should empathize with you? After what you did to me? In our twelve years of marriage you cheated on me for six years. Now you want me to pause my life for you. Would you have done the same for me? If they sent you tell them you did not see me. Sign this thing before I force your hand because trust me I will”

His tears escaped his eyes but he quickly cleaned it. With shaky hands, he picked up a pen and signed.

I was finally free.

I walked out of the hospital in a daze. It felt like I was floating, I couldn’t even tell where my feet was taking me.

I clutched the files in my hand like my life depended on it.

I couldn’t drive in this state of mind. I took a cab home and to my utter surprise I was knocking my neighbour’s door.

“Can I help you?” He asked immediately he opened the door. My presence confused him and it also confused me. Why did my body lead me here?

“You’re a therapist right?” I asked immediately. He raised his eyebrow and an amused smirk appeared on his face.

“I thought you didn’t remember me” he folded his hand over this chest and relaxed on the door frame.

“I need to talk to someone” I whispered. Suddenly I felt my eyes burn. I was now holding back tears.

He became serious the second he saw my face. He didn’t ask what I wanted to talk about, he just led me into his house and gave me a seat.

“Are you okay? Is everything alright?” He asked calmly. It felt like he genuinely cared, and that made me comfortable enough to burst into tears.

He handed me a tissue box and tapped my shoulder comfortingly. I spent ten minutes crying before I could finally make a proper sentence.

“I got divorced today” I mumbled. He heard me though.

“Do you regret it?” He asked.

I wasn’t expecting that question. I just wanted a complete stranger to cry to. The question stunned me and I couldn’t even give an answer. I silently searched my heart.

“Getting a divorce isn’t an easy decision to make especially when a child is involved, but you need to remember all the reasons that led to it. Crying is normal but don’t you dare regret making a decision to protect yourself” he said making sure I was looking him in the eye. He literally held me still.

“I don’t regret it” my answer left my mouth on it’s own accord.

“Do you feel guilty towards your daughter?” He asked.

“Slightly. I mean I could have gotten divorced when she was a baby to save her the heart ache now” I answered honestly.

“So either way, the divorce is inevitable, why are you crying then? He had his game face on, no sympathy nothing on his face to betray what he was thinking.

” I don’t think I’m crying about the divorce per se, it’s a new chapter in my life I don’t think I’m ready for. I can’t use Barry as an excuse anymore. I have to put myself out there now, not hide away or sit at home. You know?”

He gave a nod.

“Is that it? Just a nod? No wise words?” I asked perplexed by his silence.

“We both know you don’t need that right now.”

I stayed at his house crying and ranting and cursing at whatever I could curse at till I felt strong enough to go home and celebrate with my mom. My neighbour really helped me by just sitting there and nodding. He said nothing except where necessary.

“Thank you so much, I owe you one” I thanked him as I stood up to leave.

“You do. My charge is $80 per session.

I was gobsmacked. This dude was seriously asking for payment. He burst out laughing before I could even string words together to give him a response.

“I was only joking”.

He might have been joking but I took it seriously. Now I felt like bad. Taking this stranger’s time to talk about my problems and then getting up to leave without even considering his time I just wasted. How selfish have I become?

“I’ll definitely pay next time. I’m really sorry I wasted your time” I apologised.

“It’s ok really, I’m happy to help”.

I left the house awkwardly, I still felt bad. As I got to my door, I took a deep breath and opened to the door.

My mom was in the kitchen.

She looked at me, I looked at her. I held up the document in my hand and smiled. My mom screamed, tossing the towel in her hand and raced towards me.

My mom engulfed me in a big hug. She squeezed me tightly before letting go.

I could only laugh. Seeing the scene you would think I just won the lottery.

“Are you happy?” She asked releasing me. Her attention was on my face, she was prepared to catch any flicker of emotion. Thank goodness I am all cried out.

“Of course I’m happy Ma.” I announced happily.

“That’s all that matters nwam. I am so happy for you, my strong daughter.” She hugged me again. I knew my mom wanted to cry.

“Don’t cry” my voice shook. If my mom cries, I’ll cry too.

“I know you loved that man unconditionally unfortunately he was not worthy to receive such depth of love. Let me tell you today my daughter, you are the best thing that ever happened to Barry and he was stupid enough not to realise it. He had gold yet he went after pyrite. That’s on him not you. It’s his loss. His not yours”

She quickly wiped the tears that rolled down her eyes and hugged me.

My mom was right. I held her and cried too. So much for being all cried out.

“Thank God you survived this marriage oh. Many women don’t leave toxic marriages unscathed. Do you know the emotional battle and psychological battle you just overcame?”

I didn’t know this divorce was such a big deal to my mom. To her it wasn’t just about leaving Barry, it was way more than that.

“Let’s stop crying. You have returned victorious, let’s celebrate” my mom interrupted our crying fest.

“Where is Mariana?”

“Here” Mariana raced down the stairs and jumped into my arms. I kissed her all over and she giggled happily.

“Did we wake you?” I asked setting her down. She gave a nod but didn’t dwell on it she had her own question.

“Do I get my new daddy now?” She was too excited to stand still. If it was possible to just show her a new father, the girl would have exploded from happiness.

Not to burst her bubble, my mom and I gave an excited ‘yes’ response.

“Let me get champagne and apple juice” my mom hurried into the kitchen to get the drinks.

“Turn on some music” my mom ordered from the kitchen.

“Alexa play Jerusalem by master KG”

It was my favourite song at the moment.

The minute the song came on Mariana started hopping around giggling.

My mom brought our drinks and handed it to us. she was also moving to the beat. Their excitement excited me. I started dancing too.

My legwork skill sucks but in that moment I didn’t care, I was dancing with my family.

Life was going well for me. I started working out to get toned, I needed some muscle. I Changed my wardrobe to more age appropriate clothes. I didn’t want to look like my mom’s grandmother anymore.

Mariana was visibly happier. Seeing me happy just made her happier. She never stopped stressing me about getting her a new dad. The girl had a list of requirements, and she never failed to ask me everyday if I had seen her new dad. I don’t think she knows how it works.

My mom went back to her house. Me getting a divorce gave her so much happiness. When I told her i wanted to change my wardrobe, she kissed me all over. She sponsored my shopping, She hired a stylist and went all out to ensure I had stores all to myself to shop without any restrains. When I say my mom is extra, I think that doesn’t cut it. My mother is super extra.

I was relaxing after a tiring workout when my phone rang, I immediately thought it was my mom because who else would call me. I was dead wrong.

“Hello is this Mrs Selena?” The voice over the phone asked. I immediately took offence. I officially changed my name three weeks ago. Who is still calling me Mrs?

“It’s Miss. Selena now, who is this?” I was irritated. I told myself if it’s not an important phone call I’ll hang up.

“I apologise Ma’am but the court has not taken judicial notice of your change of name as you are still legally married in the eyes of the law hence my use of the prefix Mrs” She explained boldly.

“Who are you? Is this some type of Joke? I don’t have time for prank calls. Don’t you ever in your life call this number again.” I hung up and blocked the number. But to be on the safe side I called my lawyer.

“What do you mean you’re working on it? Isn’t this a done deal? He signs and I go free? What rubbish is this?” I was panicking.

“He’s claiming mental incapacity and undue influence that you threatened him.” My lawyer said cautiously.

“What? Is he mad? I never threatened him. I mean does that even matter? I want my divorce to stand. I have paid you to get me divorced, I don’t care what you have to do but do what I paid you to do.”

“Do you have anything, any evidence we can render to prove he requested the divorce in the first place. Because he hasn’t regained his memory and if this proceeds to court, the court might hold in his favour”

“Hold what in his favour? I didn’t ask for a cent, it’s not like I’m trying to rob him. What other evidence do I need? Does the court want to see the large hole in my heart before they realize that man wants to kill me? ” I was screaming now.

“Just calm down. I will do all I can and keep you informed. I’m in talks with his lawyers and they don’t want it to escalate to taking a legal action too”

“Let it escalate oh, why are we still doing out of court settlement? I will fight that man. Use any and all resources available to you, I will fund it. Get me that divorce” I hung up.

I wanted to smash something. I yelled out my frustrations. After my screams, you could hear a pin drop in the locker room. I awkwardly packed my stuff and left the gym ignoring all the stares. I totally forgot where I was.

On my drive home, I kept searching my brain for what to do. Then I remembered the recording I made during our fight. My worries lessened a bit.

I got home, took a shower and opened a good bottle of wine. I just hope I don’t get drunk before I need to go pick my daughter from school.

I didn’t make the mistake of keeping things to myself again. I informed my mom and my therapist aka my neighbour Dr David.

They both had very different reactions. My therapist was all “how are you handling the situation?, does it stress you emotionally?” He was all about my mental wellbeing.

After picking up Mariana that day, thankfully I did not get inebriated, I called my mom. My mother was not worried about my mental wellbeing, she was worried about the spirituality of the whole situation. I almost burst out laughing. A Nigerian mother no matter how many years abroad will still remain a Nigerian woman.

“Do you think this is ordinary? Is this from my enemies? My enemies are behind this. How can you not be free of that man? This is the handwork of my enemies but my God is bigger than them.”

“Mom I’m sure your enemies have no hand in this. This is all Barry. The man is like a cockroach.” I didn’t want my mother to start blaming her imaginary village people.

“You think it’s impossible? Why do you think I’ve never allowed you to go back home? My friends daughter travelled home for her marriage, out of nowhere, the young vibrant girl took ill and died.”

“So you’re saying your village people made me marry Barry?” I really wanted laugh.

“That aside, Selena have you ever prayed about this issue?”

My answer was a solid no. Not once have I called God into the issue. Even when I was hoping Barry would change. I only made wishes, I wished he would change, I wished he would see me and love me like he used to. Also with the divorce, I didn’t pray. Why? I don’t know, I’ve never really been spiritual.

“I’ll take your prolonged silence as a no. You need to pray. There’s nothing too big for God to do and there is nothing too small for Him. As long as it concerns you, nothing is trivial. Take it to the throne of grace.”

“I will try mom” I didn’t want to talk about it.

I was expecting my mom to explode and curse at Barry with me. The last thing I expected was for her to start a sermon.

We talked a bit more before hanging up. After the phone call I felt awkward. Should I actually pray? Should I not? I decided not to.

My daughter and I spent the evening watching TV. We were rewatching Avatar the last airbender for the millionth time. Mariana soon fell asleep and I took her to her room.

With nothing to do I went to my room. What my mom said kept replaying in my head. I should just pray and get it over with, because knowing my mom she’ll ask if I prayed.

I sat knelt down by my bed. I took a deep breath but didn’t know how to start. What do I say? This is crazy, I haven’t prayed in years. I just started thinking about my life, I let my mind wander. All I could say was.

“God help me”

I chanted a few “God help me” and I was going to chant maybe twenty more but my phone vibrated. I reached for it and it was message from my mom. That woman and her timing.

I opened the message and it was a link. I wanted to text back but I could she was still typing something so I waited for her to finish before texting her back.

‘Follow the link’ she finally sent and she didn’t even wait for my response before going offline. If it’s one of the conspiracy theories she usually sends, I’ll totally regret cutting my prayers short for this.

I followed the link. It was a song. I sat down on the floor and prepared to listen to it.

The first verse of the song caught my attention so I decided to keep listening.

I didn’t realise when I started crying, my whole body shook and I got back on my knees. I opened my mouth and prayers started pouring out. I didn’t know what I was saying, I mean personally I don’t how to pray but in that moment I had all the words.

I was praying and screaming on top of my lungs. It soon became tongues. I began speaking in tongues, something I never knew was possible.

I don’t know how long I prayed but when I stopped, Mariana was crying in my neighbour’s arms. I rushed to her and her crying intensified as I hugged her.

Apparently my screaming woke her. She thought I was being hurt or I was dying so she tried to save me but the door was locked. She called my mom and my mom called Dr. David to check on us. He heard me praying so he comforted Mariana and waited for me to be done, but she did not want to be comforted.

“What time is it?” I asked after I successfully got Mariana to calm down and go back to bed.

“5am” David said with a yawn. He looked so tired and sleepy.

“You can go home now. I’m so sorry for all this, please go home and rest” I was grateful to him for rushing over here when he thought I was in danger but now I’m so embarrassed.

“It’s nothing. Mind if I just sleep here?” He pointed at the couch. ” I’m too sleepy to walk back” he added quickly.

I gave a nod and he was out like light.

I stepped outside and called my mom. She just kept calling and I had up to twenty missed calls, and like 50 massages.

“My daughter are you okay? I am on my way already. Please are you okay? My mom’s voice was trembling.

“I’m more than fine. No need to come here mom. Don’t worry. I am completely fine.” I assured her.

“I’m still coming over. I don’t care. My grandbaby called me wailing, you think I can peacefully sit at home?”

I had no response to that. I told her to get here safely before ending the call.

I took a deep breath. My heart felt so much lighter, and I couldn’t wait to share my experience with my mom. It feels so good to know God loves me, I looked around and took a deep breath. Nothing could take this new found joy in my heart away.

My mom refused to let go of me. She just hugged me tightly after I narrated my whole experience to her. My daughter and David were still asleep so we spoke in hushed tones in my room.

“This is the best thing you’ve told me in ages” she was so ecstatic. My mama suddenly stood up and started dancing. Yes there was no music, but somehow when I joined her, we had a rhythm. Maybe we had the same song playing in our hearts.

After dancing we both sat down and talked at length on my bed and I must have fallen asleep because when I awoke, my mom was not present and my daughter was by my side. Her face buried in my arm and she clutched my hand tightly.

“Hey” I said softly. She looked up at me and held my hand more tightly if that’s possible.

“Please don’t be hurt mummy” she said in a shaky voice.

“No no, I promise I’m not hurt at all. Look” I tried to sit up but she didn’t let me.

“You always cry because of Daddy, I hate Daddy” she wiped her tears angrily and sniffed. I wrapped my free hand around her and rubbed her back.

“No don’t say that, he had nothing to do with this. I wasn’t crying because I was hurt, I was crying because I was extremely happy. I was so happy I had to shout for joy” I explained in the best way I could.

“Really?” the doubt written all over her face.

“Of course. I am so happy. I just remembered Jesus loves us, so I am very happy” I gave her big smile and nudged her nose with mine.

“I love you too mummy and I love Jesus too” she gave me a big smile in return.

“Why aren’t you in school?” I asked after remembering it’s not weekend yet and sat up abruptly.

“Grandma said I could skip” her eyes were shining. If there is anything Mariana loves about school apart from seeing her friends, it’s skipping school. I looked at the time and it was already 12pm. Did I sleep that long?

“You shouldn’t be skipping school. I’ll take you to school myself” I playfully threatened. My daughter who was so worried about my wellbeing took off running away faster than I could blink and she did not look back.

I stretched and got out of bed but before I could take a step towards the bathroom, my phone rang. It was my lawyer.

Calling so early? Then I realized again it was already 12pm. I cleared my throat and picked up the call.

“I sent you an email and a text message this morning to confirm your attendance to the settlement meeting with Barry and his lawyers but you didn’t respond so I decided to give you a call, to get the response” he spoke without pausing. If he ever wants to switch up careers, he should become a rapper.

“I apologise, I was busy all morning I had no time to check my phone. I have to ask, is my attendance compulsory? I asked hoping his answer would be no.

Alas it was yes. “You have to be there” he said and left no room for argument.

“Ok I understand. When is the meeting?” I asked with a yawn.

“By 3pm today in my office. Do have a nice day Miss Selena” he said and ended the call.

I might not be a lawyer but I want to scream objection so bad. How am I supposed to be a meeting by 3pm today without at least prior notice. I don’t like impromptu things, I like being prepared.

What I felt about the issue did not matter because when the time came, i found myself sitting in a small conference room with my lawyer and his team including Barry and his.

The lawyers were bantering between themselves and I just sat there awkwardly staring at an ink smudge on the table. Maybe a bored employee created that smudge and my mind started creating stories about the origin of an ink stain on a table. I focused on it so much my eyes began to water.

Thankfully my lawyer saved me from my staring contest with the ink smudge when he called my attention.

“Miss Selena, please play the audio” he said smugly, smirking at his colleague. Well at least he looks like he’s winning.

I reached for my phone in my bag but I was stopped by a voice.

“No need” he said quietly, but I heard it. Everyone heard it. His lawyer began to aggressively whisper to him about something.

“I don’t care” he burst out at the female esquire who looked more disappointed than shocked.

He looked at me and spoke the magic words.

“I remember”

“I remember”

At first I wanted to ask what had he remembered that required such dramatic announcement, then realization dawned on me. He remembers, that means the man no longer has amnesia. If he no longer has amnesia why is he fighting this divorce?

“If you remember, why are we here?” I voiced my question.

“I spent weeks trying to remember my past, when I finally did, I hated myself for it. What I did to you Selena and our daughter was sheer wickedness. I take responsibility for my actions and I want to make things right between us” he spoke such valiant words. After the short speech he looked at me hopefully while the others in room looked in anticipation.

This can go so many ways, I can either get angry and smack him for wasting my time, or I can allow his words to sway me and fall into his arms or I can get up and leave without looking back because the divorce is valid.

I did neither of those things. I just stared at him also anticipating my own reaction. His eyes looked sunken, his hair barely staying in place because they obviously haven’t been combed for a while, his clothes are nothing to write home about. Ultimately, he looked haggard and unkempt.

“Please ladies and gentlemen can you excuse us for a moment? I spoke to the lawyers in the room. I even shocked myself, Selena what are you planning?

The lawyers silently left the room. I returned my gaze to Barry after the last lawyer exited the room.

“When exactly did you get your memory back? I asked genuinely curious.

He seemed taken aback by my question or perhaps the softness of my voice but he answered anyway.

“Three weeks after I signed the divorce papers” he confessed. That means, he began fighting the divorce after his recovery. I gave a nod and kept looking at him.

He squirmed in his seat looking very uncomfortable under my silent gaze.

“I promise you Selena, I will never hurt you again. I love you, I love Annabelle please lets work this out” he professed. But I was confused. Who is Annabelle?

“Should you be confessing your love for Annabelle to me?” I was a bit confused.

“Of course and I will also confess it to her when I see her. I cannot wait to see my Ana, our lovely daughter. We will be a family again, forgive me I beg of you” he moved over to my side of the table and knelt down. He wanted to reach for my hand but I scooted backwards on my seat.

I wonder which one of his baby mama’s named their daughter Annabelle because he’s definitely not talking about my Mariana. I decided to ignore the soap opera display he put up and finally give a response.

“I forgive you Barry” I spoke firmly.

He got up and wanted to hug me but I pushed him back. He looked at me confused.

“Let me finish” I almost yelled at him but I somehow succeeded in keeping the harshness from my voice. This man was testing me today but I will not yield.

“I forgive you, only because blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. I forgive you not because of anything you just said here, but for myself. I refuse to become angry and bitter because of a man like you. Forgiving you does not mean I want anything to do with you. You ended our marriage a long time ago, and there is nothing left. If you were hoping I kept the fire of my love for you burning, I happily inform you that the fire died out months ago.

I used to think I was a fool to have loved you the way I did. But now I realise you were the fool. My love for you was kind, it was patient; I was never angry with you, I was loyal to you, I was even willing to overlook your philandering ways if you had changed. I was willing to give you everything and despite all the things you did to me I persevered and hoped you will come back to me.

I loved you the way every man prays to be loved. Yet you mocked me for it, it meant nothing to you. Now I have decided to take my pure and unconditional love elsewhere where it will be valued. I’m not the woman you want, neither are you the man worthy of me. Go and be with the woman who hassles you as much as you want, a woman who isn’t a robot as you once called me.

I have not asked for a dime from you, I only want my life back and to grant you the freedom you’ve been seeking for years.

If you insist on fighting this divorce, we will meet in court and i will ensure that your finances will go back to being as bad if not worse than what you had when I met you.

By the way my daughter’s name has never been Annabelle.

I will pray for you to find happiness, Shalom.”

With that, I stood up, reached for my Hermés bag and walked out not looking back.

Actually it’s my mom’s bag, she insisted I carry it so now it’s mine.

“Werey dey disguise” (mad man is disguising) was my only thought as I listened to the CEO briefing the board on the misappropriation of company funds he discovered.

The former CEO diverted seven hundred thousand from the company for personal use. Had I been crazy enough to take him back, I would be shouldering this mess in the name of love. Was that his plan? Did he run out of money and he decided to do all he did to gain my sympathy and forgiveness i.e taking him back?Tufuiakwa.

“What do you propose we do Mr Cameron? I asked in the most professional tone I could muster.

“Naturally, I would propose we sue.” He said and the room erupted in murmurs. Everyone agreed with Mr Cameron, Some board members were also staring at me as if I had Barry’s face nailed on my forehead.

“Do what you must” I gave my consent and ended the meeting. I left the office and went into my office, the CEO had sent some documents to my office to review.

Barry had been foolish enough to use company money to directly purchase a cars, a house, and a diamond ring. The man didn’t even have the decency to keep things a bit hidden, he sent company paid assistants to run the errands for him. Everything works together for my good I suppose.

The company did not waste any time unlike some people, yes I am some people. His lawyer was contacted immediately and a writ of summons was sent.

What I couldn’t grasp was why his lawyer was contacting my lawyer to tell him that the richer spouse should pay spousal support.

See what I said about werey?

The man must be broke. I did not worry my pretty little head over the whole issue, I just told my lawyer to sue him. We learn every day and I have learned that an out of court settlement with a fool will never amount to anything.

I did not bother telling my mom anything. Celebrating the end of my marriage twice is more than enough. I don’t want a third celebration. Hopefully that cockroach of a man will stop clinging to me and let me live my life.

My lawyer investigated the diamond ring purchase and as I suspected, it was for an engagement. Was he going to commit bigamy? Wow his offences are just piling up. I just wish a marriage certificate would appear and seal the deal for me. Oh how I wish.

I had a solid case, so did the company. A legal battle ensued and Barry was caught in the middle of it. I got my divorce rather quickly and the judge was so sympathetic to my story she asked if i wouldn’t want to claim damages for emotional distress. As tempting as the offer was, I wanted nothing to do with the man. I wanted a clean break and I got it. He gave up his parental rights for our daughter without question, he could not afford to care for her anyway, neither was he getting child support from me.

As for the other case, he was sentenced to a year in prison and ordered to pay back the seven hundred thousand he misappropriated. Goodluck with that Barry.

In the course of investigating, my lawyer dug up some details which he shared with me after we won the case. Selena was getting married. I won’t say I’m surprised, I mean I found it weird that my name clone never showed up in court. Apparently, the girl moved on with her life and even got engaged to another man.

“I hope she’s not after another married man” I said while looking out the car window.

“He doesn’t look married, he’s not hiding his face” my lawyer responded.

Is that how to tell a married man from an unmarried man nowadays? I have a lot to learn.

When I say investigate, I mean going through her Instagram. My curiosity got the best of me and I peeked over my lawyer’s shoulder as he scrolled through her page.

She is living the luxury life online for sure. How could a secretary afford this lifestyle? She looks like she only wears designer clothes, and where does she find the time to travel so much?

“She’s engaged to this young man” my lawyer turned to show me a picture, so I quickly fell back into my seat.

I adjusted my jacket, cleared my throat and took the phone from him.

“Here is the day of which the Lord said to you, ‘Behold, I will give your enemy into your hand, and you shall do to him as it shall seem good to you”

“What?” My lawyer asked with a confused expression after I finished reciting that verse of the bible.

“She is engaged to my best friend’s brother” I announced with a smile as I looked at a picture of the happy couple. Well former best friend now, thanks to that manipulative man I was once married to.

“What a small world we live in” my lawyer said and retrieved his phone from my outstretched hand.

“I guess it’s time to rekindle old friendships”

All my life I saw making new friends as one of the most difficult things to do in the world. Now I can boldly say I’m a social butterfly. In my bid to reconcile with my best friend Kayla, I have become friends with half of her staff and they feed me information as to when she is available or not.

I visited her office but she refused to see anyone without an appointment. I think she just hates me because when I tried to make an appointment, I was told she’s fully booked for ten years. The receptionist felt bad for me so we became friends. The receptionist introduced me to Kayla’s assistant and the rest is history.

“She just left the office now and she’s going to have lunch. I’ve texted you the address. Goodluck.”

I thanked the man and quickly got dressed before heading out. Hopefully this time, she won’t walk out on me and actually listen to me. Apart from reconciliation, I have to save her family fortune.

I arrived at the restaurant and it took a few minutes to spot her from my car. She was in a corner, holding a document in one hand and a pastry in the other hand. I waited till she had food in her mouth before going to her. She wouldn’t stand up to leave with a mouth full of food right?

When she spotted me, she ignored me. Not even standing up or trying to leave. That’s a first. Now what am I going to say? Should I just start with an apology? Should I ask how she’s been first or that comes after?

“Kayla hello. What a coincidence to see you here. This is like my ultimate favourite restaurant. Wow what a small world” I had a big nervous smile on my face. I have succeeded in making an utter fool of myself, I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up.

I was going to continue spewing my nonsense when Kayla spoke up.

“Is this what you’ve been following me around for weeks for?” She was not amused.

“Kayla I am sorry. I am truly really sorry. Please forgive me” I apologised immediately not beating around the bush anymore.

“I forgive you” She had no smile on her face. No reaction at all. Just firm words and a straight face.

“Ummm so what have you been up to?” I asked adjusting in my seat awkwardly.

“Look Selena. I don’t have time for this. If you think we’re ever going to be friends again after the way you treated me, you’re terribly mistaken. It’s been eight years, you chose this path for us so I ask you to maintain the energy you had eight years ago” she stood up and walked towards the door. I sat there dumbfounded for a bit before snapped out of it and rushed after her.

“Kayla please listen to me” I begged blocking her from entering her car.

“Listen to what? That you finally left that imp and the scales have fallen off your eyes? She snapped.

Well that and your brother is about to marry the woman who aided in liberating me.

“I know I wronged you. I was a fool. I realized my mistake too late and i felt ashamed to see you. I just hope you can truly forgive me” I begged her and moved out of the way.

“You claimed to be my best friend, yet someone told one lie about me and you believed it. Why would I want that nincompoop you married? He came on to me, and lied that I seduced him and you took his side and kicked me out of your life like a worthless thing now you want me to be chummy with you? You must have lost your mind.” she was fuming.

“I know i have. I’m so sorry and I miss you so much” and with that I pulled her into a tight completely one sided hug. She struggled to break free before giving in. Not to brag but my best friend gives the warmest hugs.

“I only forgive you for old time sake. I miss you too” my bestie said as she wiped her tears.

We had a really tearful reunion. We did most of the reconnection in her home. My best friend is now married with two kids. I missed out on everything.

“She looks just like you” I gushed as I looked at the baby pictures. The children were currently at school and her husband at work so we had the house all to ourselves.

“I know right. My own twin. Too bad she also inherited my attitude” she said and we both laughed. Next she showed me her wedding pictures.

“Your brother was your maid of honour?” We planned to be each other’s maids of honour. Unfortunately I ruined everything.

“Yea Micheal stepped up. Someone broke my heart and I wasn’t in any mood to look for new maid of honour”

I know I’m someone. “I’m so sorry Kayla” I apologised again.

“It’s okay. I hate you a little less now” she said with a smile.

“Speaking of Micheal, how is he? Is he married? I asked feigning ignorance. I can’t just flat out say what I know, I need something to lead to it.

“He’s getting married next week in France.” She was no longer smiling.

“Really? Wow. Why France though?” I mean I wouldn’t be shocked if Selena is the mastermind behind that. The girl loves to travel after all.

” He proposed to his fiancee there so they just wanted to get married there too.” She took a sip of her juice and stared into nothing. Like she was thinking about something.

“How romantic. He must truly love her” I felt so bad for Michael. Hopefully I’m not too late to save him.

“He really does. But that gold miner is only with him for the money yet he’s too blind to see it” there it is. This is where I make my move.

“What? You should do something about that. I married that gold digging Barry and look how I ended up. Do you have a photo of her maybe I might know her” I should take acting classes because I suck.

I think Kayla noticed too but she didn’t say anything.

“I have one picture of her, Micheal sent it two weeks ago but I deleted it. Hopefully it’ll be here, I haven’t emptied my recently deleted” She pulled out her phone from her bag and after searching for a minute she showed me a picture of Selena. Time to express shock.

“She’s the one? What? This woman is honestly everywhere. I don’t believe this” I expressed my shock.

“You know her?” Kayla asked curiously.

“She is Barry’s girlfriend, his fiancee and baby mama” I didn’t need to act for this one.


“What did you say?” that was Michael.

I was so stunned. I wasn’t expecting him to show up out of nowhere. This is awkward for me.

“How much did you hear?” Kayla asked boldly.

“I will ignore the part where you were running your mouth calling my fiancee a gold digger and ask again. What did you just say Selena” he turned his attention to me, eyes red and angry.

Before I could say anything Kayla stood up and spoke.

“But that’s what she is, a gold digger now we know she’s also a shameless home wrecker” as the words left her mouth, Micheal rushed towards her with his fist raised as if he wanted to hit her, but he didn’t. Kayla did not waiver.

“Hit me and watch me throw you in jail. At least that will stop your doom wedding from happening” this two are crazy for real. I just sat there shrinking into my seat.

“Did you come here to run your mouth and ruin Michelle’s name huh? Are you so bored with your life you decided to come and meddle in mine? Michael screamed at me.

I’m confused who is Michelle?

“Who is Michelle?” I voiced my thought.

Kayla was now looking at me weirdly too.

“You don’t even know her name? Yet she’s your wh*ore of a husband’s baby mama? ” He scoffed.

“Kayla tell your friend to leave before I drag her out” he threatened.

This is where I draw the line. I decided to speak for myself.

“I get it, you’re in love and I have been there. But with this over the top reaction, I know you know I’m telling the truth. Perhaps you’ve had suspicions and I just confirmed it. Don’t live in denial. That woman you call Michelle is named Selena, if that is even her real name. She has been in a relationship with my husband for years, they even have a son together. Now he’s broke suddenly she’s marrying you. Save your family fortune because trust me she will empty your coffers”

I said goodbye to Kayla and walked towards the door but Micheal stood in my way. I will punch the daylight out of this man if he tries anything with me.

“Are you telling me the truth?” he asked with a mellow voice.

“No. I am so crazy as to reconcile with my best friend after eight years and try to ruin her brothers life. What do you think?”

He just moved towards the couch and sat dejected. Should I still go? I mean what is the protocol for things like this.

“I knew that boy was hers. Even when she would lie that he’s her nephew. I knew it. I don’t even care if she has a kid. Why did she lie to me? What is her real name? Who is she?” The man looked like he wanted to cry.

“It’s okay. You should be thankful you haven’t married her yet” Kayla comforted him. I just stood there out of place.

“I should get going” I announced and walked out. That was intense. Thank God I drove my car here, now I can go home and breathe. I just saved a life.

“Selena wait” Kayla rushed towards me. I dropped my bag in the car and turned to her.

“Micheal wants to call Michelle or whatever her name is to come over and I want you to stay incase she tries to deny anything”

As interesting as this sound, I felt awkward. I don’t want be in this situation but Kayla’s hopeful eyes made me agree.

“Sure I’ll stay” I followed her back in and we waited in awkward silence.

“Baby” I recognize that voice anywhere.

She came into the house happily until she laid eyes on me. I should have smirked, but I wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t do this for revenge. Okay maybe ten percent revenge and 90 percent helping out my friends.

“Babe where is the surprise?” She asked and walked towards Michael. Is she trying to pretend that I’m invisible?

“Don’t touch him” Kayla smacked her hands away from reaching her brother.

“What’s going on here? Babe say something” she did not even look worried. What an actress.

“What is your name?” Michael spoke up.

“Is this a joke? I don’t have time for this I’m leaving” she turned around to leave and nearly tripped as Michael pulled her back.

“What is your name?” He asked again and this time he was screaming it. Honestly he should get anger management.

“Did you suddenly develop amnesia? my name is Michelle and I am your fiancee” she screamed back and pulled her hand out of his.

“Are you sure about that Selena?” He asked. I was expecting her to deny it. She didn’t.

“Selena is my middle name, baby what are you on about?” She said gently cupping his face with both hands. This girl is good. Micheal moved his face away.

“Why did you lie about your son?” His voice is way calmer now. As if he was no longer angry. He truly does love her.

“What are you talking about? I don’t have a son. He’s my nephew” she lied easily. Wrong answer because Michael’s anger became rekindled.

“Don’t lie to me” he screamed. I even flinched and he wasn’t talking to me.

“You were Barry’s Mistress for years, had a son for him and here you are denying it. Don’t you have any shame? His wife is right here for goodness sake” Kayla spoke up.

“So what? Don’t you have a past too? Yes I dated a married man, he promised to marry me and we had a child together. Is that my big offence? Is that why you gang up on me like this?” She started crying.

“Okay I’ve had enough of this drama” I stood up and walked towards her. She flinched and stepped backwards. I’m glad she remembers she can catch these hands at anytime.

“Well why don’t you go to him in prison and marry him. He’s no longer married now and all yours” I said with a tight lipped smile.

“It’s not my fault your marriage failed. Your husband cheated on you, you knew about it, didn’t call him out or do anything yet you expected him to change. Isn’t that madness? You think Barry gave a rat’s a*ss about me? No he didn’t, that man is a wh*ore. Why don’t you hunt down his other mistresses and baby mamas? He has two other kids with some Instagram models. Please I beg you, stop trying to ruin my life.” She screamed at me, went to kneel before Micheal begging him.

I was too stunned to speak. I didn’t turn around, I just walked straight to my car.

I fought the good fight and I have finished the race. The wedding was cancelled and Selena or Michelle whatever her name is, took to sending me threats. I simply got a restraining order against her. I don’t take threats against my life lightly anymore.

She also did me a huge favour, by sending me links to see the other children Barry fathered. Maybe she thought I would be heart broken and saddened. I was not. You know when you’ve endured something for so long and when you decide to stop, nothing can affect you anymore? That is how I am now.

I took a deep breath as I stared at the picture of my daughters siblings. Yes I also investigated to see if that serial liar was telling the truth. And as it appears, she was.

Two daughters, Annabelle and Sophia from two different women. And as it appears, they seem to be in contact with each other. They created a whole YouTube video on their children meeting for the first time and subsequent videos of them playing together.

It really made me wonder. Have I been selfish? As to keep my daughter away from her siblings? I know I only knew about the existence of one, but I did not make one single effort to get them introduced. I did not even tell my daughter she had a brother. And now the boy’s mother hates me to the core of her being.

I spoke to my mother about it and she encouraged me not to rush anything and to thoroughly think things through and prepare myself and Mariana. I also spoke to Kayla and David.

Kayla was supportive and encouraged me to meet the Instagram model mamas but not Selena. David was neither here nor there, he just encouraged me to do what I believe is right.

I decided to go for it. I set up a meeting with moms of the two girls. They were so chill and happy I reached out. Of course there was some Barry bashing. Yes they both knew he was married but they only found out after they got pregnant.

Annabelle’s mom said Barry asked her to have an abortion because he was married and that’s how she found out. Sophia’s mom found out when Annabelle’s mom called him out on Instagram.

I just wanted to get feel if they were good people for my daughter to be around and I have to say, I was a bit stereotypical. Judging from their Instagram page, you would take them to be shallow minded or whatever but these women proved me wrong.

I invited them to my daughter’s birthday party and the rest is history. Mariana was so excited to have sisters. She did not even question why her sister had other mothers, it was like she knew exactly why. Children are definitely more knowledgeable than we think.

As for Selena, I did not even dream of contacting her and I did not need to. She moved to another state however she left her son with his babysitter.

How do I know this? Well I’m staring at the boy right now. She blames me and this innocent boy for being the reason her marriage fell through. Can somebody tell her?

The babysitter reported to the police who found out his father in jail so who is the next person they approach after Barry practically sends them to my door? Me of course. It’s either me or CPS takes him.

My mother warned me against it, so did Kayla. What responsibility did I have to this kid to take him in? His father will definitely milk this to remain in contact with me. I let CPS take him. I had to ensure Barry understands that I owe him nothing to do him any favours.

But then I couldn’t sleep at night. So I volunteered to foster the child. Mariana was the perfect big sister. I also introduced him to Sophia and Annabelle. Out of all Barry’s children, he’s the only one who has experienced his father’s love and attention and he had stories to tell whilst the girls listened probably wishing they had the same experience.

My life became really peaceful. I quit my job at the company to become inactive as before. I set up a foundation for men and women to provide free therapy sessions and marriage counselling for those going through marital issues. It opened my eyes to the fact that a lot of people were suffering.

Women who come in battered but refuse to leave their husband because he is their only means of livelihood. Men who also go through domestic violence but don’t want to speak in order not be ridiculed.

I thought cheating was probably the worst thing but I realized I had it easy. These people were battling for their lives. I could have easily just packed my bags and buy a house the next day mortgage free. But these people? They didn’t have that privilege. So I gave it to them.

I provided lawyers, housing, capital for business and most times jobs to help those who were willingly to start over. For those who wanted to continue the fight, i provided therapy and spiritual guidance and other tools to fight with. I finally found what I was passionate about and my goodness, did it feel amazing.

A year passed and I waited for Barry to at least seek out his son. He did not.

He was released, but was still under obligation to pay restitution to the company for what he did.

What he did instead was to contact me, begging me to pay what he owed, that he would repay me when he gets back on his feet. So if I believe him and actually foolishly help him, I’m likely to be repaid when pigs begin to fly.

He even went as far as trying to use his son as collateral. Talking about “if I don’t pay up, you can have my son”. Is this man even human? I reported him to CPS for that atrocity he spouted. I’m hoping I can work hard towards building a case and officially adopt Jamie. He deserves so much better.

I did not help Barry, and I also got a restraining order against him. I don’t need someone like that having unrestricted access to me.

Sometimes I just sit and laugh at how I allowed myself to think losing Barry would be the worst thing that can happen to me. How I allowed myself to believe I needed a man to be happy and I was so scared of being on my own. Now it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that I was the pillar he was leaning on however he didn’t realise it. Well that’s his loss.

“I have never seen you this happy in years” my mother told me with a big smile as we stood looking at the kids play around.

“Really?” I asked unable to hold in my smile. Even I could see my skin glowing from happiness.

“Tell me, what happened? Are you seeing someone?” My mom asked raising her eyebrows.

Well that’s the thing. I’m not seeing anyone. I’m just so happy. I am alive, I love myself, I don’t feel like a failure, my children are happy and lack nothing, I’m helping hundreds of people find happiness, I have God on my side, I don’t lack anything. I’ve been counting my blessings and I have been unable to be unhappy.

“My happiness doesn’t have to be because of someone else mom. God is good and I am happy” I responded to her question.

She did not seem to believe but she did not argue with me. My children ran to towards me to show the stuffed toys they got from their Aunties aka Sophie and Annabelle mom’s.

We were having a little house warming party for my new house. I wanted to move closer to my mom so that’s what I did. I don’t have a special reason for doing so except I’m just a mama’s girl.

After the party, I got word from the company that Barry is back in prison and will be locked up for a two years for failing to pay restitution to the company. For me that means, I’ll have my boy till he’s six. My heart literally broke at that thought.

Three years passed and no one came for Jamie. I adopted him officially and man was he excited. He brought me so much happiness and joy. He even brought me goodluck because I met my husband through him.

Yes I got married again. I married Jamie’s teacher. Well former teacher, Mr. Devon. I did not know it was possible to find love again. That chapter was closed for me. I had decided I would adopt more children later on and call it a life.

Then I met Devon. One thing I learnt from my previous marriage was that what I understood as love was nothing close to what love truly is. Having deep feelings towards someone isn’t love, it’s more than that. It’s so much more.

Devon was my dream. A man who would pray over me every night as I slept, a man who treats me as a partner, a purpose partner. A man who appreciates me, loves my children, who supports me, communicates with me. A man who fears God. A man with empathy. Simply put a man compatible with me on every front, physically, mentally, spiritually, financially and otherwise.

I finally got to understand that my joy does not depend on a man, that I am enough. Just trust in God and watch Him do wonders.

I had this epiphany at 35 and I couldn’t be more proud of myself. Better late than never.