Forced Marriage Novel – Volume 1

Forced Marriage :

“Najma bint Abdul Rahman Malik is married to Muhaib son of Ajlal Malik.” After hearing so many words of Maulvi Sahib, Najma’s mind became paralyzed. She could not understand. How did his life turn upside down in just one week? How all his dreams were shattered? How did he get stuck among these cruel people? His eyes were turning red like red coals..from which pearls were constantly flowing..but there was no one except his mother to wipe his tears.She was also forced to stand. . She was seeing her life destroyed.

“Let’s go, bride.” After Maulvi Sahib and a few other guests left, Mohaib held her hand in front of all the family and said in a commanding manner.

As soon as she heard these words, she, who was sitting like an idol, trembled with all her soul.

“I am not going to go with you. Let go of my hand.” She started trying to free her hand from this oppressor with all her strength.

“You will have to go.” Saying in a firm manner, he started to pull Najma’s hand.

“Mom. Save me. I don’t want to go with this wretched person. Mom.” The whole lounge was echoing with her screams.

“I will have to go. Because now I am your husband.” He had a triumphant smile on his face.

“Mohib, what a joke is this?” You know very well that this marriage was not done for these purposes. I can never see the daughter of this tawaif adorning your room. Looking at Najma contemptuously, he addressed his son and said in a definite manner.

“Ma’am will do these things later. Now I have to go to my room.” This was the first time when Mohib was showing carelessness about something of Mubashera Begum.

Mubashera Begum was greatly surprised by his answer.

“Mohib son. This is your wife’s right. How can you give this right to her? Leave her hand. It is not worthy to decorate your room. Don’t give him such a big status.” Dadu could no longer bear Najma’s hand in the hands of her beloved grandson. She said moving forward with the intention of separating Najma and his hand. .

“Dad, you people have arranged this marriage for me.” He controlled his anger, trying to keep his voice as normal as possible.

“Dead please explain to all of them. You know very well that I don’t like the spectacle of wantons.” His voice was low but the tone was colder than ice.

“Mohib Ajlal Malik does not tolerate anyone’s interference in his decisions.” He looked at all the people present in the launch. started moving towards

“Leave me. I said leave. Save mom.” She was trying with all her life to free her hand from the grip of this oppressor.

Some of the red bangles of her hands were breaking and scattering on the ground in this protest. Some were injuring her beautiful hands.

“It’s enough.” He stopped saying with anger.

In the next moment, he bent down and lifted Najma on his shoulder like a sack.

The screams of this helpless girl were echoing in the whole house. But there was no one to help her.

A week ago:-

“It’s a matter of a week. Then I will come back. Then we will do all the shopping for the wedding together.” Najma said while looking at Zaroon.

“Man. I still don’t think it’s right for you to go there alone.” The face of this handsome young man showed signs of worry and fear. The element of concern was reflected in his tone. .

He tied both his hands on his chest and leaned against the wall. He was watching Najma preparing the suitcase.

“Oh. Huh. Why are you so worried? Mom’s call came two weeks ago. She misses me a lot. Also, she was insisting that I return to Pakistan. Come on. At least I will attend my cousin’s wedding. At one point I even thought of delaying it. And I did. He also insisted a lot. I am still in the same shock that my father himself told me that son, you will not participate in your brother’s wedding. Believe me at this moment. I felt like I will cry..He spoke to me so nicely for the first time in my life..I couldn’t stop him..However many years have passed. Najma looked at him and said with a smile.

She was pure of heart. Maybe that’s why everything was looking good on the other side too.

“I don’t know why. It doesn’t feel right for you to go there alone. Believe me. Take me with you.”

“No, no. It won’t be right to take you there with me. I haven’t talked to mom about you yet. First, I will go there and take stock of the situation.” Then after talking to mom, I will call you to a restaurant to meet her. I don’t want you to come to Malik Mansion. Joomla was speaking in a very conciliatory manner while closing her mouth.

Zaroon understood that, so he did not argue any more.

“Hmm. It’s okay. I’ll wait.”

Forced Marriage

“By the way, how many days are there in a week?” He came and sat on the bed. He looked innocent on his face. He started asking after seeing the star.

“Seven days.” She smiled. Look at her sad face. She answered.

“Seven days. Uffff. My God. How will I live, man? . . . These are too many. Also, the preparations for our marriage are still incomplete. Why don’t you just stay here?” Go away for three days.” His eyes sparkled while giving this idea.

“Zaroon. It’s only been a week. It will pass like this. Anyway, who are you going around my apartment all day?” He took out those clothes from the hanger. Keeping it neatly in the suitcase.

“So what?? You call every three or four hours, don’t you?”

Who listen He smiled.

“Good, tell uncle from memory. I forgot to tell him in a hurry.” Najma suddenly remembered Zaroon’s father while taking out the clothes. Look said.

“Ok. By the way, you should have talked to Dad before taking such a big decision.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Yes. But. I’m sure uncle will let me make my own decisions. As he has done till now. He won’t try to stop me like you.” Looking at the eyes, spoke quickly.

“Good. I’m not trying to stop you. But please, man. Stay in full contact with me after going there,” he said in a pleading manner.

On which she started to shake her head while smiling. “Ok boss.”

“Where are we the boss? You are the boss, madam.” He frowned and said, “If we were you, you would not have been packing at that time.”

“Well, before you go, please feed me the biryani of your hand. For a week, otherwise, poor me will have to suffer.”

“Should I pack for going now or make biryani for you?” she said with one hand on her waist.

“Yar Binado Naan. I want a lot of heart…” He emphasized his request in a flexible manner.

“Good, good. Now don’t make such a cute face. I’m making it now. “He loved Zaroon very much. was

After the Until today he had made only one friend and that was Zaroon.

His Sikh companion of sorrow.

Najma’s whole life was like an open book in front of Zaroon.. Perhaps this was the reason that she used to share everything with him completely freely.

Zaroon understood her feelings and this kept him at the first level in Najma’s life.

“Have you made Biryani, my friend? I want to kiss your hand.” He grabbed Najma’s hand as soon as he took the first bite.

“Zarun.” He widened his eyes in protest. He stared at him.

The mischievous boy was joking in his eyes, which Najma had read.

“Good.” He slowly moved his hand downwards.

“Leave your hand.” She started saying while making a slight effort to release her hand.

“I also want to eat.” Zarun completely ignored his words. She started protesting gently.

“Then eat. I stopped a little. You have a free hand.” He did not intend to leave his hand.

“Even after marriage, holding hands and eating like this. Then you will believe that you love me.” She said in a challenging manner. .

“Only the hand?” he said in a mean way.

At which he had lowered his eyes.

“Ugh. Don’t embarrass me like that. It sends lightning to my heart. You embarrass me like that.”

“You have to eat.” His cheeks were pinkish pink. It was becoming difficult to bear his romantic eyes on his existence. Gathering a lot of courage. A shy smile. Put it on your face.

On which he was smiling. The shy smile of this charming charmer started to settle in his eyes.

“What time will you go to the airport tomorrow? Tell me.” Najma was standing up packing the food. So Zaroon said while putting a glass of water to her mouth.

“I will go till two o’clock. But you don’t need to leave the office and come. I will go myself. Anyway, Mohib will be at the airport.”

Hear Mohib’s name. Zaroon stopped drinking water.

“Mohib?..” His face was confused.

“Yes. Big Abu has said that Mohaib has come to California for some work. So I should come back to Pakistan with him. “He will meet me at the airport.” Najma answered carelessly while washing the dishes.

“Why are these people being so kind?” Zaroon immediately raised his eyebrows and started saying in a suspicious manner.

Najma was standing in the kitchen washing the dishes. When Zaroon came and stood behind her.

“He came from work. He didn’t come to pick me up. Then how about kindness?” Najma turned to Zaroon. Answered with a smile.

“But I will still come to drop you off at the airport.” Zaroon said in a definite manner.

“There is no need. I said no. After returning from Pakistan, I have to do a lot of shopping. We got married. What I want to do with you. Then it’s yours.” The boss will not give leave. So don’t even think of taking leave now.

On which he started shaking his head in the affirmative even though he didn’t want to.


Volume II :

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