Fang Ping’s Journey: From Zero to Martial Arts Hero – Manga Recap 1-2 – Famous manga of world

Fangping in the class of Yang City First High School just accepted a shocking reality which was himself going back to the past 10 years ago to be precise he is now in a parallel world that is 10 years behind his previous world because there’s one thing that was different from his past world and that was this world is ruled by martial prowess instead of money. Fang Ping’s friends were chatting about registering for the martial arts subject and fangping found out that they needed $10,000 just to apply and if they didn’t pass the exam all that money would be gone but one of his friends Yang Jan said that he would register either way since it was the only way to have a good career. The group then discussed how a Grandmaster managed to break through to grade eight and challenged another man called Tai Moo they were surprised since The Grandmaster was only in his 20s but was already a grade eight martial artist. Fan Ping then asked his friend if they knew any good internet cafes in the area after getting the location from Chen Fung he went there and paid the receptionist girl for the computer after browsing through the internet he found more information about this world and realized that if he wanted to have a good life then he would need to take the martial art exam even if it cost him a lot.

This world has some unspoken rules as the power level of martial artists decides almost everything in this world and the martial artists are ranked from the lowest grade one to the highest grade nine even if someone wanted to open a business they would need to be a martial artist. The same goes for the entertainment industry and millions of youths would participate in the national college entrance examination from their respective high schools and if they can score really well they can be admitted into the highly ranked colleges in the nation and he only had 2 days left to register for the exam so he was hoping that his family was rich in this world so that they could pay for the test but when he went back home he was given a reality check as his home was nothing like a rich guy’s home. His room felt familiar to him and when he was about to untie his shoes a girl came in and asked for money that he owed her Fangpin was a bit emotional as he remembered this round face so he went over and rubbed her face round and round the girl was her sister Fong Yuen who in the future would lose the round cute face that she has now but to her question he could only sigh as he had already spent the money.

Fang Yuen thus went to Mom and complained about the money but their mother Liu Yin didn’t listen to her tantrum and said that her dad’s going to arrive soon. Soon after his dad Fong Ming came back from labor work if everything was similar to the past world then his dad must be working in the factory with a monthly allowance of only $3,000 again Fong Wen complained to her dad so Fong Ping escaped. Later they were having dinner and during that Fong Ping suddenly said that he wanted to take the national martial art exam which surprised his family members and after a while of silence his dad gave him a debit card and said that there were $10,000 in the card which he had prepared beforehand as he was also thinking of letting fangping take the exam.

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He figured out the money stat in his window but he didn’t know much about the chi stat and the spirit stats he tried many methods starting from praying to the system to commanding it to increase the stats but nothing happened and when he screamed at the top of his lungs with his full attention he noticed that his wealth became zero but fortunately his chi stat increased by 0.1 and he immediately felt that his chi in the blood increased which made him feel blessed and very comfortable then he remembered the money stat that decreased to zero so he immediately went over and found out that the cash he had withdrawn was still there he was very happy since he found out that using the wealth stats of the system wouldn’t make money in real life disappear. The next day the teacher told everyone that wanted to register to go to the registration office when fangping went over to the registration room one of the girls asked how much was Fang Ping’s chi for him to confidently register but Yang Jing helped fangping out of embarrassment and said that fangping didn’t check it yet but one of the males said that he had a chi score of 108 but since fanping was very skinny that meant he had less score than him. Fanping was struck dumb as he heard the massive number of 108 where his system only calculated his Chi as 1.1 one of his rich classmates then offered him to check his Chi score at his house and Yang Jing was shocked as the rich guy had a chi meter to check Chi scores.

Fanping himself was surprised as he understood that even the smallest Chi meters cost hundreds of thousands. After school fanping followed Wuder How and went to his Mansion then he was taken to Jiha’s room where he was told to lay down on a fat chair then several glowing bracelets were placed on his wrists and neck and when Zow started the meter a shocking number appeared on the screen. Fanping himself was surprised and found out that the ratio of chat is 1 to 100 Zha was shocked as fanping never practiced martial arts nor did his family have the money to buy nourishment to increase the chi amount. When fanping went back home and told his parents that he had 113 scores in Chi they felt guilty to not be able to support fan Ping’s Talent thus when his parents were at home they were discussing buying some nourishment pills for fangping with their lifetime savings. Fangwen Fang Ping’s sister didn’t believe Fon ping since one could take the Marshall exam if they had 110 in chi but how could her useless brother have 113 scores in chi but Fon ping said he was a genius and rubbed her round face even harder his mom then appeared and told him not to bully Fong Yuan and to come with her in his parents’ room his father Fong Ming handed him the cash savings they had and told him to buy nourishment to increase his chi score even more as soon as Fang Ming touched the cash the system notified him of extra $20,000.

Fangping was really touched by his parents’ sacrifice and went back to his room but he didn’t plan to buy any medicine at all and just increased his Spirit stat which cost him $110,000. The feeling during the increment of the spirit stat was so good it felt like he was experiencing true Freedom as he ran naked a mock after the increase in the spirit stat he felt that his concentration comprehension and memorization abilities had increased significantly so he was awake the whole night as he memorized the physics book whole thus he was feeling drowsy on his way to class. On his way to class he met his class teacher who gave him and some other students basic martial arts Theory books he told him to study diligently as most of the people had already studied the books through private tutors. Fanping was grateful so he thanked the bald teacher after a while Fong ping noticed a commotion as a senior called Wong Jing visited the students but Fong pin didn’t know the guy so a crazy fan girl explained everything about waning including where he eats and shits and how he didn’t give up on his training to despite being the number one freshman of non Jing University.

The students congratulated Wong Jinn and many asked about the secret of becoming a martial artist so Wong Jing said that the chi score doesn’t mean that they could pass and admit into the universities they need battle experience and the ability to remain calm in difficult situations to do a good score in the National entrance exam. He also told them that relying on medicines and nourishment to increase Chi was not good in the long term he also reminded the students to be prepared for a life of killing if they want to face the true Marshall world when Fang pin was back home he was thinking of how casually senior Wang talked about killing people and guessed that senior Wang surely killed people before meanwhile senior Wang picked up his phone and someone told him that the suspect ran away to Kang Shan so senior Wang told him that they needed to catch the suspect and offered $100,000 as the reward. Meanwhile fangping who was in his room increased his chi by 0.1 again and his money became zero again but this time fangping felt extreme pain in his whole body and went unconscious when he woke up he examined his body and felt that his body was slowly recovering to a normal state.

He then remembered that he would need to bring senior Wang back to school so he rushed out of his apartment and collided with a strange guy who was apparently the new tenant living upstairs he then vaguely saw a small kitchen knife dropping on the floor but he didn’t think much and apologized back in the bus the students invited Wong Jinn with respect as he was only in the first year of college but was already a martial artist when (TBC)