Enchanted Embers: Eternal Flame chapter 5-6 – free novel PDF Download

Enchanted Embers: Eternal Flame


Erik and Freya reached the Heartwood tree as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the ancient forest. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and magic. They knew they had little time to waste.

Freya placed the moonstone, the vial of pure water, and the piece of Heartwood bark on the stone altar at the base of the tree. The runes on the altar glowed faintly, as if recognizing the sacred items.

“We need to start the ritual,” Erik said, his voice steady but filled with urgency. “The seal must be strengthened before the Viking raids become even worse.”

Freya nodded, taking out the amulet that Elder Ingrid had given her. “We must follow the instructions carefully,” she said, opening her grandmother’s journal to the page with the ritual. “First, we need to draw the runes around the altar.”

Erik picked up a piece of chalk and began drawing the runes as Freya read them aloud. Each stroke of the chalk seemed to hum with power, and the air grew thicker with magic. When the runes were complete, Freya placed the amulet in the center of the altar.

“Now, we pour the water over the bark and the moonstone,” she instructed. Erik took the vial and carefully poured the water, watching as it shimmered and flowed over the sacred items.

Freya began to chant the ancient words from her grandmother’s journal. The language was old and powerful, and as she spoke, the runes around the altar began to glow brighter. The Heartwood tree responded, its bark shimmering with a golden light.

Erik closed his eyes and focused, feeling the magic of the forest around him. He reached out with his mind, connecting with the spirit of the Heartwood. “We seek to restore the seal and protect our land,” he whispered.

The ground beneath them trembled, and the air was filled with a deep, resonant hum. The tree’s branches swayed as if in agreement, and the golden light grew brighter, enveloping Erik and Freya in its warmth.

Freya’s voice grew louder, more confident, as she continued the chant. The moonstone began to pulse with light, its energy merging with the magic of the Heartwood. The runes on the altar glowed fiercely, their power resonating through the forest.

Erik felt a surge of energy course through him, a connection to the very essence of the land. He could sense the balance being restored, the seal growing stronger. The vision of flames that had haunted him seemed to fade, replaced by a sense of peace and harmony.

As Freya finished the chant, the light from the altar and the tree reached a brilliant climax, then slowly began to fade. The runes dimmed, and the air grew still. The ritual was complete.

Erik and Freya stood in silence, their hearts pounding. They had done it. The seal was strengthened, and the Heartwood’s magic was restored. The forest seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, the whispers more harmonious and serene.

Freya looked at Erik, her eyes shining with triumph. “We did it,” she said, her voice filled with wonder.

Erik nodded, a smile spreading across his face. “Yes, we did. But our journey isn’t over yet. We need to make sure the village is safe from the Viking raids.”

Freya agreed. “Let’s return to Eldoria and tell Elder Ingrid what we’ve done. She’ll know what to do next.”

With renewed determination, Erik and Freya made their way back to the village. The forest, now at peace, seemed to guide and protect them. They felt a deep connection to the land, knowing they were part of something much larger than themselves.

When they reached Eldoria, the villagers greeted them with relief and gratitude. Elder Ingrid was waiting for them, her eyes filled with pride.

“You have done well,” she said, her voice strong. “The Heartwood’s magic is restored, and the balance is back. But the threat of the Vikings still looms. We must prepare for what’s to come.”

Erik and Freya nodded, ready to face the challenges ahead. They had proven their strength and courage, and they knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle.

As the village prepared for the future, Erik and Freya knew that their journey was far from over. But they also knew that they had the support of the forest, the magic of the Heartwood, and the unbreakable bond of their friendship.

And with that, they were ready to face whatever came next.


The news of Erik and Freya’s success spread quickly through Eldoria. The villagers were relieved that the Heartwood’s magic was restored, but the threat of the Viking raids still hung over them like a dark cloud.

Elder Ingrid called a meeting in the village square. Everyone gathered, their faces a mix of hope and worry. Erik and Freya stood next to Ingrid, ready to support their elder.

Ingrid raised her hand to silence the crowd. “The Heartwood’s seal is strengthened, thanks to Erik and Freya. But we must now prepare to defend our village from the Vikings. They will come, and we must be ready.”

The villagers murmured among themselves, some nodding in agreement while others looked anxious. Ingrid continued, “We need to set up defenses and plan our strategies. We also need to ensure the safety of our children and elders.”

A strong, burly man named Bjorn stepped forward. “I will help build defenses,” he said. “We can use the trees and rocks from the forest to create barriers.”

Erik nodded. “I can help with that. The forest spirits will guide us to the best materials.”

Freya added, “We should also set up lookouts. We need to know when the Vikings are coming so we can be ready.”

A young woman named Elin spoke up. “I’ll organize the women to prepare food and medical supplies. We need to be ready for anything.”

Elder Ingrid smiled at the determination of her people. “Good. Let’s get to work. Remember, we are stronger together. We must protect our home and each other.”

The village sprang into action. Erik and Bjorn led a group into the forest to gather materials for the barriers. The forest seemed to understand their need, and the trees offered their strongest branches and trunks.

As they worked, Erik felt a deep connection to the land. The forest was alive with energy, and he knew it was supporting their efforts. With every swing of his axe and every placement of a log, he felt the strength of the Heartwood flowing through him.

Freya organized the lookouts, positioning them at strategic points around the village. She trained them to use signals – bird calls and flashes of light – to communicate any sighting of the Vikings. She also spent time with the children, teaching them hiding places and safety measures.

Days passed, and the village transformed. Strong wooden barriers surrounded Eldoria, and lookouts were always on alert. The villagers worked together, their spirits high despite the looming threat.

One evening, as the sun set and cast a warm glow over the village, Erik and Freya took a moment to rest. They sat on a hill overlooking Eldoria, watching the villagers work together.

“We’ve come a long way,” Erik said, his voice filled with pride. “The village looks strong and ready.”

Freya nodded. “Yes, but we can’t be complacent. The Vikings are fierce, and we need to stay vigilant.”

Erik looked at the horizon, where dark clouds were gathering. “We’ll be ready. We’ve faced so much already, and we’ve come out stronger. We’ll protect our home.”

As night fell, the village settled into a quiet but alert state. The lookouts took their positions, and the barriers stood strong and imposing. Erik and Freya knew that the real test was yet to come, but they felt confident in their preparations and the unity of their people.

Elder Ingrid called them to her cottage. Inside, the air was filled with the scent of herbs and candles. Ingrid looked at them with a mix of pride and concern.

“You have done well,” she said. “But remember, the Vikings are not just warriors. They have their own magic and cunning. You must be prepared for anything.”

Erik and Freya nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. They knew that their journey was far from over, and the battle ahead would be their toughest yet.

“We’ll stay strong,” Freya said. “We’ll protect Eldoria, no matter what.”

Ingrid smiled, a glint of hope in her eyes. “I believe in you. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

As Erik and Freya left the cottage, the night air was cool and refreshing. They looked at each other, their resolve unshaken.

“Tomorrow, we defend our home,” Erik said.

Freya nodded. “Together.”

They returned to their homes, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The village of Eldoria was prepared, and its people were united. With the strength of the Heartwood and their unbreakable bond, Erik and Freya knew they could face anything.