Once upon a time, there were six best friends: Clara, Mimi, Sonia, Vivian, Rita, and Jessica. They were inseparable, spending their days gossiping about their relationships, business opportunities and lives. Despite being successful working class women, they were all single, with only boyfriends to keep them company.

Among them, Sonia is the youngest at 38 years old. Despite their age, none of them had found a husband. They joked about growing old together, but deep down, they longed for companionship and love.

Clara, the richest of the group, had a secret side hustle that brought in a lot of money. However, she acted as if she were struggling like the rest of her friends. She didn’t want them to know about her wealth because she feared they would treat her differently.

Clara had been in many relationships, but none of the men wanted to settle down with her. Feeling hopeless, she decided to give love a chance with a man from her village. He was poor but educated, and he fell deeply in love with Clara.

Determined to make their relationship work, Clara used her wealth to transform her boyfriend’s life. She bought him nice clothes, groomed him, and helped him become presentable to her friends. She didn’t want them to mock her for being with a poor man.

“After years of longing for companionship and love, Clara’s dream finally came true as she walked down the aisle to marry Scott in a lavish wedding ceremony. The event was filled with opulence and extravagance, leaving Clara’s friends green with envy. She had achieved what they all desired,finding a husband.

Following the grand celebration, Clara proudly introduced Scott to her friends. As they exchanged pleasantries, Clara’s friends couldn’t help but admire Scott’s charm and good looks. They showered him with compliments, acknowledging his undeniable cuteness.

Despite their envy, Clara’s friends couldn’t deny the happiness radiating from her and Scott. They wished her well, Although with a tinge of jealousy lingering in their hearts. Little did they know, behind the face of Clara’s seemingly perfect life, lies a web of secrets and deception.”

When Clara bought a new mansion, she told her friends that it belonged to her wealthy husband. She wanted to keep up appearances and maintain her image as a struggling single woman.

Whenever Clara bought herself expensive gifts like cars, she claimed her man had bought them for her. Her friends believed her because they didn’t know about her secret side hustle.

Despite her lies, Clara felt guilty for deceiving her friends. She wished she could tell them the truth, but she was afraid of losing their friendship. So she continued living a double life, pretending to be someone she wasn’t, all for the sake of fitting in with her friends.

Feeling uncomfortable with Clara’s constant bragging about her supposed wealthy husband, Sonia began to envy her friend’s lifestyle. She longed for a man who could spoil her with luxury and shower her with expensive gifts, just like Clara’s husband allegedly did for her.

Unable to bear the jealousy any longer, Sonia decided to take matters into her own hands. She traveled to her village to seek the help of her mother, who was known for her knowledge of traditional remedies and potions.

Sonia confided in her mother about her desire to have Clara’s husband all to herself, along with the lavish lifestyle he provided. She begged her mother to take her to someone who could prepare a love potion, hoping it would make Clara’s husband fall in love with her instead.

Despite her mother’s warnings about the consequences of tampering with love, Sonia was determined to go through with her plan. She believed that once she had Clara’s husband to herself, she would finally experience the life of luxury she had always dreamed of.

Sonia’s envy blinded her to her mother’s words of caution. She was determined to proceed with her plan, believing that the ends justified the means.

Determined to acquire the love potion, Sonia’s mother reluctantly agreed to take her to someone who could help. They journeyed deep inside the village, where they sought out a renowned herbalist known for his powerful concoctions.

Upon meeting the herbalist, Sonia pleaded with him to create a love potion that would make Clara’s husband fall madly in love with her. The herbalist, sensing Sonia’s desperation, warned her of the potential consequences of using such a potion. That no one should see the love potion, or else she would go cr@zy. He also said she must keep giving the potion to Clara’s husband every day, mixed in his food, until it’s all finish. This would make him love Sonia more and more each day.

But there was a scary part, if Sonia ever stopped giving him the potion, she would lose her mind, and Clara’s husband would regain his senses. Despite the risks, Sonia was determined to use the potion to make Clara’s husband love her and live the luxurious life she dreamed of.

So Sonia took the potion and promised to follow the herbalist’s instructions carefully. She knew it is risky, but she is willing to do anything to get what she wanted. Little did she know, her actions would have serious consequences for everyone involved.

With the potion in hand, Sonia returned to the city, her heart racing with fear and happiness. She knew that once she administered the potion to Clara’s husband, he would be hers, and she would finally experience the life of luxury she had always craved.

Unfortunately, Sonia was unaware that Scott, Clara’s husband, didn’t own any property himself. Everything they had belonged to Clara. Scott had no wealth or possessions of his own; he relied entirely on Clara for financial support and stability.

Clara had worked hard for her wealth through her secret side hustle, but she had kept this information hidden from her friends, including Sonia. This meant that Sonia’s plan to win over Scott for his supposed wealth was based on false assumptions.

As Clara’s relationship with her husband Scott continued to blossom, they received exciting news that filled their hearts with joy: Clara is expecting a baby. This news brought them even closer together, strengthening their bond as they eagerly await the arrival of their little one.

Filled with gratitude for Scott’s presence in her life and the happiness he brought her, Clara vowed to love him for eternity. She cherished every moment spent with him, knowing that their love would only deepen with the addition of their child.

As they prepared for parenthood together, Clara and Scott shared dreams of building a loving and nurturing home for their growing family. Their love story, once filled with secrets and deception, now blossomed into a beautiful journey of love, commitment, and the promise of a bright future ahead.

Sonia came up with a plan to get Scott to eat a meal containing a love potion. She decided to buy three takeout meals, one for herself, one for Clara, and one for Scott. She went to visit Clara’s house, hoping to carry out her plan, but discovered that Clara was not home as she had gone to her shop. This made her happy, because it will be more easy to carryout her plans.

Seeing Scott at home, Sonia seized the opportunity to execute her plan. She asked Scott why he wasn’t at work,he replied that he planned to go later but wanted to eat first. Sonia then told him that she had brought food for them to celebrate her recent purchase of land during her visit to the village.

Scott mentioned that Clara had already prepared food, but Sonia managed to convince him to try the meal she brought. Eventually, Scott agreed and went to the kitchen to get plates.

Sonia poured the meal on the plate he had brought. She then asked Scott to fetch some water, providing her with the perfect opportunity to add the potion unnoticed.

Scott returned with the water, and Sonia watched anxiously as he ate the meal. She hoped that the love potion would work its magic, causing Scott to fall deeply in love with her. It was a risky move, but Sonia was determined to win Scott’s affections at any cost.

After finishing his meal, Scott remarked, “This food is the most delicious meal I have ever eaten.” Sonia smiled, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks.

Scott then complimented Sonia, saying, “Sonia, you are so beautiful. Has anyone told you this before?” Sonia smiled in response, saying, “I know I’m beautiful.” Scott continued, expressing his desire to be in a relationship with her because he is m@dly in love with her. Sonia smiled to herself, believing that the love potion is beginning to take effect.

Sonia expressed her concern about Scott being married to her friend and having a wife. Scott replied, “But it’s you I want. As for Clara, I was already tired of her. She is boring, and you are much younger than her.”

Feeling encouraged by Scott’s words, Sonia kept smiling, convinced that her plan is working. She then told Scott that if he truly loved her as he claimed, he needed to send his wife away from the mansion and bring her in instead.

Scott explained that he couldn’t send Clara away because she is the owner of the house, along with everything else, including the cars and their previous house.

Confused and shocked by Scott’s revelation, Sonia wondered what she had gotten herself into. She told Scott that she didn’t understand what he was saying.

Scott then stood up and approached Sonia, declaring, “My beautiful Sonia, I own nothing. I’m just a poor man from the village, but I’m really in love with you. We can both stay in your house.” He reached out to hold her arms, but Sonia asked him not to touch her.

Despite Sonia’s plea, Scott persisted, and Sonia, feeling frightened, ran out of the house. Scott ran after her.

Sonia dashed to her car, but Scott hopped onto the car’s front. Sonia pleaded for him to leave, but he stayed put. Sonia left her car and ran away, with Scott chasing her. Luckily, she saw a taxi and jumped in. Scott eventually gave up and went back home, tired from chasing her.

In the taxi, Sonia called Clara. She told Clara that she had visited but only found Scott at home. Sonia made up a story about her car having problems and being left at Clara’s home. Clara asked why Sonia hadn’t called ahead. Sonia didn’t answer and kept asking Clara who really owned the big house.

Clara, surprised by Sonia’s questions, admitted that she owned the house, but everything she owned also belonged to her husband. Sonia felt shocked and hurt, realizing Clara had l!ed to them. She ended the call feeling upset.

Feeling troubled, Sonia told the taxi driver to go to the village to see her mom.

She explained everything to her mom, feeling betrayed and confused. She said there was big trouble,and she needed her mom’s help.

Sonia and her mom went to see the herbalist. Sonia told the herbalist that the man she thought was rich was actually poor.

She said she didn’t want to use the love potion anymore. But the herbalist said she had to keep using it. He said if she stopped, she would go cr@zy. Sonia felt scared and trapped, realizing she had no choice but to keep giving him the love potion even when she does not want Scott anymore.

Scott called Clara and asked for Sonia’s address. Clara wanted to know why, and Scott said he want to return Sonia’s car. Clara agreed and gave him the address.

Scott packed his clothes and put them in Sonia’s car. Then he drove to her house. When he arrived, Sonia wasn’t there, so he decided to wait for her. He ended up sleeping in the car.

Later, when Clara returned home, she couldn’t reach Scott. She started to worry. Eventually, Scott called back and told Clara he had gone to the village for something urgent.

The next day, Sonia came home and found her car parked outside. She was surprised to see it there. When Scott noticed her, he quickly got out of the car. Sonia panicked and ran to open her door then she went inside, but Scott stopped her from locking the door from inside.

Scott asked Sonia why she was running away from him. He claimed to be deeply in love with her. But Sonia told him that love shouldn’t be forced and asked him to go back to his wife.

Scott insisted that Sonia had no choice but to love him back. He then took out his clothes and shoes from the car, saying he was moving in with her because he couldn’t live without her.

In Sonia’s mind,Her plan to move into luxury had backfired, and now the man she thought was wealthy was invading her home.

Sonia went outside to make a call,Scott followed her closely like her shadow.sonia asked why following her;He said he was hungry and asked for food. Sonia told him to check the fridge. Scott emptied the fridge and warmed up all the food, eating everything.

That food is suppose to carry Sonia for two weeks,Scott ended up eating it once.

When Sonia returned to the kitchen, she found a mess everywhere. The fridge was empty, and the pots were all cleaned out. She yelled at Scott, realizing he wasn’t just after her life but her food too.

Feeling trapped and conflicted, Sonia considered calling Clara to take Scott away. However, she remembered the herbalist’s warning that she needed to continue giving Scott the love potion. She feared the consequences of stopping, so she decided not making the call.

Scott had been staying with Sonia for over a week,each day she continued to administer the love potion.However, Sonia was growing increasingly unhappy with the situation. Scott wasn’t just irritating her; he was also making a mess of her house.

Feeling exhausted and at her wit’s end, Sonia decided to confide in her mother. She expressed her concerns, fearing that if she continued down this path, she might lose her sanity. Unfortunately, her mother could offer no solution, leaving Sonia feeling even more helpless.

After the call with her mother, Sonia’s boyfriend unexpectedly showed up at her house. He was shocked to find Clara’s husband, Scott, sitting there. Unable to convince her boyfriend otherwise, Sonia watched in dismay as he condemned her for betraying him and took back the car and shop keys he had given her. With her source of income now taken away, Sonia felt devastated.

Sonia’s boyfriend took matters into his own hands and called Clara to inform her of her husband’s presence at Sonia’s house. Clara, accompanied by Jessica, arrived at Sonia’s house to confront the situation. Scott’s only response to their questions about why he was there was a repetitive declaration of “I love Sonia”.

Jessica and Clara forcibly dragged Sonia out of the house. Clara demanded answers from Sonia, questioning why her husband was with her when she thought he was in the village. Sonia, feeling betrayed, lashed out at Clara, accusing her of deceit and manipulation for concealing the truth about her husband’s poverty. Clara deflected the accusations, insisting on addressing the immediate issue at hand.

As everything got more chaotic, Sonia begged Clara to take her, “m@d husband”, out of her house. She explained how his behavior was really affecting her. Even though Clara tried to get Scott to come outside, he kept repeating,” I love Sonia”.

Sonia begged Clara one last time to take her husband away before getting the police involved. She explained how he had no money and was always eating everything in her house, which was making things even worse for her.

Clara and Jessica tried hard to pull Scott out of Sonia’s house, but he wouldn’t let go of the door frame. He kept saying he loved Sonia. Sonia begged Clara to take Scott away because his presence was making her go m@d

Clara talked to Scott, asking him nicely to leave Sonia’s house peacefully. But Scott didn’t want to listen. He held onto the door frame tightly and didn’t move.

Clara gathered all six friends for a meeting, including Sonia. During the meeting, Clara expressed her confusion about why her husband was staying at Sonia’s house and why he kept saying “I love you, Sonia” repeatedly.

Jessica, witnessing the situation, jumped into the conversation, asserting, “I can bet with my life that Sonia did something to him.”

Sonia, angered by the accusation, retorted, “I didn’t do anything to him. Come and take your poor and hungry husband from my house before I call the police.”she said to Clara.

Rita chimed in, expressing her concern: “Sonia, is there something you aren’t telling us? Why would Clara’s husband keep repeating the same word? It’s not normal.”

Vivian voiced her suspicion, saying, “I believe Sonia has done something diabolic to him. Why else would a man leave his home to stay with Sonia and keep repeating the same word?”

Mimi added, “Clara, I think it’s best if you call the police on Sonia because she isn’t being truthful.”

Clara responded, “I’m even pregnant. Everything was fine until my husband said he was returning Sonia’s car to her place. Since then, I don’t understand him anymore. It’s better I call the police.”

Sonia shouted back, “Who are you threatening with the police? You’re the cause of all this n0n$en$e! Why did you lie to us that your husband is wealthy and he’s the one buying you all the expensive luxury gifts?”

Clara responded, “How does that affect the situation at hand?”

The friends all shouted in unison, “Clara, did you lie to us about the gifts?” Clara replied firmly, “No, what belongs to me belongs to my husband also. Besides, how does that concern the matter we’re dealing with right now?”

Sonia replied, “It’s connected to the matter. The truth is, you have to give me more money because I don’t want to go m@d.”

Sonia explained, “Because your husband eats a lot, and I don’t have any more money to feed him.”Besides, how did you manage such a man who eats food meant for one month in just one sitting?

Everyone reacted in shock, echoing “m@d?”

Sonia continued, “Yes, because I wanted the luxury you have to myself, so I put a love potion on your husband food. I only discovered he had nothing to his name, and I can’t undo the love potion. If I stop giving it to him daily, I will run m@d.”

The group erupted in disbelief, with everyone exclaiming about the love potion.

Sonia confirmed, “Yes, so Clara caused all this with her lies.”

Clara retorted, “Will you keep quiet? If my husband were truly wealthy, you would have just taken him from me like that. You’re an evil friend. Starting today, you won’t give him the love potion.” You must rüñ m@d.

With determination, Clara stood up from the gathering and went to get policemen, who forcefully removed her husband from Sonia’s house.

They took her husband to her house, where he was locked in a room.

Sonia went back home, expecting everything to be normal, but when she arrived, she was shocked. Her house was a total mess. Things were scattered everywhere, and it looked like a tornado had swept through.

Sonia understood that Clara had forcefully taken her husband away from the house. She had already given Scott the love potion today, and she needed to give it to him again tomorrow. If she didn’t, she would go cr@zy.

The love potion is still plentiful in the house, and until it’s finished, Sonia will be in trouble. Feeling frustrated, she called her mom to tell her that Clara had forcefully taken her husband, Scott, from the house. She needed an immediate solution so she wouldn’t go cr@zy. Her mom reminded her, “I warned you, but you didn’t listen.”

She told her to come to the village at once so they could go to another herbalist for a solution. Without wasting any time, Sonia packed some clothes and journeyed to the village.

Immediately she arrived in the village, Sonia and her mom wasted no time and went straight to another herbalist. Sonia presented her issues, but before she could explain further, the herbalist asked to see the love potion. After examining it, the herbalist shook his head and informed Sonia and her mom that he couldn’t do anything. He referred them back to the original herbalist who had given them the love potion.

Disheartened but determined, Sonia and her mom visited several other herbalists in search of a solution, but none of them could help. Feeling desperate, they eventually decided to return to the herbalist who had initially provided them with the love potion, hoping that they could find answers there.

The herbalist solemnly warned Sonia, “I warned you, little girl. I have no solution.” He explained that if she didn’t want to go m@d, she must continue giving the man the love potion. Sonia replied with frustration, saying she couldn’t access the man because he wasn’t within her reach.

The herbalist emphasized the urgency of the situation, advising Sonia to do everything in her power to get the man to consume the love potion daily until it is finish. With a heavy heart, Sonia realized the gravity of the situation and knew she had to find a way to make it work, no matter how challenging it might be.

In desperation to avoid going m@d, Sonia left the village and made a bold move. She called a guy to arrange six goons for her. The guy quickly arranged the goons, and the next day, Sonia prepared a meal putting the love potion.

She then called the guy who had brought the goons, and together they headed to Clara’s place. Upon entering Clara’s house, Sonia demanded that she bring out her husband. Clara replied what “audacity”, refused and insisted that Sonia remove the men from her house. Tensions escalated as Clara and Sonia exchanged heated words.

Frustrated, Sonia decided to take matters into her own hands. She dropped the platter of food on Clara’s table, insisting that Clara’s husband must eat it. Clara adamantly refused, stating that her husband wouldn’t touch the food. Undetermined, Sonia made her way upstairs to search for Scott’s hiding place.

One of the goons, feeling hungry, remarked that if Clara’s husband wouldn’t eat, they might as well indulge themselves. They all began eating the meal without realizing that it was infused with the love potion. Unknown to them, they were now under the spell of the potent potion.

Sonia couldn’t find Scott upstairs, so she came back downstairs and saw something scary. The six goons she brought with her were shouting, “I love you, Sonia.” Sonia asked why they ate the food meant for Scott, but they just kept saying, “I love you, Sonia.”

Feeling scared and confused, Sonia ran out of the house, with the six men chasing after her, still saying they loved her. She was really frightened and just wanted to get away from them.

As Sonia ran away from the six men who were saying they loved her, she understood how serious the problem was. The love potion didn’t just affect Clara’s Scott; it also made these men fall in love with her.

Sonia was really scared and tried to think of a way to fix the mess she caused. She needed to find a solution quickly before things got even worse.

Sonia tried calling her friends one by one for help, but unfortunately, none of them wanted to be associated with her.

Sonia, feeling desperate, rushed to the village to seek help from the herbalist. Tearfully, she explained how six men had eaten the food with the love potion and were now chasing her. Initially, the herbalist found the situation amusing, but soon his expression turned serious.

He warned Sonia that she had only four hours left to give the first man the love potion, or else she would go cr@zy. As for the six men, she would have to continue giving them the potion daily until it finish, or she would still lose her sanity.

Panicked, Sonia explained to the herbalist that she couldn’t afford to buy more food for the men because Scott had eaten it all. The herbalist told her that it was the love potion that made Scott eat so much, and she had no option but to continue giving it to him and the other men food, as he had warned her about the consequences before.

With no other choice, Sonia hurried to her mother’s house to beg for food and money. Her mother, reluctantly, gave her what she could, and Sonia dashed back to Clara’s house.

Kneeling before Clara, Sonia pleaded for her husband to consume the potion, explaining the dire consequences if he didn’t. However, Clara, unmoved by Sonia’s pleas, called security to escort her out and forbade her from ever returning.

Sonia, desperate for help, went to Mimi, Vivian, Jessica, and Rita’s shop, begging them to intervene and speak to Clara on her behalf. However, they all refused to assist her. Feeling frustrated and defeated, Sonia returned home, only to be greeted by declarations of love from the six men. Terrified, she fled from them.

Seeking refuge, Sonia went to her ex-boyfriend’s office, hoping he would help her. However, he rejected her, reminding her of their past and questioning her..If that love potion you mentioned actually worked on Clara’s husband,you start living a luxurious life because of it, would you even remember me? please leave my office immediately.

“As soon as she left her ex-boyfriend’s office, six men ran after her as she tried to escape. Suddenly, she stopped and started laughing uncontrollably. The six men, including Scott, regained their senses. They asked each other why they were on the road but got no answer. So, they decided to go back home.

Sonia took off her wig, bag, and shoes, throwing them away. Then she began singing about wanting to marry a wealthy man, and then laughed.

The dustbin became her home. One day, Rita drove by with her boyfriend and was shocked to see Sonia in the trash. She pointed her out to her boyfriend, saying impatience had made her end up like this.”

At Clara’s house, her husband knocked on the door with a seriousness, so Clara opened it for him. Scott started asking her some questions, and then Clara realized he had regained his senses. She quickly hugged him.

Vivian, Rita, Jessica, and Mimi married their dream men, and soon after, Clara welcomed her baby. All the friends lived happily ever after, but Sonia remained in the dustbin, where she spent the rest of her days eating dirt.

The End

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