I woke up in the middle of the night to go and urinate and saw a snake on my bed but my child was not. I screamed so hard, what did I just see, I ran to the other room to call my husband, my husband carried a stick and followed me. On getting back to the room, I couldn’t find the snake and my baby was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I carried my baby away and we checked the whole room but couldn’t find anything.

Femi……… Where is the snake now

Damilola……….. I saw it here on the bed but I don’t know where it has gone to.

Femi…….. Please don’t ever wake me up again in the middle of the night because of all this (Walk away)

Damilola……… I am sure I saw this snake on my bed. (Prayed and went back to sleep)

The next morning, Femi dressed up and went downstairs to eat his breakfast before going to work. After eating he carried his bag and was about to leave.

Damilola…… Honey I am sorry for what happened yesterday.

Femi……… It is okay my dear, and I am also sorry for speaking harsh to you.

Damilola……… It is fine also. I love you very much.

Femi……… I love you too. I don’t want to be late for work, take care of our baby Sarah.

Femi hugged his wife and kissed her on the lips and he left for work. On his way to work as he was driving, he met a young lady sitting down at the road side with bags in her hand. Femi thought for a while and stop his car, he packed his car and came down, he went to meet the young lady.

Femi……. Hey young lady, what are you doing by the road side this very early morning and what is your name?

Young lady…….. My name is TinTin

Femi…….. And what are you doing here this morning?

Tintin………. I was chased out by my uncle that’s why I am sitting down here.

Femi……… What did you do to him.

Tintin…….. He tried to sleep with me and I refused, that’s why he chased me out of the house.

Femi………. Wow, how can he tried to do such a thing, don’t you have any family members?

Tintin………. No I don’t.

Femi……… Okay, I am on my way to work now, and I have a very important meeting, why don’t you follow me and after the meeting I will take you back to my house, don’t be scared I am not a r*tualist and I have a wife and daughter at home.

Tintin………. Will your wife be comfortable about that?

Femi…….. Yes of course, and you would even be assisting her with our house chores.

Tintin…….. Thank you very much sir.

Femi……. You don’t need to thank me, please get up let go into the car.

Tintin……. Okay sir.

This was how Femi helped the young lady to the office, on getting to the office, Femi asked the girl to wait inside the car. He even on the AC of the car for her. Femi went to the upstairs of his office to continue his meeting.

A few hours later, Femi was done with the meeting and it was successful, he was very happy because more money was coming for him. On his way back home he branch shopprite and brought a lot of things for his wife and daughter, he also brought some things for Tintin. He got home and immediately when his wife opened the door for him, he hugged Damilola very hard.

Damilola……… Honey why are you so happy?

Femi…….. I just got the deal, that means we have a lot of money in our company and our company will grow more larger.

Damilola……… Wow I am so happy for you darling, this call for celebration (paused for a while and talk) and who is she?

Femi……… Oh sorry I forgot to introduce you to Tintin, Tintin Meet my wife Femi and Femi meet Tintin.

Tintin…….. Good afternoon ma.

Damilola…….. Good afternoon, how are you doing?

Tintin ……. I am fine thank you ma.

Femi………. Babe I met her on the road while driving to the office today, she was sad and sitting down on the road so i decided to help her, she was chased away from home by her uncle because she refused to sleep with him.

Damilola…… interesting, so young lady how Old are you?

Tintin…….. I am twenty years old ma.

Damilola……. Okay that’s good to hear. Have your sit, Femi please can I see you upstairs (she walked away)

Femi…….. Tintin please feel at home okay, I will be right back.

Tintin…….. Thank you sir.

Femi went to meet his wife upstairs.

Damilola…….. Babe, I am not comfortable about this, why would you bring a total stranger into our home.

Femi…….. What is wrong with that, I was only trying to help her.

Damilola……… Someone you don’t know, what if she is a ghost or wit*h.

Femi……… Please just stop it, can’t you look at her face she needs help.

Damilola……. And what of her parents or any other family members.

Femi…….. She doesn’t have, see I am only helping her, she can be helping you with house chores and Even taking care of our baby.

Damilola……… I will take care of my baby myself.

Femi……… Babe common don’t be like that, I am only helping her now!

Damilola……… Femi you will not understand, but we can’t keep her in this house.

Femi……. Why are you like this, should I tell an innocent girl I tried to help go back. Please just spare me abeg.

Damilola…….. That girl cannot stay in this house, I am not going to allow that.

Femi…… Hey you woman, listen to me clearly, this is my house and I am the one taking all the responsibilities in this house. That girl will stay and there is nothing that can change that.

Damilola…….. Since I am your wife, I have every right in this house too, she is not going to stay here.

Femi……. I am the man of this house, Tintin will stay and if you are not comfortable with her staying here you can go back to your parents house.

Damilola…… What!

Femi……. I am going out, you just spoiled my happy mood.

Damilola…… So this is how you want it to be.

Femi change his clothes and went back downstairs, Tintin was still sitting on the chair.

Femi…….. Tintin please get up, let me show you to your room.

Tintin……. Okay thank you sir. But sir please do you have any room that is empty and closer to you and your wife room, I use to be scared in the night that’s why I am asking.

Femi……. There is no problem about that, there is an empty room facing us, please just knock on our door if anything happens to you.

Tintin…… Thank you very much sir, you are just a nice person.

Femi…… You welcome.

Femi took Tintin to the room facing their own room, femi was about to leave when damilola started talking to him.

Damilola……. Femi of all the rooms in this big house, so it only the room facing ours you decided to give her.

Femi……. I did that because she was feeling insecure.

Damilola……… Insecure of what?!

Femi…….. I don’t need to explain everything to you, I am out to meet my friends to celebrate with them since my wife doesn’t want to celebrate with me because of a stranger I helped. See you later (he left).

Later that day, Damilola was watching television downstairs when she decided to go upstairs, on getting upstairs she saw Tintin coming out of their own room.

Damilola…… Hey, what were you doing in my room?

Tintin…….. Nothing.

Damilola……… If you don’t talk now I will slap you.

Tintin…….. I said nothing, I was just exploring the house.

Damilola……. See Tintin I don’t want to ever see your two tiny legs in my room, do you understand me!!!

Tintin……. Yes ma (she entered her own room and started talking) she called my legs tiny. I will show you don’t worry. Mtcheewww!!

Later that night femi came back eat, went upstairs and took his bath, just then he sat down on the bed resting his back on the bed.

Damilola….. Babe that girl entered our room today and when I asked her she said she was just exploring the house.

Femi……. So what do you want me to do?

Damilola…… Really, you are asking me that. I just said that, that girl entered our matrimonial room. And this is all you could say to me.

Femi…… She said she was just exploring so I don’t see any harm in that, please I will go and sleep in the visitor room, it is like you don’t want to see me happy this night, you just want to spoil my mood.

Damilola……. Okay babe I am sorry, I don’t like the way we are fighting because of that girl, please I don’t just like.

Femi…… Am I the one fighting with you?

Damilola……. I am sorry, I won’t bother to say anything again. I will just be patient and see how everything goes.

Femi…… It is now you are making sense. Come here. (He kissed her wife)

Later in the middle of the night, Femi and damilola were making love to their selves when they heard a scream coming out of Tintin’s room. Damilola told her husband to ignore it, but Femi did not listen, he quickly stood up put on his night clothes and Damilola too put on her night clothes and followed her husband. Femi opened the door to Tintin’s room and saw Tintin lying down on the bed peacefully. Damilola was shocked.

Damilola….. I thought I heard a scream just now coming out of this room!

Femi…….. I don’t think so, maybe the noise is from outside who knows.

Damilola……. Really, I am sure we both knows that the noise was from here.

Femi……. Let us just go back to our room please.

Damilola……. This is not right, I am already getting scared.

Femi……. What are you scared of? Please don’t just start again this night.

Damilola…….. That girl is not an ordinary girl.

Femi………(raised his hands and wants to slap Damilola, but he stopped) don’t make me do this, what is just wrong with you?

Damilola……. You want to raise your hands on me!!

Femi went to the room and picked up his phone, and he went to sleep in the visitor room while Damilola went back to her room. Tintin woke up and started smiling with her eyes turned blue and she went back to sleep again. Damilola couldn’t sleep she was just thinking and talking.

The next morning Tintin was in the kitchen cooking and dancing, Damilola walked up to her and shouted at her.

Damilola…….. What do you think you are doing in my kitchen?

Tintin……. Is your eyes blind can’t you see that I am cooking.

Damilola……. Are you talking to me that way?

TinTin……. Yes I am, you are just too proud of yourself!

Damilola……. (Slapped her) I am not your mate, now leave my kitchen.

TinTin carried the hot pot of beans and poured it on her leg, and then she screamed so hard. Damilola couldn’t believe what just happened. Femi ran to the kitchen and saw Tintin sitting on the floor holding her legs and crying.

Tintin……. My leg ooo, I want to go I don’t want to stay here anymore.

Femi…… What is going on here, Tintin what happened to your legs? (Bent down beside her)

TinTin…… Sir please I want to go back, your wife doesn’t like me in this house, just because I was hungry and I didn’t want to disturb her because she was sleeping, I came to the kitchen and started warming this beans so I can eat, immediately she saw me here, she slapped me and poured the hot beans on my leg.

Femi……. Damilola, how could you!!!! Why are you being mean to this innocent girl.

Damilola……. I can’t believe this!!! So you believe her Femi, you believe all what she is saying.

Femi……. Why won’t I, you have been mean towards her since she entered this house, Damilola why are you behaving like this?

Damilola……. She abused me and I slapped her I did not poured the beans in her leg, she did it by herself.

Femi…….. Are you okay at all, how can you tell me that she poured a hot beans on her leg. Damilola don’t let me report me to your mother.

Damilola…… So you think I will do that to this girl, so you don’t believe me.

Femi…….. You are becoming wicked in this house (hissed and carried Tintin to his room to attend to her legs)

Damilola…….. I can’t believe this, did Femi just walked out on me.

Femi was treating Tintin leg in the room when Tintin started asking Femi some questions.

Tintin……. Why does your wife dislike me like that?

Femi…….. She doesn’t dislike you okay, maybe she is just angry.

Tintin……. She poured a hot beans on my leg and you are supporting her instead of supporting me.

Femi……. I only scolded her okay.

Tintin…… Sir, yesterday night I couldn’t sleep I was so scared, I kept on dreaming that my uncle was chasing me. Please can you sleep in my room tonight, you can sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the floor. I Am just scared.

Femi…….. It is fine, I will think about it.

Tintin……. I am just scared that’s why (started crying) I am just too scared.

Femi……. You know what, don’t worry, I will sleep in your room tonight. I will sleep on the floor.

Tintin…… Thank you so much sir.

Femi…… I am done with your leg, let me go and make something that you will eat.

Tintin……. Thank you sir.

Femi went downstairs to make something for Tintin, after making the food, he went upstairs to serve her The food. Femi went back to his room and took his bath and dressed for work without looking at his wife. On his way to work, he decided to send a message to his wife.

Femi…….. (Sending message to his wife) Hey Damilola I wanted to talk about something that’s been on my mind. I noticed the way you treated Tintin wasn’t fair, and it’s been bothering me. Can we discuss what happened and how we can make things right? I believe in treating everyone with kindness and respect, and I want to ensure we reflect that in our actions. Let’s have a conversation about it when you’re ready.

Back at the Damilola went to talk to Tintin in her room.

Damilola…….. Why did you lie to my husband?

Tintin…….. I guess that question is not for me.

Damilola…….. I can see that you want to be causing fights between me and my husband, it won’t work.

Tintin…….(laughing) if you really have time, use it to protect your baby at all times.

Damilola…….. Look at this one, see whatever you are planning against me, my baby and my husband will back fire to you (she left)

TinTin……. This woman doesn’t know who I am.

Damilola saw the message her husband sent to her and replied back.

Damilola……..I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to discuss something that has been on my mind recently. I appreciate your hospitality and willingness to help others, but I must express my discomfort with bringing strangers into our home without prior discussion or agreement.

Having someone unfamiliar in our personal space can be unsettling for me, and it’s important for both of us to feel safe and secure within our home environment. In the future, could we please discuss and agree upon any arrangements involving guests or visitors beforehand?

Damilola decided to cook for her husband because of the argument they had this morning. So Damilola went to the market, she brought a lot of things and she got home. She started preparing food for her husband. Tintin was in her room thinking because she saw that Damilola was busy cooking in the kitchen.

Tintin……..(thinking) what is this woman up to? I need to find a way to destroy what she is doing.

Damilola finished cooking the food and hid it inside one of the kitchen cabinets and locked it, she took the keys with her upstairs to attend to her daughter. Unknown to her that Tintin was busy watching her. So she went upstairs, Tintin entered the kitchen, she smiled at herself and used her hands to control the cabinet to open. The cabinet opened, she quickly brought out the pot of soup and poured enough salt and pepper inside, she stirred the soup together and covered it. She quickly dropped the soup in the cabinet and controlled it to Lock back. She went back to her room laughing. Later that night Femi came back went upstairs and freshen up. He hugged Damilola and whispered to her ear.

Femi……. I love you and I can’t wait to eat you tonight.

Damilola……. You are funny, please just dress up and let me dish your food for you. I made a delicious food for you.

Femi…….. That is so sweet of you, I really need to eat also I am starving.

Damilola……. I will be downstairs.

Femi……. Okay sure and by the way where is TinTin?

Damilola…….. She would at her room. (She left)

Femi went to the Tintin room and saw that she was sleeping, he closed the door back and went downstairs. Immediately Femi closed the door and went downstairs, Tintin turned into a snake and crawl to the front upstairs balcony to see what was going to happen. Damilola dished her husband food for him. Femi washed his hands and started eating, he shouted and poured the food out of his mouth. Damilola did not understand what was going on.

Damilola…… My husband, what happened?

Femi……. Do you want to kill me??!!

Damilola…… My husband, why would you say something like that.

Femi……. Why don’t you taste the food you prepared for me!!!

Damilola…… What is wrong with the food?

Femi…… Why don’t you taste it yourself

Damilola tasted the food and immediately poured it out from her mouth.

Femi……. Now have you seen it for yourself, is this how you want to settle our fight by adding too much salt in the food. Do you want to end my life.

Damilola…….. Babe please calm down please, I tasted this food when I cooked it, it was okay. How come too much is inside?

Femi……. Are you asking me that silly question?

Damilola……. Babe but I locked the kitchen cabinets after cooking…. Wait I hope it is not Tintin that added salt to my soup.

Femi……. Enough of this rubbish, how can she opened the cabinet that you locked and salt to it.

Damilola……. Babe this girl threatened me today what if she is getting back at me.

Femi…….. You must be m*d

Just then Tintin turned back into her normal self and went downstairs.

Tintin……. Good evening sir, you are back.

Femi……. Yes I am.

TinTin…….. Your voice woke me up, what is going on ma.

Damilola…….. Why are you acting as if you don’t know what is going on here. I am sure you did something to my soup.

Tintin…… Ahhhhhh ma, what are you talking about, I did not enter the kitchen today, I Only came downstairs to take garri for drinking.

Femi…… You mean you drank garri throughout?

Tintin……. Yes sir, she asked me not to touch any of her foods so I decided to drink garri since I was hungry.

Damilola…… You are a liar!!! My husband this girl is lying!

TinTin…….(started crying) why do you hate me so much?

Femi…….. Dami, I am disappointed in you, in fact you are a wicked human being. Tintin go and dress up. Let us go and eat outside. And don’t cry anymore okay?

TinTin…… Okay sir (she went back upstairs)

Damilola…….. Babe I can’t believe you. (Crying and went upstairs)

Tintin Saw her and bring out her tongues for her. Started laughing at her.

Tintin……. If you don’t stay out of my way, I will make life miserable for you and your baby.

Damilola……. You are a beast!!!

Tintin…….(laughing) just you wait and see. I am going to sleep with your husband, just soon.

Damilola…….. How dare you!!

Damilola held Tintin’s hair and started dragging it, Tintin began to scream, Femi rushed upstairs to see what was going on. On getting upstairs he saw his wife dragging Tintin’s hair, Femi immediately dragged her wife away from Tintin and slapped her hard on the face.

Femi……. What the hell is wrong with you Dami?

Damilola…….. You slap me!

Femi…… One more word I will hit you again, what Is wrong with you?? Why are you dragging her hair, don’t you know that you are enough to be her big sister!!!

Damilola…… Femi you raise your hands and slap me!!!

Femi……… Why won’t I slap you. TinTin, go to the car and wait for me.

Tintin……. Okay sir (she left)

Damilola….. Femi you slap me in front of that girl.

Femi……. You have changed, that girl needs help from us not beating, why don’t you use your brain.

Damilola…… God will bless you (she went inside her room)

The femi went downstairs to meet Tintin In the car.

Femi……. Tintin I am sorry how my wife behaved towards you, please forgive her.

Tintin……. Sir it is okay sir, don’t worry I will just forget about it.

Femi…….. You are such a nice girl.

Damilola was in her room crying, she kneeled down on the floor and started praying.

Damilola……..Dear Femi, I come to you in prayer with a heavy heart, seeking solace and guidance. Lord, I lift up my husband to you, knowing that he is currently under the influence and control of another. I ask for your divine intervention to break the chains that bind him and to restore clarity and strength to his mind and heart. I pray for wisdom and discernment for both my husband and myself as we navigate through this challenging time. Grant us the strength to confront this situation with love and understanding, yet with firm resolve to overcome the darkness that has infiltrated our home. Help us to communicate openly and honestly, and to seek your guidance in every decision we make. Lord, I trust in your power to bring healing and restoration to our marriage. May your love and grace surround us, casting out all fear and doubt. Give my husband the courage to break free from the hold of this strange girl, and help him to rediscover the love and commitment he has for our family. May our home be filled with peace, harmony, and your everlasting presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ( she brought out her phone and texted her husband) I want to sincerely apologize for the incident with the stranger’s hair that I dragged into our home. I realize now that my reaction was impulsive and inappropriate, and I deeply regret causing any discomfort or embarrassment to both of us.

I understand the importance of maintaining composure and handling situations calmly, especially within the sanctity of our home. My actions were not a reflection of the respect and love I have for you, and I am truly sorry for any distress they may have caused. Moving forward, I will make a conscious effort to manage my emotions more effectively and handle similar situations with greater maturity and restraint. Please know that I am committed to making things right and ensuring that our home remains a place of peace and harmony.

Once again, I apologize for my behavior and any inconvenience it may have caused. Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness.

At the restaurant, Femi and Tintin were eating when Femi a message popped up in front of the Femi phone, femi read the message from Damilola, after reading the message, he felt bad for his wife and decided to beg for forgiveness when he got home. After a few hours, Femi and Tintin drove back home. The femi immediately went upstairs without waiting for TinTin. TinTin got angry.

Femi……. (Sat down beside Damilola) I am so sorry my sweet wife, please forgive me. I got angry immediately that was why I slapped you, please forgive me.

Damilola……. It is okay, it is my fault, I should not have dragged her hair. And I promise you that starting today, I will be nice towards her.

Femi……. I am so happy to hear this from you, you are such a damsel. Take this I know it’s your favorite (he gave her the ice cream he brought)

Damilola……. Thank you sir.

Femi…….. You are welcome my darling. I will be right back.

Femi went outside to talk to Tintin.

Femi……. Tintin I am sorry, you will be sleeping alone in the room.

Tintin…… Any problem sir.

Femi…….. I need to spend some time with my wife after arguing with her.

Tintin……… Okay sir, that is good of you sir.

Femi……. I hope you understand and please don’t be scared okay.

Tintin…….. Okay sir, good night sir.

TinTin went to her room, she used her hands to hit the wall, she was very angry, she was so pissed off.

TinTin……. So this is how they want to be doing, I am going to deal with you damilola, you are trying to snatch him away from me back, you don’t really know what I am going to do to you. You are going to leave this house very soon.

Femi went downstairs to take a wine from the fridge, as he was about to enter his room back, Tintin Saw him.

TinTin…… Sir what are you celebrating.

Femi….. Nothing, just want to celebrate with my wife.

Tintin…… Can I join you guys, I can’t sleep.

Femi……. No not at this moment, you can go downstairs and watch some movies (lock the door)

Tintin……. How dare he said no to me, nobody tells me no and go Scott free. I am going to deal with you.

TinTin was so angry and promised to deal with the both of them.

The next day, Femi woke up very early in the morning, Damilola prepared his breakfast for him, so he could take to work. Femi had a very important deal with a white man in the company he is working at. So after some hours he left for the office.

Damilola was busy washing plates in the kitchen when Tintin entered the kitchen and was staring at her.

Damilola…….. Why are you staring at me like that?

Tintin……. How was your night, I hope you really enjoyed it?

Damilola…….. My night was fine, I really enjoyed it because my husband was with me.

Tintin……. Mtcheewww, I will see if you will be able to enjoy him again.

Damilola…….. Are you in pain, see I don’t want to be fighting with you again. I don’t want to fight with my husband because of you.

Tintin……… I can’t wait to see how you will react after some time.

Damilola…….(cleaned her hands) I don’t have time for you (she went upset)

Tintin immediately opened the fridge and brought out the ice cream Femi brought for damilola, she quickly opened it and sprinkled some things inside, she quickly dropped the ice cream back in the fridge, Tintin brought out a drink in the freezer, she sprinkled some stuff inside the drink and poured some inside the glass cup, she went outside and gave the gateman the drink.

TinTin….. Hi Ibrahim, how are you doing.

Ibrahim…… I dey fine oo.

TinTin…….. Okay, madam say make I give you this drink because today na happy day for her.

Ibrahim…….. Wow, wetin she dey celebrate.

Tintin…….. Her sister born pikin for village, that’s why.

Ibrahim…….. Eyah, abeg tell her congratulations for me oo.

Tintin……. I go tell her.

Ibrahim…….. I fit come greet her now.

TinTin……. No oo she dey baff first, you go greet her later.

Ibrahim……… Thank you ooo (he started drinking the drink)

TinTin smiled to herself and went back inside the house, she sat down on the TV and started watching it, damilola Came downstairs, went to the kitchen and took the ice cream and went back upstairs.

Back at Femi office, after the presentation, the white men decline the presentation Femi had given to them, they said it was rubbish, after they left, Femi boss Mr John was very upset because the business deal was about millions of naira. Mr John asked femi to meet him at his office.

Mr John……. Femi I am so disappointed in you, what is all that about.

Femi…….. But sir, I really tried my best.

Mr jonn……… Your best was not enough!!!!

Femi…… I am sorry sir, it won’t happen again sir.

Mr John…….. You know what, you are fired!!!

Femi……. Sir please don’t fire me, please I am begging you sir, I don’t mind redoing the presentation.

Mr John…..get out of my office, before I ask the security guy to throw you out.

Femi……. Sir please.

Mr John……. Out now!!!

Femi went to his office and packed his stuff, his co workers were feeling sad for him. He waved them goodbye and drove his car home. Femi passed a flower shop and brought some flowers for Damilola because he doesn’t know how he is going to break the news to her, and he doesn’t know how Damilola will react. Femi got to the gate, he Horn his car like almost twenty times but nobody was answering him, he tried calling the gateman number, it was not going, he called his wife number but it was not going. Just then Tintin came outside and opened the gate for him. Femi drove inside the compound, he came down and started shouting.

Femi…… Where is the gateman!!

TinTin……. I don’t know where he is, maybe he went to get something. Welcome sir.

Femi ignore Tintin’s greetings and went upstairs, Tintin just laughed at him as he was going upstairs. Femi went upstairs and opened the door to his room and saw his wife and the gate man naked on the bed. Femi opened his mouth wide and dropped the flowers in his hands on the floor and screamed.

Femi…….. No!!!!!

Femi went closer to the bed and use his hands to slap the gate man on the face, the gateman immediately woke up and was surprised to see himself naked on the bed. Damilola open her eyes too, she was feeling dizzy.

Ibrahim……. Ahhh!!! Oga I no no wetin happen for here.

Femi…… sleep with my own wife.

Tintin entered the and also shouted.

TinTin…….oh my goodness, what the h*ll

Damilola…….. (Holding her head) what is going on here, why am i naked!!!!

Femi……. You should be ashamed to be asking me that, I am giving you the next one hour to leave my house!!!

Damilola……. Babe what Is going on here!!! Can someone explain to me. Ibrahim why are you naked!!!!!

Ibrahim……. Madam I know no ooo, I just see myself here.

TinTin……. I can’t believe this, so you are cheating on your husband…

Femi…….. I don’t want to see you here, as for you Ibrahim you are fired, now out!!!!

Ibrahim ran outside naked, Damilola was confused, Femi went to the backyard to sit down and he began to cry.

Damilola was so confused, she didn’t understand what was going on. Femi packed all her clothes and put them in a bag, she asked Tintin to pack their baby clothes too. Tintin immediately rushed to baby Sarah’s room to pack her things. Damilola started begging her husband.

Femi……. You are leaving my house today, and we are done with this marriage.

Damilola……. Ahhhhhh Femi please I don’t know how it happened, please I am begging you.

Femi…….. I am going to be running a DNA test on Sarah, who knows if she might be my child or that gateman child. Now tell me, how many times have you been cheating on me, tell me!!!

Damilola…….. I promise you that I did not cheat on you, please I am begging you, you can run the DNA test, Sarah is your baby. Please I don’t how this happened, who knows if it was Tintin that set me up.

Femi……..hey!!!! Don’t you dare pin it on Tintin, she is a good girl, I can see that you are looking for who to pin it on.

Damilola…….. Ahhhhhh please I am not lying, I don’t know how this happened, we have been married for three years now, you can’t just end it like this please i am begging you.

Femi…….. I don’t trust you!!!! You are leaving my house, if I see you back here again I will pour hot water on your body!!!

Damilola……. Please you need to trust me please.

Tintin brought out the bags of clothes and Femi threw all the clothes outside of the gates and went back upstairs to carry the remaining loads, damilola Put her baby on her back. TinTin then started mocking damilola.

TinTin……. You think I will allow you to enjoy in this house.

Damilola…… I know that this is all your plans, but my God will expose you one day.

Tintin……..(laughing) it is you that is losing now. I am not scared of anyone, very soon I and your ex husband to be, will get married.

Damilola…….. I will not allow that to happen since I am alive.

Tintin……. I just pity you.

Femi brought out the remaining bags and threw it her, he asked

Tintin to go inside and he locked the gate. Damilola ordered a bolt and called one of her friends to inform her that she is coming to her house.

Later that evening, Damilola got to her friend’s house, her friend asked her to rest first and that they will talk tomorrow morning. Her friend gave her one room and asked her to stay there. Damilola dropped her baby on the bed and began to cry. She brought out her phone and texted her husband.

Damilola……. Hey Femi I hope this message finds you in a calmer state of mind. I want to address what happened earlier when you felt the need to chase me out of the house. First and foremost, I want to assure you that I am not cheating on you. I understand that certain actions or situations can be misinterpreted, but I need you to trust me and our relationship. Communication is key in any relationship, and I believe we need to have an open and honest conversation about what led to this misunderstanding. I love you, and I want us to work through this together, but it’s important that we address any insecurities or doubts that may have contributed to this situation. That girl you brought to our house is the cause of everything, she knows everything about this. I’m willing to give you the time and space you need to process everything, but please know that I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk. Let’s not let this incident come between us; instead, let’s use it as an opportunity to strengthen our bond and deepen our understanding of each other.I miss you, and I’m looking forward to resolving this situation with you.

Back at the house Femi phone was downstairs when the message damilola had sent to him entered, Tintin Saw the message because Femi doesn’t have a password on his phone, TinTin read all the messages and quickly deleted it before Femi came downstairs. The femi sat down on the chair crying and thinking.

Femi……. Damilola why, why did you betray me, I really love you with all my heart why did you betray me with my gate man. Ahhhhhh Damilola why. I make sure you don’t lack anything in this house, why did you betray me.

TinTin Walk up to him.

Tintin…….. Sir please stop crying, I am here for you. Everything will be okay please don’t let this bring you down.

Femi………. Please I want to be left alone please.

TinTin……. Sir please I can’t leave you alone in this state, what if you hurt yourself and…..

Femi…….I said get out!!!!! (Shout)

TinTin……… Okay sir.

TinTin got upset and left the room. TinTin was so angry.

Tintin…….. Stup*d man, you don’t know anything yet. I am going to deal with you in this house. You don’t just know what you have brought to this house, I will make all your life miserable, very soon you will sell everything that belongs to you and you will become homeless just like I was. This is just the beginning for you, I will so deal with you. As for that Damilola I hope you have learned your lesson!!!!

The next day, Damilola and her friend were discussing. Damilola was crying.

Damilola…….. Femi was not like that before, Femi was a lovely guy. He has changed totally after bringing a stranger into my house. I am tired.

Anita……. Dami, I don’t want you to cry. All you can do right now for you and your child is pray, pray that is all you can do. That girl has possessed your husband.

Damilola……. Anita, I am really scared, I don’t know what is going on in that house right now, can you imagine that, that girl set me up with our gateman.

Anita…….. Why did you not tell me since. What!

Damilola…….. My husband found me nak*d on our matrimonial bed with our gateman.

Anita…….. This is very bad. Please just take everything easy.

Damilola……. I am just scared.

Anita……. Don’t say that, you need to be strong because a child of God should not be scared. Just pray.

Damilola…….. What should I do?

Anita……… Don’t worry, we will visit my pastor tomorrow, I will take you to him. Maybe he can find a solution for us.

Damilola……. Thank you so much Anita.

Anita…… You welcome, what do you feel like eating?

Damilola………. I don’t want to eat anything.

Anita……. You will eat ooo, if you don’t eat how will you be able to breast feed Sarah. Why don’t you inform your parents or in_laws about what is going on.

Damilola……. I will inform them but not now.

Back at the house, TinTin was seen cooking in the kitchen, then Femi walked up to her drunk.

Tintin……. Look at you, drinking again.

Femi……. Where is my wife and daughter (talking in a drunking state)

TinTin…….(laughing) your wife is not here again, she is long gone, you chased her out.

Femi…….(crying) chased her out!!! Why!!

TinTin……. She cheated on you on your matrimonial bed with your gate man.

Femi……. (Fell to the ground) No!!!! My wife with the gateman, no!!!

TinTin……(went beside Femi) it’s okay stop acting like a baby.

A few minutes later, Tintin drag Femi to the guest room downstairs, she took off femi clothes, and trouser, she then tore her own clothes, she went to the kitchen and poured some red oil on her laps and then sprinkle a little on the floor of where she lay Femi down. A few hours later, Femi woke up feeling headache, his eyes begin to clear. He shouted on sighting Tintin beside him, crying.

Femi……. What happened here, why am I on only boxer?

TinTin……..(crying) you rap*d me you wick*d man. You rap*d me.

Femi……. What did you just say?

TinTin……… You forced yourself on me, why? Why (crying) I am just an innocent girl, you went to drink and force yourself on me, am I the one that asked your wife to cheat on you!!! You are wick*d (stood up and left the room)

Femi…….. Ahhhhhh!!! Oluwa oooooo, what have I done. I am finished!!! Ahhhhhh (put hands on his head) this is not me. Ahhhhhh. I forced myself on an innocent girl. Ahhhhhh, I am done for.

TinTin went to her room upstairs and went to the bathroom to freshen up, she was just laughing until she turned into a snake and turned back into a human being back.

TinTin…….. This is just the beginning for you Femi, you are going to pay for everything. You are going to think until you d*e hahahahahaha hahahahahaha, you will pay for everything (laughing hard until she starts crying) you are going to pay for hurting my late mother and father, you will surely pay.

Femi went to his room and went to the bathroom to take his bath, Femi sat inside his bathtub thinking and crying.

Femi………(crying) oh God what is going on with me, why is everything going on like this, my heart can’t take all this. Who have I offended, God please I am begging you, forgive me if I have offended you. God I just forced myself on an innocent girl. Ahhhhhh my own wife that I love so much cheated on me. I lost my Job and now I have make someone’s child life a living h*ll. Ahhhh!!!!!.

A few hours later, Femi went to Tintin door and started knocking, he tried to open the door but it was locked.

Femi…… Tintin, please open the door, I want to talk to you. Please.

Tintin…… Just go away, I am scared of you. You will hurt me.

Femi……. Please Tintin I was drunk, I did not mean to. Please I am begging you please open the door.

TinTin……. Just go away, I don’t want to see you. Just let me be.

Femi…….. Please Tintin I am sorry, please forgive me please. I am begging you.

TinTin…….. Just leave me the h*ll alone!!!!

Femi…….. Okay I will. Please don’t harm yourself (he went back to his room)

TinTin was seen sitting on her bed crying, she was looking at her mother and father picture.

TinTin………(crying) mama, papa, I will make sure sure he pays for what he have done to you people. I have powers to take him down, but I want him to taste the miserable life I have been living.

Back at Damilola scene, after damilola finished eating, she went back inside.

Anita took Damilola to see her pastor, the pastor prayed for some time and then began to talk to damilola. Damilola explains everything to the pastor.

Pastor…….. Woman, your husband is in big trouble. He needs to chase that girl out of his house.

Damilola…….. Pastor, how, I don’t know how I will talk to him that he will listen to me.

Pastor……… That girl in his house, is not an ordinary person. That is girl is there to destroy your husband life. It is your husband past that is hunting him now. You need to bring him to this church.

Damilola…….. pastor I will try my best sir to bring him here.

Pastor…….. It is not about trying. Bring him here oo

Damilola…….. Okay sir I will.

The pastor prayed for damilola. Damilola went outside and started discussing with Anita.

Anita……. What did the pastor tell you?

Damilola…….. He told me that, it’s my husband past that is hunting him and that I need to bring him to the church.

Anita……… How will you bring him to the church now when he doesn’t want to set his eyes on you again. What will you do now?

Damilola…… I don’t know because I am confused.

Anita…….. Let’s Go to his house together, maybe I will talk to him.

Damilola……… That would be very nice. Thank you Anita.

Anita……. I hope he would listen to me

Damilola…….. I pray also.

Anita……… Don’t worry everything will be fine.

Damilola…….. Amen ooo, I just wonder what my husband did in the past that is hunting him now.

Anita and Damilola got to the Femi house, Femi was driving out when Anita waved her hands, Damilola got down from the car, Femi got down from the car and started shouting at Damilola.

Femi…….. What are you doing in this place? Did I not warn you to step foot here!

Anita……. Please calm down please Femi, I ask her to bring me here please.

Femi……. Why did you bring this cheater to my house?

Anita……… Please just calm down, please just listen to what we want to say.

Femi……. what did you want to say please I don’t want to see this dirty p*g here.

Anita……. Okay, Damilola please can you go back inside the car. Let me talk to him.

Femi…….. Let her leave please, just let her get out of here.

Damilola……. Okay (went back inside the car)

Anita…….. Can you calm down now.

Femi……… What do you want to say, can you be fast about it, as you can see I am on my way out.

Anita…….. Femi, your wife is innocent, please just let her explain herself to you. Please just let her explain herself.

Femi…….. Is that what you came to tell me, that woman is a cheater, I caught her red handed on the bed with my gate!!! And you are telling me to let her explain herself!!! Please just leave this place and don’t come back here again!!!

Anita……. Okay now please that girl living with you in that house is evil, we went to church and the pastor said that, she is here because of………

Femi……. Please I have heard enough of all what you are planning here, get out of this place, I don’t want to see you here again. I don’t want to see you here!!! Or that prostit*te in that girl.

Anita…….. Femi Can you just let me talk.

Femi……. Anita, I have not shown you my true colors, if you don’t want to see mu m*dness please don’t ever come back to this place.

Damilola came downstairs and knelt down, asking Femi to forgive her, even tho she was innocent.

Damilola…….The stars shining in the bright sky, Remind me of your big bright smile. The smile that I brought down, With my mistake I replaced it with a frown. Now my heart hurts and my mind is sad, That I made you feel so bad. Please forgive me this time, dear, Cause Losing you is now what I fear. Please smile. I did not mean to hurt you at all, what you walked in to was not what happened, please trust me, my baby and I need you please. Tintin is not…….

Femi…… You people should get out of my house!!!! Leave!!!!

Anita asked Damilola to stand up and they both left for home, damilola was just crying throughout.

Anita……. Please you need to take it easy, you don’t need to be crying.

Damilola……. Why should I not cry Anita? Why should I not cry, when all I can see in my husband eyes are pain. I really hurt him.

Anita…… Please Damilola, don’t blame yourself please, be prayeful for now, please don’t just blame yourself for anything. Femi still loves you, he is hurt, he is mad at himself.

Damilola……. Anita, what could have my husband done in the past that is affecting our marriage. What have he done

Anita…… Don’t worry we will find out soon, just Let all your troubles, anger and pain motivate you to move on. It is only then, will you be able to get up and carry on with your journey of life, more stronger than before. And remember this At every point in life, there will always be a serpent in your life who’s trying to pull you down. Now it depends on you whether you are strong enough to fail that serpent, or weak enough to fall for its malicious plan.

Femi was seen in a bar with his friend, Eze. They were discussing.

Eze……. Guy wetin dey sup now.

Femi……. Eze I am in a deep mess.

Eze……. Wetin happen, what of your wife?

Femi…….. Guy see, first of all I lost my Job, secondly I met my wife on our matrimonial bed naked with our gateman.

Eze……… Ahhhhhh!! It’s a lie, I can’t believe that second one, Dami is not that kind of a woman. You must be mistaken.

Femi…….. It is because you are not there, and the last one, I r*ped Tintin.

Eze…….. Who is that one?

Femi…….. Remember the girl I told you about that I help.

Eze…….ohhhh I remember her now. You mean that you forced yourself on her.

Femi…….. Yes, I was drunk and I don’t even know how it happened.

Eze……… Femi but come to think of it, what if all this is a trap.

Femi……. What do you mean by a trap.

Eze…….. What if this girl is trying to ruin your life, remember i warned you not to bring any lady into your home. You have been a womanizer before you got married.

Femi…….. Guy wetin concern womanizer with this Matter now. Tintin is an innocent girl, she only needs help.

Eze……… So where is your wife now?

Femi……… What kind of a question is that one, I chased her out of my house, I can’t be living under the same roof with her.

Eze……… Guy, you did not do well at all, why would you chase your wife out. Did you even allow how to explain herself to you. And besides she has a little baby with her.

Femi…….. Which baby, I don’t think that child is even mine.

Eze……… I can’t believe this, you Femi, remember you married Dami when she was a virgin, remember she left everything for you and you are saying this rubbish. I am out of here, I need to go home to my wife.

Femi……. Just like that.

Eze…….. I just want you to know that, the real trouble that is trying to ruin your life may be the one living with you in that house, have a nice day. (He left)

Femi…….. Mtcheewww, this guy doesn’t even know anything, who knows if his wife might be cheating on him too.

Back at the house, Tintin was seen in the sitting room watching TV when Femi walked in. Tintin stood up and wanted to go upstairs.

Femi…….. TinTin please stop, can we talk please.

TinTin…….. What do you want to talk about, do you want me to leave your house.

Femi…….. No not at all please just listen to what I have to say please.

Tintin…….. okay I am listening to you.

Femi……. Please I am very sorry, it was not intentional please I did not know how I even, please Tintin forgive me please. I don’t mean any harm towards you. I will do anything you want me to do.

TinTin…… Hmmm anything.

Femi…….. Yes anything.

TinTin……. Since you are the one that r*ped me and took my virginity, you will have to make me your wife.


TinTin……. You heard me right, you will have to make me your wife, or I will not forgive you for the rest of my life.

Femi……. Tintin, please can’t you tell me to do something else, I am still married to my wife, we are just separated. Please Tintin.

TinTin…….. Mtcheewww, when you have consider what I have told you here. Let me know. (Went upstairs)

Femi…… Which kind of wahala be this. What have I gotten myself into.

Back at the house, Damilola brought out her phone and texted her husband again.

Damilola……… Dear Femi, my husband, the father of my child please forgive me, and i hope this message finds you well. I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest apologies for [specific action or behavior]. I realize now that my actions were hurtful and thoughtless, and I deeply regret causing you any pain or discomfort.You mean the world to me, and it pains me to know that I have let you down. Please know that it was never my intention to hurt you, and I am truly sorry for any distress I may have caused. I am committed to making things right and learning from this mistake. I value our relationship more than anything, and I will do whatever it takes to rebuild your trust and make amends. Please forgive me, Femi. I love you more than words can express, and I am grateful for your understanding and forgiveness. (Drop her phone on the bed)

A few minutes later, her phone started ringing, it was Femi that was calling. Damilola was happy to see that her husband was calling her. She quickly picked up.

Damilola……. Hello my sweet husband, I guess you have seen my message. Please I am sorry please forgive me for whatever I have done to you. Sarah needs you.

Femi…….. Hey please just stop, I did not call you for that. I only call you to inform you that, my lawyer will be sending you the divorce papers tomorrow make sure you sign it.

Damilola……. Divorce what!!!

Femi……. Make sure you sign them, I don’t want anything to do with you again.

Anita collected the phone from Damilola because she heard everything.

Anita……. Hello, Femi I am so disappointed in you

Anita…….. Hello Femi, how can you be so cruel, you want to divorce your wife without hearing her own side of the story. I mean who does that.

Femi……. And who are you to tell me what to do?

Anita…….. Listen to me Femi, I’m reaching out to you on behalf of Damilola with a heavy heart. It has come to our attention that there may be some misunderstandings between you two that have led to discussions about divorce. I want to express my sincerest hope that this can be resolved amicably and with understanding. Misunderstandings are a common part of any relationship, but they don’t have to define its outcome. It’s crucial to communicate openly and honestly, giving each other the opportunity to express concerns and perspectives. Often, what seems insurmountable can be resolved through dialogue and empathy. Are you listening to me.

Femi…….. Keep on talking, I am listening to you.

Anita………. Okay, Your relationship with your wife Damilola has been built on love, trust, and shared experiences. It’s worth taking the time to reflect on those foundations and consider whether they can guide you both through this challenging period. Divorce should be a last resort after exhausting all avenues of reconciliation and understanding. I urge you to take a step back, to reflect not only on the present situation but also on the journey you’ve shared together. Is there room for forgiveness, for compromise, for rebuilding what may have been temporarily shaken? I believe there is. Please consider seeking counseling or mediation to facilitate these discussions. Ultimately, the decision lies with you both, but I implore you to approach it with patience, empathy, and a commitment to honoring the love and history you share. My thoughts are with you both during this difficult time, and I remain hopeful for a resolution that brings peace and happiness to all involved. And consider your daughter also Femi.

Femi…….. I have other things to do (hangs up)

Damilola…… Anita, what am I going to do, I couldn’t sleep last night, I was busy praying. Femi has changed since that girl entered our house.

Anita……..(sat down beside Damilola) remember what the pastor told you, your husband is paying for his past mistakes. All you have to be doing is pray.

Damilola…….. What did my husband do, what did he do in the past.

Anita…….. You are a woman, you have to pray, pray for God to open your eyes, pray and tell God to show you what is really happening. Let God show you. Take all your worries to God. God has blessed you with a lovely daughter, do you want your daughter to be living in regret or pains when she grows up. Pray, just support your husband by praying. Prayer is the key.

Anita went back to her room and knelt down, she put her hands together and prayed.

Anita……..I pray for damilola and her husband during this challenging time. May they find clarity, understanding, and compassion amidst the misunderstanding that has arisen between them. May they both be granted patience and wisdom to navigate through this situation with grace and humility, seeking reconciliation and peace in their hearts. Dear divine, I ask for strength and guidance for my friend’s husband, that he may open his heart to communication and empathy, seeing beyond the surface of the misunderstanding to the deeper love and connection that binds him to Damilola. May he find the courage to seek resolution and forgiveness, and may he be reminded of the vows and promises made in love and commitment. May Damilola find solace and resilience in her faith, knowing that she is not alone in her struggles. Grant her the grace to extend forgiveness and understanding, and may she be filled with hope for the restoration of her marriage. May their love be renewed, strengthened, and fortified through this trial, leading to a deeper bond and a brighter future together. Amen.

Back at Femi house, Femi was seen talking to himself.

Femi…….. I can’t marry Tintin, but what if she reports me to the police. I still love my wife, but why would she cheat on me. Why would she cheat on me. Damilola you really break my heart. Wait i can remember Anita saying something about my past. I need to call her back. But why should I call her, what if she is just lying to get my attention, my life is really fucked up. There is nothing good about me.

The next day, the lawyer sent the divorce papers to Femi s house. Ayomide too came leaving her baby alone with Anita. The lawyer, Ayomide and Femi sat down together. Femi explain everything to the lawyer and Ayomide explain everything too.

Lawyer….. Hmmmm, there is really a misunderstanding somewhere, what if the two of you were set up.

Femi…… By who?? Is it by you?!

Lawyer……. Calm down we are just having a discussion.

Femi……. What discussion?! Give me the damn paper let me sign.

Lawyer…… It is fine, here, have the paper.

Femi sign the paper and give it to Damilola to sign it too. Damilola collected the paper and smiled, she tore the papers into pieces. The lawyer opened his mouth.

Damilola……. I am not going to sign this divorce papers, because you are living in the past, and everything that is going on is because of Tintin. You are not the one speaking, I will not call you or even text you. This is a spiritual battle and I have to fight against it. (Took her bag and stand up) I am out of here. Do have a nice day, I have a little baby waiting for me at home. Take your ring, you are still living in the past (remove her wedding ring and throw it on the femi body)

Femi……. I can’t believe this!!!

The Femi was so surprised by Damilola’s actions. He faced the lawyer and started shouting at him.

Femi…… Why did you not force her to sign the divorce papers before she left the house.

Lawyer……. Why would I force her to sign against her own will, please you need to talk through with your wife, please I am out of here.

Femi……. All of you are m*d.

As the lawyer left the house, Tintin Came downstairs and started asking Femi questions.

TinTin……. Has she signed the divorce papers

Femi…… No she has not signed it yet.

Tintin…….. What is stopping her from signing it.

Femi…….. Please just don’t rush anything, she will sign it.

Tintin……. mtcheewww.

Damilola got home and saw that her baby was sleeping, she thank Anita.

Damilola……. Thank you so much Anita, for taking care of my child.

Anita……. She is also my child now, so how did it go?

Damilola……. He is hell bent on divorcing me, i refuse to sign the divorce papers.

Anita….. Wow, I love the way you did not sign it.

Damilola…….. I have to fight for what is mine.

Anita…….. I love the new you. You have to be prayeful more than ever, it is you that will save your husband from that evil girl.

Damilola……. Anita thank you so much for everything.

Anita….. Come of it joor, I prepare beans and plantains for you. Go and eat and rest.

Later that night Damilola did not text or even message her husband, she knelt down beside her bed and prayed.

Damilola…….. Heavenly Father, I come to you with a heavy heart, seeking your divine intervention in the life of my husband. I lift him up to you, knowing that you are the ultimate source of healing and deliverance. I pray that you would break the chains of darkness that bind him, and set him free from the influence of any evil spirits that may be controlling him. Fill him with your light and love, and guide him onto the path of righteousness. Protect him from the temptations of his past, and surround him with your angels to guard him from harm. Grant him the strength to resist the forces of evil, and empower him to live a life that is pleasing to you. Lord, I also pray for wisdom and discernment for myself, that I may be a source of support and encouragement for my husband as he walks through this spiritual battle. Give me patience, understanding, and unwavering faith as we journey together towards wholeness and restoration. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.” (And she went to sleep)

Back at Femi s house, Femi was inside his bedroom checking his phone, he was worried about something.

Femi……. Does Damilola don’t love me anymore, she normally sends me a message every night, but what happened now, she has not sent me any messages. But why should I be worried about her, it is even a good thing that she has not messaged me yet. Who knows she might come back here tomorrow to sign the divorce papers. Then I will get married to Tintin, I don’t want that girl to expose me. I don’t know what she is planning. As for Damilola, if you like message me and if you don’t message me it’s your business. I am running out of money.

The next morning, Femi was driving on the road when a memory flash back on his head, he immediately pulled over because he nearly had an accident.

Femi……. I thought I just saw something, what is going on with me. I keep on thinking about Anita, what she told me. What is in my past. What is wrong with me.

Femi brought out his phone and called Anita, Anita picked the call.

Femi……. Hello Anita please can we meet please.

Anita…… Why did you want to meet me, for what?

Femi……. I remember you telling me something about my past, please can we see please.

Anita…….. Why is it now that you now want to listen to what I have to tell you.

Femi……. Please something flashed back on my head, please I want to ask you some questions.

Anita……. Okay sure, please meet me at that roundabout at your house street.

Femi…….. okay sure, there is no problem with that.

A few minutes later, Femi and Anita meet and they started talking.

Femi…… Please Anita I am sorry the way I was rude towards you the last time you came to my house, please you mentioned something about my past I would like to know.

Anita……. Femi, all I can tell you is that you are living in the past. That girl living with you is trying to ruin your marriage, your life and everything good about you. She wants to avenge something.

Femi……. But she is innocent, Tintin is just a nice girl, she is someone that needs help.

Anita…….. That’s our problem with you now, Femi we went to church and the pastor was the one that reveal everything to us but she said he will have to see you.

Femi…….. See me, for what?

Anita…….. Will you come with me to see the pastor.

Femi……… I am on my way to somewhere before I called you, please can we go and see him early tomorrow morning.

Anita……. Okay fine no problem it

Femi……. Will damilola be going with us too.

Anita…….. No

Femi……. Ehen, why?

Anita…….. Just kidding, she is still your wife and she is going to.

Femi…….. Okay thanks.

Anita got home and was happy and smiling.

Damilola……… Why are you so happy, did anyone propose to you?

Anita……. Guess what?

Damilola…….. What?

Anita…….. Your husband wants to go to the church tomorrow

Damilola…… what!! This is good news, what made him change his mind.

Anita……… He said something flashed back in his memory.

Damilola…….. Wow, God is really doing wonders again

Anita….. I was surprised myself.

Damilola…… We should have taken him to the church today.

Anita…….. He said he is busy for today.

Damilola…… I pray he doesn’t change his mind oo

Back at Femi house, Femi got to the house and Saw Tintin sitting down in the living room. Femi greeted her but she did not reply, so he went upstairs without looking at her.

TinTin………(thinking) hmmm you think I don’t know that you are up to something tomorrow. Let me see how you will go to the church.

Femi was busy talking to himself upstairs.

Femi……. What have I done in the past that is affecting me, what have I done, who is this girl that I tried to help, why am I over worried, what is going on. Gosh!!

Just then Tintin open the door to his room.

Femi……. Can’t you knock.

TinTin……. Are you talking to me?

Femi……. Yes I am talking to you, who are you exactly?

TinTin…… I am just an innocent girl that you pick up for the main road, brought me to your house and r@ped me. (Started crying fake tears)

Femi……. Please I am sorry, I did not mean to make you cry. Please forgive me.

Tintin……. Why do you people keep on thinking that I am a bad person, why do you have to believe everything they say. I am just an innocent girl.

Femi……. I understand, and I am such a f©ol for believing them, please I am sorry please forgive me.

Tintin…… I am not going to believe anything you say to me now because you are a r@pist.

Femi…… It was a mistake please forgive me.

Tintin…….. If you want me to forgive you, then you will have to do one thing for me.

Femi…….. what do I have to do that will make you forgive me.

Tintin……… You will have to sleep with me again.

Femi…… what!!!

TinTin…….. Yes, you have done it before and that was against my will and now you will have to sleep with me.

Femi……. I can’t do that!!! I am still legally married to my wife!!

Tintin…….. then why did you r@ped me when you know that you are still legally married to your wife!

Femi……. TinTin please understand, It was a mistake please I am begging you, It was a mistake!

TinTin……. I don’t care!!!!

Back at the Damilola scene, damilola went on her knees and started praying again.

Damilola………Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you with a heavy heart, seeking your protection and guidance for my beloved husband. I ask for your strength to surround him and shield him from the influence of any evil spirits that seek to disturb or distract him. Please fill his heart with peace and clarity, and grant him the courage to resist any negative forces. May your light shine brightly in his life, illuminating his path and guiding him towards goodness and righteousness. Strengthen his faith and resolve, and empower him to overcome any obstacles that come his way. I place my trust in you, O Lord, knowing that you are the ultimate protector and defender. Hear my prayer and bring comfort and solace to my husband’s troubled soul. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”

Back at the Femi house, Femi was already getting scared because Tintin was threatening to report him to the police station. Just as Tintin climbed on the bed, Femi removed his clothes and wanted to have s*x with Tintin. Immediately he climbed on her, Femi began to see another face on Tintin’s face, he could recognize the face, it was a face in the past. Immediately the face changes into a sn@ke head. Femi shouted.

Femi…….. Jesus Christ!!!

He immediately came down from Tintin’s body, he ran outside towards his car, just as he was about to get to the car, the C’s started removing smokes. With only boxers on, he used his phone and started calling Damilola. Damilola picked the call.

Femi……. Please meet me on our street road please be fast!!!

Damilola……. Okay I am on my way!! Please what is going on!!

Femi……. There is no time to explain please be fast!!!

Damilola……. Okay I am on my way. Just stay calm, I cover you from head to toe with the blood of Jesus. (End the call and started rushing out)

Back at the house, Tintin was surprised..

TinTin…… What did he saw, that made him run out like that,I am going to wait for him. I know he will still come back to this house. He is just trying to escape sleeping with me..

At Damilola scene, damilola was driving fast and praying. He called Femi and asked him to not end the call as she started praying for him.

Damilola……. I cover you with the blood of Jesus, no evil weapon fashion against you shall prosper, I cover you with the blood of Jesus!!.

Damilola got to where her husband was waiting for her, he quickly opened the car door and entered inside the car. Damilola was surprised to see her husband only wearing a boxer.

Damilola…… Femi, what is going on?

Femi….. Please just drive somewhere safe please.

Damilola…… I will take you to Anita’s place.

Femi…… Okay sure, please let us be fast about it.

Damilola……. Can you explain what is going on to me?

Femi……. Please don’t worry, let’s just get to Anita’s house first.

Damilola…….. Hmmm, God have mercy.

Femi…… Thank you for picking me up.

Damilola……. You welcome.

They got to Anita’s house, Damilola came down from the car and asked Femi to wait inside the car for him. Damilola went back inside to take one of her shirts for Femi. Damilola came outside with the shirt in her hand, she couldn’t see Femi, or even the car outside of the house. She brought out her phone and dialed Femi number, it was ringing but he did not pick up.

Damilola…… Where have he gone to with my car? Something is definitely wrong somewhere.

At femi’s scene, Femi was seen driving back to his house direction, he looked confused while driving. A few minutes later, he got to the house, Came downstairs and went back upstairs to meet Tintin.

TinTin……. Hahahahahaha, welcome back home. You think you can escape from me.

Femi…….(looking confused) thank you my love.

Tintin…… Now take off your boxer and come to me. Hahahahahaha.

Femi…… Okay my love, your wish is my command.

Femi took off his boxers and was totally n@ked. Femi was not himself, he was being controlled by Tintin. Tintin asked Femi to lie down on the bed, she took off all her clothes too completely. She climbed on femi’s body.

Back at the Dami scene, Dami was outside pleading the blood of Jesus, when Anita walked up to her

Damilola…… I plead the blood of Jesus upon my husband, I soak him with the blood of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my husband where ever he is now.

Anita…… Dami, you just entered inside and came out with a shirt. And where is Femi. I thought you went to pick him up.

Damilola……. Exactly, I went to pick my husband up, he was only wearing a boxer, I told him to wait for me in the car so I could get a shirt for him before he comes inside. And now I can see him, he took my car with him also.

Anita……. This is not ordinary and……(her phone started ringing, it was from the pastor) pastor is calling me.

Damilola….. Pick up.

Anita picked the call and the pastor started talking to her. Without waiting for her to even say anything

Pastor……. Take your friend to her husband house now!! And send me the address of your friend house.

Anita…… Man of God please what is happening?

Pastor…… There is no time to explain.

The pastor hang up and Anita immediately sent Damilola address to the pastor.

Anita….. We need to go to your house now!

Damilola…… Is my husband okay?!

Anita……. I don’t know the pastor did not tell me anything. Please just get into my car!

Back at femi’s house, Femi was still on the bed n@ked. Five black ladies appeared and they all started laughing with Tintin. TinTin turned into a sn@ke and started moving all over the his body, while all the five black ladies were singing and moving their body. Femi did not know what was going on because he was already possessed by Tintin evil spirit.

Back at Damilola’s scene, Anita drove the car and packed in front of her mother’s compound, a housekeeper came outside to carry Sarah, Damilola baby inside. They don’t want to take her along because they don’t know the evil force that is surrounding the house. After dropping Sarah, she started driving towards femi’s house. Damilola just kept on praying to God.

Damilola…… Oh God, oh my Lord, please I cover my husband with the blood of Jesus, I cover him with your precious blood, please protect him. Don’t let anything b@d happen to him. Please God guide and protect him.

Back at femi’s house, Tintin turned back into a human being and they carried Femi downstairs to the living room. They lie him down on the floor and they surround him. All the five ladies took off their clothes, their plans was to have s*x with Femi. TinTin began to sing and asked the ladies to dance until they are satisfied.

TinTin……. We all have to dance hard till we get tired, because today is a happy day for me and you people. This f©©lish man here is about to pay for all the evil deeds he did to my mother and father. We have all come to make his life miser@ble. We would all have s*x with him and then we will take his m@nhood away. He will pay hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha.

All of a sudden, Tintin stoped talking and changed back into a snake, she immediately turned back into a human being again looking around.

Tintin……. They are here!! They are here to save this mons*er. Nobody dares stop us. Nobody will stop us!!

All of a sudden, Tintin stopped talking and changed back into a snake, she immediately turned back into a human being again looking around.

Tintin……. They are here!! They are here to save this mons*er. Nobody dares stop us. Nobody will stop us!!

Just then the pastor pushed the door open wide with Damilola and Anita. Anita immediately closed her eyes and turned back because Femi was naked lying down on the floor. While Damilola started praying from her mind.

Tintin…… Who are you to disturb our peace?!!

Pastor…… We are from the Almighty God. Heavenly Father sent me here to stop you all from hurting his child.

Tintin……. Hahahahahaha, this man here is not a child of God, he is a murder*r.

Damilola……. My husband is not a murder*r. You are just a wick*d person!!

Tintin……. Hahahahahaha, your baby has good luck. I wanted to h@rm her before but she has a good spirit.

Damilola……. You lie, my baby has never been alone with you in this house.

Tintin……. Hahahahahaha (turned into a snake and started speaking) do you remember this snake, that was on your bed.

Damilola…… Blood of Jesus Christ!!! So it is you that was the snake I saw on my bed!!

Pastor…… No evil fashion against this family shall prosper.

Anita and Damilola……. Amen!

Tintin……(turned back into a human being) hahahahahaha, I am only here to avenge the de@ths of My parents. I am here to destroy this man’s life. Hahahahahaha.

Pastor…….. Touch not the anointed…….

Tintin…… Keep quiet!!! What do you know, this man here took away my happiness and he will have to pay heavily for it.

Damilola……. What has my husband done to you, that you can’t forgive him?!

Tintin……. Do you want to know why I want to destroy this man’s life!!

Damilola……. I want to know!!

Pastor…….(said a prayer in his mind) God please calm her down.

Tintin………. Your husband here, stole everything away from me and my parents! Your husband took away my happiness, your husband deserves to d*e!!. My parents and I are the ones that are supposed to be living in this house, not you and him. Your husband was a womanizer when he was working for my father, he was so je@lous of my father because of the wife he married, sometimes my father used to warn your husband to stop sleeping with women, but he will ignore my father. He was the most trusted worker of my father, my father trusted him with everything he has and made him the MD of his company. Not until one day when he ruined everything (sat down on the couch and started crying) your husband began to plan on how to destroy my father’s life. My father brought in your own husband to live with us, I was only 15 years old then, when your husband started living in our house. On the day of my mom’s birthday, my mother dressed so beautifully, she was so beautiful that night, after the birthday party, my father went to see his friends off and used that opportunity to get some gifts for my mother. My mom came out of her bathroom tying towel around her body, as she sat down beside her dressing mirror trying to dress, that was how your husband entered my mother’s room that day and forced himself on my mother, I was hearing my mother scream. I opened the door to her room and saw your husband r@ping my mother. My mom was screaming for help, I did not know who to run to for help. I went back to my room and used my tab to call my father, immediately my father got home and found his wife laying lifeless on the bed. My father was heartbroken and got angry, he decided to deal with your husband that night, they both fought and your husband st@bbed my father five times on the stomach. I watched my own father stab by your husband. Your husband locked me up in the room. He called my parents family and lied to them that I had k*lled my parents and ran away. My parents family were heartbroken and promised to deal with me if they set their eyes on me. I was locked in the room for two months, all through that month, your husband has been forcing himself on me!! Not until he forgot to lock the room one day when he was busy with some ladies in the other room. That was how I escaped that night. I started sleeping in the bush because I did not have anywhere to run to. A powerful witch appeared to me in that Bush and told me she will give me powers to destroy the person that has made me lose my parents. That was how I became powerful (change her face to her real face and make femi come back to his senses)

Femi regained himself and immediately covered his private part with his hands, turned around and saw Tintin. Immediately he saw Tintin, he screamed so hard and knelt down beside her begging.

Femi……. Ahhhh deola, it is you that is Tintin ahhh!!! I never knew you were the one!!! Ahhh please forgive me. Please forgive me!!

TinTin…… I can’t forgive you again!!!! You deserve de@th!!!

Damilola…….(was already crying) Femi, you ruined an innocent girl’s life!! I will have to involve the police in this matter!! I can’t believe I got married to a be@st!!

Damilola…….. How can you do this to this innocent child. Ahhhhhh Femi you have ruined my life.

Femi…….. Deola please forgive me please, I am a change person now, I regret my actions please forgive me. Please.

TinTin……… It is too late, I will not forgive you!!!

Pastor…….. Tintin, in the book of Colossians 3:13, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you have a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

TinTin…… Hahahahahaha, there is nothing like forgiveness in my own life, this man deserves to d*e, he took my happiness and everything away from me.

Pastor……. It is only God that can punish him for what he has done, TinTin forgive him.

Tintin…….. No!!!! Never!!!! I will not!!

Damilola……. Please Tintin, I understand what you are going through, I am a lady just like you, please I believe that he is a change person. Your mother and father will not be happy if they see their daughter this way. All they want from you is to forget everything that has happened and forgive him. Please Tintin.

Tintin……..(with a soft voice, started crying again) how will I forgive him, he has ruined my life. Never! I can’t forgive him, he must pay. Ladies take him!!

Pastor……. I command you to stop in Jesus name!

TinTin……. No one dares stop me!! (Use her hands and asked the other ladies to support her. A black smoke begin to come out from her hands, towards femi’s neck. Femi began to choke, blood was coming out from his nose)

Damilola……. Tintin please no!!!

Pastor……..(started praying) father in the name of Jesus Christ!!! I have come to your presence this day for the sake of your daughter, who has been covered by darkness to avenge her parents de@th. Lord please Lord touch her spirit, soul and body in Jesus name!!!. (Poured the anioting oil on Tintin and the other black women body)

The black ladies disappeared, Femi fell to the ground, holding his neck while Tintin was screaming, she changed into a snake while the pastor kept on praying for her. TinTin change back into a human being and lie down on the floor. The pastor place his hands on her and prayed. While Damilola quickly went upstairs and brought out a rapper and used it to tye femi’s waist. And Damilola asked Anita to open her eyes

Pastor…….(praying for TinTin) Dear heavenly Father We come before you with heavy hearts, seeking your divine intervention for a young girl who is tormented by the spirit of anger and revenge. We ask for your mercy and healing touch to cleanse her soul from these dark forces that seek to consume her. Lord, we pray for the girl’s strength and courage to find forgiveness in her heart, despite the unimaginable pain of losing her parents to a senseless act of violence. Help her to release the burden of hatred and vengeance, and instead, embrace the power of love and compassion. We also lift up the man who committed this heinous act, knowing that only through your grace can true transformation and redemption be found. Soften his heart, Lord, and lead him to repentance and reconciliation. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, fill the hearts of those affected by this tragedy. Grant them the courage to seek healing and restoration, trusting in your unwavering love and faithfulness. In your holy name, we pray,


A few minutes later Tintin had changed back to her normal self, a black smoke came out of her body and she vomited a liz@rd. She woke up and started crying. Damilola went closer to her and hugged her. Femi too woke up. Femi went beside Tintin knelt down and beg her for forgiveness. TinTin forgave him. The pastor prayed for all of them.

Some few days later, Femi’s Boss called femi back to work along the line Femi opened a big boutique store for Tintin, she brought a car for her. And she bought a house for her too. Femi change Tintin surname to his own. Femi, his wife and Tintin started attending church. Femi did a Thanksgiving in the church. Damilola thanked Anita for supporting her throughout her stay at her house. Femi, TinTin and Damilola with the pastor went to visit Tintin’s uncle, because her grandparents were no more. The uncle was angry at first seeing Tintin. But after the whole explanation. The uncle asked for forgiveness from Tintin for believing femi over her. Everything was sorted out fine. And they became a very big happy family. This was Femi’s message to men outside who are womanizer and how it will affect them if they don’t stop.

Femi…….If you’re a young man who’s been engaging in womanizing behavior, it’s important to understand the potential consequences. Continuously pursuing short-term relationships can lead to a lack of genuine connections and emotional fulfillment. When you eventually settle down and enter a committed relationship or marriage, your past behavior may come back to haunt you. Trust issues, insecurities, and regrets from previous actions can strain your current relationship and cause pain for both you and your partner. Additionally, it can damage your reputation and hurt those you’re involved with. Consider reflecting on your values and the kind of person you want to be. Building meaningful connections based on respect, honesty, and mutual understanding can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable life. It’s never too late to change your behavior and strive for healthier relationships.