Daniel And The River Goddess

Daniel And The River Goddess

Stand up let’s go and save Daniel before he dies Natasha said dragging the healer to stand up

He won’t die he’s taken the healer replied

Taken? How ? By who? Natasha needs all the answers she can get..

He’s taken by the river goddess, the healer replied

How I don’t understand! Natasha said.

Sit down and I will tell you a story healer Said

No way! I can’t just abandon him just to sit and listen to stories

My dear Sit down, when I’m done then you can decide the next step to take. The healer replied and Natasha sat down, still feeling worried

Many years ago, that river was one the best river amongst the rivers in this kingdom and beyond,,, people do come from different villages to take their bath there,, it was formally called the river of life or ” the river of love” but the event that later happened made it our fathers to changed the name to the river of deaths..

Cynthia was the most beautiful girl you can ever think of,, nobody knows where she came from, she always appeared on Adunga market days,,

Cynthia fell in love with Malika , and Malika happens to be the heir of King Dimka the second of this great Adunga clan.

Their love was known by many, but king Dimka rebuked Malika for falling with a strange girl who has no root in Adunga clan,

Malika wasn’t happy with his father, because he was so much in love with Cynthia that he disobeyed his father the King,

And the king told Malika that it’s impossible for him to succeed him as the king when he joins his ancestors if he still insists on marrying the strange woman,,

Malika was in between decisions, he was so much in love with Cynthia but he can’t risk lossing out as the next king of Adunga, a position he envied,

So one day he met Cynthia and told her what’s going on between himself and the King.. Cynthia became afraid, she doesn’t want to loose Malika, she pleaded with him not to leave her and Malika promised her he won’t leave her. But it was all lies, he didn’t want to break her heart.

But I will like to know where you are from, I want to meet your people, so that I can convinced my father to accept us. Malika told her.

Don’t worry,,, soon I will take you to my people, but first we have to get married secretly Cynthia replied Malika

We can’t get married secretly, your people and my people must be there, Malika replied Cynthia

Okay! By seven market days I will take you to my people, “meet me at the river of life” at 12 noon, I will be there waiting for you. Cynthia replied

Thanks! I really appreciate Malika replied hugging Cynthia

But before the seven market days elapses.. King Dimka forced Malika to get married to the Mikiah the daughter of King Jago of the Zumba kingdom

There’s nothing Malika could do, he was powerless, he couldn’t go against his father’s decisions,, for days he was indoor weeping

So on the seventh market day, at about 12 noon, he went to the river of life just to explain to Cynthia what happened,, he was there but Cynthia didn’t show up,, as he was about to leave Cynthia appeared from the River, she was a mamaid, half human half fish.

Malika froze like a statue, he couldn’t move as fear grips him, please don’t hurt me Malika cried

You broke my heart,, you couldn’t even wait till the seven market days I gave you? Cynthia was angry,

It wasn’t my fault! My father forced me,, please! Malika cried and Cynthia grabbed him by the neck,, if not for the love I have for you I would have killed you, I won’t kill because I love you.. get out of here, Cynthia screamed and Malika ran for his dear life..

From that day forward,, Cynthia the river goddess became jealous of couples bathing in the river of life, any man she chooses disappears.. and that’s what happened today. The healer said

What! So is there no way to get Daniel back? Natasha asked

There’s is but no one has ever succeeded. The healer replied

So what do I have to do? Natasha asked

It’s only a virgin Piper that will succeed.

A virgin Piper? Natasha asked

Yes! The Virgin has to put on a white dress which signify purity, she will will go to the river of death, she will began to blow fine tunes and that will attract the river goddess,, she will appeared with Daniel and they will dance to your tune,, and if your love is strong enough to break the spell that is cast on Daniel, both of you will be together again but if not then we will go with the second option.. the healer replied

What other options? Natasha asked

The seer will help you with that. The healer replied

The seer? Natasha asked

Yes! The seer will prepare you for two days, before traveling to the sea by the help of the sea horse, the sea horse will take you to the kingdom, and if you see Daniel try and put in his mouth mustard seeds and it will break every spell and you will have Daniel again. The healer replied

Natasha bend her head down and tears started dropping down his eyes..

Are you a virgin? The healer asked

Yes! I am Natasha replied

Then follow me, there’s no time to waste, the healer Said

Where are we going? Natasha asked

To meet Tanko the famous Piper,, you don’t have much time to waste, we have to prepare very fast.. the healer replied and Natasha followed the healer.

Daniel was taken by the river goddess to their kingdom.. and there was heavy celebration,, everything was strange to Daniel, he was scared and powerless, they gave him another clothes to put on, before bringing food for him to eat as they danced around Daniel, after the dance

Daniel was scared to eat and the river goddess decided to feed him,, and after eating he was then given something to swallow he did and instantly his memories was wiped out completely,

The celebration lasted for seven days and Daniel was enjoying what was happening, they made him to dance around the maidens…he did with so much smiles and happiness

They became lovers with the river goddess and he was happy with his new found life,, he had no idea of what’s going on but he is happy with what he’s seeing.

Tanko refused to teach Natasha,, the healer continue to beg him..

You know you are an elderly man,, I won’t refuse you anything, but in this case I can’t teach her, Tanko Said

Why? Can’t you see she’s in pains? The healer asked

I don’t care! Tanko replied

Let’s go! The healer said to Natasha as the went to meet the King.. they told him what happened, he broke down and commanded his guards to go and bring Tanko to his palace.

They brought Tanko before the king,, he bow his head in greetings,,

Why did you refused to teach her? The king asked

Is not that I don’t want to teach her, but the previous people I taught ended up failing the mission,, I was heartbroken that’s why I don’t want to teach anyone again Tanko replied

I promise I won’t fail,, give me a chance, Natasha said with tears in his eyes

Teach her and I will pay whatever you charge me,, remember this same girl and his missing friend stood to defend this kingdom, so name your price the King Said

Your highness, I will teach her without collecting anything from you. Tanko replied

Thank you my son the king said as he turned to Natasha,, don’t worry Daniel will come back alive, we will do whatever it takes to bring him back.

Thank you sir. Natasha replied with teary eyes

Let’s go,, there’s no time to waste, Tanko Said as he led Natasha to his hut..

Tanko is good, every tune from his pipe is emotional and beautiful, you could feel the joy in your hearts, the melodies is lovely,

Day and night he taught Natasha, for seven days and Natasha was able to produce something beautiful,,

You are getting there, try and pour your anger and the pains you are feeling right now, and choose your favorite song that Daniel knows and pipe it as if he’s standing next to you.. Tanko Said as he hand the pipe again to Natasha.

Natasha collected it as tears began to drop down her eyes and she began to pipe her favorite song “fool again” by Westlife,,,,she did it with so much passion that Tanko began to cry..

Wow! That’s amazing,, my work here is done and I wish you good luck,, the pipe is yours now,, Tanko Said

Thanks for everything! Tomorrow is the day I will visit the river of death with the pipe, I will like to ask you for one last favour Natasha replied

What’s that? Tanko asked

I want you to come with me to the river, Natasha replied

Why do you want me to be there? Tanko asked

Please just be there! Natasha replied as she walks away.

The following day, Natasha was dressed in White, with her pipe and the healer hugged her and said, good luck my daughter with tears in his eyes

Thanks Natasha replied

Good luck my daughter the King Said

Thanks Natasha replied as he walk down to the the river of death.

Jessy took her mother to DANIEL PHARMACEUTICAL for treatment but she was told that Daniel has not been to work for almost two weeks

Where could he have gone to? Jessy became worried As she tried to call his number several times but his number is not going through she went back inside to ask his manager if Daniel has changed his phone number

No madam! He didn’t change his phone number, he only told me that he would be going on a short trip the manager replied

Maybe I should visit the KINGSTON GROUP and asked about his whereabouts, I Know Natasha will tell where he went to..

That would be better the manager replied

Jessy drove to the KINGSTON GROUP but Natasha was not in her office, she met Joy Natasha’s younger sister ” good morning Jessy greeted

Morning Miss Williams, to what do we owe this pleasant surprise visit? Joy asked

Hahahahaha,, I do visit sometimes thought not too often,,

Yeah, that’s why I called it surprise visit,, and I know you need something and that’s why you are here, so what can we do for you? Joy asked

Well, I’m looking for Daniel,, my Mom is really sick and he asked us to come but I went to his office, he’s not there, even his manager told me that for almost two weeks Daniel has not been to his office. Jessy replied.

Even Natasha too and my grandfather is worried,, they said they are embarking on a shot trip for almost two weeks now we have not heard from them,, their number is not going, my grandfather said at the end of this weekend he will go to the station to file for missing persons if didn’t show up,, Joy replied

This is serious,,, I hope they didn’t go back there? Jessy said

Go back where? Joy asked

Nevermind.. Jessy replied as she walks s away

Natasha got to the river and tears began to drop down her eyes.. the king and some villagers hide themselves in the Bush waiting to assist in case she needs help

Daniel if you can hear me,, please come back to me,, she said silently and she began to pipe her tune..

The girl is good, the king Said

Yes! She is, the healer replied

We have to be at alert,, in case she needs help in grabbing Daniel, my men are ready to do that. The king Said

But it’s more than that your highness,,, the spell has to be broken first,, if we decided to grabbed Daniel by force, he will still go back the healer replied

And the king kept silent

Natasha tune was beautiful, the melodious sounds can break even a heart of stone,, she continues for about one hour but there’s no sign of Daniel or the river goddess,,

Tanko came out and whispered to Natasha,, pipe your favorite song,, the one he knows. And she nodded her head and Tanko went into hiding again..

Natasha played her favorite tune for about 15 minutes but they didn’t show up and Tanko came out again

Pour out your pains,, the anger you feel right now, if you don’t do it right you will never see your man again, Tanko Said

Natasha became so angry,, she can’t lose Daniel to anyone not even the river goddess..

Natasha began to blow “fool again by Westlife lyrically..

Fool again by Westlife…

Baby, I Know the story…🎶

I’ve seen the picture, it’s written all over your face….🎶

Tell me, what’s the secret, that you have been hiding?….🎶

And who’s gonna take my place?…🎶🎵

I should have seen it coming…..🎶

I should have red the signs…🎶

Anyway, I guess it’s over..🎶


Can’t believe that I’m a fool again…🎶

I thought this love will never end…🎶

How was I to know….🎶

You never told me…🎶

Can’t believe that I’m a fool again…🎶🎵

I thought this love will never end🎶🎵

How was I to know🎶🎵

You never told me..🎶


Baby,, you should have called me🎶🎶🎶🎵

When you were lonely…🎶🎶

When you needed me to be there…🎶🎶🎶

Sadly, you never gave me, too many chances to show you how much I care..🎶🎶🎶🎶

Ooh.. should have seen it coming..🎶🎶🎶

Should have red the signs…🎶🎵🎵

Anyway,,I guess it’s over🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

Natasha was lost even as she pipe fool again by Westlife lyrically repeatedly,,, and the Sea began rage boisterously.. her eyes were close, the king and his host watched with kin interest

And soon the river goddess appeared with Daniel.. they began dance holding each other, Natasha kept piping as tears Flows with emotions mixed with anger. And then she opened her eyes and Saw Daniel dancing with the river goddess, but Daniel wasn’t concentrating anymore, the spell began to lose it effects on Daniel, Daniel began to look at the Piper,, he left the river goddess and was walking towards Natasha, and Natasha look up and saw Daniel, she shouted

Daniel……. And her pipe fell down and the river goddess grabbed Daniel and they disappeared

Nooo…. Natasha cried and fell on the ground

And Tanko the famous Piper rushed her why did you stop? He was coming towards you, you should have kept playing.. Tanko was angry,

I just wanted to hug him, Natasha cried and started rolling on the ground

The healer came and raised her up… I’m sorry, you have not failed yet,

I’m a total failure,, I was carried away by my emotions, what do I do now? Natasha asked

It’s time to see the Seer. The healer replied

Natasha nodded in agreement with tears in her eyes.

let’s go, the healer said as they walk back home.

Brace yourself my daughter,,, I believe in you, Daniel will come back the king said on their way home

Thanks Natasha replied

I’m sorry for yelling at you, please do it right this time, Tanko the famous Piper said

I will! Natasha replied.

The Seer is an elderly small statured man, with a long hair.. you are welcome he said when Natasha and the healer walked in.

Thank you, the healer replied

He walked to Natasha and looked at her and smile… My daughter,,, all will be well he said

Thanks Natasha replied with tears still in her eyes

But!…. You have to do away with your emotions,, not all that travel this path lived to tell the story,, you will face lots of obstacles but be strong, don’t be carried away by your love and feelings, focus only on saving him, don’t be distracted. He Seer said as he went inside a small room and came back… ” The journey will be in three days time,, the Seer Said

Why three days? I want the journey today. Natasha replied

You won’t make it back alive if you embarked on the journey today. The Seer replied

Why ? The healer asked

Today is their feast,, if they sensed an invader the person won’t make it back alive, so is tomorrow and next tomorrow,, the third day will be safer because it’s their visiting day,, they will all travel to another coast for visitation leaving few behind, so you will have the chance to save him, because he won’t travel with them, the Seer replied

Thanks we will come back on the third day the healer Said

That would be better the Seer replied

Do I have a chance of saving him? Natasha asked the Seer

Sure! Believe in yourself and you can save him once you follow the rules.the Seer replied

Thanks Natasha said as they went back home.

The pipe became parts of her, she wouldn’t eat or drink anything as she kept piping…

You are a good Piper, the healer said

Thanks Natasha replied

I understand what you are going through, but I have so much faith in you that you will succeed, the healer Said

Me too! I will come back with Daniel, Natasha replied

That’s it.. that’s it right there, that little faith is everything, when you have faith as little as a mustard seed, you can move even the biggest mountain. The healer Said

Yes! Natasha stood up with so much Joy in her heart as she began to pipe.. and the healer smiles nodding his head to everyone melodious tune coming out from her pipe

The third day healer took Natasha to meet the Seer, they met him sewing an amulet

Greetings great one.. the healer Said

Greeting my friend, you are welcome the healer replied

Greetings sir, Natasha greeted

You are welcome my daughter,, the healer replied as he put the amulet around Natasha’s neck, he rubbed some substance on her eyes and gave her a patchet… Follow me.. he said and they went to the river side.. the healer emptied some substance in the river and a sea horse appeared

Natasha was scared, as she ran back

Don’t be scared, your journey to the underworld won’t be possible without the help of the sea horse,,, bound with the sea horse, so that you can control it with your mind, what ever you want the Sea horse is at your service to do it. when you see Daniel removed the see from the patchet and put the seed in his mouth, and that’s all ,, we will be here waiting for your return with Daniel

What if they sees me? Natasha asked

They won’t be able to see you, only you can see them, the amulet will make you invisible. So jump on the horse,, there’s no time to waste The Seer replied

Thanks Natasha replied as he hugged the seer and went over to meet the healer, wish me luck she Said

I wish you luck and I will be here waiting for you to return with Daniel,, the healer said as tears began to drop down his eyes

Don’t cry for me,, because I’m not dying today, Natasha replied smiling and she jumped on the sea horse….

The Sea horse kept leading Natasha,,,,she was amazed at what she saw, the beautiful environments, the flowers and everything was beautiful

She got to an open gate and she entered, she saw mamaids dancing and the songs was so tempting that she wanted to join them, then she remembered what the Seer told her,, that she shouldn’t be distracted because lots of distractions will come that may hinder her mission

So they continued till they saw another group dancing and playing, so Natasha looked very well but Daniel was not there, she kept going, then she saw Daniel playing will little mamaid they were so adorable and beautiful, but she kept her emotions in check

She got to where Daniel was and tapped him, but Daniel fled on seeing Natasha, and she chased after him till she caught up with Daniel and she gave him a serious jab as Daniel opened open his mouth to scream she emptied the seed in his mouth and he was unconscious for a long time, Natasha became worried she tried her possible best to wake Daniel but she couldn’t

And the river goddess came looking for Daniel

She sensed danger and the alarms was sound, though she couldn’t see Natasha so she carried Daniel back to her palace.

Natasha was angry because she thought the Seer deceived her,,, what the Seer asked her to put in Daniel’s mouth didn’t work,, maybe it’s meant to kill Daniel,

The river goddess tried to wake him up but she couldn’t she cried with a loud voice that the whole kingdom echoes.

Someone has invaded my territory, find the intruder and bring him or her to me,, the river goddess screamed and Natasha was scared so she went to one corner and she hid herself.

And she saw lot’s of mamaids coming towards her with weapons she close her eyes and lie flat on the horse ,,

I met Jessy yesterday and she asked me about Daniel, so I told her we have not seen him and she said something,, Joy said to her grandfather.

What exactly did she say? John Kingston asked Joy

She said “I hope they didn’t go back there” Joy replied

Really? Her grandfather asked

Yes! Joy replied

That means she knows something, follow me let’s visit the Williams, her grandfather said.

They drove to the Williams and Jessy wasn’t around.. Call her to come now, tell her that John Kingston the owner of KINGSTON GROUP is here to see her.

Lydia was shaking when John Kingston introduced himself, “what trouble are we into now”, she said silently as she dialled Jessy’s number

Hello Lydia, Jessy said

Please leave whatever you are doing and come right away to the office. Lydia replied

Why? What’s wrong? Jessy asked

John Kingston is in your office as I speak. Lydia replied

What! What does he want Jessy asked

He wants to see you right away, Lydia replied

Tell him I will be on my way Jessy replied

Few minutes later Jessy drove to her office… She greeted John Kingston and joy.. “I came running when I was told by my secretary that you are here”, Jessy Said

Thanks for coming, my granddaughter told me that you came looking for Daniel John Kingston replied

That’s correct sir. Jessy replied

And she also said that you said you hope they didn’t go back there! Because we have be looking for them for the past three weeks now, so I came here personally because it’s a matter of urgency, my granddaughter is missing along with Daniel, so if you know anything please tell us, because I have reported this case to the police, we need a lead John Kingston Said

I don’t know much sir.. when we were kidnapped they took us to a remote village, very far from here, so that’s why I said hope they have not gone back there. Jessy replied

But why did you think they may be going there? And where is the place? John Kingston asked

I don’t really know the place but may be you should asked Don Carlos and Mr Jay, both of them Masterminded the kidnap, and they are in the police custody, I believe they will talk if they interrogate them very well. Dave would have been of help but Don Carlos killed him. Jessy replied

Thanks miss Williams, we will be on our way, John Kingston said as they walked out of her office

John Kingston drove straight to the police station, he asked them to interrogate Don Carlos and Mr Jake to get the information out of them, and the police asked him to go back home and relax that they will get the information from them, the DPO assured him..

They passed without seeing Natasha, so she went back to the palace but the river goddess was there heartbroken, she continue crying and scattering everywhere, but Daniel still did not wake up, Natasha wept silently,, does it mean the Seer lied to me? She wondered, she was contemplating on leaving Daniel’s Dead body behind, but she knew that something is not right, I have to wait and see the end.. she Said

After awhile Daniel body was prepared for burial after some rituals,, he was covered in White clothes with lots of flowers place on his body,, and different kinds of candles was place around him, they danced around him several times and everyone left except the the river goddess, she stayed for sometime and left..

So Natasha went and dragged Daniel’s body,, she placed him on the sea horse and they started coming back

The river goddess couldn’t find Daniel’s body when she came back with more flowers, she screamed and the whole Sea began to move backwards

But Natasha and the Sea horse started coming back and she whispered to the Sea horse,, faster! And the horse took a flight moving on a full speed, and river goddess chased after them

The Seer, the healer and the rest of the villagers were waiting for Natasha and Daniel to return

With a lift the Sea horse threw them out of the water.. and disappeared again

She did it, the healer said as they rushed to where Daniel and Natasha was

And the river began to rage boisterously again and everyone became afraid, and they hurriedly carried Daniel on the back to the village but Natasha stayed back and watched as the river goddess came and with a loud cry, she pointed at Natasha.

“It’s not over yet” the river goddess said as disappeared back into the river again.

Natasha was angry with the Seer,, you told me the spell will make him regain his senses when I put the seed in his mouth but instead it has killed him.

Keep quiet woman,, he’s not Dead the seer replied

But he’s not breathing. Natasha said

Hold on the seer replied as he went inside and brought out some seeds and he put it in Daniel’s mouth, after awhile Daniel sneezed three times and opened his eyes

And Natasha jumped up in excitement as she hugged Daniel, but how is alive? She asked the Seer

The seed was supposed to put him to a deep sleep, if he had regained himself there he wouldn’t make it back alive the seer replied

But why didn’t tell me? What if I left him there thinking he’s already Dead?

The love both of you shared will not allow you to leave him there.. it shows that both of you belongs together. you would have failed the mission if I had told you,,,,The Seer replied

How many children do you owe me? Daniel asked smiling at Natasha

Natasha smiled and kissed Daniel,,, welcome back she said

Welcome back? From where? Daniel asked

From the underworld Natasha replied laughing..

Underworld? I don’t get you! Daniel said

Babe please stop it! Natasha was serious now..

Seriously I don’t know what happened, please tell me, Daniel replied

Are you for real now? Natasha asked standing up

Babe! I’m serious, the only thing I remembered was both of us bathing in that river . Daniel replied with tears in his eyes..

Natasha countenance changed,, we were bathing playing hide and seek,, I searched for you for a long time but couldn’t find you, I became scared and I ran back to the village to tell the healer what has happened.

He was devastated when I told him what happened at the river,, we shouldn’t have gone to the river the healer replied, I asked why and what has happened to you,,

He nodded his head and said that you were taken,, taken? I inquired more, so he narrated how that river became the river of death, and that the only way I could have you back is through the meledious tune piped by the one you love, that it will break the spell

I was devastated! I decided to learn how to pipe from the famous Piper whose name is Tanko,

For seven days I was learning till I master how to pipe, I wasn’t sure it will work, I was scared of loosing you,, but I encouraged myself and went to the river as instructed,,

I prayed silently asking God to help me,, I began to pipe but you didn’t show up, I continued till you and the… Natasha was still trying to explain when Daniel cut her off

Me and the river goddess began to dance to the tune and then I tried to look at the Piper and I saw it was you, I became restless, I recognized you, I was coming towards you and then you shouted my name Daniel and dropped the pipe and I didn’t see you again, Daniel explained the rest.

That’s correct! So you remember! Natasha asked

It was all a dream! Daniel replied

It wasn’t a dream, it was real! Natasha said

How? I don’t understand! Daniel replied

You were gone for almost three weeks. Natasha replied

But Daniel Was lost in thought, he wasn’t even hearing what Natasha was saying

Daniel…. Daniel… Natasha called but he was not responding and Natasha tapped him on the shoulder and he jerked back to reality.. ” what’s wrong with you? Natasha asked

Nothing Daniel replied and Natasha continue to observe him, his strange behavior became a burden to Natasha, he stood up and went to meet the healer and the Seer..

You are here! Where’s Daniel? The healer asked

That’s why I’m here! Natasha replied

What happened? The Seer asked

Daniel doesn’t remember anything ,, he thought all that happened to him was just a dream! And secondly he seems off each time we are discussing, Natasha replied

That’s the effect of the whole senero! It will take time for him to get himself back fully,, the healer replied

I don’t understand! But I thought the spell has lost its potency? Natasha asked

True but his soul has been to the other world, that’s why his mind is traveling back and forth the healer replied.

So what should I do now? I want him with me in reality fully Natasha replied

Where is your pipe? The healer asked

It’s in my bag, Natasha replied

Go and get it the healer said

Natasha went in and brought the pipe..

This pipe will help distract his mind from Wondering far.. it will always bring him back.. the healer replied

But for how long? Natasha asked

For awhile,, shower him with your love, always stay close to him. Now play something unique the healer said

Natasha began to pipe her favorite tune and Daniel heard it and ran towards where she was ,, he just sat down and began to move his body to every tune with so much smile and Natasha was happy because it’s been awhile he saw him smiling..

Can you teach me how to pipe? Daniel asked Natasha

Sure I will Natasha replied

Can we ? Daniel asked

Not now, when we get back to the city Natasha replied

Okay Daniel replied as he grabbed Natasha and kissed her passionately and the two old men gave each other a sign and they left them..

Have missed you my love Daniel said

Have missed you too.. Natasha replied

When are we leaving? Daniel asked

Tommorow Natasha replied

Okay! I can’t wait to get back to work Daniel said

Me too. Natasha replied ,

That night Natasha couldn’t sleep, she was observing Daniel as he turned several times on the floor. She became so worried

How was your night? Natasha asked Daniel the next morning

My night was a disaster, Daniel replied

Disaster! How? Natasha asked

I found myself in the river,, with the river goddess and we were having s*x Daniel replied

What! This is not good, I’m coming Natasha said as she went to meet the seer, she explained all that Daniel said

Wait for me the Seer replied as he went inside his inner room and came out with a small container and he hand it over to Natasha,, give him this before going to bed at night. The seer replied

Will it make it stop? Natasha asked

Yes! The seer replied

Thanks! We will be leaving today, if everything work out I will definitely come back to show my appreciation, Natasha said

Don’t worry my daughter! You done more than enough,, your sacrifices will not go unrewarded, take care of him and if anything go wrong, come to me, the seer replied

Thanks Natasha replied as she left..

Where are you coming from? Daniel asked Natasha

I went to get something from the Seer Natasha replied

What’s it? Daniel asked

This! He said it will make the bad dreams stop Natasha replied

Thanks for always looking out for me Daniel Said

Always remember that I love you? Natasha asked

I know and I love you too. Daniel replied

Let’s get our things,,, we will be leaving Natasha Said

Okay! What about the healer.. are we going with h? Daniel asked

Sure! If he agrees to come with us Natasha replied.

The healer agreed to come with us… But we have to visit the king and tell him we are leaving. Daniel said

That’s cool by me,, the healer replied,

So they went to visit the king,, the king was happy to see that Daniel is fine..

My daughter! I really appreciate you for standing by this young man, most ladies would have left him, but you did all you could to bring him back.. thanks…the king Said

Thank you sir! Natasha replied

Thanks once again Daniel for saving this great kingdom against the rebels, we will invite you to this Village again during our festive season the king Said

And we will definitely be here! And another thing I want to beg you for something,, Daniel replied

What’s it? The king asked

I want the healer to go with us for awhile Daniel replied

Of course! I can’t refuse any of your request. the king replied

Thanks so much, Daniel said

Go well my friend,but don’t forget to always visit us.. the king said to the healer,,

I will definitely come back home the healer replied as he bow to greet the king

Farewell my friends the king said with tears in his eyes as he hugged all of them an they left.

They got to the City very late,, so Natasha prepared food and they ate and went to bed..

Natasha couldn’t sleep she was awake watching Daniel and at about 12 midnight, Daniel stood up and started dancing with an invisible being.. So Natasha grabbed him by shoulder and pushed him back to bed

What’s wrong with you? Natasha asked crying..

I was there again dancing with the river goddess.. Daniel replied

Sleep,we have to see my pastor tommorow Natasha replied

Okay! Daniel replied

Natasha refused to sleep,, she watched over Daniel trying to anticipate his every moves..

The next morning she went into the kitchen to prepare food and there was a knock on the door, she went to open the door and it was Jessy.

Good morning madam! Jessy greeted

Morning how are you doing today? Natasha asked

I’m fine and you? Jessy asked

I’m fine , Natasha replied faking a smile because she didn’t want anyone to see Daniel in this state

Well, I have come to see Daniel,,have been calling his number and looking for him everywhere for the past three weeks now,but I couldn’t find him, hope he’s inside? Natasha asked

He’s inside but he’s not in the mood to discuss anything with anyone Natasha replied

I need to see him, it’s very important Jessy insisted

Maybe you didn’t hear what i said before he can’t see anyone now! Natasha was a little bit harsh with her response

Hope he’s okay! Jessy asked

He’s fine! Natasha replied

Then tell him Jessy is here to see him,, it’s about my mother Jessy said

What happened to your mother? Daniel asked as he opened the door and came out

He’s not feeling fine Jessy replied

Hold on I’m coming Daniel rushed in and changed his clothes , he came out and held Jessy by the waist and they hurried out.

Natasha couldn’t believe her eyes,, he’s even holding her by the waist! What’s going on?

Don’t stress yourself, he will be fine, the healer replied as he opened the door and came out

No! he won’t be fine…, that’s his ex wife, Natasha replied

Do you think he still has feelings for her? The healer asked

No! Daniel has no feelings for her, but something is wrong with Daniel, because before we left the City for Adunga village, Daniel wouldn’t want her close to him let alone holding her by the waist. Natasha replied

Then something need to be done fast, the healer said

And what’s that? Natasha asked

You have to follow them and now! Because that mischievous woman could capitalize on Daniel’s situation and do something mischievous. The healer replied

Natasha changed her clothes and and drove to Jessy’s place, on getting there, Daniel and Jessy are not there.. ” but Jessy came by the house, and left with Daniel saying you are sick. Natasha Said to Grace

Have not seen them, that’s how they behaved when they were together, most especially when they don’t want any disturbance,,,they are not here, Jessy’s mother replied

Natasha was pissed, and hot tears began to drop down her eyes,, where could they have gone? She picked up her phone and dialed Daniel’s number

Hello Daniel picked up,

Where are you? Natasha asked

Jessy snatched the phone from Daniel,, he’s busy Jessy replied and ends the calls

Natasha frozed like a statue, she couldn’t move, she just stared into empty space… So this is how he will pay me back? After all I have done for him? She drove back home feeling down

What’s wrong? The healer asked when he saw Natasha crying,,

He’s with his ex.. Natasha replied with a loud cry,,,

Calm down, everything will be fine, the healer replied as he hugged Natasha and led her inside the room

And there was knock on the door and the healer opened the door and it’s was John Kingston and Joy.. Good morning, the healer greeted with smile on his face,,

Morning! Is my daughter and Daniel inside? John Kingston asked

Your daughter is inside but Daniel is not at home, the healer replied

John Kingston entered inside and hugged Natasha, where have you been? John Kingston asked

I traveled with Daniel! Natasha replied

So you can’t even tell us where you are going ? Not even a word from you or Daniel? This is unlike you… Ever since you started going out with Daniel, you have changed completely, you no longer have passion for work, you don’t even visit your family members, what’s going on? Joy asked

Nothing is going on my darling sister,, Daniel’s Dad was sick and it was an emergency situation so we have to leave.. I’m sorry about that, Natasha replied hugging Joy

Daniel’s father? I thought his father died a long time ago? John Kingston asked

That’s correct! I’m his uncle and he calls me father, the healer replied

I see! So how are you doing now? John Kingston asked the healer

I’m fine sir! The healer replied

Let this be the first and the last this will happen again,, tell Daniel to see me when he comes back, John Kingston said to Natasha

I will definitely do that Natasha replied hugging her grandfather.. I’m so sorry Dad,,

I’m upset with you right now! Come by the house with Daniel, I want to have a word with both of you, John Kingston replied

We will do that.. Natasha replied

Joy let’s go,, John Kingston led Joy out..

You see! I have to lie to save his ass and what did I get I return? Running all over town with his ex ? Natasha was pissed as she pace back and forth

I understand! but you have to calm down,, don’t give up on him now.. this is the time he needs you most, the healer replied

Daniel did not come back that day,, the next day, there was a knock on the door and Natasha went to open the door,, and she saw Daniel, he was drunk as he lie down on the floor smelling alcohol

Daniel.. Natasha rushed him but she couldn’t raised him up, she went and called the healer, he carried Daniel to the bathroom and they bath him because he was really smelling alcohol.

He vomited several times on the bed and Natasha had to cleaned it.. She was drained both emotionally and physically, she was tired as she started crying at the back of the house, and suddenly the river goddess appeared to Natasha, she was pregnant and she wanted to run but the mamaid started laughing..

Hahahahaha! I told you it’s not over! If I can’t have him, I will make him useless because his seed in inside of me. The river goddess Said and disappeared

Natasha stood up,, was it a dream? She rushed to where Daniel was and he’s still sleeping, he has vomit everywhere. Natasha looked at him,, Daniel you will not be useless,, you will be useful in Jesus name,, nothing will happen to you. Natasha started praying for Daniel. And the healer came and met her..

We need to take him to my pastor now.. Natasha said

But he’s still sleeping. The healer replied

I don’t care! The dream I had now is not good Natasha replied

What dream? The healer asked

When we get to my pastor’s place I will tell you everything but for now, you have to help me take him to the car. Natasha replied and the healer carried Daniel to the car and they drove straight to the church and Natasha called the pastor to come to the church that’s urgent.

He rushed to the church and Daniel was still lying down on the floor.

What happened to him? The pastor asked and Natasha narrated all that happened..

The devil is a liar! The pastor stood up and began to pray violently,, and the power of God was so mighty, they prayed for hours and Daniel woke up and was surprised to find himself on the bare floor, he stood up..

The reason the river goddess still have access to Daniel is because Daniel seed is growing inside her.. the pastor said

How sir! That cannot be possible, it’s just two weeks that Daniel disappeared with her. Natasha replied

In the Marine kingdom a day is like months there,, it’s very possible,, the pastor replied as he moved close to Daniel ” have you ever seen yourself having sex with the river goddess? The pastor asked

Yes! Several times Daniel replied..

This is bad! Because I’m seeing Daniel with the goddess in the Marine kingdom still playing and making love,, she’s in total control,, but today there will be total separation… Because there nothing my God cannot do! He’s the beginning and end, the first and the last, the one who created the whole universe,, and there is nothing too hard for God to do,,. Today is the day of your deliverance…the pastor said and Daniel shouted Amen..

The pastor led Daniel to Christ and then he asked Daniel to open his mouth the he poured anointing oil on Daniel’s mouth and he began to pray for him. For the reason of the anointing every is broken

And suddenly the river goddess appeared laughed…. hahaaha

Hahahahahaha Daniel…. Come here..the river goddess Said

He’s going nowhere! You have to go back to where you belong,, light and darkness has no nothing in common

Hahahahaha he’s my husband! As you can see his seed is growing inside of me.. so he belongs to me…hahahahaha the river goddess laughed

He belongs to God and not to you,, he was pushed by the precious blood of the lamb, therefore, he belongs to God light and darkness cannot cohabit.. the pastor replied

Hahaaha.. I’m done playing with you, the river goddess said as she grabbed her staff very tight and fire came out she stretched it towards the pastor

The God I serve is a consuming fire and therefore no fire can harm me because the fourth man in the fire is by my side, so I will trample upon scorpion and snakes it can not harm me because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.. the pastor replied

The river goddess stretched her sword again with a loud shout but nothing happened

Hahahahaha.. are you done? The pastor asked

And the river goddess started changing to different beast they all became afraid,, but the pastor moved close to her..

In the name of Jesus Christ,,I command you to bow.. the pastor Said

And the river goddess staggered and she stood again.. don’t mention that name again, her eyes changed and was burning as coal of fire

At the mention of the name of Jesus Christ every knees shall bow and every tongues shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord I won’t stop mentioning that name because that’s the reason he was made Manifest that he may destroy the works of Satan and it agents.. the pastor replied

I have no business with you,, Daniel come here.. the river goddess shouted

You are a liar, go back to the river where you belongs to… The pastor said and the river goddess charged forward

I will deal with you.. she said changing again to all kind of beast again

You can not scare me,, because I’m the battle axe of the most high God, he has given power to destroy kingdoms and nations , so I command you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to go back to the abyss where you belong to the pastor replied sprinkling anointing oil and the river goddess screamed out aloud and disappeared.

And the pastor turned to Daniel…and began to pray for him, he opened his mouth and pour anointing oil on his mouth.. I separate you today from every satanic bondage and Daniel fell down and started vomiting everywhere

And Natasha wanted to rush him but the pastor stopped her,, allow him,, deliverance is going on,, the Lord is removing every satanic deposit on his body, the pastor Said

And after awhile Daniel passed out, and Natasha became afraid and she wanted raise Daniel up but the pastor stopped her again, he will be fine when he wakes up the pastor said and Natasha’s face lit up with smiles..

The pastor moved closer to the healer… What’s your name? He asked

They called me the healer.. he replied

Today salvation has come to you.. if only you will accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior.. the pastor said

I accept, the healer replied

So the pastor led him to Christ and Said your name shall be called Peter, because through you salvation will come to your community,,, everything happens for a reason and the reason you are here is by the will of God, so that you can proclaimed the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to your people.. will you? The pastor asked

Yes! I will the healer replied and the pastor prayed and Anoint him.

Daniel stood up and said I’m free! he began to say it jumping up and giving glory to God..

And Natasha hugged him and tears began to drop down his eyes,,

It’s okay! I’m here for you now.. Natasha assures him

Thanks for everything, and they hugged each and left..

Daniel was made whole, he was lively again, and Natasha was extremely joyful

they visited John Kingston and apologized

Let this be the last time you will disappear with my granddaughter again. John Kingston Said

It won’t happen again sir.. I have also come to collect the marriage list of your granddaughter and also fixed the date of the marriage. Daniel replied

And John Kingston stood up shake his hand, this what I’m talking about.. you see you are a good person and my daughter is so much in love with you, this is the right thing to do. John Kingston replied

Wow! I’m happy for you Joy said as she hugged her sister.

Thanks, I wasn’t even expecting it from him, he didn’t discuss it with me but I’m happy still Natasha replied

He’s a good man and both of you will make a good couple.. Joy said

Yeah! Daniel is amazing.. Natasha replied looking at him and Daniel smiled as he stood up and hugged her..

They left with the marriage list after they have fixed the date of the marriage..

Daniel never experienced any dream or attack again, he was delivered totally,, and Joy was restored back

Jessy kept calling but Daniel refused to pick her calls.. so one faithful evening after work, they were at home discussing when, Jessy knocked on the door

Natasha went and opened the door it was Natasha.. what are you doing here? Natasha asked asked her

I have come to see my man! Jessy replied

Get out here before I break your head Natasha reacted.

I’m not leaving here until I see him, Jessy replied

The noise outside was much Daniel and the healer decided to come out.. what’s going on here? Daniel asked

It’s Jessy, she said she’s not leaving here until she sees you. Natasha replied

What the hell are you doing here? Daniel asked her?

I have come to see you Jessy replied

See me as what? Daniel got angry

I’m pregnant for you, Jessy replied

Pregnant? How? What are you talking about? Natasha asked

Ask him,, Jessy replied

Daniel! what’s she talking about? Natasha asked

Babe… let me explain Daniel replied

Explain what! Natasha asked with tears in her eyes

Explain what? Natasha was pissed

Calm down Natasha the healer said trying to hold her

I demand an explanation now!.. Natasha Said

The day Jessy came here saying her mother was sick,, I rushed out with her,, she drove straight to a restaurant and I asked her why? She told me that she’s hungry and she wants to eat before we see her mother,, She ordered food for me and herself, Daniel replied

And what happened? Natasha asked

After eating I couldn’t remember anything,, I was too drunk, then I woke up and sh..e..e

And she was what? Natasha asked

She was untop me ,and we were both naked. Daniel replied

What! What did you do to him? Natasha asked Jessy..

She was mine before you took him away from me Jessy replied

You divorced him, you fool! Natasha got angry

It’s enough,, both of you should calm down, let’s sit down and talk about this . The healer Said

Sit down? With this fool? Natasha replied pointing fingers at Jessy

You are the fool here! Jessy replied

Stop that now! How dare you talk to Natasha like that? Daniel got angry too..

She called me a fool and you didn’t say anything, I replied her and you are here shouting at me! Jessy said

That’s because you are a home wrecker! Daniel replied

No! She’s the home wrecker here.. Jessy said

Jessy what do you want now? The healer asked

I want Daniel to come back to me because I’m pregnant and it’s not good to be a single parent.. Jessy replied.

Are you sure you are pregnant for Daniel? The healer asked

What kind of dumb question is that? Who are you? Jessy asked

That’s not the issue.. are you sure you are pregnant for Daniel? The healer asked

Yes! I am. Jessy replied

I can’t stay here and watch this rubbish.. Natasha went in and carried her bag.. I want to be alone for now, Natasha said and she left

And what are you standing here to do? Daniel asked Jessy as he raised his hand to beat her but the healer restrained him.

Don’t you ever hit a woman the healer said.. and you should leave here at once the healer said and Jessy left.

Daniel went inside with tears in his eyes,, he called Natasha several times but she didn’t pick

Give it time, she will come back the healer Said

I’m coming, Daniel said as he carried his Bible and went back to the church.. Luckily he met the pastor about the leave the church premises when he saw Daniel coming

How are you? And why is your face like this? The pastor asked

And Daniel broke down.. as he explained all that happened..

There’s nothing hidden under the sun forever.. and the Bible says ” call upon me, I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you don’t know” our God is a secret revealer.. I know she’s just trying to trap you with the pregnancy.. but God will exposed her. The pastor replied

But what should I do now? Daniel asked

Go on your knees and asked God for help. The pastor Said.

Thank Daniel replied as he went and lie down on the altar.. he was in tears crying and asking God to help him, he was there for three days..

Three days later Natasha came back to the house but Daniel wasn’t at home, where’s Daniel? She asked the healer..

He’s at the church! You shouldn’t have left the way you did! You have been through a lot because of Daniel,, this is not the time to leave him now.. even though Jessy is right, is that how you will loose a good person just because of one mistake? If I were you,, I would go and meet him at the church. The healer replied

I was upset that was why? Natasha said

But you know Daniel wasn’t at his right mind at that time.. the healer replied

And Natasha started crying, she left and went to the church to meet Daniel

Father bring Natasha back to me.. I can’t leave without her, Daniel was praying and crying at the same time when Natasha arrived

I’m here baby! Natasha replied

And Daniel jumped up and hugged her.. I thought you won’t come back! Daniel said

I’m not ready to loose you to another Natasha replied

Really? Daniel asked

Yes! Natasha replied.. And Daniel’s phone began to ring again and again.. he looked at it and it was Jessy

What’s wrong with her? Daniel asked

Who? Natasha asked and Daniel gave her the phone.. and she picked it up

Daniel.. please my mother is dying.. Jessy said

This trick won’t work the second time.. Natasha replied

I swear to you! It’s not a trick.. my mom is actually dying please.. beg him for me.. Jessy cried.

Let’s go Natasha Said holding Daniel by the hand..

Go where? Daniel asked

Going to Jessy’s house… Natasha replied

And Daniel removed his hand from Natasha’s.. I’m going nowhere. Daniel Said

Do you trust me? Natasha asked

Yes I do! but I won’t follow you there Daniel replied

Daniel! I understand that you are upset,but you have to trust me on this please Natasha continue to plead with Daniel.

Okay let’s go. Daniel replied,, they drove there and it was serious, Grace was unconscious.. and Daniel wanted to help her but Natasha stopped her..

Daniel don’t! Natasha said

But why? You asked me to come! Daniel replied

Yes! Before you will do anything for her, let Jessy here look me in the eye and tell me she’s truly pregnant for you.. Natasha Said

What? Daniel should hurry up and treat her or else she will die.. Jessy replied

That depends on you.. are you truly pregnant for Daniel? Natasha asked Jessy

And Jessy broke down,, I’m pregnant, but not for Daniel.. Jessy replied with tears in her eyes..

But why did you want to pin it on him? Natasha asked

Because I’m still in love with him. Jessy replied and Natasha gave her two slaps on the face,, that’s for making me cry for three nights.. Daniel you can go ahead and treat her mother. Natasha said

And Daniel treated her and she came back alive, she should come by my office tomorrow so that I can treat her permanently. Daniel said as he led Natasha out and they drove back to their house..

Daniel made the healer patron to DANIEL PHARMACEUTICAL, with a brand new car and a house,, Jessy’s mother was treated permanently.. and Jessy apologized to Daniel and Natasha and they forgave her..

Weeks later they got married and travel to Paris for their honeymoon ❤️❤️

They gave birth to two boys and girls, And they lived happily ever after ❤️❤️❤️

Note: the journey of life won’t be easy,but you will succeed when God is with you,

May the Lord bless you all with Good partner,

May God separate you from friends who will later became enemies 🙏

I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

The end….

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