Contract marriage

Meet Emmy Lawson, a 32-year-old wealthy, charming, and hardworking young man. As the sole heir and son of the late Mr. Lawson, Emmy holds a special place in his heart for one person – his mother. He adores and respects her deeply, and her words carry significant weight in his life. Emmy has always been hesitant to settle down and start a family, viewing marriage as a potential trap that could limit his freedom. He prefers to maintain his independence and avoid the commitment that comes with matrimony.

Despite his reservations, Emmy’s mother has been increasingly pressuring him to settle down and get married. She wants him to find a suitable partner and start a family, just like his late father would have wanted. Emmy’s mother is worried that her son is getting older and she wants to see him happy and fulfilled. She believes that marriage and children are the key to a happy life, and she’s determined to see Emmy follow in his father’s footsteps.

She’s constantly introducing him to eligible women, hoping that one of them will catch his eye and persuade him to change his ways. Moreover, she often talks about how she longs to carry her grandkids in her arms, which only adds to the pressure Emmy feels. Emmy, however, remains stubborn, insisting that he’s happy with his bachelor lifestyle and doesn’t need a wife and kids to complete him. The tension between Emmy and his mother is growing, and it’s clear that something has to give…

Emmy confided in his friend Joshua about the pressure he was getting from his mother. Joshua listened attentively and then proposed an unconventional solution. “Why don’t you consider a contract marriage, Emmy?” he suggested. “You’re not interested in marriage anyway, so why not find a girl, introduce her to your mother, and get married for a year or so? It’ll calm your mother’s mind, and she’ll stop trying to set you up with every eligible woman she meets.

“Emmy thought about it for a moment and then nodded in agreement. “That’s a great idea, Joshua! But I need you to find me a good and beautiful girl to introduce to my mother. Someone who’s smart, charming, and can play the part convincingly.” Joshua smiled mischievously. “Leave that to me, Emmy. I know just the right person for the job.”

Joshua took Emmy to a trendy bar, where they met Sophia, a stunning and charming salesgirl. Over drinks, they discussed the proposal – Sophia would play the role of Emmy’s wife for a year, and in return, she would receive a handsome payment. Emmy assured her that nothing would be expected of her beyond the contractual agreement, and she would not have to work at the bar for the duration of the contract.

Sophia, seeing this as an opportunity to escape poverty, agreed to the arrangement. For the next month, Sophia underwent a transformation, learning to adopt the mannerisms and sophistication of Emmy’s social class. Emmy was impressed with her progress and felt confident introducing her to his mother. He called his mother, excitedly telling her that he had found the love of his life and wanted to surprise her by bringing Sophia over for a visit. His mother was overjoyed, eager to meet the woman who had captured her son’s heart.

Emmy arrived at his mother’s estate with Sophia by his side, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As they entered the grand living room, his mother’s eyes widened with delight at the sight of Sophia, who looked radiant in a elegant dress. Emmy’s mother embraced Sophia warmly, gushing over her beauty and grace. Sophia played her part perfectly, charming Emmy’s mother with her smiles. Over tea, they chatted about everything from art to music, with Sophia effortlessly keeping up with the conversation. At one point, Emmy’s mother asked, “Sophia, dear, tell me about your parents. How many companies do they own?” Emmy quickly intervened, “Mom, is it the company you want me to marry or a woman I love?” His mother apologized, “Sorry about that, Sophia.” Sophia smiled graciously, “It’s fine, mom. We don’t have companies, but we’re not struggling either.” Emmy’s mother nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. As they prepared to leave, Emmy’s mother asked them to kneel down, joined their hands, and prayed for their happiness and future together. Sophia instinctively said “Amen” as Emmy’s mother finished the prayer. After they left the house, Emmy turned to Sophia and snapped, “Why did you say ‘Amen’? You know this is all just a game!”the word Amen as a lot of powers! Sophia shrugged, “What was I supposed to say? Should I have made her suspect something? You wanted me to play the part, so I did.” Emmy scowled, “You didn’t have to take it that far.” Sophia shot back, “You’re the one who wanted to deceive your mother, not me.” They argued back and forth until they finally drove away.

As they drove away from Emmy’s mother’s estate, Sophia asked him to drop her off at the bar, but Emmy refused, sparking a quarrel between them. “I’ve already given you part payment, what are you going to do at the bar again?” Emmy said. “Just go home and arrange things with your parents. We’ll be getting married soon, after all.” Sophia’s expression turned icy. “Contract marriage, not real marriage,” she emphasized. “And you don’t have the right to tell me where to go and what to do.” Her voice rose in anger. “I can take care of myself, Emmy.” With that, she opened the car door and got out, slamming it shut behind her. Emmy shouted after her, “No one walks away while I’m talking!” But Sophia didn’t stop, striding away in her high heels. Emmy’s face darkened with anger as he drove away, leaving Sophia behind. He sped home, his mind seething with frustration and annoyance.

Sophia returned home and shared her plans with her parents, telling them her “man” is coming to visit. She intentionally left out the fact that it was a contract marriage, knowing they wouldn’t approve. Her parents were overjoyed, thrilled that their daughter had found someone special.

Meanwhile, Emmy’s mother called him and pushed him to start planning the wedding arrangements. Emmy, still upset with Sophia’s behavior previous, told his mother they should wait, but she refused. He reluctantly agreed before ending the call.

Emmy immediately called Sophia, demanding she move her parents to a more suitable location since their home was “not fine.” Sophia refused, saying she couldn’t spend the part payment he made on the contract marriage on a new house. Emmy insisted, saying he would send her money to buy a new home for her parents during the call. Sophia teased, “New home? Buy? Don’t you think you’re spending too much on a contract marriage? Or are you already in love with me?” She laughed.

Emmy snapped, “You’re so rÅ«dé, Sophia! Can’t you see I’m trying to help?” Sophia replied, “Don’t !nsult me, I’m not rüdé, I’m only teasing you.” Emmy shot back, “Why would anyone fall in love with a rüdé girl like you? Besides, I have no interest in you.”

Emmy ended the call and decided to make the transfer. Sophia received the transfer and quickly called back to say thank you. Emmy replied, “You’re not welcome. Just make sure you get the house on time, as my people will be coming by next weekend.” Sophia replied, “Alright, goodnight,” and cut the call.

Sophia successfully secured a luxurious mansion for her parents, who were overjoyed and eager to meet their son-in-law, Emmy. Sophia invited Emmy to visit her parents, who warmly welcomed him and thanked him for his generosity. They prayed for his union with Sophia to be blessed with many children, but Emmy didn’t respond with “Amen,” knowing it is an impossible wish given his lack of feelings and commitment to the marriage.

Three months later, the marriage ceremony between Emmy and Sophia took place, with friends and family in attendance. Emmy instructed Sophia not to respond with “Amen” to any prayers, reminding her that it is just a contract marriage. Sophia didn’t argue, playing along to avoid conflict. As people prayed for their lifelong union, Sophia and Emmy politely replied, “Thank you for your wishes.” After the ceremony, the newlyweds returned home, their contract marriage officially sealed.

After the marriage ceremony, Emmy’s family joined the newlyweds at Emmy’s home, staying for two days before returning to their respective places. During their visit, Sophia played the perfect host, warmly welcoming her in-laws and catering to their every need. She cooked and handled household chores with ease, making a great impression. Before departing, her mother-in-law gifted her a car key, expressing her love and expectation for grandchildren soon. Sophia forced a smile, promising to deliver, but knew it is an empty promise, a mere pretense to appease her new family.

As Sophia made the promise to her mother-in-law, Emmy glared at her from afar, his face twisted in anger. After everyone left, Emmy stormed over to Sophia. “I’ve told you, it’s a contract marriage. We’ll end it after a year. At least Mom won’t pressure me for now, but stop making promises to my mom. I don’t joke with her… you don’t joke with her, yet you’re lying to her. What an irony!” Sophia’s voice was laced with sarcasm as she repeated his words.

She hiss, and walk out,but

Emmy’s grip on her arm tightened. “I’m still talking to you. From now on, don’t make any promises to my mom.” Sophia nodded, her voice measured. “Okay, I won’t. Can I go now?” Emmy’s eyes narrowed. “No, first, go take your things from my room and move to another room. No one is here anymore, so we don’t need to pretend.” Sophia asked, “Is that all?” Emmy nodded curtly. “Yes, that’s all.” He quickly called Joshua, then left the house, leaving Sophia to gather her belongings and move to a different room.

Emmy hung out with Joshua at the bar, complaining about Sophia, whom he had recommended to him. “She’s giving me a hard time, agreeing to everything my mom says.” Joshua replied, “But that’s what she’s supposed to do. She’s playing the game well.” Emmy sighed, “I know, but I don’t want to give my mom false hope.” Joshua replied, “I understand, man, but just take things easy. At least mom won’t pressure you for now, unlike those numerous girls she used to bring around for you to marry. That’ll stop for now.” The two friends shared a laugh together, but Emmy’s frustration was still evident.

After spending a lot of time outside, Emmy finally returned home, and Sophia opened the door for him. However, he was surprised when he saw her wearing a very short, sexy, and revealing gown that showed off a lot of her body. For a moment, Emmy was lost in the sight, his mind blank, but he soon snapped back to his senses.

“Wow, you’re wearing this sexy dress just to sëdùcë me into having intimacy with you, so you can trap me and enjoy a luxurious life forever?” Emmy accused.

Sophia,quickly replied, “I’ve made dinner for you. Should I serve it?”

Emmy shouted, “You’re not answering my question, and you’re asking another one!”

Sophia tried to walk away, but Emmy grabbed her, accidentally tearing her dress. Sophia felt ashamed and quickly ran to her room to change.

Emmy felt bad for mistakingly tearing her dress and went to her room to apologize.

Emmy knocked on Sophia’s door, feeling guilty for his earlier outburst. “Sophia, I’m sorry for tearing your dress. Can I come in?” he asked, trying to sound sincere. Sophia opened the door, still looking upset. “What do you want, Emmy?” she asked, her voice cold. Emmy took a deep breath. “I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I know I overreacted, and I promise it won’t happen again.” Sophia raised an eyebrow. “Save your apologies, Emmy. Let’s just focus on getting through this contract marriage without any more drama.”

The next day, Sophia forgave Emmy and went to his room to tell him she had made breakfast. “I’m going out to look for work,” she said. Emmy asked her to change her clothes, saying they were too s@xy and might attract unwanted attention from other men. “I don’t want other men looking at my wife,” he said. Sophia laughed, “F@ke wife, not real.” Emmy replied, “The marriage is real, but we will end it within a year. So, within this year, you are my wife, my property. You don’t need to wear s@xy and revealing things.”

Sophia replied, “My clothes aren’t bad, and besides, our marriage is f@ke. Staying home will be boring, so I need to keep myself occupied.” Emmy insisted, “Please go inside and rest. What if my mom sees you working in town? It will cause issues for me. Just listen to me, how much will they pay you monthly? I’ll pay you instead. I don’t want Mom to suspect anything.”

Sophia agreed, and before leaving Emmy’s room, she asked, “Since I won’t be allowed to go out, can I at least go make my hair? This hair I used for the wedding is already rough.” Emmy replied, “Don’t worry, I’ll take you out to make your hair and also get to shave my hair.

Later that afternoon, they went to the salon. Emmy cut his hair, and Sophia made her hair. Afterward, Sophia looked beautiful, and Emmy couldn’t help but stare. “You look beautiful and charming,” he said. Sophia smiled, feeling a bit uncomfortable with Emmy’s gaze.

That evening, they attended a business party, where Emmy introduced Sophia to his colleagues. They complimented her beauty and s@xiness, with one saying, “I wish I saw her first; she would have been my wife.” Emmy laughed, and Sophia smiled politely.

Joshua joined them, his eyes widening in surprise at Sophia’s beauty. “I never knew Sophia was this beautiful,” Joshua said to Emmy. Emmy replied, “Every woman is beautiful when you spend on them.”

Joshua said, “I’d like to take her as my woman once your contract marriage with her is over. I don’t want such beauty to go away in a wrong hand.” Emmy replied, “She’s all yours. I have no interest. Once it’s a year, I’ll l!e that she’s having an affair with someone else, then tell my mom I want a divorce. At least I’ll enjoy freedom from mom for a few months.” Joshua replied, “Thank you. I’ll go speak with Sophia to make my intentions known to her.” Emmy shrugged, “Suit yourself.”

Joshua approached Sophia, held her hand, and kissed it. “You’re beautiful, Sophia. I like you and would love to marry you once your contract marriage with Emmy ends.” Sophia felt uncomfortable and replied harshly, “Please don’t tell me this. I’m a married woman.” Joshua laughed, “What marriage? Look over there; Emmy doesn’t care. He gave me the go-ahead to marry you if the contract marriage is over. Besides, I’m showing you attention, and you’re acting up. You better cooperate. Stop acting like a real wife. You can f**l others here, not me; I know your truth and Emmy’s truth.

We should start dating, or else I’ll reveal your truth to your mother-in-law. Emmy’s mom has heart issues, so if I expose you, she will have a heart att@ck, and the rest is history. Don’t dare me. I want to see you tomorrow. I’ll send you an address to come see me. Take care.”

Sophia felt scared of Joshua’s tone and behavior, like she was being blackm@iled into dating him. She didn’t want to jeopardize her contract marriage with Emmy or risk Emmy’s mom’s health, because she truly appreciate her.

As the party ended, Sophia and Emmy returned home, exhausted. Sophia confronted Emmy, “So you think I’m a piece of rag that you can give to your friend when you want… I made a mistake by accepting your contract marriage… I should have remained in the bar where I was working.” Emmy replied, “What’s there? If you don’t want Joshua, you tell him. Why act up?” Sophia replied, “Clap for yourself… I should have known the kind of people you both were. So you sent him to bl@ckmail me with your mother’s heart condition so I can go visit him tomorrow… I’m really ashamed of you. I h@te the fact that I was involved in this. If I had the complete money, I would have returned it and just left you… I might want to escape poverty, but that doesn’t make me a w@yward girl.”

Emmy replied, “Wait, I never told you mom has heart issues, and I know mom won’t tell you because she is very private with her health…” Sophia replied, “Joshua told me, and he is blackm@iling me, thanks to you…” She cried and ran into her room. Emmy ran after her to console her, but she begged him to leave her room. The tears were too much; Emmy hugged her to tell her it’s okay, he is apologizing, but Sophia kept saying, “I’m a w@yward girl, that’s what you think about me, leave me, let me be… don’t touch me.” But Emmy replied, “You are my wife, so it’s not wrong for me to hug you. I’m sorry I hurt you for giving Joshua permission to approach you.” Emmy said, still hugging her. But Sophia continued crying and shouting, “Leave me alone!” The scream was too much; Emmy put his lips on hers and kissed her. Sophia struggled to take her lips away but couldn’t, and before long, they kissed and fell into bed.

“Get away from me!” Sophia screamed, her voice echoing through the room.

Emmy stepped back, his hands raised in a calming gesture. “I’m sorry, Sophia. I just wanted to calm you down. I didn’t mean to upset you further.”

Sophia’s eyes blazed with anger. “Is this how you calm someone down? By kissing them without their consent? That was not part of our contract, Emmy!”

Emmy’s expression turned sarcastic. “Oh, come on, Sophia. Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it. You were holding me pretty tightly just a minute ago.”

Sophia’s face turned red with rage. “How dare you! You think you can just kiss me and then mock me about it? You’re making this worse, Emmy!”

Emmy’s smirk faltered, and he looked at Sophia with a more serious expression. “Sophia, I apologize. That was a thoughtless comment.

Sophia’s face flushed with anger and embarrassment. “That’s not the point, Emmy! You crossed a boundary. I was vulnerable and upset, and you took advantage of that. And now you’re making light of it?”

Emmy’s expression turned serious, and he raised his hands in a calming gesture. “Sophia, I apologize if I overstepped. My intention was to calm you down, not to hurt or exploit you. I know it wasn’t part of the contract, but…I couldn’t help myself. I care about you, Sophia.”

Sophia’s eyes narrowed. “You care about me? You have a strange way of showing it. And what’s with the sarcasm? You think this is a joke?”

Emmy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I know I messed up. Can we please just talk about this like adults? I promise to respect your boundaries from now on.”

Sophia’s anger slowly gave way to a mixture of confusion and frustration. “I don’t know what to make of you, Emmy. One moment you’re kind and caring, the next you’re…this. I need some space.”

Emmy nodded, looking defeated. “I understand. I’ll give you space. But know that my apology is genuine, Sophia. I’ll do better in the future.”

After Emmy stormed out of Sophia’s room, Joshua called Sophia, his voice cold and menacing. “Check your SMS, Sophia. I’ve sent you the address of the hotel room where you’ll meet me tomorrow. If you don’t show up, I’ll make sure your mother-in-law knows everything. You don’t want that to happen, trust me.”

Her heart raced as she opened the message, her eyes scanning the screen with a mix of fear and anxiety.

“Meet me at the Grand Hotel, room 314, tomorrow at 2 PM. If you don’t show up, I’ll make sure your mother-in-law knows everything. – Joshua”

Sophia burst into Emmy’s room, her eyes brimming with tears. “Emmy, help me! Joshua is blackm@iling me!” She hugged him tightly, her body shaking with fear.

Emmy’s expression turned from sleepy to alert in an instant. “What’s going on, Sophia? What did he do?”

Sophia showed him the message on her phone, and Emmy’s face darkened with anger. He immediately called Joshua, his voice firm and commanding.

“Joshua, what’s the meaning of this nonsense? Why are you bl@ckmailing Sophia?”

Joshua’s voice was calm and menacing on the other end. “If she doesn’t come to the hotel room tomorrow, I’ll tell your mom the truth about your little arrangement. I’ll expose you both.”

Emmy’s grip on the phone tightened. “You’ll do no such thing, Joshua. I’ll have you arrested for blackm@il and harassment.”

Joshua chuckled, the sound sending chills down Sophia’s spine. “Dare me, Emmy. If I don’t see her in my hotel bed tomorrow, your secret will be out. And you know I’ll do it.”

The call ended, Emmy’s face was set in a determined expression. “Don’t worry, Sophia. I won’t let him harm you. We’ll figure something out.”

Sophia was devastated, crying and hugging Emmy tightly. “What have I done?” she sobbed. “I’m a v!rgin and I don’t want Joshua to take advantage of me.”

Emmy tried to comfort her, promising to protect her from harm. But Sophia’s tears wouldn’t stop. She cried out loud, her body shaking with fear and anger.

Emmy tried everything to calm her down. He wiped away her tears, held her hands, and spoke softly to her. But nothing seemed to work. Sophia’s cries only grew louder and more intense.

Emmy became worried. “Sophia, please stop crying,” he said. “If you continue like this, you’ll get a fever.” But Sophia couldn’t control her emotions.

Emmy had persuaded Sophia to calm down, and eventually, she fell asleep in his arms. He felt a deep sense of hurt seeing her go through such tears. The next morning, he woke up early, gently removing his hand from Sophia so she wouldn’t wake up. He went to Joshua’s place, determined to confront him.

“Joshua, you call yourself my friend, yet you’re blackm@iling Sophia and me?” Emmy’s voice was laced with anger. “You suggested this charade, and now you’re betraying us?”

Joshua sneered, “Why so much shouting over a bar girl?”

Emmy’s eyes blazed with intensity. “She’s not just a bar girl! She’s my wife, and you’re hurting her, making her cry. Why are you doing this?”

Joshua retorted, “Which wife? F@ke wife? F@ke marriage? You both don’t share any affection, and now you’re claiming Sophia as your wife?”

Emmy’s response was firm. “The marriage is real, and I can choose not to divorce her after a year. And for the last time, don’t dare call her again.”

Emmy demanded, “Who told you about my mother’s heart condition? I can’t remember telling you. You have no right to use that against us.”

Joshua sneered, ignoring Emmy’s question. “You have no choice but to divorce her so someone like me, who knows her value, can have her.”

Emmy’s possessiveness flared up. “I promise you, Joshua, you will never have her. She’s my wife, and I’ll do everything to protect her. I’m not going to divorce her, and I’ll make sure she’s safe from you.”

Joshua taunted, “Why fight so hard for a random girl? Or are you in love with her?”

Emmy’s response was fierce. “That’s none of your business. And I’m warning you, stay away from Sophia. She’s mine, and I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

With a final glare, Emmy turned and stormed out of Joshua’s apartment, leaving him with a smirk on his face. Joshua quickly called someone whose name is save as “Mastermind.” “Hello,” the other person answered. “He’s acting possessive towards her. What should I do next?” The person replied, “You’ll hear from me soon.”

Sophia woke up in Emmy’s room, feeling a sense of unease. She looked around, but Emmy was nowhere to be found. She searched every room in the house, but he was still missing. She tried calling him, but his phone was switched off. Sophia’s anxiety grew with each passing minute. Where had Emmy gone? And why wasn’t he answering her calls?

Emmy stormed into the house, his face still red with anger from his confrontation with Joshua. But as he entered, he is greeted by the warm and cozy atmosphere of his home. The house is spotless, and the kitchen is filled with the delicious aroma of freshly cooked food. Emmy couldn’t help but flashback to his bachelor days, when his home was always unkept and messy. He used to think marriage was a burden, a cage. But since Sophia came into his life, his opinion had started to change. He was still free, but now he had someone to share his life with.

Sophia came out of the room, concern etched on her face. “Emmy, where have you been? I’ve been calling you since your phone was off.”

Emmy took a deep breath, calming down. “I went to Joshua’s place to talk some sense into him. I believe he won’t disturb you anymore.”

Sophia smiled, grateful. “Thank you, Emmy. Please go freshen up and come eat. I’ll be going to see my parents today since we got married…I mean, since our contract marriage, I haven’t visited them.”

Emmy nodded, and they both freshened up and sat down to eat. While eating, Emmy looked at Sophia and said, “I used to think marriage was a trap and a cage, but since you came into my life, that thinking is beginning to fade away.”

Sophia smiled wisely. “Marriage isn’t a trap, Emmy, except you want it to be. Marriage is a union between two souls who wish to be one. It’s a partnership, not a prison. It’s a journey of growth, learning, and evolution together. It’s a bond that strengthens with each passing day, if nurtured with love, respect, and trust. It’s a safe haven where two individuals can be vulnerable, open, and honest with each other. It’s a commitment to stand by each other through life’s ups and downs, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow. It’s a beautiful blend of compromise, understanding, and support. And most importantly, it’s a choice, Emmy. A choice to love, to cherish, and to honor each other every day.”

Emmy was intrigued. “You know, I can agree with that. You know a lot, Sophia. If you know all this about marriage, why did you agree to the contract marriage?”

Sophia’s expression turned thoughtful. “I agreed because I needed the money, but I also wanted to show you that marriage can be beautiful. And I think I’ve succeeded.”

Emmy smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Sophia. “Yes, you have. Can we be friends, Sophia?”

Sophia smiled back. “Of course, we can.”

After they finished eating, Emmy turned to Sophia and said, “You know, I think it would be great if we visit your parents together. And then we can head over to my mom’s place.”

Sophia nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, Emmy! I’m sure my parents would love to see us together.”

As they arrived at Sophia’s parents’ house, they were greeted with warm smiles and open arms. Sophia’s parents prayed for them, their voices filled with love and blessings. “May your union be blessed and remain forever,” they said. Emmy replied, “Amen,” his voice firm and sincere. Sophia teased him later, “You’re really getting into this whole marriage thing, aren’t you?” Emmy chuckled and blushed.

Next, they visited Emmy’s mother, who beamed with joy at seeing them together. However, her expression turned stern as she scanned Sophia’s stomach, her eyes searching for a baby bump. “When are you going to give me grandkids, Sophia?” she asked, her tone slightly accusatory. Emmy quickly intervened, “Very soon, Mom. Don’t worry.” His mother replied, “So shall it be,” her eyes gleaming with expectation. Emmy added, “Amen,” his voice filled with conviction. Sophia stared at him, surprised by his words and the depth of his commitment.

As they drove back home, Sophia asked Emmy why he said “Amen” when his mom prayed for them. Emmy replied, “We’re friends now, who knows, we can be more than that.” Sophia smiled and replied, “You’re not serious.”

But Emmy was serious. He had realized that he was falling in love with Sophia, and he didn’t want their contract marriage to end.

A year flew by, and Sophia reminded Emmy she was leaving in two days. Emmy asked to pay her for another year, but Sophia refused. She begged him to bring the divorce papers so she could sign and be free. But Emmy was desperate to keep her. “Stay another year, or even 10, and I’ll pay you,” he said. “Why would I stay? I want to plan my life, get married, have kids… I don’t want a contract marriage.” Emmy’s face softened. “You can still do all that with me.” Sophia asked how, and Emmy took her hand, placing it on his chest. “Feel my heart beating for you, Sophia? I love you.

I want you as my wife, not just a contract wife. I know you feel the same.” Sophia’s eyes widened in surprise. “If this is a joke, stop it,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Emmy’s reply was firm. “Do I look like I’m joking?” He took her hand again, held her cheek, and kissed her deeply. Sophia’s resistance melted away, her heart racing with excitement. When he stopped, he said, “Tell me you don’t feel anything.” Sophia tried to speak, but Emmy interrupted her. “No buts or ifs, Sophia. Just say yes, please.” Sophia’s face flushed, her eyes shining with tears. She tried to pull away, but Emmy held her close, his lips claiming hers once again. This time, Sophia didn’t resist, her heart surrendering to the passion between them. When they finally stop kissing, Sophia felt shy and ran to her room, Emmy chasing after her, his laughter echoing through the home.

Sophia ran to her room, her heart racing with excitement. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. Emmy had confessed his love for her, and she had felt the same way. She had tried to resist, but her heart had surrendered to the passion between them. Emmy chased after her, his laughter echoing through the halls. He caught up to her in her room, his eyes shining with excitement. “Sophia, my love,” he said, his voice filled with emotion. “Don’t run from me. Stay with me, be my wife, not just a contract wife.” Sophia’s face flushed, her eyes shining with tears. She looked up at Emmy, her heart overflowing with love. “I’ll stay, Emmy,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll be your wife, your partner, your friend. I love you too, Emmy.

” Emmy’s face lit up with joy, his eyes sparkling with happiness. He took Sophia in his arms, holding her close as they both trembled with emotion. They stood there for a long time, holding each other, their hearts beating as one. “I promise to marry you again, this time from my heart,” Emmy said. “I have learned the importance of marriage, and you have taught me a lot during this short time we’ve been together.” He lifted her onto the bed and was about to kiss her again when a loud knock at the door interrupted them.

They tried ignoring it, but it was too loud, so Sophia suggested they go check who was at the door. As they opened the door, Joshua entered, holding a stack of papers. “I came here to give you guys the divorce documents to sign,” he said. “It’s been a year, and I want to end this drama. Sign the papers, and let Sophia go.” Emmy’s face turned red with anger. He picked up the paper and tore it into two pieces, throwing it in Joshua’s face. “Get lost from my house!” he shouted.

Joshua laughed, pulling out more documents. “I have plenty more where those came from. Sign them, or you’ll regret it.” Emmy’s eyes blazed with fury. “I’ll have you arrested for blackm@il and harassment!” he threatened. But before Joshua could respond, Emmy’s mother entered the house, a knowing look on her face. “No one is arresting anyone here,” she said calmly. Emmy and Sophia were shocked, their faces pale with surprise.

Hope Mom didn’t hear this conversation,” they thought to themselves.

“What’s this news about divorce?” Emmy’s mother asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Mom, please listen to me,” Emmy said, his voice filled with urgency. “Don’t believe anything Joshua says to you. I love my wife, Sophia, with all my heart.

Joshua and Emmy’s mother burst into laughter. “You think you’re smart, Emmy,” she said, “but Joshua and I planned this contract marriage. We chose Sophia because of her good character,we ran a background check on her and I knew she’d make you see the value of marriage. And the blackm@il was just a test, to see if Sophia would fall for it. But she passed with flying colors!” Emmy and Sophia were stunned, their faces frozen in shock. “Mom, you mean you were in on this with Joshua?” Emmy asked, his voice incredulous.

“You knew he was blackm@iling Sophia?” His mother nodded, a sly smile still on her face. “I did it for your own good, Emmy. And it worked, didn’t it? You love Sophia now, and you want to be with her.” Sophia’s eyes were wide with shock, her face pale with disbelief. She couldn’t believe Emmy’s mother had been involved in the contract marriage all along. But then she looked at Emmy, and saw the love in his eyes, and she knew that it had all been worth it.

Emmy’s face was red with anger, his eyes blazing with fury. He took a step forward, his fists clenched. “How could you do this to me, Mom?” he shouted. “How could you manipulate me like this?” But his mother just smiled, a knowing look in her eyes. “I did it for your own good, Emmy,” she repeated. “And it worked, didn’t it?”

Emmy replied, “Yes, it worked, but…” His mom cut him short, “No, but…since you refused to get married and rejected every bride I brought, this was the idea I came up with. I told Joshua to tell you, and you fell for it…I was the mastermind behind it all.”

“Well, Mom, thank you. Your approach might be wrong, but I appreciate it because Sophia has shown me the true meaning of love and marriage.”

“Joshua, thank you for everything. I owe you a lot.”

Everyone smiled, relieved that the truth had finally come out.

Emmy’s mom asked, “Can I get my grandkids now?”

Sophia laughed and said, “Yes, Mom, you will.”

Emmy joined the conversation, “But, Mom, I want to marry her officially, from my heart.”

Emmy’s mom agreed, and within a few days, they got married again…a marriage from their love. Emmy and Sophia consummated their relationship and soon welcomed two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl.

Emmy’s mom was overjoyed, surrounded by her loved ones, and finally saw her son happy and in love. She spoiled her grandkids, and Emmy and Sophia lived happily ever after, grateful for the unconventional path that had brought them together.

The End

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